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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1892)
STITE3 & BUTTING. Kdliar eae! rrrletr. A DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Tb following call ha been mad by the Tammany Society, end Young Mens' Demo cratic League of forth rid lo orginise a state Association of Democratic Societies, Demo crat In all parts of the county should drganii e at once and elect delegates to this convention. Read the call below: To the Democrats or Tits State or Oregon The National Association cf Democratic Societies hare been perfecting organixatioat throughout the anion until now nearly every state baa responded to its appeal, Oregon is one of the few exceptions and the National Democratic Committee is anxious that this state be properly and strongly organised. In that way alone can party success be achieved or cood results accomplished. A convention therefore of all democratic club or societies throughout the commonwealth la called far January Slh an Jo th, 1S9J, in the city of rortiand . 1 hen a State Association of Dem ocratic Societies will be otganiied with per manent officer. The ratio of voles will be one delegate to every ten member. Each delegate will make it point to bring creden tials from the club he represents. Where no clubs exist yon are earnestly requeued to form them, evaa If the otganuation contains only a few persons, in order to elect olhcial representatives. Each man receiving this notification will please consider and aid tt.e plan with personal interest and effort. This action is indorsed and urged by leading demo crats of the nation, and 'be combined work of democratic societies in 1S91 will be the chief factor in both state and national success. Any further information will be cheerfully accorded by the undersigned. We would emphasise the fact that this movement for the organization is in the hands of no cltau Or section of the party and the utmost fairness will characterise its pro:cedings. Very Reflectively, For Young Men's Democratic League: John Barrett, Chairman, Lobert Callin, W T Muir, For Tammany Society: F A E Starr, Chairman. Nat Blun, L B Cox, rortiand, Oregoo, Dec a 1S91. HID WEST AS I) Till TKICM VI BATE. The success ol the democratic party In 1S93 will tlepend chief! on the democrats of the west. It they assert themselves In the party at It Is their duty to do, the party will be put on a permanent basis of suc cess. If they do not, any success won In 189 will be merely one of the accidents of politics, and the position of the party will bs worse tnan ever, at the breaking up of "the toild south" will almost certainly fellow In the midterm elections after the Inauguration of the next democratic pres ident. The period between now and next June Is a mct critical one for the democracy. If it accepts the direction of Senatorial Triumvirate, the party will be wrecked. All that has been won In the wet will be completely lost, and Ne York will be so divided that the democrats will have r.o more chance of carry It next year than they have of carrying Maine. If the western democrats do their duty, ruch an outcome will be averted, and dem ocracy will be made stronger in the coun try than It lias ever been. That they have the opportunity Is net to be doubted. The west has the bslance of power, and with the rest ot the agricultural exporting states It has more than the votes necessary to control. In congress and In the demo cratic national convention it should use this power to keep the democratic party moving straight forward along the lines which resulted in the victory of 1S90. When the democratic national conven tlon meets western democrats ought to go Into it prepared to deliver their votes solidly for a platform and candidate to represent rggretdve democracy. Between now and then every effort will be made to divide them. The Reactionists of the Senatorial Triumvirate have alliances with western politicians which will be used In the attempt to keep western democrats from exerting their influen:e. The at tempt will be made to create divisions in Iowa, Ind ana and Illinois, but if western democrats keep their heads and resist the temptation to "boom" favorite sons they can crti inm inn ninnri mnvMiinn . the certainty of Ulog able to transfer the seat of political power to the Mississippi valley and to open up the road to and from Europe for the valley's products and the return cargoes received in exchange. Tne west can nominate a man who will carry three western states, New York, New Jersey rnd Connecticut. To make this possible the vot of the west must be used against reaction In the present con gress and to prevent the House from being C3rtr fled tJ th; Senatorial Triumvirate If this U do le, and If the west use Its strength next year to make a platform and nominate a candidate throughly repre tentative of the principles which give democracy IS strength with the people, success next November will be certain. St Louis Republic. Secretary Elklns ha three boys. They are all Intense democrats. During the campaign of 18S4, when their father was the principal figure In the management of Mr UUIne.s campaign, spending day and night nt headquarters, hi visits to I is home were not numerous and he was al ways peeled by the little fellows with cheers f'r Mr Cleveland. 'fw of the boys were old enough to have some Idea of the situation and they refused to wit ness the big Blaine parade, but what was Mr EUln's astonlihment on go'11? home on the night of the big Cleveland parade to And the two boys leaning out of the windows of their room on the top floor with torches and fligs I" their hands. Their grandfather on both sides of the family are democrat, and they presumed they had a right to opose their father on this account. I In the hot legions of Africa more than aoo laborers are engaged In building the Congo railroad, and In the coll region of Siberia many thovtand of Russians are employed in the construction of the trans Siberian railroads. A curious fact has been noted In some of the Maine streams. The fish go to shallow watci to lay their eggs, and they are often seen In water so shallow that the fins on their backs are out of water. A French authority estimates the potato ciop of the world at 2,975,000,090 bushels, of which the United State 1 credited with 3K,000,000. The daughter of congrestmsn Bakr, of Kansas, does a man's work on a f-irm owned br her fell. &he ptp s and sows and attends