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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1886)
BeWeWfilfyirihftbitftoU. By compering tbe above figures it will be seen that in the Democratic atatet there are more churobes in proportion to tbe number of iobtitants than in the Republican aiate, end thu thers ere more salons in the Republican Btates to the number of inhabitants than in the Dsmocratio at tea. Tbeae fact! re gathered together from United States census and interna! revenue report and ere tbu preaneted to refute th oft-repeated charge the' alt virtue, morality aod intelligence are tbe pecu liar property of Republicans, end that vice, immorality and ignorance are tbe peculiar characteristics of tbe Demo cratic party. The Silem StiUtmin is terribly Trough up became CjI. John Le. H jpennteuder.t of tbe Indian School, does nit do bia advertising in that pa per. Now,Col. J tin, e did net think tnia of you. Have you not learned that lbs Sfateamin, and other Republi can papers in Oregon, bave had the ex clusive privilege of al! such federal pep as thin for the '.ait twenty-live years, and that during ail that time it ha bsen regarded by all faithful membera of tii i g. o. p. at disloyal to give such printing and advertising to Damccratic papers ? Tbe-.e Republican papers felt thac ibe had a life time lease of th tbie part of the public tear, and W. a a when it iii wrencLud out cf their capV-i-jus maws they howl like hungry wolves. Let 'em howl. BUioo will open tne campaign next Tuesday in Blaine in a speech which be it announced to make at Portland in that state. Wonder how be will budge over the vexing obstacle, prohibition, which is ahowing its head in that state with th", same zeal that it does elswbcre. Tbe prohibitionists in Maine solemnly allege that although they have stringent prohibitory ! twa yet Republicans refuse and neglect to eof tcn tbem, and hence they organize separately. The Ore jo uaa u uoi. oo far recov ered from the Influtmo'of that strange hallucination under which it ha la bored since th ir--Identla election at be t bm to -p k with respect of the te Vice President Hendriek. The fact tgtat that pip r w speaks ofhiinas 5oM Tfym Ht dricks" In sted of "Old Tom Hendricks, the copperhead, " gives h . ue ground of hope tint Scott will uHiatrdy be resiored titf ll, liberty and reason. The it -publican candidate for Govern- of Maine spells "cat" with a 'k." e Heems te k,be a counterpart of our mrille. AUGUST pi eots alao of long uaglact. Tbe jla alao bad been greatly neglected. There are two school a on this reeer ra tion, one OTUbluthed at the Agency among the Wasco Indiana, th other achoel, twenty miles from tbe Agency, is at Sinimaho,th headqortera of tbe Warm Spring Indiana. he scbool t Sinimsabo bad but nine scboUra at the time Mr. Wheeler assumed c mtroi. Mr. wisely rwaliziog thai th civilization of the Iodioa auiely peoded en the success of the schools, ftnd that "cleanliness is next to Ovd li nes' immediately went to woik to i h tbe place ef trash of many years accum ulation and to make wor,'s thing heretofore unknown to tbe H ha built at tbe Agency a two story building, school boose and dormitory combined, well finished od furnished, sufficient to accommodate eeventv-tiv scholars ; a large and substantia I com missary, large enougb to store s year' provision, hardware and farming im plements ; a good uut j il u p'itiih any offending Indians.also repaired the farms and gardenH,almost doubting tbir acreage. Mr. Wheeler ha shown god judgment and great ecmomy in im proving the place, far excelliag any of his predecessors tn cheapness and perm anenee W are now enjoying two months vacation. The Agent was granted a longer vacation than is customary in order that al! the employers might as sist in building a large school bouse and dormitory at Sioimasbo and otherwise improve the buildings of that pUce, it being vary necessary to complete them for the beginning of next term, which sill be August 3a. h. The Agency school closed for vacation with sixty scholar, D. J. Holmes being principal teacher. The progress th school made while under his care did credit to him self and the Agont. The school had so rapidly increased under the present administration