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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1883)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT 3URD KVERV FRIDAY STIVES & Xt fTlNW. Ill slHrWKjta ltrtu..r, ui utl.tli.u KrHHiffallttH Mm i. TKRVS Of SUHMCKIITION ain ! opr. per yar, tit artvanc njta c c-r jraar. at nf of year. iijl pny, a wrtrtth ai.i;la o.pv, l far. BKMiths uift" r. ..! ri m 3 00 1 VI 7ft 10 PROFESSIONAL. UAKOS. 1.. Kl.INN O. K. CHAMKal.UTf. FLINX i rilAMUKllLAlX, ATTORNEYS AT LAWj .41 baa , Oregon. saTriitiw-e in Foster's Brick Hlook.-ts, vlfmlStf. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT L.WVr Albany . Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IK ALT, TUK t'.s of tin Stste. Will give special atteu touto .olleotlomanJ probate HHtttTi Otnre in Fnater'a new !ri k. 4ftf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. rnoe upstairs, over John Rriggs More, 1st street. vMniOtf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTAKY H'BUC,) iTTORN KY AT LAW, AL8AST. nKtt.O. riLL PRACTICK IN ALL THE COURTS OFTHg YY sta. Sfwctal uwtt; sf -n i. v. kmw ana pruhala raattfr. -r rte in (XM ri few's Temple. Ui J. C. POWRLI. W. R. tUl.TRU POWELL & BlIVKU, TTORNKYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in haiifei y, ALBANY. - OKKUON. t'olieokns promptly made on ail point. Loans negotiated on wionthl terms. Office in ro ill Brn-k. vMnlftf. E. It. SKIPWOKTII, TTOnF.Y Aart VUJ AT LA W AS not tat rt iur. WILL practice in all courts or the State jQ basirmes intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. (i$c S TootS s Block, Street, 4" I A lbany, Oregon. J. J. WHITNEY. Attorney And Counsello? As La7 AND - Xofary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practe-e in all ol" the Da-get of uhlsState All business intrusted to him -will be promptly attended to. .jar-Office in OToole'a Rick. LEWIS STIMSON'S LI V KICV AXD FEED STABLE. First claea vehicles, fine hones. r1 -feed. accorninodatiug proprieto-Vend r .aonabie charges. Give them a astl. -Staid- near Itevere Uonae. E. W. LANGDOH & CO., DKV4aGlfT. I Books. Stationery and Tothtt A niolee, A Larye Sock and Low PrU-... CITT 3DHTJC3- STORE, ALB AST. OstCtSO. FOSHAV & MASON, WlllL ASS aSTIL Druggists aad Booksellers, AL.BA5IV, OREGON. Tlta ttlf REVERE HOUSE, famo Mrt and BUawvrth Alasay, ". Chas- Pfeisr, Prop'r. THU new Hotel is fitted up in first daaa atyla. T(hlca Ujlieri with the beat the market aflor.R S.nog Bnla in ry Bun. A 1 PapasS h- n. for ,! merciaJ Traveler. trier-- Caark la aad fraa fife Mfr!."A I ANNALS & WOOOIN FURNITURE BEDDING. Ceraer Ferry and meesalf Hirer l. ALBANY, - - OKECiOX. vlfintlvl - T. J. STITBS. ATTOUNEY AT 1,AV -AN1- Notary Public. OfBe in State Riohth ' ln., ha oPjce. Aloany Bath House. rHfc CNDBHSI'-'UEIt WOULD ItESPKCT fally isform tfia eiiiaa&t ut Albany and vi ciaitjtbat I have talren cbarge of tbia K-tabliab aieiit, and, by Keeping eteac room a ana pay trit attention to batine, expscti to suit al t'-io'i wbo may favor us with tbeir patronage Having fcaretofura carried on noting bit First-Class Hair Dresainif Saloons asfaet to i76 satire astisfsetioo to al ChJjdien '.d liSdien' Hfcir DeatJy es ...,.eed JOSWEliBEB. ALHANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OB. The Third Ttsrm begins on Thurs day, Fcbrttary 1st, 1883. - Fr particnlara concern hif the course of amdy-eed th price of tuition, apply to REV. f'flAniT, PrtHiea(r RED CROWN MILLS. IS0M, I.AXNIXH & 00., PROPR'S. XEW PROCRSS FLOI' II SUPERIOR FOR KAMTMEM A NO BAKERS CSK. BEST STOILAOP aCJLITIES. Highest .Price in Cash for W heat ALBANY OR. HALSEY HOUSE. Hilsey - Oregon. R. W. E. GITHEK3 HA TAKEN tJL :harire of rhia house. Commodious sample rooois have been prepared for ....... r.-isil t.mvpiflrs. Beds nood and Hean. iood table. Board bv day or weeK. .stage leaves aany tor urowusvuia .xxd CVftTiferdsrille. VOL. XVI II. M. M. JONES Breeder mim! SnlipT PURE POLAND CHINA HOGS KKITIISBI'Rt. - - ILLINOIS. My breeding stork is rrpsteretl in ue Ontral PuUntl China Uerord. Stork for readable rats. Thse hoffs art descend ants from the best ttertU in Indiana and Illinois, are quiet, tloclle, easy fHtted and splendid hi others, order reeelved by W. X. FLETCHER, SKeddn, Or. EDWARD EVERETT.1 : Sired bv PoUmUk4ur Pethfiradaa first dam bj Vermouth air of LadjK . lanatlna, (2:29 ;) Mia Lewis, (27 Parrot, (MB) Wilt mke the season eflSBS, Mondava and Tuesdays .of each week at Sbeod'a I iStaiiou; Whines lays and Thnrsxlays at nome. nana AUOffe, ana' miivi and SaturtiavM at Lebanon. Edward Everett la a dark bey, 1S hsnda hith. weighs 1JC0 pounds, rv HtvlHh an. I full of apeed. $16 to insure. Aadreas M Kmwmt Bros.. Albany Or. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. EJUKIVO AXD UOVI.NL PL 1 AXON, ortfaus and rurnitur a npeeiavlly. All hanllnc within tle city promptly attended ta. J. NAT HUDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AXD Notary Public. WillpraeHea la' all the Courts In this Sie. 106. hir St.. Portland, Oregon. (With Curtis A Oihbs.) LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with Deslnnas and sharp rar-. wtiitdi are a'iv ltpi in good omi hin. and hair ut in the vry bea rt.le. : WA Vl. - I l! 1 l!V Np CHINA MRU II NIINO BI SI la stas Ri :v. m aial Junnca Ladwa I' V I' ' Rat.U HENGTENG. It tt washinfr and -ii-ouing in the eity. No. 1L Ellsworth-Street.' I r nth of lievere Iloute. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FIE MIL UNERY GOODS. OPPOSITE .REVERE HOUSE. '83 1 GRAND COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ANDTHK LOUISVILLE WEEKLY ( ol mER JOntNAL. One year f.rnly ..50. TaKkpoprea liill- irvra i .ia.i the pries di une. Br W'n $3.S03'o ,HI raeelve for aie yttr ;:t ti.rfue iKoaf wits toe - t'lurttr Juiirruu, ne . '..f.rraviitativa- nurpa.r .( the Hootlt, Urni KTa'.Ui x.i f.r a tariff far revenue only, and hm neat.hrtirl). . aiit aWeet family weekly In the fnite.1 mum n h. deaire v.. examine a aampte ropy of the uanpr .kvTnu. -in do aoat una one. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. AsseAm. aieojwii f s,zajm iTeinium 'iiijiaiu 2 00T,i:iH Safo, relUWeand qufi; to, iay in case of ARCH STHrTII, - . at . Agent. Alhany, Orftof, SCIO BLHIXEBS D1RECT0IIY. MONTGOMERY & BILLY. D E LF.R-S IN CLOCKS AND WATCH ES. Kep a full line of jewelry. Watcho atvi elocks tepaired in first-claws t order. SCIO - - - OREGOiV. Ws Me MOUROWe KALER IN ST0VI-S, TIN WAKE, copper ax)'l sheet iron ware, crockery, UOio einltry, etc., eut. SCIO - - OREGON. BRI0GEF0R0 & BEARS. K EEP A FULL T.I N E Or IKK eroceries. frealt ;a.ootff, rjots, and j ail kinds of eoniWsilonariea, tobacco, ogam, ?;., etc. Cash paid for produce oi au kinds. SCIO, OREGON'. W. 11. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY fiOODS, CLOTH ING, Vioota, ahoes, hala and f aps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. J. D0RRIS, Bridge Builder AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OKEGON. NO'UCEOr PUDI.K' LETT-lNOf LICITEU. Plans and itpecifiiii JurnlMhe''. on short notice. We have a 12 in:h turbine watr whee brass liniog,-in apleudid coH.liti.m, which wo will eli chaap, iSal M i l l im 1 1 1 1 1 1 L7i la ,. . . . i ' ' 1 .w. ' I ... i Absofi TM Ihi (Jr with lh i.itillllifcUu low lM, rhurt wlK.i, Ji. iiT .Jl.-l'lile .wrn ijiy In rail. ftST Baurovaara. IgO Ut , N v. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'R AW all rutALB WEAK. . Ir- sad PaJafal Meaatreailee, OA PS Ob iaipia aaifanjr, aat r aadaaragatar yarleda ! rr jj ratvatax rt rstrtt. of tateasiattva anraas r tkat W rr af taa 1a1.taa9r.taat ,ua- raeta. lat. L E. WEI fiarav TS ar aaafi ta (Se fcraa of atii. or ot of prW, fit eer W far aae. Km Jfaaf tea ffi. t aSTtlasaaaa a? all i no back W1.A. choa'Aon to IrrstaMnV) ateeanc Beat oolorod Urine, and CONSTIPATION. ' ril.LMSree.perlaJlyadi ite aurh ejtaea. anedeae eOWte arhAelug of rin line as la aeitii ftie aatJferwr. rheyJUpaMBee fiSe Apartitr. end i body eTwataeaeMa riVTtk... n,. Meui t and liy Ufif Taalr Aeilwa on ihr Till ii ai hi i 1 TUTTS HAIR DYE. lo a Ouwar PVK. itiai- 'aiy Hold at ' DR. D. B. RICE. Physician and Surgeon. seas RETURNED to tbia etty sas raaoaiad prac II ties. ttfllaB to new telen.-aph Mr, oTl't HniMinr,' atrnet, laHween Kimt and See Ajbarly, Or., JfoV. 8, 18R?." WffU jKSople are alwv.o Ejl the I.M.kxul f'-r i-hn .I i to iucraaae their aaraiuaa, anil in time beeM wfealthy ; tboae wro le not improve tnmr opportuni ttea xi main in i. verty. Wa offer a if real ebanoe to ui ka money, we want many inen, women, boaand jr U to work form, riul.t in Uieirown toraittiaa. Ay . I taie can. do tle work propvi'ly Iro n tb ttrmt atrt. Ttie buaineaa will taty more tm an ten tune ordinary aajft. P.x!iiive ..mat ntrii.iaei irt. noona who amre fail w make moin-y r.. ndly. You ran te- v. t li no . ii. th wjJt. or only yonr pri r W I f Our i. : rv ail . tnat mo.l.i ant fr. 4tXtjm Jrtlv. 