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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1888)
Wm. Fortmiller & Co,, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse jtVAfter business hvura oall at re.ldonoe Fifth in I lUksr streeta. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, Oregon Development Corr paiiy' strain hip Line 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other routs. Flrstolaas through passotigsr ami freigbt line from Portland and all peiuta In the Willamette Valley to and from Sau Krancieoo, Oal. Willamette River Lina of Steamers. The " Wm. M. Hoa," The N. 8. Dent ley." The "Three Ulster" are In service for both paaaenger and freight trafno be tween Cervallls and Portland and inier tnedlate points, leaving Company'! wharf, Corvallta, and Messrs. Hut man & Co's wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., Port land, three times a weak aa follows : NORTH BOUND. Uavs CorvalUa, Man., Wed. end Krul.v. 10 00 A.M. Lax Albaar, Monday Wad. and KruUv. 1 4:00 Noon Arriva Portland, TUe., Thu, m i Saturday, 6: P. at. SOUTH BOUNO. Cav Leave Portland. Hon., Albany, Toe., Th Oonrellia, Tu., 1 Wad. aad Friday, 8:00 A. M. ur. tik Saturday. 1:4) i. M, Arrive Tho. and Saturday, 1'. M. Boats make close connection at Albany lth trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. T1HE Sv'UKDl'LE. (xcent Sunday a) Leave Albany, 1.03 r. a, . Leave Yaquina, 0a,k. Leave Cor rail la, 1:17 r, s. Leave CorvailU.lU.3S .i.e. Arrira Yaquina, 6:50 r. s I Arnv. Albany, 11:14 a. a, O. C. trains oonnejt at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Development Company's Line or Steamships between Yaquina and San Kranciaoo, N VII.INU DATES . rasa sax saax&soo. 1 raqcuu WUlameUe Val)y, WUauaatta Valley, May Slat. May Slat June lllh aUyiMth June tb June llih 1 valley. .Valley, The Cumpauy .ctm the right, to onange smiiiug Males without notice. N. fi. Psseenaera from Portland snd Willamette Vadev points cam make dose connection with the trains of the Y equine route at Aioany or torvsllla, and 11 dea Uned to Sen r ranciaoo should arrange to arrive ai raqutua tne evening bolore date 0 sailing. roaacaser aad r.elfel Kate, alwaya the UwrU. For inf riuUvo apply lal' J Stuart, Freight and Tiekat Afeol, Albany, or to C H Haawcli, Jr., O. F. P. Aft,, Oragoa Development Co., SM M .nltfoajerj St., San FranciMM, tad. C C H01.1t.. A. O. F. and P. AnoL Orsou Paciac K it Co. Corral Ua, Or. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Oregon fc C ililornia ft. R, AN L GOSTNECriOHS. tub mt. ti t Kr re. aaivma Albany and aa . l-j.c.c j, y, bours fJIMMMa r.xraia 1. tixn daiit. sefih .Wh 4.00 r. s. I Leave i' rtlj..J Arriva I 10:0 a S ;& r a Uai Albany L lere 1 7.U5 a s 7:40 am I Arriva las F.aaciao heave 30 fa boCAi. rAaaaaaaa raAtaa daiit ,eacept Sunday). :N a s I Laara PerUaod "Arrive Miri MM0r j Lee. Albany Leave 1 UJ6 a s t.iOr a ; Arrive Kareee Lesas aim a a tecAt raaaaxeaa Taaiaa sailt, axesrr ai xuAT. kM r a I Uara Albany Arn j iS a a Mr M I Arriva Lbauoa Uravt b.QU a s ltMrl Uav. Albany Arrival tAlru IJSrs I Arriva Leeaaou lam 2:Uu r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Kl XKlliU MLKKPiCa rr aecaad 'las Pacager all ihraasb Iralna rSKK OF I'NIRU, West Basle avtvlaluN. HUrvfKKV rOBTXUH ill) laVttlTAlXIS. a An. vsaui baut (ex apt Sanoay.) "at A s Leave Portland! Arrive 6:15 r s tttb r u Arrive C jrvUlla Leave 1:30 r m Bxrxsas txatxa sailt (x 1 tp'. Duadsy . :S0ra Leave Portland Arrive 940 a s SrfJ) ra I Arri-e Meatlaxville Leave 6.46 a u At Albany and Cervalhs osMieot with trains of Oregon Paetfla BaQroad far full inforxaaUon retarding rate, maps, etc., ee Coaxaeay's Agent. B. KOEHLBR. E. P. BOOK&S, Pass Asset, Summons, In th Circuit Court 0 th St U cj Or gos for Limn County. R, 8, vt VS. John Helghale, Wm England and George Williams, Defend sots. To John Heighale, Wm Eng'and and George Williams, Defendant. IN the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to nppar and an swer the complaint filed air mst ytu in the above entitled snit, ou or owCnw theS&tk day or Jane, ises, that being the first day f the next regulsr term of said Court following the publica tion of this Summons, and if you fail to so anawar, said Plaintiff will apply to said Court for a decroo against the said Defendant, John -teighele for the sum of two thousand dollars uh interest there on at the rate . ( u n o-r ent per annum since the 25th ia of September, 1886, aa money due Plaintiff jon a promissory note be made by sid John Heigbsle, to Plain tiff, snd also s decree against said Defen dants for the forcleauie of a mortgage made bv id Defendant, John Holghsle osald Plaintiff to secure the payment of aid sum and inter. st and forihe ssle of the mortgagt a premises or laud mortgag- nd, deaurtoeit to-wit : 1 be west of S E X and os-t i or s w of t-ection 20 in Township 9 aeuth i.rtange 2 east of the Willamette merioi.o, in Uinn county, Oregon, and agntmu said fJefendant, John Heigbsle for $' .ttorneya fees and costs sod disbursement and sIho that the pro ceedtt of such sale lie s plied iu payment of ssld principal and, Attorney's fe a and disbursements. This Summons ia served by publication thereof six sue dve aesks in the S r atk Hiohts DKMi rn vr hv order of Hon. R, P Boise, Judge or said Court, made at f'hambi rM stio bearing dsb the 9th day of May, ife8 'HAW A OrkQO, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice for Publication. Land OHice. i.t lloseburg, Or., I April lUth, 1888. NotfeV is hereby gitcii that the fnllowing UMined r.