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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1888)
ASSSSSSfcflAWBSS1 Conrad Meyor. .-PROPKIKTOK Or STAlt BAKKRY, Onruer Broadalbin and First Sts.r DKAl.KR IN- nnnrtl rroiU. tilsvaswarc. Dried Fruit. Tobaoc, agar, to flee. Kt Vegetable. Clsssrs, fkffNMs, lHo In faot everything that in kpt ti a gen red variety and grocery aiore. HlgkoM market price paid tor ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. C.J. DILLON, m l li WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE, -A-LBwA-lTT, OH. Wm. Fortmillei & Co,, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Atation-firitolaas Hearaa JTAfuT ttutino-.- h Mrs otM at rosidfttioe oorner Fifth an 1 Biker HtroeU. THE YAQULMA KOUTB, Orapn Picifi: Railroad Ooga Djyelopn-nt C.aep soy's Stemu ehip Line 225 MILES Sit 9 Rick--20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other rout. Firt class tbroug 1 pas-taiigar aod freight line from Portland and all points In the Willamette Valley to and from ban Franoiaoo, Cal. WillamBtt3 Rivdr lm of Steaoiars. The MWm. M. il The 'N. S, Beat ley," The Throe stutters" are In iter vice for both peeeonger wad freight tratUo be tween Carrellis aod Portland and sjsjdtate Doiuta, le-sving Company'i wharf, Corrallis. an I M-Mirs. Iliiimn A Co s wharf, Noa. 2J0 an J 'Ml From St., Pott land, three time a wook as follows : NOCTtt BOCVU. I Iyw.rsCor.-ml I ia, Uo ,WU. aud FrkUy. 1J. WA. M. Albany, ktuodty. W i. u i FriiLty. MM BMSSI arrlT FurtUod, rue . Thu. uvl lUianUjr. & 30 V. U , tru mjt.No. Uv Pjrvuwid. Ma.. W-i oJ Friday, 8:00 A. M. Lsav AltM.iT. Ta4.. 'raur. Mid Satunuy. l:0t p. H. AinraCorrmllia. Tas., il,a.m..d OatunUy, 4:M F. il. BoaU make close connection at Albany with trains of tbeOregou Paltio Hailroad. Lme t AlOtay, 1:0) r. m, . beSSS Yaqauu, C JO a.m. Ltv CwfsUu, 1:17 r. aultSMSe Cwrvallu,lUJS A.M. ArrivA Ymo1ua, &M r. j Arrive Albuy, ll:t& a. m O X C. trains oau;- at Albany su J Corvallit The aoove trains c-jnneot at iTaquiutwan iuj O.ogu Oeveiopuaint Ooutpaoy's Ldne of otoaitbiye o.:. n Vaqutna an i Hxu frasK-lso a, MAILIXU f VIES . ArJlMSAt. rv)i at rtttcit; i. r 14 i a i is A WilUmeitc V'Aly, WilijunaUA VIU, A'iiu,u,i c V Alley, WillAASettA Va1i. Junt --.i i duty J.'l Ju,y :- ,i July zjui. Jun -ivli. July 11 0. Ju.y zuii. The C'Uipaa ,,,evim .u right ohanga saiitoit i i'.os Witu jik ii ki o ki N. K. i'kvj ! 'jr Irt u Pr.lAtti and nruiA ll;..s . t toy ,JI 1 1 II lUtJ :ioo oonue :ti witui.uj ini i ol too Vsqumks routes Aiomy .,j o jrvtJii, aawj n o-j-. UoeJ to ." o FrAuuis j asWeud arrango to arrive at V tgnotA toe ovuuiu '.-'. c j uatu of aaiiiug. aaseaiAer d ft tagtn tc Ale sawey tae I.'PW"I For iat r.uj,U.j.i .rjf U O J Ot'tari, Freight and ricAttt A;e,i;, AlOAoy, v V 0 11 tiuareli, Jr., O. F. 4t P. Aft., Orjg-oii iytiitniut Co., 3M koutvutery St., Hah Frm ..w., Cu I. (: l iImi.iI., i A. Si. F . aod P. AtfMit, OeotM PacuW KSUu, C..rv;iu, Br, amim rj califjimia Soatoa Paoiflj Oompaay's Lino. thu Mf re. o Tiuij t:lr.;-1 Alijfystl Oji. ft uU 1 1, 5 bow cturoksiA sxrau.t i. utt 'daily. Soa'dt 4.00 r. m. S:06ru 7:40 am North ')i AM 7:U6 a M r m tears Ldtve Arrive PortUiid Aib.iiy Asu F ntn'u: Arrive PAiur xotpt rfmidAy). 8:00 A M I 40 PS f.VitU I Leave P'sftltOMl A ! I) HI Kn--.i Arrive I 3:45 P s Leave I 116 A M Isatve j 0 XX) A M Lavu Arriva LOCAL PAS4:.-i3t TAO.XH UAILT, KXCKfr AUXDAT. 4:10 P M I 8:50 P M I AiOssy bSHFHM Albtuy Lshao'is arrive Leave 5:45 A M ' A M 2:46 r m 2::Jv r s Arrive Leave Arrive 12:50 rM 1:36 i- m Arrive i Leave PULLMAN S0Fff SLEEPiili. Tourist Steeping Gars Fer leeminnstiu:t ol iectM-taA PaMnea gers. atlaette I tt Kxpress 1f s4na. We.l sltl IvIvIaIoii. BKrtrsev fwanix & r.rav j,m MAJLTSAIS DAILY (X et HiJIldAy.) 0AM Letve FortlAiid Arrive i 0:15 P M 2.25 r M Arrive C'jrvtdie Letve ia m STPASW TatISi D VILY (ex ! Jp; H i i i ly. Portland McUiniivilSe Arrive tsve 0:O) a m 6.45 A M "iOOpm Arri-e At Albany and CorvaUU ot.ieut with trains ( Oregon Faciflu Railroad For full luf srm vtion rearJiMg ratoS, mtpt, cle., on Company' Agent. B. KOEHLBR, . P. HOSKRg, Mansgor Au't . I", and P.'.Att. Notice. We have appointed Mr. S. . DeVaney Waterloo as our Agent in Linn county for Laws of Business prepared by Prof. Purson's or Harvard Univernity expressly for farmers and business men. Endorse J by the chief and associated justices of the Supreme Bench. Is pronounced by thousands of the clearest headed business raft! of the coun try as a book which they can not afford to be without. We ask an investigation of its aierits. Agents wanted in every county in the State W. P, Grant, Publisher. (Agent for Western and Pacific KtatesJ lo 6 alifornia St., Sin Francisco, Ca Do You Want Furniture ? IF YOU DOOO TO Woodin & Willard. where you will find the best make ami ftuwt finished BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AMD LOUNGES. Alio a fine Hue ot PICTURE FRAMES, and a hunderd dlffVtrout stylus of Mouldings. Plcture frames made to order. The largost MM best stock or UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept In Albany. Price reasonable. Andrews & Hackieman, W.LDOUGLAS $3.00 SHOE WARRANTS! SOLE LEBANON, A(J KNTS, - OREGON SheritTs Sale. I the Circuit Court of the SLUe of Ortyon, for Linn