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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW HILL. WATERLOO, OREGOT. Six mites above Lebanon, the south side of the Santl am River, opposite Water loo fcoa Springs. Good roads, no hills, accesstblejat all seasons. Postoffiee, Waterloo, Or. Ckereh a li a.' end 7 r. m. by .aUv, F, O. lr" rinc, D. D. Sabbath Sottooi as r. Praver mcotuuz every Weduessday evening. Kv anusuoal CHUkcH. Preaching on Sab-k-.k -t 11 a m.. end 74 F. M. Sabbath School. 12:15. Prayer meeting every Tbur day evening. J. A. HoUeabangn, pastor. Ooxorko Alios AkCacaCH, Senriooaevery Sabbath at 11 A. . and 8 r. m. Sabbath c.u.o o.iii Praver meeting on ovnnintT of each week. J. ' A MUU WSMmJ Harris, pastor. M. R CHtraea, South. Services held .rtf Mahhath &t SL Paul's M. K. Church South, at ll.v. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thars day evennjj. C. H. Carson, pastor. M. E. CBXkcsr. l"reaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 P. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School vt 2.30 r. M. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rer. M. Jndy, pastor. Pretbyteria Chcbcm. Service every SUhkath mrwrsnnu and eveniuii in Church cor. Beivadaiuu and Fdth Su. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac H, Ooadtt pastor. Chiusttav Chcech Pleaching every Sab hath at Y P C A Hall at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 7:30 r. m. Pulpit supplied by Rev H. F. Morrison. The great MtSf rSBBM tonic is UM tSKtUinaU rt- ult of ow BSJSSS9 yeaie tduX curat with uufsitinj; i-MtminlT Nervoca SAd phvstcai dbUit, sraU nsl wtsinsss, sprnnstor- Htoca, pros tW.hoea, Laussiuns, Impo tsucv , hanstsd vtuhiy, pss -. uscitns suu toss UI mmmit BBS- . . . w - . ... sil IU oussnficat .T"rr . osuss prodacsA. It emricbss m poruwr strengthens the rwrrss, brain. nscBS, Vu ra prodaetise enan mui phycai sid meat! It stops snj unnstursl, dsbffltattn draiu apoti the ijsm. prvnU2 UvoMntary lusss OoUiUtaiio Oreams, setuinsl tosses with the urine, etc . . so do stroctire to mind and body. It is s sure cUtuiasUSf J mil Sidney and bJadder cVwnptsinl. It cotitalas no iajWWkBS inffrwlienta To those suffenrj; trorn ths srll sfferts 3 youthfal i?' uh sad psnaansjt cure is Gl APTtEl rvtes S3 50 per bottle, or live bottles in case with fad di cms aad adrica, 10. Sent secoefroin ohserrs Hon to snj address upon receipt of prwe, v. O. U., kobeFd oaly of DR. C. D. 8ALFIELD, ?ie Kaarary tA, Ha rrmnelsce. C'al. Osasultatioos stricUjr tonndeniisl by letter or at sffl-e FRET. For the caiiTsnienes of psuenU sad u srdst to insure psriectsscrecy I ba e sddopted a prt 'sts actress uadtf which all packages are fonrsrded. TRIAL BOTTLE .Sow Iss sssrics. witt bsssBtto sny one hr leUer. statini; his sytsptoats sad ape. Cossmunicatiooj strictly coriftdstitiel, Dr. NO- 11 KEARNY ST all Osrenlc UM Inrcls YOUNG MEN VV e&ts ot yoathful foUiss or hoiscrstioB, will do vsJl to srail llisiiswih ss of this, toefreasees boob rrer hud s the attar of mSmwrnf humaaity. DK. aflXNET sriU foataatos to torlsit $OOfor svery ease ;e wsakness 9f pnvass insssss a. uuj uuu u. which As uadertakss and (stiff to ears. There am many at Um ss of thirty trejto sbity ao troubled with too frequent ssscealion of ths blad oftso scoompaassa by a sUght smarUns; or boraina; Us snd s weakening of lbs sysusn in s msansr s patisnt cannot account for. On examining the arrnsry Sseosits a ropy sediment will often be found tai perttrlss if slbmaen will sppear, Jt Mas eosor will te of a thin mitkish hue, sgain ebsng BH to a dark and torpid anpsaranee. There srs many sajSn who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is the sseond stags of seminsi weakness. D. tt. will guarantee s perfect cure in sit such essss, and healthy restoration of the genitourinary organs. Own Horns 10 to 4 sad te 8. Sundays from 10 toll a. a. CoosaJtsUun tree. Thorough ermlnsSka nd advice, $6. For private ill 1 sis of sh.rt standing a fall coarse medicine sufficient (or a core, with all instructions, will be s any address 00 receipt of $10 00, fM iXi'silitiSsi. BB hPINVLV.t CO., 71 Ho. 11 Kearny St. Ban Francisco, Oat To the Unfortunate! DK- GIBBON'S Dispensary. OQ SlKAKST ST.. 0vO eorner of Cornmer cial Street, Ssn Krsneisoa. Establisbed In 154. lor the treatment of Sexoai and Seminal Diseases, such as Mrvbca. Cleet, hi rirt nrc,Sy pbil Is in si its forms, usnsateaey S.Mla.1 Wr.k.Mi. nipht losses br dreams, pirn ess on the face and loss of manhood can positively be onred. The sick and afflicted should not fad to call apoa