4 Co., I'.-rtlaml, .Mama, GUARDIAN ASSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A. D: 1821. rpltalsubacrioed, . 10,000 000 Capital paid t)p 5,000,000 Note -Tbls company hsa the largest naid ur cardial of mpsny doing btmrrjess In rhe Unhed 8Utes. Inauraooe aoceted by JRoBT. A. Fobtfr, Agt of Albany. ai iasa se'ea. a wek made at borne by the in S mmSk iluHtrious. Beat buniiiKM now l.e foTthei.ubH, Caplul not needed. We willattr vL Men. -wnnien. bovn and idrla wanted erery when ta work tit let. MAr -kt the time. You rain. work in spare time, or give yo-ir whole time to tbe buaine. So otner bnaJnea will pay Vftu nearly a well. So one can tail to make enrmouft pay, y an jratrmif at ouca. Contly outfit ard term free. 3loney ndda faat, e. and boiorably. AddreeaTat'B k V. Anyanta, Uxine. SAM COHEN Keens tbe be.t brands of imperial and m ijoniewe cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TiiBACCO, m fiOCKET-KN I VES AHIAtt KlHOS OF NOTIONS, ;eeps Ute hnefd bUUr hall In the city. I Will floii xuia ..vawwic, luwwu.rfuwv bowslhLgoods. ite. n.t.tictlou for soy one In Bfunty., 1tor Posita Mawere Motfajs, Vfbaujy, Or. SAM COHBN pOJAl POWDER !iar!ra5aVnrtle: aMasaW aaaeaTaei. atoaaraa of etur ana. it fcawoatta aw are pe- TUTTS PILLS roaWrtiVER. Loss of AtKMaftaaadaaaMieB m r n n m i aaaaaa aaaiaa am i di. Heart. lowbeioretteaaAVelow atk.n. TTnedaitia -annnra'lT rwrST tTisrkrhfi vt. uiaineaa. With rHtfo drsama7 hiahJ y 4-lHLAteassa. "( :r" .u r-ait,i n. ry. tiirwtSsiiiir stpasssaaM. . ALBANY, ()BKCreW, ORATION. Ilre4 at Ateeajr July tth. I:i. t i at l. MrKif. mt fsrllnsd Mr. AfnVtflf l.'iJie mat (irtillnii9H '. Here fr from (lie liillea Ute vatiek an 1 ibe gorffes of our native lend, r hate gsiheitsl together in (Hi our wes tern home, to oeiehtate the birthday ol a great and noble people. Here, where Ute fiehlfi are riot hrsl in the gwimehU ofspiine:, and the great mountain . lift Uteir snow caped mnuieita into Ike rejriotui of srMituMl wtoter ; here( in this state f ours, where the distant ocean 'Mark heaving, boumllea nnA mittiime" noenfi ooullirooeele with its iuijtSHMinned waves, "end the fr off elands of fee th r gold U like ialeu! in a dark Mum sea" have we gatheted together, the maim, and the daughters of ee y olime, to eelebiste the aacred o use of liberty, and rsnee our allegi ance U this m rinmon rooutry of us all. We hsvti iut, t lejoice sfiih lauhtog ohtSdit, fair wouifu and hrave men and to blest te day which has given in on a nation odi as umr rame liefore to inar in the tide of time , which, predion to iis lutth, exiated only in tb dteatuy imagtnatiin f the oei or I be hilosoiuer, but stsnda forth to-day a in ilia, hreathing teadty, opening tta Itrnad arma and reeidtiug to its fond emlirso the ilitreted of fcvuy country, aud of every meed, giving aheltr aud protection to llM vile, the atranger and the wanderer, holding in one hand preceand love to all mankin-l, white with the other it roaches cut- ward, rescbee onward, reaches ever and Utes its reckoning by the stare. .V little more than t century ago to day, a youthful people, in the vary childhood of their lire stung to the heart tbe bitter wrongs end oppressions of ihfir mother country, by their "Ueoiar a i,n .if 1 itdependearV1 severed then. lad yes forever from their parent govern uru. U ng and direful Were the years that, followed ; death and destioction lay stle and ghostly, under the moonlit sky ; the roar of the deep voiced can noo "honand eon the sightless eouiters of the air" made tbe very atmoaphere heavy witk its mutAered thandei . War with its maimed hand and clotted look KW1 t. mLiIa amm at AHr iimi aaadinil J jeen, ss she aoarrod her yoahf faoO with its fawns, aod desecrated hoe fajr bosom with the tdood of bar children. Bat tbe spirit of psttiotiata that dared to tear from Kugland tbe brightest jew el of (he flritish crown, walked with ber liken divinity through the fl tinea of battle, an. I uraserred her uObarfised from !, inH tgralin. eat soldiers wrote their honored names with sword in hand, upon the pi ft of a Nation's history , learned nieu wove into tbe texture of her being tbo gran I (iriuciplee and