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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1890)
T i mt It the almost universal verdict cl del centra to the democratic county convention held Tue! that the ticket put forth le one ol unuaual alrength. Greater harmony exlitedthan tor veart past ItonJ K Weath erford and lion Jeff Myert the nominees for tpnator are bath men of leglilatlve experience. Mr Weatherford U an em phatic type of the aelf-mads man. Start ing In Ufa with the Ion of parental care, he ha tteadlly worked hi war up to hi, pretent high ttamllng a a lawyer and ex emplary cltlicn well. He it too well known to the great bod of the voter of the county toiequlrean extended notice here. Hon Jeff Myers U a re;retenatlvs of the young, progressiva democracy of the county, o many of whom were In the convention. He U a man of strong, tolid tense and will make a good acnator. Hon F C IIanafd, DrJ F Henry, and C J Shedd are the nominee for repretcnaUve. Mr Hansard I a farmer of Lebanon pre clnct He ha terved one term In the leg islature and, like Mr Weatherford and Mr Myeit, made a good record. Dr Henry i a phytklan of Brownsville and I laid to be a man of good education, and strong natural ability, C J Shedd la a farmer retddlng near Shedd'a, He, also,! a rep rcenative of the young democracy of the county, well-educated, brainy and honest, a fit leader tor the young democrat of the county. The nominee for county commissioner Wra kumUauch of Sweet Home. Mr Rum ba uh Is known as a careful, but public spirit' ed man, devoted to the best interest of the county. The convention renominated Davis for county recorder, a lit and will de served endorsement of a competent, faithful public official. For county clerk, N P Payne a fanner ot Albany prairie, was nominated and for Sheriff Matt Scott, a farmer of Center pre cinct was chosen. 1 bete men both in an em-' phatic sense fill to the full the Jefferson in test and standard cf being both honest and compe tent. Mr Payne is a good scholar, fine pen man, careful, paiastaking, and will eminently meet the demand for competency. Matt Scott is a sturdy specimen of Linn county cititensbip. irreproachably honest, fully competent, moral ly courageous, be will Brake a most efficien sheriff. W E Curl ths candidate fur treasur er bas already filled that office one term an 4 did It faithfully, honestly, and correctly. US Williams who, for so long bas been deputy county assessor wa nominated for assessor. No man in the county has so ripe an experience as he. He knows nearly every man in the county and hence will make a splendid officer. J O'Conner was renominated for county sur veyor by acclamation, a sur.. test of his fitness for the office. Prof G F Russell of Halsey was nominated r School superintendent. Mr Russell has bad charge of the Halsey public schools far about eighteen months and gives good satisfaction. He b well qualified, ener getic and careful and w'U be a successful officer, Vpoa the whole the ticket is the strongest the party bas made for many years and we predict its election by good majorities. A HatTLBlV CttaiWB) ' The motley crowd that elected Pennor er,' Is the way the Reseburg PlainJcaler designate the vote whose voice carried Penuoyer into the guberaatoriatjchalr four year ago. From force of habit the Plu tUJtr stands up and say to the democrat- c party, "we are the party of "great moral Ideas,'' "we thank God that we are not a other men," and other like expression la tended to make people believe that alt the good and the great are in the republican party and alt the low and vile are in the democratic party. Day by day, week by week and month Ly month, in season and out of season, republican papers tell their readers that their party is the party of sobriety ,lntelligence,decency and moral ity, but somehow a wicked and perverse generation seem sloth to believe It. "Bro. Benjamin this "motley crowd" will be one of vast proportions next June, and it increase will all be from the God and morality party. When governor of New Jersey four years ago Leon Abbett Inaugurated a cru sade against tax-dodging corporation. The attempt to make them pay up was suc cessful in all case except one that of the Morris and Essex Railroad, which main tained that it owed nothing and would pay a like amount. Two arbitrators were ap pointed, ce by the company and one by the state.and the corporation's lagyers kept the case dragging along four year. Peo ple began to despair. But a soon as Gov. Abbett wa elected a second time the rail road weakened, the arguments were hur ried along and the; result is an award of $300,000, which will go far to replenish the depleted state treasury. This Is a dis tinct triumph for Gov. Abbctt's policy,and one upon which both the state and himself are to be congratulated. Democrats of Linn county , the republi cans of Multonomah and other counties are rent into factions which makes bright prospects far a democratic victory in the state. Let us put ourselves in the fore front of the coming fight by harmonizing all past differences and come up In solid phalanx to the support of the ticket made to-morrow. The best democrat Is he who will sink a!i past differences and go forth for the great victory that the party can win In this county if it will do so. By the last Federal census the Territory of New Mexico had a population of 119,565. The Territory of Wyoming had 20, 589. New Mexico is now estimated at nearly 200,000, while Wyoming has grown very little. The Republicans insist on making Wyoming a State, because she casts a Republican major ity, and refuse to make New Mexico a State bjcau&e she is reliably Democratic There is practical politics for you! East Ore f onion. Mr McKlnley's committee ha raited the duties on carpet wools as an illusory sop o the farmers, and increased the duties on carpets as a "compensation" to rr.inufact uers. The consumer of carpet is fleeced on both sides. His "compensation" comes from permitting the republicans to spend he