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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1891)
I i If ilf ilfT Aw ifTl!lA New York World, An ad, in tLe . "DEMOCRAT" itoache the Motreople,nl Wings BIG RETURNS. THE D EiYiOCRA and tho American Furmcr, nil otio yrarl . rOR S2 80. Weekly "M4t Klg'it l"nswcrtt, J"! CO I VOI, XXVf . ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1891. fOntered at the Poet Offln at Albany, Or egon, a aeoond oJaee mail matter. NO AG rerjsar. : 1 m l if i i -- -I 'I i . i V 11, TilECV-YTitl y til rwrvV ft ftfcNi wnni'M ta rsarsaf Hik a 4 loads. l'ytwr.e. L -t of ivrv--h tvt 1 t'twj t wrllnaK'? lit -w frv.. K ti ' t v- Mi oil Pi-r fro- i I . n f Ih cMipir. 01. I r-jnn iHi mi'H it ounj Ir ol , t tht itM''t f nr-i-i Or, NARTIR I LI 1 11- l.IV Ptil.t; i ,(ii'..firtitiiKMi, U "I Vu. uul t Q hixi lw h, K-mpl Im Mini 1 'rvwui iiuo i S iuAitft on finMri cf ! fU til doi.ta, f Ur. HART MCOIOlMr CO., fit I.ttJf, frjPjsals for nm:i at. Al bany, ohecch. mon touncil ortlidciC) oiAluAnv, Ora- building cr a briJs(4 aoroai Ua WUUiij. Uo ilvnr fioin the north linn of Pirat trMit t IL tuDMlm ofald FiM trt with ClpH)I atrre to Ihm norvh alila of aia riTtr. ia icgorMoot tun las plan, pwl flout lotia and aurrer row on flla In th ttflloa of tho Keoonlnr of tha of Aion;i sai.i orniito to ix 131) laet In ' length, anJ 2) fel wida la tha clear a ad ecunpovaa 01 mnu)nn; vd anprnanh . a w be reipectlvely S 0 rt and 345 ftwt In Ui gth and 20 foM wide; auch bid may a!o be acormpanietl with plana and aproincaliooa tt tha Mddr, whlrh will l oonaidcred by tha counoil. Bids will ba recelred fur an all tel brldea. ad a.ui be aoonmpanlnd by rirawlna: ahow- tn plana nd elaTationaof both auhatroa tuie and aiipratrurtiir4 diairrata of atrekaea for ina of diffrr ut leoir ha.atid fUll apecificatlvn of Ike mat al and workmanahlp of l. detaila of auoh brtoue Itlda muMt be flled with tha Km- order of aald city tm or before tha konr of 1 o'clock p m of tha 27ih da? of June, and muat be aecompanid by eerti flad cbeok for Ave pa' ool of the amonot ot the bid. The eiiUaeta to whom the contract nay be ae-arded will be required ao enter Into a wriUea asTeemeni and rm met, and to give bond tothee:tyofl aioaay in aoaDie the amount or the eoo- tract price for the oonatmctlon of auoh bridge, and for the faithful end ati lot performance of the contract la all Ita taenia, condition and detaila. Work mnat be oocamarced wUnin SO daya from iteuUon of contract, and be ennsoUtad to the rcifcH aatlafaaUon of thaenalnear I in chaxse cf the work and onnatroetleti of I aajj brtdfre and of the Clti Couccil. on or before the lat day of December. Bide will be publlely opened ci the S7tt rtyofuu9, 1?91, at taa Coanoll C'hamUr tatbe city of Alba r-y, l-etwaea the hour a of S and 4 e'cKxk p m of aald day. The Counuil karrby reatrva ike right to n)rct any ana a I tiija. uiialiel by order of Iba Coaaoil aaade May Sfitb, ISvl x. j. nrxrey. Receraar ofth al'y af Albaay, aicaay, ur stay laii. HLEATH IS WEALTH! -1 Dk. B. C. WESTS JTera and Brl Trutmsnt atooa. Oil, Msrrnua yatiralirta, IIrilvrh, Ncrruoa PrwtreibHi Mixed by t!. um nl alhol or tnhw. vuiuiMs, ami! ii-rrr.(.n, n wmf oi toe Hnut. rumltlna- la lament f ami ia)ui to mUmryA aay mi. d.n, prmatmra o:d arQ terrdfincaa. lm ml Fv t, oauaad hj orer-xrtUa ol tha train Eah La. mtain oum month' tnatniaut, fl a bos a at boaia l'r S tant bj aiail prapaid va raeelpt o WE Ot'ARA VTEK BIX BOXES TO Ct'RE A!TT aaaa. WlUttarh orlar rcoeiTad It na Vt fx boias, acnni(iaiued aith t&, will anna tha purchaser our wrltsnn .naraoVM In reiumi hm iw tf tha treat MDt du not IIcrt a enra. C'aranta It.ucd only br J. A. Camming, brunfll, tola aant, Aloany . Or. TWO MEN AND ONE EOY FOUND DEAD.!! While trying io Crowd theii WAY IXTO DEYOE & FROJalAfi CROS Store, where they alwaje have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Gun.; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of erery description; Tent., Hammock., Camp Chair, and thousanda ef other thing, too numerous to mention Repair Shop m connection with the Store, and one of he best workmen In the State to do an ind ail kind, of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to thow goods. "Smalt profit, and quick alt" I. oui motto. i V x. v h : 3 v --: F. L. KENTON, : Dealer GROCER ES Near the Post Office, ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY, J. Joseph, Proprietor Wholesale and' Retail. ONLY WHITE LiBOB r The jew York C. B. R. Store Is tho Place FOOi WEAR 1 1 -4 VEGEt BIE PANACEA AjEmHCD PROM FIOI TSCf HCflQSi vTHii cumc or ' : n, -- K i A.- AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO FROM A DISORDERED STATE or mSTCMACH OH AN INACTIVE LIVER. roa) SALC BTV AIL nnil a j aa " " " 11 T-Trrpc3i Tte Doad to Mi Caaaet M Mooeeefalrf tratelea altV aai aoaa health. Taieack aaHhoraay Ottwtea Mftloa la IHereqairea taenia Mm ani aperatlea af all tha tao altlaa klntf aatara haa aaemad aa with, Theee wadltloaa eannet axlit aalata tha rnlcal helnf la la rfcf woriilng cr:, and thl la Imaatalbia h.a tha fcer an4 eplctn ara tare Id, tatrt afcttrecV la, the aecritioaa, eaualaf laatgeatlos aa otppt!a, wllli all el fwlr aecaaw faailng tcrrora, OR. HENLEY'S Entlw Dandelion Tonlo aHa a p tta hSecace avar tha Ihar, ewllM M - haaltkr art lee. raaohea Ht ohrea aaagaaMata. aad areatetaa the aaeratleaai aerea laalaeatiee eaa ceeatV aataa. aaareeaa tha aaetlla, teaea tha aatlra ajataa, aa4 Mahaa I Ita ertk IMag. HEALTH KESTORER. USC1T! IT Tj TT?T? Tr.