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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1881)
MART. V. BROWN, EDITOR. FRIDAY JANUARY 21, 1881 tuf. f.lkctoku. qj r.vrzox. Much now i being said on the quos tlon of changing tkekw prorMing for Preaitlential Electors and allowing the people to choose a President direct, :md thore is unquestionably a growing dis position in favor of changing the Fed aral Con ti itloa in this respect. At a late gathering of Indiana Democratic editors to map out a future policy, this Htm the first recommendation. The oalvoVj action to it that has much -weight is that it would he a departure from the system established when the government was for!nel. Then it i thought better to entrust the choice of sident to an el oral college, and theory was thai the countrv would more likely to be well served than if our rulers were voted for bv the peo pie direct. Hence in the selection of Presidential electors cure was exercised to nominate gentlemen of more than ordinary intelligence and weight of character, who would be better able to judge of the qualifications ot candid. ties fer the Presidency than the great DMM of citizens. Tnis idea has now become obsolete. Presidential e'cctois Lave practicallv become QOiasaUfcee men to receive ibe votes and place to- OS in the ballot box. An elector who should ercise his own will a:id discretion in casting his vote tor Preside: and dis regard the implied instructions under which he acts, would be regarded as a monster, and would be hooted at. But to change the present feature of keep ing up State lines and adj aaling tbe Presidential rote by a:i apjiortioninen! . measured by the Congressional delega tion, may be thought to infringe against State right. It would be a departure, bat it is difficult to percrive any valid objection in the way. The bottom principle of the Government is i! it derives its jowera from the popnlai oonsent and that a majority moat rule. This seems to Ve applicable to the choice of national ruleis if to anything. Nor ia there anv reason why one ei i - sen's vote should be aifocted by that ut any other, whsther a resident of one State r another. Under the present system the majority frequently does not rule. Mr. Buchanan did not re ceive a majority of the j-opular vote. Nor did Mr. Lincoln at his first elec tion. Mr. Hayes also came far sburt of it. The same is probably true of Mr. Garfield. These facta are certainly worthy to be considered. If the pOfHfr- lar will is entitled to rule iu theory, it ought to in point of fact. BT1KM. fli,I IH SI ITSSJil v The Kaglish provincial (: . s is fc.iy- that the ex-Premier u about to silently transfer the c hief jsjst in tie leadership of Ms party to the Marqtria of Salisbury, his efficient cciieague in the settlement of the Berlin treaty. There ia '.j no formal resignation of position, but under the weight of ad vancing years, and the parsait of long cherished literary taak. Lord Bea consfield is rnxious to be relieved of the hard work of active politics, in order to hare more leisnre for other matters, ft is also believed that Gladstone will shortly be called to the House of Lords place of rest md quiet in his old His heaith bj in a condition that :auses alarm to his tamiiy and friend. The Marquis of Hartington will suc ceed him in the trying and arduous position of leader of the Hoeae of Com mons. With Disraeli and Gladstone no longer in actire politics there will be a chance for the yosager men to shew of what they are mad. None of them, at present, give feigns of being in any sense comparable with the two aged st-tesmen soon to eek retireassnt. ' Old Fix-brake Widiani," wb i now out of a j ;b in America, with siim chance for the Senate Oregon, ! might send Qicen Victoria bis photo graph and thus secure the portfolio of Gladstone. B it nobody tare Gran, the immaculate bummer, would dare to don Disraeli's sttppen. TO THE KEADEK. OF XSIE Ji.iH In consequence of the unprecedented flxd aud consequent high water the mails have been completely "bottled up" in the post offices for the past two weeks, hence the past two issues of the Democrat, sharing the fate of all VvVj foot mail matter, has lain dormant in the Albany post office and could not be sent forward. Nobody is to blame for this but the "dork of the weather," and as he seems to have a life "hit," we suppose there is no use to ask Ha te remove him especially since it has been discovered that he is from Ohio ! Mas. W. J. Dyer, daugbter of Mr Sam. A. Clarke, ol the Willamette Far mer, died suddenly at her home in "Walla Walla Last Monday. ' Minnie" as she was so well and favorably known in salem and Portland was a bride of less than a year, and her death will be sincerely mourned by a larjre circle of Oregon friends. We tender m the bereaved parents our most sincere pympathy. SiTTlxo Bull and his whole tribe of treacherous reptiles have surrender, ed to the government troops, and now the demand for grub, blankets, scalping knives and breach loading rifles for the ext Bummer's campaign by the tribe ill be enormous. to mm rUkCS erru Jtis. SbSQ the Presidential election the iVmoeratie DMM as well as all recog nized organisations of the party, have made it a specialty to expose John Kelly's treachery, and give him tho "grand bounce." until now there