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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1890)
i. ciMtrat. .. ..MAY 9, l90 HUTTIHO. rrsitrlrtar. STITE3 Ss Klttr a. 4 v"uuip,o1.u,( WWR t!,e reporter tor the K. paid a hart vUit to Ant- r. . . carte. Report hd been In circulation far oint time tint the hooin had collapsed, wmcrt wa Uand t be true. People tre ..uig ute icr-nfnus o.i every boat, and ttht present writing; there t" a pooula lion, aMe f ,m railroad laborer, of about SX ThU U certainly a great drop from Jixm, which ai claimed atone time for trie citjr. But what doc tSli eodu ! tjt Slmpljr nothing, It U composed ri great measure of people who had only f too or $jo when tSey wen there and pent It all In making the fiml payment on a lot, or building a (hack on a leased lot, end when the reaction came, which wa plainly foreseen from the start, thev were lorcej to leave Skagit New, Ap.1l a6. Tint Ealb Mills.- Annual meeting of the stockholder of the Eagle Woolen Mill Co. wai held at their ollic- In North Brownavtlle, Oregon, April aoth. The following director were rle.-ml: W K Kirk, I Hume, Jno Drown, J J Wid e and Hujh Field. Alter the report of Score trv. Treasurer, and W it Ill-hop, agent, were read It wa voted to make a dividend of io per cert on capital tock, part t4 the net earning of the company. The ImisI ne hto proved a RiicciT In everr sense of the term, and wld continue ntuK-r the ajprrvUlon of It former officer. Four iww looms, one rotarv pre and n her machinery will be added It a lew w.-.-k anu t'e tactorv will bu run to He fit lest raracit jr. limes. A Pruminknt Max. lion Cha Gitffin, Secretary of iiate of Indiana, and also Cnmmandrr In chief of the I'nlled State for the Son of Vctnan, hois now making a tour of the Pacific Coa-4 In the Interest of that order, wa lit the citr Tu eday, accompanied by hit wife. an. I were the guest ol R W Price and family, former neighbor and friend. Thev left last evening for Sun Francisco. Mr Uriffin ! a young man of fine ability and I now till Ing the second term a Secretary of State He I prominently mentioned and will probably be nominated for Governor of Indiana In tSot, by the Republican. After driving about the city Mr Uriffin and wife expressed themselve a bring delighted wun Aioany. Tn Bear Tiirchiino Oitiit. Mer rfurkhart & Cos, of East Album, bought of Knapp, Burrcll & Co the most complete threshing outfit ever brought Into thi county, consisting of one 30 In. Buffalo Pitt Separator, bagger and sack, er, Coffee' automatic wit.iing stacker nd Andrew' band cutter and self feeder, aome'.hlng oew to thresher men in this county. Burkhart .V Cox are to be con gratulated for taking a step in advance of the old and slow way ot thteshing. They will add a complete cooking outtit mak ing the farmer' wive leap for joy. These gentlemen are known to be the ct Ihrcshermen In the county, and farmer whs want a good job ot t. resiling done hould not lose any time In engaging them before It I too late. Beoga. The Democrat I glad to .e the restaurant da a live buslne, but It doe hate to see people get tiken In by tramp and dead-beat. These cormo rants prey on tne public, begging for meals, and have been knoan to get a many a ten or twelve meal in success ion, paid fur by business men with symp athetic hearts. It Is time this element wa set down on silidly. Dort't give them a cent. I low a CuLLD That De We now un derstand wot J p Howe went east thl time without a corpse. A new v en Ion of Uncle Tom' Cabin ha been produced. In which the cabin Instead of Eva die and got up the flume. The idea wa to novel and striking that even Howe wa attract ed and he went to see aboi-t it. Wel come. Evangeline. Next Saturday even ing Held' beautiful Evangeline, will be presented at CorvalK, on the occa'ion of the dedication of Job' now opera hou-e A special train will leave Albany at 7 o' clock, and already a lare number of seal have been taker.. Mr. t'. B. Winn ha the board at W. F.'s express office, where eats cm be secured. A Bab Start. People should ue thei' best influence to prevent the fre quency of murder in the northwest Peo- f ile whe murd-rr sink deeper and deeper n their degredation until they finally get to dead-beating the newspaprrs; sponge their reading and get the V M' to cnd notices to the publisher like this, Not railed for. Gone away," without liquid ating, Wit Axd 11cmo- In remitting for a subscription .do not say, "Please find en closed, etc," leave off the "please." It I not necessary to plead with an editor in that way. If there I any money in the letter be will find it, and don'i you think he won't II he don't he is a bogus mem ber of the profession and you are well r.d of the paper. Oregon Blade. A Musical Party. Mr J II Taylor, who I termed the wandering mins'.rel, will give an entertainment at the WCT U Hall on Tuesday evening, April 13th, under the auspices of the WOTU. Ap pearing in a choice selection of musical gems, Irish.Dutch, French and negro dia lects, with vi -liii and banjo (accompani ment, agisted by Mr RhoJa Taylor. One of the great taeture of the program is the mocking bird, with bango accom paniment, Appointed. Dr G W Maston ha jut been appointed surgeon to the Oregon Pa cific Railroad company vice Dr Rich re signed. The Dr has jut made a trip over the the road looking into sanitary condition. The Dr Uslito local physician and surgeon to the Soutnern Pacific com pany. Thee roads have made a good c lection. A Valuable Horse Mayor Cowan has sold his well known trotting horse J. I C, by Oneco, to 41 r William Frazlei.of Portland, for $750. J. L. C five year old and had shown a remarkably fine galt.though never having been '.rained thoroughly. He was one of Oneco' first colts, and wa first brought up on bunch grass. The Cole Boys Tuesday Angus Graham.the 15 year old son of J J Graham, was driving some cattle from hi father's wheat fie'd, belonging to the Cole, when Oscar and Doy Cole attacked In a fierce manner,breaking his nose and other wise bruising him. Young (i.vlium it said to be a very peaceable