-HT. It rrme tr- t.i mutt KidmT ami S:wiwh, ran 11k ! h. Ir-r ' trwiti sa A,p- ". '-'"'-jrte nunr mova? " ' Caed cwTTwbere. ft a'-etUe.UfortJk Jadgoa of the horse bays given It aa their luclr opinion, that Titus. litumberK's oiacit rerc&eroa stallion, aUnds at the head in bis cla.o. lis is in tha hande of MrCEIUrrowa.aoemcient and exper lenctd horaeman, who will give hia patrons every pj.Mbie aUention. Tltna will latkn tho atajtouof 1H31, tfoodaya and Tutadsya at Jofforaon; vedoeadays ana Thursdays , at Sci ; FrMejs and Saturdays at Albaoy. Mr Blum berg hi al3 owner of the alanda'd bred troUlag horae, Alwood Breoz , So 2893), who can be aeon at tha aUble of Trltes Bros. Tho get cf tbJs borse are large and fine formed, and only noed proper development to show t peed. Albany . (ROW WORKS Manufacturers IEAM EHCINES CRIST &KD SAV MILL MACHINERY IRON rKONTS, ALL KIHDS OF HEAVY AHO LIGHT WORX, IK IROH AND BRASS CASTIN2S. Vpeolal attention jail ds of mschlnen palrlna t CtWoi K&d on Short Notiet In- Albany, Oregox EMPLOYED. K) 003. t' A, " ' s- r4 Tliyor LOOALJIEOOUD. A TiiRtLLWu Kt' AWAt.Tlie following account of a tlirlUlnR experience nenr Mvhanta, will Im ajpr9t'lat0il hy I.lnn county poopla who have Men Ut lc. It la from tlt Ptatcanian : Laiit Wed neadrty, aa "Shorly" Ellin, formerly of Salwn. wai driving down Tayior'a hill, above Mliama. in a two-ewtted hack.the brke-Wxk aliped and let the hack aKAinat tha team, which etarted to run. Tha hill la corduroyed and very Bleep and tha team aoon got beyond tha driver's cuntrol. Cuahatt. a boy who waa alon, said he waa bounced to the top of tho Ur trees alongside of tha road, but he wai probubty scared. The team ran for over a quarter of a tulle down thla fearful road, and it ia a wonder that tha occu-1 pantewer not all kill!, bufFhorty" 11 nallr concentrated all hia stretiKth on ono line and ran tha tenm into a bank on the aida of the road. The only dnmairo done w4 the smashing of the daah board. On ono aid? of the road ia a canyon 600 feel dtep, and the wheel, came so near the edge ct it at times during the descent mat It imvu "Miorty's" natr stana up 1 1 to the quills ol a porcupine. Vacghan Always In Ir, It I. a rare thing that a month pa tte. without the well known Hank Vaughan, of Umatilla count? figuring In some pugllUUc affair. Here it another from the Pendleton K- Ot Catcher Twlneham of the Pendleton baaebatl team, and E W nrtlet,the well known young attorney of La - Grande got thfc'naelvre In rather a pretty plckl Mon day by an eventful ride on the reservation They left town eomcwhat tkhllarated, and are accused of a few esceaaea white on tha government domain. One accusation la that they drew a pltt4 on an Indian, an other that they carried liquor on tha res ervation, and a third that it her entered without petml.aion the houte of W King and look certain liberties. All of theae the young men deny. King cams to town Monday evening and caused their arrett, the trouble leading to an Inter clu nge of blow, in a aalooo between I lank Vaughan, to whom Kin told hi atory and Twlncham. Thla morning Twlnehom and Vaughan patched up their little difference, trycther with the few .light acratchea they received, and became iricnoa. A Ciacvs Comino. We are advised by the Sella Drothera that their enormous united shows will positively visit Albany, on Wednesday, Auguat 19, all the advance arrangement, lor that purpose having been completed. Thla is ileaare Sella twentieth contlnuoua year as proprietors snd manarer. Thia aeaton the clrcu. includea a Roman hippodrome, menager ie, wild Moorfah caravan, apectasular pll. gi Image to Mecca, three-ring circus, trop ical aquailum, royal Japanese troupe. Aviary, Berber and Dcdoutn athletes, trained animal etprMltlon, elevated Olym pian stages, Arabian night's eutertalnment and free street parade. Amorg the rare features It exhibit, will be found a pair ef giant hippopotami, pair of Llltputlan cattle, flock of ostriches, and halrlct. horse A most faclnatlng novelty I. the long skirt djticlng of Cj rene. emotional Span ish arti.te. A ricvLUaCAni. A case waa brought before the Lane County Medical Society, MotiJay, that puzzles all the physicians, and there is not a similar case on record. It is a child four years old living at Cot tage Urove. One half of its body is larg er than the other, the rijrht aid being the larger. The dividing line is through the center of the nose, and through the entire body exactly in the center. One eye is larger than the other, one side of the nose larger than the other side, ono arm and one leg longer and larger than the other arm and leg. and one foot larger than Hit other. In addition to this peculiar growth is a tumor in the stomach, and by its giowth the heart ha been pushed up nearly Into tha throat, and the liver been pushed over to where the heart should be. The child has boon io this condition since its birth and as the doctors can do nothing for it me win tie snort. uuaru. v Taa bids fdi the construction of the dormitory at the Agricultural col'ege were opened today and while the conclua lor.a were not made public, we learn the bide were aa follow.: Sche'l A Conn. Aljany, $24,172: Craven. Sa'.em. Sjo 600: souinworlh, $21,7121 A F Peterson, S22y 233; uutier, S23.23&; Heckert, $25,775; t) I.I. at -. ma m a oiair, 927,105; jiotnnan, $25,909; mc Fadden, $26,250. It was. estimated that $15,000 would build the dormitory, and whether they will accept the lowest bid or modify the plan ha. not been decided on Corvallia Time.. Dance TcazBYS. Many quaint and curious stories have recently been pub lished in various sections of tha atat. and the Baker Oity Blade,'which desires to. keep up with the procession, tells of a lady of Haines, Baker county, who turew out some brandied cherries which bad spoiled. Soon after her little bov came in and told her their turkevs were all dead. She went ont. and finding