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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1892)
o The New York "World," j i "The -:- IDcmoci'at," I .....o An Advertisement in : j"Tlie -:- IDemoci'at," i VOL XXVI 1. Kalrre! at lk roa )e t Albany. r, a NeeaM'laa Mall Matter ALBANY, OllhCON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 , 1893. ftTITM RlTTIftd, rnbllsbers aatf trearlelersi SO. 22. ST. JACOBS Olli, eksAXd run HOR5 Cat Swal'lnja. 7 i-J . DISEASES OP HOCS. F. V?f VV-.1 lr ll,5r 1 ,lf,,'" : ' k liit which a small i'CH f.?? 1 1 t:.u oil u (,ut . V OlSCASZa O? POUV7RY. Vi1? i .ikl imucrno.s i.-s,.trrtlo a pill r-f rtonch. or GO TO Foshay & Mason Thej liaro on hand a large and Flash Ctods, Tiiltt Cues, Albums, Fancj Pirfiaerics, KoTillie.. Seppliis, F.milj nnd Teatktrs' Bibles, lllnslralcd Pools, Celt! Peis. Ed. They will give prices that will of them. ' PATR3NIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., Albaay, Oregon. W F READ. Pre-ldest, J L COWAN, Treasurer. Coo -DIHKCTOH J L Cowan, Ooo Sinnpaon. W F Head, Lr L Foley. M 8ternterir, J W Harriet J K Yteatherlord, KSStrahao.J O VfriUmau. -aim Diarmirr Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies - ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN Al BANY. The Combined Oregon Giant Grain Mill guar anteed to grind 100 bushels per hour. A perfect grinder and crusher combined. Sure death to wild oats. E 0) fii itilii THOMAS ALBANY CIGAR FAOTORY J. JOSEPH. WHOLESALE AID RETAIL Only White Labor Employed, We are the People Yh terrj th most eomplet line f Hard ware, Btatei, flange, ete., in the market. MATTHEWS & WASHDUQU.. V7Tnt-wnfA nTFSliYPfril mm si ml n r.-: H n an lULiOUSXSrtS, LITER COMPLAINTS. HICK HEADACHE. COLDS. PIK1'L!3, all SKIN AFFECTIONS. nd DISEASES AEIshafrom DI302DERED 8T0VACU. The Genuine IIAMB URQ TEA it pul up in YELLOW WRAPPERS with Factimile Bignalure of EMIL FRESE. REDIMQTOM & OO. AoaMTa. 8a N FRANOISOO. BOM BY AH 1WI'CQIHT14 AW HHOCF.ItH. f)TRY A l anTJI aLaHa3 ) and uoe LESS VATEI? j Writs for our Naw Illustrated Cataloraa for 1801. TKE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL & EK-ISE CO.. X'SUZZ'S.U.gFR. AN o CATTLE DISEASES. Ttt!:9 Cfc'svt. tarsim. Csl. Oiins. lmnt, stl. Mr . .r ."V fan. rcrmerwt. enntrsenons. F lesh Wounds, Mr.nahsit. Sara lhro:. 0 .. Osllr. WhNiow. Poll CHI, riii-ji. turners. 5(it nu. Kmo; en. .-, sr. J s;js.n . thtir sarlt St, l4KiwnalthachMttt. BOQDSL elegant gtoek, eon.i.tingof make it an objoct for all to buy J O WRrrs.UN Secretary. F SIMl-HON, Vie Fresldant. ioun ro- En 1! jn wast the best y and most durable furni J ture that is manufactT M Q cd in tho eir go to BRINK'S'" Proprietor, ! JWiaJajt,jija "TT6 W- Mil m w nmmmm w m v. r . Man, nnnf WhllL LOOAI UEOOHD. TimowiNo Monit Awat. The follow Inir by Jolin E Roiipra. In Printer Ink iao( local interost. Thou(h Albany, Iihb already lcen bitten several tliiirn, In view of proanective live timet, a preaent warn liitf will le applicable: A recent Unite o( Trlntera' Ink conUlued a reprint which itateU that ninny loffiie, en nee I a lr in the South and Meet, were iiauing illutitratcd paniphleti tlcncrltilnu the location and advantage! which they noMcaeed. The itatetnent le. unfortun ately, only too true. Thla cuatom is of epheiueral erowth, and. like other inatl tutione of a muahrooin exiotence. ia already beginning to experience an early ana merited decay. I have yet to know of one case where a town, board of trade. improvement company or a number of citiiena have published one of theae booke without afterward sorely rriret tinirit. Yetit iaauhea natural thins lor inexperienced advertiaere, or men inexperienced in thla new branch of ad vertiainic, to aink their money in this way. It does uot attract inveatora, bust neKs men, nor manufacturers. Iut it often leaves the town or board of trade treasury barren of advertising funds, and worse still, it leaves the promoters and leading men in such a state of mind that they are apt not only to be anUKoniaed againat any Rood line of town adfertia- ing eubeequentljr offered or considered, uiu airamsi ousinesa ativeniainir as wen. What they do wish to know is t)i loca tion, tranaportation facilities, Induatrlea, freight rates, coat of skilled and unskilled Ubor and tax rates of a town, together with what other Information can be properly stated within fifteen hundred words. A MoNROKiTta PriiLtrric.