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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1883)
sbMM1MM '" ' " " " ill, ii i , in i mil ii ii .ii.iii, ) iiii. ! i in .mi STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT emocri THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT N.s fbr large! rir 'Ml.ti.a mt nut swper Ir br Ml. mt r-rl Hnri. hn.I i h. , fa the m BEST ADrafBIFG s'SDlOB Special bushier notices in Ixxl Col umns U, cents per Hne. ffegulsr local notices 10 cents per Hoe. For legal and transient advertisements I oo per Kuare for the first Insertion snd Insert I on P" enuare for each subsequent Kates, for other advertisement., mart known on epplieailon. ISSUED KVERY FRIDAY STITES & NITTIXH. iriHIUIPFirBll DfMtnl RaUdta NM1IMI MNfl. TUUfS Of SUBSCRIPTION ingle --jv, per est . in ad vawv... ...... S8 60 Bnfiii c!t, pr m. ii a ol yw S 00 la copy, at months ISO VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST JO, 1883. turn oopr, Urtx months NO. & inffM Bumber 10 State P UOFKSSION A L CARDS. O. R. CHAMRKHI-AIN. FLINN A CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, CrfRon. JBsT-OOice In Foster Brick Block.- vltalStt R. 8. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. W1 LL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this State. Will give special attention to collections and probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 4VHf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. -AflU Notary Public. Office upstairs, over John Brians store. 1st street. vunr J. X. WSATHEB70BD, XNOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, A US AM. OKK4.0X. ILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE OOl'BTS OF THE State. Spwtel atumttoo given to omIwcUuos mod fSSSSSI uiaU-er i In Odd FsHr" Ttanpls. P 3. C. POWILL W. R. BILYKTJ POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. - - - ORtiOK. Collections promptly made on all points. uoans negotiated on reasonable terms, Office in Foster's Brick.- vMnlfcf. E. R. SKIP WORTH, ATTOF.Y IMMOI 4FLS)K AT LAW A BOTABY PtlUt . WILL practice in all courts of the State All business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Ofcr in O'TooU'i Block Brada&in Stmt, s 45yl Albany, Oreos. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Publics ALBANY, ORECON, Will practice In all of the Courts of this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Office in OToole's Block. E. W. LAN C DON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationary and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices, OITT DRUG STORE, tyl 4AJS4XT. mrA.ox. FOSHAY A MASON, -VSXIUU ASS SBtAIIr Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGON. ifafUr REVERE HOUSE, r.rme. rirt nna ElUw.rtk Ala., oi Chas- PfeLffer, Prop'r w Hotel u In list stylo. Table with Uw Baa Beds in rsrr A f xd Sampls tor Com- I Travefcsr. DANNALS & WOODIN kusrracrcssa ass ssaus u FURNITURE BEDDINC. Ceraer Terry ALBANY, aereas Streets. OREGON. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Democrat office. DRS, ). W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY. OREGON. a Offer their nrehestnnsl service to tba citizens of Linn tad adjacent ouuotUs. Office sad residence corner of Fount n4 Broedaibia streets. Aioany Bath House. '1KE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT J. fally iafona the eitissas of Albany sad ri sisitj tkat I have taken share of this Establish azent,e,nd, by keeping clean roomi and payia strict attention to b misses, ezp.cta to suit al taoss who stay faror as with their astroasf. Hsrisg her.tofor ;rried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons szpeett is ri.e entire tstUfsetios to si , 4rC)ldia and Ladies' Hsir neatly ss Vaaipooad JOS WEBBER. "ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OB. Th First Tern begins on Tues day, September 11, 1883. For particulars concerning the course of study aad the price ol tuition, applr to REV . BLB EKT X. COS BIT, FrewMeat. i' ii i i - j.i i RED GROWN MILLS. ISOM, UNXIXU A CO., PROPB'S. SEW TBOCEHH FLOCK SCFEBIOR FOR FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE nC!LITIES. Highest IPrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. HALSEY