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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1888)
1 Ufa gownat. Eutorei at th I'jst 0 (lino at Albany, Or m Moond-olM mall FRIDAY JANUARY 13, 1888 arms & Attar and hutting. Proprietors rlllP. Ml TriMU. Iscal K.I Ho r. MAN ABOUT TOWN. The wife oi an Industrious German farm er, in this county, tayt one can hardly turn over one hand without making money. During the last year she paid for all the family groceries with money made from chickens egg, butter, etc., and had a bank account of $140 besides, -and nothing is said about what her husband did. Farmers who bur their butter, bacon, etc.. in town, con not be expected to have such a record, and It is no wonder some mortgages grow larg er instead of smaller. Br the way among our best farmers are the Germans, They watch the little items. O Skating, ah, what a blissful tingle the mere word sends through one who was brought up in a country where there is this exhilirating exercise some less than thir teen months in a year. In Oregon It is a luxury and only those skate who take time by the nape of the neck. Our diminutive freeze tips only seem to affect shallow sloughs and pasture puddles, and, perhaps. It Is well, for air holes are mostly grass or brush holes, and there are few drowned and not many feet wet eren if the ice breaks. 0 The M. A. T. would very meekly ask Salem people how they are enjoying their toboggan slide. Eh I O It seems to be the fashion in Albany for revolvers to miss Are. Another case oc curred in this city Monday evening. A quarrel between one of the proprietors of the Barry and George and a young man who had imbibed somewhat freely resulted In a blow and the drawing of a revolver by the latter. In this case also the trigger was pulled. It didn't go. Two lives were saved. Right here it should be remarked that it is very wrong for young men to get tight and go into saloons and break the peace of those quiet establishments t Old settlers in the Willamette Valley do not relish cold weather. They think it out of place here. When the wind changed to the South Wednesday and gent'c shower began falling they were naturally highly elated and one of them cut capers somewhat as follows. Do you recognize him ? A Musical Treat it to comparatively a rare thing for us to "be able to announce an entertainment which we honest! v feel will be in no sense a disap pointment to our people. Such we are con lent will be given by the Royce & Lans- Beil Ringers on Monday and Tuesday a WW SO . . .. evening, r roa ait sources we gainer noin- ing but n or their entertainment. They mmr l !Sr&. ized everywhere by the best and mot cultured people. This is accounted for by their strict adherence to what eight years ago laid the foundation to their con tinued success, viz., always presenting a strictly clean and thoroughly enjoyable program. One which a happy manner, the very best of mirth and muic. Probably another stepping-stone to their unqualMed success, is the fact that, aside from their artistic worth, the company is composed strictly of ladjes and gentlemen whose social and moral standing is beyond question. Wherever they have once ap peared the announcement of a second visit Is almost an absolute guarantee of a crowded house,and highly pleased audience. Tickets now on sale at Blackman's. Best seats only 75 cents. P. of li. Last Saturday twenty-five or thirty citi- sens of Albany went to Knox Butte, on a special train, to attend a meeting of the Linn County Business Council P. of H. A very fine time was reported, not only the trip be irfg enjoyable ; but the meeting was a suc cess and one of the Granger's most popular dinners was set- Resolutions were passed, thanking the O. P. for courtesies, and it was voted to hold the next meeting 011 Saturday, February 4th. in Harmony Grange Hall The following officers were elected : J G Powell, President John Bryant Vice President. Miss Kate Price, Secretary. C P Burkhart, Treasurer. Martin Miller, Agent F G Doughten, Chaplain. Fred Price, date Keeper. A B Morris and Harvey Sue I ton, Trus tees. Heae Old People. We are inbebted to County Commission er E. J. Miller, for the following list of old people,residing In Halsey preclnct,nearly all of whom are pioneers : Sarah I .ame, moth er of J H Lame, aged 87 years ; William Summers, 84 ; Jane Worth, 83 ; T W Ken die, 83 ; Jas Pearl, 81 ; Mary Cunningham, 81 ; Jacob Wigle, 81 ; Williaby Churchill, 78 ; Catherine Smith, 78 ; Albert Hays,77; Mary Van Winkle, 77 ; Morns Merrick,75 Nicholas Miller, 74 ; Sophia Warmoth, 74 John tsateman, 73. lotal age, 1104 ; aver age, 79 years. Can any other precinct in the county present fifteen old residents whose average age is 79 years. y. w. a T. u. At a meeting of the members of the Al bany Y, W. C. T. U., Tuesday eyening the following officers were elected for the en suing year : Miss M Brink, President. Miss Belle Bodine, Secretary. Miss Clara Read, Cor. Secretary. Miss Amanda Rideout, Treasurer. Misses Chiswell, Barker, Morris, Wheel er, Kirkpatrick and Baltimore, Vice Prest dents. Pay Your County TaxiM. They have been due over the legal time of thirty days for making tbem delinquent The money is wanted to meet the State levy, which has not been paid yet, on account o insufficient funds. Call on tho Sheriff and make yourself equate with tbe county A Broken tag. Last Sunday, at Lebanon, a big boy nam ed Edwards was carrying his Iittlu brother on his baa 1 while skating, when ho acoi- dxutly fell, thr COUNTY COURT. (J.J. Waltnsy, Judge ; Alex Brtmlon, RC Millar OomniMonars.) Application of J Cmbtree for bridge near Pollard place not granted. Application of E J Fletcher for scholar ship In State University