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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1889)
Qtmatmt, mt FRIDAY- ...AUGUST ?3, 1889. 8TITE3 & R lllsrs I NUTTTK3. t rserlrUr. LOCAL RECORD Two Good Schools It I with pleat urc that the Democrat call attention to the advertisement of the widely anJ favor ably known Portland Business Collcge.and IU associate school, the Capital Business College ot Salem. Doth these school are perfectly equipped for the work in hand and offer superior (acllltle to thoe who desire to take either a business course or a shorthand course. Hundred of their form er student now occupy responsible post lion In various section of the Northwest both a book-keepers and stenographers, Mr A P Armstrong, the manager of these institutions, is an experienced ami success. educator, and is doing grand work In fit- ting the youth of our land for business careers. At thk Depot. At the Depot Monday a Democrat man saw a couple handsome Egyptian pheasants being shipped by J F Dunaway to Tacoma. A rarity, but hardly equal to our Celestial birds. Also five rolls of leather on Its way from the Eugene Tanning Co. to Sin Fancisco. Also a large lot of tin on It way, In charge of Mr George Saltmarsh to the farm of John R Smith, this side of Leb anon, on the railroad, where It will be placed on Mr Smith's new and handsome mansard rooted residence. Business Goon. Albany merchants are buying larger stock ot good for the fall and winter trade than ever betoie. A live business winter is anticipated. This will oe in keeping witn trade up to trie pres ent time. The general verdict Is that It Is better than ever before In the history of Albany. Merchant generally report In creasing sates, ana an seem prosperous. There has not been a failure here for year anJ there i no telling out at cost, except to clear out old stock. Left a Fortune. Mm I C Dickey wife ot ex-Sheriff Dickey, has fallen heir, to about $30,000 by the death of her fath er In New York State, who left an estate valued at about $100,000, which will be divided among three children, M r Dickey being one ot the number. The Democrat was Informed of Mrs Dickey's fortune sev eral weeks ago, but was requested not to mention the matter at the time. Mr and J Mr Dickey will bo East to attend to the settlement of the estate. Police Court. Saturday Jos Dcmp y wa arrested for bcln disorderly at Mr Bush' house and wa fined $5 and cost, paid In the Caliboose. Sunday a fignt ot First Street, between Lyon and Dakrr, In which John Dalton and Jo Boles.two harvest hamls.were par ticipants, resulted In each being fined $5 and CO.IS. There were sis arrets last week, must being for vagrancy. It Was a Crime. Governor Lowi-rv, of Mississippi, has preached a sermon against prize fighting of more weight than ail other combined He ha given the death blow to this brutal hu-lne.s in tSe United State. Bull fight were excluded long ago,and now prize fighting must fol low. Saturday John L Sbliivan.rhamplon of the arorld, on whose animal brow the fistic crown rested, was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary at hard labor. He Was Innocent. Recently a tramp printer In Albany was accused of stealing a couple of watches, and a warrant was Is sued for hi arrest ; but being a good tie counter, he escaped ahead of fie officers and hid In a Salem print shop. It is now learned that he was entirely innocent, to the credit of the profession. Hit greatest fault was the same old storv, "he would get drunk." Business Chance.- Mr Harry Stan ard ha sold hi Interest In the grocery store of Brownell & Stanard to hi part ner, who will hereafter run the business alone, Mr Slanard contemplate returning to Brownsville to reside, perhaps to ruiv. farm which he own near that Mr Arch Blackburn, a popular clerk, will as sist Mr Brownell at his popular cory. The Harney Covxtrv. A paper say people are leaving the Harney country for anywhere, just so they get away. The dry ssason wa a death blow to crop, and the farmer being poor couTd not stand it for three season in succession. Some of them went even from the never falling Willamette Valley. Times Change Eighteen year ago we were offered the lot on which the Windsor hotel block now stands in Den ver for $25 each. The lots could not be bought to-day for $y3floo.Vaqia Jtt fublkian. Don't cry about It. We all apr re elate the fact that you did'nt have the $25. The Toi'RXAMEvr. Rescue No a held a meeting last Tuesday and de.ided to send a hose team to Tacoma to pat tic'pate In the fireman' tournament Atlorian. It may be depended on that it will be a eoodteam. Albany should (jet in and do something now, for the time for training is remarkably short. Humorous. The following Item from the Independence paper I so laughable, that we give It to our reader at the regu lar price t "R P Boise ask the modest sum of $1,000 damage for a county road through hi farm near Dallas, which I assessed at $3 an acre." Sewess. Lincoln. Neb., In advertising Itself, make very conspicuous the fact that It has thirty miles of sewer. This con tains some food for Albany to digest. A city was never known to have too many sewers.and can have nothing that will ad vertise It more. A Yolko Bigamist. Polouse W T ha youthful bigamist. He Is not yet old enough to vote by several year and I the husband of two wive. The last one was only 13 year old, hut nevertheless she kipped with him and the authorities are hunting them. Forck Arrested.--A McMinnvllle despatch to the Ortgoniau say t "The forger, Rlpple.l In jll he-e. lie I want. d at Albany lor a II ke ofTenae." Thl Is evidently the man who forged A II Mar. snail's name to a check and sold it to Otto Salinger several weeks ago. SruxiiaTic Reasoning. An Albany man icasons sylogisticallj as follows: Albany Is full of boys doing nothing, It is .Ilo full of Canada thistles. Put the two togather and the city will be rid of two great nuisances, Idle boys and useless thistles. Warehouse Burned Two Ware houses containing wheal were burned on the Narrow Guage near Sliyerton Satur day, one belonging to Jas Down, and the other to C N Scott, Receiver of the road. Tothe St ate Fair. Ticket will be old te the State fair at one half regular rate. Thl I the most noerai raieoncreo, and It will be an extra Inducement people to attend, particularly from a ance. for dit- Good Price. Ubb Peters, one of our leading fanners, living near thl city, o!d Monday toPortland partle 100 ton of hay vnr 11 moth v he received $13 per Ion and -h.r hav So per ton. The hay wa baled of courae. N Wood. Wood wanted on subscription -t thia office at once. Let those who have promised wood deliver now. jTorn To the wife of Albert Cooper In thl city, Aug. aoth, i8So-a girl. The Editor". The Salem Sittenu has manufactured a program for the edi torial association to meet at Newport, and biln g In Albany and Corvalll follow: "Bob Johnson, of the Corvallls Wr.wlll read a poem on beauty, using himself as a living example. The local et'ltor of the Albany Democrat will then appear in a ult of