the Dims lying stiff and still, plucked them to save the feathers and threw the bodies into a corner of the vard to be buried In an hour or two the lady was bmified to iook out ana see the nude turkeys walking about, seemimr much embar- assed. IIobb Races at Ecoihi. Bheriff No- land and Fred Qellman are circulating a subscription list to raise fundi with wmcb to olier prizes for bose races on the Fourth of July. $300 is needed for that purpose. Of that amount the committee on celebration will contribute 160. Tbia morning 1206 bad been secured on the subscription list. Hose teams from other towns will likely participate, Lebanon already having signified ber intention to come u races were made and prizes of itiiu. vi usru. Waxted bis Money. The marshal of Albina. in company with an Irate hnab- ana, came to uregon City Monday in pursuit of a faithless wife and her com. panion, who had stolen or obtained un der false pretense tlSO. The fueativea being at the Portland House were promptly arrested and taken awar on the Latona Tuesday. The husband said ne aid not care tor his wire but he did want bis money. -Oregon City Courier. Jnt Wests-all Attached. The stock 01 goods, of Jim Westfall, in the store near the corner of First and Washington streets, has been attached by Andrew Kan & Co, of 1'ortland, for $320.37, and is now in the bands of Sheriff ficott. The business was run under the name of Kwong Woo Kee. Besides Andrew Kan & Co, Jim" owes a number of Albany men, and the prospects are not very sil- ver-uneu. ior prompt payment. Appkopbiate The Albany Mining Co, at their head office have a small ahnw cas purchased at a store, formerly used ior cunery, ana auiy lettered In gilt for the tUriOae. All of the wnrda nrsra nit. literated but the bottom line.whicb reads, "Best in the World," and the case was nueu witn soma, fine specimens of ore from the Bonanza mine, really the beet in tne world, at least rarely any better. A Good Thxko. All over the city car penters may be seen busy fixing uo side walks, and laborers in other places eras ing streets, unaer trie oraer 01 tbe City Council. Our city fathers have done a good thing, and improvements are being tcade that will redound to the credit of the city besides giving employment to men wno neea ana aeserve it Base Ball: The item in the Morning Herald, referring to the ball game to be played at balem, the 37th of J une, la wi ong, It 1. not tne Albanie. that will play Salem but the Linns, and will play in Linn uni form. The club i not picked out yet, but ot course will be taken from both club., . A.Linn, Cabd of TflAsis. We desire to return our sincere thanis to our neighbors and friends who bo kindly rendered ug go Scto will colubrate the 4th of July, O 8 May will be the President of tho d.iv Henry Cyrus, Marshal, Mayor Cowan is v ice raxidont irom Albany. There wil be races, fireworks, etc. Ir CI B Cole, of USillo, li s, arrived In this city on Wednesday. The Vt is looking for a location, and Is visiting who wiiu mat purpose in view. Two prominent physicians of this oity indulged in a war ot words and otto or two blows last Sunday. Tho troublo wits caused by certain scandalous talk that lias been going on (or some time IrKO!!yde returned !nt Saturday irvtui 1 ortmuu, wuere ne appeareti iiore the state board rf physicians, Drs Pick ens, Brown and alker. for examination tor a stato license to practice medicine Peter Strauxer and a Mr Kodnev. who live in tho hills northeast of town, and who aro neighbors, have had some diffi culty iu the past concern iirg the trespnss- ing of souio liocs. lAat wek the Uiilleu ty culminated in a personal encounter, In wuran uiuwa were .true, atonuay nirKouman was arrested upon a com plaint sworn ont from Justice Wi.Hnms court and brought before his honor.when ne plead guilty to assault and battery. Judge William assessed the fine at live dollars and costs. Press. Lira im a Penitentiary I not A.nd should not be a holiday afUlr; though aoino convict, acum to ituna it should be The following from the Statesman Is In icrcmnj. and it also or net in a nam familiar to Albany people: I D Shepard got out of the penitentiary a few daya airo. nis sentence 01 two veara navin? nniri,i He was sent up for larcency from the per- aor. -naving atoirn fxj irom a man In Umatilla courtly. lie aerved twenty-one months. He came to the iiaieaman ofKce yeatcrdry to complain about the treatment of men at the penitentiary. He save the men don't vet enough to eat. nor chaneea of clothing aa often aa they shculd. lie asld he had only two pairs of pants while he was there, and he complained of ihe suit of clothes he got when he left. He said he had to work when alck. He aald a convict had to ".land In" with Dlllon.the "con" tailor, to irt new clothes, or Dec" Saunder, "con doctor, to get a lay-off when alck. These are both life men. Shepard said ha wst a-ulltv of the crime of which he was convicted. Ite is evi dently of the opinion that the peniten tiary elioutd be made a sort of pleatuie re. awrt a pleasant place for the convict, temporality ezlled from society to spend their vacation, Shepard was raited In Salem. I A IIot-Hsadbd Mammal. Grant's I Pass waa treated to a sensation on eve- ning thla week. Lieut Holley, USA recruiting officer, waa walking up street arm in arm with another gentleman, when they came across a chair In the middle of the sidewalk. Lieut Holley kicked it out Into the street. The mar shal was vexed and beated on. He shot at Holley three times with his revolver, the nearest shot going through bis oat. The marshal says Ho! ley struck at him ana ne men shot at turn. i.ieut Honey was given an examination and acquitted the evidence showing that he lad