that it was neceasary to tmolov an asoatant teacher. MUs Mary Whotler has I :cepted tbe posi tion. They were v ry fortunate iu se curing her service, as she is well liked by all th employe for her genial dis position. She n wil qualified to fill tbe position and deserving of it. The Sioimasbo school had forty sohoUre at the closo cf the tf nn, W. II. Drunk is principal teacher at that place. It was well conducted and met tbe approral of he Agent in every particular. Mr. Wheeler has maintained good control over th Indians, there being no crimes committed until iaat Juue,at hat tiros an Indian doctor was murder ed for not being successful in curing a little child, his throat was out fiom ear to ear and the body was cut iu a fright ful manner. If ia an old custom among tbem that if a doctor fails in curing a patient he must be put to death. It is impossible to Cud wlo did the deed, as it is a profound secret among them. They are strictly sworn to secrecy. Htuceall Mr. Wheeler s efforts in had ing who the guilty parties were have been unsucceesful. He promptly noti fied the Indian Department and the District Attorney of what had occurred, giving tbem all the information possi ble ie regard to tbe affair,but as yot there has not been any action taken in the matter by either of the partiss notified. Des Chutes. The Smate has rejected the nomina tion of Qapt. Beecher as Qolieeter of Customs 4t Port Totrusand. Being the busy threshing. a ft ne very so' hat niffht. UPwT Watson went to Albany Tuesday. Mis Lizzie Rowland,of AUe,is bars visiting Irieods. Mrs I W. Starr baa returned from a abort viait with r datives, nar Hateey. W. W. Stsvanson went to Portland Tuesday. Mr. Fred Bishop, of Portland, is here visiting relative. Mr. TnctuaN Brown, brakeman en tbe Natrow Ouage here, went to t rssll Tufiay .t 11 Tvwna.ud, of AIMiy,wa her Monday. Aftet c)saiaeru; del; u Odd Fal low's Lidgs has bs -n i isitufd a-. Med fjrd with a Urgs numbr of chatter members. Toe new cilice rs were in stalled in regular term on tbe 16tb cf July, by A. L. Helm an, D. D. O. M., of Anhlaud. anecBSSBBBBasasee Lwaar aa rta. Tbe uodersicoed will aell all kinds of amber and c -1 .r feao poata t tbe folio ' tog aUtiooa on the Narrow Gauge Railroad, Lena's, Lswsou and Baliriile. Peraona build iog honaes or barn can have bill cat and delivered at any of tht above stations on short notwe. 1. m her is of tbe very beat quality, tbe logs being brought from tbe fine timber region on tbe McKaozie River. Wm. B. Spicks. ttUta and Cans- It ia time t-j get yoar spring head apparel. A. II. Mcllwam haa a atoolt of bate of the lateat styles, whiub every man aboald ez amine before baying. Be.Utods from to dollara up n-, VY Fort tmilcr A Co'a. As ttatersrliMg SXrilaUle II .ue. Koahay A vfaa m can alwaya ba relied upon, not only to carry in siock lue beet of everything, but to secure tbe Agency ror non articles as nave wju Known merit, aod are popular with tbe people thereby sustaining the reputation of be ing alwaya enterprising and ever reliable Having -ecu rod the Agency for the oeie brat-d Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumntion. will sell it on a positive irnaran tee. It will surely cure any ana every aflfection of Throat, Lungs and Cheat, and tsabow our confidence, we invite you to call and get a Trial iiottie rree, Po:.TLANi, Or., Marob 25th, 1880. Having tried the effects of the cunoen trted extractor Oregon Kltfacy Ten we cheerfully bear witness to Its bonen ctal agency iu affections of tbe digestive organs, n is aimpie, sai ana sure ; i-. easily taken, and restores healthy vitality to the organs it is intended to operate upon who assured success. 