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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1891)
2 New York World, "THE DEMOCRA ' An ad. in the "DEMOCRAT" Reaches the Mostreople,tind brings BIG RETURNS. and the American Farmer, all one yenr ron s ho. 1 Weskly ''Stst Right De mocr.l.fa CO VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAYS JtJiNB 26, 1891. VO 47 Entered Attn l'ost Offlc at Albany, Or egon, a aeoond claa mail matter. 1 f M r A DO HOT CRIPE, SICKIH C3 CONSTIPATE, Suit Cum re Sim NiAgtsxt, n mil inmniee uuin rroat iiitl ration er LVnutijvutow. The .-e Ml he IIt a. I in-l-l l an ( t ho re., . on 'l(l c-nn netwr b V1 Llv. a .io-, Ty ti I k e. rK .urnr, 'J pill i:p ui e mn -in! hkbrnri h,(ftfjM n vt "'H-l.. I. 4 Cnrt r.f I. Tr... n,ilti X H KrMtM lh. "t. l'Yre.Wlrl. vl'Tlb"V..a Wtti HtarLK ihmh hi mimi u.n , ... i. A D3. HASTf! 6 IffOM TOMIO. V H f"k;nn ii ii.ii, ...! i.ts ii-.. i irrrn Kllv r UkT.'i:i s II . i;; ATC-it t ijuai rtt .n.i ii.Kit ? :. : ru r ... k l Ii .'tirK.ii... t IM I FcrtmiKer & living. ... -FUNERAL DIRECTORS.-' Arterial Embilmi Dona Soientlt lcally HLEATH IS ..WEALTH ! tB. K.C. WEST'S Norr .nd r.raia Tnatmnit (wntl twrill l-r HnUra, I'itziOMS, CoiituI tiio, Kt , Nr,ou Jicortlgi, l(uUab, iknou4 fnMrilua mwl br Ui u nl aJeoboi or tulwrfa, WktaliMM. Mtnlti lprMln. 8.4winc vt Ua Brair riltiiur la loMiutgr ami Uxlinf to nlMrr, o i,aiM hy orriru.ii al lb rrsia Koh k wntalm mantb' IrMtmcut. 91 bo I r n bo, (of miiI by mail rwiii rcti pr4c. WE CrtKANTEB BIX DOXEJ TO Cl'RE ANT mm. Wl'.h ch onlar rtx-alrad by na for ait boiM, kMraipautad otlh w .ill Mud lb HirvhMraar wriltpa ffuftrm 4a rvfuod the moo.; If lb. tret wit tfaM aot flrt a curvx UuftmilrM Imm4 onlj by i. A.Cummtn. Urtuit-, nt, Albw. r. ALDAN Y OR. mmm t mum eeos. i Ra! stt Agents, Farm and R.nctsci for a!. A'ao Nt Lro.erty n Albapw an.l Coral.i. PAISLEY & SISLEY. TTh..:ea: r)a!ar In TOBACCO - ard - CiGARS, Albany, lnM Conrad Mever. STAR 1SAKEUY Cni-ner Eroadalbia and First Sts,, OKAIiKIl IN ikBcd 7rails, tle Prolia. Sugar t'ai, " Etc?,, Coori tlcaf, Qreenansrr, FrKctalilca, Kp'a. Tea. Ct., " k . Terytblrg that la sept In gen r ra vd groory ora, Ulgh4 rkt p irald for AlU('nOBJC PHELPS, Job Printer, lst.St.E,c;-i Albany ACADEMY - - OK Our Laily of Perpataal Help. ALBANY, - - - REGON Conducted by the BUI.- f St. Benedict Tuition In select diy school ranges from IStoflO. For terms o' Boarding Sob ol or any prtictlsrs apply at Ibe Ar 'm r.r id ada Hisier Ha perioro -G. L. BLACKPiJAN,- LEADING DRUGS. FdEDICItiES ALBANY OIGAR FACTO J. Joseph, Wholesale OSLY WHITE lABuR E51PL0YED. The Iw Tlioir Mold JPK YEGE1 ,pLE PANACEA ERAH0 FROM RO( ;tntk iicD5. AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARiSINOmOM A DISORDERED STATE ami STOMACH OK AN INACTIVE LIVER. ron SALr av au. DRUGGISTS ft GENERAL DEALERS HEALTH fCSTORh &&&f&&- USE IT! It ioitc ti I Kiiltv nn.l Sii'nar!lt rirr- ll.ili.b', l ik;.i i, irvitit k A,;w lilr, t'uiit'ua Uu Im.urv 0;uJ, ikJ V' ' ' .A) M Kl n C D PLUNDER'S I 1 C. I l i n ir it i wifii Mfntj CxhI orcry" here. $t -ottlalxforf3. Iii Bill fi ft CtAMl k MOMMfalrf tTMM itV at m1 kaallX TcfMek Maltk firry Mat H)tr la III raiiIrM tb fill HMMttoa m4 aaaratlaa f all ta ta. IttM kIM Mtura kM aMi at Hh. TkM ceadlllaBt Maaot ulit aaltM Ik rkytlcal l la wfaet warklaf rty, a4 Utis la bnaouitit bm tba liver aa4 (plMa art lorfi, tkaaa(re 11)0 tka aacratlaaa, eaailag liWIgttlWa aa4 rjp!. iik all at IHalr aoaoan Baajtag korrora. PR. HENLEY'S Englif . Dandelion Tonlo itrlt a Rt hlaca ar tka Ifrar, teHaatt- kaaithy adhra. naolwa Na chreala av4raaMata, aea raaaiaa tka aertittiw : turn ladlitka 4 caattt pai1. ibaraao tka apMllla, taa a th aollra tyt, aad atAUs Ufa artk I. IMof. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! Whilo trying to Crowd theii WAT INTO DEYOE & FRGLIAn BROS Store, where they always have on hand the largett Stock south of Portland, of the lateat Improved Rifles and Shot Guns; an Immense stock ot Fishing Tackle of every description; fTents, llsmmocks, Cain? Chairs and thoutanda M other thing too numerous 10 mention JRoprUr Shop in connection with the Store, and one of ;he best workmen In the .State to do any ind ail kinds of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to ihow gocds. "Small profit and quick W is out motto. JJ GCEUCJ, TAIL O Tl Suits mad and rsnalrlne dons Ia a4.r Ketwet-a Ihlrd 1 nd Fourth, oa Lyon St, City RestanranI, niTiojr bcn entirely retnodslsd. tb old and popular restaurant wiil bs mads first. etas n every rmpact. The pablio will bt iven good meets at all boars for only 23 "u. &rsrvniog nest and attraotive. nv'.a ooxes. uj tiers in svsry style. nargaiss 10 chm.-.e grocsries can always Ho'i ai art,, k iiaa,cioek. FOSHAY & MASON. - v-LT Vi anaik Uraggistsand Booksellers Atrei.U tor John B. Alden's publlcaUona, nicawsyii! pnotisner-e pneeesntA STageaarr' ai.bahy. oneuost DRUGGIST OEEGOIT STA1 10NARY&C Y, Proprietor and Retail. York C. B. R. Store Placa to Buy ITii Thycr Blioes Bloc! ABLAITf. LOCAL, UIJCOUD. Mrs PoixocK'i School. Mr J R8tock man lias bnlHl tin Dkmooat copl ol the Age-llerkl, ol Blrmlnghtm, AU, from which w clip th following item! in reference to iorintr teacher in th Albany collrgtnte limtituto, Mrt O B l'ollock, who li Miociatetl with Mia Steven, who waa a visitor in Albany for a week or two: "Among the women of our city whom the king JvliKhtcth to honor, ere the two ladiea who hve the l'ollock-Htevene In stitute in html. Coming in our mldat with comparatively little acquaintance with our people, theae two women have made