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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1890)
IKHH TIC STATU TK KET. Congresmiian U A Miller, of Jackson ville. I inventor Pylvontot I'ennoyor.of Port land. Secretary of State -W M Towneena, of I .eke Co. Treiuntrer (1 V Wobb.of IVndletrt. Supreme Judge 11 F lkmh am.of Snm . Pupt. of Public Inetrtution A ItfUoy, of r.rownnville. Stle Printer J O'Prlen. of Portland. Prosecuting Attorney 3rd littt J J W hitnoy, of Albany. DEKOCK.tTIC COl'STl TltMT FOR STATU SKKATOUS Hon Wratliorford aud lion Jeff Myers. J K RKrilKSENTATIVES C. J. Shedd, lion f V hnrJml Dr J F Usury COUNTY COMMISSIONER William Rumbaugh. COUNTY RECORDER K E Davis SHERIFF MattSoott. COUNTY CLERK N P Payne. COUNTY TREASURER W E CurL ASSESSOR-H S William, SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT G I Russell. COUNTY SUkYEYOR-E J O'Cooom COUNTY CORONER Frmok Farrolt. E J O'Conner U an accomplished, prac Ileal urveror. II will be re-elected. Frank Farrel will male a good coroner, Every dciroctat In the county thould vote tor him. "Ill" Williams ha been eelng the people ot this county for' the last ten year, and U a man of ripe experience. He will be the next assessor. Nun Tayne is a cartful, painstaking man just I lie quali'y necessary to make a good county clerk. There are no flies oa Nim, and "he will get there Eli," Ed Davis has made a most efficient and ac- commoJaiine coun'v recorder for the lost two years and we predict that he will receive hamlso oe majority for that office. Mat Scott is noted (or his firm but 4enial dis position. He Drakes friends everywhere he roes. He a peculiarly fited foe the office of ahcrifl and will be elected by a targe majority, Do not forget that Col R A Miller and Mr A LeRoy, democratic candidates for congreM and state superintendent of pub lic instruction, will address the people of Linn county at Albany on Friday May 9th at 1 o'clock p m. Ev jrj body tarn out and hear thim. Dr J F Henry, F C Hansard and C Shedd, are all suitable and fit persons to represent the people ot Linn county I the legislature. The democrats should see that they all get a full vote. William Rumbaugh la a man of soun judgment and will make a good county commissioner. Democrats should bear in mind that if Mr Rumbaugh be defeated the republicans will then have a majority of ' tl:e county court. "Uncli Billy" Curl served one term as county treasurer and gave good satisfaction to the people. He Is a safe, careful man, and, although he is a cripple, we feel con fident that he will run fast enough to beat Sis opponent easily. The people of Linn county want men of experience in the legislature. Mr Weather ford and Mr Myers have both served in that body before, and hence when they go to the senate, will be prepared to enter at once, in telligently, upon their labors. The Republican managers in Alabama have decided to not ran a state ticket this year but to have Congresssioaal candidate im every district, trusting to the precedents of the pres sent Congress and Speaker Reedisms to count fhern in. Prof G F Russell is one of the most success ful teachers in the county. He La lived in the state nearly all bis life while bis opponent Mr Michcner has Leen here but about one one year. Mr Michener is almost entirely un known to the people. Mr Rassel will be the next county school superintendent by a large majonty: Every day brings cheering new of democratic prospect throughout the state. The disaffection over the nomination of Dave Thompson that showed itself to plainly in Portland is rapidly spreading to all parts of the state. We hare no Imita tion in making the prediction that gover nor Pennoyer will run materially ahead of his ticket In every county In the tte. The whole country without regard to party has met a severe los in the untlme ly death of Senator Beck, of Kentucky who died Saturday of paralysis of the heart. He was a man of great ability and un swerving integrity and commanded the confidence of republican as well as demo crats senators. It will be hard to fill his place. Car'isle msv be called up higher. Republican papers are excoriating Har vey Scott fjr saying that 'nlie republican partv Is on the high road to the devil." "J01 don" is a hard road Harvey to travel When he tells the truth, as he djes, sometimes, when .it of candor lakes possession of him hi own party papers flagellate him uniil he is sore, and when he varies from the line of truth and fact, a he frequent ly does, then the democratic paper baste him unmercclfully, so In sheering clear of Scyila he Is cast helpless on ChsrybdU. WH AT POM IT TJIlSKf The Eugene Registrx very approvingly pniadi's the following plank of th repub lican platform to show that its party Is opposed t the issue of non-taxable bauds: I'tvit e are In favor it a lair and equal dUt-',1.1'tii.n of taxation, and we believe, that i-.'l property tioiv exempt by U shoir i r .inribute i'. due proportion of the legtuK.uiv expense of gnvei mtier;t." Nuw tins resolution does not cover the matter of bonds at all for it only extends to property how exempt and not to bond, to bn I isurd hereafter.