HOUSE. Halsev Oresron. MR. J. H. C BOOKS HAS TAKEN ctarge of this house. Commodious sample rooms have been prepared for eommercial travelers. Beds good and clean. Good Uble. Board by day or week, s; age leaves daily for Brownsville and Cnwfordsvilli). SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS TO MoCOY & ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, Sec. , &c, Fromans Block, A 1 ban y ,0r. PhyNicianN prescrip tions oareliillj prepared day or night. JOHN SCHMEER, UTERI, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon. Horses kept on reasonable taruis. Horses and busbies 1st to suit the time.. corner second and Ellsworth streets. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKING AND MOVING PL ANOS, orgsux and furniture m specially All hauliuc within the city promptly attended to. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razom, wtiioh are always knot in sood condition, and hair cat in the very beat Kyle. HAN WA VIXCI. LAL'MDKY ANOCHIVA MERCIIANtSlNU BfSI Xta Rica, lea and JsfaasSI mvoa. LulwV uodcrciuthea, mM at bottum poena. 0tractur for CTNaxt to CUr Eank. HENG TENQ. Bast washing and ironing in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FINE MIL LINER Y GOODS OPPOSITE .REVERE HOUSE. '83 A BRAID COMBINATION 84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOt UNAL. One far tor only $3.50. Two rapraa Utr little mora than the price td one. By pa tog tu $3.U0 cm will receive for one year year boate paper with the "Courier J (jumal." tba repraeaniattve newtpaper of the South, DeaaoenUie mI tor a tariff for raven oe only, and the beet,bn-h itsi ahieat faodJy weekly in the Lnited State ew Booaair to examine a aajapte copy of the urtar Jnal" can do aoat thia office. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1&82. r $3,Xk',3'M Premium income 2tio7,ia9 Safe, reliable and quisle to pay in case of loss. ARCH 3IONTEITH, Agent. Albany, Oregon, Miss L. Leavitt, THE MILLINER AND DRESS-MAKER. HCift NI8IIE88 DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. ThEALERS IN CLOCKS AD WATOH 11 ES. Keep a full lire of jewelry. Ws'ches and clocks repaired in first-clsss order. SCIO OREGON. W. Ma MORROW, DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO - - OREGON. BRIDCEF0RD & BEARD. KEEP A FULL LINE OP PURE groceries, fresh candies, not, and all kinds of confectiooaries, tobacco, cigars, etc., etc. Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, OREtiOX. wTh. talcott, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, bats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OB. J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder -AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE Or PUBLIC LET7INGS SO LICITED. Plans and specifications urcighed on short notice. AKlH POWDER Absolutely Pure. This pom in nsrar Tirirs. A marrel t. imrilr ttroiuMh nj ilMU.Hi.riir. Mors cuiKjtalc Ihui I c ordinary kind, and cm.miI bs M in onsspaUtW uh ihc mulUtuO tt In last, tboct wsight. alum or pnoapbata ixnrera. Mold tmty in oan. Hot at i.i..rowpa .. lun wall it., W. Y. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Far an theaa f-Uft.1 CeeayUtata aaS Wiatmiilll a. ii t aar heat f.aial. yeaalalla., A He4irlar tmr Woman. lu-e W1 by m Woman. t'reparad ay a Worn... Ta fewi. Bital tkmn X tea S ml mmf Vf'.t r nn. the arooping ptrOa. lolrf-rat. a ad lasamafasi Mm li taaaissa ssi ataaahsry amt lrm.emt.tne tup. reataraa the nalnfaJhmtr. to laa eye, aal 4 um oa tae aaia aai n S of asSSSB Um (taeh roa f Ufe. print a., t earlj IS time. C yPhjtk:lani U. ft and Preterm. N Freeh "CS It remoea fiiataeej, ttatafwwy. Saatrere tMnmnrmnt lar mtaraUat. aa4 rettaeea waaSnraa o Um atoaaara TSat fecima t beartac dwaa. return paJa. elbt ae 1 barkaehe. to alway. permaoeetly cared by It aee. r.rlb nnwTKU'i; Om!lat. mt elUwr aa. thia ComeaaaS la aaar.aa.tS. i-vot r. rixenAU h bum rt utriKn Will vnutscata tmrj iMif. .. tiiauo truui the teacro tone a-i trt-arti. tie ntutn. t eaaanurahlki- ImM .ba.m E lW'i the -oaprraa4 ao4 ;J1 d I'urkflVr are prefaced SNaSeSfUn Weamrn areasa, Iran, Mnm. rramof mw.fL SUhrfilrafor & Smrt by maU m the farm of pisim, or oJ t e .n rexetpt of avtae, ft t mt lessf?. tar: U mama 1 - :t.. .. it I.Tr.!. t, I'iVKlUK H t rme r . .t .,Ji-.u, t UMbwe, Ilrcr. 