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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1888)
bt gtmoctat. 1 Fit I DA V JULY 13, 1888. SUITES & Kill .. un.l NUTTING. rreprleter. irkoiv Mirrixu. Lcat Rditer. Kiitor. I u t.' i'.v (Jilt mat AiImuv, Or a sooond-ttiaM mail mutter. LOCAL RECOItl). Homk moat SKATrtK Whru the 7.45 train came to Saturday eveuing a Urge crowd was proacut at the depot to meet the Albany hose team ou iU return from Seattle, crowned with an excellent record The boya jumped from the train with root ten and Hying colore. The rooster were on then hats aud th colore on their ooats. The latter read, "Speed Race Champions, Time 27 ML" This waa out enough fortho team Paddle Wheel, ' Jack Warner, who waa lb luminated a lib the inscription, "It is a cold day when we get left." We inspected the boys were ai.xious to have Portland' twin dling firemen see them as they came through that oily. Thu tioee tram was oonduoted to the Marry house, where at 9 o'clock a fine supper waa tendered the team by Mayor Cowan on behalf of the city. Abont forty set down to it, among the number being a hungry Dkmocrat man. The spread waa a tine one and waa greatly appreciate!. When the iuner man hail been satisfied Chit f En gineer Webber addressed the company, and was followed by Mayor Cowan, C W Watts, lohn Hoffman, W E, Oiliest, Conncilman Wntsmau, the Dk mux-rat man and Mr Oeo Chautplain. The latter, who waa a real dent of this city and a member of No '2 s ten or twelve years ago, read an original poem, full of personal hit. An adjournment to the streets followed, when sky rocket and Roman candle illuminated the sky for sever al minutes, aa an outward crow over the vio tori won. When the tournament closed at Seattle there waa a general feeling that Albany had the beat team there, though Spo kane Fall took the most honors. At Scio- As announced last week the celebration at Scio was a great success, a lively time being had. Beside the spread eagle part there were several contest that elicited great interest The egg race was won by Riley BUyeu. Prize, $i. Manny Miller captured the priae of $t in the wheel barrow race. A 150 vard foot race for firemen was won by John Carv, Wm Bren ner second and Frank fiords third. Priaes, T - - ft a9- 1-1 at f).?'nn ine sou yard race wo won by Riley Bilycu, Wm Brenner second, Alley Ewing third. A very peculiar, but exciting firemen's race was run. It was be- tween the II & L Co who ran U7 vard and got a man to the top of a ladder, 'and a nose team, to run 100 yard, unrel 200 feet of hose and get water. The former won, of course, in 29I4' second. As iNciriENT Hlazk. At about 10:30 o'clock Saturday evening a ring of the tire bell brought ou: the tireiuen of the cit, and engine and trucks were hurried into the street, when ths announcement waa made tht tUe tire was out. It transpired that 1 bias bad bjeu discovered io th- loftof John as a ... . - ny oernueer livery stable, which waa pnt out with an old pair of paot. It waa thought it was started from a sky rocket tired by the tiremea about half an boor previous; bat the location 01 ore makes thu impossible, and more was u rocnei arounc. it was more likely of an incendiary origin, or by careless nes ou the part of some one in the loft. Another Business Horss. Mr. A Becker, recently of Portland, has just fin ished a neat cottage on his acre tract in Hackleman' third addition to Albany, which he has furnished in a nice manner, preparatory tojd residence here with his young wite, to whom he was recently mar .1 . 1 I n . m m icu in roniana. in a tew week vc un derstand Mr. Becker wi.l open a piano and organ store in this city. $2.50 Pieces. Have you observed the tact that these little pieces of gold have i 01 circulation. iney are now nearly as scarce as honesty in the Portland nremen. We understand a good premium is oeing ottered lor them. Another valu able coin is the V cent piece with the cent it. leit oft. Tiik Prettiest. The Salem Statesman says that when the new depot is finished Salem will posses the prettiest depot in Uregon, without a single exception. After putting up with a mere barn for years and cars 11 certainly deserves a good depot ror me sane 01 uregon we rejoice to see the capital city possess a "pretty" depot. A Flaiw Document. The Board of Trade'. pamphlet is just out of the press J. II. Burkhart did the work, a first-class job. The descriptive articles arc good, speaking in plain language of our advan tages, without much extra coloring. There is nothing in it intended to entrap the im migrant. Two thousand copies will be sent to San Francisco for distribution by t he school teachers. Children's Dat. The annual Child ren's Day will be observed at the Evangel, ical Church next Sabbath, July 15th. A childrens meeting will be held in the even h"g( a good program ha been arranged and a cordial invitation is extended to all. New Milliner. The millinery busi ness of Mr E J O'Conner has been sold to Miss Ida Brush, of this city.who will here after conduct it. Mis Brush is an enter prising young lady who will make a good successor to even such a live business wo man a Mra O'Conner. Surveying. Mr. E. T. T. Fither is pre pared to do surveying of all kinds at rea sonable rates. He ha complete copies of field notes and township plats in the coun ty. Adress Miller's Station, Linn county, Or. Preaching. There will be preaching at Spicer next Sunday at 11 o'clock, a. m A basket meeting. Quarterly meeting at Liberty church in the Forks of the Santiam on the 29th and 30th of July. A basket meeting will be held at Happy Home school on the ist Sunday in August. D C McFarland. Residence Sold. Tues day Mr. Jo Tyler sold