no pistol. Ashland Kecord. Alsast Wast Casnrr. J M Mover A Co., who run the Albany Woolen Mills store In Portland, and who are the pro prietors of the mill, advertise as surcre- aora to the Brownsville Woolen alula. Brownsville eopl do not like this, a they claim the Kagle Woolen Mills Co is tne successor, at least practically, and Albanv two tile do not like it.becanae thev feel aa if Albany is entitled to some credit and notoriety in the matter. Ifow would something like this sound : "J M Mover & Co., Manufacturers of Albany Woolen anus goods." A glance at tbi-ir ad in the Oregonian will show an atsenco of Albany entirely. Doo Censes Take. A census of the dojre of Albany ha Inst been taken by V T Wyman and F A Burahart, that is of the canines with acknowledged ow ners. The result is the finding of 07 east of Ellsworth street and 33 west of that street. 132 io all. One would think to see a congregation of the animals that there were a million in tow n ; but a thorough canvas was made.and the above ia the result. The truth is a dog is a very promiscuous animal, and there are not nearly as many as there seem to tie. As the following attractions have not been in Albanv and are nrobablv headed this way it will be but Justice to our citi zens that they be placed on their guard. The Eugene Guard says: "A bag pipe roan held forth on the streets last even ing. He attracted a crowd of boys. At tbe postofRre corner a stereoptician giv ing views of war scenes held forth with a volubility that would cause a fish-woman to die with envy. At the same place a telescope was in position to gather in tha nickles but the cloudy weather was a bar to the proprietor doing a profitable busi ness." Ledakow. Rev Hanleiter requests us say that in Kept, about the 1st to 15th, he will begin a camp-meeting, just north of the ditch on the Lebanon and Albany road. Bishop Key and other prominent ministers are expected to assist during tbe meeting. Mr J B Thompson, an old resident cf Linn county, has bought the St Charles hotel, of this city, and has taken charge, the consideration being $4500. lie bought 01 win uuy and M V Uoua. Express. A.cliiden cleaning contest, for the chickens and the stakes, took place Tues day between tbe cooks of the Arlington note! and tne American iubcu counter and chop bouse. It was as hilarious sport aa a cork pit contest, some thirty or more people being present, with Patsy Donoghu settle notorious, as referee and grand master of cereminies. The al mond-eyed son of the t lowerr Kingdom came oft victorious, remdving the head and cleaning his chicken of all feathers in just twenty seconds. Uotn chickens were still kicking vigorously after their neaos, learners ana tans were "in tne soup." Ashland Kecord. A 8uairr Mistake. The other, day in speaking of the commencement exercises of tbe Willamette University the Orego nian said: "President Van Bcoy gave nis annual ball to the graduates and ministers in the evening." Of course a great mistake on the face of it, one no donbt resented by the mini iters of balem. Fearful Fall. Frldsy a Mr J II Campbell was raising the timbers of a new barn which he 1 building for Worth Hus ton, some 8 mile, south of the city, a top bent fell, carrying with it a workman by the name of Pippin, who fell thirty feet and was caught under a timber six by six. 111. ankle wa. crushed and he was other wise seriously hurt, lie may not recover. .Released. Harry Preston, the printer, who was arrested In Corvalll. several months sgo, snd plead qullty In Jackaon county to a charge of burglary and sen tenced to Imprisonment for one year, hai been released after serving seven months. Through gooda behavior he gained three month, lie ha. gone to San Francisco and says he will do better hereafter. Beats Twenty-one. Oregon'. largest city as consolidated Is larger than the largest elites in Arizona, Alabama, Arkan sas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,. Iowa, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Carolina,. South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington and Wyom ing, a fact the Democrat consider, worth considering. - Bcrofulouf, eruptions, snob aa pimple, diaooloratioa of the .kin, especially on the face, ara earned by impure bood and will disappear rapidly by nsiog Pfuoder'. Ore gon Blood Pnrifier. Excitement TJtio. kigk ia Albany at Fothay k Ma sua . drug .tore over sysram uulidar, as everybody is oiing it far I atarrk af tfcs Stt!, Pysoepila Coosttsatlon and Irn- setiifc ad ranaosAi, TllVHHDAY. A lloenlcke was In Portland yesterday Mr Walter Turretl, of Tacoma, Is In the uy. Mr. J II went to I'm Hand this noon, U Utnkln lef. on basinets. (his noon for La Grsnde Mr 1. E lllaln went I 1'ortland litis noon or. buslneai. Mr El' a n Vamllo left this noon on a vuH to Ouklaud, Ur, P J Mliler, clerk ot the R R Com, was id tne city today. John l otter .and Price Scott, two of lliiiiton county' pioneer and wealthy lanncrs, were in 1119 city louay. Mr. Henry Slee. of Spokane. w.o ha. been visiting In the city the guest of her mother Mr. Cha Wagner, returned home m.iav. Hon J K Wrathertord, J W Cu.lck. F M Kedileld. II P Waldron and F K Alle i are In Portland attendliir 'he erand lodire 01 piaaons. Mr A I) Leedr. of Umstllla count, who ha. been vWtlng relative, and MenJa In and around Albany, returned home this noon. Mrs Wlllard Allen, cf Canada, accom panied by twochlldren,arrived In the city laat night on a vialt to her slater, Mr S W Kota. Mr Ilollenbeck. ot the C B R atore. cm to cugene today to attend tite com rrenccment exercltet of the State Unlver. ly, which begin on Sunday. Mr Frank Preoat graduated at Princeton College yciterday. Some ol his AJbany menus telegraphed congratulations. Mr I nipil la expected In Albanv about tha 20! h Instant. 