- This is one of the tricks of Hie cunning scribi who drew that'ii. It was draw.i to catch the un wary Hul the Ilr.trister walked straight into the trap. By the way has the Rtgtsfr duly conOdtfred the Import of this plank in the republican platform? It pledges the party to lax all property now exempt by law. Under the present law personal property of all literary, benevolent, scientific insti tutions, and the real estate occupied by such institutions for the pnrpose of carry ing out the objects for which they were incorporated; all houses of public worship, and the lots on whi:h they are situated, and the pews and sKps lu such churches burial grounds and tombs, and public li braries are exempt from taxation, bnt un dcr the reto'ution above quoted the repub lican party declares in favor ol taxing this property. That party is therefore.pledged t ) tax all the property of the churches, OiU Fellows, Masons, Anclen. Order of l uili-ci workmen. Knights of Pythias etc. Wii it, in view of thW, does the Itetristet think of tht; altitude of its party on this Mil jed? li It in favor of taxing church pi t;iirtv .' Would li tax a graveyard? WATER UOMI& The Democrat Is in receipt of the fallow ing from Center precinct t A dirpule has arisen he- whether me re publicans in their state convention put a plank in their platform opposing the issue of on tsxable tomls by cities or towns. I have been requested by a numDer 01 voters, republi cans as well s democrats, to ssk the Dkmo Cat to answer the question." (signed) RKri'iiucAN, To Republican" we would say they did .1? i not. Pave Thompson, the rquiiiiican ennui rl.Mt for covernor settled the question s to that subject at the last session of the legisla ture. lie voted In the legislature to suthoiUe the Uaue of such bonds and it would make no difference what kind of a platform the party adopted in convent'on, we know what Thomp son would do were he in the governor s ciiair, He would cheerfully sign such a bill if passed by the legislature. Governor Pennoyer would as courageously and conscientieusly veto it. A bill will again be introduced and the ques m m lion of its becoming a law will likely depend upon who will be elected governor. A niUHT SOW J t' U MEN'T. Some time ago Mr Kiarr, editor ot the Ashland AWtf, becoming tired ct what appeared to him as corrupt practices in the courts of the First Ulstrtct, procceue to publish a criticism of Judge Webster ha wears the-iudtcUl ermine on the bench of that district, whereupon the irate Judjre had the recalcitrant editor dragged before him and fined him f 50 and im prisoned him in the county jail fur 15 days all for -contempt ol court." Tlit jenery like projeedlng met with the earnest dl pproval of Mr Klxer, the editor, who promptly appealed the case to the Supreme Court, and the dicUion of W cbster s court was of course, promptly reversed. M Kimt ! to be congratulated that in Ins person the freedom of the press has been Judicially vindicated. JuJge Webster will learn from this that men who don the ju dicial ermine are subject to criticism the same as other official are w hen they get out of the tine of honest public dutv. PKOVKS TOO MI CH. Before the tariff wa levied on D'.ate ! hr. ii thai wit sohl was Imported it cost Si asauarefoot. One factory was then built In this country and asked protection, so tariff of ao per cent was levied on platci(Us. According to the free trader "a tariff I a tax,' and plate glass should then hive cost a square loot. But, Instead of that, the price soon reduced to 50 cents a square sow. Attoriam. Fool may be made toeblleve U, but no man of sense can be made to believe that manufacturers would come up and ask congress to place a duty on the article which they manufa:turc It they knew that the duly would compel them to sell 'at a less price than they did before the duty wa laid. If a tariff reduce the price of the domestic article then manufacturer would oppose the tariff. The At'cria prove too much. VOL 84 ID. JHS SSJSSSUP One of the most serious objection that can be raised against Governor Pennoy er' admlnls'.ralion is It attitude toward the veteran of the war. Salem Journal, O rot! In the name of or Unary com mon sense. If these fellows just out from Iowa havn't anything ot the least sense to say about Governor t'ennoyer.tney wouui not expose their idiocy it they maintained silence Gov. Pennoyer never did a "vet eran" anything but a kindness In his life, and never will. Of what use can such asinine braying be to anybody iLaH Or- From every portion of the state comes the one expression that Governor Pennoy er i the friend the people. This I a good recommendation. But what of Thompson ? Who claim that Thompson is a friend of an v body but Thompson? He is a man of wealth the possessor of million- Yet when men, women and children were without shelter and weeping for bread, in a neighboring city, what cid Thompson do? A niggardly ten dollar was his contribu tion. Thompson's income is more than ten dollar per hour form his eighteen bank alone. He gave them let than an hour' in come to unfortunate whuse hearts were overflowing with grief and whoe stmaochs begged for? n.orsel of bread. This 1 Dollar Mark Thompson. How do the great hearted people of Or egon feel toward sncha man? The Mercury, republican paper, ha the following good word for "Uncle" George Webb the democratic candidate for state treasurer: W Webb ha ably managed the office of etate treasurer. There Is not a stain upon his official garments. There Is not a pen In Oregon raised against l.ini. When the democrats nomlnate-t him ihey named the winner, tie will go In with a whoop. He can bank on this statement. Awav up in heaven there are two di minutive white marks placed opposite $. P. Thompson's name. Thev represent tne $lO that gentlemen contributed to the Seattle sufferers by the great rire, and the X he gave to ihe starving people who lost heir all Jin the Johnstown flood. For a man of millions Mr Thompson I a gen erous soul. W K Price, formerly of this county, ha been nominated by the democrat of Jack son County for sheriff. The democrats cf Jackson have made no mistake In