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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1881)
STOCK is now coming in. We have bij arrmls frOhicagro, Boston. Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, etc., etc., wherever we can get the and CHEAPEST Qoods. The following are some goods that have just arrived : BES OUR A DRY GOODS. OMBBE STRIPED DRESS GOODS, FANCY PLAID SUITINGS, BLACK CASHMERES, C0L0RE0 CASHMERES, POPLINS AND BEIGES, DOUBLE WIDTH SHEETINGS, FUNNELS OF ALL KINDS, TABLE LINENS, WATER PROOF - ALL COLORS, BLACK BEAVER, FANCY CLOAKING, ETC. SAMUEL E. Wht gcmorrat. FRIDAY .OCTOBER 21, 1S81 A LAB4.K FABM Perhaps the largest farm in the United States is that of the Dalryni ples, in Dakoto 30,000 acres being sown to grain this year. He loads a train daily with 40,000 bushels of wheat. It is said that his whole crop this year, notwithstanding the rav ages of the chinch- bugs, and the prev alence of drought, will amount u 600,000 bushels of wheat, and 90,000 bushels of oat, to say nothing of oth er minor crops, such as barley, rye, potatoes, etc. It requires SOO brr4M and mules to run the ranch, hesHtea 00 men. His avt-rage coat wr acre to raise grain, is $7,0U or about S21f, t)00 on the 30 ,000 acres sowed. Wis profit this year will he 9899,000. This is not a bad showing fuf one lit tle garden patch. Everything is done with the system and method equal to that used in a well i emulat ed manufactory. It should emulate other Unset to a more thorough practice. At present it costs Oregon farmers between $8 and $10 per acio to produce wheat, and they too often get the beggarly yield of 15 bushels per acre, which barely pays expenses at average prices. Wheat growers in this section must make some turn to increase the productiveness of their farms, or else there will be lit tle use of their continuing ieuger. One great evil is certainly to be found in the short ten n re system. If tenant were allowed leases of long duration the productiveness of lind would be much improved, and all concerned would reap a better reward. Furmrr and Dairyman. a r: m:r iwm hk v x:. To aid Farmers in arriving at ac curacy in estimating the amount of land in different fields under cultiva tion, the following table is given: yards wide Iy9G3 long epsi tales one acre. Ten y anls wide I y 484 long con tains one acre. Twenty yards wide by 212 long contains one acre. Forty yards wide liy 121 long con tains one acre. Seventy yard wide by 091 nng cob ra i ns ene ac i e. Eighty yards wide by COi long con tains one acre. Sixty feet w ids by 723 loa? con taina ene acre. 110 feet wide by 397 mg con tains one aero. 130 feot wide by 3P3 long contains one acre. 220 feet wide by 18H long contains one acre. 441 feet wide by 99 long mutaiM one acre. UT !. BEST. It is r l ite 1 of John Ji.'o'i Ator that in on of bis i-r:ier r-.if ivsI.iih operations in Nv Y"rk, h t 'mark ed to a dwMwn HM-ri'h;iii 'hut he had that morning -ol I lu city lots for $2tUe a handsome adince on the price originally paid. ''But' paid the iu reliant, those were rising in v!ue. In a year or two you him d have reaOily sold them for $30,00, who fa you might readily have made. It is a great pity" "Not so fast." replied lite far-seeing Astu; ! have sold these lots n get the money te hoy cheaper np-town property, and this will be worth $80, 000 before