is none so poor within the j rty lines to! do the great Tammany Sachem homage. And this utter dethronement o( the once jKwerful metropolitan politician should teanh him and all other politi cal manipulator! t wo important lessons. Indeed these lessens might be taken home to a few of our Oregon politicians, and their moral applied with good client, t ne lesson to be learned from Kelly's fall is that in political, as iu all other affairs, there is a law of retribu tion which sooner or later wi'l assert itself beyond possibility of escape The other is that there is a point be yond which the one man power cannot gO. The Tammany leader in the pride of his pewer undertook to dietau? to tho Democracy of the nation !s standard bearer four ears ago, but after exert ing himselt to the utmost tie was tte feated by the spirit of reform, which was found embodied in the peMOa if Gov. Titden. That defeat, however, only nerved him to make a more des pei ate ell. . which, unfortunately, was tOO successful. When routed at St. LOOM ho was w ise enough to keep in ;.ide the lines of the Democratic party, not dajiog then to raise ojienly the standard of rfolt. Bat, no' withstand ing, a largo majority of the jssople had unmistakably indicated a detormina tion to ergraft into our nationality the spirit of reform as its distinctive force, and well knowing that it pointed to Got. Tildeu as its exponent as well in IsSO as ia 1 nml with oven more potency, he set his machinery la me tier, to s'.itle it through the ordinmy .I.An.ld ..( MHAM .1 I t I hit t! A 1 , ,1; in that he Stiack an open blow at it by defeating Uov. Robinson Usf year, whose oti.v l . i i 1 r mas no was a friend of the reform candidate for the Presidency, and whose reelection he rightly jodfsd would generally be re garded as a renewul of a detensiaatten to repeat the poaalac verdict of lc7fi Success then emboldeneii him for Strong er efforts in the saai" direction, aud in . ph, w i'.'u a power behind him which was recOgBtsed by Um na tional Deuiecracy us too poererfal to be grappled with, he was enabled todivurt the popalar mind from its projier pur pose, end for a Usee bkhSt the Irenes in spired of a national lefbffli ndministra tion under Democrati; auspices. Now swift retribution 1ms oeertahea him. and th grave which he prepaied for others . has swallowed him up. The lesson is an instructive one fur all party Alrttrira. and dcaervf-a to be Studied not only by boame, bat by their blind supporters. Iaaaerslup ia politics, wkaa under the guidance of patriotic parpoMf ; I superior wUdom, skill aod exaoutivo force, is not a thing to be deprecated. When, however, SS is the case with ; - il Mr. Kelly, it uHSumea te act from the j blind impulse of power and personal prerogative it beoSBies a nui-'ance to le j abated and a danger to le overthrown. The caucus system was never designed to become a piece of mechanium for thwarting the public will, and when it becomes such it loses its BsOredneai and ban outgrown its usefulness. Wboa used, as it has been in New Yark city, merely to register the decrees of a siogle dictator, it has no claim to popular re gard either in action or uei tJaMBt. Its design whs and is to represent the vir tue and intelligence cf the peopbi, not to crucify them. It is beginning to be felt that loyalty to principle is a higher duty than devotion to a mechanical contrivance which is made te turn out leaders abo have not other crrdentiala than those which ate purely official. The spirit ot uMlepeadaaee is abroad ia he land and will not allow the one man pow?r to rid iu triumph over the necks of the jeople. The Desaoeiatic j arty, as a rule, makes no war on any organization with in its line ; bat the fate of the proud leader of Tammany should be a warn ing to that organization and ail others, that something beside capacity to lead the blind multitude is needful in lead sbip, and that it party organizations prostitute their influence and opportu nities, they as well as their favorites will go by the board. The people, not the machine, jaaat rule in this country, and will. Jmperialtm has BO place in American politic?, a'id ie-.-'St of all in the Democratic party Whenever and wherever it shows its head it desei res a blow, and will be quite likely to get 1 it sooner or later. nrsTRora eek e. A lady writes to inform us that il the new law, passed by the last Legis lature, allowing women to vote, pro vides that afemalo voter must swear to her age, she doesn't thank Mrs. Duni way and the other weakly creatures for passing such a measure. Mho says that it knoeks all the independence out of a woman ! HEVATORI.tE ELETIOS. Gen. Jno. F. Miller was last week elected U. S. Senator fiom California, John Sherman from Ohio, and Ben. Harrison from Indiana all Republi cans. Sherman and Harrison both succeed Democrat, Thurman and Mc Donald. BuiiMKu Grant is yet unprovided for. r. r J'diior litnuHTttt : m A public installation ef officers took piece at Sand IUdaa Grange, Jan. 1st, IS81. The ceremonies were condueted hy Deputy Mawter H. A. Irvine, nstoH cd by 1. Hayes. Tho hall was crowded with members and nttlMIH- After the oereuionies of installatitn were over, there v.v.e nrenarad two tables the Kaaftfc of tho hall, loaded ing viands, that sister how t prepare. At. bad. satisfied the wants innei man, K. A. Irvine addMMod tho meet ing, giving I bi ief hintery of tha I range and why the organir.atiou waa made. The object of the order was to bring aboat a System Of cooperation among the farmers, and that they as a class were imposed upon by speculators ; that the objects' of tho order aeie mi understood -it was not the purpose of the Q range te iu!efete with nnv leg ' iieate business, but t. 