-ttl.r has filtd notice of his intention to make final proof ;n support of hi clsiiu, ad that said pro. f will i ado before the KeKivter or Receiver of the U. S. Land Of lic. st R'Moburg, Or., on Tharsdiu, June tb, 188a, vii : Rsuben A leach, Preemption D S No SI8I for the E of N E Sec. 4,Tp. 14 SR 1 west, W. M. He name the fnllnwina wit nesses to nrcve h continuous residence upon and cultivation uf a iitl laud, viz ; Herbert E Cadv, of Hweet, Liun couoiv, Or., Pelsg Frtiitt, George Uoeflein, J W Mn-Dani-I. all f Crawfordvilla,Linn county, Or. Chah. W, Johnston, Register. tsonniolnPHils4elphla at the Newnpttixir Auver- agent. awawa THIS PAPER Conrad Meyer. PROI'KIKTOK OF STAR BAKKIIY, Unrner Broadalbin and First Sts -DKAliKR IN - 'svnii-d Fruit , Qlauware, Dried Fruits, To burro, ftar, Coflee. Kir,, '! Il n-.tH. VricrtMblrM, Cigar, Mtlrr, Tut, In fact ovsrythlng that is kept la a gen ral variety and grocery store, lilgticd market prloe paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Andrews & Hackteinan, VYLDOUGLASl 13.00 SHOE WARRANTED. ST TAN OS 5. SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON. - -mi ON Summons. 7m tk Circuit Conn of tkr Stat 0 Ortgm for lit Con 11.' v of ten. Martha Houstpn, Plaintiff. Vs. Josie K, Tim ni or mail, Defendant. To Juaie K. Tiramoriuan, the above named Defendant. IN the name of the Stale of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and an Mwerths ceuiplalut of the abovo named Plaintiff in the above entitled Court una en file with ibeClerkof aaid LVurt. within ten days from the date of the service of this Summons upon youfssrvM in Linn county, Oregon, bot if serves! in any other oounly in this State then within twenty dsys from the date of the service upon you, or If served on you out of the State or by publication, tbeu by the tlrst dsy ol the June term of the Circuit Court following such service, to-wit : the nth dsy r Jan, isss. and you are hereby notified that if you lail te appear and answer said com plaint aa hereby required the Plaintiff will lake Judgment against you for the sum of 2,454.33 snd interest thereon from May 5th, 1888, at 8 per cent per annum and for the further sum of $3633 with interest thereon at the rate of H per cent per an num from the 2nd dsy or May, 18S&, and for the coals and disbursements to be taxed and for an order of the Court to sell the property attached la the above entitled action to aatlsfy any judgment obtained, t. wit . Lot 71 in the city ofScle. I.lnn county, Oregon, excepting the following : Beginning at the H K corner of said let 71, l hence W 50 feet ; thence N 16 feet ; thence 50 feet ; thence S 10 feet le the place or beginning. Alao tho K of lot 70 In Sclo, Linn Co, Or Alao comment :lna at the S E corner of Lot 70 in the city ofSoio. Linn county, Oregon, and running, theoce W 25 tset ; thence S 32 feet to the north hank of Thomas Creek ; thence easterly along the north bank or said Creek to a point opposite snd on a line with the esat boundary line or ssld Lot 70; thence N 31 feet to the place of beginning, at a point 14 on ciiairi r. r.i the n rc corner of Sec, Z2, Tp. 10 S K 2 w ; thence K 5:12 cbaina thence S 20 chains; Ibonce S S0 4s' K 10.54 chains ; thence S 32 80 chains ; thence W 45 00chsluN ; 1 hence N 52.80 rhui us to the place of beginning, containing 100 seres, io Linn uintv, Oreiron. This is publHhed ty order of the Hon rt. r, Uoiae. inado at Chambers the 10th dsy or May, 188. J. K. Wkatiikrxoi. Attorney ler Plaintiff. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Orr gon Citv, Or. ) Mav 1---. I Notice is hereby given that the follow ing uauitd settler haa filed notice of his intenttou to make final proof In support of nia claim, ana ttiat asid prcor will be made ltfore the Judire or in case ef hla absence tho County Clerk r Idnn wun. ty, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, on enemy, Jaly tub, IK, via : John M. Pfaughcr. Ifniiuatcad En try . 470 for the ri V, of N E mid N J or N W of Sec. 82, Tp 1 1 m U 1 E. He names the following wi'nes-ni to prove nis continuous resilience uixm and culti vation or, ead land, viz : Jo M Soiiih, jonn u Doya, moms , l rocket t William Ray, all of Lebanon, Linn county .Oregon, W. I, Uru.Ni v, Register, Admiuistrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby iriveu that ibe undr- signed haa been, by order of the County court or Linn coonty, Oregon, made nytin vtiu, JOOO, amy appointed AOIOIII- istrator ol tho estate of Samuel R Duncan. . 