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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1888)
SUB TO DEMOCRAT, JMCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. A evrry Friday by fs.Jftalre trade known map emoaat THE DEMOCRAT lithe I K 'st Adverllalnp; r cfUtim In ihe Centre! Willamette Valley. VOL. XXlll. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1888. Si) 43 P t fiv tei re tr! the ba A the pev on mil an tha r: anc rep. mc- SEATCO," :-r Hi Other in Blood to Delco Winner of the "In- Smpire Stakes'1 for two year olds at the ies Pair Sept. 20th, 1887, "Breeders of -elli&ence Watc!i and Draw from revy Turf Even Lessons to guide them in the future." 1 Citl or P. HI: con S t on mer Iv ng T ept At the farm of O.K. a..ou, on' Narrow Usage i i ft. 1 . ft. ! . 1 vui ! siinweu m servo a unmn i .u; at $2it insure in foul, hut no 'Mi . ...-.i-l-av. He ii a rich. three years by ' c Altainout, at. . by Edward Kverette. inn, a Mne road mar of co'a dam ia Boll Prie I i rscord '2-40 J. the fast- Mo afterwarM w wukoof'wWiN .nll b Ir'S1 NNVred SJ 2 ".JT ii ght i h . a -rl-,1 U4 vears. uo ord -2fr when entirely blind, ed t. - Krtroa Uev o the Grand Dam of wmm a,, first the - . - COCK . h I. ........... .. tha 1 Ma l8i Si ud atr nj. ton. met goo' tinu get thet to a vein: j rung oi me norm lowering, and holding nconU, I ualVwrforniauee tbat he u licd lineage. Prioe- bosrold the 1! year Kdvrard Kverett, sire of the dam of Soatco, ia by a aoa of l.ltilluir out of a daughter of Vermont, aud ia full brother to Kitty Lmii, I 41, the dam of W, B. K. the colt that challenged all two ytar aid's lat April for $500 a aide, and met with no reepon Kdward Everett ia tho aire of IMiy S , the dain offfjMoo, btsidts many sptrdy and game road horses. All competent horaomen who have aeen him and his get since they are arriving at maturity, confidently predict that he wil! aton become one ft the great brood mate aire of th North Pacific. In disposi tion, leauty and pure trotting aotioo, Seatco ia simply perfection, and ia eminently en dowed o both aidea of the line with the biood that trota, and by all the lawa of he redity ahould lie able to upon hia pro duce hia own inheritance. To gentlemen desiring road horses and to young men wishing to embark in thefaacinat. ing business of breeding and developing the American trotter, I call spscial attention to thia oang Stallion and will take pleasure ia howiog him on any day. A FRIGHTFUL SKIN DISEASE Wntrertug IiateaMe, II easts Neaarlf Itnw.Body Covered with Sore Cured by the t'ntleum fit in rdte, Maear. Ntevona and Druaar, Monre, N. 0. Pear Sirs: About two months ago, on our rc etiiinendstlon, I bought a bottle of Cutlcur Kesol vent, one box Uuttoura Salva, and one cake ol Out! oura Soap, for my eon, aged thirteen years, who haa been sHtlcted with aasjaajp (or Ion time, snd I am ileiMl to M Mist I bvliovo thr Miiudles Iim irl hint. Ills suffsrines were Intense, bia head belt k n.'ly rsw, his ears bring sone except the rihiUe,and his body oovered srlihsoms, tils condition was frtvht (ul to behold, Thn sores haso now ail dlsaparel, hit skin Is healthy, eyes bright ehesrful In dlsHMltiHt snd Is working every day. My neighbors are wlu ueasss to this remarkable oars, and the doubting ones are miuestod to oall or write me, or any ol my neigh bors, WM.K. StKI'HKNSON, Winchester, P. O,, Union, Cv., N. C. m nne. N. CL Cat , ttOlh, lag;. The !' iu i Prog aud rheudua) 0. : Uenilemen : Mr Win rl Htephensun o( this county brought his suw to town lo day to let us see hiss, and to ahuw us what Uu'leura Hsnedtea had done for blm. This Is ine i see rrfcrrt d lo In our letter to you some Ime ago. To ok at the hoy now. one would euppoae hat there had never been anything the n atter with lm, eeeru to be In perfect health We have written j.l herewith Inclose what his father has lo say about e matter, wrote It just as be dlctatsd. Ws are selling o,ulte s qu mllty of ''uh.nn Hum es sn I heer nothing but ralw for them W