granted, Application of W Turnldge and others for new voting preclnt granted, same to be call ed Rock Creek, taken off Fox Valley pre cinct, voting place to be King Prairie school house. Fees of County Court officers, allowed. Disallowed : Bills of Win Brenner, fees, $36.10 ; Lll Montanye, District Attorney, $30. Application of T L Dugger and wife for reduction of taxes continued ; also J N Williamson, bringing Win Fox from Crook county, $ ; also W h Curl, handling school money, $143.97. Taxes of D M A T I Co. reduced $600. Warrant for $u ordered drawn for bene fit of Mrs Roberts, to be expended by G F Crawford. $10 was ordered placed in hands of David Andrews for benefit of Mrs Ricks, a desti tute woman at Waterloo. Boundary line between road districts 33 and 35 ordered changed. Following Is a list of the old and new road supervisors, with the bills allowed the old supervisor : Dist new 1. WE Potter old M Rainwater II Shelton I F Follis am't. $34.oo 18.00 30.00 3. t runk Winkler 3. I V Crabtree A T McCullcy j Mont; tifomcry 30.00 v DA Huh man li W Hunsukcr 40.00 Same 36.00 E L Plummer 43.50 II C Rose - t M S Harris 30.00 C Buchner 34.00 J D Burkhart 73.00 Same 64.00 Same 30.00 W 11 Thompson .no s. J K Riley 9. John Marshall to, I W Sutton li, John Kirk 13. II Zimmerman 14. Thos From an 15. I B Peters 17. Henry Freerkscn 18. C G Powell 19. G F Burkhart M Powell 40.00 40.00 .IOC) a .ou 30.00 . 11.00 30.00 16.00 1700 40.00 3S.00 u 00 9. 50 6.00 17.OO 16.OO 41-00 .00 ih.OO .00 30.00 3000 14.OO 30.00 B F Blodgett M Gorman A Bievlns D C Currie D P Porter R G Cochran G W Klum J W Bland I fl'healdon ! H Scott F L Bayne J 0 DavU N P Crumc C H Botrart 31. 33. a5 36. 38. 39. 30. 3- 33- 34. 35 36, 37-39-4-43- 11 F W Hamilton Same E P Large E A Evans J U Lame C C Jackson J M Halioway I I sham J M Wiglc J H Scott H C Moran B E Giimes E B Spink Same Same Same B Cummings J F Davis W M Davidson W H Pearl O P Abrams J W Gilliland A P McNary Same F M Miller W O Smith J Shea Same N Lewis it 49. j 1 jones 49. D Ambrose 50. J Wilkins 51. Chas Whitney 53. L T Hennts Warrants wereordered drawn for the fol lowing bills : Andrews Si Hackle man, mdse Or chard family $ 800 Mrs Mary E Davis, keeping Thoa Riley... . 8.50 MctzgerA Holt 19.30 H Bryant, graJrcl 14.88 Peter Hume, allowance Mrs Clark. . . I3jOO Metger & Cb 3.83 J B Mtz water! keeping poor 8.00 R A Leach, ftiree coyote scalps 15x30 J W Bland, lumber, etc 7.73 John Douaca, coffin for Isaac fjutchins 34.00 Cooley Si Washburn, nails 3,75 Mover Bros., lumber 1044 T Riggs, lumber 1177 John Leedy, lumber 61.3a W E Spicer, lumber 51.70 A V Banta, wild cat scalp IjOO B M Burrell, panther scalp 1330 Frank Cole, bear scalp 3.50 J H Stine, printing 4x10 W E Curl, salarv 83.34 J P Galbraith, fee 196.10 ! S Smith, fee- 33-8o D V S Reid, salary 1 mo 50.00 Wm Fortmlller & Co., funeral ex penses 33X30 R L Hamilton, cougar scalp 5jOo R, Glass Si Son, mdse Pierce family. . 1500 R Koldeway, salary 7.35 Jennings Si McPherson, lumber 13.68 Koontz & Lame, nails 3.90 Berry Cummings, lumber 3jOO Koontz Si Lame, mdse poor ".35 W Washburn, lumber. . . 1 18 87 E T T Fisher, fees 45.00 D V S Reid 61.87 Samuel Porter, gravel 8.50 J II Burkhart, paper 8.00 Jennings & McPherson, lumber 13-36 Wolverton & Irvine, Attorney's fees. 35x10 J J Dorris, keeping Briggs 940 (j Morris, keeping poor 44-85 J Moist, gravel 6x lIC llardman, gravel 000 R Thompson, envelope 33-3 John Bryant, digging graves 7X J P Galbraith, postage 3xx Mav Si Senders, mdse Ox J K Weathcrford, Attorney's fees 10.00 Win rorttniller Si Co.,expene burial 13.00 Ruckerc Lyons, lumber 5 88 W Warner, lumber 7.86 Train & Whitney, printing 3.50 Fees State agt Clark $34-6.S Judson 13.80 m Sayers...; 27.9O J II Burkhart printing 38.00 State agt Fred Ihrig 1O.65 u " Chas Thomas 3.60 " " Wm O'Brien 45.95 " Frank Campbell 2.6O Of Interest to Farmers. To meet the demands of our rapidly growing business, we require a large amount of choice butter, fresh en, and in fact all kinds of farm produce, for which we will pay the hikhest market price. Please call and see us, at our new store, between the Opera House and Postoffice in this city, where we keep a large assortment of fresh groceries and provisions, confectionery and fruit. Ki n ion k Chahe. 1 zooming Up. Candidates for County offices are loom ing up fasl. So likewise is Conn Brothers grocery store, where people go for good treatment and good goods. Their stock of groceries is complete and iresh. and their prices are most reasonable. Whoever has the lead politically, none has a-joorc sure foothold in the grocery busin han this popular firm. Call and Mettle. The firm of Hoffman & Pfeiffer having been dissolved all persons indebted to them are requested to call on either member of the firm and settle their indebtedness, as they wish to close up the old accounts. Mr. Schwatka, father of Fred of Aiotic fane, died st Fahm day. Sehwatks, on y ester The woman s suffrage bill has passed one house of the w r .Legislature. Letter Lint. Following Is the list of letters remaining in the Past OSes, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Jan. 12th, 188. Person calling for these letters muat give tbe date oa which they were sdyerUsed : Ask, Andrew L Barmon, Mr A L Day in. Mr Embree, Benton Knapp. Clid Meeker, Chas Post. Capt F H SUpleton. Mias Hattio Barks. James W Cole, Hsrve Dodge, Mitt Tottie Hyland. Oeo McDonald, John Perry, Frank Probacht, Thorn Hteyens, E L uoron, I'M and uo, ft. THOMPSON, T. M. SHiLOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure ia sold by ua on guarantee. It cure consumption, IZBR in COUNCIL PttOOK.KDlNOS. Tuesday, Jan. tOth, 1887. Present Mayor Cowan, Marshal- Hays Recorder Hcnton and Councllmcn