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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1889)
THE YAQU1NA' ROUTE, Oregon PaciSo Railroad. .ton Development Corcpany'a Htiwra hip I An. 125 r.'.ILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME 4iao by tny other Hrst-olas- through raeiKr and 'relabt lint from Portland and HI points si lb Willamette Valley to and Trom Ban f'rsnclaoo, Cal, ntnemktr Hi Ori lvpnUr lammrr Ecsrsla ta Yaqals. Lw Rate Tleketa mf mow aal ! Wed" eslay at... tarU7 Iran Al tay, CrUI . Philomath. Boata make clow oonnllon at Jn , with trains of thOre,ron Paolllo Railroad, " TIME 80Hml l.fc (ssoer Sunday) U.T Aloany Xes.eCor.alli l'.Mr, M. 4rrl YmvOae, I:) L n Yo.uln, :S , Arms Albany, 11:10 a. a. Albany and Oonellla. Tha above traloa connect at r,inL with tha Oregon Development Company' Una of Htaamablpa between YaoHina and Sao Frauclaoo. MAILING DATE . rana vaacisA. a Tuesday, Allane 13th. a. Thunder, Au, Stud. 4a Maturday, Aug. Slet WUUimU VUy. Tuj iff Uo -uiI.t. Auc. . 4 TuaaUy. Au. 7Ui. Tha Company -. ryoa iha right to TEIS from Voraand and rVUlamatta Vailoy poloU M uakaalow aonnacU- with iba traina of tha a juina routaat Albany or . Jbm !o anadloSSan k'rauoiaoo ebould arrantro to irrlTa at Yaqulua tha eranlng bofora aia ofaalltng. wuw aa relafcl a atwaya aad F. At . Corrallla. QYERUNQ TO CALIFORNIA -nVIA-. Southern Pacific Company's Lina. THE M0UXt"s5aSTA ROUTE. nawbav Albany atd Trutduo t boara oufoi axraua i. u. Rr 4at (Hwna rartlaad aad aaa ra !, wi'AI Noa I0:i 4 4 a a I r a .0 r. a. I L r I L -.44 a I Ar Purtlaivl Alb.ny an Pi.ncirta Ar L MoiruOMutuii aiLT nKep HwhU)'). kuo 1 L itUra I L t:ora Ar Arl S ra U I ll.ii 4 a t a04 a AlbMir KttTMM uum aaAica, ra II Albany Lebsnoa Altawr lohawHl Af It SO 4 B a-a r a I Ar li s ira I L IMtm I Ar L .& a I liri: L I t. r a : PU LIMA hi BFET SLEEPERS Tourist Sleeping Oars , Far A-ee-ad. "d-CU- raaaea era. auarbealla RaaaaaTrala.. Th. P. Co", larry euaeartloa wllh the .iWtrain. aa the KaM nrfa IM.- tf fc4 d r atraM, "rUaa".. 4Teat aide Mvlalea. irwtEV ra.Tia,. A- Mail tui 4nT(Cfitaday.) T4 a I U.lf I a Purtlaad Car Olia Ariajura L 1 13ur a Ar axnaM t4i a'Jtt (EJV' iuaJiy. tr&ural L Partlaad McMinaTille Ar IS oo 4 a SiOOf ra Ar U M& 4 a . ThrouifU TicUetH To alT BolnU SOUTH AND EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. for ell MoreuUoo rrdinf rale., BttPO, te. ""SS tato.r.sair.r Eevere House;- ALBANY. - - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. ! riui uo In Crt-ls-rti atyla. Table. eupp'.lod with tha ba-t to tna niaraaw , Ntoo alaaplng apartmonta. Mample ro..m , tor oomtoarcfal travolara, j Wr a Cre aat fr.aa loe .iel.-J - THg O haaelven nnSver aai u 11 f actios la tba eura I Oooorracra and Olert. I pnaerlbe Unl I okI aaf In rccoinmeod n it to all TOfferers. Lj.SWt,I.P, Daear, lit pniCE.l-00. Sold by Dracftsla. I,,,,. rleiUe tet. E. J. McCAUSTURD, CiTil EnginBer ail Surreyor, CHAUCHTIKC AND BLUE PRINTS Office with Oregon Lasd Cj. Albany, Or. tteweraae Syateme and W-tar Huppllea Mpodalty. Krtatea 8ubfllvlld, Biada or Copied on abort not tea. BROWNSVILLE. o.p. cosiiow & sons, EealEstata and Insucanca Agents. Heat olata aaid a-4 I O tWAon and NoUriil buainaca attended to. University ot Oregon. EUGENE, OREGON Noat session begins on Mon lay, the 10th of Sep amber. 1HK9. Krea anoo'.ar.blpH from very eoui.ty in IhaHUte. Apply to your tmu.y nu .i. tendent Krua tuition aflar January ltf, '"fonr eo'uraaa :', SclanMfie, I II rary and a ahon rill-li ;oiirao In lilu. Oreo Froneb si German, The Kogll'.b ta pie emli.ently Business Ciurse. For catalogue o tber Information, 'irmJ0s HOSf - I'mCeil. POliHAY A. MASON, -h..' .. aaa aatATi jiiujigistsand Booksellers, Airanw for Jobt It. Alden'e publlcatlona, A-hiob wfcaell.' oMlehor'a prloesj with natajraii Irtd. IbHtNY, UKEdJOH. PIANOS. Tboaa wlshlna; a first-clasa instrn'Ti should call at Mra. B. E. Hymau'a 1 -il H, one of thoa Cs'.aorartd Hamina Longplanoes, exoai.ent rlob ton-. K nolaliy madaand ada, ted to stand the rill mu on the Paolllo Coaat. E rery tdann rully guaianlaed for 6 years. Tha 1 1.1 eat ahaet-mualo for asle. Music and rlntlng leaaoo. Clvn there. Alao tho plaea to gM your new fiewlog Mschlne. Fanny work and dreaa m.klng dona to order. First door east of Young's old stand, Albany, Oregon. 'AMY CAKRI -AIM a r srKWAitr a sox V InfcrnMlkH. apply L A fPttFSl",2 V flekal Anot. Alhanr, hWCH Uaall, Jr.. O. " iXCL ".x" A.o.r. f jcw.i. KA I iyosB4VB.d ,ms " S4 ' iiiS aart a gSIMOBSdllJ, 2 (MS25 All mm u it ia Outfit CCEJltt I iMt tl 8prlna, Strain. BmUea, Wound O.J.I a- TrnrHM aad lnirA Th Chas. A. g4M Co., Balls Ma, or fure oP ffafiW TulCHWAVDGHJElVCa'BMJQ'Mo- DR.J.L.MLL, Physician and Suieon, Offlco eor. First and Ferry Street, ALBANY- OREGON OR. GaWATSOfl MASTOU Phyaician and Surgoora. Jtn rtppnaltn Ilia DomrH-ra.. DR. C. U. CHAF.1BERUN, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Special attention to diseases of the eye. f-omoooorur of Thud anl Lyon St, ALBANY, OREGON. OR. VV II. DAVIS, PhysicUn and Surgeon. aarOffloanoaUlralnStrahan'a Block. May bo found at hi otBoa aay and night. DR, I. Wa STARR, Physician H,nd Surgeon, Late of Brow nsr ilb, Or. oracaat looiiix Nos. 23 ami SI. StraLau and Herca'a Itloi'k. up alalia, '"alia promptly alundml lit city tr country. G. L. BLACKMAN, Ui ALKR in DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, CRUSHES' SO IPS COMBS ETC. i o. a. . a!,-aBcas, OICO. W. W KlllllT, BLACKBURFi & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will praotica in stl the Courts of tha SUM. Prompt attention given to all basi Bas entiastad to our fr. j OtKuo O Id F.llows Tample, AlUny, Or. j First National Rank Ofr AMllXl. OKEUOS. ; rw.uot-.. ..u rufs PraiMant ... . a. t, vot no W. LAM. DOS. '. HOW ELL ! CtaWr Ant CWr 1 TaAJtSACTS A OKNERAL bankiag bualaaa. i ACCOUNTS aKPr mhja.'. to .hat. 81CHT EXCHANGE and ll rapKle triwt, al I Mm Tack, 8aa Frwidaco, dea(a and Put 1 term. '. tOLLECnOSf dAbBoa faxnhle Unr. St.acToaa . K Toraa, B. W. I-snaiM, L K Bun, L. runs, Wsilaa E Trsasta, Linn County Bank, Cowan, Balston & ChamtsrUia, ALBANY - - OREGON TRANSACTS . s-aeral aanklnf btMnaai. naiweifini niirr kt York aaa rraa .? and P.jr il, llrni LOAS VOSIT un .4o,d MCtiHty FXKIVEdp.iU.obj ". ebatk. H. F. MERRILL, ! JB -A. 1ST K: E Tl , 1 ALBANY. - - - ORECOM. BeH ..chanM Nw York, San rrandano and Portland. Umedrpuale. Collections wilt merit, prompt atttnti in. CumaxwidOTe. aaUdtad. fir. am. Marin. Iruurwx cmpanixa. Alaoioeal T. nt U s'i I I if j a ) '. Loar. and. on J-r ,r , (Nniay w mom f , If t"a. II "fcjTi U S. t sa When I ssy Curb I do not menn merely to stop th-m lor a lime, and then hve tlim re turn aain. I MBA A KAOICAX CllUi. 1 have made tba disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-Ions; study. I WAnrtAST my wwady to Vv.v.K Ilia wort cnse.. It-cue otl.f .. Iisvs ;i l no reiiaon lor not notrrcr!lvi:ir scare. ..'I .: ..r a treatiM and a 1't.kS llorri.a . ' 1 ri l uxe luxeor. tios Kxpu. s ; ():;'. it cocM you noiU.og tut it ,1 w ,i euro . Adiiress 'OT, TI.Cj Ja?c.:t.ST.,Kr.vY( . wr-ji ,Tfi . . . 1: 11 -mtm IY0 hara iha Exclutiva Control ot o id ee 3 U. o r- u X u. "a .jfc, .'Sav.-,-aM. . Aniion't hau to oftr prtt to till thl$ StntU, Jot 111 ihiBESl MADE, tattf Can hoUl CUE UB OSE HALF PBCS3S, SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY, OREGON. k firing.' -FUNEIIAL DIRECTORS.- Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse ASA A" "V 1 13 . - V N L. Y SO C E N;UM;:.iiifi:. Uoit-.l Stall- Let-it Uii'on. Urj4.i.