rvgtrd the Outlcura Remedies the best In the market, end hall do ail ws can tu MMMIg their sals Yours truly, HTiVi:S8 A ItttMN Kit. Uruyglets and l'harma lete. OutUmra, the great skin cure, and CutU-ura Moae preptred from It, externally, and t uh.un lUaulvewt, the new blood purifier. Internally, are a positive cure for every lortn of shin and blood disease, frvnt plmpies to m-rofuU. Hold everywhere. Prl-e. Cuiicura, SO j H-axp, ' ; lUsoivcttt. t. Prvpsred by the Putur Drug and rhemu-el Co., Uoeton, Mass. gsTMeod fur "How to t'ure Hkin Diseases, " 01 istgrs. M i:iuslratioua, and 100 testimonials. Vl.r., bUck heads, red, rouh, ehappod ody akin prevented by CuUcu H -ap. al ,s -t" W. W. CRAWFORD. iTp.i v -r r f .ii Hand Store H derc Day an. ..asod demands of our a?ra ti csmpltwrl to rnote toC J cnta . Thet ; MP . wtt can now ba Young, wbara that. il3t. a h; f "W at 1 1 see car patron. If r aroeee, furniture, tinware, aa por I derr. tur mil- celv. .i -a, Stat -ks. -eafots, pictures, 'fruit roMeVskates. addiee, and 'm ihoutnd dif- . a tlc'.ea you can n it da J-'ranclsco than you ' ; aiohase or exchange, 9 RMKIIN & CO. law it Ri team of training during iif drink things traininB be pen., clerks an runnin Tr office indicr whea Amo Land have upper Th of the Obiapo Sever.- thesa it went i. late f These oceai Ou. A. R. a by other lovely dri. splendid ' play wil: It r paper Thos. in the FrMa toet, Albany, Or. flASON, sellers. . Stleu'e publications, iZ-iier'e prices wita 'info 're 'Tr BLACKMAIL xt'or to E. V. Jcangdany IOINE&, VRUSHES, - first claa Dru pianos an .1 Sneeseing Catarrh. The dlstroeaini soevae, sneeae, sneeas, the scrld, watery discharges frees the eyes sad nws, the painful inflammation extending to the throat, the swelling of he mucous In Ing, causing choking svnsaUon, cough, ringing n.daes In the bead and splitting headaches. -h us famtlitr these eymptonis see to thouaands wee suffer periodically from head colds ST Influsnaa, snd who live In lirworsnce of the fart that s single applies lion ef Suitord'. HadicaJ Cure tr Catarrh win stford i Instantaneous relief. Hut thk. treatment in casss of Mmds Catarrh ghei but a faint tdra of what this reme-lv will do lu th. chronic forma, where the breathing la obatructed by ch-klng, putrid mucous accumulation, the hearing asTacted, smell ami iaU gtne. thrust ulcerated and baching oough gradully faaiwnlnr Itself upon the deblliuteil system Then It ie that the mart .nous curative pwr of Hanfurd's Had Leal Cure ntanlfeaia itae'f m ii.atauune.iiie and grateful relief. Cure Iwln. Mm tret application. It U rapid, radical, perms. esssMcnloal, nafe. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my cpriug and summer atcck of boots and tboea, I have aa nicely a fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, and an complete a Htock a any thia side of Portland and vry fw better in Portland. I boy M my boots and hoes direct from manufacturer and am authorized to wut rntU-e-vfrr lo diet ter how c'.:,. No lirm bn'? any I u.- i m- of rn- mf 1st q itrci'i-H and my thu cik!i. tfCflfstW-Sr' n ladi', niiiMra and cbildreti'n ahoi a. rayqoh fh : I t be-t and great est vntHt la the Cltv Ht irn will r. mora conti: ferred beinj. quia of oth Dr A SU I . years, from centrji hsur B. ' thL Tun last firt k WizMm Hearse jmt,pt call s-t residence a rrrtK . la. ARK, 3 trlLAil'jl.iu. 1 Brdidlsf. OREGON i foun. ivfarket. -ALBAHY, OR. 4 a on Ft t the C mile taket B' Pro orgai whic! pa) in convt i w "W on rfsrffl hssaf. i ;Me, etc,, the best . .evy in theclty a v'V1' !rdof fat stoek. mm, ,&tST. .nib!; rticlen, Etc j:m CAREFULLY FILLED, Co iejrstay and night. Alba. natut taker gc"f 4 in u too. 1 i in Oigpn in but ing as Hanford'a Kulical Cure constats of one bottle of ihs II Cure, one box at Catarrhal So I van I, and one Improved Inhaler, all wrapped In on. package, with treatise and directions, a hJ sold by all druggtsu for 1. Potter Pnig and Chendesl Co , Uoeton. PAINS AND WEAKNESSES OP FBH1LM kaSBK hshi a ken V nstai