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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1883)
TNE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT aa the largest rlrralaltaa areas paper tr Ike Male ssnWrsf reri oss, aad Itarrr fare l Ibe TEE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM Special buaineaa notice In Loral Col umn, l.'iceota per line. Regnlar local notice 10 rent per line. For legal snd tranaient advertlnrment $1 Of per square for the first Insertion snd 50 cents per square for each subsequent lDrtion, Kale for other adv.rlieinent mate known on application. ID ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITKS 4 KITTINe. Bl SiSF.OFFI E-l Drmorrm BalldlaKu Kreadalbla Street. TtRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION single copT, per year, In adrni........ S W MOjfto enpv, pw year, at nl of veer S 00 magi eopy, six utarttts 1 fiO mnrim wpy. three taottths 75 VOL. XVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 7, i883. NO St 10 STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State tiaitts tmexu. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U rUIK. . ft. CHAMBKHLA1N. FL1NX & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTOBXFYx AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. asTOfflce in Foster's Brick Block vlSnlStf. R. S. STMHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. TXTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE TT Courts of this State. Will Rive special attention to collections and probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Briggs store, 1st street. Hn23tf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBIM, OBKliOY. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE SUU. Special attention given to collections acJ probate matter. gg-OffK-e in Odd Fellrw'i Tempi. (14:3 1. C. POWELL. W. R. HILTKO POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. ... ORECON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. asTOfflce in Foster's Briok.-tB Tlnl9tf. E. K. SKIPWORTH, ATTnEi AMD OI'SAELOB AT LAW AND NOTABY MBLM. WILL practice In all courts of the State All business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Ofirr in O'ToolS Block, Broadalbin Stnt, 45yl Albany, Ortqam. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in ail of the Courts of this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Office in OToole's Block. LEWIS STJMSON'S LIVERY AID FEED STABLE. First class vehicles, fine horses, gsod feed, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charges. Olve them a call. Stables near Revere House. tyl. L W. LANGDON & CO., DatCCSGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITT 3DHTTO- STOEE, tfi albimt. aBEto. FOSHAY & MASON, VSOULALS ASS UTAH Druggists and Booksellers, ALB AX Y. OBEOOM. lduAltf REVERE HOUSE, Vint aad Ulaworth Albany, Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r Tbia new Holel is fitted op in first class style. Tables applied with the best the market affords. Sprint; Beds in every Boom. A good Sample Boom for Com mercial Travelers. earnest Ut aad from tel.' L) ANNALS & WOODIN MurcFAcnnra ahd dsalu m FURNITURE g DEDDINC. Corner Ferry aad tteeaad Streeta. ALBANY, - OREGON. vlfoslyl T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Democrat office. Aioany Bath House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully iaforra the citisens of Albany and ri einity tkst I have taken charge of this Establish meat, and, by keeping clean rooms and payin strict attention to business, expects ie suit al those who may favor US with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Orsssine Saloons expect to give entire satisfaction to al .g&ftCr'ldien and Ladies' Hair neatly cu shampooed. JOS WEBBER. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALB AH Y, OB. Th First Term begins on Toes day, September 11, 1883. For iculars concerning the course of study and the of tuition, apply to KEY. ELBERT X. CO SUIT. Presaoeat. RED CROWN MILLS. I80K, LAMING & CO., PROPR'S. NEW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR FOR FAMILIES AND BAKERS C8E. BEST STORAGF ACUITIES. Highest ;Frice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. HALSEY HOUSE. Malsey - - - Oregon. MR. W. E. GITHENS HAS TAKlS charge of this house. Commodious aample rooms have been prepared for commercial travelers. Beds good and clean. Good table. Board by day or reek. Stage leaves daily for Brownsville 1 clean. Good table. Board by y," ihtpd Pl.n and srsfiations Btf nW8e' JUMUy' Ut' WkL Stage eav daily for Brownsville 1 fEnrVr., 8Pificatl0DSj f)(i SAM COHEN- 1 SMITH & McCartney, sriTKSSORS TO McCOY & ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, . Perfumery, Stationery, 4&C, &c, Fromans Block, Albany, Or. Iliyicia.nH prescrip tion carefully prepared la.y or night ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKI9TO AND MOVINCe PI AX OH, organs and furniture a specialty. All hauling within the city promptly attended to. J. NAT HUDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Will practice in all the Conrta In thta State lov, First St., Portland, Oregon. (WithCurtiaaGibha.) LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, wtjicb are always kept In good condition, aad hair cnt in the very beat style. SAX WA VIVdi. LAUSDBY AND CHINA MKBClUNHlNG BUSI NESS. Ili.-e, tea and Japanese guide. Ladies' un.larcl.4hee, sold at bottom prteeet limtr - r tor China labor. sVNext to Cltv Bank. HENG TENG. Best washing and ironing in tne city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FINE MIL LINERY GOODS. OPPOSITE iREYERE HOUSE. '83 i GRAND COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY OeURIER JODRlfiX. One year fcir only SV0. Two peprei lir little more than the price of one. By pay ins; us is. SO) on will receive (or one year Tour home uuer with the "0urer..liurnl," the representative new paper of the South, Uetrioc-raUc tor a tariff for revenue only, and the beat.brii'h t and ablest family weekly in the United State. sew ho desire to examine a aample copy of the o oner Journal" can do aat IMS o!Hee. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Asfeets. Dec. 1682. f3,2f)a,32S Premium income 2 607,139 Safe, reliable and quitrk to pay in case of tarn. AKCH MONTEITH, Agent. Albany, Oregon, Miss L. Leavitt, THE MILLINER AND DRESS-MAKER. SC10 BI mm DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. DEALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH ES. Keep a full line of jewelry. Watches and clocks repaired in first-class order. SCIO - - OREGON. DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. . SCIO - - OREGON. BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. KEEP A FULL LINE OP PURE groceries, freU candies, nuts, and all kinds of confectionaries, tobacco, cigars, etc., etc. Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, ORECON. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, bats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J.J. DORMS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. Pill POWDER Absolutely Pure. This tviwjrr never varied A marvel o purity strength anil wholceottteneae. Mure eroiionttoal Uian the ordinary Maala, ami cannot be enkl In cneilUun with the multitude o low teat, hort weight, alum or phosphate power. Hold oniy in caue, Hot i. eUaixarStwuaaCo. IM Well el.. N. Y. A NOTEU 1H?T rNTITI.KIr WO lea . -4 UkeM. ml Mr.. Lrdla F. nak. 3. Ma., who aht. all . Ihrr human Metre .1 t-UreaJledihe- iVar rruod of Wesaan," . :. r -wiw(iU levetoeail hr. the ' .d lo iwr work . whire la the eateene red U otekred ! beep els lady ;.hrrai etrshelarf esevasesssjlsst e 9esjp h. r, eark twerlas; Its .paeUu .fer. or Joy as rleae frees It. Bee Veavtabl" C . !; bJ U a ssedfcwee far sjoad aad aeS e i l- i' I La jrMiiHr it-tigt J It an4 asa eati-arl of th. trut o tbla. O-i aceueat r t u fn,c n Merita. It I and jwvar.iV ! bjr I'mVt paySisaas la the One savsi "It L Use a rhaj-m aad aarr. Sato, u Ui c4rr rotlrrfy the oret (orsa ot fataas; Of the atenta, tvtr rrhoja. Irrevttlar aad palafel Mcaatraattoa.MI Orartui TroaUe. laflasasaatiiia aad LTreraiu n. r.tta. all aHapUtYmeaft aad the eoa 'taaal wcaknet, and . . . pe laL'r adapted to of Ufe." It prrwMutr. every :- f.Um of the rfeleea, aad sjrvee life awl t teT. 1: rratuvea fatatara.. AaSaJeary. Ueatra all rravta for aumdaat., aad rtUevra weak SMteef theetaeaarh. It earae hKeUtaw. Hil'lum froetrataoa, Oeaeral Pafcfttty, BSees. a . THatfeeMaear pain, weia-bl aad barU U, Is aiwaye hylteev. H win at all thaee, aad arm, art la aarBtoey with the law till tteosra esdy fx par