hiss. The Doctor has traveled exteusvsly in Europe, snd inspected thoroughly the various nospi als there, obuining a great deal of valuable liuonsa Oon, which be is competent to impart to those in need of his services. DR. UIBBOH wilt make no cbsrve unless be effect a curs. Persons at distance SiAk SUC C'l'REO AT HOJIE. Ail eor-municatious strictly confidential. You see no one bu. the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Person writing to the Doctor will please stats the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call er write. Address DH. i. V. GIBBON, Box 1967, San Frtiiciaco. vl5u3 RUSSELL & COS POHTABLE SAW MIU8, FARM SAW MILL EHfilNES, THRESHING MACKIIiES, ETC. at Flrsg Heads. THIS WKLL KXQrTjr HOUSE RAVE OPRKED a Branch Office and Supply House at Cor, Front and Taylor iitrsaU, jorAUud, Or., wtiena they will carry in stock Portable and Stationary Saw Mills, S?ortabla Ti action and Stationary engines and boiler. 'Mew Msasillon" threshers, horsepowers, etg., etc.. Write for illustrated catalogue sent free aAdreattaaaa. ig this psper.) nnasnnst tLo., Portland, Oregon PATENTS Whtained, and all other busiaessXin Um U. S wffice attendededdo for moderate fees. Patent Our office is opposite the TJ. 8. patent Office, and 7 " 1U " umm tnan those remote Oom Washington. Bend modte or drawing-; We advise sa to patent fcility free of charge ; snd we make no char ire .- mm. ........ mm We refer hers, to the Postmaster, Um Saps, of Honey Order Dir. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent Office. For cirt alar, advice, terms, and eferenees to actual clieuts in your own State or county, address sT A . ttiniV ri e rme i.wv ww o vvr opponu ratent umcc, v asnington, u OTiie EtJYEBS Guidb la is sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, 8r 11 inches with over 3,300 illustrations a whole pic ture callery. Gives whole sale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or formly use. Toils how to order, and gives exact eoet of every thing t-ots use, eat, drink, wear.or have fun with. These invaluable hooks con tain information gleaned from the map kcts of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the cents. JLet us near uoi JSKJVsU-rir! iiui nnimnHi JgeiMK waanvn SPSSaBv SBwaBBBBBBBBBBBBHW ' " ; Sa a. bsj ar postage cents. Let us hear tram you. arJlTlBaaanMsartaatisssi ' ihn .it mmmmmMmmeammammpm! i ..... ... i mm asm i wbmbuh.iuh....m.w.wb -W8 ounupcni, .m ii iiiw nHnnwnMi BBBewaew w 11 11 " " " " MM) f-1 WW mfr7MW fJ WaWW T-ww . . i i. i mm, in i i (saW. mWW Behafeaal lb jfeS. & for infant end Children CnstoriitprowmtoMligHf ton ami overcutm s 1'UluUui.v, iJaiaiiu tion. Sour titoinaclt, Duvrrbavi, nud Fovorisbuctsa. It tnsutvn noaith nna natural peep, without morphlue. CAstorla in so wril adapts! to Clttlrbvti thai rnvnuneuil It as smi.rtor lease luwaiptiou uowu to ids" 11. X Aaoiiciv. . h. FortUnd Are., Droedttrn, N. T. C6WTAUR LINIMENT -a alsolto our for UUomft t Istn, Spntius. Hums, iiulln. &c. The mtTut PotrertiU sum! Pno- tratins Pfcin-rellaviitt; uud llcv.liu- lteinotly known to man. sBsBsssBssBssBfisnnsssss. OMclalCDitcctory. MM U S Senator Hon J UfcUutor, Uos J N Dolph. Counmuia-M C Georffe. Supreme t'ourt JutlacenJ vy.U , P lord, E B Watnen. ,u m tiovnrnor Z F Moody . Secretary ofSute-R P Faibart. State Troiwuror-IM Illrat-h. 8npt of PuhUe lnsAtuotiou E li Bo troy. arcuit Judge (3rd t11t) t P B-Usa. Dial Alto.ney lrd die) W 11 iioUuo-s. corsTT. County Judge L Fllnn, County Comm. -John I)m S U VUy pool. Clerk C U Slow art. Sheriff tieorgtj Humphrey. Treasurer J H Pi ery. brhoul Supt P A Me. Surveyor 1 V S Rofd. Aaseasor-N C loz er. Coroner Dr E. L. lrvin CTTT. Mayor-J, L mil. Reortler N J lleutoti. M ushai-1 C IHekey. Treasurer S Seltenbarh. WsUa thct mr.i St. John! IitwliW. No. 0i. iu Fuslor B.ock, 2nd .-:uriUy ot ui nih. Corinthian Lodge, No. 17, eauir place, lat and 3rd Saturday of each month. Bay icy Chapter, No. S. 4th SaturvHyii at same place. Albany Lodtro, T. O. O. K., Wt dneeday evenings at Odd Fe:lo Hall. Orgeana KneampraeJit meats every Sid and 4th rriday ot tat:: luiitii WUhunette, Ns 5. A. O. U. W., Monday f . . . ' f ii - ' a I evenings reninjratu. r. nan. t Safety Ldgo, A- O. U. W lot ads y entn-s, in 1'oter.toiM HatL Knishtsof Pytbtaa, Thursday votiiug at O. k Hall. Chosen FtlentU, at U. 1. llxil, 1st and 3rd Fridays of ea;li luuuth. Ancient order of Tr.itvdTmplarsl K. Hal!, 1st ami 8fd Taeady ( aach WVUSMt a 1 IB t Follatruaa are the DemcxuIvt Ju!y an tbor-jaed sgauts to raoaive sabacrtitt if be j mastry lor the same : Imbanon ,.T L Wallsra Harnabarg 9M May Browns viUe O. r. Cmimm Halaey T. i I'orUr e'hedeVs Jt, A. Vatts Soio W.KTielly Jeiferson 1 A UeVaney SHILOH'i CURE WILL immUU'cly relieve C?oup, Whoop; tig tuuj;U and Bronebitia. for Uk - ; i - Bd lu for postage, and wc aui mail rr , S rai to - Dux of scruple roeahrtbat will pat fp u. tuc Ssi " .! i:f mar" money in s few t J tbau jroa &rit rhought pfjoible at any mswaMs. .itat Ml rtqturwi. We win start SSSA Yvuoui work ail tc tims is ;ar time ordy. The wortt ii uiversfy ad.std ! both sexes, young snd obi. Yen o easW ,u U 60 cents h Sj every svenlug. Tlat sit vlo wsta ork may test the bwaassVSs make ihtsestparapUsl edoSer; to all who am not U sal",S wiU send fl to pay for the trouble f mii?if bs. KoII articnlarn, diroetinos, etc, Bbutfrae, KortOSM wtll be made by too who .ve t'isir ble Ut.iVths work Great success abtnc:y ' ., datey. Start now. AtMesss BwaSSSJ A U ., l'oraji4,iUi.s. , , $66 a week at Some, f"! oiftSt fe. far abso lotcly sure, lio mk, touit.l taivi.rd r. you want bunmrM si vnfeii persotrr ii ber e.. , woung or old, satt nsake groat pas all U. sasthsr work, with absolute ccrtaititv, write f srtjeoiarsto JJ. Uaujett and On.. Portland, Ksine ; TSSi dint wv DR, UEBJC HI......... 0C kUmvj t., Sr Fit tSnro Cal) rv """"" tt Coi.iluctod by i;:ja!:flt l'; -I ;in CD ai.d hu i't . c -re'pLSsr ta-matei. g iue Uiuest wtf..a.W) in the I'nded blatcit, lifelong ejNrrlence, Irf 1 ei wietliod sad ( .ire 1 Otrbic, nteurt xt.i.y aixl pennanent cifrea of sll Private, Chnr.11. snd Nervt,u. DiseaMS Affections of the iiJoO. bhin, hidnev, Bfsdder, Knipnons, fleers, OW 8ore, aVsltiii of the Olads, 8rc Mouth, Throat IfciiS, Psii.,peruianetty cured ami ersdf- cated from the .yktcm tor life. KfcKtlOlb DsbtUlv, DiipoU'ticy Bcmiriat ijsses, heaual f)e .av, Seil tat and M.y.Wal Wcskucsp, r sdUig .'i:jij, i''i.J: i.'1, blunted De veto rneot.lmped'jrictit toMsiriasa c le. , f issti eawsss or ;oi.;biu. . iUic-s, mt sny cause, peeoil v, bifc'y and Iriaielv cured. 2S sss(. 3SliIdJe.4g-f aiui Old mtf men, and all ho need medical skill m anl expasieiwe, consult the old 2j European L'bysieian at once. His opinion cmts iiotbmr; and rose save fuluis misery aini .hsme. When inc .i.vunivut to visit tho city far treat met, euMeir. e be scut svarybtre-by .t,.... ,., ol,w.r.4l. :. it ! sclf-.'ideiil thlt a phy.U.i oo gives his bo!e sttentbwi ton class of dhiesess attains treat ikiii, and pbyicia.ui tl.ioii.'h oat the country kuoirg tbu, frejnjiitly recrTramend difflcult cases to the oldest KpedsMst, by s hotasvary known rxl remedy is Med. The Doctor' sgo snu exfierience make his opinion of nupretne tnrportsuce. ASTrbose who can eset.o one Oui. t p exox. U;ii imitation, frae aud sacrcly con&dsliliaT. C which have failed in ohuhifitsr relief elsswhemnspec islly solicited. Female dtacx.osEutahitilly treated. The Doctor will forfait $1,000 for s re o dertaken, not cured, Oall or write.. Hours, daily, from p. rn., e too evening- ; Kunduy, iu to tiooly. Send for the Sanltarirt Guide Of Healtb, asntOve. Address as shove iiaau'd Weaaerfsd Cenaaai In visor lor Permanently prevents all Unnatural Losses from the systeas, tones the nerves, strengthens tho muscles, checks the waste', Invigorates the whole system, and restores the affiicted to Health no Hspoiness. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal JVeakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owinv to a com ..lination ealisd ProsUtorrhua with llyperastbtsia. which requires peculiar treatment. tr. Liebiij's In- 1 visorator is the only positive curs for i'.ottat'rrTica,' with peculiar special treatment, used at the Liem rraT larlaerater, ?sso of six bottles flO. Sent to any address, covered securely frotu, os: serratton. Most powerful eiecUic belts free to patients. Ta orore Oie wonderful poWcr of the Invi-orator. a tk-i Ratal ti l vs. r heat I'rcc. l-' ;y? Consultation free aud jri ate. Call or address UBBI6 DiaKKXS.tKY,. m-U 400 Geary Street, San WtMiioo, Cat. Private entrance, 406 Mason Street, four biks up Geary Street from Kearney, Ma;n entrance tfciojfU Dispensary Drug Stort. Afimiiiistrator's Notice. Notice is -hereby civen that the under signed has ben duly appointed adminis trator of tho estate of W Q SLewart, de ceased, by the County Court, of inn county, Oregon. ATI persons naving claims agatnst said estate aro Hereby noti fied and required to present the same properly verified to the undersigned at his residence in Albany within six mouths nsreor. m 1 M SA4UM I tc WliatHeeeartrCrWl What i una VJUfir fevers. Tts WwrW. WTst lhW (rt hi..l ery bjr, turns. 