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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1886)
8rATERU.H TH MMlHJIUT aw MP B'aaawaa w w v w ak i 1 1 iri j yrT'i -"i m. 'jnj"1 y t iViTibbBbhIH 1 ISSUED KVKRY fUlDAY STITKSA 'ISil. nauKSAerrirB-ta vAtltaHlldlMRaa MlHseattssltMn UIQU TERMS Or SUBSCBJjriloS itfrU -opr. PrjMr, in a.l' n!a oipT. ir year. ae njfl oopy, Mx eiunths. . . . alnflle oopy, thta month ! numbar ....... . . 2 .10 00 1 80 78 10 PROFESSION, AHJDH, is: L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AIT LAW. Notary Public. ilny OrtgOB. OftVe upstair, over John Brlmpi ator,., itstee. vitnvRr J. K. WE AT iTHEBO iy public!) Y AT (NOTARY iTTORNEY LAW, ALBANY. OBK.O. ff7IM. PRACTICK IN ALL Till or-nta in Odd rlli'i Tomjle tut r. o. wwiiu wjbj. tl.TBO POWELL BUVfEU, vTTORNKYS At LAW, And Solicitors in C GOllaoUnaa nrniuntl v mad Loan- naitd on nwon if rnw. ;rl WaaSaoV vl4nlBtf. i J. J. WHiTNpY, attorney And Counsellct At Lav AND- I Notary PuMle. ALBANY, ORECON, Will practice In all of the Oeurt of this Stata All bnimvi Initiated to him will be promptly attended tov E. W. LANGDON & ft., Hooka. Stationery and Toil! Articles, A Larg-Stock and Low WJiee. CITY DRUG OTORE, 21 4 LB 1ST. KKCOf. F08HAY & MASON, waOLELAtt AS SSSAj Druggists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. AM? publication, which wa wll at publisher TI ffttoea with postage added. ALI4IY, A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilei Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS ClUFCUY FILLED, Albany, Of. FURNITURE. I have tha beat stock of nri Hure tn the city and will net Cheap, Cheap, , Cheap, use. RgBPKCT A ihaey and fl ,ef this Establish r easts and perm , saavu wi si With thair patron on Bothtow Dreesia Saloon r anfl fa Mftllll ' w- . . . ar , 1 1 Ladiea' Halt "p JOS WBwe. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Omce-oor. First and Ferry Btraeta, A3 HY - - OREGON. C. C rmKBY. C.B.VVBKBi ALBANY IRON WORKS. cheery &rmi, ' (Hucoeaeorw to . CJberry.) fiacMsts, iUwrigfet3, and Ipot ?omto. tt x v w. OTT R NEW 8HOP8 A ilt W completed, and w preparea to m a ii. -it rr hMD, worn . ve win QHiaiipnAU'W"" , flrtut arid Saw Mill Maehlnery.and all kind of Iron und n.rana Catini?H. ... wv I'.Mii Him nv M15T leTKB. ynertlal attention given to repalrlBg all WnXof BtaeWnery W' fflfD tnre the improve! berry A WWte Orain emrtor i " ' N. J. HENTONy Notary Public v& Insurance '0- F. BUILDING - - UBANY, OF Reir. sets several of tke best Fire In anra nceCompanlca on the Qoa. him fnrreliabls insarsnce. The reliable j ' BOOT AND SHOli MAKER Repairing promptly ami era should leave orders ft vest and setth for tltam af tae. Farm before bar est. Satis THE WOffTH WESTERN GONSERVATORY 0F.W8IC. The only rtssaiuf M price in tha BHgive HATIM Prcp'is egrsssT aiJe1 nap i '()L. XXII. 9 tarn. JVaa Aaa Ojt, AWie mud lvn. SAFE. 25 SURE. PROMPT. AT U.rwtMT. r. K.jk From 115 lbs to 161 lbs. To the Cuticura Remedies I owe My Health, My Happiness, and ly Life. A day aavar wan tht I a not think and - HitiT (tha Cuticum HMMdlM. Mr.U immW ateaWMadmry Maa to u oraac. TfcVkrv wattwatfalia toak at, and palatal tobw whaa thtr atwaa, ta Jhanay Wttfc attatncia mttutf. r mataMBt, and all BufflriaM bUlwl to Jo .nr fod. la A trial iha Otttfmn nimnin 4 8kln curt, ami fnUcura ltoap, an raqairito Skia teaa rariaar. tetarnall : aa t out hmbij giMaaiur m aoaui two lanta waifhttaaa waa oae aaatfrad aad atuaa aWhlr araamaai nana oaaaaUd, aeaJtbr iu.ula, aad my aatgat to aoiy flvatoftaaa Iwikii. In my travato 1 atalaal tha cuitoata KaawiHat, nortb,, aaat aad wa. Ta Cuticura KaaMdtos 1 owa m baattb. at aaa mj am