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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1887)
m 9B IT. C W. K. O y.c lv w. I GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION. Statu or Or egom, Executive Depart i memt, Sal km, Sept. ut, 1887. J By the authority vetted in me ay the leg illative assembly of the state of Oregon, I, Sylecttcr Pennoyer, Governor, do hereby submit to the legal voter of the state, nt a special election hereby celled to be held on lueeday succeeding the first Monday In November, 1887, the following proposed amendments to the state constitution. FIRST PROHIBITION AMKNDM) s 1 Section i. The manufacture, sale.or the giving away, or the offering to sell or give away, or the keeping for sale, of any soirit- uous, vinous, malt, distilled, fermented, or any intoxicating liquors whatever, is prohib it in tma stair, except for medkinal.sclen- unc, 61 hanLul purposes. a. '1 he Iruifclalivc assembly shall provldi! by law in what manner, by whom, and at what place such liquors, or any of them, shall be manufactured or sold,or kept for sale for tcntific or mechanical purposes. Section 3. This amendment shall take effect and be in full force In six months from the date of its ratification by the elec tor. Section 4. The legislative assembly shall without delay patH all necessary law with sufficient penalties necessary to enforce this amendment. SECOND AMENDMENT TO SALARIE8 STATE OFFICERS. or Article XIII. section 1. The Governor, Secretary of State, lYcasurcr of Male, Judges of the Su preme Court, and all other state officers of this state shall receive an annual salarv of such sum ns the legislative assembly shall hereafter bv law for each of such officers provide ; provided.that when the legislative assemniv shall have by law fixed the salary of any such officer, such salary shall neither be increased nor diminished during the term for v hich the incumbent of such office shall have been elected or appointed TIIIEO-AMENDMENT TO TIME OP HOLD! NO GENERAL ELECTION. Article ii. SrcrtoN 14. General election shall be held on Tuesda next after the first Monday In November, biennially. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand ai d caused the . great seal of the state of Oregon to be ainxed.this 1 at day ot Septcmber.A. D., 1SS7. l. a. Sylvestbb Pennoyeb, Governor. By the Governor : Geo. W Ml Bride, .Secretary of SUte. Eed CiwnMills ISOM. I ANN! Mi & Oft. PkOPR'S. saw PEocaas rtoca srrsjuon pur ami) BAaaaa rax. PAMIMB BKSTT STORAC? HCJLITlES. Highest Prion in Cash fc Wheat ALBANY OR. "boston mills. Baelnsi g "umM poeeeston of th t res nun at shrd.i, we hereby girt wen ce that waw 11 i-eiva heat an u grind ii lor om ghib or take it In exchange The fl hi will 1) equal if n4 bettor tban that or twenty y ar ago. Wm Simmons & Finley. Oregon Pacific Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations uiiKurpaaeed for com fort and afty. Fare and freights via. Yaquiua and tlo- Mreg.Ni Development Company's St-m-bl much iea than by any other rout tiotwn all p inta in the Willamette Valley nod 8n Franelaco. Daily fauenger trains enceft Sundays. Leave, :30a. Lea Albany, 1:00 r. a. Leave C.rilb,.".ii a .Leev C Ilia, 1 i7r, a. Arrive Albany, 11: 15 A a, jAmve Y uuiua, ISA r. a Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and t orvallis. wm. n. av, G wi and Manager. C. C. ::i.i f. A. O. P. aod P. Agert, CorvsllU. Or. Oregon Developement Co. First-ol&SM 8tesmbip line between Y-qun a and t-n Irwuuicco c nuecting at Yaqiona with tbe traina of tbe Oregou Pawifk Kail road Company. ASI DATES . tpam TAe-iSA raoa aB raeacteco ' . Y .. I Ur.diV. Oct. 4lb rtutiday, Oct. 2ih1. ikaiSMoy, oa. ftth Tuesday, Oct.lltb BaiUrdA) . Oct 1611. V. v ., urday, Oct. SU, &. O,, Wedneeday, Oct. It i. jL, Sunday, Oct. Win. M.., Saturday, Oct. . i. ", Tuesday, Oct, t.C., Oct. SOtli W. V , Friday, Kv. 4ih E. O., Wetiaeaoay, Oct U. j V. L,, il'i)U4j , cL IHh W, V , buiurdu), Oct WiU The cvmpny reaervaa change ailing daya. right U. IV B TOIST, Gen. P. aad P. Agsnt, 864 Mutitcrory St., Baa. Praoeisoo, L'al. GEI IAI i lAUWMA -.VIA- Oregon & Ctiiforula It. It. AND CONNBUTIOMH 1 1f K NT. SU AST A KOITB. Close eorvnecUoiiM made st ALia-:d w th (Laes of the California, Orog"n ud litbo Hinge Company. oatly ta Mile ef alaslaff. Tims bolwoeu A)baiy aitd Bav Fisadaes, lb hours. oAi.1ro.1viA sxraass tsaiki dailt. -SoUii 4.U0 r. M. I Lmva k:06 r a I Usva 8:30 am Mi Iva North. 10:40 A It 7:06 a a 6:40 r a Portland Albany Adiliuid Arrive Lesve local r Assasosa tsaiss dailt (except Sunday). BOO A M I Laare Prttsnd Anffef 8:45 p a 11:40 r a I Lesve Albsny Lesve 1 n:86 A a t:40m Arrive Eueene Leave 9 Ma m local rAsssnaas tsajm daily. : lura I Ocave f:Mr n I Ariite 13:50 r V I Lasv'i l:Bm krrivn . 1 .hi , Lebanon Aiiisjiy lyglianoii Arrive Lesve Arrive 6:46 a a 6:M a 11 2:46 r a 2:00 r u PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. dally between Pm timid and Ashland. The O aad U HE Perry rashes' connections with all the rerular traina on Hi. I'utt Bi'te Division from loot f P BtreH. West Bid btvlalon. BarrwKEX Portland ai couvalli. juAil tbain daily (except Sunday.) 7:8sa a lt;lr m Fort land 0rvallls Arrle Iesve 6:16 r u 1:30 FN Arrive BxrttJsss rsAiss daily (exofpt Sunday.) S-Pv f H I LrfPSVS jOO ra I Arri-a For 1 land Arrive Isyo 0:00 A M r.46 a m McMlnnvUle At Albany and Cervallis coi.ncct with trslne of Orafon Pacific Railrcad !'-rfu 1 laforaiatlon ntjsrdinj rates, maps, ete., all on C mip ay ' Agent. B. KOKULBK, E. P. BOOXBB, M ucsger. O. r. nPsssAesat, ALBANY OQLUOTATI IHSTITUTK ALBANY, OREGON, 1887. 1888. rirsl Team aesshr lit It, tast- A full eorpa of lnatraotom. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of 'tody arramred to meet the need of all grade nf students. Sfraai iWwwmhi oereU e ttodemtt Tuition range from 15 60 to 1,W. Board In private fautl'le at w rates Rooms tor self boarding at small exr suae. A careful auparvlslon azaroiaed over atu dent awav from home. Kali term on September 7th. For olrculara and ful particulars addraaa the President. KKV. BENEST N !! IT Albany, Oregon. MRS. B. HYMAN. next enal of 8 K, Yonnp'a AUn.t.or, Gutting and Fitting a Specialty. STA nPINC OUTFITS. ANO STAMP ING DOHt TtT ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wadnaadaja and Thurdsy of aca weak, au't pal-in dme tno.ileron ptaquMai 4 iher tnarUt. Ni aH-orimeio of rti-t- materia I a on band. Adminiatratrix Notice, Notioe i- h o iv u tti-u tue un'lar aV . a (be t'oaniy siKuad 1.- i' i Court tr 1. i.B .in. tv Dtvaoii, i .'v ap Ltolateal AOinlniNtri'iB of -oa aettaiM of vV iliiaaa Uriiaajr,i. Uie of ion . . ua v, iirttmiu. .x i-rx.ii' liavina uui.a iiii nt the vaiaL' ' f said ! I are rvq orad to prafni mwin properly vrl flad itninstx obontba linn? tba liat toara t.f, o : undaralBnaMl a Mr is iae Ha -v. tdnu county. Dragon, Tmii 5ta of Kept lt7. Martha A. ItKtKK HP, doaintatrairix 4 t ht svtatv of Win, lnlnk..rd J.K W'MP. Attorn 1. r .-dujiiiUtratrit I Summons, . . In tXt OiremU Court of the sutU of Ortfn, Jhr Umm sWBBsly. C W Carl, Plaintiff, John T Williams, Martha Williams, Uaaial W Williams auit Ii Bryant, Drlei.dsnts. To J' a r Wtlliaou, Marina William Dan. I W v itiiams, three o( tit, atova named deLbdaute Iii the name of the State of Orrgon,yt are hereby r, quired to appear auf r the oxmplaint of she aof ('tatouff la tea abeea entitled Court, now oa ole with Ut Ctrfc of said Court, against ym in the abeea entitled causa, by tbe first day of toe aext regular tern following tbe expiration nf tba lime proscribed in the order of publication to. run, which term will commeLOs on the fourth Moa day in October, 187. And ou are hereby notified that It )"u fail s. to aower. tha plaintiff will to th' Cart lor tba relief demanded in his said com plaint, which is to foreehaa a cart-in no Hygr hy tbe dr. fendaata. Joba T WUltamaand M rth Wil liams, to aaul plaintiff th 2Srd day nf March. I&86, insrvr I - p ai-iit in gid coin olio item , ii.. . t . urder of C D i 1 ' Bee li Hastl - Sn00 with ib tarrot 1 brtriHi 'bv r' 'III am. urn uoi n jam A M & M Tanng, N and tbe d . id. nt, John T Wi ........ -ud afterwarde tramferrad , t-i plao.iitf by aakl C DTumar. wnnh mort- 1 k a B A of ,m. J R 1 .1 S. B. aiffA W paaa aaaao jp mm m vs - ee mg -w mmm m wg 14. and - he KJ of Mi- N E I of 8ol. 23. aad W : . N W ..! 2.. t ton R Wo tbe fTiilametta l-r iu, ! li.m ui., OnsssjWs, B iniBIBn 160 or. and .c...:.... - iai:"r 408 i o. t It. iUcotd nortKaa n atd cou .l . ,an' las .4. r Isaf. Thi Sommona i podu.d ' y o'Ber A fin-. I . P. Boiar, Ju lkJef a-idd ort, marfe Bt Cii. i U" n th City ft S.m, Om. . "toe 8tn day f, IW7 W. It BlLTBO, Attaroey fur PmiO 'if. fP Notice of Assignment Notion la bvraby giyn. ibat . Bail or of Linn in v ornr.n. ba made a general aaaigiiBatii of aM I pr r v to iba onara'gned for I to,- b 11 t bla eraditi.ra ad-r ot f a oftl. a - of Or. . .IP ii n efcura r,- it rB , J d I ' late of d . i.i a a i.' r v for tbe l -n. fi t-f ' d t' i ' .. lobar lbib, 1878 and lb i dat"i thereof, A ! pr-mon nne-og nsfiaai ialnal lh Mlk' n. lliauid A. A Hmb' t. are hereby notified an i requir.nt . pn- wnt tha urn, m.di r oath ut tba under. signed at Albany, Urauon. wlihin man tha I rem tba data of tbia notice Hire Dated S.'pt. 20tb, I8t7. BhTH . Aalnea A rfmirtlRt.ratrix Notice AUlUlAUSwravnA UWLO, Hotlee ia hereby given that tha under -iflMd baa thle day bean duly appolntad Admintatia riz of tha estate of Martin Coatello, deoaaaed. by tha County Court for Linn oaunty, Oregon. All neraoCB having claims a gal oat aaid eetate are baraby required to praaent than duly verified within aiz momba front tbia dale to tba Adminietratrx or lo bar Attorney. October 3ru, 1887. M J COBTBLLO, J. K, Wbaihkbvokd, Adu'triz, Attorney for Aaa'tnx Administrator s Notice. Notioe la hereby given that tbe under igned ba, tbia day bean duly appointed ninted mniy. ite of L by tba County Court or Liu a en )regon. Administrator of tue estate Helen K. Allen, deceased, lata of said Linn county. All persona having claims against aaid aetata are hereby notified and required to preaant tbe as tue properly verified, withiu six mouths from tba dai hereof, to the undersigned, at hia real dance in HaJaey, Oregon, or to his tior nay. October 4th, 1687. B. H. ALLBB, T. J. Stitks, Adminiatralor. Attorney. Notice of Final Ssttltimsnt. Notice la hereby given that tbe under aigntd Aduilnisirsior of tbe estate of T. L. Porter, det-eaaed. baa filed bia final ac count in aaid estate and the Cwunty Court for Linn connty, Oregon, ba by order fixed the 7th day of November, 1887 at tbe hour of one o'clock, p m of aaid day for the final hearing of aaid account and tba aett lament of aaid eidaie. W J Utiwam. J, K. WKAiHUi FOKD dms I iralor. Att'y for Administrator. Administratrix Notice Notice ia hr givn thatthf uoder signed haa this rtnj been dui Hppolnted by tba C moiy Onurt lor Linn onto-, Oregon. ArieafOletiairlx f ti' esin of John P. ILlwk d-n:-a-ed U e of sai l county and State. All irnons having claim. agaimd aaid estate are bereny notified that they are required to present their claims dulv votified within six month- from tin at liere f to the un dersigned at her re!dnc n ai llarris bnrg, Linn county, tLegou, or to her At torney. Sept. 10th, 1887. Naict f. Hawk, Administratrix, of said estate, J. K. Wkatitkmpoi p. Attorney for Administratrix. HOTEL FAB RENT. npiKE EXCHANGE HOTEL N ThIS 1 city ia now offered for rent on reason able term For particulars inquire of er address Jamrs Mukbat, Albany, Oregon. Do You Want Furniture ? IP YOU DO GO TO W H WII.I1RH II t Hi II JLU J-J ill X.J t where Mm wilt find the bant make and nueat finished BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS ANO LOUNGES. AUo a Hub Una n PICTURE FRAMES, and a bunderd different sty la of Mouldings. 