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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1888)
m TO DEMOCRAT. $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. Issued every Friday 1 y STITBS Ac IQ UTTINGh. Stuff THE DEMOCRAT a I- the heftt Advertising medium In the Central Willamette Taller VOL,. AX111. ALli Als Y, OHEUON, FRIDAY, MAY 35, 1888. AAm rtlt-tup ratta trade kunn nip INstU r. SO 4.i 1 ii SEATGO," Full Brother ia Blood to Delco Winner of the "In land Empire Stakes" for two year olds at the Dalles Pair Sept. 20th, 1887. "Breeders of Intelligence Watoh and Draw from every Turf Even Lessons to guide them in the future." Seetoo ill be kept at the farm of O.F. Crawford, near Lowson, onNanow Gsug K . K and will allowed t serve a limite 1 camber of insrenat $20 to inaure iu foal, bat bo r. -; msihili for 'accidents. Ha U a rich, dark bay, without white, wdl lw three yeara old June 10th, 1883 Was aired by Ouec, three year old word 2 41, aoo of Altainont, wagon record 2 26jf in eighth heat. Firat dam Laura D. by Edward Everette. Scoond dam D cy Marah, a line ro id mare of tried endurance. Ouaco'a dam ia Bell Price, by IKtble, two year old record S-40J. the fast eat in the world for 4 yeara. He aiterwarda obtained a record of 2-28 when entirely blind Doble by Kricaon (ire of the O rand Dam of Phalaa the fasteat living suriioo, 2-132) four year old record 2 30, which atood as the fasteat for 14 yeara. Oneco waa the Juvenile King of the North Pacific, successively lowering and holding the 2 and 3 year old record, proving in the golden crucible of actual performance that he i veil worthy of hia grand lineage. Price moot hia full brother now hold the 2 year old record, 2 49$. W. New and Second Hand Store Owing to the increased demands of our buslneea wo have teen coin pel led to mora into a larger store and we can now be found next door to 8 E, Young, where we will be pleased to see cur patron. If you teed any alovea, furniture, tluware, crockery, clocks, carpets, picture, fruit Jr, tiuuka, bocks, roller kates, addle, saws, planes, etc and a thousand dif ferent and use a tides you can u t do better this aid? ef -'an Francisco than you do with u on a purchase or exchange, M. FRANKLIN & CO. 123Firt Street, Albany. Or. First National Bank OF ALB4N1, OREC.03.. Ulenl b. KADI Vice Present 8. E. YOl Sti Cashier OEO. E. CM AM BKKL.MS TRAX3ACT8 A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to cheek. 8IOHT EXCHANGE snd telegraphic transfer, sole" on New York, flan Francisco, Chicago and Portl (rei".ti COLL LLECTIONS MADE on favorable terms. biazcToas .. K. Toms, Oao, E CnaMseatu L. B Blaui, L. Pubs, Walter E TcaasLL, F08HAY & MASON, weiuua'.s awe asraib- Oraggistsand Booksellers, Agenta for John B. Aldeu'e publications, which we aell pvbli'l-er's pricoawlth eos!agea!JAd. ALBANY, OKEON. 0. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to E. W. Langdon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept in a firat elm Dru Store. Also a fine acock of piano an c rgan ALBANY. 0RE0N. u w.clarkT Portrait Photographer. fcturjie corner Second and Ferry Streets near Opera Home. Ground floor. Children's pictures a specialty, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CR0SSEN & ALLEN, PEOPBIBTOES Albany Track and Dray Co., He, 1. Goods handled with rare and dispatch. JOHN BRICCS, FLOBI8T, ALBANY, - - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lot planted and attended to. Palace Meat Market. J. V. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. OR. will keep constantly on band beat. mutton, pork, veal, sausage, etc, tbe best meats and largest variety In the city. Cash paid for all kinds of fat stock. 