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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1886)
mm F :iO.W FKBRUA.KY" IS, 188G tor AT SIATrLK Last Saturday h antLChlueee movement in Seattle culminattd la a mob's gatheilug In the Chinee I quarter . . , , ,, of thut city and driving ali Unmeet, aooui hi mirooer, io in . . s . . a j , i .... a i . . ...i.... ...i.ob.. .1... uAa r i. I wiuui, nimio uiu vmw.i in mo - citl' ' was lying. ratdy to sail Ihe next morning Ita San Frauelsco. Itj wu intended to in ike tliem nil losve, hut h.l:.. no tickets tho ouutaln re- fuod h. thou. ...i luarJ. Al l w I once, by KuWriptlou, onoogh money was raised t buy tickets tor Too civil authorities were at once in- voked and a writ f habeas crrpus w. ,! upon .I., cpuln to .p. pear In Ourt and show oauo why I h riratnou me uiunainon 01 neir liberty. He replied that the mob I prevented litem frorn leaving the I ahln. The Court then ordered the Sheriff to brlnu In th. Chlne.,,whlcl. he did, after arresting quite a nurn - ber of tu Uadera It tb movement brought into Curt kud tobl by the Ju1c th it thev culd g to San " Fruclaco on the -hip, or th.y could . . . , .. nd the civil authorities w .uM protect them If the could. Abou 100 ch-we logo, and thn Court directed the Sheriff to marc 1 ttie others bck t IMm ir quar tan. Thl ho attempted to flat, isnist- I by two cotupauiea of Millti 1. On their way to the Chinese quuters tii -y were inleieoplod by the mob, which had cougregated lu large num bers and wli ) began to hoot and howl at th) sldiers and attempted to wring the guns nut of the hands of the Militiamen, when tho Militia flrol upn the m-,U and five men were wounded, two fatally. The wildest ex -item ant profiled, and for a whib anarchy and pandemonium prev:lo I. A we navo hef re said, It id very desirable to gt ri i of Chi nese ser'a in tin country, bet wo canno' comprehend what is houd to be accomplished by each a procedure as thai nbov. These Chloeso are heri under treaty stipulations made by our government with China, and w can only obey this law until we can cure its repeal or modification. To thu take tho law in our hands for tho purpue of driving thorn out by bruto f rie I to creite sympithy for the Chines', and thu prolong the day wheu Ih j country I t obe ridden of this curse. DR1TH O Ki. Bl lk. With p.ofound feelings of sadness we are colied up m to chronicle the death of M j. Gen. Iucock, who died al Governor'. IUud,New York, on last Todiy, al2:lo p. m. Tae ctus; if hi death was a malignant carhuncto on the oack ul I. is neck, lie was lioru in Pennsylvania, Feb. 24:h, 1821. Graduated at West Point Military Ac. demy in 184P. Served with great credit to the coun try and himself in the Mexican war and the war of tho Rebellion. Ex emplified hi qualities a a soldier and etileeman during the 1 y of re. construction. Ws the Democratic candidate for President in 1880. A gre-it .-"ddier and a gre-it man has gOSM 1 1 the unknown beond, loved ami ri'spcfcd, as men nrely are, aim st univeril.'y. P.ce o his HtdlfS. 1 M oxum (iixi 11. N rt wi'heleii lirg the "g n i bv. lv:j brwdie in that the bugs' ilver VrZ," a uld ct'M- the pri' of bonda 10 f.H, ): ui the first of February tN., Mew York WoxU said 'we have a a roofer uiarket for bonds than haa prevatMNl t'.r a ioug time," and all tbia in view .f che fact a large major ity of each branch of congress has in die ite I a purpose to aee that lbee hood im payable in silver. The Piiueviiln Newt saya : "It has (tided by pe'eral fireside assem ut this town F Italy th.t m ;u who voU'it l r Blain are ro, si.auiiuh Dam Oaratat, , Hhould not, tberefote, be permitte I tr v.ite in the c oning Djmo eitfl ih ieaieSk Of cftr, this ia right. D m't let theo follows vote at eh aiaaaitas Din't rt them vole the D- ncat t!:k.'.t. io J.i t , either. You ae thn DatBSOsteasle party don't ne' taeir vooaa. O 1, uc. Camtnxt The friendi of Mr. U aim; in the Wee, who fivor 8ilv-, are rj icing iu the atatement jfuiug the rouod of the prea to ihe -li';ot that he ia a silver 10441. II iwVfrtrtiti it may he now, it wi fi.iiit.i" in 1878, when he bill re- moite hilvor waa op I r dicuAaiou and pasaaue in the 8011:. Biaiue vofz-d wjc'-.m, i he pissaifo d tho bill and laWd v aasj to sat state hia vi;tu Ml -iiie. H io WE WILL Bac;i.rJt. Santiaii Pkbcikot. lull. Democrat : Th? DrO Hrata he re dislike more or loia ths registry law passed by ihe last lejrtel attire, thinking th tc it pu'a iliem to 1 ) much lAeooveaUoes an I the county to too oiuch expeuse,and,at fir, Home of them talked of not registering, hut the iiui :Vinio i now i that ail will rweieters Tfn-y ay they cannot; afford .0 be disfranchised and will all register. Democrat. This is rijl t. Go aud register, and then wben election comes off, you need not vote if you do not want to, but by all means regi.'iter. Bis. Democrat. OORRB3PODa NTOB j 1 .irlc Skillet. It has been a Ions; iiiui aiooa neeing any items in your valuable pepnr from ibis section ot the country, 1 thougnt I'd try end pen you e fuw, thinking they might bo road with wme curt mty wmmtl mm9 m awe We are having some excellent Pro. 1D2 WPinr, huh muss ami kibiu glj J J conditio... .... . . ... , , ,mrminitv ; ,,x. ... e . . . i . cedent, your oorreapotiuens not- Know hug of any eisn el nokoaaa Smith Cox, who lit been vUitiei relative in Iowa tot about a Month, is expected home soon J llw ,,,,n Lmi - .Ij un, n iiurr iti in ihrt M .nil tin l.rt . ... . ... 