boy. Don't Forget. That Col Miller dem ocratic candidate for conere and Mr A LeRoy candidate for tate supcrinte. dent will address the public at tiie 1 oun 1 1 j use in this city Friday, May 9h at l tV:ock n m. Lei everybody turn out and hear' these gentlemen, a they are suid to be fine speakers. The Monmouth Scandal I not yet ended. The parents of the tvoboy who made the charge against president Stan ley have brought suit the members who had had them expelled, for $5000. Some lively court scenes are looked lor. AL3A4T Marble and Granite Works.JIav iog la'ely purchased the stock of S A Uicgs and O W lUrria, we shall be plessed to show daalgns and give pre to all intend ing purchaser. Best of workmen employed and price as low a any for first-class work. Visit ns before purchasing elxewhere. Euan & Aoumo! next door to Democrat office) Albany, Or. 5 csos Golden Star tomatoiu for 60 cent at Greyer, and all other canned jcooil cheap 'or cash , Mr Ed Goto i arranpinif tn put in the Edion nystem of electrio liVit at 8cio, Mr Geo P Warner having transfercd to him his elecUio light franchise. Train for Lebanon will leave the depot on ...t,inl time Saturday and will carry every- body to I-ebanoa who desire to. bear Penn over. It enrn fc 6 'clock the ey rr A biji crowd is going. evecin .,. ft Adams, the Third waid crc have delved partnership, Mr Adam Ckihiic L'm nty. lhiring the jmt two Week Col Nye lm bought 4W0 head of mutton iheen. 1 to now litis some tiiMHl hendn. Reynold Bros., of Fremont, Nehrnaka, bave'hoiight aome lti,(HH) hoiul of tthorp in thin count v, ami w ill ilrivo them to NchrnnVrt after altcaring. V V Io, who upvnt tl't winter at vlllo, Linn comity, returned tho first of the week, ami will remain in the county until he caurroHs the ninuntairm, when hecxtteot to take a number of horiea to tho Willamette vallov for iwle A Ihirna pnin r lionttU that that town itipKrta seven attorneya. Tlmt'a lxttor than' rrincvilln enn do. We only have four hmlm ot the law here, and one ot them ha quit the practice and gone to mixing pills in a drug atore, while the other throe are not getting fat either in person or purse. 11 F Nichols arrived at home bwt Wed nesday, after a few weeks travel ever various tarts of the state. Mr Nichols attended the republican state convention in l ortiamt, alter winch tie went to ai Wny, Corvallis and Ynuiit Hay.ttitd on his return eamo by Walla Walla and Pen dleton. While in Albany he met the manager of the O P, but was unable to learn anything detiuite from them regwivl ing their intent ions, more than they in tended hvidnuiitg work hi the moniitiiius s soon as the e ti-nv was out of the way. Ntws. Tn icit k is n S.ilem in nearlr cverv state in the ITnion. Ihit there Is only one Sa lem th.u attiiiunt to anything. That is in tn gn. J.Minntl. iA-t's see. Salem, Mass., had a popu lation of "JS.O.Hi In 1KS0, mid the Salem In New Jersrv Kndthi- are lntth thriving cities artnaehiug notnilation. In Salem, Nln-i., in 1HS, ten years ago, aliout $2.u fl.'VHl was inwfiti'd in msnu fnoturiej; tnterosts alone, and Vet Salem, Ortg 1, is t!e only Salent that amount to any thine. How cheap talk K Our Oregon S.tlem is U-eouiing a g(Vl place.a fset everyKwlv should be proud of, but there are 'other cities in the world. A TitO'iiNii Tiuk. Huntington wn rt'ceivwl in j;reat style by t ie Mt Angel people, and w as driven up to the top of Graves' I'.utte, where he was shown the surrounding count ry. The hrawt lmnd thuiiitH'J giHxI muVie, the piirtv met a real live bann (lijiroii of iMS'sliiger.) Ilmitington was otiUzcd and repliiil.nnd tinsllv went on hi war well plcnwd with Id royal reception along the yar row Gaure. Appeal. Orru'KR Fi.i;i.tkii. At a met-tlng of the director of the Aliiaiiy Mining and Mining to., tne loiiowing oiiuer were cWted for the ensuing year. J L Cowan, president. . N II Allen, vice-president, t! W M:iston, treasurer. I. II Montituvc. secretarv. The compauv will probably put rouaid- eraoie maciiincry 10 vtor mis year, ana will commence vork r.s soon as the weather eruiil. L O Adair. Entrene nk'ctit of the South ern Pacific railroad, report that heold 3-1 tickets for Ka.t rn iMiints tlurlng the month of April. Travelers can buy their ticket a cheaply in Eugene a in Port- uiul. Here there wa hardly any of a sale. People generally an satisfied with Al bany and as a rvstilt almost none are now returning Eat. a fact over which we con gratulate our citizens. Daxim Everywhere. The band met last Saturday evening and elected the following officer : President, Mark Peery, vice-President, Frank Gill; Secretary, O II Cyni; Tresttrer, T W Dilly. Henry Queener was cIidwii leader. Tlie Isiy haveengagel Mr Jones to give theiua few lessons, and under hi instructions will soon show great improvement. j Scio Press. Abbested IIkbk. Monday Marshal I tollman arrcstetl Harry Wilson, a dar key who had accepted a position a waiter in an Allmnv hotel, on a warrant issued at Corvallis. He was charged with havinz borrowed $10 and other sums, as well a having run a (3 board bill, nnder false pretense. He wa ta ken to Corvallis, where no doubt he will secure the kind of justice the case merits. Pretty High. The directors of the Salem Building and Loan association met at the Capital National bank lutt uight and loahed atsmtflUUO at wveiity-one month interest in advance. This is the high-water mark, a notch seldom reached in anv city. The arsociation is in a tturi)i!ng Condition, and there are very few delinquents Statesman. Osck or Albany. it W Wagnon, Sr, wa taken In-fore county Judge TC Shaw, M W Hunt, deputy prosecuting attorney, and Irs J A Uieliardson andCusiek, yt-s- tion a to hi mental condition. After the usual amount of questioning had been put to him, enough was shown to consider him jerfectly sane and he was discharged. Statesman. Pkssoyeb at Lkba.nox. On next Sat urday at 2 o'clock p in Gov Pennoyer will address the citizen of Linn county on the Issue of the campaign. A special car will lie taken from here and a large number have already signified their in tention to go. lhe train will be he hi at Lebanon until 5 o'clock in the evening when it will return to Allmny. Let every democrat go who can get away. A Nice Estertaesmext. A good-sixed audience greeted Fowler' Tableau d'Art and Concert Company last Monday. A very refined, enjoyable entertainment was given, ine lameau were very ar tistic ami elicited many exclamation 01 delight, the singing ot flliss KOina wa of a uupCTior c.