their choice, as "Klrt" fills the Jeffersonlan test of honesty ar.d competency. He will be elecUd by a "great big" majority. If the democrats of Jackson did as well In making up the remainder of their ticket as Ihey did In choosing a candlda'e for senator, they must have had remarkab y good luck. Chas Nickel, editor of the Timti will make an excellent represenatlve of the sturdy democracy of old Jackson, t. rr... in arroisTMrxt. .Sylvester Pennoyer, i!i iiu-rat!c caiidi drte for governor, will addict ilic ciliren of Oregon at the following time and place: Mo'illa, Wednesday, May J, I p in. Silverton, Tu'sday, May 8, I p m, Gervais, Friday, May 9, I p in. Lebanon, Saturday, May io, J p m. Brownsville, Saturday, May io, 8 pm. Albany Friday, May 13,1pm. Everybody is requested to attend. La dies are cordially invited. II GviLDtMlTH, Ch'n Oem. State Central Coinmltee. Two Cab Loans. Price & Robeon have Iufit received two car loads of wagons and mggicB, light and heavy, and w ill Bell them at remarkably low prices, consider ing the splendid quality of the w agons. Smoke the. celebrated ; Havana filled ci gars, manufactured at Jul ur Joseph's cigar factory. Only 0 cents. IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds Its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. Good dry fir wood for sale, st this otbea. . Leave orders Whereto Get Thkm. When wanting an organ or plana call on G L Blackman where you select from a first class stock. frum eur rniiiiw tHi'iHii nt, WASHINtJTOX. Washington, April, as, iJ.oxv The Injustice and absurdity of the Mc- Klnley tariff bill excited such general dissatisfaction that the republicans are obliged to abandon It, It Is conceded that the bill can never become a law, but the republican majority In the House lias so thoroughly commlttced itself that the bill Is expected lo pass the House by a strict party voU. In the meantime the republicans ot Urn Senate Finance com mittee are at work on another bill as a substitute for the McKlnley bill. They Cxpcct to report It to the senate very soon after the McKlnley Hill passes the House. Tills shows the Impolanco of Mr Mc Klnley's specious oratory, that captivates a careless crowd, to convince the business Interests ot the country of the propriety of a single idea he entertains on the subject of tariff, The republican joint caucus committee ot the House and senate have agreed upon the basis for the preparation of a silver bill. It directs the secretary ot the treasury to purchase 4,00,000 ounces of free silver per month at the market price, not to ex ceed Si for 371,35 grain ot pure sitver,nnd Issue treasury notes in payment of the bullion. These notes shall be payable on demand in lawful money ot the Unit States, and are receivable tor all public dues. No greater or less amount t.f such notes shall be outstanding at anytime than the cost ot the silver bullion then held In the treasury, purchased by sYch notes. Upon demand of the holder of any such treasury note, the secretary ot the tress ury mar, at hi discretion, pay off such notes with sliver bullion at its market price. The st cretary U also permitted to coin this bullion, should It be necessary, ror the redemption of these proposed tivas ury notes, $73,000,000 held to redeem the circulation of bank will be restored to general circulation, WEATHER CitoP BIXLKTI.V NO 5, Of the Oregon State Weather lUmau, co-operating with U. H. Klgnal Per vice, Central Otllee, Portland, Oregon, for the week ending Futttrdny, May 3rd, WCATHKS. The temperature for the past week has been above the normal. Since January 1st, it has averaged below the", There was no rainfa'l during the week. From January 1st to date, more than the lcu(.emounl ha fallen, from July it, 1SS0, to date, about the average has f.illcn The amount of sunshine has been above the average for the week. Almost cloud less weather I. as prevailed during the past seven ilav. The nights have ben much armcr,anu no irosis are reported, iru i the second week of good growing weath er this season and all vcxetalian has shown the beneficial effect ot the wea;her. W hllc the low lands are generally moist yet.gcn eral rain would prove beneficial. CKKKAL.. Winter and spring town wheat is re ported to be in excellent condition. "Prospects were never better at this sea son for a bountiful wheat crop,"ls reported from various wheat district tarly spring on grain I up ; the late sown would be materially benefited by rain. riittr. The weather has been especially favor. able to the fruit crop. The warmer nights and bright sunshine have done much to- ards advancing the Irutt past its stage liable to be Injuied bv frost. The peaches and rpple crop will be less than an average i other fruits and berrte give promise of immense vield. Many acre of new or chards will come into bearing this year. Or.NLBAt, REMARKS. In Washington county, maple.alJer and hazel are in month later than las; year. Ground is In excellent condition. In Clackamas, the ground Is drying out. On the uplands of the Willamette valley rain especially is needed. In Benton, at the Agricultural Colleiie.erasses are head ing out, garden pess quite high, radishes and lettuce growing finely, strawberries as large as a dime, apple trees in full bloom. Oak tree have generally leafed out in Western Oregon, In Douglas county, It neighborhood I Roseburg.the peach crop generally killed by the April frosts. In Jackson county, grape vine budding out one month later than lost year, In tat em Oregon sheep shearing is in full swav. the clip t good and wool weighing well, Plum, and prunes In the Interior section In hlrutnm Th. rr.ln