for theuielvea a grateful place In the heart cl the many. Among their puplla one notca the eittm-d M-crmot the trelt v school nuaneioi louay. ine colore of thiadiatingulithed euhool teem to me well choaen. Hone color, to pre tliture the tint of all youthful hopea,and green, typical ot eternal aprinitutpe In tlie land of acieace. Happy nine nmio ena t but now I tiiunt mention one other feature, title tlmi, ot Tneaday evening! nappcnlng. Ir Uoke. binitn, 01 me wr famed Yanderbilt, ia to deliver a literary a thl re , which Ipropheey will be replete wunau that la ol learning ana lnterem. Without doubt he will have a large fath ering to welcome him to our dear, duity liiriuinghani I" Two Oaieox Mcmmies. Monday afternoon and today a steady stream of vltltora climbed the Pei-Jleton Saving Bunk atalra and tramrcd Into the office of Dra Stubbt ana Morrow. The object of attraction were two very (insular tpecl meni secured by Or Morrow In a hunt for rcucs at an old uxumbia river Indian graveyard. - une is tne body 01 an old man.compiete ly mummified tjy the drying action of the sand In which It was but led. The body Is verttaoiy twisted into a bust, at.u tne am tude oi the well as theespiesaion ol the face, whli-h is one of dumb and ab- iect miserr. Indicate that the unfortunate died In great agon? and was burled In the ame position he hvl asaumed when re lieved by death, The tcus are doubted nearly to the breast. The left arm reaches under the right leg and to the shoulder, where It meets the other arm, the hands being clasped In secminjr, supplication for relict. The flesh It dried to the bone. and the en Ire body Is In a state ot perfect preservation. No clothing remalna cicept a pair of old-style raw-hlJe moccasin, which cover the feet. On the whole the curio Is certainly IntsresUng, not only be cause of Its peculiar preservation from decay, but from the altitude. The man was evidently very old. The scalp la par. Daily covered with hair, part ol which Is gay, and the teeth are those of an aged peraon. The other person Is the body of a child seven or eight years old,slmllatly preset v. ed, and wrapped In calico cloth. Under neath the clothing.on the breast, waa found a d-ck ot playing cards. A bow and arrow and a whip were wrapped on one side of the body, and a bunch of while ribbon decorated the breaat. The doctor was offered and r fused $500 for the two specimens. Pendleton E. O. DaOWNXD l! TUB WlLLAWSTT Yc- terdsy morning Chas O llurlburt and N S Robinson started down the tlver In a can vs boot, trout ful.lng. When nsar the mouth ot the McKensle river, about sis miles north ot Eugene, they took the eat channel and came out 'in an eddv, when the boat drifted against the swl'ft runnlrg current Cf the lltamette, over turning the boat. Mr Robinson finally reached hore In an exhauated condition, but Mr Ilulburt waa drowned. Tlie sur vivor says that when the boat cspslsed Ilulburt csughl the boat and was clinging to It when he last saw htm. However, while swimming out, he heard the un fortunate man err out twice. After reaching the shore he made a search lor his companion, but without avail. This waa probably 3 o'clock, ilulburt waa a good swimmer. The body had not been found Guard, Col's Tkocblx. While at Yaqnlna City on Monday we went to our old office to obtain some material we left there. calculating to remove it to Toledo when we needed it. We found the house, it 1 true, but what a wreck t Every light, if we remember rightly, waa either broken out or shattered, and some of the cash torn out. A number of large office lamps which we left intact and in good order had been mashed to pieces; tiles of the Keguter from 1668 to bound and unoouna, naa disappeared entirely, as well as material more or ieee valuable used in a printing office. The thieving rascals not obit stole everything 10 sight. even taking off the catch-lock from the front door, destroying articles ther did not care to carry away, but the fiends shot the wall of the Post building full of noies.anu irora tne indication they tried to cut and pull the house down.regardleas 01 taste or expense. roet. Ev Op Now One of the greatest frauds In the world is the eastern Insur ance agency, which places extra hazard ous risks, that no sane local company In the world would take after Inspection. In Pacific coast compsnles, too far a war to inapezi matters tnemseives in most cases there Is a fire, but the es.tern agency haa received Its commission on a big premium, and that is what It Is after. Two or three Oregon companies got bit in a live manner, but their eyes are open now ana iney are coming out ail right Wahts to Know. A subsrslber, who carelessly neglects to sign his name, writes us asking If there Is any difference between "six dozen dozen" and a "half dozen dox- en," and if so, what Is the difference t The expression, "a dozen dozen," means twelve dozen, or 144. The expression, "six doz en dozen," Is equivalent to seventy-two aozen, or 004. -nan a.doxen dozen' means six dozen, or 73. Hence the dlff erence between -'six dozen dozen , and a half dozen dozen" Is the difference be tween 864 and 73, or 793. A Bibd Btort. A few day! ago Mr M L Williams, residing across the river in Benton county, found a quail sitting on a nest. By maneuvering be managed to eaten tne bird, under her were fourteen eggs, almost ready to hatch. He took them all home, placed the eggs ia a nest in a case made for the Duroos. eet the quail on them, and each egg hatched out a quail, fourteen in all, now doing well, mougn in captivity. s Albany at Chicago. Mr George Mor