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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santl am River, opposite Water loo Soda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postofflcc, Waterloo, Or. klKitt tvN kTh great 'strength- Wmmlmm mnmlv and nerve towels Uwrsgttimabsr- lot practical experience. laud curvs iw umiiuiiic lautKlntv Nervous DM limvskaT debility, rml- rnoea, p r o uiwmvi, i MlalnM n 111 II o tfilll'V. Ehausted vitality, pra .tur decline and low of m5hoooT?T!TarSivns oue produced. It enrich. and punBes the Mood tivnjrthciw tho nerves, brain, muetea. IWMM nroducUv drgn and physical and mental faeulUee lt .top tnv unnatural, dobilitaUng drain upon th system, HfiSl involuntary tosse. MMm dream. seminal losses with the urtn, etc., so de structive to mind and body. It is a aura eliminator of all kidney and bladder complaints. It contains no Injurious Ingrvdlent. To thoee eulrenn J from the evil efficU A youthful i ndlcriio a ssady , Uor ig h and cure is Ol'AKANThfcU. 1 a 60 per bottle, or five bottle In case, with fuU di rections and advice, 10. Seat secure from IMV Sou to any add rets upon receipt of price, or Q, O. D., be had only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, sis knrurv St.. aa Fradciaco, Cat. Consultation strictly tonftdenUat by letter or at - . t m. . . a I snV-e FKKr . rer tie canvenionc iiicuw ami in ardor to huruiv pc feet eecreoy 1 hero addoptad a pri vate actress under which all package are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Snffi.-imit to h, iU merits, will be sent to any one tag by letter, stating his imptms ana age. uumcatn:s strictly counuvnuai. Dr. SPINNEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treat all tkronlc aad Special D YOXJIVCa- MEN rrraaui stmr unnnc no nt vnltthful tolllM Of huial rtt)l WUl do well to avail themselves of this, thagraalsst boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. 8PINNEY will ruxnu to forfeit taootac every oass lUilimlii wiiktiisi or private disease of any kind or earacter which be undertake sad tailf to sure. n IDDLE-A ED MBS. There are many at the age of thirty -livedo sixty who . . . . . . .u .L.-. k. Kl.t. often accompaniou oy a sugu aU and a weakening oa u m loliont ruuuit UCDUUi for. jm!u a mm iiillni.nt win oftan ha i I .ll hUm rf alhuman will aooaar. -r the color will re of a thin milkiah hoe, again chang lag to a dark and Unrpid appearance. There are many man who die of ihi difficulty ignorant of the eaass, trhieh i the second stage of ssmimd we guess Da. 8. wtt guarantee a perfect cur in ail such cases, aad healthy restoration of the geni to-urinary organs. Oma Hocas 10 to 4 aad 6 to 8. Sunday from 10 toll a. m. CoostL'tation free. Thorough exmlnslsar fid advice, For private dteasses of short standing a full eoorss medicin e sufficient for a cure, with ail intlitntlaas, will be mt to any sddrest oo receipt of $10 00. OaU aw -ddrees, ... . JU. DR ftPIXVET et CO., 71 Ko. 11 Kearay Si. Saa Francisco, Gal To the Unfortunate! DE GIBBON'S Dispensary. '.)q KBAmmr sr., l)4u cornw o Cocssar cisl Street, Saa Francisco. IEstehnshod in UM, for the treaWnent of Sexual aad Seminal Diseases, sac as Cemerrfcca. Clert. ' St r!rtr, a Ilia in al iu forms, laapaleaay iia.i Wnt .Hi. tkLrht kitses bv dreams, pirn las on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and afflicted aaould no fail to call upon him. The Doctor has travel extensively In Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various aaspt tsJs there, obtaining a great deal of valuable intonta Uon, which he iscconpetent to impart to those in need of his sen ices. DR. GIBBON wtU make no charge nlsss he'effeet a cure, rwrsons at a distance- MAT BE CI KKD AT MM. All cot iminicatioo strte tl v on ndentiU. You see no one bu . the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons Writing to the Doctor wiU please state the nam of th paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address Dtt. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1957, San Francisco. t15b43 RUSSELL & COS PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM " SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At First Hands. T HIS WELL KXOWX HOUSE HAVE OPENED a Branch Office ami Kunnlv Hmim al rvr and Taylor Stroeu, Portland. Or., where they will carry ' stock Portable and Stationary Saw Mill, Portahla Ti action and Stationary engines sad boilers. ''Xew MawilW thresher, bone powers, etc., et. write for illustrated catalogue sent free address ( tuni ng this paper.) KlABELL at Co., Portland, Oregon. Summons. the Circuit Court of the State of Oreyon or the County of . Linn : M E Nichols, Plaintiff, J vs, L B Nichols, Defendan To L B Nichols, ilie above named Deendant, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiftnow on file with the Olerk of the above entitled Court on or b-e fore the first day of tbe next term of said Court, to wit : Monday, 10th day of If arch, 1S84. and you are hereby notified that if yon fail to appear and answer said complaint tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the reiiei demanded therein, to-wit : a de cree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant, awarding to plaintiff tbe care, custody and aentrol of tbe children, Linn Nichols and Frank Nichols and for the costs and dis- bnrsments of this suit to be taxed. This summons is published by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oreson for Linn county, made and entered of record at the regular October term, 1883 thereof. Weth2bfoed & Blackcbn. Attorney's for Plaintiff. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in the U. S. Patent Office attenieJed to for moderate fees. Our office is opposite the U. H. Patent Office, and wn oouun I'atests in less time than those remote t.'OIB Waflhtn!7-trn Send mdle or drawing. We advise as to patent uuut.o-ws ot euarjfe ; ana we make no charge unless wa nhbti n n,lnt We refer V, or. . tv,a Irn i'' . .1 o . Money Order Div. and U officials of the U. 8. Patent . ff' Frr Mr:ular sdvice, terms, and references ,.wrcuu! iu j our own state or county, ddress Ce A. 8MOW&CO OWOfiteJ Patent Office, Washington, D; . OThe Buy EEs' Gutdb is is sued March andSept each year: 216 pages, 8JxllJ inches, with over 3,300 Li lustrations a whole pic- ture gallery. Gives whole sale prices direct to consumer t on all goods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gi-es exact cost of every tliing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fan with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the mat i;ets of tJie world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 centH. Let us hear from you. Kespectrally, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO SS? Si 8S9 Ws&oah A venae, Chicago, m. Sfeuouhhu'tise found I i I for Infants and Cantorlapromotcs litrvst ion ami ovvtvuiitt'ti tlutuloiay, t uUut t ion. Sour titonmclt, Diarrluva, nml FeYerislmess. It inmiros health aud mitural slix'p, witlKnit morthino. " Cnatorln Is so well (ulaptixl to Children that I rvcommeud It s sutxTior to any ir m.'ri)Uun knuwu vu iw." 1L A. ARtmicu, M. D., SJ rortlund Aw., Brooklyn, N. Y. CENTAUR LINIMENT an tisni. Sprains, Burns, i ia lis, A v. trutitig Pain-relieving mid lloalin Sheriff's Sale. the Circmit Court of the Stat? of Ortyon for the County of Liu i A J WsrrsQ, I'lalutlff. J W Swank and Martha Swank, hta wile, W H Swank aud M E A Nwank, hia wife, Susan D Keeney and J H Keeney, tier husbacd, M Sanders aud Juaeph San ders, her husband, K J Watkins and Lee Watktua, har husband. Jesephlie JeUer son, Mary Ann Jefferson and Nancy K Keeaey, Dafendauta. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION and order of sale Issued out of the a Dove named Court in the aboe entitled suit to roe dl reoted and delivered, I will on Monday the 14th dsy of January. I&H I, at the Court House door, iu the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour af one o'clock, p. uiM sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real property, described iu said execution aud order of sale aa fellows, to-wit : The donation land claim of Harmon Swauk and MAE Swank, being Notification No 31SS and claims Nos. 38 and 3U, in Tp. IS SR2 and 3 west aud containing (HO acres t alao ISO 23100 acres commencing at the northeast corner of the donation land claim of N D Jack, it being Notification No. 219 and claim No 40 in Tp 13. 9 R, 3 west, and running thence south 41 61-100 chains ; tbenco west 31 30-100 chains ; thence north 41 61-100 chains ; thence eaat SI 30-100 chains to the place of beginning, and alse 183 60-100 acres, being lota No. one (1) and two (2) in the nertbesat quar tar of section thirty (30) in Tp. 13, S K, 1 west, all of said land being west of the Willamette meridian in the county of Linn and State of Oregon and containing in the aggregate 953 83-100 acres mere or less : tLe proceeds arising from said sale to be applied as follows, to wit : First to the payment ox tne coats ami disbursements of said suit, taxed at ft 18.41 and the cost and expenses of sale. Second to the pay ment to tne sata riainiur tne u in or 9700 and interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from January 2nd. 1883. Third to the payment to the said Plaiutifr the earn of t7,569.2, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 25tn day or October, 183, and tne overplus if any to be paid to the defend ants, J W Swank. W II Stvank, Susan D Keener, Nancy K Koeney.fc, J WsJkius, M E Sanutrs, Josephine Jeflerson and Nancy Ann Jenerson. sa'd real property being sold subject to the curtesy of life estate of Andrew Gross. Dated this 30th day of November, 1883. Ijso. II cairn nay. Sheriff of Linn Co., Or. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court oftht State of Oregon for the County of Linn : Lewis Cox, Plaintiff. VK. Oslander Parrish and Pbebe J Parrlsh. his wife, and Otto Fox, Defendants. BY VIRTUE OF AN KXECUTION and order of sale issued out ef the shore named Court in the above entitled suit to use directed and delivered, I will on Saturday the 12th day of January, 1884, at tbe Court Houe door in tbe city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, sell a: public auction for cash in hand to the limnest bidder tbe real property described in said order of sale aa follows, to.wit: liefftn- ning at the northeast corner ef Heibbon Parrish, donation land claim, Noutimiion No. 1183 and claims 44 and 57 in Tp. 11, south of rango 2 and 3 wet, and running ibence wei 2Ti cbainsand 13 links ; thetice south 42 chains and CO links to the south boundary of aaid Not. 1183 ; thence east 23 chains and 13 links to the southeast corner of aaid Not. 1183: thence north 42 chains and 'M links to the place of beginning, containing 100 