8AM MAY. 0. SENDERS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Mbrcnandise, HARRiSBURG - - - - OREGON Will bay drain, Woo! and all kinds Cob 11 try roduce. Kdward Kverett, aire of the dam of Sestets ia by a aoo of Pathfinder out of a daughter of Vermont, and ia full broth-r to Kitty Lion, 2 41, the dam of '.V. B. K. the colt that challenged all two year old 'a lt April for $500 a aide, and mat with no response Kiaard Kverett ia the aire of Duliy 8, tii dam of Da I Co, htaidta many ejmedy Kama road horaea. All cainpeteut horaorneu who have aeen him and hia get aince tbey are arriving at maturity, confidently predict tbat he will a. m become one of the great brood maieatrea of the North Pacific. Io diapoai tion, beauty and pare trotting action, Seatoo ia simply perfection, and ia eminently en dowed oa both aidea of the line with the blood that trot, and by all the laws of he redity ahonld be able to staotp upon hia pro duce hia own inheritance. To gentlemen desiring road horaea and to yooog men wishing to embark in the fascinat ing business of breeding and developing the American trotter, I call special attentiau to this voung Stallion and wi!l take pleasure in show ing him on any day. W. CRAWFORD. BOOTS, SHOES -AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now reciting my fpri. g sol simmer stock cf boots and aloe, I have ss nicely s fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, and as complete a stock aa at.) this side of Portland and very f.: better in Portland. I buy a'l my bocis and shoes direct from manufacturers and am authorized to warrant very pair uo m il ter bow cheap. IN. firm ia Oregon have any a-lvAu' 4- of su ia baying as buy iu q itv.ittM ail py tbo ch. Io ladie', miiwos aid cHi! Iran's ah , i i i:nn -i i r , a'd gren eat variety 11 the cttv )I, im will alway-i le t.- $ive a- gid vain- f .r the mon? as p Meftdf can le Hoo. 8AMUELE. YOUNG City Market, M. HYDE Propiie'or, Fresh meats constantly on hand. Near corner of First and Ferry Streets. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery. Glass Ware and Hardware OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent lor Fire and IMPORTERS fx V V" HARDWARE et TIN PLATE, Jliiliiiigjf 4l HOUSE : JKgBKttKm ? . .v. - f 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 & 32 Lake Street, A FRIGHTFUL SKIN DISEASE Wnirerlng liitenne, Head Nearly Raw, Body Covered wltb Moron an d by I he t'utieur ftomedlon. Mjn. Stoveni anil Rrunar, Mnra, V. 0. Dsar Hlra: - About iwu 11,011th. ago, uii uur 1 . onimanilatluu, I btiualil a buttle n( CuUcHrs Kssul vant, ana box GuUeura Salva, aul una osa of Call ours Soap, lor say son, atel thlrteati yaara, who has haan affllvtad with aeaaata (or t ions; tiro, and I am ultwarU to say tbat I bcllatrs tha rvimdlaa bavs carml him. Ilia auffarlnra wars Intsusa, bis bssd belvv n i. i raw, bis aara bring on r. rj.t tha vrlatla.sml hia b.ufy ovrl wlthMirva. Hia condition wm trtrht ful 10 bahold. Thi aorta h-. now all dbwitp. rml, hia akin la haslthy, a) as bright chaarlul In MajMsMiea sud la working svsry day. My ajsMkaSI ara wtt naaaaa to thla rtmarkabl. eura, sud tha doubting una. rrquaaUd to call or wrlu Ata, or any at my neigh bon, VfM.H. STKPIIENSON, WiuchssWr. P. 0 Union, to., N. C. II tit roc, N. C Oct , 9lh, 1st:. Tha I'otiar tmg anl Cbamliwl t'o. : Uantlsmcu : Mi Win S Mlph.ucon of thla county hntughl hi. mm an town lo-day let ua ow him. Mid o show u. wkl t'.nrr KouhkIu. im done (of blm. Thl U tn iwmi icffirid 10 In our latter toMtasssaa tna ago. To ooh at the boy now. oo wou'd mijimw hat tbcra had never been aiythtng the tt.attor with lm.- a.-cm. to be in perfect breith. We have written d herewith Incloee what hie father has to say about e matter, wrote It juat aa he dictated. We arc wltiiitf quite a qu kutlty of t'ulicura Hem' ca and hejr nothing hut nUe for Uiem. We rerd the Cutlcura Ketnodlea tha beet In tbe marhet, and .hall do ail we can to pronwle ttielr sals Yuura trulv, NTKVKbS UHMNKK. UmggieU and rhannacUt. Cutlonra. the groat Uln cure, and Cutlcura Soap prcptmlfrom it, eatcmally, and Cutlcura Iteaolvsnt, the new blood puiitter. Internally, are apMiitlve cure for every form f ehin and blood dieeaee, In.m pimplce to scrofula rWdd cverywhare. Prlw, CuMcura. M ; Soap, tS ; vred bv the I'olter Itrue ui.l Kcw.lcnl, t IV, jr- hv I'hemlcal Co., Huaton, llass. SSTttriid fur "r Io Ture Hkln tHecaaea,' pagea, M Ulueiralloua. and 100 leeti menials. P