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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1886)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY. stubs' nutting. Kruadalbln rel. TERMS OF BUBUOEirTIOK mmmm ni tvar fur. in AlirBnOB... .. stasia -r ywar. -7 "2 infte sopy, sU - ...'.."..".J... Tt aia narnbar $4 M s H 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AlkMfi Orco. TTT'V. PRACTICE IN ALL THE W Courts of this State. Will civ special attention to collectlona and probate matter. . . . Office In Foster's new brick. 4Wf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEJAT law. Notary Public. Albany, reajBB,. Offioe upstairs, over John Brigale let street. TlJMWf J. X. WEATHERTOHD, (N.vr.MlY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, 4i.Rtt, BBEfiBN. rLL PRACTICE IN ALL TUE COVKtt Of THE Stats. Spaclal attanttoa give to collection tat robats matt.r i In Odd FaUws Tasnpls. D r. o. powul. w. a. mi-Tau POWEIili ft BIXYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in CbaHcerr, ALlARf. - OtsEGOM. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. aST-Offloe In Foster's Brick." vHnlKf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor it La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON. arm nMAtiM in all of tha Courts of (his State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., and TOilet Articles, A and Low Prices. Books, Stati Largt CITY IDTIT7C3- STORK, tj ALBAXT. BBEfiBX. F08HAY & MASON, w5 etwcmt VOL. XXI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1880. NO 28 GERManreMEDY For Pain; tlm, N.umlflt, a. Vo-UooB. frs;-r. Nt OAltfS AID Mi! KM. TUB OTASLIS A. TMII.BR CO.. B k LTISWttB, BtJ. mSeES RedStar TWADE MAWK. BBBSBBW' JVee Vwaw, Opiate, SURE. PROMPT A PBI'BBBTtB MID D.i httettt Mmh JVoi. 25 H.Al . tub caAaus a. voestsa co,aAiTtaoaa,aa. Eczema. Anal every aperies ol ItrhlnK sad It urn ins; Oiaesme C ured by tnllesrs. KCZEMA. or Salt BBsem. with aroalsln luhin ul bumlna- . instantly rW by win bath wtih rmimira Soao Bad a stasis appHeailon lA ruucura. the fTtt akin Sura. Th. riud daily wuh iwo or tbraa dasas at CUUcura kmhimi, uio new mm purifier, to sasptha bload cool, tha psraplraUon par. mad nnlrrltaUni, tha bowel. open, UM Ur bus Bid Mn astlvc, will BpMdlly cum Kasatua. Tcttari King- worm. Psoriasis, Uchw, Pruritus, Scald hMd. dan druff md yry gpectaa ol itching, and imjIT tawmol Ui scalp aud skin, hw ih beat pB,i- an all known rsssstnas fan. Druggists and Booksellers, ? Agents for John B. Alden's publications, which resell at publisher's prices with poets gcsdded. ALBANY, A. PRU8HAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PKB1CR1PTI09S CA1SFCLLT FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. I have the best stock o! nmitore in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE m tha cltv and the lowest price in tha Valley. Gome and see. Undertaking, a complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Will McDonald, 2Mt DoBrbors BtrsBi, CWoBri f ally acknowledKMB cur ol Bobbsbb. or bd. neck, im,-. ifflaul lMforBBvnUs twbm; bo abb ui walk BBBopi on hniitT nod knoM for oaa jmr .not b4 to nolp hlintf (or t(hl jtobtb ; in bwdross of rwm mAmm- ilnrtnra nmnrtiri ' hi. cam koiwlow ; I m nonily enrod by LuUcuro KbboivchI (bkx-.! portaan nd Butk-urB nad CMti.urB 8j.(U gr.t tkm cur) atsmaily- rh.rla HoaBka . Esq.. lawyer. St Hats BWset, Boston rwpotto b wb of Kcsobia under hi. okesnrs lion for tan yoarm. whkb oererwd the patent'. bly and limb, and M which ail known tilhada of Ural mnt bad boon appilod without bencat, woicn wb ycurodsoM by tns CuUcura HIBBIB1BB, elaaa and asanay bbu. NEWS r THE WOULD IIOIHEWIPK S at KAI ItOOK TEMPERANCE DEPAETIEHT SOtTBD BT TBS Women's Christian Tempermei Uiin STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IB TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Special huninoftM Botices in Local Vol utnns 1ft cents iter Hue. Itegular iAtc notice io cent r line. For legal and traoNicrit advertiaptr.eals $1 IX) per wttare for the firet iBiwrCTirnraBtl WJ cente per Bnare for each eubieqaeat insertion. iiates for othftr advertisements made known on application, Mr. John Thiol, WiikoBbnrro, Ponn, wrllwi I I hart trowSaBBaoIor ygyr.r, at a Uabo. Thrao tmxas oc v uiicurinp uw nwa www w 1 - b - m , m a a. . CoBolrwat have oattTMjcurod no of 1MB bibb Bin i uia- phniMH PrwaertbaTha.