11,1 - What t-nrsm Ui tr c4i VUI tbr w rins. - - HHP1 ' (,nl.t!v rtirt roMltlnalB Hour BnttwA, UM. bttfvtK. Farswf Castor rtr,a. PILLS t I OKPlU BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. , From Umnm sours oa uxL tun'c luurtns or the ill-used o the httman raeo. - 'sswtstfnnf AfrsaiUet Dowel costive, 0tar ft.l.r. ftinuesns anas eatUssr. satt tiwthsfsf hwsw sr aatsWL l&raetatloa Irritability or temper, mw A reaitsss rtnaratthe Ilrart. lots befSretna eye ore d Vrtnr, o r I U'A. i IV ' raitnd tho mso of n reassflyVBsj . itfithn I.Ivit. A taUvui Ui' ii'-U ll l.IJs liavn no e u;it. i neir aenon on uio ' I . In rsand h kin is also urotuut ; ruroovlutf fill tuiitUCilKs UrvKfi tUv'Sotlirfesev g-rs ot ins nass)" jnuuoouaj piw ur . bodv. Tti'fl"a sf 1 : -v Tt.. tiiurta or strip! tur nor iuteaws v, till (tuiy work iiU'i ar) urn-re-d TflTTS HAIR DYE. r,iT Ht on M'lasarts oli&naeu In r.u.nt!y tuaUUMsr r.uftf t.Vaslngb ap .!ira of this imi, Soto by JOruaslsUt, it sent byexprrsson iwtptof el. Office, 44 MtirnryStrsstt, Saw Yortr. ,yn t MANUAL Or USEFUL RCCE1PTS f PEL " ' 'it 1884. I sjs nmm . Harpers Bazur. ' WJ lhrrt M"1 sssas.'.. If ...... 1. .M T. fi -.f f v MatiAt II is llsa a.- I - r , koa-MgisA irit r af f..),wa in Us qsuf U7. lis is i4t-s an- ik aK m ai.j u.ti st)itsb . sra it, ,. , a , -tt, ,at.j um tbeeMt etssk, 1 - f I r -st?iis. Its Uisnsry saw) arUs is easnw tesSSehssi psSii its, pwrnw, t 'lsrsl')'a first Autqf kau ami Kunwsn authors. a. choice art tsVoarr souM (UI rtfiflw. and lu tumorous ehts si 1 the ta.ja sno.ln.- to be In ta sny journal in AinsrUs. A hast -A hriUinl no el Use sxopfSssiiKd f or 1 jSA ' t ilw 1 OTK sss w HARPER'S PERIODICALS. rrr Trar IIASI'KU'H I'AZtlt IIAKPKK .S wr.l.M.i. . IIAKI'KKs H Vi tZIXl - - -04 ess. ...... 1 4 as 1 sa HAJteaaa voi mikul UASi'tUM pkanKim aQ t'tltr MMtAUY, 0ts Vtarfl.' KaSbtoVS) . ii am THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CIIBE&S wfwlevt rasAMat -4PAA4a the bast . hips, h ttebs. asrvou. doauitr.iaa. mmuS.. Hnlian .0. TiT? SerSta'lr rss.jtfsTSsVsws WhrnthyiWtr of i.A0'ErfGllfTIC ABOCtniatAi, gTORTCR. is TO THE LADiESi-H ,ru uCI-tsA rtut ralatu. JhrVVvpS ita,U.'!ML. Krbss.tfa.tWvcretS SlfSSsaS ft, mfii'iil an' aa. ortas u- J, andsswlr BgsfJSSMtW toot , u . srsftfti TiatBo raWrarif f ifs OS 111 tM SOI carry a puwetf ul luagulio fwrvd to tbo for all form, of Vessalo DMSeatttss It to ansnr. unir iiefois tnrshtsd. Both as a earauve CO. I .and ears Bitos tion allowsd.or hr oirirc. In nrdsrwsr.srad sssssSJtsor ut tfus lu in I '.lanes can bssaadala retw:r. srnit ts UU r nt o'.r - waejBSBSMean ttkv u aoanrs u u worn ,?rr..h S.HSUAS7 ISS body Uba the aaaar OalraaU aaA talcan off at sight. Thar hotd their anrworn at all Seasons of thnveast Sjkn1 ifiirn for I tin "tin Tteroii'tnr f n MmMtml TnaL tnetWIUwtMs4sles."wltatAisiAsassllrtwji tux: MAONsTieer apyuahcx co sts state ml, cnicsuroT iiL ia.i : DR. ALLEN'S a tad -flHS!" D,rEXs ttT, CSi Kearny hlrrrl, hau nnt Isco, VmL. ssbusuad .ys jfU Scisariru. wesjt C,aa or wuaosic, hssvous axd Kpsoul DISSJSSS. gaaaws a j THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. ALLKH, AS IS WELL KNOWS, IS A BS Ulsr graduated Physjclan, sdueated at Qowdain College siidTJnlvirsity of Miefilgsn. He has deruted alrfotime to the study of the tretnient and surs of SlSSSSfs within his specialty. L And middle-aged won who ore suffering from the enters or yontimu inaiscrsuons or excesses in one turer years, nervous and uiivsiesl dehihty, impo . f . , . . . .' - Lencc. losL iiiannona mnmi fin or iia.. tmtiit A l u ami aversion to society,- despondency, pimples on Wis Uec, loss of energy and memory, frequency of urinat- injr, olc. ' ejoevsJaa asre Sar Iterhr inber the Doctor has a Vegetable Com pound, the result of many years special practice snd hard study, which under his special ad vice has never d of x access in the cure of Lo.t luauood.Drostslor ... . " ' W ' I AC" SSS VOSFITAl feXPKKIKMCE. f HavW'JbeeTi Hurperm fn charge of two leading nosmiair; enssyes sse to, treat alt private troubles with excellent results. I Wish It' distinctly under- rivate troub I stood that I do not etai m to perform unpossi bit ties, or to have miraculous or supernatural power. I claim only to be a skillful find successful PbysUfan & Surgeon, thoroughly iu tor mod in my spcciit DISEAfKS OF MAN. All applying tme will recti! ve ray honest opinion o: iheir cuiripUmts no experlmenttngr. I will guar aotee a poaitiv e cure in every case 1 nodertske, or forfeit fel.000 Consultation in effise or by letter free aad strictly private. Charges ritsgonotue, tboti examination, including chemical aril microsi analysis of urine and adviae, s:. O 5ce hours 9 to 3 daily, 6 to 8 evening. Sunday 0 to 12. Call on or address TUTjCS . ,: is. i . s,ntenlree Vsrtfriefty LsTUlT'l eb attvk eee a xe last .ltsjur. ea .r.ct. rarra aae viaasw rs.uas wSskSfas.s. aM sal thsaa Atoswaasef .aaayy sn! ntorm Ihrm Is a healthy ocltou. 