tattle or Oa for f..ea4 leaosste Any advtcw roawtred aa to special aaeaa, aad oee of maay who haTeaawa rniered tc perfei t by addraeataa Mrs. 1'., tin itaasp for reyiy. at her hotneULyaa, U.rr Pllii," aae one wrtarr. - are for the cure f 7 ot the Urrr. rartflar work woader. tn Ua sprUl Una aad 1 to ersal the Cosapowad la tts popelartfy, . A.1 r .aat reepert her as an Ancvl of Mat ' y l an-v-tkn b to do food to etbajsa. e Fa. ft) Xra, A.U.U. TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS. DISORDERED LIVER, Prom thcaeMOroe artae tLee-iwxrtla of the dlacaeee of tbe human race, Ttsaae irmntomi indicate their eztaten : Laee ore si tCTne, ivnniraiivn, ju wr mand the use of a remedy that acts directly oa the Liver. AeaXlver medicine TOTT PIXX3 nave no equal, xneir actum on too Kidneys and Klein is also prompt; zemorluK all imparities through those three sear engers erf tbe Si stest." producing; appe tite, sound digestion, reatnlar etoolw, aeW skin andarUforoua body. TtTTT rvxXJ eaose no nsnsea or griping nor interfere with daily work and are a perfect TU TTS HAIR DYE. Ghat BLuk oa 'Wuuuucaa changed in stantly toaGLoser Butcx by a l'gi ap plication of this DTE. Sold by Dmgglata, rt MnthM on receipt of at . OfltaA. 44 aftirrev Street. New York. TuTT. MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPT. FtEt. DR. D. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. OAS RETURNED U, this city and resumed prac Bos. OTo.-le'i e SI tlce. Office in new teleg'apit office, o'T.le's Buildinifs, riroadalliin strret, ctwcei) f Intt and See una street. Atliany, Or., Nov. 8, 1882, "sK"Jsa,rW"Hr 4bbbbk HsCsl people are alwayeo WW LssaVBSsaaasl the- lookout for r han ccs til increase their i-arainirs, and in time become wealthy ; those who de not imiirore their onportunl ties remain in poverty. We offer a great cftanee to m ke money. We want many mmi, women, bo ja and g Is to work for us nghi in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit futiiiled free. Noonewho engages fails to make toon' v r.pidly. You can de vo e -. ii.)- tin e lo tlie w.rk, or only your spare mome its. t ull ii.formrtioti and alt that is needed tent fgm. Aildreaa BVUgsAS & Co., PerUaad, Maine. BUiLEmAH- AS8URAN0B 00,, OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, $10,000,000 Capital paid up 5,000,300 NoTK.-Thls company has the largest Eaid up capita) of mpany doing usiness in tbe United States. Insurance accepted by Rout. A. Fostfb, Agt of Albany. aXMNFJPaT 'A week made at borne by the In Ea agBsl dustrious. Best business now be fore the public, Capital not needed. We will star, you. Men. women, boys and girls wanted every Where to work for us.. Now is the time. You can work in spare time, or give your whole Urns to the bum newt. Nootner business will pny you nearly as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay, by en gaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and honorably. Address Tare It Co., ;Augusta, Maine. SAM COHEN. Keeps tbe best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps tbe finest biilard hall in the eta". I will also sell real estate ssaerrcnaadise household goods. at anetion for any one in tLa iyoT county Store opposite xieuse, aioany, ur, are. Wslraai fAaftraf fa the world f.OTM iH MfMir. New York, Julv 10tb, 1AM' "Y-4j," aid a prominent Maryland Democrat, "tha family quarrel among the Democrat ia oar State ii ended and the German divieion carry the day. There ii of court a bit rf innneai amooff the defeated onee, but that will all blow over in a very abort lime. Tb RepuVlicang are counting on the fact I that these understandings will weaken us sufficiently to give them n chance to slip through, hut they are reckoning without their boat. I feel confident that our majority will be fuU aa large if it will not exceed thoee of previous years." Mr. Carlisle bag been in town for a few days and then went to tbe seaahore for rest and recreation. From wbat I learn, be baa not msde a favorable im pression among tbe New York political leaders. Mr. Randall's cbanoee for tbe Speakership on tbe other band are growing stronger from day to day. Wherever political luminaries congre gate, at eluba aad hotels, hie election ie looked u ; ton as little lees than a cer tainty The seashore ie at present attracting most of the