coeary. R. 6. Wallace, Plaintltr. vs, John Helffhsle ud Oeorg- Williams aiol William England, mrfnndantN VTOTICK la hereby glvm that by vliti.e r of an Exeimtlou ami orrter i hhio issued eut of the abve named Court in the above entitled suit I Will on natarelay the tl day mt uiiism, I ww, at the Court House door in the cltv or Al bauy, Linncouuiy, Oregon, al the hour t-f .,.,lik n Hi Mtll At 111 title nilt'lil'll for cash in hand to the blgbeat bidder tbo real propertv doni-rtlwd in seld execution Ami irdbr of sale a follwe. to. wit : Tito west half of the south eattquarler and the eanl hslf of tbo Houthwe-t iurir ! ."v iwtmlv in Towmblp nlno, S It two, Msg of the Willamette meridian in Uun coun ty, Orvgon. The proeoodn ari mx rrin ho falo of ssid prffUiiMo- l- lo spplied : First to the payment of the original ooete taxed at file. So auU tne antrum vi and an Attorney's f-o la ami -t f 7ft. 75. Second, to the paymout to the Plaintiff. It S Wallace, the sum of 11445 with at cuing iot rot thereon at the rate of 10 par ceut per annum from the 26tb day of June, A. O., ISWS. And tbo Mirclusof such sale remaining after the said payments be ap olWul in lMViiiHtit of the niiiu ol S4M.S7 iloo said Oeorse WilliamN and William En(dacd, with accruing In teiest thereon at the r' or ten p- r cent per annum from the 'M h ttay of June, A- I) ItOiM. Dated July Srd. IS8S. J.OIN All. MAN, per O. 8. Smith, Sbt-nir. Depot;. ALBANY COLLEBUTE INSTITUTE1 ALBANY, OREGON, X888, 188Q. rirs Term Cfpeea M-plrmOsT IH:h, I toot A loll corps of instructor. - CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Course of tudy arranged to meet lb need of all grades of studeuta, S fecial inducements $rett to student from abroad. Tuition rauges from i'. ' to 17.54. Board in private tztvVUem at icw ratea Rooms Icr eelf-boat-uiiig t nuiall ex-eJMS A careful tupervi-.ion exercise! over stu dents away from home. Fall term opem. Septemter 7th. For circulars and fu.i partlculare addrevi tbo Preeideut. itfi KLBKOT . Albany, Oregon a The BUYEBL GUIDE la Issued March ar,d Bept., i each year. It la on ency clopedia of useful infor mation for oil vLo pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. Wo can clotho 70U and furnish you with all tho necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, danco, deep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at homo, and in various eizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these thioga COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of tho BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Ul-lla Michigan Avenue. Chicago, IU. DR. Ca WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 aod 4. t-outer's Block. ALBANY - - OREGON. Palace Meat Market. J, V. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep cooMiantly on band beat, mutton, j.ork, veal, auaKe, etc,, the beet meats and largeht variety in the city. Cash paid for all kinds of fat stock. PATENT8 btained, anil all other boshies in the U . tt i'atcn Hce attendeded to for moderate fees. Our offlee ia oppostt the U.S. Patent Offlce, and vcn obUin i'atento less time thau thoee remote rom Waxhington . Send modle or drawing. We wj to stetit ability free of charge ; and we make o char'.- utilvtw tve obtain patent. We refer hone, te the To'.msAtr, the ttnut. of Money Order Mv. and to eSVSS s eftheU. tt. Patent Office. For circular, advice, tenr.s, an I ctoretices o Actual clieuts in your own ritui o ot cou ity, wldress .4. SWOW &0., Ooonzito Patent Offlcr, Waalihtgtoii, D . Homeopathic Physician, RS. M, E yc'.-ov, at. D., HOMEOPATHIC lonce corner of First Ii'n. Osroete dlacaace i-lSro hours : 10 a. m. anU liakor 8tn-eU, Alitany, Orn a n;n: :lalty. C'oneultatioo Ire, to 12 a m and 2 to t p. m. . "Jim Westfiill," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full lino of Chinese goods of all kinds on band, Also full line of JAPANESE GII0DS?. 0EE80H PiOIFW COST EiCTOE for this section. I.Hiiorera fnrnlsbed tny purpose. on Khort notice fo Opposite S E Young's, Albany, J. K. WEATHEEF0ED, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) rTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OKKCOM. it? ILL PUACTIOE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE 1 T State. 8cial attention given to jo'lcctior.H and I'obata iruxttor. OTOfflcei Follow' Tempie. Ik democrat OffOUHTY f FFICIiL liMd APE, HMALL POX. A ftrl viruU-nt otsc of small pot hai day eloped nt the residence of Mr. Oruham, who live on the bop farm about 5 or O miles below Miller , In tbc bcml ot the river, The pntlent U 11 young man by the name of Frank Mnrshull,ngcd i8yenra,who came to Mr, Graham's about ten diiys since, where be engaged to work. He took sick last Saturday and a physician from Jcffer- I on has been waiting on bim but did not detect the character ol the disease, Mr, Graham' suspicions were aroused last Thursday when be took his family off to the mountains. Saturday Or Msston,.d this city, who haa had considerable experience iu small-pox, waacalU-d t see the young man. Ho re turned tlis t'rrutwo. eshsll past two. t'oleck. lie informed a UKMOCHAT reporter that it was a genuint case of confluent smalt-pox aod a t'tt-t 000 at that, the fung man never having l 11 YauaiuoUd. Quite a number of i'i-Mit h.v- I 1 11 iii.