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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1891)
Site mm FRIDAY.. MAT11 20, 1891 STITE3 Ss Utters km4 prlrCars. LOCAL, iCCOUD. v t n i..hTAiNxntT. Miss Mar- " k VI rra fir...... C 'lr who will rccito at D"1VI UIRVV tha entcrt'menl w 00 ,vcn "e A s W . A 1 Relief r..4 In Opera House, on v.i ! .fenlna. March 20th. ia hliihly praisA01" l,er wonderful cifU as an elo cutirti by H wl'O have listened to her rw,,MK. We quote the following favor- b noticee: "A iclect and highly appreciative au- dience greeted Mine Seriber at the I'rcs hyterian church last Saturday evening" 1 he encores were o emphatic and pro longed aa to make the program consist ol twelve instead of aix st'loeiions. Hy the urgent requeet of nearly the entire com munity, Miss&rlber wilt give another entertainment here in the near future." Woodburn Independent, "The recitation of Miss Hcriber was a great trcat.and the people w ere delighted w ith the excellence of the reading." Bilverton Appeal. That PsTairtKD Mam. -The petrified man found In the river thli fide of Eugene City a few day ago, taken I ti rough Albany thU motning, billed to a Mr Ire land, of Salrm. 'the D smock at U In debted to Mr A D Darker, the erudite bag gage man, lor a description of the gen'ie man. He ha a large body, with short leg, the feet having been knocked off, while the head I massive and Indication of hair are plainly teen There wa a striking resemblance to Jack Lrmmona, a resident of Albany and Salem, at different time, several year ko and Mr Darker would not be surprised If it were teally Jack. The tlone la pronounced to be that of a petrified man. It at least ! a great curiosity, and will be a valuable addition to any museum. Improvement N'iidid,- Big fir tree In the business part of a city do not look well, particularly to an outsider, who I generally pretty 'critical. Thcru are everal of these eyesore at the corner1 of First and Lyon aireeta, on the property owned by Col. Hogg & Co. which present a very countrified apect. They should be cut nto stove wood. Complaint I alio made 0 the Democrat that the owner have not made connections with the main sewer. 1 hey should be made to do so the same as other people. Under our new charter no favorr should be allowed. A Hotel at the Santlaui mines is one of the probabilities of the summer. The large influx of people there this year will make one a necessity, and it ia probable there will be stores and other buildings erected, in fact a young mining town. The place will be about twenty tnilea from Catesville.not a very great distance to hanl supplies. ome of the machin ery for the near mill has already been ordered and it ia proposed t i have the entire outnt on the ground as soon as possible after the snow is off. This wil 1 be a year of mining excitement around Albany. Reqi'tred a Double Icterpbxter. One of the curious cases of the Circuit C oortthis session was that between two deaf and dumb men who had a fight near b weet Home, when the case was called a n interpreter was asked for and Mr W C Tweeuale quite proficient in the deaf and dumb language, was secured. Then it was learned that the men could not speak English, and it w as found impos sible to get a Uei man deaf and dumb in terpreter. As a last resort the men wrote their story in German, and the language was interpreted. It was a slow, silent case, without any quarrelling between the lawyers and witnesses. D. Irvine Resigned. Dr E L Irvine, who has been the second assistant phys ician In the Oregon stcte insane ast lum since 1S87, has tendered his resignation as sucn ana remoTcu 10 l oniana, wnere ne will continue the practice of his profess ion. Hi office will be at the corner of Fourth and Washington streets. Ur Ir vine I a pleasant gentleman and an able physician and '.eaves many friends In Ss lem and at the Institution in which hi tabors have been for the past four years, who wUtt him prospentt in his chosen field and piofession. His successor has not yet been named. In this connection It fright be stated that as per report of the legislative committee a tl.l-d assistant physician Is required, the Increasing number of patient making the work too much for the present force. There will therefore, be two new physician appoint ed at an early day, a second and third as sistant. Salem Stitcsroan. A Goon Idea. A farmer while sluing In hi wagon on First Street wailing for some goods ordered from an adjoining store was staring at the dormant face of the dial on the Masonic Temple, with rather ot a puzzled look, a a Democrat man approached. "I was thinking," ald he, "tha If Al bany people are too poor to put a clock up there I'd circulate a subscription paper out in the country for one. It would be a fine thing for us farmers trading here." The He a struck the Democrat man as a good one. Albany reeds a town clock badly, and the Masonic temple is just about as good a place as any. At least everything is ready for ue, "and we sug gest that the farmer be allowed to circu late the paper. Some In Albany even, would subscribe liberally. T11 a Foolkillkr needs to come around frequently. The Salem Statesman tells of a man who might be taken in by him: "A Polk county hop grower last fall, when hop first came In market, had 58,000 pound of th; redolent berry. He was offered forty-one cents a pound for them when the market was at its highest. By the advice of his friends, who expected hops to go up to 50 or 60 cents, he refused to sell them. As a result he ow has 53,ooo pounds of hop for which he can find no market at a figure above 24 cents. This is a loss of 17 cents on the pound, or $9,860 on the season's output. This is pretty expensive advice. Nor A Tata iJill. The grand jury this afternoon returred into coart "not a true bill" against Samuel Nottinger Sr., Hamuel Nottinger Jr., Gilbert McElrov, Rudolph Springer, George Steavens and II J iiittner, bound over heretofore to await the action of the grand jury on a charge of riot. These are the parties charged with breaking into the Evangeli cal Church building at Sweet Home some weeks ago. This is only one of the many disturbances growing out of the division In that church over the removal of Rev Bow man as a bishop of that Church. The S. O. Corset. Impart a most graceful shape, securing comfort and ele gance. Every corset has the self-opening clasps. These ctasps.simple in construction, have double the strength of the ordinary clasps, can be hooked and unhooked In the usual manner, and have the great advanU age In the ease w'.th which they can be un. hooked, by merely pulling the string, and the corset will open like a flash. These clasps are so constructed that they will al ways stay se :urely fastened untf I the string 1 pulled. Any feeling of distress or dis comfort from exertion, or any other cause, tan thus be Instantly relieved without dis robing, allowing heathful action of the body, to the great cemfort of the wearer. u w Simpson, Sole Agent Stop just about in the middle of tbe block, on First street, sonth side, be tween Broadalbin and Ellsworth, and vou will find a place where von can at way tKCt first-class groceries and fresh produce at reasonable