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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1890)
THE PROPOSED OUTRAGE. The National Election bill as framed by tlx House Republican Caucus Committee and in troduced by Representative Lodge.of Mastachu u setts, hoi been printed - It make seventy six printed pages and is asserted to be a com plete Federal election code, which has received the informal sanction of a number of Republi can Senator, The tiile reads: "A bill to amend and supplement the election laws of the United States and to provide for the more tQicicnt enforcement of such laws and for other purposes. The principal features of the measure, com peadioualy stated, are as fallows; Chief Super visors of elections In judicial districts are charg cd with the execution of the law, which is to . apply to Federal elections in cities of iulinhitiintsftnd upward, and in entire Congret' sionrtl iliitriots exclusive of such cities upon ap plication to the Supervisor of one hundred vot eis, or in counties and parishes forming par. of a Congressional district upon application from fifty voters. The Supervisor arc to guard, scrutinize and supervise registration, "and every act or Inc'd ent connected with registration and plans for a-ert.iining who are legal voters, UHn notice from the Chief of Supervisors the United States Ciicuil Courts are required tr open fjr the purpose of transacting registra tion and election matters. The Supervisors are to be appointed by the circuit courts three ir each election district or voting precinct, but two of wnom are to be of the umc political party. These Supervisors are to attend all registrations in their districts, challenge persons, personally inrpect and copy the original registration looks anj paper, at tead elections and detect and expose the im proper cr wrongful manipulation of the lists. In case of failure of local election offices to put the statutory oath to a challenged voter and to pass at once upon his qualifications,then the Supervisors are to apply the test and deposit the vote, making a list of all such challenges. They arc alsoto personally inspect ballot box cs before elections, keen independent ballot 'ists and inclose rejected votes, indorsed with the u.ime of the voter.'.in envelopes. In add! lion to these duties the Supervisors are requir ed to make in towns of 20,000 people and up ward a thorough house tj house canvass be fore election, to inform voters upon Inquiry where and in what box to deposit their ballets and to scrutinize naturalizations. In canvassing the votes the state laws arc to govern, except: "All ballots are to be counted by tens, first by an inspector of election, and second by a supervisor.the local election officers an J the supervisors keeping separate tally sheets which are to be compared and the result pub Ikly announced. Hallo U deposited in the wrong box at e to be counted. "Returns are to be made by ihe supervisors in duplicate to the clerks of the United Slates Circnit Courts and to the Chief Supervisor, who is to tabul-itc and refer them to the United States Hoard of Canvassers of ihe Congression al vote, which is to beappointed by the United S'ates Circuit Court'and is to consist of three ci:ucnsof the S'ate, persons of good repute, rot more than two of whom are to be of the ime political party. "The Board is to convene on Nov 15 each even year, and is to declare and certify the re sult of the election and send one return to the Clerk of ibe House of Representatives, one to the Governor of the Sta'.e and one to the pro per Chi-f Supervisor of Elections. The Clerk ol the, I louse i to place upon the roll of mem bers elect the names ( the persons declared elected by the United Stales case there is a difference in the result reached by them and by the State election officers, A penalty of between $1,000 and f 5.000 is pio viled in cae the Clerk neglects this duty. "AH ballot boxes are to be clearly inscribed i;h'.hcir nature, and boxes are to be kept in plain S'ght and open to inspection. Bribery or attempted bribery of voters or election officers t made punishable by a fine of Dot more than $5,000 orirr.f risonment for not'more than five years, or both. Like severe penalties are pro vided forjalse registration and voting, repeat ing, coercoin of supervisors or voters, imprope conduct of election officers, false canvassing, lallot box stuffing, fradulent ballot distribu tion, to a supervisor's lawful com nanus, breach of the peace at registration or election, intimidation and almost every kind of election fraud." WE AUEINFOBXKI). TOO. "V e are informed that the represena tivr of ihe national grange, farmer' alli ance and knight of labor appeared before the house way and meant committee and asked that the tariffs on agricultural pro ducts be raised to the exact figures of the bill as it passed.'' Cafilal Journal.. We know not whether represenatives of the national grange appeared before the house ways and mean committee and asked an increase In duties or not. We do know thl : That if they d d, It wa un authorized so far a the sentiment of the great body of the membership of that or der I concerned. It la not true that ac credited represenatives of the Knight ef Labor an J Farmer's Alliance oiganlzation did so. The facet of these organization 1 are turned in another direction. But, what if such-epresentatives did go before that committee and ask for an increase of the tirifl? Does that make the increase right? Have not score of manufacturer! done