the other will sell for $30, 000." The result j istified the pre diction. All farming operations illus trate the moral of this little story. With a vertain force te work with, there is a limit t whatctn be done. Not everything that promises (or even is certain) to pay should be attempt ed, but only what pays best. Coun try Gentleman. A WBXBEBFUL 4 Ol XTBV. We have a vast territorial area, with a soil and climate that, for sgfl- ultursl product iveness is hardly equalled on the face of the earth. An t xchan ;e says: Of the 1,000.000,00') acr m of ci?)tiva'le land in the Unit d S'ates, only 1 1 V per cent, aie used. The 2, 580, 56s, :i20 bus ifls o' whea', corn, oats, barley, rye, bm kwheat and po tatoes raised lest year, were produced i n 105,983,605 acres. Charcoal deepens the tint of dah lias, by agin hs and pe unifta. A LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPER, CARPETS, CROCERIES, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAINS, YOUNG, JAMES DANNALS, MM'rrrrRKR amd w h.u is FURNITURE BEDDING. t ornrr lerrt ami Srral slrtcl. ALBANY, - - OKEGU.', vlrtMKl DK. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon, Office at Fosliav v Mason'. Residence am Hroadalb'n St.. Albany, Or vl6nt2tf ForCooramiktion. AwthaMa. inn ti lih. ratmrrh, Dvnpepwia. Hrmlarbr, IXbll- tiy. .n-awiuiii, Hiiramaiiun, and all uirBnirwurt vrvom Ilar4m. rrk bmjt ren tttlea tljr seat 1 rt, rewdy for iaameOlNte aw at snd for free I rratlM the Oxs lie. uiiBlrtrtBwH, Phi la. or ii. mauii:h, PaelBe loaf gome ry nt Sun Fraaeiseo, Cwi. jNfc. , STOMACH ITTERS Is rt-iniburseJ in great measure, to those trouble with weak kidney a, by a judicious m aa- . i "t t. l. (.I. i. .i ivm )l JlUHMJiwrr n .-wmia- u niucin, wmni invigorates and stimulates without ex i-itine the urinary oruatui. In eonjunc turn with its influence upon them, tl or reetx acidity, imptoves appitite, and it tn every way ooaduciye to health and serve repose. A Mother masked quality is its control over fever and ague, and Us power or preventing it. for sale uy alt Drug gist and Dealers geueraUj. ANAKESES DR. S. SILSBErg EXTKK5AL PILR RKXCPT Givef Inctsirt Rlief, and it an InfaJtibio CURE FOR ALU KINDS OF PILES. old by Druggists everywhere. Price, $ I . ir r box. jnejMtUt, by mail, gaiwjifc'a in frr to rhyKtcians and all wwrrm Vetwtai-dtef A Co., Box ','MH. N'v Vri ( 'it .-. Sole nianufacturcin of AN A K KS.-' f I. H Ka New-fifior iv-ti-iit - 2MB. -tl Park li.-. v ( ; OH- RmM ling) . m Vrk, ii authorized fO MMnN for sH fn i-emWs in tiie I'MBocuaT i our King of the Blood L not a "cur, a'l:" it is a blood-pnrtfUr and tontc. lrnptiriiy of blofxt poisons the nynU'tn, Jrangat lht cin-'Utaitoit, and tkux lnducs nutny duorderit, known by dtiTffrvut numin to distinguish them ac corttni to ciTct-ts, but blnK really branches or phasriiof that (treat Knric disorder. Imparity ol isioou. &ucn arc iy, pxiu. Ifiliovtnrt. Liver C'niii'luiHt. Curtxtimition. rrftm lJltrrdrr. Head- acite, 1 U 1 :. iw f . Clt A Yitl Weaknert, Heart Dilute, Drop, Kliliu y ftiMe.itft. PlIfM. Jit unit tixin. Co larr. StHufuUi, t'.it IfimrJm, Pfmple; Vloer$, ..-'(,. h.'.me. tilnit f tlm Blood prevent, an cuies tlu-M- ' y attacking ihe eaurr. InipurUy ot t ie BVvni. Cl. 'iidrt3 and j tiysiclon agn-o la eal tl '-t i " ihr i mt rrnine rnd offifl-nl prepn uniwe," .d by timg.-t B4 pel l - i ..