nr,unWl. l,rurh. out lhl section were never better. Spring grain Is generally up. Tt. H. Paoi'B, OlaHTver U. H. Hignal Service. Aaaintant Uirector Oregon Weather Bu reau : WiisRc money Is being made. In the Sound country. I hare for sale four lots In the Arlington addition to the city of Blaine. The property lay only one mile from tide water, and is undoubtedly a good Investment at the present prices. Corner lots only $60. Inside lot $50. Term one-half cash, balance in six months. Call at the office and examine the property. EG BKAaosLKV, Agent. Buy the Burlington warranted fast black hoslerv has no superior, Sold by Bar row Si Searl ' I'i all rliftisis of tho stoiimnl, liv.r si.d kiilui)f, ui-, to the xuluii'iri i:f til enter medicines, nsture' n remedy, I'fundvi's Oregon ISIorx! Purifier. Ilavoymi seen tb'fe p'ir suit that T Brn.L has just received ? They are nim-. torx ts. ('bi-M-t. We make a specialty of ladies and 111 1 uses fine r-orsets and waists. We also have a drive in a French satiric corset at 75 cunt Extra good valu. Samukl E Yovxg. If ou wsot t.i -prcuUte snrl will compare pricts, you will buy in Fir D-ita. Ladies Muslin Underwear.- I have ui-t opened the largest line of m-islin un derwear I have ever carried, and have marked them to sell at the least possible per cent they can be handled for. Infants drcssrs from' 5c cents to $3.J5 cash; full size, full length; no china iritike, all white lubor, guaranted to be equal If not super ior to anything in Ihe markei for the price, Alo Infants cup and coal. r-AML-fcL E VoiiNo. VAl,CAB:.!iVkoPrUTV, . ' '1 he Cui-ick A Idllii-i. o ilh.i:iy hs junl bven thrown vi. the iimik';t 11 ml ui; be sold at such prlcrs and terms ,i will enable the speculator to make good money. This property Iks juxt this side of Goltra' Park; Is high and sightly, ovei looking the city and surrounding country. In the language of a First rtreet merchant, "That is destined to be come the 'Bon-ton' residence portion of the city." , Wallace & Cusick, the agents for this property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all ddlli3ns, to the intending speculator. Oct Calling. When out shopping call on Spencer & Blackburn. They will return Ihe compliment by calling at your home every morning and take your orders for anything )ou might wish In the grocery or vegetable line at the lowest possible prices. SiitrNQ and Bummeb Dklicacieb. The largest and finest line of foreign and do mestic woolens in spring and summer novelties just received and is ready for inspection at Zaches & Son, ' Merchant Tailors and Drapers, Opposite Post Office. Oca. Own, A genuine kid glove,cvery pair warranted.for $1.50 a pair. This glove I hsve handled for five years and have :rled many others but nevei found any equal to them for the price, Samuki. E Youno. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Terrible lite. I.oniu k PotNTc, Quebec, May 6, A long iue of gaunt towers is all one sees of Longu Point lunatic asylum, located ten miles from Montreal, aad which with many livs was to day consumed by the flumes. The sights wit ncssed at this tragic scene are such as can never be forgotten. Nothing eouiu exceed the hoirora attemling the '.errible calamity, consid ering the number of victims, the tarrilile nature of their ueath and the manner in which tit helpless vidimus rscelveii their fulc. Time were i'lcaiented in Longe. Pobte 1300 lunatic fur thai asylum was a pdsun more lli.m a hospital, ana now not mote thnn 1100 are accounted for. A Bis Tl far Aster-la, AsTOMAt May, Mny 6. Huntington's an swer to the proposition made him by citixens of Astoria and directors of the Astoria & South Coast Railway Company has been received. He mads no new proposition, nor did he sug gest the least change in the one made to him, He simply wrote lhat he would accept the pro pusi .ion, and wanted contract embodying its terms drawn up in duplicate, signed and sent to him in San Francisco for his signature. The proposition w hich he accepts is as follow si To raise a lubsidy offjoo.oou, to be paid when the red is in oetationj. to tiansfer to him the easiue division ol I lie toad tree ol an incum brances, and other asseis of the company ran sisiing of tciniinal facilities at Smith's Point, twen y five acres t Warrcntun for machine shops, ninety acres having IChxj feet of water front at Tsny Point now bonded, printed oords ol Hie company; fiancluscs horn I lie state and Untied States to construct a bridge aciosa tounc s hay and a cunitullinu Interest In the stock uf llio company, Mr lluiiuneton say in his letter of accept ance ttmi be will nut surveyors In the held tin mediately to verily the surveys of .tie Astoria and South Coast, and willsgieii to have the toad completed within two yens fui.n time me actual woik commences upon It, lb Mi klnlry bill, Wamiixoton, May 5. It I apparently the Intention of the republican majority to force thr.itiih the McKlnley tariff bill The caucus to-day demonstrated that the til 1 1 must take precedence ol eveiytnlng else, and a vote l flixed at an early'dav in order to get act km before more protests can be forwarded. The bit', will, of course, be amended so much tht-t it wilt be de feated. Thrre is a possibility that the su gar men a ill force a restoration of the duty. They now have a strong lobby ac tively at work among the member, and every possible string I being putted 10 carry It through. Amendment to the wool schedules III te offered , and It I possible tha: rate will be slightly reduced. Labarrr T0. Cute ago, May The great carpenter strike I finally settled a far a lh new bosssc association Is concerned. Fully 400U journeymen carpenter will go lo work by Thursday. The arbitration com mittees of the new bosses association ard t'-e striker met ibis evening and settled the last detail. The journeymen achieved a sweeping victory. They made a con cession on but two rotnU, The only dl appointment was that the stubbornness of the old Master Association ha left it member wholly out of the final ceal. A Yablslw N artier! Corvilli, Wash , Mav 5. Dick Quetv tin shot mtiy White to-dv. An old feud had existed between tht men, the outcome of a rivalry for the affections ot a iriri. Public sentiment is against White a most at fault. He will probably recover. Uu.nlln was arrested and placed in jail. , A L( Walls. Lamar, CcL., ,My 5.