-The Monroe coiretpondent of the Corvalllt Times gets eloquent ss follows: During the pa.l week there have been more drunken and tMsorderly men In town than we remem ber to have seen fcr many a day. Men have been lelltnir their butlne. go to loiter around the new saloon, while larm era that we know of bring their wive to town to do some trading and leave them to sit around the stoves In the store until daik, while they are drinking and carous ing at the saloon. We hare the most ae- commodrtlng and liberal nlnd la the word and believe In (rce trade and a high protective tariff, tree whltkey, a high li cense, prohibition and that sort of thing nd we believe that both democrat and republicans will elect their nun In Vi, In fact, we believe moat anything to be ac comodating and avoid an argument, but wnen It comes to Irving to make us be lieve that a man who leave the wife he as promised to cherl.h and protect sit ting by a stove In a dry good store ur- rounuj by a gapping crowd ot idler lor four mortal hours while he Is filling himself with vile stuff and spending money which hi family need badly, I a Intelligent and vile at a hog, we beg to be excused. A Great Mam Chief of Police Barry, of Astoria, Imaglr.e he U half -b; other to the czar, and can do anything he pleases, according to our ex's. He tLHed the Town Talk's newspaper office 1 1 Astoria the other day, and told the proprietor that he had good reason to believe that an article was In type and was to appear that evening, containing certain statements regarding him, and If It did appear, he would shoot the proprietor on sight. This threat was actually made, but the paper appeared, jut the same.ln the mean time Barry being put under bonds to keep the peace. Harry now claims that the article did not make the accusations he thought It would make, and therefore has no cause to carry out bis threat. Chief of Police Barry should receive hi walking paper or the government f Astoria Is not what It should be. StiT Ovaa Hora. Uhlman Ac Co, of San Francisco, have brought suit against Parsons 3c Linton, of this county, to re cover about $ J, ooo on a hop contract. A year ago last fall Uhlman & Co contracted early in the season for the crop of hops raised by these gentlemen. Later in the season the price of hop raised consider able and the hope were again contracted, this time to another firm. The amount sued for Is the difference between the contract price of the hops and their value at the aeliing time. The case was to have come up In the U S circuit court at Port land Monday, but owing to tome misun derstanding as to the time has lieen postponed. Register. Pkbabi.y Low. Last Monday J V Hill, a young man left Albany for the Santiam mines. He started from tiatei ville alone on Tuesday morning. Part lea coming In Wednesday saw his tracks, where at a certain place he had turned to the right, evidently seeking a shorter route. In coming out he had saved about an hour by a shorter cut, turning to the right. Had be turned to the left he would have reached the mines; but the right track in going in would lead him entirely away from everything. When a man left there Thursday he had not arrived, and was undoubtedly lost. He was a brother of J M Hill, recently arresiea lor perjury, ana is wen spoken 01. A Bad Familt. James Poole, of Can. yonvillo, has been sentenced to the peni tentiary for one year for collecting $10 from the county for a coyote seal p that was a dog's scalp. Twelve years ago he killed Jas O'Neill and fled to Idaho, where he served a tei m in the pen for cattle stealicg. Last year he was brought back to Douglas county and convicted of man slaughter,but the supreme court knocked it out on a technicality. Tho crime be ing so old it was never brought up again. Poole's two brothers are now in the Ore gon pen for stock stealing. They are a hard family. Ashland Itecord. Scio. Considerable stir anions our hop-growers this week, most of whom sold their crop. M V Bilyeu received 15 cents per pound, the highest re ceived by anyone in this vicinity. 3cio la accredited by the late census Mith a population of only 253. If other towns are as badly misrepresented the state at large has at least double the number gtven. Bclo can more than double the f gores given, and not try very nara eniier, 1'rees. Circuit Court. New cases In the Circuit Court are L W Wallace a execu tor agt. Serepta M Hanserd et al. Fore closure of Hen. Geo E Chamberlain, at torney for plalntl0, Wolverton Si Weath erford, attorneys for defendants. Sender and Sternburg act. 1. Houston. Recov try of money. W R Bilyeu, attorney for ptainuu. OPTO ENJOYS Both the method anT result when Byrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For Bale in 50o and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ,J - 81 FRANCISCO, CL 10UISVILU, gf. kem mx, aK - Lkhanox. ius Barker, ot Albany, met with the A O U W of Lebanon Tuesday evening. Charles Klklns of Eastern Oreuon was In tho city this week visiting his brother voiepn r.ikins. As a rcnalt ot the revival meetings a the Baptist church, twciily-elgut con verts wero uapiuod last Sunday. J M RalHton on Monday sold 11 noes In Ralaton's addition, wel o! the rail road, to Mr Myers, a new-comer from Iowa, for 