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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1889)
THE YAQUINA ROUTE, Crcca Pacilo Ealircai. gun DTlomMrt Coeepaay'. Btra hip Lin. f 25 r."SLE3 SHORTER 20 nouns less ti;..e nan by any other Firat-clasti Ihroogh iMMttiKr and rKht lin.froia Portland and all point n the Willamette Vllfjr to and from Sao rntnainoo, Cad. Th. Orsn rHno fcte-einboaia o th. Wlilamoit. rlvr division will le-v. Port land, flentn gtoond, Monday, WiKti('y imd rrt'laT at 8 a. so. Arrive at CorUa Tuesday, Tnureday and 3.irdy ix m. Lv. Oorvallie, Noiih aoead S3ao4aT. m. Arrtv. at Portland Tudy Tr. day a Ustarday at 8:.m p. nv On Moi 4y, ,7.4iday aad Friday, both Worth and Ssoth bHind boU will ft .yeeaight at Salem, loafing hart at a. m. Boatmak.oloe connection at A J baa Rh train of th.Orogon Paolfto Kallroatl, TIM aomCDULR. Sunday.) iHl rwtiia 1 W r. a t-""" OurvalUAtO; A. a. : - . .... a. Albany and -iiT .iuv train oonnevlat YamTlna with tho Oregon Itev.iopuwiit Vaquloa and an Pram-iaco. ftAILiaU IATE . warns A. wmwu.V'l.y. I'LVth An tuni. ", U iriKi -r - aha right to ii. raasajngaru ,tv"" . aalllnsr. . ... . a r...nn-rlKhtad fMhintiw rw rtrrz ii' j, : o. OYERUND TO CaIOTA -sYIA- , soutlisni Pacific Company's Una THE MOUKT SHASTA ROUTE. Albaey aa, ,aa a - " a4lLf "Tut. a. I Ur orUd Ar a a iiir a 1 1 ;la I A a IM r a mm i ;iimi awi). v fceoAt raa - ' , . tjr. a Jbra L Mra I Ar ti J !: IMP! I mn ' T a I U 11 alar L. I 0 a as I iMr a PULLMAN BUrFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, -a".. can. illuMU Miliar Irmina w mmmw a U ..,. U rTLA A CTaM.ll. KWL tiuI iml (Kx.H aniM.) A I : r a 7 SO a Or. J L. li a ra anaaM taAia au. (E i jpl8aW7- iff) r a I L 0ra Ar MeMinnriila Through Ticlxet T. au poioi. BOXTTH AND EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. alt Axn' ' c p;ER3. - G.r.aoaP.Ar House and Carriaga Palnte- r Decorator and Paper Manger Piano Varnishin?. Atl uarantaad. S B. VASSAUO- 3nKon ta Fanry Soaaana lay, an4 the mwl raaaitnaia prioM, birj to boylag aad aolllag. I b on hand all kloda f FtiANITUS!. 8TBYES, T1KWA3F, TRUNKS, 890X8, PICTURES CLQSXS, ETC., ETC. - ; Una d.r wastMS Toang'a old atora. L. GOTTLIEB, I3S Flrat atraat. Albany, Or, THE PLACE. Lt . m-an call oa Pane. Btolheis, Grocenes; .'rjaucB, BakBi Gools, Etc. Ktc. i Mr K.Mtu an, li.a liMat and Ikrtr iiioe O'JlllJ litijUt, l kiiiUnr )'i'try, allvt" or tltilt ii(l Kt Hi A'HU'iiMiia I'trklnir ii pny's Storw. Albany, Orfa.J.. f EedCrownMills 80Mf LANXLVU & C9.,' I ioPB m (t rr.iX'M rixtuB iufkkios rob rAxr'-nsa Arr BuutM r. "". iEST STORAGP nCLLlTIES. iliyhost 'Prior,' in . CaiBi fo Whoat rOSfrJAY & MAGON, jirniriMHAnd Booksellers, Agent for John B, Aldari'a pQblioatloca, (iich wi a anblUlier'a prioaa wlti ll'Mtaxa44rxl. ALSAKT, OKEUOJV iWraL i.l imoti r. 1 11133 a ' " " isuaoa aauK. Lafnwa itnaoa 2nd i w Store. erBc tMAW fir TnrymKvJcj aafltaNri M jraara Cnrad IB iXarr Oh Oolunibai, O June , JlSa. TfiTO wBh.rhaual. ra IW tftt one T- TJ 012 ruo atw., UKTAM. kSMa Taara-Cad. Mr, lofan J.nlth4 Inter, ttchtjtn, wi afflloa4.wh rbaoraettna 14 yeara, tit caaa pronoun a4 Utaur&bla by twe-phyitdaoe, but wac ound by 81 Jacob Oil aad baa remained ofiVo year. B. M. QKA&t. Drugglrt. At EaWKJurctAKfl DaAutaa. ' 1R1 CrlkMUtt A oed.t CO.. unUtra, KA First iN&tional Bank - OP ORKOOH. rMl.1wt..... rUIKK Vlu. rrwdwik a, R, YOl'MU Chir..- .... a. w. LAauiH'.l, TTU S Al?T8 A 0 C5 R R A U bait W( aM. AOWKTS XBfT wbjfc " . BIOHT KXtHANHIt ! W rnlo rnrfr, et COIXBCTTOV KADBan t,orht rR aaanea J. I. Yonra, B.w. Loa, t' Bum, L. Fuix, . fiuia I Yvaaaui Linn Coanty Hank, Cowan, lUlston & Cherlaia, ALBANY - - - OREQON TRAXBACTS a gtmrnml baaktnf aariaaai. nuwilflin Dlirriai Uw Yark. ui Via tta enl PorUaad, Onfoa. LOAN MOhcY ve appiarwl mmj METKIYIdMMitaeabJaH atrnk. Bank of Orfgon. ALBANT. - - - CRECOH. .Xa, 860,000. ir DPV1VT PreidJent..... Vice freaident. Caahler J. W. RI.AIN. II. P. MERRILL Sight exchange an4 te'eftreplile trace rar on New York, Han Franoleeo end Portland. Oregon. CoUeetlona made on fhroreble teruia. DR.J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office ur, First and Ferry Hiraata, ALBANY- OREQON OR. C. WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Offloe oppoalie Hie IeaAam. DR. C. U. CHAuiOERLIN, EomsopatMc Fhpiclan and Surgeon Special attention to diseases of the eye. TDffloa'oorner of Third end Lyon 8t, ALBANY, OHECOH. DR. W H. DAVIS, PhysicUn and Surgeon. "Offloa on autre In Urahan'a Block. Way be foaud at hi. oioa aay and night, DR. I. tl?, 6TARR, Physician and Burgeon, LaU ofBrownsrille, Or.'. OAaa at rwnn Noe. 18 and 84, StraLan and i'iaroe'a Biook. ap atafra. Call, promptly adaeded In elty oreoantry. , G. L. GlASttXlAfi, , Jmmiw UK. W.Ltnfden. L)ialer ra DRUQ3( MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES' SO IPS COMBS-. ETC. ... . m. v. t.AeaacEif, aao. w. WRiear, BLACKBURfl & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, VTiH praetie. in all the Coarta of the Stata. r romnt attantiou n to all Kit. os eatiosUd to oar ears. (Ktce Odd Fellowe Temple, Alhanr, Or lot. it j And onni58llor At La? - . .. m KD- - - .Votar Public. ALEA'iT OSECOM ' vili jrv; i I at of tba Court. llUStfl All,. Inua lllt.rn.i. . (j. kl 111 be iroinitly iltcndid to, , ;n : ; . Pflrtiiiilleil: liviiifi FCNERAL DIRECTORS.-' :' ftoapt ltt8ution-First-cIass Hearse SEUn DISEASES mm wmmwm mwm n kllUtll Inflsmmatlnn and IrrltaaVm, an4 afli Sia'lia? mn'" " A-on aa4 imm VHfnmiv. prtC9m 20 cents a Box. ; City, Meat Harliel. 