-i.-rc-tor. Her voice is a remarkably one. Something That Si'saks. The I'ais- ley-ElUiorn gold brick on exhibition at the Frst National bank attracted many Btranger who had ocular demonstration at least that baker county mines can and do produce the yellow metal. It weighed 31 pound avoridupoi. I'aker City Ulade. That Mkmojh.w.. A subscriber ask the Uemocrat about the memorial to Congress asking for the right to bridge the Willamette at Aioany. me acu rnent ha just been completed, and will le presented to the city council at it next meeting, for adoption, and imme diately forwarded to Washington. Cokvallm City Election. Monday Corvalli did herself credit by voting the cow out out of the city limits by a big majority. Two ticket were in the field for city office. The following men were fleeted. J M Applewite, mayor. H C lJunn, , Marshal. Mr Spaulding, recorder. Mr Kitchen, treasurer. ('Ann or Tu.tsu. The undersigned desire to return their sincere th nks to the manv kind friends who rendered comfort and aid during the late illness of Charles Dougherty and wife. Mb & Mbs I N Wooole, Dri'g SroKR for Sale. In a growing town; aho a large list of city and countiy property. ror particular Inquire Guie Si Hcdiick, over "lrat Nat. bank. New einbroiderle, flouncing, lace flouncing in cotton and silk, black yyi cream, l.aces in Imitation point, also new design in black and white lace, including Vandyck and Eifel Tower. New ruchings. Samuel EYouno. For Sale. Seven fresh cow for tale cheap. 4 Inquire at thi office. Wall Papee. I have just received from the east a large invoice of wall pa per, borders, decorations, etc., including the plain ingrain wmcn are oecoming very popular. These good are better styles and cheaper than ever liefore. SAMUEL IS OUNO. I have jaat receivtd a lirge invoice of lace curtain, rar.ging in price from oue to nine dollar a oiir. scrim, mrtnin out, etc. Also a Una of curtain pllei and fu'Diturs cover ing. . Samuel E Youmo. Dr. Patton, the specialist on female and private diseases, in Blumberg' Block. Office hours. 10 to 12. 3 to 4 and 7 to 8. Consultation free. Residence 3rd and Montgomery, MIKlllTtI !i lllMIl t tNTIOJI. Tlio following commillee, lr tl W tlray, liev J F Stewart, Kev L J Trum bull, Itev L U ltoger and liev (1 8 lift" loiler.appdinted by tho Albany Minister Association, met at the pastor' study of the Daptist church to call a ma meet ing of the Sablmlh School worker of Linn county and to prepare a program lor same. lr tiWOrav wa elected chairman and (1 S Hanlfiter. Suu'v. On motion the mass meeting w as called to meet in the llsptist Aliwny, on Thtirsdiiy,the imhof May.atl :!Hl ptis. The following program wa adopted : TUt'MKnAY ArTKRNOOM. 1 :!i0, Prayer ami Praise service, led by Itev S E Memlnger. 2 :1H. Address of welcome, by ltev L J Trumbull. 2 :t0, Organisation. 2:15, Whv have we come together? liev T llohenr. McMinnvllle. Work in the Sabbath School 2;;W. omrernWhitt kind and their duties, Kev New, of Scl. . s.mi, leachem Lssentiitlquultlletttions, liev Hi ltoger. 2:50. Teachers "Half limir ."Kov M M Marling, Ilalsey. a w, 1 eiu hers w ork outside ot scnooi room, Rev I M Price, U'banon. 3:10. l'iflv iidiiutcs devoted to the dis cussion of alHtve topics, each sieaker llm Ity J to 6 minutes. '4:1)0, Appointment of eoinmittces, ini cellaiuHiusbusiiHss, adjournment. EVKNINO. !50. Prayer and praiso w rvlee, led by Prof W II W 8:00. The Piblo Its 1'ower, Kov S ( Irvine, 1 l. How to study it, Kev E 11 Wade, liaise v, 8::ui, How to use it.Kev 11 11 Ellsworth, Urownsville. t rUtllAY MOHMNO. II :tK, lVvotioital Bervlee, hnl by Kev Fisher. U :30, Keprts of committees and perm anent orgs uiation. 10:(XI, The blackboard. How to use it, Mr W K Plain, Albany. 10:10, Opening amfclosing S. S., Mr Win Thompson, Oak Creek. 10:20, Suhlmth school aids, their use and abuse, Kev J F Stewart and Kev T Gould. Shedd. 10 :::o, (jtiestiou drawer. 1 1 :t,i, Geueral disciissiou.adjournment. tiie bwaki f Tat nit. & areesrt Mas Meellaa Spevrhr. Kalhalaslie A Urge male audience wjs oiesent at the Opera House Ust Monday on the cc caton of the public meeting cf the board of trade. President Young in the chair. The Secrctar) read the minute of the p.cvlous meeting. The Albanv band furn ished sdhic excellent music for the occa sion both before and during the meeting. Mavor Cowan began the speech making by offering hi hearty co-operation In everything that will tend to buL'd up Ah oany. Mr J II Town -end made some nlid re. mark on the power of Individual effort to build u? a cliv. referring to A M Cannon. of Spokane, wIkj pent $j for every $5 se cured In advertising that counl. G W t right came to the front In good style with some sound remark on the foice of beautiful homes, good school, peaceable co.umunltle,its a factor In build ing up a community. Ill remark acre hearlilv appreciated. Mr J R Neil discussed the natural gas question, stating that he believed we had it directly beneath u, end referitng to It advantage, tf secured In building up a ctv. He U In favor ot judicious adver tising of a city. Judge Kliun wain favor of advancing our manufacturing and material Interest o that wheathe laboring man come here he will have something to do. There U a great deal to do beside getting people here. lien Geo E Chamberlain enthused the audience In the same line of thought, and spoke with force on the necessity of doing something our selves, !trtout depending too much on outside prospect. Ills Phil Ipplc on Hi; men who oppose public Im provement were enthuiutlclv cheeted. C E V.'olv- rlon wa In favor of attack-' Ing our undeveloped resource and making something cut cf '"m.and of a combined action