surplus. An experiment in photographing the bottom of a well 1700 feet deep was recent ly made and a perfect picture obtained. The Instrument was let down, the moment It touched the bottom a bright flash lihgted up the cavity, revealing as the effect of the explosive shock a very large hole- Edward Atkinson declare that the an. nual production of eggs in this country equals In money value the country' annu. al production of iron. The egt are eaten as fast ar produced, while the iron etayt by the owners, ar d is subject to laxstion as it accumulates from year to year The total imports of hops last year anounted to 5,584,260 pounds, of the value of $1,183,184. The total export of hop from the United States during that period were 10.038,544 pounds, valued at $1,73 5,- 052. At the election in eastern cities on Mon tiay the democrats made sweeping victories. NOTE r TUB COS KXTIOS. It wa a matter of note with all, that there were more young men in the democratic con vention yesterday than has ever been known before. The tv'u tori method of voting practiced in yestetilay't convention was highly salufnc- ory to nine tenths jf the democrats present. It was eminently a succeu. Every democrat present at the conv.nlion expresses the belief that, by earnest work, every man on the ticket will be elected by a good majority oa the second of June. In yesterday's convention the fair, plain ex pression of the will of the majority was obtain ed in the nomination of candidate. There were no combine. Evidence cropped out on all side J ester day showing that the democrats of Linn are in excellent fighting trin. The boy felt somewhat awkward yesleida voting tin rore but they soon got into the harness all right, Democrats always get into the harness when it cornea to voting C C Jackson showed his unadulterated de mocracy a well a hi true manlinm by mov ing that the nomination of Mat Scott, hi com pelitor, be made unanimous. Dr the way Mr, Hackleman, when beaten for clerk by Mr Payne, did the handsome thing by making the motion that Mr Payne's nom nation be made unanimous. Also Prof Mitchell came up smil ing and asked that Prof Russell' nomination for school superintendent be made unanimous. The truth is there wa an unusual overflow of good feeling among democrat generally, A delegate from "the fork" who labored Hard lor Jackson says that the man who was popular enough to bent him is entitled and will receive the democratic vote of that region In full REPl'BUCAN Uul'KKAUOS. The republicans in congress are going merrily on in their looting schemes, but the senate at least is more cautious than the .country had reason to expect at the beginning of tl.e cession. The dependent pension bill was rushed through with an energy and speed which must have grati fied the large horde of hu.igry claim agentk who are waiting for fees. There wa a halt called, however, on Mr Plumb's amendment, whkh p'ovld.d for the repeal otthe limitation in the Arrears act The republicans ha promised to sup port this scheme, but something ha oc curred to frighten the boodler and their friends, for Mr Hawley and othe. repuhli cans protested against going to this ex trcme verge of boldness. Mr Hawley at- serted that the coat of pension for the coming year would be J 130,000,000, and that the repeal of the limitation would cost the govt rn men t $500,000,000. Mr Plumb admitted that the expenditure demanded would be $478,000,000. The passage of uch an act wsmld cost the taxpayers of this country more than the charge ot maintaining the standing armies ot France and Oermany put together. And it la thought that this refusual ot the republi can to take $500,000,000 out of the treas ury for partisan purposes Is moderation . What are we to expect from a party that thus defines moderation? Of two thing at least we may be certain -a-that other pension and subsidy grabs will have an easier way, and that this very proposition is not so dead tnat it cannot come up in the House and reappear In the senate. WEATH KU CROP BILLCTI KO S, 0( the Oregon State Weather Bureau, co-operating with U. 8. Signal Service, Central Office, Portland, Oregon, for the week ending Saturday, March 2U, 1800: WIATHXa. The temperture has been higher, but yet below the average for this period of the rear. The rainfall was in light showers, and distributed. Snow fell In Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow, Grant, Crook, and counties to the south on March 30th, but eeneralir disappeared the same day. Snow also fell on the higher elevations of western Oregon on the 30th. The amount of sunshine has increased, but Is yet less than is usual the fore part of Ahrll. WHEAT. The most encouraging repot t as to the appearance and prospects of the winter wheat crop are received. But Utile of it was frozen out Some spring sown is al ready up and is promising In appearance. raiir. Trees are backward in budding and bios soming. Through Benton Co., blossoms are plentiful. Wasco Co. along or near the river, has also blossoms on peach, pcur and cherry tree. The peach t ree were gen eral'y slightly Injured by the hard winter, but other fruit and berries promise bounti ful yields. Warmer weather,, and more sunshine I neededto develop the fruit blossom GBASS. The grass is growing fi.jcly in all parts of the slate, but like all othe growing veg. atation needs warm sunshine. sou, AC. The toi'. continue to be so wet. especial ly on low or bottom lands, as to retard working it. Plowing and seeding are be ing rapidly pushed when possible. The wet soil will netcssitale much summer fal lowing. The stock 1 rapidly recovering from the effects of the severe winter Though a late season, yet " the prospects forexellent crops were never better. B. S. 1'aql'k, Observer U. 8. riijrnal Service. Assistant Director Oregon Weather Bu reau: . It I consdered In the Washington po titieal circle that the action of the eorn mittees in both Houses on the silver ques tion Indicates that a large number, if not a majority of the members of both branches of