-4 Uty.Or., July v!5lh,lii$9. Notice i hereby Riven that t compliant! ttb th provisions i1 tha nut i( Congress of i 0 June 3, lS7S,entilll "An "! ! tho ssl of timber land la tho state of CsW'irnls.Ore- job, Nevada, and Va ? a Territory," Frank l.nn, of ftydney ,,.. j of Kitssp, territory of Washington, hss ' dy flld (a this ofUoa httiworu tt,.,unt No l'JIMi, fr tha purohsM of tha NT! aotioo Ho 20,ln townnhlp No 10 ' u' ,f " No t aait. aad wui ouer proor to onr tint mo iua Might ia mora valuable '. or ton than for aiiiiattUaral ).. , aad to UbHtU bit oliim totaid ImI betora tha KRitr and Ktoaivar of thia ofGe at Or goa City. Orao, aa Thurn'tay.tha 84th day of Ootobar, 1880. IN nam t witattiai i C Smith, T M3Whoh. .1 IV rr and J T Marphy,all ol Sydnty, Kitwu inuutv, W T. Any and all partona cUimli y HvMraaly tha anov ciMoritxd uncii ar rqu, .rt to Ilia their olaimi in this ofRp on ur before Bald S4th day of Ootobar. IHR!) W T Burniy, ltogiitar. ' TIMBER LAND NOTICE. UoiUd SUtaa La ad OllW Orairon Cilt. Or . Jul S3 h. 188". Noiloa ia huraby gin thai in oomp'tanoa with tha provUiun. of tha aot of CuuKraaa of Jaaa 3,lST8,oitUd An aot fi tita aala of timber laud in tha state, of C.hforoia.Ora an. Nsvada. aad Wathinutou Territory." William Svoarfl.lil, of Saattl. oouoty ot King, tanltorv of Washington, has this day filrdin thiaoffioa hissworo sutamsat Mo 1200. for tha parohaae of tha N W X of s.o tioa No 26, ia township No 10 soutn, raaga No S (t, and will offrr proof to show that tha land aoagat is mora valuable for Its tim ber or st me than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hie olaim to esid land before tha IUji.ter and Receiver of this olfioe at Oregon City, Oregon, oa Tuesday, tha 22od day of October, ISS0. Ha name aa witnas- mi JU Steven. I E Hulohiiisoo. J 1U kobsea and John CI ar oar, all of Seattle, King oouoty, W T. Any and all persous olaiming adversely tha abova deeoribed land ara re- qne.ted to tile their oiaima in this olaoa on or before aaid ff.'ad dav of Ootober.lSSD. . Y T Bi'kkky. Keguter, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Stutoa Uml Oflli, Ortwn City. Or.. Julv L'Tth. 1889. Notice ia hcrt-hv uivon tha in cnmitli anve with the iimviidona tI lli. art of Con' great of Juno .1. 187H. cntltltil "An act for the sale of timber Unda In the States of California. Orvinm. Nevad.i .i'nj Waahintr ton Territory," Andy V olachair, ol Ntetly, txiunty of ClHckma..,Stute of O: gon, liaa thin dav filed in tlila otllce his sworn statement "No 13 13, for the purrluuw of tha rs t. u of bee o z, in in Po 13 south. Knmn No 2 eaat. and will otTe troof to show that tha land nought ia more valuahle for itn timlwr or atone than fr agricultuntl iurMwc. antl to his rial in to aaid litnd letor the Keriter and llevriver tf thia nffl at uregon t. ity.or. on r ruldv the '.'-Mil lv ol u-toier. ihhii, I He namca aa witnesaoa : B F Kyle, of j Kcgvne, Lane county, II S llrgnian, of I .Miviy, t iitrkamaa county, it uowe ana i j : Siiniita.of Albany. Unn county, all ot Or, ' Anv and all prrons claiinina adverely the above deoriled land arts reiut'tcl I to tile their claim in thia oltice on or be fore said 2'th dav of October, IRSti. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. j United fUte Ijtnd Olli.-e, Oregon City, Or.. July'.'.Mh, 18S0. f Notice ia hereby Riven that in compli ance with tha provtHim w th act of I on grvaaol Jane 3, 1878. vn' " ' "An act for the aalo of timber IitmM in :'ie Xiiiia iJ I Culifornia, Oregon, NV vadt and WaAliing j ton Territry," Arthur A Wite, of Baletn county ot Marion, Mate ot Orejron.lma thia ' day filed in thiaoflke his swot n statement J No 121)1, for U.e purrhaaa of the S K i' oi ace in 1 1 in bu ii, jvangv - eaat, and will otter woof to show that the lund sought ia more valuable for ila timler or atone than ( agricultural iHirpoaea. and to eatabliah hie claim to aaid land be fore the Kegiater and Itcceivcr ot thia of flee at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the nd day of October, 1 889. I le names aa witneaaea : II Shetton, of Jorxitn, Linn county, E E Woodward and C lleall, of Salem, Marion county, all of Oregon, and John Garner, Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above deaenbed lands are rcqtieated to file their claims in thia office on or before aaid 2Jnil duy of Oi1iJr, 1889. W. T. hi bxey, ltcgiater. "tTmbeFuxd xoficE United Stales Land Otfiie, Oregon City ,Or.f July 26tb, 1880. NotU-e ia hereby given that in comoti- : a nee with the jiroviaionaof the act ot Con- ! . . ... r . it .1 I . . . . gixiw w juiiu o, nun, eiiuium An aei tor I he sale of timber land in the Mntca of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory." Jorgen U Jakobacn. of Seat tie, county of King.Territory of M'aah-. ington, ritts tins day riled in Unit olllco bia awom atatement No l?H!i,for the tmrchaae of the N K of !ec No 34, To No 10 south Range No 2 eat and wilt otfer proof to ' ul.n tl.ut I.l .......I., I.. l I.. ( for ita timber or atone than for agricultural j IHiq-aie-, and to eatabliah hi- claim to Bald 'md before the Kegiater and Kecelverof i thia office at Oregon City, Or., on T ! the 2-,'nd day of October, IftS'J. He Tueaday e namee aa witneaaea : W Hcourtleld, J K HnU h inaon, John tiarner and J E Ktevcna, all of Seattle, King county, W. T. .Any and all peraona claiming adversely the above deacribed lands are reueoUvl to file their claims in thia of!U on or Ivioro said Tim day ot Oi-tolier. IKH'J. W. T. HiRNEV, Uegiater. TIMBER LAND K3TICE. United Slates Land C.- , Oregon City, Or., Ju'y . 7th, 188U. Notice i hereby given that in compli ance with th provisions of Uie au-t of Con gre.s of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land in tho Stattsa of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Charles .Smith, of Sydney, county of Kitap.Tcrritory of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn .tarement No 1314, for the purchase of the N Ji 4 of Sec No 4, in To No 12 south, Range No 2 ea't. and will olTer troof to '. show that tho land sought is more yalu- ,,,e iu timber or stono than for agri- cultural purpose., and to establish his ' 'aim to sairl lanl licfore the Register and M?n. .j 41... ..t;- . ri .. -! n- on Friday the 25th day of October, 188ft. lie .name a w itneea : J Horzog, J T Murihy, T MWilenori and J I'eters, all of Sydney, Kitsap county, W. T. Any and all persona claiming ad versely the above described lands are re quested to file their claims in this oflice on or before said 25th dav of October, 18811. W. T. IJckkev, Kcgiter. riMBER LAND .::.vE United States Land (Jifivw, Oregon City, Or., July wth, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compll anee with the provisions of loe act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale oftimber land In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Terrluwy," Josephine Shearer,of Port land, county of Multnomah, state of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No 1324, for the pur chase of lots 1 and 1 snd S X of N E U ot Sec No a, in Tp No 12 south, Range No 1 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than fur agricultural purposes, and lo establish her claim tn said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this of fice at Oregon City, Or , on Saturday the 26th day of October, 1889 : She names as witnesses : II Vroom, G Llndley, C J Dickerson and J M Simons, all of Port land, Multnamah county, Or. Any and all persons c'aiming adversely the above de scribed Unas are requested 1 to file their c'aims in this