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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1881)
I&e cmrat. Fin Day .OCTOBER 21, 1881 JH.J C n. STEWART Edlter aad l'n.rlrrer. O. V. H. K. TIME Albany Miration. UK1MRTIKK OF THUN. BOtM .Nauru. ALHAN V EXPRESS Dvrt at - 5 SO A M FRKIUttr TKAI.VS " - A. M M Alt. TRAIN t Arrive it - a. "( Departs al . 1 ' - . H. M not' NO sot TIL t Arrive at - 11:4.1 A. at. "t Depart at 12:tK F M. M ill. TRVIN FKKIUHT TKAIN " - SSO t M. AI.IU.W E.rK KAS Arms at s . i' M All Train daily, eveeat !inla). Noticr. On and after tin- .lat regular ticket will be sold at our ticket ortloe lor following point on Columbia river: IfipfKBr Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula, Wall Walla and Ainsworth. wtu. n ku k, Freight and Ticket Agent O A O.K. K. Co. Albany. June ISth, 18S. ITTTO "D A DPB n; ! f xm.t on nk at U-a. liuo a JU jut k k... n A t" Newspaper here ad . i . I .-u. V u tract, mar bo usAds f or It IN NEW YORK. I I I llSillS HUMtt 1 Mi Siir ii- til. I. HOME ABUOAI). F. M. French, jeweller. Our schools are tilling up faat. Ha tern oatmeal at Courasl Meyer'. Spectacle for everybody at Freuch'ti. 11 R. "Skipwortli, lawyer, Albany, Or. Gossamers ami umbrellas are in demand. It looks like oar rainy season ti t 1 "sot in." C. C. Montague, gcueral merchant, !.! a ion The Oliver Chillel Plow is the best plow for dry ground. The wjtnan are R4rR their rights this week iu Portland. Ua to Montague's. Lbauan. f r your dry goods and groceries. Don't brget that ,'!iU4'u.' leads all coin petitors at Lebanon . Call at French's aud exam.ue those hue American watches. Dry go ts and groceries to suit the pur Cowan's Lebanon. , Z-pbyr wool all colors aul aUd. at J . F. I) Wrinkle and Co. Cents nyal wool under shirts and drawers at J. F. D. Wrinkle and Co s. An elle-zsut line of waterproofs in all colors at J. F. D. Wriukle and Co'. Bleached table linen and napkins very cheap at J. F. D. Vriukle aud Co 'a. Silver. sloel, co'erel aud plain pcrfo atel cardboard at J. F D. Wrinkle and Co, Highest cash price paid fur old cut imu by Cherry aud Parks at their foundry. D Mil forget to call at J. F. D. Wriukle's an 1 Co s. and look at their new ood. Circuit Court meets nest Monday, ar.d oar town will be lively for a few days. Ladies heavy felt skirts way below Port land price at J. F, D. Wrinkle and Co. Subscriptions are being received every day to the harbor improvement fund. Ladies fancy hose extra lengths 3 pair lor 5 J eenU at J. F. D. Wrinkle and Ce'a. Tbore bla:k walaa". efSJtkt at French ' are beautiful and besides are very cheap. A large stock of enrsets from 2 " cent to 2.50 each at J. F. D. Wriukle and Co. Dunbar's shoe ar.. all tbe rage at Samuel E. Young.s tit, style.and quality ganranteed. Dr. 6. Willis Prica. dentifi othce in Odd Fellow' Temple, over Plommer' Drug Stora. J as. L. Cowan, of Lebanon, Will not be undersold, and don't you tail to remecuber it i . Shaded ribbon and lace oollar aud cull s iu great varieties at I. F. D. Wriukle ami CV. Hi'ilioc liae of dref goal 1." cut to 23 cent per yard J. F D. Wrinkle ami Co. The large! aud cheapest stock of embroid eries m Albany at JT. F. D. Wrinkle's and Co. Ladies', gents', and children! manno and flannel underwear at J. F. D. Wrinkle's and Co. Wanted itirt class cjw one which tbe owner . can recommend. Euquira at this office. Trunk, valise and hand satchels of every description and stzri at I. G. Jackson' cheap tore. La-lies white linen and bordered hand kerchief 3 for o) eeoti at J. F. D. Wrinkle aud Cos. Elegant Umbrella's at tbe extensive dry goods store in Albany. J. F. D. Wriukle ami Co. Kameuibar that Jas. L. Cowau, of L;b auon, p'yi the highest flesh price for wheat and oat. The collection taken up in one of our churebe; lat Sabbath atnouuts I to tbe sum of -i If you waut a goo I pair of boots, a suit of clothe, or a tine hat, try the cheap store of . tx. Jacku n. All goods (old at the lowest Portland price at J. F. D. Wrinkle's and Co' Brain h Store, Albany. Handsome lace and hi Ik sc.ufs aul ties 25 eeots each at the Cash Store of J. F. D. W riokle aLl Co. Tut b-t aortinent of 1 1 lies' an I geois menuo under wear at astonishing low figures at I. G. Jackson'. Country dealers can get Use bnest branis wf cigars aud tobawco at jobber's p. ices by calling on I. Fox. Fine quality all wool French cashmeres 50 3euta to 'A" cents per yard at J. F. D. Wrinkle's and Co. Cloaks, ulsters and dolmans in ndlets variety at J. F. D. Wrinkle's and Cos. Branc'i Store Albany. Our farmers are very busy putting iu their summer fallow. Hundreds of acres are al ready in aud doing well. The finest assortment of ladies, misses and children's shoes iu this i ity can be found at Monteith and Seitenbach's. Everybody knows that J. F. D. Wrinkle and Co. sell dry goods cheaper thfn any other store in Albany. If you miaj any familiar face outhe street this week you may matte up your miad that they are at the MccLauics Fair. Ladies' cloaks, dolmans and ulsters of the atest styles at the store of I. G. Jackson, at prices below competition. New styles ribbons, laces and ruchings at J. F. D. Wrinkle's and Co. The latest novelties of gents ueok ware, such as ties, collas, cuff's, etc., cheaper than ever at L G. Jackson's store. i . G. Jackson is offering plain and brocad ed dress goods in single and double width, the latest shades, at bottom prices. No young lady can consider herself dressed in the height of fashion until she buys address pattern at Mouteith and Sei ten bach's. ( Ladies, do vxm kne w that at Chnrad Meyer's yon can get twenty bars ot soap for 7 cents ? It's a fact, aud no mistake. Head the