to the various other duties of farm Jife.', Mrs I s) lor of Little Washington, is known as the oil queen, because she has c, cumulated s fortune off J, 000,000 by personal investment in Hi Ritchie County field. Threj beet susr-factories in California have closed down for tbe season. Their (out pro iucl,j0 was 8,07.1,188 poumls. Total bounty t0 be rgij , f 16 1,400. SOPHISTRY UONR TO SEED, If you want to tee a display of sophistry and bad logic, combine two things and you will get it every time. First select a sound, persistent protection paper, and second, call out It reasons for the faith that Is In It a to the general benefit of the tariff to the whole people. Take the New York Pttst a an Illustration. Speaking ol the proposed policy which democrats are likely to pursue In this congress that o! not going Into general tariff legislation, but the introduction of a number of bills reducing the duty on, or putting on the free list such article a salt, Iron ore, coal, lumber, wool, binding twine, woolen goods etc, It say: The abolition of the duty on wool would strike the sheep grower dis astrously." Indeed I The prediction of protection propagandist are to be taken with an enlarged degree of allowance. The logic of the Puts Is, that to remove the duty on wool will permit such heavy Importation ot foreign wool that the price of the home product must fall below liv ing price. Well, It this logic be good the convene mutt be equally good, that an Increase ot the duty on wool will retult In tllmlnshlng the amount ot foreign wools. It the woolen goods tariff were arranged on a plane with wool, then the Press's logic would be good but what has been the act ual result ot the Increase In the duty on wool as provided tor In the McKlnley bill? From the "Summary Statement ol Imports and Exports" published by the treasury department we find that the amount ot wool Imported Into this country under the old Uw for the nine months ending Sept ember Jo, 1890 was 76.7jS.S67 pounds while the amount Imported under the McKlnley law tcr the nine month end ing September 30th 1891 was 104,1111,779, being an Increase of 38,093,911 pounds. These figures are taken from the record ol the treasury department and cannot be questioned by any protectionist. So In stead of the wool growers being made more secure In the home market by the passage of the McKlnley law there lias been this large increase In wool Importa tions with which our wool grower have had to compete and this competition hat resulted In compelling them to tell their wool at from 1 to 5 cents less under the McKlnley law than under the old law. Philosophise and theorise as protectionist may, this rugged fact comes Home to alt wool growers with great force and at last they begin to see that the amount of ben efit they derive from protection might be put In a line scale without moving the beam. Now, compare the fact of this Increase of wool importations under tbe McKlnley taw and the decrease In the price ot Ancr- lean wool with what Thomas Dolan, a leading wool manufacturerof Philadelphia said In a published letter under date of Aug. nth last and wool growers may be gin to see how they are hoodwinked. lie said: " is an interesting fact, deserving muck tmflwti of statement. Oust Ike ptites cf nW art oavr now Ikon tkey srer one ytur aro. Tkit decline distinctly promised by pro- ttctumisis daring ike ditcntmon u-kuk ac- uW ike ftnmXng of tit ifcKnlry tariff." Now, couple the with the further fact that for the nine months ending Septem ber 30th, i&yf, the total value of woolen goods Imported was $45,603,84$ while the tttal amount Imported under the McKln ley law for the nine months ending Sept ember 30th, 1891, was $27,307,114 being a falling off In nine months ot over $18,000,. 000. All these facts Intelligently com pared will show who receives all the ben efit accurlng from the tariff on wool and woolens When McKlnley raised the duty on wool from 34 to 40 per cent he Increased the duty on woolen goods from 67 to 91 per cent, thus giving tbe manufacturer all the benefit. The Press says "pulling salt on the free list would close up our salt works and leave us dependent on other nations for an article absolutely essential to life; cotton ties are cheaper In this country than before th McKlnley bill went into effect and if put on the free list would soon go to high prices." A man who looks at matters rationally will be quick to ask why putting salt on the free list will make It so chrap that our own works would close up while putting cotton ties on the free list would send the price up. It Is just such sophistry and such bare naked statement that protectionist find necessary to resort to In order to maintain their grounds In favor ot a tariff that rob the many and give the ill gotten galna to the few. It the Press 1 ers so mnch danger Involved In putting wool and salt on the free list, why did it not raise Its voice when McKlnley put sugar on the free list? The danger was just as great. The ans wer Is obvious; suar Is a product of the south. The protectionist are perfectly willing that any article produced In a democratic state shall be placed on the free list. Protection Is wholly selfish and Immoral. A GLANCE AT THE EXC1I AX0E4. The West Sidt punches Pennoyer for recommending Joe Simon for the judge ship saying that the endorsement I inex cusable as he Is nothing but a tenth ward politician. The Jacksonville Times says D S K Bulck, who has recently been ap pointed register of the land office at Lake view, Is one of Dougla county' "'foxiest politicians. Hie Yamhill County Ledger decU res In the same breath that this is a great country for pasturage and scarcity cf butter . The Itsmiur moralizes on the waning hours of the departing year. The EattOregonian persist in being only just a Ittlet lower than the angels.' The Hills boro Democrat has the usual Merry Christ mas How do you da. The Forest Grove Timet saya it Is definitely settled that the Kecly Institute for the cure of liquor, to bacco and opium habits is to be moved from Portland to Forest Grove. The Os wego iron Worker say. the democratic party can not afford to shelve Groyer Cleveland. The Spo'.ane Ckron'tle (dem) says the people lot friend when Senator Plumb d!d. The Seattle T'legraph say the young men of the country are drift ing Into the democratic parly. The Rose durg Ituvitw sajsGrover Cleveland will be nominated by acclamation and tbe people will ratify the choice in November. The