Hi' "t-K1. black heads, red, rough, ehapi in oily akiu prevented by Cuilcu-a s. -.4 nl Sneezing Catarrh. Tbe diatrssalng anecae, necse. aneess, the acrid, watery diar bargee front the eyas sad n-aw, tbe painful luflimmatUm catending to tbe throat, tbe swelling of he mucoue Inlng, causing choking acoeaUona, cough, ringing notaee in the bead and splitting headaches, bow familltr these symptom are to uVooaands who suffer eriodicslly from head colds or Influent., aod who live In Ignorance of the fact tbat a alngle applies lion of Kanfurd'a Radical Core fjr Catarrh will afford Imtantanaooe relief. Iwt tbke Ueaunent In cawea uf bJbhj Catarrh rives but a faint Idea of what thl. rwmedy will do In the chronic forma, where tbe hrwathing Is obrtru le-l by ch-king, putrid lou.-oua aecomulaH.. tin hearing T. lJ, .ru II and UeU gone, throat uloerell aod h. klnir c Mitch gratluly faetenlnt Itself Um the dehiliiaVKl ;tem Then It la thai tbe awrrllou. cursUve power of Hanford'a ttsitical Cars manlfrwu ile'f In inelanUneou. ... rtcf l rv'.imt ore Im-Ui. from Um flret apidicati on. It U rapid, rsdicl, peruu. ncnl, ceotMNnloai, safe. Hanfnrd-. Kidioal Cora oonaista of one botUe of ihv fUd leal Core, one hot of Catarrhal Koi.ei.i. am one Improved Inhaler, all wrapped in one pm-fcag wlih ircutisssnddirecUona a wl aold by all droggtata f..r w'ss rllr lraj and Chemioal Co , Ikwt n. PAISS AMD WEAKflKSSES OF PEM IL ft I i.'aiiUv relieved bv Ihe (ellrnr. ii role) rin.fer. a new, moet urssslll. ieianvaiie.,11. and InUlhhle ieOn klllln.- p tw, eeiter tally adapted U, relieve Ve nule P.i 11. and Waakuneasa. Warranted vaetlv iniwrlx 1.. all ..,1.-. -1 - . . ' . w.. 11.. ,1 I. mt I the SBUSl rerlrci At, to "aln. Ir.rlammatli.n an.1 WeakneS)et compounded. At ail drugrivta. .. cant. . ... ir si ; or paetage free, of potter Dru "to--" v,o., iyptui;i, DR; J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon. Officenor. First and Ferry StreeU, ALBANY- - OREGON. DR. Cr WATSON W ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 aod 4. Foster's Blosk. ALBANY - OREGON. Homeopathic Physician, lia. N, E. VcCOY, U. V., IIOUKOPATinc g pnyci.ii, etDce and realdenoa amu-r .f Kir.i snd Itaker Utreot. Albany, Oregon. Chronic dlMmac aepenauy. i.unauiutlon Iree, office hours . lUa. m to t s m and t to & p. m. OSIKTTIAN SCHOOL OF MEMOKY Isss IK4IMNO i'ersous willius to join s ciues, swassaawe 01 nnicn will receive iu- atntctiooa for 5, 2, inatnad sjf f25 57. wil p!eaa address local editor Democrat, Al- bOV. Or. Fr-ei to lie sent to I'refoasor A L .! 237 Fifth Avenue. New York, who will, f feei. eul prospectus post free. MRS EMMA 0'CONNER Fine Millinerv. UHKU5llt KtVtKt HUUSt. Warine Insurance JOBBERS 0 CUTLEBY, GUNS, A EPOETINS GOODS. CHICAGO, ILLS. LOCAL RECORD. A Sricv Cans.- The time ol Justice Humphrry.Krlday forenoon, was taken up with the case of the State ef Ofegon against Joshua Mlchollt. Nicholts was arrested Thursday by Deputy Doync Turner and brought te Albanin the even ing. According to the testimony as fsr as heard by a Dkmocrat man, the circum stances of the case were about as follows: Willie Nicholls was the aim of his father Joshua, and they lived near District OJ In the prcclnctof Sweet Home. Dy cottrteay William had been going to school In that district, but he was a bad boy, quarrelsome In nature and had a desperate fight and then refused to submit to punishment, when the teacher, a lady, expelled him, and the directors sustained her in the action. Joshua demanded a rehearing and on last Monday forenoon, directors Wiley and Sturdevant met with him on the eheol house grounds, when, according i 1 tes timony of the directors, he became ah dve and disturbed the pear of the schcaO lor an hour or two, among other things telling Director Sturdevant that he would stick to the teacher like a tick to a nigger, and that if he wanted to step in the teach er's shoes they would go into the read, step off ten pacea and fire with revolvers, and that he would ahoet with him or Jerry Shea or any of them, and a large amount ef ether atuff of a aensatkmat