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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1884)
Democrat STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, TIE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, S Kr e ial business notices in Local Col u rims'- 16 cents per line. Hegalar Leva noi ices 10 cent- per lino. For legal and transient advertisements 1 00 per square for tbe first insertion ,sn 50 cents par square for each subeequen inertlo n Rstes for other advertisements made nown on application. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES NUTTING. BrlESOFFirEla Besnaerat BaUdlnga roadalht Street. TKKM Or SUBSCRIPTION smgls enpv, per rear, In dvanc.... m W 80 t;c c . r year. t end ol year 3 00 tirurl eopy, x month Jf si njrle copy, three months number 0 VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1884. NO 42 STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State PROFESSIONAL CARDS. t VLINN. - CHAMBIBLaW. FLIXS A CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORtKYK AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jnrOffloe in Foster's Brick Blook.-s vl5nl8t R.S.STRAHAN. YTTORSEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. tATI IX PRACTICE IN ALL THE Qoniti of this SUte. Will aive epecial attention to collections and probate matter. . , . Office in Foster's new brick. 49tT "IThTmontanyb. ATTORNEJAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, rje. Office upstairs, over John Brijrjra store, 1st street. vl4n2Stf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) vTTORNRY AT LAW, tiRtM, sbe;o. tiriLL PRACTICE IS ALL THK CTKTS OF TI1K I SlaUv Special attention given to ..llactions mad probate matter gfjroffli-e in O.U1 Ntesre Temple. 14 i p r.iwRi.1. j R- nrx-vsn POWELL & BILYEU, .TTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, LR4N'Y. . ORKlaOn. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on roaao.table terms. gOffice in Foster's Brick.- vl4n!9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, ittorney And Counsellor It Lav -AND Votary Poblic. ALBANY, OBEGON, Will practice in all of the Court, of thisState All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. asr Office in OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDON & CO., sa DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationarv and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prions. OITT DBITG STORE, i lby. oBr.tov. FOSHAY & MASON, VSOLSLAIB AJTD aaTAfi Dragiristsand Booksellers, ALBAMY, OKECOI. vl6n4Itf LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razor, which are 1wav kspt in Rood condition, and hair cat in the very beat etyle. JOHS S5HMEER, LIYEBJ, IEED A3D SALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon. Ho-se kept on reasonable terms. Jlorsp and bua-ries let to suit the time. Corner Second and Ellsworth streets. WA LAUNDRY AXD CHIXA MERCUAKHINO BU8I NESS. Rice, ea and Japvteae ood, underclothes, sold t bottom price. Contractor lor China labor. g3T Next to City Bank. HENG TENG- Bit washing and ironing in Ue city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere Hoae. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest biUard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, merchandise household goods, etc.. at auction for any one in the cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6tf SAM COHEN. St'10 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. Tk EALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH j E8. Kep full lire of jewelry. "Watches and clocks repaired iu first-class wder. SCIO OREGON. w. m. MORROW. DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, tab;e cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO - OREGON. BRIOGEFORD & BEARD. WT EEP A FULL LINE OF PURE JV groceries, fresh candies, nuts, and all kinds of confectiooaries, tobacco, cgars, etc , etc. Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH INO, boots, shoes, hats and caps, groceries, eigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OB. J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OBEGON. "aVTOTICE OF PUBLIC LE TTINGS SO- XX LICITED. Plans and .specifications furnished on snort notice. Don't Forget It ! WOOD'S IMPROVED UN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA DELLE WAGON, The wards "La Belt." In French meat "the beauty." PLOW8 AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, AND All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undersigned. JULIUS CRADWOHL, Agent fur Frank Bros., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the nubile that they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on nana, a complete stock ot all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock price. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that he is new pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to (five satisfaction. Will work any nd all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally In Oregon. City granite. Cleaning, repairing ad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prions before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Pbopoo west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. . M. H. ELLIS. Physician and Surgeon. JsTt)ffice and residence in Mcllwslu's Bloek. Albany, Oregon. NEW BARBER SHOP. 41. JA(KS0N - - Proprietor. )pposlle Revere House Shavin i and hair dressing done in first class st p;e. First-class brth rooms. Balb for adies and gentlemen f all hours. Terms reasonable. REVERE HOUSE, Cornea elrst and ElLi worth Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r Tbia new Hole la fitted up In first da etyle. Table applied with the beat the market afford. Spring Boa in every ttoom. A fooa sample noon lor uosa isardai Traralera. Coach to aad freaa the Hotrl.ta MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AND DEESS-MAKINQ. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DRS. L W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OREGON. Ctt-r thoir nrnfuaiATial rv !-. ttl the dtizenS Of Linn and adjacent counties. Office and residence near court u Ue. can at ianguuM auu w. " store. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Dkmocra office. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANNIN6 & CO., PROPR'S !EW PROCESS FLOCB SCPEUIOR FOB FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest '.Price in Cash for wneat ALBANY OR. DR. J. P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office aft residence on First Street be ween Ellswoth and Lyon Streets. Calls left at E. W. Langdon & Co's. Drugstore. Albany, Oregron. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thla powder never varloa. A marvel af purtely, trutijfth kiui wholeaomenea Mora economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot b aokl In competition with tb. mullitnd on low last, abort weight, alum or phoaphaU powder. (toM only In oana Koval IUmnu IMtMit'u. 104 Wall Street, N. Y. 1,1 " 11 tenia A Positive Cure for Every Form of the Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrofula. T Hot SANDS r MCTTKRBIn our pn aslso r. eal thi. tt. .rv i I bar been a terrible auSerer tor year with Blond and Skin Humor ; have bean nhligad to ahua pabttc plaeea by taaaua ot my dis flyurtng humora ; b bad th beat phyU-lana ; haa apetit hundred. f Jollara and gl no rami relief until t need the Cattcura Reaulveal, the new Wood Purl ft. r. Internally, and CaUrura and Cuileur Snap, the (real Skin Cure aud Skin UeautiAera, eaumatly. which bar cured mc and left my akin and blood aa para aa a child ALMOST INCURABLE. Jaatri E Klcharataaa. uatom lieu, Orteana, on oath, aaye. In 1970 Scrufoluu I ! ra hroka out on my body anut I aa a niaaa of rrrup tkm. K..rthin(t known to the tordlcal faeolty waa tried In rain. I became a mar wraeS. At itmee could not lift my hand, to my head, could not turn In bad ; waa In cwnatant pain, and looked upon lite aa a cures No relief or eu re In ten year. In leX I heard ( the i utu-ura eaieuiee. need tbetu atx perfectly cured. Sworn to before 1'. S. Com. J. I). CRA W VoKlv STILL MORf SO Will Menaaalaf. tM2 Dearborn Street, OMrafl rraatefuJly aeknuwled(ae a cure of Ecaema, or halt kheum, on bead, neck, face, ana, end low . for aeventaen year ; not able to n.uJe, cicwpt oa hai da and kneea, for one year ; not able to help himanK for el;bt year i tried buadred uf remedlee ; dortar prouounce hi carte bopefeai, ernatieii:ly cured by (he CuUcura Eemedlea. MORE WONDERFUL YET. . K. Carpalrr, llenderaon, S. Y.. cured of Paoriaal or Leproay, of twenty year atandK.n. by Cutkura Eemedlea. The moet .nderful cure on record . A durtnfji of ecalaa fell frwtn fcUOB datlr Phraidan aad hi friend, thought he muet c)le. Uur ewora to before a juatlee of tie peace and Hen. dereon' most prominent cillicna DOUT WAIT Write la a fr tbaee tastimontaJa In full or aend direct to the parti ea. All are abaoiuuly true n4 pi Ten without our knowledge er dlcltatlon. Don't wait. Now l. the time to cure eerr .pecire of Itch iBf , Scaly, Pimply, Herofuloua, Inherited, i .nfatfi .u.. aad Cotitier colored Dtaeeaes of the Ulood. Hkln aad Scalp with Suae of hatr. Sold by all drucl.u Price: Ottlctira. M ceaU Raaolteiit, tl ! Sp. cenU Potter Uruz and ( henii : t o., boetua. Maw. DESIITV ,"r Rough, fhapied and Oily Hkln DCAU I I blacehrad., itkln Hlewlahc. uae Cuticura Siap. ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND machim; shop. EHTABL1NIIED 165. Bv a. r . ( iir.KKY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Havine taken sbartreof the shove named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Eneines, Hew and Griat Mill, Woed-workinar Machinery, Pump., Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. 8 De dal attention given to repairing farm ma chinery. rattan Making dame I. all Its ffersas. lfcllyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. AYER'S Hair Vigor restore, with the gloa and frehuoe of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, aa may be desired. By it use light or red hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and bahliiewi often, though not always, cured. It check falling of the hair, and stimu lates a weak ami sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladles Hair Dressing, the VlOOR is unequalled ; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lusting eiTunia. Mil. f. P. !l :i MUM write from Kirby, O.. .':, Kt ; Mec i.i.i my hair commenced falling out, aud iu n short time I became nearly Imld. I used part of a liottle of A v Kit' Haik Vioou, which stoped the fall ing of the hair, aud started a new srowth. I have now a fall head of hair growing vigor ously, and am convinced that but for the ase of your preparation 1 should have been entirely bald." .1. W. Rowe.v, proprietor of the Mc Arthur (Ohio) Kmuirt r, khjh AVKK'S Mailt Viooft is a most excellent preparation for the hair. I speak of It from my own experience. Its use promote the growth of new hair, aud makes it glowty and soft. The Vigor Is also a sure cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge has the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction." Mr. Axor Fairbairtt, loader of the celebrated " Kairhairu Family" of Scottiidi Vocalists, write from Jin$tnn, Matt., Feb. 6, 1AS0: "Kver since my hair began to give sil very evidence of the change which tlcetliig time procure Hi, I have used AVKR'H li AIR Vioor, and so have been able to maintain an appearance of youthf ulness a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, ora tors, actors, ami iu fact every one who lives in the eyes of tho public." Mr. O. A. PREsipoTT, wriiing front 1R Elm St.. Vhartettown, Maim., Airil 14, 1HH2, says: " Two year ajjo itlx ut two-thirds of my huir came off. It thinned very rapidly, and I was fast growing bald. On using Ayicr'h llAin Vioor the falling stopped and a new growth oommeuced, and in about a month my head was completely covered with short hair. It has continued to grow, ami is now as good as before it fell. 1 regularly used but one bottle of the Vioor, but now use it occasionally as a dressing." We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of Avf.r's Hair Vioor. It needs but a trial to convince tho most skepti cal of its value. rUEPAKED BY Dr. J . C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. WAtsllROTR LKTTKK (frail ear regular oerraepeadent) Wahhixutoji, April. 26th, 1834. Or evening! now, until after ton o'clock, bright light tuny be seen on the dome or the Capitol. This meant that the House or Representltlvee Is la session, talking Tariff. As It was a conceded Impossibility to give all the carefully prepared Tariff speeches utterance In a limited length or time (s move having been made to restrict the general debate to about two weeks) recourse was taken to night eeealone. List evening, lie present live Yaplt,of Michigan made a strong argument In favor or the Morrison bill, and Representative Wood, of In diana discussed the question from the tame standpoint, (jongresman Rob ertson from Kentucky opposed the protection on three grounds -that it was bad poblic policy ; that It enrich ed the few st the expense or many ; end that It was unconstitutional. Mr. Bagley ot New York, read tho begin ning or bis speech.and then the pror ation saying that the Intelligent as ssmbly which surrounded him (there were then about a deaen Members present) did not seem to approve or his remarks, and as'ied leave to print them for the peruaai or an admiring constituency. When the tariff debate was resum ed this week, after an interval or five days.tbe Tezsn orator Mr. Welleuru made the eighth speech Qt the aeries. ami preached the goapel(of free trade with an eloquence that was frequent ly applauded and warmly congratu lated at the close. He said It would be difficult to find In the whole range or the English language more hypo critical words then "incidental pro tection." He protested against this fraud in the use or language, and said ir protection were good and right, let It stand on Its own merit?, and not lean on something so respectable as revenue. He held that Inciden tal protection as a designator ot the present Tariff, was a practical illus tration or Satin masquerading io the habiliments or the Court or Heaven. The Democratic party was putting Its col urns In motion, and the result of the contest could not be doubtful oo such an issue. Another notable speech waa made by Representative Eld red ge, of Mich- Jgan, In wblch he eald the protective system wss only kept In existence by lobbying, extrafagance, and official corruption, which it tends to produce and extend, and that unless the sys tem or protection were doomed to slav ery. Let the issuef be squarely made Me said "protective Tariff" on tbe one side and a "Tariff fir revenue only" ou the other, aud then, with all tbe money that the monopolists will nay Into tbe election rood, and the Legion of Federal office holders on tbe one side, snd the tax rlddeo people on the other. we will see whether money and patronage can Induce the people to continue a party lo power whose central idea is In direct opposition to their best interests. The House passed tbe bill creating a bureau or labor statistics, concerning which a number or Members had something tossy, the substance or wblch waa tnat they were io hearty sympathy with all measures look log to roller or the laboring classes. Rep resentative Hopkins, or Penn., said a great deal or attention In and out of Congress has beeujgi ven to the Amer ican hog, and steer, and be thought it high time tojglve some attention to the American man. The head or this bureau Is to have $3,500, a year. Tbe House also passed aVroraprehen sive Pension bill which, provides for tbe several classesjof disabled veterans enumerated in the Pension laws or the United States. It next refused to reapeal the act limiting the tenure or certain offices to four years, and dur ing the brier period or discussion on this subject, the chamber was tbe scene of almost bedlanaatic confusion. Mr Springer shouted from the plat form or the Clerks desk, that, in view or the probable change in the executive officers of the Government at the comingeiection,he hoped the Democratic House or Representatives would not ' pass this bill and thus permanently on the people a! lot or political dead-beats who have been imposed upon them In judicisl posi tions. After passing the bankruptcy bil early in the week tbe senate pro ceeded tejburlesque its dignity by In dulging in ananimated and not very brief debate on the, grave question where, in the list or officials entitled to the floor of that chamber,the Com missloner of Agriculture should be placed. Senator Saulsbury ridiculed tbe debate by the remark that it waa just suctya;question, as to who shall be first lady f the land. The Senate is now discussing the cattle bill and Senator Ceke attacks tbe measure that is so inimical to the local interests of bis state with the vim of Texas cowboy. ws is mar. Kurt miners have been killed by the oaring In or a tunnel on a Msxlaan mine. ' The fitat daily paper was started by a woman in London in 1702. Tsxaa now has 6239 sailse or rail way. A Philadolpbian boo $400,000 insur ance on hie life. Tbe crops of South Carolina are said to be in a bad way, and tbe farmers in certain sections of the State have star vation looking tbem iu the face. Jay Could', hotel at New Laredo, Mexioe, boo been seised by