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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1883)
" " 1 S P I I M ill -a--"aaaaaa.aWa-.-.-aa.a---aa---a-aa STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY" FRIDAY r STITft A M HiS. i 9HE!rFM'R.. immi aileliaaaa 111" IHsttaft 1 fetS 1M f TCJUtt Or BUBSCIUPTION inr. per fmmr, in slvne. ....... $2 BO .nlo -, per .rear, at eml of year 9 09 eisffle copy, ait atonUia l inrle Hy. three months 7 o.W iirati 19 LTif STATE mm DEMOCRAT H4 iSr urffi rlrrlsJa .r aa fsass-r la ' i he Mel aiagr r rrtul. ass ierrfrr In il,e TBI BEST IDVIKTIPI) C MBJDi". peHal bnsineae buthe- in low C i num. Ifteewte r line. hefuier i i notices 10 cents per line. For legal and transient Bdvelo-s-niei is 1 Q per square for the am heemki' sod i0 cents per sqnare for eeh .ut.wo,iont vol. xvi ii. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 188. NO 4 Kste. for other edvrtiainrits u arte k nown on at tapis flemcimit PROFESSIONAL CAKD& f FL.ISN. O. K. CMAMBRRt.AlX. H.INN 4 IHAMRKRUIX. ATTORNEY AT 1.AW, Albany, Orfiin. Offloe in Foster'a Brick Rlovk.e vl5nl8tf. R. S. 3T RAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon . WILL PRACTICE CST ALL THE row it of tins State. Will give .peoial auendou u ..1 lection and probate matter. me in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. R MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Rrijrjr store, I t street, vt4nf J. K. WEATHERTORD, (XOTAKY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALKtM. OKK4iOK. w 17HX PRACTtl'K IS AI.LTHK Col'HTS OFTHS Stale. S vai t tenti.m iriven '-" 'iLfUirte and trolte waiter SertMBce id Odd Pnw't Twn4e. 14 J. C. POWKU. w.'rc mltko POWELL & BLLYEU vTTOKN EYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Ibanfery, A Ml AH Y. ... OtttfCiO. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable term. AaT-Omoe in Foster's Brick.- vl.ulfcf. E. R. SKIPWORTH, trreim a e ssrxwB at law ax notakv rtuur. w ILL practice in all court of ihe State .U business inlmstod to me pronjia- ly attended to. 0 im O ToolS Block, Broadalhlm Strt, 4-yl Albany, Oregon. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AXD Notary Public. ALBANY, ORECON, Will practice in ail of the Court of this State. All business intrusted to hiut will be promptly attended to. jar Office In OTooie'a Block. LEWIS STIHSON'S- L1VEKY AMD FEED STABLE. First class veb'cles, fine horne. .mod feed, accommodating proprietors and rea sonabie charges- Giro them a call. 8abes near Revere House. 6yl. iTiTicaioii & co., OKl'GtilMTH. Books. Stationery and Toilet Article, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITY DRUG- STORE, tyl ALB ABIT. WatECrSS. FOSHAY & MASON, A3TB Until Druggists and Booksellers, ALU AX Y, OKEttOS. vi;u4itf REVERE HOUSE, . mi auaai Ufwuna i nan j , wrra. Chas Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thia uctwHoleibfiMadup in ftmdM tJ. Table mpftbed aritti the beat tbe awbet aflorda. S.rnnr Bed in ry Kocoi. A jood bai&4e Kooao tor Oju lysTtlil Tnavaicm. Caaach t aa,d trmm Hi Hil.- U ANNALS & WOODIN M. : . . 1 1 : ASH UUU1 IX FURNITURE I BEDDING. C.raer Ferry and Secel S(rr ta. ALBANY, - - OBECSOX. vtamiyt T. T. STITES. ATTORNEY AT UW AND Notary Public, Office in Statks RraifTH 1jkmo ha-. ctftue. Albany Bath House. THK UNDKRSl'JNED WOULD KESPECT fully inform tbs eitissas ef Albany sad vi einitytket I bsve taken charge oftbie EeUttiUfa aaat, and, by keeping elsaa rooms and psyia atrict attention to buinaf., expect! sait al tboss sbo may favor US witb their aatronsgs dlViag bsjlftrQfors carried on noihinr bat irirat-O'.ass Hair 0reaina Saloons f XpeeU ta rlvs entire atiefsction to si sijrCh'liicn ana Ladisi' Hair neatly oa vapuoad iOH 'EBPPB. aLUaNY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AlaBAHV, OB. The Third Term begins on Thurs 4ay, February 1st, 1883. For Dartkular. concerning the cunvee of study and the nnce of tuition, anulv to : KF.V. F.LBEST V. CO SUIT. Preauirar. BED CROWN MILLS, S0M, lAXXlXfi & CO,, PROPB'S. i, W FBQCESg f.QK(L SyPKBlOB OB FAMli-ltS Asqi h.w.r.K- nss. BESTSTORA(p HCIUTIE8. Highest .Fnce in Cash for Wheat AUBANY OR, HALSEY HOUSE. Knleey - - - Oregon. MR. W. E. GITHENS HAS TAKEN charge of this boose. Commodious sample rooms bave been prepared for commercial travelers. rJeaa court ana clean. Good tame. Board bv day or week. Statte leaves daily for Brownsville snd Crawfords ville. 