1om notwith,Uoi,ins tne MObLmt that 1,1,0 fw waU a,'o 'hu cut- vmir of one of hi lngn qviiie b-ily, and his ago beimj aeai it not quite three "" ... " I aoore and ten lie c.nm I. otU0f re,id(o. Al prwnt it it H aillicult taak to hod a man that can excel him in any aort of work in the timber. 1 . . . . a m" a fa Uaweru IM A "-' "TC - -' -; " " " " .Ml:B1,, VmM .... ilrA, P llf i i.o in a prosperous oomliiioo. At M next regulat misting the following ilil,-era ill " installed for the enauing year, I. ir ti:i.l. f . W VI : 'J ' V; 1 x nun i i, v. ; iii 4.iiiv, mj- , . , ' L ' a a. S. ; 8. On.sT. ; Pre. D. Mrahall,8fceta! y ; F. S. Uoushton, Chsolain ; Joshua Coun, G. K. ; lloau-r dou, P. ; Saiab A. Jordan, F. ; OUra Propnt, C. ; Ca liaU C. Cuatar, L. A. 8. At present there is a membership ot 78. Your correapoudent 00 last "iuutdey, the 6th iuat.,atterid-d metttiu of Lion County Buainess C .nncil.P of II ,beld at Tangent. At an early hour meio bers of the order 0"ld h aem approach ing the halt by all itm tboroughfsies leading thereto, and hr the time ar riyed for convtodng the Council, more nation weie wetit than could le seated in the commodious hall. The rnattiiisr was cilll to o.dr !h Prebident, J. Q. rbwell. After rol call and reading of I ha minutes if pr fious mteting.aotne important l.uaioraa was traoaactwd rateUve to thettorjgu of grain. Dinner vraa naonnced and a repaired to the room below,wheie three large tables were fouod cmplutety loaded with tho excellent eatablca our blessed country afforda and tha ladiea of Tangent Oraug know how to prepare in first-clasi style. Aftur all had pr taken of th? excellent repast, to their entire -i.if.cti i, ihe great amount of good things not sedlf in any way near extitigniabed, the pauooa retumrd tu hall, and Council waa called to order, when the matter of taxation was ably ditcus" d and eomn it, iortant reSvlu tiooa to regard t' same were adopted. Under SHgseaOna t'er guodof the order Hon. Chan. -a AlilSerf Mrion County Pomena Grange, and W. Z Miiuab, of Giand Prairie Grangf, of luteal asassiijr, made avnin excellent remaike, loilowed by H n. R. P. B ji.-. Master of the Oregon S;ato Cranio, in hia MMSel able manner. A roaolmi iti in regard the holding t f a Grange picnic k in lime during the e ndng summer, wa adopt ed. After a vote of thauks bein;; ten dered the members f Tangent Grango for use of hall and lepast furnished Council, adjourned, all fealing that the day had bean well a; ::, ard truly con vinced of th (c. that the order of Patrons of Huabandry ia progreaaing. Tbl'e O. Raxueb. Oaltville. Dr. Geo. W. Gray and family, of Albany, speot a few days of tat week in this vicinity. Tbe beautiful weather of las week, has started the fall awn grain I grow ing nicdy, and sun of the more en terprising feim-rs an tbei 1 rtr mir plowing. We underaUn i t. ot the ladiea of Willamatte U P Church will give an entertainment at th- dm ch aomeiiuie this month. During tbe repeal frehet two men attempted to ford 01 C-eek. when in swimming water ;, uf tbe h r-es be oame onmanageaolr un 1 thrrw Ins ridor who bad a narrow easipe frous a wstery grsve. Miases Darmoud an I Jenui- P rdy, who have been vititinjj iea Gk il'e, returned to Corvalii to-day. Mr, J iv M'jCune rfirnnj fron a trip to tbe mountains laat week. G Mai luck is alwsys a faeotie of hia. ami h was so ladened uowu with game that be was compelled U have ic beblid. Rev. T. J. Wilaon, of Halaey is ex pected in Oak ill this week to asaiat Rev. Acheson daring communion. We understand that the U. P. Church and Sabbath School have elected delegates o tbe Alliance at E gene. Nonvelle. Business is dull in 0kvile at pres ent, but there ha Un- ; quite a on the bank. Mr. J. B. McC y ia Lid lame back. up with a Mr. G. W. Gray made a three days visit to his farm, looking after hi fine stock. Rev. T. ,f. Wilson, of H Ley, will be here Friday and Batimlay of ihis week, and will remain over Babbatfa to assist Rev. Acheson with rjofamutitou. The weather for the last week has been very spriag-ltke, Men hve laid off their overcoats, the wild gee go are flying north, tbe little doe'es are seek ing their mates, the cats have come out of their winter retreat without fear of tbe deadly coon hunters, one of tbe aforesaid, like tno duck", has found bis mate. Wbut has become of"Cipi d?" As the 14th is near he or $be should come out. "Omidare" what U wvni with vou. Give us some more. Amicus. Libex-ty. Fiao weather. Dexter Harrii got hi Ouir cut off with a chopping knif kit weak, whiU chopping foe 1 fjr hia stock. j A party was give ill 3rd inst , ia j honor of tbe sixteenth birthdiy of Chester D. Harris, an I another the 4'.h init.,the sixty .fifth birthday of William Sxeltoa. lite a nntnher wore pres ent and all moraod to partake of enjoy ment. W. S. Noble ia stilt rapidly improv ing in health. Our enterprising young bl lokamiih, O. VT. Willia.had the bad look to bum bis bahl pato on the ouk wmWNk K ee your