3HULK BROS,, Propristors. Khp a fun Jin of maa(. of all kinda, rn a aool pltaa.'nomplatalj pro twit4; and alwaya frwu'li. Alao hare eonatentljoo Land ealmoo mmnmm w -ITi . t ; " -Vtt jriwwot. ItvaMU nth ft "1 Fa mt.t ivoa f . wmwm m, a 47, tftit fctSJAl til., bUr UU, ft. U eT IT 13 THS CCST. . -J w s i i , In mX h fflCIlL Jmi, BlUTlllSOa IN TUB WOULD. The lnrgost empire In the world i llnt ef Great Britain. The meat cxtennive cavern l the Mummoth e, in t.omonton coumy, ivy, The Chiaene wall it the lwgrst wall in the world, It wt built by the fimt emtero' of the Tain dynaity, aliout 230 n C, eta pro taction agnintt Trtra. The largeit body of lYeih water on the glube UlJtke Superior,' It ia 400 mile long, 160 ruilet wide at Its greatest brcAtlth, and hn an area of 31,000 aqunre mile. The largeit inland tea it the Ctttpinn, l)i between Europe and Asia. Itt create't length it 700 mile, iit grcRleit breadth 170 mile, and itt area 156,800 tqunre tnilct. The largest suspension bridge 10 the world it the one between Brooklyn end New York, The length of the main tptin it I, SOS fucl 6 laches. 1 he entire length of the bridge it 5, 9S9 feet. ' The largcrt bell in the world it the great bell of Moscow, at the foot of the Kremlin. Itt circumference et the bottom it nearly 68 fact and itt heicht it at fect. Its weicht hat been computed to be 443. 77 pounds. ; The lrccl tunnel in the world it that of St Gothnrd, on '.he line of railroad between Lueeme and Milan, The summit of the tun net it 900 feet beneath the surface at Amler matt and 6,600 feet beneath the peak of Kaa telhom, of the St C.otharu grou p. The largest librarry b the Hibliotheua Ka tioaal, In Taris, founded by Louis XIV. It contains 1,400,000 volumes, 300,000 pamphlets 175,000 inanuscripts,3x,OuO mnpe and charts and 1 50,000 coins and medals. The collec tion of engravings exceedt 1,300,0-x), contain ed in tome 10,000 volumes. A cast steel gun weighing 335 tons hat just been shipped by Meirrt Kiupp from Ham burg for Cronstadt. , The caliber of the gua Is 13X inches, the barrel is 40 Icet in length, Its greatest diameter being 6 feet. The range of the gun is over eleven miles, anil it will fire two shots per minute, each she! cussing be tween 350 and 3110. The Sherlft of Charleston, S C, sold at auction the effect et five Chinese laundry- men who had coqie Into the city and open cd laundries. The city charges a license of S10 for Chines, laundries. The five Chlneaeopencd laundries there and ref us ed to pay the license. The Sheriff levied upan their effects and said them. A Chi naanan rained Charles Chin Sang bought the entire outfit for $50, and will rc-eetab Itsh his countryman, in business, but the Sheriff will levy on their effects again and and again until he retllrs lb. entire $500, besides the coats. Most of the washing in U c ity . alone by the negro women, and 'heae have declared war against the Chi nese, - The New Weekly World, the best weekly paper published, the American fmrmtr. sixteen page mom bly, the best farm journal published in Indiana and the DkmocbAT, the beat local newspaper in the Willamette valley all lor the sum of 3.80, Send this amount as and we will put yau on the IU Moot at list lor one year and order tie other two papers teat to yon for the tame time. every friend of the Dxmochat show this after some one who it net already taking the Dkm- OCIAT and that help extend the circulation of hese three papers. aBBU I It is a matter of not much - suq ri-e when the Ortgui and other partisan republican organs make undignified and detracting marks about ex-president Cleveland, but when the Wtn Short which makes pretensions decency and fair dealing towards pubue men reiert to the ex -president t aatniruatiatfeja as one f ' beefy statesmanship" it forfeits all itt claims to dignity and fair dealing. Rutherford B Ilayet is cheerful these days and at time rolls over the bead of the Hani son administraiioa be hat cause to be cheerful in the prospect that when 1893 cornea I! yes administration will not 1 sneered at as tht poorest that the country hat ever experien ced. The Londea Times reduces the previous es timates of England' wheat harvest by 8,000, 000 bushel. Lsdiee shoes, men 1km. m ante ehildransshe('inene boot, boy bm.ta, teas than cost lo make room for other croode ilCK Browntll'e. LEAVENING POWER Of the Tarioiu Baling Powder aHuw trated from actual tett. ROYlL)smwta.mtSBsss GaUUrrtAkna). HAirOBJM (hca fresh) CHARM (Aha PowKr),.SBl AYtt and 0. K. (AkimB tumuairt P10EUB (Sea rrsacitco) CZAB. ....... or. men. now ruKKCror.).. rnswares . ' ' WVMWU .... BECKER'S ...... enfffM BAirOBOt (Xeae Such), when set ftatb. riAUiAadrewsftCe.),,, BOM r08J (Phoephi,'). vbea not fresh... ssMOMt Seporta of Gorezmnest Cliemittf. " The Royal Baking Powder i composed of pure and wholesome IngTedient. It doe not contain either alum or phosphate, or other m-juriouttubgtanceay-EowAJtDC. Lovx, Ph.D." - " The Royal Baking Powder I undoubtedly (he purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. ' He my A. Mott, M. D Ph. D." "The Royal Baking Powder is purest in quafc ity and highest In strength of any baking pow der of which I hav. knowledge. " Wit, McMtntTBisi, Ph. D." , ,.AI Altrm baking powders, no matter how high their strength, are to be avoided as dan gerous. Phosphate powder liberate their goa 100 freely, or under cUmatiq cbasees auficr de terioration. ' " . , Try tho Cure ElysCrc ?am Balm Cleacseatha Bsal Passages. Al laya Inilommtitii ou IlGals the Sores, liostores the Bctj os of Taste, EmeU and Hearing. ApartVtefii!)15, Hi lBtaaaehacwrrfl aad UsyweiMe. Pri-t Kin. at Iwncciwt. e. kr sa.i. KLX iiaomaa VMWarrenbt.,New Yoiiu . ' " 1 " .- I .'PJOSCO'.tS.