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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1885)
STATEIRIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. KrftlKorri4 KU DcBocrtt nalldlMg an Brwadalbla Mrrt. TERMS OF BUBSCRIPTIOH stng-U copr, vr yssr, In sdTnce...... tan: copy, par ysar. stsuJ ol ysar.... f N S 00 1 60 7S 10 titri oiy. moiuns... lnirl enpy, thr months. ul numlmr ,.,................ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oregon. WILL PRAOTICK IN ALL TH t onriH or thi Stat. Will ah special attention to collection and probai On?oe in Foster' new brtok. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John BriggV store, latatreet. vlsntttf J. X. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, AI.BOY. OMKUON. 1TTILL PRACTICE IS A IX THE COURTS OF THE VY SteU. Spsdsl attention firea to collacUous ami robats natter. jflrOtBcs In OJd FslliVs Tempi. H r. o. rowM- fAJ9fam POWEIiTi & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in tnrY, I. It ANY. - ORKOON. Collections promptly made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jnrOfflce In Foater'a Briok.a vHnl&tf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Conrta of thisState. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., Hooka. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Price, omr DRTJO STORE, trt 4iatY. eiECON. FOSHAY & MASON, a! a SVTA1L Druggists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. Alden'a publication, wbich we sell at publisher's prices with poatageadded. ALBAXT, OKEUON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. REVERE HOUSE, Cmrmet Vint sad EUwrtk Albavar. rEa. Chas- Pfeiflfer, Prop'r. Thla new TIol-1 1 fitted up In flrst claaa style. Tables applied with the best the market afford. Spring Beds in every Room. A good Sample Boon for Com mercial Travelers. irrrM Coach t as rroaa the BaielWa FURNITURE. C hare the beet stock of nrniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and aee. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. , tor particulars oescsrninfr the courses of study and be pries of tuition, applv to niiv. J. C WCUOrr, President, Aloany Bath House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully iaform tha eiUatns of Albany and ri eluitythat IhavetaksD?hagofthi Eitabliih msnt.snd, by keeping dlsan rooms and psyin tt attention to businaM, egpot to suit al kaoto who may favor u with their patronage Hs7lag heretofore oarrled on notning ui Firat-CUss Hair Drslnir Saloons i.S. in .Iv. anlirs aatlsfsdion to al E9 A I'x3 s vw mBw-w jSF-Cr'l hen n4 Ladiss' Hair neatly ea banpuoii J OH WKBBK". Summons. In the Circuit Court of Dm State, of Oregon, for Linn county. Jasper Jennings, Plaintiff, vs. Sallle T Jennings, Defendant. To Sallie T. Jerminqt tlte above named De fendant. IN the nemo of the State of Oregon, you are hereby reaulred to appear and answer the complaint Bled aninst vou in the above entitled Court, within ten days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you, if served within this County ; or, w sd in any other County of this State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this Sum mons upon you ; or in case of service by publicstlonf then you are hereby required to sppesr snd snswer the complaint lod with the C'erk of said Court, against yeu by the first day of the next re gular term of said Court following the expire tlon of the time prescribed in the ordsr for publica tion, to-wit : Monday, Oot. 2Rb. 185 ; snd you will take notice that if you fall to so answer said com plaint for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to wit: A decree of divorce on behalf of Plaintiff, dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween Plaintiff snd Defendant, snd for such other, and further relief as may be just snd equitable, and for costs and disbursements, W. G. Piper, Attorney tor Plaintiff. Published by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court, made at Chambers at Oaliis, v one eouaty. ure- VOL. Xl. TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! flranda advsrtlaaU absolutely pur COWTAIW AMMONZA. THE TEST s !! can top down on ul 4o unt i ; hcMs1, than rvm,. tlm r r nl smll. A -tiinut will nui la n iw m t i MM DOES NOT iXINTAIX AMMONIA, m tuutTunusw lus NEVER mm