his residence, situated on the Canal, in the First Ward, to Mr. T.J. Pat terson, recently from Arkansas, for $1350. Joe owned this property for over ten years. Mr. Patterson is moving into the house,and will make Albany his home. A Partnership. Drs. Woodward and McAllister, of this city, both homeopathic physicians,have entered into a partnership for the practice of medicine. Their office is in the Cusick Block, upstairs. Married. At the residence of Al Thom; .;, Samuel I, Miller and Miss Carrie Sarrs. You can generally tell whether a man understands his business, whatever It Is, by the way he handles himself. One or two motions give the whole thing away. The brick mason who kumtuxes his trndc doesn't act as If he were baking biead, the carpenter doesn't handle a saw as If he were aewtng with a needle, and the doctor doesn't cut off a leg as if he were walking on eggs, The men putting down Young's stone walk attract attention because they act as If thev knew what thev were doing. It takes a sharp man these times to "puil the wool" over the eyes of the fifty or six ty men who superintend public improve mcnts In this city, because they have learned the business hv years of patient observation from lumber plies and dry goods boxes, while their money hus in creased by drawing its ten per cent. Inter- et. I his is an age of improvement, when things must be done right. More Nerve.--An Astoria editor thinks he has found something that takes more nerve than tight rope walking. In speak ingot the Davidson Brothers he says Prof. Davidson called at this office and I very pleasant unassuming gentleman, hi calling may be a trille dangerous, but If he wlshea to find out how nervy lie Is, he should take a trip duvn to the eape In a fishing boat on a day like yesterday, then he will understand that the fishermen bo through dangers every day that would cause a tight rope walker's hair to stand upon end Tike quills upon the fretful por cupine, and the only tight walking thev do Is a few hours after getting a fish check caahed." The FiHsT.Thc rattle of the binder 1 already heard in the land, and about aa freepjently as that of the mower, though the latter, by all rulca of at least natural procecdure. has the precedence. The first gentlemen reported to the Democrat of fice as having started binders were Moses Miller and J W propst, who began on Fri day to bind the golden stalks Into bundles. Never before has wheat looked better. The meshes are alt full of plump, healthy xerneis 01 wneat, and there are lots of them. Things look remarkably ausniciuus for the Linn county farmer this fall, ex cept perhaps high price. Remarkable Vitality. -The boy Minnice who shot himself in Uie head on uly 3, is still alive. Mr. L. K. Brooks, of Sweet Home, inform us that the ba'.l plowed through the skull, and that at least two teaspoonftils of braius oozed out, and yet the boy haa been rational most of the time since. He says his dog ran against him and knocked him off the log and that his head struck the log, which caused the injury. He cannot comprehend that he was shot, r ever has set in aud the nhvl- ciansays there Is no hope for the boy. Luck. Aa an illustration of what is sometimes called "luck" is Instanced the fortunes of Purser Downing of the "Idaho.' He and twoothers left their native Massa chusetts hills at the same time, and struck the Columbia river at the same time. They all got steamer employ. He happened to ne put on the "Idaho" on the A'aska route- bout two years ago he, with four others" put $135 ir. a venture in the shape of what wr believed to be a gold mine. Lat week the five partners said their mine for $i,ooo,ooo, gold coin, purser Downing' share is $500,000. The other two are still rustling here for so much or so little a month. That mav not be luck, but it looks very much like what some folks would deem luck to be. A steria. We Wilt.-We admit the "corn," Mr. Timr, about that foot racing business, and without any specks can sec that we put our foot in it. You are just about as virt uous in Corvalli as we are In Albany in uch matters. We are ? lad It wasn't the Corvalli boys that passed the fast runner off for ome one else, and if the Haltcy man went to Corvalli for the sake of aweeping things, as he had already done with on; of Corvalli' sprinters it served him about right; still of course that wav of doing things is naughty after all. Naugh ty is a very tame ort of a word, you know. We've concluded to be on good term with Corvalli, and. Bob, suppose you join with Pipes and the rest of us. Military Census.- Lat year a census of all able bodied male citizens between 18 and 45 years of age not otherwise ex empted by law" was taken by law, and hera is the result of it: Jackson, 120$ ; Wal low, 602 ; Wasco, 1126 j Yamhill, 1543 ; Douglas, 1484 ; Linn, 2029 ; Grant, 1273 ; Malheur, 180 ; Union, 1222 4896 ; Clatsop, 871 ; Baker, bia, 520; Tillamook, 307 ; Curry, 25c : Morrow, 739 Josephine, 465 ; Gilliam. 