- I bat. ootbtoff but Iho hlrhoat nraiaofur the mulia obuunad front your full- MBBJIi IB, ol i na.o wa ww, .www a ol tha kind. BOBTKO A. K Urowd tt. 1'htla.ialphia P.m.. Art told by all draniaU. Prieo : Cmcraa, jUa $ BbwuLvbyt, fl ; Boar. 25c. Prrm Iai o aso I nan- KAt Co- Boaton, Mam. band lor "How 10 uro tiktn DiBOBBWB.' TIFT tho complosion and akin by uainf UM COTICVBA in XT, Celery, frostn hard, Is a Dew gat Never un water from a atone reter tronomic dellceoy at fashionable tllo- voir for cooking purposes. ner parties in New York. Never allow freah meat to rsmam in Buddhism his obtained something th9 )ip9r , abjorbs tbs juioew. Of a footing In Los Angeles, an 1 It 18 (f the oven is too hot when baking said to be rapidly spreading there. pAoe a .m.n dish of cold water In it. Senator Palmer of Michigan be- When sponge cake becomes dry it if lle?es that lnsemnla, or sleeplessness, nice to out jt, t,in nlice! and toast comes to every one In the later part Xo prevent mustard plssUr from of his life, unless he takea a certain blistering, mix it with the white of an amount of exercise. lie takes his in egg, the shape of long walk. To remove mildew, soak in butter In spite of peace among the great milk and spread on the grass in tbe powers, Krupp's great tierman gun taD. works have turned out a larger num. Never make tea in a tin pot. The ber of heavy pieces during the last tannin, wmah is acid, attacks the tin three months than are usually made nil produces a oison. in tk tolinla vnsr Tha heaviest do N.y.. . ata inti ,m,i uhmi e.m,k- Ilvory was made to Turkey, Greece iog till it has been thoroughly skimmed, ""' " " " V "7 " T 7" si a. . i I " . . .. V 0fyLfiBcil. Much discussion is be- auu ocrviu, iu mo uruor ubiuou, as salt prents ttieS'iuin irom tisiug. An Ohio orchard 1st who has expe- Never use water which has stood in rlmanted with twenty of tha leading B jglj pjJie ov.r night. Not less than varieties of apples has come to the a weoden bucketful should U allowed conclusion that only the Baldwins, lu ruo Peck's Pleasanta and Fall Wines aro Wheu the burners of lamps became profitable varieties to grow, end of Oioggd ith cbar,put them in a strong these the Baldwin pays far better op 8U,U and bail awhile to clean than either of the others. them The heaviest geese on exhibition at u nUd starch can be much improved the Birmingham abow was a pair of by tb) Haitian of a little sperm or a White Embdens weighing forty-aigbl ;iu)c M)t( or both, or a little dissolved pounds twelve ounces. The largest m araoc pair ever exhibited alnce the show To brigutn the ioside of a coffee or was organixed weighed forty-nine Uft t fiU w(lh waUr, tJd m small l " - a, f a . pounds and were or the above variety. )iee, of wtp, jet it boil about forty, digestion, malaise. These diseases ware Herr llersman, who about eight fi winute diminished one-half iu the first tbrsa months ago began an exploration of i aasttirjff.oouuteriaines.or bedpreads ! months ot prohibition. The real dis- west Africa from the Camerooos to ba.a -u tpt 0Q ilem wot witb ajc0. used by tobacco is loss of will the river Congo, has returnea w i ho) rub wUb tM1) MQ(1 vbeQ ?i(i.c witb ower ftQ(1 wlf.rMtraiQt. Europe thoroughly Ulsgustea who clejir waler. the country. He takes a pessimistic NeTer kwp vQ(,g.r or -ctat in stone view of the Congo trade, and regards orock9 m jugl ; t,ejr tcij