'he atemat wss to hare an onnal show ther branches of industry ; thst he believed great good had been done, not only te races hers but to persons outside the gates; that through the influence of the Grange freight was red asd (rem 1 1 to 9 cen'n per bushel ef whent from Alba ny to Portland. Short addresses were made by Messrs. Smith, S!atrr, PooeU and other. Among otheis Dr. K. ( '. Hill, of Albany, hpoke a some length, giving eaeoaragemaat to members uf the erdr trlimy them to hold fist . that the Grange .- a power that must in tisr.e accomplish the fall intent of a the order j that ihroMgh the QraagS a check will DO pat epoa tbe railroad mo nopely. and give rual rights to all , thai he had at times been almost per suaded that tho objects of the Grange were not legtttmste, and that somebov there were mm etd with the order dishonest btiruOSes . .' abea he aw a a old gray -headed men and weineu in their ranks be knew theie as un dia hencsty thei., that h? t-aw persona there that would ie stability to OBJ enterpus- . 'i the n-Kinl WOTtb -if the Qraaae wn shea ' i : o L : ecret ordem it.. nt I It uiambc; , wi; h . d i lit d woatea e nii ihe p. - d-ge man, an-l I :! . i I ordci to make a social gatkerii ig a saocesr, weman M Mt be there; that through the ir.inge he youth of the country vnr taught i ariaeiplaB of moraJitv, rj l kept from running into many bad habits ; that through the Mdr I I P. f H. young men would gat the paasword to Iegia lalive LaJls ; that CrOM StTOBi comee the comforts of lite that which makes kings happy. HaBMLSCB. i i imi ist oat.i v vr utiri. The KutmittQ Ejoprtts (Tuiuiany; tl.nw nil'U tn tlio Tj'n'ii i' y l.l..r...a wh- rotad with tho Elepablteaas and anti Tuiniuany Ahb rmin, and made sure the revolution : " To tier nurd G'todvut, .;', r( ' frl'-ricL Hilhi'j, ami v u Bias - Vou wi bv ths votes of lioi.. believed )onr profosMcn -eOruhteO jour honor. Vou were fjlscted as members of th- J'ammsny lemocrscv of thin ci' v, in the lelief thst too weuld carry out your pledgee befoie your aoaiination in -e(I faith. Yni have betrayed your trust, rcpudiaied your profeaaiona, tninad traitors to the peo pie who elected you, and brandeJ JOOT selves as. utterly without principle, honor or manliness. Vou bare I yourselves cheap, vetv diagiace and infamy of jotu conduct will stick to your names nhile yen live, snd will attach to jour children. A grave waa dug for you, and you lay down in it. There is no resurrection fer men who have dimmed themselves. The parties whose abject toola you will ingly become will net treat you, and have no further use for you. All hon est men denpise you. Judaa went nit and hung himself after he got tbe thir ty pieces of silver. Ton naed not hang yourselves, yon are a'ready weree than gibbetted. Tho brand let on C'siu was harder to carry than death. Lire and enjey the price of your treason if you can. But if yen live to tbe age of Me thussish you will n--ver outlire the crime of which you convicted your selves. Go." Ditwoso CSV uiswovn. Mis. Kate Chase Spraguo has com menced an action for divorce azaivst her husband, Ex Senator ttprngue. She charges him with excessive drunken ness, long continued cruelty, and enough adultery to iimko I biblical saint blush. It is fiaid that the indignant Senator will filoa counter complaint, nguinst the charming Kate, iu which ho will see her charges on the question of ad ry and go her several better. Meant, e the gossiping world is preparing fo. some exceedingly rich disclosures upon the l'al, while the lordly ('onkling doubtless feels very uncomfortable. Tho radical party should defend Kale in order keep spotless tho name of their standard-bearer Conkling. Conkling's friends rather superflu ously announce (hat he had nothin" to do with bringing on the Sprague di vorce suit. A Washington dispatch to the Chicago Tines asserts that Mrp. Sprague has been a social outcast from polite eircles for a year. Ben Butler and Spragne'fl count-el will summon many distinguished witness. Geo. Shannon, s'.i The Dalles and Heppner, . , . drowned in attempting to cross a swol len tributary of the John Day. WlNTMt Tory mild la British Coluui biivi ( "Dll way, btistah Noah, rid you' ark 1" Mastkhn Gut .ok w- ..nor splendid aud live stock & . g well. An Albany man saya ho will answer . ngeraoll if he will oome half way 1 WiK'nr.u. wants Williams to stay iiv. hemocrata want, him to eenie sin, tfrtOSBM feet are painfully common iu Eastern Oragoa and Wahii.