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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1888)
Win. Foitmiller & Co,, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt AUention-First-class Hearse jtBTAfter business hours (mil at resldenoe earner Fifth snd Baker streeia. Red CrownMiils ISOM, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. nmimuoi pur m BAEBBS DU. tiiowa BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Pric in Caih fo Wheat ALBANY OR. Anrdews & Hackleman, W.LMJGLAS $3.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - OREGON Oregon Pacific Railroad. 125 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations uu surpassed for com fort Rod safety. Fares aud freights via. Y squiiis and the Oregon Development Company's Steamship much less than by any other route between all p int in the Willamette Valley and San Francisco. Daily fatmngtr t reams mnceft Sundays. Leavti Tenants, 6:90 a.m., Lea e Albany, 1:00 r. s, Lnh CarvmJlui.lUJS a,s. Usr Correihe, 1:17 r.R. Arm Albany, 11:16 a. a, j Arrive Yaiuina, i:JO r. S. Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and Corvalli. Wl. M. HO A?, Oesstal Manesror. C- C M04.I E, A. ti. P. sad P. Agent, Corral, Or. Oregon Developement Co. First class Steamship line between Yaquina and ban frsncisco connecting at Yaqnina wttb tba trains of the Oregon Pasitio Railroad Company. PJAIMSC; DATES . ?lmr C7 w 1 svstssaa. raos sas raascssns. rsos th ura Baal am Oregon, Mou. Dec 19. hat. 1H M W UlaaVo Valla Wdr IX c. Knd Dec 10 Eastern Oregon Fnd, Die. SO, The Couipruy ervea .be right to obanga sailing days. I U TOST, Gas. P. and P. A.cnt, 304 Monljasaarj St., Ran. Prancoo, CaL 0YEF1AKQ TO CALIFORNIA -sVlA . Oregon & California It. R, AND CONNECTIONS THR JsT. mU ART A HOITC. CI Baa oocnoctiona mad. atAshja-sd w th steer, of eg Company. the Cahforala, Oresr and Idaho mmm a 1 13 Mils at Mafia. Time batwaea Albary and Baa Fraaciaeo, M boara oali roast sxrasas tktisa oau.t. lorn. 10:40 a s 7:06 a a 5:40 ru 4.C0 r. s. IMAM Leer. Leave Arrive Portland Albany Ashland Arrive Ltare awSS 1 .30 a. ni . Arrive gas Praueiaoo. 0,80 p, m. hoCAi. rASsasasa tsaiss daily (except gssday). tOO a a IfcMrM t:0ra Leave Arrive Portland Arriv Leave Ai r u Dig a u 9 DO A V Albany local rASsxxess TSAijra dailv, excekt at ho At. fcW r a I Leave 8:M r h I Arrive 11:50 r M I Leave 1:M r u I Arrive Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon Arrive I 6:46 A u Leave I 5:00 a u Arrive I 2:46 r m Leave I 2:0u r a PULLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. I X f BMON MLEEPERR fer Recsad ("laaa rasseagers est all ibroaigh trsina FHEE OF CHAKtiE, West tide aYtvlslonu rWHTLAXO AMU COW A I. LIP, KAumu DAU.T(exeapt8snday.) Leave Arrive Portland Or villi. Arrive Livu euo r m 1:90 pm 12:25 r a Rxrasss tsaiss daily (exejpt Sunday.) L-ave Arri-e Portland HcHinnvllle Arrive Lye 0:00 A M 0.46 as 00rs I At Albany tad Corral IU connect with train of Oreyoo PaoiB Railroad For (all Infonrtadun royardinjf raUf, BUM, etc., call on Company 'a Agent. B. KOEHLEE, B. P. BOO EBB, A PssiAesai, Hotic8 for Publication, Land Office st Oiegou City, Or., ) November 2ls(, 1HK7, j Notice la berebv gtvnn that the follow ns named settlor '.u filed notice of his in- entlen to mske fin si proof in sup port of bis claim, and that saM proor will bo made before tbo County Judge or Clerk of Lion county, Oregon at Albany, Oregon, on Taesaap, January 171b, laaa, vix: W M Phillips, Homestead Entry wo. 40.H for tue w opisec ", Tp, 13, K I w. He names :be following witnes ee to prove bis continuous residence upo and cultivation of, ssid land, viz : Thompson, K Ha wken and T Arnold, SodsvlMe Post Office an.l M Lacb, o Sweet Home Pott Office, all in Linn couo' tyr Oregon. V . T, Burrv Y, Keg later. TCTi-lfl P fnr P11 Vlirn tirri I riOWte IOr uullcawont Iiand Office at Orepon City, Or., ) December 8tb, 1887. Notice U hereby given that the follow named settler hsa filed notice of her in tontion to make 6nal proof In support of her and ber deceased husband's claim, and that aald proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn coun ty, Or., at Albany, Oregon, on Thursday, Eebraary 2nd, 1HHK, viz : Barbara Hanpert, widow of Matblas Han pert, deceased, who mide Homestead Entry No 5140 for tbeE of 8 W and lota 6 and 7 of 80c. 30, Tp. 12 8ofRl W. She namoa the following witneMKes to preye ber continuous residence upon, snd ultlvation of. said lsnd, viz : J Welt, D. Simons, O. W Klum, and J. Vail, all of Sodaville Postofflce. Linn comity. Or, W. T, BURNRY, Reg later. HOTEL FOtt KENT, rriBE EXCHANGE HOTEL IN TOIS I city is now c no red for rent on reason Do You Want Furniture ? IP YOU DO 00 TO W. H. WILLARD where you will dud the bent uiako ftnemt tint bed tiinl BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Also a fine line ot PICTURE FRAMES, and a hunderd different styles of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. The largest and bast stuck of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, aver kept in Albany. Prloet reasonable ALBANY OOLLESUTE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. rtrsl Term Open a sissber IStta, 1SST. A tnll corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coursoa of tudy arranged .to meet the need of all grades of sludeuta. S fecial iaduiomonts ojfond to student from abroad. Tuition ranges from S&.50 to $I3,&0. Board in private faini'ies at ow rates. Kooms tor self boarding at small exronse. A careful supervision exercised ovt-r stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September 7tb. For circulars and full particulars address the Fresideut. REV, ELBERT . l OMiir Albany, Oregon, Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIKFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted op in flrat-claas style. Tables supplied with the be-d iu the market. Nioe sleeping apartineuta, Sample rooms for commercial travelers, AwrPree Coach to sad front the UsMel.'BA Sheriff's Sale. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for ike County oj Linn. J, If. Mover, Plaintiff vs. F. E. Robinson and C. K, Kobins i, his wife, Levi West, K. H. Ktrshsn sntl Is, Brenner, LtotVndsnt-;. Notice is hereby givoi th t by virtue ol an execution aud ordrof sale indued out of the above named CVurt in the above entitled suit, I will on satard.y the flat dap or Jsnaarj . isan, at the Court Uouso dowr in the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. in., sell at public auction for cash in band to the highest bidder the real property dnecilbod in said executloti ana order of salt as follows, is-wlt : Lou numbered three (3) aud four (4) in Block numbered tweut.v four (20 In the city of Albauy, Liuu county, Oregon, being the stino lots upon which said F. E. Kobln sen has lately erected a new residence. The proceed, arising f.otu the sale of said premises, to be applied : First to the payment of the costs aud disbarsements of suit tsxed at $4.29 and accruing costs. Second to the psyment to the PlslntlfT. J, af. Mover the uru of S1R45 00, with accru ing interest thereon at the iste of 10 par cent par annum from the 24th day of October, 1887, and the further turn of f 125 00 Attorney' foes. Third to the pay ment to the IHTfoudaut, B, Brenner, the snm of 1152.00 with Interest at tba rata of 10 per cant per annum lrm the 24th day of October, I8h7, and the further snm of $20.00 Attorney's fees. Dated Doc. 15th, 1887. D. S. Smith, Sheriff. API at as 1H In Phi lata I phis at Um Sewsrr Advcr UAirur Asmcy of Mi wnc AVER A I INotice for Publication. Land Office st Oregon City, Or. December ldtb, 1887. Notice is hereby givbo that the follow ing named settler hss filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of ber claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Or., at Albany, Or., on Taesday, February TStk, IK, via: -Phebe Humpleby. widow of Georg6 Hnmpleby, deceased, who made Home- stead Entry. No, 4514. Jor the N W K of Sec 2, Tp, 10. S H 2 K, ldun county, Or she names .the following witnesses to prove hor continuous reddence upon, snd cultivation or, said land, viz : ti. jr. Bodeker, Johu Doan, JauieH lierrv and I. N, Brotberton, of Fox Vaily, P. O. L,inn county, uregon. W. T. Bub. BT, Register. Notice for Publication. Lsnd Office st Oregon Citv, Or. ( December 20tb, 1887. i Notice is hereby given that the followitir named settler has riled notice of his intention to make h'nsl proof iu support f his claim. snd that said proof will be made before tl.o County Judge or Clerk of Lion county, Or., at Albany, Or., on Friday, March 2nd, iftKtf, viz : John Garrett, Homestead Entry. No 47:)7 fot the 8 k oi 8 W snd Lots 1 and 2. 8ecs. 28 and 33, Tp. 13, 8 it 2 W, Willam - . t .; Meridian. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence up on, sod cult nation of, eaid laud, viz : K M Hi-arinK, John Warren, John Keblianand D PBonnett, all of Biowusvillc, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. BURKEY, Register. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oreiron Cltv, Or. ) Dcember 15tb. 1887. J Notice la ' eroby Riven that the follow -inB'HHined settlui- baa fl.ed notice of his intention to mske Mnnl proof in Hupport of hL claim, snd that naid proof will ! made before the County Judgoor Clerk of Linu county, Or., at Albany, Oregon, on Tuesday, Vrhrnury li, ISMS, viz: John Ik. mm. Homestead Entry No. 4510. for tb 8 K M of o 31, Tp 9, 8 R 2 E W M. He 11 nun the following wit nesacs to provn hi- -ontiiiiious residence upoii.andcuiAvsilonof. iu Und, viz: H. F. Hodokei, Mis. I. M. Clint-n. Uino Borry and I. N. lindhcrton.of Kox Valley P. O., Linn county, Oregon, W. i'. fJUitNKT, UcgUter. Notice for Publication, Land Offijo at Oregon City, Or,, Docember 16th, 1S87. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler Ins filed notice of bis intention to makn final proof in supunrt of bia claim, and that said proof will bo made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Or., at Albary, tr , on Taesday, February 'iUi, 18,-w, viz : Henry F, Bodekf r. Home 4 . d K11 try No 4570 for thw N E Hoc:. 4 Tp. 10 8 R 2 E. Willamette Meridian. Ho naina the following witnesses so proTe his con tinuous residence upon, and cuitivati u of, land, viz: John Doanr, Mr-. Irene , Clinton, T. W. Gardner and Jtmes ilerrv. THIS PAPER M. Mr. AVER A SO oi Fox vauey r, o. of unn county, Or, FFIOIAL Ij and PaPBR, t barrh IMrrrler U. P. Church. Prsaohingsvsry Sabbath, m -ruing aud evening bv Rev, f'.. Q. Ir vim,. U. I). Sabbath School at SiSO P. M Prayer mooting svery Wednessday evening Kvanucuual Cmumch. l'resohing on Sab Wth at 11.00 a. m., and I t. m. Sabbath Sohoal lOtOO. I'rayer meetins svery Wed opaday sreutng 7;30. H. K. Davia, pastor. All are invited, CoMunROATtoM AkCito acH. -Merviceasvery Sabbath nioruing and evening. Sabbath School at 12:15, Prayer meetiug on Wsdnosdsy svsuitig of each week. Kev, 11. V, Komiugsr, Psator. M. E. CiiUhOM, South. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. at. and 7 o'clock P. at. Sabbath School al 10 o'clock A. H. Prayer raeetisii Thursday svsuing'a t 7o clock. Kv. .. Y. Bound, Pastor. M. E. Church Soctu.Tawueht. Preaoh ing ou tks tlrat Sabbath of each month morn- iiik ami sveuinu. Sunday school esc a Hat bath at 10 o'clock s. m. Prayer meeting Ihuraday evening. Rev, Koonds, Paitor M. K.CuuKCU. Preaching every Sabbath morniog and evsniag. Song servioe in the eveui ig before sermon. Sabbath School st 2 dU P at. Prayer meeting every 1 hum dsycrsuiax. Rv. U. F, Webo, pastor. PKaaevreRtAR i. u uk cu. -Servioe every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbiti aud Fifth sta. Sautlay School unuse.1 lately after the morning servioe I'rayer meeting every Wednesday eveuing Kev K K Pritcbsrd, pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching svery Sabbath uunningsnd evs' Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School iimtiedistely after morning servioss. Prayer meeting eyer- Tbnrsdy evening at 7:30 oclock. Tut m U-ll, pastor. Catholic Church. Servioe every Son day at 10:30 a. m. and 7 P. h. Uat Sunday of the month service at Eugeue City. Uuv, I Am i-i Mi layer, Hector. Protkstant Episcopai. Church. Sarvi. cs srs held iu St. Peters Episcopal Church every slteruats Sunday, mcrning and even ing. Sunday school st 9;30 a. m . Fiiday svening iicrvice on eyery Friday prcccliog the Sunday service. All are iuvited to at tend C'huistiax. Fourth Sabbath, morniog snd evening. S, S. 10 s. m. Ckrhak . At College chapsl, 2 p. m. J. B. Brnun, Pastor. St. John's Lodge, 6;, In Foster's Block and Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, 1st Sat urday. Bay ley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every TUuradav evening. I. O. O. V , at tnetrnalt,cciy Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W , at tlicir ball, every Monday evening. Orgeana Eacampincnt, at O. F. Hall, every and and 4th Friday. G. A. R., at A. O. U. W. Hall, 1st and Jul Saturday. L O. G. f., at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. Ignited Friend of the Pacini-, at O. F. Hall, 1 at and 3rd Frjdays. Conrad Meyer. -PROPRIETOR OK. STAR BAKERY, Comer Broadalbin and First Sts., -DEALER IN- C anned Frnita, Glnaawnre, Irid Fruit. Tobacco, Canne ft rata, UnrroMwarr, Vegetable. 4 1 gar. Mpleos, Tsms, Ktr.. C oiler, Elc In fact everything th'. I kept in a gen rai rariety and grocery store. UigbeM market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Ms Pills Malaria, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague. Wind Colic. Bilious Attacks. They produce resrnlar, natural etae nations, neves' grtpm or Inter r era with dally bnslnews. As a family medicine, they should he In every household. SOLI) EVERYWHERE. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or. December, 15tb, 1887. j Notice is hereby given that the follaw ing named settler baa filed notice of her intention to make final nroof In annnorL of ber claim, aud that aald proof will ha made before the County Judge or Clerk of imn county, uregon, at sibany, Or., on Wednesday, February tad, laaa. viz : Irene M. Clinton, Homestead Entrv No. 4541. for the NEi Sec. 2, Tp. 14), 8 R 2 E Wi lametto Meridian. She names the roiiowing witnesses to prove her contin uous residence upon, and cultivation of, will land, viz: H. P. Bodekar. Jnbn Dosne, James Kerry and I. N. Brotberton, 1 vox vauey. r. o., Linn county, Oregon. W. T, Burn by, Register, 6,000,000 PEOPLE USE I aJ O.M.FERRY&CO. am wnmnuniu Laraeet Seedsmen m the world. D.M. FEIRY ACO'S llaatralaS, Ortrrljs. tin aadr1n4 8EED ANNUAL For 1888 will be mailed REE TO ALL r.pplicnnta, and to lost aaaaoo'a cuHtoroera wlth or.l erdertna it. Invaluable to all. Every poreon oanuc Garden, f loldor Flower oncr.uo . Anon D. M. PERRY c-CO. .Dotroit.Miohi Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or. December 16th, 1887, j Notice is hereby given that the following-named sottlf-r hasfilod notice of hie intention to make final proof in aupport of ids claim, and that said proof will be mad i nefore the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, d-egon, at Albany, Or., on Monday, February 37th, 188, viz : George W Miller, Homestead Entry No. 5.?8'J. for the. W M of W and 8 W of N W H, Bee. J4. Tp, 138 R 2 W.W.M. He name tLe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence npon, and cultivation of, sai l land, viz : N. D. Conn, of Albauy. and J. M. Z-o man and J. N. uo;oos, 01 urowiiftvuie and G. F. Svlvea ,f Un,l.n.. HUMOROUS MATTIES. The moat unklndett cat of all Cutting the acquaintance of a poor friend at Christ mas tl.tte. Polished antique bras Is now the erase, a fact that explains the success ef suave and cheeky old gentlemen as lobbyists. With a dread now the heart of the mother wilt quake, Ami ner love for nor nay will be ever awake, While the cause of her worry the doctor states, Far the urchin's been given s row pair af skates. It takes the Laplanders sixteen