-rtitjtV:. dtn-etiowa, ftc ,4n pnm i-H'.r, T.v I i on ll- s o. tti- Ultxd,' ...fA.l i.i- i ft ottV. DO Send for out New Illustra ted Price-List No. 30, for FallandWin- terofl881. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. We deal directly with the consumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Avenue,Chicago,IlL BaBBBlBSNBBBflBffBCtSBPwWfT mmSBml&fjivMmmmfmwtSikatlwy am FANC Y UOOD& ORESS TRIMMINGS, FANCY BUTTONS, SHADED FRINGES. CORDS AND TASSELS, SHADEO TASSELS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS. FANCY LACE TIES, LADIES' AND CEHTS' UNDERWEAR, CHILDREN'S UHDERWEAR, EMBROIDERIES AND LADIES. WEST COAST FLAX MILLS, MANUFACTURERS OF- SAIL, BROOM, SEWING AND BALL TWINES, ALSO LINEN YARNS Foot of Jackson Street, ALBANY - - OREGON. P. o. box urn. XJOTICK TO ! ARM Kits. Wo would j3 retMH.tftitly Iniorm lite farii)rN of tnis section that we are ) r m.w-t,i i v ! cated here, and are preMrvd nt aJI tuaiwi to pay the hibeNt market piUe for lint tlax. We will tclatlly rurnUli anit who intend sowinc Max any in torn tat Ion they desire. iN-pendinK laru;ly uw n the farmer of thin o-tin lor tin tw--" of our saiersrlM and tin raw rbIwUM BBBBBBBk mi l belk lug 4X i;'"i"t' I" be a riiliatle lBlllBl Ji . HI i. --. i . m I v ask ! t oil-taut a IMBBB n.liiiry lliat mmiw to in ot Hut ty ' n ti- i . AtaBBy. QrH Auk S, laN. ly I w Brr ti KL X Ml UA RED CROWN MILLS. BALLAKO, siI t ro.. l'liol'R S. bbv nMKWvuMra nmnuoB rbi fxwum asu BMOBBi i C. BST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat. ALBANY dyl OR. rf J I I A rrK( CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY U the OLDBBT ', MUST coNsmt CTKO UKtiT KV' H'l'KH ' umI hci.. the LEADING RAILWAY oKTHK WEST A.1D NORTHWEST. It i tlif SltOttT. SI KK ati.l SAKK K.ut txlweea COUNCIL BLUFFS A.VD- Chicago, Milwaukee Ami alTKitiU KA8T, muh as Slaasra fall.. r tarlt, fkiliollplilo, B.tuM, Waehtagtaa. ttaillmurr. cm., bars, MMlrral, Tomaiu. Orirt.n. 4 Irveluad. At OmBMI BUiITi the-train ..f the CMfSSSI and North Wt. rn aiui tha B. 1. H'. .1, i,,.,,, ... rive at aiul u.e the aatue Joint I'liioti Depot. At WMapseWM crtitiectUtlie arc nuuie willi the fjkkv M:. in yan I . ill I..! K.ll,,,,,.,- ,..l i .1. ... Kt. Wavne and funn.xlvati'a. ami Ctn,-.- 'ii a in I fir i iul trunk lUllruad, and'thv K.n.Uak.- and fan Handle Ml Pulruita Pillar r DnwiH? Ecoin Cars Are run on all through falaa of IhU rad It. la the ONLY KOAI iMslweeii Ol Mil. Ill ! I I .tS I III! tl.O. I uun which ie run the tx-lebraU'd PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS luatat mam Ti"ket A rent, aullin' mn thi. r.KMl. Kxainine ur ficket., and rrf mm U WWM if they ui. not read ovt tne Chit 4 i and Nortlt- weeMrrfl lunway. i von ariah the haat r.n : i i a m hi i.,, mm aUI Sajr f-W Ikkete hy thi. rouUAVAM W ILL i.:.l. i . . I I II :-.. ad i.-kut ,.c i,ti li tkk'. In thi. Hnv. n.Ki iii . ti 1 1 1 , till . I, and .'! Hnin'r. 4 Mlrac" EASTWARD. I7ni Aioany Bath House. i-lit I NDEKS1QNED WOULD RESPECT fully .aforui the ettiMBa of Albany and vi mitt that 1 have taken charge ofthir KvtablUb ner t.Hiid, by keeping clean roomi snd psyin trUt intention to bufineM, expects to uit al choee who uiay favor US with their patronage 'fuvintr Heretofore carried on nothing bat First -Class Hair Dressing Saloons, we epectf to gire entire istiifaction to al 9"Cbiidien and Ladiea' Hair neatly on ad hatrooed. JOS WEBBER. ALBANY fii EAT MARKET Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. Itau t CaM Price paiJ fur all kind of fat itut k. vit1 LEVI WRaT (PATENTED iCSB UTH, 187ft.) l OB SALE BT FOX, BAVM d CO i J. W. BENTLEY, C'liKtoiii Hoot & Shot Maker. l' OOTN AND MIoKs nulla to order. ami rapairliifr dona with naattirwuianit li, anil at low .ri. -a. Call and BM htm. First W reel, Allatiiv. 