attacks the west Africa generally swindle. sUziDg, which is said to be poisonous The losses by fire In 1886 in the 01mm fur tUUr u vt United States and Canada are esti- A j()UUi black cal fur poluhiog mated at 94,200,w00, or $15,000,- stoVMns made by addiog to each pound 000 less than for 1884, nr tdark land m eiil of tnroentine. one The flavor and crlspness of all eel- u 0f mtm$ td one ounce of sugsr. erlee will be Increeeed If the stems vur., ln ,;L k room should not sit are soaked In Ice-cold water for a or Uu(1 too DMr lbt) atient,nd aboe short time before serving on the U- mU tliDg. lhey tbould avoid talking ble. when leanteg over a sick person. A womsn may not be able to ebarp- t it ubl that canned berries retain en a pencil or threw a stone at a bee, lheir flgwort gllfj Keep better, whan a but she csn pack more articles io a blltu,red cloth is laid over the top ef trunk than a man can in n one-horse the jar before screwing down the cover. wsgon. Ail cooking utensils, including iron The London lancet says thst chit- lots,sbould be rinsed after waahing.and s .as A 1 r A ... . a uren wno nre auowaa to go dbtbiooi- c-refuU- wined- on the insds with a er clean, dry cloth. A soapy or greasy dish cloth should never be used for the Prof. Crowhurst, in his recent lec ture here, stated that one huadred and tweatytbreo counties ia Georgia had local option. Only fourteen counties remain, and three of those are now en qaged in seMva preparations for the fight. 'ii SB Sixty-nine oiiiea in Ten n ass as are free from rum power by local law. If such local laws can be enacted ia Tennessee, why not in Oregon aad why not in Al bany, it is high time we were having our local laws clearly defined, so as to enable every oitixen ie understsnd iog had upon this queetion. Will some one possessing the required legal infer rnation enlighten us upon the subject ? The Medical Inspector of the United .States Navy, states that the effects of tobacco ware tested st the Military Academy at West Point, aad at tbs Navy A cs demy at Annapolis, where tobacco bss now been wholly prohibit- ed, with a very marked effect even in the first yire months upon the health of the students. The use of tobacco in youth can never le regarded as moder ate. It prcdoces headache, disordered valuable presents distributed to our customers. THIRD DISTRIBUTION APRIL 1, 1886, Every customer shaH have an equal chance. OUR NEW STOCK for the Pall and Winter cannot be surnaa-ert nit.w : All our purchases are made for ' ' ot " 1'"uo U1 h""- THE WBBLB BOB MaVE. Sharp aad Marrow pains abaolntelv .nuihu by the t uUeti-A Ann rain i-usw, m Neural sic. Hart antuloU to nain and In . Original, Infallible. At UrugiftaXJ, tbs Revere House, Cerwea Blrrt and EUswerth Albauty. reawsu W Gaire t, Prop'r. TblanwHotilsSUlnp in first class jtyls. Jabiw roppllwd with tha bast tha market afford. BjMag Beds in arsry Room. A wd Sample Room lor Oota- wAsrctal Traveler!. , Caul tm aad front the MtelTSl MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. FISH, GAME, AND POULTRY RIARKET. MUTOI HYDE, Proprietor. Fresh fish always on hand. Cash paid for chickens and game. First Street, next door to Joe, Webber's, ALBANY. OREGON 1886. Harper's Bazar, IXtXiTJSTHa.TEJID. ed enjoy almost perfect immunity from the danger of "cold" by acci dental chilling of the foot, and they are altogether healthier tod happier than those who, in obdlence to the ass ass of social lite, wear shoes and stockings. purpose. To keep inaer.ts out of kird cage, tie up a little sutpbur in a Wag and suspend it ia the cage, ited ants will never be found in closet or drawer if a small hsg NEW DEPARTURE ML H Allan Co.. 100 tSBhtNSwf?ar we propose to sell cheaper than any store in the Willamette Valley for either cash or Droduce. Command d cure some or tne rare bargains offered and look over our 5, 10 aad 25 Cent ( ounters, where thero is not