likewise? The whole scheme of protection it selfish, and selfish only, and men seek its aid only because of their selfishness. The New York World denounces con gret for protecting the tin industry an Industry rvhich is yet unborn. But what is congress to do? It has protected all the Infant industries, and has kept on protect ing them after they are full grown. The instinct to protect something 1 as strong in a republican congress a is Its other in- Inct to get away witha treasury surplus. It must keep on protecting somehow, and unborn Industries are a'l there is left. T' c republicans of the senate finance comini'tee have been capricious and open ly ti lii-h In atnendn g the tariff bill, where Mr Aicfvinley was simply logical and com. pl.'d.iant lo sards the yleldcr of campaign "" There may be some good reason why the pruteiUtd manufacturers of this country who will s il to foreign consumers at one h ilf the price they charge Americans should b grant ed power by Congress to still further increase their prices to Americans, but that reason should be made p'ain and clear. The revela tions made in the weekly edition of The World printed this morning, of the prices charged to foreigners and Americans, canno'. fail to attract attention It U thou-ht that another attempt will be made to force the McComa bill foi the promotion of republican chance in con gressional election through the present of congress. The Philadelphia Record think the best Illustration of a long pull and a strong pull !s the pull Mr Rauin seems to have on the j dminlhtratlon. The administration is anxious for just enough Inlation to hold the sliver state but not enough to tose.lh ret. (From our neuter ourretpunUcnt.) WASHINGTON. Washington, June 16, 1S90 Paradoxical a It may Appear, the recent extreme warm spell seems to have cooled public Interest In the proceeding ol con gress, and thinned out that body to about thi required number to constitute a quor um and transact business. The old adage that "he who can wait will eventually get any thing, he desires" was never be'.tcr deniorstratcd than by the action of the congress. The old hands, the queen bees, the old thrpard dog of the flock, have ac quired to a great extent what they had panted for, and are now doilntf amid leafy bowers along the sea. While the public Is anxious to have all discussion dropped Is the opportunity for the mcdioity of the national legislation to approach the second table and reduce the surplus , The action Is comparltlvely unnoticed, uttcared (or and unsung. Many millions of dollars are appropriated every day, with a brief word of explanation made by the members t 1 charge of a bill regarding t'.s content. w hen trie members 01 cither House are sufficiently aroused, the olivet their shafts ot wit and sarcasm at the other branch respecting It want of deliberation In pass ing bills and appropriating the public fund. They are equa ly guilty, however. The llou.e has charged the arnate with pacing bills at the rate of ui per minute. It record in pussltitf public ltwa bus been shown to have exceeded this rale, but wasn't as fust as that ( Ihe House The private bill are usually disposed of on evening session, when they are usually dumped, like a load of coul In a bunch The republican of congress seem to act a II they were prepming U brrak up camp, and were petfeetly rtgitidlo of the furni ture. They have certainly actc.t In a manner thl season that would justify such a feeling of despair. They hac planned tor Ihe appropriation of enough money, this session, to pay the national debt. AfW they go out, at the next election, they will probably try t raise a sentiment against their successor on ac count of a lack of money to discharge pub lic obligation and Individual hopes, creat ed by the gang last discharged. The House silver bill has been reported back favorably from the finance commit tee to the senate, and offered as a substi tute, by Mr. Morrill, for the srnate bill. It contains Important amendmert that materially, alter it in a direction unsatis factory to the free-coinage men. The pro vUlon making the certificate legal tender Is struck out; also that making certificates redeemable In bullion at the option of '.he Secretary of the Treasury ; and the section providing that when the muket price of liver I $t.Oj tor 371 grain of ilver. It Kali Km laurinl li ri',.v litlh.n I... n,ln. age, and the purchase of bullion be sua pended. lie wa followrd by Mr Evart who gave a very Interesting ic.lew ol thf history of silver legislation He said that n 1S73 the two mrtal, gold and sitvcri were on a pari' v. and had been since 1803 That no trade or law of nature had broken that parity, but that It had been accom plished by the 'wit and wisdom of man." That In 1873 congre,whi!e In a hypnotic condition, had passed the law demonetix Ings silver, which eventually reduced It 3c per cent. In value. Mr Vance followed him in denouncing that act of congress and said that the t irlfl laws haj contribu ted further In spreading bankruptcy ar.d ruin a nongst the farming community. Speaker Reed, last week, announced the appointment of Mr MiiU of Texas to the committee on rule. He notified the Speaker that he declined to serve. HI friends say that In refusal to serve on a committee with the Speaker U based upon I personal grounds. The pecu'iai ruling of the Speaker during the present session. and his utter disiegard of the ordinary courtesie due minority has provoked a feeling of unfriendliness on the part of Mr Mills