Read, Tablet , Gradwohl, Hoffman, Wrltsman and Goin. Mayor Cowan on taking his scat read a pointed, practical address, which we are un able to give In full. He congratulated the Council on the satisfactory financial condi tlon of the city. He said : "Without going into details the revenue from all sources, the present year, wil I approximate something near ten thousand dollars ; the paid depart ment, at present existing, Is likely to con Mime nearly six thousand dollars of this gross amount, leaving an estimated balance of near four thousand dollars for repairs and new itnpaevementa. I have do doubt, gen. tlemen, but that you will see that this fund Is judiciously appropriated. Your constit uents do not murmur at the payment of reasonable taxes, but they watch with prop er jealousy tbe expenditure of their common fund. They have a right to expect at our hands a close sciutiny of every item which calls for money whose source Is the pockets of the tax-payer. Expend this surplus, but see to It that every dollar going out of your treasury brings ample return In the way of Improvements. To even ornament our city to fair proportions, If possible, would not be bad peMcy at the present time. A beautified city attracts Intelligence, wealth and moral ity, and now is the opportune time for Al bany, so favored by natural surroundings and location, to bid for such additions to hci population. There are bright prospects to be realised in the near future for our city, and our city fathers must keep pace with the events that will Inevitably come crowd ing on." tie -noke of the necessity of a strict ordin ance in reference to contagious diseases and of making provision for maintaining a health oncer. Also of the necessity of maintaining the efficiency of our fire department. The Mayor announced the following -landing committee : Wavs and Means Coin, Uradwohl, Tab ic. Ordinances - Wristman, Hoffman, Read. Accounts and Current Kxpense Grad wohl, Goin, Read. Streets and Public Property -WrlUman, Gradwohl, Tabler. Licenses -Read, Hoffman, Wrltsman. Health and Police Tabler, Hoffman, Wiitsman. Fire and Water -Hoffman, Goin, Tabler. Ordinance 17c. referring to the sale of in toxicating liquors, was referred to a special committee consisting of Uradwohl, Read, Wrtbmaf An ordinance In reference to epidemic iiseaies was laid on the table until the next meeting. An amendment to ordinance on tire limits wa pa ed. The Recorder wa directed to advertise for bids for supplies for city and city print ing. Mr Peter gchloser petitioned tbe Coun cil to do away with the light at the head of the JhraU o'ffice stairs ! 'Die salary of night watchmen was placed at $50 per month, and night watch man and engineer at $75. A third night watchman was ordered. John Jones was elected nlghtwatchman and engineer, W A McClaln, 1st night- wa'cbman ; r M Wetfall. No. 3. I Hays was elected Street Commissioner and W B Marr City. Surveyor. I he Street Commissioner was Instructed to repair bad sidewalks on finding them. A nlghtwatchman was ordered to be pres ent at the depot on the arrival of trains. Jadgea sad Clerks. The following Judges and Clerks of elec tion were appointed by the County Court at their meeting hut week, to serve st sll county and suite elections during the com ing two years : East Albany John I torn, Daniel Leedv, H Bryant, judges ; J II Burkhart, P J Balti more, clerks. Wed Albany -David Froman,T J Stltes, M Payne, judges ; C W Watts, J J Dorris, clerks. Brownsville A W Stanard, W P Wsr- mouth. W A Templeton, judge ; TS Pills bury, J 1 1 Waters, clerks. Brush Creek G B Splawn.H F W Ham Lion, A C King, judges ; T Rlggs,T J Phil- pot, clerks. CrawfordsvUle -G F Colbert,M Carey, J F Mo, judges ; Geo Findley, W B Glass, clerk. Center B W Cooper, M Parker, W K Temple, judge ; W vV Crawford, D Wheel er, clerks. Fox Valley-J B Trask, J H Herghsle, David Scott, judges ; Henry Lyons, G B Trask, clerks. Franklin Butte -D Meyers, A T Rowell. N G McDonald, judges ; N C Meyers, L Richardson, clerks. Harrisburg E N Tandy, L Douglas, M Cunninghamjudges ; W W Brigg,0 Hyde, clerk. Halsey J R Bone, James McMahan, J II Lame, judge ; F Frisby, J M Miller, clerks. Liberty -John Kirk, J D Wood, A K Thompson, judges ; C O Nye, 3 F Hyde, clerks. Lebanon To Nixon. R f! Miller. I Wa- som.judges; Geo W R'.ce,D Andre ws.clerk. Orleans V II Caldwell.D A MiUhottand, J Whlte.judges ; J B McCoy.W J Wlllbanks, clerks. Sweet Home John DonacsJ W Gilliland Wm Rumbaugh, judges ; M E Simmons,!! C Moran, clerks. Scio Wm Cyrus, R Carey, M C Gill.judg es ; G L Sutherland, A H Johnson, clerks. Santiarn J K. Charlton, W A Paul, J M. Hassler, judges ; S J Paul, I) Bllyeu, clerks Shedd F A Watts, D P Porter, J W Pugh, judges 5 Neil Shedd, G W Davis, clerks. Rock Creek W J Turnridge,!! Ward, N. I.ewls,judges ; W J Wiggs,W Robertson, clerks. Syracuse J A Conser, L C Stratton, A Farlow, judges ; Ed Meeker, J A Jones, clerks. Waterloo -W W Parrlsh.G B McKinney, F Kreig, judges; Joel Vall,J Newman,clerks. Shedd. A local teachers institute will be held hereon Saturday, Jan. 28th. Ail teachers and friends of education in the vicinity should be present and make It success. Not at cost but what means about the same. We will for 30 days gtye 15 off on all our leather goods to those paying oath Call early. RsuriSLD & Bkownkll Real Estate and Employment Agency. Parties having farm for sale of about 160 aoret or those hayirg larger tracts which tbey would be willing to divide op into 80 or 160 sore lots art invited to eali at eur of fice as we have a fe v customers for tha class of farms. We can also furnish parties in tbe city or country witb either male or female help on short notice, and we alto have a few situations