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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1883)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED KVKRY FRIDAY UiJSISBAS rriCta IttMml BalHUas ImialMK MrIt TKRK8 OF SUBSCRIPTION abasia mb. Mr ysr. la advaaoe... ittitfle . par yaw. at and of year a oo l M 7ft 10 ataite adnr, tl atexw aunttwr ataxia ootty, ats i (kNiMMal, ALLEN & -O f ALBANY' - Are rivig tlieir FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! ruiliHiHT tf tie tf the largest General Merchandise Ever offered for sale DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Includes all the latest styles aad novelties. Our stork is all fresh and new. and much ef it was purchased ia New York, and there is not one piece ef old style goods ia oar store- THE CLOTHING Contain one of the largest aad finest assortments of riot bins and gents' furnishing goods ever brought to this valley, aad will be sold at f rices tha defy competition , either here or elsewhere. Wo also keep a full line of ladies', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, V tf the best qeality aad We also invite attention to HATS AND CAPS, er e is also to be found at oar store a GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC Our motto is ONE PRICE Samples sent by mail free, on application. Stow VOL. XVIII. MARTIN OREGON, mmnt Stork f ana west foa.alfte stock ef ia Albany. The DEPARTMENT direct from the manufaetu res. onr splendid selection of large and well-sel ci t d t L a FOR ALL. ALLEN & MARTI N,l I 57 First Street, Albany, Or PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U n.lKW. O. K. OH AMSMIU.AII. film & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jaVOmoo in Foster's Brick Blook.-Wa vlonlOtf. U.S. STRAHAN, Albany, Oregon. ERACTICK IN ALL TIIK COtTKTN OK thiN Ntati. They give special ell on -i to collections and prolmtn niattar. OfUoe In Foster's new brick. 4tKf ATTORNEAT LAW, Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. OPfloe u petal rs, over John Brigga store, 1st street vHn'aStf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) TTOKNEY AT LAW, A LB t V, MUM. WILL rRATtCK IN ALL TIIK COURTS Of TIIK Hlaas. Bpsalal sttsaUon vtvaii to ouUseUorta mm! prulials n latter. In CX1J FalUw't TVtU. U:S X. O. POWIIX. W. U. Mll.tKi: POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, Aad Solicitor ia Chaneerv, ALBANY. ... ORKtiON. GollaoUona promptly made on all polnta. Loana negotiated on roaaonahlo loritu. ao-uiik-o In Fuekir'M Hrlck.-aat VltalOrt F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LKUAMON OBBCOfe. Will onuAkw In all the courts of the mats. rVonpl attention ilin to collection,. vn- veyaeese aad examktaiiou r Titles. I'm bete oualoaasaapaeuiliy. vlzosou. W. BARHBA, ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public, riUEIILU, OBItOV . Collections promptly wade on ail point. "bTb. bkipwoktuT A-rrasufBT as rarsMeaaa at law au motakt rrnuc. WILL practice In allconruof tb State i.ll business intrusted to ine promnt- ly attended to. " OJue m O' Toole's Block, Broaden Street, 45yl AUtany, Ortqon. LEWIS STIMSON'S I.IVEBY AND FEED MTABLF. First clam vhl.'len. fine horn, kI feed, accommodating proprietor and rea sonable charge. (Jive them a call. Htahle near Kevere House. L W. LANCDON & CO., DRVGGI8TS. lioolt. Stationery and Toilet ArUcloa, A large Stock and Ixjw prices. OITTT DRUG- STORE, ty 4LB a Y. KM.O. FG8HAY & MASON, vaouoAL axo as ah.- Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OBEUON. vl6n41tf LOUIS CAMPEAU S Barber Shop. Mr Can, pea u baa pure based the brfa shop formerly owned by J II Surlea, a will continue the business at the old pla and guarantee satisfaction to eustomers. BEVERE BOUSE, ( ran Vint and Ellswarth Albany, Orrsoa. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thia new Hold I, flttcl up In Am lass atjrls. soppilad with th, Uwt the market affords. TaUss Had, In avenr ktu. A fMMl bMupfe tU-au tor ( nu Traveler,. Ceaea to aad fraai Itir Hatcl.10 Aloany Bath House. rpHK DNDKBSIQKBD WOULD KEMPKCT JL tally oform the citixoo, of Albany and 1 cin ity that I have taken charge of thia Establish meo t. and, by keepinr eleaa rooiaaaod paria trict attention to baslneM, expect, io uit al tho,e who may faror ua with their patronage Harlag heretofora carried oa nothing bat FLrst-Claas Hair Dressing Saloons, expect, to fie entire aatl, faction te al rChUdiae and Ladle,' Hair neatly oa shampooed. JOS WBBLEB. 1883. Harpers Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. ThU rKtMilar j'nirirt! is a i .uu coinhluatlun of lib aturc, art, ajui taxhloii. tu atortua, poems, and ea- aaya ro hy thu Ut wnUrs uf r.urojte and Amerlea ; it engraving, poeseaa tho hlghat artlMtlc exccliinc and in ail matter, pertaininir to taahioit It ia unlver sally Mknowlddired to be the loadiiiir aitbority in tha land. The new volume will contain many briU ant novelties. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, Per Year t Ilo-per's Magazine 4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Harbor's Bazar 4 00 The three above publication, m 00 Any two above named 7 00 Harjajr's Young People. I Bo Harper's Mairazine 1 6 00 Harper's Young People ) Harper's Kranklin Square Library, One year (f2 Numhcis) 10 00 Postayefrte to all sutmcribfrs in Ike Untie Slates or Canada. The Volumea of the "Bazar" uotrin with ttte first number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subvert bcr wishes to commence with the number next after tb receipt of order. The last Four Annual Vol nines of "Harper' Rumr." in Tift&i. ninth ttiti.litiir will ) utnt l.w mail postage paid, or by express, tree of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), lor av.uu per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of tl .00. Ksmlttanccs should be mods by PosUOttice Money tjruer or unn, vo avoia cnance ol loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without tlie express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Eights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY SLUM FOB RHEUMATISM I Neuralgia, Sciatica . Lumbago, Backache, Soronoss of iff Cho$t, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Tkroat, Swell ing and Sprains, Burnt and Scalds, General Bodily Paint, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all other Paint and Aches. N" PrwMnutue ea earth eeaala a r , a , ewes. wtmpU aad ehsmp 1 1 H-mxdy A trial ee tails tml thm cuaapaisl ).'.; tmg usiiay af ge) Coatat and eeary M" - with pala eaa have cheap aad pveU!e prwaf I IHreetioa, ta Ktweea BOLD BT ALL DBD0O18T8 AID OCALLEa II MTDICIHE. A. VOGEUER ft CO., ,M.,V.O.M LYDIA E. PINKH AWS VEGETABLE COMPOUin). Ia rlttvf fnro r-r .11 ism ralarwt -a,leJataaa4 WvaLssaasB m M ear hex fsssals swsviattlaaw A Xrdlrlse far Womaa. IavraUd br a Wamaa. Ir pared hy a Waataa. Tv cmshi Isaaapw is t. r i: !. - . IV'. 1 - -, l droop-ns etartU, ta !"- I aad arin the uriraAte fomakx. ri. :m it 4 to iboesop, rtM,aaatt-ai Mai iotas ye, an 1 !4iU oa the pals rhr-S uf woman Us ffah res nf lift' eprtas a . I early sanaiser lime. C physicians U, It and Pratrae N Freeh "5 I' rr-ln-r . rlnfnn. I'.l .J -4. iliepiilB all I Ill .1 ir timalant, aixt rt !.,, -mt cf the .in..-.!, Thea fvet'jr Of S aii.. thrww, r,Un( la, wrtrtit aad, a aJaaaM aavasafaay rrol ty n u . for the are er Kldawy C'aa,lelal ef cither sea this CssBsasad t, aaearyaeed. i.tvia r, PtistWAara Bioa rrnirira a eravdlrals mrmry m,m f luwt livn it, m4. sod grm wnne ami lr wth M the ftTSleea, of ca-ciiud. ju.ier asj Bjaama m. ) the Compos d ami lllxl IMHAbt are prrarad at ta aad tm Western Aveane. Lyna, Mass, tliee of attaer.aL atx botUrs tMr Seat by aaaU U Oa fees. Of 41, or of hat -otf, ea rereipt of prtoa, i per bos I r either. Ur. l".kbm frely aJteworsall loiters uf Inquiry. Cnrtee it awea mtOM tut nphk C o family -kvM wllhwt I.TOU . PTTXHAMTt Uvea I'P.J-t. Th r ea.e raetiuat4ai, l.lloasBea, arndtorpadtty of the Ueer. S3 wnU rt boa. ear-Mold by ail Draartat.