8. J. M0(JORM ICK, editor "Catholic Sentinel." Tits finest liao of window cornice mould ngi at Woo liu'a . Crawford, Ph!learapher, Albany, Or. I have all the negatives taken by A B. Pax ton and any one can have dupli oh cos from their negatives by addressing us, at th following prions : Card sie, per dozen, cabinet size, $3 per dozen, bou dours, $6 per dozen. I keep the finest line of Oregon views in tbe west. Cata logue furnished on application. Copying and enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. O. Crawford. S)13Seo to Lean. On from one to three years time, on good securitv, in sums of $oo up. Call on Clike, Montkith Sc Co. fancy Ctaeda. The place to get fancy goods of ail kinds, is at Mollwain'a. Ilia spring stock is here, and there is no discount on it.t be'ng first clas, Birgvuna oSrcji DINQ DEALS Ra IN INKS AND ip full assortment of fa hand) 'riran. I siring nil IRNTED ce one lowing aeeday, m r rmsy, ofTkc in ind Sat mSber. tie u sdjttatadt MHeeii AIN, baoy, Or. ; THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOB T. A. SHANE WHO HA8 REMOVED 'The City Dry Goods Store" OF PORTLAND, TO ALBANY TO STAY. Look Out for Prices. Sheriff's Sale. In the Cirrnit Conrt 0 the Stat 0 Oregon Jor L-tnn Lennty. John Conner, Plaintiff, vs. D M Cooper and Rebecca Cxper, bis wire, the Dundee Mortgage and Trust In vestment Company (limited), J M Wilson and M Wilson, his wife, 8 Brown, K K Strong, W H Lad J and A Bush, partners, doing business under t' e firm name of lada dt Bush and Geo E Chamberlain a Assignee of N Whealdon an insolvent debtor, Defendants, NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and an order of sale Uwued out of tbe above named Conrt In tbe above entitled suit and to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday tbe 21st day of August, 186, at ene o'clock, p. rn.. of said day at the Court House door in al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at public auction for cash in band to the highest bidder sell the real property described in laid decree, to-wit : The northeast quat ter of Section eight in Township fourteen south of Kange 8 west of the Wi.lamette Meridian iu Linn county, Oregon, in two parcels as follows : First the whole of aid premises save and except the east quarter thereof, The proceeds of tbe sale to be applied iirst To the paymant of tbe costs and disbursements of this suit and accruing costs. Second to the pay ment of the sum of 18305 with accruing interest from July 0th, 1880 Third if auy remain the same to be paid to the Defen dant, J M Wilsjn. Second the east quar ter of tbe northeast quarter of said Section eight, Township fourteen south, Kange three west of the Willamette Menu tan in Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds to be applied: First to the payment of any uusstisned nalano that may remain ox tbe Plaintiff's claim aforesaid ; tbe re mainder to be appiied : First to tbe pay men. ef tbe amount remaining due the De fendant, the Dundee Mortgage and Trust Investment Company (limited), Second to the payment of the amount due the Defenoant F K Strong, to-wit, 9372.10 and interest at ten per cmt per annum from July 0th 1880 and the further sum of 990. Third to the payment of the amount due the Defendant, Samuel Brown, to-wit, 708.12. Fourth, if any remain tbe same to be paid to the Defendant, D M Cooper. Dated this 10th day of July, 1886. D. 8. Smith, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, OPE AND CHAIN. wL HUBS-COT THERS, ND GORVALLI8, OR. mm'M INSTRUMENTS. PISTOLS, CUTLERY, AMUNITION, LES. WARRANTED ROGERS iND POCKET KNIVES. tba IIOMK, WHITE. !.IN4jF.K, IIO KIIOI.I. iBBDOf BfTlBfO MAC'IIINEM, Sewing Machine Nedles, Oil and extras of sewing mauinos and flue Inslru specialty. TO BE AS REPRESENTED. Willamette University, 30 PROFESSORS AND INSTRUCTORS. MO fttudent. B79 UrftdnftlM. Defartment of I.iteratnre, Lav., Medicine, Mu$n and Art. GHrU boftrd In Womu'i College, with nloely tarnished rooms, fS.W t wnk. Roy1 and young meu'a bomrd In tb Young Men's BOARDING HALL, A building juftt purchased ftnd remodeled with 20 room. 1.30 per week. Toe ycuug men are expected to auppty their furniture, wood ftnd light, ftud pay nn. dollar ner men lit room rent. Tbie hi the cnoftt reasonable living to student which ins university nn ever merwi Tbe President boftrde tn tb bftli ud haa the ssparvlaion. Kirftttrm twrftine tfcnlowjoer 6tb, Cat- Jogue eent free, T. f A . lm: President, NMh Orogon, 0RE00N STATE DIVERSITY. Euyonc City. KimtUrm trains Mpu.rr!ber 13tb, MM. Secure free scholarships by applying to j'our County rluporlntenueut, Hoard ftad lodging, frr r.rrk, $ j (0 $$- Tt'iTio ram ras : laManlarT Knarlla Danartmsnt .... .S0 .0 Other Impart men. a (M 0 I Write poaUl for catalogue with full psr tlculara, to rsier. jsms areat b. Hoc rotary Faculty. Eugene