t sunns. In mlll n home er quarter of a rvntury It fens tkMHl Uio iiuu-r.' raltabla taat, THE TEST OF THE OVEJI. PRICE AKIN(i P0WDEUC0., H1KIM Dr. Price's Special F!a?oriDg Extracts, Dr. Price's Lupulln Yaast ticmt tor 1-lUt. nratihy Itrvail. Tha Bast Dry H i l4 In tha World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICACO. - ST. LOU 1 3- for sal by Cut t ls'. Mario J; Cs Portland, Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Lfmort. Oraugw, Almond, Koes. ete flavor as del irately and naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. CHICAGO. ST. LOUT. Fur tilt br Cutting Marts mil Co. , PorUui, Or lcura A POSITIVE CURE FOR EVERY FORM OF BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASE FROM PIMPLES TO SCROFULA. DISFIGURING HUMORS. ItamUlaUn Eruptions. lUhitiK stm! turning Hkin Tort urrs, Loathanans S-.rea, and every species of Itchins, Scsly, fimirfy, lnlunud. Scrofulous, sad t ..niacwue Utasse the Blood. Skiu. sod Scalp. withLoaaof Hair, fress Infancy to old aire, are positively cored by O Tier ax Kkmjlvkxt. the New Blood Punfler, internally, ami Cmceaa. the Great Skit. Cure, and Crocva Hear, an exquiaite Hkin beauufier, cxtemaliy. ECZEMA I RED. X was afflicted with Ecssnss on the Sealn. Kara and Neck, which the l?rugiat, where 1 go your remediee, pronounced on of the worst essss that had come under hia notice. Hs advlasd raw to tiy your Cltht Rbsbdibs, and after Ave daya' aas. rnV acalpsnd part of my face were entirely cured, and I hope in another week to have my oars, neck, and the other naut of my face cured. HERMAN BLADE, 120 E 4th St., Now York. HI Alt AMD MORE. I hare been afflicted sines last March with a Skin diat-aas the doctors called Eczema. My fao was covered with scabs sod sores, sod the Itching and burning were almost unbearable. Seeing your c TtcraA so highly recommeoded, conetaded togirstbems trial, oalne; the Cinct sa and C tri er a Soar externally, and REsoLvasrr, InUrnsfly, for four months. I ssll myself cored, in gratitude for which I make the public lUtemeut. MHS, CLARA A. FKEORK1R, Brosd Brook, Coun. ' i Hi i h a RBMCbiRs are sold everywhere. Pris : CCTtcTEA, fiOc ;RgsoLVeKT, f 1 ; Boar, tbc. Prepared by the Poms Dsia asd Ciissicai, ., tot "tfw t Care Mi In UUesaea. PLES, Blackheads, Skin Blemishes and Baby Humors, uae Geneva a Soar. CStlClk l THE RACK. ' stitch In the aide. cramps, shooting and sharp Ilna, rheumatic, ncu- ralidc, and sciatic psins, and every ex ternal pain and ache soothed and expell ed with wonderful celerity by test new, original, elegant and speedy antidote to pain and inflammation, the Ci Tiers 1 Pt.AMt.EK. Warranted the recttcm slsgsnt external remedies, and vastly superior to all other plasters. At druggists, 26c, ; five for $1, Mailed free. Pirrrss Dsro AX0 Chkmicai. Co., Bos- TIMED AXE ACHING HCftCLEft. crj inn.hrough countless nerves for rest snd relief Like manna to the children of Israel is the Ci tici ba PlAsrxa to lb tired, overwork ed. achlnir muscle. Do not deny your ut h .-.tnfurt afforiled hv this new. VZ, fr'riOn1 innamation. ai anijfgi , w. . WWflve fur tl. Mailed free, Poitkr Vm:u M' CiiEMieAL Co , Boston, . First National Bank OF AliBAHY, OBEttOM. ITcKident JOHN CoNNKR Cashier. .H. F. MERRILL TRAN8ACTS A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE stid telegraphic transfer, sr.ld on New York, San Francisco, Chicago snd Portland, Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable tonus. blRECTOES. S. E. Yorso, Jons Cosssa, L. E Blaix, L. Pmss, H. F. Merrill. J. L. COWAN. J. vV.CU.HCiC Linn County Bank, COWAN k CUSK K. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Now York, Sat. Fran cisco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subject to cheek. V COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, pi li w u T Ma D E.j m 1 crrsarr JTsl Oit OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DR. J. L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor, First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - " OR H IMUKGTO LETTER. (From our regular correspondent.) Washington, Sept. 11th, 1880. The two handsome hay horses be hk'tl which the President rides were at the depot a little beforo eight o'clock on Monday last, attached to tho President's carriage. There was nothing stuck up or distingue