'Picture frames made to order. Tli" larnnat and 1 1 Hto -h of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, avarkeutin Albany I'rls reasonable. Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIBTOR . STAR HAKKlt V. Corner Broadalbiu and first Sts., DBALKK IS - i rruiln, tilnamwts), lriel Frail. PnlJsWe NaRr. CoHre, Ktr t Mil nt .11 cista, 4utiieware, VKrta4lffnt Mars, sleHrH ra. In fkot vryuon that ml TBJrtBiy all .i.n iv markat prlo 1 for pt la a gen aora. HlBaM ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. CITY iVnl anil Sale Stable, 4th St. between Eils worth and Lyon J II rs-a'l t , Hay, .. fc or n10i.1L m iw oaab rain furf nay an- air f .r aal, aUo out- b.r n and chpalB oa Band MRS, L. A, MCCOMELl, PBOPRIETOR. DR. L N. WO0DLE, YaU rinary Surgeor, effloa CUy Krd and Mala Stable. ALBANY, OREGON. MAR LIN REPEATING RIFLE Oaarau- iasnsUaa BBT III TNI avaaaa aaeaiately WORLD! laraaar aaaaU faasa. II A Ii la A R D i-j a.l -t, fleioUe- idTimll : '.' ' CelaWe. Ai.rMa lire A rat a,, aaUaira,Css. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a eontsnoo motets, or F: rapt ion, to tbe worat Itrolu s7oll.ra. uai rever-apffja, steady or Hottgts akin, tn abort, afidnwSaas caused by badood are conquered by thle powrrfuL pttHfyttig. and torlgorattnf mafhdnu. Ureat Kotlng I I. eera rapkiiy beaJ under its Untrn infliireiBB. has Jt tnariirrat.t it iK.t. tj.-y lit Iter, moss Maak. Holla, far. ore llyea. Bcrornioaa W White Bwelilnsra. CloTtr.. or Illicit rlllnsra. HI o Joint it it a ass a -.t 5 rnlaurged 4l i. K. nd tr nta q;w for i ewrgr . wub oo.- t.ea pi''-, on nam rna tonpont for atraatasaon P rr.-, ff.H-tlooa, "TH BLOOD I., !,ir Tborqua-h Ir cJanaa Itby uainx Air. i'ic-rre'a Uolden Tied leal 9faeoeerr, and geej flilJtJailu VZLZ.t. f IOB.B fair ttlB. baeiajil alr la I atrenrth. ani aonndueaa of oouatlttttion, wdl be eatablasbod. CONSUMPTION, which It Serofnlona Disease of the Langa, M grrpmpily and c rtainly arrested and cured by tola OocVglven remedy, if taken netore me numtt widened, total disease, when fttafeoCferlng this nawem ebrated remedv to too r.ubllS. r.n v,,iZm thought erriouaty of calling it bla Con puuii vret" onbaimouooaouiasnanie BB top limited for a BtewfM which, from its woooeriui oomninatton or ionic, or strt-.i big. alterative, or.bjoc4taanalng, peotonu. ana nntnu ve propertlea, ia unw not only as a remedy foe consumption nwgft out for au CHRONIC DISEASES 01 TUB Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If .foal dun. drcwBv, debilitated, have aalloar eolrap nt akin, tsr vi IlnvfahJunm mm f? Jr.rrl?. r. neat, bad taste in nv.oth. internal beat or obi alternating with Lot linabea, low spirit gloomy borebodlnga, irregular appetite. coated tongue, you are Buffering from Ind fffJl0.""!8!'? Torpid ttsre Blllonaueaa. In many costs on part of tbese aymptoms are experleitoed. j i eufreHna from Indie oSB avmotoma are szmhmumI. Am a remedy for all eucu oaaaa, "Dr, FlereaB Ooldeu JHodlcnl Dlacovvry baa no eouaL uaL forweak Lnnrj, fipittlnsr of Blood, hortnesa off Breath. Broncfaitia! evero Gong: a, C'ouionptlon, and . it lc a sovereign remedy. In BUrona f-r Br. pierce1 km. sold, by Druggist. xiDOrea anocuoas, Send tea centa I bookoaConaumptkm. PRICE $1.00, aVSTSS! Wert ft Dlspeestty Isdical Association, Proprietors, CC3 IZuln St., Bcttaxo, V. Y. Wctfs LITTLE XkT CLsVMO FILLS. ArTTI-BIIIOTJ8 and CATHABTIO. old oy Broggfata, x9 centa a vkd. $500 REWARD Is offered by the proprietor of Dr. Sago'a OaOxrrb Remedy for a caw.- of catarrh which they cannot euro, 1 f you have a dieoharge from the noan, offenalvo or. other, wlee, partial ioas of ameii taste. Or hearing, vmk (ma Aiil ntfn at preewrre In head, you Lqvo ftitarrh. Thou- "ffatSI p-fmlnnfco in oooaumndan. A" und al Meadaeltc. A Noted Divine Says: "I have been using Tutt'a 1.1 ver Pills for Dyapepala, Weak Ktomscb aad 4'ostlveneaa, wttb wbteh I nave long been afflicted. Ms Pills ARE A SPECIAL BLESSING. I naver bad anything to dome ao much Kd. Ireceommend them to all as beat raedlelne In oxlstanee. Bev. F. 11. OSGOOD. Hew York. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. tfKfll- HasjBj aW m I AT AJelSH KXrl3 ODotsUsV ike mmt P APES ffawanTiaMasaaaaS IKS MAKE YOUR CHOICE. W. D. Kelly, better known a "Pig Iron Rally," Congressman from Philadelphia, is out in th Forum regaling the country with the beauties of production. In order to save protection for the rich, and high taxes for the poor, ha unequlvoea'ty place himself on the platform of removing the tax from whisky and tobacco. This is hi way of getting rid of the accumulating surplus in the treasury. This 1 the way in which the great republican leader In the next House propose to relieve the farmer and the laboring man of heavy taxes This, evidently, wilt be the attitude of most of the republican memoer in the . , , . - next Congress. The financial and eco nomlc condition of the erovernment I tated as follow : There are two general system of taza tlon through which the general govern ment get money to maintain Itself The first Is by duties levied upon foreign good and merchandise imported into this eoun try. The aecond I the Internal revenue