hnal Mil of tin stove af - tli'ti, Ueorge. We noticed Jao'i St, ol Sweet Ham Ii she L:wtbtiUry lat week. J. Mealnv and hi tiiitar, from noar Lower 8d, spent one night last week in our mid!. 0 V. N,i is somewhat indispose I, also Mrs. Henderson. Well, as I OAiinot ho "Truth," I'll he ax near rotated as potsible, would like to ptease my friend, by Truth as they iuniat, but it is hardly possible. Honesty. Noticing you bad a cerruapoudeut from this placr, we thought wo would add one more to your liat. We are having very beautiful WettaV er. Miaa Amauda Grime, who has been visiting at Lebtuon and Htdavillo, retumuti home one day laat weak. Mina Lizzie Ibirnette, who was thought to We improving, wo are sorry to say is not quito as well at was re ported lat week. Sm is quite sick yet. Mi t Melioda Grime i attending school at Sodaville Among tho plusuiea of the week waa a patty given by Mr. Dexter Har ris, which waa a delightful aitecets. Tho mukioians were Meatrs. Jim and Jeff MoDanbd. After a delieious re past, w bade out host and hoateaagood night and dapartol for our Lomes, all feeling tht we had apent a pleasant evening. Also, a largo company on Thursday evening aurpriud Mr. Win. 8-ettoo at his home, in honor of hia stxty-aixtb Mrthdy, (d we understood tigbtlf.) Muticiaua were, The Arnold, violin, aaaiatcil by Mr. 8. II wkina ; orgardats, J. Grime and J. M uley. Lunoh waa served at midnight, an 1 wo depaited in (he "wee sma" kosws 4 Uw morning, while the greater part of .he company remained, dacuing until the roy light dawned in the eaa'.aru sky. The ratal of etiaeetfe la ierl to late arrivals aie not strictly u'. v.-1 in tbia pait of tint cviotty. Oa un fortunate youth pr c il to her home at a late (?) hour tueaorl het to the ball, bait aaa ouly to tiod do ra eloeeJ, lights 'out, and the inmates q-iietly reatin in the at in of M rphu . After arousing ihaehW memosr of the houae, be state 1 hi erratfl, but orly to btve bia pleading met with wrath and indig nation. Thiukiug tlo ptternal im .f mii(ht aio bim t lake hia departure, ho mads hia escape through the darkness. A fw m'tiutts later he arrived, alone, at the gay atd tWative acen, breathlea, wi I bV.r, harts and excitement. CatTtc. Jr?elc. Mr. L 11 J .I'M. it" Jfrrson,ratorQ ed home laat St'-ttrJay, after a viait of a faw days with friend an I relatives to tbt vicinity. Klder Dvi 1 Lynch, ot M jMinnville, will bold services next 8atnrdav at 1 1 o'clock, Baaaiey at 11 an laUo 8mday evening. The ladies aewiag society f Oak Creek i prospering finely. Tbe earn ings of tbe society amount to about $12.50. The next meeting will he held at Mrs. Robert FosteiV About 27 of the young fo'ka met and gave Miaa Eila Lang a aurpriae last Friday evening. Tuey spent tbe evening in singing and aocial games. All seemed to enjoy themselves and want home well pleaaed. Tbe young folks of tbe Oak Creek Baptist Sunday reboot are preparing to give a concert on the 2Utb of February, to procure funds for the purpose of purchasing singing hooks for the school. The exercise will be singing.tecitations and io'truraental music. All ate in vited. Exercises to commence prompt ly at 7 o'clock p. mi. Ad mi i on, 10 cents. Children under 10 years old free. EXCKRPTA. J. It.. Hon tli XiMtriot Perhaps you would like ; word or two from our section. Mr. O. H- Mattoon turn just detest1 a very successful lnn of seluvd In our district. He I well kit nvn in the Wbhmelto Valley as ObeofOUf beet teachers, having taught among us the IBOet of the llmo for thn last 30 or 86 year. By Ihe wiy he doesn't put nny "Prof." before his nsmc,sltbough tiva who know bim are of tho opinion tint he has for gotten more about leaching than one half of tho so-callod "Prof's" with which Oregon is flooded ever knew. So fur as we have heard, thete 1j not a patron of the school nor a pupil but speaks In bis praise. Tiio prospect is that he will teach for us tho com ing summer. in connection with Do. Hickman and other we have had preaching pretty regularly,evry Sunday even ing at least, if not in the morning. Tho congregations, as a rale, havo been large, and the attention given shows well for tho od order of our community. Of courso Oregon mists prevail hero as In other parts of webloot. Sweet Home School i firorosain-r under .he man agement of Thos. G. Taylrjr. Tbe Sintiam is aomewhn svollen, tbe result of the recent rain. The Sf. Jchn'd Hotel and ulso the Independent aie governed by eX3ltat landlord, and travelers will be hospit ably entertained at either plao The bridge at tbi plaoi i-i almost completed, hut there wilt have to be some work done near the bridge before it CJin be crossed by teams, on aojouut of tbe mud. J, Dm.iciand Mr. Ame,tbe leading merchants of this place, seam to be do ing considerable business,considering to the recent bad weather which some what tiajTod the trade. TauT. Ohtclcon OriNtlo. There is a tide ia the affitra of men, hicb, taken at tho flood, loads on to fortune. Thvt author of thsio Hu h know hi buainoaa beat when lis wrota th i n. How plainly unl how often we see thoso word ex run pi ill I in this aga.when tho wand of progro, wielded by a magic ban I, touches ths machinery th it propels men for . I on the