Salem Journal oppoes Hill and wants Boise for U S Circuit Judge. ' What's the matter with Lord, Mr Journal? The farmer and agricultural laborer hold the balance of power in English pol itic. The Tory party has until latel re lied upon Its support In the agricultural districts; but more of them are finding out that the settlement of the home rule question for Ireland 1 the necessary pre limlnaiy to taking up important matters jf lntei-e r i' crr-erltr ll r.ce In the coming contest agreaternumber than ever before are expected to support Mr Glad stone. If David B Hill were classified in butcher sliop vocabulary he wjuII bj termed f'ow desk." I c it ttie toughest thlnj Lnoan. The ong '"Nellie Ou) '' was writteu in 1855 by Bei'jainiu H.oey, wbc wa at that time a stadent in a university at VT estervill Ohio. n-ASHINUTOJl. " (from eur rsuiar eorresnondeiit.) Washington, Dec. 11, iSyt. Speaker Crisp ha been 111 with the grip but he I to busy making the committee assignments that he says he cannot enjoy the luxury of taking to his bed until the troublesome business I settled, and he ex pect that It will be settled on Wednesday, when congress will take a recess until the Slh of January, The selection of Northern men for the chairmanships ot both the Way and Mean and Appropriation com mittee, It being about settled that Mr Springer, ot Illinois, will have the first, and Mr Ilolman, of Indiana, the last, has made some dissatisfaction, the argument being made that one section should not have both. But Mr Crisp's friends reply by citing the fact that the south has all thren of the democratic member ol the committee on Rules Crisp, McMUlan.and Catching which, they say about equally divide the power, so far aa the control ot legislation Is concerned. Representative Mills, who ha been quite 111,1s now convalescent. In reply to a note from Speaker Crisp tendering him the second place on the committee of Way and Mean and asking which committee Commerce or rostofficet he preferred taking the chaliinanshtp of, Mr Mill wrote asking not to be assigned to the Waya and Mean committee and express tng'a willingness to accept such other com mltlce assignments as may be made for him. The committee on Commerce has been changed to the committee on Inter state and Foreign commerce, and It I thought Mr Mitl will be Its chairman. The House committee on Rule reported In favor of Increasing the membership ol the Ways and Means committee from 13 to 15 and of Ihe quadro centennial from 9 to 11. After accepting this report, the House, on motion ot Mr Springer, voted to change the name c4 the last committee to that of the Columbian Exposition. The new rule will not be reported until after the recess, but It I not ipctd that they will differ very materially from those used n the Fiftieth congres,when Mr Charlisle waa speaker of the House. Representative Enloe, of Tennessee, -ol fered a rolullon,whlch was referred to the committee on Rule, piovldlng for the ap pointment of a committee of five to In vest- gate charge against the Pension Bureau, Including the notorious reratlng and pro motion casee, which resulted In the removal of "Corporal" Tanner; the office brokerage, which got a son of Commissioner Raum 1 In trouble; the favoritism by which claim of.certala attorney are given preference over those filed either by IndlvUlual claim ants or other aUornrta. and "all other matters relxtlug to the conduct ol the j commissioner In the matter or to the ad mti.Utra'.lon ot hi office which In the judgment ot said committee, may conduce to the honest, clean, just, economical and efficient administration ol said Bureau. Ths adoption ot this resolution by the House may be put down as a certainty. Many members have gone away tor the holidays as It was agreed that nothing would be done a: the session of the I louse to be held on A'cdnesday except to an nounce the committees. The nomination ot StpSeii U Elklns to be secretary of war and of Nathan Goff to be one of the Circuit Court Judges Indi cate that the administration has hopes ol securing the elector lal vote of West Vir ginia next year; but If the senators and representative from that state know any thing about It, Mr Harrison Is inculglrg In a bit of "rainbow chasing." Representative Culbrrtson, of Texas, changed hi n.lnd after having accepted and declined the democratic vacancy on the Interstate Com.nerce commission. It is understood that he did it in deference to the wishes of his Texas Mends who want him to be a candidate for the senate. The Supreme Court adjourned from last Friday until January 4th. Senators Vorhees, and Turpie, will do their utmost to defeat the confirmation ol the nomination of the notorious Judge Woo.l, of Indiana, for the new Circuit Court, and they are nor without hope of success Notwithstanding the positive statement o! J S Clarksoii, Mr Elklns, the new nom inated secretary of war, I regarded here a a much better Blaln j man thin he Is a Harrison man; and time will prove that his yolng Into the cabinet at this time Is a part of a Blaine scheme of some sort, pot slbly, but not probably, In Mr Harrison' favor. f-TICK TO THE FACTM Tbe I 'raid never make an attempt to defend the scheme of protectionism that it doe ot put both feet iato tb loop. Tbis time it come by plain misrepresentation. It says: Tbe reason for this is that the year' ex perience cr ttie M Klnley bill has brought general prosperity instead of the disasters predicted. The more discreet and shrewd of the (democratic) managers bad the sense to tee that the tide bad turned, and in the late election were wis enough to avoid disco sion of the tariff in most of tbe states, whereby Ibey succeeded in saving themselves from a sndden and complete upset. Wber ibey kept op Ihe old free trade cry, a in Ohio, they wercbad'y worsted. is not true that democrats in tbe late election avoided th discussion of tbe tariff question in most of the slates. They did not averd it anywhere. In no two states bss tKat question been to extentively and intelligent:? discussed at it wat in the two republican ttrongholdt of Massachusetts and Iowa, Kusv.ll in the former and Boies in the latter, held the banner of tariff rejection high up in the breeze at every point where they appeared, and wbat was the retult? Both were carried by the democrats aad the whilom 80,000 republican majority in Iowa basdimln ikbed into tbin air. In New York, the dem ocrats discussed the tariff question but tbe republicans openly ran away from lite que tion. . No, no luch good luck is to come to the republicans at democrat going back on th tariT ittue. Democra'.t n.ay difier a to In best course to pursue w.ien they have control of but one branch of the government but they ar all oent on tariff refcrm. A OLAKCK AT THE BXVHAJffJKS, Tb Press -Times ot Seattl declare it ha a larger circulation in Seattle thn any paper in th wo-Id. Tf.o Saletn Journal wear tho Gear harness. Tbe Portland Dispilck amile "child iik and bland" it mention th. nam of Senator Palmer for ptesident. 