-J S Harrison, who Is trying lo walk from Vabah, Ind ia Nan Francisco within 65 day on a wager of $10,000 arrived here at 7 lid evening. He is now mile from hi starting point and 310 mile ahead of hi time, ill average ha been about 70 mile In 24 hour. Traia (.ettlac there. Tacoma, May 5, George Francl Train, who left Tacoma on the iSth of March.for the Tacoma -efer, to make a trip aiound the world in sixty day oa Brviberiy gave. tAT 1 ortlamd. Mav 4 ISoo. A most unfortunate conflict of authority ha oc cured in the Evangelical church In Stephen addition a the result of the di vision In the Evangelical conference re centiy held in Albany. It seem lhat one faction sent Rev C C Poling to East Port land, ana me other l.iction sent Ker f u ' Mr ' , otn nave been pa.tor "I I OrtlanO and IISVC many warm friends. One statement I lhat a foon a the two conference adjourned both minis ter came to East Portland. Mr Fisher had the key, and was in possession last Saturday, but Mr poling saw the official board and had the church doors opened aturday night Yesterday morning he wa in iuii posscftsion and preached. Kev Mr rlshesut quietly dnrfng the service, ana at tne close arose lo make an an naunce of some sort, when Mr Pollna In terrupted him, saying he (Mr Fisher) had no authority to say anything, ard then gave out the hymn, while Mr Fisher was talking, which the congregation immedi ately sung, completely shutting eff Mr Fisher. Many who were present think Mr Poling should have quietly heard what Mr Fisher had lo say, and not cut him off in such a sudden manner. Tarssna bransersllr, Tacoma, May 5. At the city election I07 day 4330 votes were cast out of a total regis tration of 5477. Owing to to the republican "jolting the licket tliete were large democratic gains. Stuart Rice, clem, defeated V B Allen, rep for mayor by 3.10 majority. Oration II heeler iem defeat S F Armstrong, rep for treasurer, and Colin Mcintosh, dem was elected ciiy en gineer and surveyor by fully 300 nujoriiy. ) V lioilgins, rep dclcatsOen Woods, dero for st rect commistioner. t'tttalllla Beservaliosj, Washington, May 6. Tbe result of the consultation between Representative Hermann and ihe departments is that the surveyor gen eral of Oregon will at once be supplied with funds whereby to engage sufficient clerical aid to complete the ofiice work made necessary the in Umatilla reservation surveys. Demeratle Hpraklng At JaeksAavllle. Jacksonville Or, Moy K The intro ductory speeches of the campaign were maae h-re Saturday evening by Colonel R A Miller and Professor LeRoy. The courthouse was packed to It uniiost ca . paclcy, many republican being present Both Ki-nlle wen- listenrd to with marked minion, and scvnilttcd themselves with much credit, Kenulwr iterli lfci! an Unliir.lny. A AMUNOTON, S',nv 4. The Keivtickv delegation has aswuined charge of hi ro muins and will, to-morrow morning, liual ly all dftui' for ihe Htnerai Ken ator Blackburn will .uk the senate to ad journ over until Wednesday. The funeral is 10 take place in ihe senate chamber on Tuesday, f eacenble Laborers. Lo.vdon, May 4. To-day's labor de monstrations in Hyde park vn a magnif icent succ.M and excelled, in point of numbers and orderly enthusiasm, all work ing clans gatherings since the great reform assemblge of 18S, The splendid organi zation of the dllierent section taking part in the processions, brought together in the park a half million people who met, went through their business, and ' di-rcrsed without a single incident of a di j: ,'crly character occurlug. ' A Uurrleune. WiLi.sroiNT, Tex., May 4. A hurricane struck here at noon yesterday, and every house in town is more or less damaged. Two persons ere killed and several in j'u'ied. The killed are Mrs Bow en, who whs caught under a falling wall and crushed to death, and a negro girl 14 years old, the daughter of Sam Mitchell, ' - Forest Fires. . Stillwater, Minn, May 4 Millions of feet of pine are "being consumed in the St Croix valley, by forest fire. For miles the air is so filled with smoke that breath ing is almost Impossible. l OlSTV CAKYAIW. The democratic candidates ot Linn county will speak on the political Issues of the day at the fol'owlng time and place! Fox Valley, Monday, May J o' h, atone o'clock, pm. ttcio, luesuay, may aout, at one o cioch, p in. Syracuse, Wednesday, May list, atone o'clock, p m. Shedd, Thursday, may aino at one o - Clock. DDI, llalsey, Friday, May 13rd at one o ciock, p m. llarrtsburg, Saturday, May 24th, at one o'clock, pm, t nrownsville, Monday, May a6th, at one o.clock. n m. Crawfordsvllle, Tuesday, May J7th, at one o'clock, n m . Sweet Home, Wednesday, May aSth, at one o'clock. t m. Waterloo, Thursday, May aw, at one o cioch, p m, Lebanon, rnday. May 30th, at on o'clock pm, Albany, Saturday. May 31st, at one o'clock pm. wpposing candidates are respectiuiiy in vited to be present and participate In the - 1 ,,... ..!. t discussion. Geo E