34-100 acres more or less, situated in Linn county, Oregon, the pro ceeds arising from the sale or tbe first above described tract of land to be applied as fellows, to-wit : First to the payment of tbe costs and disbursements of suit taxed at $50.80 and seeming costs Hecond to the payment ot the sum of 1175 adjudg ed to Flainiff as an Attorney's fee. 1 bird to the payment to tbe Plaintiff the sum of f 1843.16 and interest thereon from tbe U3rd day of October, 1883, at tbe rate of one per cent per mnui ana tne overplus tr an v to be paid to the Defendant, Otto Fox, and the proceeds arising from tbe sale of tbe seeend above described tract of land to be applied to tbe payment of the sum lound to be dne to tbe defendant, otto Fox. amounting to $1812.50. Dated this 30th day of November, 1883. Gko. Humphrey, Sheriff of Linn county. Or. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Linn County : D F Wagner, Plaintiff. vs. ES Withers and Mai tad i Wither?, De fondants. ll Y VIBTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued out of the J3 aud order of sale a oove named Court in tbe above entitled tuittome directed and delivered, I will on Saturday tbe 12th day or January, 1881 at the Court House door iu tbe city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., sell at public auction for cash in band to tbo highest bidder tbe real property described iu aaid execution and order of sale as follows, to-wit : Homestead entry No.4356 forS W X, of N W 4,N W 14 of 8 E 14, and N 14 of W of Sec.7, Tp. 10, 8 K 2 east, Will, meridian, Linn county, Oregon, containing 100.03 acres, tbe proceeds of sale to be applied nrat to the payment of tbe costs and di- bursments of suit. Taxed at $59.25 and accruing costs. Second to tbe payment to tbe said Plaintiff tbe sum of $1108 30 and interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from tbe 23rd 'day of October, 1883 and tbe further sum of $ too. Dated this 30th day of November, 1883. UKO. HUMPHREY, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. Farm to Rent. A stock and wheat farm of 2300 aerea lying in Polk and Benton counties four miles west of Souver. Splendid stock ranch. 309 acres of farm land. For particulars inquire of Weatborford and Blackburn, at Albany. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A LB AM V, OR. Thfl Second Term ends on Thurs day, January 31, 1883. For particulars concerning; the courses of study and in price 01 tuition, apply to KEY. ELBEKT X. COMD1T, President. f Tr" U TC wanted for The Lives of all the Mb rilV President of the U. 8. The largest o mest, beet book ever sold for less than twice rice. The fastest selling: book in America, nee profits to agents. AU intelligent people it. Any on can become a successful agent, s ellALLE tt Book Co., Portland, Maine. A PRIZE Send six con's for postage, and reeeire free, a cost I v box of ennd which will help jou to earn more money than any thing else in this world. All of either sex. anMuwrl from first hoar. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once ad dress, Tkub & Co, Augusta, Maine. Children. Wlint irlvt's our Children rosy ohookt. What tuiva Uit'ir fevers, iuuLom Uiem sho n I "lis stttttln. Vhrn htihlos fret and cry by turns, What cures their colic, kills' Uielr worms. Hut Cswturliu Wltat quickly cnivs CitnsUnatlon, tiour Hlouiucn, C ohln, hulUfostion, lint Csmtorlis. Farewell then to Minllun Syrups, Castor Oil aud l'reirut1c, am hi 1111 1 nstorhtl absolute cure for lthcuiua- Tlto most Poworftil and Peno- Heaiedy known to nmn. 1884s Harper's Bazar. "Harper's llmr ' Isst nnceth most brilliant and useful Household Journal lu existence. It U Um ts kinledd arbiter of fashion in Utt country, lu fahion (Uatea are the nwet aud moat stylish ; and lit pa turn nhrct RUppKiiiruli and rvoiiomU- siitf: Hons alone are worth many Um the east of sub. cnpiwn. iu iiiuuraiioiui or art aeedieworS are from the beet source. Its literary nd srtia u miiu are of the hlbet order, lu atorle, pose, sad says are by Um Srst American and European authors. IU choice art pictures would fill portfolio, sad lu humorous cuts ate th moet amusing to be found In any Journal in America. A boat t brilliant aavelUss are rouiied for IWt. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Frr Year ' IIAKI'KUH BAZJtK ... iUKi'KK'rf WEKKl.V H I.PKK s MACAZINE HARPER'S YOl'NH I'EOI'LK HARPER'S FRANEIN (Mt'ARK U 00 es . ee 1 tO I LIBRARY. I on year (bz Nuniln i) Pottage free to all eubserihet in the dated State or Canada. The volumes of th "Bassr" begin with If umber tor January of each year. Wtm ae Uses Is sssmiowsd, It U1 be uadarstood that the iuUciI bcr wlabss to eommaiKW with the Number Mil afur th recvlt of order. The last tour Annual Volume of "Harper's In nrat cleth blndtmr. will b ssaS bv mail mat g paid, or by . -1 ti fr , c of rtponw (pre tided the f rtht docs nt sieved on. dollar per velum,) 7 per volume. Clean ea lor sack vaiuaw, soluble uf blndiaar. wui be sent hy mail, ipaid, oa rvoalpt of 91 Ketu.cun.-c. should be made by foM eBe ateshO I uruer or pran, U areid rhanea loss. .Nt.,..