nature. The detente endeavcrcd to show that the di rectors were alo mixed up In the diaturb ance, but they seemed to be reliable men who only had the interest of the achool at heart. With his usual sagacity J unties Humphrey grasped tha cow by th bora aod fined tb prisoaer $10 sod casts, amounting iu all to marly $100, as there ware ssvsn witnesses present. I'soplo whoeodsayor to go behind decUioos of school direeteis gaosrslly corns out second beat. Exorcised. A gentlemen from Tan gent savs some of the farmers in the vicin ity of that place are much eiorclaed over the way several Albany sportsmen visit that vicinity on Sundays and slaughter Chinese pheasants, often killing them and leaving their carcaaaea on the ground, iuat for the fun of the thing. Home of them say there Is liable to be one or two arrests unless the proceeding are stopped. $$0 line is not an easy one for everybody to pay. FllRni'uii tiik Cocstry An Albany gentleman who has been out through the county, returned home laat evening and re ports crop prospects aa uncommonly good. Farmera have generally completed aecding as well aa summer fallowing, and are now attending to their gardens, of which you will find one attached to nearly every farm it the countv. It is a fact, by the way, that our farmers are a much more induatrioua and thriftv claaa than many cive them redit for bclnir. (treat Improvement ha been noticeable In the laat few yeara. They know they must make the small tltinj'. count, and are much more careful in keep ing machinery than In former years. Fallen Flat. A Kt. Louis drummer, in the cify to-day, who has just traversed California, says the boom at San Ilego and Angeles haa fallen completely flat, and he got out jut before it fell, aaving himself on aevcral Invrttmenta. lie Mates that there will not be over a fourth of a crop of wheat In the San Joaquin Valley, and In the Sacramento Valley not over half a crop. Californiana are blue over matters. Sudden Death at Scio.--Wednesday evening a young son of Dr E O Hyde, of Scio waa taken suddenly ill with brain fever and died during the night. We un derstand Ite had been in swimming during the day, and it is thought his death result ed from the exposure. He was a bright little fellow and his death is greatly mourn- ad. Mr M Hyde and na. t of hi familv left Friday morning to attend the funeral, which will beheld ttm afternoon. A Local. W remember when our prst- eut sheriff ran for tha office a eertiin Lien a a.S a a.S sou lily par. it honied al lbs I4ea ot putting a boy in the office. Now that his terra baa nearly expired it msy be remarked that the office haa never been managed hh creater executive ability, and with inure asti.faction t the patrons ef the office, it being character ized by absolute integrity and run entirely is trio internet of the people. We make this ata'emeut simply as a local item Fr RKiiiT. Considerable through freight from California now passes north, probably fifty cars a week, which, In the present con ditton of the track over the Siskiyou's ia about all ihe road winhc to handle. He sides an increase of tariff over the other routes keeps down the extent of the traffic Salmon. A ten pound salmon trout came down through the ditch recently from theSantiam and was captured in the flume at Zeyss & Hochstedler's planing lit 1 A rm a . a mm uy mr averse, several others were seen in the main canal but were not caught Here is an opportunity for the boys to get a meai, as mere are some of them left. Organs and Pianos, Mr. Geo. L Blackman has taken the agency for pianos and organs, which he can supply the mark et at short notice. He has several on hand for exhibition. Call on him for the best instruments Decoration Day, There will be a general observance of this day under the auspices of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. as sisted by F. Co., and all old soldiers who will offer their services. The procession, as mapped out by the management. will start at io o'clock. Rev Webb will deliver the memorial sermon on the Sunday pre vious. A Suookstio.v. A reeder