clothe manufactured at the Albany woolen mill and explain with flowing ora tory,'IIow we Encourage our Industries," Bro. Train, of the VArnA. will be Invited to form a set of resolution embodying the Granger' platform, which will be duly adopted and the meeting will adjourn un der a benediction from Tom Sutherland, of the Sunday IIVAiwwc." , A Pkcilar TiiREsmsa . AectrK"NT. What might have been a tcrtona accident happened to the threshing crew of Kirk & Co, at Bill Smith' place, last Saturday, A pin fattening a knuckle of the tumbling rod came out w hilo threshing The horse became frightened and started to run, some ot the team became tangled up and fell down, other tumbled over etch other, w hile other broke loose and started oft at tached' ton sw cm. 1 no Moore was driv ing, and after losing ali control over the horses jumped for dear life. There were no holdback on the horses, and when the pin tlcw nut the sweep struck against the horse which became frightened with the above result. Brownsville tr.. Loxg and Short IlAtL.An English mechanic, who I a recent atrivut In this city, siys the 'Vrjjotw'ns, has come to an understanding regarding the meaning of long and short haul clause, a applied to freightage and transportation. He had his tool chest weighing perhaps aoo pound', shipped from Liverpool, England, to Portland. The freight charge was $1.50 This is the long haul. Here In 'ortland he hired an expressman to take his too! Cheot a;ross the liver to East ortland. The expressman charged him $i.2C, and hi hos come to the conclusion that this is the short haul. In comment- ng upon the justice ot these charge he has nothing but "d:imm" t sav, when he refers to the short haul clause. Thkir Own Race Track. McKnlght Bros., the well known hone men have a race track of their own on their farm near Spicer. They are training Oneco and Al tago, is well as several other Tine horses nd may enter some of the fall race. Oneco and Altago are among the finest orses In the Valley and already have crt lalile record. Much is due to these rusti ng horsemen for the Improvement of horse rlcsh In Linn count v. . Kindergarten. Two Kindergarten schools are being organized In Albany with a prospect of their consolidation. $j mouth Is the p. ice charged, and only a forenoon session held. The system is n good one, but a Inrger number could attend were " the price less. P,Acnes. Fine Crawford peaches are told In marktt fr So cent a crate. About three crates make a bimhcl. Shaking of peaches it is a tact that thoc rained around Albany have a much finer ftivor than any Imported heie; and as for loi ls they are no wall flowers. Fixe stone t'n.t.AR Frjik Wood has built him a stone 0 liar baik of and ad joining his residence that will prove to his wife a thing of beauty and a jny forever. The stone ci mn fiom Ids quarry across the river and this structure adds another proof o? the fine working quality ot the tone from that quarry. Rents. A $1500 house and lot In As totla rentu for $iSa mcnth, In Portland, Seattle and Tacoma for about $30, In Sa lem and Albany for about $15. While a house that costs $500 to build will rent for $10 to $12 here one that costs $1000 to $1200 to build will only rent for i t. The highest rent paid In Albany fur a residence is $25 a month. Decioedlt Big. Hubbard comes tothe front in the competition fcithe premium lor the largest vicia ot grun say a cor- respondent to a Salem paper from that place. J O Dennis threshed from six acres of fall grain 4 10 bushels ot A I wheat, be ing a yield of 68? j bushel per acre. Who can beat northern French Prairie ? High Prices. Thcie is a place in Linn county where $3 so a bushel I paid for potatoes and $60 a ton for hay. This Is not a sensational item, but a fact atone can ascertain by taking these articles a few miles bevond Breltenbush.on the line ol the Oregon raclhc Ax Ice Machine. C H Hewitt, former ly ot'Albany, and William Johnson, both of Portland, have Invented an Ice making machine, w hich it is claimed will do away with the pump and requireonly about five per cent of the present power. With the machine every householder can manuiac- ture his own ice. A Double Purpose Commander Mc Elroy and several other Oregonian,mem- bers ot the G A R., left Portland Monday for Milwaukee, ostensibly as delegates to the National G A R, butwelt, really they are all going to do some lively rustl ing for Oregon. A Business Collp-gk. The Democrat has received a prospectus of Ihe Empire Business College, of Walla Walla J F Stubblefield Is instructor in the business department and penmanship, and Mr Htiibbh field in short hand and type writ- lng,both formerly of Lebanon,in thlscoun- Will Begin RunnincTIic street car track is being swept and cleaned pre paratory to beginning the running of cars, which will happen next week probably at the front end. The money boxes expected several day ago have not yet arrived. By the way those were the only part of the cars manufactured away from Albany. Hops Geo W Hubbard, an old Cali fornia hop buyer Is In the Valley, and will make Salem hi headquarter. Hop pick ing will begin It a few day, earlier han usual, end pickers can not be too careful In doing good work, as t'.te sale of the hop denendicon'tlJcrabiv on it. in L.inn coun- tv the croo look good and Ihe prosrect I that a fair price will be paid. Talmadge. Several Albany people ay they wl'l go to Salem to hear Talmitge, a It will probably be their only chance. The iwoole of that cltv can reciprocate by com 1 - In? to our hospital when built. Ticket for the lecture can be cure 01 j- v 1 uui-g. Gone 1 lie snow near mc ir.. I t T- . I office that advertised aCaucasslan woman, genuine Mermaid lassoed bv the good ship Mariposa and an immense snake on the outside, and gave a runcrt ami juuy entertainment on the Inside, has gone. The Editors. The Preas Association meet at Newport on Friday ,and It I anti cipated that about forty editor will be present. It promise to be the most cue cessful meeting yet held. The Exact Day. We neglected to meotion the fact at the time that last Fri day was the exact day on which the world wa to come to an eno. we are an nere yet, though. Arm Broken. Last Saturday Paul Bell, a farmer residing near Harrisburg, fell from a ladder et against a wood shed, breaking the two bones in his left arm at the wrist. 