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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1888)
f V mm Ik gjcmorrat ncilllRZ FOR t'MiVnhAMk CAM. M'M'lUt ON WAiiKS, Nothing could bo more amusingly auilac ions than the effort made bv republican to ihmmuuIc the American worklngman that his wage depend absolutely on the maintenance of our tariff, and that A men can labor will bo repressed to the level of llio nminr tnlirtr tt Kilr.m. " If "WV ' - surrender anv part of our protective y tern." Republican speeches and papers fairly teem with comparisons of wages In the I 'nlted States and wages in Kngland to show the effect of the protective tariff m one country and of free trade In the other. I shall not here Inquire Into the correct nets of those comparisons; hut, assuming them to be orreet, what do they prove? Tint It U tariff which makes wanes higher in Aircrica, and the absence of a tariff which makes them losrei In Kiuilaud? A W w "a r-f everybody knows, wages range higher in free trade Kngland than In protectionist Germany. Now, if it is true that wages depend upon the tariff, then free trade must have caused higher wages In Kngland, and wagis in Germany must have bcende pressed bv protection. Or, if we assume that wages range higher In Kngland than in Germany, somehow, In spite of Knglish free trade, may it not be said with equal justice that wage range higher In Amer- ml K:iOKT,OF T11K CONDITIO or TUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT AMUNY, IN TIIR BTATK OK 0MCC10N. At Ihsolus ol Ituslns, Outolwr tlh, U. THE PLACE. For some time republican papers have been asserting that Carl Schurx, the great German mugwump, who la now in Kell, Gcimanv, would not support Cleveland this time. A leading German republican in Wisconsin, just afterlarrlson was nom nated, wrote to Schun asking him to sup port Harrison, but Mr. Schura answered in a long letter giving his reasons for support ing Cleveland. Among other tl.lngs he Mid: But more. It was the custom of the ic publican party to pledge Itself In its plat form that the government should be ad mlnlsterediwlth strict economy. The plat form of this year omits this pledge, and recommends the liberal spending of the public money for a variety of subjects What this means la easily understood There is a lame surplus in the treaurv -- wm That surplus is oOVtantly Increased b revenue far exceeding the current needs of the government. Such a surplus, constant If growing, is by every sensible man recognized as a public danger. It not only .. . r l , l . ... - kiikln rkanni'la thi money reoulrcd for active circulation, but (ica than in Kngland. somehow, hi spite of lti.r Ktliivncf always breeds iobbery American protection ? . ' I ., e . . ,. t I 1.' ,k,.K Vnnui h:il 1 1 lie UIm'UhsIiHI na lis Humor- in an ami vi i iii'iiun. ...v. , w-. , . .w - ...... - I - ... . . . i ,i ,, llAwm.trMnfii Coimnun sense would article on "Wages ami tne lann, puo mm that If our t.ives yield too much reve- lUhed by one of the formost champions of nue let us promptly reduce our taxes, the protective system (New York Tribune, Is v a a it 1 - - - J a. first thoae whkh are most burdensome to Aug. 14). nc is.. v. . I ... - isi . - t .... i LLa r..i is the people, But the republican party tell " ne compeunun o ,rr.B., .v.. ... .1 1 . 1 ..iT -. I 111 I IV M4IK C llinilllimiwii. 'It u rainer mm rcuuic 111c 1, mmn 1 . , - than surrender anv part of the protective They are not protected against the " . I .1.1 .1 ,, ., . ...... .if fitri-lifll system, let ever so much more revenue wm'"sm ....... . - k k, Ih ... .noni the Isbor who earn less and live in greater I . 