1.e Statesman want tbe people of etalem to plronix tb p topis of 3a Ism Tbe Capital Journal is very mnoh worried about tbe attitude of tbe farmer alliance en the railroadjooinmission question, Tb Oohooo Review think it peculiar that a democratio town lik Prineville abould elect all repnbIiunto eitr oflfieM tm that town did laat Monday. Tuo W.oiiborn Indepen dent iys Governor Pennoyer has . fVrf cited thcpolitiod support .f tho iilependent voter cf tbe state by rcconmendlnn Jo Simon for judgi. , , Three hnndred w- m-ti li the United State own estalluhnunui fur tht raising of flowers and plan's. So remunerative is this healthful, iuteres'.ing and fdiniuios industry that the wonder it more women do not en gage in it. Miirtra WHEAT, 85 CENTS. 1891 la tottering out ot exigence. Do you complete the year with a clear conscience. Oregon atiould have a ntil'.lon popula tion at least, by 1U00. Of tlila Albany'! portion should not be 1cm than 20,000. A man waa flnod $10 for carrying a concealed weapon In I'rluevlHe, where everybody 1 supposed to carry a revol ver. Pugilism seems to have a remarkable hold on the American people. The papers are fuller of It than ol anything elae. Yakima county, Wash., lead so far this fall In reports ot wonderful growths of vegetables, Tbe Herald saya: "Tbe wonders of Yakima soil and climate were shown this ' year by an Abtanum farmer who grafted tomato cuttings on a potato vine and sot two crops one on top and one on the bottom." In Pennsylvania there aro two broth ers. Ono of them married, was divorced from his wife, whom the brother mar ried; then the first huaband married the woman's mother. Now wbat relation are the different parties, Is a question agitating many. The Town Talk of Astoria, says : "Th distlngtilthed young gentleman who got too big for his panta, and left town owing several bills and beating several ol his friends, is now in Albany, Or., engaged in the printing business. Whim he left Astoria he pretended that he was going lo Virginia City. Nevada, presumably for the purpoMe ot throwing his creditor off 01 tne track." A good New Year resolution for Al bany would be to pull together. Let us try IU The latest lad I a shoe party. They stretch a sheet across the room and tit ladle stsnd behind It and stick their feet under It so you only can see their shoes. Then you go along and plck'out a pair ol shoe and the lady who I In them you take down to supper, A smart young fellow who was newly wed aaked his wife what she would do if he came home intoxicated. Hhe said he had never given the matter a thought, but should probably be Inspired by the occasion. When, a week later her hubby came hooping and staggering home she me, him at the door with a nail ot ice water and soused him from head to foot before he coud explain that he was only shamming. There is prohi bition in that household for keep. The Salcrr Statesman (.resents the pic tures of ihe mayor ot lndon, the mayor of New York and the mayor ot Ktim,and asks.HvVhlch Is the best looking?" The mayor of London looks the handomet, the mayor of New York manliest, and the mayor of Kalem the hungriest. The mayor ol London looks as If he was In poselon ol ail he ocslred; the mavor ol New York of all he expected, and the mar 01 of tjalcm as II he just got there by a scratch, and Is not cplte certain ol It. He has the look of a Marlon county man In possession ot one office and In search of another. The Statesman should not sloop to sacrifice a leading clllten In this way. It may have the effect of advertising Sa lem, but surely It Is rough on the mayor. Pendleton East Oregonlan. Mr D'Arcy Is really one ol the brightest young men In Oregon, aad his picture fall to do him justice. The Corvallls Leader give a picture of the present age, one which was also pre sented In Albany, but not allowed lo re main by our eagte eyed police: A horri ble slfh't was to tie seen on our streets a few days ago. A cripple, with a tadly mangled foot, which was exposed to the weather, went about on crutches, begging for aid from every one he met. Being In such a condition he picked up several dollar from sympathetic people and then got on a glorious drunk, lie was put to bed by an officer, but became so boittrout that he was finally put In the cataboote and kept theie over night. The next morning he left town by order of the nlghtwatchman. It la said that l.e was seen picking the scabs and Irritating his sow loot, no doum lor the purpose of giving It a horrible appearance that it migh work on the sympathy of the people. A thief Is more of a man than such a fellow as this, and he must suffer the penalties ol the law. while this man I allowed lo go about scott free, robbing tne people in broad aay-ught. A Russian waa murdered in New York the other day. Suspicion attached to three other Russian. They were brought into the presence of the corpse and sev erally made to take hold of one ol it bands while a police captain examined them aa to their knowledge of how the victim came to his death. This waa in accordance with a Russian superstition that blood will flow from a corpse when the murderer touches it. The three men faced the ordeal and blood did not flow. The lady who accompanied Mrs James Q Blaine. J r., to the office of the referee in ber celebrated divorce suit the other day, met young James J the false hearted scape-goat ot the noble Blaine family, face to face and denounced him as a "poltroon and a coward." "Do von know whom you are talking to?" asked a tall, slender young man ol the pro nounced brunette type, who waa farrlt lesely dressed. "No." renlied Mrs Doremns, with firmness. "Well," re- puea me nnsieaay auue, wtin some embarrassment, "I am Mr Blaine." Quickly and with increased emphasis the lady rejoined : "I didn't know that you were Mr Blaine when I spoke, but I repeat It now. A man who will abandon, not only his wife, but his Innocent child, at tne dictates