a pntauaaai aaw Turk ma U o.h-r rtar. ' Do roa Mill uaa nrfdy waa. "I do, am! .hall ata ya I kav narar r "than! to aangaTaat'itaiaaS i wufc . at aanaar or later tha; i and haliavc tha aama aa I ana hat. wfcoan I hare 1 taaraaaail ka a tarn Cattawra aaaadw iataaamrld, for tha aawatt T hoaaaalt onv, ao that tbara ariU baiaraly a tanug- a arnx itrc. U HL'IBAVIML t'.O Fulton 8C, .Nea Y k. JfTY Caltoara Baaaadiaa art a aoarUra enra tor arary f rn. rkiii and BUiod I'imim. Ir-m l'inal. t aawlaJai aaM aary araara. Prtea : CtmavaA, tf tn , Hnr. ftaante; KaaoLrnrr. VI .00. t ir.a rv-TTita ua au i'iiihi il to. --- -.... . .. .... - far "Maw la PL FA, BtaiHin aaf aaa 1 1 mi aa aaar, Eiaiir ram. vrama. back a aaarwork. dtojbaatoo. alaadtocaralk- inv. ar tha Mw1iwiaaataa. earH by th f( Ticra Aa-ri-fnr Purrta. Saw, ato- taat, araHaal awd annnnin. Bte. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Winery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. To All Sufferers Of BYE, EAR, HERVOUS, OR RECTAL PISEA8ES. DRr J. B. PILKINCTON, Surgeon Oculist, Anist ft Specialist, Offer free nomroltatlon. win be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the Tuudav aftrrnoon and Wednesday Jorenoon, faUo:. ix tke Itt Mommy oj eacm mom. win mak-a thnm vtaita montblv for one Tear to come. Am curing aoorae of the Worst fot ma of above diseases, rarer ia Albany to Jaa.8. rberry cored of blirifl- neee. k a. wampj, unrai. Ttoffanbacker. tarmer at Herrtoburg. eon- rmrntna Rectal diseaae. A scoie Of Other name given on application. VI' AGON WOOD AND HARD WARS TfAra Ktwart have neck-vokes and aintrlA traea. Ironed or unironed, neck- wnir Imim. aintriA.U'ee irons, ma irona. falinraa. anokes. ax trees, etc.. all foraale be p. I. CASE PLOW 3. Thin famous nlow I well known in Waa County. The chilled and steel plow are well made from the very best material and are warranted to do aa good work and BBBY fully s well as any otnerpiow Peters A Stewart are the aoie agenie T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary PuhUc- THR CHINESE MUST GO. Three vnumr men will do work of all kinds, sawing 'wood, eardenintr, etc. Leave orders at Head d- Brownelts. Bxecator's Notice. W..tie hereby oiven that the under iKbsd ha been duly appointed executor of the last will antl testament Ol biiana name, deceaaed, late of Linn county, Oregon, by the County Court of eaid County. All per sons having claims against the estate of aid deceased are hereby notified to present the same properly verified to the undersign ed within six months from the date hereof at Harrisburg in Linn county, Oregon. Dated June 1st, 1886. J. L. Wiolk, Executor. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed ond seasoned lumber .laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. GERmaSSy ForPainlipS Red Star TWAOt Va? MAWK. " DUGrijfURE m UVill A UilXa Or TMH niLt tMRTTB. (Written tar tha Htat Riarrc DtaocaaT.) Vark what atranga tala are you taliiog, Of soma long forgotten lore ; In it of a rod man'a wandering, Who waa navar heaid of more T Or ia it of dauntiaaa hereon, Who lav dying on the plain Of eone aneient field of haul-, Marked with bodies of the alain ? No, I tell no tola of beroea, Who lay dying in tkeir gore, Bat a legend of an Indian Known by Btany deeda of yore. Thua the tale the river told eae, Aa tko gentle breeae awept by, ot the Indian of the legend, Which oooe told aball never die. Long before ColumboV yaaaa) Oroaeod tke dark and biioy aoa, The olarr water oorand iheit okanoeta, Shaded by tko naple Ireo. Under which at eve the Indian, Oloee about bia watob&Wa blaa. Told the legenda of bia oonntry And the deeds el ether