ot the Demo crat suggests that Albany needs a sys tematic plan for keeping First street clear of all stray matter, and cites Eugene City as an example. Certainly a clean business street speaks for a city. Campaign Club. The Democrats of Brownsville are working up enthusiasm, andwlll organize a club on Saturday, May Blown Up. A gentleman who came down from Harrisburg Friday morning In forms us that last night the safe in the de pot at that city was blown up by burglars and $iooln money and some valuable pa pers taken. No clue to the burglars. Pioneer Dead. Hon. J, R. South who has been lying ill at his residence near Halsey died Thursday morning and was buried Friday at Providence Church in the Forks of the Santiam. He was a man of many sterling qualities. Camp Meeting. The Sanctificationists are holding a big camp meeting at Oakville, with tents pitched in the grove near Mr St John's. Revs Jones, Gould and Gardner ar conducting it. MUaKD OV TUADK OKfl.l NIZKH. The meeting last evening was called to order at 8:30, by the chairman, Judge Powell. Minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved. Dr, Maston moved that the Board pro ceed to permanent organization by the election of officers prescribed by the con stitution and by-laws. Carried, On motion, Judge Powell was made temporary chairman, and Jay Blaln, tem porary secretary. S. E. Young was nominated for perma nent president, the rules were suspended and the secretary cast the ballot of the Hoard for Mr. Young. J. I.. Cowan and N. IL AUen werenaim-d for 1st and 3d vice-presidents and elected by acclamation. Mr. Jay W. Biain was elected secretary and treasurer In the same unanimous man. ner. Mr. Wolverton moved that the conslitu. tlon and by-laws, as prepared by the com mittee, be adopted After being read, they were unanimously adopted and the organixatlon was completed. Mr. D. P. Mason jumped to hia feet and set the ball rolling by reading a communi cation from State Superintendent McElroy In reference to the National Teachcra' Association to be held in San Francisco, the meeting of which will afford an oppor tunlty for the counties of the state to send immigration literature there, where there will be a committee to distribute the same, and an effort made to get Eastern teachers to return home by way of Oregon. To do this it will take money, to secure which was the object of the communication. It was received and placed on file, when Mr. Mason moved that the Board donate $25 for the object. It was laid on the tabic after some discussion until Monday evening, as some thojght It best to have some money In the treasury first, though all recognUed the fact that the scheme will be a splendid one for advertising the Willamette Valley, and at least the amount named will be voted at the meeting on next Monday evening, to which time an adjournment was had. The following U the list of the members now enrolled. I H Burkhart, N H Alltn. 1) H Monlcllh. I hasE Wolverton. Louis Vine. k. Burkhart & Keeney, T. - I. ut I . . -, 1 L I'owell. W E Turrcll, M E P. otfuo, G W Maston, H F Merrill. Ktewart Sc Sox, B Brenner, John Schmeer, H L Cranor, W F Read, I) R N Blackburn. S E Young. Jay W Blain, Hub Brvant, 1 N Woodle. Mtltea & Nutting, Chas Metxger, Rob t McEhlney. G F Slmpaon, ieo E Chamberlain, rowan. RaMen A: Co. C W, M Franklin. Thompson & Overman, M Hvde, Wm Fortmiller&Co. 1 G Crawford. ro.nay X Maan, J K YYcathcrford, L E Blain. Burkhart ft Miller. HOME AND A Kit OA f. Mr East haa moved her boarding house into tbe plsvoe jost v seated by Mrs Marry. The farm bottse ef William Paablers, near ltbaaoo, waa oooearned by fit early Thar. day morning. Mad ford will soon vote 00 a proposition to bood the city for $3000 to construct water works. Thoa Sprener and C P Kouhten. of W sut Ad.auy proa nut, who have been qmto ill. are reported ranch improved io health. TbeSeet Heme bridge is bains- raised about eight feet by 8t John k Stone, an oper ation ma snouiu rav oeeii performed whim built, we believe, by tbe Paetfio Bridge Co. Olaey Fry, Sr. who baa been residing at