-t TUTT'S PILLS 6YMPTOM8 OF A TORPID LIVER. na. wit euaatlon to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling; of having ne sleeted some duty. w Mnnesa, uiaainaaa, s-iunsnivg at trie Heart, Dota before tba eyes. Tallow akin, Headaebe aonerally over the right eye. Ueetleaasesa, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. tt;tTH PILLtt arc cajclally ndaptad to suelt eaaas, onadoan ttrfrwts aarh a chanjra of faaltasT as to astonish the s tiffs rar. They Maeesasr lae Aaaetlia, and c-auae the body to Tatate oo t'lfatt. thus the system Is ah ana uy tneir Tmw Jtrues on tns Pries 3t cents. S8 Hurray at,, X. V. TUH'S HAIR DYE. Obay Hais ob Whisk km changed to a O&oasT Hi.ack by a stnglf application of this 1YK. Itltn paru a natural color, arts Instantaneously. Hold by Drusjslats. or sent by express on rvoelpt of tl. omtK. sa mi-nit at t.. Ntrir tobb. (Be. TCTTS HM ii. er V1M. lahwaiaUea ut CesM a, III, a wtUU euUl.l IKIt. .a aeUesUes. Final Settlement. Notice at borobv irivoa that the under- aUned Administrators of the entate of C. I). Hurkhart, deceased, have filed their final account as auoh Administrators in the Couutv Court ef Linn county. Or., and by ordei of aald Court, Saturday the 0th day of December, 1882, at the hour of ten o'clock a no., has been fixed tor tne hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Any person interest- sd In said r state ia hereuv notified to an near and file hia er her objections to Hald account and tbo settlement thereof on or before said day. J. T. BURKHABT, 0, M. IlURKH ART, Administrators. DR. D. B. RICE, Physieian and Surgeon. HAS KBTURXED to thia city and resumed prac tice. Ottico in now tolaicaplt ntlice, O'Toole's Uulhlinti, liroaiialhln street, hotweon First and Sec ond street. Albany, Or., Ho v. 8, 1882, Stock-holders Meeting. Notice 1b hereby given that tbore will be a meeting of the Stockholders of the Linn Co., Agricultural Association at the olllce of J. H. Foater A Co., in the city of Al bany, county of Linn, Stale of Oregon, on Thursday, the fourth day of January, 1883, at one o'clock, p. ta., ef said dayafor the purpose of electing seven director for the ensuing year, for the transaction of any other busines that may come before said meeting. NiMnon Paynk, R. A. Foster, resident. Secretary. I efSBJ aasV . awi f : i ' aaeLiif-' T aT M I r '1 Ieoas of Appetite, Bowels ooetire. Pais la the Bead, with a dull sensation In the back pari. Pain under tha Shouldor blade, fullnees after eatlna. with e dialn. out utiLKotoa. Railroad construction in tea spring which has m vJ the machinery of prag rm in Oregon and Waahinftou at such tremendous pace during tho past year It has brought great areaa of now land within reach of market, and has tup- plied the money which baa put them under cultivation1; it has given to isola ted towns the advantage of transporta tion, and cariied new people and money into them ; to a thouaaad old entorpria- a it has given new life aad develop ment, and a thousand new onea have come with it. Energy baa gone along the iron rails, and slumbering reaour- oea have bean awakened every where by its presence. The great factor in this march of progress has bean the WORTH Kay r-m . Its completed linae at this date extend ; M9tt From Wallula North-Kaat to "tha front," in Montana 350 From Kalsma, on the Columbia riv or, to Tscosns, on Paget sound. ... 10.1 From Taceme Houth Kaat to Wilk inson (about). 32 Total 487 One hundred and twenty-five miles of the line North-Kast from Wallula have beea built during the past twelve montka. Of the 350 miles, 800 have bean accepted bjr the government, and 50 ia ready for inspection and accept ance Ittethrouob eastern line of the sw - Northern Pacific (taking into considera tion its O. It. Jc N. connection between Wallula and Portland) ia new 264 mil. s Kaat of Portland and within 280 miles of the western "front" of the tern division. In advance of the tern front a section of 7 1 mil ia gra ded at.d will aeon be ready for the ties. This ggp of 280 milea it is exrtactad to lose within aix months, and it ia in tended that through trains shall be run ning between Portland and Chicago by the first of July. Brtw.