original story on the first page. The young authoress is setting a good exam ple, which Me would like to see followed. ltcmcmber the place. Large sign top of awning, South side Firat St, aeeoud door from Nolan's corner- J. V. D. Wrinkle and Co., go to the Bee-Hive Wire Works in A I Im uiv and examine the celebrated Ore gmi r'anuiug mill. It is the best in tho world. , If you want bargains in dry goodsgo to the new branch Portland ('ash Store J. F.D. Wriuklo aud Co. First St. second store from Nolau's corner. Ouly a very few vacant houses iu Albany at present. Our towu is til hug up rapidly and matters aro U'ginuiug to look more prosperous. The very latest styles of ruchingt aud embroideries can lie had of Mouteith and Seitcubach. There is nothiug more beauti ful in town. A barking do never biten ;, but tho same measure of confidence isn't to be placed iu a humming hornet, veu if he does go(towards you liaekwanl. We had quite a uice little fall of suow last Friday, but not enough to whiteu the ground. It never was known to fall so early iu this valley before. Mouteith and Suiteubach make a s-ialty of dress goods and trimmiugs, and the ladies would do well to call there ami inspect their spleudid stock. Cowan says bargaius, and the people of I.ehanon kuows he mean it, aud that is the reasou h y there has been such a rush to hia store lately. A tine fashion cut of President Arthur is displayed iu the front wiudow of Graham ami Sou's tailering establishment. It is the best we have seen. John Fttshay has gone to San Francisco after a stock of drugs, books, stationery, etc., and when he returns you can expect to see souaetlitug worth buying, New stylei of V'i ii it jut' rectived a Ike Fox'. Musical albums, motto al bums, and albums of all kiudt aud at all price. Co and see them. 'Tle Chief" is a new brand of tobacco which is gniug to have an enormous sale in Albany. Conrad Meyer has it fr sale, aud every uiau who tastes it buy it. Victims to Constipation and fits untold miseries can keep in good condition, by a moderate use of Ayer'a Pills, the surest, safest ami m.vst reliable Cathartic, Dispatches from other portions of tie world louk favorable for a rise iu the price of wheat, but the additional will probably all be swallowed up by the shipowner. When you paw a door after nine o'clock at night, and see a man aud a young woman aud bear a smack, you may bet your button, dollar the young mau dou't live tbre. One of the tiuest animals that we noticed at our recent fair was that tine stallion be longing to I 'eo. McKuight. Abetter hone we think cannot be found in tbe valley. If ,ou watch the signs of the times yon will learu why Cowan, M lebanou, sells so many good. Tbe people have learned that hr at 11 good goods and at bottom pi ice. Vouii' la lies should call at the store of I. Fox and take a ptcp at his new stock of jewelry. There i nothing nicer in town and Ike beats all competition iu tbe way o prieea. Mra. Jackson has moved her boarding house into the building next door to tbe Dejmotrat othVe, and is uow io good condi tion to take earn of those who attend Court j oext week Whenever you see a woman talking straight at a man, ami beginning to nod her head and keep time to it with her upraised iudex finger, it is about time for somebody to climb a tree. A terrible gloomy appearance has been ob served oo tbe ccuuteuauces of many of our young men since the marriage of Harry Up ham. It is ouly their mourning badge, so don't be alarmed. - "Bud" Mealey this week brought down about one hundred deer bides and some half a dozen bear skins which be sold at a good figure to Billy Uatkia. Bud is the boss w hen it comes to Iri lltngdeer. A large number of farmers were iu town last Saturday to atteud the public meeting at the Court House to make arrangement for raising funds for the improvement of the Yaquina Bar. The Oliver Chilled Plow will run aud do good work in dry ground when a steel plow cannot be kept in. They are just the plow you waut for summer fallowing. For by Samuel E. Young. Since Fosbay and Mason have brought ou the celebrated King spectacles it is hard for dealer to sell other brands. A better spec tacle is not manufactured. Kalloch found himself in the wrong pew when he stepped into Oregon. He wasn't slow to get out of it cither, and uow the question arises, where are the promiucnt m n who invited hirn to come here t None of them have been found. Fred Willert is putting up a new two story building uext door to his wagon fac tory for the purpose of storing away bis fine buggies and backs. Fred is evidently doing a prosperous business. C. B. Montague the popular Lebanon merchant, is meeting with unexampled s iccess hi Use sale of his new stock of goods, which has proven to be fully equal to what it was first represented to lie. I All kind, qualities and sizes of ladies shoes can be had of Mouteith and Seitcubach. They cau fit out a bride, for whom nothing is too nice, or can furnish a farmers wife with a pir that will be serviceable and neat. If vau aro going to fix up your house and wait any new pictures, call around at Ike Fox's. He has just received a larga lot of c iromoes of all sizes which he will sell at prices that will cstouish you for cheapnci s. Ike Fox is down at Portland this wi ek and John Usher is ruuniug his establishment. Call around while Ike is gone and get goods a: great reductions. John is going to do a rushing business if he ha to offer premiums f r buyers. Housekeepers know that cocoanut in papers losei its strength when opened. Conrad Meyer has the celebrated Scbepp' cocoanut pat up in air-tight c in, and altar using from it you cau close it up a it wa origin