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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1888)
Hw cmocrat. PKIDAY OCI'OBKR 19, 1888. 8riTE3 & tlitara ANtt NUTTING. Proprietors. fKii virrnu. i,eai Kiiiur. some Mi,.-Ou. contemporary up the street 9nnday threw up an elephant be cause, in referring to a general lack of en thustasm and interest in Oregon over the Presidential election we referred to Mr Fulton as a man from somewhere. No doubt Mr Fulton is a nice gentleman ; but he is nevertheless a nun from somewhere, and just where Bve out of ten of the Re publican citiaene of the city did not know Several who were discussing the matter Saturday came to the conclusion that he "was from Roscburg, or somewhere else in Southern Oregon, whereas he is an As toria lawyer, and probably a good fellow geneiallv. The spirit in which our re mark was made did not justify such a mud slinging tirade generally. The "self constituted grange" organ lives in too big a Slass house to call names, and calling mud y names in much smaller business than to refer to a gentleman in a political cam paign as from somewhere. The man who stumps the State never feels a aggrieved over such a little thrust as the organ who has something to say but doesn't know how to do it in an intelligent manner. The pub lic is not interested in either the private character of either the Htrald men or the Democrat men. Married. On Wednesday, Oct 17,1888, at the residence of J F Whiting, in Albany, by George Humphrey, Esq ,Mr W I) Shan non and Mrs B A Reynolds. The grosm is the.well-known gardener across the river while the bride is the mother of Mrs Whit in?. The match is the result of the use of printer's ink. Mr Shannon has shown that enterprise and perseverance that entitles him to a wife. On Wednesdav, Oct 17th, tSSS, in this city by Rev II P Webb, Mr B F Pierce and Miss Emma Arnspiger both of Harris burg. Selling Liqlor. Deputy Sheriff Smith left Tuesday morning for Rock Creek armed wfth a warrant issued out of Justice Humphrey's court, for the arrest of George Mealy for selling liquor without a county license. They arrived in the city Wednesday Deputy Smith found a C S. revenue li cense in Ad. Harmon's name, and Mr. Mealy claims he waa merely clerking for Harmon, but we understand this is no ex cuse under the state law. 12a. The immense audience that turn ed out to hear C. W. Fulton Saturday even ing at the Court House was just 1 22, by actual count. Mr. Fulton is a man well spoken of where he is known, but it take a man of prominence to draw an audience during this apathetic campaign. Wc have not heard how his speech wa taken ; but there seems to be no more enthusiasm than previous to Mr. Fulton's appearance here. R. R. Hugh. A farmer at Hood river shipped sixty sacks of potatoes weighing about too pounds each to Portland. The potatoes sold for forty cents per hundred pounds. The freight was thirty cents per hundred, the drayage two cents and com mission two cents, which with six cents for the sacks, consumed the entire pro ceeds of the sale. Married. In Oakland, Cal , on Octo ber 14th, i838, Mr. Frank Riles, of Benton county, and Miss Adda Putnam, of Oak land, Cal.,formerly of Albany. They ar rived in Albany ott the morning trin and will make this' county their home, Mr. Riles having made arrangements to run his father's farm on the Santiam. Keeping Ahead. Mr. J. J. Dubruille's harness ahop in this city is probably the finest to be found in the Valley and none any where better arranged. The case for display of harness just put in is a fine piece of workmanship. Mr. Dubruiile proposes to keep up with the growing city and coun Became Blind. Mr. Doran, an old gentleman about 75 years of age, residing with Mr. John Nelson, near SheJd, was taken suddenly blind Friday night, and could not see a thing for over a day. Dr. Hill, of this city, was consulted, and Mr. Doran is now regaining his lost sight to a limited extent. "He's All Right." A private letter from J II Burkhart in Washington City says democrats there are quite confident of success and many republicans concede that Cleveland's "all right." Mr. Burkhart said he would go towork atonce i n one of the departments. We Do Not. In one of his addresses Moody the Evangelist is said to have re marked : "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Now, dear brethren, are not the Chinese your neighbors, and do you love them aa you love youraelf ?" Salmon. About 6000 cases of salmon have been canned at Yaquina Bay this season, of which Williams has canned 3000 cases and Parker and Baker and Hayes about the same amount together. Married. On Tuesday, Oct. i6th,i888, at the Murray House, In Albany, by Geo. H. Humphrey, Esq. , Mr. W. E. Long, of Jackson county, and Mrs.Loretta A. Long, of Linn county. What it costs to shoe your family for oneyear. You haven't ? Well let us tell you, that by buying cneap J ohn goods in