1IC Clement and family, of Tacoma. patted through Albany today for Khedd, where the latter will remain acverat weeka the guest of trs Clements narenta. Mr end Mrs Jonae Davis. I .et reports from Supt. McElroy In. dlcate that hia condition I Improving. The nurse who aat uo with him laat nUhi confirms this. None but the family are yet allowed to see him. lie took son. nourishment this morning and excellent hopes sre tntertslned.-Journal. 0 ALIMMI &EUMION, The annual reunion of the Alumni of the Albany Collegiate Institute wa. held at the College last evening and proved a fine affair. A nice lunch wa served by Gocts Bros, after which tbe following responded to by the pert). toaid. were named: Condition of the Col!ege. President Condlt The Faculty Prof W H Lee Learning 4c Wltdom.Prof Torbel, Lebanon Ctas. ot 'jj Mrs C II Stewart Claa.ol74 lire II F Merrill CUaaof 7S Mrs Capt Powell Claa of 'Tt. MU Annie Alihouse Cat of 7 Percy Kelley ClaaaofW Colllna Elkina Class of '9 Mitt Irgt Robertaon Class of V Letter from Lewi. Lee Class of 'yl C B Nut Mr Richmond Wheeler responded to the Introduction ot the new data Pro! Lee wa. beard In a solo and recitations were dcllveied by MUace Alice Moae and Ilcttle klilter. The following were, pres ent: President at.d Mrs Condlt. Pre! W, and Mlt. Lib Irvine.ot tha faculty.Dr and Mrs Gwynne, Mrs Clara Wolvenon and husband, Mrs Weltha Sox and husband, Mrs Jennie Falling, Mrs Kale Burkhart. MrsLlbble Merrill and hutband, Mrs Cora Stewssi, Mrs MgRle I'owell.l'crcy elley,Uulncey Proptf, Culllns Elklns, Percy Youne.Carl- ton Sox, Rlchmoud Whecler.Koy Ballard, piwtca ueicn crawiora.Anna M A II house, Flora Maton, Ina Robertson and HetMe Miller. raibAY. Mrs Murray and daughter McpU r- turned home from Haiem last evening, where Mis Maggie ha been attending the Sisters school. Mr Milton Beach. who haa been In the city several weeks, will leave tomorrow morning for Mayview, Garfield county, Wash., where he will reside with bis brother, Harvey Beach. Geo K ChamUrlaln.of Balem . attorney general. Is in Eugene. He received the congratulations of his many friends her. Eugene Guard. Mr Chamberlain is of Albany, and will probably remain a resi dent of this city, his duties as attorney general not necessitating a change. Following is the graduating claas of the But Normal school at Monmouth, the commencement exercise ot which begin on June 21st: - Ida It Scofleld, An na 8 Powell, Charles W Wester, Mayette Gileon, Elizabeth Carothera, Helen M Hibbard, Laura A Davidson, William A Gilmore, Clarence W Altman.Wiliiam A wann, a louis Jiriggs, Samuel Howe, Alice Savage.Charle A Simon ton, Cecelia Hlgley, O Pell Ireland, West Hughes, Margaret Riddle, Everett E Edmonds, I rands J Bailey. SATtSnAY. Mr O'Nell. of the Lebanon paper mill, waa in inc cuy too ay. Rev T G Brownson, of McMlnnvllie, waa In the city today. v Mr E Ball, of San Francisco, Is In the city visiting ber nephew, Geo P Warner. Last evening a very entertaining social was given at the Y M 0 A rooms. Games were played, music indulged in and many attractive features presented for the edification of the large number pres ent, Judge etrahan, Charle Ffeiffer and 0 W Watt left this morning on a fish ing excursion on tbe north Rantiam. They are recognlaed to be expert with fish line and come large catches are an ticipated. About fifty coupie attended Mr II Q Hopkins' closing social dance at the opera bouse, last evening, and report one of the plcasantest event of the sea son. Mr Hopkins has proven himself a first-class instructor in the art of dancing. . Pr Thompson, of Corvallis, has been in the city with roost of his family, men tion of wlom waa made a few dava ago. as having a reunion at Corvallis. It is not often in tbis western country that so large a family gets together from so many purees. Yesterday thev all united at tne residence ol Mr Win Fortmiller, Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Leona Willis, daughter of Mr and Mrs Leo Willis, of Salem, to Mr Edgar B Piper, editor of the Urav's Harbor Tunes. Tha mftrrlnffflf will nw-nr Wulnuila. June 17, at 9 p m. at the residence oi the bride's parents, corner Capital and Center streets. Mr Finer is a forma resident cf Albany, where his slater, Mrs E W Langdon, now resides, and Miss Willis is well known here on account of her tine voice, having sang here on sev eral occasions. . - ttavalttes ia Jackets. I have received a small assortment ef novelties in ladies spring jackets, mad in the latest styles of Blazers and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. expect to carry a full line of theee good as well as all the leading styles in Ladies canes, neaued, crochet ana In cloth, Orders taken for special sizes and styles, cam 1 js xouxav aaj..ti.aa B 0 Wall Paper, etc, I ha ve Just received a new line of wail paper and decorations, Have more than doubled my facilities for kand'Ing them,' and will keep amuck larger stock. Wall paper and border t anatch. Beauties, and much cheaper than ver before. sJamusl . Youk, VODBLK DKALtNO. ' Pretldent Harrison appear, to be con vlctetl ot double-dealing by an ardent member of his own party. Ihomas W Misner of Detroit, Michigan,! a cousin of Lan-lng B Misner, ex-Mlnl.ter to Guate mala. Since the tatter's peremptory re call he has taken up the cudgel. In defense of hia relative, and now makes public for the first time President llsrtlaoii's letter to the president of Guatemala relating to the decapitation ot an Envoy Extraordi nary. Mr Misner obtained a copy of this format communication from the es Min ister hlmtclf, and he think It ought to be printed "to .how