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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1890)
ycuicrrat. FRIDAY APIUL 11, 1800 STITE3 & NUTTING. n . -i . I....1-.- .1 Skvksai. Piktinucmiikd Mkn. The West Shore, just at hand, contains a good picture of Kx-lVwtnmntcr C W ltoby, who ha jtist vacated the Portland postofflce, after filling it with marked executive ability fr four years ami four months. A Pemim-rat man readily recog nises in tho pbis his stateroom rmii panton on tho "Ueo W KKIer," arriving in Portland on (September 1!, ISM. The Went Miore pay Uoliy located in Port land in 1HH2, hut there is an error of two year in the figures. Hohy had the up- cr berth, the licwK'aT man the lower Hrth, nd a Walla Walla man, who smuggled a nephew thruugh in flr-it-class style on a steerago ticket, the mid dle lxrth. Kven then, in the tall, pleasant-looking man who waa bi assume a portion in the public schools of Port Iand, the Pkmih'hat man recognised one who would take care of himself, though on thl particular trip lie did not display that energy that has since characterised hi life. In foct, he spent considerable time in gaaing at the deep, preen waters that rocked frightfully under tho dung Ing tread of the Klder, and, when night came, and there werealmut four of them, for the trip was a long one, ho invited the 1)mh bat man to trade lierths with him, as, in his condition, he was not am bitious to roost high. tHt in the stilly night the peculiar expectorating sound familiar to the traveler, came from the lower regions of our stateroom. It was a welcome hour when the Columbia was reached and the trip np that leantiful stream began. Among other passengers who are now as distinguished as Koby and the 1kmih bit man were Prof Con don, of the State University J Prof W S .Arnold, of the Willamette I'niversity ; Mr Henry failing and daughters, return ing home from their European trip, and A L (i ray, w ho left Albany with alsmt :UXH) in coin without leaving his card. These art not very material incidents, . but as it is always customary to tell what you know w hen a man pets his picture in the illustrated journals, the 1km;bat comes to hand with what it knows alsittt Koby. In this connection it may not be out of place to mention a trip whilo at Astoria made by Prof Arnold and the 1kmk-k t man np the hill now laid oil" into ad ditions. After ascending some distance and getting a few Mowers we gave up the job and returned to the steamer. Now there are additions laid off ten miles U yond this precipice. Out Among tii Si bckb.i. Among the property that has been recently throw n upon our real estate market there is none that is more deserving of mention than the property that has liecn platted by Walter T Wiles (which he has fit tingly named Fair lhtle.) The tract is level and sightly, not a stump is to Is? seen on a single' lot and no grading w ill be necessary. Already houses have been built in Fair Iale, and it will not lie sur prising if, in a very short time, Fair It.ile Is more thickly covered with houses than any other of our suburbs. On tho clear days of summer the snowy peaks of the Three Sisters seem to be clone at hand, while in an easterly direct'm Mt Jeffer son is plainly seen. The agent having the sale of Fair Ihile )iaa advertised it extensively and is en deavoring to give everylssly a chance to purchase a lot, but it is understood that they are selling rapidly. With the pros pect that the city now has of an electric motor line, which will undoubtedly go past Fair Iale, we can not but congratu late those who have tieen fortunate eiiougu hi secure a 101 in litis iraci. i Calls Names. Last week the 1emo ciat said that the item in the Corvallis times, run by bob Johnson, In w hich it was stated that Sir Pettibone's head was refused the crown of superintendent, ar. old, tattered chapeau, was probably incorrect. That paper, as is its custom, gets mad all over and uses such expres sions asstupid, narrow-minded, damfule, Ac., with a recklessness that would dis gust even a Salvation Army. The Times, Tike the defunct Chronicle, seems to think its mission is to attack the O P, a road that has built np this country won derfully, and it never loses an occasion to do to, even on foolish matters. For shame, Bob. Look in the looking-glasa before calling names. Costbact Ixt. The contract for build ing the Oregon Bank building was let Tuesday to Trainer & Thayer, a firm well spoken of for good workmanship. W A Cox has the contract under them for the brick work. This firm also re ceived the contract for building a two clary brick addition extending the I'.urk hart block, occupied by W F Head, back to the alley. The Oregon Bank building is to be three-stories hjgh, and elegantly equipped. The front, to le of massive stone and pressed brick, will probably be the handsomest bank front in the valley and will be an ornament to Albany. The building will cost $15,000 to $20,000. It is inch structures as this, with, three instead of two-stories, that ' Albany people like to see going up, for they speak of the future of Albany as an important city, Tcx CnABmr. Some time ago the bouse, and all its. contents, belonging to the Hey, Mr- Ilawcil, pastor of the Con- church at llood Itiver, in Wasco county, were consumed by fire. the family narrowly escaping with their lives. Upon hearing of this misfortune the ladies of the Congregational church of Albany quietly went to work to collect the "widow's mites," and in a few days bad gathered in donations in money amounting to $38.50, and donations of clothing, etc, amounting to $40 worth. This is the kind of charity that St Pnl bad in mind when he said : "Charity yaunteth not itself unseemly, sceketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh not evil. Tub Dalle & Soutiibbm II. K. A strong company bas just been organized to build a railroad from The Dalles to Prineville. From the nam. of the in corporators, headed bv Hon Rob Ma vs. J ' a.. ' ' HH4 including many oi me neavy capi talisti of The Dalles and the region through which tiiis road is to le built, affords a strong guarantee of the success of the enterprise. The business men of our ambitious rival on the Columbia river do not in tend to allow the trade of Central Ore gon to be diverted from her without at least a determined effort to prevent it. The line of the Oregon Pacific will tra verse a vast region hitherto tributary to hat city. . Sebved Him Bight. In Portland Sat urday Judge Rhattuck decided the case of the Astoria A South Coast Kail road com pany airalnst George Hill in favor of the plaintiffs. The action was brought to compel IliU to pay $1,000, the price of stock in the company,which he subscrib ed to. leaving woq the suit it is proba ble is,t a large number of other delin tyoent subscribers will now be made to pay up. ; IUtuee Remarkable. Saturday the county of Multnomah paid to tho state treasurer a $128,000. the remaining bal" ance of her state taxes