1 Me M. JONES Breeder nntl Shipper f PURE POLAND CHINA HOGS KF.ITRSBl'RU " ILLINOIS. lv breeding stork is registered in the Ontril Poland ChinaHrrord. Stork tor sale at reasonable rates- These lioirs are desceiitl ants from the Uent herein in Indiana and Illinois, are quiet, docile, easy fht ted and splendid mothers, order received by W. S.FLKTCIIKR, Shedds, Or. EDWARD EVERETT. Sired bv Pntsniilh, by Pathfinder, lirat dsm by Vermont, aire of Lady Fautina, (2:2aH ;) Klla Lewis, (2:27 ;) Parrot. ( ::2rt ) Will uulw the season of 1883, Aloud v and Tudys of each week at Khedd'e Station; Wednesdays and Thuradajs at home. Sand Ridae, and Fridays and SatnrdayN at Tebanon. Edward Everett la a dark bay, lfl'i hands hijrh, weighs pound, very stylNh aod full or sdmI. lri to ituitre. Addresn M Km.;mt Usee.. Albany Or. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKING AMD MOVIMU PI ASOi, srgssN mad furniture n Mpecinlty . AH IimuIIuk withiu the elly prmpUf attended te. J. NAT HUDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Will practice In all the Courts in this State. 105. First St.. Portland. Orewoa. (With Curtis a tiibba.) LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp raxorn, wuich are aiwsys kept in frood nnndittofl, and bair cut in the very beat my Iff. SAN WA INC I'u ihr uMct CkUMied n J UmL . n.iu. -i LAUNDRY. In Albany, n hktm wmin; in4 troalng mtm-t txlla to aasaSsSsa. And prirWi t'biim mmi iaiitM rU, Ane In. btoa. OffltivKir V ( Imit bt.,r, Next t-. :t Hank. KBNG TENG. : FVst washing and ironing in tne ritj. i No. 11, Ellsworth Street, One door Math I of Revere Kouso. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT. IMPORTER OF FINE MIL LINERY GOODS. OPPOSITE iREYERE HOUSE. . n,i I, i - '83 A GRAND COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUXSVIM.R WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL j One yr l-.ronly SJ..V). Tto paprei fat Jink m-ire than tiat price t MM. Ry ping tirt.50n i51 riv fir one yaar your tvMOc pajer itli the tntrier-Jtinial," the M 'i'st' - BtapajSjaV the Kouth, I :!... -T.. : -'. tor a tariff for revenue only, and the liml Islgh . tan.i abtet tamily vwkl in the I mM StaMa. ae w hi deetre t. examine a nam pi oijr i Uns gorier-Journal" -an d no at (hie .rt;.- . PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y, Ascts. Dee.lSSi 13,203320 Premium iofiome 2 007,130 Safe, relUbleand quivlc to pay in case of tees.' ARCH MONTE ITU t Affeiit, AH any, Oregon, SCW WBM MtECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. T E A LEftS IN C LOCKS AND WATCH- J ES. Keep a full line of jewelry. vatcbes and clocks repaired in lirst-olasa ojrdcr. S0IO - OREGON, W. M HlOKHOWs DEALER IS STOVES, TIN WAKE, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SQIO . ORECOH. BR1DGEF0RD & BEARD, KEEP A FULL LINE OF PURE groceries, fresh candies, nuts, and slilt iluds of confectionarias, tobacco, cigars, etc. Cash paid for rrodOCS 01 Sil SCIO, (iKKGON'i W, H, TALCOTT, DEALER JN DRV GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, bats and -aps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Slain Street - - SCIO, OR, J. J. DORMS, Bridge Builder -AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SCIO, OREGON. NOHCEO- PUBLIC LETTTNOS SO LICITED. Plans and epeeificatious furnished on short notice. We have a 12 inch turbine water wheel, brass lining, in splendid condition, which we rill sell cheap. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thia !. itrr urtrr varWa. K marvrl 4 inu trrlljrtll Mid wh.kawmaHMaV MiTa MHMMM't uwn t hp urdlnary kind., n.t n..t h 44 in . .n!(ti .., wiUi Hm BlulUtOd. a lew tea, brt nKti, aJum ir fdnihalu Wer Mntd u in fan.. Hoi U IUMwhtwr. IMS Wan at.. V. V. I LVP1A E. PIWKH-au'" VEGETABLE C 3MP0 4 fSanrs Car fair n fRl Lr. W l iU. VENSKS faileaWssT lwertba, I, resatar aaei Palsf.I .M.satr.Mti. ... la flam a. aa4 I ierrni af the WesS, Ktoodiaa. rUO I.APXI M I TKAtl. Ae. rennt la m -. rSr an-t taaraaSWaa Slaert. ti bimi hipa aawSawy axd r. a awnna? Iaa aaat at r a ... v . riMuutu ir itrMt:u rr MStSJ. I Jl t WaUSSaaaU '' tk fnaaSI -f r"" iW Ki.'f "i n la aaevaS lo aw i a'' 1 1 t -taaai aWur ti a (MaaVi ata for all of Ua Kutarra MlaaKa Urmmtml Mvdfl aW . tSr KlatttET CMnJklXTHmf VUhmt Mas Mod r rat Bviwria Ha I ae. iTtu k rcmiAirs smmmi m nrrrrjT vUl rral ra1- eary vaatar'' uw.. in w 1 1 aaanOTai lL.a I . UI aH" W B aad U. tW i tkaayaaa. AaaaaTTaCa.U diaUa'naaaa) -t rS4. tieCf-.