City, Oregon Dmnmo TiifiHB ftssrsassrass s ewsiaa. LUBRICATING OILS, HARDWARE An.1 all Aihar thlnM ncndad bv the farmor durtsg tas hrvs season are specialties with Coshow & Cable, DEALKFUf 1 N GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Brownsville. Or JAWS, uw, grc. We will sell yon tbe famous Wssten Cham (Hon croeut amw ftt ft low flguis, ftd ess gfvs you good prices en axes, aledga and sredge rpH BEST TH I NO OUT, Is the aVease Harrow sad o farmer oai. wall afford to be without it. It is tbe vrrt beat clod crnsbar and pulverizer, leaving the grosod as Isrel as a bars floor. Bold only by Peters wart Home for the Sick. PORTLAND GENERAL HOSPITAL, Car. Second and Ah Street, reHrrtajnt ... . net.e TbJ faelitots la complete In all tts de partmeou, and every effort la made to give it tbe sir, diet, nursing and oomforu of a boms. Special attention to treatment of Chronic an. I ( maUtUtlonal ud Com Privets rooms for patient treated bv otUatd phvstciaoa. and person taking course of Turkiab or Electric Baths or Oaygsn Ots. Th bsubs are elegantly Ottedup. Physicians visiting Portlsnd are invited to visit this institution. Til Ofl. WOOD, Manager Parland (ienerml Ho fit at C M. A. CM KKHY. JOSS KSMSBftW ALBANY FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOPS. CHERRY & HANSHAW. Machine and Mill Builders, Having opened np tbe old foundry and machine shops formerly owned by A. F. Cherry A Son, and added new and late Improved machinery, we are prepared to handle a! I kinds of heavy machinery. We will manufacture Steam Engines, .Saw and Grist Mill machinery ,lao wood work ing machinery of ait kinda, ail kinds of Iron and brass eastings made io order. Repairing of farm machinery s specialty, Patterns of all kinda mad on abort notice. The beet assortment of patterns In tbe State. Sbops corner 1st and Montgomery Sts, ALBANY OREGON. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Coart pf th State 0 Oregon jar the Uounty oj Linn : H. Bryant, Plaintiff. a va. O sender Parrish, Phone Parr lib and Otto Fox, Defendants. NOTICE la hereby given that by virtue of an execution and an order of sale issued out of the above named Conrt in the above entitled action and to, me direct ed and delivered, I will on Saturday the 28th day of August, 1880, at I o'nlock, p. m of said day at the Court House door in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder sell tbe real property described in said execution and order of sale as fol lows, to-wit : One sixth interest in and to tha east naif of blook number one bun dred and eleven In Hackleman'a addition to the city of Albany in Linn count v, Ore con. Tbe proceeds of sale to be apniiod aa follows : First to the payment of the costs of suit taxed at 928.75 and the costs ofaale. Second to the payment of Plata tiffs claim, to wit, 8173.05 and accruing interest thereon at 12 per cent per annum from July 9th, 1880, and the further sum of80 Attorney's fees. Third the ovoi- plus if any to be pid into Conrt tubjeo to tne order thereof, Dated this 24th day of July, 1880. D. S. SMITW, Sheriff of Llun county, Or, Magnolia Mills, JN0. A. CRAWFORD, PROPRIETOR. Will furnish sacks to farmers and re ceive wheat at tbe usual rates ef storage, the higbeat market price paid for same. Best Magnolia flour delivered to any part of city for 91.10 per saok. JnoL Crawfod, Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OFr- STAR BAKERY, Onrner Broadalbin and First 8t.t dealer iv- dtntietl Fruit, iSHMWve. Drietf Fruit, TobsCCp, CabokiI Meats, aeaWfirr, Vrjsntsbles, 'Igr, Tea, Mtsgar, In faut everything that is kept ttv a gen era! variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. f! ONN BROTHERS' WASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Robson's. ALBANY, OREGON. Keep a fresh stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS' ETC.. ETC.- BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAM PS. &vr A DE8. CROCKERY, i LASS WARE Era, ir:, FEODuuE IH EXCHAHBE1 Will aril as oheap ; say store in Albany BOOTS, SHOES AND- SUFFERS. 