Chamberlain, Chairman Iem county TJ Stites Central Com. Secretary. TKMI'SItANt'E COLUMN. Killtsd by AlUoy W. O T, U Chicago I e specimen of a city control! eu oy uceiiseu saioons. in an cases 11 w in be observed k 1 the tlry that Is controlled, not the saloon. Weekly Iowa Capital. "Practical political economy'' says : 'Feed the people on whisky, then tax the whisky to pay for all the damage it dues.' This reminds one of the Dutchman who whipped hi son III! the boy wa raging mad, then said lo him, "Acli, I kr.ow vat you links 1 vou links lam I Now I licks you for J'.'" bo, feed the people on whlskv, till ihey not only think but act "tarn,'' crowding the police courts, jail, poor houses and me rest.then las the whis ky to foot the bills, in order "lo relieve over-burdened real estate." Oh long-suffering political economy t Of alt Ihe mal treatment and perversion ot a hundred years, this I the unklndcst cut of all." -Rev J II Ecob, D 1). The Interesting account In a late number ot the Oregonlaii of the celebration Of t'.e fourth anniversary of the organisation of Company K., ot Oregon National Guard, records a long march in advance made by that deservedly praised company. On the elegant banquet-table of the Hotel Port land, where supper wa served to the company and guests, no wine wa seen and this fact we regard as a marked feat ure ot the unqualified success of the event." The living fires of patriotism were kindled afresh by eloquent speech and thrilling song from honored name of their numbcr.and from officers of the reg Iment Temperance people through Ihe state and country will unite with laptaln A J Brown, chaplain ot the First Regi ment. In expressing gratification at the success of the cold water banquet. The Oregon WCTU. through It correspond Ing secretary, ha sent to Co K a letter of congratulation. Suppose that up to ihe present t''e there had not been established a distillery. brewery or saloon In the land, and none of the dreadful result of the rum traffic had been realised ; no drunkard had reeled In our street, no drink criminal had been sentenced lo penal service or to deal's, no drink pauper nod been sent to the poor house, no drink manK had been confined In the mad hoose,and no family, had been disgraced or dtstroved by a drunken husband and father and suppose thai suddenly all these terrible evils should ap pear, what would be the consternation that would nil Ihe land, and what would the people do? Would ihey not. fired with righteous Indignation and destructive wrath rise and annihilate every distillery brewery and saioon In a single dav ? Rev A U Leonard l:i .N. Y. Christian Advocate. Summons, a tht CirtmU Court 0 A4 SUtU OJ Or fan for Ltmn VoMuy, J Lllolida, Pontiff, CharUt K Bust and Clara F Simpson and w ilium etmpeoe, hr nasbaod, LMeodant Te Cbortes E Rust, Clara F Simpson and William Simpson lb abut earned drfsa daola. la tbe asm of li. SUte ot Of gnu, yen, and each cf you, are hereby required to ap pear and answer tha eomplaiet of the above named pUiotifl la the abova-eatitled court, now on die with the clerk if said oourt, on or before the first day of tbe next rsiiulsr taint of said court, to-wit: Jane 23. lbSW. And voSi, and ch of too, are here by notilleu ihst it ou tail to appear aod answar asm o-rmjiiaini as Hereby icqaired, th pUinliJ will apply to tbe eoart for the relief demanded la aid oomolalut. to- wit: a decree rtformitg and correcting that eertoia urea men oy jame w ttust and Karab L Bust, bi wife, to John P Resor, bearing date the 2 1st da of April. 1828. re- eorded on pge 750 tf book A, of record of ama 01 t-inn eouott. Ureaoa. ao a to in elude the following desuritwd real property, to-wiij llfglnnlog at the aoutbwaat oomerof aection u, in IP 14, 8 11 4 W. V U aoaatie Heridiao, la l.lnn coutttyi ( reaoo. and running East 40 thalna, ttmnrw uortb 8 ehalna,t hence Ksmt .e3 100 chaina.thene Bortb 6 cbalna, thence wwt 4101 104 ebam thence south 40 chain to the place of beginning , alao refetmlng and corroding lb a. oertaladead made by aid Jsmes W Kuat and barah L Hunt, to aald John P Hector. beartOK data ta lih dy of February. 1S0, reoorded on page 610 or hook 13 ot ueo tteoorna.or liinn coun ty cregaa,, so a to include tbe following deaaMbed real property, lo-wlt : IleKlu ninjr at a point 0,03 cbama est of the nortneast ouruer of tb eouiu weal quarter oraeo 11. tl 14, S R4 W, Wlllaiorte M rid an. in Liu 11 county, Oregon, and run' Linn at V rod, tneo'-e & a aouiberiy dlreoilon to a point 0 cbslos acnth of tbe plsee 01 bogtnning, thence aorth A ohsin to the par of begin tiinu. and quieUoj plalntiflii title to soli T aald Uaot of land :d perpetually enjoiaiog and re iraluln yeu and eaob of you from aa. ertlng or uluimtng any right, title or iutrt to aud e either of aald travu.and for Jui'iitaeiit aasinst ycu forbtacoria and di bursoments herein Thlssiiuiinona la publiabad by order of Hon H P Ji.lse. Judge of the abova enti tled Court, made at Chamber lo the city of Saletn, lo Marion county, Orrgoo; on tbe mb day of May. A. 1 , ISOO, II l WITT A IKYIMB. Au'ya for Pitiatiff. 