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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1883)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVKRY FRIDAY STITES &NUTTING. H ji v. u otm i U nwral MalMtaa a BraaOalbtavMreel. TXRJI3 Or SUBSCRIPTION siujjU copy, par year, in dTnce...... fit GO magi oopr , par year, at and of yr a 00 aing-le oopy, aix HHirth IM elaile W, three mtitha 76 iurW oumbar. . 0 Stole Eights Bfmocrot AovKRTrsi.vo Kates. Twn' I ss 1 am"flyr I Inch 1 00 300 600 800 If 00 00 700 1209 18M 000 1000 15U0 HOt 7 00 1250 1800 27 Of 909 1500 2500 36 09 12 00 J 8 00 3000 48 00 1509 2600 4000 9900 20 09 4999 9000 j 100 99 I 4 It N I 0f 300 4 00 000 7 50 10 00 Col II II Hraacial btJnaaaa ' aleiLnS 15 00 time 2 cents per line. Reajnlar local notices 10 cents per line. Hor legal and transient i il i nillsiimsaiH $1 09 per square (or ike flrat Insertion aod 50 can te par square for each sobseqnent lnaertkm. PLAIH T'ALI VOL. XVI II. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY tt, 1883. NO 25 ALLEN & -OK ALBANY - Are 8w rivig tlilr lmm'Bs Slock of FALL AND WINTER COODS ! Consisting ef one of the Urgest Greneral Merchandise Ever offered for sale DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT , - Uilndes all the latest styles and novelties. Onr stork is all fresh and new, and eh of it was pnrehased in New York, and there is not one pieee of old style goods in our store- THE CLOTHING Contains one of the largest and finest assortments of cloth in? and gents' furnishing goods ever brought to this valley, and will Sic sold at priees tha defy competition, either here or elsewhere. We also keep a full line of ladies', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, V f the best quality and We also invite attention to HATS AND CAPS, B? e is also to be fouud at our store GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ET C Oar motto is ONE PRICE Samples sent by mail free, on application. MARTIN ORE (.ON, and most rewplete stork of in Albany. The DEPARTMENT direct from the manufacture. our splendid selection of a large and well-sel e dti i it 1 o FOR ALL. ALLEN & MARTIN,! I 57 First Stre et, Albany, Or PROFESSIONAL CARDS, !.. H ! N V O. V. 11 AM WKI1I.AIN . KM XX & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany Oregon. ejroilho In Foster's Brick Block.- viftnistr. U.S. STKAIIAN, Albany, Oregon. nRACPnCB IN ALL TH K CO IT KTS OF I; tttte Kiate. They Rive special alien Hon to collection una probate mutter. Oflloe In Foster' new briek. 4tf ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstair, over John Brlgtta storo, 1st Mtreet. v i inrtt f J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTAKY rt'HI.U,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, AI.RIMV. OKM.O. WILL PRACTICR IN ALL TUB COURTS OK Til K Stat. StHwtal Stl Hit. hi yirU lu C.llaetioll Mi. I prolu? mailer. aruabw ia ooa k-iu- rrmru. (i.- J. O. POWKLU W. R. Htl.YXU POWELL & Ull.YEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. - - OKFt.ov. ( otim-tioHrt promptly made on all point, joana nootmUul on reasonable termn. eroffioo in Foster's Brisk." VHUlOlf. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBANON OKI t.O Will practice In ell the court of the Mat. Prompt Mitt mnft Klvn to collection, on yanoee and exaiuuiatton of TU1. lrotaUi bualnoea a epcta!lty. vUntUtT. ClEORCtE W. BARNEN. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public, tRIl.ilLLr.. ORI.40. Collections promptly made on ail point. K. K SK I I'WOIiTII, ATTOKXKV .D OI XftFLOR AT LA vr Al rotary ri nut . WILL practice in all court of the State J.ll buainoas intrusted to mo prompi ly attended to. Ofire in O'Tooir't ntork, ftroatloILi Stmt, 45jrl A Itnutj, Ortton. LEWIS STIMSON'S LIVERY AND FEED NTABLE. First clean vehicle, fine horses, geotl feed, aeoommoJatinK proprietor and ra aonablo chance. Give them a call. Stables near Itevere ilouae. 