daya. Of the deed he did in battle, Mow be won the mad catepaiga ; How the roe he pn. to flviog, Till in them he lived again. And again be aaw a vlabn Of tboae happv day goao by, Of tbeee frieode tbet long be've left , Who then lived beyond tha aky. Thu in fancy be behold them, Holding feat each other hand : J ut acrose Ike fiowins river. Ia tbo kappy boating land. And be board ibt gentle anitit Whiapar low onto bia ear. Oeme to where there everv bunting. Btay not lene and frieodlee. Aad tbo old man gave ia ana war, I've lived long upon tbia earth. Seea the young both aad with pleasure, Avraaat with then the cup of mirth. "Killed the wild deer.caugbl the panther, at a . i t , .m aaa aaa a-agio on ma wing, Mat the foe ia deadly bait., Slew bim with my bow end etiing. 'But tboae scene bare paaaed forever. Goo forever from etv view. Living only in my memory, Bright and teadfat,6rm and true. 'All tboee frteoda I loved so dearly la the dewn of eariv life. All have left me sad end weery, Battling with eodleee htrife. "And since yoo.tben gentle epidt, Whispered low for me to eome. Where the aged ell have plenty Anal the wearv a "a at borne. .nsz "Take me to that land of plenty, Where eternal automat reign ; Whereto? friend beveling been wail. teg, a Meet to Sever part uo u.ore." Aad joat ee the dewn was br,king, Softly o'er the water hrigbt. arae a ship that rowed by siigt-U, Clothed in brilliant robe of light. Then they boekooed to tha Indian, Telling him that they bd come ; Aad hie faca It gr-w tooa brighter. Thinking of that peaceful home. Then the glided eoftly eonthwatd, OVr the love'y water smooth, Wbi.e they eeemed to grow more ortl liant, Aa they onward swiftly moed. Aod majaetic strains of music, Teued by angel barpe no high, Seemed to mingle with the wc- m, A the golden thtp flew by. Mingled with he luvly siwtc, A they deebed o)jou tbeshor', Speaking wotds of mystic roaaf.iog, Words tbat ne'er were beard before, Many year a ho com end vanished ; Child to age bad grown and gone, Age on age had bVen and were not, Since that strange eventful mora. Time had matked the 'eogih by centu riei, Life bsd bad it trial and pain ; Earth bed witnessed many b.ttlef Marked with bodies of the aiain. Still the Indian loved to linger, When the western aXy grew pale, Cioan beside the loely waters, Listening to the mystic tale. ' Telling o'er tbat ancient legend, Of tbet mighty man of yore, Of the deeda be did while living, And bis flight from off these ahores. But at length there came two strangers, To this far off wilderness ; Two men of another nation, Strange of tongue and strauge of dress. And e'r loog the pal fee peeple Crossod th wile end bafTBB pUin ; Come i. wh 'I'-" ' '!!y water Mingle witu engelie straiua. Many years have cemeand vanished, Since the pale face first came here, Two men of another nation, Who were never known to fear. But the redroan he baa veniahed, Qone forever from thee shove, Living only in our morooryf A hi wild rayaterioua lore. And ainee than a mighty nation, Ha spread far on every aide, Croasing faf that bare dominion, To which waa the Indian's pride. Aa I ataud upon the border, Listening to the gentle wave, Aa it travels ever onward, Onward to a boundless grave, Aa I atand I ponder over, O'er the wild myateriou lore. Of the red man aa be wandered, Lone and free along these shore. ALBANY, OREGON, A the sage of creation Ponder o'er the myths (if men. Who frcm time thu immr morial, SaoriQce obild and aire, To a God who know no mercy, Damns them with eternal fire. Fae thee, well, my lovely waters, For the mystic tale ia told, Tale which never pale faoe reopie Kver beerd rehearsed