-idaaj WI-arlA-r aia f' I t tat ad ti Wafcm IIW, If I I" Ma". at . M aWaar, at. S's UwMl fc- SV Tka Caata. .r MSJ ' majl k tSa t-fW mi HJa tuaraaaa. . I ! ....... . I il! ' ' 41 I..!.' raata n . ail taarra irni. Ira Kay' " 'a4 4a irml .'or pavnaadct. Me! SUa trT. rj ' ' a . . mrsaa . r re . ' a .H, a -no Tori I . - L ' i ajeM H all Pie aaHa. in TUTT'S 6VMI TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Bowels coettra. Pain in back nsr. Para ueaa. wren a anu sensaTion m tn r the Bhoolner bow SPtrt U. wttn blade, fn lines, after .1 DftUOU CO Imr.hii tv uf em a unsung i lasvlng ne fleeted some duty. wean.iesa, Lupmeae, wvaammg si tna Heart, Dole before tbs eyea, Yellow Skin, uaaoaon gene ran? over toe nsnt ay a. Keati.aaitess. Wttn flUOi SaVBIT color aa urine, eaa COWSTIPATIOW. riTT7ruJifZurm!tm.ptA to such enaea. one dnae 'Sei ta awett at eeeage of r!llrir a. to asrontsh Ctta aeufbrer. l-b-y leorrae. lbs Aaaa Ilea, .inf rams tbe "y 'rtjfca on rieaiN ta wtt ta aatareeifcaaA an-t i.v iftir Taiaae ArUea t, u, TUTT'S HAIR DYE. OsY Haia os rhaased tosOlSaST oy a mnei appluntloii rf thia Itot irim. parte, natural i;o!of, urt InatantaaoooMlv. Hold i.y lintc.uMe. or eeri by spren un r-ifH of ti. erfiflt., wramav srr.. tusk.. . D. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. HAM RETURNED to thia city and reaunH jtrao tioe. Offloe in new telrg ph oftt., tl'a buiMliiKS.ltmiul.lMit street, tietwecn Ktrstiul Sao ofwl atrat. Atbaay, Or., Woe. 8, HM. aWSWWpsamB Mofile are alwayao WW aaLsaaaaW'aaaaaaal OlK I'a.koUt I'.f i.-lll rea to inoreaae tlicir earauwe, Mid in ill it. become wealthy j ih-ee who le twit hnprove their opportanl ties remiu tit poverty. We offer s exeat i.-hstu. m m ke motier. We wattt many men, women, ho a aud X le to work for tie right iu their own kK-aiitiea. Any oneceti do the work profMrly fr'n the Aral start. The buaineaa will pay more than ten tint a ordinary wajfes. E.ntsive otlifii llliiiiaheil free. No one who engage tla ta make ni"n y rapidly. Von can da o eoir ahol ti1' i so uns .rk, or mljr your ana re rnonieoia. Kuii tiJorirutton and all tbst is needed sent free- Audreaa tnOi' A i-'o., Portia!, M-me. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE 00 OF IflWOI, ESTABLISHED, A. D. lftU. Capital subscribed, $10,000 OttO . 5,000,600 capital paid up I ....... t ...... tee Notk. Thia company baa the largest nsld up capital of mnaov doing business In the United .States. Insurance accepted by rloBT. A. 1 oar m i Agtef Albany. atjas aWWaSa A week made at home by the in aaafaW M aSaaaS .uatrioua. Beet buairtea. ro be t (ie tbe i-ublic, t.'aplul not needed. We willatar. you. Men. women, boye uul irirls wanted every where to work tor ua.. now ta i time. ou i-an work in spare time, or give rew whole Um to the bualoeas. Nootner business will psy you nearly aa well. No one can fail to make enormous pay. by en. irstfing at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made faet, easily, and honorably. AddreesTscs S Co,, Aurusta, Maine, SAM COHEN Keeps tbe best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also tbe FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps tbe finest blllsrd ball In tbe city. I will also sell real estate, mercbe.ijlse household goods, etc., st auction for any one in tLe cityor county store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6f SAM COHEN" &VsaTrf2E wrvftl THE M0lt wj rfY woman -VhIC H ACEJj PILLS TOS OF A IKrntii our IWjOiUi forrv.jH.nrta il l Mmeoir, May 'jHth, HHX Vo.tfnl.ty M.jeaiy th Kusrnr of all the Kaasias, ecootnaniet by tke Kinnes. antl Princes ant IMnceasea of the InijM tinl House of KunauoH, iroceUf in state from I he I'ntrofTaky Fslaos at Moscow thiough a doola tine of anl.iifrs, extending four nrilet n I a halt in length, to ike Kremlin. Tbe acetnc was evtraordinsrily msgnifi cent, sh.nmling in I iff an I gor'gsou, with Slenriil njloring, augueattve of unlinittl 'owf r and inr.lrul.hlo dan ger. His Imperial M.jeaty muit be a great and bra wan iudd lo hare horna himself ay serenely. Along all those milef of atntioela he rode, on hiaj sua-r. chargttr, a little distance in ad vance of his glittering