office on or before said 26th day of October, 1889. W. T. BvaxBY, RegUter. - TIMBER LAMiO NOTICE. Vnitad 8tata Land Otfic. Orton City,Ori?on, July T7th ,1889 Notl4 is hsreby given that In eomphanc. with th. prurio'iti. of th. act of Conern. of Jun. S.187 1 tttlad " All aot for th sal. of tlroim Isnd. in th. state, of Oat! ifornia.Or.tron, N.vaila.and Ws.lili.rton T.rrluy,' ilraryM Iterirman .of NMlyunt of C"ac.kania.tat ofOrtt i, has this day filed in thl.oSio. bl .worn statement No 131. for tli. purchs. otthsNWnf Motion No 2. Intaa-nshipNoll wulh ,rant. No.ut, and will uffsr proof to show that tb.laml sought l mnnvaluab . for iiaUmbor or .ton. thaj for sgrlcul Uirsl punw6,n 1 toaatabllih his claim to aaid land tutor, th. HfisUr and Rreaivwof thisofficatOra. gon City, Orifon , on Friday, th. t5th dar of October, A W Lols:hgfNxly, (.'lactams, county, B t Kyi.f Euitod., Lan.eounty, H How. and J i fkialra,of Alb.ny Xinn county, all of Oregron. Anv and all paraon. eloimlnfr adv.rwly Ih. above dercribed land. sr. requaalrd to fll. tbrir claims j in tlii office on or liefw. i .id rth day of Outnbw.188 W T Bi'sxsr, Kegistar. Children Cry for I0UK1T ;?ficial and 'ITT TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Kr fated to Adjunrn. SAirt-'RANCifieo, Aug. 17. Application mailt by Attorney Crltttmten to ttiat stireine court to adjourn lo-drvy, a a nmik of respect t tha memory of Judg lerry. Chief Jusiice llentty tlecllneit to entertain tha motion, In tha following langunge, aAer re marking thnt lie was sorry the motion had been urged 1 'It is a very unfo-tunsta tiHuir, hut tli court 1iss fully considered the same, and deems It tlis wisest mode of treating the stiiijcrti to keep silence. Th sudden ileslh of David S Terry is notorious, and It is the decision of this court that it take no further scilon in the matter." rVhtat I'roepHte' Wasiiinuton, Aug, 16 -The reports re. cslved here this morning by the superintendent of agriculture show highly encouraging pros pects for American wlicnt this yenr. India will produce 6,300,000 tons of whest, which is 35,000,000 bushels less than lut yesr.therrop of which latter year wss 15,000,000 less than mm 01 i ur previous years, i 111. give, iiuun little more than sufficient for her own con.ump lion, The crop of Kuutia Is 1 5 per cent short, and Austro Hungary has a cron i$ per rent short of last years crop. The United States will have 100,000,000 bushel for export. ATracedy. S COHANS' Fai.i.i, W T., Aug. 16. A terrible tragedy occurred to-dsy on lloake's ranch, near Paiouse City, A threshing was at wotk. when Ueorge Hums ton appeared, srmed with a Winchester rifle, and, without wsrning, shot his brother, killing him instantly. Hefled, end a Inst accounts bad not been captured, He had threatened to kill his brother for dnn dering their aunt. Bulllvsaroand tlallty. I'l svis, Miss., August 16. -The Jury at 5 p m relumed a verdict finding .Sullivan guilty of prb fighting. A motion in arrest of judg ment w as made ami will be lictml lo-moium. 4 Nrw HAL Awaielatloo. iNDEritNt'KM'K, Or,. Aug. 15, Wnhtcs day a building and loan association was organ ized in this city w ith 950,000 capital, or 5000 shsresof $100 each. The incorporators will bell K I'attemon, J M Van liuya, J I. Stink, ton W 1-: llatton sndj tiihson. Fall of Itsi-Blara. SKATft K, W T., Aug. 15 Seattle is over rnn with citminsls. Haifa dotcn buigtstirs were committed last night, and foot pnd held up a citizen on Jackum street. 1 hi unci noon the police rsided three gambling houars snd one Chine lottery game, snd the inmnics were fineil. To-night the police raided a numtrr of houses in Whiterhspcl, and nine women were arretted and fined. A JtsrdVirr Lsrk4. RosiAK, W T Aug. 14. Fred Trotman,a sakionkeeer, last night shot and dangerously wounded a coal miner named Thomas T, Thomas and this moin'ng lynched by the miner. ThomssowedTiotmsna smslt bill of tl, which Trotmsn aket him in an intuit ing way to pay, Thomas answered hy saying he had not the money now, hut would psy him as soon ss raeaible. Without further provo cation Trotmsn drew a revolver and .hot him, the bullet striking one and a half im.hrs sUve the heart. Thomas was game, and afier he fell shot at Trotmaa twice, hut did not strike him, A rUtrw t ire. Salkm. Or., Aug. 15, A foestaitrd to night at 840 in I H- Shelion's barn oa Iivuiun street, ltwccn Commercial and Front, an J was quickly communicated to two other barns across the alley. h contained hay snd grsln, and Wing a long distance from the fir alarm the fire. got a good headway before tha hre companies arrived, 1 he cause ol the hie is unknown. On of the stables contained two imported stallions belonging loC M licckworth wtrth several thouaaad tlollsrs, but the were saved. A Fareat Klrr, Helena, Aug. 14. The. prsiiies a few miles to th north and northeast of Mites City ar on fire. The area covers several thousand acres. Tit bodies of timber oa the north and outhof tha Iowa at sepsrste from each other but seem to hsve caught fire simultaneously, lightning during the storm of Sundsy nigh, is supposed to have started the fires. The dames apnroecbed near (he rsnch of (leoipe Rhode, tint the occupsnts managed to ward them of!. A Bother Creamery Collapalag. Chios, Or., Aug. 14. The ciesmery st La Grand is in trouble, and will ptohably suspend, The builders, Dsvis tc Rsnkin, have commen ced suit to foreclose the hen snd recover the balance due for con t ironing I he creamery There are thirty seven defendants. feaaiM YaLltos. NoftTH Yakima, W T Aug. 14, The city council 00 Tuesday night purchssed a Clapp k Jones No 3 steam engine for a new fire department, also 3000 feet of No I hose, and authorized the city marshal to receive bids for th construction of five large cisterns, to be located centrally in th business portion of the city, each with a capacity of 25,000 gallons. A fttaMtlag Case. SALBM, Aug. 14. Thia morning A W Mte cut and stabbed with a pocket knife a young man named Matthews, five mile south of the city. Matthews and a younger brother !ecme involved in a oturrel with Mif, anil a fight ensued, Matthews knocked him ilown and was choking him, He cried enough, and was released, w hen he drew a pocket knife snd slashed away. The wounds are not serious. Mir. hss been a prominent shoo! teacher for some years. No arrest has yet been made, Xo Wonder. Seattle, Aug. 14. Kailjetncr, a turner, aged 45, recently fiom California, committed suicide this afternoon in a lodging house by taking poion. For some time be hsd been drinking fifty to a hundred glasses of whisky dailv, and was on th verge of dtlcrium tre mens. Two Horses Burned. Jacksonville, Or., Aug., 14. About 3 o'clock this morning the stable belonging to Mrs George Justice was discovered to be on fire. The fire increased so rapidly that it was impossible to get out two valuable horses be longing to Ganville Scares. If yoo wsnt Kood('Mlvtrstt.lcyihr,fiust io the na krt, go to Siawart & Sua'. TIMBER LAND NOTICE United States I .and Oflice. Oregon City, Or., July J7th,i89. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with th provisions of ihe act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An ret for the sale of timber lauds in the ststesof Cslifornis, Oregon, Nevada, snd Washington Territory'Juliusllar rog, of Sydney, county of Kitsap, territory of Wsshington.has this day filed in this office hi. sworn statement No 1315, for the purchsse of th N W X of section No 4, in township No IB south, range No 3 east, and will oiler proof to sliow that the land sought i. more valuable lor it. timber or .tone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or, on Fdday.the 35th day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses 1 JT Murphy, C Smith, T McGlenon and J Peter., all of Sydney, Kitsap count), W 1 . Any and all persons claiming adversely the above de scribed Isnds are requosted to file their claims In this office on or before si id 3?lh dsy of Oc toler, 1889. . ' W TBubnev, Register UMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office. Oregon City, Or., July 31st, 1889, Notice is hereby given , that in compliance with the provision, of the act of Congres. of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the .ale of timber lands in the states of Csliforoi., Oregon, Nevada.and Washington Territory, "Charles L Gray, of Vancouver, county of Clarke.territory of Washington, hss 1 1) is dsy filed in this office bis sworn statement No 1336, for the purchase of lot. 1 and 3 and li of S. W of section No 1 8, in township No 12 soutl:, rsnge ' No 3 esst, and will ofTer proof to show that the land sought is mora valuable for its timber or .tone than for agricultural puro es.snd to establish his claim tsaid land before the RegUte- and Receiver of this oflice at Ore goo City, Or.on Monday.the 38th dsy of Octo ber, 1889. He names as witnesses 1 I Sweet. mm : - - - l G W Robinson, D Fitzgibbons snd D M Mo Farlane.all of Vancouver, Clarke county, W T. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above detcribed land, are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 28th day of October, 1889. t WTClrney, Register. ASTOlllA. ! Antom ia, Aug. 15th, tSfy ! This section of Oregon I recelvl.ijf just j at this time fl great deal of conl.h ration, ! and the firt thing to notice or -i nli. of U j the proposed railroad lo the W lllmiiHic 1 Valley. This railroad Is no Ion;. 1 , ijue ' Hon, It has passed from doubt lo n l eiitilii" ( ty. The Iron and rolling stock f ir 1 .veni v ; miles Is purchased, and much ol in r;id bed Is made and some of the track I- i I I The rosd vdllrunlrom this city wcM cm-. f, .h. lng Vovng's liny and the Sklpanou ! ! beasltle, or quite near It, about intecn miles, thence easterly to the WUImm-ne Val'ry. entering the Valley aomew-heie between lllllsboro and Forest Grove This will lie the mot profitable route (or 10.1l and timber. In ennuquence of the hullil Ing of this railroad, real estate litis mkcii a rul.e that seems wonderful. The hills facing Young's Hay and the Colimihht Hlver arc held nt high prices and much of the bind U being cleared for the innrUi'i, Lois In this city are held at price, tint seem fnhulous compared with tbosr- if the past. Was ibis railroad 10 Seaside, the expense of building It vmmiUI soon be paid for. As a place ot resort, this cUy Is tcry pleasant, but Newport has some mlvsn. tagesovcrlt. They areofacluN how ever that may be Improved here thuiild the j people or enterprising cltlsens ever tlli cover the advantages that are now hidden i here In the way ot making attraction (or visitors. Newport will be a leading pl.ue j lor summer escape by those living l.t il c Valley, who want rest and comfort. And there Is room enough for all the "wait 1 (M , places'' we have In Oregon or Wa-hhji j un. The salmon season closed on tne liit Instant. The "catch" falls short this v enr j about 30,000 cases less than last year, ' There is another thing worthy ot the i tentlon of residents near Newport. On lU Sklpanou there are latge cattle ranclo , made out of diked tide land on which fr.i. and clover grow in great profusion. I : my be cm twice a year, and for hay iof. land will puv from thirty to fifty dol'to per acre, 1 11c maracts on tne Days ai i r acre. 1 uc maract on tne nays Columbia River are supplied with I n I and mutton from thrc ranches which 1 r ford green gra.s the year round, and finer I . beef and mutton do not go Into any mark i t . Albany, who hsv hean visiting at th et. The ocean togs keep gra on tb'e ; i- M.'.-no of Mr Milb-rof Siath Sslem, rsnihe green all the time. It I estlmn'-1 h .fUiruoou for Vancouver. Salem Jour ed that 71100 people arc here on the Coi.i mil. north and south of the mouth of the Col j O.jimh, wife and four tbildren, umbla Ulver taking their summer v.iim i .., f, ho. town fld. have left lior. which I attended o far by every I thing that can make il pleasant. Thia I. a wooden lilv.luilll on piles villi trert of plank. There are a good num ber ol fine building here a few of which are bilck. They have they should, steam fire engines snd an excellent fire de partment and constant attention Is paid to this subject. X. TIIK MAN A HOI T TOWS. The M.n About Town wns not there, as j gbot matter, do not agitate him ; but see ! era! ho wanted fun w ere hovering . around the wood yard ot Terry jplnks put j riidsv, watching for the ghot reported to have been seen by several. The audi ence at on time approached one hundred. It would take a tcmerltous ghost to face such a crowd. As the gloom deepene the audience thinned until finally only, five or sis remained. Suddenly in the awful no. of tho approaching midnight hour a form appeared In the middle of the road, arranged a much tike a Chinese gh-l aa anything, with a white upper story snd flowing garment. Mr Mci'lain, the night watchman, one of the paty ordered It to halt. In deep, sepu'ebrst tunes the appari tion said, "Come out he re, you co ward.and I will show you." Mr M. went and found the ghost lo be flesh and bone, and when uncovered beating the countenance ot Mr James Illsckburn. Keverat not wishing lo uve the audience disappointed had put a job on them and appointed Jim to lake the star part. As the by have had their fun it Is to be hoeJ this ghost business wilt stop, for while it has noteirors for men, It affect the nerves of some womeL. A park In Ihe eastern suburbs ot the city Is undoubtedly In order and would euure to the glory of Albar.y. Action should be taken now when the land can be secured for nothing It ought to be at least two blocks long and perhaps located in the 4th addition. We need a place like this for resort, and It should be kept up in 1 tush and luty style, in the language of the great Shakespcre. Street ca.s should then be continued from the present line on Ninth street east directly ta the park Should the Sl:ers hospital be built on the Elkins place, with probably other Institu tions and residence, street cars could then be continued from the St. Charles south along Washington street to South Albany, and the city would hvc a line of street railway that would be- a credit to It, and yet none too long. Kaaawaasaawaw tr i i iaaawassaa Ik' 11.01 no ISkivu Hon a, -The brick Woolen Mill Is tip above Ihe v. Imlows. The stores In the Wutnber block are being plastered, and will be ready fur oc cupancy by about September 1st. narrow's li Searles have their stock of dry good and boots and shoes in Portland ready to move Into the east store,and iJ C Hubbard will be In the west store on time. The Masonic temple 1 entirely encloied and Is tn the hands of the iethers and pis terers. Mr Geo W ll-c'itedlcr's residence, now receiving it finishing louche, I on of the hstmsnn rat in ths VsiUy. It is artistically painted in .out i ew color. - Th residences of Mr Sohslt, 11 F Merrill, Mr Ellison, aod others ar being hammered along, snd all prestos fin appearance. Albsoy is growing and a condensed state ment mskes th showing. Kver tiling is full, store and resideuc, and many icore should be built. Five Tkami's. The attention of the Marshal ot Albany