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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1884)
B an o ft at STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADYE1LTI8II8 MEDIUI fSSUKD EVERY FRIDAY II THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Special bofciaesa notices in Local Col umns IS cents per lino. Regular Leca notice 10 cents per line. For legal and transient advertsssmiaU Sf fJ . Mm m m a . a a SflTKS & NUTTING. Rl!IfcSOFFiri;l llrmitrml Balldlagea Broadalbia Dlrnl. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION single capy, per year. In advance .... ti W in fie eoav, pr yew. at end of year 8 00 single copy, els mouths singl copy, three month ... 78 ingle BttmW IS si vv per aquare i or me nrst laseruon ,sa "v -um par square lor esc a suoseq VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1884. SO 41 insemo n Rates for other advertisements "own on applimtlon. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Maw fifliats NLY WILL EXHIBIT ONE DA Albany, Monday, May 12th, 1884. W. H. HARRIS' NEW. ABSOLUTELY WORLD FAMOUS Nickle-Plate Shows SaV 'LjBBSHMHrtl jsnssv "eawr MANAQERIE OP TRAINED WILD ANIMALS And Cougres of Celebrated Equestrian Stars. A show Hf wonderful features and the greatest ever perfected or conceived ; the top of the ladder of fame, over shadowing all com petition, challenging all rivalry in equestrian and gymnasia, the only UMBRELLA EARED ELEPHANT" With tbo largest ears of born brstea The largest and most SAVAGE DEN OF LIONS in esptUiiy entered and performed dally The handsomest ROYAL BENGALTIGERS THE ONLY "Grave Robber." The smallest ponies', the largo h rsas, the only male and female Samson on continent, pulling against horses and elephants. MTjLE DORA D wan 1- POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbl powder never varies. A marvel (, strength mi whuleaomcnese Mors naaswieal then the ordinary klml. .ml cennut be sold In .-.u.,.tlii with the multitude on low test, .hort weight, alum or ph.ieunal powder. Sold only in cane. Rot at Baa is.. PowouCo. 106 Wall Street, S. Y. tteuia iii 11 u ssssaaaaw till A Positive Cure for Every Form of the Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrofula, WHiH'ltKIM aV l.KTTKRStn our I jat thw story I hare been a terrible sufferer for year with Blood and Skin Humor ; hare been obliged to ahun public place by iean "t my dl fhruru.g humor ; hwebad lb beat phylrian , he pent hundred, al dollar and gut no real relief unul I used the CoUcur KeeuWrot, the new Blond PurlB er Internally, and CuUcura and Culteure Snap, tb Ureal Skin Cure and Skin IleeuUfter, etternelly. which bar cured m and left my bin aad blood a par a a child". ALWOSr INCURABLE. Jaases K Btsaaeslssn, Cutm lieu, S Or lean. , on oath, y,- In 1S70 ScrotuJ.u I leers broke oat on my body anlil I U ma at eorrup Uon. Everything known loth audio! faculty ww tried la vain. 1 heeem a mere wreck. At Ums could not lift my hand, to my bead, could not turn tn bed ; wa in constant it, and looked upon Hie a cure No relief or rur In ten year. In 18S0 I heard of the CuUcura Bcmedic, ueed them and wi perfectly cured. m Sworn to before IT. 8. Com. J. D. CRA WFOKB. STILL WORF SO Will NrBMM, Vi Dearborn Street, Chicago greeiefullj ek now lodge a cur of Eczema, or tali Rheum, on head, neck, face. arm, and lew for seventeen year ; not able to more, except on hand and knee, for en year ; not nblc to help himself far tght yr ; tried hundred, of rt-tnedie ; Sorter HWMranoe hi oaee hpele, permanently cured by the CuUcura Bemad ie. this Wonderful Tattooded Fejee Ts'snd Cinibal, only one ever seen in best broken trick ring horses and the Ameri a. The Greatest Circus Performance Ever witnessed. Read the bills and advertisements, not one-tenth can be told in this limited space. Two performances daily, afternoon at 2, evening at 8, doors open r one hour earlier, Admission, popular prices. MORE WONDERFUL YET. . B. Carpeator, Henderson. N. V., cored of Pwiriaaia or Leprosy, of twenty j ear landing, by CuUcura Remedies . The moot wonderful cure on record. A duatpanful of seal fell from him daily. Phiaician aad hi. friend. IhourbL ha mu.t Mm dmoDroo"nc';t'lTi.'l lT- o and no- J IfcefwtlenuuiVsubJect and argumer.t aMkairr iaiw ' I Aflr tni episode the Senate resumedr UUM I Willi. WAI.liN4.T0N l.alTMt (ftem ur tegular oarrsapendent.) WASRiifUTuir, April. 