-! n this winter. BuiOftaVTI Matinee to run like sal BtOB toward the hoal waters of the 1 'olumbia. Tin : Columbia riter is hoee-iaa. It is bound to stand off the little Willam cite or bust 1 Ai iun should have a cksia gst) - to stop tho oveinow et stesn -through our back atreet' W i. hope Jehn Kelly enjoys the una aimitJF with which the lemo:raoy of the. nation glenes in his Wstertoo. Datoox has over lO.uof) Chinese. Aud thus sre the poor whites stsrved and elbowed out of our young common wealth ! TilK Commercial travelers havn't lioublod Albany during the past week. Obbm : Too much waler for the " this tle dew." POBTLaJID is far much disooursged because it Is sll bottled up by tbe high water and can't hesr frein the rest of the Slate. Yrvi t iiiY was a lovrly day ia this region. The sun shone beautifully nod the ait was ss mild sud balmy ss a widow's smilea. Thl RepubltOanS have had the census of South Dsrolina taken three limes an-l now 1 mi last ILe Mat oue wss a ' A M practical. 'y correct". .Ma ton Turn en, of V ietoria, was last week iee!ectel without opposition Ma vol In. man, of Alhniiy, sends his doedy 'u.ior eaagl adulations 1 li it Stated that Kelly started out to M iloeeiM a la Wolte v. and panned out -s follows ' I'm swell, a long farewel 11 my crtfatneas ! k ! ! etc 1. east to see how high Ilsmsn was hang. '.tii tho i anlats neit week. Jake fays "he vSs hung hi 'her ss a Bat's k vea up on n vood shed r Col, Yur.u Cn ; aaya if the oountry deeea'l pretty sHn i nidi a livelihood br nis immortal - , he e a have to .- iUm ,,i t bmmi . a idiSebea ranch in Texas. I u: tatBOl Stallions Ton l'.neok and Loagleiloa' got together a b?w days ago ! ... u.igod in a ftfht, which, hsd it ot bean praaiBtlj 4topd, would have eaulted in aatioua iojury to both. TllBBaare 346 lawyer in Congress, being a majority of both i (oases. No wonder that the lawn ai, ..' 'had ia ueh legal rorbisfB that ordinary people are of I itiflSM pVZZled to ted :c.r tree meanina The Minnesota UrrmU has an edite lisl entitled "Wsshbnmo'f Triaaph," which opened iu this wine A yellow dog running on the Repablioaa ticket could be eirrted to '.u.grMS fi-r Distrn-t." T. JJalks and W., .d known joekeya af A uatralia, recently pai chased a tanch in that colony far f.r'2,000, abtch shows that not in Eng land alone is successful n ling hand somely compensated. Ths Beise City Statttnvtn substan tially chargos that !jt. ILayman, ef Idaho, pardoned a Chinese convict fer a bonus of 6,000. (Jan aucb things be, and under tho administration ef the great piuchbeck reformer, ilayest raoRAnii: siEsasnir imiamB. Ilispstchl from Viotoria, British Columbia, dated Jan. 1 7 lb, says great uneasiness is felt there in coasequence of the non arrival of the regular nail and passenger steamship, Dakota, plica between the Sound and San Fran cisco. Dnglisb wsr steamers and rave nuo cutters had been out several dsys in sesroh of tho missing vessel, but re turned without tidings. On tbe 17th she had been 72 hours over due, and those on the Sam.d aud at Victoria who had friends and relatives as passsngera on her, are in great distress ss to her leie. it is icareu tnat alio has gone '.own, with all on board. Following are the passengers that were known to be on tha missisf stunner : For Bert Townsaud J. H. 8uaith, aco Havson, Mrs. C. F. Dodd and C. a. '''mpkins. For v )ia L. A. Nickersou, Jno. Goeley ana Robertson. For Seattle Miss K, L. Babbitt, M. Rounds and wn. Mrs. rv. C. Uarsvon asd child, Miss Lol le Harmon, Misp Mary McNatt, Mrh. G. A. Meigs sad daughter, Mrs. Bourn, N. Watson, J. II. Marshall and w'fe, Mias Blanche Hinds, Miss Lizzie Hinds, T. Kirk patrick, Chas. Hart and wife, Mia. Mc Donald and child, Mrs. II Massey and two daughters, F. Harries, M. Keezer, wife and tw cbildreB. On Thursday of last week a man lied. "Sailor Jack" comasitted suicide, f hanging, at the residence of Win. ate, three miles north of Jefferson, Marion county. No cause is known for the act. ran satiBo is arts. Kansas seems to be the Ireland of America in the unoertsiaty of its soil productions. The potato hug, srmy worm, giasshopper and protracted drouth, In turn, leave a large number of the people in a condition bordering on absolute want, A heavy responsi bility rests on s number of Republican colporteurs who induced thousands oi negroes to leave their warm, congenial, sunny Southern homes, whero they had steady work, good wages and plenty to est, end go to Kansas where they are freesing and starving. The land job bers and fsuatics who induced them to go thete will not subscribe a dollar to tske them back where they are most aniious to go, end where their present white neighbors sro snest desirous for them to go, ss they have become a bur den. The latest lior. ' 're gion are reell" gt as to the des- le, which ought not I ..uiited iu this lend of plenty, id to spare. If negro emigration is to o on -of the propriety M which there sre two opinions it v oe Oirected to more favorable loc? , q A subieet to extreme climatio influee' end where the lmid is as rheat si in Kansas, and other oondiliors ' life more deairable. Iisenss: t. eelered eiolus tbe Arkansas Drmorrml BtJI : The sooner sll aegrees who sie dis satisfied with their condition in the South leave it the better it will be for 11 concerned. They will find exactly the same kind uf enple in the North that they find in tbe South. Ihey wil here to work just as hard to saake a living. They will save no more money and the probability is, not so much The sdmission whieh Conway makes that maay of them have accumulated money, is proof (ositive thst others csn do the ssruo thing. Some few people in the South chest thorn, and in occa signal instances bull dose them. They will tiad just ss many of the samo