ystem by which the government receive large sums from the tax on tobacco and liquors. The custom dutj 1 no lea a tax upon whisky and tobacco. Custom taxes are levied upon such necessaries of life a roal, sugar, woolen goods, leather, hat, cotten good, iumber,sait,oap,g!as, horse hoe nails, hemp, jute, flax, and a dozen of other article necessary to the comfort of the farmer and laboring man. Every time a farmer, laboring man or other person burs arte of tha above named dutiable ar tide from dry good or other dealers he pays the tax in the Increased price of the good. Every time a person buy liquor or tobacco he pay the Internal revenue tax in the increased price of the article pur chased. Tobacco and whisky are mere luxuries -not essential to the comfort of man. The great mass of tha people, whether poor or rich, must have woolen and cotten goods, sugar, aatt, coal, iron. hats,leather,soap and ao ferth.and these are necessaries of life. Not BO with whisky and tobacco. Men do a welt, and very often better, without the ro.t ban with there There are other source from which the general government revenue, but the amount I inconsequential and hence need not be considered here. During the war, the custom duties and internal revenue taxes above mentioned were placed very high to meet the then enormous current expense of government. Now in time of peace theae expense have been verv ma terially reduced, and, thank to a faithful democratic administration, this reductioa is still going on. In consequence of tins reduction, and the further fact that no part of the bonded public debt i now re deemable, the government is confronted with the fact that giocsoocsooo mort ia be ing collected annually than is aeceaaary to meet the demand of government. Tbi surplus Influx Into the treasury, it 1 con ceded by all. must be topped. It must be done by reducing or removing the tax on whisky and tobacco, or by reducing the tax on the necessaries of life above men tioned. What do farmers and laboring men say about this Will they have the tax removed from whisky and tobacco t I so. they will follow the lead of W. D.Kelly and other republican leaders. If they would have It reduced on the accessaries of life they will follow the lead of Hon. J. G. Carlisle -and other democratic leader. THE I CKEAKI PKNlOX. The report of the Commissioner of Pen- J sion for the last fiscal year contains in formation which should cause the people pie to demand that Congress go very slow in making further addition to the pension list. During last year the net Increase in the number of pensioners was 40,234 and this twenty-two years after the close of the war. The pension list reached its natural max! mum, under the law that helped to induce men to volunteer In defense of their coun try, In 1873, eight year after the end of the conflict. The list then numbered 238, 411 ; the disbursement were $3y,oooDoo. The numbers steadily decreased until 1878, when the list contained but 223,998, and the cost was $26,000,000. At that time the new drag-net pension act, promoted by claim agent and encouraged by vote catching politician, began to pat. The Ht grew at a rapid rate until on June 30th last it numbered 406,000, and the cost was $74315,000, And thus the anomaly I prevented of a pension list Increasing at an alarming rate more than a quarter of a century a.'ler the 'close of the war that made it necessary. The pension roil of the United States is now less by only 40,000 than the roster of the standing army of Germany, and coat within $10,000,000 aa much annually. It exceeda by $10,000,000 the total expendi tures of our Government in the year be fore the war. The increase in it coat since 1878 is within $4,000,000 of the di minution of the annual interest charge ef fected since that time by refunding and by the payment of more than $1,600,000, -000 of the principal of the debt. So that, as far as the annual charge is concerned, the war debt has not been materially re duced the form of the obligation has imply been changed. This it not a showing on which to ask for service penions,based on the elimina tion of patriotism from citlzenship,nor for dependent penalona.that would pauperize the roll of honor. The M. A. T. haa read In an exchange that in order to obtain the proper weight of a man you should multiply his hight by ai. The man who figured that out is complete ly in a wilderness if he wants a general rule, in other words does'nt know what he is talk ing about. According to it a man 5 feet tall should weigh f 55 pounds, and 5 ft 6 in. 173 pounds For a man 6 feet tall the rule would aho'it apply. ln'lpensable 10 the Toilet. Darbv Prophylao tio Fluid cures ohaf inn- erii'itiona a H inflammation of all ktitria ; euren inflninad or so re eyes relieve- pain from hitee or Bfinga of )n; eecta ana sore fwt ; destioys ail taint of parapet-ation or offensive smell from the feet or any part 01 the '-od ; teane a and wiiitens the skfn. Used aa a dentlf Ccc I; ! purlilMK the i.roatb ; pre-e. vae the teeth and euros toolhaohei sore gums and n a er, A little of tbe fluid in the water use in bathing is very refreshing and eapeoia ly beneficial to the sick. (frees ear retalsr oerrs spaa eat.) Washington, D. C, Sept. a6th, 1887. That the action of the Government In Issuing a call for the purchase of fourteen million In bond was wise and timely, Is the opinion of able and experienced finan ciers In all portions of the country, and there is also a general feeling that a finan cial crises was narrowly averted due di rectly to the constant and enormou ab sorption of the currency by the Immense surplus that continue to accumulste with startling