16tb, 1984 The flood gates of oratory are opeo. ed now and Tariff! Tariff! will be the burden or Congress for some weeks to come. Employe of the Govern ment Printing Office will have a busy spring for whole tons of talk are wait ing te be cast upon the country. More than ninety Representatives have al ready placed their names on the list of the Chairman of the Committee of the Who'o for recognition to make speeches on the Tariff bill. As to the programme of the contest, its pro gress will probably be Interrupted from time to time to admit of speedy action an two or three of the uncon tested appropriation bills. With those exceptions the general debate wilt be continued on each legislative day. and It will bo at least a month before the bill can be taken up under the five minutes rule. The leading opponents of the measure say they will offer no obstruction to full general discussion. When the time approached fur calling up the bill all the prominent members on both sides appeared en the floor of the House ready for the fray. A little crowd of Democratic protectionists gathered s round Mr. Randall who kept his seat during the proceedings, and took no part save to vote it. Chairman Mor rison moved around on the Demo cratic tide of the aisle and In the cloa'c rooms, and did not sit down until time for action. As soon as the ques tion "Shall the bill be considered?" was decided In tbo affirmative, be opened the debate with a carefully prepared argument and was followed by Measore Kelly and Mills. Although there Is no tariff bill pen ding In the Senate, that body caught the spirit of the lower Howse and pat aside its legitimate businese In order to let Senator Morrill make an alleg ed tariff speech In reply to recent crlt tcismsmade on his courco with tbe Tariff by Senator Beck. The Ver mont Senator's effort was really a lively campaign speech, to which the Senator from Kentucky replied brief ly, but effectively, saylog there was net even a remote connection between Write to a !r the testimonial in full or and direct to the panic. All are abaotataiy true and firen with ,ut our knowleda-e or olMtaima. Don't wait now l the time Ucure erery pcie of Itch inf. Scaly, Pimply, Hcrofutuu. Inherited. xtac tou. aad Casper colored Diumii A the Ulowl, Hkin and Soalp with loa of hair. Sold by all drunlau Price : Reeolvent, ft ! Soap, ti ceule. Chemical Co., Boston, Cutlcur, te rent; Potter Ota; and DC AIITV for K"U,-h, '.!, e.1 and HbflV Uiackhaaua, n 1 hkln i CuUcura S-mp. PROFESSIONAL CARDa t. runs. e- chambkblad. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, TTOBSEYS AT LAW, A 1 ban j , Oregon. -Office in Foster's Brick BloekVOai Tl5nl8tt R. S. 5TRAKAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PKACTICE IS ALL THE Courts of tbis State. "Will aive special attention to collections and probate "office in Foster's new brick. 49tf STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. TUE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform tbe public that be is new pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on abort notice. All work is wsr ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, bnt (Seal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing ai,d resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. K hop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. U. w. UAHtus, rrop. L. H. MONT ANTE. TTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Briggs? store, .fruit Y ink aw w. J K. WEATHERFOED, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) .TTORNEY AT LAW, . ALBAii OBECOR. . .11 Tim AfifTIT9 ftP TBI eTTTTT. PRACTICE 1H Auu 11m wvu.. : W State 8pcial attention given to collection aad orobate matter. e-OfHee in Odd FelleV Temple. 