7 -or. U bo mUt.-.ko about thia c. CO K - Isaio Usek, Wrubsrssof 'the Sslss, fslU rrwsssdby.ajmt -iTTSSSl stiff sss.aa PRIX) AT MARCH. 21, 1884 ii. Hysj IM mW 9mw Vfe A boy In No w York Stata baa mU lawed Uu wbiitle. Wo are very for the mmmk An amateur puoater say a be has teen a bouse fly we thought it wee eoly 1 be chimney flue. Teqae marriage notice; 4No card-, no cake, no flowers, no thanks, no re gret, nobody's" bmiuass" Why U a waaberwoman like navigator V Becaute she spreads ber beeta, creetea the line anJ goes from vw iv yvtv. It la s-Id that the reason why BU mark ohjuota to the American bog la that he doesn't propoee to hove ft rival white he lives. An exchange aays five petrified guilt egge bave been discovered In California, Scion tista deny that a petrified gutt can lay an egg. Thla was the very concise verdict of a coroner's Jury In Idaho: We find that ike deceased came to his death by ceiling Tom Watkloa a li ar. A souvenir of Moulrosl's carnival hi a model with a Oahada thistle on one side and a Canada goose on the other. The goose Is said to be t por trait "No, indoeel," aaiU l&re. i'arvenu, "no, I don't think she's a floe leek. log woman at all. She may have nice ejea, but. mercy me, she's got no physic." "laaae," says a Hsoever street merchant, "as ark up Overytiilug in the ttore 300 per cent. Here cornea State House clerk what wants trut." r " Toronto aaeo waited untu he was eighty-three years eld before be got married, lie waited until be was sure that If he dida't like It he wouldn't live long to repent. To will oDeervetbls, the devil nev er offer to go into partnership with Uly man, bill you will often tOO . . . a. ... s" mm as, v iiuuimi all the capital besides. Josh BUhog. A muuner in tewn netted a custom- 'luv nuuni uri KIUII tntnoood. Tbe latter said she dfdta'C t-nre trxjcb wbai freeou the uvulae, but sbe wanted sVJOMeess viaWsJees- atrifip.' Clara Luube Kellogjr esnf Bome Sveet House" (o lee ceuvieta to the Kssseea rtaoo, and H eo wotted upon their feelings that seven of Ueen es caped and struck out for tbe paren tal roof, tree the same eight A gyracuee veesaa baa been dreaming of aeelog a ben walk a teoee ; end now wbat bothers bet la. she can't remember whether it's a sign thai this Witter win be t mild one, or that Jbexe wJl be a death Id (fee family. At a happy couple were I ear log a Texas church the bride banded one of tbe ushers a njeoe o paper and whispered to him i "gee toe repor ters at one, give them this f ascrip tion of my drees, my tbe bride baw bared like a heroine and be sore and get pa's name spelled right." John," mid tbe batter dealer, "alwsysputo a couple ef sheets ef psper jphei tpo weigh. Customers w4U tataic you oet( and cleanly in your buHlneas. Tber totfp to have their batter stopped on tea scaie Umt, for all they know, hot never been washed. And besides. there' a good profli in buying paper at half a cent a pound and selling It for thirty, five or forty. Daring some recent festivities la Scotland, Count Herbert Yea Bis marck, while out shooting with tbe friuue 0 Wales, peppered 'is roll 'igbnoat ge urjth thut, dUn very email damage. 'Pbe trouhbi wlb tbesw4 great men when they go out to tfeoat Is that they load too heavily. Their guns r Ob, no ; not eaactiy. No, tbe guns are straight enough. aas or Tsiort-sir It is eaoserJiogly bad batbandry te barrow op the feelings of yonr wife. Tea whois system of radroasl travsl ing is aUdraasefi to peepis, bo, being in a hurry, are thereforo, for tba time being, miserable. No one would travel in thai maimer who could belp it. No tone with any sense of beauty, at least. wenld go through tunnels and between banks, who bad time to ge leisurely over bills and between hedges. Wbstber I be pis grandest genius en artb ia a single thing, ana) teat flaga thing earthy, or tbe poor peasant, who, behind bis plow, whistles for want of thought, I strongly suspect it will be all one when I pass te tbe Cotnpetiiire Jfixamioatioa yonder I On tbe other side of tbe grave a Raffaels oecupation saay be gone as well as a plowmen's. Mark this wail, ye proud men of ao tien ! Ye are, after all, nothing bpt unconscious instruments of the man of thought. 