looal politicians of high and low degree. They bathe, they eat, they drink and in an informal way make tbe slates for the fall. Ing Branch at present attracts most of tbe ont-of-town magnates. Rockaway and Man hattan Beech ie good enough for tbe domestic growth. Tbe death rate among children haa been enormonaly heavy during the late heated spell. In fact it has been much in exeeee of previous years. Tbe Board ol Health baa in conaequenoe ootnmen oed a moat rigid system of tenement house inspection, with a view to eeeing tbat tbe laws as to ventilation aad fresh air are carried out, and no doubt tbe result, will be satisfactory. Tbe courageous act of a lady who found berbnaband at tbe Manhattan Beach Hotel, dining with a gay young woman and oowhided her, will have the effect of dampening the ardor of m my an industrious Lothario, who ia never too weary to take out ladies other than bis wife. Tbe seaside la a! way a an attractive place for quiet little couples inclined to adventure. At Manhattan Beach there ia not to much of it, at Brighton there ia more, at West Brighten they almost monopolise tbe piece. Rockawey is also a favorite resort. Summer escapade. f.rnish abundant material for future blackmail ing. I have .noticed doaena of so-called detective., employeee of third and fourth rate detective agenciee, who are always about with ejee and ears wide ojtrn for material. Some people will be awfully astonished neat winter when tbe accounts of their summer doings will be read to them, accompani ed with a modest requeet for hush money. There is a silly story now going tbe round, that John McCullough's mental strength is failing, tbat be aad Oeptain Conner, tbe new proprietor of tbe St. James Hotel, and formerly bis manager have bad a falling out. This story is untrue. I eaw them both at tbe races last week, and although tbe greet tragedian looked a trifle thin, hie eye wss as olear as a hawks, and he and Conner moved about with all their usual intimacy. The St. James Hotel ie not making money however. Conner put up the prices for everything toe high, and aa a result people fail to see tbe point of paying an extra bonus for the sake of eating at a hotel kept by an ex-theatrical manager and an ex racing man. Plunger Walton, meanwhile is plung ing gaily at Monmouth Park Race Course where be bas terrorized tbe book-makers to such an extent tbat many will not bet with bim. On tbe Fourtsb of July two firms were wiped out by l.i tn. Their capital was con sumed before the day's programme had been half run off. On two day's racing be is very nearly $90,000 ahead With such returns, the stock market is nowhere, and it is safe to expect a fresh relay of moths, who will flutter about tbe flaming candle of betting on race horses, only to meet with the usual ending. The horses fling everybody. It is only a question of time before systematic betters go to the poorbouae. Walton manages to last longer because he uses business methods. He is not gambling like an ordinary man who goes to tbe races prepared to spend ten or twenty dollars in tbe pools as part of the day 'a outing. He alwaya has a good substantial reason for backing a horse, and bis information about the condition of horses is unimpeachable. Yet last tall be managed to drop $200, 000 in England. There have been "plungers" in England who bet sums at which we would look aghast. There was the famous John Ridd, who on one occasion backed ahorse for 00, 000. r"l wn- His wealth soon rose to milHons. Suddenly there came a turn in the tide of bis affairs and he went nuder. He began life aa a foot man in the house of a nobleman, and with scarcely a A heavenly play thing the toy pietol "Should auld acquaintance be for jot 1" Certainlf not if they are getting riob, What may be aaid to be a favorite trier of eori-tiire with every man 1 The Icllow that he out out. It'e a oeld day all the time at the North Pole, and that is the reaaon ho many explorers are left. Mow that a cm uin clergyman baa reached atventy it ie to be hoed that he will leave oil going it like sixty. Misery may love company, but the small boy doesn't when there's a limit ed supply of fruit cake on the tea table. This ia about tbe time e( the year that a young man gete his father te buy him a boat, and then name it after hie girl. Did you ever notice bow euddenly a timid woman who is hummiog an operatic air will switch oft on a rcligioua hymn when a eforro comes up and she bears the first clap of thunder 1 Professor to a young lady student Your mark ia very low, and you have only just paaaed. Young ladyOh, I am so glad. Professor, surprised Wbyl Young lady I do so love a tight squeeze. The hen who laid an egg in a Phila delphia horse car probably was a con cienttous fowl and wanted to pay her fare. It must have been a difficult job, however, for tbe conductor to punch her ticket. A "whistling buoy" bas been placed tm it.