11:2 r n PftWFLL W. U. BILYEU ' POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT . LAW, And Solicitors in ancejT AfLBAMT. - - " OB1vSSjv Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reaonam aarOfflce in Foster-a nru: vHnlStf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, fhfl Courts of thisState. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Office in O'Toole's Block. E. W. LAN COON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITY XPtTJGr STOBB, 2yl ALB .!. ORECiOff. F08HAY & MASON, VHOLBLALI AJTD KIT AIL Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY OBEOOS. v!6n41tf JOHN SCKM Ml LITEM, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon. Homes kent on reasonable terms. Horses and buirgies let to suit tbe times. Corner Second and Kllswortn streets. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp sepi in goou razor h, wmcn are always condition, aad hair cut in style. the very best ALBANY FOUNDRY tbe slew tenor of lis wsy with the bitl for a Uniform System of Bankruptcy. Senators George, Hoar, Wileen.Plke, Ingalls, Harrison, Garland and Call offered amend meuts, most of which were agreed to, and It was decided among other thing that persons whose debts exceed three hundred dollars may apply for voluntary bank ruptcy. The short debate in tbe House on e the pension appropriation hill which waa up for discussion again yesterday M At H I E SHOP. 1 f"!:i!"er: the soldiers a good deal more than be dares te vote-for in the wsy of pensions. There being nother tribunal to bear and decide the cases of small claimants, Congress Is expending about two thousand dollars of valua ble time, and some dollars worth of cial attention givento repairing farm rra- j printing, in tke passage of a bill to furnish a Sergeant of the United States AND- ESTABLISHED IMS. F. CHERRY, situated at ssrusr of and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. saws im mi as. Thirty-two hens laid 110 dosen eggs for Wai. Cat I ton. Bluehil). between Nov. 1, 1883. and March 15, 1884, at- raging twenty-eight cents per d;sen. Feed, meal with a few oats. There are but fourteen American ex bibitors at the Calcutta World's Fair, and six of these are manufacturers of patent medicines and three manufac turers of sewing machines. The dtnatnito taken from Fraaee to Kogland ia convyed by persons who conceal the exploaives between tbe lin ing and the qloth of fhslr coate. The dynamite is wrapped in ailed paper In oskes like blacking '-The cakes, wbicb are an inch in thickness and five inches ia diameter, are left at one plsoe In England, where they are joined into one mass. The Blue Ridge in West Virginia contains one spot, an acre in extent, where the ground never freezes and tbe ii ow always melts, and tbe State geol ogist e!tees a to ciuu exists under this spot. St. L uie manufactured 20,000,000 pounds of tobacco last year. At a recent swimming contest, in a swimming school at Manchester, Eng land, a young girl swsm 000 tines round tbe bath house, or a distance of eight miles, while the best boy swim mer made but 604 tuundi. Forty-five wand 'kmen are engaged in the a t king industry in Switzerland Tbe United Statew Hah c ;ui missions! bsve deposited 42,000,000 loung white fish in Lake Michigan. A colored Georgian girl has been ehtistened Fair Beta Beauty Spot Temptation Tooeh me not. The Ontario legislature has decided that women shall be admitted as stu. dents in tbe Toronto University, tbe leading seat ef learning in Canada. Hie telegram overtakes twenty -nine criminals to one secured Sf a detective. House servants in Me t ion receive from $3 te $3.50 per month. Thy de not beard in the family they serve, but bur their meats and est them in their v own quarters. During tbe quai ter ending March 31, the sale of osul strds decreased by 10,000,000. This is owing te the two- sent postage. Several young ladies in Detroit will stait a school of journalism. A school vf washing might be better. A few London milkmen and .owe boys uae tricycles ia their daily nun a. Mu h room pica tea are the fanhio table outdoor diversion at Vallejo, CI. There are now 52,000 growing trees in Washington, laid at regular interval along 126 