-.l t' it, ami thu doctor thinks inr will bo sevotal more cases, including two hind hands who have boon with Marshall evr eiuoe he took siok. Another hired hand who has been with the siok man until ysjjtetjUf. t 1 1 aud went over bout Scio. Mr Oraham cmo up this for' ooon t nt-t the county oourt to place the young mu in the peat houso near oity, hut this wsa r t is Marrirp. On July 3. 1884, at tte home of th liritU' oareo. Tutor Ihlyeu, II J Paul and Miai Dilyc-u, all of Scto. LUMBAGO LAME BACK. Pi CO e- ft 5 Vv j.a.B?.p Ml hi W CHARLES A. V0GEIER CO Til Ofiaffjl CTr Ot C ""S"" oa$ v uvMlWO men PILLS. nLfTARC Or IMITATIONS ALWAYS AUK til VB. riKRCtVa JPSLLKTM, OB LITTLE MUQAM-COATXD nt 1 v Being entirely vegetable, they op erstt? wi ruhout dlstiirbanev to tho m"m. llt. oroocuiMttion. rut tin In at 1 vinl, lwrm tt eally smifd. Alwayu frvsh end n linltte. As a laxative, alterative or purgative aim, IHrrtcci 1: - nttas reucts give uw suttefaouou. SICK HEADACHE. Billons Headache, trizzluess, Coustlpa tioti, Insllgest Ion, rttllona Atia k".iind si! sifi-raenoj ut tit" Htom- I lH) ' Dromi't- iy en iivj snd K'nr i.y iim ii:- Er. IMt-rre's tMeasntit Purgative Pellets. In Mltinntkn of tho n un ilial powt-rof these Pclk-ts over so xr-at a variety of disease, it mny truthfully be said Unit their action upon th.j lystem Is universal, not n gtaud or liiM ct-i:jing ttielr ennstivo Influence. Hold by OruggtSBaiieeatl a vial. Munufnetured at tbc . 41 Laborutory f Wohi.o's DisrosAttir HxttlCAt. Asaocs ATIOX. ituffulo. N. I. la fjfferrtl tty the manufnetur- r ur, sase'i 1 ainrrn Hrnittdr, tor a enso f Chronic Nasal Catarrh which they eannot euro. H TOTiB OF CATAHltH. Dull. heavy li. ii.iu li-, rlmti tu tSon of tlio mumi tosang'-'. !i.i, Imrt'c tiililiijr fstin I if 1 1 -ad nto lh! ii;-.iiit. mi im'f pnuuse, wnlt ry, ek. O-nnt fouii, niu .us. hi: i n ril, nt otbers. thick, tenat -lorn; purtili-nt, liluody and putrid; the cyra are w-uk, wal-r', and Intinmt-d ; tiiero is ringing In the enrs. dt-afnera, hut-king or cougliiiur to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, tog-Klicr with scala from ulcers; Ihe vote in cliiinad and bus n iiuaal tunni. ; the li -nth Is offensive; anvil and tast'i arc hn-palri-.l; llu-ro is a sensation of . v. nh men!;: I d'-prt-ueiou, a hut-king cough and i.fii crai neUlliy. Only a few of tho ahovc-nmncd syniptins are likely to he present hi any one case. Thousands of cases annually, without tiifinirt sting imir nr the uikivc gymi-toni. re sult iu consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so oniunton, more deceptive and dantT'-rous. or less understood hv physU-tans. Ity its mild, sootlitntf, and heidmtr prt'-i ties. Dr. Hage'a f.'starrh ib-nndy eurfi tli- v.-osst cases of Cutnrrli. "eold In tho head, Corya, and Catarrhal lleadnclae. bold by druggists every where; CO cents. Untold Agony from Catarrh." Prof. W. IlACSNBit. the famous numeriBt. of Hhaen,N. P., writes: 8ome ten yearn otrt) I suffered untold agony from chronic im?ul catarrh. My family physician gave mo up ns incurable, and said I must die. My -n6- was such a bad one, that every day, toward 1 un let, my video would bt-wtin so hoattM I cf.iild liart-ly seak aliove a whisper. In live morning my citugiiing and clcariua- of my threat would itlmoet stronglo toe. lly the u,v of lir. Sage's Catarrh Itctncdy, in three months, I was a well man, aud tbc euro baa been permanent." "Constantly Hawking and Spitting." Thomas J. IltrttiUNO. Esq.. eoos IHne Street. St. iMuia. Mo., writes: "I was a trrent safferei from catarrh for three years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was eonntuntly hawking and spitting, and for tho last eight months could not breathe through the nostrils. I thought nothing could be d too for mo. Luck ily, I was advised to try Dr. F:igo'i Catarrh Remedy, and I urn now a well mint. I !x lieve it to be the only sure remedy fur catarrh now manufactured, and ono bos only to give it n fair trial to experience astounding results uud a permanent cure." Three Bottle Care Catarrh Eli RoBmif, Runyan P. 0., CoFumWo CoM Fa., says: "My daughter had enlairh when she was five years old, very badly. 1 saw Dr. Bago's Catarrh itemedy advertised, and pro cured a bottle for her, and coon saw that it helned her : a third bottle effected a nennu- nent cure. She is now eighteen years old and sound and hearty." 0. 0 OEEBRT. ti.B.FVHKKB ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & I'ARKKS, Machinists, Millwrights, and Iror Pounders. w E are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of iron and tsrase Castings. PATTESKS MADE Jf SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing al kinds of machinery. Children Cry for I 1 p j sn 1 m so 0 11? s u iim I 2SSo fjr I g?5g 06V lejL j . $500 REWARD m K TKHI'KKANt If lOl.lMV. (D. I Edited ay Albany W, 0. T, U. The Ramabal circles, of wbluh mention waamado latt week, aro frequently formed ed within the W. C. T. U. organisation, hav ing the tame fuoers. Ksch meinour pledges hsrself to pay $100 annually to thu school which the 1'uudita intends founding, Uinc baeee her plan upon the fact that of ihe 23, 000,000 widows in ludia three-llftus are high caste, are not reached by our missionaries, ami never msrrv attain, and