time honor e 1 i leas th rt were destined in doe time to bear the beet of fruitage, in giving to the yotng repu'olic.then oblest of in a i tu ' too h and the most oooipiofioneive of po'idtea. i'.r while we recall to mind seek nmes aa Washington, Putnam, Warren, aod a host of others, let us" not forget such mo so Henry Lre, Adamf, -eoersoii, sou wne aay otner. r .aa . i . . i l . co.verrc. .Wa too, ith otir eacted dead. "Thay fall dseotad, but undyinf , The vary gale their aaaies aesui aighiug ; Tha water murmured of their name. The wosda wars peopled with thair fame The atlent pillar, lone and gray Claimed hindered with their aacred at ay. Their spirits wrapped tbsduaky mountain; Their memory sparkled o'er the fountain ; The meanest erill ami mightiest river Rolled mingling ip their fame forever. " Immortal dead ! if you ere looking down upon us through the ''goldened gatee afar" yoe can but know that the face of a nation ia turned towards you with heartfelt thanks for this land of plenty, of beaut y snd peace. The lie ingofa new generation with uplifted hands greet the dead of the old shades of the departed, hover about ns like the spirit, of the just, and leach is by thy divide presence, to walk ever iu the (latha that thou hast pointed out, so tha, through each revolving year, We that Hie U ft behind may feel that we are worthy children of illuatron lath ers that have gone Imfore. At tbe birth of our young lepubljc many of the great powers of Europe aided and assisted. Even England gave her great minds to advocate our just cause. Can the Irish people forget, that the greatest lawyer and statesman ef bis day, or of all time, was u Jriahmau, who shook with the thunder of his elo quence the Briiihh Parliament on be half of our people, atruggling to Ite free. Can they forget that one of the first great soldiers of tbe revolution, who poured out bis life's blood on behalf of o tr country was by birth, by education " ".v iiiatiut;.., an ....aHiu. DeeH not the Sootohnotn and the GrrrnHn re- j call with pride snd pleasure tbe et inar nis snoeatora stoou auutu io of tbe 6ght, under the "stara and tbe , wheB anew nwion Wtta r0Ued , fyl a : 1 into Ike lap of time. O.d Hpstn, and Ancient Walv gave to us our Colum- bu8, and Poland, to whom tbe ntime of kirr Id FRIDAY, JULY 13, fieedom ih evi r sweet, her Kosciusko, nd fair Kraner, a hen were weary with the teat of tbe fights atretcbed hr gioat aim afinMt the eaters and struck a biuw fur ithetiy that is eeboed bsek to-.iey fiom tho heerls of million of (rtmn to b lost in the auruiur ol the Psdffeseas. The human feaaily seemed to have n ado our ahutrgte a oummon oauaejm tbey have in alter )asrs made our lend s common home. And tboe, i.y thM nuited eMorUof ail, we ped from the smoke of ImuIm into the gen tie arma of )ece, a victorious natinn. Never lejfore in the hiatory of tbe civil ixed worhl, did a government edapl itself toatirrouudinf micomstsnces with the aa we esse and facility. I 'a asople wherever bore, under whatever Omdome or lawa they may have Wen reared, whatever language they ina have sfiok en feft Uiat the eoil, wherever they lived wee sacred, and that here amid tbe torehe of their hen and he yar den c f their hopes, they would huild in tbe "New Woild" a Ilepublic that would tivsl in mageilbjefit arsaw'tbae tbe grandeur and gUry of the Old ln duatry, with itehrad breaad, a'rong handed sons of toil, name ami sread o'er her hills and valley, the gorgeou man tle of sgnculture, as it. tnnohed with its msgic wand i he mountains, that they might riili ibeir trtaasure st tbe feet of malt, and wealth f .llowe, in iu fjotsteps. Jer e numere whiteueil with its taila the fi Caess as it knock ed at the porta of the efvittaad world, J snd poured in tiion kef the prodocta of the great Universe. L'ivil and reli fiona liberty was implanted deefi within her very being, aud grew with a rapidity uo petal led, under the genial influences of ber noble inati tutiona. I ts pantheon was not reared by hsiuan hsnds, nor was it OAarble walle.l ; lint it was s'.snii ed ttfn the hearts of her Hole, pro tected and preeerved hy its organic law. ClvUisatioo bawan a grand march in her wide domain, and so far i a th baa been a Mplane of con'-inne.! evolutions." Lei ui pause for a m n,.-..t and look et the growth of our e esWt! atuoe ite birth. From wiii.imhi at)tera atilee it baa hrcoute more than 3 imni,(NN). Ite population baa swell! f,.,lu ."