8'eepIrsHitesib Dr. Flint' Remedy In the best remedy known for Insomnia, or slenpiemna, which aflltots so many persons, and which lead to so many -rioua nervous diseases, particular!? to InsHnity. Descriptive treat im with each bottle; oi.aajres Mack Drug Co., N. Y. - FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEEING MA CHINE.BE3T MA CHINE IN. THE )!. a Ml - , - I -i ' it. in s of Scatik!.ikn-'.!u!.h and .vkaue Fall, 'he clang of a iie UA entile people. At 9:15 last Tuesday the Albany Are depart, mettt was culled on to attend to a SjJyH blaze In the southern part ot the city. A small frame, valued at about $100, be longing to the Oregon Pacific, wa burned nearly to the ground, a stream through 550 feet of hose from No. t'a charring the remains. It had been occupied by Mr. Brown, a widow, who moved out during ths afternoon. In cleaning up and burn ing old trash It U probable spark were, left that finally blazed Into a Are, There wa nothing to Indicate Incendiary work. Al bany I not an Incendiary city. Tiiohjc JeonLERa. The Corvalll Tima devote forty line to the man and woman recently In till city giving juggling exhl blllons.telllng of hli getting drunk.the wo man' actions, the missing ot a $5 piece at a hotel, returned by them rather than suffer arrest.and winding up with ! "The officer notified them to leave town Imme diately. They procured a small bout, and accompanied hy a young man who ha made Corvalll his Dome tor some monuis, pushed out l-ito the Willamette about an. m., and floated off for pasture new. It will he well tor the town down the creek to keep an eye on them," Electricity. Superintendent Goff I at work Improving the electric light sys tem generally. Largo weather cap are being added to the globe, cable wire at tached tor lowering them,whlch will here after be dote by crank. A large number ot new Mght will be added, the Increased power permitting of this, end the matter ot adding two more light tor the In the western part and the other In the eastern part, will be considered. A Timhkr Track. A survey Is being made by the Oregon Pacific surveyor from Rock Creek to Gatcavlllcand thence to Meadows. It Is proposed to lay a track, the object being to reach the heavy tlm- j bcrofthat region. In the meantime the comtnuni'v Is anxiously, patiently, good humorcdlv, hopefully and confidently waiting to see a rush made toward Boise Uty. Ccncrete Walks. In addition to the new M.-isonlc temple and the Froman tlock, Hoffman & Grant have received the contract for putting down a concrete walk In front of Stewart & Sox'a. It will make a continuous walk from the Mo Farland block to Ferry street, excepting In front of the Tate Block. The west end la keeping up with the times. A Ride The local editor ot the Drm ocrat and family might hayc been teen on Wednesday taking a complimentary ride in Dr Negus' new family earriagc,)ust received from the East, tor hi stables, on Fourth Street. It is a neat, easy riding that it I a pleasure to navl gate In, and the Dr has some fine team at hi stables to go with It. What it will Take The Street Car Company liMshccn besieged with applica tions for petitions as driver and stable man. It u I.I take four horse and three men to run the car, and there will be no trouble In tilling the positions As an II lustration of the business of the road It may be remarked that it will take about two hundred passengers a day to pay the running expenses ol evrn this short line. Given Thkm Away. A quartette of Albany prlnters.consisilnj-cf Harry Pre ton.Wm Stite.E C Kirkpatrtck and Frank O Dorrls, did Corvalll In fine style Sun day. They drank "pop," smiled on some of our girt and returned in the evening feeling a happy as If they had found a "It" at six bl'.s a thousand and double loaded at that. Corvalll Timet. All Slang, The boy of to day talk mostly in slang, not much to their credit. A Democrat man heard a sample at hi heel when going from the .Ire last Tues day. By gol," said one boy, "didn't we kids skin alongnvhen wj heard the bell ring." -You bet," aid the other. For Sale. Twenty-two feet front on Second street. Best location in the city. Price, $Jioo. Inquire of Dr Maston. Got It AGAix.-What f Why thefm- est lot of fresh smoked beef in the market. Chirred to order. Also a fine supply of our fumous gold medal cream cheese. WILLAMKTTK l'ACKING l-O. Monkv to Loa. At a low rate of In terest, on good farm property In Linn county, or on best Improved city property In Albany. Apply to Blackburn & Wright, Albany, 'Or Bk;oest Yet. 10,000 roll of wall pa- r, W."'. vii-itfli'M. llMet decoration just c - : jive.' U FjrtmillcrJt Irving' A Sharp Item. The fnct line of cut lery and shear In the city at Stewart St Sox'. Their good are the very best and will stand the lest. To New Cowvas. We would sy that are have no baits to elve vou. but ve do guarantee Kood value for your money and we kindly solicit your patronage. Brownell U Stan ard. Hot Wea xher Items. Keep cool. The finest refrigerators In the market at Stew art Si hot . Buy one now, All size of ice cream freezer at Stew art & Sox'. Purchase one and manufac ture this delicious dish at home, All Persons. Indebted to the late firm of Brownell Sc Stanard arc requested to call and settle at the store of C E Brownell without delay or make some satisfactory arrangements. Abbey's Addition. 54 lot in'thl ad dition to Albany, near Hackleman's 3rd addition, for sale, at $50 to $125 a lot, at Curran U Miintcith's. Cheap Collars. Best Boston team collar only $ j.o each at E L Power's, next door to Democrat office, Call at once, a Mr Power is getting ready to close his store, having located In Tacoma, rahiim. Th finest line ol bahv ' carr- -.(i-s In the Valley lust n zelvcd at Stewart . , p , . r-m.rtab v ,hcao con, ,lderlng the superior quality of the carrl- ge. Struck Oil At Si.a? per gallon can aest Standard oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.' tore. Go to Ilibler k Paisley for your job print jDat. They do auy and all kind of work In (be pooluihing and job priuting line. Quick woru ana kcw prices. Lare Curtains. Lace Cnrtaia. I have just received my fait stock of lace curtains bought direct from Importers, the largest stock ever brought to this mark et, and best value tor the money. SAMUEL J. V OUNG. "Nothing to Kqual It." I havebeeu soiling Simmons Liver Regulator for tbe paat nix years. My customer pronounce it tbe best ever nsed. One of my customers whoso health wa in wretched condition from a very bad and atnliboin ease of dyapopala, need the Kgaiaur ami was enu.eiy eared, 1 nn K it n myeir lor torpia liver, can ed by clos e confinement, I find potblrg to equal it and uigniy lecornmona it ase, Keftpecuaiiy, C.P.H issT f Druggist, Edlnbnrg, Vs SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW .'tOODS AT tor thv l.'auc.vf. A TKAN&TATION, gum Meen l'huii." The ancient Chaldcet made much more progrest In science and discovery than It generally thought. Stray tribe of the great nomadic people of Atialiad reached America, The spherical rotundity ot the earth wa believed and it wa known that America wa right under Ihe feet ot the Magi In their own country. At usual with the lear.ied of that age, all the ex. ploratlon and fact of science were con served to the priesthood with monastic severity and If evei It wo given out to the common people, It wa under the specie of a rhetorical figure or a religious tradition. One day these Chaklccs, or Culdee, a they were called In Scotland, were In sol emn conclave, deliberating upon the gen eral date of thing among the people. It wa generally agreed that some fearful possibility ot future punishment must l.e conjured up ( or the people would go ac tually to temporal perdition. A grave old Magus spoke. "There