is hereby called to the following from the Astoria TraH.mift: "There is to be a go-as-you-please hop, skip and a jump race to San Francisco next week by Ccuch Clinton, Fred Crosby, Wat. son Hinder, fames Kinney and S M Hen ry. Each man is to put up $20, making a total of f 100, which will be sent ahead and deposited for the man who gets there first. They are to leave here about six o'clock next week and are not to have a cent of money with them when they start. They are to go on the regular tramp lay out get there the best way you can and not pay a cent. They are all to send some money ahead so they can have a hurrah time when they get lo their destination." UN Hi Fket Aoain. The clothing emporium of O il Blount opened up again Tuesday morning. The closing- up w.a only temporary ,aud ns soon as the credit 6rs understood the situation all agreed that they would give Mr Blount plenty of time, and thus let. everybody receive too cents on the dollar, besides having money left himself, instead oi having a big stock of floods on their hands. Thus says the Ash and Record, and Mr Blount's friends in Albany will be gind to know of the fact, A diy, backing cough keeps th bronchial tube iu a stst of ooostsnt irritation, which, if not speedily removed, msy lead to bron chitis. No prompter irmedy can be had than Ayer'a Cherry Pcotors), which is both an nodyuo snd expectorant. a I. . . ' Tobtlasd, Or., Jan. 12th. Hsvititf a severe hsok soh last summer, I tried the Oregon Kidney 'lea, I used on ear, which effected a radical cure. I would reo ommend it to alt who are .filiated as an an failing remedy. . JnursAcn. Sola by Fot bay & Mason. . If yon sr nervous or irritable, feci languid, dispirited, or if you have sick headache, sal low complexion, or offensive brsth,tben your liver is out of order and needs rousing. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tooio restore, th lsvr to health thy action and tones op th entire sys Sold by Fosbsy Si Maou. tem (10)1!! AND AB110UI tiiuasuAV. ' ! 'hsny inrruhsiit soils a car load of tut; .'ft iiionlh. . Wh 1 11 s. I"IC. t hss tsknn a thro osnt jump up id 1 now quoted at 6.1. Keep fight V on ull.tia o"utBst',arourred t Isy near the I'estolrlca, ratnlting in one of h rren mi n! a lively shaking. T I oilios ot Albert Wilson and Minni 1 y, drownsd st tha mr.uth of the Miu nsva not yet brMo found. ,' .f Strang, bnviuss ara in tho city pound ei . plot ahly from the eountiy, as they 0 i , .1 liolnng 10 th rrtino family. . '.. ra Waggoner, Chirk of the tl C ws in.' uity ir-dsy ou his wsy home, beinu ..1.; f. d to quit work on toonuut i t fvr. T hi- Coin, proposes sxsminlng all th tracks hi t ho State. M- owl Mrs 0 0 UiMsortiy. rscotly fn 111 Wisoonsin, who wara during tha past 1 1 Corvallis, hsv mvd to Alhsny, whim they aill mskc ilieir home. Mr. Uu.'d orthy hss Soouo a )i.iinn hsre, raiBAr. M t I'.rry Cotui and family i,t 10 New- 1 ei . ys.t.ird.y, ..Is.ln at Mrs Pieitks 1 1, Sin i1s are tl m r0i' a. 00 Wftk d ). Th MoMitinvill. er itii..r t y it ttt uti hpgiojlng Hrpiomlr 1, .Mr and Mrs A li Wraaf n and Mr T'alo us a f.lurusd from thn uiiiuutaiii.. ".v Rogers want to tr U tn d.v. He Hill r'arn in ton to resume tetvioe. no v "'k f"m Sundsy, Vr I Wri.trntt and J Fury, former i.h o . of Mr Thm Brink, sr in, the i . of Mr Brink. ' V MaKlros went sontl in Ruueiie aud i'l .. . jm nonhwarlh tu-mnrrnr mmnlnii. A 1 1 others h will Ivav for Mt'w.ukeo o ii t Monday 1". .-'Jhief Kngineer J N UnlTinan Ss town f ir 4 sieeb at tha annasl meeting of th N W Firemen's Association to b held at r ma nest month. M Krs M llrton, a sobstantisl looking o i man aad a relative ot Judge Fllon, ss arrived in th city, and assumed th . - Irion of bonk -keeper in the Fir.t Nali msl r.tiic, .ladg Strsbsn, J J Uubruill and C W U'tt. returned this morning from a trip up !. 1 MoKodx. Baiug inodaet men they little to ssy as to their record as N im l , Mi W.irxlin, of Tafloms and Mias Mar Ho. o n .ir for Wal.. Tha voiinuo.t m.m- I'"' 1 th family, a boy, was born in tha at in nr a n J .hnstown which wsa toa inj atm'it on the w,Ws. Tha little fellow has Iwen ii.'iioj M.wrs. BATCH BAT. First lor aev.ral months this after BOOB. Mr I'hil Hmifh. of 8suliam precinct is in th city to-rjsy. MrOmsr HsndiicaottBad fsmily Irft for Newport to-day. w c Twwd,u ,,, c a Iu J Fred Tat, who is atuHtlra la in altiig left fof th rsging ooran Mr !' of I.saand dsoghter rt-tame.l . i J dsy fioin a to Olvmpi. j DnoCoaa, K W Iagdon and FieJ l iptrf It ft this tnwraiogou a trip to th mounUius j If on Alex Ilawiog, residing in this ooas- , ty, scrw in oantiam irom Miaj toe, is rr. ported daogaroesly ill. A vary ,jiyabl Us was given li.t even ing by Mr and Mr K W Laugon. ia boocr of th seventh anniversary of their marriage. Jad 2 Field wea arrested y.stardsy at Ssa Fraaotaoo snd at one Ju.iic Sswy.r issued a writer hat- eorpur haard next Thursday, flail was died at aawo r Th attention of our readers ia called to the eard of Ir O A Whitney which appra s la another column. Th Doctor has perm anently located in Albany and solicits th patroaage of th people. Merit Wis. W. daslr to aay to our, that toe year bar. ho3 shins' tr. kln' N.w laMnsarv U- Cow MBi,uua, Or kin('. h'sw Life Pills, HarkUn'. Ar nica !, sad KlacUt. lUttora, aad aav. asvar asad ld raiiwiIlM taat sU as wall, or that aav givvt, aurb umvarsal saUi U-, W.aa t hsailala So cutr anta. than, .vary MM, snd sr. stand rsadf M refund Uh awctiaas frlrw ' at'at4.y rwtmUm Ut not fa luwUwtrtM Thar. rvawISM won Uwlr gnat botnlariiy oa tlwir tuartu. l"uhsy and Ma mm, druiw A fafe lavestatral. I.ers whk-h IsenaraalMd ia brinr loa asllatae lury ramtt'a, or la aw uf foliar, a rssan, a ptrrrnaa. Bruw. Oa ths. asi 1 Un yon can hnr fm our ad varUasd IWuralst s tsMtl .4 Or. klne's Xttt Osj auvart f -1 ouatjatirtion, it ia t-a.raal.vd lo hriut rsiM la .try osw. nr. osd fur any aJUctioa of Throat, Lunirs or CToaat, acrh aa Co muapoue. In BsmmsUoo of Lnna-s, lironrhilla Asthma, W bo.lnf Coath, t roup. s.t .to. U ss plssssnt snd acraashl lo taste, rwrfactly asa, sad emit alsv. b. aVpandad upua. Trial but'lsa frasat Fvsh.y Mason Is, Kid Cloves Kid Cloves 1 1 I have just rece ved a full line of kid gloves branded Our Own. This is a genu. Ine kid glove. I buy direct from importers in New York and consider them Ihe best value ot any gloye I ever sold for this price,. 5 button, 3 row of st'tching, $1.30 per pair. . 8E. Yoi'su. When Ilaby waa skk, we gave her Caatorla, IV ben ahe was a Child, she cried for Caatocia When ib beeotna Mba, she clung to Caatacia, Wlien ah bad Children, ah gav them Castoria. Advlra to Mothers. Mra. Wioslow'a Soothing Syrup, for children teething, Is tba prescription of one of the beat female nuraea and phyal elaoa In tha United Mate, aLd haa bn used for forty years with neverTaliiog auoeeaa by milliona of tnotnera for their nbildron. During tba prooeaa of teething lu valna Is localcuablo. It release the ebild from pain cures dysentery and dlar rboea, griping In the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child It rest (he mother. Price 25c. a botO. better List. . . Following Is the list of letters reinaliilug In ths Poet Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Aug 16th, 1SSS Vsrsntis calling for these letter) must gtvs b dat. 00 which th.v wars advertised : " t Armstrong, Mra U Kuriongha, Sherman BennHt, OA Cumminge, I'M ward Diok, MrsRM Kemsey, Misa Mary Miller, W J -MoDouald, Ivovry Mead, Harold Ryan, Msthesr Boyer, Chestet Bray, Wm Courter, Eld F M Davis, Mra Miuoi Garringsr, Isaao