if ediioatud men tally, trained industrislly end Christianized spiritually, they might, having no home oares, liecom reformers who would deliver ItdU, As there are many if our ladios who are not working in the temperance ranks, it might be that the formation tf ene of these would bo to thoin a pleasaut aud eor lately a charitable and missionary enterprise. Wq would suggest that some one having the time take held of the matter and have a cir cle ready to organise when Pundita Hsmabai comes to tm, Four of 'he nawly elected Methodist bishops are said to be prohibitionists. The question of today is whether the in diyidual man has any right, by meaus of poison, or in aoy other way, to demoralise mankind for profit. It is a question that evory working man, every employer, every father and mother haa a right to answer. Heostor Blair in his apeech before congress on the educational lull aays: "We are now charged with theeduostion of eighteen mil lions children and youth, who in less than ten years will be the nation. Of these, ten and one half millions aro enrobed in public or private schools, six mil lions is the average attondanoe, while seven and one-half millions, or nvetwelfths of the whole, are growing up in sbsolute ignorance f the Koglish alphs baV The Ciavinnati cpeial liixpatck has the f I owioa: The tltetillers of this ureat distil ler V eity uuauituoualy agree that the Kederel tax 00 whiskey should not be striekeu off. Fur the most part they assino as their rsaeon that without the tai, tfoveroirimtal supervi sioo would be ioipossibe, aod the dunJhog would not be doue as heretofore, lo fiteat aod rrssooaibio eetablishrueuts uoder ihe eye of Uoele Sam, bet anywhere aod everywhere by irrosponstlile persona The reeolt, they say, would te deterioration ol the distilled produet, and sitoh other bad effeetu that there would b. general revolt against the trade." Net l ik, Oregon. Ckdar Rapiiih, la., July 4. The cele bration u summarily stopped to-day by a threatened cyclone. A panic ensued, j and 500 people were In a pandemonium. 1 he steps to tbc Milwaukee bridge broke, Injuring a number, though none fatally j The storm pioved only a rain storm. The Wine Industry. San Fham iso,July 3. Arpad lfarasx thy .president of the stale board of viticul- ture.has Alcd a lengthy report for the year endlne Aprlt,iS88. He etimatei that there are 1 50,000 acres In California planted in vines, valued at 4S,otxvxio with improve ment shied at $3o,ooo.otx,maklnf( a total of $05,000100 invested In the industry .This ln Increase of $00.500,000 since the board 0 viticulture was established eight veui. ago. Tbc :onumplion of California wines and brandies during the past year amount ed to $5. 500.000. New voaa.July 4. One pleasant even ing recently Mamie Mullen waa twinging on the ga'e in front of her parent home, In East New York, when Benjamin Can- tkid. a tinsmith, happened to pa, and smiled at Mamie. She smiled shylv at him. and then he teoied up to pcak to her. in about fifteen mlr.utea Benjamin wa ilting with hi arm around Mamie waist. In fifteen minutes more be propos ed marriage, and an hour later found Mamie and Bcniatniu standing up together before an accommodating preacher of dlv ln;tv who lived In that vicinity, where they were made man and wife. After liv ing with hi bride about four weeks, Ben iamln dUappcarec under clrcumtances which, it is aaid, gave the deserted wife ground for divorce, for which she say r.e i going to apply at once. A Pension Bill Vetoed. Washington, July 5.A messagi'from the president was received by the Senate to-day, vetoing the bill granting a pension to Mary Ann Doherty. The president shows the bad character of the woman,and that the husband, on account of whose death a pension was desired, is alive and himself drawing a pension. The president says be would yield to no man In a desire to see those who defended the government liberally treated, but the pension list should be a roll of honor and not a matter of In discriminate alms-giving. Perfeitare Bill Passed. V lUNGTox, July 6. The landgra forfeiture bill passed the House to-day a vote of 177 nves to o noes, ihe bin as ww er paased i a substitute for tne Senate bill. 1 be bill provides that all lands here to fore granted by Congres to any state or corporation to aid in the construction of railroad not constructed within the time specified in the act making the grant fur tbc completion of such railroad shall be deemed forfeited to the United Htatea. Lanorkth. The Salem Statesman give the following account of the hanging of Lan dreth at Dallas on Friday. At 11:30 Sheriff Smith asked the condemned man, who was standing weak and trembling with the cap over him : "Are you ready ?" Being an swered by silence, he gave the signals Sheriff Croisan drew the peg In the catch and sprung the trap. A click, a flush, and a thud, and Landretb was swurg to eterni ty. His neck was broken instantly. Doc tors Lee and Woods went below, and after two minute, reported his pulse at 85, at four minutes 120, at six minutes 140, and thcreatter intermittent until it ceased en tircly. It was a peculiar fact that Lan dreth was hanged just n Vear to n day after the lynching of Kelty, and near the same spot. The Teachers Th : State Teachers' Association