1" do not envy clergyman's life as an easy life, nor do I envy tee clergyman woo makes it an easy life. Happiness dotes on ber work, and is prodigal to her favorite. Aa ens dree of water hath an attraction for another, eo uu leuuititm run lute felicities. Pretenees go a great way with men that take fair words and msgistere looks for current payment. Intercession is tbe very safety valve J " -' can do nothing at all 4a return far aorae rernarkshly kindness and affaotlonjhow xoeedingl g'l we are thai wo nay And ean pray f The beggar is the only man In the unirejnptjsfce b not obliged to study appearances. , The hours we pass with neper pros pects in view are tnorn ph'Sting then these oro trued with fruit tion. In the first instance, we ooek the dish to our own appetite ; In the letter, nature cooks H for us. reiweee aboald be bis ewn pbyal-1 we ought to assist, and net to foree, nature ; but more etpeeielly we soul 4 learn to suffer, grow old snd die. Borne things are ssUtsrv, and others bartful. Kit with moderation what yon know by axperisnee agrees with yeur oonetitution. Nothing is good for the body but wlut we cap digest. What medicine eaa wroours digestion T Bseretse. What will recruit strength 1 Sleep. What will alleviate Incurable I say - ' ' l evils 7 Patisnos. The main strength and foros of a law consists in the peoalty annexed to it. Good taste rejects excessive nicety ; it i rests little ihnes ae little wMns, and is not hurt by tbero. Be at least as polite to father, moth er. ohtiJ. as to others : for tbev aro more important to you than any other. sate. i .. Caste weighs solr 1C0 poitnda. tie ts a utue renew, eaa Si. . 1 as a S though be never drinks, h has a big head. Miss Ers Msckfv, dauf bier of bonanza king, is st the head ef a soviet of too og ladies who go about doing what (fosxi thev ean ameng ike worthy and deserving poor of Parts. It ta a society thai baa abundant flusneis' basking. Wiser Hage, a wwll-w-i" frw-r of lbs town ofCbatitsshoo, in Wot eouofy, 6l, died at bis home last Pride. He was the twia-broiber of Russell Bags, tbe New York millionaire. Mr. Sage was a resident of Chauaaboa far ib last for ij rears, snd a-ss a thrifty tarm- I er and an uprigbi man. TW peswott us the suite of the Mar sjqis of LansdoWne who has made the atost dsotlaJ impretataa on the Cans diaos is Lard Aleiguod. His lordship ts about tbirtyeilre, handsome, and wears s goreOOs uniform. Tbe ew4 drvp sf "ittaru-uU in the cup of the ICene'ibtn be I lea as teat br is tuar id. yt r. O'-ofge ft Hieis, ttV Mfttla 1 Jtaa-iiab drsnisiist, bst, according to a totsagp oofreaposvdot, loag been a to sira to dyseepsia, Lt wbieb may be at trtbuled seme of bis bHrsvee eriiissssns fs work. "In fac be ssld lease wish refer suss to a rt,or ' lissgraaahls, aatj 1 thought onjsjst, a iiole welch be had written, 'It is net, I ynu.froe) ill-nature that I do thinga-it is my wratshed liver.' 1 Tbe stosseeh is mightier than the oon- er. Dr. Abliott wi ites in Sr.ienoe that be naea fuood a full-grown cniuaunk in tbe stomaeb oi a hullfrog - ia another of she sane species be found en eighteen inch garter snake was ig tbe act ef swallow ins; a mouse. The snake could not defend itself while it had a me see in its gullet, snd tbe frog took ad van -lege of the fact Of one will ind the story difficult to swallow, M. Cbevreull, the illustrious, French ob e mist aad director ef tee UoWeUoeJ manufactory, lately reaebed tbe age ..f nieety-etgbt, whea he was put on tbe retired hat. Ha would not stand sue rsaimaaJt, 10 oyer, and has hewn re stored te ate poeJtioe! fee old rgan fa snnatantiy a work, and si lows himself but ten minutes for each of bis two daily meals. His breakfast eon sis ts of a plate of meaty a single vegetable aad two glaeeee of water. Ha never drank a glaas of sries la bis life. His dinner ia almost as plain as bis breakfast. sir auwe aaslled rpjrr to alt applicants and te s wf last rkSSB rear wtthooi sswsria is. it cssfsssas luostrsuoos, pness, oeacriptions ana dirsctioo. for pUntinf all VsgetsWe eod Seeds, pisets, ssc ajsvssineimw I D.M. FERRY & CO." . mm S 1 4M THETGREa? r -4t G0NQUERQR.1 'nay o -1 - - r A SPECIFIC FOR W EPILEPSY, SPASMS, OWnfulSIWS, FALUN! SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHOHQLISM, U l i- iflUN UTINB, STPHILUS, soiofuli, mi in, UfiLY BLOOD OISI ASE8, OVSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SICK HUQaGHE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOO SORES, BILIOUSNESS, C0ST1VENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES. DMT 1.60 pe bottts, Sold by all dratglrte. -fjarj Correspoodence freclj roiwered by Pbystclsns. m Dr. S. A. fficiinonil m tojhMm. an. ?ajspS3L, Mo. (?d Tor tesMwirwilsU aad circulars seaA tains. BXeiXerOS a CO , Assets, Baa Fraaelscs. W,Ub :.twL ULLHl&T AID DRESS-MAKIHG. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. G. ()HN & BRO., 1VA CDflatT tT . . DflRTI AMD. Afl et4itpiain am fa noMtviift- 8ION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALER8 IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. ' - - PORTLAND -ntRIII N KSS Hi . K K. JW W111UWW w I M. K. Car. asm and Yamhill St.. , PORT LA If O. OftBCO?. A. r, AaMessoMu, I'rirMioal. ) A. Wi rssto, P.furwn and Secretary ir lifted far Um Bssibsh Idsrstum of BXh ?,xw. AdiniHW ass say week Asy of the year. -5f1PENW0RKrS- Oralltlnr i.tsd to orAer isessasrili raUs. hali.ta-ti.n aruarantsrd. fha (Oll.ra "luxrnal," rontalainar Infer itiss of the course el studv. ras of luiUoa. Inns to rt. ., snd esAses adate and wsumuUI lrn- p, Ir. u. MBIrhna . CiaUee Bat. a. la t Cares T.rti.rr, SSeaaSarr staae t'atus la the Uonw. Throat. Hii'hinik R-t. Lnssns, sir , stid sfl Alanuaa (r'xn lla .t'-m wSsthcr cauaa.1 bv bad SSwSUurt.l ,,T at, aw aj uwrrurj . Iravlny tit blood pare end twaUhs. I'rice, Si jr ldt... seer jehesa, C. O. D.. sscuraty parhsd per i c r suaisas a .. asi. in a I street, r..rnr nay, ssn, r Adminiatratrix Notice. Tot lee Is bevebv eiven that lae under- slsnseel ee keen duly syppotateU smI minis atria of Uie eataie i Ma enrv C. Hennass, late of Una eouoir. uresrori, fserssaaeo. All persons sartot elakna agsl t i state are Iserehj requirwd to uroaexa il suns wlfJi proper vouchers, wtlhiu six aaossUia of the data of this notlee, to the eedertgued at Hennees, I.lnn un'y. Orsjaba, VorooiUr lSth, !.. (iutvisn Uraxaas, m. tiaJsM an. Admr. Aujra. 1804. PRE8IDENTAL, COUNTY AND STATE ELECTION. rfet) MN W SN Sr.. fluajrlhe tor the DEMOCRAT the leading loesl paper of The Willamette Valley. COUNTY AND CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. :el' Complete in its Looal aa4 Ecjjtor- ial Departments. ' . at aae rftia . I0W 18 TIE TIMElTfl SUBSOfilSS. LessasSkM's SJelSeei ssass he. I Oerss Iflassorss Srsi and sbsusmI slssjss . Strrwi cs the leas and hod; . Hyj.hlltUc OshurhTdissaas.1 w miv snd all i rtsssrv hrsa a tsa Aasssas, Seusrn as Sf ssava Pries A en t-AUe. Has Itie Only exelwsHe sleek of CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WAR A Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice SSS w. tffw sj "" ' ' 4i !- ONE DOZEN CUPS SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. Sf WsTPv - , j . . t m -at as-amsiftf at jm i . ' TBK BItttflsVr.tlABKKTFrfiPAITJ 1 1 4 It EemeiDbii! What I Say 600DS AS LOW AS I P.OI'IUBTOltfi OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, ns t,f u - - - L Ssiemf sf 1-. i w -awi w?alkrs nr- Irnportod and Domestic Cigais, Candie Nita a A.lbfl.UJr'. I NK 1 rOB BKLrOlf AT TUB OU) STAND, T2 TIXT HTReeT, HAS aJBVUKTSffeffT 0 COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AJfD R.43i'GES, mast noun isj ua -ttlle . Ue t w rM TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE genuine: granite rnoN ware, A I J. aw vt' u li u siir iiLL'i't'hj iv. rn u ' wew e - , " - " ' is- av .j.. rtuui Ai PRiniy TSAT uKil 00MM5TITION, UAL AT 7 J Repair work done rtSsrlS ftOPH .k. raKsa ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & TARKES, asscseeaorM to C C. ( uerry.) lachiiisli, llilhiTightR, and Iroa 117 sCUAVKoUli NliW &IIui AM. T T ootupletod. ani! aro now riT.-.rt t handle a ! kinds of haw work. We will If ,irSSm laitgiuee, erisft and JJJ fay,sAiall jyads of rnn ATnawa siiM as svoct Irervra. Bpeda! attention give to rwanlring all klnda of mawasnery. Will J manufae gJJJjleVPFfi pbarry t White Gxain Shop Baker st-emee a Sesaswr Vera. A 1 ban j, Or., pee. 1, IKS. isi FROM THE SOUTH. nrwa isawstua wlik Iwe Selirat aeaauars-wki it oa. Tbstt. t, so pi.rtakc Kbyr. il," rcraarkad Dr M F Flowsrs, o GsJlsifS, Ifkeiifri, -pmSo. r,riw, Porwus Plarters are one U tbe SasliLiT oasWUi .r proUu.