(X9l0)(l'', ' ; ) TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Mf velntlon Passible. Nkw York, Nov, 15. A private cablegram received tts eveuing, dated Kio Janeiro, ttyti A revolution hat broken out here. The Bras. I illan army it in control, and the ministry hat resigned. The revolution it for the purpose ol terming a republic. .ontirmatory dispatches have been received A 1 buckle Hit and Joseph j O J)ono hue ft. Sops. These diiaatches were received just tter the collie exchanges closed lor the day, he reports came like a cIrd of thunder to the oilee dealers throughout the city, who were made acquainted with them to night, and are j likely to cause serious trouble on the exchange u continued, , ' The Speakership. Wahinoion, Nov. 15 Henry Cabot Loilge of Massachuesettt believes Reed, will have eighty five voles ou the first ballot for penkersmp, wiitcn is no more or lets than a majority in caucus, and that he will have a sullicient number to nominate him on the second or third ballot. Lotlge in nit estimate counts upon ttie lull ilelccationtot New York. rtew l-.ngland, rmnsylvania, the Pacific tlope and the new states, with a few scatterine votes from other sections- Other candidates concede Reed fifty or sixty votes only. . fast Time. Ciiicaoo, Nov. 15,--Six ears of mail mat ter that left New York at 9 o'clock last night, bound across the continent, arrived be. at 13: 44 to-night. The train was running under the new schedule fixed by Superintendent llel , of i tie railway mmi service, ana is expected to make San Francisco in four days, twelve hours and lorty Ave minutes from New ork, a dif ference 01 aaoui one cay in ravor ot the new schedule. Siierintemlent Hell and Chief Get k Urant, wttn a number of official, accompany ine train on tne initial trip. rattle. Skatti.K, Nov, 15. To-day was th. IhHy eighth anniveitary of the founding of the city f Seattle. Only two men are now livin In the city who came on the pioneer boat which brought thiity or forty young men who found ol the city, These two ar. Hon Arthur I) Penny and John Armstrong, deputy United State collector al this port. Tha National tirana. Sai KAMXNfo, Nov. 15. Is the national grange meeting to day much time was devoted to the discussion of the resolution reported by cemmittees. Among them were the issue of paper money, the com ace of silver and food adulteration. An amendment lo the constitu tion was promulgated, authorising more than oae Pomona grange in each county. A ttaddca leth. . Skatti.K, Nov. 14. This morning at sbeut 7 o'clock, just after the engine at Days itros.' mill oae mile north of Snohomish Junction, Ktrg county, had slatted up for the day's business, S tlerrincs, th. eneineer, was in soese unaccountable way caught by the driv ing belt and whirled around with the belt be fore the engine could be stopped, killing htm instantly, tie Wave a wile and tix children. who arrived from the Kast a few days ego, in destitute circumstances. Marmesw ve UeaUie. Salt Lake, Utah, Nov. 14. On February 10 next there will a municipal election in this city. It will be the first road contest between the Mormons and the G entiles 6 supremacy in city affairs thai hat ever been witnessed here. It it alleged that the Mormons have brought in colonizers, and among them many aliens, r or several weckt past the count aave been dai'y employed making new citi zens. None Toe Lear, sa josk, v-au, jov. 14. ian utiroy, a ton of tbc man for whom the town of Cilroy was named, wat reared from boyhood by Mrs Leavesley, now 70 year of age, widow ol Judge Leavesly, a prominent citizen of this county. A tew weckt ago, Dan Udroy, now 36 yean old, while drunk, went to lb. hoaae of hit aged benefactress. She was alone ia the house and the brute cruelly outraged her. lie evaded tht officer lor several weeks, and wa finally captured in a cave near Salinas having had no food for seven days, lie pleaded guilty 10 hi ntrocious crime, and was ibis morning sentenced lo forty years in the San (Jucntta state prison. Black Bart t on fWra. BsKMKi, Mich., Nov. 14, Keimund Ilolhay (Black Ban), on trial for the murder of Banker Flrkbbein, of Belleville, IIL, and th. robbery of th. Gogebic stage, took the stud in his own defense to-day, and made a confession, lie admitted that he robbed the Mitwaakce & Northern ttain tix month ago, held up the Wisconsin Central train at Cadet t, Wis., a month later, and waylaid the Gogebic stage and shot Banker Flckbbcin. A Startllag Item. . Washington, Nov. 14. The president eft this city last night by way of the Baltimore & Potomac railroad. for a few day duck shoot ing. It I not known exactly v. here he hat gone, but it is supposed lo the once famous duck hunting ground ia Mankind, in the vicinity of Chesapeake bay. Six Men latently Lilltd,, 1U nr., Montn Nov. 14. On the construe lion branch of the Northern Pacific, fifteen mile east of here. In lefTerson county, six men were instantly killed, and two others had tt:eir eyes blown out, by the premature explosion of a blast Tuesday night. , A Hold Robbery , no, Or., Nov. 13, A lone highway man held up the Coos bay stage to-day, cut open the letter and registered pouches and rifled them of their contentt and handed them back to the driver and bade him God (peed. ' : Ohio Utrtloas. COLCtm's, Nov, 13. Official return from all the counties in the state have been receiv ed, and the vote on lieutenant governor veri fied, which show ft plurality of 4! Ibr Lamp son, republican, over Marquis, democrat. With the exception of governor, all the repub lican state ticket is elected. Sacramento, Cat, Nov." 13, The nation al grarge of the Patrons of . Husbandry , was called to order al II A M to-day In the as sembly chamber of the capital building by Worthy Master F If Brigham, of Ohio. Worthy Master Russel and wife, of .Washing ton, were inaugurated and duly welcomed as representative of the new state grange of Washington. 'The delegate from the Eastern grange '.California, At the' afternoon ses sion, Worthy Master Bngltam delivered the annual address. - . ; Rmarties. New York, Nov. 13.