9yl. E. W. LANGOON & CO., :r;.is tv Rook. Stationery and Toilet Article, A I-arjio Stock and Isow Price. OITY ID R XT O- STORE, yl AUtAXt. KIXt. F08HAY & MA80N, AXO RETAIL Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGON. vl8n41tf LOUIS GAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. MrCarapoau has ptir:haaed the brl t r i.. - l l r ii u i will eontintiH the buinem at the old pla aod guarantee Hatitfactiou to cuNtotnoi. REVERE HOUSE, rente Mr.t and Ellawertk Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. ThU new Hotel U find np in fln Mrla. Tattle ftjjplieii with the Um tha umrkct fluni. Hf.ring ltifai in ofery Km. A A Hample Uom ffr Com. Travtlora. ttr f rem ua.h to a ad from Ute nlel. Aioany Bath House. 'HUE L'NDfciU-lNKD WOULD HKSPXCX JL folly inform the cititena of Albaajaad vi eioitTthat I have taken charg oftbU Latabtiib ment, aud.b keeping elaao room and payia strict attention to HuiineM, xpe:tt lu tuit el those who may faror aa with their patronage Daring heretofore oarrie'i on uo'bing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons. xpeei to give entire attafactior. u al JBTChMdien and Ladiea' Ilkir ttt'y Hatr"d JOS WEJslikB. 1883. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Thw io.ntcr l'inrunl m a rare efitnblnatleii of liter ature, :n'i, ai.i lattliimi. it. xturNM, Miauta, and ea nya iru ly the beat writer of Kuroxi and America ; iu cnraviripi xiea tin- hk(het artiatic excellence ; and in all mattera iNtrtaitilnsr Ut faahiott it ia univer aail aekiifiwlcdtfcd to be tho leadliiif authority in the land. The new volume will ooutam man;, brill ant uovcltiea. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, Per Year i Htriicr" M i i zinc 4 00 lUrter' Wcukly 4 00 Barpere Bawir 4 00 The Uiree atMive phhlicatiotia 10 00 Any two above namoil , . 7 (M Harpur'a Youiik I'eopie 1 Go Harer'a Matuinu ) 6 00 I UrjHjr's Young Poo4e ) ilarpcrM Franklin Hriiarc Library, One year ( ,i Numheia) ..10 00 PoHtayp, fret to all nfaetSbet in the Unite Stale or Cawula. The Volume of the "Bazar" beytn with tho rtrat nutntier tor January of each year. Whoa no time 1 mentioned, it will be uiMlnratond that the aubacri hcr wUhea Ut comnience with the number next alter the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of "Harper' Bazar," in neat cloth biuuing, will he sent by mail, postage paid, or by expreaa, frea of e.ponne (paovidiod the freight doea not exceed one dollar per volume), for 7.00 per volume. Cloth caaea for each volume, suitable for binding, will be tent by mail, postpaid, on reeeipt of 81.00. Itomittancca should be made by PoaUOffice Mouey Order or liraf t, to avoid chance of Iohh. Nwpaper$ are not to ropy thin (uloerlise. Tnentwitfwut the. exjtcis ormr of Harper ft brothers.. AdtlroM HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. ton RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backach; Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Smell ing and Sprains, Burn and Scalds, General BodUy Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all othor Rains and Aches. N- rmawatiua an earth eeaale Sr. Jama On nfr, ran, ttmtpU ud ram RUateal Hcaaaeqr, A trial aataA eat the IrUKag f.tu? ( M tt and ? ut mff.rli i'U pain ia fcv. cbaan and tuettlve vn of ua lUina. IrcOm la Dm Uag jae. 0LD BT ALL DE0OOI8T8 AID DEALEE8 IV MBDI01VB. A. VOGELER Sc CO., VMmrT, UA. , V. S. JU r"w i'. Seat -a C .! va . tjcur ri .iuia.Tfa44 let baaaan Urtv ,tlm :, t';:a4WVnaaaa." trf ftett. vtian htr. aBte ' l i i kntf U Udf ' n t i f 1 1 1 uw inapt h 1 i. u S , upon UT, eark trla Hm .pa. lei '.in'r. '-it, ee taf at rtl tr a tt. Bar "' i'a BadU!ne fur gout a4 Dot par;. - I tmrmmilJ InatlaaOad tt ad am aaatXd ut Cm- trad cf UkK O i Mvo-ai.'. . f ; . ra inrrtta It i fmnnlit aavl atrrthMt Vy W phy4eiaae la the aoaairy. Una memt "t- . I3ca a harat a4 m aea aain. It Ut Mr nlUtr lt war far of failing of afrai. ljie rrtttm, frnaraiar aad patafel Jfc j.:'r'lU,aJir-,U.aTr.a!., ! .atnaltoa aa4 L J . r l a, iV'Uur. al! :4atiita a4 IUa ooav acjornt :nai vmVmbh a; .1 u iaa tally aLaaa4 to UwCtM.reef taV li prfiaaaTictcty nmef da rjpa. aad ftvee ew Ufa and vtcr. Ii t-um- faints (uUtltwj, ilaatr y ail cra.taa for attaiaauiu, aa4 ratVa wwk nrr,.n .o.t a. U enr-a I4oaUng. llaaaWSaa. 