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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1883)
4 6 ( ) "1 do not adn Ids. ! .This accet irM- Irk 1MB rwnad.v sou iarv IrhrSefl. thslsjgulimte ro- likl piertivat Mrtric. IfrMrWea- ith unfailing laarlaMitv Itervotll aim lulu i ' f hi lily, swti- IRf Haulm lit - n Irh'x, P r utorrhoca, Lmisioi. in p o tenet . ' . . l .1 1 .. .. - ... I ' - nf i i- Mnariw. illaaailnri rtt- nratlaetlve orrxn and pros d and ww.ui too iu 1 1 steps any unstuaaTdiinatltig drain .M lie sfsSean. praTeuUuK UmOamery losees, debiHuui g Omuw, seminal kM with theurins. etc.. so d. motlv to mind and body. It U. a sure HI' ..f alt kidney Hi ksdawaaidJa. -JhSSSSsE injurious uuzredients. To &MwauertnJ front the evil effects 2 youthful rntUaeWlon a apoedof . Ike .rh and rimiat n cura is UlAKAhThHl raaSJotv slid advice. U1 Sr-iit wcutt frui ihat to any add rasa upon leoeipt ol price, or t . V. s., a lu Kml .vtilv aa IDR C D. SALFIELD, via KMv at., aaa VtMietora, ' Consultation strieUy tonfldanUaJ by letter or at ofw KKKF. Por ths sea. sal. aa o4pethts and in u ler to insure pa Jao wariry 1 ta auuopteu m at address under which all packages ara hmiM TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. 111111 n ih ii Its aaerita, will bo awl to any oneJ a. a . a, V - - - - - saaaal ai "V appo injr ny inter, stating iw "i"" --- l iHBiBUiiKaiKci sirK-uy opdwhww, The Great English Reme dy- I Is a never fai'mi cur ter LVrow Debility. Hetulnai IWeaknees, Kxbanaua ity, Bpanaaaiorrnom, , rarslyals, aaa Ml ilan ol Self , youthful f.IHea,ad m in luamrrr rara mm Oa of Mlallfi tod, kndsaton. Aver- to Socit. lnumsesol .unou.NoiM. in th Head, too vital fluid passta aobacnad into the urino, and nunT otww' ribwana lpadiiir in iaaAntty and death. M. IITKUI wtlt acrce to forfait rte Hatdr Bwllara for a cow of tbta kind th Vital fotfai live (uodar bia apaciaT advkw aad tnotmant) arid not t-ure or tar uftwtbimr BBawre or in tur.ou found u. it. Dr. Mintia treat all prtvata Jiann aaocaaaf uliy witooot laeicury. unongHNO no, lamwrn -aataatlan aadadwiea iochadiaw analyai.4 unaa.fA. Prior of Vital BaatormUv. S3 a buttle, or four ttoiea the quantity 10, aetrt to any addraaa upon reeoipt of ifcw arC O. 1, obacure from barration and iu pri- ate if desired, by DR. A. E. MITlr., 11 branny Mivrt, San Krancinco, Oal. Saroole bottle fwe. Sent fn aoplu-ation by nUtinw avwnaoaj, arx atd are. t 'mniutiiratiokr- airictlv conSdriiUal. Dr. Viotie Kidney Remedy. N'ephretU-uro, til kiud of kidney and bladder oomplaintajpinorrbi -a. iTMet, le ualiiiinie. tacailC PJf ail.anuvia, bottle or eis batllaa ior au. Dr. Mintie a Dandelion Hi la ara the W and :heap- -t I)rrt-!ji and Bflioua rore tn the suttct. For aale bv ail dntcriata. NERVOUS DEBILITY, A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. TV R. E. C. WKST8 X ERVE AXD BRAIN TREAT gjf meat, a specific for Hysteria, Duuiaeae, Con- uhuoo. Nervous Headache. Mental Dtsmasaa Loaa of Memory. Speraatorbaea. Impotencr, Iu veluntarr emiaaloM orematore oat am. cauard K 3 nver-estrtton. ae If -abuse or oveT-induhrem-r, whk lesla to misery, decay and death. One box will cure reoent il hie M. " Each box coo tarn owe month' treatment ; one doUar a box, or tut boxes for Ave J iulln ; sent by mail prepaid on rtieipt ef pnee We guarantee aix boxes to core any case. Witn each order received by n for six boxea. accompanied wttn are oouara, we win aeao tee pereaaatr written guarantee to return the money a toe mast does not effect a cure. Guarantee only by WOODAKD, CLAKKK A CO, Wbolenle and Retail Diuqrista, Portlawl, Oreron. Order be mail at regular prices. Dr. SPI WEV, NO. 11 KEAKXY ST. Trail all kraale east Special atlaeaae. YOUNG MEN IITHO MAT BC SEFFEKIXG FK4a THI f f effete of youtbfcl foUiee or huiecretion, wdl J OO well vo avau iimnawi iiw oa hub, ukxtwich wnm ever laid at the altar of Wlglllll bunauuty. DR. caracter whkfa beondertakea ami feife to cure. SI IDDLE-AsiEO MES. There are many at the are of tbtity-flve to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the bbat. dar, often accompanied ly a absrht aaaartinic ur boruMtg SaDisatiaa, aad a weakening of the system in a manner the patient canoot account fur. On exaounins; the urinary deposits S ropy arrtiment will crften be found iad aornettmca small particles of albumen will appear, r the color will be of a thin miUoab hue, again riant inetoadarfc and, torpid appearance. There are many mas who die of this difficulty Jynorant of the cause, which is the second stem of aemioar-weafrnraa, Da. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all mrt cases, and healthy restoration of the genitourinary orxam. Omci Hoc as 10 to 4 sad e to 8. Sundays from 10 to ll a. a. CoosahatioirfrBev Thorough eta od advice, $6. for private msaaeas of short stsndimr s full medicioe i-urScient f a cure, wfthail, wDIhe e-wt to any address rj reesipt of fl0 00. Call u-. dreaa, mm. sratvET at t o., 71 ITo. 11 Kearny St. Baa Tirtieawu. Cal To the Unfortunate! DK- GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 urtatw st.. conic of Oommw- cTsl Street, ban f rancisoe. lEatabttsbed in 1S54. for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal li seises, such oatrrhea. Cilerf. Strlrtiire.Sy pbllU in al jta furina. iMSSssteary I. niirht lose by ilreams, uitn rles on the face" endTloes of maobood can poKititelv be u red. The siek and afflicted should not fail to call tifn him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Mirofie, and inspected thoroughly the various nuept iaa ihrre, obtain ioy a great dead of valuable iniornav tioti, which be is competent U impart to those in need of oia aery-ices. DR. U IB BOX wiH make no charge unless he effect s cure. Persons at a distance MAT MB I KE AT HOME. Ail i -munications strictly confidential. You see no one bo . the Doctor. Mend ten dollars for s psehace of medicine. Persona writing to the Doctor will please state tbe name of tbe liaiier they see this advertisement hi. Charges rea- soi'able. Call or write. Address DR. S. V. GIBBOX, ; liix 1S57, San Kmucieco. UM3 Si to SOA Pr day at hpjl WJ OU' free. Alr home . Samples wort h Sratsea ACo. asnjane. Juuue. OOur Bering and bummer Price-lCiit 'o. 33, has made ite appearance improved and enlarged. Over 200 pages. Over 3,OO0 illus trations. Contains quota tions, de?cription and illustrations of nearly all articles in general use, from Adam and Eve to Hitting Soli and Mrs. Lsngtry. It costs us 25 cents for every copy we mail nearly $50,000 per annum. It makes our hair red to think of it. Wo should have the cost of production. The book is full of brains. Send for it, and enclose 25 cents anything or nothing Let on lienr from you. ficspectfuUv, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO, BUI Jk. S2S WsOieak A usc, Chteaaa, 111. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in the V. P. Patent OfSce attemiedad to for moderate fees. Our office is opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and we c n olruiin Patente in less time than those remote from Washington. M.d mudie or drawinje. We adyihe as to pstent ability free of charge ; and we make no cUajve Unless e obtain patent. We refer he,e, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of M'.jfey Order Div. and to orBcials of the U. S. Patent t'fllcc. Fjrcir-4ar, advice; terms, and references to actual dieots hi youl-own State or county, address Ce A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. THE DISSEMINATOR. Pablishea. every Sato rd ay AT. Ilarrifsbnrg Oregon, 3. S.TRA.IIT .Editor 3c Proprietor. Term f2.D0perannam. R7 1 &a - r lYabTT'aw ioi HaaVaw " ra2 LaBJH J t J VSaBBBaaSJaaaBBBBBBBBi seminst eseasaeai Final Settlement Noi to i hereby given Hint the muter- isnel Iiam iileU iu the County Court, of I. inn con lit y. Oregon, trh fiaef er-miHat tttnlnlMretor ol the oit tie nt A K Ureetten, deoeteeU, tad eeid Court bee autuplnted Tueteiay the 7Lb dy of A.ugnt JWVet Ibe Hour of oee e'oiooK f M or eem any et me Court Houee tn Albany, l.tnn oeuuty, Oregon, for the hearing of. objection to Mid eooount end the eeUletnint of the same, at whloh time end piece ell pereone interacted in eeid state ere hereby notified to up peer end file objection hereto, If any they here. July 3rd, IfSS. J N Rirr, . Adutir. WKTUHrXW tfc I'll. A( K lit' RN, Ail v " i fur Adtuir. . Administrator's Notice Notice 1 hereby given tb all penon tiavtnn oleiina againnt the eatate of liar bardSheltoa. late of Linn oeuuty, Oregon, dattaRMd, to preeent them with tit pioper vouch, within nix month from the date hereof, to the undersigned "Adminis trator or eara eatate at hiereeraence 7 mile southeast of Seio, in Linn ponnty, Oregon. Dated this 15th day or June, 18M3. HaRVKY Hit l.TO'l. AdnuniMtretor. Administrators Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persona having claims sgaiast the partnerahlp estate of W M Sherer ana uevta Shorer, (Devid Mierer, deoeased) to present the same to W M Sherer at the oftloe of th Hon R ! Htrahen in Albany, Oregon, the dnly appointed administrator of the eaia partnership estate wunm six momns iroin the date of mis notice. Dated this Sth dsy o June, 1883. - W. M. Nhkrkr, Adminiatretor of said estate. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that by an order of the County Court, or linn county, Dra gon made Mey 1st, Ikhs. the undersigned was duly appointed Administrator r the estate of A J Allison, deceased. Ail per sons having claims against the estate of said deeeaeed are hereby required to pre sent them to the undersigned st Hsrris burg in said county, with proper vouchers withing six months from this date. listed June 22nd, 1?H3 J. f. AttJo!f, Administrator. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS fgs.HK UNDBB8IUNKD WISHES TO J. inform the public that be is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on abort notice. All work is war ranted to five eaUefaotion. Will work any and all k.adu of stone, but deal prin cipallv in Oregon f'ity granite7. Cleaning, repairing aid resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prioee beiure purchas ing eleewhere as 1 will not he undersold. J? hop on west side of H road a) tit n street, opposite telegraph office. i. W. HARRIS, Prop, KELLY, ENGLAND & CO, or, or. Carriage, Wagon and Buggy Makers, Have always on hand the best qrraHty of their own make of POP. SPRING WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BOOGIES. All made ont of the beat eenoud growth Hickory, and warranted. W. H. Goitre, in Albany, bandies tbe work of tbe above firm. The Pacific INUUlUTUR. P ATE BED JTA. , 1H3. AST-Manufactured in tout alsrs. Anyspadsl ite man aiactured to rUer. For partieulara aaad sump tut iiluralad eirmilars to GEO. B. BAY LET lin;irier and tWerfer of ehoiea powPry, fav. 1771, baa f raadseo. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CORE The Mast Saerearfal Benseely ever disto-ered, ss it is certain in He effet-ts sod sVes not bii.Ur. Read proof below. . Kendall's Spavin Cure. HaaMitori, Mo., Jane 14th, lsl . B. J. KrsDAtL m to., UetiU:-Thss is i- eertlfv that I haive used KeiMtall's Mfuvit, Cure sod hate found it to bs all it is r i.mrj.-..!. . p be and in fact more too ; 1 have removed by nabia; Ibe above : Calloua, Bone hpavios, Kiiig-bunes, hdlot, aod can cheerfully testily aad recmmeod it to be the beat thing for any bony aobatajtce 1 have ever used sad 1 have tried many as I have nwvte tbst my stuly for years. Respectfu ly yours, F. V. CRIST. FEOM THE OHEONTA PRESS, H. Y. OneooU, New York, Jan. th. 1SS1. Early last summer Meeani. B. J. hendallano Co., of Euoaburj; Falls Vt.. made a cmtract with the pub lishers of the "Press" for s half column advert ix-iocol for one year setting forta tbe merits of Kendall's .Hjevin Core. At the same time we secured (roni the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendalls Trea rise on the Horse aod Ids Diseases, whVh we are iiiv ii. s to advance ying subscribers to the "iVea as a premium. About the lime the advertisement first appeared in this Mpsr Mr. F. C. Scbenuerboru, who retddea near Colliers bad a spavined lioraa. He read the adver tisement and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although his friends Kughed st his iedulity. He bought s bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and com menced using it on the horse tn accordance witti tbe directioiM, and he informed us this week that It ef fected such s complete cure that an expert horae mati, who examined the animal recently eould find no traee of tbe sisviu or tlie nlsw w here it had been located. ' Mr. Schermerhoru has since cured acoiy ci Kendall sTreatise on the Horse end his Disesae, which be prizes very bkghiy and nould be lotb to part with at any price, provided he could not obtain an other copy . So much for ad ertisiriy reliable -trticies. Kendall's Spavin Core. t. Minn.. Jn. 11th. Mat. 1J. I Kcsdali. i.l ;.., Cents : Having ,-.,t a liore lo.dc S you by mail a year ag'o, ile i.ntents of which ieiuaftud me to try Kendall's Htavln Cure oi. the hind lee cm one of my biases s liivft was hadly swordan and could not be reduced by ai.y or?;- r reme dy, I got two bottles of Kendall's M.uvm um- o( Prw-ton and iudduUi, lsnjgints of Washes, which c.mpletely cured my bona. About five v ari ago 1 had a three ear old coll sweeni' d very badly. 1 used your remedy as given in your bbok without rowelUncr, tfi 1 must ay to y ur credit i list the is entirely cured, which is a wurprlw. not only to my self but air., to n ne'ghlors. V u sent mo tbe book for the triflii-e auni of 2! cents aid if -I could not get suother alia i it I would not u.l;u tncuty-flve dollars lr it. Youra truly, C.y.'K Matuews. READ PHOO? OF WONDERFUL CURES Fremont. Ohio, Jan. 2ftb, 1881. Da. B. J. KKDAtL and Co., Cents : l think it my duty to render you my thanks for benefit and profits which 1 have derived from your invaluable atnl far lamed Spavin Cure. My cousin and I had a valuable stallion, worth SsOOO which had a very bad swvin and was pronounced by four eminent veterinary mi, -geons,- beyond any cure, and that . the horse was done tor eve. Asa last resort 1 advised my cousin to try a bottle of Kendall's bieviii (jure. It had a ma. leal effect, the third bottle curwl it and the horse is as well as ever. Dr. lhck of Edinburgh, the eminent veterinary sufeeon was an uncle of mine, ami I take great Interest in assisting bis profession. Vours truly, Jambs A. Wu,tos, Civil Engineer' Kendall's Spavin Cittf, Is sure in its effects, mild in !ti action as it docs not m,atr i OAritrAt.irier - M.nrl ti..i.',rfiil r.i.-h ! every deep seated pain or remove any boiiy "srbwth or other enlrrgetuenui, mien as spavins, splints curbs, calous, sprauis, swellings and uy lameness apd en largements of tbe joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for mar, ever used, acting mild and yet certain iu its effect. Send address for W an rated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, for beast ss well as men, Price 1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. AH drug tints have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. Kemdall and Co., Enoeburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS as fsam ... -.... , .... . w. , asaaaBBaaaBaaaBw s3afi(sal Be SjH Kb . Mm aaf aa 1' sasssasawapiiigi nim ia u, LiEblC i.prtiar. r .ary eed Maasa Ma., sen I ranrlaee, 4 Ml rnur i vrsiTt Tr. i on Uavrunol alt speuuu rum i lit atail and so-called . ort.nTf dl-earr.. Pr Ubiea tfk ieiige elgeretr la p.i , lively tuarantiSratoeutt norvons. od vbyakol detoliltv, Mttlnal araaaaaSa, leav ra mannoaq, aur metorrliea, loot of etierey Hnlnit and dlsstaesa In the bead, atalan otoaK hopsiets faellnvP, pru ktrrha, abd idl tho rssahs of youth ful Uiinrudali.' UMI Moaaaea or ipnturr- iaara. Th doctor, a rvirn Inr tollef pliJ-aiHan from KttmH will aeree to forfeit one thiuaatil QdoUara lor at-aac tl In vibrator will m-A La .....! MaWl a nlH atari I Salt, t OIIIH I U IV UllUI'l ajj-t--aea wiiraiie B advlea. O 11t) raaann an niaiy can not get aJV chrAd of ra w ld the above aap - U owlnu to a coniDllRaUmi. paUad Proetalorrhea, whtfb refpttrva iwH tiUsr treaUoeut. Br. Uekff'e la torslor No Siatlieonlv immiIUvp ruro'nr Proa tatorrhaa. I'rkw f either Invlir rmior. al nor bottlti ; U l fit. Mat ananv atldraaa tui rooallit of .,..