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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1887)
THE STATE RI6HTS DEMOCRAT iiuhrd every Friday by ST1TKS tit NtJTTlN. SPtNKiSorri('B-.aDMcrt.Kiill4laKa Uroatlitlbiu tri. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION lalef.pT, (nrywr.lmdniMn,..,,,'..... ft o tt o-ipy, per yuar. Mend of year , t M ajatfle espy, s lu.mths.. i 06 iijTl oopy. lore ntuutha 50 uric number. ... , , 0 IMIOFR8SIONAT X?AUDN. L. H. MONT AN YE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public. llssiuy, Oregon Oflloe upstairs, ovr John RHggn store, J. K. WE AT HER FORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNRY AT LAW, (TTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE TV Sttt. Special attention plrtn to collections and r l ttviMar. XRT(VUo In O-U Pelts! Ttmpln, flftt I. O. POWMLL. W. R. 1LYKU POWELL BTfjYEU, iTTO ItVRYS AT LAW, al Solicitors in rhanperv, if.nWV. - - - ORCflOM. OolloMon prnmntly made on all point. ;'iens negotiated on reasonable terms. sOffleeln Foster's Brick.'; vMnlOtf. J. J. WHITNEY, ittorney And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Conrte of .hlsState. AH business intrusted to him will ha promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept In a first Hasa DruR Store. Also a fine atoek of pianos and organ. ALBANY. 0REU0N . FOSHAY A MASON, YTMKU'.I ASS RtTAItr- .Irnggistsand Booksellers, Agent for John B. A 1 den 'a pn 1I1 ration, HW weeell a ptbllher' yrioeo with r?oatagada'ed. ALBANY, ffKKClOHT. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS C1REFFLLT FILLED, Oj an dvy and night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. I bare the let stock ot urniture In the city and will sol' Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE ts) the c4tr and the lowest prioe In the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, a complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Aioaay Bath Mouse. UVDIUalUVgD WOULD KggPgCT 'allyiaform the itisess of Albany sad rl lattytaae I esTetekeeehargeefthla Establish ata-.( nd, h t keeping ileaa reoms sad payia rlet attentlen to basioss. expeeta so Bait al wh may favor us with tksir patronaga a vla Heretofore aarrled on notsinsbst Flrat-Olaaa Hair Dressing Saloons ,i;.ft- t. gltra entire satUf F-tiaa ta si say n -Ml 11 eiJ Tadiaf' Hair neatly an DR. J.L. HILL, yician and Surgeon, ABANY OREGON. C C OWR' tf.B.PVKKB AT Ay A NY IRvON WORKS Ch vjtRY k PAtURS, mm W C. C. Cliy.) lachinUH, sTuwrlfttta. and (91 J9PTW SHOW AI" J, we now prepsrad to ww work. Wo will lirR FT AVE OUR T T compleLd, and handle all kinds of baa flf,mt Grist and manufacture Steam Et ,n vtnria of Tror. Saw Mill Machinery, ami and Brass Castings. ct mith k. PATTRRNa tftBf, A!f tpairing all Snaclal attnntlon Tlyn to manufae kinds of maohlnery. will a, Y-bite Grain tttra the improred Cherry A Hoparator N. J. HENTON, Hotary Pnblic Insurance A m 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, , hVpre sent everal of tka beat Fir. I r r i il. rt i. ri.ii i. aura ncetompanica on nm vai.. vn him forreliable inanrance. i 1 AM NOT BR TOO HIGHLY 1 A MAEVEli OF AGE 1 1 mvMiv c ft SawiiaSiiai aihasaat masiinai IBS- WT T XT Tub f 3BV. JA . .. t. M' BSirOTsT: it. It prevents ae well aa cures hi MATWH.RAVi;i and a MMMMV Jii:AIAHK, sfAUtaiBA, BtliE, W5 TlOIli, HIAKJBH1RA and DVMKBI s.'K3 a,KSttni-2tS, liAKWITlUH K, Futih 111 on or Otftrravnted. by a disordered i Contatrion. and an cCttcaeioas i'eiued; JULK ASTHMA, tha lXi, VOL. XXII. A CHILD'S SKIN Kara and Nealp C'overfd with K irmalonN Nrahn and Noren ured by Cutleura. MY llttlo m, jnHt lght rear., h botm effllc'stt with Koiviim ( tho noaip, nl t tlniwi groat tlu tHvty, .Im-o hi two rrwa oJd. It brunt. In bin enr. . ntinl.l to hU m'l. whUh bourne HvtirHl Uh MMtlm wid anraa. ami trwi wbti'h a ntlikv fluid ptiuiwl out. cauiit IiiI.imhp ItrbliiK ami il'ntr., ftitU Laving hi. hair mattail anil llh'loiw. I'mlvnuaUi the, acab. th. akin waa raw, likapiorf i.oi-f-k (ralually th. hair cainn out ami wtarfmtroyl, until but a aaialt patch waa lutt at tbt ba-k t tb bvail. My frlcnda In I'mImmIv know how my little boy haa auttarad. At night ha would arraU'h hUboaii until hla pillow waa aoterail with blood. I ud to tlu hla lunula Ik'IiI'uI him. and In many waya tried to pravant bla aoratchlnf ; but it waa no uae, ho would avrntrh. i aok it I in to tha hoapital and to the Iwat pbyalrUua In l'raboiy with nut atK-caaa. About thla Uin,antti frianda, who had Iwtn cured by th I'ntloura Reniedlea, prevailed upon mrtotry them. I Uon t.. ue them on the 15th ol January laat. In aavea montha every particlaof the dUt-aae removes). N't .,hI ..r --it. raaMSnaaa bra acalp to tell tha atory of hla auffeilnir. Ilia hair haa returned, and la tblok and atnxiir, an t hla avalp aa aweet and clean aa any nhlld'a In the world. I can no: aay nonjrh tiep'ea. my grratitude for thla woi. d,r ul cure bv the Ontlcura Hemeiltea. and wiah all aiinilarlv afflicted to know that my a talc men I U true and without cxavtreratKm. CtURLEt McKAY, Oct. th, lswa, Paabody, Mast. I have aeen Mr. McKav'e lov whan badly affected with the Rraema e waa a pitiful aight to took- at. I know that ha kai trUil attr baai phyalclana, and did all a father ceuld do for a Buffering child, but availed notbimc. 1 know that the eUlrmeuta he haa matte you a regard, the cnrlnir of hla boy hy your t'utlt-ura Rcmedlreare true In averv particular. william j. McCarthy, SS foatar St , Paasody, Mast. .1 I een whare. Pri Ctillctirt. 1 . , ru:i iraHtxm. SSeenU: Cutl. u.w Rwwdtent, tl Pr-ir- ad by Po'.tar Drug and Chemical t'o., Boatou . and far "How ta Car Skin RHraara." PLK-t, IlUtkheatta, Hkin and lUby Uuru .ra, uae Cntlcura Hoap. IN ONE MINUTE. Rheumatic, Keuraltric. S.utlc. Sudden Kharp and N.rvoua Palna and Weakneaa r-lie v. I in ,.ne minute by the t'utlcnra Anil Tin Plaater. At dn.KWi.t.. t& U. Hotter Drug Co , ftoaton. Thla la th" t f t onoAL moB-cur BHOBever in- -nt- It v-ry QBNTBSL acd DIIESSY and erraa protrnon aa a I rower -tsnar. itst ,venlin X t put en a?ic oo iMadjnatedaa ft any anklo by alxuplr uundagttMi L. E. SLAIN. Albany, Or. Red CrownMills MOB, LAN MMi A CO., PR0P1VS. a aw raocEM rxoca supkkior for r ami libs Aim bakers rRS. BEST STORAOF FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Caah fo Wheat ALBANY OR. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rouerh, dressed If Pat. Onagri tafr KB n J?? 6; 1 "AT 3 dl HI " m flr Ml e I I v..; PKA m. nd seasoned lnmber,laths and hh death waa attributable to his aer pickets kept constantly on " ho wflr- II WM wn known hand Bills sawed to order on tht Mm. Logn was now, through Shortest notice Use only best the generosity of friends and Strang Calapooia timber Price and rs in poeeeeslon of an ample estato, terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. Fa Me MILLERy Attorney and Cowslor At law, LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice in all tho Courts in tbe Stat MISS EMMA SCHUBERT I Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. 1 fl II Ml Mats wuhirt'cnployment or desiring Wl ' . a . ra i f tl- iielp, will tew-icou a? iwia dtowwh tore and rug.'ster their iiamea. Br Onoaa or Lou or. AOKNT8 WANTEO to aell "BEMINI8CENCES of 60 YEARS la the NATIONAL METROPOLIS. BY BEN PERLEY P00RE m . . a A.t it., urt ITrivttr and Eccentricitiea of relrh.ltlea.' A rleSIy lllatrated treat of ur Society Hlatory. from "yeolden time' to the wartdinrof Clevelami. WiKiilrrrully popalnr, weion.r;oi e lAArM fnr fllun - - sr a r.-TWiTL T71 IBSI1 ailiri. .,d termr. A L. MMU l a.w Poblith j are, Bin Franclaao, Cal. t .jt i-rssjewwasw" -" . . j. . 