41yl Oregon Marble Works. H. A. LARK, PmpiiHoi. -MASsrarnsss or - MONUMENTS, Tomb and Grave Stones. Mantels, Table-Tops, Washstands, Etc All kind, -f .ik .L.tir in M.i I.;.-. In. Si. ... um! Uraalta. AC ...ik duo. In lin . lu. .il. : al lb. i. . . irw.v . f.n, sir,. i, betveea h..l bim! Third n . - - - tlt, e)BK4X. P. . I do Ml entfdoy any laMMl leacd . ... ere, and an .uM.wwti tAe faeuvHt U ilw 1 f crtit. 0MUUiUmI-.ii altoanl Ut aiKh aurfc. REVERE HOUSE, farmer riral aaA KUawarih AlMusr. BJ Chas Ffeiffer, Prop'r Thi. uw llui.1 la 8tUd U lu ftrtf ety !. TabWa euitJiMl with the bea Um kwtfl aSurda. m1 lieu in etary Euwaa. A t-.l SsBBB K.-su U Cuen icr.ul Irat.lcra. M.lrl.l F08HAY A MASON, vacaatAL ass ssvaii. Druggists and BooksellerH, Al.ll.iXV, OKt.COM. vldniltf NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with i.e tasteAil and iMMtiiliful swlectlous made by Mrs. Im uiar, wlio iiaa never failed to plaaae her customers. New Fall ( in ular jitM laaiiml. Meud for It. Addreea MRS. KI.I.KN LAMAR. U ru 77 Bruesdwair. New York. The Corrallis Frail Co. Will purchase Plummer dried frutt at full market nrlcea; Will send a competent person to advise fruit growers) as u cultivation of or addi tions to orchards; Will rupply fruit trees of enproved sorts at moderate prices; Will sell Plummer DriorthroH(b Mna, Htmluti and Lane couutlee. J setters to be sent to Oorvalllsrrr" ''on: petty, for vail is. Ronton County, ulBBBBe WALLIN NASH, PreaideuU JABKS HkaI'ma.n, Sc'y. January I, ISST aiwH SALTMABSH & LANQOON, OKI 4.4.1 HTM Roeks, Mtationery end Toilet Articles, A Large .Stock and Low Prices. OITTT DRUG STORE, S)t ALBINV. OHII.UN. AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIRST HTRKKT, HAH ON BAND AS FINK AN AKsuHTMKNT OS COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Ah hi.j hoiiar In b 'alley, lie a no Import himI inuiiiilHt . TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OF KVKRY IUCSCRIKIION IN KIXH.K II AN U, A FUI.I. AnMORTM UN T OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. AM. OK WHICH HK OFFERS TO THK PURUC AT I'RICKB, THAT DF.F COMPimTlOK. CALL AT 72 FIRST HTRKKT, ALBANY, ORJflUON. Repair work done at I8n26 GRAIN INSURANCE. TO FARMERS i We can give rates and the best companies. Take no chances whenavery small su m wi make you secure. You can borrow money on your grain if you are insured. Our poicies are good security at the Bank. Give us a call. Respectfully, ilbanj lr , at. Ill, IS81. BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES' FRENCH KID SHOES, LADIES' AMERICAN KID SHOES, DUNBAR'S SCHOOL SHOES, HOLBROOK'S PEBBLE COAT SHOES, LADIES' FANCY SLIPPERS, LADIES' GUM BOOTS. LADIES' "COMMON SENSE" SHOES, WELL'S SADDLE SEAM BOOTS, LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S RUBBERS, WELLS' PINE CUM BOOTS, FIREMEN'S CUM BOOTS, A BARGAIN I Valuable Property for Sale. THE AIDES FUU1T DUYKIt. Including the building and lots ujxm which It is situated, Is for sale at a bar- EM. There are two tlryers and they can sold sciwratoly. This la a Kod op portunity for fruit raiser to secure the lft dryer maile, at a low price. The Iota are very valuable lyins; on the river front, and having a mllroad swit-h runnlnK by them. Jt N a good location for a custom flourlag mill, foundry, or any such hulnesa. Kor further rticulam nail Cn the Presl. dent or SecreUry of tho 'emiiany. 