-Eva Ingerml!, the daughter of Colonel Rotiert G Ingersolt, mar. risd Wabton If. Brown, a local lawyer to-day. There wa no religiout ceremony. They simply agreed in the presence of witnesses to become husband and wife.and sealed the con tract by signing the necessary papers, -Tlie Next Speaker, Wasiumotom, Nov. 13, The Pacific coast AeVgation in congress will be divided on the vote for the speakership. , It it tht t they will Una1 about as follows. Dellavcn, McKenna and Morrow, or California, will vote for Reedj luaiever, of tne same state, lor Cannon; , Teromejin, of Oregon, for liecd; Wilson, of ' ashington, for Burrows; and Bartine, of ' evada, or Connon, Twenty Foil Grown Buffaloes. v Winkweg Nov. 13. Buffalo Jones, of Garden City, Kansas, has secured twenty full grown buffaloes, which will be loaded to-iror-row and shipped U Salt Lake, - Utah. They were secureu at '.iUmy Mountain, after a very exciting chase, They ore said to be excep tionally fine-specimens. If yon have auy job wcrit to fl csli on G W. Bmilhwho is prets v A to' do it with nAataesrgand disnatiV and a cheap as any one. - - Thrs Trade Mai k on a stove means it is th best the t ex perLmce and skill can con trive, gold only by G. W. femlth. i-'. : BnekJaa' Arnica Ktly. "'. U Ttis bast SsWs In th world for Cut, EraU,Pores. Xiumn Khutn. fvnr Bnrw, Tetter, CT M'o.iit'Uitn. Coins, and all Skin Kruptkr aid Z,JkvtM Ues FSim, or no pay required. It to- w ar!ue4 U e'v W'ttxX ttllactioH, or money itvi. , itineiacwBt pr box. r'cr sle by i'unlu. nd i, rrkoeae 'Chlldixn'Ciyfdt THE WOOLEN Mlb!. sMaBaasawstsaaais fall ef Interesting Hacthlnery. A Dsmocrat mart la-day had the pleasure ol going through the new mills in compsnv with Superintendent llatwell. The machinery It nearly all In position and a gned fore, of men It getting it ready far running, but considerable remalnt to be don. and a general cleaning up It In prospect before the main shaft of this Important factory begins turning.. At el plained to th. Dkmockat man by the ex pert Superintendent th. protest of tr.anu. facturlng woolen goods and the workings of th. machinery .Intricate in Itt make up, r. full of Interest but can be better ap predated when In operation. A tread sorters ar. at work In the third floor, where ,are qunntl'y ot wool la already lored, ready for use when work begins, which wilt probably be before th. Istof January. From tba loft it U taken to th. ground floor, where It It scoured, washed.drled and dyed, and on the Second floor It I picked, moated, p'ueked, carded, spun, reeled, warped, beamed and put tbr.uglt a gen eral Intricate process in tome fine looking machinery that taxes our memory to keep more than half track of. Then it I taken down In thread to the first floor, where th. loom ar. located and It Is woven Into calmerct, blankets, etc. But that U not all. The cloth has lo be scoured, dyed, dried, burled, fulled and scoured,and tilled again, dressed, sheared, bolfed, brushed, picked, marked, nrcsicd, steamed and folded fee packing besides numerous oilier little operations that the democrat man lias lorgotten, and, as It Is, lias probably confused. And all this and each operation, take machinery, The machinery is there, lit a remarkably solid building, un ornament to Albanv, and soon a ierge number of deft hands will be manipulating It, The num. from the main ditch I be- Intr built. The water wilt run Into tlx ty-two horse power turbln. water wheel which win put in motion an tne tnacnin. ery. The building will be heated by steam. The Democrat I gtad the mill have an accommodating superintendent who Is pa. tler.t even with dull newspaper men. When the mill start up we shall be on band to bcai the first hum of the machinery. , " I ! IIP It THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. This I considerable of a hot -water world, that Is, If a man la so Inclined he can be In the boiling element ten hoar out of th. twenty -four. All that I n. exary I to tak. offense at .very remark, Imagine that you sr. being pinched, and If th. vane on th. steeple turn Its tall to ward you to get mad and call out the militia. Sen.lble men keep cool. Th number of candidate for city office just now promise to be small. Th. Man About Town ha been unable to hunt many down except such as will be renominated without opposition s yet a very few prom Is. to bob up. It It to be hoped enough excitement wilt be created to get out a big vote a that wl'l be quit, an Indicator at this tiagc ot Albany' growth. Though New Year I not yet here, th. Man About Town ha mde a deep dyed resolution, to the effect that he wilt buy no more book from agent that he doesn't want. This bull doxlng business has gone far enough. Selllhg books Is a honorable at any business, and It should be conduct cd In a way. A majority of peo ple buy books, sign petitions, take out In. surance, Invest In Irish llnen.and contract for elephant and hlppotomuse nearly every day against their sober will. Don t be bull dor cd .and on tb. other hand don't be chut tha other way. There to gold en mean. REAL ESTATE SALES. John Fox to W M Ifoag, lot 4 and E half lot 3 bl a East A .$14,000 Jason Wheeler to ueo Chambcrlln 3J iret 01 lot 3 bi 15. E Piirdotn to John Fox, 1 lot bl 1 j 2600 MCA to Joseph Saic to J P C'avcnder, JJJ, near ttrownsvme W II Kapha to M llulbert, 133 acres ton SKi W.... ....... sooo 1500 1500 J F Maple to M llulbert 106 acre tp 11 H K 4 w ,. W L and J V Maple to Jennie Maple . 