- ...inn itmMKiaalhla iraiMia tan tavnrii aaaJ Miri.oL UBiailT matuUtued. Iallent cored at home. Dr. Uatiltf Diapt'iiaary has en al iranl dna atora In Ite butldlnir r.u ..,, i avu-iiatioita of the hi ultlcr anil roiy inhment in urlna are aytiinloina of secondary send- oat weakueaa and proataaarrbea t'oni4aluU reatllly yield to the Dr. liahlg treaUitenl. " Anv recant case of apaclal or i..i.jiu.m,.Ui1 for alo. IUmik'.Iu nltit icnt to cure villi ha promptly nt. with fulj dlrwcUotia ami adelaa. in rw-elut of 10 All pacfcairM are aerurely covered from obeervaUon. InvlsareUr Sample trrc. To pro re the wonderful power of the Oreo' Orrman Invlgorator a - Ik Ulo of either hu-nher til We rent rr. ,J . iiarui fatsiiDii ordarlnu a free bolOe will .u,n hava to nav evtiraaaaicu oil delivery tl.t .....iin! .lantri.' ImIUi tree to I Ml lent a. foil- atilUUon, eaamlnaUuM and. ad v toe frve aitd private. (Jail or write. Ur. Mi nif. A i . e Geary J rrlvafr Kelmare. e5 Mawaa el. flat SMITH & -McCartney, BU6GBSS0RS To DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &c, &c., Fromans Block, Albany 90r. ThvesioinnH pnHC?rip ttons fai'cltill.V prepared dii.v or night RUSSELL & GO 'S BADTIOI C C AUf rvniHVba sn mibWi FAHM " SAW Mill ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, tTC. At riPSA Hand THE ABOVE Wt'.i.l. I. m. if. .t - r. IUVK opened a Itranrh fAt-eand Suifily lour at Walla W1U. W. T. They will alan carry a fatl atoefc 4 their celebrated Improved nuwhincry with W II Mitchell, Agent, Cr. Frm.1 and Tatk.rbU.. Port UikI, Or. The better to aerarumodats their custnuMrP, In the inferior an I on the t'oaet. Write for Ubw rated rirrular ami frica IM ; sent free (oaotinc U.w fmjwt Addrwes Kl ssi.l L st a. nranch Offtce, WalU WaJla. W. T NTISELL tOOCeFteees ' w Orasns. SaasSail Sr Saslar,nr. r.--i ,.-.1 1., , i .mo lUelte fn.i ..... iTtt AvrisciL PB V. aaa (.' r. o n r.KK v. aK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERIiY & PAP.KES, (Soooeaaors to C. C. (Therry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS At.L completed, and are now prepared to handln ad kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam .Kngines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kindx of Iron and Braae Castings. lATTEat 11 till, os llo r Mil ft t:. Special attention given to repeiring all kinds of machinery. Will Jo menu fao tore tbe improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. . Shop aa Ruurr M. OfBrr a l umber lartt. Albany, Or., Dec. 1, laU tfltf W. H. GOLTRA HEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL G4OUS. not, life is swaeping fore voti die, sometblug ttiighty sublime leave Us ninn to conMir tuna. SOti a week in your own town. outfit free. 'o risk. Everything new. CapitAl not required. We will furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, rod boys and glrla make great pay. Header, If you want buainesss at which you can make irreat pay all the time, write for pertirulars to it, U Co.,P..rti,i Mainw ALMOST AS BAD. Whal taw Parplexad Physic Inn do In ases at Kinerseaey. "I'll tell you the honest truth," answers the doc tor. "Bright's Disease bothers tho medical men almost as badiy aa caucer .doei. Having pace I a certain stage, both point straight to eternity. It may be un. professional to let out tho secret, but whenevere a patient com trt me with Bright's Distase, or any kidney trouble acting like ir. I tell Win to put on BENSON'S CAPCINK POROI'S PLASTER without delay:" The doctor spoke hy the card. Tiie Capctfia goes rigbt to the spot. If you tan be helped, the Capciii" will do it. Look out for frauds. Is the "word CAP CINE en' In tbe middle of the plaster? If so you are all right. Pike 25 cents. Seahury a Johnson, i 'hermits, New Vork. Highest awards. ii Soak, to all who MipwS Swas le. alaaaaa tar sHaelasr mm. e. u. tt&otrr 4 co.. afw 5it. Mo tu MiaTaW 1 mm p to mfr assssssssssasasi taaaaakiw'l Ntttkat. at sett i a i PIANOS imiwfiHA 9aBSBBBalBaBBaaBa Saaar saaSaSaaal FK.KK fltc flrnwrrat. prid v lrt83 It V . I .11 11 II '.'Min our Roifiilai ObfiaajSnVfialij Vienna, .JuiieSth, iHH.i. TUo latest itnprOvotnont In l .min ium mi i tin Eurupouii cuiitltiont U the "Orient Kx preen," quick railway Mcrvlco oetwoen Purls and ( uiistittill- nople by way of Vlonna and lllurgovu. Tbo flrot (rain of (lie now service, wblch, for tho presout, U to run twice it week, loft the I rt iu'h e.ipltut last Friday at 7 i m. Tbo oonvol" coosistiriK of three saloon currlii";eM fitted with for'y-fWo bofl, a refretb incut saloon, and vans for luggage, so arranged that the bsggnge could tie examined iu the vuns by tho custom house ofnoers at the frontier stations, thus avoiding the delay and aim. .y. hup Inevitable when tho travellers ''iinpediiooubv'' liavo to lie removetl from the train iu otjtftf to underco what Is usually n futile seareh. There is no rhaogo of Iraln frera i'aris in (iiurgevo, HUtl the en. tire journey from Paris to Coostantl noplo pan he completed in uhout seventy five hours. Thing have