kind of people in the North. The oue great truth which the negro needs to under stand is that his future well-being does not depend upon any particular party, but always upon himself. If, as a race, they ever get on in the world they must arcoEsplinh it by the sterling virtues which distinguish the Anglo Saxon honesty, industry and frugality. W sre tiot complaining of their want of eta, but a great many of them need to recolleot the truoseurcu of pros rity.H There is net a little honest truth iu that paragraph which anay well be taken to heart by all concerned. The negro has to learn the one lesson above all olhors, that his future is in his own handa. His days of dejmudancn havr passed and gone forever. Freedom to bim means self reliance, and thst means herd work, economy, thoughtfulnes.s .f to morrow, snd oftentimes a share of those misfortunes thst seem ins-para ble from life under even tho heat eoa ditSoaa l J. . Following is an extract from a letter written by Gen Andrew Jackson aoon after his retiremeat freaa tbe I'residen tial chair : "1 returned heaio with juat " iu BMSMrT, having expended all ef my sala ry ami most of the proceeds of say cot ton crop ; found everything out ef re pair, corn aad everything else for the use of my farm to buy, having but one traot of land beaides say homestead, which I have sold, aad wbicb bas en abled me to begin tbe year (lt38)elear ef debt ; relying en oar industry and eoonemy to yield as ;ort, 'rusting to a kiad provi-' ut geou seaaana and a pT - I ...isiag oeutrsat between e great hcro-atatasmaa, Jackson, and C lyases S. Grant. Jackson wss not only pear, but old and in failio; baalth. He did not bavo an i as of $7,000 er annum, nor was ... revenue rein- farced hy Arabian Ktailions, wbieh were presents, rrt be did not ask or allow others tr aak fer bim either a pension ot a Captain Generalship, ao aa to be perpetually kept a peneieaar ea ths psy rolls of tbs Goverument Ia other words, he was in no sense like Grant tha great national bu turner. Jsckson served tbe country for eight years as President, snd st tbs close of bis second terse returned to bis heme with only ninety dollar$. Hayes, it is admitted, will lug aff from a White House term of four years $150,000. Jackssn served the country for the country's good ; Grant and Hayes for tbe money tbey could make out of it. Cibouit Court is sadsd in Polk coun ty. Judge Ktrahan, Capt. Humpbrey and Messrs. J.K. Weatberferd and W. R. Bilyeu were in attendance fress this city, ss wero also J udge Pea Haydan of Peik snd .Col. Knight ef Marien. Yss I aad by tho-by ! Judge Kelsay of Benton was alio thsr I Aad wbsn all these brilliant legal lights get to gether yen better bat thorn are some refulgent scintillations! In the valley of the Willamette the water has been within a few inches of the unprecedented flood mark of De cember, 'CI. Below the falls it wanted some five feet of reaching the old marks, which was due to the lower atsge of the Columbia. Br a fortuitous accident we got tbe Oregoitian nnd Standard of day before yesterday, but as tbey contained no Eastern dispatcbes we can assure our readers tbat tbe Dimocrat bas all the news tbat any otber paper can supply in ibis aask ef tbe woods tbis week. Home Far UminrauU. Texas is tbe state that is deilined at no far distant dav to become tbe emplie of the south. Should you want to learn more about the great state send f 2.60 to the Brown County Banner, putnisneu at Brownwoed, Texas, tor a year's subscrip tion, er f 1.00 fer six mentti. " HONOR TO whom. " Bit:. The Idaho I ftgtfletUM is now mainly engaged in investigating the. crooked lies of their Ute ex Cloven. or, I5ray man. Wo arc not surpiised nt thin. Theso Battera roosters that sre rent out here to look after wo IVilic coast heathen naturally consider us legiti mate subjects of prey, and the pMtamp tion is that Jirsu DM only "followed suit" m the matter oi lUoilatloiL Tho fact is, none but Peoifkj coast men should bo appointed to Paeific a . . m IM . 9 coast, positions. As un Illustration oi thiu iroiosition wo refer to tho fa that only one man was vcr appointed Gorernor of Idaho from thin Ofl t.ned that wss Dr. Ilsllard, now a reni leal of snen in this county ; and be BB questionably made the beet Governor that Territory ever hud. Being eaSMJ tially a "Itocky Mountain man," SB lued with nil the essentia! elements of occidental life and habits, ho suited those bold end hardy frontiersmen an I knew their wanln and necessities. le was appointed, we believe, hy Presj dent Lineoln, snd in the face of oppoei tion applicants from the East. Gev. IJallard ia a Republiesn, but we honor him for the hon"t urn I efGciei t suagetueiit of his stewardhhip, and W sre proud to be able to hold him up as an exsrapln of a PsciGc coaMt sppoiot ment for Pacifio coast offices. recmc oaASTCB. A Fino Thing for the Ttcth- Kraxrant I0ZODONT mi. ainositwm f tba puregt and choixmt inr h nU of tli Oriei.ul vegatabln kingdom. Kvi ry inr dint in wall known to have I" fact en the toeth and gum. It embalming or antiseptic projerty and nraBBjti BB" grance make it a teBet hix-irv. W 1 ' INT remove all diiai-reaMo Ml"r from the breth BiareJ Ly catarrh, bad teetb, eta It ia entirely free from the uijiiriuH and m rid proparUr f toth j.m,t4 Bt.l peweV rswhieb destroy tbe -nainul. One lxjttl: lasts nix eotba . T I The Markets. Following is a correct resort f the iimr. kata In this city up to n.i rSStetda ! I14H7B fMaperaM HAT hak-d, liotlil par lea -loose, as. POTATOIM-7S eta :r basbll. ItUTTER - 25 U 30 rts pat lb. BOOH 95 oaata aardea. I'OKK -sftof Ml j,. : Ih. IUCONH baros. U'!7 shoulders, 4 '.V. side. D1UKK FKL'IT sun dmd affile, 10V. " " plums. 