Mexican authorities, owing to non-compliance with eon tract. A fish and game warder bas seized lobsters at liiddeford, M., as tboy were undersiscd. Tbe law forbids tbe ale or lobsters Us than nine inches long. Tbo estate of Daniel Webster at Msrslifield Mass , io advertise I fer sale. The bonse waa burned a few years sgo, bet was replaced by another. His law office remains as it was when be used it. A lancaster (Ps.) young lady was made dangerously ill by the practice or moistening the end of an indelible lead peneil with her tongue. Tbo Kjthaohilds own $400,0w0,000 or United States bonds. Tboy are evidently pretty well prepared fer a rainy day. Missouri and southwestern Kansas new product about sevent; -ft ve per cent of all tbo load oro smelted in tbe Unit ed States, and can furnish 60,000 tons of xioe oro per annum. So groat is the demand fer alligator leather that about 40,000 saurians were slaughtered last year. The ikina soil at fiom twenty-five to ifty cents each. A peripatetic evangelist is travelling about Connecticut with o pot of blue paint and a brush, pointing pious ex hortations on recks and fct.oe. Tbo body of Walter Ream, a soldier buried twooty-ene years sgo st Koox- ville, la., has l- n found si most com pletely pettilied. It was instantly rec ognised by bis comrades. Io tho room of a kleptomaniac la Ixjuslon were found 9 JO umbrellas. Russia products annually about $4,- 000,000 worth of hooey, or over 18, fKktooa, besides 5000 pound of wax, worth $2,000,000. It is nearly all consumed in tbe empire, however. Chicago has a liquor saloon to - ton thirty -five families. The Po-a bas promulgated aSSVSrS letter sgaiuat Freemasons and secret j societies. A lace factory is about t j be started in Wilktsbsrre, Pa. It will be ths only one of tbo kind in tbe oountiy and will give employment to about 200 persons. Oietirmat New Haven ship 1000 barrels of oysters a week to Liverpool. Tbe Roman Catholic Church has in creased tenfold in the United States during the last forty years. Tbe Greely relief expedition takes 3000 pounds gam cotton, to be used In blowing up loo-bergs if necessary . A halibut weighing 426 pounds was stint from New York to Prof. Baird at Washington. This is ons of tbo largest ever caught. Tbo light of a, burning gas well io West Virginia can bo aeon at a dis tance of thirty miles. One snd a half million mackerel were recently brought into New York in one day in Sshing vessels. During tho past ten years tbe Gov ernment bas expended $70,000,000 in caring for tbe Indians. A singular case of fatal poisoning from a veil bas occurred in Kansas The wife of Judge A. H. Foots of Law rence, Kan., bad a scratoh on her face when she started out for her afternoon walk. She wore a dark green veil to conceal the abrasion. The blood absorb ed some of the green coloring matter of the veil, and blood poisoning sot in 8he died in throe day a. Slavery is being gradually abolished in Brazil, and it is expected will cease to exist in 1890. Hog skin is used extensively for sad dies, because it is the only leather that all the stretch can bo taken out of, and there is no other leather that will stand so much friction and wear so well. All the straps are made of dressed cow skin. There is no strength in beg skin, so it cannot be used fer straps. Tho Danish Government has for warded instructions to their represen tatives in Greenland to aid tho Greely relief expedition in every way possible The smallest bull-terrier in America is owned in Province. R, I. It is vo years old and weighs but 3 pounds. Germany, it is now stated, uses paper instead of wood in the manufacture ot lead pencils. An estate on Wall atreet, second door from the stock exchange, has just been sold for $325,000. Tbe lot being 20x65 feet, this is equivalent to $250 a square foot, with the building thrown in. Somebody has found out that a ma- in tbs German army wear corsets. A New London, Ot, whaler has a killed the largest whale ever eaught. It yielded 168 barrels of oil and 2300 poo nds of whalebone. It was killed in Cumberland Inlet. Frederick G. Fuller and others, o Loudon, have just purchased 378,0C0f acres of grazing land near Las Yogass New Mexico. Ths narrowest house in New York city is 251 WiJIiam street. It is three stories high and not quite six feet wide. It Is red brick. Ensilage is meeting with great favor among