ally. Same price a in papers. On next Saturday and Sabbath will be held at the Methodist Episcopal chuicb the first quarterly meeting services of their con ference year. Preaching at 2 o'clock P. M., on Saturday by tbe Presiding Elder of this District. All are invited. If a lamp chimney be cm with a diamond on tho convex side it will never crack with the heat, as the incision affords room for ex pansion, and the glass after cooling returns to its original shape, with only a scratch visible where the cut was made. Pearce, one of the Directors of the Ya. quiua Railroad is bo sanguine of its early completion to Albany that he has commenc ed brjying property over here. Last Wed nesday he purchased the old Cheadle Soar ing milLfit the foot of Broadalbin street. Ono of tho new sohool of historians records the fact that when Methusaleh was only 4(17 years old, hia father told him that if he did not atop smoking vile cigarettes he would die in early mauhood. He didn't stop, aud he on ly livod 500 yoars after that. But boys will be beys. Mark Twain has aotually written another book, and an anxious world is waitiug to see it, but it will not be read with half the interest that Star Brewery hour is seised upou. Ed..Bellauger is the author of the latter aud he knows what he is about when he manufactures it. Some people think Twain doesn't. Next week W w ill liublish ou our In page an interesting letter written by Dr. lis- a an a-a . . a. si rta gan, I rum the rtauuwicu Miamis to tuu ot. 'an, i Minn, i .' .'.-. The Doctor's wife, Mrs. 1 lagan, is uow visiting at Lebanon, and will be remembered by many as Mra. Orey'a frieud. Foshny aud Mason are becoming more popular every day, and their trade is stead ily on the iucreaso. Their stock of drugs is Hire and fresh, aud they sell at such fair price that eouutry dealer uow buy of them insted of going to Portland. A lady passing dowu the street a few days ago was clothed iu such a beautiful dross that every oue could not help noticing and ieaking of it. We do not thiuk the lady herself was any prouder of her personal appearance than wore Charley Mouteith ami Simon Siitcnbach, who sold her the dnwa pattern aud trimmings. The "A. A. McCully" steamed into the city Wednesday morning. It has the honor of being the first boat of the season to come up the V. ill mutt.- ,ii far a Albany. Thtre is something significant iu the hoarse whistle of the river steamer, ami we hope they will keep it tip, so long as they dou't raise MM h a freshet as we had last wiuter. "Tune and tide wait for no man." it haa beeu said aud quite truly ; but C. B. Mon tague, uulike the old chap who carrie the scythe, waits ou every individual, regardless of sex. age or color, with the grestest im aginable patience ami courtesy. He is 1 waya ou hand, and is indefatigable in his eadeavors to please hi customers. When a young man tells you he doesn't believe in vhurehc begtpuK all the time aud he won't go to ebuieh 1 1 all if he can't listen to a sermon without biviuu; a con tribution basket stuck under bis nose, you will generally see that man whack in to make up a purse for a horse race, or aub scribe for the Sunday concerts without a murmur. We thauk tho poet who handed iu the following is eucro tchiug up in tho domain of "I'ncle Sam, but he aptwara to bav- the "divine alHstu. ' aud j Ji not wsh to suppress genius : l- ,i with low tOtl). tUub usT I. I . ! i.. . Som-boJ;. bit bi lb ua th ttow Tua tuu iu ta w Urn rat brtaf ode. MM1I4) retHleSl : "H mril) t Mtodtf " At last the Urrible agony is over. It Was decided by the Krodelphian Soctsty, at the College last Friday afternoon, to a hasty cou tested deluite. that the mind of woman i inferior to that of man. Tin will be of vital inteeest to Oueen VacU ty, Mr. Duiu way, Suaan P.. Authony. LhaaUth Cady Stanton, Bel a Lock woo. 1 and others, most of whom have l-een laloriog. if nt for the supremacy, at leait for the equality, of wo man. A young military gantUman of Walla Walla, has been Maligned somewhat as A. H. was, and there is kicking in conse quence thereof. We are reminded by this that Jas. L. C owao, of Iebanon, haa no uaaligners. Hi integrity is never question, ed. People of Linn county know from ex perience that he gives bargain and live up to bis representations in 'very case. Hi complete stock of dry pa l and groceries are of such quality, ami are sold at such low prices, a to have obtaimd for bim a big share of the trade oi Lebanon aud vicinity. SOCIAL PERSONAL Miss Lulu lark is I....- fri ml u I'ortlao.l Mr. T. Ifjiri, t f Wells Staten, the vity Ha.urday last Charley Wdkiuaon is stteudio wa iu a I uai- uesa college in Portland. W in. II. tloltra wss below duiing first of the wc-k on business. Misses Myra and Annie Maoslield the aru visiting friend iu Portland. Mr. John Fohsy, of Koshay aud Maaon was in I'ortlaud Friday of last week. We received a very pleasant call from Miss McCully, of Harriiburg, last Saturdsy. Wes. Walton starts this week for Fastern Washiugtou, and will locate near Spokane. Mr. l-oniier BaJateo, left last Piiday for Portlaud, where he will reinaiu during tbe wiuter. Mr. Nifptumr ha beeu in the city. We unlerstaud he tuteuds reiuaiuiug during the winter. H. C. Clement isone of our many citians who is attcudiug the Mecbuics Pair at Pe.