1 ; . I'laiiiiBiT dried applat, J I . " plums. IV. CHICKENS 2.-0&300 r . BTTflll Usa WmmmCt : COKFEkV-Coata Rica, I i0v. -Java, BJe, CurcoU 22. Bio, 2a M I LI. FHD tisa. fllaHII 1" tea. chop. $!8a2U. aborts, $J. i ' Iuhr. J20f. i:.. rno i.&nsTios cr nM racsiaEXT. Fault-Hudlng is mi toldom indulged in by U.wo who use the inodh-iru-s n. .unfa. tared by the World 'n iu-.j-.ii- iry m.-i,. .: AsM-x-mt um, ih d IBS Pieaidoai C4 tha: i-or-j... ration, the lien. It. V. I'laraa, .M. !., Laa inatied a aKcial npiest ir prtw-laoas lion lo any and alt jierM.ns, if th.-te 1 . Any audi, who may have ikj or RBBll BOTO after ii'O any uf the lamtiy meilicmes n niade an si aold hy aaid Aaaocjatton, iu all eotintrieeof the aorhl, and who hae not r'-rl'ed full betielit from aaid im ln-iuus, tnai theV will write the aaid AsBooaattoa a deeer.jition of their maladies the l .-.eulty ot tae Ihsaenaary will ad viae thoUi raapeet to tbe auocH.fiil treatment 'l th.iir dieeaao. lr. PrieSl ' ll I n M diosl ooverj is iruaranteed to ur-i all hnmora from the common blotch, pimple or OJ op tion, to the worst scrofula or king's omI, and those virulent polsoas that lurk in tin. system aa a sexual (.r Bsooadary resulting from badly treated or Bagtooted primary d aeaat. Jt also cures bronebal, throat and lung diaeaaus. Kavorite PreacrlpUou la guaranteed to ou ro femalo weaknoaa and lr ..dred affuctions. Kx tract of Sj.. Weed rurtss bow. It affection, '"old, all painiul, rhoumatio and neuralgic sffbo Uona. Pr. pri's Pellets (little sugar coate puiaj, are the little ghuB oslbartio. Addeae, World's Ihationaary Medical aociation, Uuflaio N. ., or (iroat Ku-s. ;; .Street Hnilding, London, Uug. I'AHOI'N oi'Kit.4 BIMBBaj. Annie IiOUtMO Carey and Clara Ioui Kellogg are beyond euestiou the moat fa mous oera singers of modern times. In fact they hare been universally acknowl edged to bo the baMjaye of their nmnawton as wall aa ladies of large espsrience and particularly aood tasto. Thoy have prob ably traveled mere extensively than aay Jadlee on tbe stage, and, as a censeijuencc, bare had excellent opportunities of judg ing of the merits of difWoutcountriosund their productions. It is certainly a very groat credit to California and tim balmv aemi-tropical climate of the Pacific, to have bad them pronounce. Slaven's XOSOmtte Cologne by far tho best thoy have ever lined in any eoantrr. For safe by l'oehay tt Mason, Foster's trick , All any , Or. Under the Gaslight ! VEW YORK BY QASLIOUT. Sketeh Xs es ef life In tho (Jreat Metropolis al ter dark. The moat interesting and thrill Ing book erer iaaued. Kich, Kaio and Racy illustrations. Tho on'v book that Sfisoribes ucurstely the wickedness of th. great city of New York. Sent post paid for only cents. Stamps taken. Address MlCKKl. PUBLMHIXa Co., Rrov.nwood Texsa. pttJCAivrrrwb Kucalyptus lias of Jato ycarj been Mimd very useful for a creat number of ills tbat tleih ia heir to. It's latoat aonlication is in the shape of Slaven'a California "ino aud Kucalyptus Torous Plaster, an article that is possoased of much merit, and is fast h persediog the old fashionod pitch and frank incense piaster. It is endorsed bv tha medi ae profession throughout tho land. Par sale hy Faehay aud Mason, Foster's Brick, Main street, Albany, Oregon. $5.25 ia advanco c will send to any address for one year UARPHBS' MAC AINK and tho DEMO CRAT. And for $5.50 iu advanco wc will send to auy address for a year HARPERS' CItAT. WEKKLY and the DEMO- MftMCV now beliir miulo tauter tlswi ovw SwlMlat I by tlue at work for us. l'trsotm J either can tnsks too a woek In their own fcwaa i( they ar wlllinr to work. No rUk. a& outfit f n.v Anyone can run the botinu.a. Capital net ixiiulmd. AU who etiKKe uroaper. No one fails. Iartlculani tree. AUilrena, H. Haluctt & Co., Tortland, Maine. SVBSCltIBB FOR THE DBMOCRAT. 1881. Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED. Thi periodical, by alle and scholar ly d(seosntons of th ojoestloae f tbe day. aa well an ly Km llliihirntinim vlii i hi rroar"l hy tho Ix-ht a rl i J -, lm nlwaya eSOrted a powerful and beoeftctsl iiillu-en-e, iiiiii lUo piihlic riiinil. 'J'lio weiwhl iIm inlliieiK-o will hIwmvm be toe ad on the able of moralitv, enllgl -eon in neeaaata HARPER'S PERIODICALS! IIAI'J'Kll'S WFKKJ.Y, -RABPKR'S MA'.sim:, Oim . IIAilPKI.H I.AZM .o,. V.j- Ml m ttt. t eseees 4 f Any TIIIM'K IsABBSttenS, ''t,.:Yu-. AnyWulwnc iiaiiM -l. 'Ui UAMtnan tot bo raorte, am rv w ..10 (t 1 'At I'ottltff fr hi all tmbtrrilfFT iii iff Unitnd Tbe Voloovs of the Weekly ix-icin with (ho first Number f.r January of av-U year. When no time in mentionon it will un- dersUKxi that tho subscriber arlsaes to roriirii'" 1th the n Ikt neat afUrrtho reosl araasv The h sees Annual Volume- of Hearaa's WmmmL.Y,m neat cloth hi nd- Inir, will baaaM OT mall, ohUko jii'l. or hy press, Irco of exprnae fprovhlml the freight iteOS not excof.l eiio ('oiler per roume)i for f7 t ;t'h. C9ota ea; for eeeb volqme wnMaMo for liinditifc, will I I v ma I, at- paid, on reeslpt of?! K-tnittau'-' m hhouNl lo maiJo l v 1 ot U1i-. Mom-y 'Inirr or lr -tft, to avoid ati cllMIKf! of Iohk. jynisitsfn ifft i"'f i'i ri :) '''' "'' rfi mesT without tint tif.ri" "'.'" II Miiee 4 Baorasaa. Aidr'., NEW BARBLtR MOP 2 .!. 