4J. K. riCAWKoKD, L C. Rick, J'resldeut. Hesritary. ."mi s TARTLINC DI8COVERYI LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A mum o4 you thiol unpradrarw eaaetaa Wtu rare Isaar. Jr'a taUUlr. lml Baa hood, r u . i . i.,' trwsd la esla er.ry koown reeuMtjr, ha. di ruvered a BBflBl alf run-, which he vttt awad THUM K hie f.Uw..U0rrr.. addreaa J. U. MKEVKML 4S 4 teat ham at., X. V. NEW BARBER SHOP ! J. II. SIRLKS, Prop'r. Alii hii SKA FOAM SHAMPOO roiS with each ahava. Prtoaa fur ahaving and hair cutting same as usual. Ibioms npirf.stte McllwAln's store. lot ALRANY CITY Flouring Mills. 117" ! have already airrcixl villi tne If farmers for tho sUiragn of one half ou: capacity, lut w i -an yrt store about e..,iJU husliela. r llat .nic. first served. IMtKHII M, I ITS, PER BUSHEL in mill feril as usual. THUS MUV I I II H eV SOM. M MAGNOLIA MILLS. WK ere fully piapared as usual to fur uish storage and sacka on the most UVorable terms. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL BE PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Magnolia Mills. ' 17nl OR TO OKDKR. AUSO, BM KF.KPN Oh reasonable figures. you the lowest C. H. STEWART '4WJ OF LEBANON, Can sell you all goods in the line of General Merchandise just as cheap as you can go away from home and buy them. He carries a large and varied goods, is well prepared to exhibit them, and you can make just as good selections by purchasing of him. Remember the place,--- C. B. MONTAGUE'S GENERAL STORE, LEBAKOIV, IIOmSAV & JOSEPH, PKOrKIKTORM OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DRAI.RRS IN . Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Fiovision?, Candler Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - ... OrosoD. ONK DOOR RKLOW JOHN BUIQW HTORK. wvl 00,000 In the United States STUDEBAKEli Tli4lr tirvrt Popularity fn Due lo .- - Kf4MBBBBBwWBSBBMasBBMBBBBBBBBBBBlaasBaaw BBBBwT .f. u HwjSHbbbbb1bb''Bw'b?(bwBbbiBsbbbWbbbbbb " awalBsBBlwwBl J53ssSfw . SBBBBBBBBBBB Bv'7 wJ3BSBBBaBBBBBBBBiiPrW " - AVMW. - B1bbbP l IIIIK IUr iTIHIITIIII, THE WOOD BEIN(J THE BEST! a3LKtTKU fr iii the lorrwUol In.liana, which are iwttsl for tha ktr . all. ul, ,4,fl, -... ISaalSt. Mi l., ..'Mtlijcvte,! ti.eliwe maiwasj,,,,, an.l .li r . ,1 if .... ,.. .,. , , '. , '.' Mill l.j In i., hi of ir .f I m SMl hui'imhiI. iiauiiii.r, They are the BEST Ironed V : ; - Uie A arhot. Every one having our; lound Euge Projecting Tire, Which protect, tho patet ami BSm. No othe.- msnufuctiii'. r h i-Mi-ri-h- t. .ic. it. n .4 nr Ic Skein Waif.m. have our Mlast SKKIN ANt TKUSS AM.K, wlii.-h rcati rwvmv thexi Ilw Axle aial iirx-vuU the ak.iu from wwrkiiiy i.... . . Our WayoH aWo have The Slopa Shouldered Spoke, which Greatly Increases the Strength of the Wheels. AVAIl ( the ahove iuiir ivetuenU cannot ha unM Uy any otliir u iken niih .111 ii,;, . WA full line of the. YVivrivi cuu be fouu.l in ih.