in the appearance of the brutes, and I be lleve they would be Just as happy it they were tho property ol a butcher, The sable coachman who has driven Grsnt, Hayes, Qarfieid and Arthur got down, pulled out his gold watch, and looked like a man with an ap pointment. It was Ave minutes after eight when the New York train gild, ed almost noislessiv into the station. Tho railroad employes were evident, ly expecting somebody and turned their eyea to a sleeping car which was closed. It was not long, how ever, until aetout gentleman with a bronzed face descended the step fob lowed by a amalier and more slightly built gentleman. They were the President of the United Suttee and his private Secretary Col Limont. Tho President bowed pleasantly to tho salutations of the few who wit nessed his arrival and entering the carrlago with Col. Lamont was driv en to the White House whero break fast awaited them. The President's vacation has teon less than thirty days, tho time allow- el to other employos, and he appear to be much improved in health, lie has not been Indisposed a single day and the recent reports reistlve to his lllnes were wholly without founda tion. He has had his holiday la his own fashion and comes back to his duties improved and Invigorated. He has not spent the time In the hardest of all work, society service at a fashionable resort, but has taken the relaxation ho needed. These weeks In the open air, the fishing, gunning boating, the setting aside of all restraint and anxiety, the robust exercise every ingredient in the sit uation has been arlspiclous. The president Is greatly improved by his outing, every hour has brought him strength and rejuvenation ; he returns to his work !n every respect better qualified to prosecute it with vigor and success. Since the President's return he has been In consultation with Secretaries Manning, Whitney, Bayard and Lam ar. It has been deflnately settted that there la a necesslt j for a thorough investigation of the Coast Survey seamer "Carlisle Patterson", Prof Hilgard and a party of ladles went to New York to celebra'o the event This of courso was useless, but lx would have been more Innocent If they had paid for their fun. Several hundred dollars were expended on this trip out of the contingent fund for a luncheon at which much wine was spilled. When the voucher was put in at the Bureau the wine lunch was put in the bill of Items and sail ed by Its proper name. Thlr, Mr. Parson informed Prof. Hilgard, would never do, as the account would not be allowed at the Treasury Department He suggested that a blank voaeher be signed by some contractor for the work of the Bureau and accordingly Julius Blen & Co., engravers, of Now York, were used for this purpose. They were induced to sign the blank voucher, the amount of which was $220, and then the body of tho instrument was filled in by Mr. Parsons as drawing plans for the United States Steamer "Carlisle Pat terson." Under this change the vou cher was put through, and nothing more was thought about It. First Auditor Chenowith and Second Comp troller Maynard were acquainted with this circumstance in he courso of the Investigation and they took pains to lay It before Secretary Manning. The Secretary talked with the President on thisHuljeet tondtty of thla week, when the f,J $tkrioti was reached that the present Coast Survey officials had better be removed. It Is prob able that within ten days the Secre tary of the Treasury will rid himself of tho present crowd now in the Coast Survey Bureau and fill their places with more competent and less corruptible persons. The vote for Garfield in 1880 In the States wbich composd the late Con federacy was 895,788. Blaine's vote in 1884 was 1,04,582, a gain of 148, 744 votes in four years, which was a greater gain per cent, than tho repub licans made in the North in the same period. Still we havo Mr. Senator Sherman telling tho country that in the South the Bepuhllcan vote is smothered by violence 1 A yield of 2,000,000,000 bushela of corn is now expected for tho current year. This will beat the best yield under a Republican administration by at least a third. u i ( hts ALBANY, OREGON, mm mama ibm;mk. The New Ot'laans Tiruett Ihtnocmt give an exhaustive review of tlta indus trial progress of the twelve aisle