-.-n this data and the first of July, the Northern Pa cific management Intends to extend it line from Kalama to PortlanJ. The Colombia river will be crossed a few ilea above Kalama, and from tba point of transfer on the Oregon aid the line will oloasly follow tha Columbia and Willamette rivers to Portland. Thia line will be 42 milea long. It ia not propceed to bridge the Columbia rivor, at least not at present. The transfer ill be made by boats built to tratiapott trains. Two iron boats for this pur pose are now being built in the East. Tfcry will be sent out in sections, and will be ready for service aa aeon as they a a aa a . . e are needed. in all tta construction operations on its wee tern divisions du ring the past year the Northern Pacific Company has expended upwards of $4, 000,000. The 0RK00N It A 1 1. WAY AXD XAVIUATI0M COM- PAXY, By its work of construction, has also greatly aided tho progress of the coun try. Its lines now extend : Miles From Portland to Bailee Junction W. T 270 From Bailee June, to Dayton W. T. 13 From Hallos June, to Hi pari, W. T. 31 From Umatilla to Pendleton 43 Total 357 Of this mileage, four and a half milea ef the Hallos Junction and Kiparia branch, 87 miles of tba Hoe between Portland and the Dalles, and the whole of the line between Umatilla and Pen dleton. 43 miles, have bean built du ring the past twelve months in all 134 milea. In theae operations upwards of $5,000,000 have been expended, and noitber of these statements of mileage and disbursement inelude tke rebuild ing of about fifteen miles of road wash ed away by floods during the year The line between The Dalles and The Cascades was opened in April, and the line from Portland to The Cascades in November. The line from Umatilla ta Pendleton is possibly what may be call ed the Pendleton, Baker City and Boise branch. Of the 140 miles 'between Pendleton and Baker City, 40 miles have been graded. Tha road will be put into Baker City or beyond during the coming y ear, and as soon as poesi ble to Boise City to mot the Oregon Short Linn. A branch connecting Wal la Walla and Pendleton is now under construction, and will be completed early this your. During the coming year it is propos ed to extend the branch which now oads at Dayton, through the Tucannon and Pataha canyons to Pataha City, a distance of 37 miles ; and eventually it will be further -extended to Twiston, I. T., 30 miles. It is estinmu d that these proposed construction operations will require the. expenditure of $5,000 000. .The onaaan and tbassooxtinsxtal oo. Has commenced the work of construct ion of branch linea here, having two well under way. It ia building a branch leading from the Northern Pacific line at a point thirty-eight miles northwest from Wallula, called PaIouso Junction, to Colfax, a distance of ninety-tix miles, fiiurat 18, 1883. and the entire line is graded and ready for ties and rails, which sre on the ground. During the coming year this Hue will be extended thirty-three miles to Moscow, I. T., and a branch from it will be built to Famington. The coat of thia branch which, when completed will be about 150 miles long, will be $20,000 per mile. The Oregon and Transcontinental is also engaged in building a branch, eighteen miles long, connecting the IFilkeson Taooma branch with the Or egon Improvement Company's Heattle coal road. This branch will strike the Wilkenson road nine miles out from Basltle, and will give through rail con nectien between Heattle 'and Taooma. This work will bo completed early this year. The ORKJON AXD CALirOBXIA CO. Owns the following coroiltod lines : Miles. From Portland south to "th front," 54 miles south of lleseburg 