miles of fine streets. Bismarck says gentlemen of etc aueace are like Isdies who wear boots mueh too small and alwaye try to ahow their feet. A Boston yacht wen tbe grand prise si ths Nice regatta in tbe Mediterran- CMOBOrS MATTSSM. TEMPERANCE DEFltTIEIT, "Thorns in Your Sides" is the title "f a new novel. Is it a reflection on ths women who wear flowers In their belts 1 "What sre pauses V asked ths teach er of a primary class. KMTKO BY Tn Wsmea't Christian TtmpefBiee Lb ion Albany Union met April 29. De otionsl meeting led by Mrs. W E, Things thst I QrT- grow on eats," piped tbe small boy at tbe foot. "Wine talks," says tbe proverb ; and it is tree, for when s man is full of liquor be can't hold anything else, not even his tongue. "Is she a capable girl 1" mid tbe In fatuated youth in answer te tbe ques tion : 'I should my she was. Her father must be worth at least half a million." "I dun't like this pepper," said a man to a waiter in a restaurant. "There are peas in it." "Why, that's nothing" replied the waiter. "Pepper is si ways half ps." An English nobleman now travelling in the West baa offered bis heart asd hand to a servsnt girl. Perhaps he knows what wages servsnt girls get in tbis country, and is after her money. A little boy discovered, not long ao that two of bis teeth were I . 'I'm ceio2 to look eat now," seid he, "snd not swallow those. I don't want these same old teeth coming up again." A little four-year-old mid to bis mother last week : "Mother, I believe By A. Kirnt Havioir taken a ham of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Haw and urat asms, wood-workinit Machinery, Pump, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spa cbinery. Patiera Maklag Seae la all Ma fei 16:1 lyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. A FEW HINTS roa the osx or SAX wa vim. LAUNDRY AND CHINA MERCHANI8IN0 BUSI NESS. Bice, tea and Japanese goods. Ladle' underclothes, sold at bottom price. Contractor for China labor. SWNext to City Bank. HENGr TENO. Best washing and ironing in tbe city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also tbe FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF , TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in (he city. I will also, sell real estate, merchaadtse household goods, etc., at auction for any one in tLe cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6tf- SAM COHEN. Don. To move tke bow- tie tmtip, a to 4 puiti thoroughly, 4 to C JHllt. Experience will decide (As proper dote is each cote. '83 A BRAID COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. One only $8.50. Two papres for little more than the price of one. to paying us $3.50 jou will receive for one year home paper with the "Courier-Journal," the esentative newspaper of the South, Democratic or a tariff for revenue only, and the best, briga nd ablest family weekly In tbe United States, wh o desire to examine a sample copy of tbe er-J carnal" can do so at thj office. For Constipation, or CoatlTeness, no remedy is so effective as Ayes's Pills, They Insure regular daily action, and re store tbe bowels to a baaltby condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, ATXB'S Pills are Invaluable, and a sore core. Heart-burn, Loss or Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Head ache, Nurabn, Nausea, are all relieved and circd by AYKR'K Pit.LS. In 1Jto7 CuLtipUii.t, unions Disorders, and Jaundice, A i Kit's PiLLS should be given in doses large enough to excite tbe liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in tbe Spring, I Pills are unequalled. Worm, caused by a morbid condition of tbe bowels, are expelled by these Pills. Cfl UJfUUUDf OKI M WU X 1HT. y the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by the use of aykb's Pills. For Colds, take Aveb's Pills to open the pores, remove inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, indigestible food, etc., Ayek's Pills are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, aad Sciatica, often result from digestive derange ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of Aykb's Pills. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, snd other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by Ayer's Pills. Suppression, and Painful Menstrua tion, have a safe and ready remedy in AYER'S PILLS. Full directions, in various languages, ac company eaeh package. PEEI'AEED BY Dr. J. C. Ay er & Co. , Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. infantry with fifteen dollars worth Of clothing In lieu of apparel he lo't In a hospital fire ten years ago. Tbe Nstional Academy of Sciences is now holding Its annual session here et the National Museum and many distinguished scientists are in atten dance. The reading of various papers on such subjects, for instance as "The Sufficiency of Terrestlal Rotation to Deflect River Courses" followed oocaj ionally by strictly subject matter ques tions addressed te the essayists, are a . . a a preceeueu witu in sucn a manner as to remind the casual spectator of a college class studying up in double quick time for an examination. At a meeting yesterday of the House committee on Law Respecting the election of President and Vice President, a proposition to limit to twelvemonths tbe time during which a Cabinet officer may perform tbe duties of President was acted on fav orably. It provides that if the duties of tbe Presidency fall upon a member of the Cabinet more than twelve months before the next ensuing Pres idential election be shall Issue a pro clamation for a special session. Mr. Eaton was directed to report the pro position to the House as an amend ment to the Senate bill providing "for the performance of the duties o the office of President in case of the removal, death resignation, or inabil ity both of the President and Vice President." The St Louis Medical Brief states that Dr. Rasori recommends the uie of a tuning fork in the treatment of nfeii. ralgio pains, the instrument to be ap plied, while vibrating, over tbe course of the painful nerve, . The sittings are aid tn last about half an hour when the pain is usually relieved. Closing arguments of Dr. Ricbsrdson in bis addicts, "Moderate Drinking, For and Against," read by Mrs. Wol vorton. The author kbowed forcibly that tbe testimony of science, apart from moral considerations, is clearly prohibitory. Mrs. J. H. Poster, recruiting officer of Coagregatiooal Church, reported three new members. Mrs. L E. Blain reported that com mittee having charge of Hall bad ren ted tbe same to Christian Church for church service. Committee reported Mrs. E. W. Laagdoa's consent to assist in prepar ation of music for convention. Oa mo tion the music of day session was placed in tbe charge of Mrs. Lsngdon and Mist Edith Harris. Cbsir appointed Mrs. L E. Blain Mrs. J. H. Foster and Mrs. J. Irving executive committee for convention. Tbe following sub-committees ware also spointed. Program Mi. Dr. Kelly, Mrs. W. 8. Peters, Mrs. Hollenbangh. Decoration Mrs. 8. E. Younsr. Mrs. mi Oed thioks I'm dead." "Why V aaked J- Whitney, Mies Conn tbe mother, somewhat ateoisbed at the remark. "'Cause I haven't said my prayers for a week." Tbis is tbe see sen of the year when the averses girl comes down town wearing a veil a thick that you couldn't shoot a bullet through i'f sod then gets mad because every gentleman friend she meets does not recognise her. A modern philosopher thinks it is a mistake to suppose that women have strontrer attach men is than men. "A Reception Mrs. Henrietta Brown. Miss Hettie Millar, Mrs. D. O. Clark Lunch Mrs. J. Althouse.Mrs. Over man, Mrs. Cannon. Music Mrs. U. J. Turrell, Mist Libhie Furt mi Her, Miss Ida Knox. Committee appointed to procure sigt for Hall. Twenty members present. Mts.Mery Reed, Mies Clara B. Reed and Mrs Brownei! because members. Mrs. Woodin snd Mrs. Mansfield man," be says, "is often attached to an I PPooted to collect outstanding dues I x .a .a a M old hat : bnt who avar heard of a wo- ,n " wli of State Treasurei man being attached to an old bonnet ? I may be eloaed by May 15. v7ell, bow are yen to-day T ask a Mrs. W. 8. Peters reported 6ftv the doctor. My rheumat is has gone. Pim " ot riodge to tbe Home I