escort, the c n tr.l ligurenf the mighty cavalcsdf, the cyneaiuie t all eye. the mark for a tntnSeuit of socl. may ton, inspiring I ia loys' .nhj-ct. ..ncf with vanfr.iioii .imI i, nifty. TbroogboMf , the Kmafr or maintained a calm de meaner, aa be 6tted hut l.f i y Osttton. Now and again be smilfl iijmih hit ode, and bowetl right .id h-fi in atdtnowlvdg ment of the cbecra which rnt tbe air with ao'iitda iif wf 1 route Vet who shall sey what misgiving, may hare stirred his raiud, what pride and courage wer needed to preserve that unmoved and heroic front ? Not for himself alone wre his thought., w tny le surf. But a few yards in advance of him went the Kmpreee, accompanied by the .rattd Ouchesa Xante Atsxsttdro van, in a atate carriage, aurrouudftl by grooms and pegs ; sod next theni .uif the rest of the Crsnd Iliichesaee, (Moaptcnoua among whom eat Marie A '.rx,tntlrov.n. ASmoat evrry oaemlisr of the Imperial family took part in tbe progress, the like of which t r fsrthlv irrandrur, raized with well grounded terror, the world never yet bfbeid. All that Impel il throng, not knowing what a moment might bring forth, must hsve seen much more than tbe upturned faces of the cheering erowda in the streets, much more than tbe ranks of people acclsimisg fiow !h bsloonies and gazing down from be twsrn s forest of Venetian masts, and innumerable flags and banners II utter ing in the breeze moat have sctn in imagination, hfigbtftird by dreadful ' memotifs, picture, of the fm v thev Wfrs too brave to reveal to tltn multitude That there wm lsngert .n l thkt there may hsve laa-n terror, ra.uot. de niel ; but the aril ami the feer, not withttanding the f hottfe jiowsr, of eata'.lihbfd autborit) , i f wilhug set -tee. and .O't-ctlonatf lovallv lar out w e m weibfd thf lurking .pint of uns. tin t. ti' . . . . l . ... . . I I " iir-u, ail ii. -in, in in. in.i'iii .'iin 1 it m tne iir iiT i .iac-, ana tne 1 aT l. 1 I J.1I thunder of ibe canuon and tbe clangor uf ihe pealing larlls sltotrk the earth and resounded through the sir ; when tbe ICmperor, in hi. tieweral'. uniform, idszing with jewelled orders, mounted hi. charger, the people were wrought to s pitch of contagious cnlhttaiaam. Tlie tens and hundreds of thousands be tween whose long array he rode, saw before them not- an elected ruler, not a ('institutions! Sovereign, but their Emperor and Father by Divine tight. the Patriarch of tbe beloved and rever ed National Cfaurcb. The immense majority bad tuiihei part uor share in the near ideas, nor wiah nor understanding for change. Tbe Impend family of Dukes snd Duchesses, stately and resplendent ; cavalry making martial mtisie with tbe clang snd rattle of their arms, and horse iuroiture representej to them their country's power and glorr, snd her bigh place smong tbe nations. Simple, faithful folk, the were glsd and proud of that stupendous, thst great ah-iw. For it should be distinct If understood that tbe secret of dan gers which shake the stability of tbe Russian Throne and make of tbs Ira perial Russian Palaces so many gilded dungeons, beast with unseen perils and darkened with tbe shadow of threaten- ing murder, do not spring from the people, and in Russia there is no mid dla classes. Tbe peasantry snd stnaM shopkeepers are ignorant, devout, and toy si. In that little-known, tterile and thinly-populated country, the towns and villages are few and far between. Communication is difficult, ideas spread slowly, and an organized revolution is impossible. It is among the nobility, tbe military, and the student el asses tbat the new views prevail ; and tbe danger which yesterday threatened the Imperial family must be sought for among the Slate officials and tbe mili tary officers who wear the Emperor's uniform and eat his bread. One voice all over the land goes, up from mothers, that says, "My da ughterd are aa feeble ami sad, with ISO strength, all out of breath tod life at the least exertion. What enn we do for them ?" The Answer U Mmple antl full of bope. One to four weeks' use of Hop Bitters will make them healthy, rosy, sprightly and cheerful. TH sstMl .sair Thrc h no chat art fr in human clety so utterly eseralle as the tattling gossip ; nd )f there Is aosrrely .ny community than is not '.uned with more or less of these vij era in human form. The. wise man has truthfully said, "the