1 1 y .rxu:..'BwawwBBBsaaassssi rti',J. AS IT IS TRTJIV ubttfil should be arla3Whct , t!3A!j;. GOUT, ilfllEU- AFy?TEI) ILIVI'ltt, f wBJTir, SJOHSTIPA. W O" AG UK SajJBEI 'r w ry difieaae broiil.t T; speetlle ajralnHi - severe COUGHS "Wn-Nlmm ton. (Proat tur regular oarretposotut.) WAgHlNOTOK, Pb. 4th, 1187. Will the Preaident sign or veto the IuttTwStatfj Coitimerod bill T And who will rucooed Secretary Manning aro two quellt)n!i that are cauirg much apeculatlon just now. It hav ing been pretty definitely settled that Mr. Manning will anon rettlgn the portfolio nf the Treasury, political gossips have fixed the data of hli re tirement nd elevated half a doaen men to his place In the Cabinet Among these ia the wealthy Peun. sylvan la Congressman, Mr. William Scott, wo has frequently been men. tloned beforo as the next Secretary ef the Treasury. But Mr. Scott Is reported as saying that ha will quit public life as soon as his term In Con gress expires. ' He says be Is tired of public llfetand that he loaea $1000 per day by being In Congress. Senator McPhersos,of Now Jersey, baa also beoti spoken of aa a successor of Mr. Manning since he is in sym pathy with the President's Ideas oa questions of finance, and tha lateat theory ef Minister Pendleton's return to America Is that he has been called home to takes Cabinet position. But the President haa a very high opin ion or the abilities of Assistant Secre tary Fsirchild, who wndacted he affairs of the Department during the long Hlnees of Mr. Manning, and on whose shoulder has fallen anuch Im portant business. In the opinion of most politicians he Is mote like!) to be appointed than any other winy has been mentioned. The probable fate of tha Inter state Commerce bill Is equally provo. cation of gossip and speculation, and the preseuce hero of a number of prominent ntlroad men Just at tha time when the hill h In suspense Im been much commented upon. The President has nntil Ssturday to dis pose of the tnoaaure. The leu daye within which he can legally act or. It will expire Saturday evening. U has examined the congressional u btet on the hilt and has given the eubject thorough and careful consid eration. Even if he vetoes It the friend of the measure claim that there will be : trouble In phasing it over the veto, as the vote on the bil showed that more than two-third of each house was In favor of It. Among some Interesting adverse reports from the House Committee on Pensions, Is one upon the bill granting a pension to Mrs. fygan. It saye, should Congress pass the bill and by future legislation maintain that ftlrnens rw.d contds'eccy which should rhbrai tcrixo all leghl4tion,the widow's of 259 major generals a- d roar admire Is would he given a pen sion of $2,000 a year each. It went on to say that it was well known that hundreds of poor widows of brave soldiers were denbd $12 a month be cause of their Inability to connect the death of their husbands with their military service, while In the coe of a" 11 not cinimeu mat "d while the eammittee expiessea the highest regsrd for both her ana den. Logan, they believed that the p.i:tge of t hi and all similar bills WsUld be in the direction of building up In thin country an aristocracy con trary to the very principle of an equal government for all. The retrt closed with the state ment that the committee believed that the proposition to pension Mrs. Lo?n originated In an emotioo arts log from the sudden and unexpected death of her hnshand, and vas not th" deliberate judgment of the people. Next Wednesday has been set epart In the Senate as memorial day for Gen. Logan, and among those who I .a a m a m ft i wjj frptaU In eulogy oi nira are cseu ators EdrauudsEvart8,A!Hsou,Man derst n , Pla mb, 8pooner,Frye, Ha wley, Cullom, Stanford, Morgan, Cockrell, Hampton, Ransom and Blackburn. Serator Far well, the successor o QOO. Logan, Says he does not intend . . obstructionist. He Cast his , 4. . . Aral vnte In tho Senate In favor o i - ' woman suffrage, and he also voted to confirm tho colored lawyer from Albany as Recorder of Deeds. He says the President Is responsible to the country for his acts, and so he means to let him have bis own way and even help him to have his own way. He added something about the Senate degenerating Into a mere wasps nest, bent on worrying and nagging the President Just because it has a chance. The way to make hard times is to abuse your county and town. Always be ready to discourage any enterprise that spring! up, give no encouragement a. i A .i iL it, atrsncrara or OiOltailStS o seme aaaoBff you, and yeu Rittbts ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY Helena, JVIiwHoiirl. According to nrrangement I will write you a few items. 