5't r..aHri:.., Ciaiai I Mill;. I lTfJ m aad todkawti'-n. f. at 4own,rastn;pta. wtf jt and tckatUm. ia aiway aajarnlly c-nrwt by lu eaa It wU at JI iteara. M eW at! rirc-imatoAn-, art In harmer With law law taat fvf-rc taa feaMOa ryatcm. I( - a oaiy fA bottle or aa for Ifaj a4 la aold by Any tOrtm rratredaa to tfitSm inaaa. aad Ihoaamaaof aaaay who har. been reatorad to avrface Ut Aitk Vf ihm noacf tta Vrriai.1 t ompound. eaa be cMiard ty addraaatwir Mr, f.. wUb rUwpfor reply, tbrr baa ia Lyaa, ktaaa. aV r K(3BVJT Cr9fflPaatttt Oef WfaWf kV' al tHiaf a"ltBfpOttttal ! anai rpaaai d aa ajatnnat katlavlaja abow. "Xra. nakaam Ur Iin," aay coo wrltrr, "are (A e to Ua ajertd f r too eara of CoaaUpaUoa, ntUoeanraa aod Torpidity of the Hear. liar Blood Partner work wonder la Be aprcUl Use aad bid fair to eaal the Omupnnad In Ua ptpaUrlty. X U '.ct rcepect bar a aa Aaol ut Marry wboto aole at : nUtodogogdtootkcnk l'liiiaUtlphla, Pa. D Ka. A. . U TUTT'S PILLS SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. Lorn of A ppetlte. Borrela eostitre. Pain in tho Hood, with a dull acoaation In the book part. Pain under the Bbouldor blalc, fuilnoee after eatlns. with a dlain ohnatinn to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low apirite. with a foohosr of having neglected aome duty, wcarlneaa, 1J I winea. Fluttering at the Heart. Dote before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Heailocbe generally over the right eye, Ueetleeanese, with fitful dreamt, highly cUo.-cd Urine, and CONSTIPATION T'. TT'H PIIJ.Hriri' ejr .illy ndaptrd to audi ctaea, one doa efltcta ach cltaviige l f rrlliii to HBtnnlah tlio atiffrrar. They lui rnai th AturtlU-. aad rauar the htxty to Take oit S'tratt. thita ibf ayatoin la nuurtMlirat. and by tl"-lr Tanlr Aftloa on the niireatlvr Orxana ltrgolr AMeMla ara pr duoed. Price aT-pittn. Murray tU.. M. y. TUH'S HAIR DYE. 0ay RAfaomWgfaltaaa; chanared tonOLoaav Iti.acK by Miiie;h' application of ttil i v i . itlm pnru a nuturnl ctor, iu-tn InaUintHDCnualy. Bold by lrutwui. or a nt by cxprcaa on receipt of II. OPTHT. 35 SSI-ngtAT KT., NZ7y YOtaK. f Mr. TlTrn ttMil. f v.:.m. f, r.tlo aad' XLMai auaaiyi win a. ni;rf t Kki. a DR. D. B. RICE. Physician and Surgeon. UAH RETDBNKD to thla citv and reumel prac- IT tioe. Office In new telag-aph ottoa, dToole'a isuii'ltnioi, llroadullini iitrcct, between r lrat and Bee ond atreet. Albany, Or., Hor. 8, 1882, Hi poonlo are alwayao WZM the lookout for chuti eaa to increaee their cam intra, and in time liecome wealthy ; thono who de not improve their opixirtuni- tiea remain in poverty. Wo offer a irreat chance to make moiiby. Wo wan- nuuiy man, women, bojaanu kdrla to work for ua right in their own localltlea. Any one nan do the work properly from the flrat start, Thu buaineaa will pay more than ten time ordinary wajrea. Kxpcnaive outfit furntahed free. Ntionewho eniraifea fall to make money rapidly. You can do vo e your whole time to the work, er only your paro momenta. . Full informrtlon and all that ia needed aent free. ' Addreaa btixhon A Co., I'ortland, Maine. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE CO,, OF . LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital NiibKcribed, $10,000,000 uapttai paid up 5,000,00f NoTK.-ThiN company baa tho largest paid up capital ef mpany doing baftine&H in thu United Statos. Insurance accepted by RODT. A. FOBTFJR, Agt of Albany. A week made at homo by the in dtistrioua. Beet bualneas now be fore the imhlic. Capital not needed. Wo will at art von. Men. women, boys and urirU wanted every where to work for us., now ia the time. You can work in spare time, or give your whole time to the buginem. Nootner buaineaa will pay you nearly aa wet . No one can fail to make enormoua pay, by on gatriiifr at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and honorably. Addrees Tki k k aWeaj. N f I TaVr Co., Augusta, Maine. UIM I'A IS ".1UUI tTH The Mlltt aehce Bad ttoy Trie an KxprrI' weal Whleb rroderea storfllag aad t'aeperled neanlt. "Say, art you a Mason, or a notliel low, or anything f" aaked the bad hy of tbo grocery man. "Why, yet, of course I am." "Well, do tbe goati bunt when you nuhiate a froth candidate 1" "No, of course not. The goat are cheap onea, that have no life, and we muutto them, and put pillowa over their head, so they can't hurt any body," aays the grocery man, as ho winked at a brother nodfellow who waa neated on a sugar barrel, looking mys terious. "But why do you ask V "0, nuthin, only I with me and my ohum had muzzlod our goat with a pil low. Pa would have enjoyed his be coming a member of onr lodge