1 I .w . 1 1 .. I n.onev liberally in whatever way we cab. wrcicmunw w,.. In fact, we begin to hear the idea of an -interior classes 01 loreign mmm cooomlcal administration of the govern who earn less and live In greater wreunea ment rather jceilngly spoken of as a pica- ness 10 uc uunu. wm ... w- vunlsh, narrow-minded policy. No true Germany, r ranee anu ncigium. . - I .. li.i. 1 - ............. , .. .r I I.,,. wMli friend of the country can witness such a nsn m. c y. ........ tendency without serious concern. A dem- we are told that htgii larin American ors ocratic government which constantly raises ingmen must be protected against the pau a much larger revenue than It need, for I' W' oi fre trad England, we are n economical administration, and then em- iotoiu ui u.c "'"'S" barks in lavish expenditures for the sake of gnd must be protected against the pau pending the surpluthat government is oi thc h,8h Uri,, countries on In a very bad way. Such a practice, some inc a.uropcan wuu...... time continued, will produce a carnival of - ...m.I lli.rnai.lilU. E. R. bklp worth and R. McLean will meet In joint dicuvdon at thc following times and places : Halsev, Friday, Oct. i Albany, Saturday, Oct. Jo, " Linkvtlie. Mondav. Oct. 2 Dairy, Tuesday, Oct. 3. P Jacksonville, Friday, Nov. 3, I p. in. Medfttrd, t ndav. .Nov. z, 7:30 p. .n. Ashland, Saturday, Nov. 37:3o p. m. Resosirees t Usui siul illstsi.iitit tl7oon.7l Mu-rilrslU, su ur.l suit unwM ur.a Otil.i H V. a. IVwuls Vo swum rlri'Ulslltin (Hie r h. ImiihU, sntl i.nirtmsjr ikk) (Hi I his fruit. Hiiivtvi rtim)ti stfuuva - i lliifh,.i oilier Nsll'iusl llsnks lMsv.47 bus (rum suui IWuihs sinl biikr 1M4101 Ki-si auu, tim.ltiiiv, sml nittires Main 41. Currant 0SM)iiss .sl txa sU.t 17'l.s I'rtjiiiiuum iwlil VKXLtti iv. ki 11,1 1 . 1 ti-i cMiiltams lUUr other hanks imM l.'. -. i,.uB lutikas , . 1 a Mai . at I , 11 " Kit ItMM'lS , 11 m M LsfsJ Undar uotw waft. 00 KtomiitiiH. Juml wiUji U. . Trurar (vs jHir canl 4 tureuiatioii ) asw XoUl f-7ntf.'i.00 tly all meana oall on Parker Brothers, Smc(tor to okn fH Ur your Groceries, FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for thc Kail I beg to call attention to the Following Departments : CLOTHING For Fall and Winter -AT- Uafcllllles 1 Capital !.- K stia til Murtilus Itl.ul I 'm. , . id. mI i.r.,rtl a . .. NsUistal tlankiitiUa ulUnilinir liulivttiual doiMwiis suiijiH'i 10 ch licnisml arllrali'l iln Diia ut nthar National UaiiKS.. . 0u Ui HUU Hanks snd tsvnkfra .......... . taMS 6 , 107SO.W) 66U0.HO 0000 T..UI IMHHMMMN tmnur. 00 Stat or Oss.k.s, Odcmtv or Lisa, -as : I. Oa... K. rhvntwrlalii.Cashler ths r nam d batik '. aulsninly swosr tils' the shov sUtrlustit is tma U. tho bast if my kiKialnlgaaml twltvf. i. K.i K. CIUMUKKLAIN, Csablar. HubarrtlMxl aiwi sworn lo hvfur to this Uth day of Octubar. Ishh a H. IHVINK, fc Notar) I'ublW. Ovsascr Atssat : L. M l s s, W K. 1 1 KKKM.. tMr , L. E. BLA1W. ) Opera House. A Comdy Boom ! One night only I SATURDAY, OCT., ,', -Knitogemetit of W. F. ROCHESTER'S Musical Comedy Company. . a n-i J M J m. 11M I n nu mamma . I ! . JLxaal ... amok in itmialiall V lr(H Slid CPU) lltl. rroouco. owou mm, bio., sk-. usi tiuwws- 7'J2l tZ v'm .ui win .r irtss kuvui in iub ; 1 s"- ,. 1 T j 1.' ........ -.,,1 l,...i,.n ttntiortati'jui. 1 he latftat nooi- nt'it cieu iroiu mv wcas - 1 Ilea in trimming and button, ahawht, blanket, aomn UM fova y white blanket, table linen, towel, etc. . mm m. mm -l.XiI -i.--.!... Ad,u.t l,.U Mtiillilfd UIH tO y.""