road t tamo and fertttnt, The poo? b it gifted bey. ms ho out of tho Andetay into thu milling, hurrying orld, is caught up by the li lo and every wave lifta him highi.r ami higher, and carries him faster and faster on the billows of fame. His mind expands and makes room for the oomplex problems of tbe aso in which he live. The intricate niachiuety of his mind is kept in rapu motion by she velocity of the tide work ing out t hove pfobleasi uid giving to the a orld audi a plaio and conctae 110 lotion of them that tbe world grasps its ( ii and wiites his name in burning let loll high up-ii the scroll of honor And in tliu unanotat worm you eee a man traveling along tbe rough and rug ged road of poverty ,foot soreand weary, tin struggles on with pain and disap pointment written iu every line of his pale and haggard biow. The unseon wand rests for a moment upon that sweating brow. Ilia whole life is chang ed in an instant, and wttb one mighty etr'.de, he leaps out of tho thorny path of poverty and want, into tho broad' highway of opulsnce and wealth. Von meet Sim again clothed in rich apparel. The old look of pain and care is gone, and in its place ia a look of proud satis faction ami around his mouth lingers a smile of triumph. Three of Browns villa's worthy citizens took tbe tide at its (loo I end wore carried out on its foaming waves into the smooth, placid sea of wealth and greatneea. One of the three great benfaetora Imported from Iv.iglaud what ts known as the hieex, a kind of awina highly pruad in that country, hing first brought into pnimineno by Lrd Vetern ia I830. On the arrival of the pig in Browos- ville, a syndicate wai formal with A. T. Adams at iu bead, and tho pig was bought at a fabulous price. Jan. 1st, 18S5, the syndicate sold out to Atlantio A. Cable, ami, like hia nameaake, he beoame at once psrfectly electrified,aod viaions of wealth and powsr passed in rajud review Uf ore hie eyea. fr.ltmg up sumptuou quartera for bis pHxe, be atalt fed him for one year on patent prooeas flour with the happiest results. Laat week Mr. Cable waa approached by an ageut of ths Chinese Six C m pantos, that powtu ful corporation a hid haa for eaia been trying to get control of tbe omtaerca of the Pari So Ciat. Succeeding through their agent in buy ing the pi sc 4 cioU p-r po ind groas the tooualar ho waa put on tbe scale and found to tip the beam al tho enor mous figures of 4 1 iound, end the Chinese Six paiJ into the oofiera of Mr. Cable tbe magr.ilicrnt sum of fl.Go. Lit week wo called un Mr. A. L tiridgefarmr at hi pleasant borne, and open t a few m munis very happily wuh Mr. B. and fmily. Wnile there we were abown life site portraits of Clee land and IIendrick,beaittifally mount, el in olegsnt frames. Mr. B. is 1 atauncb Democrat and take great in ter at in tbe future wellfare of tbe graod old party. While at Tangent wo met your aptcy and very pretty correspondent, Son flower." Were very much pleaaed with her appearance aod eoovoraatioo, atd it take no prophet to forecast for ber a brilliant future. BatCK Dcst. Itock Hill. Mr. Harvey Vador has been quite sick for some lime, bat ia able to go to town once more. Mr. A. Dlge aod Mr. Beojatnio Mills, of Rock Hit I, bav been puttiog in tbeir time ploughing while the good weather was here. Tbe ground senna to be in good condition. Tba fall wheat looks fine, and tbe grass is growing fast. Strawberries are in full bloom, and sbruberry of aW kind seems to be coming out io leaf. A Itork Miller has been spendiag few days at tno little city or Soda vllle, taking In the meetings at that place. Tho protrar.;-' meeting will probably last all this week. We are informed that Revs. Wyatt and Bennett era holding a revival meeting al tbe Rock Hill school house, commencing on last Saturday. As to whether It Is n success or not, we do not know. S. A. NIckerson, of Lebanon, spout last Sunday in Rock Hill. Mr. B. W. Mills has Just got back from AstorIa,where he has been dur ing tho winter. Miss L J. Ambler has a fine school at Soda vllle. The people of Soda ville seem to like ber as a teacher very well. Mr. John Nlckols.of Rick Hiil.hns bought one of those new patent gates of Mr. Gaines & Fellow's, which helps tho looks of his place. The revival meeting, if continued, will break up all the social parties around the neighborhood. William Wilson Is having success In his new undertaking at Sodaviile. A Rock Hilleu. 1 llSLIKIl. Rev. Wooley, of Eugene, and Rev. Hendereon, of Mc Minn ville, are hold ing a series of meetings here at tho Cumberland Presbyterian Oh urch, Con siderable interest ia manifested. Miss L. Anderson is visiting her many friends in Lebanon. Miss Joy Maley is down from her mountain home, spending a few weeks with her young frteocs. Wednesday evo "Above tbe Clouds" will be presented by home talent, tbe proceeds are to be applied on an organ for the 1st Presbyterian Church. Miss Frances Charlton, whi is attend ing the Academy, has been serioasly ill tbe past week, but at present writing id improving. Mrs. C. M. Talbott is aicU with pneumonia. Q lite a number in town are tiling principally with severe colds. Mr. T. Cotton has opened a neat lit tle store where yon can get groceries as cheap as any place in town. HfMliivHhs, A protracted minting is being held at this plaoi by 15'. I. W. V, Cathey, aa- aitel bv In MtMr. Wa hope that much goo I miy be ao3impiihed. Thfra are also p muting4 h:dd overy afternoon ,- -., . h msei. Tho to; ) : iAa lotj'irer 0 tiu'i, so word ing to tin un . 