days to get married, hut It don't take more than twenty four hours for many of them to conclude that It was sixteen days worse than wasted. If a man could only utilise the diffused radiance he witnesses after stepping on the electric side of a banana peel, Kdison would have to shew hlabuatiag at half mast. American Artisan. "All men cannot make money," says a New York paper. That Is true. The Gov ernment can employ only a few.eosnpara tively, at the mint. Pittsburg Ckronutt I W graph. The Queen- Dear Mr. Sulllran.cRn you not help an unhappy lady t My old age la made miserable by dynamiters and rebels John L. Well, mum, U ye can put de ducks In a twenty-four foot ring wld ms.l guess I can Sx ya out. Tld Bit. StrangerI want to buy a good watch dog. Dog Fancier Here's the one yon want, sir. Trained by an expert. He cam tell a book agent or a peddler a anile off. "And what'll he do then ?" "Do ' He'll chew 'em into soup bones.' "Well, 1 guess he won't suit me.' Why ? Most people want a dog like that" "Yes, I know ; but I'm a book see." -Kentucky Suit Journal. ar ' "You have a brother in foreign lands, 2 believe ?" "Yes, he Is in Japan now." Travelling for his health r "Well, In a way." "How in a way f " "Why, he was judge In a baby show some time ago,and it won't be safe for him to come back for at least three years. Nebraska State Journal. Bridget, if I engage you I shall aspect you to serve my dinners fashionably." "Dade murtUa' OI1I do It layer loiken, so Ol will." Ot course you know all about untrees?" "Certainly, mum I It's meself as alters serves the dinner on tra vs." Yoakers Ga- mmm A messenger boy's diary Monday, hir ed : Tuesday, tired I Wedneada ftr..l Newark Sunday Call. "Say, bub, I hear that your folks are go ing to have a conversation club at your house this winter." -Yep . we've got one." "Who ere the member f" t and mother. I furnish the conversation and mother provides the club Rn- raore f" Detroit Frm Prm$. 'Does marriage change a ask," you (His tone and look were sad,) "The first week of our wedding tour Took all tba chnage I had." Harper's Basar Lord Doonywocks' I want extra heat, weather-strip oa the wlndaws, a special hall boy .private dining-roona,cIdcr-down quilts, and H Hotel clerk "Hold on, my dear air. I think you've made a mistake. This isn't heavca fPmea. This 'ere animal," said a sho wman,"is a leopard. The ancients thought he couldn't change his spots, but It's bow known that he sleep In one spat one nlgbt.and in an other spot the aext night, and is alt the time a changln' his spot." S". Y. Lodger. Manager (to new man who took the part of an Indian chief ia a Wild West drama) - SiV tKawm WA1 let g0 vSMia- war st as asast t wa j wmmw asra j vets ts vv eassj B s They was the hit of the piece. You must have lived all your life with the Coman che. New manNever aaw a Comanche or any other Injun. Manager (surprised)- Where d'ye git them yells, thn f New man I used ta drive a Near York milk roate.New York Sun. Honor the pumpkin vine ! Long may iu tendrils twine Over the land I Blessed be these who wear Crisp hayseed in their hair Glorious band ! Minneapalia Tribune. ' Papa'asked little Bobby McSwllligcn "what is a railroad pool ?" "A railroad pool, Johany," replied McSwitligen, He where they water the stock." At Vernon, Ind., visitors throw sllver dollar into the ga well, just to see them thrown back again. It ia evident that Dame Nature wants too cents oa the dol lar. Natural gas has vaatly Improved the morals cnVlHttsbnrg. The game of poker has been practically banished from every fireside. There f nothing to poke. The Journal asks, "What will be the fuel of the future?" Such of us as are living Christian lives have been taught ta believe it will be brimstone. Life. 'There Is one paper that will destroy the polish of any one it mny come in con tact with." "Bless me, my good what is its name ?" Sand paper, madam." Like does not always Hke. An ele- vator dropped four stories- in a Western city last week because tJae atteadant had taken a drop too much. Detroit man Hello, beb ! What's the "extra" out for, btse ball game. Newsboy Nr,w, railroad accident,dozen people killed, want a copy ? Detroit man Of course not. This newspaper buslafU is a fraud. They print an "extra" on the least provocation. It' shameful ! Tid-Bita. Competing manufacturers in Baltimore I have begu n a paste war. Both aides prom ises to tick.--6,rstg. People af all nations are employed in manufacturing shoes, A good class to turn out a variety of brogues. The carpenter is an unreasonable feHow He objects to plain boariLand yet he don't , like a boartl until it is planed. Danavilie Breese. Now is the time to lay in your thermom eters. They are way down. There' music in the air, remarked a L J! t l a 1 . - tunu parent, as ne noticed ni vounc hope- If there Is anything more contrary than an obstinate woman. It Is a right-handed ock on a left-handed door. Isn't It queer how all the smoke In a stave will somehow or other find Its way to one tittle crack,and then come out t The better a dog's muzxle is the less he can bite, vet this Is no motto for the manu facture of firearms. Quitting advertising In dull times Is like tearing out a dam because the water Is low. When the Are Is kindled In your parlor stove, then look out for "sparks." The