!"Q. ' 1 can alio atlun ! IKn . P . . .1 . n j i. I- .1 T..uMlrtM. 1 mil t low prioea, souse onuioo psiwnn i wy - making carpets a leading biancli oi my hueine. Their good are tbe'best and their pric rajMnau;e. FINE HORSES, We have just brought frrn K le Oreuuti. a lot t f hre soik ! oiea n e will aell on tetiua to auit the time Among them at H.m promising nuug drireia from Ooeeo, Mamn Uhiel ana K.lwrd Kverett. Alao eboice hev n ares. Anvone wishing to put cliaae a hore will do well lo look lleoi over. We will take pleasure in ahi-w- to all intr ncltng puiohawr. rascality in our public affairs compared with which the Twerd regime in New York will appear like white innocence and virtue. 8uch a practice, raised to the dig nity of a system, would be thc moral ruin of the republic. When I thus see the repuftican partv sacrifice the professions and pledget of its better days sacrifice the offen repeated promise to reduce the tariff sacrifice the whiskey tax which but yesterday tlte re publican party would have almost unam mously scorned to abolish sacrifice the idea of an economical administration of Direct from the Huah Street Theatre, Han rntncisiHi. IN- "Widow O'Briea." tia rnnntrat muiim! abntirditv ever writ lan lnl.r.rtraJ Willi new Ull. I'ow m uale, elegant costume, and a.l the lateat novelties. SPECIAL SCENERY. Don't fall to ee the great '.eauib"st scenery jorrats. PofuUtr lrht 7 j cent, Reserved seaU for aalo at Blaekman'. Bark Ir a' Am Ira Halve ri.a lual ulr In ttlA world for ( til Rrnid s..r... PI. Salt Kheum. Fever u,.. Cnaiuu.1 tlamla. I 'htl lila Ina. - ouioo, wmwm . J jm'fv . government so essentkl to the morals of a Corns and all 8kln KruHioni, aud poal- democratk reoubllc-when I see it ready to t,T'y car0 Plle' or no P"y "VP4?. 11 aemocraitc repuouc wnen 1 seeureaoy 10 j uarmrilwd to aive nerle-t aaliafacl Ion, sacrifice everything "rather than surrender or ,nnnev refunded. Price 2" cents per -m ... la wm - a. . J. ... M Mm f.a.M any part of the protective system, t am dm. rorwisu - - - forced to the conclusion that the republi can party has fallen completely under the control of selfish, graining interests, in which-the spirit of monopoly is running mad." Iatxir Party The latest form of campaign flattery i Mr. Blaine's comparison of Harrison as a speaker and thinker with Franklin and Lincoln. The Republican nominee has made many speeches, columns upon col umns, harmless, watery, well enough In their way a kind of picnic lemonade rhet oric. But we do not recall a single thought that raises sbove mediocrity a single mtance 'x be remembered. To compare these speeches, witn their eternal, tumid swash, to the keen, pregnant, vascular, liv ing thoughts of Franklin and Llncon, ripe with a wisdom that lives through the ages is like comparing Tupper to Shakespeare Harrison says, reduce the surplus by die purchase of bonds at the rate of $1300 on $100; the Chicago platform declares for a reduction of t ie surplus by extravagant ex penditure, and without touching the tariff; the Republican senate says, reduce the sur plus by reducing the revenue $75,000,000. Which is to be the policy of the Republi can party? Mcknight RRfK UIIUU TaUman, Or. saata sun eurtec I ,i, lMa line il Boots and Bhat in (ho city 1 "wi r y(Kjd, w uted to .bis u.d isnu nave piu . a' - " , ,l r. t 12 ml 1 l.... in kin , till, heat makes to the 'sod 1 can alio a one use 01 goon. 1 ' t - - .nrlr.k, . . .1 a llllft Ol MJW IIWUIXIU" m" ...tM tai irtvH aatiafselioo. Anvlhing in Booia, Hhora or Rubber fur men, wo- i i-;i i i... f...tnA i iKi. deoartoieni. It t M fact a aboe htore men an i uiiimrew v ium' --- , - i ol .taelf. AsAAfSIM I aaMkalaJ ntli ioi iO Lo ktieoiug S full IIU Ol ?V pl K n o vll r oceMe , un colored tea, roa.ted snd ground coffees, canm-l fruit, tHi a m - . . - . .. . ... 