0lJPfunder's- VmvT HEALTH fTESTORER. i&SiS. u S E IT I IT T9 TTTTl TT)?!aT.i WETlTCTN"!7!, It roii'i H11 fa sn'l KiclB-vs en ! Sinmnch, rttre It t i 1. h . lh' si.i, ri!.i;vs so A,ii tiw, Pa. hi .4 uu tm.i.iru KiuuJ, mid Used everywhere, fl a bottle (six for $3. Harry Jones' RESATURANT AND OYS TER HOUSE. Just opanad, opposite tbe Kues House. Prompt attention, aod everythiag neat and clean. Open day and night. E. Ae OIRRYy Attorney -A.t Law. ' A ttention (riven to oolleotlon of jl 'm t OffloewithJ J Whitney. W t OcPHERSOrj, First Street. Eaal Estate Broker, lnsarsnoe,sod money to loan. I have a lare list of improyed and unimproved city property, and fruit, garden and farming land in large sad small tracts. As I sell on commiasiou only, if you want t. buy or soli it will pyyou to call and see me. ipyrliht, Ms TALK Ift CUKAT, tnA tho pre twm with advert Isxmwtta of srlflns, and othitr Itvur, Mood and luntf backsd up by positive 0swrwssl If It don's no Jii a rnprsnHKi si ivry nut, Mia inonay pstd tor It 14 ptwmpUf rruto4. This imiuilwr rnmllotna alta bayoud ail Otbor throughout the elvlllxad world. And wtiy should it not? "Tula t rtwap." hul when Us b.iiisi-4 on lf a poltlvo sasrsn. toe, by n limis of lime flliilshd rMU tloit, for hoii'-sty, intt-arltr and swund flrinn elnl suinitlnn. tlwn wii man Iwsswmsw I And tiMt't Just what Uh Worhl lWowsr Med ktd AsMK-inllun, of IliifTni". H. t,. nwan la tunratiUKilns' their I'r, i'tcruo's Uuld.i Med ml liuwiovrrr. tir. I'Uirwi's Ooldi-n Msdlrwl IHnovry ehwlut lli tnehtrul lnro.w of rWofula and. If tnknn In tnnn, arrwta tha maron of Con sumption f the l.tiiit?, which la buna nriitiiln, imrlrii and Ulirlubi-s tb blood, thmnhv enrl'.itf nil Pkln and Hoalp IMsnna. i th!r, Hunt, riwWJiiijrs. and kindred svu- , tzUIUIA. ' !- 111 11 '.LI -J 4$5003gg si V fur an lii'iurslil rs f C- fnrrrt in mm asi, uy Vlf rrojirlotilr Of lit. NMf jtrrrb lU-medy. fly it nuiil. ck-.'UIiie and hllii UrtitHirllr. It 1'ilrr tha worst so, no ntstt r 111 liuw Ions; stunrtinir. Ooiy ODOt. khjIJ by Oruiitsu vrywb,h Summcns, Im the CtrtuJt Court of tht Stat Qf Ortfo fir tit Count) of Linn 1 It Haskell. Plaintiff. VSJ Annie Y Hk!l, m fendant. In tha nam o: the ssUta of Oregon you are hereby ummum-i and required to appearand aniwer plait tin eompiaint nlSKl in Ilia aoove enwueu puis, in u above eutltled couit, on ot belore Maattay, Ihe t3r 1a af immt, losw, that boing the flrtt day of Ihe M-1 regu lar term tr swlil eo'iri, too oeguo ana h.i.t U. alhsnv. Linn euntv,Oron,end you are hereby noli iid that it you fall ao to appear and answer syiitl com plaint a nerela required, plaintiff will apply to aald court lor the rellwf demanded In said Mfiititiint to wit; Form deoaw dlnaolv Inu the tnarri8oonrsw now siuuiii bntwes-Bjou and pieimMff, roronota and dUtinrwe .tnliof ini aull and roraoctt other retlof an may be rf)ullahl an J Just 1 his Hummons enuiiuiN inins si bauy DcMnonATfor six successive wttsks be order of lion K P Botw JuO of aald uurt.wbleh order wss made at chambsra and bm.rdiine ain aay or asay,iBvu. DsUd My 0 h. ibyq, Uso. A. Dorm. PIQ'a AU'y. Executor's Notice. NoUoe U hsrehy clvan that tbe under algnod baa bet n appoint! by tbe County (Jourtof l-ltiu county, ureaoa. exrcu or a, tbs lojst wi!i ana irsiaoivQi ana miam of CamUla McFarland. deaMl, lata of Llnneounty UreKon. All person bav- Ing elaltiiaaaatnat said swlata are brby uotlrleil tooreaent than duty verified at b 1 office) In Albaoy, Oreg ), wilbln als tnowba from lota date. May tun, IlsSW T J MriTK. Kxecuior. Alt'y for Fx ecu tor. SherHTs Sale, Im the Ctreuit Court 0 the Staff of ( rr- gon,Jar Linn County, Nol'.i lismll', pUintiff, e. Stephen lUUUtt aod Deborah 11 IUllictt, bur wile, cuts junnsoo, onu u r vosmiw and C H CwbU. portaera aoder the firm name of Coshow & Cable, dtfcodsoU. Kotie is hereby giyeo that by virtoe of an caseation atid order of aale issued out of tbe abova earned Court la tbe above entitled auit, willou aaiarday, lh ttih day f May. latsa, at tbe Court Iloaoe door in the etty of Al bany, Lion county. Oregon, at the boar of 1 o'clock p. m. of aid day, loll at public suction fur ch io hand to the highest bid del tbe real property dsworibed ia said exs eutioa aod older ot aale aa follow towti 1 Uegiontng at the northeast ccroer of the do nation land claim if lUaben Clay pool, theooe outbwest Hi rod to the eoaaty road ,tbcoo oortbwast oagaaid road Ji3 rod to the north line of said doostioo land claim, thnc southeast aloug aoid line 130 rods to the plsoo of beginuiuK, oonuiui g 33 aorea in tp 13, S K 2 w, cf tbe 'I.Umeite meridiao ia Una county, Oregon. Also bestuninn at a point on the norm line of A J lliohsrd.on'a doc lion land claim 80 rod west of the oouhcist corner of aald claim, theoee west to th aouihweat eorner of tbe Eluiora Uol lihr'e douatioB loud eUim, thsooe aorth 9.00 chains, theoee south 89 west 11.60 ehaina, tbeuee sooth 37 i west 14 chain to the line batweeu the doostioo land ot the aid A J Kichardsoa and lUaben Claypool, tbeaca ouoth 7(i test oa sold line to a poiot due south of tbe place of begioBing.eouUin tog U0 auras, in tp 13, S B 2 w ol the Wil l.mett meridian, in Linn county, Oregon. Also beginning at a point K 63 chain south of the northwest eorner of tbe donation land claim of Elmore Ualliher, notification 23'.'0. iu euti n 32 and 33, io tp 12, 8 It 2 w, and in sutlon 4 and 5, 10 tp 13, S It 2 w.theooe north 2 1-Hjhsins, theooa east 29 chain, thence aoutli 2 1-14 ehaina, thence west 21) bsiu to th pise of beginnlot;, oontsining 0 00 in Lino oouitty, Oregon. The utocmhIs arising from the sale of said prn.ia to be applied first, to th payment of th oott nf wud upnu said execution and the oriiul oust of sail suit taadat 131.33. ! ttecoud. to the payment of IsintitT claim auioNitiiug to tlm saoi of $573, and th furtar sum of foO, Attorney a fe, and ao cruinj intertst thereon from the 10th day of Msrob, lS'JO, at tha rate ot 10 porceol ,er suuuin Third, the ovaiplu if any there e to he paid into Court to wait tha further ordr of tha Court herein named, Dated this 23rd day of April, 1800. John Smallmok, isli'ffol Lion county, Or. Execut or's Notice, Notice ia liTuhy given that the nuder- siiiiiod eiwcuto' of th last will and testa ment of F tfntly, deceased, baa til(d with th olerk of Linn 000 nty, Oregon, his final sccnunt in -aid tUt, suj th Judge of id nui.ll,.. K...I Ik.i h ..aIJu.. 1 COO Hih h'iur nf i.tia o'oiouk p. m. of said day, for the tio'inn or o' J ctnui thnrbto if any and instt i tsioe-l-vta. Thl. 17-h d.y of April, 1800. . Oscar Hkaly, J K 111:11 ruuo, E. said est. Att'y fur exui'iitur. " . Executor's Notice Notion ia i.oii!li eiveu lht ti.i. uinlcr sitromi has Ifiii by tlieCnuuty C u.