1 1 50 per acre. Frank Hklpworth, who entered the Portland university, ratne In on Hutur lay's train. Owing to the illness of bis compelled to quit school. . r O n Montiwtia iccoived a tolcirrnm from Rev Ueo W tiiloiiov. of Oreison City, Tuesday, announcing the deatii of iwy liinouey s brother. Mr Montague icu lor mat city on the afternoon train. Acent Bennett refused to ahln a bun. die of deer hides this week, lie tells us that the law 1ms (wen amended so as to make it unlawful for a railroad company to transport deer hides in any season of tho year. The city of Ibanon has uranlml to I L Cowan. Frank O'Nell and I, Foley a franchise fur an electric-llitht plant. There is no longer any doubt that Leb anon will li lighted ly electricity liefore many months elapsi. Advance. New UiIWsrs at Harrihhuro. rUburg, No. 8 I O O Fs T J Stevens, C P; K lartwrlght, S W; 1 J Kogcrs, II I'j som A I ford, !W;TJ Andersen. Scribe : SG Sender. Treas , and I) McCloln. I R Cartwrtght and M W Canter, Truster. Thurston LoJue. Nj jS. A K& A M; S May, V M s M Cunningham, S W ; O Hyde, W; P 1 1 vde, Treas. ; l Smith, Sec.; W I Buey.S'!; Robt Whltt.J IJ; G W Brandenburg,. Tyler. Harrtsburir Chapter. No. it. R A Mi S May, 11 P: ferry llav, K: W V Mendcn- hai:. S; 1) Smith, trea.; W W Bilea. See; M Cunningham, C 11; O Hyde. PS; U t Urltne, K A I. ; I V. IIerinan. (i M 3rd Vail; I P Schooling, ti M Jnd Vail; S Buey. G M ut Vsili .G W Btanden- hurg, Sentinel. Graxus Ei.atTio. At the regular meeting ot Harmony trranen No 21 P of II. held on lc 19, 1H!M, the following officers were elected: Matter, 11 0 roweii; overseer, r A Iw.jn ; lecturer, I McGregor: steward. Willis IWrll : as sistant steward. G C Iavis: elmtilain. Jolin Thompson ; treasurer, J W I'topnt ; secreiary, a m a rani; g4tckeeer, Jacob ('lem: Puinuiia, Dllio Tliomimon : Flora. Lillie IHtvis; Ceres, Powell; lady aiMtatant atewanl, Roa Marshall, trustees, I Met tresor, John Thompson and J W propst.- Several questions of Importance were talked on by the tii-m-bern present. . Orson's Wmkat CRor. According to report made to the Oregon weather bureau, i ,oo,ooo bushels ol whest were raised In Uregon this ,st vesr. Clstson county claim an average of 36 S bu.hrU to the acre, Waco only 117 Linn's average I given a JJ4 and the total acreAge44oi2, making Ihc lotal yield about l,oio,ooo bushels. Tillamook county only has it acies In cultivation. Clatsop county onlv ij. Umatilla take the lesd with 87.J10. 'Die showing Is a good one. A the reports made are only estimates in most cases, compiled, though nom auout 3-xMj sources, It Is Ulmcult to tell how reliable they are, but probably a responsible as ttiose 01 an v sia:c. Cossouno. There is a great deal of corsolat'ou In the following for the news paper man: "Chaunccy M Dcpcw says that rich men keep neither their money nor securities in tucir cilice. .Mr Clew says that rich men conduct their business down to a $1 transaction by checks. Sid ney 111110,1 says that he nrvtr carries more than 51 cents In ld pocket. Men who carry all the money tliry rwic I n their pockets usually have very little. The practice of carrying sums of money up wsru or live dollars in the pockets Is fa.t going out of date. If every man bad twenty-five dollars In hi pockets there wou'.d be no money anywhere else. A PoxrLANu Fakc. The Portland Dispatch expose a fake In real estate. It appears that certain person purchase a lot of wa.te land at about St.jj per acre, mile and mile away from Portland, lay it out a addition to the city and either tell the lot on the Installment plan or gtve them away a an Induceineut to tome other swindle. In any case the party getting a lot has to pay $ for the deed torn "lot whisht all profit. At ten lot to the acre this bring In $15 and there are o many fool that the promotei are coining monev at It. People ought to he very careful In buying Portland "real estate" for It Is likely to be on Mount iiood as any where. K PacLLiAR Accidrnt. Peter Mc- Auley started for hit boaidlng bouse, near the round-house, last nlht, carrying two bottle of beer wrapped In a newspaper. isstr the corner of Lane street and the railroad track be stumbled and fell against a telegraph poll cracking one of the bot tles and causing the other to explode with a loud report. The hand In which McAu- Icy held the packaee was pretty severely cut by the flvlig glast and hi overcoat above the elbow torn. It proved a good tfclng for him that the bottle were thickly wrapped in paper. Koseburg I'lalndealer. wouth coiDEmu e. M. Frenoh keeps railroad time. Bay yoar grooeris of Parker Bros ?i9W cresin cheose just received at Conrad Moyer. C W Cobb, job printer, Flian Blouk,'does first class work. 8e that elegant'ptaio at Klu'.a Bros Boot and Shoe store, K V Aohuon &Co are soiling mouurnboU at Portland prices. 