leather for fall and winter wear, youarethrowing away your money. Now to overcome this trouble, buy your foot wear from us, as we sell nothing but first-class goods and will sell them for less mone y than you can buy them anywhere Linn county. Comeand get our prices, and if we don't do what we say, we will not askyoutobuy. We make BOOTS AND SHOES our business EXCLUSIVELY and know what the trade demands. " ' Brownsville. Mr. John Moore has purchased tYVIIUam A. Cox's house here and moved Into it from his farm up near ilnrrlsburar. Several hands have been laid off from the woolen mills herf the past ten days, as business Is getting dull. Mr. Wm. Stevenson was hurt by a stick of heavy timber striking him while at work with the bridge builders on tne narrow guage road, making the third man Injured since work commenced. Mr. W. R Kirk bought Mr. Joseph White's hons the oast week, also a small lot from the King Bros., above here pay ing them something over $2700, or at the - - - o ri- - -- rate 01 10 cems per poiiuu. sue aespaaiao ton Bros, have not sold their crop of hops I ret. and are husv bal ing, lhey have a ig lot of prime hops on hatnl Complaints concerning the running of trains arc ffcrv loud. They arrive most Plain Talk. Albany is being Infested with, what the Corvallls Timts calls some swindling foot racers, and Bob generally knows what he is talking about, particular ly in sporting matters. Wc have several times warned our citixens against these traveling sprinters, and betting on their ef forts is the worst kind of gambling. The paper referred to says: "Albany is being n tested with the foot racers that have lately arrived in Oregon and are trying to work a few nicklesout of the unsulpecting. We would advise our sister city to give hem a wide birth as thev have neither honor, shame or conscience. They are here for the purpose of gulling the people and would sell their soul for six hits. They are leeches on the community and should be ignored in every town thev try to prac tice their profession. They are usually not swift enough to run on their merits and net smart enough to cover up nefar ious business. Official Neglect. Our attention has been called a number of times to a weful failure of mail matter to reach Albany from Salem, The other day the mall from Salem te Albany was sent to Cor vallis, and about the same time the letters from Salem to Albany were sent to Turner and those or Turner were sent to Albany. Impor tant business letters some of them proved to be. There is evidently a screw loose In the Salem Postolhce. Sweet Potatoeh. Three immense Sanaa potatoes raised in the yard of Mr. 211 Carter, of this city, are on the counter of the Democrat office. The very finest potatoes from California, even those which rst make their appearance as you open the sack, are not finer, if as fine, as these. There is no reason why this county should not at least raise sufficient of this very pal atable vegetable for home consumption. They have done well here this year. A Foot Race. Sunday some of the Albany boys thought a stmnger by the name of Messenger could not beat Al Long in a one hundred yard foot race About $50 was put up and the race run in (he afternoon. Messenger, who is a "pro fessional" won, evidently with what ease he pleased. Messenger, who hails from Southern Oregon, as nearly as can be as certained, aaya he has a thousand dollars to risk in a face with Cameron, of Corval lis, and came here for the purpose of ar ranging a race if possible. s Fearfully Bruised. Tuesday the eight year old son of Mr. Warren flulbeit, the livery man, waa playing with several other boys around a horse power, turning it, when his right foot got caught in the machinery. It was drawn in and fearfully bruised, the skin on one Hide being torn nearly off and the artery cut, the bonss be ing laid bure. Dr. Wallace attended him, sewed up the wound, and the bo is doing well considering the severity of the wound. On MondsYs. Miss Laura Goltra, of Salem, has made arrangements to be in Al bany on Monday of each week, when she will be prepared ' give lessons in piano, organ and harmony. Miss Goltra has re cently studied under Prof. Mansfefbt, of San Francisco, and is thoroughly prepared for the worn. She is an accomplished musician, under whom it will be a privi lege for our young people to study. A Farmer's Wagon. A farmer to-day left his team near the Democrat office. They wagon was full of hay for their noon day meai. When he came to feed them there waa not a spear left. The town cows had done their work, having swarmed around the wagon like bees around a lump of sugar. We are not particulary proud of such conduct on the part of Albany bovine. Don't Bite. Don't bite at San Fran Cisco picture enlargement concern, says an Ex. want you for a sample confidential, you know picture free if you will frame it. Tney are glorious frauds and a few days after receiving your order will inform you that the picture is ready and will be sent yon for so much neatly framed. (ot their belt gloriously alone. The Hop Pickers. Ja. Mctlargue and family, Frank Dorrls, Al Day and Will Stitica arrived home last Sunday from the hop yardaof Washington Territory, after a months absence. (Jsoorne Uavy secured a job in a livery stable in Portland and will remain tliere. A Prehcription. A merchant who was tired out from over work went to a physician for a prescription when the lal tertold him he would soon be all right if he would take his advertisment out of the papers. He would get all the rest he need ed. Died. Near Wells Station, on the farm of John Rogers, on Sunday ,Oct. 14th,! 