before, Fare thee well, my lovely water, Till invoked thy tale to tell By aomo loftier mind than mine Is, Lovely waters, fare thee well. B. 8. Martin, Urnwuavillf, Or., July 26th, 1886. (ftui aur regular aarrpat ) WAssiHOTog, July lOih, 1886. Nothing has attracted more bubo. tlon for some time probably then the President's lataat order admonishing ail Federal o files holders to taks tie activB psrt n poll lies during the coming campaign. The principle which ha daire to Impress upon the head of Depart merit and their sub ordlnatss Is that political action should be kept free from official c erti jti. Ho dots not aik them to ab stain from politics, but ha draws nice Unas of distinction. They are not to misuse their offices for partisan sn4s. Tha order crested quite a surprise st the Capitol on Thursday, but our law-makers were busily engaged In tbt pressing duties af legislation that thsrt was not much discussion of the subject. There are but few Demo crats who do not sustain tha Prssf. dent's Ideas, if public expressions be s criterion. They say It Is In accor. dsnce whh Mr. Clevelsnd's previous position and demonstrates bis con sistency. vi .my of the Republican Henatore evan give the President credit for sincerity, hut they express faithless ness In the power of the order to change the situation. They ssy It wilt be subjected to a very liberal construction during the campaign, and that it cannot be enforced be cause it will fall to get the support of high government HI i K This of course remain to bo seen. The Morrison resolution for dlepos log of the surplus in the Treasury passed tbe House by the ever whelm ing vote of 207 to 67, prty tinea not being strictly drawn. Tbe re-oL-iluSJ rend as fdlowe. "Whenever the surplus In the Treasury, Includ ing amount held fur reUmptlon of United States not-, shall exceed tbe sum of $100,000,000, it shall be tbe duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to spply auch extv, in nam i ot lee than ten millions per mooth, during the exiatenceof any such sur P u tir excesa, to the payment of tbe l'iteret twarlng indebtedness of tbe United Slates, payable at the ptlon of tha Government '' In the dehtJe on the surplus Rep- re ntstive McKJle, of Ohio, was dl-p.ed to mingle some fun. Said he, "there is not S single thing upon whii h this Democratic party agrees end L in positive accord except get ting faces ; not one." Mr. Morrison interposed, "and we are getting along only middling at that." "Tea y u are getting them very elowly,'4 said Mr. McKInley. snd tbe Demo. crats laughed with the Republican. Many are wondering what will be the fate of the River snd Harbor bill which ha nearly reached a vole on the Senate, and with which the Sen store have been lilting up late into the night hoping to get through with It and thereby hasten the final ad journment. And then they are won dering what will become of It when it goes back for conference to the Huse Committee, and again when it comes from conference into the House. Congressman Hatch, of Mo. , Oleomargarine's implacable foe, will not vote for it when it conies back. He said he strataed his conscience to veto for It the first time, but hi moral courage will atand by bim when it comes around again. Senator Vest made a long speech in which he said he hd grave and revsrened Senators buttonhole him and say that If ihey, did not get this or that appropriation put in the bill they would be beateu in tha next election. It was a caw of "Help me, Oassius, or I sink." Senators had come Into the Chamber aod had their amendments put into the bill, and they had then stood up within three feet of Mr. Vast, and denounced tha