the nvwt perfect Weakness yet co liMtantly relieved by the stUegses anil lalB) flaaler, a new, moat sarr sea tile. ami infallible tedn killln piavtar, eerieclally adapted to relieve IV male Pains snd Weeks SSSSS. Warranted vastly superior to all other plasters, sod Antilote lo I'aln. InfUmmallon ami f compounded. Al all JrumrttU ' nnla Ovelortl ; or, oetege free, of PetUr Drug snd Chemical Co., PoaUin. Maes. DR; J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offloe cor. First and Perry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. alwnvM ! Ui aive as ffrmd enlue- f. r m tf rr " the mouev as possibly csn be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, City market. M. HYDE - Proprietor. Fresh meats constantly on hand. corner of First and Ferry Streets. DR. C, WATSON M ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Offloe rooms 3 and 4. Foster's Bloek. ALBANY OREGON. V Homeopathic Physician, MRS. M, E. KcCOY, M. D., HOMROPATHIC physician, ofAce and residence corner of First and heker street, Albany, (Hegen, Chronic dlaeascs a spedalty. Omaulution free, t;ffice honrs : 10 a. m. 10 VI a in and 6 p. tu. L0S1ETTIAK SCHOOL OF MKalOKY THAIN1NO. Persnos w illing to join a ctasai ach member of which will receive in structions for $5,12, instead of $25.57. will Eioas address local editor Okmocrat, AI anV. Or. Fees to l Scot to Prafeaanr a Loisaette, 237 Fifth Ayeuue, New York, who will, aeaeu. teud proapectua post free. COUNTY COURT. K.J Miller Me lobar (J.J, Whitney, Judgs; Alsx Drandoii, Commlsslonenu Matter of the removal of It M road supervisor, dismissed. Hainan Sheldon appointed supervisor of district 2. J W Wilson, supervisor of district 27, resigned, and A P Blackburn appointed to fill the vacancy , D A Hoi man, an per visor of road district No 5, resigned, and O XV Hunsakor appoint ed to fill the vanoancv. Ten dollars allowed for the relief of Adams' family . H M Flstohsr, road supervisor of district No 45, resigned. All of several claims of L It Montanye, dismissed. Fees In State ngt Mlt Martin, allowed. Also instate vs Henry Schllttle and 8tate agt Nick and Clara Klnc, a ho In State ? Geo Long. Petition of VVm Cyrus and others bridge continued. Contract for rock road let to J M South. Expenses of Nov. election $464 orderod presented to Mtate. Fees In State agt Fred Hoffman allowed, Road ordered altered as applied for by XV E Npicer and others. Assessment of John A Crawford reduced $ 1 0,00a Matter of repairing bridge applied for by II C Moran and other continued. Hill of I ) Hyde $5.70 continued. Fees of County Court olhccra allowed. CLAIMS ALLOWED, XV F. Curl, county trees, salary $ 83 33 D V 8 Heid, county suncrintemieot's salary Mrs Mary E Davie, Weeping Itney H .lass Sc Son, support for Pierce family Andrews & Hackleinan, support of Orchard family J 8 Coartaey. medical esrvtece to XV m Boyd 12 00 W A Fruat, 2 wild eate' eoalp 2 00 Examination of Ellen McKoitfbt (laaaoe) 10 00 Examination of Sarah XVtlaou (in- sans) J It Kitawater, keeping, W A Kits- water Mrs C Hoaok keeping A Queley .... Mrs A I. East, keeping John Cawbouu J POsIbrslta Oreea Morris, keeping county peer. . J II Soett, road supervisor J 8 Coirtnsy, medical services Boyd and Turner J K Ililsy, watching Sanderson's bridge 12 00 H Buody, lun ber 12 II P XVSptiik. lamber 83 00 200 (HJ lias &.U2 V-oo Ml i.l J4 00 50 00 11 05 12 00 8 00 19 00 10 00 10 00 30 05 5 00 70 0$ 2 00 40 0 H Stone, work on brnlire Klltes Sc Nutting, printing Peter Hume, for Mrs Clark Ma v it Senders, upplles G XV Young.ldays work as carpenter Knapp. BurrellsVCo, scarper Train & XV hit net, printing HOMR A NH ABROAD. MRS EMMA O'CONNER Fine Millinery, UPPU51It KtVtWfc MUUSt. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware, OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements Agent lor Fire and Hanne Insurance IMPORTERS HARDWARE e0 SPONGER BArTTT JOBBERS w B f- Or. SBKDBRS 48ENDERS. ioral MrjfcnandinG. - OREGON mo and all kinds rodace. t ts Cream Baking and x tract, all sizes at 1 ace & Thompson's, TIWPIE, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 & 32 Lake Street, CUTLERY, GUNS, FISHING TACELS k SPORTING GOODS. Rev J Boa era is haa been iranaferred to Spragne, XV T, by the Evangelical confer rntc-. Mrs. Ni.