of bis father and " "Don't mention my mother's name I" burst in young Blaine. "Since you have mentioned it," ealmly continued Mrs Doremus, "I will or his mother, is pouroon ana a scoundrel." The young whelo subsided. Ex. It appear that the $50 Oregon blanket now me price mar must have warmed the cockles of his heart forwarded to High Tax Priest McKlnley had none of the warmth of gratitude in it. It was a mere attempt at creating an effect for pol itical ends. The so called wool grower who worked the Oregon end of the blanket dodge are ssld to be one George Willi -ns, who draws a $75 a month pension, Jap Mlnto, the republican boss of Marlon county, and C B Moore, who just "hangs rouna ana taxes anything be Can get. Neither of these sentlemen own a single sheep and there are those who doubt that they ever saw one, and yet they dub them selve "wool-grower of Oregon." Spo- ne v,nronicie. Platisum and silver may e'eh be drawn iito w!re many time finer than human hair. The former hat been drawn into wiret to fine that ten of them could be! twisted together nto a hollow of a bsir The railway mail seryioe of th United States employ 5514 clerk, who. last fuoul year distributed 9,000,009,000 pieces o mail ver 119.518 mile of railroad. Jv Campbell Oplatoo Pittsbuso, Dec 27. Gvrnor Campbell of O io, wat in the city tonight. Speaking of the outlook for the democratic presidential nomination, be (aid be did not think Cleve land could secure th necessary, two thirds majority, and if be it not nominated on th first ballot he would be defeated. In the event of Cleveland's defeat, be wat of the opinion that a wettern man, possibly Palmer, of Illinois, would be choten. Whereto Gxt Thm. When wanting an organ or plana call on G L Blackman rh-c you can sebn-.t from a first class toe. TKLiEGHAFHia NEWS Th lad lasj Bebsol. Washikuton, Deo an. The Oregon dels gallon will have a meeting tomar, ow to de cide upon torn msn to b recommended fo superintendent of the Indian school known sr Harrisons Institute, at Chenuwa. in dace of Rev I. M Irwin, res'gntd. There were several application! made to the delegation tome tlmgn, when It wat known that Irwin wst to tetlrt.but tli delegation understood lbs the civil tsrvlct was to h extended to lever) branches of th Indian terrlc on October I, tnd this among the number, and 10 iniormtu tlios seeking tbe place, it seems tbit civil tervice order wat postponed, nd th superintendent it still a pstronsg. It now appear that lb delegation may b too lata, t tht Indian commitsiontr hot made s se lection, bu an Oregon man will t recom mended just ihe tame, A Highway stsbberr., Or Dec 39. Two bold highway men Saturday nlht held up Lewi Miller on th public road, near thtate reform school, anb relieved blm of I71, Miller was tiding in a bugcy, when two men rode up to him on horseback, and commtnded him 10 hold up his lisu js. At th point of cold tteet be gavu up b it money, when the tobb- find a re volver. Miller was on t'.ie bridge, and th shot scared hit hoise, which shied off Into th water with the buggy and ill occupant. Miller came near drowning in Miller Kk, II ram to town today, and rcportsd the robbery. There is n clu to III perpetrator. Th stemaerala Tap. Albany, N Y Dec 19 A decision was handed down this alternoon by Ihe court of appeals In th contesteJ election cases which apptart to give the democrats control of the ttate senate. Th court decided that m car tificste of clerlon should be given to two democrat! and on republican, lesving one cm fur the stst board of rsnvassrr to settle. The decisions caused girat conster nation among th republicans, but they bv not yet given up the lijjht, and tb leaders ar now in consultation ss lo whst it lo lie done. The democrat sr jubilant. A Battle With Mstsiklsm, fjAiiBSKW, Ala Do 20. MaKr detail wr rceeived of a bloody vnoountcr nr hem laat evening ltwn United State Com siolonor Chariton and twelve depnti and a gang of moonshiners. Tb rlDerr located a still in Haail mountain forg and awaited dusk Kr aa attack. As tb-y o proaohed tb moonshiner "opened, fir with Winchester f mm behind barricade. Tb o Ifi oars retarurd tb lire, but war nnabi to light sgelust tb heavy odds, and were forced to I (treat. It waa learned today 'bat Moonhitiert Kirk and Hproaee war killed and United StaUa MarsUI Jaoksoa mortally wounded. A Seathera I iahf. Bex kir, DjV.'O. Yetrdy a constab' and deputy, in trying 10 srrt a uigroi ww fired npon bd both ouniid. Yd sheriff today, with a paei, attempted to arrest tra nrgroca w ho rli.l tba shoottntf. Tbey had taken refuge in a vMa what a number' of other neroo. As tholl"ior approached they fired, atto white man being woui i!od. The then li'ed, kl li -g twn Dur", the others t-rini, moat of .thorn surrendering t i tb sheriff. Nsw tit bile. , Lomikvi, IlecSS A dip:ch fo.o Cal cutta this tvenirg gives au account -A another engagement on tbe l'amir fonder, and of another display 01 gauaoiry upon .b part or a llrltitb officer. According lo this dtspstcb, newt bat jot been received at CalculiO Irom Cileel, Ihe mutt northern outpost ot sgvncyof lit mm Imlia, to tbe ctlect thai Lieutenant Mannrs Sm lb. a( lb heed of a body ol Kashmiri in the liiimb tervic bat scaled precipice opp'tite Fort Nllt, recently so ft I ianlly taken by Captain A'iemey and hi commsn-t, sod that the licateasot. afer a detratc liht with ibe Hants Nagsr rchtls, diov them behind th stone brcstworks they nJ erected ah tve lb precipice, killing seventy of I lie cuemy and woundiie many other. A Beuh Trip. Saj Fsahcisco, Dec si The steamers Oregon and Columbia, from Portland and Artotis, arrived in port ibis morning atter long, tough trips dowu fe coast. Both vessels rnxM.n'ett4 ihe full force of the t'o'tn which hat been rtging during the paat week. Saturday afterpuon 1 buje osve pitched over the Oregon's bows, smaUitoa in the windows of the pilut bou, brcakiag Ibe kylighl over th forward hatch and breaking in tbe forward compaaionway lo the lower deck. Th Or- gon will sail eg m tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The officer are rusliine thine la order to dischsrg cargo and freight. She wat lot;, burnt making the usual run of forty-eight hours. A reeallar rire. Walla Walla, Dec S 8, Late this even ing there wat so alarm of fire from tbe eortb eauern part of the city. The residence of TJ Clancy was totally destroyed. Loss, Ijooo; no insurance. Tbe lire is thought to hive been the work of an incendiary, A crath was heard