whole scheme an a piece of unconsti tutionnl corruption. Combinations had been made on the very floor of the Senate in relation to this bill. The plan waa to help me put in my ap propriation and I will help yuu put in yours. He had Senators come to him and say, Vcst, you were right in your argument about the Kentucky river, outHlfln the gang Hnd could not-4eave the procession. I had mv Dart .and I had to Jet nom' AUGUST vruul Ti pubii hia ... usiei St Led theri T Kiel the .1 Beret i Ol Houj with! We Bat- toward lb tbe noble J to! i group of tha in America, itio park ta elega a m asssa a laid oat with broad walks and lovely lawos in erfect order, densely shaded by towering elm, oaks and ftycamoree, among which are large few has of squir- rl, ao welt protect), e-tel f r nd kindiy treated, ht i.-v have -,.Mrned to have eon fid tic m i h hum m race tosoob n t tjt thfv wilt c toe op and et "ii1, batefs, e. that 6'. a X . Through th- yaaarassty of dse w -r that he there, the. Ste lUm wa thrttwn M-n to s and nor deJIIaBrafl ma tO k uiC in th idet.ti.v,! mm, a e in 1 parativelv reoeatiy osed by lb- C mfed aratat Coagre. What a ebang-. But jnt here let e duress a in mn-nt to comment a little npon Huuthrn fidel ity. Amtnf the moat Inval Nen'iu-i.ta to which we have ear listened since tbe war wuh our Southern brother, were tboee uttered by Sonthet a speaker ia nor public meetings and reiterate! by boat of other in private emveraa tions. They ai-sn true loyal v, true eitizensbip to tbe whole goverament a a a nit. Said tbev : We know no North, no South, no East, no Wet,bat one common c mo try for one cemmon people." So all through our dt libera ttona were marked with tbat pleasing failure, the entire olaenee of sejtionsi feeling nd a hnaaimou deternination to wetk for tbe good of our nnited country. W were ftacinattd with tie Southern people. We want to go down among them again. Their sttentiona. their chivalry, their hoapitalitv, tlnir griHat-heartednea. combined with their OQUpoken allegiano to our common ountry,draw us toward them and atainp with disgust eome of the blatant, baPig arent, abusive apeaker among Northern Cre-eatf rs. The annual report of Edwin O. Fouler Is snmmarixed ns foliovi : Number of post officss estabUhhed during the year,. 3482 ; Increase dur Ing the year, 1361 ; number of post offices discontinued during tbe year, 1128; whole number of post offices June 30, 1 886, 58,614 ; Increase dur- ing the year, 2862 ; number of presi dsntial offices, 2265 ; increase during the year, 82 ; number of fourth clas offices, 51,049 ; increase during the year,2426. Appointments have been made during the year as follows : On resignations and commissions expired, 9112 ; increase during the year, 2908 ; on removals and suspen. sions, 9566 ; increase during the year, 8756 ; en deaths of post mas tors, 587 j increase during the year, 175 , on establishment of new post offices, 3482 ; increase during the year, 1861 ; total number of appoint ments made during the year22, 747 ; increase during the year,13,200. The otu numb r of money order offices at the close of the year was 7356, a net Increase of 227 over the previous year. Wanted. On subscription, 20 cords of grub oak wood and 20 cords of jbig fir, msple or ash wood. Let as hear from those who want to supply us wood, at one. For your sewing niachiseWig roach in needles and extras go to Wm lroa. ' f r A, IS,.