-.ii Lssrrenoe, daughter ut Mrs. Coll Van Cleve, of Yaqmna City, died at Dakar I ity a lews days ago . Hesd Dr. Rossi tr 's card He comes here well reconuneuded. and is a eobtlsinau it ia a pleasure to deal witb. C U Dodd 4 Co., of Portland, have opened a warehouse ia this city aadee the chare of Mr K Thrall, with headqusrters st the Ht Charles hotel Sheep shearing haa begun in real earnest. and those .rbo bavs sheatwd report an uu usually large crop. It ia safe to predict tbst the wool clip of Crook musty this season will be at leait one-fourth greater tbaa ever before. Ocboco fteriew. A Hacbleman and Aaroa Senders arriyed here on Tuesday from Albany. They report times good in XVebfoet and prospects for crops never better. Mr Hacklemaa says the Oregon I'aciHc will resume work in the Can cades soon, and he expects the road will be completed to the summit of the mountains thia season. Ochoco Revitw. Tke XVest Side Tlrpone says that a ooon - ty tbat is not in debt is behind the times. X hy Because all the counties which are prospering are in debt. Tbat is true. Rose burg Rtvirva, That is sot true. Linn connty ia out of detit and it ia prospering in a re markably lively manner. 'I Wonder." This expression Is heard every few minutes on our streets in connec. Hon with the commencement of work on the Oregon Pacific. XVe are reliably in formed that we know nothing about it ; but it is safe to put a post in the fact that the road will gu ahead some day. in the East. A gentleman recently from Philadelphia says that city is as oadiy overrun by the Chinese as Pacific cMst cities, and that, where saloon keepers have given up their businesses on account of the very hieh license now oper ating in that city, the Celestials have stepped in and rented their places at as high rents as the white men were paying Too Dry. Mr. Scett Ward returned from Gilliam county Eriday and inform ed a Democrat man that crops there would be entirely ruined If it did not rain soon, and anyway there will only be a f rac t ion of a crop. "Albany and Salem papers report activity among the hrsmen there regarding the coin ing tournament. The real contest will be be tween Astoria, Seattle and Portland, and npen the action ot the Astoria team aa re gards organizing will depend tbe result. A strongly organized team from here osn and will win. ' Astorian. Both tbe Albany snd lbanon teams will tigure in the real contest this year in a mannerhat will surprise the salmon eaten. KIJlTOKIAh NOT KM. Mrs. Hancock is occupying the house In Washington presented to her by the Gen eral's friends. t Is a fine,four-tory,brown tone building, on Twenty-first and R. Strccts.and IngalU makes a snoot at N every time he goes that way. New Hampshire democrats have nom Inated ex-soldiers to all important, places on the state ticket and lor Congressmen. That is right. The republicans have neg lected the soldiers in official prefermentand they are entitled to a chance. The lively candidacy of Gov. Gray and (Jen. Black appear to be making the Vice Presidency a question of color as well as f politics. Pick off all the blossoms that may ap pear on your young strawberry vines set out this spring. Do not allow any of the young plants to fruit. It will Injur their growth and lessen their productiveness heat season. It is suggested that if Blaine is nominat ed when he Is half-seas over he will com plain that advantage was taken of his help lessness and refuse to run on that ground. Chairman Mills thinks there Is a little Inconsistency in a system of taxation that leaves playing cards free of internal lax while It levies a duty of twenty per cent, on Bibles. Most people will agree with him. As shown by Hermann's own letter to Ed. McPherson.whlch we