row, the Chicago Times man, completed bis arrangements for a 130 linewriteup in that well known paper, which will be given in short articles of about ten lines each. I IW was easily subscribed for the purpose. Besides these articles Mr Mor row will give a general writeup of the city. Each subscriber will receive copies 01 wie paper containing articles on Al bany. Scio. At. the annual election of the Rcio Fire Department held last Monday, 0 S May was re-elected Chief Engineer 1 and O M Coffey, Assistant. M E Bilyeu and wife left Bundav for McDowell creek, being called to the bed side of Mrs Bilveu's father.Perry Osborn, who Is very low with consumption. Press. Ths SAWDcar Law. Lee Brown, of the Stay ton saw mill, and John Shaw, manager of the Santiam Lumbtrlrfg Co, of Mill City, were In Salem yesterday and xurnisneu Dan tor ineir appearance here at the October tern of circuit court, when they will answer to the charge of deposit ing sawdust in the stream. This was done on indictment found by the late grand jury. Statesman. . V . .. W. a. handsome jjiplomas. ine Dest exe- i cuted diplomas yet gotten up for the graduates of the Albany Collegiate Insti tute were those presented at the recent commencement. The work was done entirely by hand, ar.d confers ereat credit on the artkt and penman, Prof McKce, of me department. Till FfATi Teachers' Apihoiatioh meeta at Newport J une 30lh to July 3rd The executive committee consists of 11 Hawthorne, Chairman and Manner; v K Yatea, Viee-PreHUIent; frank Waler. Secretary; 1 V 8 Held, Treasurer; J II norner, uertuicate secretary. The local committee at Newport in HO Irvine, Samuel Case, U A llenwl, Dr J A lialley, William Urant. The fare will be so cheap that all teachera can attend. He turn tluketi from Albany will be one- thlrd regular rate, after having paid rrg uiar rate to thla city. On the U. T. to and Irotn Albany, f2.m. The Aeolian Orchestra Hand of Corvallia and the Apollo club of Albany are antiouimi! to be present. The program ia one that promise! to bo of much Interest. On the first even ns 8 I rratt. of Newport, will deliver the address ot welcome, rrionilo! toby PL Campbell W E Ytce will welcome the teachers for Itcnton county, we ponded to bv I'rof li 8 Strange, of Union county. Pre. Van r'coy and Pres. r. i uonuit will deliver locturva, the lat ter on "Language laiunre." AUdrease on the eveninga of the Institute will also ne uenverea iy j u iseii, u w Hoby, lr Knaa 0 Houghton and Prof Tim Con don. In the rricular Institute work I) V 8 Held will talk on orthogoraphy, Prof U A Walker on corporal puuishmvnt.among the many Interesting parti to the pro gram. An Old PaoaxAU found among the de bris in the Dkmoceat's prcsa room, hav ing been posted In an olwcnre place on the wall, is headed. "Fifth Annlviwsarv ot the Krodelphian be given at wie vouege unapei on vveuneatiay even ing, Nov. 23, la70." Borne ot the pro gram, most of which la obliterated by ink and grease, as : Instrumental duct, from the Opera of William tell, by Mag Kieoaterand HettieTbompaon; aquar tet,"Cotne where my love lies dreaming," by IjturaTate. Mrsl'rlre.and Haffenden and Price; recitation. Kate Ketchem; a parody on Maud Mueller, by Kettle Mil ler. Then there were the femes of Sevan. childhood, romance, etc., being repre sented by a torn; and recitation Ly Ollie Powell, Angle McCulloch, Mattle Fostsr, Cora Irvine, Chaa lUflend.-n. W JI Uaa- ton, wary Powell, Mrs vvyatt, Clara Price, Miss Brevman.K F Box.Mis ilan non, and others whose namea could not be deciphered Admission 23 cents : ice eream extra. Naw MiNiNa Claim. Interest In the mine continue, as the folio-sine new claims filed with County Clerk Psyuc will tesiiiy. Indiana. Located In Kant lam Mlnlns- district J'i miles south east of While Bull, by Joe UUner, John Ionsca and Hern-an ween, j une 3rd. Claim Bled June 17. Argonaut. Located In Rsntlsm dlst. V n.lle from mouth of Silver Creek, by John uauueman, on june jru, i&yt. Kentuckv-Located in Rsnllsm dlalrkt. by Wm Rumbaugh, on June a, 1891 . Phoenix, Located In Santlam dlatrlrt. by J S McKechnle, on June 1, 189c Claim filed June IS, 1891. 150 run a Haaaisarau (Jiau Several yeare since Hon Henry Falling, of Port land, offered a prize of I30 annually, for the best graduating oration; and lion C C Iteekman. of Jacksonville. 1100 annu ally forth next best. The first prize wss awarded to Mis M Levfe, of Harriaburg.and the second toMlsa Veina E Adair.ol Eugene. The awarding com mit lea was rorurKMMSl of the follow ins gentlemen: Mr Arthur Fraxer, of Port end. Kev W C Taylor, of Frankfort. Kr. and Kev E N Con. I it. President of the Albany College. liuard. A Motox Link. The construction of a motor line from SoJavtl to a eon rfee lion with the Southern Pacific's branches now an assured fact. Articles Incorporating the company will be filed In a few dsys. Already two cars have been ordered for the tine. The people there have made up their minds to make the motor line move, and as soon as possible. Where It will join the 8. P. Is not yet settled. Several prop erty owners near Lebanon are refusing to contribute rights of way, and if persUied in tn line wm be run straight from Soda- vine to the Lebanon Junction, which would give the road a connection also with the Oregonlan K R. Lrbanon people shoulJ not allow this at any cost. Ax Attractivb Outfit. Mr F S In gram, the enterprising joung farmer, Is running his well krpt farm In a who esale style, after the fashion that pays. Just now, while his wheat field are ripening tor the harvest, he Is hsuting wood to the city. With two