11 "ii , but the weatbsr wi im dNinmbh tint he did notieoturi h re, but will rsturn somo timi in tbe p-'.nt aititb. and lesture two ev,!niti. Miss ATitnJ (:im vcut H ia vas in town sovtiral dty lat week. Mr. Biyle, Utidy fiom llliueia, has bought a pirtij.t of th1) Uhr farm near here. Mr. frees and UmU,ofS ied Rtdge, who Bate been peedln tlie winter in Sodaville, have mivel btril ti the Ridge. Mr. Prio-, of Siayton, i anain in SodiVille, The young folka of Sodavtilu are an ticipating a good time tot the hall the lotb. Qiite a large crowd wan out to spell ing school 1hi Friday evening, and had a good time. Mr. John Hon is reported as being no better. There art about 31 aclulars in at endat.ot at our echonl. Wavu. I. 1111. u.nt llttlo snsko b is bcn out look ing for spring. Mr. M. A. Smith ion several hosd of sboup by thu recent flood. About thirty huail of Mr. Jones' begs took refuge on u straw stack, and thus saved their bacon. Lveryono slong tho river hid rails to gtthcr up and fences to rebuild. T'io pteas'int days last week set people to thiukiug about, talking about, and some to making g.trdeu. This week's shower will put a quietus on that topic. Alllnghitn Brothers luvo rented tbt place upon which they ruld, owned by Mrs. lhompon,of Hugone City, and wilt fallow tbe ground this yer. E lgjraud B. AllluglMiii returned ut week from a vllt to friends noir Peorl 1 end Shedd. Mr. and airs. Frank Amsplg r nr thu liappy poisoors of a new girl baby, born Feb. 1st. Mrs. L Allta n went to Oregon City Ust Friday to sue ber fitther, who Is daitgoruudy ill at th4t place, Since writing our Iat com in u nicta tion Mis Willoughby has foeti very much worse, hot there has beon some Improvement In her condition In Ihe last few days. It Is to Im hoped that having paeatd till rrlis her recovery may bo moro rapid than It bus been buret ofote. J. Henry spent Ub4 Sumlay In tho city of Eocene, Seems to lo a greit attraction at that place, for we have hoard of aeveral young men visiting thoro lately, one could hard ly wait for tho river to run down so he could cros it. I Jro wins ville. Mrs Phil CJray Is under tbe weather O P Coshnw spent aeveral daye of las wee in A umy . A A Handera and wife aud !r I W Starr went lo Portland Tuesday morn ing Meaars Thos and Elmer Cleaver two of Kugene City's most etiterpttsiag young man were here Sunday. The report to the effect that the B W M k Co. are talking of eetabllabtug a tailorlcg etabt(ehtncut here in con aeetlsn with the mills la far fetched. Dr It N Curl I erecting a building on corner of Main aud Mill street. This wilt be the first bouse erected on any of tbe lota made vacant by tbe fire of last Summer At tbe laat merting of tbe City Coun cil tbe license for saloon was reduoed to tbe sum of ihrue huudered dollars. R A Handera baa taken out license for ths term of six month and will itnmedt. ately pel In a supply of llauore. Tbe many friends of our esteemed fellow townsman J P Gaibraitb, note with pleasure tbe favorable notice of bim In various county aud Htate papers of recent date, and under tbe circum -stances, we think It would be doing tbe handsome thing, for the Democracy of old Linn to esrry out tbe suggestion at tbe County Convention andgive him the nomination for County Clerk, aud then elect him in Juno. No oeo in tt.e county Is more eminently fitted f or the position, and such notion by tbe gal lant Democracy of Linn would lie duly appreciated by tbeir brethren of tbia precinct. Saturday morning M T Llnsey was made happy by becoming tbe father of a bouncing boy, Tbe mother is doing well. Prof K J Beaumont, au exnoser of spiritualism performed hero Wednes day. Moyer llros , sawed soino of the finest maple lumber last Friday for s P llar ger that we ever saw. Mr Levy Douglas, of Ilarrlsburg was here Tuesday. Mr Payne of near Albaay stopped here Tuead iy night tlia guest of 0 P Cos how. ' Next Wednesday (the 17th) there will be a meeting of the citizens of this community at the City Hall for the purpose of making arrangements to establish a creamery iu this vicinity. Let there be a good number of all class es present, especially of tbe farmers, so as to insure success to this beneficial enterprise. A gentleman skilled iu this business will be present and will pro ceed forthwith to establish a creamery, providing tbe cream from n sufficient number of cows cau be promised. Re member tbe meeting will be at the City Hall in North Brownsville at 1 o'clock p. in. next Wednesday. Come one ; come un Goo.SK. I la lrso.y. On Monday of lat week, Jeff Morris a boy of our town, who Is living with bis brother-in-law, Mr Legate, conclud ed to change climate ; accordingly he started on foot for the golden State of California, but waa overtaken the next day a few miles above Creswell by Mr Legate who brought him back. On last Wednesday evening a num ber of the young peeple collected at the residence of Mr Austin Bond. They