English farmers. Holland takes first rank in produc ing bntterine aad is tbe principal ex porter of that product Tbe German Government baa forbid den tbe transit through German terri tory of early fruits and vegetables from France, tbe reason assigned for this measure being the desire to prevent tbe impof tetien of phylloxera. Tbe brokers of Mark Lane, Loodoo, say that people wsnt twenty per cent more brood when tho weather is cold than when it is mild and muggy. A Now York manufacturer tells a re ortor that be mskes st lesat 1500 different styles of dog collars, ranging in price from five cents to $30, tbo lat ter of solid silver. Blankets coat from fifty cents to $25. It is slready announced that tbe manufacturers of oleomargarine under the Mtgee patent will take immediate steps to test tbe constitutionality of tho prohibition act just passed by the New York Legislature. There are twenty-eight direct heirs to tbo succession to tho British throne. lasa. Kit Carson's eon la employed on ex Senator Dorseys cattle ranch. The Countess do Cham beard has an tered a Carmelite convent, where she ex poets to remain the rest ef her life. O'hara, tho colored congressman from North Carolina, ts graduate tf Harvard College. There is no beast ly pride aoout him. He has a white tutor for bis children. Fret. Praetor, when be returns frotn England, will make St. Joseph, Mo., his heme. He will oo doubt Hod plenty or oppertuni y for star seeing In a lovely place like St. Jo seph. Chief Bueny bead 0f the Cherokee nation Is recovering from an attack of scarlet fever. He is a child or nature. This probably accounts for tbe fact that be has Infantile diseases Iste In Ms. Chrhtine NUsson declares that though she dined st Windsor Palace and at the Courts of Russia and Spain she "never saw anything so regal" as at a dinner Mrs. Astor gave in new York last week. Mrs. A. T. Stewart hss a Melsson- ler for which her lste husband paid $6t,00. The artlat considered it hie masterpiece. The picture is en titled "Frledlend," and h only cf moderate dimensions. George Leah, whose death took place recently at Indianapolis, at tbe age of eighty-two, was the oldest lo comotive engineer in America, In 1832 he ran the first engine on the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad. Karl Kron rode a bicycle from De troit, Mich., to S wanton, Vt., a dis tance o! 1422 miles, at an average rato or 42 mllue a day. On one day he made 100 miles, He is a journa list snd is used to going rest. Tbe success of a New York cancer hospital Is assured by a gift or $200, 000 by John Jacob Aator. A noble example or giving during the lifetime of a donor. Too many rich men de fer their charities until after death, to be fought over by lawyers. Carlos Aguero, tbe Cuban revolu tionary leader, has been In arms against British authority almost con tinually since his fourteenth year, and be is net yet thirty. His family Is a wealthy one in Puerto Principe. He is below the medium hight, weighs only 115 pounds and thes a black, curling mustache which turns up atjthe ends. Botta came down to breakfast the other morning at his boarding-house. and looking about at tho seantly-spread table pot hie hand to his head and said: "Everything makes rao siok to-day." "Ah," replied the landlady syrups thetioally, "yen require o Spring toaic.' "Yes," oaid Botta, as ho took a cold ' .ked bean en his fork, "the doctor prescribed one for mo tho other day." "Indeed, what was it ?" " said for toning up an empty stomach there was nothing like poached egg and a nice mutton chop. Moral There is no sance like that ef a hungry man. Honest old farmer to sen just home from town school : "I'm surprised to find how much your studios cost.' 1 "That's ao," said the boy ; "and I don' atudy muoh either." jorlty of the officers TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. WWMBSMBKi, ,1 I-JI'IUBUA J - i KUITKD BT ran fsiei,i ChrUtjaa TempfraHcc L'nioi Mrs M. G. 0. Loavitt, enn of the wisest, ablest snd beat of those philan thropic Isdie.a who sre now devoting so much time and sireng'h to effoitsto reclaim tbe sietooe, and to apply the cure of provf nlioo to the curse of in temperance, hss written a faithful snd clever tract on Heredity snd Alcohol ism, which tbe National Temperance Society bas published as its Tract, No 207. It is admirably calculated to do good in the