for both male and female in the city and country. Call at our office No 85, First Street, adjoining W C Twttdale's Tin Store. F. A. Burkhart k Co. During the month of January we will sell anything in the boot and shoe line at 15 discount from marked price. RSDFIBLD k BrOWNISX. Crowded, The store of Monteith & Seitenbaeh ia crowded witb seasonable and fashionable oods. their line 01 dress goods, tancy goods, PERSONAL Liwis Rsy, of Jordan Valley, was in Al- mmj luseasy. lir. Kilts went to Portland last week to have his eye treated. Miss Clara Read has accepted a position s ..I L. 1 1 1 . mm mm . uier 111 due sioreoi vv w Ksad. Ihos Nasi, the great esrioaturist, and Bishop tiie mind reader, hare both been in rertland. Mr 8 K Young went to Portland Wadset day to make arrangements for the early com pletion of hit block, Mitt Ida Webber's pleasant countenance may now be teen over the pilot of oandy io Pftiffert Confectionery Store. Mr Lenotr Ralston, of Arlington, ton of Wm Rabtton, of this city, was in Albsay last week visiting bis parent. J J Dorris and T L Dagger, of this oity, are soliciting insurance far the Albany Farm ers' and Merchants' Insurance Co., as safe a company at does business in tht Rtate. Mr M D li Herd and eon, Ry. of Seattle, were in Albany, tho first of the week, the ueettof Mr K V Hot, while on their way cms from 8an f raeoisoo, Mr and Mrs Osear U Blount arrived in Al bany Monday oa their wedding toor, which will extend to Sn Frantieoe, by way of tht Oregon Pacific. They wort giyta a reception at the residence of Mrs Blount, tho groom's mother, en Monday evening, attended by many of Mr Blount's friends. Mr Blennt and Miss flattie To 1 man, wore married at tht residence of the bride's ptrents in Ashlaod oa Sunday, Jan. 8th. May their journey through life be a happy and prosperous one. e 11 CURRENT EVENT. There are tlteen horses with a record fast er than 3:1c Portland papers now say Wadcl-Watfd wu a fraud. We are not surprised. Mrs Mary Clark has been appointed pott master at Pengra, Crook county. Tho pages of tho history of the world will record the names of two great magicians by the name of Hermann. One was a presdi- gtator and the other the electric bill Intro ducer. At the last meeting of Multnomah Typo. graphical I'nion C H Humphrey was re elected President and Miss Annie Haxlett. Vice Prekldent. Geo Hawkins is one of the Executive Committee. So that Albany has Its share in tho organisation. Hermann has Introduced bills, aporopri- ating $i,3Vv3oo for continuing improve ments at the mouth of the Columbia river ; $750,000 for work on the canal and locks at the Cascade 5 $35000 for improvements at T equina Bay ; 9100,000 for improvements at Coos Bay ; $10,01x3 for the Improvement of the Umpqua River ; $5000 for begin ning cont ruction of t boat railway around obstructions to navigation at The Dalles and Cellto Falls in the Columbia River. Ap propriating $40,000 for payment of Oregon Indian wsr cisma. To estsbileh s Tile ssving station at Y equina Bay. Forfeiting the land grant of the Northern Pacific rail road between Wsilula and Portland, Ap Sropriatlng $iocsooo for s public building at lem. Appropriating $oo.noo for a pub- lie building at Portland, Bills providing for settlement of Indian war claim, bridge billsretc tftible rtoclty. The regular annual meeting of the Linn County Bible Society, was held st the office of Dr. Gray but Saturday. The following officers were elected. Rev 8 G Irvine. President . W R Blain, Secretary , John Foshay, Treasurer and Depository ; Dr Jones, J B Couglll and L H Mantanve, Executive Committee. The Treasurer re ported as follow : Cash on hand Dec. 35th, 1886 $U-v5 Received since then From M E church ,. 7.17 Trinity church 3. 30 evangelical church 1.70 I niton meeting r resby terisn church , tataf J Foshay, for books sold 8095 Total m' v Dt SBV KSBMBMTS, Freight on books $ 1.40 Commisslor s on sole 5.00 Oregon Bible -Viclcty . . 65.44 Cash now in Treasury 74-55 Total $14639 John Conn kk, Treasurer. The report of the depository wa as fol low : Value of books on hand $88.90 value books received since 54.75 Total $J43-65 Value books delivered to life mcmber.$ 1 .80 Reduction in price 1 00 4kiok sold during year . , 80.95 Uooks now in depository 59-90 Total $!43-6s Joiim Fohiiay, Depository. True business 15 per sent discount for eash on boots and shoes. Red field k Brown. ell. REAL ROTATE Following were the recorded sales Inn county during the past week : In A 0 Hausmsn to Wm F Byert, 2 lots, Brownivtll f 1 W Mas ton and Gee K Chamberlain to Josbos Wilkinson, block 2 Masten A Chamberlain's Ad., Al bany J50 Harper Cranor to Robt A Umphrey, lots 7 and 8. block 10S ETt A. ... ?oo Smith Cox et alto Frank Trite, 175.87 acres, tp 10, 2 w 1 I) B Monteith to 8 W Crowdtr. NKi Meek 128 H i A. Albsay 500 RCheadl to Daniel Sturtsvant, 40 acres, tp 12. 2 w 320 0 D Ridinger to Dsniti Douohue. 10 acres, tp 10, 2 w 20 John K McCormiok to Anna M Mc Cormick, undivided of 24x160 feet and 160 seres, to 13. 3 w 1600 Rebecca Jones to G W Bland, and or trustees M E Chnroh, Lebanon, 2 acre T 150 Oregon to O D Ridinger, 10 seres, tp 10. 