that would make service on the same committee distasteful to him. the ui: eat lamm; kah. The fight which Major Powell, chief of the Geological Survey, I waging against tue syndicate of speculators who seek to monopolise the public domain is one in which he should have every assistance tha can be rendered. There Is a vast area of now worthless desert lands in the Western Territories to whlch irrlgailcnof an easily practicable sort will give a value ranging from $50 lo $300 an acre. The government has by law directed Its surveyor to mark out al; the tract thus susceptible of redemtlon together with the source of watr supply to be used In their recovery, and the law require that the areas thus designated hall be withdrawn from occupation un der the desert -Uiid, timber -culture and pre-emtion laws until such time as proper law shall be passed for the regulation of Irrigation work and the occupa'ion of the land by actual settlers. Speculator representing many millions of dollar of capiul are trying to get thf law repealed, o that they may obtain possession of the tract in question, and more particularly the water-supply sourer, by the familiar device of fraudulent settle ment, thus taking this vast wealth to them selves and making themselves a ort of feudal lords over rich domains, whose peo ple shall be dependent "upon their will for the right to exist. The scheme Is one of gigantic and iniq. ultou laud-grabbing, yet It has enough support in congress to render it dangerous, unles public sentiment shall come strong ly to Major Powell' assistance In hi bat tle with the syndicate. Fo' one hundred years the state, ave had control both of thtir local and con gressional election. They may not have wisely exercised their power, but to break down the barrier of the state at the very time they are radically improving their electicn law and subordinate their own officials to federal agents is an Innovation unheard of until now and bearing the seeds of far-reaching consequences. T. Thomas Fortune, the Afro-Am :rlcan editor in New York, wa ejected from a saloon and locked up in the rtailon house the other day because he insisted on his right to a schooner of ber which the bar keeper declined to recognize on the ground tha thi wa a white man' bar. ftlr In galls should give hi attention to this at once. The Indianapo.U New (Independent) ha been trying to find an apt and fitting title for the republican tariff measure and finnally conclude that it should be called "A bill to take the earnings of the poor to upport the 1 ich " The Palpll and the Mage, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan , says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonder Dr King' New Discovery ha done for me. My lung were badly diseased, and my parishioner thought 1 could live only a few week. I took five bottle of Dr King' New Discovery and am sound and well, gahilng 26 lbs In weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folk Combination, write : "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence. I am confident Dr King' New Diaovery lor consumption, oeats em an, ana cure when everything else fails. Thegrtatest kindness lean do my 'many thousand friends I to urge them to try it." Free trial bottle at Foshay & Mason's Drug tore. Regular sizes 50c and $1.00. TELEGRAPH 1.0 NEWS A I'l-Untrvl Areldeat Tacoma, June aa At StJO o'clodk ycsler- day afternoon a fatal accident occurred In Iron trunncl at the Taoma mill, on the water front near Old Town. John Miller, a railroad lab orcr, wai the victim.' Willi companies he was on his way homeward upon a handcar. The handcar reached the west entrance to Iron tun el and passed into It just as a gravel tr.iin en tcred the east end. The handcar had prrxeed ed some distance into the tunnel before the coining traiu was noticed, It was too late to turn back Tho tunnel is too narrow to admit of the derailment of a handcar, John Miller seuing lus ling, hurried forward lo meet the train. The saw it, and were slackening speed. Miller stepped to the side of the tunnel and pressed himself close to the wall. My a strange fatality he had chosen that particular spot where a defective rail, over which hitherto all trains had passed in safety, was directly in front of him, and Ihe fiotit car leaping from the rail, dashed into the tunnel's siile, burying Miller in the debt crushing hi life out and leaving him Stan. ling there with hit stating eyes looking out to death, his upraised hand that held the flag, fulli ig a nerveless uienibc' Uon the hcan ol eailhl nd titubeis that had roblicd him of life. Stnlv Flanl, I'VRVIs, Mis., Jane 3). The case of John L Sullivan, who was i.iJictcd yrslcifay, for engaging in a prize ligh; with JaU Kiliain, was called ii the court tins nioruinir. 1 lie iiulictmctil was read to Sullivan, .uul U)hii iM-ing asked to plca.l, he replies "guiliy. The com t then scntc-uced ill.' champion .0 pay a line of (500. The S511O tu iuitnviliuiciy paid, and ilic "Sullivan patty leave for the north at once. AaalMl TiHt. Saratoga, June 24, Ti.e cuinl of uppe ils decision in thc;tig ir case, lian.le I iI.maii this nuMn:ng, is strongly ag.unst tn: liu.t. Tli judgments of tlu lower couits, dissviAing the trust uie fully sllutticl. 