586 . Washing ton, 1423 ; Lake, 626 ; Klamath, 341 5 Lane, 1730 ; Benton, 885 : Marion, 1852 ; Uma tilla, 1503 ; Polk, 1160 ; Clackamas, (est.) 120. Total, 33,255. A the total vote at the late election was 60,207 it would look very much as if a great many men were missed. A Wheeling Center -Albany is fast becoming the wheeling center of. Oregon and it is a fact worthy of note that the Co- Thrkk in an Hour. About 8 o'clock Wednesday a fire wm seen issuing from the bam on the alley In the rear of the Revere House, be longing to Mr Charlca Pfeiffer. The jungle of the fire bell brought the firemen out In almost Seattle time, and three streams were oon too much for Mr, Fire. Although surrounded by wooden buildings and the barn was a mas of flames atone time, nothing else was scorched. In the night time it would have been a favor able place for a big fire, and the Democrat ollke trembles at the thought. Wo do not know haw it was started. A trainpdhough is said to have been seen coming from the building juat previous to the tire ; but. then tramps always play a part in fires, quite frequently deservedly so. No insur ance. Damage about i A few mo menta after the fire apparatus had been re turned to the engine houses another alarm wa given. A fire had caught In the roof of Woods marble shop, a half block away. A few buckets of water extinguished ft. Again, while the firemen were awaiting roll call alarm No. 3 wa sounded. This time the fire wa In Parker Bro. baker hip, just across the alley from the barn burned. A stream wa put on It by No. -'s. quickly extinguishing the fiame. How He Will Do It. The Ashland papers speaks a follow about the busi ness of a former Albany gentleman : "Mr L Martin has rented the Pioneer store room aa headquarter for hla fruit packing and hipping bualneaa. He haa contracted to buy the peache from a number of our or chard-men and will ship largely to F. II Page, of Portland. Mr. Martin is begin ning the busine in the right way. He has procured a large quantity of handsome labels for hi boxes, telling the purchaser where the fruit waa grown, by whom, and for whom It was packed. Each box he sends out will be thus labeled. Besides this, he will give close attention to packing, and will ship only first-class fruit.and every peach will be carefully wrapped In paper made especially for that purpose. If all the peaches shipped from this Valley this sea son be as carefully selected and packed as those bundled bv Mr. Martin, we mav be sure the reputation of Southern Oregon as a peach country will be greatly enhanced." Jealous. Summer resort trouble ha al ready begun at II waco. a M evidenced by the foPoving lively Item. While George Day was walking along the beach opposite llwaco, with several ladies, a If r. Dunlap put In an appearance and opened fire with a revolver upon Day. He fired five shot, but was a poor marktman, and only two of the bullet touched Day, and these only grazed the skin, Mr. Dunlap rushed for ward, wrested the pistol from her husband s hand ami threw it away. Dunlap accused Day of improper intimacy with hi wife. A warrant U out for Dunlap' arrest. A Match Shoot. A match hoot be tween companies A of Whlteaker, and I of Macleay, was won by the latter by twenty odd point. The highest score wa 23 out of 2 C. made bv one on each side. Several made 22. We suggest that a match be tween the Albany team and some of our neighbors, Eugene, Corvalli, or Salem, for instance, is in order. Let us have a shoot at once right here at Albany. Multnomah, 755 ; Colum- StMl KEWAKU By P. (ohea. Will any Republican solve '.he following problem for me t Why i it that the Repub lican wool buyers who think that Harrison will be elected and that the Mill bill will not pas, and consequently no tariff taken off wool, have been and are now offering less for wool than I am, who believes that Cleveland will be elected and that the reve nues of the government will be reduced to a point to meet the just demand of the government only ? In order to satisfy your sclf who pay the least price look around and come to me last to ascertain mv bgure An extra price paid for a few full blooded democratic fleeces for James G. Blaine to spin yarn on thi fall when he comes to Oregon, at P. Comm. Council Proceedings. Present, all officer and councllmemr IIAKHIMHITKG, At the resident of the bride's parents, iu 1 he following bill were ordered paid: HarrUburg, Oregon, June 27, 1888, Mr Ed W Portmitler & Co., $2t ;Tho Brink, $18 ; I ward Ayery, of Taooroa, WT, and Mia Dora I. Hayes, $47.33; D. It. N, Blackburn, $2 ; I Williams, ef HarrUborg, were netted in holy N. J. Henton, $19.31. The quarterly re-1 matrimony by Hev Case. Atar oongrstula- porta of the treaaurer and recorder wereltioua the happy couple received the follow ing presents from the assembled guest and relative. Mr and Mm William, complete ant of !! oand dishes, silver knive, torus and spoons. Mr Shepherd, tuko stand. Mra J V Hramwell, fruit dish. Mrs C Allinghara, glass net. Dolly Ream, aplaabsr tidy. Mrs Carter, glass plokla ot r. Mrs ilampy, giasa net. Mrs It'ith and Mra Sullivan, ailver pickle caster. Cecil Kampv, set of goblet. Mr Roth, China spittoon, Clarence William, tablecloth and r.a .Um. Nellie Hullivan. aitlather Jennie Holland, ail var batter knife. Q W Hrsndsnbnrg, dock May OC Handera, oonnter-psne. After visitina their friend and relative. the bride snd groom will start for their f st un home in Tacoma, W T. Joy be with them. Hrawaavlll. read and referred. The treaaurer' report ahowa: Kceelpta $nCjo.o2 Disbursements .?s-''' -' Cash on hand $.4003.69 Recorder's report for quarter ending June 30, IBBB: Am't In treasury. Anri: 1. 1888. . .$ 2 ffl K KCR11TS. l ine . . 10 00 Llccnaea 1232 16 General tax. 5202 15 Koud tax 60 00 MfM Q3 Am't of ordera laaued 2509 33 Am t of orders outstanding at be. ginning of quarter..... 1084 16 Paid out durlni; tiuurter 3tb 21 Outstanding warrants June 30. .. . 77 jtl The warrants were issued for the follow ing purposes: Council $ 67 00 Recorder 249 Marahal and street coutmUsIener. I'rcasurcr Attorney's fees Nlghtwatchmen Fire department Oil and lamp supplies ciectnc light 5? 50 00 6 7$ 3 50 00 401 80 30 63 2IO OO hiil in,) .11 ..I a1 ra Bridges 7,d croM walk.! ! '.'!.' 