- . ti..i t . I ...I Tk.t. . ... -v, .v -S"- - f I . .. M l. It III ngm, say. tne Hometown utrw. TM v i t I o. uuy. ia tha tfksr rt artui ahrttild aim law nlmAsid I , in tbe ocean aa near tbe bottom as possible. 'I have made it a rule through life," he said at the lunch-tab!.- tbe other day to the man at hie left, "never to meddle with another uiW b tain "That's right, pet felly tight," was tbe reply. "Hut 1 aea you nv a near confidential vletk f" "Yes, air; ;W "He's a hard looking case. I've seen Lira drunk a dozen timee, and f wouldn't trust bim out of my sight a .. . a with a nickel. Took him in out of charity, eb I" "Well, not altogetbe-r, you know, fie bappeoa to be my oldest son." Then there was s wriod of silence, so painful tbat hoth wished some one It. would veil "Fire" to break ran i ta m ir. a M. Ueive Maagon calls attention to the esse with which ice-plant can be ' cultivated on a large scale aa a source of notaah. Acoordin. to him. the fresh plant contain, shout half of one per cent, of potah. The greatest heat of tbe air in tbe aun nrobablv never exceeds U.V Fahr. nor tbe greatest sold 65 beUw zero. w ws About 130' aboie and 4(t below zero ---, r. thm lT.,itawi Ht.t. in ' vim vi a.TassBT a wa vim a e ws - - saj and very unu.u.l. Pf V..Ur ,.i.Li. that i.arl of aw.. - -ww...-.- . - I - - "I 'n ilniv rvf nl.norv4.ra at nHt on ilnoir-al .UtiontJtboiild he to sscertsinthH .......... - - S) uuantitv of o vgen in the air from m a time to time, aa he believes that the percentage of it varies or is intimately connected with barometric changes. Sea water tliffets a little in weight at different places, but al the same, spot it is nearly the same st sll depths. It m-v ba estimated at .irtv-four pounds to the cubic foot, or 1J pounds to the cubic foot more than freah water. The additional weight is chiefly common salt. Salt water at 27 Fabr. The ice ia fresh. Dr. Ooetsn Delaunay has just com municated an interesting paper to tbe French Anthropological Society, in which be seeks to establish that right handedness is not sn acquired habit, but is a natural attribute, characteristic of the superior raoes. Savage tribes, be states, and communities in aa in ferior state of civilization, show a much larger proportion of left handedness than hiirhlv civilized neople do. Idiots 0 r aa and epileptics offer a very large percent age of left-handed individuals, and there are more left-banded women than man. His ireneral conclusion is that in the evolution of the species there baa been a steady tendency to the develop- raent of the right side of tbe body at tbe expense of the other, and that the examples of left-handedness still to be met in the superior race are mere "sur . 1 w vivals." An Elder was cramped with an ache, Stv Jacobs Oil did tbe pain slake; He was so highly pleased, That again be was greased, And took a lot home to Salt Lake. A soldier on gnard at Fort Wayne, Was suddenly stricken with pain, He thought be was gone, But when he rubbed on St. Jacobs Oil,, was all right again. Faded hair recovers us youthful color and soft, silky texture by the use of Parker's Hair Balaam. ended it io a garret cruet to eat. KW IK at U If. I Tbe public debt was reduced nearly $19,000,000 in June. The debt of Boston was increased $500,000 tbe past year. Tbe French wheat crop will be short, hut barley and oats promise well. The farmers of Eastern Pennsylvania are loud in their complain' of the En glish spariow. John Roach of Philadelphia is tbe lowest bidder for all four ot the propos ed new steel cruisers. New Jersey prohibit, the sale of cigarette, and tobacco in any form to minora under sixteen years. Tbe Peen-to," or fist fieaeh of Chios, ia revolutionizing each culture in Florida. It