888 of typhoid fever, Mr. Jacob Zumkillcr,aged 27 years. Waking Up. (But too late.) A writer to a Salem paper who has been up on the O. P. front, apeaka In the following man ner, which, coming from another source, will be of great Interest to Albany people: "The road leading to the K. R. Is getting badly cut up by the many heavy freight teams. But these will soon be lessened greatly In number between Salem and Me the cars will be running Into the latter place, from Albany, by the week after next. Then Albany will be ths base of supplies. It looks like a great pity that the moneyed men of Salem did not more determinedly push for a braush line from somewhere near Stavton. Inevitably a great deal of trade and travel will be di rected from the capitol to Albany. For instead of a long, dusty or muddy stage drive from Stayton or Mchama to Salem, purchasers will soon Ins able to step on the cats, and ride smoothly, returning In a few hours. And when the road Is finished through to Eaatern OWgon, and the east ern states many who would take tickets to this cltv if wc had a branch line, will alight at Albany, and often be captured." Killed a Shark. On Wednesday a feat waa perfoimed at Newport, says ths VV, which waa very novel and aurprlsing Mrs Fanny Selforthand Miss Mary West- fall who with a number of their friends, all from Polk county, were spending a few days by the seaside, and while standing up on a log which projected out into the bay, discovered a large fish slowly swimming to ward them. They procured a large rock , and when the fish came close along aide hurled the mUsle at him, and strange to say hit him square on the back which pro jected a little above the surface of the wa ter. I his entirely paralvcd their victim, and rendered him an easy prey. Thev dragged him ashore.and the funny looking fish proved to be a veritable shark three and a half feet in length. At Mill City. Judge Whitney re turned Tuesday from the front on the Oregon Pacific. He went as far as Mil City, near which place O'Conncr St Barr are filling a railroad contract. While there the Judge found some remarkably fine copper ore, an indication of a big copper mine in the future near the rails of the O. P. He considers that a remarkable timber country, and says the water power being built for the mills there Is one of the best he has seen. Railroad work is progressing rapidly and the future is a bright nc for that county, heretofore shut out from the rest of the world. The Peyskr Cask. -The Salem Satrt man, in speaking of the case of Cohen agt. the N. W. Ins. Co., says: "The insurance company are making their defense upon two grounds; first, that the claim of Cohen & Bros is fraudulent and that the notes are fictitious, given for the purpose of enabling them to garnishee the Insurance money and to leave out other creditors; second, that the saloon was burned by Peyser him self for the purpose of defrauding the com pany. X. N Sleeves and J. J. Murphy ap pear for the plaintiffs ana 1 union r oru and W. B. Gilbert for the insurance com pany. Died. -A telegram was received in Al bany announcing the sudden death of Mr. Henry Althouse, father of Mrs. S, E. Young, and J. W. and 8. H. Althouse. at his home at Wilmington, III. As Mr, Althouse was supposed to be in good health for one of his age the news was quite a shock to his children here. Mr. Althouse wa born In tfermanv In 17. be ing at ths lime of his death j years of age. Beth at Lebanon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, bet Mr.Saltmareh$othat Cleve and would carry New York and $ao that he would carry Indiana. Mr. Scharf, of Portland bet J. A. Beard $50 to $aj that Harrison would carry Calfarnla. Monday M. A. Miller bet Joe Kelso $po that Cleveland would be elected. AtAuhny. Albany is 340 ft above the lev! of the aea. Its annual average tem perature la 51.9 degrees, being S5 In the spring ; 64.1 in the summer ; 50,9 In the fall and 40.7 in the winter. Its annual rainfall is 4314 inches, of which 10.07 sWIlt in the spring ; 3.43 Inches in the summer ; 9.75 in the fall and 33.76 in the winter. We call this a remarkably fine average showing. Oregon. Oregon has been nearly thirty years in the upion ; it la one of the finest