252 From Portland to Corvallis 07 fatal 349 Of this mileage aixty miles south of Hoeehurg bss been built during the past year. Of this new construction, forty-five miles bave Isaen accepted by tba government commissioners, and la teen miles further have been completed. Grading forces are at work ia aJvsnee of "the front," and tunuela are being bored through the mountains at sever al poiate. The 0. A C. railroad com. pany has apent $8,000,000 in construc tion this year. It will connect its Ore gon and California lines during the present year. The orkooxiax railwax, Or narrow gauge road, extends : Mdt. From a point on east side Willam ette river, 32 milea above Portland, to Coburg, in Lane county 90 From Dundee, 35 milea above Port land, to Airlie 51 Branch from Dendee-Airlie line to Sheridan 7 Total 148 There has been no construction work on theae linea during the past year. The oaaoaa short lire is builoixo a road From Granger, a point on the Union Pacific, 100 milea east of Ogdon, in a northeasterly direction through the Wood river country, to connect with the . B. A N line at or uar Boise Citv. 0 Whether or not this line will be extend ed into Oregon, has not bean revealed. The oreuox Pacini; Is building a line between Ysquina bay to the Willamette river, at Corvallis, and has during the past two years put about $300,000 into the work. Twen ty milea of the line ia graded, and work ;s in active progress on three tunnela Kx tensive terminal works have been built at Yaquiua bay. It ia proposed to extend this line eastward to a through connection at or near Boise City. OTHRR ROADS. The Oregon Improvement Cjmpany own a narrow guage coal road which connects their mine with their bunkers at Seattle, length 21 milea A local narrow guage line connects Olympta with the N. P. line at Tenino, length 17 milea. Local capitalists are bu tiding a narrow guage liae out from Walla Wal la to tap a rich farming section. And this completes the list It is important thst the relations of our railroad ay stain should be under stood. The following named companies, though each has its distinctive name and organization, are owned by a aingle interest snd are all uader the general control of one maa, Mr. Henry Villard, of Now York : Mileage In operation. The Northern Pacific Ce 487 The Or. Railway & Navigation Co. 357 The O. & C R. R Co 349 The Oregonian Railway Co 14S The O. I. Go 21 Total mileage of the Villard system 1362 in mokoi a hattkbs A Cortland man who read at tho end of a friend's marriage notice "Ne cards" son him a euchre deck by the first mail It knocked a South End man about crazy to find that the button he had "by mistake" put in the contribution box was ono of a set for his wife's sack, aud thev cost thirty cents 9 w apiece. What are you laughing at, my dear ?" asked Mrs. Jones of hex husband, who was chuckling over hie newspaper. ('Something I struck here," he replied, "but It's hard! funny enough for twe." De shangnigh chicken 'minds mo ob certain men dat I'se seed. Me crows mighty loud, an' brags around 'mong de hens an' young chickens hnr. when a srame rooster comes around, he'a crot business on the other side of the fence. NO 84 CHESS GDLUIf . Chess problems and other eheaa items of interest solicited from all oar cheat readers. We propose to publish at least one problem each week, for so lution by our resders. If sufficient en couragement is gin wa will com- meaoe in a few weeks a regular chess tournament. PBOKI.KM 9. Black K at K 5 K at Q B5 B st Q R 1 P at K R 6 Pat K R5 Pat K Kt2 PatKC White Kat K Kt5 Qatg 7 RatQ Kt 2 Kt at K 2 KtatO. 