is flat like a biscuit. An Orange Ridge ( Fla. ) man says he bas known six turtles to turn out !00 eggs in one night. No use for bens in that section. The cholera is making teirible rav ages in Egypt. At Damietta alone up wards of one hundred destha occurred 0 last Saturday. f he Governor of Algeria has issued sn order prohibiting the usual pilgrim sge to Mecca this year on account of the cholera in Egypt. In the fiscal year just ended there haa been a net increase of 10.19 post offices established over the number established in the previous ffscsl year. Although the introduction of horfe railroads in Germany ia of a recent date, forty-four towns of tbe empire have already constructed lines. iueen Victoria doe. not indulge in the affectation of pretending not to read wwipfiperll 8be uk,, a morniog ... tod an evening daily and erveral week ,ief She is fond of novels, too. Tbe mrMt ,ntiin,te friend of OS . .. ..... . . cojina ot the Kenda-iab isianus is a Boston girl, who wrote to King Kala- kaua to please invite her to visit his place for a month. A Brooklyn Heights girt, disguised ae a maid servant, waabed tbe sidewalk of ber father's residence with a boee for ,,.ke t cbmce tarD tbe water on a dude who ioaisjted uwn making love to ber. A Leicester dog bas been detected ia atrippiug tbe bark from tteea in front yards. The bark would be stripped entirely from the trees, in some in- gggacaa several feet from the ground. In a thunder storm at Onondaga, N. Y., a man had both eyelids torn away by lightning. A physician ia now transferring bita of cuticle from tbe patients, arm. to make new eyelids. The Senate of Cam bridge (England) University baa voted the Sunday after I a a a . a" a sTs J aoon opening ot tne Dotanuc uaraen I I . t ! f . . f ' J lD uscisive ie seventy-si w twenty-one. Emigrants aided fry the British uov- ernment ere euii ueing snipped irom I V ft ft d aft VW 9a ft fl. WSJ eee a s ireiana lor tne united states, la a a a. . a . -bouW not MFl country to I . . a a "r psP- I . . .... s erv . a a . Statistician J. it. uige calculates w1 country loses nearly a,UUO,lH)U sheen each rear, mostly on account of . w dogs, although exposure to storms and sevnre rol.l in the West kill a great' . .- A mnnif I hw MiriAii raii..j ..t ibi.r I many. I - The Chicago banks sre now said u, ndv.ncing only eighty-rlve cent, on I - v' " ' making leans at 81 cent on lard, a . Is .. - " l". a ,n I'jKjition on meats. TM . . a., l .. L.a nu .un, w regrww w .... ..pu vue wHwrity of ProH Brook, of the Red no,,w v.u ugu "Pn Ui9k- He lM fur tnersmicteu wun cyciones ami eiecin- cal storms. The reason tbe wives of Brigbam Young do not go to his grave and weep is a good one. Ho woman wants to go to her husband's grave to shed tears, and find another woman there doing it. Three mules stood in s row in the barn of Joe Johnson, near Bingham ton, X. V. A stroke of lightning killed both ot the outer mules and left tbe middle one uninjured. The barn was badly splintered. While using a telephone during a storm William Walter ot Williams town, N. Y., wss struck by lightning. The electricity ran from the side of his neck down through his boot into the floor. He will recover. i - The Mobile & Ohio Railroad bag sold all its pine landa, comprising about 750,000 acres in Alabama and Miss- . i.f ..t-j ji i . issippi, to a isnu anu lumoer company . t. i .1. 1 . a it is sam to nave oeeo me largo ran e a .a saction of the kind on record m toe South. Although Chicago has packed 150, 000 hogs less this yesr, the hog pack ing in the West since March I ia only 50,000 in number behind last year,and 50,000 ahead in weight. The latter is wbat counts. Prof. Hind of Canada makes new charges against tbe British Govern ment in regard to the treaty to Wash ington, and backs them up with a form idable array ot figures. Prof. Hind bag brought such serious accusations that they certainly ought to be invee tigated. The Maniui- of I.rne will not lesve Canada until after tbe arrival of Jiie accessor, and he is not expected to ar rive in Eoglsnd till the end of Novem ber. It is probi'-le, however, that the Prinoess Louise, will mturn to Euros, e in August, -in order tbst she may a German bath taf.ire the cloae of the season. Dr Felix Osw.ld says th.t tbe dys peptic who intends to be cured has to