9S acre tp 11 SR4 W 3000 Will Collrct Taxes. She.iff Small mon began collecting taieson Monday, No nth, and will be at the lallowlr-g places from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. on the date) mentioned ; Santlam, Friday, Nor 15th. Ixbanon, SsturJay, Nov i6ih. . Watei loo, Monday, Nov tSth. Liberty, Tuesday, Nov 19th. . Sweet Home, Wednetdii,., Nov aUh. Brush Creek, Tliiirsday.'Nov Jist. Crawfordsville, Friday, Nov aind. Brornaville, Satu-day, Nor 33rd. Cen'vf., Monday, Nov 35th. Orleans, Tuesday, Nov 36th. Syracuse, Welmrday, No 37th. Ilarrisburg, Thursday, Nov iSih. 4 llalsev, Friday, Nor 39th. Shedd", Saturday, Nov 30th. East Albany, Monday, Dec and. West Albany, Tuesday, Dec 3rd. The Time to Bur. -Now I the time to buy lot in Verlck hidltlon. Lot are full slxe, 66x110. Can make ten 53 feet otoutofa block, Only a few block offered for sale at $i3oo each, after which prices will be raised. These lots ar. high and dry and are all in line of contemplated mprovemente In the spring. - ' New errant ehi-esa juat trctive.1 at Coi.iad Myi. ' NoTitf.. Parlies Indebted to Mr. E. L. Power; w ill confer a favor by calling on Mr !I Ffilerrlll, with whom hi account have been left, and . settling the same at once. ... , , ... . - (in t Hiblcr A Paisley for r-ur job print ir:. Thay do any and ail kinds of work rn th paeiUhing and job printing line. . Quick work and lew price. . , . , Tit srs going south Kx, " Not acoordlog to enr g.tgrapby. These gease arc eertainly going north. Letter List. Following Is tbs list of istters remaining In the t'aat OfBo., Albany, Linn county, Oregon,' Nor Ilth, Psrsons esIUng for tbM Istters must glv tha '...1 un Wttl.h thsy wars sdrsrtlsad ! ' ' ' . ftwnn, l)r Csrlton Cosdsll, WE Imne.n, P 0 -Kaapp, Mrs D.r Umm, Ur -1 Omar, Carl Prasspar, T If , Peal, Geo E Steghbin, John , " Tsylor, C L Carsnn, Kit load. Sir Emily . ; Ul.avas, Jahn A I - - s- Laaper, Frank Maorv.Mrs W It- Ollenbaek. H 1 . s . PhllUps, Cbss W ' Parker, House Sill, Unry -- Tkomu, Kdeard . R. THOMPSON P i.7 Advice te Mothers. Mr., Wmafow'E Boofbtng Swssjp, lor hlld ran tenth Ing, 1 tbe prewovipsloa 01 ne of tha boat female noes and phyai (ant In th. United Stoic, acd ha bcn aed far forty yesra -vrtth nor-fMtintj noceea by moiiona of msthsrt . for Wjeir blldamn. - Txie; Wwt yoea of terthwig a vmlue la ancafouaBla. H rakeewe - Hi. htld from pain enaea dyaaeitery and JSar boea, grljiiix In th. bower, acid, wind ello. By svfrvg hesvn b so fhe rd It etitw the cnothBr.- IVoo 2Bo. a bof eh. Dr. FUnf Remedy la tho best remedy known rffer lanotoniA, or steepteitanagsi, wbieb afSkM eo many- pawsoie, and which lasut to eo xa amy aswtou HrTewidlaRe, pawsitBJy So kwwnvy. Descriptive areaiiM wash asteh boKle; or.adflrea Mack DragCoN.T. - , Pltclicr'is Castorla." ; II 0)1 B AND ABROAD TKURBDAf. Astoria ha a foolish ghost story also. City ftseorder Ueiiloo Is ooulued t bis home by illness. Mil W U Coolev. af Br.iwssvllls. ia visit ing her tistsr-ia-iitw, Mr U W Wright, of this city . A remarkable event, last liluht J and this noon' Portland trslnt were ou tlni, saining eonsidersble comment. A Portland polio offiasr went Sjalh last nluht after Gibba.the darkey murderer, and 111 probably tak him North Saoday mam- int A Nebraska man has lost all his pusses slons fourteen time by Hr -; This state ment would have tttraoted mure attention and eallrd forth mora cympathy had th. number been put at thirteen. It is now an assured uot thj 11 ilnn I'aoi- fle will build a railroad from Portland te Astoria, It never rain but it pnurn, and Astoria will probably toon have several R It's. . . . ; Five trsmu were arrested tart evrtiint in the Kidttn auburbi of the city, and it is thought they bad a hand in slanting the bnd tahel from the (altxm ef II Baoken- sto 1 h-r beintf no convioclna pieof they ware discharged . Mr YA Zyn, of S.sttlf , I in th bity. Thete is a lk shout KJ wblcb (aye Albany Is Rmid snungh for him, and w predict he ill be a resident of this city again In a short time. Hope n. , The practice of gentlemen taking bold of a lady' arm while walking with her bat bsw.1 suddeuty broken up in Now York by the small boy universally drying out, "lie' arrtstin' br for plukin' hi itocktl." Al baoy jouug man so far behind thetimaaa to do thualy will lake warning. Tha interest taken In Boston in the olos struggle for the baaetall pennant i shown by the following extract from Boston girl' luster to a girl friend in Drnver.writtan just before the close of the senn 1 "It certain y does look now aa if I b horrid New Y01 ks -,u.l win with four thrower, while wehav Only one, little Claaksmi. invwsr. Clark- mn bs th loveliest lag in th world, bat still b can't pitch with bis lajc. if bis arms do net tired avarv dv. If that draadful Buck Ewiug would only break a finger -. might be all right yet. My dress it lust too swsw.- tvooay aioaataia Jt. FRIDAY. W II Gsrrett went p on the O P this moral n g. JE Sorbin, oneoftb prominent citizen 01 uatesviiie. is in tb etty. J O Crawford went totb trout 00 tb. O P to dsv after tome view. The WCTU will bold a Thanksgiving aoeiai leesusy evening, nor 2 jib. Mr MoChetney, th. minsri ha returned trom a live wek trip to Mkneeota. Ii report many eyca turned on Oregon. Tha Mspl boys have avid to Mark Hul- beit their farm, ontwiating tA 230 acr-M,lo eated beyond tne leiipooia, for 97000. Tbc 1 1 for tb. smelter for th Sanliam miuee ha been located oetr (laUcvilla, This means a good dtal for three triors. Mrs Henri tta Brown and Mrs W W Lo gin earn, ep from Portlaad to-day on - eral daya trip, accompanying Mrs W , Stewait home. Many of th. Patron of Husbandry now at Sacramento will pas through Albany on their way Kt. having decided to go bom. tnia way. Ther. ar soms mumos reoertad around town. Among other 00 f th. Democrat's earners I sbunniag sour tblnga.hme delay ana omiMtoa isst biRbt, Mr McDonsli of the Brawns villa 7"iW. ha been in the eity. The Timtt is one of th bast country waekliee tbar-ooma to oar ollto and la a credit to that growing eity. At meeting of the Board of Fir. Dele- gst.s, W ft VVarner.of No 1'a.W E Gillett, of No 2', aad J R Wyatt, of the 11 L Co, ware appointed lodge, and clerks of th Brsmeussiaelioo to held on Ueoember 9. William Stabb wa arrtstad in Albtnv last eveulog for illegal fiabioc at Yainlaa Bey. by running net acme tb. river with out leap. He waa tak en to Cor vailia wber tb. grand jary wilt investigate th matter. ATt?BOAT. Don't fail to lead Bardie's aj. Mtgaifyiog gUe at Preach'. A fine line tf salid silver wr at Frenok' CompaMe, all aty lea and priaea, at F M French'. Quince. 