8ae W F Road's lius of dret goctl. and silits before buying elsewhere. Stewart & Sox sll the very boat patent tempered shears and iciMors. Smok the celebrated Havana flllod;B cent oigarat Julius Joseph's. A large stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fortmiller k Irving's.just received. Have you seen those parlor sails that T Brink has just received t They are nioe. Dr M II Ellis,' vhysiolsa and surgeon, Albany, Qregoa, Calls made Jin city or country. . A very appetising T, A very surprising T, A saving, nst wasting Beautiful tasting Tery fins "vord T, And a large and choice stook of grooerits, frnits and baked goods, at Parksr Bros . A good resolution is never to bay without first giving insm a call. Havb TJ noticed that Allen Bros' gro sery store ia always full of fruits, vege tables, etc, tbe very latest in the mar ket. If there is anything to be had they nave 11. Apples, , Grapes, Cranberries. Oranges, Lemons, ' Pigs Feet Cabbages, Turnips, Cauliflower, Bweet Potatoes, Uarrota, Ueiery, Bauer Kraut, . Beets. A Snoi Item, S I Young has just, re ceived large stock of shoes, for men, women and children, including particu larly a fine line of school shoes The best makes in the market ean bt found in his shoe department. Vi W Davis is now in onarge oi the Dei mocloo rettsurant. Meals 25 cents. Eastern oysterr , freth. Everything; tirt-cla, RIM Ml Al IV KttSOMll, TtjfnsDAr Hon Jeff Meyers has been In the city. Prof Lee and family and D B Montelili and family went In Portland this noon lo spend Christina.- License bs btun lucd for the mar rlngc of Mr Atcxsmler McDonald and MU Alma C Algulre. Mrs Judge Siraban i.hd daughter, Pet, came up I nun datum i;.u noon lo spend the unristma in Aiu.uiy, fo and Frank- NhOov were taken to the reform school at fealctu from Coryalll yesterday, making an attendance now of fourteen. : s Mist Croskcttbss resigned her position In the Albany public school, ai.d her tucccsser will be appointed before the spring term. Nine tult left for the Masque ball to ne given by the I'liiinarmsnic society at lite opera house tomorrow night. During tomorrow they may ne teen at the opera nouse. A rt'KliAV' J A Beard of Portland, went tip Lsbanun today 011 business. Prof Reid, of the Kugcne schools, was in the city today. Mr Virgil Parker and family went to the Bay yesterday to spend Koine of the lionuays. LlcvnoA has been ImhuihI for the mar riage of F. T Cox and Nellie K Duncan. Witness, C I. Miller. The many friends of Mr Martin Pavne. alio 1ms been seriously ill for the last two weeks, will be glad to know that be is now convalescent and will soon bo tin and out again. Christmas eve. the ?iinnlovc at the woolen mill presented tho superin tendent. Mr F. D Mover, with a cold headed cane. Mr J P Galbralth making the presentation speech. John Hlnipson. aceouionnied bv his son F.ugenc, came up from Albany Tues day 011 a business move. They havo a1 thrifty and desirable stock ranch in the bay section, but will w inter In Albany. Corvallia Gaette. V. L Qultlll. who boa been workinir with Hopkins Bros., for several months, leaves tonight for San Francisco, to take a three tpunths course In mechanical draughting, in order to perfect himself v lor bis business. Miss Obcnauer. of Counoville. Wash- where she is one of the faeultv In the academy, arrived in Allutny Thursday night, to spend the holidays, and is the guest of her t.ruthcr and sister. Mr Jbcnane r and Mrs Tatliani. H H Amee and Mers Curl and Bond. are down from the mines, nnd renort deep snow, materially interfering with getting supplies in. lie reported the mill running in good shape day times; but not nights, as the lamps have not yet been gotten in. The precious tut tul wn showing up in rich colors on the :iates, ami ttie concentrates, of which e broiiitbtdownasauiolels very rich. The pniwpect is a golden one. at HliktH A ptsuo At Klein Bros Boot and Sho stor. Parker Bros, tocrrt. New cloak at W Y U : latest styles cf bst si W V l!c4.r RsdaetiiKi in'sqm nr g .1at W Bead's Apple psrers f r ! at Stewart A . S A Hutin. ilni;.Mt, IVuct.'s oArner. fijegiowru st lVnn A: llmdrtcwia'a. Utcstsht mutiu at Wi!l & Unk't. PsrsaiiU snd in aml.rvll st lea than cl at W P Itra.1. (J'ld spcetsolo ard eve 1 1 all atvlvs and price, at F M French . Tb -fintst bna of pocket knirct lo the city at KUsrsrl k 8-xV l'.rwin in gold watclir at French's, "The Corner Jewalry Store. A full line .it Wirurf's er.t, best ia thi woild for the money, at W F Uaal's. J. W. IV-iiitry, Usdia boot aod shoe uitker, just east of Hsvcra llonse. Silk umkrsliss in ostural wood hsnulrs oIimd at French's Jewelry store. Go to Klein Br-s and bsyo yt.a. tbtes rriaird while yoa wait. ratrnobu linos industry and boy taod- msd htroess, warrntl, from O O M Dubrulllss old ttsod. C J lo , W Cobb, suc cessor to Paisley Sc Smil,, Kiina