for this year. A few weeks ago she sent in $50,000, mak ing in all $178,000. Multnomah comes in early and is about the fifth or sixth county to pay her taxes in full. It is ex pected that many will come in during uie next ten aaya. Clean Up. Now is the time of year for cleaning up a city. Let Albany Vie a model ol neatness and beauty. Alleys and yards should present a good appear ance and Washington Street should bo put on grade witharush,and just as soon aji work can be begun. Ubokew.. On Wednesday while playing at Mrs Mead's Kindergarten school, Charlie, the seven year old son of lion W U Bilyeu, fell, breaking both .lones of his right arm. Dr Maaton at tended him. Scio. Seventy barrels cf flour were shipped by the Scio roller mills to Al bany this week. It is the boss flour of Hub llrvant, president of the Bunk of Oregon, Albany, was in the eityon Tues day, looking ter tho Interest of the Scio Bank. A tiulmtantlul building will ln erected during the season, wo are in formed, for the life of the kink. U W Phillips has sold five acres of land at West Scio to Mr Douglas, of Sioux Citv. for a nuultrv farm. tin Tuesday nest will occur me meet ing of the incorporator of tho Scio Kail way company, w hen tlnal measure will 1 taken, no doubt, looking to the build- ing snd equiping ol a standard gauge road from this city to Munkers station, on theO P. The other dav a skeleton was found imlicded in tlie'iwnk of Thomas creek, near A H Mel nnld', east of Scio. It was badly decuved, an. I looked as though many year had passed since life had de parted. ts M Townsend is closing out his stock of giHdri here, preparatory to removal to F.ugcuc City, where he will go into the lintel business, having loused the lloifitiiui house, the leading hotel of F.ugene City. Press. t Minimi P.mrKMKNr. Kvery Indication now point to the conclusion that in the mines of the Santiam during tho present season there w ill ln more activity than ha been known in that region for years and years, if ever. That the Santiam hills are full of the coveted metal none can d inht, and that something looking to its development will tm done this spring is certain. The several mining companies operating in that region are marshalling their forces, making ready for big work at an early day. Statesman. The alxve is encouraging and is alsmt the f.u ts In reference to tho mines. But, ls-fore the sciu.m is over, the Pkmocbat predicts valley paper will Ito telling aUmt the Santiam mines with four head ers. Its prctfjieets are very bright and there is, no doubt, hidden in our foot hills a wealth worth more than snuff. Boas i) ok Tkaiik A peiljl meeting of the Board of Triulc was held In the council chambers tt Monday. In the shcnce of President Yuung,Mr G W Wright wi elected chairman The coin- mltte on advertising reported. On mo tion of Mr Madn, it wit vot? U end live communication to leading Pacific Cot p.ijcr, pnriiv'iil.irly In Portland and Seat tle, gi.-ing Lies of the progress of our ciiv. I 11 1niend, F P Nut "nS. J if JM iMn and J K Whitney were lH)inl o a comnitttM on ante, to serve (or three ino.i'hs. IJville a dicuxlon crt eej on advertising cities generally, par . lii ipated In bv I. Vlercck, J 11 Mali'n, S N Steele. J It Vil.ti IV Wright, 0 W Walt, and II Tuwnscnd. A conuminU'a'iuii wa rc:ul from T S La.ig on tho matter of stntktlc, and the committee on t.i:Uiic was Instructed to attcHJ to the mttier. Adjo-irned until the regular in utility meeting, to be held on April ai . A Closb Call. tn coming to lh city last Mond.ip wliu a large load of wood and loadtd with advice for t ie democratic county convent ion, Mr Cbl Pettr met with a close call lo a very bad accident. At the sppioach of the Calloola bridge, now in a very bj.l condition, be was tlnown off the steep embankment with hi team, ami wood, the wagon tipping over and be falling under the end of tht -wagon. The horse leaped for. ward, just clearing him. and XJoue tayt but for a .loe, Sim hold on (he lines he would ceftilnly have been killed. The sp proach to the bridge shou'd hae been re -paired some Urns ago. TilK Ashland Tidings, speaking of C W Ayer.the architect, who ha located In Albany, says: He hat done a Urge amount oi work for the time he has been in business here, and it I work that will continue to be a record of hi enter prise and Skill, a It U found In to many of the most prominent building in the city. Mr Ayer wilt hereafter devote hlinsef to tbe business ol an architect, exclusively, and will thus be able to do better work than ever. He now ha s fair start In Albtny, with the designing and superintendence of a number of build ings alrcsriy en hand. Will Have a Uoad. Word came down from Coquille City on WedneLty giving A W McArthur, tanker of that place, as authority for saying that a company bas been formed who will build the Itoseburg and Coos Bay railroad, and that the cars will lie running by the 1st of May, 18'.H, and that the company only asks a, sub sidy of $150,1X10 from Coos county, one haft to be paid when the cars run within 30 miles of Marshfield, and the Iwlance when the road is completed. ver $100.- 000 of the amount has already been sub scribed. Bandon liecorder. Kicked Off. One embarrassing feat ure of the new system of compelling rail rou) men on the S. P. to slave clean l.a isi heen expe.ienced by Albany's popu cr sgent. While down the road recently he wci.t Into an ollicc, and wa mistaken for another man whom the railroad oflicial wa wiping to castigate, and kicked out of Pie office This U the storv told bv the other Albany lailroaders, and it look at if there wa something In It, Their Looses. Of late we have talked with a number of men largely engaged in stock raising in the county, and who are In a condition to judge oi wnat eutci me recent winter wi'l have on the county and how long it will require, wl'.h good season, for the people of this county to make back what they have tost. Mmi ot them arc ol the Ofd-iion that within two year the sheep industry l'l hatefully recovered from the I -'.i-t moeu anu that more than four years ill he requiaed for the cattle raise to make good their losssc. Ochoco Review. C M Gabtwrigiit, who wa in town yesterday, say that while in Portland re cently he wa eonverslng with a promi nent railroad man, and wa told that in all probability a railroad would be built from ome poirl on the Columbia river Into Crook county long before the O P road wa completed. Ochoco Review. Our Crook county friend are either trying to tlr the Q P up to more active operations, or clue there i ometh!ng in tbe wind. The fol.owlnir from the same paper on the same subject it good advice Nothing ha been said lately of the In tention ot the Oregon Pacific company re' gardlng resuming wsrk at the Iront In the Cascade mountains it the road Is to tic built into this country In to haul the wool crop, work will have to begin pretty oon." An ii,..t o sika In ravoe et Pragssss. Though there was less than half a vote in tha special election on bonding tho city for $75,000 it was suflklontly lars? to show the spirit of our cltUens in a re markably emphatic manner.and bad the vote been full the proportion m tavor oi bonding would probably havaboen great er. As it is the vote Is so conclusive and unquestionable in it meaning that our Council should have no Hesitation in pro ceeding with the sewer improvement- at once, reiving on tno lagisuuurc v i the desired amendment ta our charter, Following was the vote S nitsT WARD. Yes. No. . PkTOMn wauii. Yes. , No... Yes. No . Yes No.. THIRD WARD. SI MM Y. .. DO .. 