-tlanL Miss Belle Cauunn will go to Portland n a fewr days to attend the Catholic School in that city. Wm. Peed (not Win. l! id. li.nitml) was ia town Monday. He looks as uim h asssv ciated as ever. Dan Kumbaug'i is again . jumping the counters at Mcllwaiui. It looks natural to see DM back ther- Mise Ma.ic ard M. at tit Loiter are in Portland utUu.ii.,g Um Mecbsnic Fair aad the W. it. Convention. Mac. Mouteith, Billy Biuuk and Jim Foster passed last Sabbath in the city. It waan't glycerine this time. Mr. Jas. Danuals and his estimable daugh ter, Hose, have been in Portlaud attending the Mechanics fair, this week. 09 K. Clramberlan has biren very ill during the past week or teudas. but we are glad to hear is some better now. 1'. C. Harper opened out a grocery store at Pendleton this week, and parties down from there tell us be will do well. Mr. Peter Smith, of Turners, was iu tbe city last Tuesday, and did nut fail to give the Democrat othce a pleasant call. Elmer Hamilton, son of Hon. Jas. Hamil ton, of Orleans Precinct, came dowu a few days ago to attend school in this city. Mr. Frank Jack, of Brownsville, called on us Wednesday and left us with a clear conscience, for the Democrat is now bis debtor. There is some sicka sss at Harrisburg. We understand Mrs. J. F. McCully, Leander Stites and' Henry Beggs are all down with tpyhoid fever. J. M. Nolan got back from the hue of the Oregon Pacific Kailroad last Tuesday even ing. He made a very profitable trip and sold lots of goods. Mrs. John Xatter was iu town this week visiting friends. Her husband has sold his brewery at Pendleton aad is hunting a loca- i$$ai$vi the Sound. fWin. Smith returned this week from Ohio alter an absence of over three yeare. Hi" old friends were very glad to meet him again. Jas, Cilmonr ami Billy Watkins returned from Walla Walla a week or two ago. They arrived there too lata to do a very large harvesting business. C. L 8baw, of Newport, has been over here this woek. He ha had uhargo of one of the earveyiog parties this summer on the Oregon Pacific lUilroad. Mr. George Fiah is spending a few days iu Portland, and we etpect is making min utee of the wonders of Oregon, as exhibited nt the Mechanics fair. Worth and John Huetou were iu a few days ago aad insured about C000 bushele of wheat they are holding for a better price. It pays to be safe sometimes. Geo Luper dropiod in on ua last Mon day and squared up on the Dkmix iiAT.and got some of our flue oats. George ha one of the liet farms in the conuty. K. II. Autenwrieth, the eloquent Cerium orator, who spoke here last fall, haa left Jacksonville for San Francisco, where he will reside iu the future. Peter Abbey, propietor of tho Bay View Home at Newport, came down to Atbauy last Wodtiesdsy and after staying over night returned home. Mr. I. N. Warmoth. of Halsey, was iu the city nu Wednesday, and of course had to call at thia office. He will read the lr uo ttT this Winter. W. H. 1 1 art less is back from Kasteru i. on and Washington and i erfectly content now with Webfout. He talks of locating over at the Bay. Fugeuo Buchanan left for his farm iu kin kitat last Tuesday and will be absent some ton days or two weeks. During hia Mr. Coltra will attend to hi colli Masses Mr. Jas. 0 Porter, of Hslsey, and Mie i. i. C. Beams, of Harrisburg, were mar ried at the Hevere House in this city, on Wednesday of last week. May their life be one conpuusl honeymoon. Why didu t an All-Wian Providence make all men like Win. Dnukard, ot Halsey, who called on us last Moodsy and after Suaring up old scores on tho loo., uai, paid for a year in advance ' A bridal coople from tt.a Waldo Hill, at break fait at the Bet ere House a few dsy mj" converse.! a f..Jlow. Mr ' M,al! I skin you a pertator, honey V Soe "No, than you. deary, i have one already akuu." In a local last week we introduced tr. Barker to onr renders as a married man, and we made a sad mistake in doing o. He i unmarried and ia buying property here. Marriageable young ledus will take due notice of this fact Mrs. A. D. Barker gaye a party last Monday night in honor afl the sirrival of her relations from the East. We under stand they had a real pleaaaal time, but many were deterred frdsn going en account of the in o uk lit weather. The social at Mrs' J. W. Alehouse's bast Friday night e as a very enjoyable affair. Many a young man in hi cleanest trk was there, and many a young lady w ho appre ciated such an institution, all. from the profcasore in geology to tbe jovial book keepene. striving te ev who would have the best time We understand the receipts were encouraging to our I'reabytettan friend Hie re was a large gathering at the social held at the Cm-relational church Tuesday night, aad a very pleasant time was bad by iu a -1.--. - i m everybody. A abort program was rndrrt?1. consisting td solo by Mr. Uo. S larger and alias Aunttr i'uwadi sud a rrctntion by Mr. K. C Johnson. U of which wr quite oommiadbb'. Aftr s luurh sud a general good time rUctpted in by old and yunng the sot-ial a ijouroe I at the'..- hour of ten o'clock. Tan reevtnts were about $29. II1WUOH lUi'MOtl Ml .1 ll. last Saturday at 1 o'clock tpiite a large number ef our citizen asnombled at the Court House, in answer to a call i-.... I for a meeting iu tbe Interest jf tbe iinprovenieot or Vaquioa itar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fronian, who etafed the object i f the meeting. Mayor Froniati was t lieu chosen as chairman and I. Bilyeii Secretary. WallisNash, Vice President of the Oregon pacific Kailroad was then call ed upou and came forward and ad dressed the meeting at length. He spoke of the i m pin i urn-.