1 . a a - " utwaae. am persona naving ctKlma against aaid estate are hereby notified to present them duly verified to th under signed at hla resldeuoe in Albany, within si momns irom tne .late hereof, April 27th, 1888, H, M. PnKNi.OToif, T. J . Stitbs, Administrator. Attorney fr Administrator. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for inf. tjonnly of Linn : Mary A Ilroadwell, Plaintiff. vs. Jacob 0 Broad well, Defendaur. To Jacob C, Broadwell te above named uerendBBt. TN the nam j of the State of Oregon : Yon X ars berebv rfnuire-l ta anr,ar .n,t a swer tne complaint of tho above named Plaintiff in the above entitled Oourt now - . . . . r 1 oi, hie with the Clerk of said Court with in ten days from th date of the service of ibis isummens upon you ifservod in Linn couniy, Oregon, but If served in any other tn tne ntate or c then with n twenty days ol the servi;e, of ibis Sum mons upon yon. or If served Otrtfcl lo of the State or ty publication th u by the first aay 01 the next regular D-rm or Court fol lowing, 'o wit : (lie 'Mill day or Jane, KSSS, and you are hereby notified if you fail to answer aid complaint a hereby required the Plaintiff win apply to the Court for ha relief demanded 'in lids oomulaint. towlt : A decree dissolving ths bonds of ms rimotiy now exlating and for the care, custody and control of minor children named iu the complaint and for the costs nd disbursements and such other relief s rasy be equitable. Tb'.s Summons 1 1 publi-hcd by the or der of tho Hon. R u. Holme, Judge of said i . a. a ee . auu. vyours maus .nsy ara, 1 J. K W KATHKRr till). Attorney f..r Plsintiff. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods or all kin. Is on hand, Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. 0BBB3H PitJHO C01TB1CI0R, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notice fb any purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, J. K. WEATHERF0RD, (NOTABY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OBEV8R. nrILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS 0FTHB IT State. Special attention given to solleetlons and rebate matter. saYOffictin Odd Fellow's Temple. 114:2 tWMt aWfv7.9EST T''n lllllllllll I 1 LUMBAGO-LAME BACK. g m s 1 1 Do You Want Furniture ? If YOU DOll' T W. H. WILLARD, where von will find the best make and Oneat finished BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNCES. Alo a fine line of PICTURE FRAMES, and a huntlcrd dllTWrent slylta of mouldings. (Picturo frames made to order. The largest and best stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept in Albany. Prloe reasonable. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. tan Term vswsa ofpiratarr 13th, ISS7. A full corps of Instructor--' CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Couraea of tudy arranged to meet the need of all grades of students. Sffrial inducement ojrrrd to itudmtt rout ubtomd. Tuition rangna from $6,50 to Hoard in private fatoiliee at low ratea. Hoouis lor aeir-boardlng at small expense. A oa refill auperviaiou exerniaad over stu dents away from home. Fab term opens September Tib. For circulars and full particulate address the President. ki t. 1 iBi.kT v odit Albany. Oregon. Noctie. We have appointed Mr. 8. A. DcVaney, of Waterloo a our Agent in Linn county for Lmti' of fJusiuess prepared by Prof. Paron' of Harvard I'niveraitv extresiiv for tttrmen and buttu men. bnooracd by the chief and aaaociated justices ol the Supreme Ilcnch. la pronounced by thoufcand cif lite clearest headed buntc incu of the coun try as a book which they can not a Hot -A to 0 uttkout. We ask an investigation of it meiita. Agent wanted In every county In the State W. P. tiRANT, PublUher. (Agent for Western and Pacific States.) 3100S California St., Han Kranciaco, Cal. " O The BUTBBIP GUIDE la Issued March and Sept., each year. It is an one. elopedia or useful infor. 'mation for all who pur base the luxuries or the UCCussitlcs ol hlo. VJr, can clothe you and furnish you with all tho necessary and unnecessary appliances to rid, walk, dance, eleep. eat, flab, hunt, work, go to church, or stay st home, and in various aires, styles and quantities. Just fig-ore out what ia required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYKHB GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cente to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. Ul-llft Michigan Avonuo, Chicago, 111. First National Bank OF ALBAS! v OIUK.ON . Pnsttdent.............. m u PLN Vice Prrtdei,t S. E. Yol Nli OAshler UfcO. K. CUAMBEKLaIN TRANSACTS A GENERAL Uaiiktnif busi AOCOUNTri KEPT subject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE snl Ulersnhtc transfer. x,M 011 Near York, San Prauciaco, Chicago and Portl QMBMb IXnuVBwmmo MADE on bvorable Unna. DiaacToai. m. K Youae, 0a. E Chamscklm L K Blaix, I.. Puss, Waltks E Tuaaati., Lino 'Vunty Bank, COWAN, RALSTON & CO., (successors U Drwan A Cusiok.