0 .. I5 . 0 ..113 .. 13 . .211 33 Quite a number of the tickets had other figures than $75,otXI written on them, ranging up to $200,000, many of them being $100,000. Hmmio.m) Commission. The state rail road commission Is in session to-day at their room in the capltol, the principal matter la-fore them ladng a case brought by a Mr Strickland, shipper of wood and lunitkcr near Kamcla, In Kastern Oregon, against the O H V N railway company, the complaint ticingtliat the company injures his business bv failure to furnish cars for his use ami by side-tracking his shipments. The memlcrs of the com mission have also under consideration the provisions of a bill for a state railroad law. containing what thev believe tn be the requirement ot such a law. They have devoted much time and study to the examination ot facts, figures and ex perience throughout the nation on this question, and they lwe to present such a bill to the next legislature as will meet resjHTt and approval. Journal. Ibis takes a great load off our minds. A rail road law fixed up by tho Present com mission will just simply be Immense. It w ill tie fixed too. Am I.ncioknt. An Allmny gentlemen w ho had already purchasvd a lot in Fair Dale, slipped Into the agent's office yes terday and asked if he could obtain the lot ndjoininir his. He said that he re- alined that Fair lHile property was the chcupcut on the Albany market, and that lie would In? much la-tter satisfied if he owned UK feet square. The gentleman was told that the lot he wished for had been placed on the market at ICusrene, but that it could 1h telegraphed for. The telegram was sent, the lot procured and the gcnflciti jji well pleased. I H raid. The Caksivau One of the most Inter- esUiu; entertain ment in the history of Albany will be the Merchants Carnival at the OtH-ra House, on Thursday and Friday evenings of this w eek. Kverylmdy being interested, everyUaly will go. Over seventy-live busiuess bouses, including lawyers and print shops, will be repre sented in the drill ufidvr Sergeant Over man. Kach participant will carry a lanuer,and it will take several smiad to complete tho exhibition. Besides this novel and very interesting feature, in which the Participants have been thor oughly rehearsed, there will be a line lunch and musical and literary exercise of a diversified and attractive nature. Ticket at Blackmnn's, 50 cents. Re served seats w ithout extra charge. Uo and enjoy a great trvat- CoaIi Specimen. Mr Jolin Curl, of Scio, has shown us a specimen of coal from a vein discovered last fail on the head-waters of Beaver creek, in the forks of the Santiam, w hich is pronounced by judges to be good coal. The vein is said to l 10 leet thick and a half mile wide. It is s mammoth vein and w ill prove highly valuable in the near future. Ar rangements to secure title from the gov ernment have been made by Mr Curl and Mr Morehcad. tI HOUt1IO COlKTlf itWBSTtOJl, A Kerens a4 tviaalng Tlifcel KontlBalrd, The member ot the Democratic County Convention met at te court house at io:.lolat Monday, anc were called to order byj A Beard, chairman of tho Cen tral committee. TJ Stiles wa elected temporarv chair man, utj iiacklcinan. secretary, and 1 l. Wallace, assistant secretary. On motion, the following committee were appointed! Credcntlals-J A Beard, J fl Peery and r m lack. Order of Bulne T I Black, Sam May, J O Wrltsman, A P Nye and Oeo Ue Vaney, Permanent Organisation Oliver Hyde, a uicviin, jac, wcwinan. After a reces of fifteen minute the committee on credential reported dele gate entitled to scat ; Albany C P Burkhart. Harper Cranor, J N Hoffman,.! O Wrltsman.T l Wallace. Brownsville F M lack, W T Cochran, W C Cooley, W U Elmore Jsel.on Crume, Henry Ulakelv. Brush Creek J II Edwards, 7. II Mom. Crawfordsville- Geo Flnlev.R W Most. Center A P Blackburn. Orvllle Craw. ford. Hast Albany O A Archlbald.W A Mc Claln, A f Miller, Robert Houston. rranklin Butte David Myet. Lee Bll- veu. Lomr lohn nilveu. O Sertllmr. I K 'rhaina. Fox Valley William rotter.Uenry l.y on. Halsey T I Black. Robe-t Andrew. II SOwen. Ilarrlsbura G M Alfctrd. Thos M Grime, John George, E N ''andy, Oliver iiyue, nam May. Liberty A v Nye, thotnai Thomas, libation I A Heard. C C llscklenisn, C I) Montague, SO Wallace, Ham mack, E C Keeblcr. Orleans U Turner, Stone. Peoria Wm E Glthcn.J A McBrlde. Rock Creck-WIIIIsm WiBg. Syracuse Isaac Meeker, lame Davl. J A Zimmerman. ftaniam -J K Charl'on, J II Peery. Ja Ccabtree, Jacob ntswater. oclo A al Hhelton, M V nilyeu, W A Ewtng, price Munker, A f Sliclton, Geo DeVaney, J A Bilyeu. Shedds I D Duncan. Worth lluston.K C Farwell. Mweet Home The Mori Is. lohn Davl. Geo Pickens. Tanifcnt A Blevln. B W Cooner. I B Jenk. aterloo Jac Newtnan.J W Uurrcli, fj P Card. West Albany-L'boj Peter.! I. Hlli.T J Stlte. 1 he committee on order of business re ported the following; i. election ot u delegate to the state convention 3. Nomination of a candidate for Ul aenatiN. J. Nomination of X candidate for rep resentative. a. Nomination of 1 candidate for county commissioner. $. Nomination ol candidate for clerk. Nominal ion of candidate for recorder Nomination of candidate fur sheriff, Nomination of candidate for trea- Gbeat AtVAxrAu.t. We visited the sound country last week but we saw no place in A'Lif Min that is better than Vaiiuina Bay in b 'auty.scenery or natural liM-ation. 1 he advantage the sound coun try has over this place at the present time is in tbe rush of immitrration which creates business activity. The day i not far distant w hen this same class of push ing, enUrprising people will be flocking into Yaquina and make imirovements and business hum. i aquma Itepublican (Jive l"s IIai.lik. The Tennessee J ubi- lee Simrers held forth at and in conjunc tion with the M K Church, in this city on Wednesday night to a large audience. We were unable to be preseut on account of our rheumatic alUiction, but are in formed by a competent judge who wa present that our friend Hallie could give any of the colored chirpers ten points in the game and then discount them. Salem Democrat. Nomination of candidate for aasea- 6. 7. 8. urer. 9 or. io. Nomination uf candidate for school superintendent. ti. Nomination of candidate for ur veyor. t a. Nomination ol candidate for coro ner. it. Election of county central com notice. 