Millar, Eld M MoCollum, KP 2 Mo Donald. Mabl Odell.Il H Smith, E Smith, Jacob Willi!, JO K. TU0MF80M, P. M. Smith, fcd Itucklen's Arnica SsJv. Th. belt 8alv. In ths world for Cuts, GruIsrs.Sr, Ulcer., Halt, t'.ver gores, Tetter, Chapped hands. Chilblains, Corns, snd sll Bkln Eruption, and positively ture Plies, or no pay required. It I guar ante, f tu givs p.1 fort satisfaction, or money refund ed, Price ti, ents per box. For sals by Foahay and Maaon. Wiight'a Arsbisn llorso Liniment acts quickly and Heotually, and hss no auperior as a remedy for snirrals in all esses where a inioiept in require!. Sold by Foshay ft Maaon, Au ouno.i of preveouon hettar this a pouud of cure. Pfuudei's On-yi n Pd d ruritiet expeie all impurities ot iha I I.h d and should is used in all diseases of th stosasoh, liverjsnd kidnejs. Take It. Wright'd fompound Syiup of S vrssparilla are.lishie iradtcin for the reoov.t on of th blood . Tom ud builds up the ststetn, cures skin disease, ete. Sold by Foehay & Masoo. Dr, M. H. Ellis, physieian and ylbany, Oreijon. Calls insda in oountrv. surgeon city ot A gentleman who had suffered great annoy ance and pain from barbers itch, and who had tseeu treated by the best physician, without relief, says that two bottles of Dutsrd's Spi tific cured him and left his face perfectly smooth, without a scar. It never falls inskin disease. Sold by Foshay & Mason. Children Cry foil MILL CITY. It has been said that Mill Cltv li one of the busiest towns In Oregon, Mr Shaw. Mr CraMo 1 d Mr-Belle are building fine Mill City Provision Store have the fin est WBtermellons on hand we ever aw. selling from it, ta 40 cents each. , Dr Hugh ha returned from Portland, Mrs Crahlcand Mr ladgr are at Al bany on business. Mrs LeclJerry hr returned fromOregon Cltv, Mating Hint her mother I. getting belter. A large blnck bear was killed by 'Mr 1 lentils and Mr Shcpurd last evening only a few miles from this place. Mis Zimmerman of Slnyton 1 vl-ftlng her daughter Mrs llcnllnc at this place. Three boys Frank Smith, Zeb Ray and w in Ilobnon were arreted and fined for disturbing a public meeting on Inst Friday. Smith could not pny bis tine which was $45.70 and was taken to Salem and put to jail, This will give other boys a vslublc lesion. Lulu I lasting' three year old daughter was burled la.t Monday, Sweet thing, and Is she so quickly laid to sleep? TIMBER LAND NJTIJE. United Slates Land Oflice, " Oregon Ity, Or., July 30, 1S89, Notice l hereby iveii that in compli ance with the provUi.on.of the set ot l on. gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An si, J fur the sale of timber, lauds in the Mimes of California, Oregon, Nav.da and Washing ton Tenitory,'' Martha lluckstifly.of Port land, county of Multnomah, state of Ore gonhas this day filed in this oflice her sworn statement No 1325, for the purchase of lots 3 and 4 and S ft of N W if of hec Na 3, in Tp No 12 south, Range No 1, east, and will offer proof to show that Ihe land sought I more valuable for ill timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her chilm to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this of fice at Oregon City, Or,, on Saturday the i6lh day ot October, 1889. She names as witnesses s H Vroom, (i Llndley, C J !lckeron and J M hlmons, all of Port land, Multnomah county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described land, are requested to file their claim tn lids on or bclore said 20th day of October, tSSy. W.T. BuKMcr, Register. United State Land Oflice. Oregon City, Or., July 31, 1889. Notice is hereby giyrrt ths. in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con- gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for j the sale of timber lands In the States of j California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing-! ton Territory," lavld McFarlane. of Van couver, county of Clarke. Territory ol Washington has this day filed in this of- flee his .worn statement No 1327. for the j pi-rcbusc ot the N K t of Sec No 18. In Ip 7o 12 south, Ksnge No 2 esst, and will offer pi oof to show that the land sought Is more valuable t's limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said lane before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Monday the jKih day of October, 1SS9, II nsirles a witnesses : C I. May, J Hweet. ; W Robinson aed I Fitgib. ton. allot Vancouver, Clarke county, W r. Anv and all persons claiming adverse ly the above desoilied lands are requested l.ft C! II... .-tol.n !, ,1,1 ... I,- ': j to file tlieir thiitns in this office on or lore saiu soiii usv 01 t.ctouer, isv; W.T. Bvbxry, Register. T1MBFR LAND NOTICE. j United Stntcs Land Office. ! Oregon City, Or., July 271I1, 18S9. Notice is hereby given that sn compliance withlhe provisions of Ihe set of Congress of June 3, I878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands ia the ststesof California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"' Tbomss McGtenoo.of Sydney, county of K tap,terTitry of Washington, has Hits day hied in this office his sworn statement No 1316, fur the purchsse of Ihe S E ,V of section No 4, in township No 1 2 soutb.rsnge No 2 esst, snd w ill offer proof to show thst the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for sericulture! mirpos- as.snd to cstabtish his claim to said land before lb Register and Receiver of this oflice at Ore gon City, Or, on Fiidsy, the 251b day of Octo tier, 1889. He names as witnesses : C Smith, J llerrog, J Peters and J T Marphy.atlof Syd ney, Kitsap coun'y, W T. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above desciilied lands are requested lo file their claims in this office on or before said 2 5th dsy of October, 1 8S9. W T III' BXEY, Register. TIMBER LAM) NOTICE. I'mud Btata. Laud Kmk. tirtvo - Ouy.onion; Juljt.'rfb.lsiU. Xs'-lo. is nwvby iiimikv in vmaoliaK-. r.n th. pruMun..f tb.a.'taf Cmgnmat JunaS.lsTS antiilnj " An sr f or th. s! .4 timber lands la thasratsaof Oi. If.iroia. O r.,n, Kcaaa. at.d Wa-hini-ioa Territory," 1 soi. a.tinumiim,,MtuiyiBH., eoooiy ol Thurstun, tamiory uf washineuw.ha. Isuilsi a ad In u (0J. . his aaora statam. t So l.Tvi, .x ttw pa:cbaae ol th. B a I of stctioss o SO, In loaiuh'p Ko ll. mmjiH rsuir, aadaill off.r prod to shew thst fjv land aooghl Is ttut.9 taluablsfur Its Umber or stone Own fur attrioulturat purfHssM, and to ubli.h hi. claim tn said aUHtaefor. thaltctri.terand rlareiter4lhisoSK atOrvguat'iiy, Orrgeu, oaTundav, th Kndilsy of Ui,r, ism. II. names as wlm.asts : J It J.koheua, i Blew a.,W aVnaiBeld and 2ohn tiemer.atl uf Sratll,-, Kin eounty, W T Any and all p rsou elsimli ad t rerly 'bt abov. dssmbrd lands ara mioesud to file taatr eUlms In this cfflo. tmvt otan said Mnd dsy ot Octobwr, Isaa W T Besxsf , fUgfeter, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vnlted aUta Land Office. orcgnal'ily.oretfon, Jnty STth, IfStf. Notice i. h.rrby given that in couipiiance with the pre.lalons of t he act of 'onerass of J uuc S, 1 HTS.eut it led "AN act fur the rale of Umber la"d. In th. etatea of t'al Ifomis, Oregtm. Nevada , and Washington Territurv.' t'rsdU Atdnoh. af fadillsc.oxiulyot WesfordUiteaf i icniKsn, n.inisy mod Uitius errice his sworn etataroent No 1SU, fortbe rrtbast4 tbcBW) of section No ,ln township No 111 south, ran?. NoSeset. aad will oflor proof toshowtbat the land souirht is mor. va'uabJ. t. lu Umber or stone than for sirricul tural purpose, aad toealahliah hut chum to esid IsimI beferalh. Hegiater and Kecelverof this oflice st Ore gon City. or. ,on Friday, tl tub dav af tMobrr .Ism . He name a. srituesswa : F I Ishell .K Howe.MC V.rk. snd J i Hutiires, sll of Albany. Unnoounty, Orewn. Anyand allpsssons claiming adversely tbe above as sert bed land, are requested to III. their claim, tn this office on or before saki tMh da v-l October, nga. W T Hi smt, HcgisUr. Hotice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., June ,20, 1SM. Notice Is hereby given that In oemoli anoa with tbw provisions of the act ot Congress of Jnue8rd, J8.8, entitled "An act fur lb sale of tltnter lands In tbe Stalea of California, Oregon, Nevada r.d Washington Teirltory " David Merahey, of Portland, county of Multnomah, Statu ol Oregon, basthiatlty fll.! In thia oflice bla aworn atatement No, 1033, for the p ir chaae of tho 8 K I of Koctiou No, 12, in TownshlnNo. lo atiih. lUn No. !L east, and will oner proof to show that tbe laud sought la tnor valuable for its lim ber or alone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish bis ciaitn to said land before tbe Keghtfr or Receiver of thl office at Oregon City, Oregon, en Taesday, the nib. day ef Beptrsuher. 