closed a very successful and argely attended meeting on Friday. Among those who attended from this coun ty were D VS Rcid, Prof Walker, Kate Price and Jane Morris, of this city ; C S Hunt, of Lebanon, G F Russell and I M Williams, of Halsey, and Mr Stanard, of Brownsville. Prof H W Herron. now teacher of book keeping In the Portland Husmess college, was also present, and likewise Miss Olive Klrkpatrick, who Is studying medicine with Dr Rowland, of Salem ; also President Condit, of the Al bany Collegiate Institute, who delivered a short address. Eni'ouwtbi! With a Com jar. -On latt Friday, while Mr Ed Allen, his two broth era, and Mr J S S Powell and his two sons were hunting on Mary's Peak, one of the Powell boys was st ticked by a cougar. They were all following a trail, four being afoot and the rest on horseback, when a large cou gar jumped from the fern on to the horse ridden by the boy. The doun were immedi ately behind and sprang at the animal, caus ing it to fall to the ground, aad it got away from them and ran ud a tree. Its claws raked across the boy's legs without hurting bim, however. The hunters then shot the animal from the tree. Leader. J M Moyer, of Brownsville, has bee 1 in the city to-day. Pitcher's Castorla. t'OUNTY COUBT I'ltOCKKIMNOS. H. N. HlMiktiurn, Judge ; 0. W. Utnr sod U. W. i'lilllln, Commissioners.) Will of C V Wright, for supplies furnish, Prltchard, $29, continued ; also bill of 6 W Bell, services Deputy I, H Monlanyc In cocs oflohn Ucrmnn, r.nnls and Kcld, and W C Thomas, etc., to await decision ti pcmllnit case ; also matter of applica tion of W R Powers, and others for coun ty road , also application of (i W Howes s a .1.1 aupcrvisor lor an appropriation. Anoliciition of llt-nlvatul others for coun ty road granted, and fees of viewers allow ed. The bond of Jerrv Shea was duly ap proved. Fees In State coses, June term, allowed, except that of Win Brenner, $2510 ; also In cases before grand jury, except in case ol Geo and Frank Cook. R Koldcway was appointed stock Inspect or for tbc ensuing year. On drawing of ballots for long and short term as Commissioners, It W Cooper drew four years term and(i W Phillips two years term. Appropriation for bridge over Kendall slough granted, to be 170 feet long. Books of ex-County Treasurer Curl ex amined and found correct. Bill of Davis Bros. $343-49. material for Power's bridge continued. W Boyd I lamltton was granted scholar ship to State Agricultural College. Ordered that supervisors get an order from c urt before purchasing lumber hereafter. Fees, (1 W Phillips, 40 miles. 913; B W Coopsr, 1 1 miles, $8.20, allowed. Committee appointed to examine the sher iff, stooant reported the same correct, scd settlement waa made accordingly. Ordered that clerk make a oopy of delin quent tai rolls of IS83-4-&-0-7, and issue a warrant fr collection of same. The following bills were allowed 1 Wilt Bros., repairing bal lot box .... $ .50 S O Mealy, bear and wild cat calp. 3.50 S M Harris, wild cat scalp Ja?o E TT Flaher, surveyor's fees 1 1.00 Max Friendly, lumber 3'-3 E C Jackson, scraper. toxm J A Crawford, water rent 5.00 J B Kccney, supplies H Fierce 30.00 J P (ialbralth. Clerk', fees m.f 1 8 Smith, Sheriff's fees Mary E Davis, keeping Riley and overalls Mrs C Houck, board Queley Fees State agt Frank Reynolds Fees State agt A Barton Fees State agt Wm Smith, ct al ... Fees State agt W C Thomas Fees State agt W C Tho.naH Fee Coroner's jury over body Grant 37-7 9.00 8xjo 16.50 i5-5o i 'i.o Osborne 38.94 Fee State agt Sid Ennia and Ed Reed tt MM M MMM 2O.3O J M Sloan, Sheriff's fee 7- I C Uoodalc, lumber "-- J B Fltxwatci, keeping A Fltxwntcr 8xj E troan, coffin, Wm Turner 10.00 S B Coyle, a road supervisor 3.50 J S Courtney, attending Wm Turner and medicine 35 75 N If Allen, electrte lights 250 II J C A verlll. State agt Barton .... 3 85 M K DorrU.lKtard Ifrlggsand White txxi E D Turner, lumber 1875 DS Smith, cxpcne account I2AXI 75 Fees State agt Jancway Fees State agt Jas Morgan '. G L Black man, record book 3.50 1 P Cohen, mdse poor Andrews & Hackieman, Orchard V25 j 8.00 ".73 family Koontx& Lame, Albert Hays G Morri. keeping pour 40-79 fthn Vnunit.dleitiiiif crave 4 DS Smith, fees 5343 ETT Flaher, examining Sheriff sceouivt 1 dav... E K Montague. ame oo . 1 Adjourned TMVKaOAt W W Ssooders Is now hospital steward at the peniteutisry The street sprinkler has gone to work g da after a long ret. The Mt Hood illnmiustion was seen to Portland and other places CuoaidralU city property is ohaning hands at good prior. J O Writ. man and Mr McIlhoty are back from ths mining ren. Mr Francis PfeiflVr hsa a machine for mik ing mi: k shake, a popular beverage. Wolverton it Irvine, of this city, have dis solved partnership. Mr Irvine has gone into huainea witn IIitt & IWyant. aud the firm ill be Hewitt, Bryant St Irvine. Conductor Kennedy run the morning train to the Bay yesterday with an eye in a sting, caused by two tnaeh farailisrity with a cin der. He had just been to Portland to haye it doctored. Mr A B Skinner, reeolly from Nebraska, has purchased of Mr B P Tshier his hnure m r. - east . a t two lota cornrr ot r.igiitn and .nspie streets, paying f I.VV0 for the same. Mr T-vbler wilt move into his new residence in a few weeks. FRIDAY. Rescue