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRAN8ACT8 s general hanking biasness. UUAw SIGHT DRAPTS on Nw York, Bar. Fran enwoand Portland, Oregon. 1 1 LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deiiosiU subjec to cheek. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive pcoieet en tion. H. F. MERRILL. " 33 -A. 1ST IKZ OS, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. Sell cxf.-lianire on Nsw York, Sait Vranclsco and Portlsial. Iiuy notcH, Hta'o, county ad tv warrants. Re ceive deoslt subject to chsck. Interest allowed en time deHeits. Collectiuna will receive prompt attention, t'orrespandena solicited. Fire and nurine fnfsarsnce placed In reliable cem- saasss, aVOfflce hours from 8 a. m . to 6 p. m . Notice for Publication, Land Office st Oregon City. Or., ) April 30th, 1888. , NOTICE i hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of hi in tention to in tke final oroof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be in -de before theC-niritv Clerk of Linn county, Or., at Albany. Or., nh woiulnay, June 12fb. IKSH, viz : John w t. ox, pre-emption I) .S No. 5171 for Lot I, Sec. 34, Tp. 11 8 It 1 W. He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residvuee upon, and cultivation ef said land, via. John O'liovd, R Tuclrer, B Powell, A J r it .water, all of Lebanon Or. W. T. Buhnkv. Register. WHITHER k THOMPSON"' Plain and Ornamental Painting and Paper Hanging, CEILING DECORATIONS A SPECIALTY v.,rk clone on short notice fitber io oic r t "I'ttrjr. Charges reasonable. Children Cry for 4 1 l I if cmocrat, TKM PKHANCK lObPMN. gailad ay Albany W, 0. T, U. California now has Uv oiUe under loosi optioo ml... namely 1 Pasadena, Itiyonide, Taatin, Woodland sad Kl Modsha. This speak volant for a Stst,wbioh esports a much wins aa California aad i a propkocy of the future, iu that it show an swakeniog uf the people to the great evil, ilirsotly trsoc able to tho use of the native wins. Tnorosgh work i being done by tba W.C.T.U. women and other, in msny locslities, and ws hop, to hear of many more of tkoae beautiful t it e being added to this list. Joseph Cook say : Ws shall never he able to ile throne the liquor traffic in American politics until w cease to ha silent partners in in it gain. The Catholic Tutsi Abattaenco Union io 1887, tneladed twenty-two sabordiast union, 75 1 aooiatioi, snd a msutbershtp of over 00,000. A personal, voluntary pledge is exacted from the member to abstain from all 'ntoxiosnt for a atated time, to ilia courage the nse of titaulsut, snd to do all that is possible tojdestroy the vies of drunksaoats Cardinal Manning ia Kogland aad Bishops Ireland and Kuans of this country are cited a tb leader in this wide-apread Catholic Urn iterance movement. The Union does not assume to deal with the legislative aspect of th temperance re form, and is absolutely nou-political. It fill an important place among the in fluontia! tempsrsnos agencies of oar time and coon try. OkkT The Senate, on the 13th ult., passed the Oweu Sunday Ciostog Bill by a vote of 'io to 2. It takes from council of municipal or gaaisstiooa the power so decide whether in toxical log luinor xhall be sold or not on Suodsy, snd prohibits all sale of liquor on nuuusy. IlliaaU. TWe Cook County drank Jury for the month of March, after investigating sundry Chicago murder cases, mads the following igni Meant report ; "Oat iawestigattoa of the murder oases has impressed us to the degree that we deem it oar official doty te call the attention of the Court to the following facts in the hope thst it may have eoote little effect 00 future leg ialatien regarding the liquor t raffia : We Had that in every ease of marder or manslaughter (except one) th eases leading te the crime asms direct from the as loon. Furthermore, it came not from tb higher and better class of aaloooa, but from those ia the poorer and lower portion of oar city, and oooseqaently from tit lower glad of saloons. It eeema te us that a long tn toward aoltg this prob lem io a uniform lioenas of 91.000 psysNa annually in advance, to he exacted of all sa loon keeper." The link between the saloon and murder is cloae. The f 1,000 remedy proposed would quits certainly prove inadequate and diaap poiatiog. TaxcD Democracy shouts for CLKVK lanm, the Mills Bill, free trade with Mealco snd down with the Surplus! A voice fa also raised for Roger Q. Mill for Vice President. The fact la, Texas Is proud of iu Mills. UK A I. ISftTAVnHALKrt. A recorded In the County Clerk 'a office of Linn county. Oregon f David ii wan to Francis M Miller, 4 lots, Lebanon 9 Martin Wertz to Sarah Luper, 5 lots, Tangent J R South to Louisa South.aU of his farm except 160 acres I R South to Wm R South, 160 acres f R South to Mary Smith, 300 acres Jo 8 Ames to El wood Dean, 1 acre 3 I as J 11 Jenka to G C Turner, 12 acre. 11 w 4 75 Tbos Davis to Murv A Davis. s acres, 12 w3 Amos Ames t Glena Mining and' Smelting Co. of Portland, Blue Bell claim on Santiam Margaret llatdman et al to Philip. w w irssi K itter, 14c acres 1 1. 