vastly changed for tin Isdlor In Sen lb Katern Kurope since Lady Ury Wortley Montagu made her memorable Journey via Vienna to C'jnstaotinople. L-dy Montagu writ ing In 1717 did not think much of Vienna. The splendor and luxury of the Iitiperlal f'ourt she frankly admitted, ami remarkpd that she had been more than once 1 nlirtaliied with flfly dNhcs of msiif, till stiired in silver and well dreisud ; the des sert proportionate, served In the finest china." The streets of tho town, however, she found so clone and so narrow si to imped" the view of the many and magnificent palaces of tbe Archdukei and tho nobility ; and she adds . ' "As the town Is too little for the number of iietple who desiru to live iu it, the builder seem to have projected to repair that misfort une by clapping one town on the top of another, most of Hie lie uses being ol fivoand some of them lx stories, there i do house that has so few as five or six fjmiiieti in it. The apart ments of the great tidies, and even of the M i .listers of State, are divided but by a partition from that of a taylor or a shoemaker." It is worthy I of curious remark that Iho strictures j isissed by the fair critic of 1717 on the inconveniently crowded condition j of Vienna would have applied with scarcely any alteration to tht A us Irian capital of twenty yearn since, when the Kttrnther Btfaaw and the (Jraheti wero th most fanhlonablo thoroughfare, and tho Arch duko Charles and tho Munscii the most arhUooatic hotels lo the KaUer stadt. Tho wonderful horseshoe troob'vard Ghlltsl tho I'sinir Strassv, with the Datiuho ' in i! at its i t-.', has now' completely revolutionized the art hi. teelural n-jsH-t of Viooua, which hus beeoroo i city certainly surposainir ' ,, . Berlin, and In many rfstpeota rival- 1 ling l'ari-, in splondor and luxurious eleiranre. i.,i!i,:.l brat aaa n m mmra I houses, theaters, museum", picture galleries meet thoiye at every turn ; ami all that Vienua seems to need towards too enhancement of Jts pros perity is a considerable augmentation 4m tho periodical contingents of tourist . Some pleasure travellers may be apt to think thai Vienna Is a very long way off. Geographically it may be so ; but hy Hteamboat and railway the journey from London to j the Ring Strao can be accomplished ; In something like tbirty-flve l.oura. A "lightning cxpr.-iV hasjuit boeu organized, leaving Vienna at a quarter to four in the afternoon. The Austro German frontier Is crossed at Passau at 9 p. m. By 1 r. m. the next day the traveller Is at Cologne By 7 p. x. he is at Brussels, and at 1 the next morning the train arrives at Calais pier, where the steamer Is lo waiting to convey kirn to Dover, from which place he goes by expresa to London. There Ii only one ex amination of luggage at Cologno going out and at Passau coming home ; although tho Belgian and French dounaniers -at Verviers and Litle make a humorous protenao of looking into hat boxes and carpet bag, ostensibly for the purpose f discovering contraband good, but practically for tho purpose towards detaining the traveller long enough lo induce him to oat and drink some thing at ihe local buffets. Finally, luggage can bo registered thruugb from Vienna to London and vicc- versa ; while, If tho traveller takes a berth In a "schlafwaKen," he need not change carriage once during the journey, and he will find tht tho conductor ot the sleeping car has an ample provision, at moderate prices, of wines, spIritH, beer, and aerated waters, end will supply him with coffee and hot rolls at early morning. The "Orient" express twice a week will lie a wonderful hOOrt fa) people who wish to go to Constantinople In a burry j but tho facilities unWed by the London and Vienna express should be as highly prized hy pleas ure tourists, who have grown weary of tho Rhine jaunts, tho llallsn lskej pilgrimage, tho Riviera tr'p and the regular "Swiss Round. ' OBM UOLUMN. We tin i week, J hum the tilu, begin a new toucue.' fee consist of live prob lema. Tliet ttfe sn stigod and iurutab ed by Mr. I. T. VjtJ, ot TndeTsntenvei Mr. Ford oli'.ue a prise" of r70 blsok ohess diagrams to tho Knilitr ' v h solves the vtAJHft imuiber ot probe lems in tbe VMUmtfi ' to the next highest, and !?0 tn the bext highrat. Ubould two or morn knights tie id the tjurney then tho MwanJ will bu given tutlm person sending the neatest and most thorough analysis of probleuni. PoNt-rnsrk of letter containing solutiou must be dated within two wio ks from dateoi' 1. 1' 1.' inon of problem. Now let all kutgh'.s eater, as there will bo lun in this umcuey ToriiVr.v fifom.EU nh. . CouiMSMd b) Tin,, I . 4'rlttnd MIA linVsasy While K at g It 4 CJat K B4 Ii at K KM R ot Q 11 1 BatK 4 D at K R Kt at Q Kt 4 V at C B I 1 at Q B 7 P at K B 2 lllnck K at Q B I it at K Ii I itat Q 1 Kt at K I KtatK Mi V. at Q R I II at Q Kt; I' at K Kt 4 i' at K It I Pat Q 2 Pat QB i While to mate iu three move. Hoi.moNa. Tourney Problem N . 1, I and It., J. Hi Kirk pat rle :. And now alter thistSMio the ehens editor will t&ko a vaeation unlil Fall, so Urn t heM eolumn WW DC .o mi durlag the summer months. In due tune we will muko due announcement of !Si- rcuit of Hie clohlfig Tourney. Lone Jack, Mo., Sejit. 