18 He names as witness : John W est and O A Bennett, .f Tacoma, Pierce county, W. T., and W. H. Requa and C. G. Ty ner. of Portland, Multnomah county, Or. Any and all persona cf aiming adversely tha abovewdeseribed Jan da are requested to file tbelr claims In tbia cfHce on or bo fore aaid 17th day of September, 18ci). W. T. Btjfnbt, Keglster, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Offlee. ... Oregon City, Oregon, July ISth, 18S9. Notloe la hereby given that In compliance with the provision of the act of Congress of June 3, la7tl,entit'ed"AB aetfor the sale of tim ber lands In the states ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Donald stoKae, of Brownsvlllf, county ot Linn, stnta of Oregon, has this day filed In thia omen his sworn statement No 121, for the purchase of IheNKJof section Noitt, In township No IS, south, range No 8, esst, and will oiTor proof to show that the land sought 1 mare valuable for It timtxrr nr stone than for agricultural fiurposes, and ta estabhah his olaim to ald and before the Register and Receiver or this oltloe at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday.the Hth day o October, Rs. He names as wit nesses . W H Taylor, W East, J B Towsley and H Brenna ,all of Albany, Linn oouniy.OreBon. Any all persons claiming adversely the above described lands ara requested to file their olalms tn this office on or baforo said HtU day of October, IW ' ' W T BcasKT, Register. Bf ave Koapjsettte,Iadtreatlon. Flatuleneo, Ktek Headache, -all ruts down," los In; flewta, you wtll find. ii thaHmailTT.n saaod. The' tonesip tli Wal4 nisrasci) and bui!d u iii BlasTB-lnir enersriea. Snrrerera frsnt ansa tat 1 or phynical overwook will f tnd, BaJUeXlroMittieui. jfteelyBagareoateol. SOIJO JLTFIY1IE11E. Pitcher's Castorta; Ifou B If 0 asa for Infants and 'T.tT!alsowsDdArAedtochndKtBliAt I I rotnm,! U as superior to say prr-orlptioa I saowa to me." H. A. Aacaaa, M.D., UI 80. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, X. T. Ths f - y Combine, the Juice of the Blue Fig. of California so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtue of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gwitly yet promptly on the KIDHEYS, LITER AND BOWELS AMO TO CleansetheSystem Effectually, VO Til AT PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH and 8TRENCTH Nsturslly follow. Every one is asing it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALJrORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Sam Fbamcisco, Cu Ltwismta, Kv. Ns Yosb, N. TIMBER LAM) XOTK'L United State Land Office, Oregon City, Or., Joly 17th, 18Si. Nfiti( ia hereby given that in comjdi anco with the proviionaof the net of Cow grvae of June 3, 1878, entitlod "An act for the aalo of timber land in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Warfiinc ton Territory," Fred Gilbert, tf Seattle, county of King, Territory of Washington, ban thia tlay hied in thia ollii-e hia rrworn ata'ement No ISt.for the purchaae of tho S W M of St-e No 22, Tp No 10, notitlL KaiiL'c No 2 east, and will offer proof U ' ait.tiu ttiut tliw 1'iiiil tutiti.tit ta innrff valu- Byc fr jm timU-r or utone than for agri- ... . - ...'.I' i-niriimi itirtkfMf. unit 10 cii:lIiIimii iuk claim to aaid land Wore the JCegiMer and ICeK-eivcr of thin office at Oregon City, Or. , on Saturday the 12th day of OcbUT,lHW; lie names ut witnefcWH : K Mans, C F Stoking. F lisMiao and B Krohn, all of Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all person claming adverat'ly tlie shove de- j acrilied Utnda an to file tlieir claims in this otlioe on or before suid 12tlt dav of Octols-r, lrUfil. W. T. Ccbxky, Ucginter. ""timber LANDNOTICLV United State Jjtnd Oirwc, Oregon City, Or., July 17th, ls. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the proviitioua of the act ot Con gress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nev.iUand Washing ton Territory," Munloch Stewart, of Seat tle, county of Kinjr. Territory til Washing long, has this duy filed in this cilice hia sworn Htatfiuent No I223.for th jiir.-hafe of the N K M (4 Sec No 28. in Tp No 10, south Rangu No 2 eAxt.and will otrer proof to show that tho land sought is more val uable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purpotaai, and to establish his claim to said land It-fore the Ueii-ter and lteceiver of this otfict ut Oregon City, Or.; on Saturday tbe day of Oi toter.lSS0 He nuuies as witnesses : F lSense, F Shriener, IS Krohn aiid F tiilU-rt, all of Seattlt", King county, W. T. Any sik! ull persons i lmuiin svi.'erse!y tho a'oove de scribed LukIi art requested to file their claims in this office on or In-fore eaid 12th day of October, 1)W'). W. T. IU hxev, Register. - TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Oflice, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 18S9. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress ot June 3, 1878, entitled "An" act for the sale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," James K McIIargne, of P.rownsviUe, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No 12m,for the purchase of the S K i of Sec No 32, Tp No 10 south, 1 tan go No 2 easC and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land I Wore the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Suturday the l'Jth day of October, ISSy. He names as witnesses : J l Irvine, A P Howe, W C Cooley and A L Baker, all of Brownsville, Linn county, Or. Any and alt persons claiming adversely the attove described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before eaid 19th day of October. 