prices and be well treated without extra price. The sign reads "Parker Broa.," and everybody knows the name. Their baked goods are the best. Their stock of goods generally s kept replenished to meet the demands I a growing ir&ue. m m Mathews & Washburn's . Line of stovss and ranger, . to bake They take tha cake, why Th bet to boy, no lie. Its boss 00 pie ' or fry.. Buy olio and try, ih my, !'ii?r you ilia ' ! " t. ' Crook Couhty. Klem Fauglit, one of the successful sheep men ot the southern part of the county, was in town jester- day. Ho said he had gone through tho winter without any loss, aim he bad heard of no loss among his neighbors. Peath has again claimed one of Crook county's best ani most honored citisena John l'owell died at his homo, half a mile wcBt 01 rrtnevuie, Minday niglit, after an llluess of only a fewdnvs. o heart disease. Mr Powell w as the oldest son of Key Joab Towel), Well known to all early Orcsnnians, and was born in Cloyborn county, Tenn, July US, 1818, C M KtWns relumed by last Tuesday's stage from below, vt lira gono 110 spent some time in Albany, ana nays Indian tions there are that work will In) resumed on the O 1 early this spring, though nothing dellnite is known of the com- pany's intended actions. Ho says Man ager lloag ia very anxious to get tho road to the sum 111 It of the Cascade mountains and hopes to have that amount of mnd completed within a year at Iwist. Ko vicw. Nrw Cut sen Organic-id. Rev C A Wooley of Eugene, minister of the Cum berland Presbyterian Chucrh denomina tion wsln the city yesterday and organ ized the C I Church of Albany consisting ot 21 member. The meeting wu held In the M E Cl.urch South. Mr Wooley In forms us that he will supply Ihla church with preaching one- a month. It ! not definitely settled where service will b-j held yet, but due notice of time and place will be given. This I a denomination noted for It unassuming religious aoa! and devstlan and will be quite an addition to the army of rellglou worker In Albany, Million is Ir. The Satillam mine are attracting great a'tentkm In Portland, and were the stock of the Albany mines put on the market In that city It would go off with a rush. They are destined to be come the center of mining operation l.t the northwest, in fact on the coast, and everything conduce to this end. The rich find tn the tsonansa mine It not tne only thine that point that wav. The ore that ha been taken out generally ha been of a paying nature. Now all that I necessary I tctlve operation. The Al bany conpany will ush l'elr mine at soon a the now Is off, and it Is probabli several oihei companies wilt put in mil!. There arc millions there. Is the Wkono Place. There are plenty of uncertain people In thl world who hardly know what th?y want, where they are going or whether they exist or not! Recently a family arrived In Albsny from the Eat. and began looking up acme relative they expected to find here. After searching In vain they happened to look at some old tetters they had received tn the Eat,when. with the assistance of an Albany man's brain, they learned that the place they really intended to go to wa Albina. They had bought their tick ets for Albany though, and only blamed themselves for the mistake. Am Acricvltiral PArKA.We learn that arrangn.ents have been made for Is suing an agricultural monthly by parties n this citv. Our popular job printer, Mr E C Phelps, who Is an ni l newspaper man, is the manager and publisher. The first number will be out In a week or ten davs, and It should meet wlilia ready sup port from the farming coir.uiunity. Be c Fashiox. "Asgood be out of the world as out of fashion," onco said a fa mous man. If you would be in fashion call on Mr E A'ScliitHer, in L C Ukiin'a tailoring department, and have him measure you for a seasonable suit. A large and fine assortment of suitiugs for spring have arrived, embracing the latest patterns, offering aa elegant display to select from. In the spring a young man's fancy always turns to a new suit of clothes, and Mr Schifller is rwuly to drcs you tip in a manner that will please the most fastidious. Fresh To-Dat. Celery, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, fresh greens, parsnips, Smyrina fig, golden dates, bauanas, or anges, lemons, apples, Italian prnnes, pitted prunes, choice mackeral, salmon bellies, fresh batter and eggs, at Mueller & Garrett's, the leading grocers. Mad service has I tea ordv-rcd on tbs Or egoo Pacific comtne&ciot April C botwsea Albany acd Uck L'rck tml iat'Miedia'e ofiiues . Rare Baroaiks. 33 do men's l.iun- dried white shirts at BO ct worth (1 UO toll 25. 10 dox men's unlaumlried white shirts at 40 cts worth 75 cte to 1 (X). 30 dox four-in-hand tie at 25 cts worth 60 cts to 75 cts. A few days only. Fale commences to day and for a few days only at the above prices, at U W Simpson's. Bear a That Conn & Ilendric son keep a first-class stock of groceries produce, etc. That they do their own work, Consequently their expenses are light, And they can sell at bottom prices. Ijtrge tales and small profits. Courteous treatment to customers. Best goods in the market, And the freshest in the different de partments, Are the rules they go by. New Fprino Goods. I am now r- eivbig my first invoice of spring novel -ties in wash goods, prints, elrigbnmr, seer suckers, etc, 1 have also just received a new line n all wool summer plaids and beiges. Samuel E Yovxq. From now until April 1st yon can buy a nair of 13 GO Dorpv Vi abnra for 3. A trenuine band-sewed U 60 flex- (able sole shoe at 4. and the best brand af Imperial kid and all other winter young man is already on the road. Mr foods at a like reduction, as we niu.t Bryant is evidently seeking some noto inake room for our larire sorintr stock, riety ; but then ho only claims to be a which is daily arriving at Klein Bros exclusive boot and shoe store. Ciieaf Wood. Good fir wood delivered to any part of Albany, for only 13 a cord Leave orders at P VY Hpii.ka' lumber yard. s Keep it iu your oiiud tbat Allen Bros pro- rose keeping tti kind 01 groceries the poblto rrttd. Jbir tck is a tme n,e Tickets for ALL eetra ANY route, for s! by W. tbe ticket office, . tioinU, ovel L. Jester, at A fin stock of loa curtain for 0 0 entt toflO to suit th-a Sii-ttoTjir, at Fortmiler & Irving'. Paisley b Smiley, The Printers, Fllnn Block From now until Apii! 1st wo will tell all of ocr rnbbes good at cost fur tbe oath only, lJl early wbile tbe assort is B'.ill lurira at Klein Btos. Newt Blacksmith Siioi'. G iV Willis his just completeu his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad ttreett where all kind of iron and wood work can be had and done In first class order Bring on youi plows, wagons, etc., etc. tor reps ir A Ms-SAI INJECTOR free with each bottle cf Shiloh s Catarrh Remedy, Price SO cents. Fobay& Mason, agents. " WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspep.ia aod Livur Complaint? SbilohYt Vitalizar is guaranteed to core you. Ladics. Look out for the announce ment of the grand mll'lnery opening at the Ladles Bazaar. Style and price ill turpats all previout efforts. Mavelllet ! Jackets. I have received a small assortment of novelties in ladies spring iackets, made