2 w IT U t.. I D!...,.. t.Aft A( ..... t tO 4 w patent H H Settlemire to J H Simpson, 35.98 seres, tp 12, 3 w 1758 A H Baltimore to Ash by Pearoe. H lots, block 11 600 We are giving 15 per eent off for cash on our stock of boots and ahoea whioh mean 94.25 for a $5 shoe. All goods marked in plain figure. Rkovielo Si Bxowmxll. Manic iu the Parlor. We neglected to mention laat week that Coll VanClevo's family is one larger than a month ago. Thought we had done it ; but an examination of our flies showed that it waa a year or two ago. We keep oar pencil sharpened. Here Coil's version of it in the Post: There't music in the parlor, There's music oa the stair ; No matter where you turn. There' music everywhere At our hcuae. Wonderful Cares. DHoyt&C)., Whobmie ail RiUil Druggists, oi Rome, (it.., says j We have been selling Dr King's New Discovery, Elec tric bitters and buoklen a Arnica Salve for two yeara. Have never bandied remedies that sell as well, or give auch univeraal sat iafaction. There have been some wonderful cure effected Ly these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced consump tion have been entirely cured by use of few bottles of Dr King's New Discovery, taken in connection with .Electric Hitters. HOME AND ABROAD. Tha beat harness at B L Thompson t. French, tht jeweler, keeps railroad times H Kwert, practical watchmaker and lew lor. A masons ball was held at Harrisburg last week. . F. WaUaotL Phvsioian and Sure-eon. At baey, Or. If you want blankets go to Monteith k oi too booh. A leau vear ball Is to be (riven at tha Oners nouso to night. Mr William Simmon i ooeniur. a store in the K reman block. If you want boots or shoes no to Mon teith sV Seitenbaeh. If you want the beat harness in the market go to J J Dttbrniile's. M cerium are beina held at thtt Hantiat Caurok every night. Go. The olothet litis of lav Blaiu wm burvUr. ised one night last week. Aiehiteot Williams, ol Portia 11I dii at Fresno, 01., last Saturday. TOO honsee were burned in Sheridan. Or.. lost Wednesday morning. Six shaves fua dollar and a oh an towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. 7 Oaks cures rheumatism, neuratuia and toothache. Foshay k Mason. Agents. ' Everything bought and sold at M Frank, in k Go's second hand star, Albany, Or. Risers honed, set and out in order at Jones' Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlor. F M French, stent Sinner Manufacturing Co.,oppoeiU Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. 15 per oent discount far oh on boot and ohoot during Jan. Red field k Brownetl. Tht Postofnee in this eity bat beta osoer. ed sd improved generally. Servos it right. Sdnte hoy nod straw for sslt. Inanira of F O Burkhart, one milt touthsnt of Albany. Dr. M. If. KUU, physieun and auresoB jaioany, uregon. t;u niaae to city or ooootry, m mm s a , . . " Ssewert k Sox sold sixty five osir of tkate daring the last week or two, ait that eon Id be gotten together. Mrs F A Helm's many Albsay friends will congratulate her on her appointment ae Poet master at Corral It s. S ItaHMU V V U ..!... u MO Ml mwtibvwot, . , "iwu vow gav aetssai pounds of milk in a year and 29 lot., 2 was batter in s week. Ren F M Wads worth, for awb 1 ene of lbs editors of the Tannine Pod, is cow pro prietor of tbe Toledo Hotel. While oatting wood lost east of the oitv set Friday a workman was hit 00 one of his OgS by seme bird shot. Chief Engineer Webber is ntaeJag tbe Ire department under a systematic organisation, tntrodseing several new feats ret. Tho Lebanon fire department was called oat a few days ago by an alarm ef Are oc casioned by Dr Foley 's chimney burning sot. The first of tbe week George Johnson, the ferryman, took a swim in the ley Willamette caatoaed by slipping from the ferry boat. Book Creek it the name of o now precinct manufactured by the Coasts; Court last week. Tbe King Valley aeboot boose is its Capital. Mum Campbell toed Mr Arbuckle. the eoffe man for breach of promise, and bat iust race re red $45,000. Coffee is liable to rise to price. Tbe old bttildiugs, earner of Ferry and Second streets s re being moved, preparatory to tho 000001 notion of o Meek by photograph er Clark. If yoo want a stylish winter garment ce to Monteith k Settoaisseb, agents for Springer Bros, tailor made garments for ladies, misses and children. At Oakland, Cel., 00 Jos. 9fb, s girl waa bees to tbe wife ef William J Henderson. Grandfather and grandmother Wood, in this city, ore dsing well. 92400, delinquent Use, were paid Sheriff Smith last week, by tbe Dundee Mlgo Co., tb satt against tbe Company baring boon dooidsd in favor of tb county. Yes will ear money bOVtaking your sick sewing-machine) to tbe repairer, B r l'ar tn st Sixth and Jefferon 9ta, Albany, 0 reams. Good s-vtufaosion or 00 psy. In Ike DsMorfcar next week wilt anposr an article by Mr Rev Wilton, of Haley on the WsUonal IK C T U meeting, Mrs WUaeo Subscriptions fee the leading newspapers and msgasines received by F.L. Kenton at the s'ore of Kenton Si C tate, between the Opera House and Postofi jo, Albany, Or, Last Monday night, about 11 o'clock a burglar attempted to enter the residence of Mr Cenred Meyer. Had he succeeded be would have been met by a solid piece of eoid lesd. What do yoo think of s man who will spend bis money (or liquor sod let bis family almost starve for the want of something to eat. There are o very few eases in Albsay of that ehertcter. The second regiment, ON G held its else- lion lost Men day resulting as follow : Lieat Gel Smith, CeL; Msj Patterson, Lieut Col. ; Capt Ross, Major. Capt Irvine was present from Albany. Mis Deputy P M Thompson last Wednes day wa htt by s falling board daring the pa pering of tbe ceding of the Postoffice and con siderably braised, being obliged to retire from br post of duty for awhile. Tbe Psetie Kxprtt. successor to tbe Pro hibition ntur, has been received. It ia a large eight pegs paper, fall of tompersuoe news, and it field i the Pacific Coast. It ia back ed by a capital ef $50,000, and il is propos ed to enlarge its innsenee tn every respect. Recently a black hearted person attempt ed te saw No. 1' flag pole down, As the saw penetrated deep enough to rum the pole, it being impossible to mend it to that it can stand one of our mild xspkyr, it will bo 19 placed by another. Ticket