wagons. Ingeniously fastened together, and six horses, he brings three cords of wood at a time, making two trip a day, without assistance. His pilot team is decorated wun setts 01 ben and the whole outfit Is one ihat attracts atten tion. Mr Ingram Is making farming- a success. Lkbaxon. Mr Pippin, of California, father of Jack Pippin, is visiting liis eon who was badly hurt by a fall, last week. Drs Foley, Courtney and Booth have received their certificates from the state board at medical examiners authorizing tnem to practice medicine and surgery, in accordance with the law enacted by the last legislature. last Monday Messrs Curl A Powell, of Albany, bought six county ri(htsfor the Pacific washing machine, Linn county included. Mr Curl Is now out here working this territory. He is welt and favorably known all over the county and we believe he will make a success out of the business. Express 11 ABBiBHtao. tiality dinners were served at the Lyndel bouse, Wednesday. Dr E W Burdick. recently of Portland, has opened a dentist office in Smith A Holt's drug store. Judge E N Tandy returned from his visit to Tennessee last Saturday evening He says he is glad to get home again. L tenders, of Albany, and a gsntleman from ban francisco, were in the city lor the ostensible purpose of purchasing horses, Wednesday. More 'than 150 horses were brought in but only five were cnosen. vourter. New Stamp Mill. The Calapooia and Blue River Mining & Milling Co, have purchased, at a cost of f 1000, a pertable stamp mill, which will be put in opera tion upon the Poorrnan claim during the coming month. The mill is of two 1000 pound stamp capacity, and can be set up and operated in a short space of time, or carried from place to place, for prospect ing purposes, and when taken apart the heaviest piece weighs but 300 pounds ; is conveniently operated by steam or water power. Brownsvillo Times. Terrific Lightning. Tuesday night betweea Lebanon and Sodsvilie the light ning flashed from pole to pole In a terrific manner, and It thundered. The poles were on the postal telegraph Hne.and eight ct them struck ry lightning were broken Into splinters. The wire for hslf a mile was torn from the poll's and some of It lost, and Insulators were melted. It was an uncommon freak for this thunderless see'lon of the World The damage is being repaired and the line will soon be In work ing order to Sodaville Now only Leb anon can be reached. IIabeisbubo'b Drrcit. At a meeting of the citizens of Ilarrieburg Thursday afternoon, to consider the matter of a ditch, the report of the Surveyor, E J O'Connerj was read. The entiniatea cost of the ditch was $11,258.80. Another meeting will be called at a day to be ap pointed, when the result of a conference wun jada & Tilton, ot Portland, who own valuable property there, will be known. The ditch will undoubtedly be built. Abjusted The adjuster for the Con necticut Insurance Co , was In the city and adjusted the loss on the furniture of C j Di)lon, recently burned, at $1050, MrDlf. Ion taking the stock not cempletely de stroyed. The amount of insurance car ried was $1500. Iry Cslainst IBaking Powder, the purest on earth. " C E Brvwill, IMlit ASP rf.BtOHAL, THURSDAY' Prof AnJcrson, of the East fUlem schools, rlepsrted tor Albsny today and win tax in t equina way ueiore returning. journal. Fred and John West, of Salem, wcr In the city today following up four horses thst had escaped from them and were traveling eouih toward their former home near uakland, or. Mr and Mr E W Langdon returned I hit noon from Salem, where they had been to attend the wrridtng of Mr Ted Piper and Miss Leona Wlllls,whluh came 011 last evening. Mr A U McC'ov and family went to Ya qulna Bay this neon, th letter to remain three months at Nye Creek. having ecur cuine use 01 ine oeauiuui vnia 01 thtlocal editor ot lh Dbmucrat In which to re side. Mr Geo U Thompson, who has been visiting I, la parents, Dr and Mra Thorn p son, took his departure for th East this afternoon, lie enjoyed hi visit Immensely in our beautiful ctty.and In fact fell In love with Oregon. As saon as he can sstlafae lerlly kettle his business la the east he would like to make these parts his home. worvauis times. u M Brown wilt lesv on Mondav's stage tor The Dalies, where he will attend to the sale of his wool, after which ha will join his family at Albany. Mrs Brown and the children will start on Mondav for Albany by private conveyance and will go orcr me mountain. Mr Brown 1 not certain at to hi future location unU.' he looks auout. Ills family will remain with relatives In Southern Oregon while he hunt a suitable location. Their numer ous friends here very much regret to see them move away.i Prlnevllte New. , raioar. Jss P Powell returned last evsnlnsr from a trip to the Sound country. Hon C B Crosno, B F Jones and Col Van Cleve of Toledo, were In th ettv to- ItCV R E Metnimrer rama nn Iron 8a.Im last night, and repot t Miss Mamie John ston much improved in health. Mis Matti Morrla. al AlUn. la In the city this week, canvassing for Cram's Atlaa, a valuable work containing moch reliable information. Junction Pilot, Miss Ida Brush, of Albany, leadlne milliner, was in town last Thnmlay, looking after the needs ot th milliners here. Junction Pilot. A B Woodin and II ft Wim.r return a.1 last evening from th Santiam mine and report increasing bright proapecU for th mine. Miss Maud Hoffmen, of Corvallia. ts In 1 the city on her wav home from a irln te Portland, she I the guest of Mr k) P Mason. Dr A hi horn, who haibeen runnlnra column ad. in th Hclo paper, ha made