upstairs and a young man ran up, who found tbe room in flames. One window toward the street had a sash broken as (bough a heavy object bad been thrown through it, which caused I he fire. The matter is being invest igttod. TortKA, Kan Dec 27. Governor Hum phrey anived this evening, accompanied by a delegation from Oswego, who cam in the inures! of e-Reprccnttlve Perkins. He wit somewhat surprised to find that Major Hudson, of the capital, J W Addy and United States Attorney Burton had opened up a regular campaign beadrjuartert. When a reporter called on him he said: Thei e it no occasion for all this rush. Tbes j fellows here in Topeka have fixed uo every thing for me. I went it understood, and au thorize you to ssy. that I am going to take my own time for this appointment, and do not think that I will make it before Ihe latter part of Ibe week. You miy further ttate tbat when I do name Senator Plumb' suc cessor it will be my choice, and not that of any faction or clique. A ratal Paale. London, Dec 27. Tbe Royal theater in Gateshead, county Durham, was last night tbe scene of a frightful panic, in which, ac cording to the reports received, at leatt ten persons were killed ontright and many injured. The sight of a smill blaze caused by a man in the audience dropping a lighted match on the sawdust wlii :h covered the floor, caused one woman to start the cry of "fire." Immediately there wat wild ruth for the doors, which, owing to the savage rush, became to blocked that only s few succeeded in get' lng our. The staircase letding from th gallery alio bees me blocked, A check taker, who attempted to restrain the crowd, wat cruthed to death under loot. When the panic tubtide l t Iter bodies of nine children, whose lives had been literally crushed out of them, were found ly ing on the tlsircase. Aaather Crank. New York. Dec 27. Late last night while Cornelius Vanderbilt wa ' enter'.aining a number of friends at hit Fifih-t venue resi dence, a good looking, well dressed young man, apparently a German, rang tbe doorbell To the page, who answered the summons, the visitor said 1 lie called to tee Ml Vauder bilt, personally, to get hit braint, which he proposed to have subjected to an expert analysist, in order to determine why Vander bilt wat ablt to amass a fortune, while the caller wat penniless. The ptge summoned an officer, who took the m nto the ststion. Wholesale Lynchlnt-, Shulita, Mis, Dee 27. The lynching till goet on. Two more victims, John Sims, the brother of Bob. and Motley, a nephew, were both hanged last night. The lynchers are in hot pursuit of a negro who was s-ith the Sims 3n the night of the massacre. They have burned Bob Sim's dwelline. corn crib and all the houset on the place, and killed everrtbing to be found on the place except the family and they had to escape to a neigh bor' place. The Sims family ta y they are going to leave the country. Same Shooting Done. San Antonio, Dec 27. Dr Plutarco Or- nalaj, Mexican contul here, today received a from Laredo, which ttatet that an engagement took place latt night between Garza't follow ers and the Mexican troops at San Innacios, thit tide of the border, between Corrizo and Laredo. The revolutionists assembled in large force on the Texat bank, and opened a steady fire at the troopt across the liver, which was returned. Tbe battle resulted in one Mexican soldier being killed, and a number on each tide wounded. Ladies eaa do their shopping in San Fran olaoo without visitinsr tba oity, and without extra eoramisgion. Miss E J Barrow ?.r ohssing gat, l(J33;Groye St, Oakland, am now and am goods in the Silks and Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dross Goods Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear fHoves Hosiery, Handkerchief and Embroideries Prints Boots and Shoes JKmrrs .mt. fn th Circuit Court of the. Rtatf tJ ttrgon Jot Linn County, MAUY WOOD, Plaintiff, 1 dr-nt, ) FRANK WOoD, I)ef,.r NOTICKH flKHKItV OIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution and ordnr ornate, lstiod 0111 or th abnv imrfd Conrt, In tho strive entitlo'l action, I will on salartUy, the Slh slay f Jaaaery, latt, at tb Court II .sua t or, In the city of AlUany, Llan oounty.r irfiuon.rtl ti: hour of 1 o'alook pinofkatd dy, enlist nubile aumlnn freirt In ban 1 to ttin l.lichoet bidder, tho rent property dem-rlbed In aai't exeeuiion and on)r of aatn a fol lows, H-wlu I ot number"! Uve (5) of btofk num. tared night (H) In the cliy of Alt.atiy. In Linn county, tt of Or'K'in a tha ums la claelannUiJ. tin tub rnd nni r!oi'ribI nrxin the ms, plats and eurvny. ofaald rity of Alhant, uow on II - In the County iUxnrdn,' offirtt In ami firxa'd Llr.n county. Oregon, ""h proc! arming from Ihaaa ti of I1 p.emleoa in bo ppllml. first: To Uia payment of tbe o.u of and upon ttd esi-nutluii.anil lb-i original ooaM ol i I aa'Jwi Ua l at .VIS"; neeonil, t . Ih jiayn et 1 of (I'aiu litr o'.alii amountltiB to 1 tin eurn fU'fl prlnorl and tl'iM lutint, ai d am'rtilnit Iniornat therein at 10 pr ctit porannntn. aud the furthtr auin f $100 ettorney'a Ima. I aie4 this V li day of lfx mtx.r. IM'I. M. MHjTT, SherilTof Utn o un?, Oregon Hy CCHoott. Deputy. CITATION. County Court oj Ike Mali if Oregon Jot Linn county: In the matuirol lhtU4 anJ guardl nhlp of Tuomas Ml::or, an I Jiotlo ptei, . To Mali J PolUrd. It N IMi- .d A i MlUor. Ario It L Hoy John J Koley, Itebicc WhHIouk. 1i'tMl Whltlock , "una 11 Tumid,, V.h Tutnl lo. Mra Kettle Hoott. Mar J 1'rablree. Jatr.w A Crabne. Wji Moalor. it !' Miller, J-bn H Milter, and all others known and an known interested In sld eauto. Greeting: IN TUB NAME OFTHE MTATB OF Oregon, you cr hereby cited and re iiimt t aptxwr In tho 3ounty Court of the Main or Oregon, xur tan county or Linn, at th Court liootn tho re if, at Al bany, In the vouiity of 1.1 t.n, on Saiardav, the Slh day ef Jaaaarjr, HSt, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that ilay, then and tbr to ahow rauae.tfany thors bw, why an order ahoutd not Usti out of the abov smutted Court authurlatogr and directing Jaiue A Craotree tha duly arpoiotd. qualified aad acting icuardlan of tb person and eUl of Bald Thomas It Milter to soil the real properly belong; lng 10 the etn of aaldThoma It ' i ' 'v r described a fotlowa.towlt. An undlvidc-d on-elevntb (1-11) tntoreat In and to tha nnrtb half or tha ll I, O ofKlohard P Millar and Margaret Miller, hU wife, notification Vet, and claim No. , in township No. J, Houlb of Range 1, east of the Willamette meridian In Marion eouuty, oregnn. Done by order r f the Hon Ti R N Blackburn, Ju4ge of the County Court of the State nl Oregon, for the county of Lion, with tba aoal of aald court afllxed, tbl 27tb dsy of November. A. l , IHU1. An turn N. P. I'AYNK. Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE ! HKUKIIT aiVKK THAT THE UN derelaned has beea. bv the euunlr court lor Lian anunlv, Oregon, daly apruilnWd eJmluletralor ot tbe eetate ot berth ti While, tleceaaed, Ula ut Una euonljr, Oregon, All pereune havlii claims a(att e&l-l eetate ore hereby nottOwl to praeeiil tbe tooie to me with Ibe proper -ouenera, ai nay haudtnet near Oak'tUe, Lino eouuty, Oregon, within alt OHtttiha lria tbe date hereof. Doled ibis 6th dr of December. . Johnson wiiitr. W K fillyeu, Administrator. Attorney. SUMMONS. thtCircuit Court of Ihtifflatt ot Oregon for mm County. k. c. hill, rininticr, ) vs. y BODEDGK HILL, Defendant. J To loilei'jii.Uill, tbo above named dp fendaut 1 IN Til It NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In the aboye entitled stilt on or before the first day of the above en ti'led court next following tbe expiration of tbe publication of this au n mons towlt: tbe 14th day of Msroh, 1803. Aud If you fall to answer, for want thereof tbe j lain tiff will apply to tbe court for tbe rolle pity ad for In'hor!complalnt,vii:.or thedls tolotion of tha bonds of matrimony now exlatiog between the plalntltT and defend anUaod the custody of the throe young or minoi children, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable. I hi service is mode hy publication by order of lion R P Boise, Judge ot said Court, duly mid at Chambers la Salem, Ontoa, Deo, l l'.h, 1891. L.H.M0NTANYE, (11-18) AtCy for Plain tiff. Star Bakerj CorBr4altlu aud Virut SU, COJMD MEYERJ : rropricUr. Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco. Mngar, Codec . Et) Canned 91 eats, Qneentwaret Vegetables. Cigars, , Spices, - Tea, Cte., , ' la bet eTsrythg that is kept In a general varleiy,ahd esoetry store. Highest market pries paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE At Will & Start's May be seen the finest stock of gold and silver watches, diamond and other rings, jew elry, silverware, Ac, in the city. Go toFE aller, wen yon want sorer thlo sweet. Korjey, mapta syrnp, etc Whatever may be the cauaeof blanohing, ha hsirmsy bs restored its original color by th use of tbat potent remedy Hall's Veijetabla Sicilian Hair Renewer. receiving my Winter showincr full lines of following departments, Notions Ribbons Laces WhiteSGoods Linens Carpets Upholstery Yarns Corsets Groceries Samuel E. Young WHY 13 THE VV. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE .e.v Tht BEST 8HOE 14 THE aoitlO FOR T stOT 11 1 a er-emlree i.n viih noierknor wee Uirmul ta hurt Uw rmti nuwia of ibe heel flne nit. etriuo and eexy, and bemuM r ewtse more eSare 0 IhiM grail ttutm a., nthrr manufiriurr. it irinela iuumS ew4 ehxr rutting fr.ra 1-UJ Ui '. '11. CCS OW lieealee Haiid-wwr. the Aneetealf efeJe thtm rf r rffcrr4 for '. ijf equal trmutM iinporiMl Blfim wblrh rtmt from S-11 t'i $'U GA OO llend'Mewe Well fha-, n ealf. wti etjrli. rtmtitetMhln eiul durw.U. lbetms erpie rrt-r otTwrmt at trite tjrtr ; enm erade ae cue fm marl" eti.M'eocMttfie' fruln KUlluf'Ht 64 ft Police hlinet rumen. Ilailpybt Wen PaVe and l-iu-r errirneil error Wn: eueeeir, emmlxee, emottn mi"i", brr turn euJca. eatea l"i edit", tne pair will war a yar. CO AS See ralfi aa britit MuneerarTre4 at eitSCte Ihle prV, rn trial will eonviac h qq eh" went a eije f r ermif urt endcrvtre. Sf a 0-4.OO Werklnemen'e abnea jie ere rv tr.mtf end turei.i. Tifiee waa eere airca nf-m e irtei win wror n otner mexa. f9nVS SJ-00 an HI.?, e.hi.4 U era J W Jr w wurn hy tbe buy. eenrwtwre' uery anil cm Uieir tnertlA tl lurrrweina eelre mhuw. I nrllna i.l.OO. Ilandewe !, beet mO VI I v. S lula. verTaittiti:eiuabfraca I l.edlf.' 1.30. 9,1.00 m. 1. 73 ehna tor lwrw the b-t flue lAtiol. Mrlllia4iddurale. S'aailea. Mee tlvet W. L. lutru' tiema attii ftieo are etomped on to buttuts ut eectt elwa. r-TKE !tO !' BHTITI'TE. j(l Joeinscm i-i elrrrtld d-elera ripilyUirf V. l iOl tiLArs Uroca.(a.3laWliuldby -n.-L. E. nLAJN AD M 1 NlsYRJoiiof 1 c e7 TOTK E li IIKItenV UtVtLV THAT THE XI (lemrixi. b.wn entwiilod aariit lr' re'.rr tbe nuia uf tydta hiutd 1ctjicI. A t r-raun. ! is claims eelnet aetd i'ei rani are raqmrnt to fr.actil Ifatui 1 ruiwly tenfied, to lie ondrra.;i4 at Al!iir. Unn cvuuty, tJrexuo, lihm ,it aauclh lrw tbieUete, Peted tbe l;th day ut iNrtniiUr, U'j- il I.IUTi!) JK Watina.reee, Amitmuit.jr, Any for Admr. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. N'oni is tiniKiiy tuvES that the r.v. drnvtmed ha th-e atr b n i .iiiUd admin. letra'ar it Hie eatste if Mary J llu'kiirt, Ute ol Linn minty. Orr m. ilnwel, by ilwr ouniy art ,J Unn ojunir, iirr(i. All wrwmt heme tieiire Mllil MlJ rllo ere bvtthv ttotttk-d to .rrri.t the am. In me with tha 1 r .tr euuctive. at tnldenre In Albany. irej m, eithin rtx tnoniha frwn uie aeie nrert. tinted at Alinny, li,., Siih dy ut tlMrnilw. r A Bl h!tUAHT. W R niiyeu. Aduauutraiur. Atty ! A!tinUratur. A3M!:3r.UTHSHJri3. NOTICK IM HEitr.IiY GIVES THAT THE undrretgiKi! bee been duty appointed by th rnmy murt tar I Inn cotmty, Orec'n. adminUtrator of tbe eeuta of K A frum, deceased, late ol Unn ooanty, Mrrgoa. All neeine hating claims acalnel eeld HUlr are hereby ont'Sed l prwnt tnem pro erly yeriBed to Uw undrrelfnev at lite mudenee at Neoil KWk"". Orvgnn, within n month (rem this date. Iieted tlvcembei Knd, til. J K Wealherford, A II TODS', Ally Inr Admlubtrstor. Adminietralor. NEW ADVERTISEMENT?. IOST.-srtetwecn tho College and eatt J end of tow a and south of 5th street; a rnrjre, sTaare, tan or yellow colored valla. Lnave t this otllce C? I. HTKF.LK A Co.. Albanv. Ore kja Ijon money on rooiI real estate county in Jbiiio aua adtulning oruntls rANTED.