73 cent, per bushel at C E Brw- Prcab wet poUtoa joist received at F L Iteatoa s. Th. "Modoe" yesterday took ou 250 bale, of bop at Buena Vista. If joa want pure, freah drags patrooic the new Drug store, Hon J K Wlhrfor4 baa been in Cor yallic attending Court . Wheat is bow quoted at 61 Y, and oat at 2? eetiU, in th. Albany market. Fiot fountain pns ia tha world for only .OOatFMFrwch'a. A meteorlogieal display is promised ciaetim. to-night, barring too mnoh fog. Sok. th. celebrated Havana filled ci 8 srs, manufactured at Jaltoa Joseph, cigar factory. Only 8 cent. Popular price, CO and "3 et. for "Kitty from Cork." Reserved seats 75 t..for sals at Blsckmau'a Drug Store. Bmuiifal moonlight effsete, storms at ae, in "Kitty from Cork." at Albany Opera Hons. Xcv 18th and I9th. Pig feet, ehestnote, mackerel, chow ehow and several othae fine eatable. Inst received at LaForest St Thompson. Mr L S Hslm, one. resident of Albany, died at Jaeksnoytll. a few lay. ag. Be resided ia Texa for a number of year. . Th. foot rant tn b raa between E G Cameron and W O Trn will tak. plaea ia Maeklerran'a grove next Monday aftsrnooo. New Subsoriber to tb. Youth Companion for 18 '.10 will reneiv. th. paper free the re. mainder of this year. Prie 1.75. F. L. Kenton, agent. . Have your prescriptions tilled at the new drug store. Onr new druggist make a speciality of prescription work. Accuracy and, parity guaranteed. "' ; J Snbaeription for all th. leading new ppr aud magsxine received by F L Ken ton, near the Postoffioe. AH order for wardad without delay. ' Now is tha time to bay overcoat. " Win ter t coming on and It is alreadvtoo coal I to be without .ao. Blaio haa a large and una atoc so soi set irom. ana there 1 so trouble In being suited. . Mr A Webster, who formerly lived in this eity and who msvsd to M irshfUld tarn months aao, has settled at Bandoo, wher. h baa y urchssed tha Ooaan Hons hotel aad is refitting it up for tbe accommodation of those who are seeking a health reaort. Nw carpets in tbe laUst oolora and d. igoi, oil cloths, linolium and wiudow shades just received at A B Mollwaio'a. Partiea wiahing good in the houv. furnish g line will do well to call, aa b ha mad. another aweeptnK reduction and will av yon at least ten per cent en all these goods. - An cflnr of $ 1 1)0,000 a f year haa been mad the U S government for th privilege of nsing the new poataoe stamp for alvr Using puipote. The Democrat warm this grand old government not to even open an ar to such foolish schemes. The idea is ; ;1n thi Lbad. Mr. Julia Gradwoh lead In his business and withes it it.od that h will carry tha finest dock 6 crockery aare in the Valley, receiving hi good from headquarters, and keeping- up with the times In all the latest nov.ltie. H ha received a fine lot of Wedgwood & Co' Newyucht decorated -ware, called ruby ware, handsomest good In the mark et. Mr Gradwohl makes crockery a spec ialty and will meet the demands of the public In any line. Do not tend away for goods but give him a eall. Promikent ft R Mew This forenoon several well known railroad men arrived In Albany on a special train and spent an hour or two looking over the gem city of the valley, with which they were highly pleased. They wer accompanied by Mr Brandt and Mr Koehler, of the S P," - Utterly Drunk. Three drunken la borers were irt the city this forenoon and painled things ted for while; but the Marshal got track of them and changed the color to blue, and perhaps black, as one of them resitted being taken, and received a elightrap on the head, -They had $3.95 all together. IU C!ITER PRECIKtT. A Man Who Was w the Ala-kan, itc,, Nov. ljth, 18R9. Rabcrt Churcli.wlio left hi family here last spring and went lo Portland to secure a jeb, returned last night. Alter goln to Portland he corresponded with hi wife lr torn, time, Anally no letter cam. and th. tel.graphed the Iio'sl where he had been stopping, but lila whereabouts could net be ascertained. His wife bocame al most distracted and her mother, Mrs Rob ert Gilmour, who was afflicted with con sumption, grew gradually worse and I at present very low. Church claims that he shipped on the steamship Alaskan as cook and wrote his wife, but the word never came, Th. ship was wrecked off the con-t and be and three other men were la a small boat for twelve days with out anything to eat. They were pleked up by an Kngtttli vessel and carried to China. Tht account for hi absence. McKnlght Uros had the misfortune to loose another fin. animal, Preble City of Lebanon Junction won't go. We won't have any other name than Tallman for our P. O. V W Crawford went down to D H Looney's stuck and dulry farm last week ami bo'ugtit one of bit registered Jersey heifer. Moill. B. No uuS. Mr Craw- ford ha bren breeding the Jersey for the past few years and has eleven Read 01 grade ranalnu from quarter blood lo thirteen sixteenths. Parties desiring grad ed cows wilt do well to call on him. He ha also added pigeon loft to his place ana n three varictie 01 lancy pigeons, W C Westlake sold renterday hi It am of brown to some Beattln parties. Jesse Swank it having the Henderson house fixed up preparatory to receiving hi new bride. Will ome farmer eive me through the column of this paper hi mode of raiting fall or winter grain, (wheat, oat and hty,) and the yield per tcre per year 01 eacn lor the past lour or nve year. . r Attars. Ilolel Arrivals. St Charles. R Wilson Portland J Maber O P Front r William . O Welch 8 F A Cooper 8alntn W Short Tangent If Suhlstrom R. Cochran T Sllvey Eugene I KhsHer J Robert Fremont Rkverk IIoukk. S WCTiase W II Flske, SF W U Roberta.Port F Craddock, W J Freemster, L F Valne, " II S Chlpman.O PR w II Rider, Lyons U Cornell, Scio U 1'iimjacksonviiie N Kogers.Au'vllle Exchange Hotel. G Taylor Lebanon F Pears-jn Phll'lh II Bergman T F.astman M uitieran T Burke WMmphey J Williams and wife I Sullivan M Cormer W -L Mesplis B Keene llOC'NE. L Dunn V Cox R John Rt'M II W Gldding G Peteraon J R Klrkpatrick.Leb I S Sanders, Port or boo well, uuiiaie. A C Wallace.O City AS McDowell C Dugal!, & Y V J Anderson,To!cd O F Sabine 1 A Short, Cat A G Beck, " W A McCall," II Werlh, Jas Kevden, M Ch Edberg, -J M Ward O S Elliott, Eugene C S En, F L Me Mr M Louse Mr e Anderson Cbarch Mrertety. ' U. P.CiJCRCH. rreachlngevery Sabbath, Dvoral.g and .vcuing by Rev. fV. O. lc vin, D. D. ' Sabbath School at 2:30 F. at Prayer maetiag every Wedneaaday .venlog. Evaxokucal CnuHCH. Prechinj?on 8b bath at 11.00 A. hu. and 7 r. at. balbaB School 10.