of the south which must be very gratify ing to the ioopt of that portion of our common counUy. Tho attaeaseri values of the twelve state in 1880 was $2, 184,208,505, and in 18H5 $5,076,514, 4)5 tH'iog an increase of $892,305,030 bring n increase of 11 pr oet whiU the population lias growu only ahotit 20 per cent. In th matter of stock tatsiog, in the breeding of hoyso , cattle, tihncp, the production of butter, milk, and all tho varioiM pro. louts of anuual iudustrv, there has been an eqoally gratifyiog increase aa the figures show aa follows: The value of the products hove in 1830 was $320,378,414 and in 1885 the value is $502,917,258 be ing .n iucieo of $237,537,844 or 70 per cent. Sj, the Tintes goes on to show the same re'atire progress, in the iron manufactures, agricultural, snd in fact all other industries, but the most signift nt, aed, at once, the most pleas iog, ia that portion of it article where in it shows that the progress thus ohroa ioled is not merely material, however,! not to be repteaented wholly by dollar and cent. The South has improved not only financially, but in knowledge as well. While the mills have been a, work the schools have teen equally busy rorttog out the curse of illiteracy left brhind by slavery. Tie neat cen sus will show great improvement here, cannot but show it avhen th energy et inced in our public school systems is emsidered. In proportion to tLeir means the Southern States sre now sending more money for public educa tion than any other section of the Union. They are giving to-day mors than twio as much as five tears ago, and Ova time much a in 1870, when rate of tixation was four times grestet. North Carolina gave nothing toward it public ashoola in 18o9,$42,862 in 1870, $509, 737 in 1882, snd $850,000 to-day. These states now give more than one third of ail th money raised by taxa tion for educational purmes. Texar gives more for its schools in addition to it donations of hundred of millions of sores of Isnd to the school fund than to all other purposes of govern ment. The amount appropriated for the Southern public schools to-dsy is $10,243,857 a year, the negro being given the same facilities and advan tage as tbs white in every respect, and the schools have an at tea dance of 8,011,760 pupils. Normal colleges supported by the States, now provide tho South with an abundance of teachers. State Untrer ruiet afiord those who desir it a high er range of education, and technological and industrial schools ars now being established throughout the Soutb,wbieh w:U pvovid its future factories with skilled tabor, and will aid it in win ning a front place in the ranks as s manufacturer. The tiro 3 when the Ortyvrtan eras opposed to bimetalisui is still fresh in the minds of the people. And yet it now favom bimetalism. The time when the Orcjonum boasted of being an independent news and political jour nal, and denounced all party papers ss "orgsns" and other epithets showinc its contempt for such, is still fresh in the minds of the people. And yet there is not now a more uncompromis ing snd subservient party "organ" in the state than the Orejonian. Tho time when the Orngmian denounced it own. party organs in severe language for continuing to sow the seeds of sec tional hate, and stir up sectional ani mosity is still fresh in the minds of tbs people, yet no paper in the country has a more ful v et nnrnose to breed a j m spirit of sectional ill-will and animosity than the Orcgonian itself now has. This statement of farts will be conceded to be true by all. To this the Demo crat will add nothing. The people have already made their own comments and they will continue to do so. During the late cyclone at Washing ton, Ohio, forty Odd Follow were in session in the second story of Odd Fel low's Hall, one of the finest buildings in the town, wben the tornado struck the building and literally mashed it to the earth and nine of the brothers were left clinging to the walls of the adjoin ing block and had to be taken down by ladders. Of those crushed down with the building, by a miracle not one was hurt. Now, to be safe during a storm or other calamity join the Odd Fcllowe Men without convictions may scoff, but the Re publican party is not going far away from the graveyard where lie the lifeless bodies of