(.rc are not to cpy UU w.tW.i t express ordsr of Harper Aaoreas HARPER BROTHERS, Ksw York for Ihm work. tag esass Send lo certU Bar! PMSja 'u ae win mail free, a ruy.l valuabU bos '' tempie r.MMU tnal will nut vou In lb .J b. f "" tnittej in a few day than you ever thought p-lble at any buainew. capital at rroulrvd. W iu lun tou. rou can work all the lime or im .1 t . . f. a . a ' - "" "'. i no wora it uaivaraal Ln dou saxas. young and You ean aaatl ittnir, oo trenu to ai every vanln;. That rJl who want ' may t ta timlnaaa aa mk. tKl. .Mfuiu. eu -3r ; lo all lio are not well aat.eSad we will mm si to pay lot the troabU of wrtUaar as. rail wrou vi u. pay lot the trouble of wr irirtlcuUr,, direatinne, ate.. eat tr. be made by tboae) who rive their whe work, uraat SMeaas abiouiy tuie i. rortuiMW wtU rttio llmi'l ' ' owhioj nima oz to iumni ium DR, LIEBIC Ot pea wiry. Car. Crary ana MsMB au.. Maa iraarlara. Bat fTUlE COLLRUR INT8JTCTR FOB X tbe cure of all special I Healed and so called locurabl cbrobk diaeases. Br Llrteta's srrasa iaicrair is poav ill suarsalted torat narveus sou pb) steal deaillty, as weak nee , lt of manhood. bisiortbe. loss af nrfy, rfasjasg sou ausoaas ta ta aaad, uielan 1 1 aaa, BAfaaaei i-itn;, pr.u 'ffh.a. aad ail Um rasoNs af yoath- fui iniprudaod and siesssii of mature years. Th doctor, a roru lar eolleK physician fma Europe will agree to forfait oo thtiasanil dollar for a ouo the lorijoraior well not cur under special teatassnt and advice. 1 b rearoa so tusny can sot gat cured ef weak nese and the bove ti o. . r. u owine to a cocaplleatlon. called FreaUtorrKca, which iqulraa pe.-ullar treatment. B)r. Llrba'a lavtcorator So. S U the oolr poeltle cure far Froa utorrhea, Frica of aithar lntigo rator, SJ per boiU ; aix tor $t0. Sent to any address oa reoeipt of I'-.. -...all. I- h .., price, or C O D. curcl. Htncteet so r y malnlainod. FaUaBU cured at home. Dr. Liehig Dispensary has an ele- jfant JrUif etore In IU building i oo frequent evacuation .4 the bi idder aad ropy Sediment In urine are ymptoais of secondary asSM nal weakne and proautorrhea. Complain U readily yield lo the Dr. lieblg treatment. Oralaarr t'aaea Any recent case t sneHal or private dlaeasai cured fur 10. RmIUe enfSelant Ui f-ure will be i.romirtly sent, with full direction and advke, on receipt of 910. All package ars securely covered from observation. iBf-ffforator Sample Free To prove the wonderful power of th OreatOeruasa larhrorator a F2 bottle of cither number will be seat free of charge. Persons ordering a free botUa aiO only have to iy epreag on delivery. iM.werfuI electric beiu (re to nalUnks. Oaa suiution, examination and advics free and privaU. uau or write. Dr. LI KB IE et Ca).. see Crary at., rri vale Eatraare. 405 Maaaa SI., IF U ftee a week at bom, to on Utt free. 9vD lutely sure. Ko risk. Capital Par abao- requlred Header, if you want bnsine at which naraons of either ex. young or old, aan make groat pay ail th time they work, with absolute certainty, writs far particulars to li. U ALLOT and Co.. Portland, Mains. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday 4T- Harriebarc Orrgon, S. T it A. I TT Editor k Propriator. DR. ALLEN'S I'BIVATE DISI'EVHIRT, 2Si Heart Street, Sam Franctsea, Oal. EhTAriLisiiBD roa tub SciMTino and arsssr Ofaa or Cnsosic, Msavovs ao flractst Disbas THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. ALLKK, AS IS WELL KNOWN, ular graduated Physician, educated College snd Usi vsrsity of Michigan. Ha a lifetime te tbe study of the tretment and diseases within hut specialty. And middle. aged men. who nre suffering from effects of youthful indiscretions sr excesses in the turer years, nervous and nbysical debility, Impo- vent-e, ioi mannooa, contusion of ideas, dull eye aversion to society, despondency, pimples on tbs face, loss af energy and memory, frequency ef urinat ing, etc. Remember, that by a combination at remedies of great curative power, the Doctor has to arranged his treatment that it will not ouly afford immediate lelief but permanent cure. MY HOSPITAL KXTEKIENCS. Having been surgeon in charre of two leading troubles hospitals) enables me to treat all private with excellent results. I wish it distinctly under. stood that I de not claim to perform impossibilties, or to have miraculous or supernatural nower. 1 claim only to be a skillful and successful Physician aflS burgeon, thoroughly informed in my specialty DISEASES OF MAE. AU applying to me will receive my honest opiulaa oi ineir cempiainte no experimenting. I will tru antee a positive cure in every ess I nndertake, or forfeit 91 000 Cossuitetion in office or by letter fraa and strictly private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examinatlos, including chemical and microscopical analysis of urine and advice, 85. Call or address DR. ALLEN, 26 Kearney street, San Francisco, 9 to S daily, 7 to 8 evening. CaL Office hours dames Russell Lowell will gire no more autographs. His patience is worn out IS A Ul at Bowstt has devoMl cur if FRIDAY JANUARY 11, 1884 OUR CHESS COLUMN. AtUresa all Mmmuntoationi for this department t P. O. box 91, Indepen dence, Or. With this weeks issue, we begin the Democrat's fifth problem tourney. Tbe tourney will consist of eight three move problems. First prise, Msrasehe's Manuel of Obese ; second prise, 100 chess dia grams. Two weeks will be allowed for solution!. In case of tie the obese editor o decide. Neatness end analyt ical thoroughness of solutions will be taken inte consideration. TORE IT PROBLEM NO. 6. Mete in three moves. Problem No. t, key more ; B to Q B 8. Solved by King's Bishop, T. C T J. A. B., end k. Binding. Tbe prise winners in