in the latest styles of Blazers and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry a full line of these goods, as well as all the leading styles in Ladies uapes, Deaued, crochet and in ciom. Orders taken for special sizes and styles. CAM L lii X OIWG. Patronize Falsity ft Smiley, Oar er Married. MORGAN-MOOUE. On Tuesday, at Corvallis. by Eev E 3 Thompson, Mr Lawrence Morgan, son of Mr Miller Morgan, of Bhedd, and Miss Laura Moore, of Eugene. uoitx. WA. To tbe wifa of San Wa a boy. RO(lL axd firoal, MONDAY, Mrs 0 P RaJor, of Portland, I In the city visiting relative and friend. Mr Draeger Is In the city, 1he gucsf ot Air c r aox, an out Lantern school male, V I.alr lllll, brother of Dr J L Illll, of this city, received $17,000 for codifying tho laws of Washington, Mr John htinpson, one ot Corvalli's prominent and popular cltlacn, lias been in the city today, accompanied by hi wife. E G Sprawl, apeclal agent of the Liver pool, London V Globe Insurance Co, of which Judge J C Powell l locnl agent, I In the city. A Halvoracn, the well known miner. wa Kcn ill on relitrntmr Irani Mn em few day ago, and I now at the home of Mr Robert Urown. where hai reerlvlnir good attention. Judi'C Boise and district sttjrnw Hlntr. mni rviurnca irom fta etn toil 11 v. T he district attorney hn had hi hand full thl trm, the grand Jury having more km,, case with nothing In them than for uanr year. Mr Cha Metxcar. havlna settled un all his business affairs In ltd cltv, return with hi family today to Albany. Only a short time In the capital cltv. he have many friends who wUh hint well wherever he msy cast his tot. Salem Journal, The v omen' Relief Corn of Albany will give an entertainment at the Opera House on the cvcnlnt; of the loth, consist. Ing of rccltntissns by Mis Margaret Grace Scriber, varied with a musical program. MlssScilbvr ha but recently returned from a wars tratnliff at the Boston schord of elocution and Is highly praised by audi ence In Salem. IWtland and other place wnere tney nave listened to her read nu. TUMtiAY. II F Mcllwaiii went to' Pan Kraactsco yesterday for a couplo weeks. 8 N Steele went to tho front on the Oregon PariHc this morning. I'itftrli-t Clerk C (1 Burkhart has begun the assessment of Albany for Hist 6. Assessor II 8 Williams is in the city and will soon begin the assessment of the county. W It iCavmond, special agent of the Guardian Insurance Co., went to Cottage Grove today to assess the loss of i&HtO on the f!ro which burned .the Hour mill of Senator Veatch recently. Clara Foltx, the California lawyer, who lerlurc-d in Albany a few years ago ow (V.. Bakar, to an audience of seven peo ple, was in Astoria fer da ago on business. Mr Caleb Gray, of Halsey, is in the city, coming voluntarily to settle with the routt for wiling liquor without a li cense. Mr Gray snys li had no idea he was violating any law when he disposed f the lkiuor, he supposing it w as for a sic, person. Mr Cheney, rerently from Nebraska, who has been forking in the County Recorder's office several making nrranjicnn-nts to start ft w eekly paper In Alltany, Republican in politic, to be known as tho Journal. Mr Cheney is an experienced new spaper nmn,and has two or three plants ready to bring here. WKKSrsilAt. Mr George V Davis, of ldd, went to Portland this noon. Mr L T Brock h ft this noon for Port laniL and other places on a prospecting tour. Mr S Goldman, reoreaentlinr tli Cn- lumbia Itive Paper (V. of Port'and.was in the city to-day. Mr Thomas lUrrison, f Brownsville, was in the city to-day. The Democrat acknowledges a pleasant call. Miss Flora Lew is left Uii noon for her home at Kllensborgh, Vah., after a visit here of several weeks. Rev nominirer passed through Albany this noon for hugme, where he will lec ture to-night, exhibiting, his mummy. Miss Clara Foltx, the charming Cali fornia law yer.pasxed through Albany lost nivht for home, after a business trip to Astoria. Circuit Court was adjourned this noon until to-morrow morning to enable Judge Boise to go to Salem this afternoon to at tend the funeral of bis sister-in-law, Mrs L K Pratt. The young people c.f the Congrega tional t lt'iixh held a rntrty last evening at the residence of Mr w T llearst.w hicb was pronounced a lively and enjoyable affair. Rev E R Prichard, pastor of tho Pres byterian church in Albany, was in our city yesterday to get a breath of pure fresh air Times. A good idea. People generally go to the country for fresh air. Mr O II Schmidt, of New York PUte, is in the city, with a view to meeting the farmers of the county and talking with them on the subject of a hnrher standard of farming and stock raising, which he has made a study. Last night at Yaiinina City a 111 was held at the Yaquina House, which is re ported a great event in the light fantastic line. About eighty couples were present from the surrounding country, special Uat being rnn between that city and Newport lor tne occasion. Ifan Sony, the little Chinese boy born in this city four years ago, was on our streets yesterday visiting his birth place. He attracted considerable attention as he handles the Knglish language and his ancestors tongue with enualantnes. Corvallis Times. That is Albany's own little Suey. George Kdwin Bryant, who lectured in Allianv a few niirhts airo. has mada an offer through the San Francisco Exam- iner to wheel a barrow across the conti nent in less than six months. Another Bohemian. Mr IirnaU Fox is in a quandary. lie received an Invitation last evening from Munchen, Germany, to bo present on March 10th. which is to-morrow, at the marriage of bis niece, Fraulicn Carrie Fuchs, at the residence of her father, Mr Jviward t Ur Hermann Klaettner. Mr Fuchs and family were residents of Corvallis several years ago, and will lie remembered by many in Albany. Mr Iarnatz Fox has been wondering bow he can condenKe himself into electricity and oe present. Tbe Cregoa Paelfle ( Be Sold. A Denver, Col., dispatch of the 14th read: "It is said on good authority that the Rio Grande Western In order to secure a shorter line to the Pacific r.ego tiatlng for the purchtte of the Oregon racihe road, which it projected from Yaquina bsy, on the Oregon coast, to JJoise City, Idaho.and will build .1 railroad from Ogden, Utah, to connect with it, which would give them anrtl-clast trans continental route." There has been for some time a rumor to thl effect, and it Is to be hoped that the repoit prove true. It would be an immense thing for Linn county. There are teveral circumitanee to Indicate that these reports will be verified. A dispatch In Sunday Oreconian confirm the above. It reads: "It was said today by Jacob Halstead, of New York, a director of the Oregon Pacific, that negotiations were In progress for the purchase 01 the road by the Klo Grande vtestern," Wantd. A girl wants a place to work In a small family. Inquire at thlt office E Co., ot Corvallis, it defuuet, but there it talk of organizing a new oompany. SOTTS n. CTJKLBT. Jno. TI. Curtcy, the well known merchant failor, ef S4S Market St. B. T., writes to tb Ed win W. Joy Co., that for years he was afflicted with dyspepsia which nothing relisved till he commenced taking Joy's Vagetasle Barsmparills. Us continues, "1 am still taking It. Its mild laxative effects art exceedingly grotsfnl to the system. It it a pleasant surprise that awaits those who flo cot know what our vejctabU Juices do for debility, sluggish. Uver and 1m- Misrrra. Census Porter say agricultural Is the leading Industry ot Oregon. Whit's the matter wlih politic. dav ago gave birth to a fine pair of twins. 