better. You see, pe had been telling us bow much good tho if aeons and Odd Feller did, and said we ought to try and grow up good so we could jine tbe lodges when we got big, and I asked pa if it would do any hurt for ua to have a play lodge in my room, and eurtend te nishiate, and pa said it wouldn't do any hurt, ale said it would improve our minds, and learn us to be men. Bo my chum and me berried a goat that Ii ee in the livory stable." "You see my chum and me had to osrry tbe goat op to my room when pa and ma was out riding, and he blatted so we had to tie a banderchief around bts nose, and bis feet made such a noise on tbe floor that wo put some baby's socks on bis feet. Gosh, hew frowny goat smells, don't it t I should think you Masons must have strong trniMtT "Well, air, my chum and me prac tioed with thajt goat until be could bunt a picture of a goat every time. We borriod a buck beer sign frm a saloon man, and hung it on the hack of a cbair, and tbe goat would hit it every time. That night pa wanted to know what we were doing tip in my room, and I tohl him we wer.i playing lodge. and improving our minds, and pa said that waa right, there was nothing that did boys of our age half so much good as to imitate men, ami atom by useful nollidge. Then my chum asked pa if he didn't want to como up aad take, the grand bumper degree, and pa luff.! and said he didn't care if he did ni to etc oourage tbe beys in innocent asliine, hat waa so improving to our intellect. We bad abut the goat up in a closet in my room, and be bad got over blatting, so f took on the handkerchief, and ho eating aome of my pr collars and skate straps. We went up stairs sud told pa to oome up pretty soon and give three distinct rajas, and when we asked him who was there ho must say, a pilgarie who wants to join your an cient order and ride tbe goat.' Ma wanted to come up too, but we told ber if she come in it would break up the lodge, cause a woman could't keep a secret, and we didn't have any aide asddle for the goat. Say, ii you never tried it, the next lime vou nitiate a msn in your Mason's lodge, you sprin kle a little k van pepper on the gnat's beard just afore you turn him loose. You can get three times as much fun to tbe square inch of a goat. You wouldn't think it was the same goat. Well, we got all fixed, and a rapped, and we let him in and told him he mutt be blind-folded, and he got on his knees tailing, and I tied a towel around his eyes, aud then I turned him around and made him get down on his bands also, and thou his back was tight towards the closet door, and I put the buck boer sign right against m's clothes. lie was lafling all the time, and said we boys were full of fun as they made 'em, and wo told bim it waa a solemn occasion, and we wouldn't permit no levity, and if he didn't stop tailing we couldn't give him the grand bumper degree. Then everything was ready, and my ohum bad his hand on the closet door, and some kyan pepper in his other hand, and I asked pa in low bass tones if he felt as though he wanted to turn back, or if be had nerve enough to go ahead and take the degree. I warned him tb at it was full of dangers, as the goat was loaded for beer, and told bim he yet bad time to retrace his steps if he wanted to. He said ho wanted the whole bizness, aud we could go ahead with the menagerie. Then I said to pa that if he bad decided to go ahead, and not blame us for the consequences, to repeat after me the following . 'Bring forth the royal bumper, and let him bump 1 Pa repeated tbo words, and vay chum sprinkled the kyan popper on the goat's mustache, and he sneezed once and looked soasv, and then he sees the lager beer goat raring up, and he starts for it, just like a Cow catcher and blatted. Pa is real fat, but he knew ho got bit and grunted, and said 'Ilell's-fire, what you boys doin V and then the goat gave him another degree, and pa pulled off the towel and got up and started for the stairs, and so did ths goat, and ma was at the bottom of the stairs listening, and when I looked over tbe banisters pa and ma and the goat were all in a heap, and pa was yelling murder, and ma was screaming fire, aud the goat blatting and sneezing and bunting, and tbe hired girl came Into the ball and the goat took after