line suggested by its title. We are to have the nn-sence of this distinguished lady at our State conven tion in June. Our eople will then have tbe pleasure of hearing her lec ture. W. T. f. TOo second a-iausl msetint; ef the Wo man's Christian Tampersnce Union of Oregon will be held st Albsnv, June 4tb sod 5th, This C invention Is riij;wid of ISO Executive Co nm iitee. .n rUl.,.1. for each lcnal Union ; aiao one dt lagate at large from each county, snd one delegate for every twenty member, of auxiliary loeal Unions. We urge upon eadi local Ualon to see that delegates are electee st once. Wo Union can nlfird to ba wits.trt representative, to tola yearly gathering. Matters of sjrest Importance will come up for our consideration, and we need to ley plans for a ooacsrt of action during tbe eeming year. I be usual reductien ef Igoty per cent will be made on season ticket. All Temperance workers through out tto rsmte are cordially Invited to be present. Mas, H. H. Hies. President. Mas. M. H. CABTwaiosiT, Secretary, a us IK S4RD t tut: riBXaV. Tbe latest beoeficient effort of wlieb we have knowledge, is the incorporation of a National Temjasrance Hospital and Medical College association whose ob ject is the prsctical demonstration of temperance principles in the adminis tration of medicine snd tbe introduc tion of temperance truth in medical education. Its incorporators are Dr. Mary Weeks Baras-tt, Mrs. Evelyn -X. Peters, Mrs, I H. Plumb, Mrs J. El len Foater, Mrs. Mary B. Willard.Mrs. Elisabeth Bjyotoa Harbert and Mis. A. P. Kelly. These trustees sre known as temperance women of energy and perse veiance os well as of ideas of firmly rooted principles. Their purpose in this morsmeat is to aid in founding an institution which shall Jj fur America what the London TemjHjianco Hospital is doing for tbe medical temperance re form in Great Britain. The hospitsl is intended for ti e treat ment of all foims of disease and will bo open to applicants from all parts of tbo United 8tstes, with wsrds for pay ing snd non-psying pstients, the treat moot to be in sll cases non-alcoholic A large advisory board will be made up from tbe best material this country affords, among men and women me ileal and otherwise. The col!r ee facultv snd hospitsl superintendents will be drawn from tbe ranks of men and women of ability, and a broad plan and outlook ill, it is thought, characterize all the plans snd operations of the new society. Union Signal. Three cheers for Rhode Island petite, plucky and perau tent ! Without petitions or the pressure of persuasive public pleading, tbe legislature has pas sed tbe compulsory scientific temper ance instruction bill. This action gives us five states arrayed against the next generation of saloons. It is as good as a ten year's note for prohibition. Mr. Francis Murphy is this we.k to begin an active campaign in this city under tbe auspices of the West Side W. C. T. U. His labors in Freeport jointly with those of bis son, Save re sulted in 2500 pledgee. Mr. Mutpby it is said, has become a prohibitionist but believes still in the moral suasion side of prohibition, as do we all. a. Says the "Hira'd and Presbyter" : The temperance reform has reached the Congress of the United States, and there, we believe, it will stay until the civil power ahall stamp it (the whisky trade) out of the country, in obedience to a growing public sentiment. " Tho Cincinnatti "Western Christian Advocate" says : "It is safe to say that, but for tbe open saloons in Cin cinnati on the nights of March 28 and 26, there would have been no riot and no violence." The St. Louis "LifV says "there are ten thousand boy and girl drunkards in the city of St. Louis." St. Louis is reaping the "benefit" of "high license." "The prohibition law of Iowa goes into effect July 4 next. The brewers, about HO, will therefore have to stop manufacturing on that day." So writes the U. S. Commissioner of Internal Revenue to the U. S. Brewers Attcr. ney. Hereafter no liquor will be sold on the boats of the New Yoi k and Hart ford line. The "Western Wave," of Los An gele, California, gives a most hearty welcome to Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, and savs : "The advent among us of this able and eloquent advocate of prohibi tion is an advent ef great interest to our cause." besom no v i AsTmoihlt adopt d bv OBMKatSL SHSV.HBtl.V