persistency. I know of certain stanch and extensive business firm. In some great commercial centres of the Un ion, that were absolutely unable to place loans, with the beat collateral, at ao per cent. The ready response to the Treat ury's measure of relief has been so satis factory that It I believed that there will be no further tightness generally seriously felt in the money market until Congress wilt have the opportunity to provide perm anently for the country financial Ills, brought on by the canker-worm of our bOav politic the Ireasuiy surplus our ww m r troublesome heritage from the unsound fiscal policy of the republican. The President and Secretary Bayard had a conference, laatlng nearly a day.the past week, during which several Congressmen were denied audience, and it la supposed that soma affair of state of grave import ance perhaps a solution of th fisheries problem was under discussion, though nothing ha yet transpired to indicate the ubject matter of the consultation. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue I preparing a statement that, will show to what extent the Government receipt would be decreased by a total repeat of the internal revenue taxes, and the result, so far, I Interesting In one aspect, least, as showing a decided change In the bibulous tendenclee and inclinations of the citizen of the United States. It appears that a compared with the previous fiscal year there has been a great falling off In the maiufacture of whiskythe decreased taxation amounting to nearly three mil lion and three quarter the decline hav Ing been noticed for a number of year past. But, on the other hand, the manu facture of beer is so rapidly Increasing Out it may now be termed the national b peerage- the increaaed taxation of the past year showing a gain of about two mil lion and a half dollar over the preceding year. At an early date the Commissioner proposes to have an analytical test made of every brand of American beer, a It 1 alleged that many brewers use more alco hol In making their beer than the law al lowshence it is thought the analytl will cause a se nsation. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue state It as hi belief that the steady decrease in the manufac ture of distilled spirits Is due to the rapid growth of temperance reform in this coun try. While all I so quiet in politic this be ing an off year It may tartle.lf it doe not awe your reader,Otat a new Presiden tial ticket, and a wonderful combination it la, loo, linking a it doe two of the great name of the nation, ha been launched here In the Capital. And welt may Pres ident Cleveland. he realize the strength of thl "combine" quake In hi boot ..a he aea hi vision of a tecond term vanish in to thin air, for how doe he dare to oppose the Presidential aspirations sf those mighty men of r . v oee eminent statesmen who will favorably compare with the fath er of the RepublicLincoln and Doug las ! Ye. I repeat It, Robert Lincoln and Frederick Douglas. The gloriou deed was done at a banquet given to Dougla, the Intellectual giant of the negro racc.oii the anniversary of emancipation day, and though, by a strange coincidence, Robert the son of hi father, happened to he in this city at the same time, I do not know that he is committed to the movement,ytt hi pretence here on such an occasion may be significant. The frisky and wayward Riddleberer, feeling that he haa been snubbed by uis .-, INI .nrvi.,c.,.fl.lCI., togtre the majority trouble next winter by voting with the Democrat and tying the Senate whenever it cult the whim of the erratic Virginian,which judging from his past course, will be quite often. Rid dleberg er will be the pivotal power of the Senate, and he will make the most of hi exceptional opportunity to keep the Re publican In a constant state of suspense. Pbystrtaa Hare lonad Oat That a contaminating and foreign element In th blood, developed by Indignation, Is the cause of rbenmavlsm This Battle upon tbe aeaatitve aob cutaneous cover lag of the tnoaotee and ligaments of the Joints, eanaln constant and shifting pal a, and atTgregatlag aa a calcareous, chalky depoelt which produoea etiffneaa and din tortloa of tha Joint. No fact wbloh ex perieace naa demonstrated in regard to Boat otter' Stomach Hitters has stronger evidence to support than tbia, namely that this medicine of comprehensive ue check the formidable and airocioua die ease, nor la it lose positively eatanll-be.l that it ia preferabiA lo the po-ms often tled to arrest it, Mince the medicine eon lain only salutary ingredient. It ia io a algnai remedy for malarial fevers, -on atl nation, dyapepala, kidney and blad der ail menu, da'nlliy and other disorders. Has mat you get the genuine, The New York Voice I to be sent to every Clergyman in the United State. Miss Phoebe Cousins has been appoint ed by the Court to succeed her father aa United States Marshal of Missouri. She ha Ion g been Chief Deputy In the office and understands it duties thoroughly. She is a handsome lady, and Miuourian are willing to break the law in order to be arrested by her. During the recent dry weather in Mount Pleasaat, Wl., the hub of a heavy wagon truck a gate post, and the friction was so great that It et fire to the post. The gate was burned up, and also the grass for sev eral yard in the vicinity. Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Oared by admin Uteriag Dr. Rains' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowirdae ot the person taking it; la BOftomteiy nartmess and win effect a perma--11 1 and speedy cure, whether tbe patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousand of drunkard have been made tem perate men who have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day bailers they auit drinking of their own free will. IT NEVER FATlS. Th system once Impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utteWmpoastbillty for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race at, Cincinnati, 0, aaai Weed Wanted. Oak and ash wood wanted at this office on uhcription. Let those who intend to supply us wood Inform us so that we wi! know who to depend upon. Will Bay Hogs. Highest market price paid for hog, by "Jim Weatfall," opposite S E Youngs, AN bany, Or. Do not sell without calling on him. QUITE AS BAD AS BULLETS. BUS ma Moldiar Talks of nt Campaign la Virginia The Kaaasy la Animate Tweaty Year After. I ', N. C, Feb. if, 1887. Gtntltmtn: Yours inquiring wheth er or not I had been benefited by Ka ktne, and if so to what estent, Uci, to hand. In reply will say that my health has not been as good in twenty years as now. I suffered with chills from malarial poison contracted while serv ing in the Confederate army on the Peninsular Campaigns in Virginia. Did not mils having a chill at least once in twenty-one days, and more frequently once in seven days, for more titan teen years. In this condition I visited New York in November, 1885, on business. While there I stopped with Mr K, D. Barker, of the University Publishing Company. I told Mr. Barker of my condition. He called my attention to your Kaskine and procured for me a bottle. After my return home I took the pellets as directed and found much relief afforded thereby. Of this c ha nge I wrote Mr. Barker, who sent two or three bottles during the past year. My health greatly improved. I increased in weight from 165 pounds to 200 pounds, my present weight. I believe the Kaskine did it. Quinine had fail ed, as had other remedies usually ad ministered in such cases. Now, unless in case of exposure to extra bad weather, I do not have chills, and my general health is quite good. I turned over half a bottle to a young lady friend a few weeks since. 1 learn from her mother that she was much benefited by it while it lasted I trust you may be able to introduce Kaskiuc generally in this country, in which many suffer from diseases con sequent ujkjii malarial poison in the system. From my own experience I can emphasise its excellence lor such diseases. If I can serve you call on me. I am very truly yours, John C. Scarbokough. Seven years ago I had an attack of bilious remittent fever, which ran into intermittent malarial I tried .ill the known remedies, such as arsenic, mer cury and quinine. The latter was ad ministered to me in heavy and contin ued doses. Malaria brought on ner vous prostration and dyspepsia, from which I suffered everything. Last win ter 1 lieard of Kaskine and began us ing it. A few bottles of the wonderful drug cured me. Malaria and dyspep sia disappeared, and as you have seen a June day brighter for the summer storm that had passed across the sky, so the cloud left my life and my health became steady and strong. Mas. J. Lawboh, 141 Bergen St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one of the roost respected citizens of Bridgeport, Conn., says: "lam ninety years of age, and for the Last three years have suffered from malaria and the effects of quinine poisoning. I recently began with Kaskine which broke up the malaria and increased my weight a a pounds. Other letters of a similar character from prominent individuals, which stamp Kaskine as a remedy of undoubt ed merit, will be sent on application. Price $1.00, or six bottles, $5.00, Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. The Kaskine Company, 54 Warren St, New York, and 35 Farringdon Koad, London. J Groceries. W tile lo iking after your opp'ie in the tie, don't you forget it at N H Al n Jt 0 keep groceries, and don't yoa forget thai job eaa ga jaat much sugar, t ;a,cof fee, r B or 1 ay rung elae for a dollar as oa OSB g in ai J a MM e in th eity.and a; 1 of t be beat qsa ity. Call oa Allen k Co.. when yoa WBnft .ro3rie aad remeBsttor they never al ow tamlve to be andriaeld. flytrap of Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co-, Ban Francisco, Cat., ia Nature 'a Own True Laxative. This pleas ant California liquid fruit remedy may be had of Peehay dt Mason at fifty cent or one dollar. It ia the most pleasant, prompt, and affective remedy known to oleanae tbe system ; to act on the Liver, Kidney a, and Bowels gently yet thor oughly ; to dispel Headache, Colds, and PVvwra ; to cure Constipation and kindred ill. Ladle Fuse Shorn. N H Alien St C are bow receiving direct .1 m 1 ha manufacture, H J Hoibrook & Co., of U u;a, N. Y., a full line of hi justly eel i.rted tine shes for ladies aod misses in C. D. t. and K. E. widths. Those goods will give splendid satisfaction, in fact there are nu better taade. rer Bale. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of Improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of th Narrow Gauge R. R ., with the Lebanon branch of the O. & C. R. R. Inquire at this office. Anrdews & Hackieman, WLDOUGLAS) $3.