Bi-k-!;, ynarj .b printing 71 an sinus Freali crisp eelory at Allen Bros. Just received naw and miened Aor retail a U K Brownell s the following Chow Chow, iTonking Mokssot, Pifkleain vinegar, Halt Herring, Halt whiWUh, t3 islt taliu.iti. A full tin of elsrs snd tobaeco at T K Aliens. It is actually economy to drink Beech's Tea. Being absolutely pare, it ia muob strongor than tho artificial teas, about one third lets of it, or about twenty grains, be-in- eqoirtd por cup. At there are 7,680 grains to a pound, there witt b seen to be bet woe n three and four huadrsd eups to the pound. At it 1 but go cents per pound, this is attha rata of about on fifth of a cent per cup. tor tale at Allen Bros. Cotton goods have not been a cheap tince the war at they are now. Call and to what targ.insW F Head baa. For bargains in monuments, hcadttonen ete.,go to E W Aohiaon Co,Albany,Orego Tbea Baby was tick, we gave her Costorla. When she was a Child, the erled for Caatorla. When the became Mist, she clung to Costorla. When she bod Children, the gave them Costorla. W Aohison & Co bandle the celebrated Portland cement walls for oemotery lots These walls can be furnished at half tho cost of any other and ara far superior. The ladles Delighted. The pleasant effect and the perfeet safety with which ladies may nt the liquid trait laxative, Syrnp of Fict. under all conditions, make it their favorite remedy. It is pleating to the aye and to the tsste, gentle, yet effeotual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. Whatever may be the oa ntcof blanching, the hair may be restored to it (original color by tbe use of that potent! remedy Hall's Vegetable Bioiliau Hair Renewer. Ladies can do their shopping ia San Fran oisoo without visiting tbe oity. and without extra commission. Miss E S Burrows . r -ohstiog ageut; 1639'Oroys St, Oakland, . ,t Wmerxto GetThem. When wanting .n organ or plana call on G L Blackman srhte you can select from a first data toe. Ksllocq SeaooL. -The Kellogg ch 00 f dress cutting at corner ' ol Firatand Baker in the Ralston house is now open . Lesson not limited. Ladies are invited to call and examine the system. . II A I) ABVK'K Governor-Senator Hill of New York made a speech at Emllra In that state on December 5th on Ine course to be pursued by the present democratic congress, I Ic said In opening, that hit speech had been care fully prcpsred, and after much thought and-dellbt ration, I 'd be hsd come lo tpesk through tho democracy of New York to that of ths nation. The gorcr nor tresis at great length of the silver question and the tariff question. The speech was made In view of, snd for the purpose of emphasizing the fact that be i a cot tlkUle for ibe piesldcncy. At touching H e Issues of both the tariff and silver qursl'ons, Id view will attract at lentlon. After dealing at great length with silver, ho arrives at the conclusion thnt, Inasmuch at president Harrison will veto any legislation width a democratic congi est might enact. It wl.l be wl.e for tbl congress simply lo repeal the Sher man law of 1S00. Treating ol Uisj tariff, his conclusion Is the tame. As the presi dent would veto any Urlff bill which dem ocrat In congress might pas., be thinks they should simply repeal the McKlnlcy bill anJ go not a step further. It Is a matter of great surprUe to not only those who support the governor for the demo otitic nomination, but lo those who would have F.x-prcsMcnt Cleveland or some other mr-n, that be should take s pc.sitlun to negative, so do-nothing, so i.ulenlly untenable on the very face of It. In order that our readers may fully understand the governor's position we make the following extract from his speech: Those same reasons and issue will be presented clear and unennf used to the peo ple If the democrats of both houses of con gress simply unite to they united to oppose, the two chief enactment or the IJIUlon congress. "Ihey cannot carry re peal, but they can demand repeal itepesi ot the two MCiviniey acts, re viving the revenue law then superseded Repeal ol the Sherman silver law, re viving the Blsnd Allison set ot 1878, then superseded. Shell we bresk our party formation and go to piece In debating tome mall amendment 'owtrc taxation lor revenue only, or some confusing details of scanda lous 1st Id schedules; or shall we rather voice a great people's rebuke of the two McKintcv acts and demand their repeal.' Khali we nibble at rates and percentages as li that -were thesUe of our quarrel with republican revolutionists, or khan w simply vote lo repeat the two MtKlnley act and to destroy the bounty and tubsiy ystem rout and branch? 