I a country right beneath our feet. Between us and It the horrible Styx, the surging river ot fire whose overflow I the lava ot volcanoes 10 go direct to that countiylt to go through eight thousand stadia of cooking rock. Of course we.know that the road to It I worse than the destination ; but we may omit to specify upon so dreadful subject. In that country the wheat burn up. The corn blade roll Into cigar. The dust of the ground Is part of the climate, It Is an atmosphere ot Itself. The people have a small outlying pre-emption on each cheek. The dust I an alkali. It eat oft thjlr hair. It parches their skin. It give them the un grin t unlit their nose all urn up so tar that the nose and chin, In old age, meet around the other way Trees east their leave before harvest Fowl die ot thirst. Cattle go about with their joint crying like an old Mlssoui spindled wagon, In on the last two months' drive to Oregon, Dog walk on their tongue. Men get trusted, expect Ing a harvest. Drought, Are, :nut and priority claim consume It j and the labor er ha to do without tobacco and remain out ot the circus. Great fire, outdoslng Pestctigo, or Chicago, or London, or Rome, lick up their cities. Engine Are their grain fields. They hear the wolf at night 5 and they say, 'It I a token.' But the next day rlcs ; and the brassy sky.the Infernal north wind continues the fell work of ruin, lite wells give out ; and the sorrowful Inhabitant ask the saloon keeper tor empty barrel that they may haul water from the waning river. They haul It eight mile through the blistering sunshine and ihe oven blast. The it they drink It, thick with microbes of death ; for did It not wash two thousand mile of sheep ano came range. "Enough ! r.iiojiMi ! cry all the Magi. I hey agreed to menace the pec pie with a bondage eternal In this awlul place ; unless they behaved themselves and paid their quarterage. They gave It symc name that, to them, wa lull of om Inou meaning. Of course the priests meant that emigration to that country would be the fate ot the wicked. Things worked well. The name that they gave to Ihe place prepared for the devil and hi angel were short in kccplt.g with the sim ple character of language at that lime; and It served to make curse emphatic until this day . Some polite scholar ug- ?;eted Sheol and Hade j and these words tad a little humorous run j but the old ex plrMlve that opena with an aspirate that sizzt like a bullet, ring through the short sound of E, with Ihe leeth shoeing, and ends with the reverberation of dauble L, remains the favorite, when the heart has ita mood. In course of time, the last of the Ma gl was on his death bed, fie wa heard to murmur, "The end justified the means, and yet, and yet ." One of hi faithful attendants drew near to com'ort him. He signalled silence. The old man's lips moved, and he said. "Not Oregon." I No one knew what he meant. The com mon people were not skilled In spherical geometry, and the fact that the pcifccl op position In the nadir would ml. Oregon by the width of the Columbia River wa lost to them. The old man conscience goaded him to one mortal effort, and he shouted, Hell 1 Wah -ng-t'n-U try." HI voice rang; out with awful power at first. only to dwindle and rlpplelnto sibilant and guturals, and brogue tothe end. The obsequious attendant made reply to the only part of it that he understood, lie said, "Oe it far from your grace ever to go there. Turn our thought to Heaven. The old man lay thinking. He thought, "and must they' learn it true character only ty going there t Colon. ' UE.V, EST AY a. tt A l.KH, SMMV C M Hamlllon to W II liilycu, lots 47 and 48, Sclo $ 5 ijoo 20 J A Uilycu to W II liilycu, lots 19, 30, ai and Ziand part of 32,Seio John Sotr.mervilte to II A Davis, 3;i acre In Tp 15 K 4 w Herman R Schulta to R Schullx, blks 1 and 3, Schultx front add to.S Albany O & C R R Co to J and K Warner, 40 acre G T Cotton to J F Hyde, part of lot 3, bik 11, R' 2nd A.Lebanon. Chrktlna McRao to Mr N ) Walter t-vo parcels In To 13 S Raw.. J P Wallace to W L' Wallace, 20 acre In D L C of A Kee T N and A E Wills to I W Johnson 340 acres, Tp itSRtw 'So 400 250 5000 800 3000 100 Geo W Pugh to Charlotte Wagner, N W qr blk 15. li t and A, AI. banv JJ WJiltney to Cyru, sundry lots and parcels, Albany Wm Cochran to school dist 52, sun dry parcels, Brownsville The Ladle Delighted. The pleasant eflcct and tbe perfect aaf ety with which ladiea may use the 1 quid fruit laxative. Hyrnp of Fli, undt-r nil eondltlons, make It their fWvorlto remedy, It is pleasing to tbe eye and to the taate, gentle, yMertWtual In actlug on the kid neys, liver nod bowel. Tracker Examination Notice is hereby given that the regular public quartcly examination of teachers for i-lnn county, will ' take place at the Court House, in Albany, commencing at noon, Wednesday, August s8lh, 1S89 AH teacher desiring examination w ill please be present at the beginning L M Curl, Co School Sup't. Why ? Why do you not go toj Water loo A a aummer reso-t it I unexcelled.. Good level ground, good shade, excellent soda water, good hotel accommodations. Board and lodging from $5.00 to $7 per week to suit customers. Six mile above Lebanon on the Sautlam river. I will be at Lebanon every Saturday at arrival of train to convey partiet to Waterloo. Good feed (table tn connection with hotels J. G, Gross, Proprietor Waterloo Hotel. Thl Trade Mai k on a stove mean It Is tht best that ex-, perlcnce nnd skill. can con trive. Sold only by G. W. Smith, A 88 ECSSOR'S NOTICE. -JTotlcel here J by given that tbe Board of Kqnall" ziuion will attend at tne ornce ot tne County Clerk, in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, on Monday, the 0th day of Sep tember, nw, ana puDiioiy examine toe assessment roll and ooireet all errora In valuation, dsscrlptlon 01 qualities of lands, lot or other properly. Z. B. Mos, - . Assfaaor. Fin line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyo9 and Hob sons 'special bargains I CHOP IVIATKEH ISCLLKi lM KO.. U. Oregon State Weather Bureau co oper ating with U. 3. Signal Service Central of flee, Portland, Or,, fur the week ending Saturday, August 17th, 18891 , WEATHER. Cooler weather prevailed during the past week, the temperature being about nor mat. No general rain occurred except on omuruay, wnenm western uregon a light L-- 1 , i . .. . shower was generally experienced. At Portland Irl. tho flr.i ,U Tunai.iih nn tk. fm tiiht june3utlt. (Jn the 14th a light shower w- ...... ..... ..., v.,. frill visnuiJ hiiu tiuainuuK conn- ties, instant tnunacr was nrara at forest Urovc on the 16th. The ttnoke continued to obtcure the lun .In.,.. ,ti .-. .!,.. 1- -.- v s us wt vi iima vwa , w.,. n....Mv, ..w vvi range, in rrts tna vascaue range the fire are driving the sheep out . - . . M , nd doing much damage to them. wiikat and mats, llarvcailng I gradually being Mulshed an.l I.,!!--!. it.M, I....1-. 