-00. Prayer tueetine a very Wed- aeaday evening IUv. Jrlsber, paatcR, AH are invited, M. E. Coacn,8orJTiL Preaching every Sabbath norsing at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7- 1 30 o'clock p. M. Sabbath School at290 o'clock r, w. rrayer meeueg n ednesday eveoiog-a at 700 clock, itev. U a uaoiaiter, rastor. M. E-CncaCH. Preaching every Sabbath moraine and .venine. Sons acrric is tb. eveoiog before) sermon. Sabbath School at 2.30 r M. Prayer ensieting .very Thura- dsy ivening. Us v. 3 t. Mstnmgar, pastor, PasastTxaiAX Cncacu. S-vioa ovary Sabbath morning and .veningjia Church eor. Broadalbia and FiftbSta. Sunday School immediately after the morning service. Prayer meeting .very Wr.tneaday evening Rev E U Prichard, pastor. Fiajrr BAmrr CacacH.PrrcLiiiK every 8abbath moraine and v'e at Church on fitb Street Sabbath School rame-liately after morning aervioea. Prayer jneting eyer- Tharadsy evsaiea at 7:30 -lo,k.. Rev. Trambell, pastor. CiORATIOAlCaoc.ervicevjry Sabbath morning and .veoing. Sabbatb Sohool at 12:15. Peayar meeting on Wednesday vniDg ef each week. Rev. Roger, Factor. Christian Church -Preaching every brat Sabbath la month, morning and evaoine, o ll.o clook. Sabbatb School at 10 'eiok,A. at. Ray Humphreys, Pastor. Catbouc CBVRca. Service every Sun day at 10:30 A. M. and 7 r. u. lAst Sunday of tb month service at Eugene City. Ivev. Louit Metayer, Rector. A Sharp Item -The finest line of cut lery and shear In the city at Stewart & Sox'. Their good are th. very best and win tuna the test. KAKRIEO. GOTS11ALL PALRYMPLE. On Wednesday evening, Nov. 13th, 1SS9, a the room ot Dr Ellis, fn Albany, by Geo Humpherr. Esq, Mr D II GoUhall, of Chicago and Mr Dblrymplr, of the firm of Marie Davis & Co.. of thi city. Mr and Mr Gotshall, we understand 111 make Albany their home, Mr CJ. going Into bus!- net here. ' UuKN. WARREN On Nov 13th, 1SS9, toth. wife of G II Warren, In Albany a boy. HOW T3 23 i 3r. Go East via Mouut SUaata, I'.outo. Kic. oiunat. and srtcoary at ail times of tb. 'ar. Sss Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Ogdeo, Salt Laks, Danvar. Finsstloond-alass eara mad are ran daily. Buy your ticketa of in and save year fare to Portland. I am the only person in Albany that can cell yon a ticket to any point ia the United State. : Call on m. for rat. . rT. L.Jbotpr, Agnt S. P. r1 ii V' ait.arw-. s.f"y For sale by Will A Btar, dealers in . flu. .wrtehM. jowrfry, ito, "Wbufiiiiesapuratilta at the Portland Bimnesk jhilleffe, Portland, Oregon, or at the Capital llus fcras Collejre Salem, Oregon. Both schools are esder the maaaBtement ol A. P. ArniBtroiiR, have arsrae course of studies and same rates of tuition. Unfitness, Shorthand, rypewritlng, Penmanship and Rng'-lsh Depart ment. Day and evening aessiona, Studer.tsad anttted at any lime, tor joint Catnlocue, address rsrtlsriA BnxtaiM mitr, ad oipiui liu!u i:f(, Portland, Oregon, balem, Oregron. CAnr.IAGES AT STEWAKl A 0 TV M Uf .3 mo2 l m-cT- 7 IV .ya. .rnnrr,r,jP tw.. "2im V for Infanta and Children. 1 "Caetorl It so wH adapted to ehJ2dre that I rtH cwwVitft. 0ifimimrm. lil So. Oaord XX, XirooxUytt, M. T. TTuLous tojark c nwdicatfoa. Tea CsrrAca CoMVAirr, 77 Murray StrseC, K. T. Combinei tl Juice of tba Bloc Fig of taiilornia. so isxsuve smu muw""! with th. medicinal virtue of plant known to b. most bersefidaJ tothw human ytem, forming tb. -x FECT REMEDY to act genuy yet promptly on th. KIBEIS, LITER 1HD BOWELS An TO CleansetiiiSistsmEffsctaally, W9 TWUkW PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING 8LEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every oneU Ming it and all ar. denijniea wtisiu ;i druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Mani factured only by the CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP C04 taw f SAacisco, Cau LocnviLLs. Kv. Raw Yosat, X. Xs ft awaosi. s a III lie. r .' rr Na,lf WrtiMt "Was att tMsrskM aMar ctttf nvMb ; I w M mm pmrf fe fc, C. AJteras Cm ymMU UABaUfUfi 1 ... mm .ar Aw tmt .iMua YUmmtmrmrf kwl trlmt. XT t 4. pwdU I. wammmm&m .)) tk fftf.r a .last, mmfm mtm. ,roi,.ia,aa, awai . . a.-. tm MW IMm W i. mn. -mrf mm wa. uM. aau . fchall we start YOU in this bust n raa. mtar? WrtutoaM4 toM all SwrMmM. . w. ... .rttft. tn mm. . a mmmt art., aaal kUb. H I will k-abtow ril (9M SvH. atT-SSaaMt m ..Mjaf t fen I mmnuHtrntwr mum t I tmwlm mm ) Mk. h4 n mri ra.a.a ) VMM ltui. fkAtM..!. a..,,..!., h-m MmSmmm .IfcaaM h wvfM, Ura atM. fami-i Swta. ha.w.. Afwa .ui.i LikMl in., mm . t aw umm. A.r mm U Mum mtfnmut mm mmm-mm mTmrn 1.:.,m. MMMn. w U.WW bmmm, war a, par. M., . nu,ua.UMan.S.a wh nr-4KT mrntmt WAMkn m. Lml MMHltmira.. iiaHM MllMf-NM. Lia.aafMHllMMM. V t. ... An .i) .? i.l I la...... M r . ,r I. imamm wm wrtr. um mm. wiO, p.nMMSm h4 awJhfi Sitv SiblM. HmM mmm tmnamlmm. Aflw rM mmow a MlinaHkanHlM.,rtrHkvabfcMl a. v. au.aa w. ai. v... mwm FOR TORPID LIVER. A ferrtrfa ltewr itruro ttto wboleey Siok Headaolio, Dyspepsia. Costiveness, Rheu matisin, Sallow Skin and Piles. Tisero la Isottor rswtteelr fwltiesa ss StlaaaaM tkssas Tut fa Urrr fUU, sta at trial will provo. JrVtecaSOe. Sold Everywhere. Mica of Final Settlement Notic is bfiby giveo that, the under signed Administrator t4 iheecUte of J. J. Davie, dercaaed. ha filed bis tiua.1" aco wnt 1 with the Cierk of th County Const for Lion county, Oregon, sod tb said County Court haa fixed the 5th day of November, 1SS9, at the boar 01 1 o clock, p. tn., lor heartaE" jeetion to said ae.ouot and fur the settle ment of said eatat. This tb. 27th day of Sept 18S0. j. a. dati. J. K. Wrath erpord, .. AdmiDistrstir. Atty for Adininistratri Pinal Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed. Administrator of the estate ot Vjco. W. retry, deceased, has filed in tbe county court of Lin.i county, Oregon, his final account of said estate and the said oourt ha fixed Saturday November oth, 18S9, at t o el'" n t:,e afternoon of said day for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate. Thi the oth, day of Oct 1S80. . . T.J. MCNKERS. tf Aar t he Exolusin Control of o t 5 II Ii Y SO Oh tit X v, u - aa i- mP ' mJ-B -. - tb Aniifon't Mam to efer prtrt to teff ' r -TOB.forrtlU BIST it ACE. twt Cam kooH III O CKE EJI1F Fu'J'.'DS. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ; ALBANY. OREGON. E. J. McGAUSTLAHD; Civil Engineer and Surreyor, DRAUGHTING AND BL8E PSINTS' Office with Orsgo i La5d Co, Albany, Or, Swera j Systrme and W.ter Rupplie a petvlaltY Ktal bill GtrMttd, Mint Tiatio or Copied on hrrt norieo, , 08. 0 A. Wfi!TflEYg ' Graduate of UulUvue Hospital Medlsal Jol'ege Now York City, . v ; - Dit'ftps of woinaj a specialty. ; iSTOffioe, Ft..o't's Brick, AlbAuy, Or. . SAM MAY. S. SENDERS MAY SENDERS. balers in General lerhandise. - KASHISBOSG r CSECOH T41 5av Grain, Wool aad all kiad COSSUXPTIOX EUSELI CURES. : To ths Editor Please inform yonr read, era I have a positiveieniedy for the above mimed disease. l)y its timely use tlious&uds of hopeless eases have been permanently cured. I shall bo glad tp send two bottles ol uiy reme dy fubk to any ol your readers who have con sumption if they will seiui nie their rxpreaa" and pott offloe address. Hcspectfulfv, 1. A. SLOCt'M. ii. C, 1SI t'eart at.Kew Vork. V. y t IkZ -rf d J I - " - ri r 4 rW, wiiinw Kita.. ManWway r I t wiiti -I . mw kmwn W I an, iki.c to Mil as. r a I tiAMif liw hmMMafew .; nri- w- I mum. hmtmm. Ite. 1 I Tiitf s f ii JU JLnJ hii. i.i.liti.iiii ill 1 r 11 ! ..i I.I..IH 1 in 6 mm CQLLS3UTK IISIHWE ALBANY, OHEGON.' 1800, 1080. Vlrst Terws lewseasber lis, I A full twptof lwstraotov CLASS! CAL, SCIEMTIFIC, LITERARY, CCMMERCIAL AM 3 HSEIIAL CLASSES. Coaiwa. ol study arramcwl to mifi ad of all grades) of atudonu. . Sfedcd tmaucommtti offered la tntinii from uhrmtJ. . Talnocj rscM fruti t'.50 to 113, MI Board in privet faitl'U at tow rate Rooms tor !f brlini at etnaJI es'wna A aarefat ntarvii-r) axerciae-l over sjto dU away from bauie. Fall term ofvtn. fjaptomber Tib. for nircolare od ro:t pstiaoiar aaursv too rreiiJern. Sttr. Ar-lT . 'sMiT. Al-any, Oropon ACADEMY ... OF Oar Lady of Parpeual Help. ALBANY. - - - OREGON. Conducted by th. .- - of fit. U.oaxliot. Tlils Aaderny I Joer-rpormtod and o- stiorlEed br tb. ut. to confer aidaile honor.. TJi an arse of atndy Is mmp,t, MatbematleM, Ltteraoir. ami Mmirsn specialties, aaaleeth. Normal 1 ristroaxian al aspirant for teajherV certtEeete. lo- Instruii drawtnr, vocal nna.c in oiaas ana ail kinds of n(ilwnk foriu, no srxiea bare.. Tb. aiaefplino of tb aobool fe graiie out nrm, oojx o.ide iwraa I mat only refined young ladle, bat nb!e and oacful oa.mbar. of anelaty. TmpUm sdsnlisaxl at any Urn and ebsrawo prapoe Roned. fnirflaof any d.nomioasJosi re set vad. '''"' Ttrisionln aeleet dsyaeho-M rang) nwoi For serai or tsoraiug ooaoos or uj nleelareaoply at th. Aaadasny, sr ad- adeaa Vister tapeiiorsM. J.K.WEATHEHFOED, ' ITTORNEY AT LAW. : A MAST. .-'.'. W K BILYEU, ATTOIINE Y AT LAW Aad Solicitor ia Chaaeery ILB1HY. . - - ORECOf. GoUoctlon prornvUT made on aii po'nt IVoaoaaeKotiatod on esonabl.trn.. Mouse: ALBANY, : - - - OREGON PR)PRIETOR, CMS. PFEIFFER fitto-l BP In first-elaaa etvl. Tablsss euppMed tho boat tn tho market. Kio. aisepmi apart mru. issmpi. roony ; lor oommaro At travelers, rrr e rns ta sal frsaa tha '. 3 irfTIFiTtTiiisF IftSv.f' ir,li I m, . ! " .-aw t t ffLiM?'' :U I .. . .... asR 7. .. 'mW' - i a-A. 1 1 ran sals st at a maov - .47 ' When I say Crr.B I do n mean merely to stop them tor a time, and thi-n li ive tiiem re turn aain. 1 MKAS A ILMULAX tXiUL 1 have laade tbe dkcase ct . rirs, EPiiainr o r . FAIXIIia SICCTESS, A Kfo-lonjf itody. I wahraict my remedy to . CURS the worn esses, liecauae others huve fiiiteil is n. reason lor not now reei vine ar.unv . M-od at once lor a treatise and a Frkb Tion L. Of Mir ISVAI.U3I.B Kkmkot. Give Exprc.-.S nad I'o-t OtiirK:. It costs yon nnthicg lur a tint It will cure you. Adtlrcea - . . oot, a.c., it3PEMtST,r:YeiK PiTENTS tainad, and sll othar business tn th V. &. Fstsa nlcaattandedad to (or moderate tees. ' OuretSeeisopposiS th 17. B. Patent Offioa, and we can obtain Patants kas time than those ramot rom Washington. - 8aad madia or drawing-. Wa ad- to ablhty fraaof charga ;anti wemaaa eharga unles w. oouua patens. . . - ;s - W rater here, to th Postmaster, th Sept. ef If one. Order Iriv. and to official. olthaU. R. Patant Otfioo. For circular, advice, tartna. and - alerenees esotualdieutsla your own Slat or county, vddrea Co A. SNOW & CO., J oppoalt Patmt Office, Washington, D . 8D0C3 OF FOIsH COD U7IH CI ass nYPiDPncspiims Almost a9 la!atable as!k. So dlsa;ilset that it cssk be taken, alg acted, aad sasiaollatael by tha aaaat MsssmT stoma ola, when tba plata ail eatiBot be tolerate) 1 and by tba eav btaatioa ef tl oil with tba aypoBaoo, pbltea ta xaaekt mam eiUcavetoeis. ; BemuUble ii -fJeiJi pra25tr. ' . ' Posses gala itpldly whUs tsllrs it'' ,' ECOTTS EUTIuSION ia acknowledged by Physicians to be ha Finest and Best prepa xatioa in thi wori i for the relief aad care- ol COKSUSSPTIOM. SCROFULA. CEMSRAi, OESILITY, ASTIJSQ CISSASI!;, CfSACSATIOfi, COLDS nd 3;:aCIQ COLCH3. Th great rrmijf for Cbnnmptivi, and Watting in Chiltlr m. dld by oil Emygidi. 6AWING. Wood vred on short not: anywhere in the eitT. T- -tilar prise. Order left at Browne 4 4 ..anfcra'sr1.'.' -pronaps:iy a tnd to 1 1'ur i t r Li U d sJu ra nn n i n P u3 LsasaJ Vj kZ2 I 1 (