1 admit, with candor, that the repeal ol the two McKlniry actt would only land us where we were be tore out great mlssd- vtit'.uic thrte year age. I admit that the tariff of 1SS3 offers a Urge field for revenue reform. But that is now white beside this later black IhU revolutionary and unconstitu tional legislation whkh buttresses the government partnership of our privileged classes, and issues the people' taxes In bribe for new defender of the system. I admit trankly that no repeal ot the two McKinley act can override the pret Ident't veto and become law . My answer I that to pivot our politic on the issue of !) I Itself an Immense political achievement which will assure to the democrat of the Flfty-tccond con gress our victory In 187 J and a nation's gratitude. It abandon outwork, indeed, but it summons the sovereign people to recover from tepublican revolutionist the citadel or power. Of couue tlie It not the lettt bktlihood tlitt the detnoctau ia consret will Lr a mo- rr.etit icrious'y entertain the thought cf fol lowing this a Ivice, But it it well aevertheleti that people should understand the weakness of the eovetnar's potition. To tepctl the McKinley bill snd eo back to the Isw of 1SS3 meant that democratt prefer s tariff law thai tnpcicf a heavy duty on sugar rather than one lht pltcct no duty on sugar at all. The ooty rest point of mtiil in the McKinley bill it that provision putting tttgtr on the free lit Gov Hill woulJ tepctl the McMnley bill snd offer ut nothing better to Uks i t place. 11 would give us nothing in Its place but the Isrifl law of 1883. No, one democrat in fifty wtto understand himself would consent lo this. Breaker Crisp, Mil! and Goveraor Hill represent three different view ss lothe course the democrat in thi concret thoud pursue with reference lo the tariff . question, Crtp would have the democrat pats severa laiifl bills putting binding twine, lumber, salt, coal, ircn ore, wool etc on the free list without going into general tariff legislation. It St believed that such bills could be put through the tenate easily and that th presi dent would not dare to veto them. This mnch would be a remarkable victory lor tariff reform. Mr Mills would go into general tariff legislation, pats a general tariff bill, with the full knowledge that such t till would never sis the senate snd that it wou'.d be vetoed by the pi ciiden if it should. Gov Hill would repeal the McKinley bill and offer nothing in its place which would throw us back on the law of 1883. We believe ; too. Crisp s position is the oum;e.i--nd most sensible. Mills plan is much preferable to that of Hills' whoie scheme 1 untenable, cowardly, uncannid and fraught with so much nnfaithfulncti to the people that it will b dis missed from consideration at ones. Th governoi ' position on silver i equally bad and untenable. He wouldepeal the Sher man law of 1S90 under wnicb 4,500,000 ounc&j of silver it purchased and coined a month, and set us back on the Bland law o 1S78 under which (1,000,000 only per month it coined. Very few people will agree with the governor in this sratter. 1 lie governor ha greatly weakened his chance for the nomination especially ia his own state. The people will brook nothing but a square. honest, candid attitude on any public question. 1 here should be no juggling, co demagogy but an open fight for the right. In this speech Uill gives bad sdvice. People who have rushed in to inform tho public that there was a combine between Qovernor-icnater Hill and Crisp in the mat ter of the election of speaker and that the arrangement was that the party should take a Randall viow of tariff matters will find their prognostications upset when they read the positions'of these two gentlemen on the qnostion of tariff legislation . Bill would repsal the McKinley bill and do nothing more. He knows that neither the senate nor the president would permit the- bill to be repealed, hanos his potition it practioally to do nothing. Crisp would introduce a number of bills reduoing tbe duties on, or putting on tbe free list, salt, lumber, bind in tw ine, cotton tics, eoal, iron ore, wool, wookn goods, eto. There is tcaroely a doubt that many ot tLese articles could be carried to th free list through the senate, and the president would hardly dare veto suoh bills when pissed by both houses, and if he did it would make an excellent issue in the next presidential contest, . There is a very radical difference between Hill and Crisp as to democratic policy. The Princes Victoria Kalulani, pre sumptlve heiress to the Hawaiian throne, is a bright and rather pretty young girl of T6vear... ' '.. There It an old astrological prediction told to indicate, with tolerable ctrtalnty, f he character of the girl according to the month she happens to be born in. If a girl Is born In January, she will be a pru dent housewife, given to melancholy, but good tempered. If In Fcburary, a hu mane and affectionate wife and tender mother. If In Match, a fiivjlo'is chatter box, somewhat given to qusmllng. If in