1 will first glva you a few notes of my Journey. Wo left Linn county on the morning ox proa for Portland, striving thera we proceeded to the overland ticket office where, after some delay and anxiety, we secured our ticket for St. Joseph. It was yet four hours before our train dorarted ; so, after dlacua sing a dluntr at the New York, we s re In readiness to depart. By ami bye tho cry of "all aboard" amltea our ears, and wo are of for, tho Kst. During the day toe rlightraln thai was filling began to congeal, nnd by the time cur train had reached Bon nevllle, thirty miles from Porllan we were traveling In saow four laches deep. We ware In great expects!. n In view of the fact that we would see some of the Columbia River scenery, but we were doomed to disappoint mentis cur train ran over that pari of the road in tho night. But, away we go up the broad Columbia, over high bridges, through dark tunnels and around precipitous rocks, but It waa all oblivion to ns from the fact that we were quietly sleeping In our berth dreaming of our webfoot girl. Seeond day We pass through the Umatilla Indian Reservation early in the morning. Here and there ooo may ace the "wigwam" sending out Its smoke, announcing to the paasetby tnat there are yet a few of the Rod men of the forest "living as iheir fathers lived." Now wa are entering the Bine Mountains, the telegraph down, snow 16 Inches deep and still snowing. A few hour further on and we are in the Grand Rondo valley. There Is no snow here at tnls time, weather very pleasant, stock looks fl e. Thla ta a fine f May for ruinag stack nod grain, but It lacks the fine orchards that are m common In the Willamette. Li Grand, tho metropolis of located in the southern part of the valley and has quite a metropolitan appearance. Wo caught a glimpse of the hot spring the car win dow,aa we hurriedly swept by. From here to North Powder River Ika country is vvry mountainous. Noth ing to vary the scenery bat an occa sional wayside station. But by and by we reach Nrth Powder. This Is quite a nice country. Tho face of the country It clothed over with ru nches end farm-. There Is also a great dal of at ck raised and kept here. There h al considerable mining carried on In and about here. Baker City 1 the chief town. As wa only stop nere a few minutes we have not tbf time to iok over tha town, but frotn i he appearances ,we would Judge that it is a thriving little town. A ride nf fifty miles brings us to Huntington, the Junction of the O. R. A N. and Oregon Short Line This Is only a small place kept up by the railroad. Wo loavo the O. R. 4 N. and take the O. a L. We find tint our time Is one hour behind. From Portland to Huntington wa hive Pacific time ; from Huntington to North Platte, Neb , Mountain limn, uvhli-h la nnn htiur fsalarlthsn Pacific I hoe. At 6:30 sneed awav aeaiu uruugi, oua.e m. r va-y, nnu . . . , r. ti . .. .11... a I .1 l 111 K W( IT II I 111 II lf I 1 1 1 1 . t J . llf. WK I i At i..j ... .... I expected to view tbe gnako by day- ight, but we tnink from the. view we tad of it by starlight tiiat it Is but very llttlo larger than the Wlltsoa ettc Continued. 