31 aSSSl tr boa. aadUvtt- lt?u CrMhr nf! I: t)-Uta.-W 0) TUTtS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, the diseases of the human mw. Thsas symptosaslnd teste thstr thttaw ee t grnma er AMetMc, swats eaetive tak Ilea. . mb., ftollmcM niter anting, aireraloit t v exertion of body mr mlma, Krnetcttton tty or temty.r, Wisvlng mealeted Mas, WUtUm rtmjrnt t.'i I tn. tm. hlarfcTlr col ore S Crime, lOXfTfPATIO and d taand the use of a roroody that atts directly on the Lirer, AsaLi ver medlclno TCTT's mis bars no c-mai. Ttieir action on mi lUrJneysandfnlaaftopromptsrerjtortatj rngeri of tto. ifrtmi," prodnetnff; appe lite, soond digostlon, rrjrolnr stoola. a clesr skiosndaTigorottsbody. l'MfH FH.UI eaose no nsasea or sHplns nor ia with daily work and are a perfect an unpunues uraosa torme tnr ires 1 TUTTS DYE. Gray Haik on ffmmas ebanaed In. stantry toaGiASST Black by a.tnsto np pUoatfon of thl. Dm. Sold by Dnig-gUu, or sent by express oa receiptor SI. OfBee, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTT'l MANUAL OP USEFUL RECEIPTS fRU. DR. D. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. SI AH RETURNED to thia dtv mid i mum i J area II Oce. Offloe in new teleg -aph ofttoa, OTooWi UuikUngs, Hrcjodalbiu atreet, between Flret and Sac and etreet. Albany, Or., Hoy. H, mYfU tmonla are alaravio wLmM the lookout for vban cat to in create their eeratnra, and in time baooaM wealthy ; ije who tie not improve their oiiuortuni tie. remain In poverty. We offer . great chauoe to m k. motiey. We want many men, women, boytsad g la to work for u right in their own loeaiiUaa. Any one can do Um work properly f run; tba flret etart. The bueiiiotM will pay more than ta)i Una ordinary wage. Kxpenatve outfit fiut.'-titd free. Noon, who Migagea faiU to make inney rapidly. You CM Jc vo e you i wnole ti"- th..- tU, ,r only your .paru moment., i'ul! n (..nnrtl jii and all that la nxle Hui trui. AtldroM Htinno.m it Co., Portland, Maine. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE CO., OP LONDON, ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital Hubscribed, 10,000,0o0 Capital patu up t, wu.ihw Notr. This company has the laraast paid up capital of mpany doing business in the United Htatea. Insurance accepted by Rout. A. Poaryn, A(t of Albany. A week mode at home by th. in (luHtrloim. Beet' bufttnesx now lw fore the public. Capital not needed. We will atM you. Men. women, boya .nil irirla wanted every where to work for us.. Now IS the time. You can work in anare time, or irive your whole time to the traslnea. No otner business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay, by en gaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money mads fast, easily, and honorably. Address Tjmik k Co., 'Augusta, Maine. SAM COHEN Keeps tbe best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also tne FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TnDAnnn onnk'CT.k'Uivce ivimvwvi vvnv nnnav AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps tbe finest billard hall in the city. I will also sail real estate, merchandise household good, etc.. at auction for any one in ti e city or county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6tf SAM COHEN- Tim SONS Oft' MALTA t . ait, rtlea r Herrel OrUrr I ha I lorr si fUsmU w.a t. "4II. TbraM.I srs Away." Juit a quarter mt a century sgo secret society, known as the Hot, of Mttlttt, ttprsng suddenly into existence in the city of New Orlottm Tbe or igtita) object of the orgsuixatinn Wss the oftptuTO of Cuba, and msny prom inent uiiiitary men cf the Smith were tbe leading ipirits in the movement. For reasons which the writer is not at liberty to divulge, the filihimtrriog pUnn of the Order were abruptly squelched, aud soon tbsraafter a well known newspaper man, who had been initiated, conceived the idea t.f making "some fun for the boys." The whole buaineas of initiation, etc, was trans formed into a series of the most -tu-pendua sells, prsctiesl jokes snd out rageously comical proceedings ever dtssmed of. Tl e Order apread rapidly all over tbe Union. It was generally believed by tbe outside public that the Sons of