ioda villa for a number of years has removed hack to tb ia city to remain. Th old gentle man, though 86 years of age, is quite active and sprightly. Peey Young, thi youigast biivclUt of Aibiav, made tbo beet time between Albany and Corvallis that haa been made yet. He made the entire distance of ten and on-, f. urtb miles in fifty-five raieutesoo last Fri day. I Antler. Mr John Irving haa sold his interest in the stove and tin war- bnaineaa in this oty to bis partner, Mr W H McPerlaod. Lafayette Lane. Jr , was run oyer by the or at Hoseburg Tuesday evening, his two legs being cat off. K-v Fisher informs us that tbe quarterly meeting of the Evaogs Leal church will be held next Sabbath. The fare to the National Tesehcrs' Asso ciation from Alluny to Sun Francisco ard return rill he f 30 80 by the 0 & C, and f 14 by way of Y equina Bay, Messrs. Kirklsod k Wei's, real etU'e agents of Independence sold ou Tuesday tbe Young farm situsted four miles north of Independence, to Jhn Bkker and a.-n. recent arrivals from Nebraska, for 812,000, being a little more than $36 per acre, Mr Young bought thi place about three yeara ago for 19000. Mr Bekker states that a Germsn colonly will soon arrived here from Nebraska to purchase land in this vicinity. Cor. Or. Firemen's Tournament. Directors KelloKC, Hoffman and Weeks met in Portland Thursday and made the follow ing schedule of prizes' for the tournament ; Championship raceFirst prize, $200 and trumpet valued at $125, presented by May or B DeLashmutt ; second prize, $150 third prize, $too. Wet test- First prize, $200 and a trumpet presented by the Ex empt Firemen's Association ; second prize, Sico ; third prize, S100. Dry test first prize, $200 ; second prize, $100. Speed race First prize, $100 ; second prize, if 50. Hook and Ladder contest First prize, $225 ; second prize, $100. Tender contest First prize. $7 ; second prize. $2;. The Directors had assurances that at least thir teen teams would enter the tournament. The prizes are about double of any ever of fered before and are worth working for. A Joke. When the popular baggage man at the O. & C. depot went to his desk the other day he found on It a neat pack age addressed to Hon. A. D. Barker,Presl- dent of the Albany Street Railway Com pany." With great expectancy Mr. Barker opened the package, when, lo and beheld, a large link of bologna sausage, about the size of street car links, met his astonished gaze. Mr, B. thinks the sausage was one brought across the plains in 1849, and, as he alwavs appreciates a good thing, laughs heartily at the joke. Bill Nve thiaks he haa magnetic prssence sufficient to make a jzood president, and pro poses to be half way down m tbe cellar when tbe con v-cation neets, so that he will be pre pared for emergencies. This will be next thing to being in mid-ocean, or on Ben Lom mond 'slugged peak. Wells Dug. Wells dug on reasonable terms. Call on the undersigned or at this office. E. B.Davidson Children Cry for he Republican editors nt the North who In advance of the Louisiana election complacently counted the whole number of adult male negroes in the State as Re publican votes, ami after the election de nounced the result as fraudulent because the Republican vote fell short of their es timate, would do wett to read what is said on this subject by the New Orleans Pro frets, a newspaper cenbucted by a colored man In the Interest of his race. "Perhaps the most gratifying resu'tof the election, " says the Progrets, is the breaking up of the color line." It says that nitside of New Orleans and a few of the lower par ishes, thousands of colored voters, re mrmhrring the just, fair, Impartial, and praccfn Administrated of Grn. Nicholls rallied around his atandard and joyfu'ly cast their ballots for him. It declares that this political revolution was so complete tast hereafter it will be impossible for any one to marshal the colored voters solidly under the Kepumican imnner again, and It ex presses great satisfaction that "the color ed people of ixmieiuna have at tast freed themaelves fron. political