1, a, the editor I a woman. Sell Brother' and Forepagh's clrcute are to ne in uregon this year, it win take a good many old tin cans to take the ooys to both circuses. It one niav Indue from the Circuit Court aocnet, the poem of Tennyson should read: 'In the spring a young man's fancy ngntiy turns to thoughts ot divorce. An exchange very sensibly says that the first Important thing about canneries Is to have a man who knows how to run them. .-omo uregon cities are wildly yelling 'cannery' regardless of consequences. Rumor lis It that Mr Gray, the gentle man here to take charge of the new dally paper, I having a tittle trouble regarding id "remittance from home." and the out look from a democratic standpoint Is bleak and dreary. Welcome. IV hen the Seattle Telegram's bucket slopped over with tha following sentence on Secretary Wlndom, It is a wonder no one was drowned: "The continent trem bled as the muftled lightnings flashed the mournful story from sea to tea, where tha ever moaning wave joined In the sad requiem for the dead t Another sun has gone down and another night I about u, strrred with bis remembered deeds) but the moon look pale and sad!" One man say the saloons were all closed yesterday for the first time on Sun day In several -year. They were not lighted up at night. Another tars he saw several Intoxicated men In the eveulns;. We give It up. We are Informed though that an effort will be made tn keen them closed on Sundays according to ordinance, as 11 isyery proteiiy aisobclnir done InTa- enrna and a few other citlet in the North west. A young man about 16 or 17 vears old. by the name of Richard, ton of James Richards, who llvts near Mehama, met with an accident last Wednesday afternoon which proved fatal. He had been out deer hunting with two oilier young men, and on hi return home with one deer, young Richard wat climbing up a bank and pulled hit gun up after blin, when In tome manner it wa discharged, the ball rnterlng hi groin and lodged just under the skin on the shoulder, bavins! passed through almost hi entire body, when the acciuetit occurred lie was separated from bis companions. After being shot he walked atne distance to a farm house when medical aid wa summoned. The doctors removtd the ball but could do nothing for him. He lived until the next morning. Satem Journal. tMSSBBW "quia jack.thy frowns vex G l) rium," contains all the loiters 0! the alphabet with none repeated. A gentleman residing in Falrhaven, in giving a descriptive letter of that place to a friend tn Portland, sums tip the fe male portion in this style: "I believe that some one made up collection of the ngliest females they could And and sent them here Xn reside. Any one of them could stand at a freak in a dime museum " The Salem Journal is indignant at tbe kissing episode said to have occurred in Marion county, in which one of the girls was uiissed aud got mad : and says, with a tiger tike spring: "This episode did not occur in Marion county at all. It was in one of the counties near Tbe Dalles where big girls are scarce and op portunities for audi kissing arc rare. Kven the Albany and Astoria papers are throwing this slur at Marion county." A year or two ago at fire in Astoria a stock of boots and shoes was ruined by being soaked with water. They were in sured for H2,0t. A committee inven toried them at 1500. The owner offered to compromise for about $4000; but citi zens generally told the Insurance men to fight it, aa there was something wronf. and fight it they did, the same cltlxene testifying straight for the insured, who obtained a judgment for 112.000. The Incident is told the Democrat by an Al bany man as an illustration of what a funny world we live in. The following from the Arixonla Kick er shoutd be a warning to all city coun cils: "Tbe deadlock ir the common council w as broken last night by tbe ab sence of Col Taylor. The colonel couldn't help being absent, borne of tbe boys had him out in the suburbs, under a tree, with a rope around his neck. It was either hang or break the combination, and the colonel decided to help break it. We want to say right here and now that If there is any more "f assing" in the council we will move to Impeach the whole gang, and if we can't get 'em im peached we'll head a body of outraged citizens and clean 'em out to a man. They were elected to do public business and tbe public is in no humor to put op with their personal quarrels. . Colonel Taylor exhibited wisdom in coming down off his high horse, and we trust the lesson be received wilt not soon be forgotten. Mr Wagner, the new proprietor of the big Willamette, alias Chemekete, Hotel, at Salem, complains that the noted does not psy and that he Is losing money. lie claim sn expense account of $3000 a month, and thinks he Is entitled to Ihe sup port of Salem people. The outcome Is plain. The Statesmen is entitled to credit for thl Important Information. Geo O Ilelman, reading clerk, of the House, wat allowed $10 a day. Total bill $410, He claimed his services were worth 15 anr refuted to take any thing less. Result he will not get even the $410 for two years the fund being exautted already. suit may follow: but Mr tioiman is bound to lose. The case U a peculiar one. The barbers of Portland, East Portland and Albina have formed a protective union to try and keen the price of shav ing up to 15 cents. The constitution and by-laws ot the union fixes tbe wages of the barbers at not less than $16 per week and 60 cents on the dollar over $26,or on per centage at the rate of 60 cents on the dollar, allot which will go into effect on and after tbe 1st of April, 1891. In illustrating a point in bis lecture Rev Logan told a characteristic story of Lincoln, wmcn tnougnsome nave neara, is always refreshing. A friend 01 Lin coln was once guying him about bis long legs, which undoubtedly were very ex tended, llnallv tne man said: "Mr Lincoln, bow long do you think a man's legs ought to be. anyway." "Longenougn to reach from bis body to tne ground," was tne quick and con vincing answer. A law passed by tbe recent state legis lature empowers the county court to pay for pantners or cougars not more man $10 nor less than $1 ; for each bear, $5 . 