arrangement! to local ia haWm: but win visit iscio one or twice a month. Her Walton aonlharn Oregon, was in the cityjtoday.on hi way u iinon w nereni lamer la danger ously ill. Miss Minnie MeDanlel. who haa hswn In Spokane Falls, th past few month a, I In the city, th tueet of Miaa lillle Crawford. John Morrison and Richard Fox went to Yaqulna Bay this noon, whet the wilt spci.d a week at Mr Morrison's sum. mer cottage on Nye Creek. Geo V' Warmouth and wife ar In th city, and will U-ave tomorrow on a trip to Missouri, pir wfrmouth'a former home, and Kansas Mrs Warmouth's former hsme, 10 be gone several month. Three or four load of voonar oecola left this morning on a trip to Waterloo. Though they have not been blessed with sunsntne ti-e well equipped hacks and buggies were an assurance of an enjoy a bla lime. MIm Grace riper and n.otherare In th city the guest of Mr EW Langdon. Mr juangoon 1 now in Whicago, suiting rel atives, where Mr Langdon wilt loin her the 1st of July. Y M Miller, the newly snoointed P M of Lebanon, was In the city lodav. Mr Miller, will take the keys on July 1. Work on the ditch to be built to that clv will be begun by the middle of next month, A special election to vote $10,000 In city boi.d will be held on June 39. Last evening the vonns? beanie of the Presbyterian church gave a party at th pleasant rooms of the mana of tha church. It was a live gathering of young people and a good time was had. A fin lunch was served, preceded by many games of an entertaining character. Last evening a vountr neoDlea nartv was held at th residenc of Mr BE Young. Tlie cWant nartora war decor ated with a profusion of flowers, aod the surrounding alone were ufficient to mak in hours fly. A succession of games were played, and tha evening proved one of uninterrupted enjoyment. At midnight adelicioua lunch waa served of a peculiarly Inviting character. Those present were Mia Daisy Bellinger, of Portland; Mr Roy Ballard, of Seattle; Misses Mildred Uurmeater, Annie Fiinn, Mary Cundiff. Eva Cowan.Fva Bimnaon. Oiga Hewitt. Hettio Miller, Ina ltobert- ou, aii nam more, wanton rsox. rranx HreckenrldKe, Edward Blodgett, Claire V una, Jack Hmiiey. Elliott and Clem Ir vine, Van Wihion and Percy Young. SATCtPAT. Dr Guiss. of Woodburn .was in tha eltv today. Mr William Richards went to Yaouina Bay this noon. J L Underwood, the Corvallia chotoir- rapner, is in ine City. On June 18th In Corvaills, Mr 8mith and Miss 8mlil were man led. Prof Raid, the new crincinal of tha T til -;r . Augene puouc qcnoois, is in tne city. J II Lame and Editor Phelp, of the nii 01 uaisey, were in the city today, Rev E R Prlchard west to Yaqulna Bay this noon, and will hold service at Newport tomorrow. t Miss Ella Sullivan, who has been at tending the convent at Albany, returned 10 monmgne l uesoay. lion j H Tongue, of Yamhill county, haa been retained for the defense in a prominent suit to be tried next week and will be In Albany Monday. 8 W Reece came down from Green Ba sin last evening. He reported the mill as doing aood business. It had among other shipments just sent a car load of hem.ock to Oregon City to be manufac turea into paper. II II Sittmon, of Grants Pass, waa In the city a day or two ago.and left a piece of slate at the A M & M Go's office.taken from a quarry near that city , which ii of a fine quality. Mr Bittmon oilers the quarrv for sale for $20,000. Jt ii a supe 1 ior slate for roofs, or even for school elates. Ex-Governor B F Cliadwick and Nanol. ean Davis passed through Albany today from Roseburg on their way to their homes in Salem. They had been in at tendance on the graduating exercises of tne lioseburg public school. Mr Davis delivered the annual address, and Mr Chadwick presented the diplomas te the graduates. There were eighteen grad uates from the literary course of the school. Under charge of Prof Horner the schools are in a prosperous condition At Foktmilleb & lama's 150 dozen window shades, just received. a large ana eiegant s tacit 01 lota ten- nry bedroom sets.- Alarga an I ciolca loi -f. j rp its, m ta 0 djitgli. Coming Bvsats. Saturday, June 17, 1 p m ColtHlshow at j Albany. Tuesday, June 3o,at Opera Houet.Litlle Lord Fpntieroy. Wednesday, July 8, at Opera Home, Si Flunkett. UOUBIBUt MAMACfta. Th Chicago Ttmtt publlsheth follow ing account of th Palmyra massacre! St. Louis, Mo., June 0. Gen John Me Nlel, a veteran soldier and tha hero of th famuui Palmyra massacre, dropped dead In postofTte E last evening. Deceased wat In command of Palmyra, Mo,, In tool, when he Issued a notification to Col Porter of th rebel forces, who deertcd th plac on th approach of McNIel, that Andrew Allsman, a native of th place, was miss ing and that he must be returned in ten day or h would hav ten persons favor ing the confederate cause executed. The following account of th massacre will be of Interest at this timet Sept. 13, 1803, Col Jo Porter, a regular. ly commissioned confederate officer, raided Palmyra and took twenty-tour prisoners. All of them he released except Andrew Amman, whom Porter wished to carry out of Missouri a a prisoner f war a a military act, th aim of which was th re lief of private southern citizen from per leeullon, for Allsman, who was physical ly unqualified for active service a a home militiaman, ha rendered himself a curt to private clllxen In business, home, and fireside, while doing worthless service to th government a a sneaking, untruthful Informer. Potter, finding that hi course was aot wise, gave AlWnan th privilege of returning, but be wat afraid to leave th camp unguarded and a