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - OREGON New York Dally Leader DAILY, SUNDAY AND WEEKLY. OFFICIAL OROAM Of THE UNITED LABOR PABT,CNTBAL LABOB UKIOH aad Tsrioss K. of L. ASSEMBLIES, represeatlag 250,000 Workers of H.Y. City 4 Vicinity. Subscription, $8.00 per year or $1 for 4 months. Weekly or Saadsy 8 Base Edition, fl per year. CUKRENT EVENT. A women of Has- f?itv Mint, li,,iAj herself as a man and clerked in t store for a Ewr ana Mm obtained admissioi into the nights of Pythias. Prohibition does prohibit. If it dots not why Is It that the saloon-kecpe - is so anx ious to have it defeated.when it would ave an Immense tax on the husinest. Of six young ladies, whose education at Vassar cost f 10,000 each, fire married one horse Iswjer and have to giv music lesson to make a living lor the family. The other one is ti)l tingle, bat leaning toward a coun try parson oa a salary of $330 per y-sr. A man died at Pirvinw,Pla., Ust week,at tb SB Of 27. Who far Lnrimn n uni- intt tO hi dviner tatamnf. hl ' ed whole month irs m ( I.e. Oi in death-' bad he atkted that he killed hi cousin in a quarrel when a boy, nd had since been a I wanderer. Nome of th- subscriber to coun try paper are like tnt fallow. St. Ledta haa a "wheelbarrow eras'' and j the trade in thna hnml.U .i..u. ! v naaawawav TVNSVSW mm a mymmwo W W ed so great that niaonfacturars cmi hardly uppiy wie neinahd. The reason is lbt Uo'le aod their lady friend have akea to I ..ying mem, eon may le ,., winding tact, thr around almost aey One ovenliig. Ida Lewi, tba b- r lea . f UdM Hock, live Ioua tu th light -: a-, i r p. rents being dead and her irot...-r kh t follow tbe aea Mi Lewivd thin live betweeo 1800 nd 1S81 Hse doe ail h. r arn house work, keens the light trimmed aad burning, and Bad time to raia a few fl iwar in the crsv mm of th rooks 00 th rough. I: I.. U lslaud WSSfc The following exsmpte going tbe round of tba urea ia an mmmv una "A I ... ...... one mile in length stopped with th.. cai oe .. ia. . s . mm m J me depot. The condartor got orders to move bis train to tha aext station, which wa jaat five mile ditat, lie gave the eagineer th order to move, which the latter did while th conductor walked over ahead oa tap of th car aod got there jost a the engine arrived at the next station, whar he got off. Tb qoestn.n is how far did he aa he v a walking tbe eotire five a. lies, did b ride at all f He walked one mil and roa four mile, that i. be walked th length of the ear ai rode the rest of the diateoo. A New York City paper give Governor Pennoyer the following interesting notice: "Thirty-five years ago Sylvester Pennoyer was a newly-fledged lawyer up in iiroton, Tompkin county. HI father wa a farmer, and tbe young fellow had spent mo of his life on the place. When he hung out his ign a a legal adviser the inhabitant of the quiet village and the country around did not keep him awake night with the case they brought for hi consideration, so he started one day for the territory of Orrgon.then an almost unknown region to the people of New York. He carried hi law diploma with him, but he never used it, for lie could not wait atarvingly for a legal reputation and a fortune in the thinly-settled new ter ritory, and so he went to work in a lumber camp, like tlie stalwart farmer's son he was. To-day he is one of the ricitcst lumber men In Oregontnd last year was elected govern or of the state on the Democratic ticketafter one of the most exciting and thoroughly contested elections that the state has seen for many rear. He i here r.ow for the first time since, as an almost penniless voung lawyer, he left to seek hi fortune in tlie far Weal in the spring of 1854, and ha been with hi staff at the Centennial celebration at Philadelphia. He will visit hi old home at Groton before he re urns, and will doubt less meet With a heart v m-ratinn (mm I ho old timer In that live and ancient bury,." When Andrew Jackson was President of the United States, a poor woman at Washington, who had a large board bill against a department clerk which she could not collect, sought in her despair an interview with the President and told him her trouble. The President told her logo to the clerk andgethis promissory note, then come back. When she returned, the President took the note and wrote aero the back Andrew Jackson. In due time the note was placed in a bank for collec tion and the clerk notified. He paid no attention, but when informed a-ho had en- domed it, quickly got the money and paid the note. Next day he was notified that hi service in the department were no longer wanted. Professor Carl Meyer, who made a ll loon ascension at Erie the other dav. at tained an altitude of more than 13.000 feet without suffering any inconvenience what ever. At that height he saye : "My putec stood at 7- and my respiration wa 20 a minute, or about twice faster thnn ordin ary, but I felt first-rtte, and the air seemed bracing and exhilerai ing. Tlie thermom eter registered 62 degree." Senators Sherman, Hawley, Hule, Har rison.Cdmunda and Malum c are to encour age the New York Republicans to try and whoop up a majority for Colonel Fred Grant during the coming campaign. Flvejndgesin Chicago were recently busy hearing divorce cases, to the exclus ion of other business. That city has with drawn its claim as a summer resort. It should substitute one as a divorce center. t BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment Sciatica, Scratches, Lumbago, Sprain. Eheumatism, Strains, Suras, Stitches, Scalds, Stiff Joints, Itinga, Backache, Bites, Galls, Braises, Sores, Bunions, Spavin Coras, Cracks. THIS GOOD OLD Contracted Eruptions, Hoof All, Screw Worms, Swinuey, Saddle Galls, Piles. STAND-BY accent aUabes for everybody exactly what ts claimed for it. One of Um re&toiui tat the grreat popularity of the Mustang Liniment 1 found in Its universal applicability. Everybody needs such a medicine. Tbe l-amberm an needs it in cass of accident. Tha Ileaaevrifte needs it for central family use. The Caxaler needs It for bis team aad his men. Tbe Mechanic need It always on bis work bench. The Mlaer needs It in ease of emergency. The Pioneer needslt can't get along without it The Farmer Bead It In his house, hi