Ms It a wss a benevolent society, and to foater thia belief frequent lengthy notices of charitable deeds performed by tbe Order were pubtiabed in tbe newapapera all or.r the land. Meet ings were held weekly, and there was so mucb solid fun to be enjoyed that nothing abort of death in the family would deter a Member from attending ; therefore, iu many nieces, tbe member ship was so great that the utmost dif ficulty was esperienced in obtaining lodge rooms of u flic nt capacity. Candidates for initiation were usher ed into tbe bait where those who were already members were artanged in rows, escb covered from bead to foot with a white or black gown, in which was cut small boles for tbe eyes snd mouth. With this garment on tbe ilentity of tbe wearer was perfectly concealed, and the candidates who were initiated at one time did not know whether they were in tbe banda of friends or strsogers. To escb candidate tbe " Master of Ceremonies'' in a moat impressive and pleasing manner, stated the objects of tbe order sod told bow the brother hood came together with one aim and one understanding. "We are bound together," be said, "by tbe ties of love, confidence sod charity for one soother, strengthened ami solidified br tbe ce meal of confession. We open up the secrete of our hearts In tbe bearing and presence tf each ether. We are all sinful crest ure. and confession is good for the soul. Our good deeds speak for themselves, and our bad deeds are re corded, and in due time these tecorda re burned sod the aabea am alt thst remain of a dead en 4 forgotten past." Then the candidate was asked if he was willing to leave tbe sinful world behind, aud enter upon the new life. An affirmative anawer and the initia tion beiran. He wss immediately blind folded, led to a atep-ladder. snd told to ascend and sest himself on tbe top stair with arma folded. This was tbe position each bad to occupy while undergoing the ordeal of a "confession" of bis misdeeds. He would be led along by sdroit questioning until be made whet wss regarded as a "clean breast" of his moral shortcomings. When a paiticularly rich or unexpect ed admission vat pumped out ot htm, a dead, sepulchral voice solemnly exclaim ed : "Re-c-o-r-d it." And immediately a heavy blow was struck upon s big drum to drown ths irrepressible laughter. If a candidate gave evidence of a do sire to conceal anything, he was given to understand that the inner secrets of his soul were known to the Order, sud to hesitate to giving them would be an unpardonable crime in the eyes of tbe brotherhood. This would suffice for many, but the majority would, of course hold out and refuse to answer some in delicate question, liable to lead into a ehannel that might involve him in a disagreeable confesaion. And all though this was exactly what wss aim ed at. In such cssea an iqtimate friend of tbe candidate's would pass tip to the Master of Cermonies on a slip of paper a point or two in some questionable transaction of the spplcant's life, and this would prove the key to unlock th secret recesses of his heart. Then would the master say, in a tone of re buke : "The records of the Order show that upon such a day, in ouch a year, while you were in the city of Cincinnati you did thus snd so. Then in a tone mildle expostutatory he continued : "My friend would I could call you brother as I have Raid before, all your misdeeds are known to the Order to which you are seeking admission. While crossing the portalfl which sep arate our brotherhood from a wicked and ainful world, and while about en tering upon a iie,w life, and breathing a purer atmosphere, you have ungrate fully tried todeceiveue. For this you are to be punish ed and iLr ust lack into the wickedr.csa you arc bo loath to leave behind. "Sir Knight, summon the Council of ten and take the recreant before that tribunal for punishment." Than to the cnndidate, iu a sadden ed tone of voice : "Sir, there ia but ot.e way in which you cau reqVem yourself in the eyes of the hretberhood -make a full and com plete confeasion." The feeling that their aecrsts might sotually be in K)ssessibu of the brother hood, and an indefinable dread of what that council of ten miaht do in the way o? punishment, iuvnrially