guard of Alls man own selection was provided from among Porter troops, many of whom Allsman knew, and knew to be men who would not knowingly or unjustly harm him, Th prisoner and esc art took their departure.but fa some way, more than like 1 after th watch and word of th guard had been ful Riled, he fell Into tb hand of men who had determined that hi Intuit and Injuries to their families and friends t horn should cesse, and Allsman never gain reached Palmyra. Oct 8, i863,Gtn McNIel Issued an order to Col Porter notifying him that If Allsman waa not returned to Palmyra fa ten day fiom that data tea member of th board , which was responsible for Allsman' dis- afpetranc would be shot. Of court th missing man never returned and shortly , after noon, Oct. iS, iSot, a detachment of soUlere detailed to do this bloody deed marched to the jail and took their station. Presently two large government wagons, each containing five rude coSn,thunderei up to th Jail and halted. Directly th doomed men were brought forth and or dered to mount th wagons and tak their eeats on th coffin, which they did In a calm and courageous manner. After th prisoners bad taken their place each wagon wss surrounded by a quad of soldiers and th order gives to march. Th solemn procession then crossed to Main street, up which it passed with not a sound to break th silliness of th scene except th command of the officers, th muffled trtad ot tb soldiers, and the grating of th heavy wagon wheel upen the gravel. Word of sympathy were welling up In the heart ot those who viewed th solemn cortege, but they dare not give utters nee to them, and th tear coursed down th cheeks of friend who would hav flayed th murderer hand could they hay don so. Many people could not bear the sight and had retired to their hemes before th hour for th pro cession. From Main street th procetslon wend ed It wty to th fair grounds, half a in lie east of town, and halted In the arena. Tlie men then dismounted from .the wagon, th coffin were place In a half circle, and the prisoners trie red to tak their seats .n the rude boxes. After permitting a short prayer, which was cut short by th com mand of th officer,! he soldiers were form ed Into line facing th prisoner, who eat on their comn. w'.tl lace to th west. Bandage for the eye had been offered to th prisoners, but they waved them away and gazed calmly lot th muaalee of the glistening, death-dcaHng weapons of the soldiers all except on poor, simple- minded fellow who sat near the south end of the circle, lie, hardly knowing what he did, accepted th bandase. but per ceiving that the other had, none, he tore It off and lur.g It upon th groand. Th command was given : "Mak ready r Tts load and ominous click of th ga kxks wit heard at tb weapoas were throw to h shoulder. "Tsks sitn!" Not a fsce blanched or a muscle quivered at the gleaming death- deal Ing weapon wt re held In position await ing th Scat order. FirtP Ther was a loud report, and som of th forms, few missies before to full of life and vitality, rwayed to and fro for an instant and then fell back ea heir coffins, stark and etiff ia death. But ths deadly work was aot finished. Several re matoed untouched. Many of the poor soldiers detailed to do the murderous work, from which they could not escape, bad heart la their bosoms that should kav thaased McNIel. Many aimed high over the heads of the prisoners, and bullet were found buried ta th building opposite, torn at a height of six or eight feet The second rank thsa stepped forward and delivered a volley, aad when th amok cleared away th forms of th murdered men lay strewn npoa the ground . But tha horrible butchery wst not yet completed. Revolver! were then brought into action, and the exe cutioners patted around and fired five or six bullets into es-.b body, thus making sure their hellish Work wss accomplished. The reraaias of th brar and nobis men who met death in to heroic a manner, were then carelessly thrown Irto their rule pine coffins, hsuled to tewn, and deposited in a building to await th arrival of relatives to claim them. FrUndt who asked to take charge of the bodies were repulsed wills otlht aad curses, and none dared cempktas. Even the most prominent loyalists dared aot openly de nounce th crime, and many were forced to sign what is known at the "McNiel Memorial," a document indorsing McNiels action, which it now in the department! at Waihington, and on the strength of which Lincoln promoted McNiel. uiaroorin IT. John Shrman in his speech la the Ohio republicsn convention said: The peeple want giod money and plenty of it. Tbey want all their money of equal value, so thst a dollar will he t ssme, whether made ol gold , silver o- paper. Tbe demand for the free cointge of stiver without limit is a demand that the people ot the United States shall pay for silver bullion more ttsn its mar ket price; a demand that ought sot to be made by the producer of any commodity. Yes but every producer and manufacturer made this demand npon McKinley and h granted it ia hi tariff bill and Sherman voted for it. Tohai getting te be an iridescent demagogue. WnaaaTo Gbt Taai. -When wanting .n organ or plana call en G L Etackmaa kere yon ean select from a class tock. , VASiIINUTOS. ( our rvsuisr 0urrHni)snt.) Washington, June 15, iSpt. Representatives Hayes, of Iowa, who It a wlde-a-wk democrat, stopped ' In Washington iong enough tc leave tame good new for hi party friends, ne says that Iowa can confidently be counted In the democratic column for 1893. Of the third party, he ssld: "They could have don something If they had shown more judgment, but they met therein Cincin nati anl tried to make a party that could stand on every sort of crank theory that was proposed. They merely got on the platform and kissed each other and let the cranks run the convention. I do not be lieve thev can otganlze now so as to have any Influence on the elections In Iowa, either this fall or In "9J." Bclnz asked who the republicans would nominate for president, Mr Hayes replied! "Harrison, I think he I the only man mentioned who thinks there Is enough In the nomination to make It worth fighting for.and the party ha got to take him. If Blaine wanted the nomlnaltsn all that HsrrUau or anybody could do would rot prevent hi getting It, but Blaine understands th present condi tion f the republican party so weil that he doesn't want the nomination." 