PKESB1 TEBia ra he or rum I ITfcI STATUS. "Ths Woman's Christian Temper ance Union, with glowing earnestness snd steadfsst courage, though by qniet msthodi and modest instrumentalities, is doing good work, and ranch of it not only for women and children, but in promoting all the great original inter ests of the cause. The interesting snd extensive work accomplished at the South, during the past few months will bear.'good fruit of .many kiads.not only by direct, sd vantages gained for tem perance, but by softening sections! prejudices, snd cultivating tbose secret cbsrities by which sll friends of reform ought to he joined together in their Christian and philantropic work. This healthful Christian Temperance work of women is a welcome auxiliary in fur thering I In interests of this important cause. PHILOSOPBlf. Sosp don't cost as much ss diamonds, but lot. m people don't seem to be able o afford both. A mantbat needa forty cents' worth f whisky to give him an appetite for t fjf'c-en 'cent dinner, always bas tbe iyspepsis. I never feel comfortable when there's man around that smiles sll tbe time. Tbo only dog that ever bit me, never Hopped waggin' bis tail. I don't often ask riddles, but what lo you think a family is likely to have for dinner when tbe old man cams only 'tight dollars a week, spends four dollars for beer, twcadollars for cigai,and boys s raffle ticket ? You can't rely on signs. Lots of folks say that a man with big ears is generous and sfcjipid. When I was boy I went to a cirkis, and they bad a mule no bigger than a ten week calf. They asked for boys to ride tbe critter, an' I sex : "He's only a mule, an' he's got big ears. He must bo stupid, an' he won't play me no mean tricks." When tbey took me home my father licked me fur bein' a fool, and sed be'd like to give tbe mule a medal. "After searching in vain fer a name to give a shepherd dog tbe owner called him Caper, because it went so well with the mutton." Tbe New York Commercial Advertiser evidently Was not woo! gathering when it maqg this remark. THE GREAT GERHAH REMEDY FOR PAIN. Rsltcres aod com RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, b ack At nn. HIADACHs, TOOTHaOH& SORE THROAT. QClSY. SWEIXtSCS. KPRAISS. Soreness. Cats, Brats. FROSTBITES. S srass, weans.) A a all eOwr tataCy nm cuts a bottle. BaiabranrasmaSSa anil iaaJ la n Deader. taaspsacca. Tee CasHea X. Vasotsr Co. r i i - iniLUMM B a. bti A Marvelous Story TOLD nt TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON: $S!S& :SS " . nrlcmm : Mr rather resalea at Clover, Y i. He has been a great sufiVrer from Scrof ula, and the inclosed letter will teil you what n marvelous effect Ayer s Sarsaparilla has had in his case, I think his blood most have contained tho humor for at least tan years ; but it did not show, except In the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about five years ago. Prom a few spots which ap peared at that time. It gradually spread so as to cover hi entire body. I as ure yon he waa terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when he began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. 1 could easily name fifty persons who would testify to the facts in his ease. Yours truly, W. M. Phillip," FROM THE FATHER : "pii a duty for roe to state to you the benefit I have derived from the use of Ayers Saimparilla. Six months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tho humor caused aa incessant and tntolerablo Itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many place whenever I moved. My sufferings were groat, sed my life a burden. I commenced the use of tho Sarsaparilla In April last, and have used It regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have all heeled, aad 1 feel perfectly weU la every respect being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell them, aa I have here tried to toll yoa, Atrw's S.vasAPARiLLA. Glover, Vt., Oet, 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, Hiram Phillips." Avxr's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaint, Erysip elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruption of the Shin. It clears the blood of sll impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality aud strengthens the whole system. FRXPARKD BV Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Droggistsi SI, si bottles for