111 and report Indicate that better yield, were nau man wa expccte-l. ome section eport a fine wheat yield, other shrivel - cd condition of It. Through Sherman and Wasco counties wheat I yielding from 4 i .. r . .... w 14 uusncis per acre. jn attuunt 01 tile alnin.t Inlnl fnil.ira In Ilia ikttaat . .1 - crop ot Mainour, t.rantantl crook coun-l tie, no railroad and transportation la hlirh. the price are extraordinarily hluh. wheat selling as high as $J.oo and oaU $i-3o per bushel. The I mpqua Valley wllljhave a larger number of bushel of wheat to export than Ut year. HIW faOIJUCTS. it 1 reported from Salem that a two year old fig tree has this year produced line fig. At Pendleton sorghum present a nne appearance. Home cotton is being successfully raised In Ihe northwestern part of t matllla county. Practical tests may demonstrate the fact that flis. sor- f;huni and cotton can be profitably grown n certain sections of the Ktati", thus adulng tiirce more prouuets to me aueauy long i sim variety, WnTKK. Water I verv icarceln Eastern flri-irnii All springs and most of Ihe Creeks are dry. Well are itlvlnir out a id water hi to be nauied lor all purpose lor many miles. raosr. Report continue to Indkaie a good leld of fruit. Large quahtltlc are be- ng shipped and atl fruit are of eood quality and l4C, Apple were In section Injured hy the blight. Plum are very plentiful and prune are In place some what smaller than usual, but an Increased quantity. I'cathcsand pear are unuau. ally plcntlf jl. VKGKTAIILCa. Potator will be asl.oilcron. the dry weather cut their yield down-fullv one. third. Onion, heels, cabbages, corn, mel ons, etc., are In cc-kI condliloi,. The weather for the past 3 week has been favorable lot hem and larre titles are ex pected. II. S. Pagur, Observer V 8 Signal Service. IM MLSOKIAM 0. 7.. Mcrgan, son o! Miller Morgan, died at hi home In Paisley, Lake county, Or , on July Jist, tSSy, at the age of 39 years, 11 months, 3 day. When the Savkx- shall come, oh our loved one. All the want and Ihe sorrow and care, Wi:i pas end not be remembered In the houe of the saved over there. There' a hope that' Ucyopd every other. And it whUpcs of heaven anJ home. We are waiting the time, oh our loved one, The time when tbe Savior shall come. Earth's hvway are Ihorny and dreary, And life's burden we ve carried them Ion : But we think when we're friendless and weary, Of the home land of light and of song. We lift up our lieart to our Father For gract! 10 endure and be strong. But we long for the llmeih our loved one The time when the Savior shall come. Some time there'll be ret for the weary, And some lime the burdens will tall, And the path where we've tolled and grown weary. Wilt not be remembered at atl. The joy that out weigh every other I the rapture of heaven and home. We long for the time, oh our loved one. The time when Ihe Savior shall come. A Sister. UN THE KOtTHKRX UOLNDAUY. Mr S G Thorn pon of Monroe, Benton County I visiting In thl neighborhood. Mr J O Douthlt, who for many year lived near the Southern Boundary but I now a resident of Crook County, I vllt Ing friend and looking after business In terest here. A new house is to be built on the Ken nedy place this fall, Mr Vondrans will occupy It when completed. Mr Fletcher will remove to hi father farm below Brownsville thl fall and Mr Wilcox will take the place he now occu pies. The Sister Superior and Bister Mary Alphouse of the Benidlctine School at Eugene were calllntron friend in thl neighborhood one day last week. Tuo Coyote tcaln were taken In the chase last Sunday, Another hunt I plan lied for to-morrow Messrs D THIon and Lee Barger Intend to start to Wisconsin one week from next Monday to tudy telegraphy. Miss Lilllc Davis of She Id I vl.iting at EJ Willoughby's. Mr Philpott so:dto Mr FUhcr of Eugene thirty one head of hogs tor four cents per pound, live weight. BOLD UOBIIKKY. N.lslTU DSMOt'SAT. S "Woodbukn Ohb Ato 21 St. Between 3 and 4 o'clock thl morning the safe of Waltci L Toore, commlitlon merchant of thl place wa blown open. There wa several thousand dollar in the safe the night before, but It had been paid out dur- ng the day, so the robuers secured oniy between $30 and$35 and some papers. Parties had evidently been watching tneir chance for some time, as the night- watchman was called away,, early in the evening and did not return until this mor ning. No clue to the rooDcrs. Slaughter in 811k Ribbon. In order to close out my Immense stock of silk ribbons in plain and plcot edge I will (ell them until my fall stock arrives at 75 cents on the dollar. All marked In plain figures. SAMUEL C. XOUNG. Alntay Market. Wheat-C3j. OateMle. Buttor 2do per ID. rggs ze -; Hay-B.OO. Potatoe-75 ot per bushel Beef-on foot,8Je Apples-75 cents per Du, Pork 6H0 per lb dressed, yaccna ham,l2!o. -shoulders, fie. sldea lOo. -ard 9o per lb, iriour.4.25 per bbl. "blckens 8 00 per dor. Ill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton. horts, 10. , ' middling, 20. Chop- 9.0. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DC' YOE &1RO&SON HO MS ANU AHHm MORDAT, Mr FrstA Wbitler, of Camp Polk, Is id tna eny. About fifteen bortes ara la traiolog at tba atat fair grounds. Mr Lonner Ralston, who bai bean all tba Bay invtatod considerably In town lota all the way irem Yaqttlnt to L Sender! vill buy h re, bay, ihrnthy haled, aad oat, in ary qtiantiu s, paying . I t-l..l. . 1. nignswioisn prises, The bank of Orecott III Lpalll l.Mfait.a P t Mr II V Merrill', present . . . . 11 . . , !.. "l ,D' B"w ,WB"on I itt-(i on, r Mr I'aruv Yoitnir. ilav ItntfMP. Visa T.IIIU uoixrtsao ami tna Mtssvs Usrrett, among retumsn irr,m ma ay w-dty. wrt mrm rvuuricri ivmtiijm wan uuiiii uow I Tb. tlnl- t.aaife.1 'A T,.h....I- J takeoff on Washington Territory, with lt drought and firfsaud dust, is well ritUo 1 r . uu w"n "suing. I XI. fit... W.-Ul. -.(... -I.L t, o.i.. 1 AMI VIII. MWUWI.II, VI WWUIVHU 1 OVllfflll baob, ot Hpoksnt Falla, Is In tha city. The firm is now doing businsa In touts Mr heitedbaoh went to 8ao Fraocisoe Friday to I UU UfW gUUUB. Th authoi of "Home. Sweet Home-died ''-nou hm " " ot tha imranmu law, tieg n Allan, 01 unio, IIS o bomesWa.l of hia own. audi about to dia in ab eck novertv. 1 Edwin AbUy, a brother of M II Albay. rr".v,.rt. ,rom h Vouta.'f,t a I Ii. nii f.thar nf M ALliv. ol v .1 -- - I 110 at tills Oity. TCB4DAV. Th Southern Oregon fair brglm tCD tral ruint, Jaoksoo county, on Svpt. 23rd Mrs vt Dodd. formsrlv of thia oitv ha MT0 '' th Milein. poblfo VVHWVMi A nsw miaiaa ootnnnv hat baan formed at Slm with ospitsl stook tf 2,000,0(N, 'ill sliars. Mr Bridgaford has Leuun th sreotioo o a rvkideoo 00 her lot on Itrpadalbin slrtct oaar th ditoh. Th Dolio fore of Portland oonsuts of 24 Amer.osna.G Irishman, 3 Osrrr.ans, 1 French nan, I Kugiithmae and 1 Cwsd. Dob Burdstt sv Ood raatad mud whan ne maus in man wno 1 to utti a to hav th postntaaUr return a nsnsnaDcr marked rviuatm, wncn n owe two or inree vna tiUoriptioe. Th low to insursnoe eamt aulea on tba boast this yar will t acted tha iacitiU b ovr fi.wo.WO. i bat It what Insurano eompania are for. Mr K Can. Fob' lid uitixon. ia in tha ity. Tb. Klasc. Daker relerned f,o. ,h. Ds, thia Door . T L W1ls and family have itarts.l fiom th Sod . Mr F M I' enuli aod cliildwrn in rut.'