1 i w : . ... CaJO .Martha Kollis to Philip R itter, earner as last D S tu Robert Kent, 160 aicea ty W 2 t 1 tent U S to Wm J O'Hara, 32O acsea, 9 w 1 . . pf tent N'OTKM. The greatest good to t he-greatest number is a cardinal democrat it principle, hence he party favors a rcdussUon of high taxa tion. e As hades is said to know no fury like that of a woman scorned, so the world hath no greater liar than the campaign slanderer defeated. The moat egrvgiously mistaken man In the county is the one who thinks tariff re duction will never win. It seems as though the Republicans, will not be satisfied unless Mr. Illaine publishes his withdrawal in the form of an aff idavit. But why thi lack of in the word of this most prominent candidate? Solicitor Jenks made ajirofounrl remark the other day when he declared that "very many people are Democrats who are not Tiswarc ef it." As the clearine: awav of the cloud shows the mariner the star and enables him to determine where he Is, so the present discussion of economic question dissipates the fog of partisanship and dis closes the path of safety. l'retectlon benefits u dozen people and! cheat a hundred. A uniform tariff resu med to the needs of hid r ry and produc-i Mg n sufficient amount ot revenue to meet the just demands of the government eco- iiomicauy administered is all the protection. which fair minded people can ask, and the ! people will never be satisfied until it Is re duced to that point. In 1884 the Pennsylvania democrats.un- der the leadership of RandalLand on a plat- (t form dictated by him.had a majority of B v 1 000 against them. This year they follow another leader and a different policy, vmd the republican majority will shown serf shrinkage.. The Democratic party, In its leader, then President, has taken firm ground en the side of patriotism, peace and duty. He has demanded a retu rn te the ways; of peace. The price of wool has declined arv2 fifoc republicans papers are quick to attribaftr it to the Mills bill. But the Oregoniam said! Tuesday lhat the price of range cattle fed lower than ever before, . Yet there no wtol on cattle. Phil Sheridan Friday was made General of the army. Pitcher's XastoHa lite 0flUNTY A WP"fll,B' -''SB'v'a'swaaaaBax THAT 10 SUIT or CLOTH KH. During the tariff debate In the houae Friday, Mr. McKlnley of Ohio, te the n tonUliment of all and the dUcoinfifure of Mr. Moment Boston, who had bear Inter rupting the npcaker, dramatically unrolled and held up for Inspection a $10 null of "all wool clothe" bought at the Bovlon cloth ing heuaeof the third dlatrlct cengreaamun. Mr. McKlnley then went on te shako tbl ult of "all wool" In the face of the demo crat in refutation of the oft-repeated aaser- tion that the tariff on woolen good en hanced the prices of tltote product manu factured In tbU countryuul he ftcrlcd In hi turn that the labererrlld no moru for hi clothing In thUthan In any other coun try. The New York Tribaue. now take the $ioault and reassert that "the clothe worn by worklngmcit arc a cheap here with protective duties a they would he If the same goods could be Imported free of duty. Such claim have been made very frequently during the tariff agitation. Nor do we pretend to deny them. But the war tariff advocate should be consistent. If these claim are true, then It follow : Either, that the efficiency of American labor employed in the woolen manufacturing industry I great enough to overcome any difference In wage here and abroad ; or, American labor I paid no more in that Industry than KnglUh labor. What, therefore f Why, the tariff I abso lutely usclcs in either cae a a protection against pauper labor. There U no ecape from thi dilemma. The war tariff men mutt cither admit that the duties enhance the price not only of product Ifnpertcd.but of these of domestic manufacture ; or they must admit that American tabor need no protection. More than all this, tltey must admit that, If duties of bo and 100 per cent are needed on these same woolen clothea which they so atrenueualy claim to uf ford protection to laber.that t,makc up the difference 'n the coat of labor here and abroad, then the amount of these duties must be added to the price of the product to save the manufacturer from lots. Do they admit It Net much. Then ef what use I an 80 or too per cent tariff on woolen good ' On the other hand they any clothing can be made as cheap here aa anywhere. Then labor must be as cheap here as anywhere, Its efficiency making good any difference In the nominal rate here and In Enuland. to nsistencv la a precions jewel and exceeding rare in this partlaan round at the tariff. Springfield Ifrpublkan, ( R cp. ) John Dunlae, the millionaire tin-plate manufacturer, of Pittsburg, Pa., has pub .Isbed a letter Indorsing President Cleve land's tariff ideas, and say Mr. Cleveland deserve the thank of the country for the prosperous administration he has given the people. In polMcs Mr. Dun lap has been an Independcnttlthough his leanings were to the republican party. He did not vote for President Cleveland, but aa he sat in his