States the union contains ; it is larger than Minnesota, Kansas or Nebraska, and near ly twice as large as Wisconsin or Iowa , It has a fertile soil, magnificently watered and timbered ; it has access to an ocean on one aide and continent on the other ; ita cli mate la unaurpaascd ; It grows the finest wheat in the world, and the straighteat and tallest treeafor maete ; it has noble fisher ies and exceedingly promising coal fields. Em. As Inoenils Shoe. A Chicago man has devised a pair of boots whose wooden aolea hold a small automatic press, with which the user's name and local habitation can be printed all over the sidewalks. Conn Bros., the popular grocera do not need such shoes. They are too well-known. On account of first-class goods kept and good bargains given their namea are already In the hearts of the people. E W Laogdon, who recently sola his drug busioess at Napa, Cal, is in the tty on his way to join bis wife at Salem. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physieian and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls made ia eity or country, UK Ah KhTaTr. SALM. Aa recorded In the County Recorder's olficc of Linn county, Oregon : Jemima Ralston to f H P Hope, 3 lots, Lebanon $ 80 L E Hannon to John Gelsendorfer, le7.66 acres. 10 w 3 1300 Jus Nanny to M II Case, 85.30 acres II wj 3800 Jas Hunter to M B Case, 163 acres, 11 w 3 9000 Wm Hunter to M It Case, 160 acres I3w3 55SO M J Caldwell toG F Harold,8o acres, 9 w 1 1 JOO O St C R R Co to L C Miller, 300 acres, 91 E 437 ' 1) B Montetth toj W Cuslck, In- ' terest In 13x31 feet and wharf lots 7, H and 9 5000 Alfred C Stellmacker to Jas Nanny, 98.13 acres, n wj 3500 Raymonds Burlthurt to Elizabeth Llndsey, 50 acres, ti w a a Mining claim john J Davis, on head waters of Rock Creek - .Mining claim A A Gordan .adjoining J J Davis' claim Sad Cask ok Drowning. Last Satur day about uon Mi f,J Howard, who has been down on the Siuslaw, arrived In the city to Inform Mr II B Kennlston of the death of his wife by drowning, which oc curred the day before. She was about five miles below the head of the tide on the Slu slaw, and went across the river in a boat to milk the cow. She ra found near the place where she had Intended to land.wlth her c.oth- caught on some bushes and the body hanging in the water. The family had moved down there only a few weeks ago, but Mr Kennlston had not yet gone down. Besides her husband she leaves two or'.hree small children and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.--Eugene Rrg- itttr. An Important Matter. At a meet ing of the Salem Board of Trade Monday a committee was appointed to go to As toria and find out the alms of the railroad company there, the point at which It Is de sired to tap the O. P., and the bonus, If any required to have them go through Salem. Sccretrry Manning stated that while in Portland recently he had authen tic information that It was the Intention of the Astoria railroad company to build from storia to Tillamook by way of Clatsop beach, thence through the low pass cast of Tillamook to the Grand Ronde country, and thence to a junction with the Oregon 1 .11 1 he, and suggested that there exists a very good chance, by a proper effort, for Salem 'o secure the railroad, which ap pears to be doubtless backed by the Chicago Northwestern railroad. Crook Coi n r v. Most of the sheep owners have removed their nocks Irom the mountains to the winter ranges.... Judge Sumner was in town Tuesday and took the oath of office of county judge. . . . A large number of beef cattle owned In this county have been sold for cents per nouns) delivered in The Dalles. . . .Ty phoid fever is raging throughout the en tire county, there are about 3o severe cases in and about Prlneville. ...Ed. Schmeer Informs us lie will close out his horse busi ness in this county next spring aod return to the Willamette valley Ah Iong la the only landlord In Prlneville. His tak ing charge of the eating department of the Cary house was evidently a case of the sen viva! of the fittest. ... An effort Is being made to form a joint stock company for the purpose of building a hotel In rrine vllle....J. C. Hasster, who was in from Snow mountain Tuesday, report an abund ance of rain having fallen In that section recently. He say there was quite a snow storm there the last week in September,- frririv. Or Cocksk a Fracd. Those people who sent their photographs to a San Fran cisco firm in order to receive a bran new crayon portrait of themselves. In consider ation for which they only had to show It to their friends, are now. learning the ., of, i, t,uli On receipt of the photo graph the frauds write that they cannot send the portrait without a frame also. Cor respondence will teach you that the frame can be had for $13.50, and of course it is not worth $2.50. Tie $10 is to pay for a "Cheap Jh n" crayon portrait. Put a steel nail in the fact that no one in this