- of the work on the bar ; the beneficial results which would follow the completion of It ; the iiecesaity of continuing the work without intermission uutlt com pleted, and (li ii Infnrmedour of the progress of the work on the Oregon Pacific Kailroad. He was listened too with marked attention until he closed and the audience manifested a deep interest iu the sub jects gpokou ou. At the close of his address Judge It. S. Htrahan ottered the following resolu tion and moved its adoption : thimdt That a fuud be opened I ti Lino County tube called "the Yaa,ulua Kay Harbor Improvement Fuud." After some remarks on the question from Judge Htrahan and Rev. F. A. Moses, of Tangent, the motion passed. J. H. Foster then ottered the follow ing resolution, which was adapted i Jtoeftpftf, That n committee be ap pointed to cinvass Linu County for subscription Initio fund, and that Um foi low in?' persons compose that Com mittee, with power to add to their number: K. 8. Strahan, H. B. Young, L. B. main and N. Baum. N. Baum offered the folio win;- reso lution which was also adopted : t'aolvcd, That John Conner be ap pointed to act as Treasurer of the fuud, with Instructions to defray the neces sary expenses of the Committee, and to disburse tho money belonging to the fund on the order or the united States Engineer in charge of tbe work, and that a full account of Uie receipts and disbursements be published from weok to week In the newspapers or Albany. The subscription paper was then circulated in tbe audience and quite a liberal amount donated, after which the meeting adjourned. THE HARBOR IMPROVEMENT KUND. Following is a list of tbe contribu tions to tbe Yaquiua Bay Harbor Im provement Fund received up to thia date at Albany : II S Strahan C T Ingntru C E Wolverton AT Anu.ll s Price FM Westfall S 0 Wbitmur Mil tun Hal U F Simpson W L Vanoe h KU P A Moae? Ho v J W Harris Cash John kviif:rs A X Powell $20.00 D Froman 6 00 J H Foster 2.00 T P ilukieraan 6.00 W R Kilycu 10.00 A Pearce $20.00 20.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 2.60 2 60 2.00 2 00 2.60 2.60 6.00 20.00 6.00 6.00 6,00 2.fi0 1 00 5.00 'J.00 5.00 2.00 1 00 0.0O 6.00 500 2.50 iyj Croby ti Jobution J J Charlton W C TwesUale Hoffman A. Joseph Fohav fe Ma) u Jason Wheeler -John A Cra ford A Wolverton B Froman Olney Fry, Jr. X Baum 20.00 The list has not yet been circulated in this cUy except for a few hours, and has not been carried into the country at all. lit IT 4 01 T. Follow ing in lha list of cauneii com ing up fur syljiidicAtion at tint regular torm of tlm Circuit Court which con venei in this city next Monday. No I X McCilloy t al vi Ella both UittiT. Equity llph, Hron- Aogli, Dolph tfc Himoiin mill Powell Ac Flinu fordfl'. Humphry & Hewitt lor deft. 2 A MeCullwy nl vh Hophia Drn- '' Equity. JJodpli, HroQsugli, 1 Jul pi t MiinniiH for pill. 1 llsviil Young vs James Mi Mn lion. To foreclose mortage. Weather ford t IMuckburn for plfT. Htre'mn & llilyeu for Unft. 4TL CJolthm vs KM Ley ton. Confirmation of sain. FJitm A Cham berUin for plH'. ft - W J, Vance vs Farlow Mulkry. To setasiiln docrne and correct hacri tioji iti inortgsjjc lluruphrey Jit Vn verUm fur plfl' C Orrgoiiiuti I tail way (J.r. vs Jim Uor. To appiopriajlsf ImimIm. Ktlis ( llugliis at A Sears for pill. II IJry ant for deft. 7o- Hoard of Sch... Land OfMBsVafN vs J I Hi) yen, et nl. To fore- cloao mortngn. ion fur pill. II UMpbrnV A Wnl ver s c M Parry n ftwin II Ptfty, l)i voire. Kiruhsn & Uilvi u lur pill Flint) A. 'hamlwtlnin nnl llryant fur deft. I School Laud ( 'uiiiinisHiiiiuMs vh HeUe Hwigle, Mi I ton UsIh and I Bnl timnre. To foretdiwu mm tgsgr. II um phrey Sa Wolvertun nnd I'Unn A, (.'ham Ixduin for pill lU J H Mi Met) h Mall loii.vhsui. To lecovrr uiotov. I'well A 1'ilveti for pill 1 1 - I. K 1'dain va M N QtA To ret-over money. I'.iwetl d: Hilyfii for pill. I - Win l'uiisier ot al v I F McCully. Writ of ret iw. Mirahun A BUjrsM for pltT. Id Nancy Trna it vs W II Horrix. Fr aartiliott of html. Humphrey At Wolverton for plO. It - I C Dickey v J C Worth. To re over money. Minn Ac CbamiM-rlsin foi jilfl' llutuplirev Ac Wolverton f ir deft I ft i)r.h M Wtotlgf v 0 H r. !i voire. Strahno A. l'.ilvfu for pill. I in. M A ChsinlM'rlain and Weather ford A; Ubo'k but n for deft 10 Jas Wheeler vs It , Wheeler. Tu m t SNidf drril. Weath'Tford V litl - ten foi pllj. Flinn t Cusm brlain fur drft 17 -Om K Holbrook and A B IU) brook v N It llomphrrv. 1 1 II Hum phrey and Amanda Ki-vii r Tu rei t er proper! v. Chrnowt' A, lohnaon for plff. Flinn A Chain1, ti .in. K. l.-v A Burnett, and H .i... A W-'v-r- ton for dtft. IH Tb AH"Oi a-d rt.tiiiain Wt MP Hitch t ChjiihI iHiaim v A f'rewf.ird. P., well A Hilvo and He) ham A Itsiu-o v for p'H Flinn a CIiniu beilain and Sttuhtu A Hilen f ,r .ei. ! ai 19- Mary F. 0rOsw fM Owen Hind et For iiartithui of htnds WiiIot foni A Ihlvou for plff Flinn & Chats! tarlain foi deft. "'20 T I! Allen vaOlnev Frv, Jr. and J J Charlton. Ktpiitr. II nnphr-v Si VYolveibm lur plff. Flinn St (''bainber !in and Strahan St Bilyeu lur tieft. 21 - --School litnd ' tmmisuoncrs vs J II ilotiHton et al. To foreclose inort gag. I Li in pi. i. -v St Wolverton for plff. Flinn & Chamberlain for drft. 22 Linn County v, J It Herreii et al. To recover money. V Fiper and Strahsn St liilyeu for plff Fowell Si litlyeti, Humphrey St Wolverton, C If Hetaitt and W 6 Palmer Vr deft. 23- H Ackerman vs Fetke Acker man et al. To foreclose mortgage. Stra han .v Lilt i . for pit?. 24 J J Davie 8 A Wiley sod wife. Kjectment. S A John, T F HneklemHn aud Itonham Si Kamaey fur pit) YVatb eiford at Blackburn for deft. L'u .1 J Charlton vh Linn C runty. Writ of review. WoatheHord A Black burn fur plfl'. W (I Piper and L Flinn for deft. 26 J A Wilson vs T T Wilson To recover nicney. Went hei ford Si Blackburn for plff. 27 J A Wileon va Allen i Luwis. Fpiity. Weatherford it Blackburn fr pill". Flinn & Chamberlain for deft. 2t -Orrgonian Railway Co vs U Hus ton. To appropriate laml. I. O llughea fur plff. Flinn A Chamber lain for daft. 29 Same vs David Pierage. To pa -propriate lamia K ii Hughea for pill. '0 Same vs Horace L-ine. To ap propriate lands. K U Hughea fur plfl. 31 Jas Shields vs S Tillard, et al. To recover money. Stiahau St Bdyeu for plff. L H Moutayne lor deft. 32 Java Wheeler va Hoaa Wheeler Divorce. Strahan at Bilyeu mid Weath erfordafe Blackburn for pltf. Flinn all Chamberlain for deft. 33 Agnes Gird vs.Ney (Jird. Equi ty. R WilKami fur pit. Strahan Si Bilyeu for deli. 3-1 -Magjij Thorns va Lauren Thomas. Divorce. Humiilirey .Ac H'ol f a verton for pill. Flinn and Otraaabatlaia for ileft. 