1 To 00 I ,n lhe Hardware 7'" Hon J H Slater delivered an address te- Hauling 13 ool "rc tnc.iater Ciub aaiurday evening. It The Woolen Mills arc nearly ready to tart up again. Mr. Mover, left last Saturday for Port land on a visit with friend. Horn to the wife of II. W. Smith, a boy. Rome gentlemen have been In the city talking foundry and machine hop. Geo. Mcllargue, of Gilliam county, was Lumber 0n6 Surveying 309 00 Sewerage 52 50 Work on city jail 13 00 rrintlng 3'4 stationary , 9 25 i5"- 33 A petition from E. and G. S. Race wa read asking that St. Charles hotel be con nected with aewer. Referred. An amendment to ordinance regulating certain alleys, trades and imnlovmcnu er - w 7 was Introduced, providing for payment of license for running hack, and wa read twice and referred. was a sound address Pern Averlll, of Wallowa county wa here lat week vialting at hi father, J C a vent 1. .P K I more has moved from Eastern Ore gon to this vicinity to reide. Mr John Frauen and several others are home from a trip to Belknap Spring. Last week a little son of Mr John Sinu- cr, w hile in a fruit tree, allpped and fell to the ground, breaking one of his lcgs,whirh Dr .Starr act. HOME AND ABROAD, MONDAY. ftanC'towsd harness next to Drmockat of Ho j. H Kwert, practical watchmaker and jew elar. Thorni. son k the beat bat Msse. Cash goes a bog ways at Browoell St StaiiardA If yon want the beat hat nit in th n.i rls go to J J Dubtuilie'a. 7 Oka oure rheumatism, neuialgia and toothache. Ktmhay k M 1 on, Agtnts. K M French, aeul Snur Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Feilowr T, AH mn ,Or. The college sitlewalk i iM ing rebuilt, a 010 foot jot-. Mr W W Crowder is building a neat it dsut iu th Third ward. The !bauoa Rsprum stand in with Port land against, th Allssuy hose teem in rather of sn unjust nnnsr. Mr Kd Schmeer will leave 10 mono omnium for ('rook county, licr It) hs ubrge of hi father's stock ranch Stewart ft Sox ha vs received tor a o.lrsct from th Grangers fr binning twine He formal notice in another place. Hon A!f lilevina, who has been iu the city to-day say tber is ovoaidsrsble hy down, and all that is wsnted now is good weatter. Prof Mitchell closed a ueeesful term of school this aide of I banou last week. Mr M i talking of going into some otb r bui- Ml Rsv J W Hsrri ha just hd oompUted a very neat two story house ef eight or nioe room in the University addition, and moved into it a day or two since. - - Salem Journal. Mr and Mrs O L Hlackman and daoKBter and Jsmea Powrll returned from Ysqoius Bsv to-day. We understand the gentlemen had a live time going over tb bar, parting with then breakf tst without a murmur. Mr Oaorga VaJo baa boiaht Mr. If eat v Hueena' painting business in this city, sod will he found st Mr Mnesen former plsce. Mr Ysasalo a thorough painter and ihi public will do well to try him. Mr Race ha let the contract to Cobu ft Cogl of straightening up the Ht ( Miarle 1 hotel, sod thae tentlcnua oegan work thia morning. Th foundation ta being given a complete overhauling. The Atbaoy cannery ia running day ! night and ia patting up a largn amount of fruits. Fully M4 case will h. the result of 0UREASrS th( nasnna work Thm n .,. r li m tm n Crop looking remsrksbly well. Several mdurtry, sod one that bool-l be supported have already begun running their reapers. and a large amount of hay Is on the ground. All we ak now it for good weather. Mr. Wm Robe ha returned from the CM CO 00 00 o u 03 d ,ssasssMasy fH a o a v c- CD PATENT FRUIT DRYER. Tbe Curran Fruit Dryer ban been in use throughout tha Willamette valley for the psat sis years and la concede! by all to be superior to any dryer ever placed in tbe market. Wa are prepared to All ordera for tbia dryer, and will take in payment dried fruit st highest market price. Partlea desiring to engage in the profitable industry of fruit drying will do wall to send far descriptve circular and testimonials, which contains all necessary information pertaining to rait drying. We bat a few second hand dryers which we offer vary cheap. Addre b ,B. MONT KITH A CO., Albany, Oregon. An amendment to ordinance regulating I Callpooia mines, where he made a new die- the building of ldewalk read twice and referred. A communication from O. Ac C. R. R Co. in reference to building of sidewalk on Railroad street, south side 4th waa read, the company claiming It wa not their duty to build the walk, a the right of way had been granted them previous to its being in the city Hoffman moved that Water Co. be noti fied le fix hydrant at corner of First and Broadalbin street. Can led. Motion was made by Hoffman that IMtch Co. be Instructed to repair ditch un der the railroad. Carried. This motion ha already been made several time 00 previous occasion a. Moved that new sidewalk be ordered built on east side of lot 5, block 20. Car ricd. Gradwohl moved that recorder be In structed to advertise for new foot bridge on uroau4iout street over ditch. Writsman moved that street commission wa introduce!, I covcry. which he calls the Pioneer Assays M V to o on surface ledge make him confident of something big. Several left on Monday for the mine, ureal confidence is shown in reference to these mine. The Tangent Home Mission Band wa organized tirre hut Sunday with twenty aU member. Officers elected 1 President, Lixxie lfryan ; Vice President, Ida Smith: Secretary, Eva McFarland ; Treaaurer, Victor Moses ; Mrs P A Cochran, lady manager. This society consists mostly of little folks from 6 to 13 year old. Thev meet the first Sunday of each month at 4 p. m. Married at the residence of the bride' parents, M I. Forester and Miss Georgic fltttlemire, July 3rd, iSSK. Rev S G Irvine eff'u biting. The reception given on lhe ovening of the 5th of July In honor of their marriage wa a grand affair, 60 persons be ing present. The wedding presents given were numerous. The newly married couple cr notify delinquent property owners to I will commence houve-keeping the first of clean up alleys within five days. Carried. I the week Pronertv owner in blork ia rranid fit. I . - - - - 1 1 11c oano in; teen dev. further time to complete aewcr. junctkm Qty on motion of Gradwohl. UYw how to 1 writsman moved that ali tase not paid oy next meeting he declared delinquent. wrauwrmi movru that contractor on Baker street be granted fifteen day forth cr time !The band boy report a good time at on tbe fourth. The boy Mi :a k t n 11 a . 