3 P at K B 2 PatQKt b P at K 4 t at Q B 4 Pat Q Kt3 P at Q Kt 6 White to pLy arid mate ia three moves, Dr. J. E K Your solution to No, h, is correct, though you most have guessed bow it should bo act up, aa it was not printed correctly. You will see by referring to it that in black wo aay "Kt at Kt 5," but it doe, not ap peal whether it was K Kt 5 or Q Kt 5. Neither of your solutions to No. 7 ia good, aa neither will mate. No. 7 ia problematic and to some b a "brain pinoer. " CHK0S LAXtil'ACR. Many of our chess readers do not ap pear ta know bow to read chess lan gnags. For their benefit we will brief ly explain it. The place for tha K ia called K 1. Tho first place in Croat of K 1 is K 2. Tbo next is K 3, tha next K 4, and so on until you go across the board to the last row. This ap plies to both K's alike. Queens, Bish ops, Knights snd Rooks are read in the same way. The Book, Knight anas) at - .a , . tianop to tne leit or tne Uuaen sre celled y. R, Q. Kt, aad Q B. Tbo Rook. Knivht and Rbdwau l tk I of the King are called K.R, K.Kt, aad K B. Thia must be kept ia mind so that when you move, a Rook, Knigtt or Bishop, you must know whether it is a K. org. R, KtorB. RAia Mr. Longfellow's study remains isssti ss he left it Somebody has named a canal beat for Mrs, Langtry. Such is fame ! Henry A. liazen of the aignal ser vice predicts a mild winter. But what do the musk rats aay f Thanksgiving day waa the one hundreth anniversary of the conclusion of peace between the American colon. ice and Great Britain. For fortv-eiaTbt rears Hon. S. H. Treat, United States District Judge of Til 1 1 .1 ft- l tu.nou, o eerveu upon ue oenca. Villaret, the great French tenor, be- fore his debut on the stage, almost twenty years sge, was the foreman of a Lyona brewery. Ho baa sung nowhere but in Patia, it ia said. ir; ns 1 t l -1 L a 1 rvtng lueeoaw . oay .t.-u w a.ecp in a orao.e ot maugw-wo, v.. -ft ft . .ft - 3 1 A. I insiueanuout witn 1 usves or aom, 4i itb rubies, emeralds, saahires and s diamonds, worth nearly $1,000,000. Ouc Von Bismarck ia the name of one of the giant trees of the Calaveras grove in California, and a resident of San Franeiaco has sent the premier a h olograph of the tree, framed in ua- tivo woods. Uader the branches of a tree 800 years old, which atill stands ia Bsrlin, Mendelssoha'e "Mid summer Night's Dream" was listeued to for the first time, the composer's father having been at that time proprietor of the garden in bich it stand. The plea of insanity is played out with Judge Wylte of the District of In tho reign ef Louis XVI, the land Columbia. He gives notice teal 1 crasy holders of France were few ani their people who intend committing crime estates immense, a single person often that he will send them to the penitea- tiary on conviction. The judge is level- headed. Tburlow Weed was born before Washington died, and wai already young man when Waterloo waa fought There was but one link between tke venerable J osiah Quincy, whom many in this generation remember, aad the Pilgrim Fathers, as Mr. Quincy knew a roan who knew Peregrine White, the first white baby born in New England. A well known member of the gov- eruor's council, at a late public din. nor, over-heard one of the colored nor, uvo i.o- . attendants ask another: "Whoa a U t dat gemrnen, Sara r Ana earn re- sponded : "Dai's Purteesor " Then the other queried : "How did ve know he was a purfessor ?" To which Sam replied, with dignity : t Oh, all dese yere purfessorsMa pol- Ished off on top !" AMtLlCiet ArPETlZEB, That ensures digestion and enjoy ment of food j a tonic that brings strength to the wank and rest to the nervons ; a harmless diarrhea care that don't const! pete Just what every family needs Parkei"GiBKronlc ADV BAT at. 1 1 we:' 1 1 a. 1 sanaaTTryr 1 laoh TOO 2 00 fits) 800 12 0C 9 " 2 00 SOD 700 1200 It Ok u 300 e oo looe 1500 not 4 " 400 700 1200 1000 17 00 iOel 000 000 1000 2800 8000 700 1200 1800 0000 40 00 1000 1500 2000 4000 00 00 15 00 , 20 00 1 4000 I 0000 i 100 00 a-w j . lis ar 1 " ' Au i uraaa 2 notions 10 For legal 11 OS per aqnaro for too first 1 00 cents par square for each oa sasevsawa PLJLH fill RT A PLAIX CHAP. makixg Both rxdo mikt. This does not refer to Vender1. tit or ay Gould, or even the !dd's er Cor bitt, or Lawsa, or Feiliag, for they make both ends laps around