Njison of safis is under ttie tongm." There are imioe j fi n. in every sooiet y wlm seem never ao happy as when the are dipping ibnir slimy tonguf into the loul mioI of scand.), slid plesleiing it upon some poor unsuspecting tin in, And what ia worse than all, thfrerooial reptiles find too many socisl circles among the belter rises re, whste their fool insinuations and so' ..ku alan derssre, st least. Iistenel U, if uot tsilliligjy tecsiveti and commented upn. These scan da Ions goesips ate not con lined to either v . There ate male socisl acavengera aa wfll a. ft tn.le. Mn who a p sear from their 0'intfr.a lion never to brestbe a pure tueaith, m snteitain a pure thought In rlerrn f to otheis. Their whtde natura afftn. to be a mass of festeiing corruption; and the rottenness of their own inaaid nose ia forever cropping out in thrir converastion in reference to their neigh bors. It ia too often the oaae, evfn when ladies meet together lor s aooiaj hour, that they spend the time largely in db.cuasing and casting reflection, up on sons Absent female soqusifTiancs. And while tbey do not intend to turn themselves into .Under e rs, jet pet as, tbe viftim t f tbfir atiimad ver.ioii. ia g,uite aa pure in moral character w. either of these her traduce-s; .,,,1, 1 though tbey have perbap. not intul.l it, yet by tbe m.inuationa and bsv i does wbitih thav b.ra coo,, bar. ! , - - , - . they have smutted hr go I iaese 1n i aociety for all time. And three slan- j derous whupsKol this select tit. Irs of! gf.saie, wbicb were n-ver luleinlea. to be repeftied, will soon be lound to hate oryaulized into real accUtttions .gat or t tbe iei soo in tf iesiim, IS 'Weil iofiuits damage, lo say nothing if the untold morti fleet iao aod .ufl-roig a inch a purs woman feela when .be a.kte up to the (act that the- t-iaiii.. wli .,u aie had reaumetl he !t,euia, .rr io te-liiy .iasderous vi Uflers, seed tarnished her good narm in the society m ahirh abc moves. Of tVrurse, no troe laii .a- g-ot Ir-tur t will allow tbemselves ro, und-r an eironmetanora, to rngo. n, tinn i, f moua wirt of bu.tnnts. Ami tat Hreie are too many erson who "p twrresil in society for ladies aud gemiomeo, wbcfiiol.ilge coiihUuiIv in tit. eorl of hateful goaaip. If ever SOeisfTy shsll be organized Msaa a proj. r Usi it will be by enacting Uwa these buman m.gptea to aotue lone uland of ,i 1. .1 the saw, where ibev may f i j -y their favorite em plov men c of biting and de vouring esch other without snnoysnre to the decent jiortionot the social body. rVier. rt.BaW.el Miue. Minnie, hj aaiUI ou Saturday last for tvtn, will spend tbe Summer in her own laatutitul home in Germany. She will return for fsree months in the Autumn to fulfill several important engagementa to aing, and will then hasten to Berlin to keep lor Q m tract witb the K iv.l O.sera. tSf Beauregard is represented as saying that so far sa hi. observation giass there ia a gradual decline in tbe negro rac ; tbat tbey neglect their young and leave the old uncsred tor; sad these causes sre hiinging about a steady diminution in the number of blacks in those parts of ths Siuili he has noticed. The following names ot Nihili found guilty at ths recent trial at Odessa are published for the benetit of their many relatives in this country : Dzvonkayvitcb, PopotT, K ortayeffakyt Matvayevitcb, Kvaniuiue, litt.goiT Nikolai, Nada)jek, ValeoyefT, Sareet. ohetf, Uoveusky, Colikotl', Corsenko, forgashelf, Morsyeneas,, Kail XatisyetT, Kraphanova and Pop"lnitsky. Tlire is in Sobnylar county, Mo., a young old 11. an, who, withoot apparent cause, living plainly 011 a farm, has in eighteen years passed through the physical changes oi four score. At the age ot six he had all the development of strength and muscle usually in a lad ot hUeefi, At twelve his oeani was grown, and gray hairs appesred. Now, at eighteen, he is aa decrepit aa any old man of eighty, and seems tottering 00 the verga of the grave. HLTrKtt THAX Wie.eOS "I spent over 10,000 in 2 veirs,' said Mrtjr H. W. Ifines, of iij.tOH, Mass., m in being doctored for epilep sy. 1 employed the best physicians in New Orleans., Sr. Louis, N. York, Phlla., Boston, London and Paris, but all to no purpose. Samaritan Nervint has cured rue entirely." $1.60. An attractive,. youthful appearance, secured by usulng Parker's Hair Balsam to nil who are