1 I hnt i ss carwwl time almost anywhere. They do not have w "fj BrlL J " 1 If their good time In drinking whiskey, for rooa,t r 8 Vo00 ncne of them use the vile stuff t so eirl To-dav "Jim Wetfli,, returned from Portland, fie showed a Dkmocrst rpsn the picture of ths young lady to whom he is to be married nest Sunday. She dreases like Americana, wear bangs and can talk hoghsta better than Jim, having bean in tbe service of white people for many year. Coll Van Clsve, editor of the Yaqnioa Port, was in the city this moratng 00 bis way berre from Portland, where he hsd bn with bis fetrily, who continued to Baker City, where Mrs Van Clevs's mother is residing, so eld and iefirm lady. Coll report thiogs very dull attbsBay; ystbe tbiaks tbe time will come when that country will be fall of life. 1 1'CSPAY. J. P. Wallaoe, Physician and Surg t r, A baay, Or. Baaor honed, sot and pot in order at Jones' Shaving and Kair Dreeaing Parlor. See impertsnt sdv of L K Brooks iu anotasr oolnn.a. Mr. snd Mra O. K. Kraase spent Sabbath in thia city, tbe gnt of Mr Klein. A Wall Walla man baa aa spple and a pear growing on t te earn tem. Msesra. Thee. Kay and Jea. Cosbaw, Jr., have been 10 tb city to-day on business. Best binding twin in tbe market at Kuapp, Bertell & Co. Mr Scott Ward, of Plain view, who is in the ctty, ay he begao cutting in wheat on Friday Mr Clark, an expert from Portland, is ia part of the MM A son 1 f Usrrin, the nominee for Presi Everybody wonders bow mm doit vi if the worid only knew mi tne energy, grit and enterpiue e hsva diarj'avt-d in culhcting nuch a mscuificsnt dirplsy cf staple and fancy gio- ciies it would not be surpiired- Wis hav tho largeat, finest snd most com plete stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS -ver brought into ttis city, and wa are going to sell at prices below anything - . .. . . . .at .11 a . u a It ever before offered to tbia plsce. You rosy tnma mis araao aeacruoo , ou too will call and examine the quality ef our gocds ana Get Our Prices Ml Minnie McFarland ha been em ployed to teach the public whool st Tan Crook, Coos, 545 932 1' on Thomaa, by Ceorge Humphrey, J Sunday, July bth Potato Crop. The potato crop in Linn county this year promises to be the largest in the history of the county. All through the Valley abo come like reports. This means low prices and there will be a liabil ity of the markets being glutted in the fall "Oregon Wonder." This horse, j 1 of the Oregon Beauty, which waa re 11.. I 1 -KJ-. f -1 i ml . - t 1 . 1 1. . 1 1 .1 nr. 1.11.. un nii.iiii.i . be a Bash Ball Accident. Calvin Gibson, while scoring tor a game ot ball in Turner Monday, was hit in the head by a bat, and it is thought he cannot live. Uiatriet No. 44. Following I the report of School Iltrict No. 44, for the spring term, commencing April 2nd, 1SS8, ending June 26th, 1888 : No of day attendance, 7''i ; No of day absence, 283 ; No of time taidy.ib, No of boys enrolled, 8 ; No of girl en rolled, 10 ; total No enrolled, 18 ; average No belonging, 1$ . average daily atten dance, 13 11-40. Roll of honor Ella Davis, (iconic Davi, Lelan Davi,Kiette George, Freddie Nixon, Guy McCartney, Charley Nixon, Ezra Nixon, Emma Nixon, Lola Clover. Alice Collin, teacher. make tnualc at anv nubile Matter of water closet at IlantUt church 1 breath throuah iheir tootirtr horn will 1 ' m a reierrea Gradwohl moved that ce pool near i. A. i hall be connected with sewer. . i-u wiai rccorucr rc in(ructcu 10 advertise for ewcr aero Mrcet at block 9-. Matter of purchasinsr lumler waa re- lerrcd. committee to have discretion. Bill of councilmcn and the following w ere ordered paid johnjones, S7: A. W. McClaln.ivi; N H. Allen, $118; I. A. Cradford. $8.33; rent of Office, $i8.2: P. W Spink, lumber, 7'.; ja. Ijiurent, aewer, $353 to. W A. Co. $7 7; Mrs. E. Murrv. sunner for firemen, $jc. Referred. W. B. Barr. J. (aradwohl, $14 ;Croseu Si Allen, 2.25 u. K. 1M. Blackburn, fvco: $86.75 ; Thos. Brink, $3.50. you need not be afraW to go snd hesr them deot, recently wa in haiern Ureguo, where a- ,tmclD bile place, a their a eu."w . gwu h.rbv alwavs Retting the w.w j D m. louwill be ooovioced that we have not over-eatimsted ourselves, we are buying onr goods largely direct fi cm fiist bsnds, thereby .1 :.ji .id nnr cominutid of teadv ca-ii hata er 1.1 nn in inn miuuic mui - r . . . . i iaA 1 a. . r. . ( -II t: . u buy our goods retnaritaoiy coeap, gravaaiK . uaovtui sou re bates olaciog us in a rxsantioo wbeie we can dictate to them and not tbey to oe, Remember saving all enabled us to orcstn tnrougn inetr tootlrg horn Willi Yoa will save money by taking your sick not be polluted with the smell of whiskey. I sewing machine to tbe repairer, M r rr at Sixth ami Jefferon St.,, Albany, Oregon F A Burkhart & Co. hsv unite a number gent this fall. We think the Directors have I of men wanting sonplryment Farmers want. made a good aelection. Croquet every day in Tangent, Sunday not excepted. The verv best nersons livin if thev talk on any subject and use the best language have ineir meaning tnlrontrucd. Just tell a person of their fault and you will oon