1 Ve eV . ee There li a wonderful im laimity now among prominent 0!ii RtfpublicittB re- gatoing the camltdscj of John 3hurman fur Presu'eot. All arc in fei'or of htm, apparently. Tbia fact will he better understood when it -is kuowo that Sherman's efVctioo to tbe Pteaitlency would make a vacancy in tbe offioe of United hUtOS Senator from UUIO. iior. Forsker, ex-Oov. Foster, ex-3peakvr Vusbnell. Bsatty, Noyes, But- torfie'id.Townaend.McKinley and others think they conl I 611 gherman'a seat in the Se'iate. Gov. Foraket's published statement tlut ho will not sgaio bs a candidate for Governor revives tbe story that Foraker it to stand aside for Sher man, and that it is thought if Sherman runs tor uovornor this ysar and is elected, it will give him a strong boom for Preaident uext yoar. Outsidepf the politicians, tho Republican voters of Ohio want to soe BUine nominate 1. Biihop Csrtin, of Wilmington, Dela ware, has issued a prooouncUmooto forbidding balls given with the inten- those from Kansas, where, in a major tion of raising money for religious pur- Ity of counties, the outlook is regarded poaM, or the holding of pionies,fairs,e x cinuona or entertainments of any kind for the beneSc of religious or charitable institniions without the approval and conaet.t of the bishop. The dcree was rrceired with some surprise aad created considerable of a sensation. A counterfeit $2.50, containing only 75 cents worth of sold has been found. It ia .., , . I so perfect In weight and size and appear will uadoubtrdly j thftt Jt has defied dctcctlon by the beat ciaieca rat t Tha n tma Franca cent's from Fran ois,tbe land of tha Franka. Frank,-In-gsnsrie name of the people, ia derived from an eld German word signifying a battle-aae. England, the land cf the Angles, takes its nana from one of lbs chief tHbea of low German invaders, and tha term Anglo-Saxon as applied to the language rtpreseols the onion of dislects ef Angles and Ssxoos. The present oust of operating the railroads of the country with steam power is in round number, $302,000, 000 per annam ; but to carry on the name asaooot of work with men and horses would c st the country $11,300,- ,000. The c.nisr pigeon asrvios in Paris it bow roost eare"uily organised, and tha latest census sboss that there are 2500 trained bird, whieb oao take despatches lo aed out of tbeeapital in the fOogbest Weather, Some are taught to go to the neighboring forts and towns, others ta distant parts of the proviooes. We era in receipt of the message to Ike Legislature of Gar. Alger of Mici gan. On Ibe Chinese eeeetion tha Goveaor speaks too plainly ta be mis understood. Ha savs z msttat should receive voar attention. That is, aa you well know, on tbe waters ahorse of this great Oouhtry a horde of Chinese Fsasoa. wi - I inej oome rrom a country where aha whole pop4ietioo of tbs United Smtes im numbers sou Id bo taken from aod scarlety missed. Thtir Immigrstion to a this eoantrv shnuLl b f.r a.r , , - iui,. ilia.l,.....:.. a i .it arnmr nt, tbey sand all their a.rnjn. back lo ttcir native Isnd. and .U . - - - 1 sbey bare areumul4ted a amsltaus tbey relam there only to sead out, to tske -heir plac., hordes of ..m.l.r ssnaaaVi They disgrsos lator tbey will work for wagesand lay up the g eater por. - p w . ttoa ot their earnings that will eel aopftrt a white ratti, Tkv are a ;.as tree" to ths growth of ibis coun try. 1 ss;.comet'i tbst yeu urge upon unr mrmhsrsof Cougress tba necessity of tb .-uactmio' of a law that sbsll for ever bnl ai.nrk.r .r.W-. - a I lauding in tbia tawatrw. W- haea B ' vt u utv III. uj i ase for them, and tbe "sooner atrinaet, laws are passed prohibiting them from 0.aiiB bare, tbe better it .ill i.- g. tbe cjuntrv." w - -" e e t Sin 4t 1 g.1 1 I Urn l... . A I s .w .aa uai pnNuwn 1. 5.0,117,000 wor'.h of gold, of which $l,641,582,0tj) i the fjnlted States, f 1,076,790,000 lu Aastralie,f771,994,. AAA 9 wsa e - -- - - ' - - - ..1 uw in K.tasu, ani f 344, 750,000 in oil other quarter! J Prior to 1871 tbe average yield of! lb world since 1850, or tha aennal average in the twenty years, 185O-'70, ... ,1,000.000, b.l in h. AM. - l rars aince tofv ;ne annual averago is 105.000.O00. m. . .. .. . ine wont a silvsr pr-Hlustloo was t351.500.000 in 1 H77-! tton oMO OOO I in 1UfilflK OlrtT tnAftn.1 : leoa j I w - w - w iwva" a w w m"v w T.v-,iwiWu ,u ioo.,ai $1 10,606.000 in 1886. The averasre of l ?7 81 aa? son nvi .1 w-.. wW,ww pejr .unua , iiixi til i nn i r:i av ta mm hh iiiiii ami i 1. a S I BU 1 D K . . AAA AAA AAA ft I "r""' ' the average yield aioaa ia I.. a,, I Z 7 n"m' I United netfa ara tiimmi nut OR5t AAA . I 1 r'V'i i nlin.AAA. .W A ' it-i-vvv, ! ira. Si 5 KlMI (ifUi .ml nth., .a.... I . . . I Z7. Z "' ' T..,VVWfwVw. i The United States are producioz 48 par cent of the world's sil vr and nearly ,.ni as 33 per eent of its geld. a uflrmnn ensmtst has is van led a a .efw. . a t. a new kind of anassthstio bullet, ahich bs urgrs will, if brought into general una, greatly dirainith the horrors of war. Tbe bulla t ia of a brittle substance. breaking directly when it comes in son- taot with tbe objact at which it i aim ed. It contain a powerful anteathstic. producing inatantaneoualy complete in .-naihtlitv. laatlns far tars We hnure. whioh. exoent that the notion of tha onntinne. i. not to hsdistinirui.hed frftm Aamth a .h.ea ihs.e bnnft, Mre uged wlU in a thort titD. he apparently covered with dead bodies, but in reality merely with the prostrate forms of soldiers reduced for tbe time being to a state of unoonseieusnsss. While in this condition tbsy may, tbe German chemist points out, be packed in ambulance wagons aad carried off as prisoners. , The Farmer Review, of Chicago,saya that reports aa to the condition of win ter wheat continue of a generally fav orable character, with the exception of - ss poor. The latest reports ware all made prior tc the cold wave of Friday eight, and insulting damage to sxpossd fields, if any,hs not yat been fully dis closed. Reports from Illinois, Indiana and Ohio state that tho plant is looking green and tender, but that broad sere ara entirely exposed, and indicating that crops would bo subjected to a certain amount of peril in the event of freezing ither. mux 35, 1887. r voi; woist ew Sfcrew Mealaaaa Man Hsr sel4 a ftirrst rrablrss. "Is there a fatality among our prom inent men" is s question that we often ask. It is a qucatinn that perplxs oar leading medical men, aod they ate at loss to know bow to saswer it. Wa sometimes think that if tbe pby sisisns would give part of tbs energy to the eonstderstioo of this question that they give to eomlnvting otbsr vchools of prac.ioe, it might be satisfactorily a as wared. Tba light of iaraa" rcmiuds us of ten of tbe qusrreie of old Indian tribes, tbst were only bsppy when tby wars anaibilating each otbsr. If Allopathy makes a discover) that promises good to tbe race, Homeepatby derid a it and breaks down its it.flu aees. If Homoepatby makes a dis covery that promisee to be a been to tbe rase, Allopathy attacks It, It is absurd that these schools should faney tbst all of good is ia tbsir methods and eons ia any odur. Fsrtunately for tha rsop!', tbe merit hick these "ism" will sot recognise, is rseogniard by tha public, and this public recognition, taking the farm of a demand upon the mod teal profession, eventually eoaapeU it te r cognise it. Is U possible that tbe question has bean aot Werad by ah raw d busisess men 1 4 prominent mao ones said to an ta- : i l I 1.1 I a it. H",fr w"u ""w a"v """ 41 ot beeaose I did things while otbr '! wfr tblukir,f tK)Ut d'jinI tb0l, ll "m to u tbtl 'ubHc la e a.S' M it. nsve recegniaea wnac mi- tauiity ts, rses-v a vate j a I Heal profession have hoco wu angling I ,boui il n t . t . or a oirrini. a.aiinauo- 111 n.sar- 00 w thi tbert h bown " wri rtlOTm reirrsnc-i o bat nomo can now get any amount of itiauraner who baa tbe least development of kidney disorder,) because tby find that aisty out cf stery kuodred ia this cmotry do, either di rectly or lndireo.Iy, sutfer from kidney diaaatsv Hence, no teliaule cowpany ill insures mn eso-pt after a tiid oery oaamtratiou Thl. reminds u if a lillte inatauce wbicl oorrwi a abort time ago. A fel,ow WM " ot fr re "Pble amouut of ioaoisoce. He was rojectad on eRsmioaiion, Dacsajse, uo- - known to himself, bis kidneys arete dis- eased. The shrewd sgeot, bowever.did . ... D0t tltre un the cats. II lis I an OVO to katsioeas aud to bis commission, and Ljj . Don't you worry; you get a balfdexsn bott'es ot Warner's sjaff Care, take it arcjrdtog to directiona n ft,out a mouth come around.aod we wil, have another examtoatioo. I know oa will find yourself all tight and ms our nvilie?." i Th. .il0r ,,d ..irriM, .1 tb. sgeat'a fith, but tbe latter ropiisd : I Thi. aaslsst is a valual.U mm. Vr I ma y insurance agenta sil over the I -k.. .,l . M.,e.,mn. rm. I i s wv vsl" a-as a w vs avet wa a i .1.1 i -j 1 icic - lor m:.