servitude." The New Orleans I ttm, a Republican paper published by w hlte men, talks the same strain, declaring that "a number of the better sort oi intelligent and independ ent negroes boldly proclaimed themselves Democrats and in favor of the election of Gen. Nicholls from the beginning." Voters of Oregon should not forget the great service done the Pacific Coast by Cleveland's administration in securing the making of the Chinese treaty, and the fact that Its ratification crowns the achievement of this Administration that is the mostlm pojtant in Its relations to American indus try .and to the integrity and progress of our civilization. The party whose principles and devotion to them have delivered us from the Asiatic plague has acquired a held on the esteem of the American people that will not be weakened. John M. (Jcarin, the 'Oregon Boy," haa so far recovered his health as to be out on the canvass upholding the cause of demo cracy. Let every democrat on the day of election remember to deal some heavy b ows for Johnny. If Sherman is really relying upon the Southern delegations for a nomination he will fall again. The Republican ar: too shrewd to allow their candidate to be se lected by a section that will not give a single vote in the Electoral Col ege. The Republican claim that taxation in excess of national expene,t3 the tune of $140,000 000 yearly, is a fruitfu ource of national prosperity. The farmer who has to sett a cow to pay his j art of it can't see It in that light. the monopUst to Congress: Uive us a high tariff for the sake of the dear work- ingman. The monopolists to the dear workingman : Take tha wages we offer you or clear out Talking with a republican the other day. he said there were severnl names on the county ticket he did not like, but he pro posed to vote it straight,as this is presiden tial year and they were going for victory all along the line from constable to presi dent. How can democrats hedtate to do heir whole duty under this kind of threat? Democrats should bear In mind that vote for the republican legislative ticket is a vote for Dolph, Hirsch or Williams for the United States Senate. No sane demo crat could help elect either of these men to the United States Senate. These men are alt monopoly bound,and the democrat who supports them will be aiding in binding the monopoly chains more cosely. Letter List. Following Is the list of tetters remalnin is tbe Post , Albany, Linn cwualy, Oregon, May Is, lMt, calling for these tetters mutt give tbe date on which the v were advertised : Abbott, Dan Annatmng, Frank lilark, Oar Id t'ola. Wm r iKih-, Johaim J-rreti, K r MtUer, W W MattMn, Han ey Munn, I J M - UcOomralt, J. hi Ryan, Jennie Mring. Prof II S awry, A W Watau:i. Mm 5l.iry Warren, Hiss Clara . Wilson, a u Wii eler, Mrs c M R THOMPflOH, F 11. The First Sign Of falling health, hither in the lcrnx oi Night Sv at s and Xtrvtusnes, ov in a reuse of General Weariness fend Lose t.f Appetite, should suggest the uso of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. This preparation ia most effective for giving tone and strength to tho enfeebled system, pro moting the digestion and assimilation of food, restoring the nervous forces to thoir normal condition, and for purify ing, enriching, and vitalizing tho blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago my health began to fall. I was troubled witn a distressing Cough Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous ness. I trieti various remedies pre scribed by different physicians, out became so weak that I could not go up Ktairs without stopping to rest. My frienda rocoinmendea uie to try Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, which I did, and Iain now ns healthy and strong as ever, Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, Mum. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I nave also prescribed it as a tonic, as well as au alterative, and must say that I honestly believe it to be tho best blood medicine aver compounded. W. F. Fou ler, M. D., D. D. 8,, Greenville, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. IS would be Impossible for roo to de scribe what I offered from Indigestion and Ilcadncho up to the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was under tho t are of various physicians, and tried a great, many kin.;-, of medicines, but never obtained more thnn temporary re lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for a ehort tiiao, my headache disap peared, and my stomach performed its tlutiea more perfectly. To-day my health is completely restored. Mary Ilarley, Springfield, Maoa. I bare beon greatly benefited by tho prompt uso ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It touoa and invigorates tho system, regu lates the action of tha digestive and Assimilative organs, and vilalizes the blood. It is, without doubt, tbe meet reliable blood purifier yet discovered. II. 1. Johnsou, 3d Atiwiitio avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y, tt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Ir. J. C. A yev & Co., Tt-eli, Haws. W!ee CI 1 aiS fcoMs, Cii. Pitcher's Oastoria. W. F. (Successor to N. 1- now lecriving nee gooda in Everything New, 1 rs Um SREEmKWB-aW fcKajH Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, c-r.sifcti.ig DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, a m m . J HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GROCERIES. I propose t have aa corrr el, a stock aoy, with all t .s New Novelties and T aod as they are oianufc:ured All nd aa well new once, 1 - ., are cordially nrice. Do Not Propose k To Undersold. W J. READ, 57 FirstStreet, Albany, Or. aines JOT For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. HHHS T riOtsseleeepers and Warwsers. -It Is impor tant that the Soda or Baleratua you use ahonld be White and Pure same as all similar subs t nooa uaed for food. Toinsura obtaining only tho"Arm & Hammer 'braudBoil or Ualerat a. b y it in "pound or ha f pound " cartoon which bcarour name au I tr-vle-mirk. a 1 Inferior good 1 ar iaon times substituted fir t :9 Arm At Hammer ' br iu 1 when bought in Im'.St. Partios u.ilng B iking Powder should re n -ui-ber thst its solo rising property consists of bi carbonate of soda. One teaspo o n f ul of t h a Arm & Hammer" brand Of Bods or Baloratua mixed with saur mil equals OCR TRADE MARK pi hoi) m Packed in Card Board aSf-.-ir- iw-r,1-. ate READ, H. Allen & Co.) ev, ty lif--. O.'d gor ds ev.ld (int. jfcOUft with New Prices cf everv Hoe u er r bro 13b to Ai -i- L "- I -e i-.ciLrjsi styles old CUatOmera mnA ' r.u t nuuo ui i Lie iiuuss tnv.ted to call aod inspect atoek and Sucnnor to N. H. Allen Co 4 HEME T0MC. er7 and Con -the prom incut ln pedients, are tbe best and asiest herro Tonics, it strenjribens and quiets the nervous tysicm. curing Jerque Weakaess, Hysteria, UN ALTERATIVE. iia7tJmt we poisonous humors of tbe blood purifying and enriching ti and so overcoming those disease wmjlngfrom Impure or Impover- A LAXATIVE. AcmOdlybot surely on thebowels 11 cures habitual constipation, and promotes a regular habit. Km length ens the stomach, and aids DIURETIC. In Its eom position the best and meat active diureticsof the Materia Medic are combined sciem iflcally with other effective remedies for diseases of tho kidneys. It can be relied on to give quick relief and speedy cure. lBeradaofytmntilalsaa-abaaet-sjsf- ramarkabUbaneflt. Head f or circtUrrMr lull particulars. m Fries $1 00. b -Irani its. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO- Prop's BURJLllfQTOIf. YT. four teaspoon fula of the best Daking lowder,saT tng twenty times ite cost, brides being muehbea;tuior,becauso it dues not con tain any injurious eubstancea, such as alum, terra alba etc., of xviiirUr.iruy Bak ing Powders are made, k'a rymen ard Parmere Stwm.4 use only the "Arm Hammer " Lined for divulng and keeping Miik Ions Lwout and Clean. Cxtmos. G?e thst ercry pouii'l pnekae of "Arm a: ' iiammor Brand" coniaaia full IU otince n t. and the 2. p-f g js Jm I cuuv net, bji'a or HaleratuK s-uiifi as speci van. fied on each pac-ases Eoxes. Always kesps Soft 1 'iAra. --!. ... -ss