world, except a genuine philanthropist, is going to give something for nothing. - s WiU Mpeak. Fred V. Holman, of Portland, will ad dress the citizens of Linn county, upon the political Issues of the day, at the following times and places : Harrisburg, Saturday, Oct 37, 3300 p. m. Halsey, Monday, Oct 39, 7:30 p m. Shedds, Tuesday. Oct 30, t xx p m. Ilrownsv ille, Wednesday, Oct 31, 7 pm. Lebanon, Thursday, Nov y 7 p m. Scio, Friday, Nov "3, 3 p nf. Albany, Saturday, Nov 3, 7:30 p m. Letter List. Following is ths list of letters rsmainlnf in lbs Pjss Ofltoe, Albany, Linn fcountjr. Oregon. Oct. Uth, 1HSS, lVrwn calling for those letter) must give tbe data oa which thsy wsrs sdyerUssd : Ball, l V II Davit. CO FtartWi, Htflwlo llsinlln, i C Hlckmsn, Msrtin lmsr, J 8 Phillip, 0 W Khanks, W B Vaughn, Enoch Callaway. McKlnss Dark, Junius C Kuisur. W M Olrd, Mrs boots HarUraan. Miss Mary (I) llovy, Mrs Jsne Mcvlnnsy, Mrs (Ml Perkins. Arthur T Mhshsl. Sl. niio n Wsmm, Mrs CsloUna. R. THOMPSON. P. M, Nursery. J. F. Backenato la the ac credited agent of Vancouver Nuraery. Ap ply to him for fruit or ornamental trees at Albany, uregon. HAVE YOU ClKtitilf COURT Following is ths docket for the Circuit Court which oonvsnea la this olty on next Monday, Oct. 22ad 1 4. Aaaigoment Thos Monteith St Son. 8. II A Holman agt Tampa Hunt, at al. Partition. 18.1. P J Porter, at al agt J C Elder, t si. Partition . 210. J P Hoboohog agt T 8 Thompson. I -i junction. 234. Assignment W K Prior. 243. (Jao S Flatohar agt J 8 UooRn and J S Boa be. To recover money. 3 PSahoulinii agt W It Mollatiiel. To settle partnership. 25fi. .r A Ford agt Hhans & Una way. To reoaysr money. 238. Assignment Hnaue St Lrusway. 239. Assignmnt Johnson k Shalton . 2U3. Mrs M J Qaeensr agt Vaughan & rveunie. to recover money. 2(11. T 11 Wait agt Chas Suhaefer. at al. Kquity to set aside deed. 285. OPRROo agt (1 W Hunt. Dam ages. 288. TK Hogg sgt Thus Monteith. Kj.ot- inunt. 287. Assignment Hay k Asbby. 280. T K Herren sat D H lUlstead. K, closure okattel mtge. 293. U M Uom agt Jonas lais. Porsolos ura mechanic a lies. 293. T J Montuouiorv tut N.Um H. 1 1 lil t t To recovery money. Attachment 294. Wm Bakar agt Neiaoa Sonne it To roivr money. Atttehrnout. 29A. Dolia Fields sgt W H Fields. Divorce. 296. John W Geary at Nauov J Sioov and Martha A Porter. Foreclosure. 297. Martha Hoost aa agt Joel Tiounor- man. To recover money. Attachment. 299. O F Barton agt NrUoo Bennett. To recover money. 300. 0 K B.rtoii mjl No!eo Bennett Damages. 310. J H Huratiartagt Abigsl Bakei. Par tition. 103. J H Lsme agt Wm Baseett. et al. KorwcliMurr. 307. eo W Belt agt I -inn Co. To recover moaey. 310. Capital Ins Co agt Tnomosoii. Mickle k Co. To recover money. Attachment. 311. Jas M ell argue agt J II Wigle. Dam- ago 313. Oregon agt Frank Mick. 314. Amy Daniels agt J W Burglary - U. Di- Qotnn. ochrau. vorc . 315. Kiuubetb Qtinn ajt IV- Divoros. 317. Lm io 6 Coahr no gt v Uivoroe. 319. Senders it Sternberg agt I . Hons- ton. To recover money Attach .(jt 32X Baker k Hamilton act A Kreiss.ll. To recover money. Attachment 321. Naoey A Bosch agt S D Bu-ch Di vorce 322- J D Lewis sgt J B Thompson. Dam ages. 323. A Pipher agt K A Hester, et a. Fore al peers. 325. A Ptpbar sgt K A Heater, et a. To recover money. Attachment. 328. A Pioher agt A O S nith et a. Fore- ctueure. 327. W 8 WeiUoe sjlP M Sbsrsr Dam- 328. I la LsFrancia agt E UFrn,. Divure. 329. J J W mines ant D K N B.ackburn Oevtest. 330. Thomas Jefferson agt E H Snodgrees. To recover money. 33 . Thomas Hereon a;t O S Moot g.nnory. 1 j reoovr money. Attachment, 338. K.iatbeth Bit v en a tt Peter Btiyeu. Divoros. 337. 34 Alesaoder agt J J D jrru. To re cover money. 339. John S Morgan ag Chas Busch. tl al. Foreclosure. 3 Kl. Geo W La per agt Southern Pci8c H It Co. Dama ee. 341 J F Bsckensto at I F Con. Ac counting and settlement 342. T J Biaek agt P W Quiao. To r. cover money. Attachment. 343 Cedar Mill Co a?t C J Dillon. For Te For fnlhliment of contract and damages. .144. J B Cornell agt John Wickixer recover money . Attachment. 345. Wm MoLeod agt W O Tycer. specific performance ol contrast. 348. J W Cnstck agt A A Kens. Foreclce- ure. 347. Silas A A lam agt R H KatherfoH, et al. Foreclosure. 348- J F Miller ant J P S ho liog and M. Sohowhug. To recover money. Attachment. 349. J M lnag agt U F Lu g Dtvoroe. 350. Assignment Alhcrttua Ktieeei. 351. G H Liggett agt E C MoCiaic. Fore closure. 352. H P Merrill agt J D Par -our . To re cover money. Attachment. 353. Frank Bros and T L Dugei agt J F Whiting. Foreclosure mechanic s lieu 354. Wm Simpson agt I N Wood. . Re cover money. 355. Lucy M Russell agt A S Basaett, et al. Foreclosure. 358. E A McAllister agt City of Albany Damages. 357. Geo J agt Gentry k Rother lord. To recovery money. Attachment. 