for No. l'a boll on Feb. 22nd novo been placed by the Executive Committee at $1.50. Spectators, 25c. Special trains will be run from Lebanon and Corvallit. It is pro posed to msks it tits I nsst mask boil of the Several families in the oity are being sup plied by charitable friends, necessitated by the money of the husbands going into the saloon till. Moral aaloon-keepers should re fuse to sell liquor to a msn wnoa family is absolutely in need of the bars necessities of life. One of the best friends tbs Democrat haa ia s sine year old boy in the Third Ward. He sets a good example to boys by reading everything published, including ads. , correct- tag errors, criticising articles, etc. Tbs bey who starts out this way ia bound to make successful msn. No sufferer from any scrofulous disease, whe will fairly try Ayer's Saraaparill, need despair of s cure. This remedy purges the blood of all impurities, destroys tbe gereta ot scrofula, and infuses new life and vigor throughout tbo physical organization. Stop that cough, by the use of Oyer's Chetry Pectoral the best speciuo for throat and lung disease. It will allay in- nomination, aid respiration, and strengthen the vocal organs. Ayer's Almanacs are free to all. Ask for one. Every Linn county farmer should insure kia bouae in tha Albany Farmers' and Mer chants' Insurance Co. It is not only safe and reliable ; bat the money invested in it cir culates directly among the insured instead of being sent off to London or San Francisco. Thia Company ia one Linn county people have reaaon to be proud of. Rev E G Wheeler, General Sunday School Miaaionary, and wife, wil! hold services at the Baptist Chnroh Sjsmday. In the morning and evening Rey Wheeler will preach, at the latter time his sermon being entitled "Which Way," being one for young people. In the afternoon about 3:30 Mrs Wheeler will give a ohart exercise oa "The Two Ways." Tbe regular installation ef officers of the A 0 U W aceurred at their hall iu this eity last Wednesday eywing, snd waa a very fine affair. Grand Master Russell, of Oakland, waa present and conducted the installation of the new officers. Tbe affair closed witb a most palatable lunch. A series of Missionary Services of the Pro teatant Episcopal Church will be bold in the Episcopal Church of thi oity next week. The opening service will bo bold on Tuesday evening next, Jan. 17th, at 7.30 o'clock, and continue on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri f eue wing, morning and ovi mag. Dianop eating services may be expected. A cordial invitation i extended to Ml to attend these sorriest. Tb reoowned Roys k Lansing Masiosl Comedy Company and Swiss Bell Ringer are coming Jsn. Kith and 17th, Tki company oomot endorsed by the prees and public of tbe tntir weak Daring their eight aeaes- 1.1 1 years on the road over one million peo ple have witnessed their entertainment. And hall and theaters havs been found utterly rrsiiftqust tor thosooomodstion of the peo ple eager to gain admission. Tnts it account ed for by their atriot adherence of present ing a strictly reined entertainment compos ed of tb beet artists, and the beat vocal sod instrumental musk, "Which i the True American Mother?" tekt Babyhood in the Jsansry isase, after a somber of contributors have expressed their opinion on "ghaoaiag Maternity." and "The Mother who ia Tired of Little Chil dren." No leas interesting nod valuable will be found tn illustrated medio! article, "How Children may Have Sound Teeth, "by Dr Loali ; and "Children's Hesd.M by Dr Yale. "Worm and Worm f ever," by Dr Dodge, furnishi much needed eolighttneat on this so Meet. An important naner on "Lisping ;" editorial remark on 'The Out rage of Lifting Children by the Arm ("on the fallacies of the "Fruit Diet, "etc. "Fath er" Parliament." "Noreorv Problems." "Nursery Help sod Novelties." art other 'tares. 15 cents a number : $1.90 a vear. The HahyhwHl Publishing Co., 5 Bcokmao St, New York. CLIPPKD IHHPATCIIgi, Saw RAfASL, Jan. r -Mann county clslms to bo the banner county of the Bute in the prompt psyment of taxes. Out of the total amount of the taxes levied, $i3, 443 SO, all has been paid excepting the sum of .,),; 16 LYNciietso, Va..fsn. . A freight trsln on the New river division of the Norfork & Weteni railroad, ran Into a rock slide twenty-seven miles from Central laat night. The engine jumped the track and ran into New river snd disappeared. The engineer wss drowned st his post. Washing-tow, Jsn. 4. Information has reached here that the Ceiquille river In Ore gon, has deflected iu current st the mouth so ss to change Its channel from the govern ment jetty and endanger abipping,and Con gressman Hermann, thia morning notified, in person, the engineer department, and has urged the necessity for increased estimate for additional improvement. Gen. Duane at once communicated with the local engin eer in Oregon for a detailed report , Washington Jan. 6. -The greatest num ber of bills introduced by sny one Represen tative In the House yesterday was by Her- ( mann, of Oregon. He presented thfrty.five public bill during the call of State and dropped Into the petition box forty-seven private bills. It has been neck and neck between Sens tors Doiph and Mitchell, of Oregon, to see who could get the largest number of bills introduced Tn the Senate. I am oox, Jan. 6. A telegram from the Russian frontier states that eight nihilist, including the Cossack Tachernoff, condemn ed to death for making an sttempt upon the life of the Casr during hi visit to the Don Cossack country .were hanged st St. Peters burg, Jsn. and. Nooalks, Dec. 6. Information of the killing of Eracllo Rernal. the famous Mexi can bandit, is just received. Rernal and a portion