unlocked the mouth, and some of the most sedate citizens men of good character and standing wore forced to own up to more trsuagresaions thsn they would rti to have put in print. - t he candidate was thsn asked if bt could swim. If l.e answered in the affirmative tbe feply was ! "Let us see you." If in the negative the an awer was : "We will teach you." Still blind folded, he was matched to a far corner of the room where a stream ef wster from a faucet kept up the de lusion of a prospective bath and com manded to diarobe for tbe plunge. Four strong brothers then seized him. and with a toss placed him with but stMtuscb restiug on the top of s high steol and totd him to strike out.' The delusion waa so great that the poor vi i mi would kick and paw tbe air, and make the moat ridiculout exeriious imsginsble. Although it wss a dry bath, the new. iWgtd brother had tC 1 Msl through the drying machine. This was a high, narrow box just high enoogb aud wide enough for a man to stand upright in. When be was in there slat were . inserted to keep him in poattton white bs wss going through the drying pro. Oea. The box was hung on a pivot between two upright bars, and bad at tached to ths side a crank, by which it could be readily aud quite i.pidly ie volved. And this waa '. one of tbe Utile trials which the iiMumie eteker after the toystcriYs 'c-f Malta hd to Undergo. lin w ahulrd ap'.nd and round perwndiculat Jy, head ovr hreis and beets over bead, first quite slow sud then with gradually increasing ased, until tbe breath of the hntusu piouellor gave out. The frightened fellow was then removed to an eaav cbtir to uke a Asj.;, whilf further questb were pro- soonded to him, and the sonorous "K r v - r i it V resounded through the hall after each cf bis answers. He w then told to pnqtae for this "rough, rugged rued." He wna then placed on all fours, and by prodding from the rear, forced to crawl through a long iron boiler on which the men were hammering ; thence up a rough incline to tbe top of a pedoatal twelve or fifteen feet high, from which he was shoved into a Urge blssfket made oi sail cloth, with hand-holds for ten men on each aide. Then was sent flying to the oeilirg. Down be would come snd up be would go st the rate of thirty times in sixty seconds, and sich a shaking up as tbe oor fallow experi enced cannot be realised by those who have not been similarly favcred. And thus "initiation" continued un til tbe recourses of the lodge were ex hausted, one grand aell following an other ia rsnid succession, each one more stupendous than the one proceed ing. Finally as a grand wind up. the candidate waa informed that in view of tbe fact that he bad aufTered so many indignities and passed through such a trying ordeal, the lodge had decided to confer upon him the honotary title of tf. R. J. A Judge, or Colonel, (len- pral So-.nd-so havinc resigned the . 0 v position in his favor. With a lengthy and florid apsech from tbe master of ceremonies, and eH deal of adulation and mock tokens of respect from the now unmasked mem bers of the Order, the candidate was nriiscnted with bis credentials, which it eras made obligatory upon him should fie immediately opened and examined. Hastily the "Great Saal !" of the order r was broken, the certificate taken from thn nv one snd oneued. and the, vic- 1 7 I I tim would diu'jovpr he picture of iackasri in bold relief, with various ac coutrements aud accomplishments, and would pooket hta credentials and cha grin amid the roar of the frolicsome gang that surrounded him. This expose could be greatly extend ed, but enough has been given to let f those in Louisville, who were members of the "noble order" know that one o the O. R. J. A's. has been "giving away" their ctissedness. Louisville Courier-Journal A congressman speaking one day, Got lame in his Jaw, tbey d say, With the ache he was toiling, But a St. Jacobs Oiling, He said waa worth all his pay. The champion driver Dan Mace. Who never was "left" in a race, Says for cuts and sprains, And for bodily pains, St. Jacobs Oil holds the first place. Subscribe for the Democrat. WW is nun The army worm hsft msdo its sp- iMMtsnce in .the northern section of Lancaster county, Pa., in