- rwtaBsai la mi of roo!. aad irh'ttttli S EUGENE Itl'4 IIA,A, Affeat, 47 ALBANY, ... . OREGON. CI OAKS, LADIES' BLACK BEAVER, LADIES' ULSTERS, LADIES' DOLMANS, LADIES' CIRCULARS, LADIES' FINE TRIMMED CLOAKS, LADIES LICHT CLOAKS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S GOSSAMERS, DOLMAN CLOAKS, SHAWLS, WOOL JACKETS, ETC., ETC, ALBANY, GREGG t iioiii; MCIUIIAMS. assortment of all!" OKEC.OX. PEOPLE aae the oolebrated WAGON and Ui4 Kserln! Care Taken iu Sc- ALBANY FOUNDRY AND I SH0S. I ST IR 1. 1 Mil. D 163. Rv A. F. 4TIKRRY, s(iualcil at rorner of i mm, .iki m k'mi i r v -iri--i, Aiiiiy, . h feM. . . I . I . ... . - ... . . .. Oregon. Having takwi r-harireof iheiiliove named Works, we are nrel : nianuraKnre Strain KiiKins, Saw ami 4irit Mills, W'Mffl -working Mafhinry, Puiuna, Jnu ami Jtrawi Cartings of every de rikn. Mas-hinery f" all kiniN repairti. spe cial given lo refsUnng I inn n a rliiiiery. rallrrw HmUimz 4wr ia all II. lei: ; v 1 A. F. CHKKRY A HtS ALIUXY COLLECIATK IXSTITI TK LBOIY. OK. Tin Kii-st Term H ill optn on WtimM day, SeptVnbfr 7tb, ISM. For rwrUuWv rmrroi? Um oarwn 4 MaJ) wC Um- in .. toiti.Ni. f t.. Ba 4 4B4T. 1'rr.Uri.l. YISG SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Ies tlio l washing and ironing in A I -r-any at lowest r tte. Contract maile for 4'hinrsn lalsr. Ijiundry on WasLingtoQ slreH, Marshairs I J very Siablu lih-VHf r. rnr.RKT. P. R. PARKE9. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEBSf & PAEKES, (StMVMMora lo f. P. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwriglits, and Iron Founders. WKHAVK4HTR mCSTRHOn ALL . ihnI. n-.I. and are now prepared lo inn. il.- kinds of lieavy work. We will maiinfiM'tiue Meaui Kngine. 4irist and Saw Mill Msrhinery,and all kimlMoflron ami Itrass 4!astingM. r-ITTtJtA nlK 4 SBBST BTM'C Secial aUention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also in an u far ture the improved Cherry A White iiraiu Separator. Its Baker SI. Ofllrr m Laatker larB. Albany, Jr Dec. 1, 1S8I. I8tf To the Unfortonate ! . BR -GIBBON'S Dispensary. r.)' BBABBl sr. "I - cine ut Camr ctal SUft, bait FrutSni. L.Mi.litxl in Ixj-.j. i . p Uf trcwuunit ul Sltu.1 ami St-iMinal Uwaaa aarli (....rrkra. t. Irrl S4rlr4arr. SahllU in .11 il. f. . - ' - mmmn m . ...... i. i l n.p- M up .111., il.- ple. mi Ihe Iimt: mk! kw. 4 uimuIkn.1 can .Mt h t-it b curvtl. The aick aiui affliHi-d Kkl mi fail i,.',-n Umiw htm. The Uvlu Ua traTeltal oleUMtrlvia Kuniiiv, and iirawt-U tluru lih the ariou. t. i . tal. tWre, uhUiliitijr a uTrwt deal U alual4e h.lmiua. Iisi. which he i. "nia-lelit U mil an i. il , , , k( f In wru. . . IK. ;IK1UIN ill Il.akr lu. tharvu milt-Mi he effm a .-;rr. rrarna at a dttaier Mil BK Hum t cioti aii c.4waaasslusa inrth r.a.l..lvrli..i. ..11 an t ;n l.e la rt..r Seial Nmi iaAar. i. a ;-a.kar .j nmiUiiK. Na i mm wrtnn I,, the ll ct. u.ll Wace al.U Ihcl aHar .J ll.e ItiIk- n-lLtt itvljii!.u..t iu. Oarkti. i.a Hia4. t alliirariu, A.i.ln- bli. J. I. .i:i:.;. 0.. Ii7, San ! k. . 4a " k. . . .1 I. . I - I C1IARLKS H0TKL. ALBANY, OREGON. MRS. (!. UOUE. ' - . - rieprirtur. Thla llnuM has hcn l)MHjrllv n u. ,ni Ui Ih.iu.ih, ami i now- in -j.U ii.lul nullii... i..r the ,-i ,. UatehHx. Ihe lahle ia .upjilieti with ev. rthinf Uh i.-ar- U"iu. .-XUII1 nntUl '.(IT'i Corvallla. Lcbanaa Had Ballaa Mr osi.e rUafB TNE ONLY RELIABLE BITTERS. IN USE. 1 UM ill BE8T TOttIO i