congress, favor a considerable expansion in the silver element of Che clr. culating medium, and if either of the bills proposed the Jones or the Wlndom bill becomes a law, the yearly increase fn the white metal section of the currency will be at least twice at great as it has been under present regulations. But it is also considered that the antagonism between these two measures added to the opposi tion to free coinage will be effective in preventing the passage of any silver b!llat the present session. The value of telephonic patent is strik ingly by the last annual report of the Bell Telephone company. During the past three years this company hat cleared a net profit of over $2,600,000 a thowing that dcubtloss surpasses that of my like concern In the country. They have 757 ex changes in the country and 44000 Instru ment in use. The chief improvment of the last year was the increase of the num ber of miles of wire underground by 10, 300, or 60 per cent, ever the year proceed ing. The republican statesmen at Washing ion are making concessions after conces sion -now to the subsidy grabber, again to pension agent, now to beef packer. Every bit of legislation is intended to make some one or other ho control votes a little richer than he can get by the proper use of Ms talents and capital. Wtien doe the party now in control of the govei n ment intend to concede something to the taxpayer, whom it I alway making poor er? "Big Jim" Lotan completely squelched Bos Simon Saturday. Joe will hereafter go by the sobriquet of McGintv , To expel the impurities in the Word and nivo strength to the sybtuin before thetfl'ecU ot warm w eather are fult, line l'f under' Ore gon Blood Punliur. W'AVrUVtituN, Mai'. 31, i?yo Boss Quav has returned, and the very first thing he did wa to order the senntcr ot his party to confirm the nomination of the Florida official Hint the protest and charge ot the Florida Senaloi have had "hung up" for some time, and the result was the liveliest secret cton of the Senate tor many a day. The democratic senator did not worJ In attacking the men that Quay wa cracking hi whip to have confirmed, and th? lenaiendjourncd with out confirming them, but of course Mr Quay will tee to It that they are cunfli ined thla week. At a meeting ot the executive committee ot the National Assocluttut ot democratic club held here Saturday, it w a deter mined to take an active part lit the coming campaign notvUhalandlng the gentle hint given by certain leading democrat that no help wa needed from the clubs, Mr Carlisle I a believer In the good accom plished by club and so i Mr Cleveland, and In tact the majority ot good demo crat. The headquarter ot the executive committee will In future be in this city In. tead of New York. The commissioner ot pension estimate that It will take $40,000,000 a year to meet the service pension bill proposed by the House co.nmlitec on invalid pen sion. Reprcsenatlvc Seney, who ha just re turned from Ohio, tay "I don't think the redisricting ot state assure the democrat a much a tome count on. The districts are shaped to give not fifteen, but el jht out ot that fifteen have democratic ma iorltie of less than i,oo which H rather a narrow margin In Ohio politics." Represenattve Bland, ot Mlttouit, and Williams, of Illinois, In a strong minority report against the Wlndoin stiver bill say that In their opinion ihe bill Is very adroit ly drawn to suspend silver coinage, to totally demonetize this metal and to per manently establish, the slng'e stanard of gold payment. The election committee of the House ha decided to unseat two more dcrrocrat -Wise, ot Virginia and Turpln ot Ala bama. Hearing have been going on before the republican of the House Way and Mean committee just a vigorously during the last few day a when the tariff bill was first began. The republican have promised to lay the new bill before the whole committee to-morrow, ami It they do, It will soon get before the House, but It Isn't safe to count an anything abbvt thlt bill, owing to the dicker In that party. It I now rrgardeJ a a certainty that Assistant Postmaster General Clarkson will leave the government service this spring. Ill resignation I said to be now n the hand of Mr Wanamaker, and was handed In because of a xint from Mr Har rison that It would be acceptable to him. TiiK gukt riunr. The Sltrtury gives the following grapic account of Ihe great factional fight between the two republican bosses in Portland. The idea that "tears from heaven without aid grog from within" should moisirn the proceedings is funny: "This has been a wet afternoon. It has been moistened by tears front hsaven without and copious draught of grog fiom within. It ha been hot and cold. Hot for the fellow who mu the fight and cold Oh I to icy for those who have sufTced defeat. Spirits have gone up and spirits have gone down. The people have voted and so have the dollars. It bas been a content of brains, of brawn and of money. o pebble wa left undisturbeil, nod no blooming Sower, if it bad a vote, bat been left to wither unnoticed by the wayside. It bas been a fight to the finish, and the glove have be-n t-f silken thinness. The two political elephants, a represented by the Mercury's tpecinl artist, have lie en for week and weks vigorously pulling in oppotii directions. The Hebrew giic cf Mr Simon has beta pitted against the Irish muscle of Mr Lotan. Neither foe would compromise with the other and the democratic ticer bat been locking on with unconcealed satisfaction. The ravenous heart his been wailing fur the death struggle of the republican patty, intending to pounce upon it at a time when it wouU be come an easy prey. M A KIN U C LOTH I Mi I fU R. ine Krpuoucan farm w 1 prooses so in crease of duty on nearly everything that L worn by the people. Cotton cloth, already taxed at an average of nearly 50 per cent., is burdened wilh an in creased duty of from one quarter to three quarter cents per yard. Cotton thread yarn and wr rps are increased three cents per pound Asa