358. OT Porter agt Matilda Porter. Di vorce. at 359. American Mtge Co agt W BGilson. Contirmation. Farmers, if you want the best barnesa all hand made, go to E. L. Power, next to Dem ocrat office. For hand mads harness go to E. L. Power. Special bargains in flooring and rustic C. . Dillon St Co'. Foot Lyon Street. H. Ewert, practical watchmaker and cw 1st. IDEA AN TPJdEUKAPHM. New iilfe-Maving (stations. Wash is-. 1 n, Oct. 1 5. The prcsiden to day approved the act eatabllahlng life saving atations on the Pacific coast, aa follows-. At the entrance to Yaqulr.a bay, Oregon; mouth of the Umpqua river, Oregon; one near Loomls'a place on the Heads, Washington territory; one at the entrance to Gray's harbor ; and one between the Ocean house and Point San Pedro, aouth of the entrance to San Franciaco har bor. ay A Itnhl Stroke. nfi rftAMCieCO, Oct. 15. A letter re ceived here from Cores brings particulars of Judge O. N. Denny's attempt to have Corea assert her Independence of China. The writer says If one will read an exhaus tive pamphlet just iatued by Judge Denny, the king $ adviaer, he cannot help feeling that while the surface of the political stream appears smooth there Is an undercurrent that Is decidedly threatening. This setting forth of Corea'a woea by the judge ia .00k- ed upon aa a bold stroke and none deny that the facts are carefully and properly stated. 10,000 Ilrowned. Saw FRANt'iftco, Oct. 14. The Chins Mail, received here to-day per steamer City of Peking, from Hong Kong and Yokohama, aavs: A disastrous flood has occurred near Fanir Shan Hslen.ln the vie- nity of Packing. On the nlirhl of August 13 seven and a half Inches of rain fell In eking, nd Immense volumes of water collected In the ravines about Lien LI Ho and suddenly broke In upon twenty villag es. More than 10,000 people were drowned and a large number of draught animals. Missed the Target, Sam Dm '.o, Oct. 14. During a perform ance at Hells' circus to night. Bogardusjr. while tiring eighteen seconds, missed the target rnd sent a bullet through the leg of Miles Silverthorne, 13 years old. It Ta a bad wound, It'll K II I I.I. 1 1 KM. Rock Hitl, Oil 16. Farmera are all very bnay working their summer fallow, the ground seems to be in go . condition. Mr C D Steeo is the first farmer in this neighborhood that we have noticed that bas bis summer fallow sowed. Mr Kobert Nichols, so we are informed, in tending to start across the mountains one day this week. Mr George Dodge, a son of Mr A Dodge, has come in fiom near Spokane with the in tention of going in with bis brother in run ning their father's farm this year. Mr if Klum and George Klum, and their families, have just returned from a trip to Clack am us 000 nty. MrBenoie Mills informs u that he issuing to mot a over to Tangent during tta coming wk. Mr James has bought a tract of land up above the old Fogle place aod intends mov ing 00 toe same this fall. He is bntldtog a house on the land . Mr A Dodge is going to move his family to Lebanon and tnteuds running' a livery stable. A daaee ia to be bad at Tom Warren's on next Ssturday. Mr Tyler Jackson baa moved with his family to Coburg and baa rented bia farm to Tom jfintwU 2&.000 Worth of Dried Fruit WaaUd. And I must have it. Having made con tracts with merchants in Eastern Oregon Washington, Idaho, and Montana, thereby saving commission and adding the same to t he price of your fruit. No offer made on fruit unloaded and placed in any other houae in my line in the city. If you be .ievein the doctrine of buving in the cheap est and selling in the highest market and have no conscientious scruples about party or religion, you must come to sec me or be untrue to vourself and fanulv. To satisfy yourself, call and get my prices. ours respectfully, P. Cohen, Albany, Or. Mr. E. T. T. Fiaher ia pre pared to do surveying of all kinds at rea sonable rates. He has complete copies of field notes and townahip plate in the coun- Adres -Miller s Station. Linn county Nkw Shoe Shop. Mr. P.J. Laporte recently with Krause& Klein, has opened a boot and shoe shop in the Salt marsh Block, and is prepared to make to order boots and shoes for men and ladies, and do repairing in a first-class manner. Prices reasonable. 1 Horsr for Sale. A good, gentle year old horse for sale. Enquire of Hrownkll & Stan ard. TeAcitKRs Wanted. There are sever al school districts in Linn county wanting teachers, inquire of Supt Curl. F. M. French keeps railroad time. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Thompson k Overman keep the best har- If you want the beat harness in the market go to J J Dubruille's. 7 Ouka cures rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache, Foehay k Mason, Agents. Goods not sold for leas than coat, goods not given away. But good honest goods aeld at a reasonable profit at W. F. Read's. HOME AND ABROAD. MOMMY. Willameltcr, ."; Sit Lakes, L "Widow 0 Brian" Sat irday ereaiu. This will be a treat. Mr Walter Huston, of Harrisburg, is in the city to-day. Mr J W Turner, of Kllenaburg, W T, a son of Mr Kphraim Turner, is in tne city. Mr Frank Trou tman, of Shedd, paid the Dkmocrat offi js a visit to-day whPe in the city. MoCor mack's reaper picture of Gettysburg is a grand picture when seen tbroagh a large magnifying glass. Judge Deony has written a startling aiti cla on Corea's independence from China. Good for Judge Denny Dr W T Alexander has moyed from Hep oer to Condon, Gilliam ooaaty, where be is now practicing medicine. Mr I N Smith and alitor, of Otkville, bare rented Mr John Morrison's residence in the Third m'ard. and intend making Albany their homo. A petition providing for a more stringent law for the preventing of deer slaughtering for the hides is being cironlaetd generally through the atate. Mr Parker's Sunday dinner waa a verv fine affair, greatly appreciated by tboae who par took of it. He ia thorough restaurant man and is bojnd to buildup a good business. Belva Ixiekwook is trying to at ahead of the other candidates by saing that she never wore a corset 10 her life. Neither did any of the other boys ; bat has Belva a hip pocket are would like to know. The most use tees thing in the world has been discovered to be a campaign button on ajboy s coat. Albany Dk much at. Ye, ex oept the two buttons on the bank of a man's coat. Ailorian. Here ia a chance for our contemporary. An exchange apeaka of the big demonstra tion in Portland as a "bios' out," very naughty, ignorant, uneducated language. It un't everybody who can be learned, tnougb there are plenty that way in their own minds Mr Leroy Ed wards, of Ceaterville, was in the city to-day, having been in Portland at. teuaiog the Grand Lodge of K of P. Mr Kd. wards waa one ,f th Albany Mboya" until IHS'J when be moved t o n bere. He ia ic the book and stationary business, the P 0 being located with him, and apeaka bigaly of the prospects of Ceaterville. Rev Mr Fischer, pastor of the Evangelical church, of this city, and family, consisting of wife and two children, are quite ill with tbe fever. They are comparatively strangers here and need the attention and kind assist ance of neighbors. Tbe membership of the church desire neighbors ta lead a helping hand to wait upon these worthy people. "A Salem real estate man got lost up about Silver Creek Falls one night last week and camped out with two immigrants," says the Silverteo paper. "They made a sapper on sheaf oats, aod covered themselves with a newspaper and tried to aleep, but tbe fleas kepi them too busy. The ascent ia a i.dlv good fellow, so wa won't give his name." TUESDAY. The small pox excitement at XfcVf inn- has died oat. Over a ton of bopa waa bought in this cite yesterday at 17 cents. Tbe members of the Juvenile Opera Co had a "way op quarrel at Victoria, B C. and win pronaoiy aisoaod. John Hnghes was found dead in his bed near Salem on Sunday. He died from Kith and starvation He left quite a little eity. prop The grand coamoramaof McCottnack reap er scenes of battles closed in this citv last night. Nothing quite so colossal has ever been aeeo in Albany before. The trial Of the Case of Cjhen auainat the N W Ina Co began at Salem vextenUv Ths will be remembered as the case aaisimr not of the burning of the Peyser a dooulast winter. John Hod it ton who stole a horse from Charles Walker, in attemping to captnre his horse a quarrel arose resulting to Walker shooting Hodgton, who lived oo'y a short time. This happened at Sandy, near Eaat Portland. Wm Preston and wife, of Waitsborg. will arrive on tbe evening train in thia eity on a visit to then niece Mrs Or Maatoo. Mr P res loo is partner in the flouting mill at that place with Frauk Parton, formerly of this city. J A Archibald, aent Singer Mannfactnr tttf: CO., opposite Odd Feilowa Temple, Al bany, J. A. Winter ia at Brownsville, and haa improved facilities for making photographs of the finest grade. Giye bim a call. WEDNESDAY. Salem haa a akating rink. Fine lioe of broad kneading nans at G W 8vnith's. A large stock of lifting force pumps at G W Smith's. Now in stock at J J Dubruiile a a largeand m e. a aV a " noe stocE ot saddles, J J Dubruiile has just received one hon dred gallons of tin harness oil. The Circuit Court docket will be found to be interesting reading matter. A complete line of heating and parlor atoves at G W Smith's, no better to the valley. Mr and Mr 0 burn, of Eugene City, are In the city tbe guests of their eieoe Mrs J W Blaio. A law haa bean passed in Now York risk ing, it a crime to publish the detail of an ex ecution. Mr J W Com p too, ol Scio, is ia the city, and thia afternoon The line of Pacific and Royal Argands at v owiiD a is a large one. 1 1 ese are among tne Dear- cook stoves made. See them. A new barrel of fine mixed pickle opened to day at F. I Kenton's. They will be sold in any quantity at the rate of SO cents per gallon. An excursion train will be run from Cor vallis Saturday night in order to enable the Siople of that city to attend the "Widow 'Brian" entertainment. Grand Master Jacob Mayer, A F & AM of Portland, will be in Albany to-night, when a reception will be given him, inclnding A supper at tbe St Charles hotel. ' Widow O'Brien" at the Opera Hons Saturday night. It will be a privilege to see the Rochester tronp, a flrst-cfass one. The pLy ia fall of comedy and music. Every body should go. The Hoi'd of Trade did not meet Isat nigi t on account rf a laek of a quorum . The men bars need stirring np. There is too mnoh a . stake these live timee for our eitiaens i sleep. A Salem Ex. aaya that nineteen soldier from Albany have taken up bemeateada in tending to till out the balance of the fiva year, after deducting their service ia tarn army. Harry Collins, tbe barber, returned to A I bany a day or two ago from California. Ha waa ia many of tbe cities of that State ami says none of them are ejnal to Albany. He is now working for 1 Jones. To run a session of the Oregon legislature it require 144 kniyes, 120 waate paper baskets, 202 ink and pencil erasers. 43211 steel pens, 48 ink stands, 180 ivory folder-. 1.12 mucilage caps, 2304 lead pencils and 24 gallons of ink. Tbe HtaUman aaya tbe reason that letter for Albany from Salem are soot to lamer is on account of the democratic mail service. We admit it. It is that part of the service that manages tbe Salem Poatofllee. The evi dence is nnqneationed. Bud and Dal Knighten have rented a farm near Monroe in Benton county and have moved onto it and commenced farm ing. Geotge Swank and wife are visiting in Salem this week, and next week will start for Idaho, their future home. Arthur Beard has built a new house on his property in Tangent. The steam whistle and wood saw have been heard in Tangent the last few days. The will contest of the late Martin Werts seems to be the topic of conversation in and about Tangent, P. W. Ryne has erected a very nice flag Ple which he says Js a Harrison pole, ete aars he will hoist tbe flag before the 6th of November, also after : but we think the one he will hoist after Novem ber will be black and at half mast. Mr. and Mr. L. M. Wheeler, of Lebanon are visiting in Tangent. Ben Simpson haa sold his meat market to Mark Hulbert George Garland and family, of Doty vllle returned home after a two days viait. Fifteen or twenty years from now we really believe that the results ot a cam paign will be entirely probablematical be cause of the immense independent vote which will go where it pleases and will not be influenced by bombast or political so phistry. Things point distinctly to greater independence of American voters and it will be a good thing. An immense indep dent intelligent vote will put all parties upon their best behavior. So much betting on the result of an elec tion does not seem to be just right in our estimation. John A. Canavan has bought no acres of land near Tangent, Now, girls lookout, Johnny will want abetter half soon. F. B. Jenks is just completing a large commodious barn on his farm just south of town. Also T. A. Beard Is erecting a barn on his premises in east Tangent, The quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church South will be held at this place on the fourth Saturday and Sunday of this month. Prof. J. A. Sibbitts will Instruct the Junc tion City band this winter. Mr. J. M. Beard returned last week from an extended trip, viaitlng his father, who reside near Sprague, W. T. Mrs. Judge Bradshaw, of The Dalle, was visiting here last week, the guest of Mrs. J. J. Beard. Rev. P. A. Moses has a novelty on his place which should encourage fruit grow ers. It is an apple tree bearing its second crop of 'fruit this year. It is of the Red June species and the second crop is matur ing nicely. Mr. A. Barnes met with quite a mishap last week, while helping Mr. Forester in digging a well. The windlass got away from him, the handle striking him on the nose and leaving a very marked impress ion . Superior. This Is the name of a large stock of stoves of a complete line at G. W Smith's. The firebacks are warranted for fifteen years. The name ia appropriate. The stove is a splendid one. Some Si mm kr Items. It pay to get your groceries at Brownell & Stanard's. You get a five cent ticket with ever $t's worth of goods bought at Brownell & Stan ard's. Call on M J M wteith for big bargains. All aindsof woolen dress goods are 25 fee cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Oar stock is all fresb, consequently we can give yery low prices. W. F. Read. Albany Market. Wheat -78 Oats SOe Butter-25 its per lb. Eggs 18c Hay -9,00. Potatoes a5 ots per bushel. Beef-on foot, Stfe ..pplee 40 cents per bu, Pork 60 per D uressed. Bacons hams, 1430., shoulders, 9a. sides, 12c Lard 12c per lb. Flour 4.25 per bbl. flhickens 2.50 per dos. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton shorts, 16. middlings. 20. Chojr- ao. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. FLINN BLOCK.