1 . n,ll,1 nn4 rxm M.,tM.A.t SO I. (1 wolf or coyotes, $20 to tl ; muskrat, 25 cents to 6 cents ; blacktail rabbit 8,5 cents tol cent: t.hat persons In pursuit, or whose dogs are in pursuit, shall have two-thirds ot the bounty if same is killed by another. . In one of the towns on Gray's harbor an ex-judge is cashier ot a bank. One day last week lie refused to cash a check ottered by a stranger. "The check is all right," he said, "but tbe evidence you oiler in identifying yourself as the person to whose order it is drawn is scarcely sufficient." ' I've known you to bang a man cn less evidence, judge," was tbe etranger'e response. "Quite likely," replied the ex-judge "but when it comes to letting go of cold cash, we have to be careiuv Holmes Bcsmss Collkgr, of Portland Or,, will open Bept. 1st. J A. Wesco.the leading penman of tbe coast, has become a partner in this school and will make it the leading business college, cena iorj tUU BalUtSU IXBlCTMKftr, The following is a copy ot one of the indictments against E. P. Rogers, the general assistant freight agent ot the Southern Pacific It. K. Co. The other indictment has reference to discrimin ating charges made between Lebanon and Albany and Tangent and Albany. In tbe Circuit Court of Linn County, ciaiv 01 vrcgun. Statu or Obkook, Plaintiff, va E. P. Rooms, Defendant, E. P. Rosen, accused bv the umn,i Jury ot the county of Linn, by this In dictment, of the crime of charging a greater compensation for carrying freight of the same class for a shorter than a longer distance in the same direction. committed as follows: The said E. P. Rogers, on the lftth la of March, 18U0, bolng the assistant gen eral freight agent, and ever since said date and now being the assistant general freight agent of the Southern Pacific company, a corporation engaged in the transportation of goods, wares and mer chandise, operating a line of railroad run ning from the south boundary of the state of Oregon and through the Willam ette valley and the city of Albany, in I a j L i .a . ., i,i nn county, uregon, snu toe station of Mlllersburg, in said Linn countv. to the city ot Portland, in Multnomah county. Oregon, did, on the said iMh day of March. JIK), in the county of Linn and state of Oregon, then and there being the gent, as aforesaid, of said Southern Pa cific company, wrongfully, unlawfully and willfully charge and receive and suf fer and permit to be charged and received a greater compensation for carrying a slmillar amount and kind of freight from Miilersburg, distance of miles from Kaat Portland, to Kast Portland, than from said Albany, a distance of 711,4 tnilea from Kast Portland, to Kast Port land, by then and there, on said lHth day of March, HU0, charging and receiv ing Irom W. II. uoltra. the sum ot 10 cents per one hundred pound, in car load lots (or carrying wheat from said Miilersburg to said Kast Portland over sail railroad operated by said Kouthern Pacific com nan v: whereas on the 10th day of July, I8W). defendant wrongfully charged and received, and suffered to be charged and received from Isom, Lan- ning a Co., the sum ot 7,'g' cents per hundred pounds, in car load lota, for carrying flour from said Albany to said Kaat Portland over said railroad operated by said Houtht rn Pacific company. ; paid wheat and said flour so carried a aforesaid, being property of 11 similar kind and class, and the rates so charged, as aforesaid, being for car load lots, and the rates so charged, as aforesaid, being the freight rates of said Bouthern Pacific company, between tht points above mentioned, established and in force from the 1st day of January, 1 SIM), to the 1st' day of August, isao. Haid crime being committed contrary to the statutes in such eases made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the state of Oregon. Hated at Albany, in tbe countv afore said, tbe 17th day of March, 1891. Wmrcaexs: W II Goitre, 1 1) Miller, C K IludUIesoa, 1 II .Marshall, K J Lannlng, W L leater. O F Sitnpeon, and W F Crosby. Q so. O. BixoiUM, District Attorney. BMlesUa f t'ia4Uaee. Hall or K. L. S. or W. A.J Lebanon, Or,, March 13, laul. j WiieaKAS: Bv a disnensation t,t lb all-wise Providence, our society has been railed upon to mourn the death of one, Prof J L Gilbert, our former teacher. irienu, and tne founder of this organisa tion, and v WMcaxAa: Title grievous affliction calls for an expression of our mingled sorrow and sympathy, and vVksssas: We recognised in him a faithful teacher, a kind and sympathxing friend, and tbe benefactor of this soci ety, therefore, be It Rbsolvkd: Tbat while we deeelv mourn the loss ot our friend and former teacher, we bow in bumble submission to the rod that smites us. believing tbat Uod rnleth la justice and merry ; KxaoLvto: That we extend to the bereaved family and friends our heart felt sympathy, and assure thm, that al though we have said "farewell, dear friend," he still lives in our memory, and will until we meet again in tbat perfect society of Heaven, where our hearts will never more be saddened by tbe departure of any loved one. - RaaoLVKn: That these resolutions be spread on tbe records of our society, and copies be sent to the Lebanon Kx press, ptatm KiotiT Dxwocbat, and Herald Disseminator, for publication. wat. K. Wallace, David Toanrr, Committee. 4 Bwarw BValal. Stati or Oaeoox, Coi'itrr or Ltxx .r Whereas, there has been accusations made pertaining to me, in regard to my handling counterfeit money, I, Uibeon Myers, being first duly sworn do say tbat I have now or never bad to my knowledge or consent bandied or received any counterfeit monev. Subscribed before me this ( seal. ) 18th day of March, A D, s",r" ' 1801. Hkkry Lvosa, Notary Public for Oregon. Ixsuiai Yooa Stock. To the. owners of live sock and especially those who own stallions I desire to say that I have received the agency of tbe Oregon Live Stock Mutual Indemnity Association ,and am prepared to insure ail live stock at tnree-iourtlis their value. Owners of valuable stallions especially should in sure. Call at my stables in Albany, cor ner Second and Washington streets. CBAKK IKtTES. Busimsss CiiANoa, Sul Tl, for a long time with San Wa, a heap good man who tabes the laundry business, has bought out Lee's laundry near the Kevere uoutc.ana win ncreafrer run It. battstaciion cuuitn- eed. For Sale. $500 to $1000 of household furniture In exchange for Improved real estate. Inquire at office of - Oregon Land Co. January sand, 1891. , Good Work, Low Price, Paisley & Smiley. None to Fabmib. Wanted at once r.blckens. ducks, geese, turkeys, dried traits, butter, egjs, and all kinds of farm produce, lor wuicn a win pay me mgu est price in cash or in exchange for KOOds. Vi. W. BlMPBOH, All..-. -. A usiiy, uregon Vtaltlng Cards, 80 stylet, Faliley At smiley Kapepty. This is what von on got to have, n faot von mast bavs it, to eniov life. Thousands are setrehing for it daily, and mourning be- eauts they nod u not. Anoatami upon thousand of dollars are spent anonally by oar people ia tbs hop that they may attala this boon. Ana yet it may oe ntu oy an. Wa imarantee that Electric Bitten, if used according directions and tbs ate persisted in, w bring you good digestion anil oast tha demon Dyspepsia and install instead KoDepty , We recommend Elcotno Bitters for jJvtnactia aod all mteases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 6O0 and f 1 per bottle by Fotbay & Mason, drnggitts. Albany MarEet. Wbeat-70X1 Oats-6O.1 Botter-85o prlD, Jeff 20c Hay lO.Otfto 18.00, Potatoes 80 ota per bushel' . Beef on foot,2 to 8t, apples 60 cents per bu, Pork 64o per IK dxeased. Pacona bams,llc shoulders 7o -sl5ea.9o jtrd -SOoperlb. flour 4.35 per bbl. Tiiokens 8.00 per dox. lid Feedbran, 14.00 per too shorts, 18. middlings, 20. cittcirr leiKT, Cuttav Abraham agt Cggert Eggert. Judgment for piaintin. J A Crawford sgt F E