for 1!. dvsuc. utnt of Albany. Dr Irvine gave a live account of hi trip among the rboome.l citie of the Sound country remarked that Oregon' own Portland after alt was the termlnou of the Northern Pacific, closing with an appropriate remark on the necessity ot ac tion on bridging I' eWillametteat thl city. Phil r ohe.i said it look money t run hoards of trade, and would pay a year' due in advance. He favored petitioning lhe next legislature for an immigration board at this city and the securing of a large public building. He ald talk I cheap but It take money to buy cider. Mr fc 11 Norton, the U n coal expert, wa called out and gave an encouraging talk on the rcmat'aable natural advantage ot thi country, perhap unsurpassed any litre in the Lnlt'd Mate. f'OrXTY CUUUT J'KOCEEDINUS. (D. R. N. Blackburn, Jtulgs ; B. W. Confer and O W Flillllrai, Onunlakem.) Tne following claim were allowed J K Hyde, aid for poor, $10.00 toward Chandler, 2 wild cat scalp. 2 -00 JB Fitz-rater, aid for poor, i6.tfo L I)ickon. gravel for roads. 6 60 Geo Humphrey, justice fees 2.75 11 rarweii, ssiary a treasurer, go. 55 E E Montague, county clerk fee Lt At curl, salary as county supt. 50.00 Aioany tiectrlc UghtCo, S7 0 Geo IJ Ilarn.rd&Co, jail locks, 3,50 til Usher, surveying, - 35 50 Kobt Glass, aid fur poor, 10.00 Uamilton& Andrews, aid for Or chard family, 10.00 W W Crawford, lumber, 1 8.4S Boot Kin if, wild cat scalp, 1. 00 J C Goodale. lumber, 30.J1 Hamilton Andrcw,6 wildcat scalp, 600 L, M curl, postage, Geo I) Uarnard&Co, book, 3.00 4400 re-, Stale v Lamont 13.30 re, InqnUition m Canter, P W Spink, lumber, Fee. Inqultilti'jn W V Smith, 14.00 4 1 c.oo Joi.n Snallmon, 138.06 9 00 rortmillerJclrving, Win hilet,'id for poor, GF Crawford, do GCt'oolcy, do 10.00 800 6.00 1 I' toshow, do 10.00 Ladle Aid 10.00 15.00 C L Montogu. dc Ttittkrix, Kilitort Democrat : I'leaso return our thanks to the O P official for, favors shown our Sunday school while on the trip between King and Mill Citv, during the picnic excur sion. Especially would we thank gener al traveling Agen; stcuai t for hi un .Urine effort to make evervthintr nleas- ant. Ixjng may the U 1" be oles.-wd with men like Mr Stewart and the gentle manly conductor, whose name we failed to obtain. In behalf of the school, F O McCaitkt, Secretary Chriatain S. 8. Stayton, Oregon, May 3, 18'J0. m Dried Fat-rr Wantbd. Plum and a kin(ll) ot dried fruit wanted immediately by G W Simpson, First street. Drier Plums. I will give the highest market prica for choice dried plum for the next 30 day. Samuel E Yocso. Albsoy, Or., April 11th, 1890. Warm Wiathkr. Aline stock of re- f relators and Ice cream freezer maybe seen at Stewart & Sox!. Nothing like them for the house. Fresh. Fresh sweet potatoes, frejh lemon, fresh orange, fresh candy, and everything f reih hi choice fancy groceries at Spencer & Blackburn's. .' WANTED-A dul to do General hoase woik. Call at Demoosit office. Fca Sale. A ?ool driving horse;work well s'triKle or doable. Eajiiienoa nn Han -non donation claim. QLiNAi-LR. EVAKGJXlCAli CUrKEN'C. Alt rlrf Outline o RUIiop Ituwmn Address oa tu lllfHrattle tits Clisreb' Last Monday at 2 o'clock Bishop Bowman gave an address at tho Kvan gelical Church setting forth, In ileta!l,the dlfllcultle in that church, leading tip to the present unpleasantness, an account of which has been given in the Dkmovmat, Below we give the substance of tho Bish op' remark : The tliincultle in the Ey angelical church commenced to Home extent 28 year ago. when the present venerable senior Uishop, J J Ksher, wa elected bishop. Hi opposing candidate was Kev H Neil, a very able and eloquent divine. Tho relative strength of the two was so evenly matched that Ksher was elected only by a very small margin. There wa considerable feeling engender ed, and hence name opposition shown to ward the elected bishop. Thing how ever ran on without much friction until In 1875. whenltudohih Dutm and Thomas Bowman were elected bishops by the gen eral conference in Philadelphia. Ihil ucing especially me canaiiiate of those who were more or less opposeil to Bishop -.. 1 ..t.i t'l 11 1 , Ksher. and. a he ha, himself. since con- lessen to three itiliorent parties that he was unuer tne lmtiresHion Unit lie was elected to put down llishon Esher. ho seised tinon everv onnortunltv nuhlic and private to accomplish that end. i-.vuienee could le furnished In abun- lance. Only two venr after hi election ho publicly attacked hi senior In oillce and year during an annual conference session, and led the conference to tmss resolution ccusurint Uishop Esher in hi absence, letter on the iremral confer ence which ha final jurisdiction expung ed thi action from tlie minutes of that conference. Finally at the session ot the pnerai conference heitl In Allentown, Pa., in 1SH.1, these matter were brought before that body,and after full stnteinents had ln-en made, Uishop Hulsi was com-tn-lled publicly to aeknow l'de that he had wroiijjed hi senior in oillco in four or five instances, and uinm this confession and implliHi promise on hispart.matter were amicably adjusted, bishop Esher even K"ii so far for the sake of peace ami harmony a to a Mow a matter to stand a a mistimterstaudin, w here the proof of a w ilfull falsehood on the part of Uishop Hub wa in hi possession, black on white, and other misrcpreeontalloiis were easy of proof. However, instead of Hub mendiiiK hi way he continued in hi course, estifclally in difficulties con nected w ith the management of the mis sionary operation in Japan to Injure hi senior wherever possible, U-sIdi s laying niniseii open to very serioti charge con cerning hi veracity and chastity. Ihibs had become so obuoxiouato the majority of the church that at the last general conference held in Buffalo, N. Y.,fn lnH7, he wa only re-elected bv a maioritv of one vole, and that, after hi friendsliadi 1 . 