Protection organ puts it, "(be duty on nearly every ankle in the manufactures schedule is increased." Nut content with this tbe Committee has discovered a new 01 ject of taxation has imposed a duty of 50 per cent ad valor en on ready made garments comKed of cotton or other vegetable fibre. A very -eavy increase 01 duties is made in wools and woolen manufactures. The people of this country paid last year over $70,000,000 in taxes on these indispensable articles. Mr McKinley's Committee proposes that the peo p'e hall pay still more in fines, shall wesr shoddy or go cold. ' A duly of 15 per cent it threatened on hides with the object of increasing the cost of boots and shoes. The duties on flax, jute and bemp, on linen and on cotton bagging are about doubled. . And this is "reforming the tariff" by its friends." l hen lcfore in the history of civil ized government has it been proposed to re duce superfluous revenues by raising taxes and to relieve the burden of the people by increas ing tbe cost ol their clotlune and other neces saries? One of the most important project for Colorado is on foot. Ciau Sprecklels.the sugar king, ha agreed to invest $1,500, 000 in an immense boei-sugar plant In Denver, if a like a .iount villi b invested there !n stock ii the enterprise. Mr sprcckcl agrees : erect and equip a sugar refinery in that city at a bona fide cost of $3.oo,ooo, and commence its' operation in two years. France produces annually 2o,ooo,coo tons ot c jal ; Germary, 70,000,01x7, and England, 165,000,000. The annual con sumption of France amount 1560 pund for every Inhabitant; in Germany, 3000 pounds; in Belgium, 4300 pounds, and in England, 7400 pound, Special attention it called Simpson 'ktiue line of clothing, or bsrgsib. t Mr. O W Call in time Best roast toffs in ' the Meyeis. eity at Conrad Bargains at iUad'a. Having taken the agency of Dr Thatch er's magnetic shield, f wi'l be pleased to see alt suffering wiu. ihronic diseases Rheumatism a specialty, bamu ax had by Prof. Spear, " Mrs S. Race. A Nicw Hiscoverv Hubbard's Head ache Capsules. They aie a positive cure and fill a long felt want. A Fine Assortment of all kind of Fancy and Staple Giocerics, Provision can always be found at the Willamette Packing Co.'. Your attention is especi ally directed to their special display ad. TELEGlUriilO HEWS Kali roads. roRTLANn, Or., March 8 Portland It nipiuiy becoming the roilrou 1 center 01 the West. The Ovmm Kailwny F.xtemiiot) Company. f which lion Henry Failinii, of tliit city, it president, and Hon Joseph Simon secretary, ycsivrdAy filed at Olympia Washington, tup- icincntary ouiclcs ol Incorporation empower ng it to build 3000 mile of new lines in the Noitliwctt. The company will gridiron Orr-cnn, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana wait lines, all of winch will brmg business to Portland, I'jrelonra Kverywher. Cleveland, Ohio, April 8. A cyclone ttiuck Norwalk, Ohio, about 5 o'clock this afternoon, The stoim came from the nottb west and swept a track al out half a n.ile wide from the eastern limits of the city quite a long distance in Ihe country. The umbrella fac tory of Sprngue & French, In whkh about ihirty young women were employed, was parti ally demolished, Man of the tills escaped and others were canH Dora Vuiinri, need 19, received fatal mimics. Nellie Harding, Mist Brush and several others recclvedinliitie. A number f barn nd other mll bulldingi were wrecaea. 1 rees were unrooted and foil' ces torn down in all direction. Dm KOtr, Mich., April. A tornado visited several cities and town in the southern pur- lion of the stale at an early hour this mornh doing coniiderable damage. At Charlotte number of residences, two mill and a great many out building and chimneys were demol bhed, fortunately uo one was severely hurt. Defalealeil aa4 sllrd. Nkw York, April 8. The 1 1 liter dcfal- cation and the suUrquent failure yesterday uiu auiare a: tions, broker, I the sen sation of Wall street. Henry 8 Bennet, council for the Kilj(nce,ay no one can yet till the amount of the dclalcatlon, but he thought the d.'ficlt by llllger. would amount to $600,000. tlrewlaiK wersa. Wakiiimuyon, April 8. While Repre. tentative Randall condition ha been criou tor manv in, initio ha ha h wore during the last two or three day s.and in mm 01 siaie. ' j A Lot r fra bs. Oakland, April 8. Excitement among the follower ot Mrs Wood worth and other prophets of the destruction of Kan Fran cisco and Oakland grows more Intense at the time named in tbe visions for the catastrophe draws near. According to the prophecy, yesterday wa the last day to escape from the to cities, a the railroad would now le ci ippled so that no more train could go out. So the believer made a rush to get away by last night Maagrjr frapi. Vienna, April 8, At a meeting of tinker here to day, policemen were ttoncd by tbe crowd and many stiikert arrested. Later 8000 unemployed held another disorderly meeting which culminated in s serious ilot. The mob demolished a police guanl room in tbe subuibt and tctiousiy wounded the officer in charge. Tbrr then sst the to a spirit shop and prevent ed ihe lire engine from anpro-iching, and plun dered several Jews slum. Troop bad to be called out before the riulett dierscd. A Bad frswd, Loxdo, April 8. Bramwsll Both, toe of1 General rJooth, of the tUlvation'A'uty, baa bten tamauousd Ut appear in the polio court ly a lady to iwstr s charge of illegally f Uiuiug br pro, ry . Hi believed tbst this i tbe first of a saries) of similar actions to be btovtht by former rnvmlwrs t,f lbs amy, and that a systematic and saooastfal soham to obtain property by leader of the army wilt be dtaolused. Am lataseaae Mia. Londo, April 8. Tbe 8ampoo Low C-frpany publisher of .Stanley' tuw book, "'darkest Africa," have eom!t4 arranire- to iatoe 5,00,OUO cpta of the work, aa undertaking which tbsv deem abundantly warrautod by the emmba-r and extent of tbe oidcr for the book al road y rcivd. Tbe book will be printed in hfUvn different lan guages. A OarUi Jail