each other sn innumerable number of times; hot to tho average man, who buffets life's billows for a living, snd gets earn With a majority of men the ends only just come together, aad then by eaav siderable pulliag ia the wrong place, and with many the easts ale net begin to sseet. There are probably half the people who have no property te pay taxes en, or if they have property their indebtedness exceeds the value el their lands, chattels, etc. They live fr hand to mouth, what they act and the latter is as ap4 te be the as anything. There are men, scom al, industrious, tsmpsrats, who eaa net fat a cant, mash leas a hit, ahead te aave them. They are simply unfortun ate. All cannot he rich, aad as, we smppose, they are filling the position ia life mapped out for them, net perhaps always because they are unfortunate, but sometimes it may he because they bar a net the capacity far anything greater. We can bear with and, peo ple. Any person who deee aa well aa he knows how is entitled te st least the sympathy of those around him. But the man, who has the ability, aad not withstanding will waste his money and energies ia diastpettea, er erea extrav agance does not deserve the good will ef these around him. He fails to make both ends meet because the money which should go towards paying hia honest debts Is apent foolishly far semethiafi not needed. I can net agiae any meaner spirit in a that which presapts bias te threw his money away whan It. a a .a a a at aro aoaasuy enstueu aodoca Graai mon 400 V00 r4os mmch 1 ntS ea lbn dead beat, and that is what the mania who will neglect to pay what he owes I whan ba can aa wall aa not. monev is not the anlv obiect ia life : it is onlv a - u-s . one should hare an ambition ut jjea enough ahead to keep them straight with the world if not ahead. Let tha enda lap, even if yon bave to live mid dling dene in order te do it I would rather be a rat with a eat at my heals than a debtor followed continually by a just creditor. Ia many cases there is no use of it Contracting debt may be all right, depending on circumstances Much of the business thst ia dene ia set ta motion by it, bat it should be tor parpoM f plg s fin feamUtkQ vBeQ he parson oa a does balance accounts, turbans it is to be renretted asaa. at mm a . a mnra ara in hnlsnmidssit cir cunuUQOf b it U a fact that moat I are net, although many may want to , , eonlinue u, L01 to meet AL Iodine was discovered in 1812. The salis law was repealed in Spain March 29, 1830. The worship of Jan ua waa ia trod uc- ad into Rome by llomulua. Numa Pempiliua named tha first moata ef the year for him, and dedicated n I covered passage near the forum te him. Lyons was the oeatre of the intellect- I ual life ef Europe during the first half of the sixteenth century. Gryphe, the great arinter, had his office there, and in 1560 sent out a Latin Bible, remark- able for its freedom f rota errors. being lord of a hundred parishee. The Daks of Nemeuille and hia daughter, the Princess of Tarente, owed 300 par- ishea. a From the fact that many of the horses represented in the early Greek sculpt- ufe are verv email, it is supposed that I they were net ridden on account of their diminutiveness. Even en the fnese of the Parthenon the figures of the horses axe very small. The city of Ispahan was the capital of the Persian provinces uader the caliphs ef Bagdad. Tamerlane cap- tured it in 1387, masssored 70,000 of inhabitants and nearly ruined it ; but it, once more became prosperous undw 8,. wrmiehB. in 1772 Afghans captured and nearly de stroyod it Horace B, Dick, Esq., associate edi tor of tho Delewsre Co. liepublican, Chester, Pa, was cured by St. Jacob? Oil of very severe injuries resulting from a fall. His arm appeared to be paralysed, but the Oil cured him. Philadelphia Ledger. Coinage mints during December, $5,' 761,398, of which $2,140,765 was gold; $8,491,570 silver ;and $129,063 minor coins. estate par Una. Bagulsi local cartas oar Hoe.