35 Louisa Calbraith va I M Cal- hraith. Divorce. W'eatherfurtl and Blackburn fur plff. 30-John (hum vs Jas Phillips et al. To correct deed. Bryant and Montunye for plff. 37 M M Nelson vi IF P Nelson. Divorce. Ronham and Smtei for pl(T. 38 Lydia McQoene va John Mr Quene. Divorce. IF R B.lyeai for plfl". 39 M Vanderpool va ll'ui F and IF B Gore. To recover money. Johns aud Miller for plff. 40 J D Simoaa va Jac S rvnhar et al. Strahan and Bilyeu aud C.fnbnr lain for plfl'. IFeatberford and Black burn and Johns and Miller for deft. 41 Jas A Pearl vs Sydneth Pearl. Divorce. Humphrey and IFolverton for pllf. 42 Black, Pearl and Co va TFoi Hunter. To recover money. Strahan and Bilyeu for plff. 43 V R Hyde vs IF H. Rand et al. To foreclose mortgage. V R Hyde tor pltf. Humphrey and IFolverton for deft. 44 S H Althouse at al va M Sny der. To recover money. L H Montanye for plff. 4ft- J K MoCoy v Thn Clemens ot al. To foreclose mortgago. J. II Mon tnnyo for plfT. 40 niackf Pearl mid Company vh Thomas CliuneiiH. T io wi muni-v it H Motifanye fur pill. 47- lilstk, Fisil end Co vs Ann rFilliabv. To recover mowy. rreUer ford tin. I Hlsckburn for pill'. C II Hew itt for Heft. 4 K Otto Fox vs N M Lot lis. To n- cover monev. Flinn nnd Cliarnlioi ltiii fur pill. 4yAlmina Crsft vs W W Craft, Divorce. Htrnhnti & Ililyeu fur plfl' ftO It II MnoiM filial vt It a B Moore ctul. For purtition of I ihil. ftl C II Montiigiio vs J HAltmnmh '1 . 9 i I iu r(cuvtr muiiov. .loliu v .lliller for plff. ft 2 J It Hcrsflord vs J W Jobmoo. To recover monev. Humohrev Sc v ar Wolverton fur plfl'. Flinn A Chamber Initi for ileft. Smith A ll, .Wield vs Thou T Wilson. To set ssido nhei ill's enle. Flinn A Chamberlain fur plfl'. ftl - K Kecbler vs ( It ai N iUt. Fur reenverv of renl pruisrfv. Weiifherfonl A HUckburn for pill ftft Hodges A Wilwu vh Silver Hill Minn Ho. Tu fill HllK tided colu- pluint nnd modify detrree in Meeordanc-e therewith. Cliei.i i a : b A JohliHWi for pill. tG 1 1 llnlbiitt vs.) Q Oooltpr nnd W C ItigtfK, 'onlirinalion of sale. Flinn A ChHUibeil sin for pill. ft7 Jacob Keen vm J W niton and Knoch Thoiujruiii. To furrtJssas uiort- gnjf I Mil. . ir.H,, lOr pill. ,'H T II liiirii t vs I Newmin etsl Fo recover motiev. Moiitante f.r nr. ,VJ-: T loot I'M ti ...,., Fjgsn. To reoovor money. V linn A 'hmnWnin o plfl. CO J, Kline vt W A Miller f'on- hruiation of snle HYMthr-tford and Ulackbiiru for plfl. Cl IleU-ti-.a Carter etnl as S I) Csger et nl. To forerlox moaf hl'o. Stiahan and Hilyeti for plfl. 62 Kdoch II. nilt v Hiram Smith etnl. Fiuitr. Sfmhitii mid Hi I en and Powell and BUjTU for plff. 65- M Hsnitert vs IF II Fsriah etal. For tlamngew, Ikmham mid Strahan slid Ihlven for plff. 1 1 iiimduev nnd H'ol vet ton for defts. 64 E Kefhlerts OrtMQttimM Ilsilway ( o Limited ; For dmiiM'.'cv. I! . ,ir ford anl Ulat klnirn for idll. Btnslnrs hue. Heveral iuiiortant hulneaH r hanges have taken place reeently in this city. Kugene iluchanau has sold his agiicul- tural Implement business to Win. II. io!tra, who will coutiutie It at tin- old taud. Mr. IJ. will remain heie until prltifcT collecting and will then gi into the nine buaiuisu again either al Fort land or Wall i Walla. He ha been with us for several years and during that time has been an upright, useful citizen, and made hosts of friends who will be orty to see bim leave. May In- be prosperous and happy wbeerver he joc-. In taking hold of the agricultural i u. pb -in i-i.t I.i i- in.- , Mr. .oil ;.-t tteerls ' i. , I lal MM UaV rltl If asa last ... nf.Jis sffaalanaassasasal j asrnsi ivir I - !' U fHH'-i settlers and r-utrstaniial fnrmi-K K-r seveial years he has resided iu thin eity, aud fur some time aited Mr. Buehanan, so he is not new In the baiMineas. We predict that hewlll have a prmtperoua buiueas career. Kubarta and Dubruille, aaddleraand harness makets, have dissolved part nership, and the firm of Thompson and McCoy Iu the same business have done likewise. The business T tbe former firm will heresfier be conduct ed by John Dubruille, while hia late partuer has formed a partii'-rship with the Tbompsona, and the upper shop will hereafter be conducted by Thump son ami Uubarts. Kach or the new houses should do well. i h proprie tors are all well known as strictly straight forward and honest and as good workmen as can be found in (he State. Mr Me Cay who retires from business will still coulinue at the b.