atieah. Spokane Falls, April 7. A daring and tuecessfuIikUemp, to break j4il was made by a number of prisoners confined in the county jail here last night. Immediately af:ei the jiter nude bis rounds the bar were wrenched ofT,and four prisoner crawled tbiough the break they bad made Tbe lamp burning on tbe window till was turned ap so that the flame rame Out at the top of the chimney. Then the four prisoners ran behind Ihe end of tbe prison cage. Aery was immediately raised by the others for the jailer to come and put out the Limp, wbich would explode, Beard responded to the "cries by coming fiom the office. Seeing tbe lamp, he made for it with tbe intention of putting it out, As be did to he was suddenly felled to the floor by a blow on the head from one of the prisoners, wlici ran up Iximid him. Tbe o'h ers then came out fun 11 their hiding place and assisted in bin ling il jailer with rope and gagging h;m. After li!iating nineteen prison kit in ihe upper tier they made their escape, kicking the jail gates behind them. The jailer wot liberated in two hours, when 1 be sheriff summoned a posse and started off on the trial at once. Itlawa Away. Bt'RLiNGTON, la,, Aptil 7 A report reach es here late to night by raihead wire that Prophetstown, lib, baa been partially blown away by a cyclone, and many people killed. No other particulars can be learned, as tbe wire are now prostrated by the storm. , AaattserKladaf Oelaae. Nkw York. April 7. In regard to the state mcnt Sullivan is said have made, Corbett to day said: I want to say I think it very unfair to tpeak disparagingly of a man whom be hat never met and of whose ability he has no knowledge. If he did say he could atop me in four rounds I will give him an opportunity to try it at my benefit, which takes place in tbe Fifth Avenue Casino, Brooklyn, under the auspice of the Seat de Athletic Club, on next Monday night, when I will spsr Sullivan four rounds, and if I do not succeed in besting him he can have the entire gate receipts. A Torttado. Louisville, Ky., April 7. It bat just been learned that Harper! Ferry, Henry coun'y, was almost completely destroyed by a tornado to-day. The village is composed of lest than two dozen bouses, all which were blown down,. Two persons are known to have been killed a-d 7 or 8 bailly hurt. I am also willing to wsyer from $5000 up wards that he cannot put m to sleep in four rounds, Many tirinarralle tltUrtes. Detroit, April 7, Charter election were held throughout the Hate to-day. In many instances the issues w.i re of a purely local nature. Among the larger places Kalamazoo, Vpsdansi, Marshal, Holland, Munroe snj Hillsdale, went republican, while I.ansintr. G 'and Rapids Jackson, West Bay City and Muskegon have gone ulmott solidly democratic In the villages and townships the parties are about equally divided, with democratic ma jorities in the preponderance, Seed rrouipt Attention, Oakland, Ca!., April 5, A number of fhe followers of Mil Woodworih have sent a peti tion to Governor Waterman declaring that the cities of San Francisco, Oakland end Alameda are to be destroyed by a great earthquake and tidal wave on April 14th, and asking that dayt be appointed for fatting and prayer in all the churchej throughout the slate, and that not later than April 7th all the prisoner confined in the jails be removed to places of saf. ty and that all United States securities, etc., '.1 the mint, banks, or removed safe keeping. " . live saving stations, Washington, April 6, The house com mittee on commerce hat reported to 1'ie house favorably, the bill making an appropriation for a life saving station at Tillamook bay, Oregon, with an amendment limiting the cost for $10, 000, The commerce of this section, the com mittee says, is rapidly increasing.and the com mittee urges the e&tublishment ot a station as soon as possible. The bouse bill for the establishment of a life saving station at the mouth of the Siuslaw river, in Orecoc, has been reported to the house favorably, with a recommendation that il be passed as soon as possible, with an amendment limiting the cost to to,ooo. I'Mlr Bridges, Pasco,. April 6, llunf'i engineers have been triangulating the Colembia all this week near Wtllula, and finally worked tip ta Patco rlilne before finding a suitable place to cross the river with a bridge and the matter it now (Infinitely settled they will be obliged to eros the Columbia and Snake rivers on the North em Pacific brUlget. Oraaget Aahare. Yaijuina, April 6. Yattrrday morning several hundred boxes of oranges came ashore about two miles south of Newport, Many of the Wines bore the mark C C, Tacoma, The weather having been fairly good In this vicinity for tome day, And no wreckage having been discovered, the appearance U tuch fruit It quit unaccountable other than they might have been part of deck kiad on tome passing vet set and have liecn washed ovciboaid from torn cause or other. ! t'lljr Uuasnlai, Boisb CiTY.Idaho. April 6, The capltol o' Idahu having been pet manently located at Boise City, real estate it active. The Boise City Statesman thowt aggregate transfers of 1 500,000 for the week ceding the 5th, Now Yoik, St Louis, Denver, Salt Lake and San Fiancitco capitalist are heavy invesiors. kiantaih Lands, Washington, April 6 The house com mlttee on Indian affairs hat authorised a favor ably report on the bill introduced in Ihe houtt by De Haven, to provide for the disposition and tale of landt known at the Klamath river reservation lit California. The bill provides for the opening of these lands subject 10 settle ment, tuny and purchase under the home stead and pic cmption laws. A kew rrvsHeat, San Francisco, April 6. The Chronicle to-morrow prints an interview with Senator Stanford. In course of a discursive convert v tton he say. "I tbtll leader may resignation at president of the Southern Pacific Company, at the annual tcttloa of the board of directors to-morrow1 or next dsy. It will be accepted and unless he declines, my successor will be C V Huntington. COUNTY