April, incontlaiit, ttol Itnclllgeni, but llaely to be good-looking. If in May, handsome and likely lo be happy. If In June, im peiuoui, will marry catly and be frivolous. If in July, passably handsome, but with a sulky temper. If in August, amiable and practical, and ULcly to marry rich. If Jin September, dlscicct, affable, and much liked. If In October, pretty and coquet tlsh.and likely to be unhappy. If In Nov ember, libera', kind, of a mild dlspbslilon. In December, well proportioned, fond ol novelty, and extravagant. The oldest roclih In the world It a, lllldershelin, and ol 1 town In Hanover' capital of a Prussian administrative dis trict, say the -St l.ouls R epubllc. It was planted more than I'.v) year ago by Charlcmagnc.tu commemoration of a visit made to bi n by the ambassador of the Calph llaroun-al Raschlid cf "Arabian Night" fame. After It had become a fiouilshlng vine, a cathedral wa built over it, the date of building being doubtful t Is known, howvvcr,that a coflin-ahaped vault wa built around itt sacred root In the year 818, the vault and bush surviving fire which destroyed the cathedral in 1 146. The bush I now said to be 26 feet high and to cover 31 feet of the wall. The (tern, after tuoo year growth, I only two inches lit diameter. I. 1 ..... . -L .1. J J China 1 new a good country for civi lised people to live In. The missionaries find that both sldrs are equally enemies to them, and each gains favor with the na tive population by extra zeal against the white barbarians. The attempt lo Christ lanlxe the Chinese might a well be given up unfit we are able to treat those wi o come to this country so that they can tea sonably have ome faith In the superiority of the Christian religion. One of the tr.ost Interesting exhibits at the World's Fair will be the models now being made by tnc Smithsonian Institution, showing the various phase in teal and walrut catching and killing In Alaskan waters. The first printing-piess ever used la America wa run in Mexico, about 1550, and the second at Lima, Peru, about 1 5S6. The state of Massachusetts has decided to give financial and other aid to 103 ot its towns, that they may secure free public libraries. By All Odds The most generally useful medicine is AVer's 1'lUa. As a remedy for the various diseases ot the stonuscb, liver, and bowels, these 1'iUs nave no ciul. Their sugar-coating causes them tiut only to be easy and pleasant to take, but preserves their medi clual Integrity 1:1 all climates and for any reasonable length of time. The best family medicine, Ayer's 1'tll ore, also, unsurpassed for Hie use ot travelers, so Idler, sailors, campers, and pioneer. In some ot the most erlilenl cacs, when all other remedies have (ailed, Aycr's Pills prove effective. 'In the summer ot lfl&i I was sent to tho Anna potts hotpltal. suffering with chronlo diarrhea. While there, 1 became so re duced In strength that 1 could not speak and was compelled to write evrryUiing I wanted to say. I was then having some 33 or SO stools per day. The doctors ordered a medi cine that 1 was satisfied would be of no benefit to me. I did not take It, but per suaded my nursQ to get me some of Dr. Ayer's Pill. Aboift two o'clock In the after noon I took six ot these pills, and by mid night began to feel better. In the morning the doctors came sgnin, and after deciding that my symptom were more favorable, gave me a different medicine, which I did not use. but took four more of Uie pills Instead. The next day the doctors came to see me, anil tbougtit I was doing nicely, (and so did I), lllien took one pill a day for a week. At tho end ot that time, I considered myself cured and that Aycr's Pills had saved my life, I was then weak, but had no return of tho disease, ami gained In strength as fast aa coiilil be expected. F. C Luce, Late Lieut, both Iteat. Moss. Vol. lutantry. Aycr's PMsoro- The Best I have ever used for headaches, and they act like a charm in relieving any disagree able scusat Ion In Uie stomach after eaUug." Mrs. M. J. l'i Kitson, Pullens, Vs. " I wo a sufferer for years from dys pepsia and liver troubles, and found no permanent relief an til I commenced taking AVer's Pills. .They have effected a com plete cure. George W. Moooey, Walla . Walla, W. T. Ayer's Pills, FnXTABXD BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by ail Druggists and Dealers In Medicine. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT in pursuance and by virtue of an orde of the Hen. County Court of Linn onun ty, stale of Oroxon.male and entered ef record on the 12th day ef December, 1891, authorizing, empowering, directing ana licensing the undersigned as aamin, Istratrix ol tbe estate of Alex Downing deceased, te sell the real estate of said decedent hereinafter described. 1 will on Saturday, the S9th day ot January. 