-i of Linn oiiiint), Orix". duly aopniuted txneulor of tbe last will and Ustament ot n iiiiam Pat tison, deceased, late of Liu 11 county, Or' lion. All per.oi.s havinif olaiiii susiost said estate are hereby untitled to present thm to Hewitt & Irvine, Albany, Oregon, properly venneil, wiMilu tlx mouth trmu this date. This 5th day of April, 1890. Charles Pattisox, Hawrrr ft Irvine, Exeoutor, Att'y for Ex. Farms, Farms. Those winliinK to invest in faim property should call and see our list (if farm and city property, Wa have some of a good fruit arid garden land as can be found in the State. Also stock ranches and wheat farms alluesrRR. Farms and farm prop erty a specialty. Call and aee u before purchasing elsewhere Office, First Street, next door to I Thompson ft Overman' Harness Shop, Albany, Or. T. B., CORNELL & CO., Real Estal Agenta. rnmixll", lint tilers is on mmnuin. ana oniw one, th ciniirts for whloli, a a curs for sin llturrrlnir asert arlsltitf mini Tortld Llvor iiiii,iisii.. itr rrntii iitieinra riitma. sira h li m W li m li Russel & Go's t AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. WAGONS AND BJGG139, LOGG BLlCKbMITHS SUPPLIES, IRON, STEEL. CHAIN, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, DABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASS SEED, GUraS and AMMUNITION. A LOT MR DALE, '-THE Eesl sni! Clieapct SUOURIAN PROPERTY IN THE MARKET. GaxcaAL AorsT, Choice Residence Elcck: lM TEUY C'li KA I I . G000 INVESTMENT, DOiFT DELAY. Fm CoNvavANCK to raorcaTV. PAYMENTS -r- EASY. T0WNSEND WILSON Sheriff's Salo. Cirfmii Court of Ortgo fur Mult nomah County. P Rlobot and T Rlebet, ptrin r ued r the firm nam of F KiobetA Co, rialnttn, va Georgo E Singleton, Defendant. Notice la hereby Riven that by virtna of an execation doty Issued tut of tbe above named, oourt in the abova entitled aetion to me directed and de.lvered.I did in Llnu county, Oregon, on the 3rd day of May, 18U0,duly lew npoo nil the r;eht, title and Intertst of George K Sin&itUnn, tha above named dofandant, ia aud to real property hereinafter described, and will on latardar, the Uk day er Jane, A. 1893, at tha Court Hi use donr in the city of Albany, L'nn county Him hour of one oVmh k p ni ol aaid dav. Mill at rubllo anrtion for eaa't in hand to tbe hlf;het b:d er all of the light, tit's and luiereHol 1 he said defendant, orgB K SiiiKie'on, in and totLe fil,iiiK de soiitied rreii.bea s fjll.w tc- it : l ot No 7, in b'o:k .Vo 15. r'th city nf Al. bany, Unn county, itato 01 Ort-uun. The proceedn ariniriij; ficm nm!i hale to bp plied Or.t, t tbe payment or tbe o.wii of aud ui-on aald execution a id tha oriKlmil oonta of u)d eult taxed at i 19 t3-llK), Secoud, totho payment of piaintitft etairu amnnotinff to the anm off 81 with inter est 1 hereon at tha rato of Sparest pr annum from tbe 10th day of April, IhiiO, tbe same being tbe data of the recover'' of judement in favor or the above uatnea plaintiff and against t he above named defandant. . - r John SMAtLwois, Sh'ff of Linu Co., Or., by D 8 Smith, deputy. Notice to Stockholders. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT thi Annual meeting of tbe stock holders of the Albany Varraers' Co , will be held at the office of aald Company, in Albany. Ore r on, on May 20, ib'.'O, at 1 o'clock, p m of aald day, for the purpose of electing seven (7) direotoi a to s-jrve for the term of one year, and the transaction of such other business as may come be fore tbe meeting. Done bv order of the Board of Direolora, Attest: M H WILDS, Pbeb B Marshall, President. Secretary. JLIilk ! MUkM I am prepared to deliver milk to all parts of the city. Guarantee the bast quality, lieav orders at C E BrowneU'a grocery store. - : , Wit FtrrcHRR. ALBANY, OREGON. Aocfcra roa- Engines and S "'. ' . !C. ' - iT ; - mm AND DEALEI1S IN. L. E. BLAIN II on lleen -AT -1 - HEAD Now the Greatest Attraction is His. Large and Stjlish Stock of LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc., -In Jteepingr "NVitli tlio Season. If You Would lie Suitably Dressed - Call - at - E C. Searb, 5ucc?sot to Borrows A Sear 1. D; y Ooous, Sotions, Ganttfara isMngs and BOOTS A:iS SIsOES Our stock of boots and shoes is now complete in alt lines for spring trade. V e will save you money in buying of us. Ladies, misses and children's fine shoe a specialty. ExclutiUe Ajsttrr for tbe 'tv 1 . -.i.a3, a 1 VN, ! A WW Everybody- surprised at Our low prices and the quantity of goods Ave are selling. Its all owing to the superior quality of our hardware and tools.the excellence of our stoves andrang3s,thJsuperiorit of our tinware. Call and see us before buying. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN : . ; ,- Montague . ct Son, r COENEE FIRST c ZTJZlTllZrsr STS I3oa.Iers in ' : ? Troduea wanted prompt attention, in exchange for goods or cash. r"rg lin 1 ik Lw D II , lacliinery, ERS AND Declared THE - HIS - LIE! His - Store. - LUDLOW FIXE SIIOES." ) ) rv. E. C. SEARLS, Jacoeassor to Barrows A be aria ' Blumberg'a We w Bloox. v ... Matthews k Vashburn - v. Aliuny, Oregon, Ilardware.S to ves and Tinware 7 "" " -?f.i 1 S & Fist- c'i sti roo'.:g and