uroaperoua hardware merchant la usually known by his stovepipe hat. There is no disease so dangerous as tin- want of common tense. Be careful how you punctuate the stove, and da not put too much (coal on.) The duty on paper To pay your sub crtptions promptly, and under the con sciousness that you get more for the mon ey than can be had In any other way. An Irishman being sent to a machine shop to borrow a tool forgot his errand be fore be got there , he went to the bead machinist and asked for the tool that went with the lathe. The man, being at a loss to know which tool the Irishman meant, acked him. Faith, I forgot," aald the , I . .A .in 1 1. I. .. I ll. H,.l,ll.t m t. insnman, -uui it ia wmn v Jl I ..1,1 ,.,..,r.l. u " Tbo alter uuing in utw v.u. j . machinist took down the tool, wrapped It in a piece of paper aad passed It to the Irishman. It was the drill. rAsuiON norm. Owing to the popularity of moire an tique, designers are constantly devising new patterns of watering. Noae of them however, are so rich in effect a the orig inal design. Striped moire and eatin.the satin stripes embroidered in gold and silver, is one of the rich materials recently Imported for evening dresses. Another effective ma terial ha alRrnate.atrlpcs of faille .brocad ed with single flowers In garlands, and metre antique, in strongly coastrastlng colore. Muffs made of the material of the street costume are in high favor, and fur, passe meaterie, ribbon, lace and other faablon- able trimming are used to decorate them. The tournurc now appears merely aa a drea extender, miau the bunched up ap pcarance of pat seasons. The fancy of the hour is for stripes. Ia dress materials this preference extend to draocrv nets, which show insertions of w J V black, white or cream ncLalternating with moire ribbon ta all the popular color. Embroidered stripes of steel, geld,pearl or colored bead sre alo area upon black, white, cream and various delicate colored aats. Handsome winter akirta are made of striped silk, satin or plash, lined with sil esla or flannel, with a plaited flounce at the foot. Umbrella haadles are veritable works of art. The newest arc of solid silver, gca erally oxidised, in artistic design. Solid old is also used, and when combined with ivory the result is extremely dainty A ram's bora of solid silver, forming ring large enough to slip over the haad. la a favertte design with ladies just now. "Volutins" I a new material which can hardly be dUtinguiahed trom ailk velvet, and I often used as a substitute for the more costly material. The newest orange shade is called "Orl ent," and 1 a rich glowing tint, which combines effectively with seal browa. Pretty toques are made of ruby velvets and cloth, trimmed with brown or g ay wings. Daacine shoe are of broaxe or black kid with high vamp and ties, and eraa mented with large square buckle of pol ished steel. Shot molrc plush is a decided novelty In unusual effect. It is used for bonnet aad hat trimming, and also for making mantelets. Cornet-shaped pendant are ued in pro fusion to trim the eleeves, hood and gird lea of dresay mantle. Great ingenuity i di .played In making these very effective trimmings. Pelt noil, which I merely uahaped felt, I wrought with chenille cord or silk and used for making some very stylish bonnet. Bonnets of velvet and felt, having the crown at velvet and the brim of felt, or vice versa, are much admired. Bonnets com nosed entirely of ostrich m 9 feathers arc new, and very toft and pleas ing in effect. The crown and brim are of ten covered with feathers of contrasting colors, aad loops of ribbon aad ribbon strings are the only trimmings. Cut ateel jewelry 1 again in favor. A new and popular design for scarf.halr i and bonnet pins I a gold interrogation J mark, set with haif-pearls. An attractive brooch of gold represents a folded lace handkerchief. Among the prettiest designs in gold brooches is a beautifully tinted maple leaf, et with diamond. Fee tale. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, bard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon snd one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R ..with the Lebanon branch of the O. & C. R. R. Inquire at this office. still Buying. L. Senders is still buyioa good horsoo. These having them should bring them in. or the Lienor Habit Positively by administering Dr. Haines" Golden specific Itoaa be given In a cup of coffee or tea wlth ut the knowledge of Uie person taking it j is .nbsolatatf harmless and will effect a perma nent ana speedy cure, whether the patient is a .moderate 1 onnkc ter or en alcoholic wreck. Thousand ef dronk-iu have been made tern iperateinten syno have taken Golden Specific In their, eoffue without their knowledge, and no-day beltcvertlHquit drinking of their own rce will. IT NKVKB FAIL87 The system once Impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter Impossibility for theltouor aooetite to For, tull particulars, address GOLDEN CO., 185 Race at., Cincinnati, 0, Physicians Have Found Oat i That a contaminating and foreign element im tue developed by indigestion, is tne cause or sneumausm. xnis settles upon tba sensitive sub-cutaneous cover ing of the mosaics and ligaments of the joints, causing constant and shifting pain, aud aggregating ae a calcareous, chalky deposit which