published a few days ago, that gentleman's election was e cured two years ago by Jo. Simon's money Jo. wants this $1000 paid back, so that he may secure his own election thU year to the Utate Senate. And yet the friends cf Hermann and Jo. Simon are giving vent lo continued righteoua scrccchings about Cleveland's sack. A few days ago some one started the hf port that I.C. Dickey, former Sheriff of this county, but now in the employ of the state at the penitentiary, had written a let- er to a friend in this county urging the Ce feat of one of the candidates 011 the demo cratic ticket in thia count v. Mr. Dickev having heard of this report writes us that the report is absolutely false and without any shadow of truth. He writes that he ill give a reward of $500 for any such letter. He says he is a democrat and wants all hia old friends In Linn to "whoop 'er up" for the whole ticket. We are asked by a republican friend if we are unqualified! v In favor of the Mill's tariff bill. We answer, no. It Is not iust the kind of bill we like. Wc would place coal on the free list. Wc would restore a part of the duty on wool and make many other changcs,but the whole bill will be a com promise, as every one of sense must know, end no one has a right to expect that he will get such a measure as he approves paaaed. But so pressing is the need of tariff reduction and surplus reduction that every svett-wisher of tke country will make up his mind to be content with a measure, whether it meets his approval in all its parts not. The Herald still keeps up its fight on the County Court for allowing claims in full at times,and not doing so at other times. Alex. Brandon.onc of the Commissioners, and re publican candidate for re-election, was pres ent when these claims were acted upon and decided upon their allowance. There seems to be no escaping the conc.usion that the Herald seeks to defeat Mr. Brandon as well as Mr. Whitney .for Mr. Brandon is equally responsible for this action of the County ('urt. XVe are of the opinion thet the tax payers of this county will find no fault with a Court that labors to conduct the af fairs of the county economically. What Mr. Brandon's friends throughout the coun ty may think of this clandestine warfare made upon him by the Herald we are not now aare, out It will soon come to light. t ill NKiE I,KU ISI.ATION . Senator Dolph will report a hill from the Committee on Foreign Relations, of which he is a member, within a few days to carry the new Chinese treaty into effect, which will undoubtedly pass both houses without delay. The designation of the limited num ber of ports at which Chinese may enter into the United States in Senator Stewart's bill will undoubtedly be adhered to. In that event, Chinese coming by way of Met Ico or British Columbia will be apprehend ed and sent back. The provisions of the treaty allowing Chinese laborers the freedom of transi across the country wi'l be comparatively harmless if the Secretary of the Treasury will make proper regulations, and if neces sary furnish the Chinese an escort. If this provision is rigidly enforced, few Chinese laborers will cross the country and the ex pense of the escort to those who do will be comparatively light. The proposition of Senator Stewart to make the Collector sole judge of the right of Chinese to land, with an appeal only to the Secretary of the Treas ury, will also probably be adopted and the courts will, if possible, be relieved from further jurisdiction in the matter. Can't 1 1 1 rcit. There is no use talking, Albany and Corvallls people can't hitch, can't see anything in each other worth commending, they are at eternal outs and there isn't much use of their attempting to plow together. The following is what the ViineMMy of the entertainment given by the young people of Albany at that city last week. The ladles who got up the enter tainment there had their porters printed on a hoy's press and the Tim man was mad aud then he has ubout the same affection for