..IW KMK) tj over .il,iKi,isai f we l.,k at lie producttve, distrtlmiive, or ieveutive UNovelopment, 'he muul wmers at its rapra nwui. we noo h, rottnti, aogsr, hay and grain uo!.ided in the greatest ahuoefisaao, tod ftesu 'be Uni ted Stales the greater pert ii a!f tbe gold and silver of the world is furnish od ; while the foundry, loom, mill sad work -shop make the very earth trem ble with their ooutiouoos wheels of busy action. If we look at iu intel lectual develop meats, in all the branch ee of literature and science, learned men hove arisen and their works are read end appreciated throughout the world. Among historians, we find Prescott, Motley end Baacrof'. In tomanoe, Irving, (Jboper end Hawthorn. In ore. atory, Weheter, Obiy, CalhounH and Prentice. le poetry, Longfellow, Whittier, Poo and the lamented Bryant, one whom nature, that be loved so dear ly, cherished so fondly end aung of so aweetlv, even from his youth upward, ! is to-day dec irating his grave with her wM fLJWmrK fAring. hi life toi.ol.ed ; th 0f the t mHQ of Xltil)a from its birth tip t t the ireasot time snd now, that be is no More, bit undy ing memory is perpetuated in tbe pure thoughts, tender sentiments and grand ideas, that be hat given to tbe world, proclaiming him for all time a wise, noble and gifted man. Even in tbe line arts we find our country baa won diatinction. In moral progress its won derful development ia a gratification to all 3vet oO.OOO churches minister to the spiritual wants of a Christian o- plr, and anylumft and hospital, are scattered throughout tbe land. The inventive genius of Americao in the moat important appliances of art and manufacture is remarkable. Thete is an average of over If, Quo (atmi's a year iaaued. It was ber Franklin that in anted tbe lightning rod and stole with more than Piomethian altill from Hesven im tire. It waa her Morse that invented the eieo tro magnetic telegraph, and it ia due to American geniua, that the Atlantic Oa hie waa la ed under counties miles of whitr iioso.uiii hiliowa, pulsating over the rolling Ocean, tbe wars of Europe, the tt'ieecbea f her state. men, or the heart tb rob of a nation. He was an American who tirat trusted a frail bark to the mercy of tbe waters, without oar or sail ami in deftauee of wind and tide. Twu somewhat recent American inven tions have far some time excited tbe a imitation and wonder ef the world. Oneia called the telephone, or far apeaker. It is a device for tt Mooting to a liiHtHnoe, over an electric ciicuit, all kinds ef soends, including the hu man voice. It ia claimed by these in ventors, that it will be but a few years when distant friends will send to one uuother phonograph letters, which will speak ie tbeir own familiar tones. It will be but a few years wbeon may at pleasure reproduce, and hear tire oices of thoee long aince dead ; and one eraocrat. i "i jm 9LtAO ttnsa1 may, by taking a flle of phonograph let ters speken at different ages oi Kit life, bear the eerly prattle of hia -ht'dliood, the aigba, and prutestationa lo hia firf love, or the manly tones of hl riper yeere ; that generations yet unUtrn will listen to tbe fsinoua speeches ami seeet eonga of the great men, aud beautiful women of thia century , thst hereafter time, aod space will be annihilated, and the living aud tbe dead will hold eon vnrae with one another, iiut, while we trace (he great eohievemetits of our young republic ; wbi'e we eumiray the wisdom of her laws the ehrfpienea of her orators, the sweet aim a- of ber no. eta, the learning of her p4tthrphfia, the leduatry, daring ami a., ee-a of her moo of science, white we fsel a just pi ide in tbe broad sod genoroua prin ciple that have beeome part arid par ed of her life, tasking rong her arm and her heart as thev breathe into ber very aim I the grea". germs of national power, let ua not forge that there sre bsnefnl ii.flue.m-. bnaitduded ie ber very midst that grea'ly retard ber future greatn. , and may hereaf'er shska ber with to ifenii ina from center to circumference. We h.e with ua s raoe of people, brought hete originally by no fault of their on, ebieb time has Uught us can naves ahake off tbe prejudices of their native , . ao se to itecome an essential elemnnt in our aoeity. or adapt themaelve-, i .,or civil- iution. With