wornont and re jected issues. At least that is what an esteemfld Republican contemporary in sists. Conldu't a small reboUiou be fenned ofFatoue corper of the country, some where, say Florida, and let tbe Or70i ian have a chance to take a vhack at it of course at long range? FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1885. fori: LAM St'lKCSS, Cyclones usually occur about four o'clock in the afternoon. Pastem' method of vaccination for cattle plague hss proved successful in India for hornes, cows, sheep, btiflslo, kohss imd elephant. Kxtremn old converts tin into s omicr)italliue mars, containing Urge cavitis The pipes of church organ hare bn so altered by oold a to be no longer sonorous. Bones have Wu proven to quickly disaoHs in aea-sratar. They are con sequently seldom M tinn.l during 00 tan dfdgiags, although teeth, which resist the action of the water indefinitely, re often brought up. Prof. Herbert Smith nd his imrty of naturalist from Bsltimore, whs have beea for some year a in Brasil, have made a collect! jn of 600,000 specimens of insects, bird and animal in eigh teen provinces of th empirs. They will explore the valley of the Amazon this Fall. LyeJ! estimated that th gorge of Niagara Uivr was cut out in about 35,000 yeara, but aurvsy to determine the present rate of recession of the Falls iudicats thst the work may hav been done in 10,000 years. During forty one year the average annual was of the rock was 2 j fast, A corrspondot of the Monthly Msgaaineof Phaimaay, wiiling from Messina, says : "A bottle of bromine left in a closed room all night with tb stopper out destroys ell infection snd insect life. 1 bsys oissred places which were infected with vermin many times. It is fur mors effectual thn th vapor of burning sulphur." I; ta said thst the prise of 40,000 Iraoes c tiered by the French Academy for some certain test of death, to pre vnt people from being buried alive,wa given to a pbyvioian who announced that, on holding the hand of tbs sup posed dead ieron to s atrong light, If Hving, a voarlet tinge is seen where the finger touch, showing a c mtinuous cir culation of the Mr!, u i carlet being seen it dad. Th utility of tear to animals in geo eral, and !tteu tarry to those which ! re exposed much to the dut, such as birds which life aodd th wind, is easy to understand. Tbs eye would auon bs dirtied and blocked un had not na- ture rovided this friend I y,veT-fl wiog stream to wash snd refresh it. A very little fluid is neceaaary to keep the er always clear and clean. But here, again, we must admire the wondrous mechauism which worka the hnroao body ; for it is to he observed that, wheu through some accident or hurt the eyeball has need of more water then usual to cleanse it, nature st oocs turns on s more abundsnt supply of tears. The question whether or not the Kngliah knguage would wholly super sede the French in Cansds has been much discussed by educators it that country. The latest opinion on the subject is thst of Prof. Rivet, who, in aa address before the Unherstfy of New Btunswtck, maintained that the Imps of doing away with the French language, although the French-speaking as formed only one-third of the pop ulation of Canada, must be abandoned fdrsver, and that the fact of there be ing two language in Canada must b distinctly recogautzed. He said this was due to the rapid increase ot the French element, and to its influence in all social, commercial, political and ed ncation tl centres. Dr. Leopold von Ranke, now niuety years old,for sixty )eara tilled the Chair of History in the University of Bnlin. Prof, von Ranke still worka about eight hours a day, from eight to twnlve ami from aix to ten o'clock. He dic tates new to an amanuensis. His phys ician forbids his leaving the upper story in tbe house in Luisen Scrasse where he has resided for th last forty years, and he live: very p-iurply indeed. Dr. Samuel A. Greeu, of Massachu setts, is aa indefatigable antiquarian. He bad au amusing adventure at Mt. Desert. W bile wailing for th stage there one morning hs noticed a mound suggesting aboriginal ereotion and con tend, and borrowed a spado. After he had dug a trench a foot deep and about a yard long a woman rushed out furi ously from the tavern and shouted : "What are you diggin' there for ? you just