report a pleasant party. The funeral of the late Mr VVarraouth was preached at the M E Church last Sabbath by Rey 0 Sperry. At the last regular meeting of the I 0 Q T the followiug officers were in stalled for the ensuing term : J S Van Winkle, WCT; -Miss Ida Jack, W It H S ; Hiss Viola Lou?, W L II 8 ; Mra Louis Bond, W V T ; Geo Bassett, W Sec. ; Chaa Peach, W AS; Vincent Jeasey, W F 8 5 Mies Abblo Tayor, W Treas, ; Miss Kittle Davison, W Chap.; MN LI.r.lo Jeoler, W M ; I A Oriap, W I) M ; Oen Vorter, V WOT; Miss Iva Templeton, V 1 O 5 Oeo Hood, W O G. After installation an excellent feast was spread, to which your Lumble cor respondent did ample Justice. The Halsey Temperance Alliance will meet at tho M E Church this evening. Mr H 1) ICetilatoti Is I'reaident. Temper niico Is on a boom here. Mr. funtilngham lias sold bl part ol the blaok-auilth ahnp to Mr Wm Worth. last I'M. lay. HOFFMAN & JOSEPH, -pitoi'itiKTorta ok- Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CONSISITNa OF- I'uro atlok. aaaorlod flavors, mixed dropa, tar drop, horehound alropa, cut lump, extra French mixed, chocolate cream, chocolate nquarea, ehocolste mtoe, decorat ed poara, d'xjorated faces, almond bars, fruit M'mare. apple slice', cream dates. iiM(triod,oanmeIa, tnacaroui,oooonut balls, vK'Ottut brllliant,:ream mlce,cream hearts. -k fine assonmsnt of large HEARTS AND TOYS In end leas variety. THE ABOVE CHOICE CANDIES We are aow Drenr.d to sell at whole site, always freeh and pure at Portland rKwa to (iaP-r. we also Keen a iu:i HI Of Nuts and Tropical Fruits, IX GROCERIES, We keep a full line, always fresh and at vnry low prices. OUR OIQAR AND TOBACCO department Is complete. We keep tbe very it neat stock of smoking and ebewiog tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes that la a delight to amok era. -WESTIbL HHBF OUR TAR M rent. IO eent ttBESADIIfA, BORS PUSCH 3 rent CIC1AB And a fine assortment of IMPORTED CIGARS. THBNKW FIRM -AT BsfSvM this day disposed of our raer rantils Intereeta in Jebanon to Meaars Churchill A Monteitn, we eau cherfully r-oiuimotu them to our old taiimite worthy ot and to all whom It may concern. J, I CoWA A Co, Lebanon, Doc. 2 lib, 1SS5. In referring to the above n-atce we desire to state that we shall at once pro ceed to stock up with a full Una of new and doalrable R-ooda, Including a eompleu Investment groeoH wbleh will be sold at bottom prieee. I lit "is. SUM. & M ati;ii 11. Ubaiion. I. 24tb. 18. Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIETOR OF 3 STAR BAKERY, earner Broalalbin ani First Sts., DEALER IV- annul Frail. CJtassware, Dried FrnlU, Tobavccw, Httgnr, Soir.-e, Etc.. Causae Meats, C nee 11 ware. Vegetables, Clgare. fipleee, Tea. Kte.. In faet everything tha. is kept ia a gen era', variety and grocery store, lligheat market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAM FRAN CISCO YIA.VAQU!MA. Tratee Leave Corvallia. Tuedey, Thursday, Saturday, at 9 a. m. Trains Leave Yaqnlaa, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 A. is Bn flnell Stsamir "Ya(iuiua"sails rtua raot nta. Friday, Kabruafy. 5th. TuaUy. Fcbraarjr Kith Friday. Fehruaiy 88th. Kutiday, March lh. WlnHUy, March 17lh. Sunday. March U-.Hi raoa rsAacuco, Mundav, Fahruary 1st. Hedaaaday. February 10th Msturday, Pohruarv 20th. Wodnaaday, March 3rd. I'rdav, March lith. rundy. March 23rd. The Corupany RaaSPfSS th right to ehaaga aalliag days. KAKCa-Cabin.SU ; Storage, 7 ; fraavht at reduc ed and illiterate rate. Rirar boat an the Wiilamalto connect at Corral 1U Low 1 area and rates. For further InformaUon ap ply to r. v. iiot.t r. A. O. F - and P. Agent, Canralllt. MMUNITION. A full y of tbe usual sixes of car tridges, brass and paper shells, prll me a wads and bar lead. Also the boat pow der. P8TBBH AKraWART. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Cvurt of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Z F Moody, Govur nor, It V Karhart, Sec retary cf Statt) :t ii. I i-Mward lltrach, Treas urer of the Ntate of Oregon, constituting the Board of Com mission f r for the sale of aohcol lands and thn in inator.ent of the common aohool fond, 1'iaintinTa, vs. Luclnda McOermed (Charles Kimball, Lite! la Kim hill, Km ma Kimball. Frank Kimball, Dollie Kimball, May Kimball, and Kim bail, children of Lydia Ellen Kimball, nee MoDermed, deceased,) Ardelia Baokus and Levi Baokus, her husband, Hardin Bawsou, Melville Daw son aud Dawkon, bis wife, William Dawson, and Dawson, his wife, Melissa Payne and Morgan Payne, ber husband, and Hollinirawortb, Hollingswortb and Hollingaworth, cuuoien or Mary Jane lioiitngsworth, deceased, Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution end an order of sale issued out of the above named Court, In the above edtitled aetion.and to me direct ed and delivered, I will on Monday, the 1st day of March, 1880, at one o'clock, p. m., at the Court House door, in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at public auction, for cash In hand, lo the highest bidder, aell tbe real property described In said execution and order of sale, a follows, to.wit: jut six (8) In Blook No. one hundred and nine (109) in Haokleraan's addition to the City of Albany, Linn county; Oregon, The proceeds of sale to be applied:: First to tbe payment of tbe costs and disbursements of this auit taxed ai $45.18 and tho coata of thla sale. Second to the payment of Plaintiff claim, to-wit : 1 184.75, with interest at ten per cent per annum from January 11th, 1886. Third the overplus if any to be paid to Luclnda McDermed ber heirs or aisigns, Dated January 28th, 1880, J. K. Charlton. Sheriff of Linn county, Or.g per Jas, j. CttARUroif, Deputy. I New Goods. 