1 1, 17!. I have been utfuing Hop IliUers. and have reeelv4.fl groat benefit from them for liver omplaints and malari al finer. They are superior to all other modicines. P. M. BAJINK. oi -i nt i oi i port Lie I uless it bad great merit Parker's tjllngpr Tonic eoohl not te si opular. lit sale Un spreir remarkably every where, because invalids llnd It tfivf hem new lifts and vigor when other medir I nrs fill ntlrely. OIw t'nrmt, Tho lion. Perry Jl. SttllU, who wai adjudged inaano some months ago and sent tonbo Wisconsin atylum, hsa returned hnim restore in mind anl Mfc ff niillionalre and OM of f,ur ,mHl prominent ellizen-. Ho ' one the bulldera of the J 5,erthwestern P'tllway, und has been a Democratic nomlnoe f jr Congress. JjfFur one dime get a gtoltegf of Diamond Dyes at the druggist's. Tlo-y color anything the aiMpU-st at.l aaeat desirable Salof s. . - i aaa- - (Junkling lim abdy sod awaits bis oj'(irtiniiiy. "A ELEJS KGtN DISGUISE'' 4M Aout.vm Sr.. BaooKLva.N. Y.. ) March . lsai. I n No ';'buoubl lai wltbout Alloock'a Porous l'l asters; their taattog iowere ere WOIMerful and Ibatv eftioay far reaching and lasUna. Ktiryisrs jsaat I have soen end known them to euro and relieve th moat ultinat and diatresaiUK aaes of rheumsXlsin, klJnoj com plaint, bronchlUa, neuralgia, him lingo, hit! animation of tbe lungs anal throat, paralysis, asthma, spinal weakness, and oougbs and cold. In my own case tbey have afforded vno elinost instant and permanent rellof. My friends oonsider tbem an Invaluable asd speedy remedy for all kinds of aches and paina. They are a blessing In disguise ; and no wife or mother should bo wltbout them If she Taluea her peace and comfort and freedom from nervous exhaustion and othor aliments. Aa a htrengthening plaa. er, also for backaches and veakneas. ibey have no eqnal. I have ne ver yet found a plaster so efficacious and stimulating, or to give so much general satisfaction. Used in oonnecthm with Ilrandrethv univoraal life-giving and l!fehealing Pille, no one nead despair of a speedy restoration to good sound health. Mrs. F. Tompkins. If you baye been using ether plastera one trial of Allcoek's Porous will convince you of their wonderful superiority. Tako no other so called porous planters that claim to 1 better, tbsy are all frands gotten up to .sell on tbe world-wide repu tation of the gouulng article. You claim t nach for Samaiu tax Naavisa," enysa skeptic. "How can una medicine hn a specific for Epi lepsy, Wysmepsla, Alcoholism, ltheiimatiam, 8peratacar. rfcte, or Seminal Weakness , and fifty other canrelalnter" Wo claim it a ap&cijlc, aim- oraplalntar' o 1.1s ho.u.i... 4 l.j Wlaa . j'ljt uvtwitei. tun virunui mi umvtiwn the blood. Its Ncrrlno. Iteaolveut. A Iterative and ily, baeaaaa the virus of all diseases arises rrom Laxative proponiesmuctall the conditions herein referred to. H'sknow n world trirfe as J" 1 I I I tJ I I I I I 1 T I V HER VIET G 0 H Q U E H 0 R j . 1 . I r i . w. . It quiets and composes the patient not by the i nt reduction of opiates ami drnstic cathartics, but by the restoration of activity to the stomach ami nervous system, whereby the brain ia relieved of morbid fancies, which, are created by thu causes abovo referred to. To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary men, Mer chant, Baiikers, Ladies and all those whose sed entary employment cnuecs nervous prostration, irregularities of ths blood, stomach, bowels or kidneys or w ho require a nervo tonic, uppetlse r or stimulant. Bamaritjvn Nebvinh Is invaluable. Tbonsands procbdm It tho most won- rful lnvis- crant tuat over snsuiincu me $1.50. Sold by all Drnwarlsta g system. S.1.5U. Bold y all Drngaflste. The Dr.S..Rtchmond Med. Go.St.Joseph.Mo. X or testimonials ana circulars sena stamp. BEDlXGTOjf CO., Agents, San Francisco aVaS??1 w7saaBe arVBSBaBBBaaanV rasi fiMSStkvFkTK CaraaajrSu jaaWSfcaaaa . Onlam Eatlae, 09M 4 hnrt-h Dlrtetery. Y. P. A. Mpf-ts at thir moms in FoV tdr'n hrick hnililinti .n Katnrdoy evenings at 7 :'s I o'clock, and oa Babbath ateraoonsat 4. business uisetings are bald on the even ing ot tlm a c; ,hd Monday tn each month. I'.vsrytKnly in dod to attend. - IT. P. iOrtr.PreaehlngesryeWath, st II a. M , and 7 r. w. i.y liev. r. , lr vino. U II. hiabbath Hehool at 2:.1b r, m. Prayer meeting every Tharsdajr srening, K v am. Ki.c At. CuciiCH. Preat'hingon Ssb bath at It a. f. , and 7 J r. w. Hal)l,atti School 12: IS. Prayer meeting every Tears rlay evening. J. A. iloilenliangh, pester. t DNi iir.uA riuAi.t jiuacH. nervusesovt'i y .Sablmth at 11 A. st and d f. M. H.ilbat n Moliool at 2:9U. I'rsyer uictin J. "ii W. rtiuraday erening of ea;li seek, llama, paeter. M. E. Canaoat, aotmi.--rvH-s Bad and 4th Sabbaths at bt Paul's M. K, Lurch, Houth, at 1 A. at. Sabbath ttchonl at 10 a. m. sharp. ' Prayer meeting every Tlmrs day evenng. Joe. Ktaery, pastor. M, E. Ciicboh. Preaching every Sabbath at It a, m, and 7 J r, at. Sorftf serviee in the evening before sermon. Sablsith Hcbool it 2.30 r. at. Prayer meeting evnry 'i'iiurs day evening Iter. 1. W. Cameroa .pastor. PitesarrKaiAW ' Service every Kabbatb morning and evening in fburch atV liroadalbia end Fifth Hta. NundaySchonl at 2:30 . tn. Prayer meeting every Thursday evouing. Kev. Isav; II. Ceodit paSfaf, ErisfOPAL Cntracn. Kervicee every Hen day, morning at 11 a. m., evening Be'7 p. tn. Moly communion eyery HurwTay ing at 945 a. m. Wedneetlay 7 .