-1 I nation handeomel tie pictures ne Is a graphic deecriptirm of to In Maine "Home of General Henry Knox," ef revolutionary renown, by Mia E. Marguerite Lmdley ; tbe aeeond article N j very able chapter by the well know and eminent schol ar, Israel Ward Andrews, LL. D , of Marietta College, entitled "The Sortb arest Territory : Its Ordinance ontl Settlement :" the third. The Convention of Nw York,178t," is a continuation of Mr. A. W. Chv W admirable strie of papers on tbe adoption of our constitution. To the War Studies thl month are three important contribution : General Lee's "Cedar Mountain," which, io co section with the author's paper In tbe July number, will be read with profound Interest , "Negro Slave During the Civil War, and their relation tathe Confederacy," by Col. Charles Jones, Jr., the distin guished Georgia historian ; and a stirring battle sketch, called "At the Tth Angle," by Charles A. Patch. Then follow several shorter and very readable articles : A Canadian View of Annexation," by J. L Payne ; "Lools XVI. ned Msrie An. totnHte," by Mrs. Limb, the editor, i ... . .. . ...Ii the king's portrait miog usea aa tne frontispiece to the current number, while thst of the fair queen 1 insert ed in the article ; "The Ages of Mil itary Commanders," by II n. James G. Blaine; "Preddent Lincoln's Story-telling," by Hen. George W. Julian ; 'Anecdote of Anson Burl ingame," "Reminiscences of Lady Harriet Acland," etc. The numer ous standing departments Original Documents, Notes, Queries, Replies, 8ciatl!, and Book noticesare splendidly sustained. The volumes of tbia magazine, handsomely bound, sre very much in demand. They grow rather than diminish in value with age. Published at 30 Lafayette Place, New York City. Ftaa notes. An application ol aud sosp will restore to rough trunks snd branches of orchard tree their original smoothness. It is lust to water plants in tbe evening. Make a few holes around the plant so to allow the water to rua down to the roots. Land plowed when h is too wet be comes and may be injured to such a degree that years of sod will not effect restoration. Ducks uauslly biing a higher price in market than hen. At this eeastin young ducks, weighing fiom eight to ten poand per pair, are preferred. Between ihe Ponnfiylvant Wolfe and the New Jersey Fiak,tbe Eepubli can politician honestly believes that Jordan is a hard road to travel. " .... . caea . - Pi of, (Aa. P. WflliaroR, Ph. D , ol Philadelphia, says there ia neither mot Dhia, o!HtuBnor sainrraU in Ked Scar i t bottle. A ii: woicn would certainly not ing objection In some prevl fer, that of brlngiog Indisns accus tomed to a higher latitude down to a lower one, ea healthful f r ihem. But while deportation may he a g- d plan for Indian tht are rest leas and of the Apaches Insist tbat B v-i,- few bands tf this tribe make all the tmuMe tud cause all the anxiety If, alsn,s p trt ef t be Indian Territory should ha opened to settlement as Is now prnpnted,it may be questioned whether i hair presence would net create rw much uneasiness In tbe new iocalltf aa Io t fteir pres ent oae. Thus there are some argu ments against a sweeping transfer. Sjrap or Maanfactarad only by the California Fig Syrup Co., Sao Fraociaoo, C.d., i Natara'S Own Tree Laxativa. Tbia p'asaat Cahfar aia liquid fro it remedy may b bad of Foshay aV Mason at fifty ceat or on dollar. It ia tha most pleasant, prompt, aod efiective remedy known to cleans the system ; to act no tha Liver, Kidneys aad !kwl gent, ly yet thoroughly to dispel headaohea, eolds, ami fever ; to on re cooatiptation. todieatmn ard kindred ills. Tfce KarH af raabiaatle. Tree delicacy of flavor with true etficacy of action, has been attained ia the ase of a California liquid fruit remedy, 8 rep of Fig a. Its pleasant taste aad beneficial effects have rendered it immensely popular For sale i-y Foshay h Maeu, wholesale aod retail. If