1 1 cngjigeii in an active personal campaign Iw In re-eIeclion,and even he personally in inree instance w men can nc proven is-gged delegate to vote for id re-clee- tiiai, pleading hi former service and hi family. Hnce then hi conduct U-canie still more unendurable. Ho publicly chargel a minister and a layman with falsifying a cable dispatch and present ing it in evidence in the trial of John U Hartzler, while it wa proven at hi trial by about thirty wltnesnca that no dis patch f any kind had been presented at all. In addition he made tatement to the conference in Germany andHwitx- erland and in tlie official paper, which were proven uy ome thirty ohi witness es, to have been untrue. Reside three or four private assertions reiterated to different individual were proven to be untrue. In addition to all these thing were added the oainful minors afTV-rtimr hi purity and clutMtity ; so Uiat after a trial by fifteen representative men whe integrity and intelligence cannot tie questioned they unanimously suspended him from the office of the ministry until the next general conference which meet iu 1SU1. In addition to these thinir cam' the dittirultie of our Japan mission, w hich reulteI in charge being brought against II 11 Hartzler, the former otlinai editor of the English weekty organ of the church. Of these charge be was found truilty and deposed from office. Then hi friends organized a J ullintihig Company am mailo him their editor in opposition to the official church paper. In thl paper all manner of bad tiling were said against Uishop Esher and myself, so that it was believed necessary to have an examina tion in accordance with the regulations of our discipline, which examination was conducted by three elder w ho exonerat ed each one of n fully from alt blame. However in order to Urtng further re proach npon the church, and to keep the KiistK-nded Uishon lnibs. hi friemi Sir- nored ttiese leial examination and ac quittal, and drew up charge against us principally drawn from our public dr restMmdeitce and article relative to the disturbing faction, and the very faction against which what we had written wa directed attempted to sit in judgment upon the truthfulness of what we hail aaid of Uieir conduct. Of course having been examined and honorably admitted we gave the. sham trial to which we were cited no atten tion whatever and have gone on with our work a usual ami iroixso to do so. Since these sham trial 13 annual confer ence have been held, all of which have endorsed us in our position, and of the i conferences no douot 20 will luliy cn dorse our position. There i no doubt whatever a to w hat the coining general conference will do. Nor is there any doubt as to what the criming session of the board of Mission will do. The ap propriation will lie paid to the confer ence over which I preside, and which is the only Oregon Conference of the Evan gelical church. The meeting held in this city will have no more legal stand ing at the next general conference than U so many ly had held a "conierence " on a vacant lot somew here in this city. THt'aSDA V MORKIMO SESSION, MAT 6, 1800 After the conference was rcguarly ojened by the bishop, business was transacted with much mspatcti. lue following resolutions were passed. Resolved: That the trustee of the Oregon conference are authorized to eon Urn t all conveyance of protierty, situ ated within the hounds ot this confer ence, that may lie attempted by any of the men who withdrew Irom the conier ence. Whereas: J Bowersox, C 0 Poling, E Bollinger, 11 L Pratt, F 8 Locke, J M Dick, A U Johnson, J II Ilcrshner, C M Plowman, J M Beauchaiup, Y A Yost and L 8colert consented to and partici pated in the disgraceful affair referred to above (disgraceful row at the opening of the session) against the word of God. theaws and order of our church, and having deliberately withdrawn from this conference, and Whereas: Thi conference by reaolu- Mftntt lea 4 V a t 11 tm A tltft, n.nfnnntn f ha aliove named person should be dealt with in a forbearing spirit and Christian manner, should they choose to return, and Whereas: This offer was treated with contempt, therefore, Resolved. That C 0 Poling. F B Locke, E 8 Bollinger and J H Hershner. whose conduct was most oifensive, and who seemed to bo leaders in the revolutionary proceeding, have by their public con duct forfeited all the rights and privi leges a ministers and members of the Evangelical association, are hereby de posed from ofllce, from the oflice of the ministry and expelled irorn the ciiurcn and that J Bowersox. II L Pratt. J M Dick, A R Johnson, C M Plowman, Y A Yost. J M Beauchamp and J Scobert are suspended from all their official function and from all the right and privileges ot membership in our church until the next annual conierence. Resolved. That the persons elected by the conference to office made vacant by the suspension of the persons above men tioned shall demand of their predecessors in office all money, books ana documents and other property belonging to this con ference now in their possession ; and all persons whom it may concern are hereby informed and notified that J . Bowersox and J L Hershner are no longer trustees of the Oregon conierence of the Kvangel ical association .and any act of theirs ap pertaining to the conference is null and void and will be repudiated by this con ierence, Stationino Report. Portland district, II I Blttner. Portland and Newburg, 51 Shuknccht East Portland Ger. Si Milwaukee, A Ernst. East Portland, Tihhel addition, and AU bin, L S Fisher and a supply. Oregon City, Brook and Salem, J U Prels. Albany, Cofvalll and Suvcr, I B FUher. sweet Home, u aieiuroy, Independence, Dayton and King Val ley, N (Shupp. Lafayette, II I Blttner. Nchalem, to be supplied, Kl IleliM), St Johns and LaCama. M Burlingntne, Seattle and Tacoms, J Erich. Bclttnghsm Bay. to be supplied. Spokane Eall. V Blttner. Kasl Spokane and Sassln, to be supplied. tt 1.. . L.t ' f Jiarringion, j oioops. Rockford, to be snpplied. ' BttiKr Korea, On what the Brethren who withdrew from the Conference setting forth a a reason lit tne local pre of thi city for their action. 