14, That the vlve voce mode of votimi be adopted In nominating candidate me report wa adopted, atlef votlmr down a motion tji amend the report by striking out the provision for vlve voce voting. I he Committee on permanent orsanlaa lion reported recommending that the tem porary officer be made the permanent of ficers of the convention. which wa adopted ine loiiowinu deiecate to tr.e tate convenlbn were then elected: I K Weatherford. T L Wallsce. T I Stite. J L Hill, M A Miller, tV K Gar. relt,T; Bia:k. GeoDe Vaney, Jeff Myers wavm dcott, Abe liacklcinan. SfATB Skkatobb. For Ibi Important office Hon. f K Weath erford, and Hon. Jeff Mycr were nomina ted amid enthusiasm by acclamation. RarsksENTATlvts II jn F C Hansard, C J Shed.l, DrJ F Henry, Geo. DeVaney and ) VV jwank were named, resulting a follow: Han sard, 49; Shedd.Co; llenry,44; DeVkney, 4; bwank, 40. The first three were de clared the nominee. CotJNTV Commission kb. Wm. Rumbaugh, W K Garrett and G W Phillip were named. Three ballot were taken: BECOBDR. E E Davl and W A McGce were named. Result Davis 74; McGce, uavl wa declared the nominee. . siiiBirr. Matt Scott, C C Jackion, W It Smith and Frank Trite were named. The vote wa: MOXDAT, Mr A J lUy, Newport's ruitliog real tats tnn, bas bea la tliseity to-day. Yesterday was Ksater Hunday and it rainsd, a mgn that it will rain eva oomsau (lx Eundsy. Ths sloetioa ot bustling the oity was pro eediug t tbs time of going to press, with prospect m carrying By a big majority. Tn A itorla Loan and BuilJina AmouL an. in, si iiisir Dioumiy pnsstiag, Imld Wd nn:ay eysniiig, land out (2,000 at 0 Biouth latsrett. ACorlaa. Mr W T Rdir. who lft tit Bv ISDCMIlU iy 10 meats la Auaourm in tti rsl estat busiacss, afterward uuUa to Mutikana Falls. returned to tbe valley this oouu. Two mors lares bill of oliuiu millinrv Hat reoslvsil at ths Misses Btfa flown, Isoes, ribbon ao1 Npolito bat, Also a nice asmirtmrtit nl ohtldrsa toliool hat. Paul Msk-nolia, a furmor oitinu nf Swlt. rln,l, ws admitted a a ol'ln ot th U H this muruing. tod Andrew Andercoii, ones resident id Norway, formally declared bi liitniilion uf bsuiuniug oitixnn. A faintly in Whs com. not iiklnir tha tkat id ths water thsy sr drawina from tSeir 60 fiHirdssp well, nta mn down to intprot ths depth. The wll wa io a tolsr ahls smhI couditioo, but a dead Indian ai lieistsd out. Mr R'ibort Smith and fsmllr.tild Duluhlmra of Prof Hsnford, rswtitly of the Millvr suhonl, bar booi)ht the John Blsvlns farm o-r Tanusnt, paying $3500 for 200 aorsa, and ar moving 00 to it. TPSSUAV. Mr John Lswrcue i In th eltv aattlne up a tulsphon systsm. Albn ought to b able to upport uoh atysteru libsrsTly. 3 8 Wink! and Window to-Jay sold to Mrs Dr. Nsukos a hoae ami 1st on First Strit, near V V railroad. Consideration tltHJO. Aabby ft Nrtl aasot. Aa sdvsrtisamsnt In th dally aad waakl DsweoHAT rsachss a largs field of buying psouls. Our subsorilitioa ItaU ar vrsdu- aily iuersMing and the Dimocbat raaeh in masse. A motiotainsor praaebsr.ia Crook oauntv. aatoniahsd a pait of hitaudlaaue last Maoda oy soiauning, "My friends, all th world ahoutod for joy, wban th good nswt of Cbiist'a birth flashed over tb wire," It I said that th A to boom pay ths Oreuonian 3,000 a mm.tli forth sps cW that that ppr daily publi.b from that hswduuArtsr of wind snd gall, aa rga lr telegram Astotiao. Th downfall of King Joe Simon ran Bsnw! thronghont tbs Ut. Tb prsvslhag pinion, racardloss of polities, is that men of ths calibre of Sin.oo deserve being Sq-'slehsd. WKPMKSPAV. Do oa want a bnmsf Dal. Bay a lot io Fair K (I (UardsUy i kpt ba.y bowioi lot ia Fair Dais. E W f.i)Kdo returned last vui g from a trip to Ksattir, Tbs utty enuneil met last evening tu J s i Jonrosd until tu-tt M.niday. P Cenlsmsri kid glovs tu blaek and o. t ored at tfamaol IS Young'. Tb Foster Knutii,iiKik glova Fitrlns, in t'lk si.d cd.ired, st hanitmi E Yag's. Fair Dais h.U will soon bs all sold. Tin. property w.ii biiog t-IW pr lot before f.lL MrtJ W K. rr ItnvM to-bigbt for Ko s City, wtivro bis motbar Is lying dangsr on.lyill. Th Champion want north this forenoon with ovr iwo huo.lrrd tons of grain takea on at lUnmlmrg. Ladie who Uks part 10 th MsrehtnU' carnival nill find a liu bus of to shppar at Harrow.' & Hrl'.. Mr 3 N Duncan has daohnod bis notU at too a Jsitico of tl pmios of Albaoy precinct, mads by tb republican. IU K Tricbard. lUr K N Coodit and William Fortmtilr ar lo Portland tod iog tbe mMting of the oreabyWry. Mr I VV Berry departed last evening for Linn county to attend tb Udsid of bar iaur, woo is qan in. isUmiiiso. Fair Dal looked ber prvtliwt yen tor day ad partio inqairing for iota wer more than ptoaaad wtsA ths property and abowsd their appreciation of it la a tattolti w Too wihin era door sad window should call o K II nk, wbo will pat them in 00 plot on abort DoUov. She poo eorntr ot .14090-I 4 i'arry (rte. Aabby & Neill sold h'Mis and ktt 00 9th Sr.l f Mrs Banmvart and Mr Foi to M E lrn for $ 1 i0. Also ona lot 10 Uyd' 4UtUun U Jasper Crop for f.00. Tbwe wilt be a ftiyl at tb Pnt ia elinrcn 00 batarday veatiig, April 12Ul, There will be a very interostlne proeram Aa admission f ef 23 oeots will bo charged - Ufa door. Children andar 10 free. Pro ceeds to go to purchasing an ore as). F.very on wtdonma attd a good Urn aasurvd and plenty to oat. KEPI HMf'sS i mtt CORf KNYIOX. Pursuant to prevlou notice the Repub Wcan County Convention convened at the Court House on Wednesdayat 10 o'clock nd was called to order by Whiter M K chum. Chairman of the county central committee. Hon 8 A Daw on wa elect ed temporary chairman, F M Redheld temporary secretary.snd UeJ 0 Davis and Pew liume, atmstant ecretarie. un motion the chair appointed the following committee t On CredenilaU-F M Miller, J F Mc Cartneyand W R Kirk. The convention took a recess tor fen minutes tn give time for the committee to report The committee reported and the report wa adopted. The following committee on order of bulne wis appointed 1 JK Whitney. W W Parrish, A J Dlevin. On permanent organization it w Smith, John Donaca, R Glass ' On apportionment of delegate to the State convention 0 E Wolvcrton, A ohnson, J N Gulliford. ' Convention wa called to order at one o'clock. Committee on permanent organ isation reported that the temporary officer of the convention be made the ollicer of the permanent organization. Committee on order of business reported and there port was adopted. The committee on ap portionment for dfcicgaie to state con vention reported and the report wa adopted. The following delegates were then elect ed to Slate convention j S A Dawson, J lohnon, W W Parrish, Wm Paul, Peter 11. ...... i J n...i. r i .Willi;, vH'vuiiisi, ww . v 1'weedsle, 0 E Wolverton, G W Smlti . The following nomination tor Stale Senator were made by acclamation t Peier Hume and Marlon Cunningham. Trie following: Representatives were nominated s R L Smith, W A Temple ton and f A Richardson. The name of DrKOHydo snd F M Miller wete aio piescnted. E L Smith, lohn Denny. R Glas and J