18S9. W. T. BrasEV, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I" n I ted States Land Offlee. Oregon fll y. Oregon. July 17th, I. Notice 1 hereby given thnt In coin pittance with tho provisions ot the net uf Congress of June3,l$7a,entlUiHl"An act forth sale r timber lands in th tatcs of CsllforaiA.Ore gen,Kevada, and Washington Terrltoy,"B?rahardKrohn,of " "nl 'ng.ierriiory ;or Washington hasthisdav riled In tbisoirice his sworn state- meut So lii'i, foi the Hirehaa orths 5 W , of section No JH, In township No lo.south range No 'ieaHt. and will offer proof to show that tbe laud sought is mora valuable for Its timber or stun than for agricultural purposes, and to establish htaelalin tosaid land before thn Keglster and Hecel vrr or lb is office at Oregon City. Oregon, on Saturday, the nth day of October, lsssi, lie n.niesas witness t F hvnse, FGilbeil,M Stewart and F shriener. all of Seattle. Klngeounty, WT. Any and all penions elalmtng adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claim In thl office on or before said I jth day of October, lsnik . W T Bi-sssY, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. t'nlted States Land office. Oregon City, Oregon, July lTth. 1889. Notion Is hereby given tttat tn eompliauoe with the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes, mg, entitled "An ot fortbe sale of Um ber lauds ia the slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,'' Fran Shriener. of. Seattle. eountynf King, territory of Washington, has f bis clay filed in thlsoffioe his aworn atatement No lif-H.ior the purchase of the SW J of section No'iS.ln township No 10, south range No i east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber oratorio than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim tosaid land before the Keg lster and Receiver of thia office at Orvrtfh City, Oregon, ou Saturday, the l'Jth dayof October, lKS'.i. lie names as witnesses : F Bcnse,B Kroha, FUllbert and M Stewart.all of Seatt le. Kinic on ty.WT. Any audall persons cialmlnif adverse ly the above described lands ara requested to file their claims in this office, on or before said 12th day of o.tober. ltijjtf. W T Bi'subt, Register. STOCKMEf. ANO fARMtHS i hereby certify thtt Or. 1. N. W joui baa auooessfuil.r operatod on my riddling noree, . ISAAO HAYS. For further referents, in regard to ridg logs inquire of Wm. Peterson, Dave Pa terson, Lebanon : John Hard man, Alfred Wolverton, Albauy ; Sam Gaines, Hcto; Win. Foster, Prinevillo. I practloe veter inary medioine in Albany and country surrounding. Oirice and residence oorne eth and Washirgtsn Sta. I.K WOODLE, Veterinary Surgeon. WIL.L. BROS, Dealers In ail the lattjt improved Pltu Organs, Sswinvr Maohinei, Guns. Also a full line of warranto 1 Razors, Butcher and Pocket Knlyes. The best kind of sewing machine oil, needles, and extras, for all machines. AU repairing neatly and reasonably done. l JuLlLn Children Caatorfecmr Cl!. niri7. "J' rlSotaa iruJxxil injurious I Crjrrr Cotfrairy, Murray Street, . Y. Mice for Publication. United 8te Land fH - liratron Jnna 20 IJVW. 1 Orotron City. June 20 lifV. dMaasals--l Nolle, i h'rotiy glvn that In eomp t f inoa with tb provial'sna of if a ar t of v" tnvres of J.a 8rd. iMH, -'stlol an V x-l for H e of ttio'r 'anda In .ih tut a of raMrirnl. OriKoo. tivarla a- rf an" O s-i Htt n Trrhori " I lvo II MtjIlUe., f K rt ' o COUo'S 'f M' mon, o. M Hi-of ' 1. ., ..(. i,Hij' -'xV fl .d'filhs fll . : '. ril '' I " '3 Uf 1 . ,i'-in f in. K H i 1 ai o 'Mi. I ! e--.. "Ho. IH, il. e utito S iff . to It tiur N ' 8 saf, -f ' wilt ifli-r ,.1'Mif 1. -It ila' tl f ai d Bought In hi rr v.!uairri for II tin ber or Mooatbwfi 'or ri.u!iural pur.-o,and loirstatill.h li'H claim to laid iniid h for tha Kr'i'dr and J'.weivir of ll.t" Tl :e st Oregon City, Oregon, od Tarsday. Ifae ITfb aay af aeptetawer, ISKf. Ha name as wiliee s John Wrtt add O, A. Itennott, of Tacoma, PW-reo moonty, W, T , and I). Hcrsfcey and C O. Tyrer, of Portieud, M ultnomab otin ty, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adverse ly tha above doeritfit laoda ar rcqat ed to file tbolr claim lo thia rfQcecnor before said 17th day 0 M-piembr, llf!!. W. T. Bi7!sy. IVginfi r. Timber land notice United Ma!a Lai.d tUlW e. Oregon City, or.. June JOib. IS1- Nolle ia hereby given that i.i com pi t anca with tho protl-loi.a of ll.w act of OiDgresa ol Jono 8rd, IU78 .willed 'An act for Ihe aa: c.f timber landa in the Hiatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory ."Frt;fc li Stovcna, of Monlessno. c nmy of ther.alts, Teiri lory of Wtslilr.gtm, has Ibin day filed in thia oflice bis sworn attsnent No. 1070, fortbapuretisa-of thaS W i :t fcectlun No. 22, in Township So. 10 Koolb Itsogo No. a esst, and will offer ttof to show that ibe Isnd sous Lt Is moia ja usbl for Its ti! slims thin for agricultural purpoaor, and to esiabliso bia lain) to aaid Isnd befor tbe Register od Po oeiverof tbla cOieeat OrtKcm City, Oi., on Friday. Ike Zoib slay mf Srylrasbrr, IBs. witnesses; Th'a K-r,e, H. Martin. O. W. Hall and Jobu Wen, a' I of Monte. no. Cbabaiia coouty, Washington Territory. Any and al? per sona claiming niiverrely U.e aUve da Bcrlbod lands arr n queried to file tbeir elaiata In thia nice ou or before aaid 20tb day ot Septet I r, J St 9 tV, T. BCRET. Keglster. Timber Land Boticf. United Hates Land Office, Oregon City, Or., June 2Mb, 18E9. NolW Is beiehy given that in compll ance with tbe provision of the act of Congress of June 3rd, 1878, entitled "An act for tba sale Stsloaof Call W sab ington Keane, of Mr Territory of filed In thia office his aworn atatement No. lf;7, for tr.e purchase of tbe M K j of Section No 2, in Township No. 10. South, Range No, 3 e t. and M eff-r proof to snow that the ,nd sought la more valuable for il i iiutnrr than for agricultural puro, s-d to esth'is.b hi c'aiiu lo said land before the ' gode-r and Receiver cf lbi i ffiee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, IketSih aay r ScplrsKwer. isa. lis nmiea a wHnesws: H Mar'tn, F. r- sttvn. l. W Belt rd Jonn Wm i f Moti eaano Cbeha i 'Uny. Wah lnR'or Ji rro y . Any aid it pr.-on . r.a'm t, dve-, !y ti e ale d. writ e land" sr. -'lr-ud Ui Hetl"li l'Dll I hi- fflc n . t te-lore aaid 20th day o tsVpten b . 'h9. V T.Br RStT, Regixter. Ely'sCreamBalm dea nrsca the TTasal Passages. - Al lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Beetorea the Senses cf Taato, Bmeii acd Heaiing. A particle ta applted lata aevufc aaii B aswl fa axcrermbl. rrl-e AOo. at iraa-tea ar TT awaOi. SLX BitQTaaaWsrronatNew York, PATENTS Uloed, and sll other busJaes. la th. C. 8. Fatea Be. auendeded to for moderate feea. Our orfic ia oppoeit tbe U.S. Patent Offios, and waoan obuia Patent leas time than those remote rom Washinxtoa. Send audi or drawinar. Wa scV to patent sbiiitj fro. of charge ; sod wemaks o charge unless w obtain patent. W refer here, to the Postmaster, th BupC of stoney Order Di. and to official, of tbe U. & Patent Omoe. Fordrcular, advios, tarms, and aferenoss oactusiclieutain your own Slate or oouoty, address Ca A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Wastdrurtoo, D . . OF PURE COD LIVER GIL AifB HYPOPHOSPHlTJgg Almo&t aa Palatable as Mlik. So dligataed taat It east bo takes), dlf e.ied, aad aastswllatcd by tho meat soAslti-rs atomach, nhea tbe piaiat all eaaatot bo tolerated r and bjr the mat blnatloa of tte oil with tlse SyscBaat. ia msicb ssrar etucavcioms. jCeaurtabto as a -flesb pradacer. PersM yila np!dJy wt;B uMe It, SCOT!" 8 EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best preps, ration in the world for the relitf and cure of CONSUMPTION. SCROFULA, GENERAL OEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION. COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. 3'A jreif remfdy for Consumption, and Irastinj in CAiidrea Sold 6y aU Druggists- FRANCIS PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR OK Albany oda Works -and Man couture rs of CHOICE COSFEUTIONERY. We are aow prepares to sail at w,ol ', always fresh and uie at Perth nd Bs to dealers. ve also keep a full ) iaf -.. . ... finta and Trcpicsl Fruits, IQARS AMD TOBACCO : Poultry Wanted. . AU kinds of poultry, alive or dressed, wanted at the Willamette Flicking Com pany's Sta-e, Albany, Oregoc. r t.mber land In the foroia, Ot egon, Nevada, and Territory," Thomas . of Chehalie, , VVaahington, hss thi nay v COLD I HEAD. y'W TrytheCure