au iustincuveaed culti vated abhoronre to our nmatdaaj snd btaa, tlrey set them at dedvios when ever the ocossioo will ie-tu.i', coming bore for th- aecnmuL,i..ii . money, they returu to the land f their birth wbeD they have ac mi jdi-hed their purpose, snd Mb.mld tbev he a i unfor tunate a to die iu our madat, their last request ia, th ti fh- tr beeo ahall lie trausHted MTUM li" vaiers to the homes of their youth, (eeling 'hat tbe Ooean that Ina between is the Htvx of of ancient story, that wot he croawed ete their souls osu entr the eiyaiau nalda ; thus sAtestiug not only by their lives, bot even in their death. Miat they bare not one feeling io r vmm.m with ua aa a people or a nati at. Having 'hen, no lovef.r our Bowilrey , no in terest in unison with our owe, denying the exietaore of (l ei hun-e f, can you wonder thai they bare ajwaya fttied to adapt ibenWv aui our ctviltsation, snd adorn tbe..ulvMa witk th true akar actertattc of Ani'ii.nn .'i'.euahip lOUg Was I he llumneV whieb aeemed to proas siatti ion ( Ut elation IO CbinesW im-oigr't.n, thooab a great political i iv waa rttigmg the alarm bell throughout ike ettemoaewalib. But let us ( ou yia tu late auraejves that tbe charmed afiall is broken in time to evert the threatening danger , and by tbe mild end gentle iofl isnce of legislation, we have tuim-d Uck for a time at leaat tbe tide of uuutiration, that would inundate oar f .it land. There n another evil IVt ibt with ruin t oa as a great rewoo.1., nd worthy of the c msideiation of all tbougbifol men snJ gool oitixeas 1 It it the grnat and growing tdeucy of our publi. men to be wai.lmg iu private virtue, and tbe bold eff. outcry, unblush ing audscity, and causing villainy of corporations and tnonopolie. Being without souls themaelves they aeem to act upon the principle that men are without conscience and lev.. id of al honor. Ai no man ia too high for them to aouroacu so no one baa too - menial a position to be c inaidered un worthy of their notice. For yuu mnat remember they must stoop eaceeJingly low often times to accomplish tbeir high purposes. Puffed up with vanity, arrogant bj reason ol their jmwer, brave by reason of tbeir success, and past life, they ait with brazen front in the j'slls ol legislation. They oome like fawn ing slaves at the door of Congress, er verting all that is pure among men, in order that they may turn ihem to their advantage ; tearing down with itap'ous hands the high pi ivilegea of the pe nile in order that they may build upon the ruin they have made, Oten owu ie dividual power, and thus from tbe weakness of our public men, they gath er their aheatb, and shake i heir glitter ing shafts of gold in the face of a nation hand in defiance of her laws. Well might the futuie hiatoiiau say, ia the language of another, when speaking of many of our public men of to-dy utbey were tbe foundlings i f fortune who, overwhelmed ia the lorrf ut of coirup bion at an early period, lay at the bot tom like drowned bodies while sound ness or sanity remained in them ; but at length becoming buoyant by pi (re faction, (bev rose they rotted and floated to tbe surface of tbe stteam, where they were drifted along, tbe ob jects of terror and contagion and abom ination." If there ia a creature in all of God's creation that deserves the scorn and condemnation of every just man, .1.. . u t.i that creature is me nwu whu wiay u public trnat Fellow citirena, we should never forget.that "populer forma of oovernntent aie possible only when individual men can govern tbeir own Uvea on moral principles, and when duty la of more importance than pleas- 1883. 1 toV, f Asajraa ai 'JtfadM el Ore end jdef ice nmrw mstenal than OX. pfdency.,' Titers is tet at.oiler evil ihat has howo list if in m r midst f late jeer, cjmmoidam. or the di ctiitas of s com- m unity of proper ty netei all the citi tens. This is no new idea, tier is it the prodncr. of this neorurt . It comes to us covered with ibe dmt f ages ; snd if We trace ita f.4.tpe amid ibe yeai' of the pas', we will Am! h iu red with the Id me I d the fwod, tbe wiae and the grew'. The ancient world grspled with tbia . I iacordant element of eociuty and b ft it powerless ; end Let century ago iu Prance it wsiien tkroufh eess of Mood to ahskes throne to Its foundation, hofdtng in. ita dOsth grip the thtoat of royalty, and tramp ling beneath