B Trask were named forCommUsb ner. MrTrask. of Fo Valley, wa nsmlnaled on first ballot. F 0 Godley. of Itahtev, was nominated for Recorder by acclamation. Ja. A Pearl, L Vf Deyoe and I J Ora- ham werr named for Sheriff. I a A Pearl, of Halsey wa nominated on second ballot. F M Redfield wa nominated for clerk by acclamation. I M Bruce, M D Coon and J K Smith were named for treasurer. Mr bmitn was nominated on third ballot. J E McCoy and Mr Deaklns were named for assessor. Mr McCoy wa nominated on third ballot. R A Mlchenor and I II Jewett were named for School Superintendent. Mr Mlchenor w nominsted on flnt ballot. E T, FUher wa nominated for Sur vevor by acclamation. William Fortmiller wa nominated for Coroner by acclamation. . CHAWfO KD3V1LLX. Hon N Rice ha been confined to his house about three weeks with acute rhru matism, but 1 now able to stir around . Mr Frstik Malone is quite sick with an anthmctlc disease, 11 ha led a very ac tive life and it coc hard with l.lm to be confined to hU home He I now under medical treatment and we hope to see him out again soon. Herman Robe bestan tcachlmr the school here last Monday with a good attendance. Think he will have a successful term. Miss Oclle Cnance wil! teach the school In the next district south of here. J R Wiseman is out again and now thinks people ought to have measles when young. A new potolfice hn been established i'A miles east of Crawfordsville af'Hollcy," a new town lost starting, with G W Puch s Nasby and j I Matlock assistant. A postollice has long been wanted st that place by the people of that community, but until lately no one wa witling to take the office a It would necessarily have been in some private dwelling, but thst objec tion ha now been removed and they have the office. Messrs Pugh St Ma'.lock have built a store building and commenced merchan -dUlngat Holley, Ths Republican primary met on Thurs day end elected R Glass.K N McCsw and W if Scott delegates to me county com vention. The Democratic primary met to-day and sent as drtcgata to the County convention, R W Moses and Geo Finley. . We are having rain which Interferes with farming and gardening. WKSI.K. v. A rf Grv'l - , -y " . 'evs- Vat-a W ABSG2JUirLCtf FURS ( A1 i?nn OLD! l"iT7nAnn 0.0A 01 ( " f c .V. 4 - " - ntsi 1 1 PltOUlBtTION (ONKKUsvNCc Ai-bawv, Or, April j'h, 1890. Prohibition conference of 1. Inn county met at the Court House st J o'clock p. m. Mr J E Kns tsted the object of the meeting, Mr Miller nominated I E Kno Cbslrman and A V Smith, Hecretaiy, and toih wtre elected. Remark with regard to uniting with other reform parties were made by Mcssr Miller, ham lord and Fuller. It ws moved that the Chairman appoint a committee ot five to draft resolution to be presented to tbe Sta'e convention. Mo tion lost. It w moved ' that we proceed to elect ten delegate to the State convention. Carried. The following name were voted on and elected : Uriean R A Bam ford, Johnson White. East Albany-1 F lladley, J E Knos.W E Kelley. Albany Rev Fisher. Shcdd-Rev I! tiould. Harrlsburg U Fuller, Halsey 1?C DaU. Lebanon J M Mats. It was moved that the Secretary be In structed to write out credential for the delegates and present them to I E Kno. 1 he loiiowir g resolution was uop:ea : Resolved, that this convention Is hear tily In favor of the principle set forth by the party. uit mo'lon adjourned' AY SwiTM,Sec. Our public school closed on last FrlJsy after a very succtful term, taught by R E Mlchner and Ml Maud Beard. There will be a two week's vacation and then chord will begin again and be conducted by the former teacher. Mr Dor. Turner I moving to Tan gent. Finding no vacant house In town lie moved Into Beard Bros dry house and intends to live In It until he can build a new residence. Mr J F Heard departed on last Sunday for hi future home near Fossil, Gilliam county. , Mr W W Crawford.of Tallmn,wseet on our street Thurdsy evening. The Democratic primary wa held In the grange ha'l yesterday afternoon. The meeting wascalleJ to order by P A Moc, chairman. Mr J B Jeaks, Alt Bievlns and B Cooper were elected s delegates to convention. Mr J J Beard ws nominsted for J. p, and Jimmie Jenk, Contble. These two men are both good men and tre well qualified to fill the offices. Farmers have just begun their plowing. tihrjs RtCK. The firmer sre trying to plow some, although slow progress i being made on sccouiit ot o much rsln. We understand that G setn Back I to have s new hooi hrf.itlU suinm-r. The old one would scarcely make a good wood shed. Our school I soon 'o commence with Mis Mc Daniel, a teacher. Mrs Chas Annis Is visiting ber parents Mr and Mrs htory, on Uak creek. Mr Lawrence Morgan, of Eugene, has been vlslilng hi brother, J a Morgan. Young man, the next time you want a partner for a dint, provide some other way for her to go besides across the fields atoot this kind ot weather, ko wonder you were left Mrs Dr Gaff U very sick, lib Indication of typhoid fever. Mr Haden and famfly.tormerly of Wash ington, are now living tn Mr Walton's house. Nellie Bly. AlUmont's t sUlllon and sire of Dolo, leading t- itsmfpt's grsnd cbi! -ran with 4 yrarold r-eord of m. 1st dan Bslle Price, the dam of Prieemont, 11 ysar old reeord. 2:t6,nd Zilsr boce 2:35. will be kept at A!bny, Mondays and Tussdays ; at Halern, Wednesdays and Thursdays, sud at home i'rU'-tj s.nd Katurdsy. Allowed to serve mates at f 50 to insure. ALM0.932O. I ysar old reeord. 2.-11. 8n of Aitamont, the sirs ofa r-9;lmnt and Maggie Arnold, record 2J (Pab lo trlai 1sngt)trof tbe fa txi tan brood mi ii;-c Drake, tho darn of feorrnan Medium. Will b kspt at Indapenleoce Tnrwday and Wednesday j at Corvallis, Thursday and Friday , t llomeSi arday and Monday. Allowed lo sorve mares at 5 to Insure. Heason commencing April lot snd eodintc July 1st, and no responsbillty (! tri ed fir aocldnnts. Thanking our patrons for pat favors we invito all admirers -t the light hrne horse to cII and " a. A few cboiei brcod maifs kutied to tha bovo stsilioi.s, a'so e!:olr young driver and coltsfrrn, tb tn for sale. Will take pteaaare In showing stock any sy exci t Miiodsy. MCKNIGHT BROS- 1 Ai.iiasv has a real live specimen of the breed known as mosslstek. He has a garden itatch arrows the river from that city, and is afraid if there is a bridge the boys will cross over and steal hi melons. The alwve is from the Jefferson Review and well expresses what a 1110s back is. There are very few right in the limits of Aiisuiy now. 1 lie nuiniK-r can he coant ed by any child. We are alive and kicking. A Goon Showing. The directors of the Salem Building and Loan association met last r.lght with the member, it being the regular monthly meeting night, and loaned the $3000 on hand. One member bor- rowed $iooc, paying sixty. seven month Interest In aJvance, and another member was the borrower of $1000 for sixty-two months Interest in alvance, Statesman ist 5 5 ao 10 ad 2S 33 3d 4th 34 4 J9 34 17 - 500 Eastern Papers The Oregon Land