-'Si p m. Rebt, U Stevens, pastor. CiisirTfAS Cmc a ii I'rrai ktHK every sbhath at V P C A Hall at I l.ododf. a. a., and 7:30 p. a. I'nlpit annplied iu (,rl r hy Jlera, Floyd, Whitney and 4)oty. THE NEW PATENT DUST-P.ROOF Stem Winding Open Face Case. MAKCr ACT1 lM BV Till American Watch Co., WALT HAM, MASS. This esse Is fanned In one suliA wlUvnit ..-.,. srsssBs, eswainc In front only, Una) vrMiog the usual cs, sim! sat tiring gtiet strength anJ tltjra hillty. Tlirwn WaUrlwa ar all imn hwra. Tio ewsel. lnO ..i. aa eUa strsn rj"l hi rUlel with ai. as tsn-islly fawpared rater-f remaut, is sUsxSied la the la scrawl os; it tbftaon, aod thus f'.rn.s an air-t!i'tit juootion with the la-lj at iha rear, at... I. la .c-.f sffslnst dust si1 rt...i,fjre The railroad wen, trailers, minrr. lumUrmcn aod tassM who ere shuost rai.eantly -aMaal arwl hn haire U mats frafustil nlrretve to the wai- h, Hw ililies ars of Uw uucynl IfTJ r-ai. The toifuv lot Irtfrra tell if., ir aera aforr- V.ldosU. July SO. Iav "I sold one of your patent lu proof f.'aee about Uti iuosiU,s ao, utul ths oUlcr day it BBSM laack lo tae with the rouet t.. make it wind caaarr. Ob esstalnstlon I f ...0.1 that the stem was rusty, and I Uvinlrad Into th oaa, of it. Tlv rrnOesaeu autel to me that he was starting sows saw tors that had I'idfesi in the bvn.1 u Un, wti bis chain csufbt la a buab and threw his wst- h Int.. about twslre feat of eatrr, aid ha use W:t t-. hours ftndlng it. Wliru he i-..t it out It was runnlna; an I . Uwusht all rijrht. In about Uiree to.rf.UM Iw f.rttodtUtUte ttrm was hard tntutM sim! a.nt it t. at. I can sby Uaat the watch u all that th" r nwsasy rUlM f'lT .1 :-! I ' ' n -i.r ,,. ,i t., g)f tlllfivl - ro'tt nw-n. 4f, b.vrt.- Clinton, fowo, April 9. 1SB1. I srtah jroa wow Id send me a etsrhax fcw the Wn Rllery Watrh hy the way this Chary la a wai. i. I wM la your Serew gpoj ' to a farmer last fail. Tbe first sj J.mury hitwt Ue srsU-b in lha W'kmIs, and Unit A it this r. k in alMtt fuut uf aatrr, I had tain thraa o. -mhs and orar ia aaass sn.lwaf r, wtUibtttsltrM inpiry to U BaAaa)Sk4aa abalrapnajt, C. S. lUiaott. " Tltestv.vs were rsrj ar. r wis, and devMAstrate beVMai a doubt, that for sny resonabli length uf a a i tli i ah.h a watrh mlt,i b und watarn w.saia rerwtre no Injury wlsa'evar. We saake llsta rwa in With g-.M and eflvst, and aaawrfartly Dut Hroc7, stem Winding aan-hCaar, challlana lha w.rU to j,r. I i.-e ItasvjttsL Far aale hy all araM-laas Jrwelrr ALBANY MARBLK WORKS, STAlGER BROS. ProptiHon ALBA.1Y. OREGOH. MONUMENTS. TABLETS. AJ4D HEADS rOTSlZS Executed In Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of cemetery and other stone work done with naalues and dispatch. Special attention given to ..nlors from all parts of thia State and Washington Territory. JasTAIl wrlc wtrrt'ttel. I 7:42 (i. COfIN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMIMIS- SI ON, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS NEW BARBER SHOP. 51. JACKSON - - Proprietor. Opposite Revere llotise -Shaving and Intir dressing done in firat cJas Ht e. nrst-elaas bsth rooms. Bath for ladleaend gentlemen at all hour. Term reasonable. NERVOUS PEBIXITV Da. K. U-West's Nkhvk and Blain 'i 1.1 at mic nt, a (rUHrarttfjpd apecifle for Hscri, Ditiu. neaa, Convnlsionn, rit, jNerrous Nuiran-'n. llt..uWhe. Nervous Piostistioii cimurl 1 j tt" of alcohol or obacco, Wakefuli.ets, S'ei n.l De pression, Softeninif of the Brain remit Ira in m sanity and lendine to misery, dcx-sy ai d ttouth. Promature Old Acs, Earreiiiiett., l- - of i.w.-r ineithor sex. Involuntary Igawes. nro r-. eiiiiat- 1 orrhtea caused hy over -exertion t l! .1 11111 .self- j nbuee or over-iiidulgonew. Fneii I .r roi teiri j one month's treatmtint. $1X0 h t or. 1. 1 slox . to4ffflfla T to cure any case. With each order nt ,v ii l n for six boxes, acoom pen i ad with $.'.'i. l- viU bend the purchaser our written gi:rni teo to ro tund ths money if- ths treatment docs Lot olltci a euro. Guarantees issued only hy WOODAKD, I A It K A CO., "VyVla-cXaawala sua A XSatevlI 2ia.,t; Lata, POItTliAND. OREGON. Order hy rdai trill rcei oroapt atteotioit. m sav l , anatM mWMSmm eliiiiirs tiradwohl's Store, CROCKERY, CLASS. SILVER AKD CHJNA WA RFt A Largo Assortment of Baby Carriage.1!, And a Choice Seleoton of Coffee, Tea and Sugar. ONE DOZEN OUPS AND SAUCERS Sl.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. 600DS SOLO AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN tfiECGN- THC niQ BEST M ABUKT eitlCR PAID FOR RaTfiS Remeraher! What I Say I Mean. Bive Me a Gall, II OFF PKOPKICTGKH OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND I.KM.KILS IN Imported and Domestic Cigaia, Tobaccoa, Groceries, lovieiona, Candiee Wuta and Tropical Fruita Yllian.y, ... Orefrfiri. AT THR OLD tsTANTJ, 72 COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND BAVW Aa any hoaae In .tt siile. a o Import a und utfaaastf turn TIN, SHEET IROH AND COPPER WARE OK arVKRY DhXC'RIPTTf.N f.N S-rtsfK fIt TO OKDKR. Alfr, HK KKfs 'N If AND, A WA. ASlsfM'.TMKNTflX GENUINE GRANITC IRON WARE. ALL OK WHICH HK CJKFKIW TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES. THAT f.kl i (xmwwtrntm. Repair work done at tlaMI Or. Indlian Cores all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Bioodi mil I ton testify to its efficacy in heal- the above named diseases, and pro nounce it to be tho BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. CrtKtrftnfcf ff to C4tr- ftxf'ftshi. trai:: M.sna KalT A GENTS WANTED. Laboratory 77 W. 3d St New York City. Druggists 3cil it. ALBANY FOUNDRY -ASH- SHOP. ET A II 1.1 Mill-: l isii.. P.r A. V. CHKRUY. assaaeasj at Itmmm sal First and Aluutguu.ttiy ir.