Albany that we have for Corvallls ' Those ho expected a program equal to a company of professionals were perhapsdis appoiuted ; their temperance melodrama, The Hatchets, was very light and didn't need much acting ; their flower drill was very nicely rendered, and they got out, per haps, all there was in it, while the singing, by some, was not above the average, but taking everything Into consideration they acquitted themselves very creditably and are entitled to the thanks of our citizens, at least, for their assistance in a charitable ob ject, even if they fall short of their deserved praise. A special train had been chartered at Albany and o er fifty people came over and wc hope they enjoyed their trip." A Wnoi'i'XR. - Much dissatisfaction is expressed here from the fact that word has just come from Albany that the democrats have refused to divide time with the re- Cubllcans in the coming county canvass, as usually costornary. Brownsville ccr. Orfgouian. n invitation to the Republi cans to divide time has been published in the Democrat for nearly a month. Remark 4i Mr. Pres. Bow man, who lives oppsite this city, in Benton county, tells of being on a ylsit to his neph ew's, In Polk county and while there was shown the head of a steer which his father had ia a team in crossiag the plains In 1847. The horns have slipped off but Mr. Bow man declares he would have known it was old lake's (that was the animal's name,) head by the shape. Mr. Bihii'm Case. -Mrs. Bush, of this city, who was taken before Judge Walton at Eugene City for selling liquor without a license was held to appear before Jurhjc Deady at Portland next Tuesday. Three or four Albany men were subpoenaed as witnesses, not much to their good taste,and one of them, a young man was held under $100 bonds to appear at the Portland trial. As he could not furnish them he slept in the Lane county jail. A married man Is also said to be mixed up in the matter ; but we did not learn the names of any of the witnesses but one. Towards Or Ko4k -Reports from Call forn'a indicate that things have fallen rather flat The prospects of a wheat crop arc very poor and mapy are discouraged. A man traveling through the State saw twenty teams headed for Oregon. In Southern California the boom has fairly burst to pieces. One man who paid $0000 for a Los Angeles lot has just been offerd only about $a$o for it. Discouraged peo ple have their eyes towards Oregon, and it behoove us to be ready. We want no soap suds boom though. Divided. Tbe voters f District 24 are completely divided on the question of a new school house. Mr. Cooper Turner Informs a Democrat man that they have already voted two school houses by a scratch, the last time thefirst of the week. but each time some mistake was made and another meeting will now be called when it is proposed to vote for another. That will make three, hut only one will be built. Considerable feeling Is said to ha ye arisen out of the matter. A Version. - - It Is now claimed by some that young Miller killed Wright at the Bay in self-defense, it being said that the Wright hoy first attacked the Miller boy, giving him a black eve. That the tVsTlIt t. a a e st aa tinier dot naa cameo tnc unite two years. Before the cae is tried it will be reported that XVright committed suicide. Exct rhion. The firemen of Albany will give an excursion to Salem on Satur day, May 26th, probably on the "Win. M. Hoag." Round trip tickets, $1. TheSalem printer's picnic will probably be held at that time. Another, l'hc Albanv Democrat appeared on Monday as an evening daily It i a small seven column paper, as large us the cltv can support It starts in good shape with liberal patronage, and is brainy ana neat. 1 taette. Cor v At. 1.1s. ---The new citv officers of CorvaHis are : Mayor, J B Lec,(R.) ; Al dermen, First ward; J O XTilson, (R.), Sec ond ward, 11 R Job. (D.), Third ward, I R Rryson, (R.) ; Marshal, James Dunn, (R) ; I ren surer, Johnson Porter (D) ; Recorder, WNt flair, (D). A train