1. That two applicant for the mlnl. try were refused examination on their acquired ability, bemuso they affirmed lit answer to a question, that they be lieved the bishop' suspension to be legal. Now thl wa nothing more than the "'" " P ' w ." ' atiilners. and not the volc.o of th I.. .11. t 1 ! M ' terence, if it wa an nnjust treatment of the applicant it should have been brought to the notice of the conference for correction, and not have liccome a cause for so erloiis a step to disrupt the conference, escially since they had a majority in conference and could have corrected. 2. Another reason I because the men who endorsed tho bishon refused to airma to receive two men who were not sent by the board of mission, into conference the same a the two men w ho w ere sent uy me Hoard 01 mission. It i evident from this, had the men who cntiorscu me uishop agreed to ac cept their proportion, thev would have recognised the bishop. Hence the row and w Ithdmwal at the oimnlngof confer ence uoe not turn on the suspended bishop, a claimed, but because their proposition wa not accented, or, liecause the bishop men would not make an even trade of men. They of course with drew ls'fore the matter could be brought to a test on the conference floor, ('an o silly a matter m a cause to mt serious a steo. They certainly recognUed the uisimp prior to conference by making apftolntment for him and arrantimr limrvn uroicHuoilH. r 1. j . . 1 1 . 1 ... 3. Mill another reason Is because of the spitted "Publishing house roblr," whentl.ey only demanded payment of the money appropriated there avear aim ior iwrvice miring me year. 1 1 ( .. -1 - s..i. .1 ... - iiie service remiermi ov tiiean uunng uie year, ami the money appro- jTituc, was an a legal contract, so recog niacd by alt, and not until they had withdrawn did the matter come un fur discussion. Even then there was no thought entertained than that they had been paid every dollar on their innrn. priation for services rendered. How thl matter ran Is? a causa for thi most Ser toli tep will invite an, anwer from the uod. Following are the appointment of the anti-Bowman faction: Ohkook District C C Pouko, p. K. Independence C C Poling, A I bl 11 J L Hershner, East Portland J M IHck, Ht Johns, 1 Columbia, H L Pratt, Clatskaniet Dayton J M Peauchamp, Newberg W I, Beaumont, Ufuyette D V Poling, Pnver 5 N Plowman, King Valley O S Halne. Corvalli M J Ballantyne, Yaqtifna To be vupolieil, HouUiertt Oregon do., WASMtSOTOX DWTBICT J BoWKHSOX, P E. Brook 1 Bowersox, Hak-ut E 8 Bollinger, Altiany-FHIke, 8weet Home T A Yost, Oretrun City To e supplied, East Portland 1 To le supplied ; mean German, V white undercharge of Milwaukee, i Bowersox, Portland,! To be supplied; mean Seattle, while under charge of J Tacoma, ) Bowersox, North Puget Bound,! FjKjkane Falls, V A It Job non. r-nragne, North ripok sane.i T , ,. . ltocklord, tJO IMW To Conn & Hend-lcton for your gro ceries and produce. With a choice stock V"? are able to meet all demand. They loilow the olJ adage of 'Hiulck laics and small profits," and are aleyat hnd to tter.e to the want oi the public. Keep your eye on their store tor fresh produce nd groceHe and you win not be dw-p- ss AscmiEa AssoaTrr Of fine Fruit and VegeULU-, Inst received at Mueller !WriyCn Kxwrr, Asparagus, ne piant, Faith im Small Fa The Oregon Railway Extension Co recently filed at Olympla supplementary article of Incor poration authorizing It to build 3000 mile of new line In the northwest. Thu one movement complement another. Some caullou soul have expressed the fear that the extension of the fruit raiting Industry in thl region would overstot k the mar ket, and here we hve facllltie to be pro vided that will allow ii to reach out for a more distant market in all direction. The Oregon Land Co has faith in it small fruit farm, and to show It faith by it work hat just planted an orchard of too cres to retire to when all the land here bout I old. SraiNO Jack T at Cost. I have a small line of spring jack ets In rotors I wish to close out, and have reduced the price to cost. They are the latest style and a bargain. I also have a lir.e of Hpring Stockinet jackets for $5.50 each, which I the nicest, jacket for the price In the market. " Samvel . Young. lrttr hist. Following to His list of tsiurs remaining- In th Post Offlo, Albsoy, Linn oounty, Oregon, April 23, lftW Persons sslUnr lor Ihes tetter must giv th dsU oa which thsy srers sdvsrtlsad : Adkins, Leonard C Abbott, John A Arnold, Willie Bonar DM Cannon. F M , Caldwell, S L Clark.Miss PaulannaClark, Mr N A 'lark. Mrs K A . Chapman, Mr u A Cummlng, M P Cox, Lueretia Kdwards, 15 ' l-.nott, w rveevle, Fred iiesiie, aiary Landi, ltichie E 2 Mall, Frank 2 ewherbaner, uertnan . THOMPSON, p M. DIED. MYERS. At hi home near Splcer, Linn county, Oregon, Walter E, eldest son of Edward and Mareret Mver. Wr alter wa bom March 8, 1879, and died Mav 2. 1800. He wa an obedient lov- in); cnua. tie wa uurieu on me $a uay lt ; 1 it . n I 1 01 jviay in tne presnce 01 a large con- coo rse 01 weeping ineuus. no uope 10 meet little v alter in ueaven. Jho M Price. ItK FOOLS '91. Fooplo who are Easttly Deceived, lias Caught Eight to fluv U A city tlriingist itntcd that ha bad had eight calls for Joy's Vecctablo Sarsaparllla but had sold hi own every time. It did not occur to Mm that It might be a serious matter to give his oM time merenry anil potash preparation to people who do not need syphilltlo treatment, It Is sufo to ifvy that not one lerson In ten hnvo a iyphlittlo trouble. Donee what do they want with sueli dangerous mineral aa mercury and potash? Wliat clue-tenths of our people ar troubled with is indigestion, dyspepsia, sick headaches, constipation and face eruptions, all ef which are the legitimate result of Improper liver and kidney action, or Impaired digestive organs. Those disorders do not call for lyphtlltio treatment, bet for mild yegetable liver, stomach and bowel alterative. We are surprised, that Intelligent people should be persuaded Into tak ing a mercury and potash Isarsapaxllla. When roa ask for Joy' Vegetable Bursaparilla, ice that ttrngntit. MO DAT. E. L Power, of Taoom, if In th eity. 85 dore ahov sro io th h ids