raske up bis mind that recovery can not be hoped for till h hss cot only discontinued drugs, but expiated tbe burden of sin which the stimulant out rage hag added to th. ctue of the lis- The tout rainfall in Kansas for tbe five months of 1883 was 14.07 inches, or 2.25 .hove the average for the ssme period for fifteen years. The Kansas fermets velcome thjs'unusal degree of moisture. Under its influence corn is growing finely and wheat is looking remarkably well. There is quite s bowl among some farmers nrar Auihrrat, Mas., agginet tbe practice of tboee in charge of tbe Agricnllursl College, who raise fruits and vegetables and pot them on tbe local market at a lower jgnre than I be farmer can do and make a profit. Tbeae farmers claim tbat the college haa no more right to do this than ii bas to enter fancy stock or farm products for premiums in tbe local fairs, which ia not allowed. An agile tourist spent half a day climbing up the face ef a precipice in California, in order to paint his name high on tbe rock in huge letters. Then he wss informed by tbe owner of the property that he might repeat tbe feat to scrape off the disfiguring letters or stmd a lawsuit for damegea. He could hire nobody to do the job, and so made tbe ascent, but with far lea vim than j " nw- K. I) t;riawoid Ot .Sylvan Shade Farm, Jersey Orw.ll, Vt., reports tbat his cow. "Lady Aspinwall" five years old, that dropped ber last calf March 20, 1883, gave a daily average of milk for the week commencing May 27, on grass only, of -71 pounds. Tbe week's milk produced fourteen pounde of butter. His cow "Rock wood Maid," five years old, wboae last calf was drop ped March 24. 188$, gave a daily av. erage of milk for tbe name week men tioned shove, and also on grass alone.of twenty-eight pounde, tbe week's milk producing fifteen pounds of butter. Mr Cr is wold value bis four-year-old 3er . sey bail 4Cbamplain," at $.5000. Tbe Sute Board of Agriculture of j Illinois reports thst the estimated corn acreage of that state shows n increase of three per cent over that of 1882,1 making tbe corn area this year over 7,500,000 acres. Tbe condition budi- catea a yield three-fourths as large aa tie average, or 168.750.000 bushels less than tbe crop of ift&St. Winter wheat prospects are not an good as in j May, and the present estimate is 1 6,- j 009,000 bushels. Oats are nearly up to the average condition, and the pros pective yield is 100,000,000 bushels. ft t - u . r - I , -arv.noe. ye nngero, aa, is tbat of tbe boundaries ot jurisdiction in tbe borough of Fordwich, which are twelve miles down the river, as far on A'tl.r airlp sss - man feeii thiAi - l ea . r ,... ,, pound taper axe. Iu the Cuidhall of ... : . , . , this torough is preserved its charter, . i i xt v i j u . granted by King h i ward the Conlctor i a i , it it f i a and connrmed liv Haih-v II.. KJward aW . .. .. . in. anu queries ii. a uuexing stooi for scolds and two drums emblazoned with the borough arms and meant to summon tbe crowd to see the immer-' sion of the ladies aie kept in the same place. Cot.oiLEfts akd Cou. A young gill deeply regretted that she was so color less and cold. Her face was too white, and ber hands and feet felt as though tbe blood did not. circulate. After one bottle of Hop Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest and healthiest girl in the town, with a vivacity and cheer fulness of mind gratitying to her frienda. A Breton legend asserts that when the first woman was about to be created the sernent seized the rib which had been extracted for i-bat purpose fiom Adam'. side, and carried it off. The Archangel Micbael pursued the ser pent, and laid hands upon it. But it slipped through his fingers, and escap a. a ed with its bootv. Only ita feet, of wbiob it originally had four, remained in the pursuer's grasp. Out of those, ia default, of the missing rib, Eve urea created. "That is the reason," explains this ungallant legend, "why woman is so treacherous, and also why the aur gjent now has no feet." A HI ttiO WEft' HALT'S KtrERlEXCK. After I had become almost skin snd bone, with neither strength,, appetite nor ambition left, and tie doctors couldn't help me, two bottles Of Park er's Ginger Tonic cured me completely. M. B. Wwtcott, Lamp M'f r, Chicago. i kiwi rirw, Tbe vice-regal residence in