stop it !" "Ob," replied Dr. Green, "I was looking for curiosities in this Indian mound." "That ain't no Indian mound," replied tho woman "that' where them Hicerins children is buried.'' Charles Dudley Warner, whose re publicanism is of the pronounced type, in giving au account of his re cent tour of the Southern stntis, says he flnda tbe spirit of the flouth iu per feet harmony with the spirit of Gen a rant's farewell utterances on the subject of a reconciliation of the sec lions. The Union to day is a strong er and more Inviolable union than the Union of th9 days before the war Carry the news to Senator Sherman B awnrat H $100.00 in coin distributed to our customers every 60 days until further rotice FIRST DISTRIBTJTI01T NOV. 1st, 1885, fiave an equal chance in proportion to the fmount puXaled U8tomer sha11 OUR NEW STOCK MloirLsYve'Za in price or quality. Much at BANKRUPT SALES, and we nmnrwo " , . . store in the Willamette Valley for either cash L?eapr?r thanJnT cure some of the rare bargains offered and look ov?? our ' 00me Md 5, 10 and 25 Cent Counters, ttSZEr'' bUt Wbat you ld Pay double . H. ALLEN & Co., ALBANY, OREGON, Sept. 1st, 1885, 0r lE .. Tb Km pre Elisabeth, of Austria, who is famous throughout Kurope ss a horsewoman, is a great sufferer from rbeumstism, and has therefore been obliged to give up horseback riding. Sail Pache. tbs Grand Visier of Turkey, ia a man of ex a tied private character. He wss a devoted husband, wss prostrated with grief at tbe death of bis wife, and is now giving tbs bast of his life to bh young children. Mr. Gladstone is described ss l together lacking dignity and taste, and Inadequate even to the task of dd rest ing simple sentences to 8 onday -school children, but ss a fond mother and de voted wife she is above critioism. W. H. Feun, a water-oolor painter who baa recent! v become blind, writes : sf m 'The difference between the sleeping snd waking tte is not so marked a might at first be expected, for unless by an effjrt I remind myself that 1 am blind, 1 see my friend, after a fashion, while I am awake and talking to him, nearly aa vividly a I should do at times in a dream, the fact that in reali ty I cannot aee him in either state be ing scarcely more present to m in oae tban in tbe other." Lady Dnfferia has formed in India a national association for supplying "female medical aid"' i. e., women doctors to attend the wives of natives in sickness. Hitherto ths women hays beea deprived of skilled medical attendance, no European men being al lowed to approach thetn. Lady Duff, erin'd movement will doubtlcssdo much to break down the social barrier be tween Europeans and Indians, beside bestowing incaieoabi blessings upon tbe Indian women John Sherman is a brave roan. When the trump of war smindel did he crawl off and hire a substitute ? N . He sent bis own brother, Milwaukee brewed 1,100,000 bsrrsls ot beer last year, drank 180,000 bsrrels of it herself, and sold the rest. It is beginning to look as though in the next election the Mugs will vote for tbe Democrats and the Wumps will return to the Republicans. Thi will be known as the monosyllabic m- promise. 4 Wcrthj Home ladastry. Tb following from the Oregontann explains wher Lion county flax raisers got their market for flax seed, une gentle man referred to as having rr iued 100 acres, ia, we understand Mr. William Paul. The actual figures, though disagree from the current report: aMtAtMns said a short time since about the amount of linseed oil imported here and wonder expreasea na wa iup ol v for home consumption was not manu- fact urea in wib omw. . fv . . paper yesterday met Mr G W Gray, of the Pioneer oil mills at Salem, and made some inn.ii.ia natnnarnlnfr this matter. He states that he is prepared to manufacture more oil this year than ever before, prob ably 70,000 gallons. He obtains his sup ply or flax seed principally from Linn and Lan counties, contracting for it a year in adyanoe. The crop pays wli, behaving a day or two since paid one larmer $1549. n aC. ),. Boari raised on 100 acres. The oil manufactured at the Pioneer mil s is all kettle boded and cannot be supplied so oheaply as oil mixed with a drying preparation oniy. ir, wrsjn partner was in Europe a few years since and learned to make oil equal to the beat Engliab, Parties