--t , Allistuy, Orofjfoii. Havina taken charts of H.cnUiVt limned Wi.rka, we are prafasro.! la iiiamits.-tore Steam Knirinea, saw atoi 4tasl Alill, ' vow. work inn Machiix-ry, I'umi, lrn i and Braaa Cawting uf every dee n,i.n. Machinery of !! kited reiat-rad. -WP-- rial attention given to r-ssirii:v fwrtti u - cninerv. rail era Maalac dsr in all lis rras. iskllyl a. f. llifcltKY A MJN. , CI Ct ssffkin Tnnrowntos n, leesrti i ?J"W end &, outfit free. AilJrts. II. ItALLkTT A Co.. Port'aud, Maine. !da"AWEEK. fl? a aar at h sste easily mil '? ()() iiiflt trw Aitarasa Tars A An,Mi! - wati:d. AT AT.L TIME. LIVE, KNERGETIC men lo sell 'I unison'. Oiebraied .Niaps and 4 harts. No capital required flS) per month ptntrau'ee.! to aaeols follow . ' c our insliuc ioow. For partiruiars addeam, TNO. DIXON. Sacramento, t'a'. 0. BROWN, .) u di clous ADVERTISING. Discreet rELIXU3 BRUN'S Preventive and lare. for either Kex. 'ibis remt' bemir iujtH.-ied diirrtly to tht n-iit vt those diseases of tiH.UrMto-1 iirerv 4)1911:0. r inm r ao ctiuiKV of di tor iiauiwn.ii., n.t-ii uiud nriioiaur.oiis mtdiriiiee'to u itleri siiy. When isken aa f revvative tj 'ithrKx. it is imposaibio 10 is m rt m t . 1 . uin p.. s . fcnt in th rare tf ll. te already taleilu stately ataVleted with (ionnorLan aid Cleet, Wt gnarartt-e 8 lioxes hi cure or te v. , 1 1 rofiind the money. Frice hy mnil, rostiiM 1 1. .'. fliti per box. or. 8 boxes for 5r.11. w tin, n ( im. issued by nil litithont. 0 agents. lr. Felix l- Brest st 4a. Kc?i rroiis. 1VOOD.1RD, CLARK V O., At ;:..!!. 1. V7" Jiciar r Jt ardl 2tc-!l aTrMr-r-iati:. rCKTLAKD, Chl(iO. -Orders by mtul will itceite 1 1 n.Lt eltci.ti'jn. J. I. Hll En M. 1, E. I. mV'NK. X. 1. HILL & wy 1:. Physicians and Surgeons. ALBA' Y - - OREGON gjm 4JM&SS I'eten-oi.'s 111 cU ovtr Frfp.-I 's " Mill Jewelry Stoio.-tkA- Administrator '8 Notice. Notice is hereby given lhs the under- siuned ban been du iv aiiiioted admini tratrtx of the est A" e of f inm r Tan ie, d- j eeaved, by order of ihs Cn.ntv ('nurt. of; Linn count jr. Oregon. All person- havina .laints rasinst the estate of Mild d(-oHcd 1 sre hereby untitled and required tn present the sf-rrn prier!y veriiieil wiiiiin .x ui 'lithe Irmn the date hereof -to lh ur.der Nigned at her leiddemw .1 miles north of Harrishnrst, Linn eennty, Oregon. Dated July sth, Mem Many E Davis T. J Sities, Adminbitratrij Attorney. k JOSEPH, FIRST TREEr, HAS HAND A FIMK a n ASlKTAJ KNT O.' CALL AT 72 FIltST KTHEKT. AlJiANY, ORJGUOK. reasonable figures. CLARK JOHNSON'S Blood. Svrun 7 TTATR. BAlLSi at feictv . l-y i'..? aaafu uc It, toary iiiasT w art-- V, oa ac- trx of in acpninr BBSS, ioc p.a-iv. It etntruns natrrii's oa!y lint r-e bmA''u.i to the tcJp jjd hasr aad always tttetSaWywFaacdaa Ft sallies Han Uha-w is fcrfy rsutsrs! a A n Wjwonted to prcvrrl fatha at die wt?r arwl I j ri- eaaaran arm isaans. rtrvrox fi wo . t: asss, PARKER'S GINGERTONiC A SaperfaCse Keatas aadStreaaA Bastcrer. K yrni arc a nechaaac or faswxr, -worn o with era maths no Amn Lr Czm?y or house ho'.! thnies try Paean's Gnscss Twar. ? f 5 hi s re&limju, outrocr or be-.iness van rr i.u .:umtnmnlantv, bet use Parker's Ganaer'l osac 1 1" i -xj h.-e ("ofrmnrptoon. Draejrtio, KSc-uma-- . k.Wy Oi aanla iasa, c any aaSaraW of tbe lungs 5tsr.jtth. I'.rweK Wood rr iwmvKnwv's Ol.vcsa oas : wit ease yeas, lmtfce Greater: Kk-od Pur jr fj4 Cm tot aad taratCeaah Care Cm ii : rre waang awjy from af e. . t aaa weakness atat s i -Ok-c at . nee : it i - i .;i fr rf-t t ie i'i-t ioe but wi3 ne.- ft hJS satrd h iadrecs cf Lves; u I Sf t lesS pBSSjSJaSJpSJJsaaae 4ksT fl -iU,VY. av.a! Passat. CHEAT SWTNO BtTTTNC POLUJt S. I-' ri-h rt-dMOne trajrrsnce has mac tHs .'-'vh't..lrCi3neexceeiui;ly popular. 1 arte It aoThloe like If. lit lixu lue rijjirs. txm Cotocax aad leak tor - s WXtl. Av Jragti t tr sWr !a frHixr niiihns ul '.i .rrt ttmr. LthcK srrv ktbw nr. tan. lEi!DEIT CoiaT.U.SA llavias attained a rational repatatlr.a in USE POCKET CUTLERY, Ladies' Scissors and M Erasers, Hart addfxl fas tasmwnrcftrre of With a -rkillrd superintendent In that dr-iarf. ment, wipplansaated by extended eTperin.ce h thewortiiigof fine steel, we are err bled to cr goods jI uuri railed quality. To iiurwutKx- ot.r patent abjijstacl:: Quill Action, Reservoir Pan, "THE AClvni," In nrsrtre of regittar tTHie ohsnn. h, w o .s, ,-, , ofit. Kin I will li;aii a t.uile grovs t- uU U'bir. 1 011 receipt 01 . Urrietasmar ith Iak as aay rosataia Tea. - 1 t::is n :i FITS .any ho.miu:. Our Srtssla V vf rvnt w;l b. nd b" ily. trv Price Lists!-. aisheU 10 iv on ai. ,u. FREE for TRIAL An unfaiunji an.l paadr ears for Aarwats Drwu: tad H saeeasa, Xasa of 1 watilji ajtd Vijor. or aa ai ! ra aaravsi : rw-. paadaila- ta it or iniiiscrettou, exosj work.ete over foru thoul tivaeares.i tsySand lie ier on trinl box of Si Dills. Ad Ir M. W. UAOON. cer.Clarket. r " i'la.. CfaJCjij,, Ilia. aaeTa - awaassaaw aaaal I . i 'SaSaaSBBBBBBSl - f Resiafcs ake vessMs sae yaar. .rvtfrSCia(rVak m in aat fisifn in da a halm at Stars sv yA ' V Af BBaSsW jH. M aajjB