one article but what the money elsewhere for. " JJ lJay """"" N. H. ALLEN & Co., first street, Albany, ALBANY. OREGON, Jan. 2nd, 1886, years we can see this new trutk ac being plainly visible. Like the air abors us it bsa become deep enough to r vral a color. Union Signal, WSESBSM The Meat AmmMtt As well as the moil eflnctlve method of diarwilling headaches, colds and fevers, or eJasBsaSBJl the system Is hy ukieg a fear loas of the plaaaant California liquid fruit mined y Hyrup of Figs. 50c and f 1 homes for sate by Koahay & Mason, Laag don A Co. as C W leader Co., of Portlaad. are duly iathoriasd advsriUtog agents for the Vkmo car (sr that city. Ask year draggist (er a package ef Oregoa hid nay Tea. An extensive Maine fruit grower 0fsulpbor be kept cnatsntly in these has found by experience that he can p1komt HASraa'a Bazas is tbs only paper In the warld that combines tbs choicest literature and the flaest art II lustraUons witb tbs latest fsshiens sod methods o household adornment. He weakly 11 lustrations and descriptions ot tbs newest Parisand N.w York styles, with its ossfal pattern-sheet suppllrnenis ana cu patterns, by enabling- ladies to bs their own dress. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OK. Tha First Term WlU COmmeBCe OB makei., a. many time, the ctof subacriptkm. Its The 1P81 lerm V . ; ' on c0oklng the msne nt of mrr.nU, and TttCSQay, Sept., lUt bousekeepinw ln iW vsrtous details are eminently FimrtUalr. concerning the corns of .tody and practical. Much attention is firen . to tb "tln JwriSsUuiUon, apply to topic of socUl rtiqu.tte. and Its illnrtraUon. ef art BET. J. 5. W V C itrr. rresiauat, Aloany Bath Mouse. T3B OSDERSIttNBD WOULD RESPECT folly laform tbs eitissas of Albany and i oity that I bavetaksn charge of this Establish meat, and, by ksspiag olaaa rooms and payta attention to bnsiasss, expects to salt si tbose who may faror US witb their patronage harper's BAZAR.. Sarin K asrstoiora rirst-Class Hair Dresalner Saloona expsots to ;1ts antira astiafsction to si asWbldtan nd Ladlss' Hair neatly as Tabooed JOS WEBBER. naadle work are Acknowledged to be unequalled. Its lltorsry merit Is of the highest excellence, sod the unique character of IU humorous pictures hss won for it ths name of the American Punch. DR.J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Offlce oor. First and Ferry Streets, A BANY - - OREGON, HARPER'S PERIODICALS. rer Tesr i St OS HARPER'S MAO AZINE.. w HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 200 HARPER'S r'RANKLIN SQUARE UBIURY, One year(M numbers) 10 00 Postage free to all tubtcribera in the UniUdt Stale or Canada. O.B. PVKEBS O. O CHBBRY. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, (Suooessors to C. C. Cherry.) lacMaists, MUlfvTights, and Iror Founders. Tha vnhimM of the Bazae begin witb the flrst Number for January ef each year. When no time is Deified, it win be understood that the subscriber ' . . . JA U V wishes to begin with the Number nexi aiver ceiot of order, . ,i v hi.piil'. fer three jwunu . wiuuw. w . - , back, in neat eloth binding, will be ssnt by mall postage paid, or by express (provided the freifh doss not exceed one dollar per volume), for S7 00 pe otutas, r-inth raae. far each volume, suitowe ior omumn will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of 1 1 eacn Remittance, should be made by Postomce oney IM or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers ars not to copy this advertisement with out the express order of Harper and Brothers, HARPER A BROTH EHH, Hew rorx produce evaporated apptee for five centa per pound from second quality of apples snch as csn Imi taught for twelve to fifteen cents per bushel. From a bushel of Baldwins of this quality be gets on sn average off five pounds after evaporation, which would sell for 6 to seven cents at present prices. It will probably not Impair the ap