-n :h iu th old shop at present. A line lutllul. Vef, it is a tino fStsfcrfShmta. Tl.cro isn't anything like it in the vail y hi the line of olothiug ho has a mammoth alo ck, sud can suit any man from a laborvr dowu to a bridogruoin. His line of furnishing goods is c'iiiiipleU, and ui will asy so After looking through it. In toots and ahotot he can fit out any uisn or buy and tltem in quality and price. Now that winter is coming on h make a apdcislty of rubber and oil clothing, and it will pay you to call thenr for anything in that line. What is usually termed "cheap goods." he tloesu't keep, aud ho don't claim t under sell all other dealers. He buys hit good as low ss possible, sdds a fair, living profit, aid offers them to his custoipen. They are worth what lis aska for them, whic'i it pro vttn by the fact thsU thoso whs bay of him once always come again. On there ud you will find we arc correct. P. 8. We were apesking of L E. Ulain the leadim clothier of thu Willamette Valley. Hardttarv . m un til l.iiuiitnn One thing that Lebanon 1ms need d for a lung time is a hardware store, but that waut baa been supplied by John iiliek opening out a store of that kind this week. He has awell selected stock of shelf hardware of all kinds, and will alao deal in plows. Mr. IStick has for several years been eugAged in black am dli ing at tbat pace, but on ac count of ill health bad to quit it. Read hia adv. this week. ICOM. MARKHAM. Near this citv. on Monday, Oct. 10, 1881, to the wife of Frauds Markham twin boys. .MA Kit 1 1'. II. DENNY "GOIN. On Oct. 18, 1881, at the St. Charles Hotel, in this city, by Rev. J. W. Harris, Mr.. F. J. Denky, of Washington county, aud Mm Mai:y A. i litis, of Linn county. NEEDHAM RIDER At tho Exchange Hotell ia Alhauy, on tho 20th day of October 1881, by E. D. Haven J. P., FinEioua Neetuiam and Martua. M. Rider, both ef Linn county Oregoa. PARKER MOTHERLAND, At Albany. Or., Ootober 13. 1881. by E. D. Haven. J. P., James C. Pabk&b, of Dallas, Polk Co., and Naaey J. MorrxEsiiZAn, of Lion .Co.. Or. IT'S COME, A BIG THING, AMD AN IMMENSE AND CENT'S FURNISHING C00D8. Including all the la'e nnd desirable novelties in styles, fabrics and Color ti. I not let it ewcajre your memory that this is a N E W STOCK TIIHOI CIHH T. We ere now aHuit, to offer this entire assortment at prices which will Iraw a mob. Will you be there 1 L. E. BLAIN, THE LEADER. Foster's Block A'BANY Oregon Mamanalk Heel. "The Forks " is the best place for Ml dug beets that we know of. J. R Constable who Uvea over there about three miles from Lebanon, brought Into our office a few days ago a couple of the common red table beets which excel anything we have reea in that line for along lime. One was about the usual i.- hi circumference, but wan I leet 4 inches long. The other was a little over 1 feet in length, and was I foot and 10 Inches in circumfer ence. It any one can beat that hr ef. he must show a pretty large vegeta ble. The Forks of the Santlam la tbe "beatlngest" country we know ef any way they ran raise anything ever there unless It is a Scotch mortgage, and even some of them are being rais ed trlrren' Maaaslsw. The November number of thi interesting magazine is at hand if anything better than ever. "A Isy st C anterbury'" it the lead ing srtide, ami it of t very high character The engravings are fine, and tbe acenrnpaoy ing dress pattern juat what is needed. Katra inducements are offered to clnbs. Single copies f2,00 a year. Address Chas. J. l'eterton. 'MG Chesnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. REASONS Why we can sell goods CHEAPER than any other store in Alba ny. We bny for CASH and buy in large quantities both for our store here and in Port land, and selling strictly for GASH we can sell our customers goo ds from 25 to to 40 per cent cneap cr 'nan our competitors, who sell their gooes on six months and a years credit- J. F. D. WRINKLE & CO., First Si., Albany, Oi-egan. MONEY TO LOAM. TU RATE MONEY TO LOAN 91 8 aod 9 Per Cent Inter- eat on time of six months to ten years. XO A rTOKXXYS FEES CHARGED llif BURKHART BROS. TO THE PUBLIC. The old firm of Thompson & McCov having eeaaed to do baaiaeaa, f. F. McCoy retlrina from tbe firm, all tboe indebted to them are requested to call and settle. Tbe accnuuta cau be found at the old establishment. Tuoatpeo a McCoy. IfssJ NOTICE. fllbe firm of Hoton Roberts, black 9 aaSWaillaaa I atJllli 1 luurk 1 -vl u i 1 1 1 1 . u ' t ' i i n iiioavii all thoaw tudebted to them are hereby notified to call and settle their accounts before tba first or November, lKd. Wat. H. Hoktos, 12v4 Tho. Roasmrs. W TS Mlikl statin. It wsnriH lrniro llit any ont- will ndtrr from Ui mm) .ii i Aiiruiriitu brvU(ht on t.v an impure con ditiuu nl the hlooJ whan SCO V ILL'S SARsAl'AKII. LA ANO STILLtNtilA, or Bld and Lrvar Strap sill rmt.ire perteot lit-sJUi lo UM pa-sacal urgaulBt 11 i iiiilwl a Htrfiitrtlnmir hvrtip, plcaasiU lu Ukf, and hn pruten ltll to be the best blood pur .- Ber rver dlsrovervil, i Scvtuallr KtvtuaUy curing Scrofula, jafBSh .1 !..( thi nsaSHatryssaasJaa, ill-order and debility, btliou SBBBM disorders, vte Malaria, all nervous complaint and all diseases indiratina; an impure eoi. dllioii ol the ItltMHl. IUr, kvdnsys, atomach, skiu, eU. It corrects indigestion. A single bottle will pntre U you Its merits aa a health rsttawer, tot It ACTS LIKE A CHARM. etHsxlallv when the compUinl ia t an exhaustivti tulure, havinr a tendency to lessen tbe natural vigor of the brain and aerrout tystem. 2 Te the Public. J. A. Gross, proprietor of the depot hotel, keeps oue of the beat public houses in the State. His rooms are kept scrupu lously neat and clean, and ou bis tables can be found the best food tbe market af ford. Parties going off on tbe morning train can get coffee and cakes or an entire breakfast before tbe train leaves. Here after the hotel will be kept open all night forehe convenience of tbe public. m Tea an Wanted Wall is Kasb, Vice President of tbe Oregon Pacific Railroad, informs ua there is work on that road for a great many more teams. They pay 4.00 per day for teams and furnish steady employment Baled hay can be bad along the line of the road for $15 per ton. Impure blood ia shown by akin disord ers, Pimples, Swellings, Ulcers, Ac., also by Liver and Kidney Complaint, Consti pation, Piles, Indigestion, Bllliousneas. Despondency, Lassitude, General