tha inconal.le ncy of the President and Mr Blaine." Following I. Ihe letteri . Tu Ilia Excellency the President of the KeputHie ot ouatemaia. Great and Good Friend: Mr Lansing B Mlzner, who has tor some time past re sided near the Government ot Your Ex cellency In the character of Envoy Extra ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, having by dlrection,retumed to the United State,and being thus unable to prevent hi letters of rerall In person, I have Intrusted to his auceasor the duty of placing tltem in Your Excellency 's hsnda. I am pleated o believe that Mr Mlzner. durtna Ida tntaaion. devoted all hia effort Ir. .1 r.n..l li.n I n 1 1 iMnrl ,n.lrKta wAitstm I and tne friendly relation wrticn nave hap pily ao long existed between the two countries and I entertain the hope that white fulfilling satUfaetortiy the truat Im posed upon him. he succeeded in gaining sour Excellency, esteem and good win. Written at Washington thla ith day ot December, In the year 1890 Your good Friend, Oy the President- Benj. Harrison. james O Blaine, Secretary ot state, 'a The particular contradictions to which UrMbmer makes special reference will be apparent upon placing U1 by ld tb abov cxprt salon ol approval and the opinions of quit another character pre viously utured by both Mr Harrison and Mr Blaine. After reviewing Ihe case at length the Secretary ol Stat concluded hie letter ot recall to Minister Mlaner with the words: For your course, therefore In Interven ing to permit the authorities of Guatemala to accomplish thsir das I re to capture Gen. narmndia 1 can discover bo jusuncauon. Yon war promptly Informed that your act wa regretted, 1 am now directed by the president to Inform you that t&l dis avowed. The president Is, woreover, of opinion thst your utefelaes In Central America last an end. You win.inereiore, leave your post with all convenient det. petch, turning over your Legation to Mr ihsrced AaTairee sd interim, through whom jour letter of recsll will uoaequently be presented to the ouate- tnalaa government. Pretldent Hsirlso closed his reference to the rpstter In his message to congress as follow.; It being evident that th Mlnltter, Mr Mlaner, bad exceeded the bounds of his u'horlty In Intervening, In compliance wrih the demand, of the Guatemalan au- horlttes. to authorize and effect. In viola tion of precedent, the aelzur on a veaael ot tne united states 01 a passenger in transit charged with political off en tea, In order that he might be tiled for euch of fense under what was described a martial law, 1 waa constrained to disavow Mr Misner s act and recsll him from bis post. These statement, were made at the opening of congress In the first week of De cember. Scarcely a fortnight later Presi dent Harrison wrote.and Secretary Blaine attested that he wrote, to thu president ot Guatemala saying that Minister Misner had been fulfilling satisfactorily the trust imposed upon him." i This lesds Thomas W Miaoer to suspect that the president has undergone a change ot heart, and It so, he wonders why h does not make th fact public, or In some other way relieve th ex-Mlnlstcr ot the odium attached to his official action. The Mendi and neighbor ot Mr Misner declsse that he U not generally considered an unreasonable man. The alliance leader of Butler comity, Kantae, have begun preparation for a monster farmer' demonstration July 4, sndhavs determined to Invite ex-Senator" ohn J IngaU to speak before them.belng assured that he will make a good alliance adJre... The republican propos to have a non-partisan celebration, and have In. vtted Senator Plumb- to make the Ipeeen. They aay they will not allow the alliance procession on the streets, while the farmers declare that they will pared It there has to be war. The greatest kaowa depth of tie oceaa la tbe Psdfie is near tbe Ladrooc islands, wbere soundings were mad to the depth ot x 6,8 50 feet, or a Utile over ftv miles. Ia tb Atlan tic th gtatest depth found Is lust forth of th West Indian Islands, which is 33.150 feet or nearly four and a' kali miles. Ia those parts of Iks oseaa most frse from islands, ss ia th root from Newfoundland to Irelaad, the oceaa U meat shallow, seldom exceeding ia, 000 feet Stat Senator J E Broome of Florida has uit the legislature ot that state for presidential preference with th fol lowing results 1 ' For Grover Cleveland.... 43 For DB Hill S5 For LL Polk 13 No Preference......... , For Senator Palmer................. For Gov Campbell ror Benjamin iiarr!son((J B Smith, Kep) I he tkvlda legislature contlttt of 99. democrats ani 1 republican. A smart old man in South Dexter, M eighty-four year old, takes care of hi horse, cow, cslf, pig, and saws and splits ail his wood, alio waits on hit Invalid wife. He doet the work about.the house, makes four or five pounds Of butler a week. carries it to market and geta twenty cent a pound. He Isn't asking people to get. up donation parties or fairs to pay his bills. A monster egg Is exhibited IB the muse um at Buda-Peth,!Junary. It It an egg of the prehistoric bird tspfornls, and but few muteums possess such a specimen, 148 hen's egg would find room in it, and it would hold, nearly nine quart, found In 180 In Madagascar., It waa A Florida paper that ought to know tayt there are "over thirty. three" varletie of tweet oranges, not tb mention the "nat ural stock, hich It larger and handsomer fruit than the tweet orange, and it It ex cellent for orangeade and marmalade, but being very aour, I. seldom thlsped north One of the largest casks In this country hat been constructed at Toledo, Ohio. It of oak, weighing 40,000 pounds,' hold 66,000 gallons of wine, and retts on massive oak crsdle whtch raises It