cosy office on Second avenue and re viewed the administration of the Chief Executive he concluded by saying will vote for President Cleveland. He haa given ua the best administration of public affairs that wc have ever had ; and I wish to add alee thst I am most earnestly in favor of the MilU bill, and am convinced that it will be a blessing to this country." "During my fifty years' experience as a business man," he added, "the questions o duties, tr iff s, etc., have been a source of continual agitation. How many blatant, frothy demagogues have ridden this hack into seats in Congrcas, and now asalat In ... ( ..i loiumuiii); m Mi.uu in visiv. s. wm tlnue In their places ' They have no deelre te permanently settle the vexed question, no desire to extract the thorn that produced the inflammatirm.for if tt were not for thenc yearly turmoils what would become of the aspiring politician ? I am satisfied that in case the Mills bill is passed, with some changes in relation to certain kinds of glass and iren,.ill the fretting and yearly clamor about protection will be ended. " The present tariff laws are unjust and unequal. Why should there be a duty of some 35 per cent, on tin plate. It is net made In our country, ner I it desirable to ST make it,but it affects many of our interests, from the cans that contain our oil and meat for exportation and home use down to tin cup found in both palace nasi hovel." Senator Gorman chats freely shout New York and national democratic politics. Said he : "The united condition of the democracy in New York seems to give the republicans the idea that there Is trouble underneath. They say that the democracy always dees best when it quarrels most fiercely Internally, and the observation is true enough, but I apprehend there will be quarreling enough on local matters among the democratic leaders to make up for any lack of it on larger matters.and that the re sults will be eminently satisfactory to us.In our party there I really but one presiden tial candidate. There Is no opposition to him, and hi re-election may be safely pre dicted. Mr. Cleveland will be elected easily I say eaily advisedly. He has made an issue on the reduction of taxation without disturbance of the labor or indus tries of the country. On such issue no man has ever been defeated. I recognize Mr. Blaine a the strongest repoblican candidate, and believe he will be renomin ated, but he cannot defeat Mr. Cleveland. There will, of course, be a fight. The re publican party is an enormous, great or ganisation, full of vigor and vitality, and will not give up without a struggle, but it cannot win this time." It is now the Republicans who are afraid of the tariff issue. They decline the prop osition of the Democratic leaders in the House to take an immediate vote on the Mills Bill. For two months they have been denouncingthis aa a "Free-Trade" meas ure, sure to ruin the country. When the President raised the issue the Republican leaders cried : "Aha we have them no w !"" But when brought to a test their confidence oozes away uxe nob Acre's courage. They wish to obstruct and delay and dodge. The defense of surplus-creating war taxefr dees not promise a well as they imagined it would. The Republicans in the senate appear to be hedging in their opposition tc the con firmatioh of Melvile W. Fuller to be chief justice, A man whom Robert T. Lincoln, Judge Gresham and Walker BLaine had recommended to the president is not the sort ef man ferRepublicans to kick: against effectively, although it is by no means clear why Walker Blaine should have feJt called upon to tender his opinion on such a sub ject. Congressman Springer's idea of lacing those articles on the free list which axe pat ticularly liable to be controlled by t .rusts, fc not exactly new, but it is a good o ne for all that. JUJumBttAJBuxim-. Crop Prospect. St. Pa n, May 29. Notwithstanding the fact that rains throughout the Northwest f have lately been aevcre. culminating Sun day In a general downpour, advice indi cate that crop have not been in the least Injured. Throughout the Red river valley in Northern Dakota and Minnesota, rains were needed. It Is estimated that the wheat output in that region will be largely in creased, and will reach 50,000,000 bushel. Fur Tunrman, San FNANcisco,May 30. The Examiner will print to-morrow Interviews wltb a large number of leading democrat of the Pacific coast, regarding the feasibility of nominating Judge Thurman, of Ohio, for vice-president en the democratic ticket. The general sentiment seems to be one of enthusiasm In favor of Thurman for the place. Mherldan. Washington, May 30. Midnight Gen Sheridan' condition has again changed for the worse, and he Is now a critically ill a at any time of hi sickness. Tacoma. May 30. The First street cai company in Tacoma ran its first car through the street to-day. The tracks have been done for a long time, and the people have been Impatiently walling for the cars to be gin ruuniitg.iind last night men were kept al work