lsrge num bers, and is committing ravages in the tobacco fields. Tbe nail factories in the United States have suspended work for a month to prevent over-produotion. Moat of the tobacco steins from Nor th Carolina tobacco factories sre shipped to Germsuy to be manufactured into snuff for tbe (lerman peasants. The Koglieh Government snd M. de isops hsve sgreed upon s new Suez canal parallel to that now in use. Rust in wheat may be censed by excess of heat snd moisture, making a too sudden flow of sap which cannot be properly elaborated. A New York farmer claims that an sere of Hubbard squashes will fatten several more hogs tban an sere ef corn. This may be true, hut many farmers who can raise corn successful I v, might Dot succeed with squashes, which, owiog to insects snd bugs, sre a much more uncertain crop than tbe former. A farmer whose milk wss seized snd emptied by tbe "Spilling Committee" during the milk war last Spring brought suit against the parties who were active in spilling bis milk. Iast week tbe case was decided in favor of the form er. Istrge number of snts may be de stroyed by placing bones from which tbe meat las been picked where the snU wili. find them readily. Al often as tbe bones are covered with the pests, pour boiling wster over them. Tbe amount of gold coined et tbe Philadelphia Mint during tbe past year was fourteen tons, (he value of which was $7,729,982.50. The whole number of gold oins turned out was 94 1 ,008. There were 18,798,070 silver coins produced, weighing 302 tons and valued st $12,325,470.15. There were also 251 tone of smsli coins, from j en nies to nickels, manufactured, valued at $1,428,307.10. The law allows for waste on tbe fourteen tons of gold $32,018.33, while the actual waste vi, only $20.77. On tbe above sraooct of silver tbe legal waste would be $57,- 293 01, while the actual waste was only $K09.33. A Connecticut gentleman lately ex hibited a specimen of gheese which be 'simed had been preserved in brandy for sixty year. Parties who expressed doubt st the length of time were con vinced of the correctness of tbe date at once uon being showed to taste a ssmple. Skimmed milk is tbe most profitable feed for giving young pigs a tbritty stsrt. peas the best grain for producing bone and muscle, and corn the best for fattening purposes. Msny. successful pork producers in the Kaatern States think it mo profitable to feed a mixture of pea and corn meal while fattening their hogs. It is claimed that lettuce planted early in the Snrius between the r5ws of strawberry plants will protect the latter from the ravage af white srubs, bich prefer tbe roots of tbe lettuce to tboae of the strawberry. If peach growers will co through their orchards everv Fall and examine t i i ai -M c i nun woo wiuwcijr tuaj win uuu upuu many of tbem gum coxing from tbe trunk near the ero.tnd. Bv brushing away tbe gum a small white grub with a black head will be found drilling his wav throueh the bark. Kill all of these pests and the trees will not suffer ' " from borer.. The earlv nart of October i. the best season for doing this work. It ia believed that an effort will be made in Germany to exclude American UmA fm. kb.t entrV Ft. wtramt- ly brought to light at Cincinnati showine the extent to which this pro duct hsa been adulterated are tbe 'Honesty is the best apparent cause. ikolicv." even in the pork snd lard ! , Several families in Leominster have been poiaoned by eating pressed corned beef whieh had been boiled in a copper kettle. No fatal results, although sev- eral cases were decidedly serious. s.seutulatira hava nHnrMlA.i in obtain, ing upwards of 100,000 aores of Gov- ernment land through fraudulent entries. Special agents of the Go era- meut are upon their track, however. and have already succeeded in restor- .ui .yu r.e if TV rar tion of the balance is only a question of time. It is -reported that silver ote has been discovered in the Black Mountain range in Easex county, N. Y. New York commission merchants predict that good watermelons will be sold in that market for five cents apiece as soon as the crop nom the Carolinas, Maryland and Delaware ar- tant of the United States. The expeii rivef. Between 30,000 aud 40,000 ditures