COUKT PKOCKCOINUlt. t. R. X. Blackburn, Juibr B. W. Cuor and 0 W t-tUlt, CumuisaUawni,) Application ol II W Froinan undoth era lor county road granted, and F M Klacr.TJ UiackandD )I Ambrose r pointed viewers. in tue mailer 01 U10 application of Wltxcl for dautagps, costs allowed, and petitioner to pay 123 and county to jy balance, and road was declared oiH'tied. Ten dollar) per month wa ordered allowed lor mipiKirt of Henry Jlendcr son, to 1 paui to iionertuias. Miss Lrtll lUtssett was fruited scholarship in the hut Agricultural col hire, 11 II Kirk resimnxl nupcrvlsor ol district 84 and J U Putikard was ap pointed. Kulit tiUws resigned as supervisor ol district 3U; K 11 Chance ap.uiUI. Chas Uurkliart, ol district 14, allowed Ut 01 IUIIIlR-r. Temi.lf Uu allowed I'JS lor a 1.1 of ljerv F M Klxer, sucrintitdent of district au. aiioweti auuu ii-ct of lumU-r. Warrants were ordered drawn lor the following: II Farwell, salary ,,f til (W John Uienetidorfc-r, 102 J'ds gravel 8 Oil Win Tucker, aid Time Horn 15 W Uwi 11 ltardardA Co.... -Ill 50 K II Patterson, w ildcat stain . 1 00 Hamilton A Andrews, aid Orch ard family 20 00 J II Cornell, ttravtl........ 120 W h Jester, aid poor 6 60 Albany Canal A ater Co, rent.. 1& W Matthews A Washburn, sundries. 13 MV Allsiny KUntric Light Co 27 GO C V Marieis, w ildcat scalp 1 00 Jas Fiuwater, aid jour 10 00 Frank Duncan, wildcat scalp 1 00 S llroilahaw, 2 wildcat scalps 2 00 J It lAne.aupdist 3d, reappointed 24 OU I. M Curl, as supt 115 00 Mitct & Nutting, printing... 28 60 ti Humphrey, Iws, Simmons case 2 60 C Kuchner, work on bridge ...... 35 00 The county court was considering the hhls for bridges at the time of going to press. , BI4L MT41I1 salKS. Chas lUatn to Rachel Biain,63 acres 14 w2 ... II It Shulu to It Mmlu, 2 lots, 14 Albany Chester liamtall to Albert K lUn- dalt, 27 acres, 10 w 1 Martha lllain to Rachel H albert, 53 acres, 14 w 2 A K Tlioinpson to O 0 Tlmiiijison, 1 lot. It's A. lirownsville.. . . 1 10 150 1 (15 A K TbomjHton to Cl C Thoiupiun, luusiuuit, ti l A.urownsviiie.. Lucy and m Uhiss to ltachel I '.lain. 53 acres, 14 w 2 LI Watkina to Uachel lllain, 63 acres. 14 wS Kolit Andrews to Iorenzo Tibbita, HO acres, 14 w 3 Rachel Hulhert to Kmon llarker, 63 acres 14 w 2........ .. ...... J II Waters to J K Mcltargue, 70x H)5 ft, X Brownsville E S Mas ten to J I Wolf.KO acres 14 8 I Shore to (Tfj Wilson.'i aVres 9 w 1 Martin Payne to Matilda Parsons, 1-6 of KI0.12 acres 11 w S Jonathan Wassom to C F fc-toncGeld, 1 lot.W's A, Letwnon T L Wallace to LA Woodle, water loto, Albany Geo M Smart to J W Payne, 150.06 acres, 13 2. Or. to (1 M Smart, 1511.05 acres, 13 K 2. . . .... U 8 to Thurston Thomas, 100 acres 200 1 1 2400 900 625 1000 300 1200 00 10 000 319 10 2 Patent A J Bilyeu to Martin Bityeu, 3 lots W's A, Scio 600 J L Cowan to 1) W Harnin, 20x162 ft.and lot 2, H's 3rd A.Leb. 300 Total... i... Total lor year. ........... COMING iVENlH. ,..4 0243 .$444,480 April 10 and 11. Merchants Carnival at the Opera House. Admission, 60ccn.a. Iteserved seats at Bluckiuan's. April 12. Arlnir Day. Kxerclses under auspiws of public school at Opera House. Admission, 10 cents. April 14. Oakland and San Francisco to be destroyed, according to Mrs Wood worth. ' April 15; State Sunday School conven tion at McMlnnville. April 10 Republican State Convention at Portland. April 22, Benton County Democratic Convention. April 24. State Democratic Convention at Portland. June 2. State and County elections. , Col Lens of ths Sixth Regiment 8aM Dr K 8 iii)ldaai By tbssdvios of a friubd 1 was indussd to at your Ktnsreal v'ougrt Syrup for a tsvsrs eouh. 1 found great relief from the uts of only one bottls, Eogssb Lias, Stockton. Lars tis $1, tinall 50 oentt, Eor sale by H O Hubbard, drogitt. At Cost.- Having purchased a drum mer's samples, consisting of ladies' and children's muslin underwear, babies Fauntelroy caps and hoods, infants and children's slips and dres&eg, etc., etc., and receiving on the same a great dis count, I will oner the same to the pub lic at their wholesale price. From 25 to 60 per cent can be saved on all these goods. Call early before the stock is broken. U W Simpson. Millinekt Opening. At the Mitset K and & Ball Friday and Saturday, April It, 13. All ladiea cordially invited to come and Inspect our ttock at It It superioi in quality. Price considered lo any thing ever before brought to this city. I have jutt received a hrge invoioe of lace curtains, tanging in priue from one to nine dollar t a pair, acrim, turtain nets, etc. Alto a line of curtain poles and ftt"nitare cover ing. SamcilE Youkg. You ciu save many a dime by trading H C Hubburds new diugstors, Try it. at Center Tables. -A large and elegant shipment of center tables, In new designes finest stock in the valley, just received a FortmiUer Irvings. LYONS. r.lmcr ililltt.. K(,tl nf T 11 Ittnff nf fhla plnce, cut an tijily kmU in lila foot yuatcr- day w ith an axo, w hich he was UMing. Heliool coinnicncoil in Weawl Flat din- trlct VfKtnrdiiv. with Vlrvtl iinin aa liHwhe-ri alMoin Fo Valley, with 0 V ttwanko as teacher. jrUPcillnr nii.l II T.vona 1..ft 1,.r Al- lituiy yeatmliiy to atUMl the diMiiocratic county convpntifm.MtloU'Katt'ifrftin th precinct. K M Wharton anil J UTraak go totlay na ik'It'gnU-a to tlio republican convention. 