-t caop, gi similar nu- vioe. and evantuellv he irtU the insur- a. 1 ence. - a iw u & . e.g.. r.Am eeh st w u are w .ww v.. . . ... srell as other shrewd bnsinaaa e I ,k .. u 1 1,. m. iuom. iiHiim n" irvin,.in.i vv mw qtnrv i Ia it possible that our columns . " l i .i:2 : .u- f. f ! omw 0Bn Pra'-"' " anveri tsemenir, watt nan proTi KlMains- in to millions, and yet b. roanv ignored a, an advertisement T I 7 . . . , , J In our hies we nnd u trn tatimm,ia' hr Warner'a Safe Oure. no two alike, which could not exiit exeeut unon a basis of truth : in deed, thsy ara publiahsd under a guar antee of $0,000 to any one who will disnrove their correctness, end this of- r - w far has bean standing, we are told, for , - -. more than lour years. w U udonuieaiy iDia arneie, wnicu i i i i l simply dealing out justice, wilt bs con- sidci ed ss an advertinemeot and be re- )ctd hy mtDy " "uoh- O w hv uot Pace nor tlD)e 10 ms ' lbe PPion lhat a poor thing o ml 1 not succeed to tha extent that th i-. great remedy has succeeded, could mm ferret iruiruj u" not become so nopulsr without merit even if pushed by a Vanderbilt or an Astor. Hence we tske tbe liberty of telling our friends tbst it ia a duty that they owe te themselves to investigate the matter and reflect carefully, for the statements published are subject to the refutation of the entire world. None have refuted thm ; on the centrary bnndrada of thousands have believed . . them and proved them true, and m be- Having ha.e found the highest measure of aat faction, tnat which money can- , , not buy, and money cannot take away, The discovery of an sqneduot which pi obably dates back to tha time of j XT!.. ain.n noi-tn.l fmra Jam- "li'S "I'" salens, and it is confl Jently anticipated that the further excavation of it will brini ta Harht some extremsly interest O - ease fat- iag and valuable inscriptions. NO ;) 1886. FALL AND To the a large and well With H. Hi v uiv UA8M, and will be sold at PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN LATE STYLES OV Dress Goods, Trimmings, Velvets, e Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IN CLOAKS, S Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES a -. - " j also keep a Gents' Furnishing Go ds, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. DryQ-oods, Hats, Gaps, etc. etc. Orders from distance will be uromptly executed, and samples will be sent upon application, PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for goods, N. H. ALLEN & Co.,' 57 First Street Albany, C'taarrh'tMrrrtar O. P. Quuvlch. Preach log every Ra Hbal n, morning and evening by Rev. , G. lr viae, D. D. Sabbath School at 1: 30 P. at Prayer meetiag every WVIoeaaday evening EvaKoaxiOAL Canucn. Preaching ots Ssh Vath at 10.. a, at, ami 7 P. M. Sabbath , , A TS aJ J 'ingrio" 8. K 0.vU. oMtor. All ara umteo OohrroatiowalCuos u. Senficea-ver Sabbath morema sod aventnir. N.tbtat gefaoo! at 12:15. Praver meeting on H. Wedaesdav eveaina of each week, liev w . v- Romioger, faator. M I. r.n.ra -iArrn Pr-Arhinr .rerr Mtird Sabbath i cah month at 11 o'clock a. ml and at 7 o'clock r. at. Sabbath Schcol . at 10 o'clock a. L Praver meeting Friday evening' a at 7 o'clock. J A" Craig, Pastor. 11. K. Chobch 8octh,Taobwt. Preacb tag on tha first Habbath of each month morn in and eveutn. Sunday aohool each Sai - bath nt 10 o'clock a. ra. Prayer tncetiog Thursday evening. J W Craig, Paator m M. Rt'HCRca. Preaching very Sabbath e Ow ... I orning ana evening, aong serioe m tka avani to before sermnn. Sabbath School dttSO r . Prayer meeting every Thura- II. P. PbjhsitbrUlN CnuRCH. Service every I gbbath morning and evening in Chnrch aer. Broadalbm and Fifth Sta Sunday School itnnnoiiately alter the morning service, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev E R Pritchard, pastor. Frjurr Baftist Chorch. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evo' Chorch on 5th Street. Sabbath School invnediataly after merninj arvices. Prayer meeting every Tbnradav aveninir at 7:30 o'clock. T O I firewnaon, pastor , a Catbic Church -Service every San- I a. 1A.4A . u . 1 t n v. I n Stlm-tnt i J iv.i a. . "" i 1 "-J the raonth aerviee at Eugene (Jtty. Rev. j Lean Metayer, Rector. Kermtrlag Flresrma, We. Persons desiring repairing done, such as guns, sewing machines, umbrellas, para sols, fans, looks, all kinds of nm t!l ma Jnory ud utensils, also fitting keys, grinding soissors.eto , have now an opnor- tunitv to have the same done at most rea- a. . . 1 A . " A sonaoie rares ana on snou miuu. rn have engaged an experienced workman to assist In this da part sr. eat. All work war ranted, at Wibi. Bros.' Gun Store, Albany. 0 W Lorn1 or e Co., of lerfclaml, are da authorised advertising igonta fortiie 1k i crat for that oity. Albany Market. Wheat-77a per bn. Oat 3! Butter 25 ots per lb. SffiT2Xo Hay baled, $12 to 814 per ton. loose, $9 tot. 11 potatoes 75 cts per bushel. Apples 40 cents per bu. Perk 4!o per lb ra Bacons hams, 12c shoulders, ee. sides, lOo. Lard 8c per lb. Flour 4.50 per bbl. ftKlV RA ruir fin. gngar San Franoisc C, 6J'o- i ui dbrtnTn ton. - 1 ehorts, i&. is. i hops, w. state fiianrs democrat. THE BSST ADYFETIflNG MEDIUM IS TH3 WILLAMETTE VALLEY Special hulnes not ires In lv-al t oi "nns in w?na ter line. 5 cents ew wtwiiuouai insertion. Fnrhgelsnrl tran.alr-nt sdvert.'srmeot' tl 00 per square) for Ifce iirst insert loo ,a in i poeenf per Mjusro for ca;!i anhsaoeMSt insertion, Kates for fither idvi tis-fn nla mads anown on a.piic;ion. WINTER. 1886. ALLEN CO.. Front! selected stock, BOUGHT wuuw w vavuou. ww iq full litie of a Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Cnmer Broadalbin and First St., DEALER IsT Catnaea I'rnjts, Glsvtswftecv tfrleellFralse, Tobiteeo, Csinaeis f eratm, Qaeeaaaars, Vegetablee, Cigars, Sonar. Kpieea, soiree, Test, Kte., Ete., In far evfrythinjr tha, is kept t a era. variety and grocery store. Highest market prioe paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. First National Bank OP AI.BIX V. ORKOOM. PrvsiJent , Vice President Oaahier ' l. ruwa S. K, YOI NO UfcX. K. CHAUBBBLAESr TRANSACTS A CkCNRRAL banking buaiaaaa. A00OUNTS KKPT atthjeot n check. wi New York, San Fraueiace, Ckieaco and Parti t-VLurxTioxs MADBes farorakla masCToas. v. R. Yotho, Gao, K Caainsaiafli, U '. UN. . ... rMnn, waltks E TrwasLi., a. L. COWAN. j. w. eusica Linn County Bank, COW AN & CUSICK, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a sraneral banktnf baainaw. DRAW SIOHT DRAFTS on Now York Re praa elscoaml Portland, Oregwu. LOAN MONEY on approved aeeuritr. RECEIVE deposits subjec to obcek. COLLECTIONS entrusted w us will reeelre rroaaaS tentlon. H. F. MERRILL, ALBANY, - - - OlECOi. EXCHANGE o.v New York, San Fratiriseo aad Portland, Or,, bouyht and stild at lowest rates. DEP031TS received subject to check. INTEREST allowed on time deposits. COLLECTIONS will receive prompt attest!. Fire and Marine Insurance placed In reliable C'-SS' tauuea, Notice for Publication. Land Otfloe at Oregon City, Or. 1 February, 7th." 187, J NoMce is hereby ciron tht th fallow ing named settler has filed not'"e i f his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Cleric nf Linn count y, Oreeon, at .lbanv. Oregon, r.n Tuesday. March 29th. 1887. vis : NC Me vers, Pre Kmption D. 8, Xo. 5189 for the M of N E X and N X of 8 X X of 8m 18 Tp. 10 S R 1 E, lie names the following witnesrs tsi prove hi continuous rosidince npnii. and cultivation of. said land, viz : JB Bil.ven, JeffBilyeu, Eflward rimss and Thmtti Wi)iiTi,aii of SciojLinn county .Oregon. V . T. BrJBJtKT, Reflate .