Robinson, et ux. Foreclosure, Peciee for plaintiff. , Rota E Denny egt Charles Denny. Dl vorce. Divorce granted. State agt Thomas James. Jury disagreed fitate sgt Caleb Gray. Continued. A V Hamilton agt John T Davis, To recover money. Default, judgment. McMlnnvllle National Bank agt Sidney H and Ida 13 Dorrl. To recover moncv, Dismissed. Jennie Standlsh agt Nathan 0 Standlsh. Divorce, Continued. Koenegtberge. Folk Co lit 1 A Gross 1 To recover money. Continued, Cable St Stanard sgt N 0 Sandlsh; Re covery of money. - Default, Judgment and order tu toll attached property. Assignment Chattel Psrkcr, Final account confirmed. Assignee ordered to pay out fundi In hit hands. State sgt Henry Koepcr. Not guilty. The grand jury brought in true bills against V. P Rogers, assistant general freight and pavngcr agent of the Southern Paclilo It R Co., for violating the laws of Oregon in reference to charg ing for the transportation of freight, and against C'nleb Gray, the well known drug gist of llalsey, for selling liquor without a lirense. lie will plead guilty and pay bis fine. Not true bills were found In the cases of Prince Morgan, arrested for larceny, more on account of his youth than his Innocence, and In the caso of Policeman W AMcClain. MKI'OttT Or llUAHO Jl'ttV. To the Honorable Circuit Court of Linn county, Oregon, March, We, the grand jury of said court beg leave to mako the follow Ing report : We have examined the offices of Sheriff. Clerk, Recorder, Treasurer and School Suprintident. We find the books In said offices neatly kept In good order. We find the school supvrintendeiit'solllco in need of pigeon boles tor tho officer' nso, in proiwrly caring for the manu scripts which he is required to keep on 11 lu We have examined the jail and find it in good condition. We recommend the honorable County Court to cause the shed at west end of jail to Iks removed and a soluble wood shed built at some distance from jail. We have beard voluntary complaints in regard to the bridge on Calapoola known as Sweet Home and FIndley's bridges. We deem said bridgea very un safe and recommend the honorable Coun ty Court to cause said bridges to be re paired as soon as practicable. e, the tram! jury, have finished our labors. Solomon Bonn. Joit Isom, J K Michael, I F Hadlkv, C B Dkakjxk, J V Pii. Hash, xl Ktxo. BC4L laTATK a 4 LI. United States lo Ed T Morpbv, S w qr sec 12, tp 10,' 8 R 2 E, 1(50 acres Patent In I ted Mates to J O Joiinston.N w or sec 12, tp in, 8 R2 K. 100 acres., ...Patent I J bine A lauikner to J O Johnson, Sw qrsectp cl0, 8R2K, IGO acres JO Johnson to RvU Harrison, N w qr sec 12, tp 10, SR2 K, 100 acres JO Johnson to Robt Harrison, S w qr sec 12, f p 10.H R 2 E, 100 acres Morgan lloult to II A Davis, 8.30 acre in J S Clark's PLC.... James Mackey to Annie Murray.w half and N half of E balf.lot 4, bill, in Albany A Hackleman to Augusta Warner, tottO. 7, 8,bl5,ll s 4th A United Ktatea to Solomon Bond ct 1200 1200 COO 750 5C2 ux.S half sec 31, tn 13,8 R 3 w.Patent State of Oregon to Henry David son, lot 4, sec 19,tp 11,8 R 4 w 73 US to If J Tumidget w qrtcc 34, tpO,SR3E.. Patent Melius A Burkhart to Augusta Warner, tracts in tp 1 1,8 R 3 wr II Bryant to L A Tucker.lots 55,50, bl 12, B's A, Albany J C Johnson et ai to W T Logan, 3.27 acres, sec 18, tplO.S R 1 w.... WT I-ogan et ux to J W Compton, 3.27 seres, sec 10,8 R 1 w. 2004 609 275 273 $7530 The Application of Electricity. The rapid strides which of Istabas been made In tbe (.radical application cf elee trlcity liave piepanH the way, In tba public mind, for no redy cceunr of almost any new anit sulking proaoaal. tn the popular belief tba 11 ofeiectrlcity in curing the tils of tne fih, la sn ao rompliahed fot. To prove tbe assertion Dr tHirr'n -tves tbe loilowlng names of people who are willing to vouch f-r It, as they bave bean cured of vailousalimeUs, Mia Nbttle Kenwo. Hotel Portland. rbeumatUm. so tha could not rata bar aim to her bead, cured. A L. Jtlctiardson.B'JO Front st Pot Hand. deafnasa 20 yesr. and ringing noises n tne fanad, rent red W L Cone, Ha City, Tillamook county Oregon, kidney and liver trouble, cured. Andrew Douglas, f& Oak street Port Isn't, dnafnf , cured. Lee McOrew, 146 U atreet. Portland. nervous debility and kidney oomplalnt, restored. I K llallowav. Mewberg. Or Inflam mation nee of bladder aod kidney tonblea, enrad. W Ifava. 914 51b street. Kaat Fort and. Or, Inflammation iteclc of bladder and solatio rheumatism, carr.e on orutobea to tha doctor, cured and left cratches at lb doctor's o file. K o Merce. Albina. Or. deafoet a IS years, cured. I J 8 Jennings, Sell wood, Or, teat ma or skin !Uas, 16 years, eured- J M alliler. Hubbard. Or. deafness. cured in 8 minute's. . Dally. New York hotel; deafnea 16 years, rursd. Mis II J Miller, co. 6th and Alder sta. East Portland, poncral debility, cure! aud gained 8 pounds:. Mia A V Landfo, 806 West at. Seattle, cuiei of a teiofolou sore on leg twenty yeara ago by Dr Darrin. w f uubbard, superintendent or the U S flab commlaalodi Clackamas. Ur. moth or liver spota over b'a person, cured. j nomas isun, Mocasnurg, atzsineas, kidney and liver complaint, restored. Dr Dar:la troats curable chronic, acuke and private dbeasea, blood taints, loss or railing mannood, mrvous debility, eueota ct errors, or exoesses In old or young, loss or memory, diseases oausea py mercury in the improper treatment of piivate diseases. Oflloe 70)4 Washington t..Portland.Or. Hour 0 A. M. to 8 P. M.. dally. xm Ination free and confidential, question blanks and oiroulars sent grails to any addreMr, patients ourtd at home. K 1 ding rhotojruphcrs A any Owgon. W bavs bousht all thenecativt tmade by L W dark and W H Qreeowood tip to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplicates can be had from hem only of us at reduoed lates. We hay alio about 18.000 neeative mad by 00 r- elves, from which duplicates can be had at like t a jet. Ws carry tba only lull lino 01 viowt of this stat and do eolarsr d work at lowett rates for first class work, we shall be pleased to se yoa st oar Studio in Froman s bjook, next door to Matonio iVmple. $20,000 to loan daring next ten days by N Steele. Hulia & Dawjon, drattgitts, v. Buy your grooerk of Parker Bro Fiae grooories at Conn & Hendricton'a. Notice the New York 0. B. R. Store's ad Pie plant roots forlo by J H Townaend Gent gloves at cost at the New York 0 B R store. Whito thirtt at cost at the New York C BR store. Bay Gatuliiie ttcves from- Mathews & Washburn. Gents underwear at cost at the New lEork CBRstore. Pant and overalla at oot at the New YorkOBRttore. Yesterday was St Patrick's day and green ribbons pre vailed. nous tan fift04S HOBDAY. Oregon City is ooctcmplatinj organizing aa lasbrsnc company. The DkmomMT know of rns o two gbl a ho wish pititiuliS ti? do toiieral housework. Kugone Citf i tn have a new theater. Th building Hill bo 62x03, tlis ttge 2(ixQ0. Rey Sol alt Merrill, of Andover, Ma, h beta appointed cntttul at J rtiulm. lkv Merrill its personal friutid tl iky Homincr formerly of this city. Tlie flouring mill st Cottle Grove, be longing to Hon 11M Veatch, wss l url,;il at about 3 o'clock Satttrdsy inorninir, TjiC origin of th rlrx I nukiiown. The loss is tituntd t $10,000. insurance ((WOO. The Jury fsliitig to ci bvlct tb nmr trert ot ciur i police llavid V Hen- nc.sry, of New Oikai.s, owirg ;rolaily to bavina liffB tsn.portd with, lle peobl'e trose in their miuht arirt the vnll'tt tUv.