of hi followers had a desperate fight yeaterdsv nesr the town of Cosala, in Ktnaloa, with Mexican troop, during which Rernal waa killed and hi mother and three or four followers captured, the bandit's re mains were taken to Cosala, where they are at present The captives were lodged in jail st Cosala. The fight wsa abort but bloody and desperate. No further particulars are now obtained, ss the government wires are being used for transmission of tho official report of the affair. The losses on both sides arc unknown, but are supposed to be very heavy. Oakland, V. , Jsn. 6. Nsthsn B. Sut ton was hanged here this afternoon. Sut ton was a farmer and shot and killed a neighbor, Alex Martin, for allowing hit cat tle to wander on Sutton's land. Sutton this morning rose early snd ate fish for breakfast. In reply to a question as to how he felt he old: I never felt better." Mrs. McNeal, s charitable lady called at Urn jail a nd pray ed. She asked Sutton to p. a v for the for giveness of hla crime. He said : "I feci n. remorse. I feel justified for killing Martin, because hU cattle trespassed on my lend. I would rsther go to hell snd give Martin a poke In the pit than go to heaven." Sutton walked firmly to the gallows. When the jailors were adjusting the strap Sutton took hold of the noose, ssying : "I wsnt to look st that necktie." At ia:i6 the trap fell. San Francisco, Jsn. 8. Chief Crowley received s telegram to-day from the Mar shal of Butte City, Mont., stating that Si mon Mamberg had been arrested there, and wilt be held ponding the arrival of an of ficer from San Francisco. Hamberg is wanted for complicity in the swindle where by M F Parker, a ranchman from Oregon, waa fleeced out of about $1 1,000 In this city. Pitcher and Neustadt, his confederate, were s nested in this city Ssturdsy snd are now In custody. Chicaoo, Jan. 8. Col H, C Corbin stated to-night that General Alfred Terry ia aeri eusly ill st the Grand hotel in New York. MI do not think General lerry is in any Im mediate danger," added Col. Corbin, "but I fear his disease will ultimately prove fatal. I should say that he is in about the same condition that Secretary Manning was for a long time. It. Paul, Jan. 8. -To-night' weather report shows the following below zero : Huron, Dak., 26 ; St Vincent, 30 ; Fort Totten, 30 ; Fort Ruford, 30 ; Swift Cur rent, 30. At Belgrade Isst night the ther mometer registered 49 below. New York, Jsn. 8. Two Chinamen, Dan Lee and Phil Wing, were formally baptized and admitted to church on proba tion at the Hanson Place Methodist Episco pal church in Brooklyn to-day. They are believed to be the first Mongolian ever re ceived in a church of this faith in America. Jim Westfall, of this city, is a member of the Baptist Church Minneapolis, Jan 9. The thermome ter registered 37 degrees below zero at 4 s. m. to-dav. Walla Walla, Jsn. 9. Mr. O. Caro line Meacham, widow of Alfred B. Mea cham, of Modoc war fame, died in thi city Saturday night. Mrs. Meacham waa for many years s resident of Salem, snd sub sequently of Portland. She leaves two children. Geo F Meacham and Mrs J W Redington. She has been for several years a recipient of a pension of $50 per month in acknowledgement of her husband's ser vice in the Modoc war. St. Paul, Ian. o, A Jamestown, Dak. all I "pedal to the Pioneer-Press says that anow there ia twenty inches deep on the level.and drifts are enormous. Teams plunge Into drift up to their necks and have to be dug out with shovel. However, there is much rejoicing over the fact, as the heavy anow insures good crops next season. . Wilk ksbarre, J-m. i0. Jim Lec.a Chi naman who keeps a laundry in Nanicokc, was united In marriage on Saturday evening to a pretty Wilkesbarre girl of American parentage. The ceremony was performed bv a minister and was witneised by a large number of guests. The bride said her maid en name was Henrietta Hunter, and her parents died when he was quite young. She would not give the particulars of the courtship, but said it was a case of love at first sight. Louisville, Jan. i0. Both houses of the legislature voted for U, S. Senator to-day, James B Beck receiving a majority in both over the republican nominee, Bradley. The joint ballot to-morrow will elect Beck to succeed himself. Being More Pleasant To the taste, more acceptable to the stomach, and more truly beneficial la its action, the famous Califoraia liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Fififs, is rapidly super seding ail others, Try it. In the assignment of Committees in the Mouse of Representatives, Hermann was JN MKMORf AM. Hall of Brownsville Lodge, No. 36. 1 A. F. snd A. V, f Brownvlrie, Or., Jan. 4th, 1888.) Whrrban, It ha pleased Almighty God our A I wise -Master to call our beloved broth er, fobn W. Tycer, from his active labor with us here, to Ids place In that spiritual temple above, which Is the promise to all who are faithful. Iteulvd, That In the tleath of Bro. Tycer our community sustain the loss of a worthy man, a good citizen, and of an esteemed brother, from the family ha gone s kind and sffectionste father sndThu band, whose loss I so greet wo esn but of fer our sincere svmoathv and ahar tkir grief In a small measure. Htiohmd, That with subdued lictrt and reverenced spirits we bow In humble sub mission to the will of him who "rioeth all things well." Being by this once again re minded of our ewn atmroachlnir diawtl niton and the futility of ail earthly hopes and tics, we are further reminded of the great impor tance of being like him ever resdy for the wni umi itom time to trie eternal. Itc9hed, That our Secretary h dl.rtH to furnish the bereaved famltv a railv frtm. of, and that we tender them In their grief ,L7 V . c 