4'rralftl a araiai, Maimso.n, Vis, June 24 Y.x 1'ie.hU-nt John llascom, of the Wisconsin university, now of Williamalown, Mass, created a sensation to nigh' in his r Jili ess to the giaduating class in law by unmercifully criticising the decision ol the isconsin supicme court in excluding the bible hoimlic public schools. What Seat. Saratoga. N v., June 24. The court of appeals this morning affirmed thl decision of the courts lietow that the warden of Auburn f'rison is the proper person to execute Kemin er. A KeclUat iunl Killed. I'KNtt.Kro.N, June 22. William O'Ncil, a section hand on the Union I'acilic, was killed Saturday by being run over by an engine in charge of Condu-tor Muore, on a curve six mile below Pendleton. 1 lis head was cut oiT entirely and his Ikk'.v badiy mne!cd. He was on a lun kar with three 11 her men, and, when " MW ine engine, nccauie txcneu, ami 11 ' JUUIplllg Oil gOl Catlgt.l UtMcr the lUMb ar w.ieels, and I rforc he could get out "he cn,;mc struck In in. The other uicn ?rvapcl. ftntllaa ladlrtrsi. !,..,.. si 1 fi 1 H Itlh, Mu... June 23.-1 lie K.jn. jar, to day found an indictment -iinst Sjil.vaujin aur ntir l.e lirnt untn ce.sfullv alter for piue lifchliiig. It wi,l be called Up lo mor. j he has aumd Ui cure them. C-xiMilllilon low and a day lurd In liiai. A petition oilffe iml mu tin firelv call tiinm the Julee Terrell is i-rini! nuinetously siencd by leading ciurcns, praying 1h.1t a Ime without imprisonment be imposed uj on Sullivan. slrkeil by a Harsr, KlOE.Mt.Jjne Jj R A Seal, of ihi city, 70 )ears of age.was kicked by a horse in the hotly yesterday, fiom the eflccts of which he died this morning. J ratal tUplaslaa. New Voxk. N V ., June 23. The tug Alice E Crane exploded her huiter while tying at the dock this moming.causing its complete wreck. Captain Chas W S piites i-n 1 crew of four men were alt killed. A no lying alongside was subk anil it is su; txscd the watchman went down with hrr. The explosion is sup posed to be the result of a defect in lie boiler. Work of Ihe Morns. Indian APuLIs, June 22. During a rain storm this afternoon at Kaiivil'c I'aik, a num ber of people oug!it refuge in the dejot which was being erected by ihe electric street rail road. The depot was olown down and a do.en people seriously injured, and one fatal ly A rrvsMral Itend. Sax Salvador, June 2j.l'rci lent Mcn endex died suddenly last ni,;V, .'n after the conclusion of a banquet given on I lie occasion of the fifth anniversary of the entrance of (Jen eral Mencndcx into San Siivador and ihe de feat of the Fealdivar faction. During the panic caused by the president' death General Mar cow and several o' her officers were kiiled al the barrack. General Carlo lveta, leader ol the force, is now ;n command. All i quiet it present. Aa OrreB dlrlkc. La, Or., June 24. I I.c.e is iti.l no chvnge in the stiike. The striking machinists are still out, and are striving hard to concen trate their forces." nd the hotcr element seems determined to prevent if possible any lawless ness. One noticeable thing about Ihe present strike is the absence of any meterial disposition to drink. La CRANlR,J'aii-r 22. The employes of the Union Pacific machine shops at this place went on a strike this morning. All hands went to work as usual at 7 o'clock and at If o'clock the whistle blew and all the mechanics stopped This is only a small pan of the strike, as it is said to extend from Pocatcllo to Portland, in cluding the shop at Pocatcllo, Shoshone, La Grande, Tckoa, the Dalle and AII1111.1. I he cause alleged is some d ssatisfaction as to wag e. , A Harder. Seattle, June 12, A Post Intelligencer special from Hot Spring says: William W Clark, an engineer in the employ of Bard Brothers & Co., of the Green River lumt er and tingle mills, cf this place, was most brutally murdered about 9 o'clock this morning by Hurt Redmond, another employe of the same firm, tngaged as a man of all woik around the mill. The murder was the outcome of an old feud of boat a year's standing. Fqaal tit l ulirarnla, Wilkesuarre Pa,, June 22. Two youn men of this city retuned in a buggy .from ag pleasure 'esort to-night and were confronted by three masked highwaymen on the turnpike where Farmer Rosecran was murdered two years ago. Their horses, being frightened by ihe dark lante-ns, needed no uiging, and made heir escape amid a fusillade of revolver shots. A poise has gone out in pursuit of the robbers. A Tvwn weit Away. Lincoln, Neb., June 22. A special to the Journal from Grand Island say the town of Sect water, a little hamlet of U si than n hundred inhabitant'-, was swept away by a tornado which vis: . 1 the place aliout 3 o'clock this afternoon. N one was killed, but a num ber were injured. oyer a Chareh. Saratooa,N Y.June 22. Yesterday after noon there wa a row at SchuylerviUe between a gang of electric light company workmen and parishioner of the Church of the Visitation (Catholic.)the latter insis ing that the workmen should not set poles in front of the church. No one was fatally injured, though mUsiles flew in showers. Sheriff Deyse ordered the rioters to desist. They refused and a fight ensued, Mat ters quieted down after leveral arrest s.alihough too men with pistols a .id other arc, guarded the church all night and to-day. It is under stood that both sides are ready for a fracas Monday morn in l', and should the trouble re open il is likely the military will be called out. A Faollfth )uth, Trenton, NJ., June 22, Hewitt Van Metal's body was found to-day in the water power reservoir. Van Metar, who was a clerk inw pottey, had been missing since Wednes day. He was engaged to a prominent young1 Udy, and hi jealousy of hrr- led to suicide. When foiinu one hand and one leg were tied together with a cord. A note was found on the body directing