1892. at tbe hour ol 1 e'oloek p m of said the north door of the eounty eourt bouse, in the city of Alban aald Linn county Oregon, to the hluhest bidder for exe half cash in band and one-haif on twelve months time at 8 per cent interest with approved security, the following d scribed premises, tow la tho southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the southeast quart er, the northeast quarter of tho southwest quarter, the southwest quarter of the southwest Quarter, and lots 6. 9. 10 and 11, of section 18, in tp 9, 8X1 Eaftha Willamette Meridian, in uon county, Oreson. belnir the donation land claim o A J Richardson and wife in aaid town ship, and containing 81(1.48 asrea mora or less. Dated this 23rd day of Decern bar; 1891 M. A. DOWNING, Adminlatratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. UsTOTICK 18 I1ERKBV GIVEN THAT THK Ji undersigned has been by order of ths county (mnri nf Unn mnntv. Orfumn. on the 16th dav of November. 1891, duly sppulnted administrator ol th estate of Mrs M C Howard, late of Linn eounty, Or. deceased. All persons having claims against ssid estate are hereby ruquired and aotiSef to present the Sam. rttn proper voucner to me u mj rsBiusno in Albany, Linn eounty, Oregon, within six months from th de hetSDI. Dated this S7lb day of Hovember. 1891. M. PAYNE. W. R. BILYEU. - Administrator, ,. . Attorney.. ". -. . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. TtTOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK UN- .131 derBigrned executor of the estate ot Elijah Sals- marsh, aecessea, nss oiea in tn aiubj wun oi Linn county, Oreson, his ftnsl seoonnt In the matter of ssid estate.snd raid eourt has appointed Saturday, the Sth dav of January . A D, 1802, at 1 o'clock p m - 1 of ssid day. for the - bearing" el objection's to said ISAAC SALTMARSH J J WHITNEY, V - - : Executor Attoraey, W. F, - Calland see what a stock of Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, tfosiery, Wa havo to select from. Our but tho cheapest ever We have just placed on sale cioaKs ana jacicets, in goods, plain and We want your trade and we you money. Albany, Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar The rary latest news is GRADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound S5c 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar '. $1.00 iO lbs Extra O Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 i Gallons Good Pickles - .90 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 A Complete Hanging Lamp 2.00 Wholesale price of sugar-100 lbs extra C, 11.75; 130 ibs gianntated. IV75. I will oondast a slrletoash store, and all zoo J will b sold for nit cash from 10 15 par cent lea than regular prioa. au toe aeeireoia syiea or aisnei, a well a a general assortment or groceries , crock ery, lamps aod lxture la complete). 1 mlts a spclHy ot fin te., ooSses and D siting powder, ana always piae my customer, My display of new tors and novelties loan over brought to Albany. for Infants and Children. "Caatorla la so well adapted to clifldrea thai I recommend it aa superior to any prescription known to mo." n. A. Aacmca, XL D., Ill Bo. Oxford EL, Brooklyn, N, T. "The us of 'Caatorla is sx universal and ha merit so well knosrn that it seem a work ot supererogation to endorse iv Few are the Intelligent families who do aot keep Caatorla within easy reach. " CASXOS MtTT!, D. D.. New York City. tsUa Pastor Bloomlof isle Batormed Church. Taw Csxtaow ASK YOUR ASK THE PEOPLE Whwrt get th Beit Tf htre to get tht Beit ' - . Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., Ami they will Aswer iritk Ome Toiee, at G. W. G. L. BLACKMAN. LEADING a Ti"r A.isry DRUGS. filEDICIIIES TM LADIES BAZAAR. - w , y in la the LatMag ' Milling and Fancy Goods Store of. Albany, They Mrtr all the Latest 8tyles aad KovelHst ia the Mlblnery lise, am. , a ceaspleta stock at Ladles aad Children's Furnishing gaods.atd ready-made garments. Goods the best, and prices the lowest. Call snd be convinced. &1BEET READ, t stock is not! only the larcest shown in Albany. a complete assortment of doui cioui anupiusn fur trimmed. feel confident we can save w. f. read; -x- Oregon that you can buy at JTJLIU3 net cash, goods as follows: aCy stock of Chinaware, fansy goods, and far the holMava this year will bs the J alias Grsdwohl. . Caastoriat cores CoHc, Cotrrtlpatlcia, Pour iHomauh, Diarrhroa. Eructation, XiUaVr'onna, grras sleep, aod promotes dt- VritSout Injurious mertlcatfton. , For several years I hare recommended your ' Caatoria, and shall always continue te do so as it boa Inv&riUy produced beneficla results. Eowrw F. Pakszs, K. T)-, "The Wlnthrop," idsUi Street and 7th Are., NewTorkCiti CokTKajrr, 77 Mum hat Sntsxr, K'aw Tobx. ' NEIGHBOR i OF LILHI COUNTY Bargains, Value for Your Money, Df SIMPSON'S. V OEIGr-OlT- STATIONARY &C DRUGGIST