about three feet fronthe floor. A Kewtastle inventor has applied for a patent to construct cycle wheels without spokes, Ufctfig Instead two tvi' c very 8T1LL BOCUBOKUTIC. The Washington corrtipondcnt of the St Louis linntlie says: It Is reasonably celaln that the next re publican national convention will mak a positive declaration iu favor of the force bill and include that monstrosity a one ol the chief article, ot 'he republican creed. One of the most Influential cf the non ofTklal western republicans, an ex-congressman and an ex-judge of the supreme court of the slate, ha been In Washington for the past few dava. He It an old friend of Harrison and had a two hour' conver sation with him a few days ago. The question of the force bill came up and Harrison Insisted that It should become a permanent article of republican faith. Your correspondent had an opportunity to converse today with tht western republi can regarding hi. conversation with liar- rlaon. In response to the queatlon whether ho was confident that the force bill would recelr recognition In the president's next menage and b a factor in Ihe next presi dential rice, lie said: ' "I am a. confident cf that a. I am of anything. Nothing hatoccurredto change th pre.ldent'i view about southern at- fahs, He knew before going down there that the south wait prosperous; that she waa- bu'.ldlng tip the waste places rapidly. II went down snd viewed with hi own eyes the wonderful progress madr.but did not consent while there, nor dee he con sent now that he has returned here, that as much could net and would not have been accomplished under other political conditions. Thia It where the mistake it made. ' "As far the next tepubilcan national cof veatlon I concerned It course on the subject Is easily forecast. Tb expression there for national control of national election will be as strong as language can make It Aw organization to that end U already In existence, and when the time comes there will be no dissenting propoai llona. In my judgment, Indeed, the de mand for the national supervision of elec tions will be as strong and as direct In the Mat national platform aa the expression of continued approval of the prlnclplea of protection will be." The view ez pressed by thla gentleman ar ojly confirmatory of what other Ici ng polltlcan. have been saying ever since Die adjournment of congrets. Harrlton will recommend the passage of th farce bill In hit next message jutt the same at If h an Idea that the democratic hote of representatives or the Independent repub licans and democrat ot the senile would take any notice of him. He will do tbis for th purpose of keeping the question alive and very much alive until the con vention meet. He expect to be the can- dldate ot the convention to succeed him- aelf In the White House, snd It Is his de sire to make the race on a force-bill plat form. cuimus cosrtoiox. Coffee is on tbe fee list, but it it advancing in piica. Tbe argument advanced by tbe free trader with regard to sugar won't apply to ccflcc. Tbis tariff business is somewhat pecu liar anyway, bat ii? Scio J'rtst Detpile alt that be said, prctectionUti and republicans like our Mend, tbe editor of the , will blind iy persist in larrounding tbelr minds with a common confusion when treating of the balderdash theory of protec- tieclam or McKinleyitm. Tbe arguments of ths "frt ttders as tbe editor of tbe Prtu caOe the democrat, is that prices are regulated by tb great law of supply n i demand. This law, like that of IH Made and 1 tr.iaoi. is !mi.,l!lLI. Th. f rlV. f M r I tr-vrtt! I n mad higher generally by levying a protecw daly on it, but even under that duty the ptice will vary p and do a a fmra the ordinary price, as ths article may be plenty or scarce, or the demand nay be great or small, never the lets tbe ordinary pries ef that article will ba higher under protection than under free trade, else protection to the protected would be. a delusion, A protective larilT makes priest of protected articles higher generally "or it does not. .H it does ths manufacture would want tha UrirT, and if it does not he wil) not want it, Tbcaact that manufacturer are always iefore congress clamoring for higher protection, shows that it make, prices higher. Ws trust brother Dugcer of the P1 will deteit ths old exploded thatn of McKinleyitm aod align himself with th interest, of the resists against Ihe clastea. McKinlryUrn it doomed. The prohibition Mat convention of Iowa, kat adopted a platform and nomhated a fu'I stats tkket. The platform adopted .ia long and complicated. It favors straight out pro hibit! m, free sad unlimited coinage,. Austra lian ballet rtform, stste convtal utaty to en lore prohibition, end immediate abolishment f the whole United Sta'es inttrn-l revenue ystem, sine it operation ia to encourage by recognizing the liquor . traffic. Thero was coosiderable discussion over tbe platform, but It waa finally adopted as a whole. The can didates aominaUd are as follows: Governor, Iaaae T Gibson, Salem; Ueutcsant governor, J G Little, Perry: superintendent of public iar strnction, Mrs II A Dunham, Burlington; railroad .commissioner, C S Hayne, Coyne: supreme judge, D B Twtney, Bennett A ttate central committee wat elected, composed of one member Irom each district, and other plant were formed to carry on an active cam' paign. - The action of the people's party in dodging the prohibitory issue, both in th Cincinnati and Dis Mjinet platform, wst denounced. Tb McKiuley tax on on tin-p!atwill be gin going into th treasury July 1. It la now going into the pock.ota of English macofacturers, who, a toon as the bill passed; pot op tbair prices io expectation of th rash to get tla into