produces stiffness and dis tortion of the joints. No fact which ex e has demonstrated in regard to ostetter's Stomach Bitters has stronger evidence to support than this, namely that thi medicine of comprehensive use checks the formidable and atrocious dls ease, nor is it leas positively established that it is preferable io the poisons often used to arrest it, since the medicine con gains only salutary ingredients. It is also stAiguai remedy for malarial fevers, con What Is this Disease that Is Coming Upon Us ? Like a thitjf fit night it steals in upon us unawares. . The pa tients have pains about the chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especially in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collect) about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach; sometimes a faint, all gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food aoes not satisfy. The eve are sunken, the hands and feet become cold and clammv. After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is attend ed with a greenish-colored ex pectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not soera to afford any rest After a time he becomes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirl ing sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bow els become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes ln-come tinged with yellow; the urine is scanty and high colored, de positing a hcm I i ment ufter stand ing. There is frequently . a spitting up of the food, some times with a sour tank? and Hometimes with a sweetish taste; this is frequently at tended with palpitation of the heart; the vision becomes im paired, with spots before the eyes; there is a feeling of great prostration and weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn present It is thought that nearly one-third of our popu lation has this disease in some of its varied forms. It has been found that phy sicians have mistaken the cause of this disease. Some have treated it for a liver complaint, others for k'nlnev disease, etc, etc., but none or these kinds of treatment have been attended with success; for it is really constipation and dyspepsia. It is also found that Snaker Ex tract of Roots, or Mother Sei gePs Curative Syrup, when properly prepared will remove this disease in all its stages. Care must be taken, however, to secure the genuine article, XT WILL SELL BETTER THAN COTTON. I Mr. John C. llemptinstall, of Chulafirraee, Cleburn Co., Ala., writes: "My wife has been so much benefited by Shaker Extract of Roots or Seigel's Syrup that she says he would rather be without part of her food than without the medicine. It has done her more good than the doctors and all other medicines put together, I would ride twenty miles to get it into the hands of any suf ferer if be can get it in no other way. I believe it will soon sell In this State better than cotton, TESTIMONY FROM TEXAS, Mrs. S.E. Barton, of Varner, Ripley Co., Mo., writes that she had been long afflicted with dyspepsia and disease of the urinary organs and was cured by Shaker Extract of Roots. Rev. J. J. McGuire, merchant of the same place, who sola Mrs. Barton the medicine, says he has sold it for four years and never knew it to fail SHE WAS ALMOST DEAD I was so low with dyspep sia that there was not a phy sician to be found who could do anything with me, I had fluttering of the heart and swimming of the head. One day I read your pamphlet called "Life A mono tfie Sliakers" which described my disease better than, I could myself, J tried the Shaker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until to-day I rejoice in good health. Mrs. M, fe. TinHley, Bevier, Muhlenburg Co., Ky. For sale by all Druggists, or address the proprietor, A. J. White, Limited, 54 Warren St, New York. Mice of Filial Settlement, Notice is hereby given that the unda - signed Administrator of the estate of Armenins Gary, deceased, baa filed his final aoeount with the Clerk of the Coun ty Court for Linn eounty, Oregon, and the County Court has fixed the eta day et February, Ikh. at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of aald day to hear objeetlons to the final account r nuy and to settle saw estate. This December 26th, 1887. Miles Cart, Administrator of the estate of Armenius Cary, deceased. Executor's Notice: Notice ia hereby given that the under signed ha been by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed Executor of the last will and testament of Mary Jane Costello, late of Llun county, Oregon, deceased. Ail persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tided to present them properly verified to the undersigned at Harrisburg, Line county, Oregon, within six months from this date. ;This27tu day of Deeeiuber, 1887, DOMicsTic Hiirrs. VRRMlCftfXl. Put R tableapoonful of lard In a parce. lain dish ; when hat put In the vermicelli, broken in small pieces, with some thinly sliced onion, pepper, salt, a few cumiuseed pulverized, and a sprinkle ef red p pper Stir to prevent burning, allowing it to be come a little brown ; then add a little hot water, and boil until tender. By the time the water is evaporated it will be done. OIMOKRBRRAD, One teacup each of sour milk and mo- lasses, one egg, one tablesnoonful of soda and ginger, one heaping tablespoonfnl of