petite for milk and eggs to know (hat the albumen of both is identical io eubstance with the deadly venom ef rattlesnakes. Skimmed milk, according to Prof. L. B. Arnold, is poer food for either infants or adults, and is very hard to digest, owing to fthe removal of the volatile oit contained in the butter globule, which i,an important agent in assisting the digestion of tbe lac teal fluid. Tbs suit btoofcbt by a California fruit grower agsinst a bee-keeper of tbat Utate',for alleged damsges to grapes is one of unusual interast to bee-keef.ers in ell sections of tba country. Tbe case was tried not long since in a Jus tice Coutt, and resulted iu a verdict for Plaintiff, whose witnesses swore tbat tbey saw tbe bees injurs tbs fruit. A number of eotorao!gifts testified that tbs nsture of the bee's tongue was such as to admit the extraetiou ot sweets from flowers, but not of boring through the skin of grapes. Tbe defendant ap pealed to a higher (Jourt, where it is exuected tbe decision of tbe Justice's r Court will he rHrrl. Freckle Cure. Take two ounces of lemon juice, or half a drachm of pow. dared borax, and one dracbm of sugar , mix together and let them btand to a glass bottle for a few days then ruW on tbe face occssionaily. ABSKETIMM. .M CtiETft. Tbs following extract from tbe Christ mas sermon of Professor David Biog sounds a note of cheer to our marching army. It shows, besides, what piutfrets tue Prohibit ten party is msking, when iu gsins are so frankly adenine i by a conservative ia politics if not in theolo gy, and iu tbe presence of tbe largest audience tbat statedly gathers in tbat great north wast. Yours in good ebeer, I-ham i i K WlLLABI. We call our air colorless, sud declare it invisible, but when we look up anu gsze into fifty miles of it oft toward tbe stars, we perceive it to he biue. Tbat must be its color in tbe small, for tbe whole cannot bo different from its parts Thus, unable to see tbe moral color of one -ar we must look st fifty of them - I .... - . L. .,! ,1...- iLi- ,1... orrat and by all. and especially ny prorasaora oi I t ti .t . ii.. 1 1 iiia aw n nr . . , war - , , i r. I omwug ki, mms wo imuuio " valuable progress. We muat.tbertfore, t- 1M nmAtMni. .hould be the sdtfm progrees of each part, and muat chu,f almof roedicaUon, Yrt In bow many f. .Uhou. .or r.r oT doubt .h.t Jo-w. . ,.k i. Itnn. .nil anUrs into .1... ti t-rm iiinmh Rltuira is SUO ... . I Mwawful in an man oasea. with which the general wellare ol manBtnu. rmUm prevloualv tried were Inadequate For such a beiffht of observation we to cope, is attrtmitanio to tne ia-t . m .la nun lie-inn whiuh reanhsn and retnovee can mat k atiita an advance to all moral .... nm..m A it,, nrlnua maladies to ,oU.o ...d.. llig.1. .odoo gS$JSftS! advance of pi omulaation. There is bo Uem, disorder of the bowels, urinary sf ... . . . ; factions aad other maladies are not palli dal I., a, but ratber a constant moving ,tK mr, but rooted out by it. It goes forward io tbe idea of temperance. In to the fountain head. It is really, not nnm na v. a radical re Died V. ana It en- the 8uuibern states those etstes whose I aows lhA fw,tcm with an amount of vigor miad has Uen inactive for twenty-five I which l. lm beet protection against dlaeaae. years tk ere bss been a great awaken- mm m V a.S as to this one rstorm. J n toa K m..ii.r h- handsome or atalwart a notnmg head. sbln- It would bat I Be BHaeaac. to be a truth apprecUble NOTICE. liaTing conclttdod to close out Ms bMiness, now offers Me entire stock ot STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with Ms entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. is this is a genuine closing out, now ia the Urns for housawlfa o replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. JIXBANY, log Don't expect an Jvertisement to bear fruit io one night, Bread is tbe stair of human life, and adv.rtiaemeut