until a late hour.clearing the tracks and completing the witches. At 4 o'clock thi morning the steam motor hitched to a cai and incrssf nil v 1 limbed from the wharf te the top of the hill. Extraordinary Rainfall. Dknvkr. Colo. Mav . A marvellous rainfall, which is perhaps at it culmination to-day, has visited Colorado the past few weeks. Never before In the history of the state has one-fifth of such an amount fallen in a similar period. The last week haa w itnessed a downpour every afternaon.and something over a fortnight ago there was a steady fall of rain for thirty -six hours at a stretch. A HalL Sai. r.M, May 30. The SHvcrton pro hibitionist have begun suit in the circuit court to oust from otlue four of the mem hers of the present council ef that city. It will be remembered that the prohibitionists were counted out at the recent election on account ef illegal ballot, and the citizens ticket declared elected. Drowaed Coleax W. T. May 30. Cornelius Grady, a prominent stock man and ranch er on Snake river, while crolng the Pen nawawa ferry, en route to Walla Walla with a band of cattle, was crowded off the ferry by the cattle and lost his life. His bodV lias not been recovered. TRLKilRAPHU' fRMIIAUV The Oregon and California delegation arrived at St. Loul Thursday, and are said to be solid for Cleveland and Thurman. Senator Mitchell' joint resolution pro viding for the appointment by the Secre tary of the navy of a com mission compos ed of three competent naval officers, to select a suitable site for a naval station. navy yard and docks on the Pacific Coast was on Thursday taken up in the Senate, and aftt-t brlmr defended bv Mitchell, who presented a lengthy letter from the admiral uf the navy in Its support, was passed The Union Pacific R R I threatened with a strike, as the result of recent ar rangemcnts allowing the Burlington to run Kan Citv. St. Joseph 6c Council Bluffs night trains over the Union Pacific bridge at Omaha. Tl r- .........! 1 ..;. , . I I Athens, Tennessee, at its commencemeut Thursday, conferred the degree of doctor of laws on 1 -eland Stanford, Senator from California. The residence uf Mrs. Lcc Jerome was entered by . burglars Tuesday night and $iOXX worth of diamonds stolen. The in mates of the house were chloroformed. Mrs. Jerome caused a sensation some weeks ago bv marrying the head waiter of a hotel. She is worth half a million. General Sheridan's condition ia very critical and he cannot live long. At the Prohibition National Convention at Indianapolia Thursday Clinton B.Fiske, of New Jersey was nominated for Presl dent and John A. Brooks, of Kansas City for Vice President, The woman suffrage plnk was nailed into the platform after a stormy debate. A collision occurred en the Cheyenne & Northern branch of the Union Pacific,near Bordeaux, Thursday, between a work train and a passenger engine, which resulted In the death of Passenger Conductor May field, and the probably fatal injury of En gineers Brooks and Marsden, and the se rious Injury of four other employes. Word ha just been received at What com, W. T., from a reliable source that railroad building to connect Bellingham bay with the Canadian Pacific and Seattle will begin soon. Seattle is to have a $2,000,000 steel and iron works. Wheeler T. trotted 1 1-16 mile at St Louis Friday in 1 fastest on record Dr. Wm. Pepper, professor of the univer ity of Pennsylvania, returned to Philadel pbia Friday from bis hasty visit to Wash ington, where he was called into consulta tion bv the physicians attending Gen. Sheridan. Dr. Pepper expressed a some what hopeful view of the General's condi tion and says though desperately ill there is a chance for recovery. Secretary Vilas Fridav in the case of Lyons vs. Ivers, Lakeview land district, decided an important case, and one which involves the town site of Harney City. He holds that pre-emption cannot be made of lands upon which there is trade and business at the time of entry. At Friday morning's session of the Re formed Presbyterian Synod of the United States, held at Pittsburg, a resolution was adopted deprecating the publication of Sunday newspapers, and instructing the Presbyterians to prosecute, by proper dis cipline, all members who advertise in the same. Dr. Colvig, a dentist residing in Ore gon, and father of Mrs. A. C. Cawley, who recently figured in the Faling murder case, mt San Francisco, where the wife of Faling irnortally wounded her husband, has to all afjgpearances fallen in very lucky, and if all can be proved, as it is expected, he will be come the possessor of a snug fortune of $400)000, This figure represents one-sixth of haH a fortune left by the death of his grandfather, who died a number of years ago in t1 ranee. When' Baby was sick, we gave her Csstorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. Republicans have labored hard for the last month in this state to convince the voters that it is better to pay high taxes than low taxes.but they have utterly failed in the atttempt. Children Cry