amounted to $265,568,087, an watermelons, mostly from Florida, are received in New York daily. North Carolina has almost a monope ly in mica production, with thirty-two mines in two counties west of the Blue Ridge. and scattering ones in others. The rock is practically an extremely Coarse granite, with tbe quartz, feldspar and mica in great masses. The latter comes ont in shspeleae lumps often weighing hundreds cf pounds, is split up into sheets slsmt the thickness of csrdhosfd, and then trimmed into squares, made as large as possible. It is clsiroed that eggs can be re served fresh for several months by csrefully packing them in dry wood ashes. Get s box lsrge enough to hold tbe number to be put sway, cover (be bottom to the depth of an inch with ashes, tbsn put in a layer of eggs, placing them so thst tbey will not touch each other, cover this layer with sshos, using enough so thst tbe next layer of eggs will not come in contact with those below ; put in another layer of eggs, then morn aabes, and so proceed till tbe bvx is filled. Be careful to tee that tbe top layer is well covered with ashes, and keep in a dry place. Advices from tbe cattle centres in-li- cste that tbe drive from Arkansss this year wilt reach 000,000, agsiost 350, 000 last year. The riobeat men in Newport, who have not inherited their fortunes, are tbe real-estate dealers, many of whom commenced operations without a ceo. The old Newpjrt real-estate owners, who sold out their ancestral estates to those specu latere for a "mess of pot tage, indulge in many sad reflections. Mucb cf the tea now brought to this country is grossly sdultersted. Tbe ingredients chiefly used for this purpose are sand, gravel and exhausted leaves, also dirt snd paste mixed into pellets. One lot lately landed consisted entirely of wild leaves indiscriminstely collected and dried. It costs Paris every year 5,243,000 francs to clean her streets. Tbe work is done by 2800 sweepers, under the supervision of 180 overseers. Tbe re paint of tbe st i eeU c mt R,.rv2(OO0 francs per annum ; of the sidewalke. 1,265,000 francs. A farmer ia Oconto countv. Wis.. 0 w m claims that the horns were knocked from one of his yearling steers by hail during a late shower. The New York Milk Exchange has deals red tbe price of milk from the first ef the month to be 2 cents per quark The price agreed on during tbe late milk war for July wss three cents, and if tbe dealers attempt to evade it it will certainly result in another milk war. The prise w eaoozb, and the fennels cannot do business on any lower figure. Most of tbe milk is con tracted for on the aasocistiou price, sod all dealers who have not contracts will doubtless be notified st once that they must pay tbe aasocistiou price or get no milk. 9 Prof. J. C. Greeuougii baa resigned the priocijaiabip of the Rhode Islsni State Normal S-mool to accept tbe presidency of the Massachusetts State Agricultural College. The loss of life and destruction of crops and other farm property ftota flood, cyclones, tornadoes, hail and UhtniD h nP"tedly Ure dorinK eMO- g "nX bo West, but lately I . a. .SSI a a v a a . no Frfc w "8 cuunwy is exempt. i . . r M.m a. : . at a. Unt., oo the morning ol the 11 th inat' m ta,Pwt of eiSht hon I duration caused mi immense rise of i Wfcter' whicb wePt num" r OI b crowning snout twee- P"0"- rbe ,0M WM WJ tmr' 1UIU cres oi growing crops in uonnomme I I II.. .,!.: al Ik l.. . mu" teUU' oyed. Indiana, Missouri, ew lor, and nearly ail I .1 XT X? I I . . . I ft J MW A"w .ew from d"cliv "orms dttri8 P week- In New England several pei- sods in diuerent localities and a number of farm animals have been kUIei b o-inf. On the 12th inat. J C' Darb7 &Son' Ti,ton' K H lo8t aeven cow u? g"ning sou a. w. Clark of Franklin, N. H., lost an equal taber- dees is bogiuuing to take tbe place of wood and iron in making railroad bridges in England. The inventor makes blocks of glass, which be hardens bv a special process. In solidity it is ! they leave nothing to be desire! The experiments already made have ga surprising results, and the coat bow thafc of bridges of wood or irn. The glass cannot be injured by I insects like wood, nor rusted like iroa I Sixty head of Jersey cattle