butter or level tablespoon fu I of lard. Flour enough to make a ttiff batter, SWEET CREAM COOKIES. One cup of sweet cream, two cups of sugar, two eges, three pints of sifted flour, three teaspoon fu I of baking powder ifted with the flour, and a little salt ; flavor to taste. . rat rd Arfi.Es. Slice the apple without removing the skins, and put In a frying pan, in which has been melted equal qantitles of butter and lard. Stir often, and when nearly ready sweeten to taste and add a half tea spoonful of cinnamon. SUGAR DROP CAKES. One pound of flour, three-fourths pound of sugar, one-half pound of butter, four eggs and one gill of rosewatea ; bake on paper. This will make sixty drops. STEWED POTATOES. Cut in small piece enough cold boiled potato to fill a vegetable dlh, put with them one pint of milk, half a cup of but ter, alt and pepper to taste ; thicken with one teaspoonful of flour ; stew Ave min utes and serve. FEATHER CAKE. One cup of sugar, well beaten, with three tablespoonful of butter, one-half cup of milk, one egg, three-fourth cup of flour, two teaspoon of baking powder ; bake in a quick oven. BREAKFAST CAKES. One cup of Indisn meal, one teaspoon ful of salt aad one tabletpeonf ul of sugar. Scald the meal, then add two tablespoon fuls of milk or water, one egg and one tablespoonful of flour. Stir well Pu1 large spoonfuls of the batter oa a butter ed griddle, and fry a light brown. COLD WATER PIE. A good substitute for custard pic whan milk is scarce. Two Ublespoonfuls of flour, level, two tablespoonsful of sugar heaped, one egg, a lump of butter the size of a hickory nut, nutmeg to taste, and a good half -pint of water. Tbia make oae pie. DR. HEItRY SMITH, 433 Kearney St., - San Francisco Over 20 years ex, avian se in the treat ment of hrosstc ! Hell Ilia- MM la America anal European host tals snd other institution making a apeclelly of these afflictions. Horn) Treatment sent to such aa cannot viait bis office. Orders for medi cine promptly attended to. WW TiltlfIlM In MiTcaa ful operaoo aiac 1M6, satroaited Iron eecttoae of thi Xorihwett, rs dewed by busaaeae men aar leading educator. m MOST rEBFECTLY EQUPFaD SCHOOL of lu claee oa the Coast, It c-Ben swivaia or daae lasirwctiun, tUf and evening throughout the pear, ia Arithmetic. W,ltinf, Crmprmdaac. Rawk-Veejjtag Hanking, Shorthand. Type-writ in. Puaiassi sad Legal Forma aad ait Coaaaaoa School lira nrhai of all see aad both aeae admitted at aav time Catalogue free. Armauong and Weaee. Proprietor. FARM AT A BARGAIN. The nndersianed offer for sale his farm of 275$ acres 6 miles north of Hsrrisbnrg on the Hsrrisborfr, Peoria, aod Albany wt goo road, 2 miles from wars boose on the Wil lamette liver, 6 miles from Hslsey on the OA L railroad, one-fourth of s mile from sehool house, all fenced in 9 departments, besides small lots, 175 acres ia cultivation, 75 acres oak grab, not heavy, 59 seres grow ing wheat, 30 acres more cew lsnd in culti ration, making B& sores in good condition forwbeat this fall snd will soon be sown. 150 young fruit trees. Buildings fair. Price H per acre. Terms easy. For part icu laaa call on or address C. C. Jacesor, Halsey, Oregon BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment fcdjpa, Lumbago Soratchaa, Sprains, Strain, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, Sores, Spavin Cracks. Contracted Mosetas, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Woraia, Swinney, Saddle GalH Piles. Bhenmatiinj. Barns, Scalds,. Stings, Bites, Brniies, 8 unions, Cera THI3 GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for ever; body exactly what is claim. .1 for It. One of the reasons tor the groat popularity f the Mustang Liniment la found In Its universal applfcnbtlltF. Everybody needs such ft medtclna. Tbo l,Mibrr,mn needs it incaeeof accident The lloaaewtfe aad it for general family use. The Caaaler needs it (oridglsaiasaad hi men. Tbo Mechanic needs it always on Ids work bench. The Miner need it la case of emergency. Tbo Pioneer needs it can't get along without it. The Farmer need it in hi house, his staw , and his stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman neeis it la liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horacfaacier needs It it is hi be it friend and safest reliance The Steok'svower need it it will save bin thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The iiailroad man needs it and will need it to long as his life Is a round of accidents and danger The Itaekwaodewau needs it. Thareteaoth Ing iiko H aa s$ antidote for the danger to 111 s limb and comfort which prrround tho pioneer. Tbo Merebast need it about his store anion g his em ploy oca. Accidents will happen, and when these come th Mustang Liniment is wanted at one Keep u Bottle lu tho Uouso. TI the besttf jeonomy. Keep a Sottlo ia tjbe Factory. Xtsimmedia e Id si A MA THE GREAT VllesvmBK. sTSvvrwV LIVER DISEASE ftVMPTAMltl biiterorUdtaaSetasaoBd; OI iflr 3 IflflOI tongue coaled white or covered with a brown fur ; pain In the back, aides. ot ynas uaa ia ler Knesan stomach j loss of airnoUto cm-tif an'! wat'rbradi. or in'ileeaiion : ft add eructation ; bowel alternately costive and us; neanaene; mm st 1 sensation of having foiled to do something which ought to have been done ; debility ) low piriu ; a thick, yellow appearance