0. SUSUSS, PfafY A OOOD HKA I oam KHAMFfsO ansa and hair rutting wun" ns BaoaL BoOftM Opposita M ll wsin'a aloasu rvf Till. M.V I II. of lh World' MsBsnaaiy Medical Aeao-i.-it!'.ii of :ulf.-i!o, of wfiii lir. Jt. V. l'U'-iils im--jih-ol, ' - ting of a liLftire of JR sealsplns, Father f atedlefoo, mr- mounting Uto Rloiie, uUy sy oiooi uses tne worhl-w i h- roi'iitalion -j 1 lv tho Fam ily Ifedielnea of r, Ploroa, now manu factarotl br ihia ineorjoratrd onaspaay and a.ld in all part , ,f Um world, with a mammoth netahlNhirifnt, ?!. WorM'a Dlaiisiiaa 1 1 ami InvaUda' Ifono bi iiuf falo, ani a oortoaiKsadlney iarnj bvsweb aatabilabateM br taoiaopttaJs Aae idatsna makon mli iiif f.,r the wliolo world not only that, hut th v p-rnally cxamirM an-l treat w:su ttni irKii'-wx-s tho iH- aiids of case Among the in'hi l-. of tlf ,.r..p: !.-: ry i.r tVui'y m-dinea are l,-tor Msres'a OoMsa BtedtnaJ l Is eorerr - the jrrit Moo i i ail flee, and lr. PISMss PtaosaM PurgatiVe Priteta (IHtte pillsi.- atid ir. I'i i Componnu 8a Uaet of rraert-Weed -lor bowel afrmthiiss, .Ills and pa nful att ict a, '.!.'. neural gia, ani ibavaasaissa.-- Favortto PtaaeHp tion nsratahea relief Iron asseats weak- II(k anl kindrtl . All aoM 09 lru;'i-iH. - m0 - Ihr.itilr on .if.-ii..n litroi. Patladileliss. Fa , .-t. 4. ifjpL 1 1 H. Warner A '. MitH. KoeMrw paai ten years 1 have i-uir.-red Hie evil ef RMMof v. hat might I U -rm l -h-isii-on-Ktipation: my kK..! I eases jralloar and my iivc-rwas nit out of order 1 lr.' l uli tin remcsllee that muh! bn bfn'no.-i. anrl that waa ail I could do, alter ftndtoB eo relief from tegular m tr.-timent. and I Bnalljr ouhiiiusmimI assajiyoar rotaediasi. I 1 rir.t trie.1 the Pills, antl .i the end of one week my bowels hul attained n regularity I nod hjlt!i. .i ii liiiR.r.v u lor ymrs. 1 I ioa i in- 'rUK I' 1 1 ', f": ...i I . in CiUO . . j iry a sltboaab I bar lntJM, l arn ho p. toned up that I wru i'. impni-l end to yen eiviny ih:? rrJairtsiy i year reasi to UM cxorllcmo rf Bi Youn tni'y, K. .'. CAMriiKtx BCITEB THAN ;.'.! is perfect health, and yi-l many nm itej tor tur h uf the dainiii-i nu!i I . , . o- a w hei, asimjlo Imttle of HI'. MLVIll.s RNO U&fl eANIil'I.IUN I.IVEB AM i'Vs PKP8IA l'ILI-S will ivo re o i, Hiid, i! poraietel In, wll eBTO tl-ft w.irrt cae of tl. s disir-.i; trou pd nm. . i ...... M HrealJi.Sick Iloadaidio, llcanburii. Fain In tbe Sides snd Iwk k; is Suimr -mated and tiUAKANTFhl) lo be PURKLY VGB TAHLl-!. H acta directly OH thu ooatinof the Stfcimv h end on the Liver. ( aii le taken in any clime wet or dry Brastaar. Itewnin of imitaiions. The ennlna has BB i. Of a lion on ihe ouUlde wraprs -e, :m ecu;.-.. I . r sji'e hy all dru-. . . 1IOW To SAVK MONKY. Instead of going to a doctor for j : tion. if vou have Bright' MaeaSO, Dials-te., Fain m tho Back and Loins, Smarting, fnflamaai tion, tsilculi, Brick-dust Deposit, ir anv trouhlo of tho Kidneys or Biaddcr, buv a liBltlo of Dr. Mimic s Ne;.!.ret;e-:ia, ihe Kroat Buchtt OoaspoOJad. It ia tiio mot.t wonderful preBOllldtOB for laaat troubles ever compounded. Ifeaare. Ahrama A Carroll, wholeaalo druiruiv.s, sav : "We nganl Nephrciicum aa the beat kidney and hladiier roan ly in tho market." Woodard, dmgglati rVwUead. Or,, saya: "F.vervbodv aoeaks hiirhlv of it." ChiMa. druggist, PortLud. ).-., miys: "Sold lota of it; it always does tho work." Many bavo been cured of obstinate kidney com plaints after tlio doctors hae fc.i vt n them up. Price, $1. St. For sale by all drug Kista. THE AMKMICABI PMPU No people in tho world suffer as much with lVNKpsia as Americans. Although yearn of exHricnce in medicino had failed to accomplish a certain and sure remedy for this disease and it ilcts, such as Sour Stomach, Heart-bum. Water-brash, Sick lleadacho, Costiveness, palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, coming up of the food, low spirits, KOneral debilitv, otc., yet inct tho introduction of UkkknIs Auoust IXAWaa we beliovo thero is no ca&e of Dyspepsia that cannot be immediately re lieved. 30,000 dozen sold last year with out ono caeo of failure reported. Go to your druggists, Fosbay & Mason, and get asaniplo buttle ior 10 cents ami try it. Two doses will relieve you. KegtUar size 75 cents. ST! ASTLEY COOX'ER'S VITAL RE SToitA'i i VF.