Weak ness, and many other s ymptoms. Purify with King of tbe Blood. See advertise ment, ft WE HAVE COT IT. NEW STOCK OF I reader ia Htylee, IavIit in Fits, Iesvler in Popular Prices. LEBANON HARDWARE STORE I have just opened out at Lebanon a LARGE STOCK OF HARDWARE and will e1) as cheap as anv More in lire county. My stock, although not tire larg est embrace atawoat everything in t lie line. I will sl-o make a pecialty of PLO WS I and can suit all at t . quality and prices. Call and see sue, J. BLIC M. NOTICE. All fbose knowing tbm selves indebted to me are leo, nested to come forward end Nettie up. 12ml J. 111.14 k . tl'IATrON. a the Couuty Court uf Linn Covly, Stale of trejom. In tbe matter of the e4ate of Txjm. S. Mummer, beceeuNrd. Citation. To the next of kin of said deceased, to wit : Jane Coyle, William Summer, Abuer Mummers, Isouria Parrish, Ids Priveti, and to all rabnt known and nu known, interested In said Kstale. In the nnmr of th SilnU of (irnjom : You are hereby cited and required to be and appear in the Counlv Court of tbe County of Linn, Slate ot Oregon, at tbe Court House, in the city of Albany, in aid Ceuuty and Stale, on Mon. lav tbe "Kb day of December, A. L. 1W4I, at U. liuurofone o'clock in tbe afternoon of I said day, tbe same bemz tbe first dav of i lie Hfctmbe' Term ll thereof, and tb.ti and there nbow cause if any exist, why su order of sale should not be made directing and Iknrdng tbe sImtuiMnaior of naid OMtate to m1I all tbe right, title and interest of said Tiros. S. Sum men. deeeaM ed, at the time of bis death, both in law em! equity, in and to be leal property UcretuatU-r Ueiwriued, as prayed for iu tbe petition of L. bilyeu, avlminiKtrator of tbe eattate of naid deceased, whi-h etitton is uow on file in tbe County Court of briu County Uregan. which ssitl real proijerty in described an follow, to- it : beginning &J3S chain Stnith and Ui.4S rhaim4 We4 of the S. W. csmaer of aecitow 30, Tp 111. S. K. 1 Wet of Willamette o. ridisn, and running thence Weatt ehsirin ; thence Kara 2.1.70 chains : MsSSe North; chains to the place ofteQn ning, coulainiag W acres more i ; AI- the foi loving dercribed tract of Isml : beginning at the South Baal curiaer nl the domfiiea land claiin of Thrm. S. Summers and wife. Not. No. in Una County, Oregon, ami running lirence North lu.30 chairan ; tUeoce West 0O chain ; thence Mouth lo.3o chains ; Uience l-ja; 00 cbaina to tbe place of beginning. -oittaiiiiug W acres more or least, both of the above described tracts of land iiug and lying in Linn County. Oregon. By ortler of Court : Witoees my hand and the ai of -aid Court this IT h day of otober, sKSt. us N. lurx.tlerk. perJ. U. HarKLKMA, 12w6 iJcput y . Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given thai tbe under signed baa been appointed admin istrator of the estate of John A. Wrenn. deceased, by ti e County Court of Linn county, Oregon. All persona having claims against said estate are required lo present them to eakladminlsrator with tbe proper vouchers within six months from the date or this notice at the late resnleuue ofsaid deceased, about two miles oast from Corvailis, iu said Linn County, Ore gon. Oct. 21st, 1SSI. . J. B. LEE. 12w4 Administrator. NOTICE. HAVING disposed of my business in Albany, all persons indebted to me are requested to come forward and settle by Nov. 1. I can still be found at my old place of business. iatf EUGENE BUCHANAN. SETTLE UP. THE old firm of Rubarts A Pubruiiie bavins; dissloved partnership, all per sons knowing themselves indebted to it are requested to call at the old stand and settle up at aa early a daie as possible. HOGS I HOCS! E HIGHENT ff'AKH PRICE pssltj for Hogs lay l-res Mull er. Use Urocrr. Opposite He vere House ISjanl. Dr. SPINNEY," NO. It KEARNY T. Treats all ( kroair aad Special SKraar. YOUNO IVIEIV WHO MAT RK si 1 1 1 KIM. I KON THE effete ot youthful tollies or hittaeretion. will do veil to avail tbeanaelve of Uiis, Uaagrsatest U n ever Laid st the attar of attffertujr riuuuuiitv. t'K. 8PINNKY will inisrsiitee to forteii .Vor evert Semlnale weakness or private dtseaw J aiiv kit-o i.r oarsxter which he uuUertaJce and fails to rure. M0LEACKa MEM, There are many st the ar of thirtv-ve to slxtv who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of tbe blad der, often acornamed by aalurht Auartinir orhurtiinir senaatiait, and a weakenintr of the ivtcm in a manner ana paueni cannot account ror. on exacatnin? U urinsry deposits a ropy sedhoeait v. ill often be found tud sometimes srusJl sarticleM .rf all.uinen wiU situcar. r the color will be of a thin initkUh hu. aisaiii ijsi.-- iag to a dark and torpid sppnarwnce. There r tuanjr men who die of thia ditfii u'.ty ignorant of the cau, which is the second tlsgc irf seminal weaknesa. Dav a will ruarante a (rfecteure in all such cases, aad healthy restoration oi theeiiiU-urinao ortrans. Orrtca Hotraa 10 lo 4 and A to & Sunday from 10 to 11 a. at. Consultation free. Thorough sxauiiuatiui and advice. SS. iv For private disease of short standing' a full ora of medicine suflk-ieiit for a rure. with sUaasaacu. tim s. w ill be sent to any address on rei ei4 sSjra. mu ana aouresn, oa. m'inm i a co., 17:12U No. II Kearny St. San lTran.-wc,. ( al. TsTKOW f VS1 TO THE BCCIS. A great portion of the suffering and dis tress of this eouutry is due to tbiai t that tbe people take too much phytic aud many drugs. If you want -to pifeKlifve your h eaitb, save rioetors' and druggists' bills, use the Cslifornia Pine and Kuear lyptus Porous Plasters fbr ail pains. i M sale by Foskay st Mason, Fosters Brick, Maiu St., Albany, Or. BAKER'S PAJIN PANACEA cures pain