ber and she erosaad herself just as the gnat struok her and she Said, 'Howly mother, protect me !' and went down staira, the way we boys slide down bill, with both bands on horse! f, and tbe goat rared up and blatted, and pa and ma went into their room and abut the door, and then my ctum and me open ed the front door and drove the goat out. Tbe minister, who comes to tee ma'e very three times a week, was just ringing tbe bell, and the goat thought be wanted to be nitiated too, and gave biro one, for luck, and then went down tbe sidewalk, blatting and sneezing, and the minuter came into tho parlor and said he was stabbed, and then pa came out of his room with bis suspenders p banging down, snd he didn't know the minister was there, and he said cuss worda, and ma cried and told pa be would go to bell sure, and pa said be didn't care, be would kill that kassed goat afore be went, and I told pa tbe minister was in tbo parlor, and be and ma down and said tbe weather was propiteous for a .revival, and it seemed as though an outpouring of tbe spirit was about to be vouchsafed to His peo ple, and none of them sot dev. a but ma, cause the goat didn't hit ber, and white they was talking religion, wits their mouths, and kussin' tbe goat inwardly, my chum and me adjourned the lodge, and 1 went and atayod with bim all night, and I hain't been home since. But I don't believe pa will lick me, cause be said be would not hold us re sponsible for the consequences, lie bordered tbe goat himself, and wo tilled the order, don't yon eo f Well I guess I will go and sneak in the back way and find out from the hired girl how tbe land lays. She won't go back on me, cause tbe goat was not loaded for hired git Is. She just happened to get in at the wrong time. Good bye, air. Remember and give your goat kyan pper in your lodge." Tbe boy went away anil akipped over tbo back fence. CHESS COLUMN. This week we begin a regular cheaa tournament to consist of 10 problem, one to be published ea.h weak until tbo tourney is completed. Mr. S. A. DeVaaey, of Jefferson of fers the following prizes for solution of problems iu this tourney : To any per- on solving all of the 10 problems, a prize of 100 blank cheaa diagrams. To the one solving tbe next Urgreat num ber, 75 blank cbeas diagrams, and 50 to the next highest. When two or more are tied in the number of sotutieaa, then tbe prize will bo awarded to the one who furnishes the neatest and most plainly written solutions. All solu tions must be sent in within three weeks from tbe date of the paper con taining tbe problem, except the aolution to problem No 10 which will be requir ed to bo seat in within two weeks from date of issue containing it. Problems for the tourney will be fur nished by S. A. DeVaney, JslTerson. TOURNEY PSOBLKM XO. 1. White Black K at K tt I K tt (i S E at Q B G Q at X 5 R at K 7 Kt atQ It 8 Kt at K Kt 7 B at Q Kt .1 KtatKl BatKl B at Q 3 P at Q It 2 Bat Q G Pat Q 4 P at (i 11 G PatKG P at Q Kt 2 P at K B 4 P at K B 3 Pat KB 4 Pat K 2 White to play aud mate in two moves. In our next issue we will give credit for solutions received to all problems heretofore published. WBOhii. SSJ Brownsville, Or., Jan. 10, 18S3. NJm. Drmormi: In your issue of January 5th, I no ticed an announcement of a wedding, whioh occurred in our town, the writer says: "Owing to tbo circumstances aur reunding it we aurpress the names of the parties, and draw the broad mantle of sileuco around this tho last act of a melancholy and disgraceful proceed ings," The lady here brought in ques tion, is a lady of good character, whose paronta are among the oldest and most respected citizens of our town. And she herself, having been brought up here, is well known as a lady whose character is irreproachable. As for the disgraoef ulnest of the act, a lady who is old enough, and is not bound to another man, has the right to marry if she chooses. I write this so that the pub lie may not form a wrong impression as rogards the lady. Tho article does not nen l correction here in our town. H, M. Brown, nttOWSILLR f TRAIN. Brownsville, Or., Jan. 11, 188.1. E lit or Democrat : Our worthy Sheriff paid us an official visit this week, to meet the citizens of Brownsville Precinct, to reoeivo their little contributions to