getting gray. CiKNKMaL NIHS lee latner of atrn h swf a a .M . Ming .'hi niinglf at S'. Louis. Tbe ptinifial ffsture of the H.ti I'lsucico maikets is the rfortel sud len tlecline in the vsfffu of hcs. It was rumored that a .sle wss coii.uiu- rnstfil I v prominent uoilu( de.let to a .hipping house of shoot 2 l a.les j of W.ahington Territory bop., at a ptice lietwaen an'l Zi nut. pu pt'iind. Hesator V lorhees h.a aen inter- I JEsT t f WhVf ) t TVBmm aVkas t viewerl, n I am Nig other tilings aays Utat hs is natisfied Judate ll .dl-y will be elected governor t f b o. That the report that McDonald and lieadnrkl are not on speaking from is s willful, malicious, and inftrnou. be. Tliat no Ilemocrat f prominence in Indiana wants the old in k .-t nominaled. That H-ndii''ks told him did nt Hrsol it. That thet- .rr no I -ui-wi -.r.s except WsteiMin and Putltkei alio Are in favor of free lied pure, .hd silupb . That there will le io th vision in Indiana over MoD ui.ld and llendricas. Tbst Hemlricks i. not s c.udidste. Vellow fever is sptreding in the city of Vara f'ruy, Miii'-o Tbe ciuditioti f Biamsft'k Is nnn h Irettei. Ltneen Victoria has left. I. tl moral for Windaor. A eomuietcial jasje-r asts "Sm Franciaoe is ladieved to now a two or three year.' supply oi npiom, recent heavy impoi I at ions iher- liaviog l--en -t ad r.r.'.ge ... i he ieieaaed dory , f from to $ Hi ,e r ,und after 1 A h,",,i,Bl1 " " r,HiU for rnP W.-iugluii T-r-ttory, from A 'ivrtnsn c.loov i. alarf pre- P,in lo ?-,t "0,m K-ts n Oregon. l om Tei ta to O ir ezchangna all around stfrae tbt it is s matter of moch regret that such men aa Andrua and Oeddee should be elected to the common council of Port land. The tight wss marie against in the interest of law, ordrr, dsconcy, snd sonrd morality ; and it is j a aad commentary on the miral stretiglh of the votera of Pen land that they should lie thus beaten. It is stated thst I resident Arthur Mit-iids sn to l-sve Waa)iingtm for a tie months tour. I la deairea to visit Ni w(Miri, Vflluaatoiie Park, the laOuis- ville Kkawilion, and to Ukea trip over the Nor I hem 1'aci.n- Eidd. touting i-1 ni- to ha the greatest stark growing region, uestto T:xa, in thia country. Over NOO.tMi head of cattle and many ibotivand .beep ate now feeding on the plains. John L Htrvke-. a welUkoown mill ionaire, was drowned at M,r.toga, while bathing, lie leaves a bride to whom be was married but t months i since. (ietaeral Orouh h.. .i. onKred to Washington bj the Secretary i f W.r for f msuliatiou a. t- the linal deposi tion of the cnpiuiei Asacbe. The War department haa receiver! no official news of the arrival of ihe captives at : Hm Carlos, ami no isetrc'ioei that be ; h.. srit them thee h.a b-s-u sent by ' t;e.eral Urorsk. , An e ;henge eaMuis'e thai WsJi iugton Tei ritory will tin. 'year sand j shrosd (U5,0000tMJ feet lusier. 200.000 tons of ooal iMo.'MH iounds of bops, 200,000 cases !' seJjMtoo, 000,000 boehois . of wheat, 3,000,000 boshela of oats, 100,000 himherS of potabsaa and 2,."WM),000 (sounds of wool. In cargoes of 1,500 tons, this ipianiity of produce will load liOO l.roe ship., or 1 three every day in the ve.r except Sundays. Tbe statement i. rnsda th.t 1 .i.tMH), 000 barrels of beer Weie consumed is this country last year, at the c tt to the consumers of 480,000,000. The North Weat .Was truthfully says tbat it is always regarded as an unfailing aud propitious sign when the chool huuse is the largest and grsudest building in a community. Such au as sertion may be taken as sell plains by the outside world, but atill it is an un disputed fact, that on appio.tching thia citv from whatever avenue you inav, the school house on tbe hill luka to be the grandest struct mm iu itm metropo lis. As long as we Iiavc such temples of learning iu our midst, there is no itnrn'i liate fear of letrogression. Thi; biggest fool we read of, ia tbe Washington correspondent ot the Ore (joiuiui, who predicts that Judge Steph. en J. Field will be the. Damoorstio nominee fjr President. We are no reason why this correspondent should not be seat to the insane asylum. "Men often mistake notoriety for fame," but they never mistake Kidney-Wort for any quack medicine. Kidney-Wort Is universally recogniz ed as a standard remedy for Hfl dis eases of the liver, bowels and kid neys. JPar more valuable than those folden apples of Hesperides are tbe life, health and beauty of Woman hood. Mrs. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound restores and preserves all these. 4 IM I II I 1. 1 r AH. Centtrville, U., Jus-Jl. 1'.',. Not aeeiug any rorr-sp.n If ore frim this burg f r some lime, I hereby tbe liber ly of fjenning yon a few item. tJioiet io i hi. looabi t are rfgaVing '"I I the fruit ernp ia trees are nearly all tit i mi fai'nte, the KarrPrtM uv hayng. We sill celebts'f. Kx-tgise. i f lb day will consist of reading, spekine, ihe liiietty car, picnming, ruos'c, racitf, horribles, ei. Miss Irells BHogbem b.s baes cbnasn oddets of ibefr, U. W. Wslker, i i Pendleton, er.tor r f ihe flay, (.tend fsall, and tine iivplay ej fur -Works at night. A glorioita time is anticipsted. M K Omp-meeting i beiiif held' st the f.roee. one onarter of a mile let. i low bw. l'.-rs. Jomyn, Irwin. Kig yjOTOM? f" 7 and K.da, s-a ta .ttend.t.ce ; rbe meet. "f vl ing will c.tttinue until a er J 00 tbr V gronnd.vame m r,. tie fourth. J land near f folborough, Holland. lirsgadier (i-aeral, Kre.1 free Tualie, AccorJint o A Trermsn bejswf, frrmi of the thtid .r:4 le. 0WgSj fn mi'i- j ,hm frmX9 "( on lj"f -erulrd tie, ha. spH.i..t-. Jsr. T ll.ta-ll As- fw-at aa a token of U innocence, sietant Adjutant C-n-r.l. with the rank frnm rn,t l f "den three iilies. of major. (; d, w- sslnlf ilia SJaj.W. j whicb M onm v' hf r lovee ov H. I) naua, fi inert v of Iz-benon, rr" Or., has the flueat atere sais largeat A salt lake bas lasan diacovfr.d on a stock of goods io Ueoterville. Mr. D. -Ownatsin slevt.t I fsO miles ia well pleased with Umatilla coucry. son th west of A U .....n i In its Moie room bsr such noterpt i-mg men. ' HW f-et high Cbaa, i. Kartell has bought the thickly inernated with salt, and having tire stock of hardwsre snd af rionltttral I100' ",t w'r n oitre. implement, of Kaason Smith. Mr IS., rord dnigget. which is fu.m M, by bis untireing energy, ha bout u s l''d oslv to carpet, has a eurnete hi splendid Losing sorry to bm- hire, jtorv. Originally it meant say stuff" in J, H (; tllow.y, late of I.tnn county, . which the wsq diffeted in maierisl ia atnppiug in the city. j from the weft, and even gold rhr-evl Mr. M i.. me, who drovr th- stre-i were used in ia mannfaeture. i spunk I-1 in yoifr city fifteen year, .go, The? Arab, think that the mmi'h of ia now f ngsged in tbe same hasf i a s ns wtw whiatlaw J ass purifle! ,f,f. for forty d jya. The Icadander. think Thia evening. K iwis Stm,won, w;Mr " If "W" whitlv, rsr mk- a reeidea tour miles ftvasa this place owf" wliletlo Ihrough the sir, he Wild II ores crtek, waa dsngerously ho ttsf OM. In aUbbml bv a la.fby tbe name of Ssia. ' 'nh Germsny the prsaanta sy that Hat ham, aged h years. The resnlt of an r.ld grude ; Simston msy ir- ; cover ir. . K Barker di I the wound. ;socielle50f LtOOUoo is the .athwark The new town f Adsms. rive miles! "Help-Myweif," tsut si which ha- WSS a aa Wa. at a. I neiow uere, on the resoletos JVmmI, is gently "booming " It ia known . Purp to 'enter villians aa "W M "Cbin ( 'bit." ha. selected a fig-tre-,- i.t Ua.uraa,-. M , i.rt.Ur m Liol. ka. . ill be a ill l t j pitch his tenf, .reJ proceaeJ to deal out the Isw ( to th desert ail) at that rlace. A large grti toil i. to l-e htiik bets soon by See Krantraeo caatiaia. J. Nit Hudson, s rising feeing lawyer from Portland, haa ancwored among ue and hung out his shitu'e ; w- heartily welcome him to our mid.'. Mdmo Poillipatfrwo. H. RW'fore- roan in the eheep busiitess, i. viaiiiog btsparenuin Biaton, Ma-., .mi will return with a "comi aVo-ui." is e-i4y K-,11 ma. bmiinsaat aiiad vo tdd bov. Hank Vaughn has t irned (.ranger. tie baa over eight oundre.1 acres in grain on the 1'matilla Ke'iervetion, '. three uiilea from iJenterville. Tbe Strawberrv festival at y T B.rneti'a atora as er j-yed by the par ticipant a. St. If I las i wewf a. The h it makfef lead, a tirennr Hf-. uul he often make bit work felt. N nth was never afraid nf starvation during Ibe flisnl. He. always bid a Ham in the srk. Hooka in tbe ruining brooks are! usually found when the .mall hoy I .J-. ........a aaXa c.n .A .w. i afin 9 11 iiatii aa 'trni mwm mr year. -Kven tbe haunts of religion are not free fmm world i new. There is a good deal of vane glory about a r'Stliroh ufManli Walt VVhifniri ctn writo p