- cating at Sod vill (or a few wk. William and Frank IX.iliiloft yestcrdsy noon for Helens, Mi-otsna. J K Kldarkin ad f unilv aro Iioiiid from tha Msy, Mra Klderkia listing nsarly rs- eovsred fiom bar ro n t lifnsts. MrsLHtc, f Pvrtacf, Wt an it a 1 la the city last v-t.ii.f on a visit to hereon. Mr Karl User, of lb St t ai Ua. MrsfJ C'Cmd- y oi. C'apl .in James Misti ly, ol Ilrnwnsvillp, mother and ctamlfsthtr rwctivsly f )rati W Wright, are visit ing Mr and Mrs O W Wiwht. of this city. Cpt lUnltsly is a iiiier ot Linn eouuty. Ud at Itiotiti (,! In IStti WSU.XKMlAV. Saratoga chip at C V. Iiroii!l'. Try iior full errant c'.ritm at (,' V. Drowu- Mr William Uambul . f u. . if is ia the city. Puschta frmi. 60 to ftl cmli per bog at LaFurrst A( Thompson . Mr Kd Parker left )-sttrday for tb Price fsoch, Crook onnbty. Call at F M Froc-b' for bar.aios la atob, eioek or jowolry. F M RxltUld ia h nio from a . avtsl week 00 ting at Ysquica. Wheat has fallen to03eoot. It tsthoogl t by many it will go tj vio. Che ice large )!low Crawford peiohea, 73 eent per boa at C E Urownell'r. Vmlerdsy morning a ear loaded with musk analons wss bnrnod at Chemawa. - A bo wanted to lru th barber bos' nM at W U tilsa ' shop neat door to Tost OUioe. MtstetsSpsrrow, Milhr Ac Co, tbe hoise traders, areoamping ner Ihe western sob er U of the e ty. Thebsst wath in the world for the money. Sth Thomas mskra them, F M French sella them. Mr and Mra Chailits I!sffendai,nd child, of Portland, are in th city, vUttiog former Albany friecda. W U (JtrrsU and family have reterotd from a trip tellwaeo, and repoit et- side timt there. Wm Msck bss tnd l-ls tsthir shop 00 Ferry trtto W HOilsoo. -Mr Oilson it sn rspers barber tnd dor good wmr. Mr Ssrsh BDtUy and Mr W CTwee- dale'a mother retnrne 1 from Ysqnin liay yeurday,and are stopping at Mr Twee dale'. Mra Dr Irvine. Misa Lib Iniur. Mr IIso rh-tu Brown, Mr L K BlainandMts lletti Miller want to godsvilta to day 00 three day snjouia. (dithoea. man shoe, misses shoe. cbildrsus shoes, men boot, boys boots, t leaa than cost to make rocm for other good at C K Brownell'. MrRM Rohertaoa ha aoU hi interact in th groecry bosloss to hi partner, Mr Bardu, wfco will herrafter conduct th business sins. Dr ft C Hill has left at tho Democrat of fice a bianch of til man prunes. It ia pack ed fall fiom end to end and make a hand- soma showing. Dr J K Coenoor general saent of the Fidel ity Motoa! Aid Astoieation of San Franoisoo baa bo in the city eeveral days and goea to Salem to day. Rov Dr Deere will deliver a discussion on tbe uUes of tue Ioiaglaatirn in Science and Religion," at 1 1 o'clock, Sunday morn ing, Aug. 23tb, InWOTU Ball. A perfect complexion, free front pimple or blemish, ia very rarely seen, became few people have perfectly pure blood. And yet, all dUfignring eroptioo are siyly remov ed by the ue of Ayer'a Sanapsrill Try it, and snrpri yonr friend with tbe result. Few children ean be ioduotd to ' take pbytio without a ttrnggle, and no wonder moat drag are extremely nauieating. Ayer'a Pilla, on the con trai y, being augar-ooated, are eagerly swsllowcd by the little ooos.snd are, tberetore, the favorite family niedtoine. Wheat, C3oest, 15 eent shaving at Viereck's. 8 tickets for $ I at yierwk'r . Refrigerator at Stewart k Sox'a. Boot and shoe at coat at Reed's, ' lee cream freesers at Stewart k Sox's. The best line of kid cloves st W. F. Read'. Now cream cheese just received at Cotrad Meyers. For sale, cheap, eeoood hnd organ, M Hyman'a. 3 chain ronuing steady at Viercok'a shav ing parlors. Bast roastJoofloe in the city at Conrad Meyers. V Just received new table liueu tt W, F, Read's. I W Starr, physician and surgeon. Albany, uregon. Good oooklns stove .only 110 at Hop't ! , k Saitmaraba. Side aaddles and ladies ridii g uurcingles at Thompson ai uverman s. Thompson A Overman, aoeuts for the crest Lynamite baggy wmp. Tubbs's nor msnilla birdioa twine in large quantities at Stewart & Sox's. " J W Bentley. best boot snd shoe makorjo city, opposite jrortnuuer a ir,og a A large and fine line of w iidtv-shsd just received at Fortmiller k Iryiug's. ' We have the best $1 50 kid. glove ever brought to Albany at W F Read 'a. Now is the time to save money by buying boots and shoes at oost of vv. F. itead. TlflWARE ANDIIARD WARE OF ALL tClHDS AI QRVOF & R0BS0N TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Long Fast INDIANAPOLIS, Aug, 30, Robert Marvel, after fasting for sixty seven days, died tliis mornini'. ' His rate is so extrsnrilinarv it hat attached the attention, not onlv of a curious public, but of ths medical fraternity far and near. He was 8 years old. Kalned Pitchforks. -S r. Paul, Aug, 10. The storm which pre- vailed last night and this morning was one of " motl Penr ed here, Two . .. . . , . acne 01 wster leu between a and 5 o'c ork, I ,! h. i;t,inu .- ..t ri.i -ru! """! ins I Storm was ireneral IhrmiD-hout lh frlinn. In some places doing considerable damage. . Pioneer Ilrad I NIlE I'K N OENCK, Or,, Aug. 19, Joshua nrown.aweal.hy resident of this county, . pioneer of 1852, died at hi home, seven mile irora here, at a o'clock this morning. He leaves sn estate worth 1 100.O0O. He leaves two ions here. II came to Oregon from Indiana, where. It is said.ha Imsotl.rr rhil.tren living, Kin People Unrned. ftKW 1 okk, Aug, 19. Early this morninK a fire broke out in the kitchen of the restaurant of a fifty story tenement at 305 West Seventh avenue. Mne of the sixty odd occupant of no iimise iot 1 ncir lives, anil it is a irrest wuiicicr tnai many more uul not perish. An OrrgoaCar. tiucA(K), Aug, 19. W L Sherman and P C KauiTman, of Portland. Or., art in the city with a private exhibition carctmtainine numer. ou samples of Oregon prodttcta. It will 11 exmmtid at variou points and then brought coast Kdlsoa. l'ABis, Aug. 19. A special envoy jf King llumlcrt, of Italy to-day presented Thomas A Edison with the inuVnla 0 a wand aftWr I 01 tne crown Of Italy. Edison thus becomes a 1 count and bis wife a countess. Civil ftervle Exasntnatlua. Wasihnoton, Aug, 19, Th civil service examination fir applicants for the railway mall service will be held in the following cities T ........ A 1- . a-- t- ( I -Septemljer t, Tuscon. A T. t flan Frantisrn. cramcnto, i-ot Angeles, Denver, l'uel.le, IMseCfty, .Spokane Kail-. Seattle. Miles Ciiv. """i varson city. Aibanuernue. 1'ortlan.l. Koschurg, Salt UU City and Cheyenne. A AalH4f McMiNXvaut, Or., Aug, 18 Addison Darr, an old resident and farmer, living near j Aeitland, committed sulcid fast evening 1 Hanging himself to a beam in the barn. His I ZSZZBZttttT WZTl good citizen, strickly honest and in comfortable circumstance, No cause for the act is known, but it is supposed to be a fear of becoming a burden to hia friends. He leave a svu family, The Gamblers Ce. Oct i, Aug. i?.