a . I rabbad my knee for an hour with your I ordered. lotloo'rwoUes the patient. "Your kneel Money received 124.90, dues $16, bnt yen said it was your arm." "Yes ; I H" Christian church $3.75, dime collection $5.15. adapted to the needs of this department, and is recommended by Mrs. Hunt, National Superintendent. Mrs. Hines, State President, will visit Albany, May 2, to complete sr raugements for tbe coming State Con vention meeting here June 4 sad 5. The convention of county superia ten dents of public schools, snd other educators, recently held in Richmond) Vs., unanimously adopted tbe follow - og resolution, introduced into tbe body under tbe influence ef tbe W. C. T. TJ of that city j That in tbe opinion of tbis conferenrO t would be wise and expedient for tbe Board of Education to place among the text books for use in the public schools of this state a text book on "Alcohol : Its Nature and Effects upon the Human System." Tbe convention numbered among its members such well known gentlemen s Dr. Henry, ef the Peabody Fundi r)eo. Armstronz. of tbe Ham d ton School, Pres. Conrad, of Blacksbure College, snd others. The southern states will not be alow to follow in the tops of Michigan, Vermont, New Hemp hire and New York. ron La acicacfa. bat lbs exercise cured me V Ducks fly from 45 to 120 miles en boor. As the average express train goes but 40 forty mites an hour, it will Ths d ims collection fund, our contri bution to support ef National Litera ture department, was raised by Mist be seen how it is that tbe ducks always B,l Cannon an I Miss T illie Rideoot msnage to get swsy by tbe time the Uuie decided to meet erery Tuesdsj sportsman arrives at the ahootinal1 thre ,c!ock P m' ground. Scarcely a quarter of a century ago there were plenty of productive oyster beds in the waters of Norway. At tbe present day tke oyster is vary scarce, as the banks bars been overfish ed snd neglected. Hydrophobia is said to be unknown among the dogs of Australia, which circumstance is supposed to explain the ciion of New South Wales and ether colonies in forbidding the importation of dogs from Europe aad America. The analysis made by Dr. Rensch of volcanic ash from tbe Krakatoa erup tion shews the principal constituents to be ordinary pumice-stone, with frag ments ranging in size from that of im palpable powder to upwards ef one millimetre in length. Mr. Gustave Trouve has successfully applied a system of incandescent electric ighting to brooches, brackets, hairpins, gentlemen's breastpins, knobs of walk- ng-sticks, etc., and tbe current, which can be turned ell or on at will by means of a switch, ia supplied by a small bat tery carried in the pocket, and it sup plies a good light tor half an hour at east. Minnesota rural papers are flllel with notices of mortgage sales. A Newfoundland seal ship has been crushed in tbe ice and lost. A gensral levy of men for the Chinese army has been ordered. A valuable tin mine has been dis covered iu (Hen wood, W. Vs. Tbe latgst circular saw in the coun try is said to be one used by a Michigan match-making firm. It is six feet in diameter, and makes a ten msh out at each i evolution. A single cattle ranob in Texas, at the head of Red River, is said te contain nearly 25,000 acres more than the en tire State of Khode Island contains in territory. Chief Justice Park of Connecticut has sued tbe New Haven Remitter for $10,000 libel for stating he allowed his cattle to starve on his farm. A borne for disabled ex Confederate soldiers is to be built by subscription at Richmond, Ya. There are 16,825 Quakers in Indi ana. Lake Ontario is free ef ioe, and schooners ars plying between Kingston, Oat., and Toronto. Drinking in Paris has inoreased greatly within the last eighteen years. In 1866 tbe yearly consumption of al coholic liquor amounts 1 to forty-two gallons psr bsad ; now it is fifty gal-lens. "What dees ths minister say of our new burying -ground ?" aaked Mr. Hines of her neighbor. "He don't like it all ; he says he never will be buried there as long as he lives." "Well," says Mrs. Hines, "if the Lord si, r an ' ssasjswa