-.v l wtirti knit it, ail lnUin shot ly a vig ilfanU comii.ltli-o, Th toen received the Justice they dfltrvl, th'juh it is a very poor way i t giving Jastke. Will th members of th Y M C A Wsr in tnitut that there will ba an association meeting nn Friday evening i f this week at tb VM C A 0"ins, I it very imp'irtaat that every member b present, a the com ing convoution will rrinir an immense amount of work. It vry lvumUr ualea late and plan accordingly. H on tirri. Don't let 8 o'ulook snawor for 7:3V. . , iv ma ay. The name tA the Chemewa Indian aabrx-l hs hrm chaaued to tl "ilmin.n liss.i ote." A meeting of F Co will hi IibM tf nitht to mk arrangement f r Ihv i?.tal.l:.l.ii, it of a sj mnuinm at tbe armory . MrMydshas pnrehaitd the Inter tf)f bis paitn-r, Hr LTllrwIi, in the fomitore buiinf tiq Albsnr r roi iure C-i-many, and (.illbrreafior tan it. A t'g') oumli' r of viut-i wirft told 3 st v. nii g at V lt' oui turn ' -f .il lnif. il pric received tn'4,d bih il of $15. Tbs tale wilt b ecitttiaued i-o-nil.t. Tbe & Loan AeiAtioit nxvU oxt Friday avetdng, anit wilt have alxoj tbe usual m unl to loan- Tbre promii ti to be a Ur; demftiid for rnmwy far bml!iti parpostt the cojiiiig )etr. Mist Eila leutut Swatitor, the f min. nt rlcttbi.t, has ha cogsi.(4 hy the Y 1 8 C Ef tbs i'rcsh)t rin church to give an nUtUiBment at this city on March i'oSb. Ktvp tb (late iu J' lii ttiind. Th Oregon Kt Kstate Ca., of Prliaud bs th Dr.M'M HT4 thanks for a oorsy of 'Black sWoty" the animal Uncle Tom Cabin ." It is a h&ft worthy of being in tbe html of every o ner of aniuisls if aiiy kind. N'trly three bandied tboauiad coie l.tve already been issued. Crawford & 1'sxU.n liv jat placed i position io front of tbir gsllery an e!eaiit photopraph cms, wblch bw their work offtotioe advanugis. The firm have tUo jast bt i painted by Mr A W We.t, tb ex pert fcrti.t. a back ground tcfl of W t Jt-ffrr-tos, from HolJr Crwli, which is probably tt tin a lack-gioaed can be foand in tht state. Tiia Ocaaa lfot'se. Tbe annual meet ing of the Albany Building Association (Opera House) wit held Jat evening at the ofnee of the tecrctary. The report cf tbe secretary showed a prosperous year. Tbe total receipt from rent of tbe budd ing were $1,243 85. (&.fj were es pended in rearranging the building, and taxc. Insurance, light, janitor fee were paid, leaving a balance of $33 50 In the Treasury, The coming j car the only e penscs will be for tsxes, insurance and in cidental. The whole tuildlog bavins been rtnted. The old director were re elected, to wit: W CTwerdale, Preldrrit; C H Stewart, J Joseph, J Gradwhol, tjeo E Chamber Jain, Treasurer; W J-" Uetd, Secretary. WriJ.NSWbAV. IUv it V I'.oiiiii.rr at the Ojnr Houe Themdsy eyeing. IU Uciore will dearrve a large bouse. Ao octopus, the Johus'owo iid.Custer'a death and other great thing and tvotitt tre being exhibited in bia city. To ptl tbe ini(.8ritie in tbe b.'tod and giv strttgth to tb tjttero before thftf. its of warm -ealkor are felt, uta I'fur.der's Oregon Blood Put'irUr. 8om people are upstt by rm:i matters. 3 L tijrura, tha Sitgs Cu'ch firm- r, ha eoocludtd t retire in .!iJ-ut from the hosiness of rsUinios, say the Pendleton H.O. Sis cf bt lintst porker, all of Ecscji breed, wrr killed KriJay by a falling bay tack. Tbe animal were valawl at $100. Tb lector delivt red b, Rv W W Lotfto at tb U P Cburch last eveuing wai a popa Urooe. It wa fall of bright saying and good thooght. Tb ideal ,nn, among other thing, should ! strong pbystcilly, pnsaes a bra 1 thy mind, have heart powcr,Le si te to ads t himself tn eircnmntaccs, oninsl.suc eesfal, turuing thiiit;t up r.d not vaitiui; for tbem t4 be tarott-i au Micawber likf.snd tbnacblfal of other. He illustrated the i different paint with !i.tii;liil In and trruo tor Irs, giving th wholes solid background. Tbek-ctnre was pecolisrly a ideawake ono, on that t.u!d have delighted a birgo acd mised Rookks Arbbbted. Sheriff Matt Scott returned hist evening from Portland, where be served a warrant on Mr K p Itogers, assistant general freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pa cilic, in the case of the Statu against Mr Itogers for overcharging in the transpor tation of freight. Mr Itogers was allow ed to go on his own recognizance, and will be in Albany 0:1 to-night's train to answer for himself. The case ia one that will attract some attention. Autaant CnitcKHUEn. Prince Morgan, the thirteen year old darkey boy, of Shedd, promises to have a checkered career if lie Uvea longenough.and already it begins to be omew hat spotted. With in a lew months ne purchased a gun on a forged order, shot otf two fingers, skipped out with property beloaging to other people.wos eapttired.arrested for larceny, discharged by the grand jury because he was young, wentbonie, and yesterday gain did something to secure a name tor himself. Not having a gun of his own now, yesterday he concluded to make one himself. Securing a gaa pipe, ha made a hole in it, at the right place, and plugged the end with wood. Loading it bo touched it otf with a match. The plug Hew in splinters, ono pieicing an ear, and the powder scattered over tug faee, burning it some; yet not injuring him seriously. He rushed into the bouse and told bis mother a big man in a rubber suit had shot hint through a crack in the barn. The true state of atlairs was quick ly learned, though. A pair of fattblack be-to free with every pair of ladies shoes costing (3 or more at Seal Is' th oe itors. Mt n's sox at cost at tbe Tjw York C B R tore. See W F Read's line cf dress coeds and lilkt before buying elsewhere. Bargains in choice croorieil en always be secured of AUon Bros., Fiina Block. Dl. ABORN, AT TOTlMiD HTll Jl'lY 5III. DR. ADORN. Fourth and Morrison streets Portland, Oregon, the moat ertcceseful pi ye- elan on ou the Amenuan continent lor the speedy, oositivt, absolute and permanent our for UAiarrn 01 tne iieaa, aatnint, Bronchitis. Poenmonia and OonBumption. Twenty-live years tnaoessful practice, Instantanooua relief and permanent cures often effected upon first consultation. Or. Abort), by hi original, tnoderr, scien tific method, effects Speedy and radical cures of the most ob stinate at.d long standing cases of Vasal Catarrh. Ozana, Doafnei, Die ohargea from the Ears, Asthma, B onclntis and Consumption. Also Stomach Disorders, Bilious Colic, Gait Stone aud Jamdice, Heart, Lmr, Kidney, Bladder and Nervous Affections; Diseases of Men. AUo all ailments peculiar to women. Dr. Aborn can bo consulted from now until July 5, when he leave for Europe. Note. Home treatment,securely packed, teat by express to any part of the Pacific Coast and Territoriet for those who cannot yossibly call in person. woain coviDr.Bivu. ' , . - - - F. M. French keeps railroad time. llew cream cheese just icoeived at Conrad Meyer. J'nnn Si A'.'liisun arc telliag monument at PoitUud priM-s. 