Ii & L Co meet this eveoinr. Portland is to have a $150,000 opera house. Burr Hloau ia said to baye been robbed of $30 in Seattle. Twelve foot binder whips at J J Da brutlleis. Bishop Morris, wife and daughter, are in Knglaud attending the Pan-Angelican conn cil. Indreth. of Polk county, and (Joldsnsep, of San Francisco, were banged this after noou. Furniture des'ers threugh Oregon cannot do better than by buying their furniture of Mr (J J Utllion. the manufacturer of this ottv. Mr Uilbon is a thorough furniture man, and his goods will be ttrst-clas SATURDAY 'ft DAILY. Mr Peto Abbev. of Newport, ariiyed in the eity last night on his way homo from Portland Mr McKtmurrv. of Polk county, has been in the city to-day, and while here caned. - - .... , . . Miss Hattie Will, of Potttaud. ia in the oity, the guest of the Misses Van Horn. Mr A J Rossi tor. the V S. baa moved to McMiunville, where he intends locating A naner. to be oalled The Pilot, is to be started at Junction City by J M McCullum W B Sutt has gone to California, whete ; he will probably remain The ucxt meeting of tho Willamette Val ley Hopgrowors association will be held in Salem, st the ofiioe of W J Hen en, on State street, ou Friday, July 13, at 1 p M. A large attendance Is expected, ss questions of much interest to hop growers will be discussed, and important bnsineas transacted. How It Was Dunk.- Our oorrestoudent ou tho Southern Boundary writes as as fol lows: ''I was greatly surprised in reading the Eugene City Guard of June 30 to tind under the head of "Coburg Items" nearly al of the items I had sent you under date of June 23, I cannot imagine how they hap pened to be there." We do. They appeared in the Daily, aud were clipped by the Lu gano paper, so that they came out in the two weeklies at the same time. Easy, wasn t it: "Jim Westfall." This well known Ce lestial left Saturday fot Portland to ste the future Mrs W. The wedding is to take place on Sunday, July 15, ia Portland, and will be a "fly" affair. Tho brido will be a young and blushing Mongolian. Jim already has a wife and several children in China, but they don't do him any gooa here. 1 he hap py eonila will come to Albany after the wed ding. niaoyreo mm oavS atrs 'nejprrqo peq etrs uoujvl Hrjjojsuo 0 Sunp aqs 'ssiK uioaq eqs uaqAV 'jj(ySTo joj pajAO eqs 'pipio v svm. aqs noiuv 'viaoyreo 4911 a3 ojs 'ojs suw. Aqvq, uo m. A Roseburg paper boasts that it furn ished three orators for 4th of July oele brations, Jones, a democrat: Fullerton, 1 , republican; and Floed, a prohibitionist. THM TOIJKNAMKXT. Tbc Association convened on Tuesday j wlirti ihf. ftdbiuini rtltirffm wprn i-lctfil " 1 - A I ... -. .. . f I , , ar i ll ior mc ciiaiiinjyenr ; rremuciu, nciiuiin Hall, Spokane Falls ; first Vice President, josian woiuns, Seattle ; second vice rresi dent, C B Watson, Astoria ; third Vice President, J N Hoffman, Albany ; fourth Vice President, LA Sanctuary, Roseburg fifth Vice President, J F Reslng, East Portland ; Secretary, F L Parker, Astoria ; Treasurer, W F Dugan, Salem ; Statistic ian, Thomos Hart, Walla Walla ; Direc tors, B S Worslcy, Astoria ; W W Wether spoon, Spokane" Falls ; J W Wentwortb, Vancouver. The contests have resulted as follows : On the 4thof July. -Wet test Spokane rails, 37 3-5 second ; Vancouver, 39 3-5 Albany, 39 4-5 ; Kast rortland, 43 3-IO Seattle, 52 3 5. Prixes ist,$3oo and $150 trumpet 5 2nd, $150; 3rd, $100. Tender race, Seattle, 24 2-5 ; Victoria, B. C, see. ond. Prlxe, $10, Thursday. Hook and Ladder, race. Spokane rails, 33 seconds; Seattle,' 33 3-5, Championship race .Spokane, Comets, 1 :t6 2-5 seconds ; Queen City team 1 :i8 4-5 ; Vancouver, B. C.,i :2i 3-5 ; Vic toria. 1:22 2- ; Albany, 1:36 1-2 ; East Portland, 1:27 4-5 ; Vancouver, W, T 1 sj$ 3-20. In this race Albany is said to have bad bad luck, though a splendid run was made Speed race Albany. 27 1-0 seconds Kast Portland. 'iH 4 0: Vancouver, 29 7 10 Vsncouver. B. C. 30 : Spokane Falls 28 3-0 Victoria, B. C, 30 ; Seattle, No. 1 30 ; Seatie. No. 2, 30. Dry test. Ksst Portland, 30 sac: Van couver, 30 3-10. Vsncouver, B C, 30; Spo ksne Palls. : .! JTO: Victoria. U ;, none Albany, 33, Seattle, 30. Ill F. XANTIAM Ml NEW. We mentioned recently the meeting by several Albany men with a mining expert from California in the Santiam regions. This gentleman, Mr. L-igh Harnett, on reaching Portland wrote a very compre hensive account of his trip to the Santiam mines, and show conclusively their im. portance as a mining district. He makes this region out a part of the great forma tion running through Wallowa county and Eastern Oregon. It will be a silver-gold bearing region, with silver in the ascendan cy. He aay a : It often happens In the history of min ing that certain localities haye a double life, and that the second life is as brilliant as the first wa unfortunate. Putting the past and the future together, at the present time, this has been and will be the fate especially of the Santiam district, for, tak- ing all the evidences of good and reitaaic mines, as they exist there to-day, to guide a correct and unbiased judgment, there is no danger in predicting as brilliant a future for the Santiam dUtrict as the past has been unfortunate." In describing the formation he starts out in