-wl. Tbi Ua,r tao kiuJaof au tan tans rrer all others, whK-h as msr call the tiSao aad ie B'ajor. rtS, they are cisai, sod risasani tu (Ssr, never soiliuf the band, nor the linen of ins wearer Second, they sra SywAskly. aa poaetkatf. Ibaie tried tbe i 'sfMae ruUi ou uu-: t i-r pn Linonia. ana on m paxients lor varl..rj diseases, sjeh as amrraJgia. MT-ntsr. rbeiMwai troultle. vtc . sud in all caai-. r LlaABs In iiiIsbmi Li.i,. trouble. ct , snd in all pases r. 1st 1.. f .11. ...J l frowi three to fortv-sirtn k urs " OrFlewer uiart lv voices the writUn or oral oiHbloa d th..uanda In his profteston. Benson', twtnt are in. MTiect sstcrwsJ . i ww oara lu c worn I ml i!l i the leutre. av mm wma sbury and Johasoo, Che mi. i , , York. ' ir . . .... The Great English Heme a never s:l;n tar. for as Debiiitr. SeaaiaJ Wudvueas. KvuaUiXad VI. ltty, apai uiatorHwaa, T SilUUSU, IBJ- , rsraij .IS, aiwl aS t fleets iS Self. Abuse, (uthfulfoltiesrsnd 1 aewsses meat arse j-ears-ucb as leea d Hciuo - baaaitudr, Kniission, Arer- ua to eoetesr. uauaas t iston, KoiLj iu Um Head; Umf VUal Moid i-ej uiup the urine, and manj nv other dii teadtrur to Insanity n I death. TO. MIMmmUsaVeeiB torlsit ft tve II jndrr.l Isallaia furs oase oi Lhu kind Ui ln.i at..i Urr (under hit snecial advice snd trratrfwmt wti' a,.t cure er far soy thins; t wears or uiiu ious 1 ouad s il. Dr. MliitU trsau all private diseases sUu.hsss.u wtthont tnemiry. OnsultaUoa tree. Th-uexarn tx ssslseUs sod ad.ios iocluduur, soalvsUol jrine.a. Pnoeof Vital Hestoratlve, SS a bottle. oxr tttnos the quantity 10, seat to aay sSArie eeoa rsoeipt of r'" o. .. v, is, iwuii uyiu ooervaun aim in nri- i.l. If JmInJ Ttl a n i imii.1 . . r j "iv a. o. .im in, n stress, San rVauoisoo, Cai. S 't on ay etter, nierio;i its srn CJ SW ss Dr. alintle'a Kldnav R.mjtv tt . ., .i I i sB kinds of kidney sad bladder eom piai ass, roaonSiua, CM, teoucUorrhosa. For sale by all druggists 1 a tie or six bottles for JU -a Ik. MiaUe S UandeUon Villa an tka baataiul akaan. sj Dytpeisis and Bilious cure in tbe market. Kor sms or sn SODA WATER, spXBBkAa WATBBS. aPAKMAIN WINKS ASH ai4 CASjao v ated Bsvaai as i APP ABATIS, AUTCfclAJA 4S 4 4 ESO SUBS FOB AM FACT I BIN IHS 'CVS, INti ana jIOTTLi t, WITH Fl Lt Catalogue 'sent updn application. 4 c The Firm or JOHN MATTHEWS, First Area ae,tUi aad STakStreea,Near Verk- l : For Sale. i One half block In eastern part of tbe elty with fair house and barn will be sold .jar t- a.xiis? psasuic uuoorpr uopoc aa wjwaweawsea, i Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sag " if m . tsfti .rfelsja s stefs AND SAUCERS SI. 00. tmtmm , j !'- e? 'I r I lean. Qira Is a Oill. ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- . & JOSEPH, Tobaxvoss Groceries, Pi o vision a aid Tropical Frurta on JOHK BiilGCS' ST0BF. a so Imports aaaal ifiiittn. ALBANY, ORBGirS. SSa as J IbbVbjsbI at reasonable figure. slwPsHaJB t ZV WliclrCsrl - l a ESTABLISHED IN 1853. ARMES eTOAUAIS, Manuraptnrers aad Importers ef Wooden & Wtttow Ware. Twiiisg, Brooms, Bni&lias, Basketi, Palls. Tabs. Chares. CorSasr, WrepaSa Bass, Balieies Pa ftjasHea. 4 lethes .Tf'BSira. acss swrearrrs, r ratacr I era, SfatloBc-ry. Ac 230 aad 233 Front Street, $Km t"RAircTgco, oil. smi. jtervotjs oebii. IfJlAPSJiNV. ffe. K. II. Was-.'a Ms&YS ixr Kasra 1 Headaoha. Nsrvoas Proetsssiesi rasasrd j U c uaa .t iitvwo.1 nr 'ouaccn, wsSeCs Mi ess, Ketisl IV a. Softoiiia of aanalr and leadlac to vrwi aa. sawebsam. a ii ..f r , ... i VI 1 . Swawwbajsea. Loss wf peace Cry T mess, seal bperaat- laafMhsr sea. Involuntary T nisis. sul Bpermat s er ereraatuswaee. Lach bex ooa tares oae jaori th s tre tenant 11 CP a baa. or art bexas 'nlef-cA U rer trjr saw. With sack aerksf sssas.wA aw aa far fix aoxas. seooasantaS with S&.0P, aa will sejpj tne porsaan r esw Itt rjoa uar mooter i a Sure, (i .iaraalsa wotiDAnn. ri.sasi'a aisa Orders by maP"!-:!! roeir oroeapt st!rPW. ALBANY IVILLUGiAiK INSTITUTE Al UAStT, OK. The Second Term ends Thnrg- For parOeaiars ooBoerntnf the caarata of 4ady and the poo? ot tuition, tfply VO BEY. BXBBBT W. CQSB1T. Preasaea I. ! - - a a .a I S t a , Aioany Bath House. U N D K RS 1 J J, 1) W0CLD RiSECT X fall i a form tbs oititsos of Albanj and ri Jin it j that I have t sken char jr o f this Establuh msnt.& keeping ethan re oat and psvia rtriet sttaatlen te hosineas, azpeese to sait al those ab may faro, na eifk'SbejK WrH???f? Bafiog bsrslolerseartjad oft SQVsiBf SST First.Glass Hair jJressina ftaiaQttS expsess to five satire tatisfeetioe to al maChUdiea and Ladies' Htir nestly oa shampooed JOS WBBBER. awl easBnsBjsBBjsssn os VAXD A8 FINE AH - A jOR. FELIX LE raUFg awassV of Utos disoasea of ASa&JSsvVsawrx Osaesm rwjoir bo caaae of ewt er sssbwmws, sssbsSB or poiaooeas weak coses w e ssjeWjessaJar. Wbn tsrea aa m BweiTeesSfee It sfler sv rt is Impeaaiklr towtsa4aasBWwaasjvasaVswaw im rasw a lac aa . inn f wassaawasB. anirtrS wflh Owaneskssa assf lessa. YTrrTe. .ele Fsesa. i tie tisaraax THE DISSEMINATOR. Pn Wis bed erery Saturday 1T Oda HssrriabHpa; Oregon, TRAIN-Editor a Proprietor. T.f, h .VI - A a an e V cneap.