yoster day. Mr 8 W ThumpMin is in Stayton visiting at th bom of ber mother. f O Crawford returned thi noon from Astoria whr h toed nearly fur y view, looloding tome of th auiiiUou. ltiohard 8l Phillip ar tnakiog om or- BmDtal poles, with llktar, tor lace eur- tslu thatar very atiraeuve. A brother of Mr Tlio Hopkins 1. just arrived from in cast ami win go into bui- bms with faim, Mr J 0 Meyer tia aobl hi butoher ahnp ml road an enuagsmeni with ur la Woodl to driv bis jub delivery wagon, Th oelebratsd II F Millet piano recent ly received by Will & Liuk wa sold to Mr Martin 1'ayn. It l nnauuoteoiy th Dos piano ver sold in Allmiy, Flvoo' (rants Pass boom stieoial ear. with wmi Portland capitalist, returned to Portland this momlnii, O. P. i goiou anaaa 10 a very orvunsui manner. W Kirk Ptio. an old tesidnnt of Albany. ha been noniiustrd for the f!lae of therlff of Jaeksoa county by th deinoorat, and will l sloe led oy a i.i moionty, wniuh will erv him about right. Ths pet name i f the four new stats sr aid to be, North Dikot. ths "Fhekertsll" Utt Houtb I4kot i, ths "Bingsd J:" lUU 1 Waihingtmi, the 'hinnod" ttste, ad Montana, th "bttibbnd IW'sUte, MrsO W Freeman and on, reeeotly of Oaklaot, Cat are in the eity th guest oi DrO W Orsy. Mr Frteman ha rigoed hi position tinder the Soathern Pacific there and acctipted. one andnr the government, with hdiarter t Portland. A InUresting mtlonry servie was held last evaning at th V V ohnreh in plc of th regular ryw. Mr r J Wilsin d hyrd th disuouiss f r th oeoaai'tn, a thouithtfal effort, aud siiiuing and rcciutiuii eompistfd the program. Ths following persOitals apiwar in ytr dy 8sl"in Mutimii. (io Dick ioioe. the O.-egna Lsnd (n'pny' maoager at Albany tranaet4 baloe in Halam ymterday, D V H itcid was a passer-gr na last evniug' ovsriaud for hi bom in Albany. "Tony" Klein, th shoe dealer, want op to A loony lt evening. Mia La'ir Vo, of Albany, U In the eity visiting with Mis Etu Cal rt, TtlfSPAV. A B MctUe, the railroad man, mlurnrd thi auon from a trip to Curvalit. Baker City I preparing for a Locn, hay ing seeared otn profoMioti! bootrers. W H Raymond, of th Farmer and Mr- ohaot loanraiiC Co., i home from a trip to Baa 1 rancuwo. Mr A O P..w.. ha bft at A.hl.y & Keil's a fib pcimea of coal from the Ikaver Creek tuioee, bow down idnvty fest. A faith doctor io Albsey ia aaid to bv beea effeettug .m rvmarkabl eurrs, tut w will wager it i only skin ileep. Mll H. Mori is, a rel.ilv of Mr. II C, rewutly - meichant of i'aoksa Uwosy, Pee., is o th city with a view to Ineating. W II W.n..r, Watkr Parker and Harper Crsnor ws-r t-ctd members of the Hoard of Fir rlelsifsti last vrmiig from Albany bogie Co no I. Flora Hat sou, th color.! Jenny liod. whom o xelMi.e v h th most won- dsrlul voiee the editor ever hktened to. will be in Albany May 29. 11 L Bowaier, former edit of th Miltou Etule. late eity editor of the Statesman, na uarcbaswd the PcadleUm Tribtttn that r- eostly tartrl oat with seeh a wboop. David K Yraen, f(-l n.r-rly of thi county, has just iseued No 1 of Vul I of the Tiding-, at Toledo, IiC, Wash. It ia a neat, Mwy ia nd bow a good advertising ptrooK. Mr Ja F Powell ha J.orelissrd tht gro- eery Imsium of Us U lltiaroo, iu th rima tiock. aud wt:i hreaitr roa it. Mr Powell wilt andoabudty keep ep the good rrpatstiuo of th Flian block grooery U-e. Dr 8 (J Irvin reUrad Ust (vening from Taeoma, where h aaaisted ia organising a eew U P Cborch. tie )so yiaite4 Fair Havaa. Auaoortr aud other oud eitie ad give sooi ii,tsrtloapirieoo about the boom that ia progressing. MisHCIIahbard, who recently went to lew on a visit, wa en a traia that wa bloekaded a day ia tbemtdale of V)omiog desert. Oettiog nomet liltsg t0 eat wm ot a cheep rtciKnirot. Milk among the pe -ve IttXsrn wa TSitrntim itjiri. There will l prebiDg at th V.tiAli- vt Chuivh tm brxt Sut lisib ihoihii-k and rhvanliifc. A ordil luv uln.o is csUm'cd to all. 1 ii risimr pi..r. eAM T?n a - -w... Wc. the members of The I , , t1 City and County of San Francisco, cordially approve 1 iiu a cvuuiiiit-iiu iuc ivuy til uoiviiig ruwusi, xi. i . . ...... 4 uMnufi r 4t, Um uau4Ulw' a5.aa, s-ww-s.- w w of the .highest i in our judgment it is Impossible to make a purer or stronger Baking Powder than the "Royal,' : Smoke the eras Mam.fjc.Vred by IMPORTED AUD KEY WEST GIGARS Flog and mokiAg tobacco, MsmtsoHsuo and hrir pip-wand rooke artfilfta gwaraUy Oregon Land Company, HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, OREGON, " In the State Insurance Balldlng. ' ' And II ran eh ORlcoa Portlind, Aatorlav nwd Albany. Ha for tale a Urge List of Grain, Slock and Fruit Farms. , Also City and Suburban Property. SEND : FOR : PIIAMI1LET, : MAP ; AND : ntlCE : LISTS. GEORGE C. SUCCESSOR TO Choice G Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co et. Low Trices and WKPlfSlSDAV. Sslem ba organixnd a baselalt clnh. Th vote on the eew nr.mtion at Corvalli wlt)8to ltd. Win Uoag aud Walli Naeh hay ben la th eity to-day. Joseph Peronl ha Woo )poiotol ageuv '.u Corvalli fur th Albany k-e work. A Lewi and family, of Shedd, have moved to Elluosbrogh, Wh., to reside. Mis Ntittfe Pervia li ft yesterday for her Astern borne, aocompstnng Key IVlchard, who goe to th aooual oonfereuoe to mst at 8aratogs, Mr William Moras n. of Seattle, arrived ia th eity this noon, ou a visit of a month or two with his relatives and friend. II 1 slowly recovering from hi recent serious ill net Money ! Money ! . ' -TO LOAN, Oa good farm and eity property at 7 and 8 Per Cent. I tiiin my own eetirity 1 I write my own pper,nd if title I perfeot tan elos trasi p in ahort order, Call on or writ me, , S. N. STEELE. With K. O. IWrdley.Il4i EsUte Agent, Alhsny, Oregon. MONf.Y. CHEAP MONEY. W have made arrangement to supply money to all on long time at low rate of Interest on Improved turn andclfr prop erty. Thsee who contemplate building brick block or good brick buslne bouse can get money. See u. Wallace Si Cnsicav A New Repair Shop Ha jo-d. t-een ojiened oa First street, op posite the Itus bouse, where can getal kind of broken artiole mended, cloeka van and lock repaired, key fitted, Ac Work lum llvtt uctiy j it n lly iid d.d City Drug Store. Stanard i Gusick Propriotors. Successors to Gaim & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and chemicals.fancy and toilet articles, granges, brushes, erf;iniery,school and ar tigtssupjilies. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. City Ilestanrant. Hivirg beva iitirly iem deled, this old aod popular restaurant will be tnd first elas ia every rexct. The pnblie will be given good mal at all honra fur only S3 cnts. Kverj thing neat and attractive, Priv bose. Ojster la every tyle. W. A.M(iut. Notice to Contractors, Sealed nnm will be beceiv. vl by the Board of Uireetor of th Albany Farmer' Co. up to May 12. 18 00. for tb furnishing and placing, by the perch, of a atooe foandatlon tinder the old waretiouw balldlng. aliaaled la Albany. Oregon. The rUbt I reserved by the Boa rejct any or all bid. itet: M If WILDS. Put II Mas-shall, rresldeat Secretary. l-OMIXti EVENTS. May 8, M s hMn.e.' Stott .Snblou-, st the opera . Jnn2. State and Cotinty electior a. wiPTCPf. Aninist C " TSSa. e . ... Board of Health of the strength and character. Julius Joseph WITH IT HENDERSON LA FOREST & THOMPSON Dealer in roceries Prompt Attention. Has just received liis Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine lino of suits, which will bo Hold at bottom pricos. In order to make room for new goods will sell hi largo stock of Notions, etc., at A Great Reduction. Tho bestjdacejn Albany for bargains. A RARE OPPORTUNITY It Offered Kvery Day by the L.T. BROCK, To ct First Cltsi FU11NITURE, Latest Designs, at "Bot tom I'rices. New Goods will arrive Constant!. OIC0.8461. -i f J -J ' y 'x 4 Altarnout' faste-t at I! Ion ami alrerif Delon ifadioa, AMtmott'i jrraed cbii -ren with a 4 year old r-eord H I Vi. lida (Wile Price, tho dam of Pricmont, yr old roeord. S:l5,nd Xllar t-one 2:35. v III tie kept at Albany, Monday eoit Tueaday ; at talent, VVcdnen.4- aud Tbordar. fn i at home Friday 1.0'J Kalurfy. Allowed to pert n.aieai f5tto Icaure. AlTaGO. 9320. S year old reowl.tlt. Son of Altamont, tba aire ofa relrnent end Maputo Arnold, reeord 2&1 (I'ub'le trial ) ran;bter of the famoo brood nia-e, Drake, tlie datn of Norman Medium. Will be kept at Independence Tnenday ecd Wednoaoay 5 at Corvalli, Thnrnday and Friday , . t liou e Samrcay end Siondaj. Allowed to serve mart at f.c5 to Injure. Heaaon enrnmeneing April Ixt rr.d eodlna Joly 1st and co rjf t.Lii!y iSFtm ed for aoHdtwU. Tbauklng our patron for pat favor tra incite ail Jiiihio if tha light harn&oi horse to call aod b. A lew br!e lnr rt n titt- tol'e to il above Maillot., also ceW young driver ar.d coll tutu ilftn k-rt.'e. Vililrle p'eUf In boln((U.k any tsy 1 Jcl'lSunday. RUCICWIGHTBROS- THE STANDARD , SHED STALUOM Ilck F.abriir, re-rJ PT, il! tn ik theaiMnof IM(, comnienclajr April 1 and fnUuiK Jul; 1, ai MraaU aiatite, Albanv. Lion county. Or. Klvinir Linn oounty horsemen achanca to breed to a aianuard borao, with hit aa J speed not to be excelled in Oregon. DBcatPTio! ano PKDioRrr, Jliuk Flaherty I a chestnut, sni u! a'rtp la face, one wbita asklo, stands .0 hands high, we'd ha 1-60. wiunor of ili 2:44 ctr at City View Park S-p uilier 13, isss, dereatinst onec, O.ttosr, Maud Knox ar.d Harvest in tlr- etra'ght beat. Tbl wa Dick's flrvt race, at which time he made bia record of 2:30. Sired by Flaherty' Fear naug lit, by Fearnaugbt, Jr. 135, by Fnaraangbt, 13S, reeord f 2:23 1-1 (alnnst of the $10 t'tK) purse at ButlAlo in lS6S,.l fectitix Ueorae Paimer Col Maydard, American Girl, J J Uradley, Myron Porry, Victor. B ago and Mollie), ha by young Morr I. Dick Flaherty' iam, Bill Drew, has paced mil In 30, hy Dodd's 'olsor, by John reluon, 187, fciro o? Nevea, 2:23 1-2, Anrora, 2:27 1-3. Nemo, 2:30; by T & ; Ji- WHOLESALE Kv. l HarflwarG, Ifod, Steel M Farm Maelerj. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASMCTOI AMD K0BTKE3N IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER MD REfiPER. Tics KacU'Jie ar too well kneutt to nee conaaent. Tbouand of farmer liava used them and speak of tnem wittt t 'tis. ?J7 ar th only HarveBtUu; . Macblne tbat vrUl siv EKTIILJ fcKsr ACTION to Uie purchaser. fjilLLEB'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTfilAN'S STAR TRA0T10H EKfe,. Tho mom ZSt 5tlve and Successful Combination fcr Thxeahlag aai Clean; 115 Grain vr constructed. m m nm. m jr a s m mm fwrl rn hi. itrTliB Fontor that eUUnnnlshe thi Trin-Binder il tha Mghtnss at rr&ft, combined itl; if. r.xtiaonlinarv Ktrsnirth and Durability. Th tinder is of th Apph by pottsrn, th oniy really so-f-!l ::o i t known. NVs have two styles, the Elevktor Binder and Um I latloroi Binder botu esoelient- in.a lecoiumcudiid by hundreds ot patrons. , - CCrinrTimT "PI) PAP!! 'WUimifl Deere Hows, Deere Sulky Plows, ULUUllJLIiJili iiUDiU lliUUiU Carriages, Plisetons, Top Jiu BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, ' BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. CORBIN DfSC HARROWS, UODGES-HA'HES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE. SENi3 FOR c:?cuLAnr. yiiiiicifii PROPRIETOR. REC0BD,2:29 - 34. iv. BIC3RD 2 : S3. IrnpTraeten, dm, the lUdmocd Man by Atxlailan 2nd - fam, Eu'tertt ld,a St Cli5r. 3rd Dam, by Black Leg, by Biggol'J RaUlcr. 4tbr Dam, by Jaok Ilawkic?, by Bos ton. Sth-vDm,by ld St Clair. Flaherty' Kearnaugbt dam, IIiiJc-. by Old Columbn. 2 Dam, by Harnv' Hatnbletonian. 3- Daui, Boston Gi.l, a co'ebrated 3 mllAlrnli. p l.jol.l 1 kl.ll.n isoaiaijion wun auch aoombtnatun 01 fast trouing and producing blood ba ever besn ottered tor 'servios in Linn ctiunty, Hregjii, before."" TKRMS, To insure, f 40; season, f 30. Mare bred by tne suscu, psyab.'e July 1, Mara bred by insurance pybl6 when mare are known to be with foal. Iiar will ha carel't'l., bandied, but no responsi bility will be assume V ioi aocldeots' tiood pauure at i a month. For further particulate address, 1 LaFOREST, Albany.Or- UUUU.U.UUUD Front. First aM Ylna Streets, P0RTLND, - 0HEG0I1 DEALER IN BBS BV 11 FK t' lies -viv. I ii.