1 . .. 11 , - fll.ur. IIIt.HL. i-.-m. ,--Itte iii hrealcfat rc 'k. eic. c-n -ii we - i Pure, freb goods and good vs'.ut tor mmm j I v ould eecilly call the atteutnu of pa ti laying in hir Kail supplica lo my large utock of L E. BLAIN'S. m Eutber Coats and Boots Shoes, OVERCK) ATS, Fine -tlssortment, Pea Jaeketshincbill!u Astrachan, REMOVED. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS read: I hereby certify tht Dr. I. W. wood is has Muoceaaiuliy ojiera-oii on mv riuiiun horaa. WAA MAYS. i.,r r.iriir rarirfitiit in rsarsrd to rtdg Ina Inquire of Wm. Peterson, Dave Hs -I ..I,...,,,, i Jntin Hsrdman. Alfred Wolverton, Albany ; 8am Oalnea, stelo ; Win. Foster, Prloeviile. I prsotios vatsr. ........ ..... ii. n.a m Allianv and country aurroundloK, Office snd residence oornsr eth and Washington 8ts. I. N. WOODLB. Veterinary Surgeon, JOHN BRICC8, FLORIST, ALBANY 01E? ft 08 KM A Sft'l A t.t V . Csmetsry lot planu I a I J eustt 11 to FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 l am bette- pre pat td ibsn ever to meet their want. Pi 'tne nt I am piepared to meet the In all d.. Orkmis City, Oct. 6th, 1888. Editors Democrat : For the information of your readers ant the public generally, belt known that thc L'nion Kalior Party of Oregon has a Slate orga..ization, and three nominees for prcsi dential electors : E II llammond.Medlord Jackson county ; II R Wilslin, Multnomah county and J F llcndrix, Linn county. All associations, clubs or individuals in accord with the principles of the L'nion Labor Party that desire tickets for their respective localities on election day, or other informa tion wil". be furnWhed with such by ad dressing the chairman of the State Central Committee at Oregon City. All papers feeling friendly to tfic inter ests of Industry will please copy. G. R. II. Miller. Chairman of State Central Committee. Mi. J J. Dubrullle is now located In hi In i h. lr. liiock. where the displsy bona protruds his bead from the door ii- is now better prepared thsn tre Lo msst the ioernaaltia tie in a nds of the trade In tttie double snd aingie nesses ; saddles, etc. Old snd new on totners are Invited to call and lnpeet hta large stock of goods, NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Woodin A WUIard having nold their futnUiire buwiness In this city desire to have sll indsbt lo tbsin to oall and aettls Immedlstslv, aa it la neoeaaary to cloa all acconnt by the 1st of December. Prompt attention to this notlee a ill grest ly oblige them. Farmers, re too moor that ws this year hve the OaborAe steel Frame Binder snd Mower, the strongest, ilgbset run ntug, and bast mads msohlne in the market. He can give yoo Just as ood terms as anyone, and probably a Httis letter ; at auv rate com and see u bs fore you boy. w irrswni The eve. taxed and orerburdened con sumers of the country will heave a sigh of relief when they read what generons pro vision Is made for them in the Senate bill for revision of the tariff. They will still have to pay a heavy tax on lumber, iron, salt and window-glass; but human hair and curling . .. . , M T . , stone tianuies are 10 come in iree. 11 an interesting tabic, that, of additions to he free list. Waadrrrnl tares. i) !1 11 t V 1 1' 1 1 1 ' 1 I 1 1 1 bniifuiMt. si Kne, ii., a : We have I,. . 00, .' l)r Ktug New Discovery. KIc- tric IhMers and Kucklen s Ati.ic Salve for twnyear. Hiv never handled remedue that sell as well, or .give such uiiiv rsi sal ifa.