is tbe staff of business You csn't eat enotigb in a week to last a year, and yon can't advertise on . a a s . a that plan either. , ..i. -, ,u -. flhnosinir tha nriirlnal oolor at the samo lime. Not Sam May A thing worth doing is worth doing w"u , T " a dye.not ally, delicately perfumed, On- F. A. Watte I C iAHAwl .S abb s asa sBAfnlsBSMnaB what rsaVri I a S eV. -1 lMn. m ins a i irt'iiuriiL ni a w uuuai iiik n nw. B' - i v ucaiiiiani niH' ii rttwK 1 1 1 1 . H A !.; ..rrh xlwMrfiaiACr IB I I . I J wwii. a. vuiuk " " r I . . . I J .. lfjn J IMUBfc C Jcw. w iiip;v. I'- North lbs origieai arena of this battle young man rosy be niharwiae. not . . , , , , , en make up for a partially bald 1 aaainat tniuitous drinks, tbe quratlon uhininf, taUnta are attractive, but a of temperance has reached l'H iri Jt ffl.?. 'it u.l.;..i U afTUniint. th nomination and I tuimm mSk ainn the loss of the hair and ..... . i ui.n . now irrnwth of irloaav and soft hair i R Shelton.. i . : . r i i . .Ua... ,nM, .nil man i "" . i r .m e hci un ui .ii w hiwufow vww - i i . i - n.nrio. vaii rMinriDE i r no. miliar , TB St BsrStlBBBM. Btatamenta of acooooU of subscribers 1 with the DEMtoceAT hare been placed ia tba nanus of agents through tbe county, eo that subscribers desiring to eee either bow tbey stand, or to settle for tb.e earns, can do sa by calling on them. This is for the convenience of both subscribers end the Democrat, Those desiring to pay a year In advance and get the "American Farmer" one of tbe best agricultural pa ran in thn IT. S.. OSA do SO With OUT i ' agents. Call on tbe following gentlemen at the places named : a Prwinvr Brownsville. i SH'IO. ..Lebanon. worth advertising well. Tbe enterprising advertiser proves tbat ho understands how to buy, be cause iu advertisioB he knows how to sell. People who sdvertise only once in three months forget that most folks cannot remember anything longer than about seven days. A constaat dropping will wear a e mnlf. Kaen droootns vour advertise- - s a 17 ments on the publio and they will soon melt under it like rock salt. Quitting advertising in dull times is like tearing down a dam because the water is low. Either plan will prevent good times from coining. If you cau arouse curiosity by au advertisement, it is a great point gain- bed. The fair sex den't hold all the enriosity in the world. Trvinv in do himincHS without ad- j a - - w w E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL npleted, and are now preparaa w t,.nHi. n Vinrla of hoavv worsx. wa win manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Will Machinery, and all kinds nf Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS B14.BE BN KHOBT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. WlU also manufao ture the improved Cherry A White Gri Bepasmtor ADDITC Senl six centa for postaare.and rill flVCia raoal.4 free, a cosily box ot roods which will hslpj-ou to msrs mousy rlgiit away than ...thin, .lu In thi. world. All of althar sex. suc- ' - . . ML. V .1 A . . . fMWA BWB. Our, J.K1W UIUW1 vu w 1 1 '1 VUI1U i bwbbvs ths warksrs, aosoiutsiy sors. At ones Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. BEMAKHAMLE ESCAPE. John Kohn.of Lafayette, Ind., had a very narrow escape from death. This is his story : "One year ago I was in tha .est staces of Consumption. Our BP ' best physicians gave my case up. finally got so low tbst our doctor said I could not live twenty-four hours. My friends then purchased a bottle of Dr Wra. Hall's Balssm for tbe lungs, which benefitted me. 1 continued until took nine bottles, l am now in per feet hsalth having used no other medi to be plsed by that cold-water army, which until recently had not been worthy of a thought. Whatever may bo the views of any of you, the tem pera uce idea bss become a tremendous fast. It has been just a hundred years since the following record of expenses .... n,ad hv the Houth Church, of SJE BSEs eesw j - , k s .a a Hartford, when it entertained tbe cler gy who had met to ordain and install a new pastor : Final rrwef. Parties making final proofs of claims either through tha Roseborg or Oregon City Land (ifrioaa. can have the same pabli.hed in the Democrat by so notifying the Register at either of those places, Friends ef this paper will confer a favor by considering this wnen they make out their final claims. Oregon Kidney Tea curea all kidney troo bk. Tell Your XeteaUer. fl. May 5, 1784. i To 3 bitter 10 bowls punch 1 24 dinners 1 11 bottles wine 3 5 mugs nip 3 bowls punob 3 bowls toddy It was tha drinking at church con ventions that aroused the ire of Lyman Beecher and mado him open this cen tury with his sermons against this svil 10 1G 16 0 6 3 9 0 0 0 10 10 6 ...Hariisbu ...oh xrg. edd Red CrownMiUs 180M, LAMING & CO., PR0PITS. BBW PROCESS FLOCK SVFSRI6R FOU VABil UBS ami ram Hs usx BEST STORAGE ACILITlBS. Highest 'Price in Cash fox Wheat ALBANYftOR. A Safeguard. Tell your neighbor who is not already a subscriber to the Imocrat that we win f urnUh him the sFswifV WorU,thc best me .....w.iiinn turner In the countrv. and tiie i i i 'j" NiniM ts a s Democrat, the best local paper In the vai ley, both for $3- This is a marvel of cheap ness. Call at this office for a specimen corj of the WetM. Syrup er Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Bui Francisco. Cal.. is Natures UV 1 UU W. a - Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid vortiaiog io lin. winking ot . protty ,,.,. in hil .ltoMogr..liy tUot ot rCX" M 'SSii itl t.hroiioh a nair of iroE2lSi. xou may know what you are doing, but nobody else does, It is a mistaken notion that a line store in an eligible location, surround ed by attractive signs, is a superior advertisement ; for the experieuce of moat enterprising merchants is that it pays better to spend less in rent more on advertising. and .i ai t .k. Paw ITurvav at I jiu. r Vwottle. It is the most pleasant, Go.h.n, Uon. : "Th.r. . h.rd g-- , n thV Uj.r drinking on wwai gJLfa?w- of tho omount of liouot ooMomod." r! SL3Z!i. Ti.,tion .n.l kiodred i usaav www- - r - - To learn the progress of tbe tamper- ance principles we must throw throe generations into the scaiss of our esti- mate. The truth thus becomes visioie. From these larcre survevs we csn de ll- W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. cine. A little girl wstcbing a kite made of a daily paper, asked : Mamma, isn't :t going very high ?" ''Yes, my love,it ia." "Do you think it will get beyond that cloud ?" "It wouldn't surprise me if it did ; why do you ask f ' "Well, I i.nni.f. if it. want as far as that the muuguv . I dear Lord might read ths newi." PBEStl CONPLKXIONS. If vou have humora, pimples, boils, is because ths system needs argumsot m vain. rt a, Qfnwart. hava neok-vokes and A OWo W - . i, sinirle-trees, Ironed or unlroned, neok voke irons, single-tree irons, nib irons, .u .b.o av.ti-MM.Ato.. all for sale o . 1 J L. - nJ I "IT" scenu to sacn year anu eaou bcuu i neap. aiWrm that, mi narson in this field of ARN DOOR HANGINGS, toning and purifying. Nothing gives graas parson in toil has mads a speech or written an "O As the blades of Are always breaking, unless you have 1.. i . i . n.t.a jk Si.ain. nr Al mV,i its tne Kinu sem uj jrww ' l. IIVU WIHV ww in the meadow all bany. They are mads of wrought Iron too wrw. u J I. CASE PLOWS. I . - . i Ii mn h (rank and will issi " such good health, smooth clean skin make tbe Carpet oi green v.., - . Vt' hVng another barn door un- . i . t i wmhab r ma nn aa e . u l A ah as-m the aeeua oi eauu isuuioi . i til you aaye asu ""ouj. .. . i a l ...I. Regulator, purely v-getablo and not cause ne.P compos anpleasant to the taste. The Regula- tbat ot an id passing from the hps of tor stimulates the liver, clsansea ths a Lyman Bsecber