Dublin dates back to the year 1205. A eucalyptus tree, 430 feet high, wss recently discovered in Victoria. The value of tbe opium imported into tbe United States last year was $1,900,000. No one must touch tbe K tng of C r a , unbidden, and any one who does s6 ac cidentally is compelled sfterwsrds to wear a red cord around his neck. Applicstioo to copy the Mdnoa della Seggiola in tbe Pitti Palace at Florence bas to be made ffve year in advance, so many are tbe srtiat .. to reproduce it. The duodecimal scale is still. in use among the Icelanders. It linger among us only in counting by the doz en aad the gross, and in the allotment of twelve inches to tbe foot. Among certain Mongol tribes ia which the Buddhist praying machior ia in use, tbe aged grand mothers, unfit for other work, sre act grinding out tb prayers for the whole family. Crosby Hal! io Btshopagste street, London, built in the fifteenth century, by Sir John Crosby, and at one time the residence of Richard, Lwrte of Gloucester, is nw a common eating house. The luminous animals om their pe culiar function to a kind cf fat which they secrete. It bas la-en separated and is found to be thick, pale and neu tral. When shaken with canitc pot ash it flashes. Tbe name of Cincinnati was origin ally L'Oeanteville, the "L" staadiag for "licking," the "O" for ,oppogite,', and the rest of tbe word meaning, to the apprehension of tbe man who creat ed it, health city." Tbe sister diamond to the Koh-i-noor, or "aea of light," tbe other being tbe "mountain of light," belongs to tbe Shah of Pr.ia bsa-n f.ksvn. at tbe cost of a campaign, by Aga Moham med Khan, the founder cf the dynasty now reigning at Teheran. One of tbe machiaee used ia a watch factory will cut screws with 80 threads to aa inch. These threads are invisi ble to tbe naked eye, and it taken 144, 000 of these screws to make a pound. A pound of these ia worth six pounds of pure gold. Lay one of them upon a piece of white paper and it looks like a tiny teel filling. mora. i ii Delft earthenware was first manufac tured in 1310. Caeaarea, the Roman capital of Ju daea, was buitt by Her 3d tbe Great, 10 B. C. St. Cyr, whicfi Waft male a military j coUee in 1803' M fonaded h7 Md- amede MamUmon in 109G, as a college for ladies. Clerical benefices originate 1 in the twelfth century ; before tbat time tbe priests were supported by alma snd ob lations at mass. Tbe flag was introduced into Europe by tbe Saracens. Before their time, the ensigns of war were stre4cbe 1 on cross pieces ot wood. The word museum was originally applied to that master of the palace of Alexandria in which learned men were maintained at the public expense. The Ceimau Km pi re received tie name ot Holy Roman under hmperor . , , ' , . Oiho I the (jret, who was crowne l at ,, T , . ; Rome, by Pope John XIL, in 0i2. T. ' . . . i TU rt f 'W"g gosas, in which ... tteUrceks were veiy proDcient, nearly lost atone time, but wag reviv ed by the Italians in th fifteenth cen tury. The Arab, used butter in early times, but the Wrecks and Romans were content with oil, and it is not mentioned as food by Galen, who wrote ia the second centnrv. Poppaea, the wife of Nero, invented the mask to guard her complexion from the sun, but theatrical masks, for pur- al ft " e poses ot disguise, were in use amor g the Greeks from an immemorial time. The most ancient system of weights in the kingd uu of England was the moaeyer's pound or tbe money pound of the Anglo-Saxons, which was con tinued in use for some centuries after the Conqueat, being then known ss the "Tower pound," or sometimes the Goldsmith's pound. It contained twelve ounces of 450 grains each, or 5400 grains, snd this weight of silver was a pound sterling. The Tower pound was abolished in 1527 by a statute of Henry VI 11., which first established Troy weight as the only legal weight for gold and silver, and from this time to the present our sys tem of coinage has been baaed on the Troy Weight, the Troy po md contain ing 57C0 grains. M FITS IX M BSISX "I employed some of the best physi cians here," wrote Wm. E. Tanner, of Dayton, Ohio. "Tbey all said my cbUd could not live 3 weeks. It bad 50 fits in '24 hours. We gave it Samaritm Aervme and tne medwiao enected a permanent cuia.! ssftuf ?raii-fr,rr!uvU!. " ' " " " . - - ' urawforasvllle.