Co. at Albany 1 caning ads. In 500 eastern papers, which will reach at least 350,000 subscriber. W'ht He Dm It. A Jackson county Missouri, man is suing for a divorce from the woman he wedded thirty-eight years L'ri. He savs his wife made him do the washing anu the general housework, and that was too much. People trading with Conn Bros never ask for a divorce. Low price and good goods keep the housewife serene and prevents oppression. Call on them for bargains in the grocery line. A Sa Francisco Idea. The Sanl Francisco mayor, a few day ago, vetoed ! a Ifate street railway franchise on the ground that tha public school should be paid for the favor, a the streets belong to the body politic, and thou'd be compen sated, where subjected to private ue. He count two per cent of gross receipt about fair. Abdor Day. The observance and cele bration of Arbor Day by the teachers, pupil and friend of the public schools of this city will be had at the opera house next Saturday evening al 7:30 o'clock. An admission fee of 10 cents will be charged to defray expense. A large at tendance will be expected. A Great Change. The route of the Southern Pacific' N. G, road ha been surveyed from Sllverton to East Portland and wil) soon be built. That road a soon a it is changed to a ttanard gauge will play an Important part in the business of the val'ey, traversing, a it does, a tine section of country, A Car Loaded. A car loaded with the worldly good of a couple famllit has ar rived from Nebraska after a safe trip. The car contain fivecow,a couple horsec. furniture, agricultural implimenU &c. The new comers, named Aplegate, conr-Ut of a man.two women and three children apiece. They propose locating in this vicinity and d'-erve the best treatment of our people. Scio to Be Lighted. The city of Scio ha just granted Mr Geo W Warner, of thi city a ten year franchise for an Elcc- tilc light sytem at bclo. Mr Warner will introduce the Schuyler system In use In Albany and will put In a (rood plant. 1 ne city and merchant assure him of a good raurjnage andaclo is to 1 e congratnlatedin having a man ot Mr Warner reliability at the head of it. Mr Warner has rented a water power of Mr Goln and will begin business as soon a pocsible. and 3o 3 3d ao Scott Jackson Smith Trite ;.. Scott wa declaied by unanimous vote the nominee of the convention. 1st pwiif ...'....;: 7 Rumuaugh 2H Garrett....... ,. 2 Mr Run.baugh was declared nominated. Count Clerk. N P psvne and C C Hacklcman were named. Result -Payne, 00; Hacklcman, ao. tbeasure. W E Curljobn Bernett and Ale Mont gumery were nrmcd Kesult 1 1L Curl.... 37 Burnett.... ....10 Montgomery 33 curl wa weeured nominated. Nbw Audition. Wright' addition" to Albany I now on the market and com 16$ Urge, level and beautiful bulld- I inir lota. Th hiwks haw l.M ! 1.1 iUm ,a j block, each lot being 60 by 100 feet. Tae I street are 60 feet wide, with two large venue, one of 100 feet, the other of 00 feet In width. There will prwbably be a motor or electric line to tbu sddl'lon be fore long. For term of tale apply to any reel estate agent In tbe city. 2nd. 43 34 Resigning. The minister seem to be making a great effort to leave Salem, per hap on account of the sins of the people Rev H A Newell ha resigned a pastor of he Presbyterian Church, Rev II K Slca foose, a pastor of the Christian Church, and Rev Kork a pastor a', the Unitarian Church. Our Own. A genuine kid gtove.every pair warranted, for $ 1.50 a pair. Thi glove I have handled for five years and have tried many otner but nevei found any qual to them for the price. SAMUEL t, YOUNG, pPttiNo and Summer Delicacies. Tbe largest and finest line of foreign and do mestic woolens in spring and summer novelties just received and is ready for inspection at Zaches A Son, Merchant Tailors and Drapers, Opposite Post Office. Da Patton treats succeshfullv all dis ease of women,and guarantee to cure all -.urabie private disease, tie has a sure remedy for catarrh of the head. He sleep in hi office and answer city call day or night. Consultation Is free and everything Is strictly confidential. He can be found in his office In Blumberg's uiock irom 10 to ta, 1 to 4 anu 7 to 9. , ASSESSOR. II S WiIllams,L C Rice and I E Vichael were named. Result : it.- 2nd. William ....38 55 Rice it Michael... r,. .26 23 Williams wa declared nominated, school scperintbndent. G F Russell and FM Mitchell were named. Result : Russell 45 and Mitchell, 35. Russell wa declared nominated. count surveyor, E J O'Conner was nominated by accla mation. coroner. Left to Central Committee. CENTRAL COMMITTEE, The following Central Committee wa chosen , Geo E Chamberlain, Albany. Henry Blakely, Brownvllle. 11 F Hamilton, Brush Creek. W Ireland, Crawfordsville, A P Blackburn, Center. 0 A Archibald, East Albany. Jasper Crabtree, Franklin Butte, Henry Lyons, Fox Valley. T J iSlack, HaUey. G M Alford, Harrlsburg. S V Barr, Liberty. K E Hammock, Lebanon, E Htone, Orleans. 1 A McBride, Peoria. William Wiggs, Rock Creek. I D Miller, Syracuse, . J K Charlton, Santiam. F P Devaney, Scio. John Duncan, Shedd. Daniel Rumbrugh, Sweet Home. A Blevins, Tsngent, Jac. Newman, Waterloo. T J Stite, West Albany. Km Gloves. I have just received an Invoice of the celebrated P. Centemerl kid gloves in black and colored. These with the other brand I handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brsnd.make an assortment that any lady can be suited In price and quality. These are all flrct clas good and warranted a represented. Samuel E. Youno. A choice tock -f cracker , snsu, ete,t O C Henderson's. He keep tbs hett of every. thing. A New Department Fortmiller Ac Irving have addei another department to their large and elegant furniture (tore, being one for csi'pets, matting, linoleum and oil cloth. They hsve a fine stock of these goo t, selected for the market, and those desiring anything In the line should call snd see their well selected stock. They will keep the latest pattern In these goods a In everything els and sell at reasonable prices. tsttlLLK. TheOakvlile Horticultural association met on the evening ot April ad. Mr G D Barton read a ppr on planting and pruning an orchard, A question by D E lunkin. will a new orchard be successful In the same place an old orchard grew? No one could answer positively, but mostly agreed thst it would not do. Dr Leonard ssiJ lie ;ame to Oregon to stsy. Ileowntd a $10,000 f.'m in Iowa, which didn't bring In ten per cent, and he wouldn't trade ten acres In Oregon for 160 In Iowa. Mr Baitnn showed how to prune a tree. He said that pruning wa an evil, but a necessary evil and could be easily overdone. The society will meet again on the first Tuesday In May, at 7:30 'clock. At thi meeting a paper will be j read by Dr Leonard on the outlook for a market for our prune; slo a psper by W II Crawford on the cultivation of smalt fruits; also a paper on flowers, by Ml Lou Stockton. The Literary and Reform oclety met on the evenlntt of the 4th. The