-Tho great KMlish remedy has n?Mie moro euros of Nervous Debil ity, Seminal ", Ixst Manhood, nocturnal emissions, lassitude, iiiahilitv for mental labor, desoideucy and hucIi disdaaes as are induced by youthful follies and excesses, than all other medb bass combined. Why will vou suffer? Bead to A. E. Mintio, M. !., Mo. 1 1 Koarney street, San Francisco, lor tho Restorative and bo cured, l'ricv, tt nor Isittle. Four times tho quantity, sin. Try a bottle. Dr. Mintio treats all privalo dlsonses succeae fully. I Wlaai Everybody to Knon. Rev. Ceo. 11. Thayer, an old citizen of this vicinity known to a Vary ono as a most intluential cition, and Christian Minister of tho M. E. Church, just at this moment Stepped in our storo to' tay, ,4I wish ovtry body to know that 1 consider that l-otli ntyaelf and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cure." it is having a tre mendous salo over our counters, and is giving perfect satisfact ion in all cases of Lung Bi.seases, such as nothing else har. done. DrsMatehett A Franco. BOsTrbonj Ind., Mav 1", 1S7S. Sold by Foshay t Nlason, Druggists, Al bany, Oregon. The moist popular perfume of tha day HACKMETACK" try it. Sold by Foshay A Mason, Druggists, Albany, Or. the iiowels, removes PimomV Inun the l 'IifLt o-.rr.rrof Face, curea Sallow Complexion. PoS "TL""1 MaMBSBimy Mrssts, Alh y, Warner's Safe Kidney Liver CURE. A K'onlfisc i: iiMMly far ALL liid ricy. Mear BMBal IXnary TronUlr r both Hale -nil I nnate. Art-la Tx fly nport IlicOrfeann AITrrl !. l or (lie IJol Krason If Is In- : iinllc. READ THE BECORI: " It i '1 my lif-." V.. JS. LakeTy, Botmm, Ala. " I alvin all to try '" John ilrnadon, Ix:avenworth, Kan. "It Istho rrmody that wll! enretnemany itieafOH erii!iar p, v..raeu." M,thr-r'a "It ha pawrd Kovero U-stn are' won eri 6MaaaaanS from some of tho highest mol-i-al talent ff tho einntry." New York World. 1. rnr-dy herUiforo diaeovered can he hold for OBO moment In fjaBjartSQB wilh It." C. A. ilarvey, . I., Welling ton . It. C "It is the Iwrt. and only eflhBBM remedy for Khlney and Liver troiihIoa'ver hronl.t bafbre tbe pabikt fjOel J John k. We- Cnfrsney, a-liingt)n, l. C. "I am rejoiced Ut aay I am now a well man aii'l kvi only too ghvl to nWify re garding the glonoiw rcanlla r,f r;iiely irbtefa has made me ao happv." !' 1 llarklce, Ark. This H : Blaatif is fr Kale by Drajjrgiftl in all I'aidn f the W'Tld. rRY It AKD TAKK NO OTaffiL I J. H. WARNER & CO. :;.. . ?r. V. 1HSI. Harper's Mt:.tiic. ii.ijkt:; ti.i. lying tbe Mibjert objectively and fruin t!i" du'-ational jsdnt of view aeek iiig tO eroi i'l- lhat which, takon allogeth--r, will : of tho rnoHt servw; to the larg est tjujrdHr I long ago coneludd that if I r-ouhi have irit work fur a puhlie li hrary, I WOOld aele-t a mplete aet of llAiil-Elt's MoXTlli.Y."h.irle- Fran;ia Adaaasj Jr. lis ronton 's are cntnh:tt 1 be UaS'flBSSt -m:n'-nt aotiior and artists of Ktiropeand AaaarbaVj while tlie lonr exp'onee of Ha pobUsaen has mae Ihem ! .roughly eeetreaaaat with the deairea f t .o p.:iilir, Wbtditiu-y v. id sjiaro no eflort .o gratify. IIAIIPKU S PERIODICALS. Harj-r'- Magazine, on;jar S 00 II.irper'.H Wsekjjr, one year 4 00 Harper's Bsaar, one v-ear 4 e The three alrove publications, 1 year-la 00 Any tv.o sbore natruy, one year. 7 00 Ilarpef'n Young Peoph , one y-:ir 1 M) J'(ti.Hjr fr"- to nil . 7. Sl it ar CVsa 'i. The VOtBBBSB f the Magain. l-cin witii the numljerM for June and 1 '-' ii -r of asah year. When no time ia apeeind a will bawaaetstooel that the lawaetiber wishes to lsgm v ith the urrent Nut:twr. A complete set of liarper'a Magazine, eoaaprtaiag tt vclumea,iu neat dm n hi nd iir, w i!! le nent by express, freight af er paass af i'urehaerf on receipt of $2 yr, jp volum-. Maarh) volumw, hy mail. pot aid, t-1 00. I .o h easaa, for hindi.'ig, 38 cent. by .Mia'n, psatBBBti Reaefttaaaes aaoadd le male hy Poet Oflios Money Cader or lraft, to araed fhance af osi. - Mn. mm! - - II.:.. ; ,....), nt vt itht the con-iuol llariwr, I Brothers. Addraaa i i- .v i;;;othkrs. ii.. w 1 . ai j v - v- v. r; ALBANY FOUhDRV -a: 5 ?AviIIME SHOP. !..sT.tB:.I.MIi: tscn. i-ii "OP . Having taken ebargeof UtoaUvc named Works, we are pn p.ired : manufacture Steam Fn-rine-, Saw and Qrsst Mills, Woo-vorking Machinery, Fiinips. Iron and Brass Castings of every description. .Machinery-rf all kinds repaired. 1? cial attention given to re; airmu farm B a chinery. rafts m TTaVTax Sne ia all Us forum. ICtllyl KKUYArSUN. H. FUNDT will make you a pair of Boots that will fit you according to your idea of m fit, and will keep them from running- over, with his Patent Counter and Shank Brace, and Steel-Edged Heels ; also in good repair, if neces sary, for six months, for S.'x Dollars- The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will purchaso Flummer dried fruit at full market psfeBS; Will send a com potent person to advise fruit growers as to cultivation of or addi tions to orchards ; Will supply fruit trees or approved aorta at moderato pricos : Will sell Plummer Driers through Lino, Denton and Lane counties. letters to besom to Corv allis Fruit Com pany, Corvallis, Denton Countv, Oregon, WAtUS NASH. ri vsidenW Ja5i.:s Dkadman. h i'v. January 1, ISsu. ' Bfv4 WELCOME SALOON. Win. fatft, lrurietor. T HE P.EST WIN LS, LIQUORS AND cigar alwav's on hand. r.KKIt 5 CSNX8 A CLASS. Call and see me. ?valoon in brick baJBd hejb next door to Iauiials' furiutore store. 2-tf WM; r.- ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AX V, OR. The Third Term will open on Moil day, bmmwj 9, 188!. Fs particuUra cuneeniing Uic courwsi tu.:v an.l the )inpc f tuition, .ijijilj to : ut.v. i iiii cr b. oKDiT. ratsfa. ThoT:samls of soldiers and heirs are en titled to pensions, with jnyment from laio of discharge or death, if a'pplied for befsre January 1. 1880. Wound, accidental in jury or disease entities to ai Ieiisjo,;. Iunty and back jiay collect od. Iuereae of Pension secured. . Thialirra established in 1806. Address, euclosing stamp, ET. SON BROS., U. S. Claim Atto; neys, 711 (J Street, Washirgton, D. C.