this ootratry bofor tbe tireasary begins eolleatlog the tax. Th bill baa thae given th.m at least $5,000,000 of American money, representing American work, before it pats single cent into the treasury. The Thirty-first district democrat of Tiffin, Ohio have nominated th Hon Wil liam C Gear of Upper Sandusky for atate senator today and indorsed Gov, Cimplell, whiiafree silver wa given a bkekejo. Tbe district gliaa oy.r 1,000 d.mocrttlo major, ity. : ;: .. : The condition oi winter wheat through, out Pennsylvania It more piomlslng than lit any year tl nee 1880 Recent rains throughout the west have greatly benentttd growing crops. Tfea crop situation It one of remarkable promise. Tnst arrived a full line of ladies, ohil-' and boy's foot wear at G W t Simpson's, which will be told at bottom prices. VHER2T0 GitThsM. n? 1 or ' 1 " a c ' t on X h en wanting A SCROFULOUS BOY. IUmning flor-s Covered- Ills Body and uwvi. jjous Aocied. Cured by CutU-ura Itenedle. TTVn at BwmtJst old, u? U'. hd 0 our PUir gfandejiis 1.ko w avail, awl nd i,r-wr. A-iftf9B f-T a Ikrii t. 1 EA u. ...... lit . . . . . - . .t " - ' rc Ktiueu 11, Mil all t purpf". Al,m (if nuHUia aft-f 11 b-, :. rat.uu.jf fjts. Hooa r-thar tori form. j;t i tarn, bud aa Lit hlin-i mora ai mora itr.t.. it took kma dm fnr ti.x , bfk not. A ew tl-rir X r? jr9i fha l'ln, k tlw a. - V kVTi KP wlh waary off. . f Vy lfi ti wa cm a.-.!t,l f. ili.-lnrj(;o a rreid-jtl. wna bis etudiUna r.l It,.-,, t memth oy, f.vt i u, diirfKiK tl cara ot him, h Bit.iW IiimIiik ilinf rl f J of eoaraA). JTa ooul'i Kill a Hul. but er.i, i )4 on if h f.:ll liana, iw.4 rouH tudmott in lf- l. natii.f i.o tia of bit handt. 1 Imir . '... r-.K.-i4icad I C(Tif 1 at Urinvir.n, 1.. all Uf'-j. fti wva afur onoiawr h"l.t). a U in Xlmt lurtr.ii. a la aea ona of Umm fl, Arrp rti Jnt M.'ort n.hiii.a, which would nllr trow I... and WKtti tktu oat; the thtf would hal raT44s l)r,n nt ihrw u!jr bono nnu-a I prtorr, A tier tuition a dixoa and a baif bottla b (. ))ttljf t-ird, arid U now, at tfea am of alt ai. alr,riK;.t,1h.Lij rhlld, Mua.. 8. 1)KIO,., HaxV, ltst, ia It. Clay (St., lloooli-,. I Mr araodaoa rmnaiDa Darfaetlr welt. Fortrt , KTof.da aod ao orea. Mm. B. 8. . . f, IM. Sloondcgtau, Cutlcura Resolvent Th nw floud Pnrtnar, lolemally (to rlmtt ti Kkml of ail Iratmrttica aod paiaoaoaa eiratcnta a thot ti, ib caoaa), axd-CVricrraa, tha f (kin C4-, and Crnci;aa Hoar, as otqgialto t -1 IWiitt ;r. muirnally (to eloar tha akta aod ara I: and r-wbtra Oxhairi.eiiraaTrltaaaaiui hm... of l.u mis aod blood, treat pimplto to sarofuia. UniJ awrrwhara. Prlra . fl it 1111 a . tJtm . t... f K ,; yemvrnvr, at. frnarrd by Ilia r.mif l ai 'j i i'ttaaical. CoBeoatnoii, ftnatr.n. una lot - How to Car Blood Ptaaaaca." Pi PY'C Pk1n panflad and beantllW linvi u ir vvriccaa soar. Abaoiou! jMtf RHEUKAT10 In an mlnuto Ihe Cntb-ami .. J FaJa) PUsetor railawa rbwirua'i. . . "Sk atte. fclti, kidney, thtmt, and eK.i LW 1 oaloa aod wr.ktw. I . . 2v ilv m I s low Embracing all thejlatest Novelties in Dress Both in WOOLEN and -To The I Make a Specialty of Ladies Ribbed and Mcslix. My Pihces aro ti.6 LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am solo Cgent - for the Celebrated 18. E. H0SIEEY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. : To The Men Call and Look at My values in efaawa ; aw ' , t' I 'mm mm aao.. aw awa lWt aat jr s to 'u&iuM& :r I tiOkve-a jargis Stock at tbe Loweut I catry a- ' .ft Ulie of tbe worlJ-reucrwed BROADHEAD good, nnzoe!ld for wear ar rfrm. Large stock of Embboidebies and F&otocihgb. Cal . and txs co oed that Albany I tho best trading point ia Oregon. - BUY THE "MITCHELL WAGOfl," AchlOfMieJ Monarch of the Road. We carry a fall line of Htrkt. BugftlM and Carritge; alee- Farm Implement of all kind. jatOall on u before parotuvslng Elsewhere. Mitchell & LewisCo.; : Albany, "Oregoa WILL usic - M Kotlee oar list or rtana , Tf HfTT T T?T f The moat popular piono among tbe world' M. X jjlJLlili 111 It l famous Pianist. T Tb Tin Bra C VO SE & SON ITn x?JS&r Palaei stud EarhntT 3Ione Proof OrEavns, OoHnr. VIolina , , Small ItMttutonta at Specialty. Agent for tb How Ilornei, Eldrldgo B. andojher Sewing Maohlnta. HuppUe for all kind ol Sewing Machine. We guard our customers Interest nd guarantee Batlafaction. Wa atte carry a "fall aaaortsxeas af Msule aad Haalc Boo is. Cor.' Second and Ferr7 sts,, ' (Send for oataiogus.) Albany, Or. i1 i((7c )a 11 1 --fin r-ifjrzz'r jn jj 1 1 1 1 g a 1 1 1 I -! 1 i I 1 I: V. t . - . Lis La lJ U. Lrji.ji --- J.kW i ft SS k ia rm 6 fa t.,j Z3 ' , m -i 4 1- f !. '; S i 'I t '-! - -a ' F0H SALE. Two good boggy borse, cd wU Brsken, together with good baek and t nt tfostbl hsmena. App'toJF Bavek la. rtaddene eraer ef Calapoela and Ktnth Mreete. EedCrowiiMiUs w tocm:4TL2" tvrKaio va VAWtJS Aim xkf M vac. REST STORACB FlCfpillig. 'a. ALBANY OR. fEITSlis & EULBIET EE02,. Real Efitatt AjesU FarntS and Baaeias fraal. Alto oity brotrty in Albanv aod CoryaUl. Revere House:- iLBlNT, - - OREGOIf gHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, rttted up la frat-eiaas ttyl. Table tuprjMed with the beet ia tl roaraat. tie aleeplng apartment, eUmpls toomt r eomi usegetat traveler. tiua laa.'-e ramoty toj fi aaaaatWauat a (itaws. Tawealy aa;a imetrfer I an t iiioraorW bilaa. 1 aeaarriM It tad itest aaga In rarwunaodlEj K rw mltKAmt Jt A- J. BTOKfeB, It I, ASASttV ' at. A a Goods WASH FABRIC"! Ladies,- Underwear, m Ksi - f ari n rr w t af'i W W vLSw 5 Price ever ufird iw tbe Yal!f LINK, Dealers. anaTb f Celebrated fot ita briUian. f Celebrated 13, I flnUh and durabUlty. priced lan (DUE 11 i AfiY t .Limmmi "P!,jYV'-ftw i BIT CUFSE3 I 5 -3 f jZmt lT 1 1 1 T JtiZHmtMH aaatn,6 Wi, r it r - ,