question, "Resolved thst dancing Is wrong was ably discussed by W 11 Crawford in tbe affirmative and 1) E Junkln In the nega tive; decision uf the judge In favor of the affirmative. There will Ins no more danclug In (Oakvllie unless some one gets the tooth ache. Mr A M Awheson and Klmer Hamilton start East the last of the month, the for mer to a meeting of the general as sembly of the U P church, and the latter tn Keokuk, Iowa, and Garnctt, Kansas. Mr Nathan Needham will buy a piece of land and'go into the fruit business. Little Rose Bun. OX Tint hOCTUKKN I!t7vNUARY. PEORIA. Pursuant to call the Democratic primary ot Peoria precinct met at the school house on April tth. On motion of J A McBride Rev W L Mollov was nominated and elected chairman of the meetlnir, and Z H Rudd a secretary. I A McBride and W E Glthens havl.ig leceived the majority ot vote cant were duly elected delegate w R Garrett wa nominated and elected a candidate for lust Ice of the Peace, nd I O Garrett for Coniable. Non.lnai.ion tor precinct committee resulted In the election of W R Garrett, A L Cannon J A McBride to act as precinct committee, Z It Rt-Di), Secretary. ' . THE x t f3 ImpTruMen, dam, the lUdmond Man iy Aodailsu 2nd - l am, Eu'lerfl ld, St Ciiir. 3rd Dam, by Black ht g, by Biggel' fiatilor. 4th Dam, by Jack Hawkins, t-y Bos ton. . th Dam, by Old St Cla'r. Flaherty's Kearnaogbi dam, Ilaidtoe, by Old Columbas. 2 -Dam, by Hams' harsbletonlan. 3-Laui, boston Ui.l, a celebrated 3- Dick Fiabsrtv, raorl Wi wUI mike tb Mason of tVJi), commencing April 1 and ending July 1 ai Marshall's asalils. Albany, Juan county, ur. giving L.inn county horsemen chance lo breed to a slanuard borse, with she and speed not to be excelled in Uregon. DB'CRtmON ADO PEDXGJIEK, lek Flaherty lsa chestnut, small strip In fce, one whiu ankl, stands lo band high, we'Kb t'.0. winnnr of tho 2:4 ?W,17 vew r opv-roir m! Irottir. Old!!sn 1SS8, dereatlnsr uneet, u nJer Maudi ic.i,i"" ',.K - ZZ Knox ar,d Harvest in three stra'sbt beau- This was Dick's first rse. at which lima bs ma is bi record of 2:30. Sired by Flohorty' Fearnaoabr, by Fearnsught, Jr. 13 by FoaraaUKbt, 133, reeord f 2:23 1 4 (winnet of tbe tlO 600 purse at Buffalo in lMi,erest'.ng ueorge Palmer C01 Maydard", Amsricau Girl, J J Bradley. Myron Porry, Victor Uazt and Molflo), bs by young Morr J. Dick Flaherty's dam, JSUl Drew, bas paced mile in 20, by Dodd's Nolaot, bv John Melson, 187, sirs of Nevsa, 2:28 1.2, Aorora, 27 1-2 Sernn, 2:30; by No staliion wkb such a eooabtnatisn of fast, t rotl lnjr and producing blood bas ever be$n offered for service ia Linn e luuty, Oregon, bsfare. : ' ' TKBMS, ' ". To insure, ftO, season, 30. Mares brl by tbe season, payable inly 1. Msres bred by lnearance. payable when mare are known to be with foal Maras will he careful lj bandied, bnt no reponi bility will be assume t lor aocldautsi Good pa rture at l a m?ntli. For farther psrtlcalata address, E. LaFOREST, Albany. Ox. Ue Dr-feada Himself. ALB vsy.Or.Apriia, ISM., I would like to state through the col minus of your valuable pajn rafew words in regard to various reports that bas been circnbited through the vicinity of Al bany and Tangent in regard to mo. They are absolutely false. I can lie found in Albany at any time and nave no inten tion of leavimr. and I will say to my friends that while some say that I am nothing but a poor farm laborer I am proud that I am working for w age and not living like some of the higher class of my relative, depending on the labor of my old grandmother, w ho ia upwards of eighty year old, for the very last clothe they have on their backs. I Bay strain, which is the most honorable, work or burnt And now, kind friends, I am not a teleuranh onerator and I don't want any hands to work in a fruit dryer forlW yeaJ, although I do want any one who has anything to say about me to come forward like a man and eav so and not travel half way around to Corvallis to tell everybody else and not me. Jons II Verson, Albany, Or, Two Cas Loan. Price & Robson have (11st received two car loads of wagons and miotics, light and heavy, and will eell them at remarkably low prices, consider ing the splendid quality ot tue wagon. Corsets, Corsets. If you want te speculate snd wilt oompai prices, yon will boy In fair Dali. We make a specialty of ladle and misses fine corset and waists. We also have a drive in a French satine corset at 75 cents Extra good value. Samurl E Yorao. Spring and summer woulena jutt received at Zich.5 A Son, opposite 1'ot.tjilice, Quit Seasonable. Mr W R Graham has just received some elegant pattern in domestic and imported goods, suitable for the season. Finer design and more durable fabric have never been seen in the valley. The display is really an extra one, and men . wanting stylish euH or pants should call and examine the pat terns oeiore ouytng. rices trie mostrea Bonable. Spring Has Come. The lock of wall paper at Fortmiller & Irving' I larger than ever, being quite Immense and in. J elude many new and beautiful design". Caareh sfireetery. U. P.Chprum. Preaching very Sabbat n, morning and sveuiog by Jtev. r- u. Ir vine, U. D. Sabbath School at .;30 T. ft) Praysr meetiug every Wedneuday ventng. EvaJtUBLiQAL Chohch. Preaching on Sab- Uth at 1 1,(X) A, ml. Bad 7 r. M. Sabbath School 10:00. Praysr meeting svery Wed nesday svening 7-'10, Rsv.Fuber, pastor. All are invited, M. K. CHoaoa.Sotrrn. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. kt. and 7- o'clock F. M. Habbath Mohool at230o clock M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening's 7.30 o'clock. Rsv.GS IlanleiUr, Pastor, M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath tuorama and evsmog. Bona service in b even ng before sermon. Sabbath School t i '30 r m. Prayer meeting every Thai-s ay vsninw. Bar. a E Memiugsr, pastor. FBKsatTBRiAir L-ncncH. bvioe every Sabbath morn ins and eveninclin Church eor. Brosdalbin andFiftbSta. Sunday School immeaiately alter me morning service. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening lisv K ll Prichard, pastor. First Baptist Chcboh. Preacbins svery Sabbath morning andeve'g,at Church on Ctb Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting ye - Thursday eveamg at 7:30 o clock. Rev. Tromboll, pastor. CoKOEJATio!tALCHCacH.-Seryiceavery abbatb morning and evening. Sabbath 'ohool at 12:15. F raver meetice on S ednesday evening ot each week. Rev, Wgors, t'a stor. Christian (Jrurcb 'reaching every Lords day in month, morning and evening Sabbath Sohool at 10 o'olosk.A if. Iley J F otewart Pastor. Catholic Chumch. Service every Sun day at 10:30 k. M. and 7 P. m. Lait Sunday of tin month servioe at i.ugons City, llev, Lou a Metayer, Rector. Mr Cartwright, of Crook county, was In the vicinity recently, the guest of Mer Coleman and Long. MI Ella Montgomery will begin a term of tchool at the Ward school house next Monday. Her home Is at Irvlrsr. Lane county. Lee Porter, ot Monroe, made a brief call In this locality one day last week. Mrs Mary Locke Is oulte III with neu ralgic fever. Severel young neonle from this neluh- borhood attended the ball at Coburg last T:j . 