-More than forty g.mb- - .1. L t - , . . , 7 , er have shaken Ogden .dust from their feet within ihe last two days, the United State marslial 1 proclatnalion having scattered them like chaff. The edict wa more pinful to the- froro the fact that they had been in hit-h feaih- er fur some month. A (toaatorlal rea.U Seattle, Aug. 18. The feud bctweem the nlre, Ferry and llaine faction bis broken " I oat a Iresh and to now to the death. It threat ens to result in the defeat of tbe republican psrty in this state. Souire is spending money ltegicter and P-eceiver of tliisofliceat Ore hke water. To-nieht lie rcircte.1 a list t,(lrr, I ikhi ("itv. Or., on Saturdav the lllth dav gate to Ihe slate convention aubntitted by Haines. AllWit-h he had ureviouslv efd to let liaine name half of the ucletfale a one of Ihe condition on which Haines withdrew fiom the sensional contest. John P Hoyt, president of the contituiionsl convention is in tbe field a a candidate for senator. That CaaUBkeroaa Old Woataa Dewcriried la the nursery ballad, who lived upon nothing bat victual a and drink," and yet "wonid never be qa'et,' wa undoubtedly troubled with ehronle tndUeatlon. Her victual, likatboeoof many othni elderly ceraona wIhim ditma. tlve powe-.a hayebconie Impaired didn't agree wf h her. 1 his waa before the era of llon'ousr's Hloma-h Bitter, or soma on of her numerou friend and relative would undoubtedly have persuaded ber to try tbe fc-r.t -rwoifln for Hysppsta, oonstipcUonand blllouanese. This would Lave teen a tneasuri of self protection on their p't, t t she would asm have been cured end cea-et todtsmrb them wttb bar elamcr. t he mot oUtinat case of lndiitlioa,wlih iu atUndant heartburn dstulenre. Hnaiant unaslna of th tomaeb and of tbe nerves, aie complete Iv OVurMmS hvlhl. .aimmIsh w .1 (Jbtlla and rvp A fftil Kl 1 lfin Vat nt 1 1 fttr rheumatism and kldsmv Irnnl.l.a m.rm alan elievod by it. -ll. 1 . ' I -MJL. . NAitRIEI. SIMPSOS-MONTEI TIL On Aug. aind. 1SS9, at 9 a. Corvalll, by Rev E J Thompson, D 1), Mr John Simpson and Mis Mary Monlellh both of Cor vallls. The Democrat eattnd Us best wishes. I)IF.I. SEARS. On Monday, Aug. 19th, 1SS9 of cholera Infantum, the Infant son of C W. Scars, aged 8 month. The body will be taken to Salem for I burial on to-rev rrow noon'a train , mvtrs as t.., k,. .,r Mitur. JONES. At her home near MlUers, Aug, aist, 1SS9, of p-ralysl, Mrs. Lydla Jones. The deceased came to Linn Co In 1S4S, where she resided most ot the lime, , . . ... ... , .,, . except a fe w years In Benton county, near Aioany. one wss 00 year, o msmn. ana aj days old. She leaves a husband, five children and several grand children and relative to mourn her loss. Oregon Slate Tair ! Twenty-ninth annual exhibition at c air u, Oregon. , OMMENCINC MONDAY, SEPT. 16. Continuing one week, under th ra an agf ment or the Oregon state Board of Agriculture. OYER $15000 15 GASH aEnEUBXsXXTTXsXS Cfliared tor asrtoultural. etook. dairy. and tnechanio! exhibit, for work of art and fancy work, and for trial of reed. toning ani ..Trotting Eaces . EACH DAY. Important Impiovemente made In the premium list. Reduced rate for fares and freights on all transportation Jlnea to anrejm the fair. PRICES OF ADniSSIOf. Men's day ticket .. eeeeee 60o women's uav tieaet - ..................zoo Men' season ticket eeeeee 2 00 Women' season ticket 1 00 Stnd to tbe Secretary at Salem for a premium list, J. T. AFrEKSOH, president. J, T, OR EGO, Secretary. For business pursuits at the Portland Business College, l-ortlamt, Oregon, or at the Capital Bua Iness College, Salem, Oregon. Both school are under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have aame course of studies and same rates ot tuition. lliiiiicss. Shorthand, is-uwitl.. SMimanihln and Knolish Deoart- .....ita tin v'nnd eveninir sessions. Studentsad- mltted at any time. Forjoint Catalogue, address fsrusBit sia VHMiwm, no wpiwi """'8" Portland, Oreguu. vli fcalem, Oregon. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEY0B 5 ROBSOirb Wild Lands Stock "! Broadalblo Streot, near Democrat office, REAL ESTATE, LOANS H INSURANCE, FIVE AKD TEN ACRE GARDEN AND FP.IUT LANDS A SPECIALTY. Choi I ft rpfllrlnnnct nfrtnoidn l 11 - x 1 . : KSJi Agftit llnorliesi. IfrowN A Co. I'ortlatntl, or, ALBANY - - F.L, KENTON, pi p n ft p 1 m In I b E in 1 Choice Candy, Wnls, Fmil, etc. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NEAR THE POST OFFICE1 ALBANY, OREGON TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1&S3. Notice hiTierebv trive n tltat in eompli- Mce ? ,r"ViWn.' f,lf .f? -ZTl fie is dune a, loio, kiiuiikh Jiuwtm th m1 ,A lin.l-r l.-.nU in the State of California, Oregon, Ncvala and Wanhing- ton Territory," Alexander V Howe, of IlrownHville, county of Linn, State of Ore- mm. It&a thia iUv ifli-d in ttiii ollice liiit aworn atatemeut No 1 2W,for the uurclmxe of Iota 3 anl 4 and KBW U of Sec No 30 in TP y 10 Knge No 3 eaKt. Wl T m? 7,"",-1 i! a"a srsi1sl. is ittaa Ifnlllli.hi ftv IIi cm VmsF CtT ut7e than for agricultural purpriees.ahd to lentaldinh litis claim to m'ul land before the of October. 1HS1.). He names an witnesses: J K Mi;llitivun. W C CooW. N 11 Stand- uth ami J ll Irvine, nil of P.rowneville. Linn county. Or. Any and all perwnw claiming aJveroely the above dcribel jaoda nre requited to file their claims in thin office on or before nai l l'Jth day ot October, 1S8:. W. T. 15I BKEY, lglBtcr. United Suite I-and Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23rd, 1889. Notii in hereby given that in - compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con- gree of Jnne 3, 1H, entitled "An a:t tor the sale of timbt-r land, in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and It'aidiing ton Territory," Jesuw I) Irvine, of Browns ville, county of I.tnn, State ol Oregon, lias this tbiv field in thin office his sworn state ment No 1-TO, for the purchase ot the N E i of Sec No .a, in Tn No 10 south, Kange No 3 eat, and will ollVr proof to show that the land sought ia mora valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural jmr poses, and to efctuhliidi his claim to said land Iwfore ttw Kegtutcr and Receiver of tin office at Oregon I ity, Or., on Satnr- day tho I'Jth duv of October. 1R89. He : . Itr 1 names as witnesses : IK C Cooley, N B Standisli, A P Howe and J K Mclfargne, all of Brownsville, linn county. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above utHcriled lands are requested to file their chums in this office on or beiore saiu 19tu day of October, 1889. H . 1. tiiBSEY, Kegister. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Orction City. Or.. July 23. 1SS9. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Nathan B Star.-lish, of Brownsville, county ot Linn, State ot Ure- gon, has this day liled in this office his sworn statement No 1271, for tiie purchase the N IF X of Sec No 32, in Tp No 10 , n - . , 7., ff ,)roof to show that the landsought ia more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, , ana to esiamisn nis claim to said land beiore the Kegister and thi8ofR Rt Oregon City, Or., on Saturday the 19th day of October ,1SS9. we naine8 as witnesses : J K McIIargue, I J D Irvine, A P Howe and IKC Cooley.all of Brownsville, Linn county, ur. Any ana all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in tins ottiee on or beiore saia lutn day of October, 1881). if. T. l.iBNEY, Kegister. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land OfBce, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act ol Con gress of June S, 1878, entitled "'An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Casper II lloberg, of Brownsville, county of Linn, btare of Ore gon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No 1267, for tho purchase of the N E X of Sec No 14, in Tp No 10 south, Kange JNo 2 east, antt wm oner woof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish fcis claim to said land before the Kegister and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Saturday the 19th day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : w u cooiey, j K McIIargue, is Stanaisn ana J V Ir vine, all ol Brownsville, Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or ber fore said 19th dav of October, 1889. V. T. Bcrsey, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICI. United States Land Office, Orecon City Or., July 23, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, enutlea "An act lor the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," George L Edmiston, of Eu gene, county ot lane, fctateoi uregon, nas this dav filed in this office his sworn state ment No 1205, for the purchase of the S E of Sec No 30, in Tp 10 south, .Kange No 2 east, and willo fifer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber o stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish ma claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Sat urday the 19th day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : W East, W H Tay lor, H Brennan and J B Towaley, all of Albany. Linn county. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above de- scriDea lanas are requested 10 nie meir claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. W. T. Bukotsy, Register. "r ANTED.-sTwo pair cf young China TT pheasants. Aareeawun price, A. B. Seal, box 381, Albany, Ranches City Property, Jr " JJU.I to Ol IH9 Uliy C'rr mp a m d n e OREGON P TIPER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Offi, Ore fron City, Or., July 23, 1889. Notice is hereby given that In compli ance with the provwionsof the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing" ton Territory," William C Cooley, of lSrownsville, county of linn. State oi Ore gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No 12C3,for the pur-liaxe of the E of N W and lot 1 and 2 of Sec No 30, in Tp 10 south, Kange No 5 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore the Kerister and liecciver of this of flee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday the Urth day of Octolier, 18M9. He names as witnesses : ND Standisli, A P Howe, J K McIIarguo and C II II-berg, all of Linn county, Oregon. Any and all per sons rlfliming adversely the above de scribed lands are requested to file tlieir claims in this office on or before said lllth day of October, 1889. W. T. Bcrxxv, Kegister. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City. Or., July 25, 1SS9. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of Jnne 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," James II Stevens, of Turn water, county of Thurston, Territory of Washington, has this day filed in this of fice his sworn statement No 12S4S, for the purchase of the S W Z of Sec No 2ti, in Tp No 10 south, Kange No 2 east, and will of fer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to his claim to said land before the liegitfer and Receiver of this office at Oregon City. Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : J E Hutchinson, G B Jakobson, W Scourfield and John Garner, all of Seattle, King Co., W. T. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 22nd day of October, 18S9. N. T. Bvbxet, Kegister. limber Land Notice. United Stales Laid Office, Oregon City, Oiegoo, Jane 29tb, 1SS0. Notice is hereby given that la compliance mi the provisions nf the act ci Congresa cf J . . 3rd. 1S78, entitled Aa act for tbe sale ..f t'mber lands ia the States of California. Orrgon,N-vada,and Wssbiottoei Teiritory," Angus S. Shaw, of Miil City, county of Marion, State of Oregon, haa this day filed in tbia ( Sice bia sworn statement No. 11 CO, for the purchase .f the. S E of Section No. 6, in Township No. 10 sooth, range No. 3 east, and will offer proof to show that the land songht is more valuable for ita timber or atone tban for agricultural purposes, aod to establish hi claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of thia cfice at Ore goo City, Oregon, on Tuesday, tbe 4tk day r September, I88. He names as witnesses : W, Sims, L, Brown, J. Boyle and H. Tarpley, all or Miil City, Marion county. Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or btfore said 24th day of September, 1SS9. - W. T, ErRSKY, Register. TiEbsr Land Mice, United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., June 29th, 1889. Notice isbereD? given that in compli ance with the r-rfyhion of the act of tvtigreesor June srci, ib78, entitled -An act for the sa'e of timber lands in the States o t California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territery," James II. Boy:e. of Mill City, county of Marion, State of Oregon has tbia day fi!ed in this oiTiee his sworn statement No. 1101, tor tbe purchase or tbe E X utH W X and lots 6 and 7 or Section No. C In Township No. 10 South KsngaNo, 3 east, and will offer proof to show tbat the laud sought is more valuabln for its timbt-r or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before tbe Ecsirter and Receiver of this efflee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Taesday, the Mill Cay er September, ISS Be names as witnesses s W. SImt, I' Brown. A. N. St aw ana U. Taipley, all or Mill (tty, Marion county, Orecon, Any and all persons claiming adversely ibe ahoy reecribed lands are requested to ntetaeir claims in tnis ornce on or t-o- ore eald 24lh day or Septen-ber, 1SS9. W. T. BcrckV, Register. " Administratrix Notice. Ih the Count i Court of Linn county, Oregon. 1 the matter of the estate of W R Can non, ueceaswu Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the Administratrix of the above entitled erUte filed her final account in said matter in said Couit on tbe 7th day of An gust, 18S9, and that the Judge of said Conit haa appointed Saturday the 7th day of Sep tember, 1889, at the boor of 10 o'clock a. in. of said day or the heating of all ol jectiors to said final account and the settling of the same. Dated thia August 7th, 1889. Laura Bell Cannon, W. R. BlLTXC, Administratrix. Attorney. TlOlt SALib' CilKA.iV-1 have a goal work horse ne year old and ns.-. welehs abiut 1050 pounds, which I will sail for ft'O. For further - Information call at the Democrat off ce or at my residence one mile north of Albany in Benton county. , W, H, Warnkr, ,