consigned to a firm in St. Louis, Mo., were lately shipped from Liverpool to New Orleans. During the passage fifty-one head were 1 lost in consequence of rough weather The income of the Government for the last fiscal year was 398,338,5 '21, or nesrly $8 a head for every inhahi- increase of $15,000,000 over tl regular expenses of 1882, making the - surplus revenue $132,770,433. Ute foreman of one of the Chicapo jarfi packing firms recently stated uu- jer oath that they were accustomed to 1 mix Ullow and beef bones with the bog fat, put it into Tendering Unks, then put the product into tierces snd label it prima steam lard. Jo the month of December last nesrly 0000 tierces of this mixture were put npon tbe msrket. There is msny s slip between the bsnsns skin and tbe sidewalk. The barefoot boy yields bis sole di rectly to the influences of nsture. It this season of the year you had better go to a farm tban a pharmacist. Tbe wheelwright is an eloquent man. He is a pokes man for a great many people. Silver has bee found near Troy. It is to be hoped that thia will not Lead to another Trojan war. a It wss tbe cockney barber who wrote a letter to bis girl beginning, "Msggie, dear, my hone love." Tbe vocalist and the business man are, after all, very mucb alike. They both raise money on their notes, It is said thst tbe brewer does not indulge in many bops nowadays. He eaves tbem to the high priced, fashion- sble wstering-plsces. The engaged couple is not two souls with hot a single thought, as is generally supposed. The thought about staying single never occurs to them. Economy is wealth. If you a ish to save money, and put on style daring the Summer, abut up your house and go live on your poor country relatione. An exchange remarks that dudes will probably bs plentiful st the beaches this Summer. Well, we suppose tbe beach m m is tbe piojsfir place to look for the swells. A Cincinnati paper says that it has been discovered that the railroad res taurant buns are susceptible of is high polish, and drummers throughout the country are wearing them as wstch charms and ring settings. "What's your name f said a new teacher tbe first day of school, grabbing a trembling culprit who had just dis charged a 48-calibre spit-ball at a girl across the s isle. "Abacadabra Swart out, replied the trembling youth. The stern features of tbe irate pedagogue relaxed, and a look of pity stole into his ismbient or. 'Thst's ail right," be said sadly. "Yon can go. You aie pnnished enough, ifobody shall amy I ever raised my hand against suffering with a name like thst." MikusEs er ararps The following are the nickname given to tbe residents of tbe different States. Most of them have become hisorical: Alabama Lizards. Arkansas Tooth picks. California Gold-hunter-. Colorado Rovers. Connecticut Wooden nutmeg. Delaware Blue hen's chickens. Georgia Crackers. Illinois Snckera. I odisoa Hoosiers. Iowa Bawkeyes. Kansas Jayhawkera. Kentucky Corn cracker?. Louisiana - Creoles. Main Foxes. Maryland Crew-thumper?. Michigan Wolverine-. Mississippi Tadpoles. Missouri Puke. Nebraska Bag-eaters. Nevada Sage hens. New Hampshire -Granite boys New Jersey Blues or clam - catchers. .New York Knickerbocker. North Carolina Tarboilera, tarheels and Tuchoes. Ohio Back eyes. Oregon Webfeet and hard cases, Pennsylvania Leather-heads and pen nan i tea. Rhode Island Gun-fliats South Carolina Weasels. Tennessee Whelps. Texas Beef-heada. Vermont Green Mountain b Virginia Beadles. a W i scon si u Badgers. vt h it it did roa ax old lyda Coshocton Station, N. Y.Dec.28,1878 Gents - A number of people had been usiug your Bitters here, and with marked effect. In one case, a lady of over seventy years, had been sick for years, aud fbr the past ten years has not been able to be around half the time. About stx months age she got so feeble she was helpless. Her old remedies, or physicicans, be ingfof no avail, I sent to Eetroit forty five mites away, and got a bottle of Hop Bitters. It Improved her so she was able to drees herself ana wa about the house. When she fair a the second bottle she to take care of her own improved all the time and children also have hanaSl: from their usp. V Vi w- w W. B. HTHAWAT Aug. U.B. Ex. Oo.