'There' gelng to be tome mighty live ly democratic music before long, said a clos friend of Senator Gorman today, "If a certain class of men who are trying to dictate the next candidate of the democrat ic party, ami who never voted a straight democratic ticket In their lives, do not let up in their underhanded mud-throwing at Author Gorman, His friends have stood It about a long a they Intend fo, and as they know where It all come from they will know where and how to hit back." Th examiners in the Patent Office, who made a practice of rejecting man appli cation for pstent that should have been granted, in order to bleed the Inventors for an attorneys' fte a little later on, when they shall have accumulated a sufficient number of these unjustly rejected cases to justify them In resigning and going lno business as Patent Atlornys, and he Ex- Ezamlners who are already In business as Patent Attorneys, with a clentage made up almost entirety of the Inventot whose applications they had unjustly rejected when exsmlhcis, are in a state of mind over a ruling of Hon Charles F 'Mitchell, commissioner of pstents,whlch prohibit the sppearance before that ofEce of an ex- employ a attorney or agent In any case upon which he had pasted while an em ploye. Their little game, which had grown Into a mammoth abuse, is ended, and the Inventors of the country now have reason to hope that their applications will In the first place be honestly t'esll with, as they will be If Mr Mitchell's new and excellent rule shall be as strictly enforced by his successor a by him Representative Mills will remain In Washington the greater portion of the summer, encaged In literary work. He la net doing any talking for publication on political subjectMnd thinks that the num erous fake lutcrview with him that have recently appeared In prominent newspa per, are a part of a plan to Injure his pros pect of being elected speaker of the house hy making him appear ridiculous. He wtshe his friends to know that any Inter view purporting to give hit opinions on the fitnes of any candidate, either for the speakership or the presidency Is entirely eurlou. as he ha expressed no such opinions. . Col W W Dudley say the antl-Harri us) republican made tool of themselves by holding their recent conference at In dlaupotit,and that tHe conference amount ed to nothing except an attempt of Gresh- ham friend to brine hint out a a can didate. This I taken here to mean that Col Dudley witl support Harrison, as had been r a mo red a short time ago. Senator Quay, who wat here a few day ago toli hi friends that he would not re main at the head of the republican com mittee during the coming campaign, but whether he rea.'ly intenda tq retire or is blufitr.g Is a matter of doubt. Much ugly talk connecting various member of the administration with com plicity In the crooked Philadelphia bank failures, has been indulged In here during the last few days, but the only thing defi nil 1 that AsaUtant Secretary ot the Treasury Nettleton acknowledges that he is endorser upon some notes, amount not tated, held by one of these banks. It looks as though Examiner Drew was to be made the scape-goat. The following is the personnel of the private land claims court. Chief Justice, M Reed, of Iowa. Asssoctate Justices, W II Slone, of Colorado; 11 C Sluss, of Kansas; TO Fuller, of North Varotlna and W W Murray ,of Tennessee. 1 wo ot these are democrats. A BIGliIK REFUTED. It I not likely that there l a tingle re publican paper In the country that ha not published the statement that the picture of George Washington some month ago -wss removed from the hall of the house of representative ot Arkansas to make room for a picture of Jeff Davis. Many of them have republished the statement as many a half a doxen time. It is equally hlglv tj probable that not one in a hundred will publish the following letter written by the Secretary of State of Arkansas to lion A Bush of Salem. The Capital Journal pub lishes It by special request but without comment: LiTTta Rock, June 8, 1891. Dear Sir: Your favor of 3d ulto at hand ; Tk. nlxmrn nl fieorPB V S&hine- vv Anj 1 - - a- y ton still hanes over the speakers' stand in the hall of the house of representatives, here It haa so lonir been: In the same hall 1 found the picture of Gen Graut.and across a hall In the senate chamher hangs the picture of Abraham Lincoln. The picture of Jefferson Davis was placed In the hall of the house, but. the Impression that the picture of George Washington had been removed from the ball, is all la-rone. The Dcoole of this state have been abused, maligned and slandered about this matter. If so Tie body oesuca to she devotion ot the people of Arkansas to he memory of Washington, kt a quarter ml mllllnn nt men