stable, sad his stock yard. Tbe Steamboat man er the Boatman needs it la liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs it It is bis best friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It It will save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Ital I road man needs It and will need It so long as his life 1 a round of accidents aad danger, Tha Back woodsman needs it. These ts noth ing Ilk it aa aa antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs ft about but store among his employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come the Mustang Liniment Is wanted atones. Keep a Battle ta the Hoaae. TUthe best of eocnomy. Keep a Bottle In tbe Factory- I U immediate Ce In case of aocldant aavaa pain and uss of Keep a Battle Always In AKE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Vnr ai Thae mf ibe Unr, Xidfioy, Stomach and Spleen. Thh purely veBetabl pre- m&ttZ$SXL"l th South in lBsa. h acts U 'H v on th Bowels and Kidney aerl eorrecta lbs action of the, and m, there, frr. the txt preparatory medicine, wherrr the tick-ar-'. may prevs lo b la all i"flimrm diataSM it will, nn a"1 luted Sry any other medi one. afreet a speedy core. The Bean Intro l sal 10 adatiatvier in ny teadttion tit tb jrl-n, and under no el re urn ijaiie eon It do harm. It will Invigort ;!" a plat-, of wine, but h no Intnaicailng brvr. r to ted tn Intemperance ; will promote ttt, rtaalpate headache, and gener ally tone np (he eystem. The dVwe a mll, not Mi.plen.ntif, and it virtues undoubted. Ho less of time, no later mptlon or etoppeBe of huainesa while taking the RaaBj ChiMrea complain if of Colic. Ileudoehe. or Sick Btomaeh, a Meaall er Mere vii giro relief. If fake occasionally by pa tient eoood 10 MALARIA. will eepei the poiioa and protect A fBYefclABa oimmiov I h been practicing medicine far twenty yeses, aad bare never been able to nut up a vegnbk rmtpoond that would, like Simmons Lirrr Kaga lator, promptly and effectively move the l'ver to actioe, aad at the same time aid (isaf serf ot weak ening, the digewive and aMimliarlve powers et thB ystem. I. M. Uurrow, M. D.,WaJungtei, Ark. err. that yotT urr ntr. tizmrac earar.n av J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. HOFFMAN &PFEIFFER -PROPillETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturer of CHOICE C01FICTI0IIET. Wo are bow prepared to aall st whole ale, always freah and pare at Portland price to dealers, We alec keep a foil line of Huts and Tropical Fruits, OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is cvmr'r We keep the very nnoat stcok of aiaokaaa and chewing tObaOSKL. ms rar ban nt and hruar ninaa that Is b delight to smoker. The WUmMMw GvlOK S mmm mmm oaves rear. Bar 31 S'US! L MB 3.500 SBbVbBSBW van. ole CilVatS WmolesaJe ft i met to consumer a e all penoaval or tanetlr wee. Telle 1 order, aaad give era coat 1 thlmat worn use, eat, drink. hare fern with. Thee IbTT AJsefJJ BOOKJI contain tnfSsal from the markets or tha will mall a carry FBBE S easy trees upon rearing or IO et. SO expense of mailing, fet as heau yon. Itepetfallr MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. OT dfe BTO Wahavwb A vi, 1 MANY LAMP CMUOKlfg AftS offered for sale represented as good tvs tbe Famous HUT THEI ARE NOT! And Ilka Ball Counterfelte laveJc sits. Bhsamaurkadblo LASTIXQ QBUUtt OP THE GEVsTDlBw PEARLTOP THIS LABEL Mbm The PEARL TOP is Jaaamfsactared OXf. Y hy 010. A. MACBETH & CO PITTSBURGH. PA. PATENTS Ol-Ulned, and at! other business In the U. 8. Pataa Office auenaeaed to for moderate teas. Oiu-effieeUeppoait tb U. 8. Patent Office, and weoaa obtain Pateats lea t.n.e than tbeee remote earn Washington. &end nttHlfe er drawine. We atf" be patent anility free of charge ; and we make o ebara aaJwas e obtain pau-ut. We refer here, to tbe Postmaster, the 8npc nf oaey Order Dir. andte officials ottheU. B Patent oSka. Per etrtnlar, advice, terms, aad oacSual ehsaSa in your own Stat or connty, widreas Aa SNOlV&COe, n,;lie Patent Office. Wabnsrea. D THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE PLYMOUTH ROCK 13 PAHTS. Cat to eroer from woollen doth carefully ssleetef fur style and we ar. Ever pair enarantee dead mwa ay promptly refunded, or a new pair nude, if oo ar returned as factory. DO YOU WEAR PANTS ? Tell oa about what ee -ryon ike, send neyeur aha, hip and laaideleir meaanre, tegetber with S3 nU SS et. far pottcga lor nrrnuM ,,rnu. packing. Or s. r te us, or to the offer tt mi paper, ana ot reninle 11! be rrafl- ed you, including Pen tpe-neanre, a w have deposited with (be proprietor of tbia paper a nunr bei ot these packers (or sal at six cents. PLYMOUTH POCK PAHTS CO., J4 snuuuer St.. Beaten, Mass. C. O rKHRt 0 B.rfmt ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARSES, iSucoessors to C. C. Cherry.) IaQlimi8uS, Millwrights, and Iw Fonrnteio. 'ft h, K HAVE OUR NEW shop- i ? completbd. and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work We will manufacture Steam Engines Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kind Iron aad Brass Castings. PtTTKR MtOR OB HBSBT NOTISTB. Spettia1 attention civen to repairing all in Machinery. Will alao manuflto re .proved Oherry A White Grain- P xe u&x. ooice, N :oe ts nndfraiga ed h 6 y h ed Exeeu triv t t ii t nf Perry C. L . e i. .i i y Court of Lia o a. nv. O-f''. Al ). ns hiving clhi n- Mi;aint f uitH ter.r y uotiticd to presei t th. I. w u ttteiitli from this date pro ' . ! v-riii'.'.i aa by law r. quired to thi unlerii.'tictl at A bauy, Oret.n. :ept. ?th, 1S87 a r , . r tVXARTHA 41 LINKS, Execntru ot tho last will aod testament of Perry . . K. Veathebix)R1, C. Lines, Dee'd. WVY1 fm m with 3355 1