for for Infant and "Cawtorta la so well adapted to children that I r recomtneud send it as superior to any prcscrijSion I 'JSZi ID 80, Oxford nt, brooUya, N, Y. IwuEZSfimjo Tua ' "' bb! it tu '"'' HI -1 lliT'fHBfMBk - -& mmBmmmmm-m THE BEST -?i Iff Send for Catalogue and Price List . pisii Bros. Wagon Ott Stewart & Sox, FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIKTOR OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFECTIONARY, We are now prepared to sell at a bole sale, always fresh and pure at Portland prices to dealers, We alao keep a full line of Nuts and Tropical Fruits, -OUR-CIQAR AND TOBACCO department ia ooon'rv We keep the very finest atoek of ez.10k.Ag and chewing tobaeco, meerschaum and brier pipes that a a delight to smokers. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. A Boarding School for Boys I ! Conducted by secular prieets and lay teachers. First term opens first Monday in Sep tember. Second term opens first Monday in February. For prospectus sddrees Rev. F. A. Beekar, Vancouver, W. T, Box 103. PATENTS hulned, an all other bnrts In the D. 8 Pates e sttsaateaad to for rnederate toea. Our ease ia eeposit tba U.S. Patent Offlee. aad rsWsMaata. Bead aseot erdrawhur. We sV- to baff sstllty free at nsargi ; and wassail Honey Order Wv' nd to officials uf the V . B. laiaat om.v. For circular, advice, term, and e(eicce o actual citetile In roar own State or county, address Co A. SNOW&COe, 0?pone Patent Office, Washington. D . 0. 0 OHKRRT. C.B.FVRKEI ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, Machinists, Mill frights, and Iror Founders, are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Hteam Engines, Grist and Saw MUi Machinery, and all kinds of Iroa and Brass Castings. PATTERS M4DR ON SHORT ROTiCK. Special attention aiven to repairinir all kinds of machinery. Rnss Houses J. QIBLIN, Proprietor. This house is now open and furnished with the beat new furniture. Kyeryt ling clean sud commodious, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodation to any ta the city. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with the best in the market. Nien sleeping apartments, Sample rooms for commercial travelers, BaT Free Coach te and fruta the Hotel T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OKEQON. CROSSEN & ALLEN, PROPBIETORS AlbanyHrack and Dray Co., Nc, 1. Goods handled with care and dispatch. A. J. ROSSITER, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Voterinary lege, Toronto, Canada, Office and residence corner of and Baker Streets. Col- H nd ALBANY, OREGON. TEACHERS Who wish to sect; re first grade certifici tes shoud send for Normal Question Boak, which contains ab xit 500 pages of quest! .ins with complete answers. Price, $1.50. Adt dress Prof, A. B. Ohilders, Brownsville, Pitcher's Castorla. Children. ewf nolle, Oooetfpsti, dP CwerAca CoarAinr, 77 Murray Street, . Y. THE MARKS Agents, Albany, Or. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kind of rough, dressed u nd seas. iumber.latht pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. B, WOZ.V BRTO!f , O, U, 1WVIBS WOLVERTON & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW -(xfico up. stairs in Foster BIcck, ALBANY, OREGON. D, R. N. BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office. Odd Fellow'afTemple, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. All business will receive prompt attention J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of .bis State. All busineea intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. R0RTHEP.N mom pul AMD seeds Are acknmrler'ired the host, being hardier, more proactive cud jh-ld Utter crops. KINK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Cul(Uas mi, un btt Trtl, eul4 tSM n ael! csUou. WiJTK iroa IT. X. JwT A "ST m nn ' FUMMTS AND eEtOSMSN. St. p.... Ui,,; POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aad Solicitors in Chancery, AAWY. - . - OREGON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. JtVOffice in Foster's Briek.Bt vHnlOtf. L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Albany, Oregon Office upstairs, Ciawfo rd Block. Eed CrownMills ISOM, LANSING & CO., PROPR'S. NEW PROCESS FLOCK SUPERIOR fOR F AM' IKS Aim BAKERS FSB. BEST STORAOF FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Whear ALBANY OR. the lumber monopoly. We can furnish to builders and contractors, rough, clear or imisning 5 ou abort notice. This lumber is out from the beat yellow fir, rafted from ths cele brated McKinzie timber regions and manu factured it Coburg. Any quantity can be furnished at Albany at low prices, It needs no recommendation as to quality CEDAR POSTS, BOXING LATH, PICKETS, and lumber of all kinds on our yard con stantly. Don't order without seeing or hearing from us. We will saye you money. HAMMER BROS., Albany Liun Co,. Oi FOSHAY & MASON, VSOLBlai ASO RUTAlIr - Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, orhioh we sell at publisher's prions with aostageadded. ALBANY, OREGON. BROKE. LUMBER