the Democrat's late problstn tourney were : King's Bishop, 1st prise ; Dr. J. E. Kirkpet- rick, 2nd prise Clifton Kirkpetriok, 4m1 nriu . ! R.mmV AiU t.riva , v, -mwm ,' I J he loHowmg brilliant fame was played between played between Pen! lforpby snd N. Marascbo, suthor ol (IM ersscbo's Man ua) of Chess.'' White N. M. Black P M. P to K 1 P to K 4 KKttoBS g Kt to B 3 B te B 4 B to B 4 P to g K t 4 BiP P to g B 3 BtoRi P tog 4 PsP Pu K 5 P to g 4 Px P en pass QiP Oasttee K Kt to K 2 Kt to Kt 5 Gestles B to Q 3 B to K B 4 B z B KlzB B to K 3 g to K Kt 8 B z R g e Kt B to R 3 PxP B to B 1 g to Kt 3 B to B 4 it tog 1 , QtoBS g Kt to g 5 Qto K 4 K Kt to K t 6 QxQ g Kt mates. Suspect ueo sod wonsn who affect great softoeee of manner, aa unruffled evenness of temper, and an eminent ion studied, slow and delineate. Loving souls are very similar to pao pera. They live upon what is given to tbem. It is easy to flatter. It is harder to pralss. Nothing is so atrocious as to fancy ithoot taste. It is praise enough for a busy politi cian that he knows bow to use the the ories of otberr. Who would strive with one that en treated him kindly t Mere concealment is in most cases a mischief. Weakness is more opposed to virtue then vice is. Tbe mind of tbe scholar , if you would hsve it Urge and liberal, should come in contact with other minds. It is better that bis armor should be some what bruised by rude encounters even, than hang forever rusting on the wall. Truth is a torch, but one of enor mous sue ; so that we slink pest it in rstder a b!tnkin fai bion for fear it should burn us. The effective strength of sects is not to be ascertained merely by counting heads. If in an aa toe racy the people be vir tuous, tbey will eniov very nearly tbo same happiness aa in a popular govern ment, and tbe state will become power ful. The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head than tbe most superficial declamation as a feather and a guinea fall vitb equal velocity in a vacuum. There muse be something beyond man in this world. Even on attaining his highest possibilities, be is like bird beating against his esse. There is something beyond, O deathless soul like a sea-shell, moaning for the ocean to whiob you belong. The brave makes danger opportunity the waverer, paltering with the Chance sublime, dwarfs it to peril. " Tbe first bread is supposed to have been made by the Swiss lake-dwellers at a period to which no date can be assigned, ailhoug h it may have quite closely approached historic times Specimens of the bread, which waa baked between two red-hot stones, have been found In the farm of little circular cakes, four or At a inches In diameter hy an inch and a qbsrte taick. Wheat and barley were the cereals used, but a cake mado from poppy seeds has been found among the ruins ef the lake dwellers. The grains were imperfectly ground, er crushed in atone mortars, and the the bread was unleavened. ntnoRoia, Bale for church fair oysier suppers Twice one Is Itew. The reaioo why man succeed who mind their business Is becauso there Is to little competition. "I'm down to nod rock' said r henpecked Pittsburg husband' an he wayed tbe cradle containing His hewling son and heir. I hope, sir, you will tnt proceed to extremities," said the lover at the gate as hi sweet heart's furl mi old pi came striding down the walk In a pair of winter busts. A New York man hat asked for a divorce because a mustache is sprout ing on hli wife lip. Of ooure it makes a wan mad to have ny mus tache en his wi e's Up but his own. When u wild Western oditer ad vises the girls not to chew gum, but to have a .little gnm-skun about them the art of punning reaches a point where It become useful im well as ornamental. A prudent man advigod UU drun ken servant te put by bis money fur a rsiuy day. In a fow week his mas ter Inquired how much of hi uhj h-' he had save J. "Faith, none at all," said he ; "it rained yturdsy, uud it all went." A friend ef Mr. Evarts asked him the ether day why ho maee such long sentences. "Why, good people like to have sentences made long," said Mr. varts."It's only tko crlmimi classes who clamor for short son teucoe." "DoeJ your mind never dwsll up on the awful certainty of death? asked the clergyman of Flattery. "Well, not very numerous,.' respon ded he ; lt's.the awful uncertainty of how to get a living that trouble me." is roa m a i. Tulips weie taken to Krgland in 1578. Austria was conquered by Cuarle magne in 796. Tbo University of Leipsic was found. edin 1409. Tbe Lad rone Islands wore discover ed in 1520, by Magellan. Blank verse waa first written in tbe modern languages in 1608 by Triaaine. Captain Cook discovered the Sand wich Islands in 1778 and waa killed in Hawaii in 1779. In former times the queens of Kog land bad one tenth of tbe fines volun tarily received bj tie crown, under tbe name of queen gold. Io 1703 a Mr. Aagill was expelled from lbs Irish Parliament for asserting the possibility of translation to another word without death. Crows fiist appealed in Russia afur tbe Freaob retreat from Muscow, and tbe paople atill bate tbem and call them Napoleon's scavengers. Tbe word interest Was first used io an act of Parliament of I CSS, wherein It was made to signify a lawful increase by way ef compensation for tbe mone lent At the beginning of tbe last century Spanish ladies dined sitting sbout a cloth spread on tbe floor, while men sat at table. The custom was a survival of tbe Moorish times when tbe inferiority of women wss signified in every possi ble way. Ckarea airjalsr. U. P. CaTTJaCM. Praaohing every Sahbaib, at 11 a. bl, and 7 r. u. by He, f. u. ir- vise, D, D. Sabbath School at 2:30 T. u. Prayer masling every lbursaay evening. Evahoslical CHoacH. Preaehuig on Sab bath at II A. M., aad 7J r. u. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Rollenbaugh, pastor. CeaoajWATioaaLCaeacH. samoaaerery Sabbath at 11 a. at. and 8 r. af. Sabbath School at 2:80. Prayer meeting oa Thursday evening of each weak. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. E. Church, Socth. Services 2nd and 4th Sabbaths at St Paul's M. EXharch. 8onth. at 11 A. M. Sabbath School at 10 A. M. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day eveang. Jos. Emery, pastor. M. E. Chrch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. bl and 74 p. af. Sons service in the evenins before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 r. af. frayer meeting every nun day evening. Rer. M. Jody, pastor. PaassTTxaiAM Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church r. Broadalbto and Fifth SU. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. CHaianAH Church Preaching every Sabbath at Y PC A Hall at 11 o clock, a. ML and 7:30 r. af. Pulpit sopplied by Rer H. F. Morrison. esMABITta " 1 '"I an i am mi il1 ' j i i i i j i i i r i i t 1 1 11 1 HER VET GO NO (IE RORl The only known tpeciflc for Epileptic Fitst-ci SeT Alao fur Hpssma and Folllni! Sk-kncss.-frti Nervous Weakness qnlckl vrcllcvctlniid curcil. Equalled by nana In delirium of fever. "(. Af Neutralizes b'-nus of disease aud sickness. Cures ngly blotches and stubborn biooK sores. Cleanses blood, quickone sluggish circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles aud Scalds.-ft3 aarPermnnently and promptly cures paralysis. Yes, It Is a cbanniug aud heulthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula snd Kings Evil, twin brothers. Change bad breath to good, removing came. fWUouts) biliousness and clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchless laxative.- a It drives Sick Headache like the wind.-ee tar Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly cures Rheumatism by routing it.-a Restores life giving propcrtiea to the blood. - a Is guaranteed ta cure all nervous disorders. - ("Itellablo when all opiates fail. ma Refreshes the mind and invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. ePKndorsed In writing by over fifty thousand ading physicians in tj. 8. and Europe.- Leading clergymen in TJ. 8. and Enrope.W Diseases of the blood own it s conqueror. -ta For sole by sll leading druggists. fLfiO.-Cs The Dr. S. A, Richmond Med. Co., Propr's. St. Joseph, Mo. UK) Fox testimonials and circulars send stamp. UEDINGTOy A CO., Agents, San FraacIscot MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AND DEESS-MAKINO. Cutting snd fltllng by tho now Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. G. (JOHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN QROCERIE8 AND PROVISIONS. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE,- K. X. Cor. Second and YsjaMltSts., PORTLAND, 0RE00H. A. '. AaMsraoNo, j. A. Wasco, Principal. I'enmaa and SocrcUry D-iacJ for tbs Banaoei Education of Batk SaxeL Admitted on any week day of th year. PENtW0RKW- Of all kins' aascuUd ta ordsr at rsaicauliU raua. S iiUfa. tion gitarantred. 'Iha College "loitrnsl, contalalnir I nformatloa f th entree of slady, rsUis of tnltioa, .me ta emvr, ate., and saU of plain and pen nunehip, lev. Lrttirhau' Coldra Balaam Mm. I Cure rhanrro, firat and evond tagS : Sure on Oto !r sjm b.l)r .Syphilitic Catarrh, dlsaaaed wslp and ail primar) -form of lb dieea, known a B)p mil, t not, W pet IXlUr. Irltlrbau Laldra Bataaat Ee. t Cure Tertiary, Mer.ortal. Syphilitic Khennaitsm. Mimdary stay. Pains In th Boas, t'leoratad Throat, MyphllHir lU.h. l.ttOMM. tc. and ail dlaaa frmti th- trm whether caused bv trratntei.i '.r eleia of mcrmry, teatlog tbe bld pore and healthy. Pric, per bottle. Kami everywhere,!'. O. O., curly parsed par ex pi aw. r. F l H4BIM et .. A aval a. 417 A : a.iiMui struct, Cornrr CU,, Ban i rmi-ncu, Callfortua. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Tfce Maal Ksrrrwral Rrasralp ever dlserd. a It I cvrtaia in IU Saets aad do not Ulster. fciaail pruot UUrte. Kendall s iSpayii. Cure. llanUlloo. afa., June Mia. 1SH. B. J. Kssosu. a Co., UaBts:Thls ai to errufv Utat 1 have ustd Kea4ait's Kpsvia Car and bsvs ("Uiwl u U a all It la racuauneaoae ta b aad la f it tuure tow ; I ! r mnuvwt by aatng Um aSeea : ( al.-.u. Buna laiiiu. King Inn, Sf JlnU. aad aaa cheerfully laaUly anU rw .tnntaod It lo be lb bast thtna lor aay buny (ulalana I bsveevcr aaadaad I bava uted many a 1 b tuale that my stuly lor yaars. Baspaetfttlljf jvurs, p. v. oaurr. FEOM THE ONEONTA PRESS, I. Y. te va i. aai rUrly ball limner Mar. H- J. kaaaall ana Ca. . el KawsbuK rail VL. osad a contract vita Uu aa- laatars uw "n assr lar a near eetssas aa I .r on vcaf MFtlliik- lurth tlr n.rr.U mt MtaTia Cur. At the Mun tint c aerurad trm the Otu luai.u:. (, fr. Kettdall'a Traav rU on tn Umm awl hi Siaeaar. l.uh aa ar gi In. l- atitama twMue ulasctibars la lb 'Treaa" as a a toot um usa to druaaat ana amaarae la tti Lr Mr. P. (i. Scberrnwtwrn, an riis aaas OafaBal SSi a rttlnd bursa. II read tbe edter Uaeasaut ami concluded ta test UM eOcac j mt UM rvtbtidy. altb rttab tus Irlenda Ituahad al bis 11 buttahl a bottle af Kendall hp. tin Cure and uaina it an lb bee in aeeoeUanc a-tta Utrctlna, ! b lidnrtned ua tbl weak tbat It Ivctad uch a cuii.lct cur tliat an citwrt man, abo eiamlnol tb .ninial rarrntly ould no ua of Um m m or lb place arbare It bad Mr. has sine asctxrad a eopr m aaaslali TraUas an tbe liars aaa bw hi I; be iniae very ht.hly and aould b totb ta part itn at any btio. pruvMae aa aaaia "t obtain an other eopy. . Sa marb tor advarUstag reltabls irtafka Kendall's Spavin Care. WUton. Minn . Jan. mh. 1881. .' 