4j tm f L. E. BLAIN Ua the Largoat and Iteet stock t t Clothing In tbe Central Willamette Vnlley. Ills stock of BOOTS and SHOES, either for sl,3 or ouiilty. is no, equalled tn Linn county, Bought fur cah and sold cheap. in Impertinent la complete with the latest and neat atyies. Hi Furnishing Goods, are tbe very beat, embracing tbe lalost styles. Ill MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT undorlbe charge of W. It. (irabam, an ex pert tailor, baa no superior in Oregon, Splendid line of domestic and imposed suitings alwaya m atock. Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR 0 SP0&T3MEI. THE LEADING GUNS ANO REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION .CARTRIDGES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At tbe most reasonable prices, always in atock. Repairing done ou short notice. Willamette Valley nimrods should never buy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, VOppoeSte Revere House, All any, Or. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tie State of Orefi.i for Linn County. W 11 Rowland, PhuuthT, ta. R II Price Administrator of the estate of H D Thompson, deceased, Klixabeth M Nick er ven, Jaapar Thompson, James F Thompson, John M Thompson, Oeo B rhotnpson.Josoph A Thompson, Iaae VanNoatern, Willi am VanNoatern, tieorgo VsnNoatern, Jas. VanNoateru Arvilla VaoNostero and Da vid VanNoatern, Defendants. To Isaao VanNoatern, William VanNoa tern, Ueorge VaoNosseru, James VanNoa tern, Arvilla VanNoatern aud David Van Nostern, six of the above named Defendanta: In the name of tba Stato of Oregon ,' Vou and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and auswer the motion of the Plaintiff iu the above entitled action now on Hie in the office of the County Clerk of Linn county. Oregon, on or before tbe Bret day of the regular March term of atid Court to be begun and held on the sect ml Monday, the 8th day of March, A. 1). 18-5H, in tbe Court House, in Albany, Linn oouuty, Oregon, after publication of taia Summous for six consecutive weeks ; or judgment will be taken against yon, reviving a judgment against the estate of II D Thompson, deceas ed, which was rendered against deceased in hia life time, in the Justice Court on the 2Mb' day of January, 187Q in the Justices Court for tha Precinct of Brownsville in Lion county, Oregon, for the sum of $142.80 and for the sum of $42.80 disbursements taxed in said action and accruing iuterest from the rendition of said judgment and for costs aud disbursements to be taxed iu this proceeding and for leave to isjue execution, to satis fy aaid judgment against the property belong ing to the estate of H D Thompson, deoeaatd. This Summons is published by order of Hon. R. P. Boise Judge of said Court whioh order bears date January 28th, 1886. J. J. Whitney, L. H. Montanyb, Attorney's for Plaintiff. D ON'T FORGET IT. ii you try to ouiia uow wnue wueat X. only worth 54 cents you should by all means go to Peters & Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You can get what you want at their store ani at reasonable fig ures, M-mt i a a . ts a a Sheriff's Sale. ihf. Circuit Court of th StaU of Oregon Jor County of Linn. Z. F. Moody, Governor, R P Karhart. Secretary of the State. and Edward Hirseb, l reaurer 0 tno wtato or uregon, consti tuting the iS isrd of ('ommiasioners for tbe sale of schoid and University lands ami for thn investment of the funds arising therefrom, Plaintiff-;. VS. J W OUmore, J T Gilmoro, Nancy Daven port nno r W Davenport, her husband, Martha Klrkendall and isatnan Klrken- dell, her husband. Sarah Oasslday and L C'aaeiday, her husband. Elizabeth Whea- ton and Jmvid WheafoD, her hoaband, James ullrnore and M A Oil more, bis wife, John )lrrore. William Gllmote. J B Wyatt, K A Hawler, Henry Click, and G B Montague, and E J Lenning Admin iatrator of the estate of Jane A Gil more, deceased, Defendants. NOTICE ia hereby given .hat by virion of an execution and an order of sale H-.icd out or trio above named uouri in tho above entitled action and to me direct- el and delivered, I will on Saturday, the Joth day of February. lSe at one o'clock, . tn , at the Court House door, in Al bany. Linn county, Oregon, at public auction, for cash lu band, to tbe biabest bidder, sell the real estate deaen led tn said execution and order of sale as fot- ows. : Beginning at tbe northeast cjrner r:f Section 6 io Township 'l Month, range 1 west, of the Willamette moridtsu, iu Ltnn county, Oregon, and running, thence east 20 chains ; thence south V'i chains ; thence west 40 chains ; thence north 7 M chains ; thence west '1 chains thence north 3i chains to the Township ine oa north boundary of Tp. 28,81 Wj thenee east 22 A chains to tbe place of