it s-rgweaad feet tbe wretebed poor, until at lmtgtb it ley bfeechiag in tbe suuligke, a bloiaai car- cas, ertuhed beneath tbe weight of ita deed end djyHg, -after having swept from exi'tence in Ite fleadtwk Merck many of the n rMwat cb4blrn of tket unhappy counter. And to-Uy we And It, in hi h. l of ours eeeeig asatd our bill', adding in our VaJb-yV, laiaing ke create I head in many of oar large cities, seekina' in sn untimely hour, to perietra' with that pirtSon of ite envenomed f.mue the heart id a great nation ; tr tearing it wii its own alime, ate) crushing .1 in fta ample folda in rd-r that it mar swallow p faa-urea the vested lights of a Le eiple. Awake then, American, f.r a ayrea of sin. more deadly ia its touch than the Delilah of old, baa laid ber heavy band tipon your looks. Tbete evils bsve not aa y-t laerow of greet magnttode Lot e must rweaeeasesr that great coweetpieaces often times fl tw from small taaginrtiags. A pelmle in the streamlet scant Haiti dtafaged the east ear OS ia aiy a river A Hew draw os (be feeder plant Hetb warawd the gisat ask f. Korrmiuiieal then my fallow cttiz ae, by theaa, and asauy oilier evils that h hour eonroach npoe our national proaje-rtty, f-ei yiSt there are no giaeU-r tuett anatta of protection that t-an oomuteiei to upon this ststpi'v eia da v, than iliittiauj aard religiusi. May the love of j s'rietisin perva-Ui you bk the brea'li of lieavao. and BSaV u- iivwi .i.n.ieoef-a of reuaKMt wrap - a a.afeaaJm aia as aa " a atejut, aesJ do ha yen ever aa tu au nan i ne. ror wno ran tell, it e t la a . . chesnsh well tb tor., of country and ai G d, that w easy UaJ forth amid the ceoturtaa (bar am to eooae, the ernaAvat eApribg of tiie, even when .tood Kaglaod, white with the dut of ages. has sank into the bosom of the ters out of ehtch evxaj". ' have amung like the fabled spirit of lore wad hawuty. all white with rhe Lmm of ike sea. Ofcariah them well, and when tbe Uni verse ahall fall away, and the eat tb aad theses ahaUarivn up their dead, aud tbe great Creator, Seated upon His throne, above the rolling cloud and revulviug worlds, shall ask ot tha ages thst are no more, what nation waa it that want fartberast fir the cause of liberty, did moat fir bleeding, suffering humanity, the fees of the recordiag Ange.', will beam with celestial joy and beauty, ae he writes high upon the inner wall of Heaven, in letters of living light am; I (he sad and silent stars, -'Titr CxtThsl States or Asikbica." A s and fell down with a crash, A number of men it did mash, Bot the -entire ten Were soon well again Sr. Jacobs Od cured every gash. A baker who lives in Duluth, Went craxy oae nigbt with a tooth. He rubbed the gum boi', With St. Jacobs Oil, It cured him, and this ia the truth. Many a sickly woman, whew snd experience had demonstrated alike the failure of conceited doctors and Kison- ons drugs, has obtained a new lease ef life for s few d. .liars worth of (he Vege table ( imp mud and has suae on her way rejoining and praising Mrs. Ldia E. Pinkham.of l.nn, Mat. My Win baa HI v. "Fur .'V yeara, says our cm respond ent. Henry Clark, of Fairfield, .'a us wee Co., Mich., "my srif ha I eta. They would last aMu( an hour, and some times longer. .Vautr'oo A'arsiue baa perm tneuiy cored her." , . . wen ituss Ann attm aati va. All ladlea know ttibir laevjs are most a i tractive when free fn.m pi tu ples. Parker's Ginger Tonic is pop ular among tbero because it banishes impurities from Wood and skin, and makes the ftce glow with healt i. 'Revenge is too dearly purchased at the price wf liherty." Ia it a disor dered liver giving you a yellow or do your kidneya refuse to perform their functional If so take a few down ef I Kidnev-Wort and nature will rtatore j - ... eh or8"n rd-f for duty. Thus fceeith j cheaplj purchaasd at the price i k "07-"- An attractive, youthful sjghir-' by ueulng Parker's Heir areata to ell wbo are getting gijr. THE STATE RIGHTS Of MdCMT a law serge I slerartaalen mmmf pmptrtv ,m, aeae tlMr tf . Aw r Ft r la IWr THE Em 1 DHL 1 IMS 8 MFHfk' unie lAreata pel inie r.eti notices 10 cents oer Ham sve w.r Utfai - sataettAw h em- II (Hi laraioua for I he flrM lM-ra ml ' - - i - r s as BKBwaw m awarsac rnsartlen. Retea for otker odretieeBci.u M known on sppliostinu. 