Ik- their enemy. lie kind to kindly to all, to servant and dei never slight or neglect the hum dividual ; lemember he is of a much Im ins help should call on them and be supplied Miss f - race Piper, of Salem, is in tie ty, the guest of Mrs HJ llentoo. Mtaa Piper ha been in Corvalli a weak visiting with Mrs Geo Waggoner. Hon 3 H Peers and son. Marl , of Doty- vide, ate to tha city, aud have tha same BEST AND FRESHEST and never allowing our goods to gtca elf woru atd stale waiting for big .fit. Thna are lb icawrs wty we d'sire your patronage and why we en - joy ucti a healthy tiade. We have ''Gd recently to cur stock a full and com plete line ot all : apeak eocourrf n reior t bout crop tbsk comes - 11 TTT lependcntN from all parts ohh county. CrOCKGrV ailQ IjrlaSS Ware, nbliert In- Mr J P tSaibraith left n tbia monurg w W tram (or tb Konod, where he will rttnaan portance to himself aa vou are to vouraelf several weekr. Hi hcadquarttrs will be 1 - . 1 ... .. . I. Have. I or a I the greatest man in the vorld. You with a o.-otbtr at v natcom. A K have no right to hurt the feeling of any person. Mrs L F Smith and Mr George Coch- A D Barker aud A B Wuodin left for Seat- tie to-day te attend the Grand Lt ige of A O U W. They go aa delegate from safety These gooda we bocght din ct fuitn Eas'ein factoii, thns 'curing, the latest designs at piicee way down. lbese gecoa nave mi tm e u 10 on appieciatea lumbia agent, J. P. Hail, ha done more In the interest of bicycling than any other one individual rider, as he ha sold during tne last 10 months just 10 bicycles. Yes terday he sold to Percy Young a new 55 inch Columbia Light Roadster and also to George Henderson a 56-inch Expert Co lumbia Bicycle. Lebanon Items. Mr Hardy informa u that the prospect of the telegraph from here to Albany is good. Friends take hold. We must boom this Donaca & Hearing, of Sweet Home, are to resume work on their coal mine. There la an abundance of a bituminous nature in their mines, say one of the owners. Dick Watkina and Ham Hearing, blacksmith in Swtet Home, claim that the coal in these mines burn better than the Cumberland coal. Express. Gone. Wc neglected to mention sev eral weeks ago that the young men who run the barracks had left Albany. Whither we know not, nor do wc care. The advice given from the tart by the Democrat, to leave them alone waa 'followed, and they were obliged to quit living on nothing. State Fair Grounds. Things are be ginning to look lively at the fair grounds. The hay is being cut and gathered into the barns. Work is steadily progressing on the track, and twenty-two trotters are In constant training. Of these Jay Beach has eleven, Jno Pender eight, and W H Mann three. lhe track Is in good training con dition, and it is expected there will be more tables there soon. A Gentleman. The members o Al bany hose team pronounce Chief Engineer Collins, of Seattle, one of the finest gentle rr.en thev ever met. and are hiehlv pleased , - . at the splendid treatment they received at his hands. Saturday evening at the supper they unanimously gave him a vote of thanks for the many courtesies extended them. A University Guard. "Miss Julia Chamberlain, of Salem, has been elected music teacher in the Territoral University, at 8eattle, and Bill Watkinds, once a super intendent of the Oregon penitentiary, is now a guard in that institution." Itemizer. Wonder what they need a guard like Wat kinds in the Seattle University for. Curious Purses. An Oregon Pacific railroad man makes money purses out of moles. He cuts off the heads, turns them wrong side out, dries them, fixes the open ing, and a purse that will last a life time is the result. The fur of the mole is among the finest found. Ileal Eatate and Km ploy meat Agency. Parties having farms for sals of about 160 acre or those havirg larger tracts which tbey would be willing to divide op into 80 or 160 sere iota are invited to call at our of fice as ws have fear customers for that etas of farms. Ws can also furnish parti in the city or country with either male or female help on short notice, and we also have a few situation for both male and female in th city and country. Call at nor office No 65, First Street, adjoining W C Tweeds!'. Tin 8 tore. F. A. BURK.1I ART at Co. Pile Drivino. Mr H. M. Stcns baa a team pile driver in operation at Corvalli, being used in the construction of the 0. R. k N . wharf. Any one wanting ths nas of the machine can obtain it by writing to Mr. Stone at Coryalli. McLaughlin, Practical Tailoring. Summer aud fall an it and pants in any style a speciality. Cleaning and repairing promptly attended to, Main street, Aibsny, Oregon. I am now receiving my spring and summer cress goods. Csll early and aecure barga ns w. v. head. New embroidery just received at Bead's W F Patronize home industry. Try one of Joseph' 5-cent cigar. First of hi own make. Renews Her Y vat It. Mrs. Phoebe Chesley, Peterson. Clay Co., Iowa, tells tbe following remarkable story, the truth or which is vouched for bv tbe residents of tbe town : "I a.m 78 years old, have been troubled with kid ney complaint and lameness tor many J earn ; could not dresa mysolf without elp, Mow I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Klectrio Bitters for haylna: renewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c. at Fosnay and Ma son Drag Store. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Baeklen'a Aralea Salve The best salve in tbe world for Cows. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin .Eruptions, and post tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction, or money remnded. rrice 'in cents per box. For sale by Foshay fe Mason, Kansas Citt, luly 9. The most dla I ran returned home the other day from an Lodge. No 13, of tbia city B m B a a a a mm mm " . I ....... trous storm that has visited Kansas City for I extended visit in Jlarrlsburg and Junction years raged during; last night until 12 o'clock. During the height of the storm Eighteenth street for seven blocks became a turbulent river which flooded all houses to the depth of two feet, snd st Twenty- third and V ine the Fifteenth treet culvert was inadequate to the Immense volume of water which backed up.carrylng away two nouscs.the inmates of which were rescued only with great difficulty. Those who saw "ie storm said taut u was undoubtedly a cloud burst. Reports of death and destruc tion are numcrous.but at this hour no fatal- itica have been verified. A Hunting Accident. Orbgon City, July Q.Yesterday Ben jamin Cox and a young man named Phil ips were hunting for deer en the Sandy, near Cherry ville. They were on opposite aides of a canyon, when a deer ran between them. Cox fired twice and wounded the animal. Philips from the opposite side then fired, but missed the deer and struck Cox. The ball entered his head back of the right ear, glanced around and came out near the right eye. His skull was fractured and at last accounts the Vnanwa unconscious and with no hope of recovery. Mr. Cox formerly lived at Salem. Philip is a farm hand, working on the Sandy. Mr. Cox's rela tive arrived here this afternoon from Salem and have started te the bedst3e of the wounded man. Robbery by a New Method. Grernville, Mis, July 8. A fe days ago Mr. Stockner, a merchant of Magna Vista, was made the victim of an outrage as deliberate as remarkable. A negro, sup posed to be from Louisiana, entered his store and drawing a pistol on Stockner, who was alone in his store, called in a crowd of negroes and getting upon the counter auc tioned off and sold Stockiier's stock of goods, delivered them to the buyers pocket ed the cash, and with his crowd departed unchallenged and unharmed. A baas ball club U being organized in Al- City. baav and there ia a uroanect of bo lively Mr and Mra A Harnat ar nn a lall in i time till summer. If Corvalli wiil trot clr parent at Lebanon the first of the out a club we will -knock the pots" off it. A successful meeting of tbe linn county K.i mn s having produce to sell will at ail times iec-ive the top oi"' the maiket for good pr dnce, snd your patronage is esrnrstly sc lici'rd. These facts ere their parent week. What Albany needs is a WOOLEN MILL) nd we can have one, If our cit izens are willing to ACT woolen mill In stead of just talking woolen mill. Nodaville. uon't I'aii.. Uon't fail to call and see Dubruille's fine display horse and his im mense stock of harnesses and saddles back o Conrad Meyer's grocery st re. Call and examine our re-wound binding twine, something new. Knaff, Btjrreix Sc Co. Its Delicacy of Flavor and the efficacy of its action have render ed the famous California liquid fruit rem edy, Syrup of Figs, Immensely popular. It cleanses and tones up tbe clogged and feverish system, and dispels headaches, colds and fevers. For sale by Foshay A Mason, A full line of Dr. Prices Cream Baking and delicious flavoring extracts at Waixacb & Thompson's, The Oregon Blood Puriffer is natnr Ys own remedy, and should be used to the ex etusion of all other medicines in all diseases sf the stomach, liyer and kidneys. council. Pof H, was held with tbe Santiam Granite last Ssturday. Tbe next meeting ot ths council will be held with tne Masisw Orange of Lane county ia October. WkONRMDAT. New shees st Read's. Sis shave or a dollar at L Viereok's New ribboa all shades and style 1 at Read's A clean towel for every customer at L Viereck' barber shop. Six shaves for a dollar and a cksn towel to Good weather once more, and farmer all busy making hay while tffe sun shines f , 1. i. .it.. ... . . a 1.. . 11 1 . appearance last Sabbath. Mr Whlt Craw- r coatomer, at Thee. Jones. ford's ot chestra was here, and furnished us witli some excellent music, for which we are under great obligations to them, and Mr Dominic Mansfield and wife arrived in ths city last evening from Portland. Crawford's Brass Iron Band will give an we would be glad to have you come again I open air concert at Waterloo next Sunday boys. Mra Dr E I. Irvine and son, of Salem, ara Mr Beam and lady, of Eugene have keen I io the city, the guests of Mrs Houck. stopping at the Fountain House. Mr Beam was called home a few days ago on business, but will return to Soda again soon. Mr and Mrs Wm Walker, of Corvallls, who have been staying at Sodaville several weeks past, went back toCorvalhs to spend the 4th. Thev returned to Sodaviile again yesterday, and express themselves as glad to be back here again. We are happy to It Havs vou tried Kenton's Savon soap? is first cla and all it coat is $1 per box. Hon J K Weatkerford has moved hi law office into the Flinn blosk, where he may be found, J as Callahan carries one of his bands in a ling, ths result cf an accident at the fire tbi morning, Last week wss a big day at Mt. Angel note the way in which Mr Walker's health Thirty-aeycn Catholic priests were thereat . w vet am itma s Improving. Most all of our invalids seem to be im proving. Mr Nimrod Pavne from near Albany. returned home a few days ago, after sev eral weeks sojourn here. Mr and Mrs R Davis are still with us, to remain an indefinite length of time. one time. Hon S M Pennington arrived home yes terday from a trip to Umatilla county, his former home. Mr S E Young has moved his lsrga safe into hi new block, and wiil start his good abont the first of August. Thia afternoon Mr Deringer. the butcher, fell from a track, catting one of his legs