the County of Linn, State of Oregon. We are always heartily glad to see George, on any and all occasions, except his officisl visits, and even then, we think be can come aa near making one think it is a pleas ant duty to pay taxes, or a nice thing to go to jail, as the next one. Tbe tax list shows thst Brownsville contains some of the solid men of the county. Tbe following are some of the Urge tax payers, viz. : Wm. .Cochran, $634.29; Browns ville Woolen Mills Co., $482.82 ; J. M. Moyer, $318 ; John Brown, $200.77 ; and there are quite a uumber that pay from $100 to $200. George collected over $4000 while here. We are glad to hear that the County Court was so promp iu acting in the matter of repairing tbe bridge at this place, and hope the matter will be puah ed to completion with as little delay as possible. feTbe Rev. 0. W. Black commenced holdiog a eerus of meetings in tbe Bap tist Church here last Sunday, and ex pected tbe aid of Rev. C. Bperry, l McMinnville, but has thus far been dis appointed. Samuel Willsoo, proprietor of tbe Willson House, has been confined to the house with sickness for aome time. The Sabbath Sshoela hero have Laro- tofore been organized principally as "Union Schools," but thu year they seem to be organizing on a strict de nominational basis, and we think they will find in tbe end, that they will not accomplish tho same good, and in one school there seems to bo a spirit mani fested by aome of the leading members toward each other, not very compatible with true Christian character, and ia setting a bad example before tbe young and rising generation. 'Be ye recon ciled one to another," is the command. They say tbe Narrow Gugae will re sumo operations next week. So mote it be. Tbe Moyer Brothers had conditional ly bought a lvt of logs that bad broken from Mr. Field's boom, above Crawford ville, and wet e scattered along the Cal lapooa, from here to Crawfordsville, ami during the lest rise in tbe river bad got some 50,000 or 60.000 feet into tbe boom at the saw-mill here, and last Sat urday night tho boom broke, and tbey lost all their logs and their labor. F. F. Croft ami lady left yesterday for Portland, on a viait to relatives, also Mi. Henry Croft, father of tbo for mer, who has been hero a few days vis iting bis son. PUAD. wesiat ia revt am. Woman is only man made erfect. They are so ierfoct, that only tbe most skillful physician is capable to adminis ter medicine to relieve their ills. Tbey stand between man aod Angela Tbey share our grief, and double our j Sjr. When their husbands are oast alsVat thev, with their kind words, will lift their drooping spirits up. Br. Johnson speaks of a peer man always s smiling ; and as he addressed him, and said, I have come t) you to find out tbe great secret, that is, what is it that makes you so cheerful, the reply was, why Dr., my wife is so kind and says so many kin I words, while at homo that I am always thinking of her when I am at work, which causes mo to smile while 1 toil Tor her. A good wife is a man's wisdom aad strength. No condition is bet pleas to a man, wheie tbe wife pos sesses lirmness, discretion and economy. If a man is intelligent, be needs a wife of a tranquil mind ; then he is prepared to face the storms of life. They elevate man ; they improve our morals ; and, if I have any serious thoughts on good qualities, I can certainly trace them right back to my Dear Old 4.nge), Mother, who tried to point me to the World's Redeemer. I was reading in tbe book: of Esther the ether day, how that by her power and wisdom and in fiuence, woman saved her people, (the Jews), and hanged llaaman. Man is nothing without a better half. He can do nothing. It takes a man, a woman, dog, and a baby, te make a aerfect family. Without a woman, there would be only a cross, old bachelor, and a shepherd dog and some flies in the house. Wm. Boggs. From an extensive use of St. Jocob" Oil in the editor's family, we are able to speak confidently of its great worth in numerous ailments, and fully recom mend it as an article most desirable to have on hand in the medicine chest. Stamford (Conn.) Herald. AtaKUCtetS Aa-PKTIXEAt, That ensures digestion and enjoy ment of food ; a tonic that brings strength to the weak and rest to the nervons ; a