-tion. There have been some wonderful .ires elTccted Lv these Uieillcllo-S IS this city. Several case of pronotjuced .1. sump tion have leeu entirely cureo ty use 01 a ... mm. tarn . . Wm.- tewhotthaof )r Mom Wew wtscovery. taken in connection ith Kleetric Kitten. W iusrsiitee them always. Sold l roshsy A MalMiU. Administratrix Notice, Notice is hsrehy given thst the imderaign d ha been hy the County Court fur Lids couuty, (iregnn, dnly appoioted Admiuistra tnx of the estste of George B- MoKiosey, decease'!, lata o( Liou county, Oregon. All persou having claim against said estate axe Hereby uotitied to pereut ihi-ui ptoperly vanliKil tn the Utiderainired at hi. r raaldrtica near Lebanoo, within six niooth from thia dste. Tin lU.hday of September, I8s8 Kmilv Mi'KlNSEY, Administratrix of said estate. J. K. Weatiiebforii, Attorney for Administratrix MUSIC. Mi L4Ut Goltrs, of Saleui, will bo In Alhsn v on Met.dsya of each week, and win receive a limited number of pupil in PbSJMl Oman and Hrinonv. Irouire at the re de..ce of W. M. tJoltra or M C. C. Cbsrry. Irs Negro Democrats do not get much mercy from their race in Indiana. One was badly carved at Indianapolis, the other day, for expressing his opinions. In Ar kansas an affair of this kind would have been a Southern outrage. The salt of the table pays more tax pro portionately than the ilk of the wealthy wardrobe. I he diamond of the dude is taxed lighter under the tariff than the wool hat of the workingman. A explanation. What is this nervous trouble with which :iO many seem now to he afflicted? If you will remember a tew years ago .tie word malaria was comparatively unknown to dav it is as common as anv word in the Knglish language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past. 80 It is with nervous diseases, as tney and maiaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers eat led biliousness, and 11 are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condi tiorKof the liver, which in performing its functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel Is com- .... a. SSI aJf . A pellcd to pass it on inrougn tne system, causing nervous troubles, malaria, bilious fever, etc. You who me suffering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Green's August Flower. Its cures are marvelous. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The undersigned 1 prepared to do sll Kind or worn in in line in iirai-cm or, der snd with pr inplnea. Addreas P. O box 87 or call at comer of tub snd Maple street. L N, Smith. WAGONS, HACKS AND dCCIES. Ws are now accent at tbla place for tne celebrated wagons, backs and buggies made by Flh Bro , cr rtactne. wis., ana mi. !.. h!ir uooda and lowsr DftOSS than over befoi . Remember tbet we wsut your trade sod win mss it sn 00 eel lor u lo tome inn sew ua. m Kw.r.i a 0, K. Faiot Shop. House and Carriage Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. All workgusrantsed. VASSAUO & SALl MARSH. (Suooeasor to Henry Kssssos.) Growiag Demands of Linn County, ANli THE City of Albany, And sk s thorough inspection d my atnek. Samuel E. Young. - T w 0 ) c Full Line of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADED WOOLEM OVER SHIRTS. Big Stock Cardigan Jackets. MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mittens. ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Last but not Uasei a large stock of CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS for 51 KN ami BOYS, in all grade, and they are all for en) e. 6HA8. H. 00D0 & GO., ispusiui os hardware, Iron, $teel, AND FARM MACHINERY. FRONT, FIEST AND TINE STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGON. Sole Agents for Oregon and Washington for An Indianapolis firm of Kepubliins are reported as discharging such of their em. ploye as refuse to vote for Harrison. The name of the firm is E. C. Atkins & Co., and they manufacture saws. There is no pro tection for the discharged workmen. j'l lUiMIHJ'KAKIMi. Hon. Geo. E. C'hatnbt rlin will speak as follows: Lebanon, Friday, Nov., 2, at 7 o'clock p. m. Brownsville, Saturday, Nov. 3,at7 o'clock p. m. Halsev, Mondav, Nor. Cat 7 o'clock p. m Hon. L. M. Montanyewi.l speak as fol lows: Sweety lome, Friday, Nov. 2,at 1 o'clock p. m. Crawfordsyille, Saturday, Nov. 3, at 1 o'clock p. in. Shcdds, Monday, Nov. ,;th,at 1. o'clock p m. T. J. Btites will speak as follows : Sclo, Saturday, Nov. 3, at 1 o'clock p. mt Harrisburg, Monday, Nov. 5, at 7 o'clock p. m. The issues of ibe pending campaign will be discussed. Local committees will make all necessary arrangements. J. A, Beard. Chairman County. AKlK C. L. BLACXMAN, Successor to E. W. IuntfdoH. DKALEK IN DRUGS. MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS. COMBS. and evdryttung kept In u irntci.ii , Drug Store. AlsAsttus .ttoos; of pisno mid organs. ALBANY. 0RFU0N Notice. The amount of delinquent taxes that i placed in my hand for immediate collection, i about 128,000- They run from the year 1883 up to 1888. By order of the County Court I am compelled to collect the delin quent taxes, with milage snd costs. Fieaae ruak immediate payment sod ssvs mileage. Aud if parties don't come forthwith aud set tie their ftaxea I will leyy upon the goods snd chattels of such delinquent taxes. Voura Truly, John Smallmun, Sheriff snd Tax Collector. 0, R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law Ofllos, OddlKellow's Tsmpls, ALBANY, - - ORECON. A" u-dussslwlll receive prompt sttenllon TIIOS. JONES' Barber Shop is now in tbe STR AH AN BLOCK, . whare he 1 prepared to do first-cJaea ton- aOria! WUI. His star bath room re nicely arrang ed snd are ready for uo, Call 011 hi in for the beat work. and fat, though 1 needn't ssj that ; for s glance at my Me and a lxk in my eyf, and you plainly can mm t !. '- no flies upon me. i'ui s Ittllu hM "hor lith ol brclli sod of l.sir, but frim .houldera to ki.-. you o-tu aee I'm sll there. I smile and I laugh, I juke and I chiff; I refuse to be aad and 1 never get mad. Bui you'd never aurmtae where my happi ness liea, so FD p -od confsss what yon never oould guess. A good thing to eat la alwsya a treat, which will make yon as sweet aa oer angar eured meal.mskea you feel so content with the mcney apent thst you're bound feel gl-d i snd yoo couldn't get mad though man just a thin -a a rati or a pin was to pull at your noa or tread on your toes. If you're fn or your'e Jean, il you. e pleasant or mean, jut give W. & T. a ahow to sell yon right low, yon will feel auch a thrill of con tentmeut until you U MACHINE OILS. The bftt varieties of machine oila to bs mrm tutor hv stewsil A Sox. esoeeisllv the kind that have been thoroughly tested bv the Lmn uouuiy wrme. rnw nusr- anteed. HOTICB f 0 SHIPPERS. (vis Yaquica to San Francisco.) or wheat, oats. hoDS and vooL I am ore- ymrm - '-y V f ' - S mil tn taka Marine InsnrsF.ce 00 all cereal. on, wool or anv consipnmenta of goods to ' T - . m . . ' . , and from bao Francisco, ror turtner paruc- ulara, address Ala Harris. Agent California Ins. Co., Yaquina, Or. wiah tou were fat For the filing aLow your good grooeriea,pro crockery to eniov more of that i'umena and you a senae by buying viiona and of WT t Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man, FUnn Block, Albany, Or. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlil: powder ne cr varies. A msrvcl'of purity atnsetfa i"fl wholosomoncss. Moro economical thai! i he ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com petition vith tho multitude of low test, short weignt, almn or phosipnuto powaers. bold only is cash. lu V al rowcia Co., 106 Wall-Bt., TT. V WILL BROS, Dealer in ailtltH latest improved Pianii ) 1, 8jwiri Maohioes, Uuns Also City Drug Store A full stock of Drugs, Perfumery, Fatent Medicines, Toilet Soap, Paints, Brushes, Oils, Stationery, Varnishes, Tablets, School Books, etc. etc. tigrt. Prefcii -ii.H fnmiK tectipts oaiefully 'irspared. Wtilie in kwa c I in aid see ua. DR. CUISS & SON mm ,mmm' mtk, jikWS. -iM- B aw Jm DEE RE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. .. .. Double, or Trlpple Furrow. Tliey nrfte aim pie and come so near absolute periec t ion. that tnos.- who have nsod Uhmii or seen them work can not say enough in their pralw. We furnish tliein with or without seat attachment., Scat attachments are extra. TDE3&33 IOWEJIi X.IT STTXiKZ-ST PLOWS. a BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. . has Hoe Preas Orsln Drill. Buckeye Seeder. Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow, Superior Grain Drills, Superior Seeders. ; CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. ' hu latest improved implement for sowing summer fallow. The roost complete and successful tool for this purpose in use. TVs also have a full line of Buggies, Carriages, Phaeton. Mountain Wagon. t Platform and other Spring Vehicle. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. ' awisiiSS Chapln Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Scientific Feed Mills, Pacific Fanning Mills, II.VIHI1 HARH WIRE, ETC., ETC ftS-SEND FOR SPECIAL CIRCULARS AND PRICK JUSTS. Thr a.11 A. ent, Albany, Or SPRINGFIELD SAW MI SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, JjIj. mumtwm JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer of Choice Cigars -AND DEALER IN BARGAINS! iPir.laaa cnrAm afe Imfknm oticoH is wnat the oubHc wants. These I have mmmmM. g.w.w " - , i w.. . v. . -l u. e atroy atore in tbis city. Bougtic at canKrupc saiea i can ueu my bioc General Merchandise conBisting of dress goods, gents furnishing goods, clothing, etc., AT COST. cent counters also oontaiu many articles worth examining. Albany Yard and Office on Railroad St., between 4th and 5thStrees Hsving lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed for tbe prompt and satisfactory filling or orders, I respectfully ' solicit a share of the trade. A. Wheeler. FURNITURE. o i vt r. the beat and moat durable fuinitetbat is manufactured in the city go to Thomas Brink. Hs keeps almost everything in the line of fnrnltnre iltt lt i un h FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cashjor goods will be paid for all kinds of country produoe. H0LST1N CATTLE. Geo, D. Barton has just arrived wblob he offers at. less than hv ever been sold for In James Elkins one half mile south them to visitors, Mr. Barton wil and cows to be delivered this fait from Iowa with a lot of finely bred Holstein cattle half j tbe price tbe same class ot cattle OreVan. These cattle are now on the farm of of Albany, where he will take pleasure in showing I receive orders for pure bred aud high grade heifers a 1 . mW L. lAaa. akAnalLlA or oariy m tne spring ss sssss wmi fwww A -f - . . -