mtj niv, a wn. A school not twenty miles from Lan caster (a presided over br a cross-eyed teacher. A tew days ago he sailed out, 'That ha that I am lankinv at will step out on tbe floor. Immediately twentysersn Isds walked out in front of tbe astonished pedagogue. A lady, a regular shopper, who had made an unfortunate olerk tumble over all the stockings in the store, objected that.uone were long enough. "I want," ahesaid, "the longest hose that are made." "Then, madams," tras the re ply, "yon bad better apply at the next engine house." "Yes, sir," said the politician to the caucus manipulator, "the office should seek the man and not the man the office." 'Exactly," answered the cau cus manipulator. "But, in this ease, when the office starts out to seek the man" "Yes, sir." "I want yon to fix it so that I will be tbe first man it will find. This conversation was overboard in a horse oar in the dsys when eurls were fashionable : "PleaseJMatia see if my curl is all right." "Goodness gracious, Carrie, you haven't loot it, hare you V A general titter among the passen gers was the result of ths last loudly whispered remark, which cut the air with awful distinctness ss the ear came to a halt. at three o'clock p. m. until after tbe convention. Necessary business will be transacted and the remainder of the time be occupied in singing, conducted by Mrs. Lsngdon. A full attendancs at each meeting greatly desired. Never before ia the history of ths W. C. T. U., bss there been so general and widespread effort on its part in the local elections, ss Is evidenced by tht wot a ot tbe last few weeks, and not recently has any effort been so widely successful. Even where tbe result est been not in accordance with our hope the amount of public sentiment menu facta red and conserved by tbe campaign has abundantly repaid all effort. Of Illinois towns we have assurance that a larger number have gone no-license tbU year than at any time since the famous home protection campaign of five years ago. several cities, Sandwich and Monmouth chief among them, having tried high license for one year, bae this year returned to prohibition. In Monmouth after a thousand dollar lioense regime, every ward has risen to ssy "The high toned saloon 'must go." In no cass la the result mors gratifying than in ths city of Denver, Colorado, which is enjoying its first prohibition triumph. The W. C. T. U. gets its doe share of credit for these victories, planned and executed in large measure by local societies. The Macleans of L'Chbury, an an cient Scotch family, believe that before tbe death ef any of race, a phantom ancestor along tbe rocky beach near tto announcing the event with wallings GERManTeMCHT Rhumatlsm,CSeuralaia, Solatia .Tru.wniaseMgf0 Star. aeU4ta, ass all evass SMJ PriSfli" BsjsjBssx run mm ! ier. ri iwi rflJya BSSSV i la 11 me cnsauEs a. v tm a voatLsaaoai avskSs account of a botch which a horse dip per had made in shaving ths animal's tail. Ths witness had seen the work done. I asked him if he had held the horse's tsil while it waa being shaved, ale shut one eye, and looking at me with tbe other, he answered : 'Zsbat wush one of chsm (bio) 'oases z iat could hold bis own tail." I lost ths Here is an opinion that has weight and force as ooming from that eminent lawyer and statesman, the Hon. Geo. W. McCrary, of Keokuk, who lately sent it as his mesas are to the W. C. T. TJ. of his own city. "You do well to make war not upon the saloon keepers, but upon the saloon itself, for its pres- T waaaaiinr a witness in a case I 6B0e iD specially if T r.. j i protected by law, ia a standing menace once," said Emery Storre, "and he waa f 3 , ' T. . . - ... to all that we ought to hold dear. Ths drunk. It wsa about a horse for which , saioon is toe ioe oi intelligence, virtue, case. Jeff Davis will celebrate his seventy-sixth birthday the month after next, but at that time he will hardly be as lively as a June bog. Marshal and Mrae. MacMahon are said to find greatjpleasure in walking. They reside very quietly in Faubourg Saint-Germain, Paris. flemaoaa wra wanted bv the owner on