1 am now receiving my Spring asd Summer stock cf boots and th., 1 bave a nicely fitted op Boot and Shot Store, snd as complete a stock a any this side of PortlantUod very few betUr in Portland. I buy aU my tact and shoe direct from manufacturers and aw authorised to warrant every pair no mat tar how cheap. N firm in Oregon bave any advantage of ma in baying as 1 boy In quantities and tha cash. Is ladies1, misses and children's aboea, I keep much tin Largest, hat and great eat variety in the ctr. My sim will alwaya be to x ' value for -the mooey aa poasi ty can be dona. SAMUEL E. YOUNC. Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN. 0 THE HADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMM UNITION.CARTRIDGES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At the moat reasonable price, always In atook, Repairing done ou abort notice. Willamette Valloy nlmrods should never bny without calling on W. B. SCOTT, ayOpposlte Revore House, All any, Or. HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER PROPRIRTOllS OK Albany tod; Works, And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFECIlirj, We are mow prepared tn sell at whole sale, always fresh and pure at Portland prices to dealers, Wo alao keep a full line of Nuts and Tropical Fruits, We keep a full lino, always fret-h and at very low prlcoa. OUR -CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is complete, We keep the very nneat stock t uniokinir ann ehmvintr tobacco, meerschaum md brier pipn tbat la a dolignt to smokers. fJTUDEBAKUK WAGON. i'his la tbo oulv waon bavins a slooa houlderad spokn and tb-i steel truss on tub axle, and Is the beat wagon on heel a. For sale by Peters fe Stewart, A MMUNITION V A lull suimly of tbe muil slxas of car. tridxns, brt aod (laper sbetls, prime wads and bar lead. Aiao th bast pow der. PETEas & tjriSWAB T tl E BEST 8 w OT IM TOW N Can be found at our store. Tb ahoi usually sold in Albany drops 75 fwt, while the 8c Louis shot sold by ua drops 20 foet, maklnii it equal to chilled shot Sportsmen should not forget this. a They Have Arrived, THE NEW G60DS For men and oys at L. E. BLIIN'S. s 0 an t 0 it i in OS Ei 5 n ta i We now have ama&mllcent stock of new and nobby suits Men and for Spring trade, beiter than ever. The patterns are neat and attractive. We feel justly proud of this stock, selected with care f rom aU markets, and take pleasure Is. showing them. THE HAT STOCK aSST'I f is choice, direct from Philadelphia, comprising All the SpriBjfoveltie. THE SHOE 1 ) KP ARTMEiS T is now complete, the largest and nicest stock in market. We can't enumerate FlIRNISHttCl 60008. Have many novelties and all the staples. Look at ou 75-cent Unlavndtied Shirt, the best ever offered in this market. CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS in the different styles, These goods are bought at lowest prices, and will be sold the same way. We have a large, new line of piece goods in our TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Nobby suitings, faiicy pants, etc., which will be made up m as good style and as cheap as can be had in the market. Agriculture DEYOE & ROBS Successors to ALBANY, THRESHERS, ENGINES, HARDWARE, DOORS'. MATERIALS. STEEL ANOSPR1NQ TOClrTH HARROWS. FANNING MILLS, STE And all Agricultural Implements used. The largest and best variety of FARM WC6K8,lfliCXSftHD MJCCIES, In tho osntral Wl v Or lw fr -n a distan: tilled s; lowest rates Best's Hand Separator. c U I LEUY Ol? A JUL KISDS, We keep the bet Kto.,k ot euthShr in the valiey Poket knives and ra?.or a i clalty. Don't buy anything in faa iin witboat calling on ua flrt. NDOIU' L Of all itiona sold by P( I Hi Youths v n aa WAj EL GOODS, FENCE Wil solicits 1 and pionJ My iMrnovKP IIaxo Skta adoub) ootubiiittt uwch no iw,, NhiHMt, ( instead ,4 ,,1. mac-iuu ut uth. r Buttn'a fci riodlaa and ktfgc inde sorwn. KachbhowetiuUi er ana oijiil.ii!n to tho ut ir otrxr mill, ui'tl h ttho mw the twndouh) ott'.cit i cy i i alj SS-inch mill wUj cen tr to GOO buihul of ct tfraiti j cvooiuijr v ino eoitctititx irain, and we iruernt e, v. Oa rr .KtMPlou mirt.isriy r- moved wil I ohtllence &n 1 kuow tSat 1 .mi will baa beaten ctHna iu contest forni and Omni DANIEL BESTi Ti LACKSMITH'S OUTFITS Ai vises,blow8,hanDtt!orHii m stocks ted dies and aim st ever v by blaeksmitba we keop const-? en J hsnd, felao a full etook or Iron fSt 1 prices teiade oa small outtio AIN. 9 Hi SB SB K f SB ' s 1 ju6Mnmjj PBTKns A STKW ART.