of the akin and eye ; a dry cough ; fever ; reiUssinsM ; the urine b scanty awl high colored, and, if allowed 10 stand, depoita a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is evfwrrstlly used in the South to Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It act with extraordinary cttteaey on tbo TiVER, 1 KIDNEYS, -1 and BOWELS. M EfftCTtitx tftaric tott Malaria, iypoiia, Onatlnation. lUllousneaa, Kick Ileailaorip, Jaxtndlco, Naoaena, otic, Mental l;prc talon, Ilowel t.'ompiabita, Kiev, 1 Etc. Endorsed by die use af 1 Milllima of Bottle, M THE mi FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, 4 Adults, nd for the Aged. Uff. TO mi Hi aWCOaWWi Of THE SYSTEM! J. H.7EILIM & CO., Sfibaswufstfrt n!MTELPMU. PA FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works. AnJ Manufacturers of CEOIGE GOHFECTIOHEM, We are now prepared to sail at whale aale, always fresh and pare at Portland prices to dealers, We also keep a full line ef Huts and Tropical Mil, OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is com.?'ri We keep the vary fines Steele of s'tuokias; and eaewing tobacco, meerschaum snd brier pipes that is a delight to smokers. PATENTS Obtaioed, sad all other Beats si In the V. E Pstea Oos attenaaded to for saedsrste fees. teopooatt the f. S. Patent Office, aad Wa md to aeaaty tree of eharg ;andwcmak o "e resar here, to the sasa Order Dir. aad to a 4tbG. a Office. Por circular, adrtca. taVBsa. sad esstnst allsiiis la yoorown State ereoaaty, address C. A. SNOW &, CO., ufFmnm m&mmmm ssi 0. O CHERRT. C.R.PVRKES ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKFaS, Machinists, lOUfrnghta, and Iror Founders. r K are now completely pi haioll.- si! kii.uM .f Li rr arcV 2n?l?5f'?r m lBRinat rha. an "w amui aaaonmery,aii Mt Rinds vf ana nrass uasunga, rrrn yayaayaaap1SpaayaJ lHWlSJlUHIf PATTEBSB 91 4tE ffiB SHORT HO? '-SSaaJT Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. MRS. B. HYMAN, next ea-4 of S. E, Yonog'a, Albany, Or, Gutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMP INC DONE TO ORDER. WESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Thursdays of eaoh week, and painting done to oider on plaqneaand other material, Nice assortment of Art Labs materials on bsnd. I After Forty years' I ciri tice la the (" at n u vi murv than Oifo Hundred ! lot- fur natenta ia and Iforataa eooa r ot the Scientifte Thcussn.l nr" the United h trie. tti duI Aiuerir.n 001 fr at-ot, caveat, trails ri;hi. ate, H? tho I'nii.i ci aa oiic t r.&,Liif. it. I V.n..l. TT..T. ence is uaequslsd and their facilities are law irasar. aoii an oin.r enantri mmr .1 passed. . lr wings ad rprciflcation prepared and fltei In the Patent Office on ebon notice. Terms van reasonable. No charge for aiamipatloo of modri or drawiasa Advice by mail free. obtained t hro-tch M onn a Co. are noticed Intha IENTIKIC AMR IUCAJT. which ha. the largest cireulaiion and i the most Influential newspaper of iu kind pnbliahed in the world. The advanuse of eaoh a notioe every patentee admitted t, he th. best paper devoted to cionoej aeohanioa. Invention. encineorln work, and eth.r dapartmenu of indostrial proer.s. pub tianed in any country. It contains the nam, of all patentee and title ot every invention patents) sach week. Try it four months for one dollar. loldbyaUaewadaals, Masa A Co., publisher fit Broadwa? New York. 11 yea nave an invention to paten writs M publishar of Beientifto AWiSa luadlme suout puuU mailed fss iu,;, hbw s urs- Citation. In the Countu Court qthe State of Oregon by Linn County. In the matter of the estate of Annie Batn ford, deceased. To Alfred MeMshan. Tavlnr hfaUah.t. Emily J Grubb, Theodore Bamford, Melrin Bamford, Rosa Powell and Rufua Bamfcrd, all children and heir at law of said drvwl and to all others kaown and unknown whq have or claim to have any interest in saiii estate, G resting : In the name of the Stata af Ciraonn . Vnn - -w-m w a va vst a V ' are hereby cited to be and appear in the uonnty uoarttor the county of Linu at the Court Honse in the citv of A IK.nv in .;! county and State en satarday the 11th day er l ebrnary, tsaa, at the hour of 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, tho same being a day ef the regular February term of aaid Court, 1888, and then and there show cause if any exist why an er der of sale should not be made directing snd licensing T A Powell, Administrator of the estate of Annie Bamford, deceased, to sell all the right, title and interest of ths said Annie Bamford at the time of her death, both in law and in equity, of, in and to the real property hereinafter described aa prayed fer ip the petition of tho said T A Powell, Ad ministrator as aforesaid, which said petition is now on file in the office of lhe County Clerk of Lina county, Oregon, which said real property ia described as follows, to-wit : Lots Ifo. one and two in Block No. tleven in the town of ri&lsey. Linn county, Oregon, as shown by the map and plats ef said town new ou nle in the othce of tho Cierk for Liun county, Oregon. J)one by order of the Hon J J Whitney, Judge of said Court, In testimony where ef I have hereanto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County itth day of January, 1889, iaUBjBj y sj B jjjssjnjssii Mil- -tfiW rilFAiSERai m El BlisStiiiT 1 1 BRA K . . w mmmm m