that $25 be paid the finder of the corpse, There were also letters to his parents and to those of th young lady. He wa 20 years old. Scrofulou eruptions, such a pirn pier, di coloration of tha Skin, rsnocially on Not. ara caused by impure hloorl arjd will rlisap- I pisr rapidly by nian Pfaiuler'a , Oergon B'nod Pntifler. SMITH IIIRTUUAT, Last FrIJny Mr.Jolm Crabtree, of "The Forks," was 90 year ol age. The event was duly celebrated by a gathering of rcl atlves and friends, Including five children, ho spent the day In festivity. Mr Crab tree 1 already well known to our citizens a a hearty old pioneer r 'be earlier day, Ti e following poem tettil by Mr Moon, was a just tribute to a linf old genu man: Full twenty year your life bus mimhrred Above the "three n'coro year and ten," That (.toil, who rule lit 'love mid mercy, Allots unto the son of men. And still 111 grncloiiH love us, A children, neighbors, friend to ga'.hrr here, To kindly greet you, and rejoice togrthcr A we recount the hlulngt of tho tear. A backward glance the mind might fitly take, And note the changes In these ninety years; Well lilted they are with trial, conflict, sorrow. Close Interwoven lit e the joys and hopes and fear. Kits'., memory pitlnt In color clear and blight Tl c hi ppy bov will, I the "Old Virginia" home, And faney Umr( cnlrhe mother's voice 1 11 ploi Inn hies; Ins fiuiu the Lord upon Iter son. You drci.m, n fe. eitm Inter on, ( )f lin lug w Iff , ilte In in i ami home to blrsa, The vow then spoken and the bride tlit ti won Are still, i'f nil tln ble.n;;s of the urius. the b.-st Fair children ciinc to further b!es the home And till the heatt and lif wilt m enter cheer i home t l them have, long since, gone .n before 5 III tr.etuoiy tbii.ili t .Irty are very near. Hut u Ii v all.) .v . c l' b e1 v if I l,mk, We wi.u 1 inn cluing the record If e could. For greater hlrsslug could not crown man's da . Than a long I. Ii-nobly spent, In doing good. Forward now ttMk,wlier In the west Life' setting sun fast sinks Into the sea, And, bv l'.ra. dispelling retry c oud tiiutdiilw Dctwccrt your mortal vle.v and great In-lli-ity. Then upward let Ihe eye of holy faith I urn to the 'Heavenly mansion ami fair. bright That Christ, the son of God, who love us Vre, Has gone, for all who love him to prepaie. And w hi n the message come to each of u To cross death rushing ilver, our by one, May we all meet uporrtlie other ld and there Mud lest and joy, and peacehome. ! rtnon. Ike Wrlrnliar apsrlatlst. (iuarantec a stiiccssful trealmriil In teases i.i isomen ai d nil private diseases dl of ri'hrr s.-s. (w-r fifty cirs of catarrh curcJ liee Jin. i-l In Ihlscl'y. and no latlurr heard Irom !.. lis t ladle .... I . 1:- . ! lunii ni uiwr, pniiiMr 111 ii-ii rx anu , .. 'f.,1 to -111 b ntt.l 1 Or. Kvcf tilling I striciv eolifidentlal and pilv.itc. He prepares Ills own m.dl clues and sou do ivd have In go In u drug Store to have tour prescription ftlh-d. His ollice is so arranged that one patient doe not meet another. He Is not here for a few dais only but ha permanently located and witl stay. Ills pi ice correspond with the nrt urc of the tlUctse and descrv l.ig jvxjr arc treated free Patient out of the city can be treated bv correspondence, unless acute disease. Oilier, Haimbrr's Block, Albany. Residence 3rd and Mont gomery. Oriice hour. 10 to 1 1, J lo 4 and 7 to 8." The lr can refer to any bank in Albany or the I'acilic Coast a to" hi relia bility, and to the Oregon State Medical .Society a to hi standing In the medical profession. f lalrr! la stars Owarr. Horned lurkl by the day or week at L Sendera' ataldia. All driving or other horwn w ill l well cared for.lieing under the immediate- charo of Mr Fred Moiitt. C'harifa will In; very r-aniiallc. Farm er horwa w ill alisu befuri.tuhnl w ith the Ix-nt of arc nmiiKMhatioiiN. (Is nera of good horw-H will alwaya find mile lor tho name at thia titalile at gl trictH. Stablca lo cated 011 Sixth and KlUwortli atrtet, one hhx-k aoutli of Hc-hool buililicg. (itrr KNTKAi'ttiyic. o and aeo that beautiful goM watili at the "ioik-n Rule Inziiar." Jul inn (irailwohl the proprietor of thotiobU-11 Rule llaxnar.iit foniM u4 that he I n the Prize Peking Pow der, ami No I Japan tea, exprewsly tit fir hi liiuiticHH, iiinl for tho Ix-nelit of hia riiHtotiKTH, eitrli Ink of baking powder will win a piece of tine glamiware and aim! each pound of the tea will win a piece of fine ghtHnware, mini cuaWimem w ho buy otio pound of tea or a box of hutting jiowder, w hich i warranted, wilt have a cliaiieo at that benutiful gold watch. He hax olo added a tine anaort nient of family groceries to hi 111am inotith atnek of gtiwiNware and crockery, w hich in the larKcMt in tho Willamette Valley. Go and ae Mr Gradwhol at the Golden Rule Buaar, and you will find that nothing U Ordnr y.ur Kentish and Hi.yal Ann cher ries for putting up of Ja Powell He Co. rorwrts, CnnielN. We make a specialty of ladles and misses line orsct and waists. We also have a drive in a r rench satine corset at 7s cent extra good value. Samvkl E Youno. A.NOOKA (lOATM WaNTKD. Tllfl Undcr- ij?ni;d wants to buy I.r0 lit-ad of Anora gouia. t. all on or write to me at Albany vrfwu j it nrcn AitraoK. ALUtwy Marble and Granite Works. IIv inj lately purchased the stock of S A Uiygs ami ( v l urns, we aliall la idrel to show da itfua aud give tiricvs to all inU'iid in (jurohasi r. Bust of workmen en.jlnyrd arid prices aa low aa nny lor hrat-elata woik. Visit as befor tiurcbss lt tlrcwherr. Euan & ArutHt'N neat door to Democrat o(Hot) Albany, Or, "i on have a 'big stock to ae'eet fro n at J r 1'owell 01 1 o' Vu((i. ows to patur. Woo')ia!! tTALr 'Jtu. Ml l' REST The only remedy known which will S!!mii!st9 t!i9 KutrlflYS Pr;c::sesof tha ttmn System. Tr this natural and simple means Ii Quickly and pcrraauent'y CUKES All Forms of ' Dyspepsia, Constipation, Mental and Nervous Exhaustion, General Debility, 1 train Fag, or any exhausted or weak, mod condition of the system, from what ever cause, Skin Eruptions, Bolls, Itun. nlns; Soros, Scrofula, and all Diseases of the Blood, Stomach, XJver end Kidneys 8 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FOR 85.00. Dr. Holer's 64 pare book, descriptive of Hy (J runt I no Restorative aud uia other bemediesv awit free by mail. ' CILLER DHU8 CO., San Francisco, Csl roa uaim xnr FOSHAY & imQti, ALBANY, CCH. "as .f,rt a Jtl'-'K" Ci-aaj- aaS-a- v Ta DRATIVE AT J AS. r. o Finn oranges, ICarly Rose and other potatoes, Cookie and cracker, Dried fruit. Fresh garden product, Atl kind canned goods, Oa'.incal, corn meal, Hour, etc., Tickle, frrtiahc, etc. Everything found anywhere. A stock of goods in Albany for Riilo. Inquire of ASIIIJY & NEIL. Two Men and One Roy FOUND mUI)!! Whtlo trying t Crovl their DEYQE & BROS' Store, where lln-r a'wats have on hand tlif largest Muck south of Portland, ot the latct In. pi. v.-. I Utile and Shot (tin ; an Inum ue stock i f f''lshlr;g TnckU of ee v drsct Iptlon j 'J'rnts, I Inn, una k, Ctimp C'lndrs unit thousand ot ether thing too numrrou to mention, Itluli Hhop In connection with the Store, anil one of the best wiykmcii In the Mate to do any and ail kind of work. Come on, Come all; No trouble to show kkaI. "Small piotll and quick sale" Is out motto. F. M. French, -14141 t WATCHES and CLOCKS, Waltham AMD- OilYERnw f OPECTACLKS ; O O EVK-GLASSEvJ TOWNSEND k WILSON Th fuilosviu i a )rtil hat ef city and irm rnjK-rty i.r t ty a. 4 oniiiiiirovcj lota on Sth Street. Each 1 lot with b'Misa t wo toriS OO 4th)-.Bd 4ackion St. I .".DO. ' Houm with 8 rooms, 1st St, f I6t0. 1 lot on Washington Rt. H.'0. 3s-)tttt hit oq 3rd St. Kach, i00. A gin farm of 4 10 sera 8 rtiilra frrirn llalsay. J.'iO per acra. Can I divided and will oiaka to Kod farms. A Kmi farm of 170 acre, I mil from Tan gout, 3 mi to from Albany, f V) per acra. f lood farm of 140 acres, 3 B.ilr from Shedd. rrtoe, ?:jouo. A good to.-k farrr, 2 rnitca from Shcdil, I GO acre. foOU. A & eottaa with t room, !rna lot rncr, ?icoo. Several tract of S and 10 acre lota, one and a half a ilea from Albany. f3U0 fvt acra. A good stock farm, 1500 act, 3 mile from II Itsutn.n. for acre. A bargain Farm 3 mihs frnm Shed4,firtclius wheat ami frail land, 140 acre. 1 nce.tpUtiO. 62o acra 4 ml lea from R It. f30 par acra. Cao ! sold la lota o suit mrubaters. - itlock and lota in Towuwnd'a addition te Albany. AUK.NTa toil THE Leading Insurance Companies, rOXUDXOAT, AM) 'i 3EC03!tXX3. TOWNSEND & WILSON, Ileal Estate rtiukrr. City Drag Store. Stanard & Gusick - Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines . and chemicals.fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, perfnmery.Hchool and ar tists supplies. Physician's proscriptions , accurately compounded. V ' Will&Link, OPJCRA HOUSE - MUSIC STORE, atoaxrs roa na ci.miuTD II. F. Miller And th FvorIt "'- t ' J. BAUER k CO PIANOS. Also th - v . Mons8 Proof AEEUFF," . ) And other First-Clasa t- . O "El O- A. 1ST S Sola Aganta frrr ths v ELDREDCE B. and -M D03IE aewt tig Slao'i "n?;: Organs - Cleaned-and - Repaired. AlHANY, i: OliEOONY '' CityRcstaiiraet, Hjvins been entirely rembiloled. this old and popular restaurant eHH be made flrat clasa in every respeot. The rmblio will he given good mesla as all hour for onlv 25 oents. Everything neat and attra,ct,iv Private boxes, Ovstar la every atvlo. V. A. McGjsk. Setti Thomas Exooutor's Notice, NOTICK M HKRtCQYUIVEMTMAT thi trubirliinid has been appointed by the County Court of Linn county. Or. gon, exnetuutrof thalaat will and testa mentand enUtnof Jan Ilrlnghain, de eai!, lata of Umatilla county, Oregon. i'""' navinn sistms against aani nautaara hnrcby hotlflwi to preaenl tbam duly verlflod at hi rn.ldf.noe In Albanir. Orjiimn. within ali Ir.itn thla dalo 1 un mu, I Hit) ,t H. M. PKSNINnTOS TJSTi"ia. Kaooutor. Att'y for Kxctmtor. Executor's Notice. Nolln U horaby r,lvan that tha nndf-r j gnud lists. Ikm n af.polntcsl by thrt County tuurioi uinn county, Ornaon, exeoti or O. thO laat Will anil 1. I.l, snil xslmLs of Camilla MeKarlaod, diaaad, lata of .inn i-oiiniy, urngon. All naraona tiav Ing rtlalmaaitaiiiNtaald aaUta are baratiy not I tl ml toproont tha 11 duly rerlflad athla cjiTlr-a 1 rt Albany, O rag in, within alx inorttha from tula data. May Oth, IHIHJ T J Krtrs-a . Kawuior. itt'y for Kanculor Mfi&ter'o Sale. thf Uuilnl Stiitm Circuit Court Jo- this Jlinttul oOirgt,,,, .H. MVKKH.rlnl, (So 1MV! ) v. JAHMNtt-irr, I'MiLcir (tuni-Kr ml A, ' niuussr snJ l'i li Mrt'iins sm 1 Jons i iissss: Norirfc III III IlKliY (ilKJ THA IN I'fltMl !tll lit l I'll tf ! Sil l-Urt, IHS-i alllll VII' 1 ful I.i Itm U'e r'i... m, Um I7l'l uiiy ! Isiiinr, ls."i. I, On.rve II l"i l '.i -iu In li.i vr 1 1 tnjr , ill I'l'Ml tu in.M at I'ulill ail 'il. K, I" t r Ii u .,,.i l'' l 1 ..r 'm 11 h iL.t, su!