-IIItfhct price paid for If hLos at th chair factory, Albany. Oregon. IJlOnSA.LK-H'viaoand corner lot In ; ll'.i SJ add. $7M. Apply to I W Davis. MOSEY TO LOAN Home capltalta loan. In snmtto ruluon AlbAny a ' ounty rvl este or ajtwi pr ' security. W K MoPheraon, First Str opp Mraonlo Hall, Albany, Or. POULTRY, UAME.fresh Portland and other always on baud at our mar rket. near corner of Second and Ellsworth streets. Gsorok Slavohter. TO CONTHACTOUS. Notioe is hereby given that bids will be received for the building of the Camber, land Prosbyterlaa church until 1 o'clock fi m on Wednesday. January 0th, 133, at be hardware atoro of 1 H Koscoe. in Albany, Oregon, where plans and speol floations may be aeon. The right to Jeot any or all bids Is rsssrved. It a taviss. J O PORTWB, H Dbtast, CoamilUfe. THIS FROG WAS CAU'GHT AT F. E. ALLEN'S. BY A TEMPTING BAIT That is th way we eatoh our customer by furnishing thsm with the cbtapest CROSErllES ANOFRUITS a the market. QDyouvba Masonl Tewpl EXECU TOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE underalimed was by order of the eounty eourt of Linn eouuty, Oregon, made and entered the 7th day of November ,l801,daly appointed executor of the laat will and testament aad estate of E. Turner, deceased, late of Linn eounty; Oregon, All persona having elaims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with proper Touchers to the under signed at Albany, Oregon, within six months Irom this date. Dated at Albsny, Or., Dee. 18th, 1891 . ' B H Hswrrr, W. A. KIMS AT, " CE Wolysrtw, . v. Executor. Attorneys for Executor, Ginghams CHAS. H. DODD & CO. hardwareTiron, steel, FARM MACHINERY. Front, First and Vine Streets, - - PORTLAND, OREGON. sssara r9 - - ,m" , ' - - ---fiM'MiilfITI,lll-,lt,1ira irr-Tnin?l'"''T VtTm " DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. DEERE'S GAZELLE PLOWS. Specially Improved tot lfcl Deere Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeye Shoe Grain Drill. Bucko Uo frcs Casia Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Bacluy SSTZX ToeOk Harrows. DEERE'S DISC HARROWS. DEERE'S SEEDERS. . TWlaaattoproatriefesrreinnmmCTfaIkw. The moot complete sod successful tool tor thie parpoar la oee. We also have a full line of Baggies, Phaetons, Mountain Wagons, Platform and other Sorina? Vehicle. SCHUTTLER VARM WAGONS Spring Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows? ScientuSc Feed Mill. Pacific Panning Mills. 1IAISH BARB WIRE, Etc Send for Circulars and Price Lists. E. THRALL MANAGER, ALBANY, OREOGNvW SHERIFF'S SALE. It the Circuit Court of Jit State oj Oregon or Ike County of Linn. Tbe American Mnrtgaga Company of (tallied, (limit J.) Plaintiff, v. Kdein Wilcox, trustee, aad William lie id and Allocs Kelt, Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEK TBAT by virtJ of as execution aad order of ale issued oat of tb above named Conrt in th abov entitled action, to tn directed and delivered, I will oa HatarUay, the SMk alar r Jaaaary, last, at the Conrt House door in tbe oity of Al bany , L'nncoanty, Oregon, at th hour of 1 o'clock p m of said dayell at pnblic anqtioo for cash in band to th highest bidder, tb real property described in sail viecntioa and order of ssl as follow, to-wit: Beginning- at th northeast corcrr t the Bus tell Hill donatioa land claim, noti&catioa 2342, claim 77, in township 12, south of rang 2 west of th Willamette Meridian, theooe running aouth 11. 50 chains; thane south 35 degree east 32 cbaina to th head of a alougb; thenoe down the middle of tb Saotiam river 3Sha:.ot; thenoe west IS ehains to th plan of beginniog, containing 50 acre mora or lea and btioi a portion of the cast half f "t: 14. Also the dona tion land claim f J jha Wibel, notification 2332, claim No 37, and being part of lec tion 3, 4. 9 and 10. in township 13,south of range 1 west of th Willamette Maiidian aad being bounded and described aa follow, to wit: Becinning at a point 14.93 chains north and 2.15 chains west of the northwest corner of said section 10 and running thence north 24.75 chains; thenoa west 65.50 chains; theuce south 53.40 ohaios; thencaeaat 63.60 chains ; thence north 2905 chains; thenoe went 8. 10 chain to the plao of beginning, containing 321.21 seres. Also donation land claim of Henry K Uraer, notification 2296, claim No 47, being parts of sections 11 and 14, in townahip south of range 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, being bounded and de.cribed follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 13.60 chains north and 24.60 ohaina east of the northwest corner of amotion 14, and rnoniog thejee south 32.75 ohaias; t icn east 43.40 chains; thenoe north 32.75 cbaina; thenee west 48 50 cbaina to the place of beginning, containing 159.30 acre. AUo the donation land claim of Adolph Ueisler, notifioation No 2331, claim No 38, being parte of seoMons 2, 3, 10 and 1 1, in township IS. aouth of range 1 west of the Wiilr.mette Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 3 92 chains east and 14 91 chain north of tha southwest corner of said section 3 and running thenoe east 84.36 chains; thenoe sooth 38 ahalnt; thenoa west 84.21 chains; thence 33.41 chains to the place of be ginning, containing 319.97 acres, all iy-iog aod being situated in Lian county, Oregon. Tha proceed arising from th sale of said real property to be applied tint, to th pay ment of the cost of this suit and 0 tha said sale and th otigioal eosta taxed at $37.60, and tb further aum of $200 attorney's fee; second, to the payment of plaintiff claim araouoting to tb sum oi $G833 33 sod aoviru iug interest thereon at th rate of tea per oent per annum; third, th overplus if any there paid over to said Edwin Wiloox, trustee. Dated tdi 28th day of Deoatnber, 1891. M.SCOTT, Shot iff of Linn county, Oi egon By C E Scott, Deputy. J. A. Camming, all Paper, J jrxxgrs, Iaiiit, Olla GlasM, JEtc, , ALBANY, :- OHEGOr. w Dry Goods, seasonable viz: Woolens Oloakings Tailors' Trimmings Bags, Warps and Batts FlannolsJ Jeans and Oottonades Blankets Domestis i CHOICE MEATS . Of Asa Ensue Isaanriclc - & - Baker, Opposite f Samper's Ueery Stable, aexs arse WVIasaette lWiaf Pa's stars . QITY DRIG STORI I Pfeiffer BUck, ilbtuy Stanard k Cusick Drags, Madielnsa, tbemiea!, ., Fancy and Toilet Article, Sponge. Brosh, Performer j, 8ea.2 rtorka, and ArUats' Bappilea. PtayalelaBa preaertptlasia cstrt faly ewmponndesl. YOU WILL IkISSIT If you do nt purehas your HOLIDAY Jaweliy.eonslstiag of Watch and Ca la the best snakes, sa elegaat line af Silver War, and snany attractive aoveltles, jatt th thlag for . t Christmas pressats, of fill & Stark. Their Prioes arw TFRT REA.SONABLB. Need a Watch? I haye all kinds, at all prises and every watch fits th price. But price is not everything in watch-buying: GUARANTEED QUALITY " the first thing. ; I guarantee waches assord ing to their quality; and quality makes the price. All kinds all qualities II prices.. f ;F. M. FRENCH, The Corner Jewelry Store. LAEGEST ; ASSORTMENT o EEATIirGSSTOVIS.