be ginning, containing 200 acres, more or teas. The proceeds or aate to be applied : First to the payment of the easts of this anit, taxed at f 107.12, and tbe costs of making this sale, second to . he payment of tho amount due the Plaintiff herein a - certalnei, to-wit: f 973.58 witb accruing mo rt al l hereon at the rate of ten j er cent per annum, aud the further auni of fSo Attorney's fees. Third, tbe residue, if any, to be paid to K.J Lenning, Admin istrator or me estate or jane a utimore. deocasad I ite I this 20th day of January, 1886, J. K. C'HAJtLTOV, Sheriff of Linn county, Orego n, peg as. J. CiiABLTOjf, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. I U Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Out County of Linn : L Fhiscbner and C, H. Lewis, PUintiffa. T. Alexander Sompter, Jr., aod Lydia P. Humpter hia wife, George L Hebbard aod J. W. Draxe, Defendant. NOTICE is hereby given thai by virtoe of an execution aod ao order of sale issued oat of the above named Court ia tbe above en titled action, and to me directed and deliy Steal, I win on Saturday, tba 13th day of February, 1886, at one o'clock, p. m., at tbe Court Huse door, iu Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at public auction, for cash iu hand, to tbe highest bidder sell the real property described ia aaid execution aod order of sale aa folios x. to-wit : The west half of Claim No. &S, Notification No. 1594, being a part of Sections No. 21 and 28 in Toweehip 10, south of Range 2 west of tbe Willamette meridian situate, lying and being ia Lino county, Oregon aud containing 1GU acres, more or lesn, the proceeda ot sale to bm ap plied : First to the ) u.eut of cuts and charges of making such sale and tbe costs and disbursements of this suit in Court above mentioned. Second to the payment of the sum due L.,l 827 23 and interest thereon from October 29th, 1885, at one per cent per month until paid and the farther sem of f 120 aa Atttorney's fees. Third tbe overplus, if any there be, to be paid George L. Hebbard and J. W. Craze. Dated January 12tb, 188C. J. K. CHaJtlTOa, Sheriff of Linn county, Orwfcoa. per Jas. J. Cbabltom, Depaty. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Wm. Miller, Plaintiff; va. Mry E Miller, Lilly J Miller, a minor and Geo a Miller a Administrator of the estate of Andrew Miller, deceased, Defen dants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution aod an order of sale iaaaed out of the above named Court la tbe above entitled action and to mm ATft. ed and delivered, I will nn Saturday tbe 41U UW) sy of February, 1888 at 1 o'clock p. tbe Court House door in Alhanr m at i Ltnn county, Or., at pnbiio auction for casn in nana to itir. 01 chest bidder, soil the real property sVaaaai ribed in said exeoo- tion an order of sa!e as follows, to wit -i ne west x of t he east H of tbe eee: U of the donation land claim of EC Officer and wife Notification No.1692 in Tp.lo S R 2 went of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Otegon, containing 80 acres. 1 be proceeds of aate to be applied : First to tbe pavment of tbe cost; and disbursements ot this suit taxed at $25 80 and tbe coats of ih e sale. Second to tbe payment of UaimifJs claim amounting to $267.50 and interest thereon from Janoarv igtb, '888 at 12 per cent per annum. Ibird tbe overptua if any to be paid to Geo A Milter aa Administrator of tbe estate ot Andrew Miller, deceased. Dated this Jsnuary 26th, l$sd. J. K. Charlton. Sheriff of Lion county, Orogcn. n. J. Chabxxok, Deputy. per Jas. pUTLEXY OF ALL KINDS, JVVe keep the boat etoak of ontlery in the vabey, Pocket knives and raaora a an- clalty. Don't buy anything in this lin without calling on ua firt. PatTKRa at Stkwart, R OPH AND CHAIN. Of all size, aa well as halter chai mm cheln, dog chains, rope halters, etc., for sale by Petets fc Stewart. OO O O o Q 0 o 00 Oregon Kidney Teal Natures own remedy WUI speedily relieve and permaneutljr cure all ths various diAculUes srisii f from ad'seruered condiUu:i of the LIVER AND KIDNEYS. K X K K UK K iv K K T-rrrrr T T T T It Is perfectly harmless an.t can be Rtaa to the in t delicate womaa vr child. For salo by all drutnrists, swell, Ui lthu UtMMtard. I wholesale Aceuts. POSI'X.-A.lSriD, ORHJGKD3ST. f JSOR SALE, One half blook In eastern part of the city with fair housu and burn will besold chear OCHec SON'S Celebrated Fsfhleu Oai 8ENT FREEfe aialcrae ready March unh, to any address. Illustrates and lists every thing for Ladles'. Gents'. Children and Infants' wear and Housekeeping uooas, ai prices tower man unm ot any house In the United States. Complete 6th Ave, dc iiota r. 2 N. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION ANO PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kinds of merchandise. All orders from the country filled on short notice for every class or kind of goods from first-ola!s a took. Absolutely no charges or commission will be charged or tilling ordeis, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. rrentice's, Portland, Or S AWSt AX iiJS, ETC We will ae' I you the larnuut Dtastun Champion a os-i.cut saw at a lo figure, aad can give you gooa piiees on axes, eledges and wedges. Peters dt Sikwart,