1 aaaaaawaaaaaawaaaaaaa m wm I BE It. Tbrre Ilea as ea. On lest Hafiitasaaj S isjeljirle'e was leii,K l.efd sbrrrjt 9 rnWeS weat f I 'd ionviile, just sen eta the Haw-in Nruvr oonnty. A atorm vht t ei.d fle men took slteltei ia a ban. (eat I). Oaring tha stotui the lightning a-r ... a the ham killing James M. Brrv. hew tharofiodge Berry of rhia uy. aleo Oea; Wystt end Wm. ikrwera. ery man but one, waa knocked dovi., ut all stKa eeenvat ed aad began lo- kins' a'ami. thean, owly to find three of (heir number killed deed iu aa instant . The affair eeaatesT .want eunaterimi urn in i end iwought the .. t grief to ihtee fcaa'HeaT, W. R. Barry reevived e telegram oo ftanday Bserpieg of what had bwesa "H aad started rmstirafistely, with bi wtfe, to attend (he funeral of hie hi Other, and owing te the swollen coodite ,u . f ibe a'reams, fonnd it very difficult u rearb there. If. W. end Cbae. T. rWv .iao went over but did not reacw i h- arwne until after tbe foneraJ. James M. hWy waa 45 yei- of f, in (he full visaar eataaaaJuaei, ei it la aad to I m thna strddenlv snaretel frieM a wile ai.d fut children who I.iviU him SO much mm a hualaarid ami f. h-' He was a good mb ao'l rt wMeitl ell .trt wbo aa an huieit to any eamasnury in which he (night have bjvd. Oaargps Wyeu lewvee ?, children and Wm. Ii - were leaves a wile and 4 chit dren. This ia certainly a seat f-art-it.V warning to all mankind, that h-v bee no assurance of a dm tin nati iu f IK . Be ye therefnre always ready. The New Century. r aaw . a- a . I nr. Ikriya 8arkei. ot in in iV were at-noni matea id th aenir ( f tha 0MiM:a IT twt,iy livr tWe ego. lo 1 o;j JataM, tb .tea- kl'!, and hie two brf hers, W. ft. aod ! t. and HWeif a.d lautlier r.T"' piaiaa Ueetlur, but tt H . ya minn ed to M' in 1HC Tnua tM-ud al -i friend departs. a.O te wtssm tt. iu rMBpt4e vaew, looita in tee''11 boil at a tajmperatiirv af 4 haaraW (hast in open air. The great and peculiar vain- t a is its power of erestiug at ear tu ao- . a high degree of elas 1 1 foeoe, and it iuatantaueously tba aajtfc A cwTTeepooaieat uf (be Bri-sed M ti esl Joumel atatee that he ha 1 i u..i the eprtiieatien of a strong suluiu. ..1 ehroeais acid dure or f ur itne, ley of a caiatd'a hair ja-iiei1, orb rient and eaav mrnhol of warts. They hec.MM- t-ia ti and soon fadt off. A fiaraiau duotor r-eatnii.U 1 d made with sea-water as a w.n I 1 resndy against ectotula and elseur iera rnvolttttg from stututB'tiant noori-dint. 8at waAer otgb( to a(aad twelve hataasaj sat a a a a a oetote (K-iag used for making dongir, in order to fiee it from impurities, firtad made with it baa 00 unpleasant la-a. Nothtag, is better f r whitening gai meats, particularly ih tee that ha- come yellow f. ..m '-wing i.i.i a. na OCtha, lhau a ta dissolved iu the rinsing water. To coat iron with sine, a tery uise coauttg is made of the powder of the latter metal, which ia mixed with oil aad siccative end applied to the iron by of wa ordinary brush. Io many one ooat will do. But the r tf ects of air aad water are kept away by two oats. Tha sine coating gives tbe iron a steely appearance, which do- n.,t. 1,.. terfere witb subeequewt painting. Among tbe strongest evidences, per haps, now cited in supjrort of 1 he theory that coal is of tnarme origin, ts the very c msideraWe percentage of nitro gen in ita constituent... Tbe dietilix tion ot cni invariably dnvaloai quuti (iesof aminoaiawhicb is rarely deveiop ed from pt or lignite. Soch a I tr prup rtioa of nitrogen, it ia thotsghi, may be due to the inunmerabl. animals that lived on (be sea-weed, )r..iu whivh latter, this (h- ry sseumes,(tbe . oal was tor wed. A French scientis( bas discovered that in egst aubrriittel to incubation immediately after a rail toed jqmrnmw the embryo very generally diel, hwi few days' rest before ibediietior nbviat ed this. "He bas lately, witb toe aid of a machine used by cLooolate makers to force the (state into th mills, which gives 120 blows a minm. investigated the effects of shocks on the fecundated eggs germs. Moasuoaitiea v ere al. way a the result of the tremors so cens ed. A fsw egke were not affect, d. t-t iai laffri Hop Bitter Co., Torosto : I have been aiesr for the pent six -rears, suffering from dyspepsia aod general weak news. I have need three bottles of Hop Bitters, and they ham done wonders for me. I am well and ablo to work- and eat and leap well. I cannot say too much for Hop Bitter t. SIMON Itllledj ssd n mr the meat 4