yon are going East be ani- sa I go via Oregon Short Line, It ia tha htst. See adv ia saotber column. C W Lomler d? Co., of Portland, are dul &Uthoridtl advertiamagaata far the Ds io CRAT for that city. THE UBHTftSMIIIBtt". SEWING MACHINE HAS NO EQUilL. PERFECT SATISFACTION New Hems Soil MaiMng Co. OR a nq;, mass. 30UkflStjoare,!!.Y. C.te-,n. Shlh,!. AtiasfGz. r.:V,"jt. i,-nrr.ncijco,CBl. WILL BROS., Albany d CorvaHia. Oiegon. ' A. b. u. w. Mmbsr .uelp, will pit desiting waail'a bwJBi Bb ut TTmH 1 and to an t following flescritiei real property, to-wit : Ix!h nutnWr I . t wo, seven and eight in Block No. I Linn county. the outrjeM e claim of Kicho MUt.r, in becti Ldnnooutitv, west t h west IS56 cl t-hains ; thenr be town of Hatacy. o. ASfo beginning at f tbe donation land filter ana wife, Msrv . Tp 13, S. K 4, weet f u a. and running thence th-nc north 8 At' ; thnse .north 49.7 X 37.44 cbatna ; thence ie place t;f beginning. l Also the eat Sai f of laim of John Wilton , his wife, belt ?. Nv- 70 in Tp. 13, 8 R 4 y. Oregon. The pro applied . First to the L and disbursements to-wit. fits .V and tbe nd to the payment of fit. fvhi3 and inlet eat annum lit in October south H chatp containing ISO tbe donation Ji "nd Mebala W No. 257 and west in Linn ceedit of aale t payment of th heretolore aoc oorte of sale. PlaintttTt cla'r at 10 percent per sass ixeo. Hated this 20tb day .f July, 1L D. s. Smith. Sheriff of Inu county, Oregon, Sheriffs Sale. mit CVr of tie SJt XBW unncee afortcaae an.i Truatlavest- flasas Company, limited, Plaintiir. ra. F.. Kead.nll and Wil iam F, Hatul ton, PeaBaaVsut. ATOTICE i- hereby given that by virtue tl Of an exc-utton and an order oftude imte4 out ol l be above named Court in the above entitled set ion nnd to me directed and delivered, 1 will on Saturday the Hst ti ot Align!, at one o'clock. tha t,4)urt House door In Albauj county, Orego-j, at pubUe ho in hand to tbe hiuhest the real property desetibed in sail Hon, and order ot sale as follows, i The r.ortbweat Quarter of the noutbeaat ouartar and t h a-nat ha.f rf t tia northeast quarter of Section thirty i" Township tnirteaa swath ranc thru west of tbe Willamette Meridian in Llmr Oregon, The proceeds of sale to be plied flret to tl.e stavment or tho costs disbursements of sut and thi aale includ ing $250 a At orney 'oleee. (. to tbw payment oftho ttuui of !t ith ac cruing interest at It pet . - r aonnan from June 29th. iL t aisttfF WaajfJ tbe overplus it Any to be ra. i t the De- fendants, their htorit at.d asaigne. Dated July 17th, 18 D. s. Smith, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. In ihe Circuit Court of the Stuff of Ov0 for Cotmttf of Linn. O F Crawfortl, FlaintilT. T J Faulkner and Mary M Fanlkae.- hi wife, Marian Faulkner and Isabel Faoikoer. hia wife, William Foster and Mary K Foster, his wife, Delaware Faulkoer and John A Crawford, Defendant. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and au order of sale issued out of the above named Court in the shov entitletl action and to me directed and da. liyered, I will on the 23rd day of Aucuat 16, at one o'clock, p. ro., at tsilsBSUrt tiouse aoorm Alttsniv, linn count!1 at publio aucttott fof oah in highest bidder sell thu real m ed in said execution as follow, to-wit : Tht south half of tho par half .f the Donatio Land Claim Notification No. 2115 tod claii No. 68, situated in Township twelve, sea of Range three, west of the Waiaujtd Meridian iu Lina county,,(regon, contataiai eighty acres mre or ! 'ioe jr eeeds sale to be appht;i SeaBeytneut e the costs and diahure. t the suit ant the costs of this sale. !. f the pay- Jane ith Pid iU."i OreSB,