- JvCt Slf rtnl. I tllll', 1M UM., fit, ftafi'Mll!., Iu. 4 I'd Jn.lKHii.iil UC Us.atllin I. .11.1 J.'f'l liw U U lj ('nun IiuIim:, I'f I inn ...m l), si A b.t'iy .bi wil 1 1. ' ei.iuii' , lirsv-t 1. -ii antai.iM), Je sih, I:m t Ittv tu.lli I'f U uVlii k. III lit.) f.irvli nil, M 11m rliilit, tiili 1 1 111.1 rst wt lfh tiw iufi'tit!ii. (''ill- lliitillK.I. , A ' lillj.tty n -Isatos Hll. Il.d In Hit horoliintu-r iljMiil nl n.N.rty, t lliil'f III vv oi'jll.inul thu o iWsfa In til till! u l ilceow tisrvtii sat Infill s i I d wrltwi, nr w hi 'It tliot or tlior i.f tlistrt n li llirln, ksld MVrmdJ liroinUuj bo mown tils to U; TU iluiwilon Ishd t aim cf WlllUai W ami S.lil Wlltouiiliby, li'.'im NuUfloillun tf.M, ullaiOssl in Mwst Id, II. It 1ft, TMriuiiii 13, Houth of luna 4 Wsat uf lb WilUnwtMRMrUlui, cmUlulug two hundred sod ninety two sud nlrwty buiulrsdllw acros; alao, ttw MIuwIiik, euwmimclna at th sriulhWMt eonwr l Uss durtsUi a Unit elslra admlxr 01, NuUOostloa T7, UwnM t U. V7Uitac norttKhtins 6 chains 0 stak; thsiic north, 3 darti watt, t. IS attain to Um ossitcr 4 Muthly eroek: thsno down tb tn- wtdsrtris u( Mid twk to lb wsat Una of atla claim i Umuos suuth ctislti to lb ilo of bsslnnln-. onUlnln tl suit 17 hundroiltb act i stsu the f4 baring, bvginnln si tb auulhaswt eonwr of claim nuttibar 61, KutlOcaUim tb'T, thsi.c west U chain Umoo aurlh V chain ; thcoc aast tiV chain ; Uwne aiuth Strttii to the lar of Urlnnll'lr, eontaln. lug a;') afos, all In una county, uncun. talnln In ths agrvsUl sl.ul 177,77 actra.'. Kahl ale will 1m a In asiUf action of said deersst and o.U and out of asl ; said dcerc I tor Snnn6 and th carta Used si .30,77 OKolKiE II. til'UIIAM, aW in Chaiwry I' Stir (,'oarl liiat Oiaoa. 14 Mav list, K in, Refcee's Sale. f TAT or t HU.oX, 1 Oovarr or .rt.Tc.u ) N. lioo 1- l. ri b) iiiv. n that I ) t irtua i,f a ( rof rtitluu and ..nit s i f .atn matla b) a t tbUrrad In tlm l liuult I i.l tt i.f the stale d Or. g in fur Multnomah cmiii'ji on the 15Ui dav ol Juiir. 1 Vli, slid aa SBiitmlsliny deer uiadt and entrrad 10 sni t'nurt no tha 20th day f Sfptrnibar, 187. in th (isrtltn.n suit nf Am and a r una at ai r j it atnt'n al al. ahrreby It wa nrdort d that tha fi.lmwiog rrsl riterty ticfil4 a lull. to-wit: Ita-kiiiiiinit at a twintlaaa (III chain and ix (til link n "rib, and .& (7) chaiaa and tlthty (!01 bulla vast f in toothaaat Corner ,( saa'tKxi t.tiHtma I IV) in townilitp twelve (12) rWh of IUhk loor (4) wt, Willam tl MortdlaM, oa rooninjt tbrnoa east fifty iabt(aH) chain and ut)-four (64) links tlicoca north tan (10) chain: thaneaeaat eight (8) chains and fifty (SO) link ; then.- .i.utb ten (10) chain theooa south two (2) dvgre, thirty (Xf) minntM .t two (2) chslna and aisly (t0) link; thence south eighteen (19) degrees thirty (30) ainutea,eaat twenty (20) chains and ninety an I'JCs links Iheom wt suty-six (Gfi) chains and eiahty even (87) link 1 thruce north fiva (5) de gree aud thirty (.10) minute east twenty (20) nbaina and nine (9) link ; t nonce aorta tea (10) tlegreeaanil thirty (30) sninatra. west eleven (II) chains and aoreoiv (70) link $ and thence north twenty!: (20) decree, west twelve (12) chain and thirty (30) links In tha lac ol beginning, cnfttaipltirf tw hundred ami nrrebty-thre (273) acre, more laa,baiujitaatel la l.lno county, Ureeon, and belrta a srt of aactioa nineteen (19.) twenty (20) aud thirty (30 )ia township (12) Miath raose four (4) west Willsmetta Mtrv dian 1 bcinrf in c-mncctina with other real iirooerty b l.muintf to tha heir of Julia .Smith, deceased, be sold at public auction, according to law, to the highest bidder. - Now t.iertfore, bv vntc f said dort, and said amendment thereto, I, th" ander- signr,lho waadaly apMnnted hy said Court to aell said il property, wi 00 raraUay, Ja'y ISlh, lata, ' at 10 o'cintt' a. nt. at Ibe CVa.'t Ilia door of Linn cuoty, Orepnu, axil at fmblia aoo tion Oi thr I lbast Wi.ld. r, f'ir cjah.iu pnr.a sece to sai l deorea, all of the withia de scribed reel 1 raj erty. C II lUrrrrv, Iteferea. Notice of Final Settle ment. ' Ntio i hereby given that tha executrix of tba last will ar.d Uastamant of Henry Fea- land, daorased, haa tiled in tba County Court of Lino orronty, Oregon, her final account aa such erd':nx and by order ot said Court Monday, July 7th. 1390, at tba hoar of 2 o'clock n. tit., bis been act for bearinir. All permit; interested are batchy notilied to ap pear and tile hi or her objection if any tbme la tossid acooantoa or before said day. Dated Jut. 4th, 18tK). M J P!tLA!D, J K WKATiUKrofiU, Exeontrix, Atl'y for Kxuoutrix. Administrator's JNatice. Notice i hereby viveo that the under signed adtnintstrators of the estate oftEooch, deceased, have tiled with tba oltrrk of the County Unurt frr Ltou couuty, ()rcon chair fin si acuouutin anid estate aud the said Vunty (.Vmrt ha Kxed Monday, the 7th day f Julv, 18'JU, at the bou' of 1 o clock p. ui. nf tsbl dav, f ir tho heariun oi objction to aconunt, 11 any and to anltte Said esUfe. xwaa aui, isoa ..... ' '' ' VV K Mr.sriK.NiiAi.L, J A. U nATIIBI'.Koan, Admrs. Att't to Aduir. Administratrix Notice, Notice i hereby given that the under aiirnad has this day been duly appointed ad iniiiietratrix of the estate of Martin Wert. dt'omsed, late of Li nil county, Oregon. All pi-rscns liavirg claim against laid estate are hereby n qui; co to present them, properly Vt-nllmi to the undersigned at Albany, Ore gon. withiu six mouth fom toil date. My.l4th,v1890. - Sabau L I.upkr, . : V'.. rf ; .' Administratrix , Administrator's .Notice. Noti;e i hi ruby civon that the under igiied Iihs been appointed administrator of the ekttie of .Miriam ll.irrtl, deomted. late of Linn county, AH prtits having olatmi against aaid estate are hereby notilied to