1 . ' - I The "PWlflH tiMta" cf tnnnwholiava iM.n worklmr at Kiimart'a Hhiff for tba hint mouth went to Jlrown'a MPl yester day to put in aiding at that place. A tslKrin waa received from Salem thla morning elating that Mr Lvdia Heed, daughter of Mr and Mrs J L Bfrry, of thia pbtco, was seriously 111 from a continuation ot the "grippe." J W Ilrown, of Brown's Mill, has pur- chased from J C 11 hut & Co, of this pine, an tiio liHiiiH,-r now remaining at I tlioir mill, consisting of over 100.U00 fret. and will commence the shipment of the to me to Corvallis at once to suntity the increasing ucnmnu lor luuiiwr at that place. The Grand Armv nost of Mclianm will hold a "camp-fire fit their hall Thurs- day evening next, at which old scenes win be renewed, speeches made, "hard- tack." hacoti and beans indulge In, and .1 ..a . . . . . . ' . I wind up Willi a "nighWap" sociable, general good time is anticipated. AftflBY at WEILL Ural Estate Agents, Art always In the lead. Thty hare sold 3 lots to Mr Gennenctr, ot Lo Angeles, Cab, in Allen A Hawkin s addition, and contracted 3 more. All parties wanting their tots and farm property told should list It with the men who get there first. NEW STOKK-'LADlEtt' BaZAAB. An entire new and stylish stock of fine millinery, ladies and children's ready-made garments, hosier-, corsets. handkerchiefs, kid gloves,, neckwear, veiling, embroideries, laces, Ac, &c. New novelties lor unties ana ciniiiren ar riving dally. Call and examine goods and prices. Every article marked in plain figures. One price to all. lie member the place Ladies' l'azaar, Fro- nian woes. A ITas EaoorsesMat. Aturt mU A LinTT Ihua Sis It affords me great pleas ure to write you concerning tue "iJauer' Piano funiished lor tha 'Levy Concert,, and used by nte on i'rhlav evening. I have rarely heard such a beautiful sing ing, quality ot tone aa is produced by this justly celebrated instrument. The action is very easy and I can truthfully say that I thorouKlily enjoyed playing on the "Bauer." Thanking you for your cour tesy, 1 sin very truly yours. Kb win M SiioKtkT. M saw Tiunos. Just as soon as a city gets to booming and displaying some , wj ..nwssTiiiaauiiiiBssuiHii it. On exchange says that a iwah . I -a t la all lal ittT 11 " oiner uay arut stole tne city hall for one leg to a pair ol panU. Another excliange says that dago got drunk at 1 Grande recently andsucked 1116 contenu out 01 the gas well. fcx. FKCY Wo.-A fine line ol fancy work just received at Cl W Simon's, . i,l jt I banner rods, India silks, figured and plain, a large assortment ol embroidered maU-rial and a choice variety ol fancy gl generslly. An elegant stock to rlect from. WasaaTO Csr TnaM. When wanting an organ or piar.a call on G L Blackman whers you can select irotn a first class stok. 10 nor cant off on alt cash italss for tbs est SO daya-at w r lUad a. - m m mt A Choick Vakiitv Fine comb hon ev. sit kinds ot tvrupt. choice nlcktc la wood and In glata,pk:kled pigs feet, chow chow, In fact an endless variety of choice groceries at Ceo C Henderson's. Give me a call, prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. Prices the lowest. A Snaar Its The ncst line of cut cry and shears In the city at Stewart & ! So s. Their goods are the very best aid III llanil I !. Inl Ths Verdict CaaalaMiBS. W D Suit, bratrvWt. Bl, Ia4., tsaUSast aw fantn wd !ouria Hitsm aa Um rmrr I wmly. a vary bmUa n(4 has nrtist la rvnry mm. On bum took sis butuas, tad wat eursS m rtMHianaiumal lOfwa'standuit-. A hraham tiara, 4raM, blllta, Otito, alSnna : ' TSa bast aomnf aaicia I bas r kaodlad ta mjr SO jraan s tmntnt. is Klaetrte Ulttsrs," Ibtuand at thr bam adoad taalr taallmrmy, ta ibat Ux vanbet I onaatmott (hat KlattrM Uttlart So cure all diss ma ths Urar Ktdiwjra or tfaonl. Only a bait dollar bouu at fiwhaj aad Waauo's Vrof Stora. A tt'eaaa's Dlseevtry. HAMbr wonsaHal bat ba mds sod ihs lanH? a ladrla ibis wmnlr. lmt laa. tooad Its alniebM ttfxia bar and ( jraarwi raars aha lib, land Ha aararast lasts, bat bar ilal sr-vas wart oiHlaroMoad and daaU taaowa tSUDUMtit, rar tbrta atoi. lbs aha risebad .rwntljp mA sua A aol tlaaa, SM boii(1iS e aa buMta ol Or Kltur't Pltov- 2lur C-MMQBipUua and was so lautfe rallrvad aa Ine fn .Saw tea aba tiapt al aibt sod wlta uo b.Xll hu h-a tafiaauloual) ear ad. Har BaaM la ttrs bettor met" It us wrttrs W C H somas and Co , of tUj. Xa-OMirw tnal butaw as Fo thajr sod awatltrs Oraj Stora, t J W Dretlty. best hoot snd shoe maker in eify, oppvsl FortmiUer & Irying's. Bnrkles's Arnica Salve, Ths but 8la lit tbs world far 0s, Brats ,Sjr. Uloara, Shia-n, favar Siraa. tur, Cbaupd bao-ls, Chilblains, Owns, and all Skia Ernpttun, and pnaiuvalrtittrat Hi laa,ar ao par riqulrad. it U (Uar atitvad Vi gHt parfact aaUafacUoa, or atoney lafiind ad. Prlos tt sanw par box, for salt bj roabay and ktaaoa : Dr. M. H. k'llis, physician and turcatat Aleany, urtjjon. t-aJls mans le eity rx euntrv. mmm - S.mUs ths celebrated Jllavana fillsd ci gars, manufactured at Jul aaJoteph'u eigsr lactory. uniyo cents. A Isrgs selection tfponpont and cord for trimming banners at tbs Ladies Kaaaar, New cream ehesss jnst leeeived at CcLrad Meyers. Albany Market. Wheat-HOW J Oats- 81),". Buiteiar'-ur, pi n Ppgs-iiOr Hay-U.tH). Potatoea 75 rts per bushol ' Boefon fcKit, 8Hr A ,iplea 75 cents por bu, ?urk fJjo per lb. dresaod Barons haiaa, ViHc shoulders, 80. aides lOo. iiid-9o peril., nonr 4.ift per bbl. 'bickens S.0U per dan, d 111 Feed bran, 14.00 per ton aborts, IS. middlings, 20. Choi, City Restaurant. Ilivingbetn rDtirtly retnode'id. this old and popular restaurant will be nine's first olaoa in cvsry raieet. Tbs publ.o will ba giveu goixi mi-nla at all hours for only 25 cauls. jiveryimng neat ana ettraotivs. Private boxes. Oj stem In tvery style. - W. A. McGm. .. mO TAXPAYERS.--Nolle is herebT I. given that C eunty ttrs will bsaome atiiltiquent on April 1st. All taspvers ars therefore wsmsd lo call ansT settle tor tbe same fceftre skat thus and sa.vs costs. Johw Smallmsw, hherUf. MOriEY, CHEAPLY. We have made arrangements to tspply money to all on long time at low rats af interest on improved f.irmt and city prsjs erty, Thsee who contemplalet bufldljsg brick blockt or good brick business boats can get money, See ut. WALLA0B& CfSlOK. 37th Notice; h,,e ut 0r,;8on.T reasiirer't Office. ) Salkm, April 7th, ifiyo. J o i nercoy given that there ate sufficient fund on hand lo par all warrantt dorted of tbe issue of and iSoo.and they will be paid on presentation at this Plce' "umbeied at lollowt I 3. 4t 360,3253, 3.155. H'A 3'M. vi 35'7 '5J5' 3405, 344, 3530, 3449, J4S?, 337, 33't 3, W, 348, 343,5, J44', 3439. 343. 3443, 3433, 3dW. 3445 .... U . . .. . . , . - - . Um - .OA - mv 'Wf-Mw .v,u 4 '4n, 2400, a4' a437. 