runs from Chicago to Council Bluffs, 500 miles in 15 hours. An Oregon ex change says that is getting there Eli isn't it. No, not by a long ways, 33 miles an he ur is not very wind splitting. In England it would be made in about 10 hours if tkoy had the 500 miles. For speed U S ttains are far be hind European trains. esi Newspapers in stealing items from other papers should be careful about the wording of them. A Southern Oregon paper, before the convention in its county, appropriated an item, from the Democrat which began : "Just after the meeting of the Democratic Convention in this city." CHICAGO. ILLS. A well known Sale m money lender stopped on tbe streets of that city the othei day to pick up a pin from the sidewslic with the fallowing results: His bat fell off and rsiled into tbe gutter, two suspender battons flew off, his collar split open and hia store teeth fell ci ton the walk and were broken. He secured the pin . soe . 1 The following aoeount of the times at San Diego is taken from an exchange ; "Eight restaurants closed in oce day. Sixteen clerks discharged from one dry goods house on the same day. Sixteen hundred empty rooms in the lodging-houses. Rates at Corouade Beach Hotel reduced to $2 per day, and scarce at that. Price of shaving reduced from 25o. to 10c. ; coffee from lOo. to 5c. Real estate agents leaving by tbe score daily.'' Brownsville. At the annual meeting ot the B. M. W. Co. all of the old officers were re-elected. This mill is in a very prosperous condition . . . .There is said to be a prospect there of the N. O. being coin pleted to Eugene .... Big preparation is be ing made there for an exodus to the mines, over which the excitement is iincrea8ini( Brownsville people are confident we will have the biggest running boom in the his tory of Oregon. Letter1 List. Following is the list of letters remaining In tbs Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, May 10, 1838, Persons calling- for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised : Case, L Go ts, Fred Hlndmsn. C J Kslgl, D N AVLTD'C Sugar-Coated Ml Lll O Cathartic PI LssLssS. If tho Liver be comes torpid, if the bowels are constipated, or if tho stomach fails to perform its functions properly, use Ay it's Pills. They ore invaluable. For some years I was a victim to Liver Complaint, in consequence of which I aufferod from General Debility and Indi gestion. A few boxes of Avar's Pills restored me to perfect health. W. T. Brightney, Henderson, V. Va. For years I have relied more upon Ayer'a Pills than anything else, to Regulate Parrli, William Phole, Miss 8 E Raflerty, Wm Stine, J II Thomas, Allen Close, Arehio Oram, Mrs Mlunio Jones. Horatio Manning, Cbas W Perkins, Miss Winnie Pollsrd A B Kothrich, W E Thome, F West. A J R. THOMPSON, P Largely Democratic. Thursday even ( ingMrs.V. H. Caldwell, who lives about a mile from the city gave birth to twins, making a total of seventeen children now in the family, the fruit of one marriage. This patriarchal dut) on the part ot our venerable democratic friend will be duly ap predated by democrats every where. my bowels. These Pills are mild in ac tion, and do their work thoroughly. I have used them, with good effect, in cases of Rheumatism and Dyspepsia. O. F. Miller, Attleborough, Mass. Ayer'a Pills cured me of Stomach and Liver troubles, from which I had suffered or yoars. I consider them the best pills matte, and would not be without them. Morris Gates, Downaville, N. Y. I was attacked with Bilious Fever, which was followed by Jaundice, and was so dangerously ill that my friends despaired of my recovery. I commenced taking Ayer'a Pills, and soon regained my customary strength and vigor. John C. Pattison, Lowell, Nebraska. Last spring I suffered greatly from a troublesome numor on my side. In spito of every effort to cure this eruption, it in creased until the flesh became entirely raw. I was youbled, at the same time, with Indigestion, and distressing pains in The Bowels. By the advice of a friend I began taking Ayer'a Pills. In a short time I was free from pain, my food digested properly, tho .sores on my body commenced healing, and, in less than one month, I was cured. Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Ga. I have long used Ayer'a Pills, in my family, and believe them to be tho best pills made. S. C. Darden, Darden, Alias. My wife and little girl were taken with Dysentery a few days ago, and I at once began giving them small doses of Ayer'a Pills, thinking I would call a doctor if the disease became any worse. In a short time the bloody discharges stopped, all pain went away, and health was restored. Theodore Ealing, Richmond, Va. ft Ayer's Pills,3 Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. W. F. READ, (Successor to N. H. Allen & Co.) Ii now iccnting new fsWMsS in v, ty ();, .dn mA I om. JlOV&Z IfTTTll Everything- New,with New Price s Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, - i-n. : cf DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GROCERIES. I propose t have as com ny, witb a'. I ' "19 it stock if New Novelties and Latest Styles and aa they are manufactured. All and aa well t,ew ooea, are cordially -i ices. old customers and friends of tbe hotiae invited to call and inspect stock abd Do Not Propose To ii; lloteoli W 1. READ, Suceseor to N. H. Allen fc Co. 57 First Street, Albany, Or. sys dime vlflery WEAK NERVES PannftCELraTCaarporiro ia a Srre Tonic srbirb never fella. Contasnifl Celery and Oca. tboao wtmdirful uervt- atimula&U, speedily cures ail nervous disorders. I MA RHEUMATISM a I W Par Cvmt Coa porim rmrlfles tbe B I aF jaSV blXMl -ft drives out tbe lactic acid, whkb ' ni utnuuuum. anv akin orirana to s hoalt casters Knetiniatism. sad restore the blood- KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Psisfs Costror np quickly restor.-s the livor Slid kidney tr t-rfi-t Uaith. This curstsvr power, coo-binrd witb ita nervn tonics, makes it Ute best rcuicdv for ad kid&e coturlsaits. Children Cry for e.io8ij0 901401 d DYSPEPSIA Paixe's Celeb? Cosronrn i stomsch. snd unieU the nerve of the . tire orirana This is why u cures eeu BBSS I BSI I I iyi t lla CONSTIPATION Pakx8 Cslest Comfottxd is not s eatbsr. tic. It is a !ativ. frivinir aiy and natural sctiou to thu bowels, licffularity aurwly HE Mai MM Prostration. Nervous Headneha. WsnBiimaiiiilail l i i . i i 11 i Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness. Stomach men. Bend for book. ana Liver Dieeese, Rheumatism, Dys- rnco 91.00. Fold by Druggists, pepaia, aad alt affections or U Kidneys. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop1 KtTT sj f iMrsjuM iwt . 4VWaUaialUlVal, t Aa Notice. We have appointed Mr. S. A. DeVanev, of Waterloo as our Agent in Linn, county for Laws of Business prepared by Prof. Parson's ot Harvard University expressly for farmers and business men. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Supreme Bench. Is pronounced by thousands of the clearest headed business men of the coun try as a book w hich they can not ajfont to be without. We ask an investigation of its merits. Agents wanted in every county in the State. W. P. Grant, Publisher, (Agent for Western and Pacific States ) 3io6j4 California St., San Francisco, Cal. TEACHERS Who wish to secure first grade certificates shoud send for Normal Question Book, which contains about 500 pages of questions with complete answers. Price, Si. so. Ad dress Prof. A. B. Childers, Brownsville, Or BROKE, tbo lumber moupo.l v. We rtn furnish to builders and contractors, roagh. claar or finish inir LUMBER ou short notice. This lumber is cut Iroru the best yellow fir, rafted from tho cele brated Mckinzie timber regions and man 11 faotured a Coburg. Any quantity can bo lurnisned at Albany at low prices, It Deeds no recommendation as to quality CEDAR POSTS. BOXING LATH, PICXETS, and lumbar of all kimlx on our yard con stantly. Don't order without seeing or hearing from us. We will saye you monev. HAMMER BROS., Albany Linn Co,, Or. i