n,try .... ..,..w. ! with bis eyes shut. This i. the rea. .0 donhiles- thst lunillv ha v-op it blind on bis metre. i ,KM llth " stmospbere tb preesore A corrw,omleul saks us bow the ; 19 not aom.ny pounds, and tbe Kilin Cast's life can be made more ecure, I Pnt 9mft0 Uwr' W-fe! syspecially at night. Well, he might f tKer retire to a safety vault. M. Bisman k ioiends t . rem alel t:ie! Tfa- .wi, u a in German eoiiatitulion. Will he lo kiug pig,, to bold refuse from ibe this by prohibiting the use of Swi douse and dairy, but it abonld not be a cheese and DoJogua sausage ? ! barrel at all. Tbie ia the most ii. ..,i- rill aJ. aaaM 1 1 a L : L I 1 me gins nre uaviug inwrr ' handkerchiefs done up, so tbat they cap weep, becomingly over Ihe lust words of the college valedictorian. A great many women are too ill to go to church in March, Lut &fter they have got their new Spring outfit it is astonishing how soon they recover. A -fashionable modiste has put 1 SOO buttons on one dres. We should hate to wait on the wearer while the ; was dressing to go to the theatre, unless the play happened to be a Chi nese one which would last two or three days. " Parking" is a new word they have Invented in Baltimore. It h applied to the action of a young nan who takes his girl for a stroll In "Druid Hill." Tills shows Southern Indolence In the dropping of s letter. Here we call It sparking. (t stars Fii r. Of all the bird, foridddfri tb lavvitidal law aa nuclean, ihecem c snt i be only one vtttn b i. r.trn. The hiatoiy of the .r ia-b -r- cetfi eau be fraewd back is s'laoat SfMKI yesre, end is thst time ie h r.'l an fntinfvy nf shapes. When hrinstone matebev wer- flrsf inverted, some ahop keepers refused t a-ll there on tb- groon.1 ih.r tbey would si1 iiior mlfari-e. The auarstitious inhai'sn's of Jr. aey anew trnt for the clears s f tb lai.o on tb- anfrpoeirioti tbaCK a'i afiaorb sl its ImfHiritiea. Nearly all lbs Tsntoni.- friiaf. bai a cits torn or s law thst the inberi. ce of the lani carried with tv ikm iirberi'ancr ef tne armor sow tbe tmiiv f-nH About fifty heed of e.nle w at laaata ifw whi-wb? in the armiing it ma the sngeht weep. Among the numerHti. hetiertdetii grown the "Help 0e Another,' which it devoted lo tbe work of bringing tbe women of S uth Ixm- i towether and persuslinjr I hem ! tO adopt the prfnrildea oftiSal itreoi-. j ' ''hrpt the principle nf 1 ' Swfiee snd Christianity. Trie i -jvo organizations have ae vend ri.u-ul mem tsars. The cHeorsleil nrq r,..". ny which so many murder were mm. mitte.1 in Heme between lti4 and IG58, Wat 1-omps.Mil trf lead fliimr, arxenic slid antimony. It wss given In dtnes of Ave or six dr .p. tor v. ; The antidote rir-wl , U' Jttir w insaWafls thr ! doses. The quantity of art. 'employed WH-i at) SlQall that nothing ws. needed to counteract it. Among the curious wills bewrmg date ftsur or five centuries ago i thst f Lidy Alice Weat, who in 13941 bequeathed a sum of XI 4 10s, (eqoiv- slent to a boot $!,) for 40 nwsae-, snd nesrly twenty bequests of 1 00 .billing, to verloo reli.'i hj- lealisa, such a. 'the Xleierures-atf. tl vdilinx . withoot Ablgite,'' Jib Friar. Newgale," "tne Friar Ludte," fr the atne purpose. Id 14- I'"' srl Biketsod provided for l ,000,110ft iiMaaoa, eorl Will ism New land made provision for paying pilgrim to go to Jerusalem to Comftostella and to Canterbury for him. Water dow aot bnii .i.,.ii i he tension of the VSOOr f JflUaal bv haHi. it is greater man tne arsio.phere .rssore. At tbe sea level, wbara tb p-asaoie of the atmosphere is arv-nit fifteen pounds per square inch, U wtr most be heated to 212 reefers its vapor has "'cient temnon to evenenme tb.. press- lure. At Areanta. .Montmw, where it n"c" no " ee. saving a ia kii a. t . . , . .Hini ulin f,r Mwi I lewiriV. h ia too high and narrow. Hat a the carpenter make a tu out of tsoinch pine planks, iie or six feet las and a half feet wide sets' tbe eatur iu height. It should have a ciuevajle-nuicg cover with good hinges, and tbe cover abonld be kept closed as tuucb a. sxissi ble. An old huiclier way out io MWmri. With neuralgia, he suffered like fury, St Jacobs OK baoiahed The ntin which all vanished And prevented a coroner's jury. A cranky old man named Blake, Says 8t Jacobs Oil "takes the cake, Ho gave it one teat, Aud says its tbe test, Coif In the world for back t- he.