prose nt them, : duly vorihed. to the under signeci at his i-idouoe in Soio, Or gon, with in ix mmtbaf'iin tin date. May 16th, 1890. .; - J L Miller. Hewitt &Irvfnr, , Admin. A'.t'ya for Admr, ,. t Administrator's Notice Notice . is hereby given that the under- siisted was bv nrdtr of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon. on the 4th day of June, 1890, appointed administrator, with tha will annexed, of the estate of Chas II Bpenoer, deceased. All persons having olaimi against said estate .will present them to me, at my office io tba 'Bank of Oregon," in Albany, Oregon; .duly verified, within six months 1 frrm thisdate, Dited June 4th. 1800. . -; , AdmiaUtrator, with the a ill BDuexed. of the estate of Chat h Spc-n-(Jeo W Wright, oer,deceaaed. . Attorney ' . . ... " , Russel S Co's A QRICULTURA IMPUEIVJENTS, WAGONS AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IRON, STEEL. CHAIN, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, VAQON MATERIAL, BABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASS SEED, GUNS and AMMUNITION. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Oalr fJewalaa lrteas mf Mrrsnrr Tratalaf . fear lleeba Learned la ana reading. Mlad waaderlnc rem!. Beery rhlld aad adatl areatly fceneHtled. Ura.4 lattaaaejMita u. Curtnuo ctaame. fmKavta. svioi rtpl"!-. rf lr. Wis. A . Ilaa. rsead, tua twHIuuM atlalia) In U nA Ihiaa taairl tirrpslr.rTSnmiiaoii, tin rnai f.,n,.,t US-US, J, . UarLlr. l.l.,ailnarrfti I hrtnn A-tmanaU S. 'U la-hard l'rwtr, tia Htti--, I Jaaa. V. W. A.lor, J adaa .lli.n, J udaM I. Itralaasta. aM tm wi ir tn b tnCArCulmliTi U: tUik Ave., X Y. IT TS Tnn TTT! AT, WET)TrTWT.. It ntie ttt I jr and Ktitm-ys am Sloym:h, rttfe lljija lw-. IIvsikt..1.1. rrvutis an Afi;.-" lite, PmiftusUw 1n.mrc ii.uod, and frTte TT'e Wr-uli fftrora;. P mmmm Caed verj-whero. ft abo)t.leU fori H.C.WATSON, Attorney at Law, ALBANY, -:- OREGON, snre la tha atraaan Black. Uobur-j Lumber. I aell tha lft lumber io the cennty; also tedar pou, uintjc, lath door an 1 win dow ale. IVicea from Sj o '22 per thousand. Yard at Iiwn, 011 tbe Narrow CauB'c. ie m bvfuro narchnaii e slaewhtre. V W CatwroRi. l.Ire, V O Ti.nn, Or THE PLACE. By al) mean r.n face. Brothers. tor yoni Groceries, Mum, . 8ak8d Oools, Etc. Stc. Ttalritooda ara tho boat a-.. 1 tin tr urlcee aaaarknakll a " HENRY M. STANLEY IH DARKEST AFRICA T eiwrb' stnrj ef ntantaj's rtesnt thrllllnt : ,V vwisliirr ( the oiaekauve i hla4mirtiis i.n . is will aiiiwar .ir tha flrss Sim In the It w Utn bjr himself, nUtll lo Darkest A ," a U n.4 la 4ooiied br awr ot tb so kl il ' Rtanlay Ixxiks" now bainf ora as "eais. "ia itt 'autUQiitia4 To tto on Uisseiia B.s'ili'r e-intrlbutul a Una. ''-;' Til tjI sua qiiwiion abuat this (taUrnant hatrte CrrciUii.'a r imnlonlar. W guarautoa it, aal will plr m 'iniiUr, on application. - .. - - . ' HAIITIuM Inonlwa.a tobe UrtU 1 1U 11 t .'t Ui book, baan Ui im.,, v lalo!-' . . ... -- - , - , -.'i- -CHARLES SCRlBNERSsON, , Anl ttmt t'10 risssiu( aaient aarrias aeartltioas' - f tvucjr tltltl us. . .v . ' 6.1; BANCR0F11& Z0i 132 POST STREET, - SAN FRANCISCO.- ' Ge'.cra! Aofnt3 for the Paciflo Coast W. B.Ini-tiii, Sole Agent for: tinn Cdiintv, Oregon. JAMES p.ead; Attorney at Law and Title Eianiiner, ALBANY - .-OREGOK. Will praotloe in- all thei-orAirta. nt the State. Abstracts off - Title famished ou short aotioe- -Ten years irericnoe. FOSHAY & sVfAON, 1t,ll'- IWlAlla- Ortiogists and Bcokscilf . A tttn ta for Jo b o B. A lden 'a publ Icai ions. whtcb wb aell at publisher's prieos with KUeaniiiw ...... AlaRALVY. OltKUOr , Milk! MUkl! I am TireDararl to deliver milk tn all n.irts of the city. Guarantee tha best qna'.ity. Iieave ordora at C E BrownoH'B croeerv a tore. ; Wm FutTawnft. if ALBANY, OREGON, -AOEWTH yoE- Engines and Pachinery. V -it stfi 1 :. r- 1 1 - . il ,i -a5L ' ' -U M . . i? --- tfg''' ' ' 'ia-Ml :-aiw' AXJ IKALF.K! IX - - -.. !: .' UL.J1JL UHIJPJJ. ..-.laTJias ij 1 . I L. E. Hum l Jsjen AT ffl HEAD Now Ihe (.rcatest Atiraction is 1IU Largo and Sh'lish Stock of r"l LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS; Straw Goods, Etc., lu Iveexinr With tho S;uou. If You Would Ik) Suitably Dressed - Call - at - Jas. E. Powell & Co., Successor to Goo. C, Henderson. -DEALERS IX- Choice Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Prices and Wait a bit! A man broke his neck once because he -waa in a hurry! We want you to know about our Stoves and Ranees, at prices from ten dollars upward. The newest thing in the way of household utensils are Oil and Gasoline ' stoves. Come and look at 'era. We do business to please our friends as well as to make a dollar or two. Popular prices provail. Matthews & Wasiiburj. I ; SMOKE THE GIAGARS Mantif jobred by IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIUARS P.iig am' sawkyg ttV)cooa, Mttriiiliiai and briar pipes rH sraoki k arti;la cri-nprall? " ' MONEY, Home capital to loan on apnrovod aeourllv. WE MoPtior aon. Krai Etato and Tnsnranoa Broker, rrorn, street, opronw the JKuas House.- FOR SALE. A carpet loom. with al fix t urea aid Attachment?!. rn leanon b'e terms. Call on John Medio, at the entral School buiUiinj,-, BUQGJC9, LOGGERS :A'D BLAIN: T)eclnril THE- - HIS His - Store. - Groceries Prompt Attention. Matthews & 1 Washbur A'LBANy, OREGON Hirtoe, Stoves, and Tiawira. Julius Joseph TO RENT. A furnished eotUee, five room, with or without piano, for three months. Ioqoire at this office. T 0 KENT. Nice furnished room 9 rent, lDqaire at this ciheev LINE "4