this confident manner : "1 feel, therefore, perfectly awirc.l bc- fore I get through 1 can establish the repu tation of thcKauttam, though only a hun dred miles from the city, as an exceeding ly rich mineral districta fact all must ad mit, of the highest Importance both to Ore gon and Portland." He shows what the Dastoen at has claim cd right along, that all that is necesary now is capital to work the mines as the preliminary worx is wen done . . ... Harnett In mv opinion, the Galena Milling and Mining Company need do no more develop ment work on their orooertv. The forma ilnn .nrl t-nln. mrf stl &iahliali-d hpvnnrf quciio0 and nced no further preliminary work, which, in fact, wootd be so much money thrown away. All that Is now wanted i development at depth to make the propertv ratable at a high figuie.if thev want to sell. The formation and the veins at Kantiam arc thoruotrhlv established al readv. All now wanted is" a good working tunnel that will be useful to the end. At 300 feet deep, $$00 rock would not surprise me at all." In closing tbc writer advises Oregonians to visit this new region, and says : "If they are wise, for the sake of learn ing something of the greatness and grand cur of their State, they certainly will do so." On the Southern Itonaslsry. Miss Clara Tilton closed a verv successful term cf school In tbc Bargcr school houc last Wednesday, and Miss Porter, of Sbcdd, closed her school on I-ridav the Sommer- ville school house having given general .atitdactlon. Rattlesnakes arc said to be very plentiful along the foothills, several having been killed in the last few days, among them one with twelve rattles. Fortunately thclrrange is limited. Mrs. Marv Smith was vhdting in Junc tion week. Mrs. M. A. E. Smith is having her resi dence painted outside and papered inside. The recent rains have seriously hindered the work. lion. B. R. Holt is remodeling the Snod e res 1 a kniiia fr hist lanonl I mm w-. v a mm psMHSTSM Mr. Davis and family, of Shedd s were visiting nt Mr. Ward's a few davs lat week. Hon. E. P. Coleman and familv started for Bunch Grass last Saturday. J. B. Hay worth is building a new stock barn. A most enjoyable social and hinging was held at the residence of Mr. John Grimes on Sunday evening of last week. The house was filled to overflowing and some fine music rendered. Spelling school was well attended last Friday evening. We heartily praise the managers. Rev Me Kin It-v, of Fugene was announc ed to preach at the sommcrvllle school house last Sunday, but for some reason failed to come or send a substitute. Miss Laura Ward, of liaise v, was visit ing in the neighborhood last week. Kil.Ui RBttaTsSAMES. As recorded in the County Clerk's office of Linn county, Oregon : Walter E Yates to J A Beard, of 80 acres $1500 J A,, Beard to Walter Yates, one half interest in 23x1159 feet, Lebanon 650 Sterling P Turner to E Turner, 9S.58 acres, tp 11 w 4 40x10 II W Scttlemier to Lucy L Moses, c acres, Tangent 400 Corinthian Lodge, No, 17 to B W Cooper, 1 lot in cemetery Geo Stockton to Oakville Cemeterv Association 4.03 acres R Koehler to R B Vunk, lots 5 and 6 hi. iooM'sS A, Albany !35 Oregon to Jacob Newman, 40 acres, I3WI U S to Wm A Llttrel, 160 acres, 15 w 3 patent U S to Jos Sommerville, 320 acres, tp 5 w 3 patent D Froman, adm'rest L li Moore to Geo W Brandenberg,to lots Mc- Culley's addition to Harnsburg 170 B F Tablcr to A B Skinner, 2 lots, block 136, Albany 1550 C G Burkhart to J H Maine, Sr., N half lots 7 and 8 bl 3, Albany . . . 1800 Letter List. Following is the list of letter remaining in the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, July 6, 1888 Persons calling for these letters must give the date which they were advertised : Bryant, Henry Bender, Antony Bowman, N A Conser, Geoige Carrel, W N O'Donshue, Michael Holleubsck, B F Kropp, Jasper McDowell, II C Mattuon, L M Moore, S W Payne, H 8 Reed, C H Spar-man, A (2) Salvator, p It. THOMPSON, P M. for infants and Caetotia is so well adOfted tesfUdl that I l recommead It as superior to aay prssorlpUosi avaowntorns. ' H. JL Aacasa, H.V., 111 Bo. Oxlord St, Brooklyn, N. Y Tna mm AMD aL 1 r Ai.. aXTv smtt dibJtT ? Sen Stewart & Sox, BROKE. th lumber We can furnifb to builders and contractor, rough. clr or OrUhlng LUMBER, nrl iro This liiintr is col from the best Yellow fir, rafted from tliowle- oraiexi asorsiuxieiiiuonr mzi u, faeturad tt Coburg. Any quantity can be furnished at Alby si low prices, it Deads no re-JicnnvniJati o as to quality CEDAR POSTS, BOXING LATH, PICXETS and lumber of all klndi on our yard con tautly. Don't order withont seeing or hearing torn us. We wilt aaye you money. HAMMER BROS., A it. my l.i on Co Oi JOHN BRICGS, FLORIST, ALBANY OREG ivOKKK A Sl'ECIALTT. Cemetery legs planted and aUaud-i to FRANCIS PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works And Manufacturers of- OHOI01 CONFECTIONER!, We are now oreosred lo eall at whole ale, always fresh and pore at Portland prices to dealers. We also heap a full line of Nats and Tropical Fruits, OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department ia ooitf't't We knap the Tory nnaa. aicca or aLioa.jg si-i snowing xbaooo, meeraonaum noa oner pipe inai a deltgnt to etnokere. CROSSES & ALLEN, PROPRIETORS - UhlTlV TiTM and IlfJlY RiT. Mn. 1. Qnods handled with care and dispatc Administrtor's Sale. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed Administrator of the estate of Samuel T. Liartis. deceased. wi!l pursuant to an order of the County Court of Liun county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record on June 6th, 1888, at tho Court House door iu Albany in said county, on Tuesday, tke 4Ui day ot Jn!y, K8HA, at the hour of oue o'clock in the afternoon of aaid day, sell all the right title and interest of the said Samuel T. Harris, at tho time of his death, in and to the following described real property, to-wit : Beginuittg at the northwest corner of Section 12 in Tp. 10 S B 1 west of the Willamette meridian ; thence east 6 U rods ; thence south 208 rods to the aouth bank of Thomas Creek ; tlienee west aloug the south bank of Thomas Crvtk, fol lowing the meanderings thereof 8 Ik rods to tho line of said Section 12 ; theoco north aloog said section line, 208 rods to the place of bc-uinninu. containing 80 acres in Linn county, Oregon, to the highest bidder. Terms of sale, cash in hand on day o sale. Dnted June 14th, 1S?S. J. H. Pekry, Hkwitt A Bryant, Administrator. Att'ys for Adm'r, Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby given that the under- 15 niuned Administrator of the estate ol' Geo A Hall, decssed, will in pursuauce ot i n order " . . a M of tho County Court ot county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record on the 5th day of June, 1888, at the Court House door iu Albany in said county on 50 Tuesday, July '3Um, 1888, at the hour of oae o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell all the right title and interea of the said Goo A Hail at the timn of hi death in and to the following described rea propertv, lo-wit . The north half of the northeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter ot section in a p. 10 S K 1 W of the Willamette meridian n Linn oounty, Oregon, containing 1(0 acres. Also a contract with the Oregon A California Rail Road Company, numbered 1642 for the sale GmnS9ijaBHEB9mKM& sgsjBjsjBjBjBjBjajajBXs .aavafajjjt p. t A yplB-' -.aaflSB-'' HIS of tke northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 13 in Tp. 1Q S R 1 w of . . ..,, . . T ' tne Willamette meridian m lina souuty, Oregon, containing 40 acres. Also a con tract with the Oregon & Cahforn a Rail on Road Company, numbered 1256 for ihe sale of the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 13 inTp. 10 S R 1 w of tha Willam ette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, con taining 80 acres, to the highest bidder. Terms of sale cash in hand. Dated June 14th, 18S8. Jeff Meyers, Administ reto Children Casioria earm Colle. Coaattpatirm, Hour BUmuv:h, Marrhrns, Emctstion sous worms, gives steep, ana di- Ifestlon, Without injurious medicatioa. Cnrrsea Coarrajrv, 77 Murray Street, N. V. THE BEST- FARM WAGON HE MARKl f List. w Agents, Albany, Or. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN IN0 KILLS. All kindj ol rough, dressed und seas. lumber, lathfe , pickets kept jjcstantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best LalapOOia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. D, R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office. Odd Fellow'syrempla, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. All La sin ess will receive prompt attention NORTHERN SHOWN PLAKTS I AND SEEDS Are aelrnosrledeed thsettt, being hardier, mors prodactire and y '.eld better cn-p. im ILLUSTRATKO CATALOGUE Hwi.i:h,iwin !n on rrU- wam mart. L. X. 3 A. -g' Ac OO., JtaSIITS ASO SfSOSMCS, Or. Paul, Msuu. I. C. roWKLL. W. R. BILTtU POWELL. & BILYEU, lTTORNEYS at law, And Solicitors in Chancery tLBANY. ... OKLtsOBf. Col actio ns promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. JaVOmco in Foster's Brick. 14nlSif. L. H. MONTANYB. A AT LAW AND Notary Public. Albany, Oregon Office upstair, C jaw ford Block. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT IaAW -AND Notary Public. Executor's Notice, e Notice is hereoy civen that the uudersign ed has been this day appointed by the Coun ty Court of Linn county, Oregon, sole execu tor of the last will and testament and the codicil thereto of Levi tanning, late of unn county. Oregon, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the. estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same, prop erly verified, to me at my place of business in Albany, Oregon, within six months from tho date of this notice. Dated this 14th day of June. A. tf., 15&. Sami ei. R. You no, Executor of the last will ard testament and codicil of Levi Fanning, deceased. Wolvkrton A Irvine, Att'ys for Executor. J. P. NAIL, Albany, Or., Agent for Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles. New stock of iSSS pattern bicycles just received. Bargains in second hand wheels all sizes and pi Ices. Call and examine stock or send for catalogue fue MRS. B. HYMAN, noit. aL ni s. jj. x oiinz's. aiubu Catting and Fitting a S STAMPING OUTFITS, AND 5 ING DONE TO ORDER. LRSSftNS N PA N I Wednesdays and Thursdays week, and painting done to ok plaques and other material, Nio8ssortute9t of Artists materials on nand. ; mm, iTfir KmFum: Fieetara Aso ScAOStats. Or. Paul. Mam