'Mn', youth' and b.iyt otothiag and furbishing good at O WKimptoo's. llavo yon eeo those purlor tnitt that T brink hat Jut received 7 They are nice, flrext reduction inmm'.t fo'nishiog gat J fm-th next 30 day tat W FB-rad's. ) W Bflntlry, Uii boot and shoe makeria it( throe door north of Democrat office, l-'or hsrpsirj In monnments, headstones tia,f Kilo Kjjim ft Aobison, Albany, Ofpgon e.ulu2 Cvesls. Thursday evening, March 10. st tbe Opera House, Rev if V Uoinlnger, of Portland, lecture, "The Iand of Pyramids and VJumrnlcs," with genuine mummy. Friday evening, March 27. at W C T U Hall. "Conundrum" sudoc and social. nndirr auxpices of Epworth League of M K Church. Rxturday evening, March 28. at the Presbyterian Cburch, elocutionary entcr talmnvnt by Mist Ella Lotta Swanton. Highest of all in Leavening Power.-. GRAND prin AT LADIES BAZAAR. TUESDAY MID VVEDKESfiAY, E1ARCH 24 AHD 25. gtJ"veryone cordial'y invited. ' 2-.2Q 3-4 ' 2:23 1-2 Coal Illaek, with amall atari Kootl aiaet In fstnltles; la K'eeding, Carortuatia ad Aetlen. V.U Irtmtiny I the aome ot mj a4 sttmu tpesd, at proved hj h's fnT sisters Eculsh. 1:17. at two years ; Cuqust, at tma years, and uskmf a recuri rf tJO last Jul, def csti:w Baaaiil Jr. S:?7J, In three Usi;bt ttcats. Sirrd hr Airsaojrr, srso rserrd, S.-?j : rn of Airs. I:: H. td men oihor tso putt nun, and a bim ui outer con trMiers. Altakuvt hy AlHfiST, that hu over Urn baiwtrs-J ilmwixluiw in tSs SUM list, toeiotUng liau, U AM Lis Sit Jimn, duobie, t lx Del itorte'a duo la Ttroaan bj Btams. Cas-1 III I. KOKTIt was bd hf Ur Eeseh. st Vancouver, Wash. Fosle.1 in IjrWtn nmkt tb n of 1 M1 as Trims lire stable, Albany Friday aod fisutrday ; tbe restof tbe Utoe t car term, three sollcs SurtbcMt et Shedd. rornih Hc.ason, JSIO; Insurance, t30. BAIIKOWS BROS. NOTICE. I TO THE TAX PAYERS OF U!SN cuiDty Th t!!lnqarBt tax ro l most t returned to tho clerk, April 1st JK9I. All poraoDS owing tuea are here by rin:i(!r to mate ra menl laimndur ly, for iriaxos are oct paid by tbat date ttsy wlil le delinquent and I will be compelled to levy and aell property to c'lllcet tbe tame, as tba tax must b col- Dated March 6, 1831. M. SCOTT, Shenffand Ttx Collectcr. BOB. BOWMAN, The Old-Time Painter. People wishing first c'sas work should mm bim or leave ordaia at JaUus UrsdwohPs. OH SALE OR TRAPE, a Cbickerlng E ' piano In (rood condition, l :i on dlllon. vm'.i on t f Pishili and uo Simirht, at corner JeQertton btreuta. ANTED SAUSMENI Lsval sd TraTrllac A coed chsnco! Don't mis it! V-ra aeed csp ilal to rprent a rsliabl Srm list war rsnts miwrt stosk first-elss and true to nsioe. WOKK ALL THE YKAR, and Mod dm wli1 to i.m-tio men. Apply )'i-. stating sire. Xs. TCm. TVXA.'V JSS GO, ."tiirwryniru. rioristtt auu reumrii, n rtsi, Mitt, tfhis house it rsaponaiUt.) , XTOI ICK OF DISSOLUTlON-Notice JLM Is borebv itiven tbat tba &rm ot Fttn A Acblsou has by mutual content bpf n this day dissolved. J O Ettan re Urine. K XV AcUison will continue the business, collect ail bill and pay all out standing det'tt sgainsiitie nrm. Dated this !0 h dsy of March, 1891. j a eoan, . JE W Acaisow. Mind wdThj etrpstd. Bwte rMrnsti in oot T3tiitsir. Tstlmouitsj tmm all pacta of tb ttobs, PmetpsMttat FOttY ntatsL BVrDft Otk MnlltTSAtksn to STRANEY & NAGLEY, PROPRIETORS Of THK Cily .- Lively, Feed qrd Sdle -S TABLE. - Bun ceaeml Ilauk line to and from Cotvaltis. Best rigs and cbeapeat iat la tho city. KjecUl atUntion aiven t transient s'tcck. yoarth strft, btwen Kllsworth and Lsoa, Albany, Oregon J. A. Camming, Drugrs, Iaints, Oils, Glass, Etc., ALSARY, onEcon. ALBANY, CRECOH, Draw their own Sight Drafts on London, Paris, Prank fort-on-the-Main, Berlin and all Principal -Points in 33 TT Tl O 3? 33. fall Paper, lttr Mst. Follow ir-g it the lilt of letters reKuinin? In the post oflioe at Albany, Linn couaty, Oregon, March 17. 1891. Persons calling f r tbeae letters most give the date o wiiich thty were advertised. ' Bonsr. Tbori as Eagfeofer, B V Oillming, Surnoel F Garaett. Gcorce Oilmora, Earnest Hspe, Ht-nry Jen kin. Miss M IxvyfJo Mol.JB Viibr, Mm Anna Northern, Eobet Roaioblett, Ike Tiid, Henry - Howe, ) M Johnr, Mrs Mary Ms tine, Mrs Jeonie A Morgan, Uenry Wtiliamt, Cbsa Patteraon, Lothur Druso, Kutselt Khophard, i Sittner, Co rail Rcbafer, A-nry, Taylo. Mrtbinillia Vangban, O E P.. TaosMos, P. M. fincMerT Arnica Salve, Whs best SsIt In tbs srorlil fi Cuts,P,ruiso, li leers, S!t. Ktiun, fr sores, Tsttr, C bsnen, ( b.ihl.irn, Coral, and si I iikiti Kmtttio. rmsitii'sljrenrss Hiles.or nn psy riairel. It is srusr- titeod so (Ire psrtset musfactl-m, or monsy totjtul d. Pries tt esnt pr box, fat st,'. t Joshajf snd Uaaso. FOE DYSPEl'alA and liver Complaint yoa have a tirinte guarar-.tee on every bottis of Bhiloh s Vitalizar. , It never fail to ciirr, Foisliay U Maaoo, stents. Cloaks at cost at W F Read's. IT. S. Gov't Hcport, Aug. 17, ihtcj, OPENING Milline THE 2:30. sir Sf. Ct.lT, Jr ti. (sirs ot Dt tmao, t ti and Uskst CUT. t:ts ) fiererilteo of hi dxurhlers hsTo pto4iseMl nlnten 1 j-erformr.. iriiudiny Uak sscw Bat, J who tired Ibe dsins ( Aitsl, 2:12 . t rj ALuutiv x, 1 13j at fmir ycu. two ol tb fastest stallions in the world of their sjte. Ttcntsn. dam tT Fsh son. Z sire of the &aa of k io W a, S.t-'i, stre of Out aa K , 2:10i- TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd theii WAY ixto DEY0E FSGitlAFI BEOS Store, where they alwats have oa hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved RiSet and Shot Guns; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description: Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chair and thousand of other thing too numerous to : Xieptiir Shop in connection with the Store, and one of he beat workmen in the State to do any tnd ail kinds of work. Come one, Come all; No rouble to ihow goods. "Small profit r.nd quick a W It oui motto. TO WHSEND & WILSOfi Real Estate I Loan him Office.-BALTIMORE BRICK. Iolnr a general Imtusrce busis. ;rsiti isliinit iiisttnirtce will Co !! to te tbtm. aoknts roa Aeti'a iBsuraaf e Ctimpaisy, lr.on-ora t3 1 ehtrtt-r ier)etal. Li ss f s'd m 7U je , CW.OCO. AMst,0.TS0;ii,C3. Catamiasi In. Ceatiay. ' tondot. Englmf KstabUtbed 18 1. Cspitsl, t&.OW,lIO. Totfi i to.epa.dovr?S,yj',. I Atnrrleati Fir lBs.rni"t.v. ot PhitaaVIphi (r?sniwl IsiO. I asn asset, 2,cz,tK.-u. jlosj. paid, W,506.Stia. roleaitila Fire at Hiriis Ins. fru party. f.vtianu, or. Assets, 9 ivju.o. irvv. . ia vu a Oregon's best companies. TO COVER' i it tlio Times, ;vj 1 hj INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A GRAND IMVC3TMENT or tlio Family, School, or iTcfrssioual Librai ' Tbej Avitheiitlo Wt7vtor"a TJn- isricaef ISS4, "13 & 'S i. copyrifebtt pre party of tho unlcralf;-netl. ia uc Tb-roaglily R.viso3 siad Enlarge aiitlaa cdiatiEgrniBbinr; title, bee: tbe sta mo of Webster's Inters, tio irI Dictionary. E litorial work npoa tJds rovi ;.' liui been ia v.ciivo irogi-css i'or it Ten Yeci's. Hot less tbau One Kto Art & paid editorial laoorcra ta "be n iiTOP;otl tipoa it. - Ores S50O.G0O c3cjoii(lod ia i ' prepavatioa toioro i5io .-si cc? wa printaiL OHtical eosspar Isos -rrltJ es.y ti Dictionary isiiiviteil. Get tii Jt-'c O. & C. MEitlCjf AJI & CO,, TubCsV: jjprl:ii;rltl, Mass., V. f. A. Sold try aMltoOiifCliL-ia. ll!ujt-dfati.! ry ! r 1 pBls d !!ao5tvt organs. earalogue.