who take work by con tract will buy a cheaper grade of oil if possible, but builders of some of the best blocks erected here stipulated that Salem oil only should be used. The Pioneer mills could easily increase their output to supply the entire demand of the state, if builders (the owners, not the contractors) would insist on th best oils, which in the end are alway the cheapest. Sih 10 NEW DEPARTURE . Allen & NOTICE. hiing concludod to close out his business, now offers hk entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATENG AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. is this is a genuine chning oat, now is the time for housewife to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, FJ2J3. Otla Postmaster General Yilss appointed 300 fourth-class poatmaaters on Mon day of last week. Senator Sherman propose to secure a larger liberty for tbe H .utbern negro by devising means to prevent him from voting the Democratic ticket if he wants to. A cunning man once invented a swin dle so extraordinary that after he had swindled everybody else with it he discovered that he bad swindled htroelf worse than all. He called it "the protective tariff." The Ream; of Ysalb. No matter how handsome or stalwart a young man may be otherwise, nothing cm make up for a partially bald head. Shining talent are attractive, but a shin Ing poll Is not. The cause may be siok nea or anything else, yet Parker's Hair Balaam with atop the loss of the hair and start a new growth of glossy snd soft hslr m quickly as to surprise you restoring me original color at the same time. Not dye, not oily, delicately oerfumed . On ly standard 60c dressing. Tbe Most Agreeable As well a the most effective method of dispelling headaches, colds end fevers, or cleansing the system is by taking a few do of tbe pleasant California liquid fruit remoly Syrup of Figs, 50c and 1 bottles for sale by Foshay A Mason, Lang don AC). Parties already subscribers to the Demo crat, who wish to send the paper off to a friend or mends can do so for $2. Eftktex th'-i i ..- Ciu (luViiotra e S JJL seasons. Shatter, tits 5H"r, inspair Digestion, and t sv j. ras sestets. mm THE E-3TTSNSC tjx' '.-,. nr HTnirn '"-in:! Chills I 1 .1 (&. e v-iv.u i MjyJ v: i- ::t . v.d . - 1. , . f l- ' V " a V J. P. -iv l b v -v et , Marion f t DhilrisMtCM b .1 -s arc vi, f.i nimiwt Tril''.: !5CfnT av ro It n M -A rtwr'lttss tho r.p- . i-i-.l k-Iwa:'-.' fcacp itoa .-. 't.., 11 rrt kws vHinRllit f prr .; t Cains oto., ric .' 1-7 . 'if suited to tny f.ddm j c.n rauau aru in m-r'i;:ino, of Bo. gtaxujp. SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD. Portland Or, ifil LIBIA mm n 1 B P SET fa f&IP EEfESB m .as saw ra tics : i c STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, Hpoelal bulu notices in Loeal Oct -limns 16 cents per line. Kegular Loeal notices 10 cents per Une. For legal and transient ad vertieaola II 00 per square for the first Insertion, and i0 cent per square for each antsseqeeat Insertion. Kates for other advertisements ma known on application. Co.. Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. STEW PROCESS FLOCR SUPERIOR FOR VAEUUB A5D BAJtERS BBSTsSTORAvK FsMitfES. Highest .Price in Cash tat Wheat ALBANYtOR. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Goltra.) -DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUGGIES, 9 Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES STEEL GOODS, D. M. JONES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALBANY, OREGON. Office at residence on Third and Wash I ington Streets, RATES OF CHARGES. (with 25 per cent extra at night ) Visits in town, S1.50, Visits in the country, $1 per mil tor rh fi ret two miles , and 50 cents for each addi tional mile, not including ferriage. Medicines furnished frbk while vlsdt ing patients. Obstetrics, five dollars snd mileage, 0. E, WOI.VKRTON, O. E, IRVINE. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW JBT'Offloe up stairs in Froman's Briek ALBANY, OREGON TtOR SALE. One hundred and forty sores, ntn miles above Lebanon. 40 seres in ant ti vatlon. 10 acres slashed snd sown to grass. Comfortable dwelling, gd outheuses. Cheap. Inquire at this office. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND J Notary Public- won on the 26th day of August, issd