11. J . Kasasu. and Co., Ueuta :Hair. rot hr bn-rk of you by aaatl a year ag-e, th ooatants of ahlcb eruaded m to try Ktidll" hparln Cur li in- bind ler ef oo of mt boraas vntca eras bad if woolen arnl coubl nut be reduoad by any . I i lea nf Kendall Huavtn Caas af ITeeloti and l.mlduUi, UraYMU al Waaaca, arbioB ctSnpletely euretl my bar. About five rears aga I bal a three ear aid rait sveeuled verv baolr. I ueed tour rnnrdy a given In your boak without ruaethng. and 1 unui aay ta your credit that ! entirely cuml, which la a aurpri oat only to ay elf but alto to my neighbor. Yen eant me tbo book far tbe trtfhug mm of 36 cants and If 1 eould not get another aitk i it 1 would oat lak tventy-flve dollars lor it. Yours truly, Geo. Maths. READ PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES rreutont, Ohio. Jan. t&th, 1881 Da. II. M. Kkxdall and Co., UnU : 1 taiok tt my duty to render yuu my thank for benefit and proffu wblch I have derlvad from your laraluahl and tar famed Spavin Cur. My cousin and I had a valuable stallion, worth S4000 which bad a vary bad apaviu and wrae pronounced by four eminent veterinary sur gaeaa, beyond aay cur, and that the bar waa don ler ever. Aa a last resort 1 advised say cousin la try a bottle of Kendall s Spavin Cure, it had a magical off act, the third bottle cured It and tbe boras w aa well aa aver. Dr. Dick af Edinburgh, the eminent veterinary purgeon wae an uncle ef mine, and I take great Interest In assisting his iiofali. Yours truly. Jlsbs A, WiLTOir, Civil Ingiaaar) K end all s Spavin ore I sure in Its effects, mild In Its action as it Saa aat bllstar, yet it hi penetrating and powerful te reeah every deep seated pain or remove aay bony growth ar other enlargements, such a spavfna, splints curbs, valout, sprains, swellings and any" lamenoaaand en IsrjrnmoiiUof thejolnuor llinb. ar far rheumaUasn In man aud for any pm p. far which Hutment te used for man or beast, it Is new known to be tbe beet liniment tor man ever used, acting mlki snd yet certain in lu effect. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives ihi.IUn e proof of lu virtues. N has ever met with tuili tintittallfi. u .u, . , slo knowledge, for beast aa well as mau, Pric si (er bottle, or sis bottle tor SS. AM lrug gtsu hare It or can get it i t yon, or it will b sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. D J. Kendall and Co., Knosburgh Kails, VU ""LD BY ALL DRUGGI8T8 Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby giveti tbat tbe under signed has been duly appointed adminla tratrix of tbe estate of Hanry C. Henness, late ef Linn eeunty, Oregen, deoaased. AU peraena having- claims against said estate are hereby required te present tbe same with praper vouchers, within alx months of the data of thia natlea, to the undersigned at Uenness, Linn ronnty, Oregon. 1 November 16tb, 1813. Gknrtikvk UBMfKSS, Skulbredb A IIammku, Adinr. Altys. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE 00., Of LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed Slo.OSO, Capitol paid up e,oee,00 Notx. Thia company baa the largest Eaid up eapital of rapany doing uslDeaa in the United States. Insurant accepted by Rout. A. Fostfr, Agt ef Albany im m TRIAL Au tin iftrimut Of VUatttv suit ox work. at. tiro cures. oat: Wr. CiV EsiMaa and BSgy ear for. 9tW99i gjaasl tr aaaVVaetMSa 51'H mi rtptr, or sxw rfl rw awar tertf thoaSaad post V laul B far neataaa CeiHoua ISaoa, usuoaoo, au JULIUS ORADWOHL Hate the only ezelaelve etoek of CROCKERY, CU88,SILVER AND CHINA WARE i Large AMortment of Babj Carriages, ay And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, t fsa and bg e ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND 8AUCER8 0I.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINPOW LIGHTS AND LIMB. THE lilt; HI s i HtltHKT PRICE PAID FOR FUG Bemenber! What I tij I Mean. Biva le a Call. ((IS Hit At LEW AS ANY OTHER KCUSE IN CFJEGN- UOIinA l'lWPRIETORS OP ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AUD DEALERS IN- Imported and Domestic Cigar., Tobaeo, Oroceriee, ProviBiona, CandieF Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, ONE LOR RELOW AT THE OLD STAND, 72 JOHN BRXGrO-S FIRST STREET, HAH A8SOKTMKNT O? COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, AS r house its the waller. Ueato Import TIN. SHEET IRON OP EVERY DEBCRIFTIOK IN STOCK HAND. A F171.I. GENUINE GRANITE ur waicii he offers to thv COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST OTRr. AOR Repair work done mm Indian Cures all diseases of the Stomach trftytvs- Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Mil iff us testify to its effioacv in heal. ing tho above TU Di: UABJC If AGENTf; .TANTED.