7mPi"ny 01 me members of this Lodge. Petrr Hume, R. N. Thompson, L. 0. Rice. Committee, Lsdies'. mist' and ehi)nVa mm! v.u hood, ecarf and jacket at cost, at Samuel K Touto'a. NEW DEPARTURE. From tod sftor ibis dote SHANE took of Boots and Shoes FIRST COST Tbeir object io so doing is to close out entirely tbst braoeb of their business, ss tboy intend to devote tfceir entire available epsce to DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Ladies9 and Gents Furnishing Goods and Millinery. Tbo stock of Boots end fom were sll pursbeeed ibis fell end ere moot destrsble snd of stenlsrd oeslitv. uHo this sole tbey will close out WINTER DRESS GOODS, they will not carry one wtntoi's fabrics into another. Tbotr stock of tbej will dote out BELOW COST. Tbe above is not idle talk. Tbo who meed tbe goods mentioned will find tbem and tbeir prices ae skated. Cell before tbe sssortsteat ia broken and get your choice. SHANE & LONSWAY. Stewart DEALERS IN- HARDWARE Iron, Steel, Coal and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS ANO BUGGIES, WAGON MATERIAL, MECHANICS TOOLS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, ROPE AND CORDAGE, SILVER OIIWj STEWART & SOX. Report of Tsagsst 1 seel. For the month ending Jan. 6th. N umber enrolled,6i. Number belonging. Aver age daily attendance, 50. Pupil neither tardy nor absent : David Bridgefarmer.Mollie Luper.Sylvia ard Roy Brewer, Annie and Eddie Bryan,Ida,IJelmer and Llazie Smith, Len and Volaey Si npaon, Lelia Scott, Albert snd Georgia Settlemire, Ada Knighten, Oliver and Uharies jenits, John Morgan. Not tardy : Bessie Settlemire.Mst y.Ollie and Marion Simpson, Mollie, Sadie and Granville Smith, Maud and Claud Beard, Trixie Morgan, Llszie Bryan, Jesse, forrest and Enoch Jenks, Sarah Bern, Linzy and Marion Sharp, Minnie McGhee, Llla Ber wick. Not absent : Edna Luper, Charl js Bry an, Louisa Nowcomb, Emery Ryan, Minnie Sibbets. All but 11 of the 6t pupils were excellent in deportment and those 1 1 were good. H. W. Herron, teacher. Steamboat I the name of a new Postoffice in Jackson county. MARRIED. BROWN WEISS. On Tan. oth, 18S8, at the residence of, and by, Rev H P Webb, In Albanv. Mr. Chas. 1. Brown and Miss Mary Weiss both of Albany. The Democrat extends congratulations. GAFF ACHESON. On Tuesday, Jan ifjth. 1S88. Dr. Tohn V. Gaff and Miss Iinnik B. Acheson. at the home of the bride's father, Mr. M. Acheson, of Shedd, Rey. A. M. Acheson officiating. The Democrat extends congratulations. DIED. COOPER. Miss Alice, daughter, of Mr. it. W rwmer. died at the home ef her father, near Shedd on Wednesday of last week and was buried in tne Aioany cemc tery on Saturday. f!AROTHERS. On January 8th, 1888, in Lebanon, Mr. M. L.. uarothefs, agea 68 years. rr. fferothers was the father ot Mrs. Fred Graff, and was a man highly lespect- Postal Net, 8cio. A Poiilsnd paper gave the follow log version of the affair referred to last week : Dr. Dodd, of Sclo, and hi wife separated about three years ago. The fruit of tlieir marriage wa a son, now in his teens, snd a daughter nearly eight years old. Dodd went to Eugene and Albany where he remained abort lengths of time snd then returned to Scio where his wife wa earning a livelihood teaching school. By mutual content, after tho separation the mother took charge of the girl and the father the boy. for whom he provided s home In Albsnv. Esrly frr the present week Dodd watched hi opportunity and. having a buggy and driver in readiness, he ofeke his little daughter up en the street sn era soon being rapidly driven toward Jefferson where he soon arrived and boarded the train for this city. It I supposed that from here ne took the east-bound train and ere tM is 011 the Atlantic side of the continent. The bereaved mother went almost distracted with grief, but she had no recourse except to submit. Dr Dodd it a man of consider able mesne snd smply able to care for his children. The sffair created much excite ment at Scio. Little Elk, Cold, colder, coldest, de scribes old probabilities at present, are hav ing the coldest weather within my recollec tion. Stock not doing very well, good pros pect that feed will be in good demand be fore spring, ground under aix Inches of snow, clear cold nights with pierce biting winds that chill to the bone. Days clear and comfortable. Measel prevail to s consider able extent here. & LONS WAY wilt offer their entire & Sox BARBED WIRE, BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES POWDER AND SHOT, BLASTING AND GIANT POWDER, PAINTS AND OILS, GARDEN AND GRASS SEEDS. X Chit; Saras Use County District Lodge, 1, O. 9. T. The next session of tne Linn County Dis trict Lodge will be held at Shedd' on Fri day, February the 3rd, 1S8S. All subordi nate lodge in the District are requested to send in their full delegation. I. C. ROBINETT, District Secretary. VIRGIL PARKER. WALTER PARKER, Parker Brothers, Successors to Jokm Pjc. Keep a complete and fresh stock of Groceries, and produce of all kinds, else BAKED C00DS of all kinds, fresh bread every morning, cake, cookies, pies, etc. in Immense Stock Of La Roi dos Serous, tho king of soaps. A large list of valuable presents givt a with this famous soap. Dissolution of Copartnership, The copartnership heretofore existing fce tween John Isotn. E J Lannine and Pdwasd Goin?, under the firm name of Isom, Ltanisg k Co., ia hereby dissolved by mutual ;cen sent, Edward Ucina, retiring. John Isom, E J. Lankihc, Ebwabo Qoufa. Albany, Jan. 2nd, 1888. The business ia the future will bo con ducted by John Isom and E J L&nnirg, use der same atyle of firm name, isom, I a air g & Co., who will pay all liabilities of fee late firm, and are alone authoris ed to ccllecUll outstanding accounts. 5 lutacnirca.