1 . ..." rimmj erening ana ripen B gooa lime. The gentle April rains are maklne It In teresting tor farmers who are nearly all crowaea wun spring work. Miss Clara Phllnot has returned home from school at Albany and Miss Alma Aliingham has come home lrom the con vent, at Eugene. Both will attend district school near borne this summer. DIED. Letter List. FoUosrlng I th Hat of letters remaining In th Fast OfBos, Albany, Una county, Oreron, April 9, 1S9. Parson calling for the tot most giv lb date ea which thT war sdverUsod i Nbw Arrival. A large and complete tock of carpet, llnoleum.oll clotht,shade, etc at the store of A B McIIwain, all of the latest de!gns, and which will be sold at from 10 to ao per eeht lower than by einer nouse. Good Biicr. Grant Hatht has just re- ceivea a lull supply ot corn. ted beet pur' enased ot N G McDonald of Scio. It fat andjuiey. is Good cooking stov only f 10 at Hops: s k Haitmarsn a. Fea Sale. A gooi driviag horse; work well lingls or doable. Rrsidsaoe on haa son donation claim . LN Alls . IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds it regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother are cordially nvlted te attenfl. WORTII.-Mrs Worth, better known ssold lady Worth, at Halsey, on Wednes day, April 9,1890, at an advanced age, being 90 years of sge. She was a woman unlverllv respected for many good quali ties An old resident of Linn county, her death will be regretted by all who knew her. The deceased was perhaps the oldest person in the county. With her husband, she came to Oregon in the early days of the fifties. Stockinet and Jerisy Jackets. Just received anew supply, I think the best ever shown for the money, - Samuel E. Young. S cans Golden Star tomatoes for CO st 0 &' eyors, and all otherj canoed cheap 'or cash . Harrows & Scans D yEools, Mioas, G&tsFuri ishiugi and COOTS AuD SHOES) Our li,ck of boot snd shot is now complete in all lines for pring trade. We will save ton money in busing of us. Ladie, misses and children' fine shoe a specialty. ' ' ' I BAkROWS & SEABLS, Blumberg's New Bloec. Allen, Alt L Brally. Joseph Copeland, C It 1 la worth, Klmer MoGoire, John Murray, Mrs Nina Rondftaon, e 1 1 Rudy, Mrs Hannah Smith, T J Swaoaon, o H Wawroskr, Fdix " Tripp, Catharine , Blair, I E Eagy, Wash Flood, JW Jenkins, R 1 Mooney, J B Matties, ThooiM Uosicb, Kailo2 Koece, D L Strand, K Smith, llichard Wiliamaoa,MUaE O R. THOMPSON, T II. Matthews & Vashbum, Albany, Okegox, Hardware,Stoves and Tinware Wo hit hard. If you want prices hit hard on builders hardware, carpenter tools, pumps, stoves, ranges, tinware and plumbing. Give us a call in the Tweedale Block, Albany, Or. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN A VOICS 1'BOU rOMT KT. A Iady Relates two AtBishIac Ka.perieBcea. To whom It may eonrcm: I bars tried annrwi very coucetvabl restedy for hllioaineu fiap log tli r" flv year aa I am ef a blltoaa tem perament and luffer much trora stomach and liver trouble. But nothing- ever gave me th relief that I obtained from ntlur Joy's Vegetable Barsaparilla. In fact I think It a ear tor thosa aliments. At the Urn I was using It I had a Uttl girl living la my family who seek was seriously a dieted by a larse open tor, and we tried a (rest many kind of lotions, salve and blood pnrifien to bo avail. 1 gar her loue ot my modieln (Joy' Vegetable 8arsaiarUls) thinking it might beitafit her and as it was purely vegeteble, knew It eoald do ber no harm. To my astonUhment h began to Improve, ami within two week it was entirely healed and she Is aow o well a ever. Mrs. R, L. wniATON, "4 Vostst. SMFrauciaoo Led Astray. Fernandina,Nassua Co,Fla., Mar. J9,So. 1 have used Dr Simmous Liver Regu lator nd always found it to do what is claimed for It. The last bottle and two packages did me no good and were worse than nothing. I see it is not put up oy j 11 Zellin & Caand not eenuine.and a waste of money to buy it. I would be glad lo get the pure and genuine, tsenu ne some from honest hands (with red Z and Zeilin & Co's signature on wrapper.) Your Ob't Serv t, isenj 1 Kicn Art Studio. cents f,ood Remnant A large and fine line of remnants at G W Simpson's at your own rice. Try it. Executor's Notice. Notice i hereby given that tbe under signed has been by the Couoty Court of Linn count j, Oregon, duly appointed executor of tha last will and testament ot William Pat terson, deceased, late of Linn county, Ore goo. All person having claim agaiuBt laid estate are hereby notified to present tham to Hewitt & Irvine, Albany, Oregon, properly verified, within six months from this date. This 5th day of April, 1890. . Cbaelks Pjk.rnts.sojr, IIbwttt & Irvinb, Executor. Att'yforlx. TOVNSEND k WILSO The following is a partial Hat of oity sod farm property for sale by us. A ne cottage with sir room, Urge lot Price, $1600. 1 unimproved lot on 5th Street. $375.00. Several tracts of 6 aod 10 acre lots, one and a half Dulea from Albany. $300 per acre. 1 lot with two story house on Water St. (1500. t lots w-'tb two story honsa. Chamberlain St Maston's addition. $13ji0. 1 lot with 5-room house on 1st St. $1500 House with to an. two lots, Elkins addition. fS50. 1 lot 2d and Main. $980. 1 lot with house two storits on 4th St. $3200. 1 lot on Washington St. $S50. Lota 4 and 5. block 10, Bryant's addition. $S09. A srnod stock farm, 1500 acies, 3 miles from R It aUtion. $3 per aor, A bargain. Farm S mile from Shedd, first-class wheat nd fruit land, 140 acre. fnce,?5000. 825 acres 4 miles from It It- $30 per acre. Can bs o!d ia lots to suit purchasers. Insurance Brokers, TOWNSEND & WILSON, Real Estate Broker. Mrs Dr Patton' elegant art rooms, i: Bluraberg' Block, are now ready for the re- eeption of students in painting aid mnsic Tboss interested lo srt are invited to ca : snd inspect tbe large collection of picture f Picture for sale, o" painted to order, ; reasonable rates. 1 Milk! Milk!! j I am prepared to deliver milk to'aU part ' of the oity. Guarantee the best quality ; Ieave orders at C E Browneil's grceon tore. Wm h LETCHES, f LADIES, ATTENTION -I am prepare to ao dress-making on short Oetioe. Far feot fit and satisfaction gaaranteed. Thauk: for pt favors. Give me a call. Mas II &, Cor 6th and Joffereon. IHARM FOR SALE. Two hundred aeros ot good farm land all ju cuiti vat Ion, with gcod two story houss, goo, bt rn and otbor outhoue. Good water for fa ji'lyand stock, Ooed par and ap pie orchard, as wen as siuji- uu f uit. Would make two god small farms. Situated fonr mile southwest oi Albany. Insjuire at this oifiee. Wiley A. Kimsey , ALBANY, OREGON. ABSTBAOTEE, The Only Complete Set of Abstra: , books and Maps in Linn County. jffOGiee in the Court Honss.-tLt, Business entrusted t rat wi ha ve ptiimptand eareful atiBif!i,u. G W Simpson takes orders lor tat! clothing. Call and see samples.