3533. a.?3S, 3577, 35.3s, 354?. '539. 537.' 5". 3533, "5 . 3435, 3530, 3531. 3560, 347. 3475. 3571, 3583, 3S6, S583, 3503, 3477, 3474, 3476, 3444, 3580, 3JS. 4S. 3461, 3454, 3447, 3570, 3555. 354. 3599. 3.01, 3534. 3573, S9 3559, 3549, 36tty, 3463, 3593, 3tyi, 3617, 3639, 3690, 30a3, 3O4O, 371X1, 3711, 3708, 3707 3704, 3687, 3483, 3460, 3i6, 3430, 365 3675 3700, 3081, 3459, 35J, 3457, 3543 3594, 3GSS, 3649, 3699, 3657, 364ft, 3577, 361.5, aaSI, 3413, 3738, 3703, 3083, 3479, Soot, 3715, 37l6, 3660, 30JO, 37o, 3451 37 10. 3638, 3636, 3717, 3733, 3713, 3668, 3737, 3734. 3738, 3739, 3740, 3511, 3645, 3653, 3733. 3004, 10J8, 307s, 3655, 3741 3404, 3677, 3673, 3663, 3746, 3313, 3674 3718, 359S. 3673, 3631, 3747, 3748, 375 J, 3753. 3750, 377. 37o, 3733, 3674, 648, 35"3, 3676, 3665, 3696, 3743, 3463, 3756, 3760, 3770, 3709, 3773, 3777, 3765, 3764 a755 333t 3743, 2713, 3773, 3774, 3635 3614, 3761, m, 3783, 3759, 3A 3757 ft.. U Maaa faaaaa a. n.O . SWtJU A...II 275, 27H0, 2779. 2773, 2781, 27B8, 274 279J. 277. ZH. 2o. 2w5, Z7io. 2775 2823, 2817, 2654, 2671, 2669, 2667, 2643, Z42'. 2343. 2749. 2745. 2330, 2o2, 2816, 2813, 2839, 2651, 273. 282.5, 3630, Z744, 2478, 2760, Z807, 2Ho8, 2843. 2S44, 2845. Z846, Z847, Z850, 24. 2852, 2851, 254. 28u, 2776, 2836, 2SiO, 26, 2784, 555, 2856, 2765, 2Soi. VkM, 2789. 27'M. 233, 798, 222. 2827, 22o, 237, 2826, 28u, 2835, 2790, 28i2, 268o, 22i, 2686, 2799. -2849, 858, 2"-28, 2828, 2W2, 286 1, f76, 2840, 2857. 286, 2797. 2863. 286S, H64, 2866, 22, 2867, 2H68, 2869, 2870, 272, 2871, 288v, 2879, 2878, 2874. 2873. 192, 29, 290Z, 2832, 2900, 2903, 297, jOt 2'xj. 2otO. 2m. 28 '22rL 3Uor. 29.VA a96. 2913. 2y3'i, 2943. 2921, 3962, 9A 2929. 2933, 279". 2876, 2-136, '974, 2975. 2455. 297. 2947. 2948, 'A25. 2976J w. 2999.2990,2923, 2977. 2911, 2912, 24. 2995. 2997, 2984. 2986, 3A9 Interest will not be allowed after the date ol thit notice. O. V . Waun, State Treasurer. Townsend's Garden Addition 1 now ttTeJl for Thia b out i t tht aroaod AIoy, being vary high and -dry, I rioh u,r 8deo ;d fni u wma0 UWB' UMII mWtW I aWlttJM ivf ItSIMCUW IU U this groeod whers MrTnwotsnd gr.whU famoa. ,trawWms for ssveraJ years f ths Albany ark-t. There is not a mors health- fc (octioa around AlUnv than la fosnd is this sisbtl locatioe. fad siaed loU and blocks, street all laid oat to o-vrsmpond wild J the ttrt raoain? ibroonb ths (Jolua and tli"a. mis property is only two blocks from lbs propo4 atrt car line Tbl, prtnmttj U soM by ths U r lots on tbe installment plan nr ia) ra t.ts to salt tbs tarchar. W hil this prpertr is sonod to nous aroood A!hy:ti it iil b sold at reasonable prions. i Office eppueita ths farmers & Merchants Into ratt o Co., 1st Street, Albany. F, f.l. FfiEHCH, , DiaLSB IS WATOHES, Clocks, J EWELRY Spectacles. I have the larcest stock ol Spectacles ana Eye glasses in the county and fit them by Johnston's pat. Dioptic eye meter. City Drug Store. Stanard & Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and : chemicalsjfancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, perfnmery,school and ar tists supplies. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. Mice of Final Settlement. Notice U hereby givrn th.t the onder signtd ssMntor of ths It tt will and testa ment Of vViiln Uaines, deccastd.hM bled In the county court of linn county, Oregon, his ttnsi aooount of said eatita and tha said oourt has fixed Monday, May Stb, 1S0O, at one o'clock in tha afternoon of said day to baar objections, if any, to said nual account and the tt&tlemrntof stid estate. This the 29th day of M arch, 1 800. Joust W Gaines, TJ Sn-rwt, Executor. Attorney. Administrator's Notice. Notion ia hereby given that the under signed bas been by the County Court of Lino county, Oregon, duly appointed adininifttra tor of the estate of K Frum, dneatil . All persons having claims against laid estate ars notified to pretent them to the ander aigned within six months from this date troperly verified, at his residence near Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon. March 6th, 1890. A Farm, Aduir ett nf E Frum.deo'd J K Weatherford, Att'y for Admr. Uoburg Lumber. I sell the beet lumber in the ctuntj; alio sedar posts, shingles, latha doors and win dow moulding, to. Prices from $5 to .'22 per thousand, yard at Lowaon, on the Narrow Gauge. S&e me before pnrchatiug elsewhere. W W Cjuword. P O address. Tail man, Or rvnEY& r;:::, j:i f:.::,Tcs Gtato Treasurer's L. E. B L AIN, Doni spoil you? Feet with Cheap Shoes: WEAK? - ; "Korrso thap." 41(Ll. - War as Burt & Pcckard"Kol'rcct Slidfe.' Keeps tho leading stock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and Capri, Boots and Shoes, Wet Weather Goods and the leading Tail oring Department, in the V alley George C. Henderson SUCCESSOR TO LA FOItEST & TH0MPS0X . Dealer in Choice Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co et. . - Low Prices and Prompt Attention. Montague t Son, GOTtJSrJR PIHST Sc PEEBTiSTS Dealers In Groceries, Prodacc, Tobacco, Cigars, Confectionary. , Ftc G Ii. BLACKMAN. The Leading "Druggist, 1 ALBANY DRUGS. MEDICINES STA1 10HARY fiC. pIUIet-Fin8TailtArtlols,Prfinra(i4Mail3l IittramsnU 1'reserlptlous Carf svlly co npoaadr 'ayanlulght 'y i 1 M p ia IU lyj i Choice Candy, Ta(s Froit, cte. NEAR THE POST OFFICE ALBANY OREGON Has just received his Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine lino of suits, hich will besold at bottom prices. In order to make room for new goods will sell hia large stock of Notions, etc., at lLA Great Reduction. The best placo in Albany' for bargains. Conform to iitaM Of tft FOCI ft ptrfmni&n u lioom7ort HurtAPnokarlShN U M av kavFwwuia. sc ur .. V sV fUs mrmr.p att'a) taiHH - U. th wtvIsL, a Burt 4 Pftefcwrtf rh4 wisiit u.a. mn 4-Ui.r tm'sfeaas, risajavi vM t- fvtiftwVi. lHfyaraU Itjfiti md( ManttVWIi, m4 rsr4eii i im Hot Vw TM'fc If na) svi4 my yw W -am! us ttaMM i4 pm avi ! rr ts, PACKA80 A FiHO. aifucKti'1., Max. Groceries '.OREGON. . , . 5d 5S" vPEALER ir JD XDkluE I3ST I. 1 V