T. . . . w, morality and religion, and it footers Hints for society young men. Whsn . , . .., a a i j j l ignorance, vice, poverty and crime. It you lift you hat to a lady and she pass- ' v" . J 1... ... . . . i a, has not one redeeming quality. It is OS without recognizing you, keep the .... .. . ... . -. . , ... .a evil and only evil, and the terrible con hat off for a few steps snd with the ' , , , , , , sequences which flow from it are patent other hand give your head a vigorous ' , 1. r. .,, , j . to all who sre not willfully blind. I scratching. It will drive her almost ' , believe, therefore, that the liquor saloon crasy to decide whether you noticed ' , . ' . ... ,, t ought to as prohibited by law.condemn ths snub or did not see at all. Remem- l , . Sl . ,, . ... . . ed by an enlightened public sentiment bar it is exosedingly impolite to start ' J T 5 JL- j..-, u ' ant for an svsmnor waiir with a ladv " - " I l j. .1 i: l every kuuu uuusu, iuu aii iuo carutBi a without offering, her your arm. Should yon neglect to do this, and go lounging along with both arms swinging st yoar sides and a oigar in yoar month, people might think you were married to her. i O) The Austrian executioner wears a vary ahowy unform, and rides up to the scaffold with a military escort. waysputs on fresh white gloves to perform his office, possible moment abolished face of the earth:" from the Mrs. M. E. Hoxter, State superin tendent of Scientific Iastrttction, sends five copies of Dr. Richardson's "Tem perance Lesson Book." A new text book for nse in publio schools will be issued in June. Tbe latest edition of Steele's text book on physiology is AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other eocaplalnt arc o tnakikms ia t attack as those affecting tbe throat anal longs: none so trifled with by the majority ot suffer er. Tbe ordinary cough or ookl, reamlttag perhaps from a trifling or nncaiione ea posore, is often but the logtiiplng of a fatal sickness. Aykb's Casaar Pbctobux has well proven its efficacy In a forty years' fight with throat and lung diseases, and should be taken in ail cases without delay. Terrible Conga. Cased. " In 187 1 took a severe cold, whlah my mngs. i naa a lerriDt eoag night after night without sleen. cave me up. I tried Aran's Owsautr tor a l, which relieved my lungs, tadaaed sleep, and afforded me ths ran aiiiissair for the recovery of my strength. By She continued use of the Pzctoba a pat ma nent cure was effected. I am bow SB y 1 old, hale and hearty, and am sssisflssl year Chkkry Pkctoral saved me. Hon acs FAiaaaoTHEB." Rockingham, Vt., July 15, 1SSS. Croup. A Mather's Tribute. "While in the country last winter my lUUa dot, turee year on, was taxea iu wis It seemed as if he would die from la tion. One of the family suswessad of Avkr's Cbbrrt FacTORAL, a bottle of which was always kept in the house. This was tried In small and frequent doses, asm to our delight la less than half aa hour she little patient was breathing easily. Ths doe tor said that the Chkrry PacTOBaa had saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude? Sincerely yours, Mrs. Emma Gbntbt.' 106 West 128th St., New York, May Is, tstt. " I bare used Aran's Chsrbt Petto rai. in my family for several years, and de saw hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have aver tried. A. J. CRAJTSV Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1883. " I suffered for eight years from Broaehitfs, and after trying many remedies with so sue ess 1 was cured by the use of A tub's Chbrv RY PKCTORAU dOSKFH WUJW. Byhalia. Miss., April 6, 1883. 'I cannot say enough ia praise of Aran's Cherry Pbctorai beUevtag as I de ShaS but for its use I should loagslnee have dies from luMg trouble. X. BRAODOa. Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1883. No case of sa affection of the lungs exists which cannot be greatly i by ths nse of AYKB'S Cbbrrt PbctobA, and it will always cure whea the disease is not already beyond the control of madiefne. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C.Ayerot Co., Lowell, Mftta Sold by ail 7rugglsta.