in a Mr Price went to Scio a short time ago serious manner, necessitating the at tendance intending to be here again in a few days. of a surgeon. Mis A W Matthews and Miss Aledia Fine stock of fiy nets just received at J J Burkhart left this noon by way of Yaqaina Dubs mile's. CUBE FOB PILES. Itchinir Filet are known by moisture like ' presnir tion, producing yery disagreeable itchlag after get ting warm. This form aa wait aa Blind, bleeding an grounding file, yteiu at once to ine aniuicatioii o r. Boaanko' Pile remedy, which acta directly upon the psrtti affected, absorbing tbe tumors, allaying the Intense itching and effecting a permanent cure. 60 cent. Address The Or BosanKo Medicine uo , iiqua O. Sold by M, A.1 Miller. Fine mixed and plain pickles at Wallace & Tmomfhon's. WORTH LISTENING TO and worth your careful consideration. We bae the "Jumbo" stock, more gooda than any Ibree stcree of the kind in Albany, aud piicee that beat them aU WALLACE & THOMPSON Fiinn'a new BScck, Albany, Oregon, Photography. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physisian and Albany, Oregon. Calls made ine country. 'surgeon ,3tt;y or DB. BO SAN KO In hi new discovery tor Consumption, succeeded In producing medicine which is acknowledged by ali to be simply marvelous. It is exceedingly pleasant to the taete, perfectly harmless, and doe not sicken la all case of Consumption, Coughs. Colds, Whoop ing Cough, Croup, BrenchlUs, and Pains in the Chost, it ha given universal satisfaction. Dr Bosanko's Cough and Lung Svrup is sold at 50 cent by M, A Miller, The largest assortment of baggier, vjods and hack this side of Portland wt s?p, Burrell & Co. Oregon Blood Purifier new . The Cleveland and Harrison H era e same except that tbe former basvsa-fcSa ck auad the latter a white band. CURE FOB SICK HEADACHE. Do you want a remedy for B'llousness, Pimples on the face, and sure cure for sick headache, ask M. A. Miller, the Druggist, for Dr. Gewifs liver Pills, only aid for dose, samples iree. xuii uox za cent Farmeks. Before buying your meats dor ang harvest call on Haigbt Bros Albany, and get their prices, Bay for San Francisco, to be gone several weeks. Mrs Ella Ruegg, an accomplished teacher in the McMmuville college, is in the city on a visit with her many relatives and friends here . Persons who nay cash for their merchan dise usually find a cash store aud secure the benefit of cash prices, I his ia ene ot tne reasons why F L Kenton is selling so many groceries. This mornina about 8 o'clock one of the dray teams ran away, going nearly the length of First street, nearly running over a furni ture dealer and several Chinamen iney were captured with little damage. P W Prather, a fanner at Bueua Vhts, committed suicide with a shot gun yester day morning. Poor health was the cause. Foolish mau, just betore sucn a sp.enoia harvest. , To most children, the bare sugarostion of a dose of castor oil is nauseating. When physic is necessary for the little ones, use Ayer's'Oathartic Pills. Thay are saf-i and pleasant to take. Try them. Fortify the system, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, against the diseases pecular to hot weather. This medicine induces a healthy action of tbe stomach, liver and kid neys, causing them to prevent the accumu lation of the poison which produce disease, J. Q. Crawford, cf the firm of Paxton & Crawford, will re-open the gallery in Hanis burg the 16th for two weeka. We wiH be prepared to make all styles of picture, fcuch as portraits, views of residences, enlarging pictures in the latest styles, family groups at home, tto. If you want tirst-clasa work done come and see us. Paxton k Crawford. Ho, to the Mountains. The undersigned is pre par id to make regular trips with spring had: from Leb banon to all points on the W, V. & C, M. R. between Lebanon and Fish Lake. All parties desiring to avail themselves of this means of reaching tbe mounts ins will call on, or address the undersignei at Leban on, Charges reasonable. L. B , Brooks, MACHINE OILS. The best varieties of machine oils to be had are kept by Stewart A So t, especially the kinds that have been thoroughly tested by tbe Linn county farmers. Prices guaranteed. Notice to Contractor's. Notice is hereby given th&t at the next regular term of the Cmiuty CommUsictera Court for Linn county, Oregon, to be held at the Court House in the city of Albany on Wednesday the 8th day of August, 1888, sealed plana, specifications, strain, diagram! and bids will be received for building a bridge across the swale on the Sbedd and Albany road about one half mile south of Kendalls bridge ; said bridge to be 150 feet long aud 16 feet wide. Also lor the building of a cov ered bridge across Thomas Creek at the point where the old bridge known as the DeVaney bridge stood, said bridge to be 90 feet long between pier and bents, 14 feet and 16 feet wide in the clear inside. Ail bids must be filed with the Clerk on or before 1 o'clock, p. m. of the above mentioned day. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bide. Done by order cf the Court this 6th day of July, A. D. 18S8. E. K. Montague, County Clerk. "NOTICE. HARVESTING SUPPLIES, Before you start your mow or, binder or threshing outfit come to our idore and get your suplies. We keep aim st anything yeu will need, and at prices you will be satisfied with. Stewart & Sox. I have bought and furnished tbe SCIO FLOURING MILLS with new machinery, making floor by the Full Roller Process. The mill ia now running and I can furnish tbe best of flour and feed at reasonable rates. I in tend to run my mill in such a manner that none can go away dissatisfied. Give me a call. E. GOIN, Proprietor Scio Mills,