attempt to come and taWe his picture from its place 'n the hall of the house of representatives. I shall cheerfully rve vou when I can. Your Truly. Ben Vt Chlsm, Secretary of State. The republicans of Ohio were eviJentlf yer timid and n;Ud mannered when they pu ttseir silver plsnk ia their platform. Tliey snarly si; they endorse the amended coin age act of the last republican congress, but designedly say nothing sbout free coinage. Thst party is evidently very much divided on Itbesabject. Serofaloui, eruptions, sach es pimpies, AisssloratioB. cf the skin, especially on the faee, are caused by impure bood and will dissf ar rapidly by usiag Pfuoder's Ore fa i.soA I'nrifier. SCROFULOUS BOY nnnnln Sw Corererl Hla Doly an l fiend, n -nr AffVricf!. Curcl hy t lifJi urn ImnUco. TVlwm 1 monlfat cW, a. Mi of our Sfti, ZTnHiTh!l( l...ti ta twrnli, and twl rry (rm, stir ot a larga toil. WspuilUrrt If, l.uj i'i j,.-, jmrjxian, AhuHt r tnublA aflrr It twan,,. u ruiiuUif sots. Boca olbr tores fi.mwd. . ji - na two 01 tfin fr, , band, anil a b,t V;; i sum mora em mm !, , H took km Umv tut lb. ta i break out. A nt ci ! tl chin, iMtinib (! I. lli, bli b waa rrry (, .. Ill; head was on ! i . ditrrin a great ii,:. '. wee blj tvmdIU'.o ft ( - . (wo mmitin cW, V 1 I artook ar i f . -nvrtiwr bavin ciii-d ,. a ), WIM a lilt I V,;!. trr.. l-i,.f.' erf wmraM. JI eonUi wjlk a IIMIn, ! nl ... ft i If ha frll down, and eattUl If A i. in, !a fcl, liii.ifi bo ism 01 hie hand., Iltnnui, rtr,n,. i.e, . ju, t; V'ntCVn IlKK PSOlr., - all trot iy. )n tor sfler another lwlf, a t irii'.n.f f'niiliist Li earii nn of tiie dr oY.-ji . i;t Man- luiuilii, wlikh would fljialijr t s. wrre titApu out; th.a thf wimf'i Iwial r.-.. mi 4,1 Is-w tgl bmi fnriaitOirtie 1 ptfMt; Af-c !V,i.i!-Baedlnll bott!e hi tr,t ; fclrk-lir ritrrd. arid I Dow. al tbaax nl .- etr .iiirajidh-eiaifehlld. Mae. I'., p. i :.', t t mi,tw. oil Ji. ciJ bt., i;iotrtiii;i.T!.,is : M v frandxHi mrxUn twrf'rtl well. ?'.. ' : s-wf-.i en-t io etjree. Hju.K.H. tiKIi' . TZ3. 1, MO. - UlootbJiicfei.. Cuticura Resolvent Tknew VrxA farMer, Internallf to ter . titrtod nt all Imimrlnee and eotenoou lecieMn ei.. thu remote u raueel. end (Jt-Tutrai Mi. -,. sin r-., and Ccricca Hoar, a ianltt V liesi ar, iiirn!lr (to clear the akie and r.. and rr---.ff3 the heir), core ererr dieeeee end Kn m U ti.e ttu and blood, from pimple te Krefui.. VJ rerrhre. VrKrm Crrr.rrm- Ar fm- P.i ISi.rT, ai. prepared br the rVrt-rre Ls;. ean ('Haair.t, Cnaroaerins. Itoaun. t r fiend for " How t Ours Blood fries." Of DV'C eu" " "''P parlOrd arid Uamrt'' LMDI O b Canoes Boar. AUoijti, rt r.HEUfi'ATiG PARiS T one cnlnule I he Cnilnm I i laSn tlaetr rallevee raeniaac, r.- ase, afp, kldnef, ehmt, w arwee awla aatl weatcwe. I'm te--. Embracing all the Dress Both in WOOLEN and To The I Make a Specialty of La(?io3 Underwear, Ribbed and Muslix. My Prices are iie LOWEST . and my Goods the Best. Am solo t gent for the Celebrated . . S. F. HOSIEEl, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. : To The Men Call and Look at My values in JFm'msliing. :- I have n Large Stock at the Lowest 1 catry a for wear a- and be cor ,11 line of the world-renowed BROADITEAD goods, unexee'Jrd finish. Large stock of Embsoideries and FbcrxciXGS. C) ced ,tha. Albany U the lest trading point in Oregon. BUY THE "MITCHELL WAGON," Acknowledged Monarch of the -K6d; We carry a foil line ot Haeke. Buggies and Curia; als. Farm Implementa ofaUkinda. a"Call on us bef ita purchasing E'sewhere, Mitchell & Lewis Co., WILL usic - -Xotle ear T--Tt -tfTT T T?T tL r MlJLJUCali JTi A TTTTt r . UAUlali & M VOSE & SON lnthtm I'alar anil Eat bnff Monao Proof Orgaa. Galtars, TIoiiKS a. Smetll Inattmouta ts Specialty. AceuU for the New Home, Eldridge B. and ojher Pawing Machlsits. Kurpliesforall kinds ol Sew'ng Wachinsa. V?eKuardour customers Interests end guaran ee eattafkeiion. ' W alae earry a fall assertmea ef at sisle and llusle Bot8. Cor. Second and Ferry sts., (Send for catalogue.) Ailncy, Cr r ..,.,.,..-. iwi.wi '. mmm ' ctw m a!V7ihI!E f ' w- SI SMBBBBBBtBBaaa9HaVJBaaslSBBVlflB 9 Kf W "r'l'a JSIKFW f' V B aWaBjBatiBBBaCaaa5 m 1 1 t m s t f -a & r i f a i k .J t vt I; k 3 k t 1 U u . V- 1 - au .v r.jtr.t3aaK.Ttrci:W-.:.' ' " .. . t -. . s w -..- ."v , . - - - Revere House; ILBANY, - CHEGOlt 3HAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETO?., rmJ on In arsUelasw styia. Tsii! nippllwl with the best In th market. tSlo stnaplng aartmonts, Rsnapla rw.iy '.r commercial travelers, T'.tt ii i-frk''..'"l tb tprji'Ti? re7Tif-- r tirj TScmjr a.-:ij rmirfj fer JUoeee rh.r.a wr VS b ; 14. I ercsrrllia it -a'l tol aa'a in tMvin)!Hin.!t:ia IA ' rV ta all Saftr-rere. ,of,-.j a. hi'-sKi'., f.r, ii SM1 f lrrsa. iirt V-vl. AXAKOet St, A a) S FOB GALE. Two girxl bugy homes, and well oroken, totrethss- with eood hack t.tv1 aot nf double hsroeae, apply to J K Kf.k nsu. rsmidenoe corner of Calapooi ana n into street. EedCrownMills ROM, LAHXIXa 4 C!) I f?R'J. mxm raccaas rLona srsaia rus. rasria Ajrp aAxam sa. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. City Meat f arbef SHULTZ B0St, Frcpristors. a-oep a full line of maat of all kla in a cool plao, eouplety pr tdctod: and al way teomu. latest Novelties in Goods WASH FABRICC Ladies,- in Knit. rrOOCiS., Prior ver tiered i the Valley. Albany, Oregon &. LINK, List f flsssr- tThemoal popular pino among 'he world's l famous ilanista. JH f .fCelebrstod foi its briHiar.cj-, LU. I finish and durability. li prioea r-ian s . t t CUT CURES ROTM1NG ELSE. ! H,'l eaeM SiWMe- 11 ure ! CM TwtwasOn , tCTI Dealers, $