to mould the lives of eves and akin of yellowness, improves all tbe clergy and at last to become in digestion and makes tbe breath pure national politics a powerful principle, and sweeth. Thus at the slose of one of these busy Thia famous nlow is well known In Linn 'County. The chilled and ateel plows ara well made from the very beet material and are warranted to do as good work anS scour full v as well as any other plow pBters 4 Stewart are tbe sle agents. The fatal rapidity with which slight foUls atid Coughs frequently develop into the gravest maladies of tho throat uikI lungs, is a eousideratlon which slrouUl Impel every prudent person to keep at hand, an a liouxohoUl remedv, a bottle of AYl'irsCHEUKY PE(TOlLL. Nothing else gives such immediate relief RtMl works so sure a eure in all aEeetioiw ,,( this claw. That eminent phyaieisn. Prof. T. Swectxer, of the Malno Medical ythool lhuiwwlck, Mc, says : "Moilionl aclenco Iwb jtroduced noi other sno mIvik! tiicctorniit ao poott m Atke'I Cubhby PM toral. It U liivuluablo for diseases of the UaTSSS uuU luug.." The same opinion Is expressetl by tho Vclr-loftoWB Dr. L. J. Addison, of Chicago, III., who jiays: I l,.ivo ncvi-r fouiul. In tUlrty.nve years of H-orttkiaoua mmly aud pmSfce of BBBOlrSwa, any nwitfMUWUwa tfcO Rival value aa AVBK s CHE BBT PatTOBAi., for tnatincnt of dlacaaeB of tho throat anal Isasa. It not only breaks upcoida uul oim-A asvete cougbB, out u moro jwaww iliau nnvthln, olao in relieving even the rno.t -ritiu bronchial uud puliuoaary atfocUona." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral I not a new elaimant for popular eonfi sknue, hut a medicine which Is to-day avin ' the lives of tho third generation who have come into being slneo It was lirst offered to the pubUe. There is not a household m which this inviiluahlo remedy has onco been m Irouueetl whore its use has ever been 4ib;indoneS) ainl there Is not a person who has ever given it a proper trial ,or anv throat or lung thsease auacen Ijbla oY cure, who has uot been made a'ybwVS CHERRY PECTORAL has, in mimbortesa insiances. euretl obsMnato . ... of chronic Brouehitls, Irnygitts, :'l pven acute Pneumonia, and has "ved innnv patients in the earlier stages , t I'ulnionary Consumption. It is a ittnlHnt! Unit only wiulres to be taken in - in II a wes. Is pleasant to tho taste, and Is .,"-' -d in every house where there aro a-hrdren. ihore U notliing so good as 1 Y i'jrs CHERRY PFATORAL tor treat-n- : ( roup ;.ml Whooping Cough. tliertf are all plain facts, which can bo i iithd hv anvbotly, ami suouiu oe re- jiU'isibered by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ruKP.tnKr n S5r. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Bold by all druggists. FRED GRAF, Manufacturer and'Dealer la' all kinds o 1 AND UNDERTAKER, 8 First Street AlbanyOr C. K, WOI.VERTON, O, H, IBVIMB. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW JBT"OT1oo up atairs in Froman's Brick ALBANY, OREfiOX. F OR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, Bin miles above Lebanon. 40 acres ia oBl tivatlon. 10 acres slashed and sowa ta grass. Comfortable dwelling, gens' outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at thla offlce. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA -AND 1 Notary Puhlic- DR. I. N. W0 IDLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Office at Sohmee 3 Stables. EALBANMORECON SAX WA VIM. I AUNDRY ANDCHINXEkffl A'l 1 U hCHL Ba NESS. Rica, tea and Japnesa koikIs iaUerclothos, sb'J at bottom pricos. Jhlna labor. to CStyBauk iAdHS Qpntracur usr JJARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, Axes, mattocks, brush hooks, picks uhoveis,spades, forks, grin(stoaes, wheel Ijarrows, wringers, ropes, and a1 most overything .vou want, can bs had cheap lor cosh s Peters A Stewart. P AIN'J S AND OILS, IJburi U u ml bjPters fcS i f aus asa B3, AWU, auis,