harmless diarrhea cure that don't con sti pete just what every family needs Parker's GiugerTonic e rial a BY A FLAIR CHAP. RRcvrrr. Wo like to hare people speak short and to tbe point The biggest kind of a bore is tbe one who will fill your ears with a long drawn account of some thing you cere nothing about. It is a mistaken idea that soaoe have when in company that they moat keep their tongue warjrtar in order to appear smart. Tbey are like a siphon. One substance keeps running by its own force, and nothing else. Con versa tiot. al powers are a bleating, but ones tongue needs to be bridled in order to make them show to. advantage. I would rather be under a moaning tree than around a person who deee not know when te stop talking. I bare seen young people hanging ever the gate by tho half hour at ten o'clock at night, their only excuse being that the had so much to tell that they could not break themselves loose, peer string leas instrument, Therefts noth ing that pleases (1) one more than to be batten holed whoa in a hurry aad made to listen to a story n hundred yards long. I would rather be near a braying doney or a choir that cannot sing. The great Phocion was noted for his brevity, hie speech as were short and to the point, and if ho bad nothing te say he did not any it. It is said that Cur tis, the greet lawyer, never made a speech more than three quarters of an hour long before the Sea rotes Court of tbe United Statea, except on one or two eocasions, and hie arguments al ways had wonderful effect. In what strong contrast are the 80 minute har angues wo often hear in a common Justice Court case i aval ring a few do) hue. Whether you refer to public or pri vate mattera, take it as a rule, and it is tbe person who gets right at the point, in an outspoken manner, who is moat appreciated. Sharp tongues wound np in the morning only to nan. down at night may do very well for book agents and lightning rod men but what the world likee is the tongue that basjwill power at tbe roots of it. RRWS- The Ohio aheap raisers want note protection on wool. lie publican Senators propone to issue address to the country on Chuabetta'a death. The saayor of Calais baa opened a subscription for a fund for a monument to Oambotta. John Cody, ef Manistee, fasted 103 days, and just as he getting used to it died. Wm. Julius Dans era n waa found hanging to a bed-peat in a Stockton hotel, dead, on the 10th. Gen. Koeecrans wants $700,000 to buy a site for the proposed new post office in San Francisco. The uaited pipe lines make a state ment of January let, 1888. Stock of oil on hand, 83,859,088 barrels. Tbe road from San Franeisco through Texaa to New Orleans, it is reported, would be completed on tho 12th. Vanderbilt proposes making a visit to this coast, leaving New York about the and of the present month. Small-pox ts raging at Shiloh, Ken tucky. Whole families are stricken and citizens are fleeing fr m the place. Theodore G. Kllis, a colonel in the Fourteenth Connecticut volunteers, and on General Hancock's stiff, is dead, lhree hundred moldera, at a meet ing at Pittsburg, decided to refuse tbe proposed reduction in wage? on Febru ary 4. The laat information we have ef Mrs Scoville, which is important, is that sbe has obtained a divorce from her husband. A number of well known citizens of Boston have forwarded a letter to U.S. Senator Hoar, in the interest of Fits John Porter. Eight thousand coal miners are idle on the Monoagahela river on account of their refusal to work at the reduced wsges, and closing of various pits on account of stock on hand. The Knox woolen and other mills along the river at Camden, M., are compelled to commence running on half time for lack of water. Gambetta's body was removed to Nice on the 10th. A deputation of the members of the chamber of deputies will escort the remains. Theodore Perkins, of Baltimore, one of the most prominent machinists and inventors in the United States, is dead. His greatest work was the ten wheel locomotive. The Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Central road was sold on the 10th, on a foreclosing the mot tgage, to a committe represnting the Pennsylvania tail road company, for $2,500,000. Cast iron transmits sound about fif teen times more quickly than air.