-fi Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it c. o oaamar. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Snooeeaors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders, WE HATE OUR NEW SHOPS A1X completed, and are now prepared to handle ail kinds of heavy work. We will manuraotnre Steam Engines, Grist and taw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron ana nrasa i HSBinfJS raTramaa hadb mn aategrr xemcB. Special attenUon given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufae tare the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. BVakar St. O rare a L Albany, Gr., Deo. 1, 1880. ber Tarsi. 18U FROM THE SOUTH. A Parfeet ( oasbiaatlea with tare Salle at Adaatagrs Why it Cancers on. "There is no mistake about it," remarksd Dr M F Flower, of Oaliatia, Maweun. -Benson Capc n 1'orous Plasters ar an af th neatest eambinatk us erer areducad. TWry have twe kinds of aa ran tats over all othra, which we may call the wine aad the major. First, tbey ar e.'asa aad pUasaat ta am, n.ver soiling th hands nor th linen of th wearvr. Saeoad, they ar quickly aad powerfully. 1 ruvs triad tbe Oapeiae Flaatar an myself for pa mmonia, and en my patients far varieus diseases, inch aa neuralgia, muscular, raiaaniha. tambas. kidney trouble, eu- , and In all caas relirf has followed ua from three ta forty-eight hours " Dr Fmwer merely roiooa the written or era! optrd of thousands tn his profession. Benson Capcios Pur us Plasters ar the perfect external applicatlen. h gen nine have th Word Caprine cut in the centre, rice 26 cent. abury and Johason, Chemist. Sew Votk. The' Great English Kerne- !aa never 'ailitur eora lor (Nervous lability, Samii al IWeakneOT, Exhanatwl M Itality, Hpermatarrhusa, st aiA.notw, im- potency, Paralysis, and idl terrible tffecte of Self Abure, youthfal follies,aiid seevste in mat u rer yeart mch as loss ef Memory, Lassitude, Emission, Aver sion to Society, fMranese tf Vision, Noises la the ileal; is. th vital fluid passing unobserved fata Saa arfem, and many other diseases leading ta insanity and death. !Bt. MINTIE will agree to forfeit Five Hand mi Dallara for a case of this kind the Vital f est ra ti re (under his special advice and krestmepfA wt' n t cur or for anything impure or inju ions found' a it, Dr. Mlntle treats all private disease without mercury. Consultation free. Thoreusro es: amlaatioB and advice includiag analyst of uTtne, . Price of Vital Restorative, S3 a bottle, or four Sums the quantity 110, sent to auy address upon receipt ii price or C. O. D, ebecure frpm observatlrm and is pri vate If desired, by DR. A. B. MINT1B, 11 Kearnev sweat, San Francisco, Cal. Stmple boStle froe. Sent on application by ettcr, syuiptotn, sex ana age. uonununieaneii i mal. Dr, Miatle's Kidney Remedy, Ncphreticum, cure! aS kinds of kidney and bladder complintt,jonorrhx , gieet, leouchorrhtsa. For sale by all druggists, SI it bottle or six bottles for $u. Dr. Mintie Dandelion Pills are the bast and cheap eat Dyspojiela and Bilious cure in the market. Far gale by all drturrists. & J0SEPB, Oft 4 JOHN RRIGGS' STORE. ON HAND AS TOM AB AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER, nan tr. a J , "ii?AL90. HE '"iii.uri Ur IRON WARE. PUBLIC AT Plirmw . at reasonable liafium Blood Sirtzai named diseases, and pro- 9J9 tCgfl BHaBBl' - - uuuace lb xo De Tne BEST REMEDY KNOWN TOMAN. Guard nivcd to cure Itsnf nsin FELIX PrcvcotlTc saa tart, ffr eltl 1 hi remedy batag lr.jscteel ifiiaiiQj of theaja dBsaaaaaz tbe, 6enrH-C raaa reqwras ao cbaaga of daft ars ar poisonous mediciaea to be Waaw taken sua a rcT it is imBoaaible to r tretl bat in the esse af these stately aJBtrteel with G are gvaraxttee S boxea te eta ar w ta saesssy. mc dj ssau, fcer box. or. 3 boxea for tkiXL Imill by ail autbonaadaaaaita. Br. Falls 1 Brrnn et t o. ! aOODARD.CLARK roSTLAND. ORMS30X. Oidcra by mail will receiv prompt attactioo. ESTABUSBED IE 1S&1. ARMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers ef Wooden & Willow Ware. Twines, Brooms, Bmslieg, Baskets, rail. Tstaa, Charm a. fordagr. Wrapping Papers. Bags. Bstlldtag Fa par a. Handles. Clothes Wrtagrr. Car pets S wee per, Featkrer Dpat fttatieaery. ate. 230 and 232 Front Street. SAN FRAKCISCO, CAL. BHER VOTJS DUBlXaTTY TLX! m i Ba. . C Wst"s Nsbtx akd Pbais 1 kiat BtaST, s guar an toad SMOgAc for Eytx i, Lvrexi saa. CVmyalaic, FiSs, Manems KuraJr;a, Heaaaoaa. Batnroaa Pros ten won cacerd by Uas of aioohel or tobacco. Wakt fuh eaa, Mw tal B. praaaioa. Baf toning ot tic lirsin rcaultiua in in musty ana UsscLug to misery, decay at.a dsath, Prassaemra Old Age, aaw mines. Loss of poaar lnerBher sax. Involnntarj Loaasa, ard Bpaimst orraosa raaaad by ovar-axertion of the brain, aelf abaaa or over-indulgwnae. Each box coi Lait ooa avau tit's treatment. $l.C0a box, or wixboies 'aaaATW" to uas aay aaaa. With each order received by aa far alx boxes, accost panteS with t&JCtk we will aaad th paraaisissr ear writ ten gaaraxtoe to re fund ta monag if the treatment doaa not sflect a oar. QaaraataaB tasaad orlyby WttJDABI, mil CO.. "WTial! and 2etaULX STxvLCcta-ts. PORTIUANI). OREfiOX. Orders "by mai' r 'ill reoeir orompt attention. W.l! be math J CBCC to all applicants and to customers of last rilfcai year without ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Plants, etc. Invaluable to all. D. M. FERRX & C0.SSL?j istm Syi flfc 1 1 $ bmbu ajvdSWaL