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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1881)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT RATES OF A DVERTISItfO. ISSUED Y FRIDAY BY MAET. BKOWN fw j m 3m I am pfrm ) IllHl. 2 . " I " ' i CM s Yt I Dfmorrat. i cki a m r, oo h oo IK oo 'l 00 ft 00 7 00 12 00 18 00 3 00 C 00 1000 15 00 22 00 4 00 7 00 12 50 IN OP 27 CO i 00 l 00 0 25 00 8fi 00 7 50 12 J 18 00 30 00 48 00 10 00 15 00 25 (10 40 00 00 00 18 oo -m m 4o oo oo oe 100 oo WW "mm" Rnil.l l ns. i H i-si , i r TERMS OF Sl'IISt'WITIitN: Stnela c r. I"1 r $1 00 S n$fim -..i, m month..- W S 'U-U- cpy. thrrr uvxulia i no nl number 10 Bentaaaa nptleee in the lineal Colomr.a 20 ei-tits ,r line. For lfcl aori transient ad vertlaemerila u iki per qnam, for the first insertion, and Bente ar muare for ea:b anlsiequent in artion. VOL. XV!. V LB ANY, OltM.ON, FRIDAY, JAM AlfY 81, 1881. NO. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ft I. tuimws. K. . HVMPWKRT. HnilMIKKY & WOLVERTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, (iri Kiin, Wil nwiive in Ml lh Court in the Sutv. r, ,...,t. iu-iir aii.l oJUvtioiii u in.. mini. U KI.ISN. O. K. I'll A. M lIKi- LAIN. FUW & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTOWVET8 AT l l U , Albany, tlfgw, erofiiee hi Kiw er's Itr.ek lUm k'HX R. M. STKAIIAN. I.. IUl.YKl'. STKAIIAX & B1XYEU, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany, Oregon. 1)RACTH'K IN ALL THE OOURT8 09 . Uiih State. Tbey aiva sHH-ial atfteav lean to nUmUom and ntoliala Matter, tHee in FoNier't new briik. 4".nf L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. a Mi Notary Public. A I bun'. Oregon. Ouioe upstair, over John IlrifrirN' store. HI street. vltniiif D. R. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Albany, Oregon. 01 Irr tip .lairs tu Ibr O.I.I ! . nt. Trm ii.sHI.iub a specialty. ftpKL J. K. WEATHERFORD, i TTOltNEY AT LAW. ALBAS T. USLCUX. 11TH.L PRACTICE IN ALL TBI OUT UTS OF THE If St. Special alW'iitixt. ;mn t . . i.., ..... )rvaaUc Matter. i ' ' i" OOtl Fetl, Temple. H:2 a. o. rowKu. w. n. nxrsv. POWELL & B1XYEU, aTTORNjRYS AT LAW, And Soliritois in th.uiien, 4LB.4NY. ... Oltl.t.ON. Collections jr.inpily intile Mali i uln noolm .-) on raManibM term. fmtiMKtea in rlPnru Brw k.t 0HN J. WHITNEY, ATTORN E AT I. A Will rtu;.it iii all Um .i;ri. .I ti fin-xim;. .it gtroa u..." ' in. iik. Oplcs u-jnUu m KrmnanVi nan j liritk. 2a T. p. -in km; i . AT roiiNKV AT LAW alb hi, Ygrrav ilitn nMtair in the 1.1 ! i..'? rlSnfia iTOUNKV iVT i AW Will .-l!-'- O, cmrta of llir" l tf. I'rm..,.. i4u-fiiiii! n t aall .HioiiK. v.tyitn. t a:iI -ft a ii i. i all.. 11 .if Til! ProlflttC bnaNHMfl a pwcinUljr. w13MU. A. ... MJ!;V, . . . Mailt "IVrrUh's l:i'cSc. axwaaT, oi:i.i.o. Special . '...n 'anveu U clkfti.,iii xwl real estate 1KU Utles. . AU ITAffTIS, ATTORNEY AMD COUNSELOR AT LAW CORVALLIS, OREGON. V1M practice m il th ivmiiI: Mm Hiale r Oin'- in t if oiirt rtoua" vMMarL j. u M I Ln. s. W. noon. HILI, A: liI, Physicians and Snrronx. AHuuy. Oregon. OEFIt'E Foafcay W4on? PffB f"rc. Dr. Ilill'a residenee, eor. Fifth :oi1 Vine, Dr. Dodd's reKidcnce, eorner Fit'ili and Wellington, in front f U. V. Church. Vltintt DR. G- iWILLIS PEICE, DENTIST. Odd Fellows' Temple, Albany, Oregon- OjUce houa front iS to '2, and from 1 to 4. 15:10'.f E. G. JOHNSOXTM7 1.7 HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albnny, Oregon. Qfbm in Fromao'-t BrSefc, two doors I'i; of Conner's Dili i k. nlO Of- 'I'. ! OMMBti OCCUblST AND AUK1ST SALEM, OREGON. rvlt.UOU)EN HAS HAD EXFEKIENCE IN I 7 treat: na: the varioti dineas"8 to which the eye and ear are subject, ud feels confident of Kivinir entire satisfaction lo t-iioso who may " . . . i i - ,.u r place ineiiiseivea iliiuer um no8tf. T. W. IIAKKIS, M. I. a sa ti e f)ftice in Foster's Brick, next door to office a v '11 ML. till Of 1'owen s unyeii. Fsideip in the two story frame buildiog r' " :'. t. ...i .....,. ,. .sontti amy 01 cmswhio i(ei.L, ohm I. look and a half J-'aat of Wheeler A Dickey 'a Livery Stable. A10UH3', ... - - truwi vol 1 fin 19! t XR. E. O. UYDE, physician and Sui'geon. Office at Fotihay fe Mason's. Residencajon Broadalbin St., Albany, Or. v!6n22tf NEW YORK SHOPPING! Weal ylaidr delighted with the tasteful an:dlbeautial selectioiia made by Mrs. La inar, who has never failed to please her customers. New Fall Circular just issued. Send for it. Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, 15;7tf 877 Broadway, New York. rr i! E ONE PRICE BAZAR I Wliich has just opened, offers to everybody the greatest bargains that were ever offered in Al bany. Wo have conclu ded to sell all kinds o DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, FURBISHING GOODS at such marvellous prices that everybody is won dering how wo do it, but to prove to you that we are sincere we ask you to call and see for your selves. WE WILL SELL VOU FIRST ( I ss GOODS! 25 PER CENT, be low regilnr nriees. OUR COODS ARE ALL MARKED iH PLAIN FICURES. RKMBMBBR THE - ONE PRICE BAZAR IX TATK'M It! IUIV;. . '. riiEituv. K. rAllKl ALBANY IRON V70RKS. CHEERY ,: PARKES, fSiufpssnrx In ft. f!hMrr.1 , o ' - or(J VV7E II AVE OUR NKW SHOPS AUJ ? eomptotad. Mid are now ptenftred lo haiullc all kimN of henvv WOrk. V will j 8aar Mill Machinery, and all kind uflron ami Bm Caatic ga. PAfftlal tl!: MSOK1 Noi i. Spedal attention .. m! j . i ; r kjnaaof maohlnery. Will alo manufiMi loea tbe improved Cherry .v WfaiteOraiu ; 4cparalp, it.:v:v. Or., Pec. : : - OCHOCO f "I Q ochoco cou:-:':; on Hatordej, Nov. IfiSO, fi nnndiaf of u ktji x- j --r, to I o :i.! TImj Ocboro Pioneer, will be boned frlnevjlio, Wi co I .. tteflieoa, an I w ilt be iHtb!iahe In lhe In terert f itiaf bitniedi i peebtllj a- raeard iock tutUfg. I'artl reatdma in the WiHantette ;i owuiut; atoek in Ocfaotti can r- calve r able In leiliaencc by aubacribing for Ptojnucn, nend nuwrk i r.n I, wh! will be pubt talied free. JVrixis ."U ju r fear. T. J. JkKr'KKY, ni'i Pob. Oi boeo i".' .: i Notice of Fiita' Settlement I In ttw rVaiary Oomrt a hhm Couwty, Stott -j Oregon : i In thn matter of tho ' late of Ilarman Swank, deceased. V 0T1 VK IS 1 1 EE BI IY ' . 1 V 1 .X 1 1 1 AT il the nndenagned, Adwiniatratoni i' llie eatate Ol liarman Swank, de-eaed, have filed their final account, and the Judge of aaid Conrt, by an orer mad December it. lwJO, baH (bead Tueaday, tb hlh day of JVhruary. the bonr Of one o'clock in tiio afternoon of aatd day, tor bearing objoctiona to aaid Qnal account and tho .settlement of the tame. J. w. swank and W. H. SWANK, Admini.-trators. I iy order of the Cottrt. L. If van, Jud . S3 Pinal Settlement. N OTICK IS HEREBY GIVES THAT the undersigned. Administrator of ii..-: extate of Btgmnnd Fox, deceaaed, of tic partnership aetata of i. l-'ox A BrotbeVi and of tbo arinerhiptatoof Fox, Baum St Company, has rjlcl ids iirial aeconntvof the administration of each of aatd eatafpa i ..... . 4',. u t :..,.. iw .. . ! of Oreifon. ah:! that Tuosdav. t!u Kill dav of February, A. D. 1881, at the hour ol t n o'clock in the forenoon of ; ;dd da , hai . lieen appointed Ly said Court for the lur- j ir.K of objeottona to said final aocountsand the settlement thereof. This notice is published by by order of Hon. L. Flinn, Jndze of aaid Court, which said order wsdui v made at tho regular December tern; ..f said Court. IGNAT2; FOX, Administrator. STKAH4N & BH.TBTT, Att'ys. aOwi Pinal Settlement. NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN THAI tho undersigned, Administrator of tho estate ot William All phin, deceased, has filed in the County Court for J.inn County, State of Oregon, his linal account of the administration of said estate, and by order of said Court Wednesday, the Btn day of February, 1881, Jit the hour ol 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, is aet lor hearing objections to said final account and the settlement, thereof. THOMAS ALLPHIN, Stkahan A BnTKir, AdrnJnJatxator. Attorneys. 22 AdminiBtrator's Notice. OTICF in hereby given that the under nH Signed has been by the Couiity Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly appointed Administrator of tho estate of Samuel Cooper, deceased, and all persons having claims said eatate aie hereby ro quired to present tho same, with tho prop er vouchers, to the nnderahzned at hie res idence about eleven miles southeast of Albany, in Linn Coanty, Oregon, within six months ffont :-to hereof. Dated this luth day of December, 1880. B. W. COOPER, Administrator. OHO. K. Ctl AM fJKnT.AI N, Att'y for Administrator. 10w Do You Kelieve It? That in this town there aro scores of per sons naming our store overy day whose Uvea are made miserable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and distressed Stomach, Liver Complaint, Constipation, fcc., when for 75 cts. we will sell them Shiloh's Vital izer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Foshay & Mason, Druggists, Albany, Or. REMOVAL ! SENDERS & STERNBERG have reinovod their mag nificent stock of Gene. ' I Merchandise to their HEW RIVILBIHG ono block oast of their old stand. Wo are under deep ob ligationa forthegoiieroiis patronage wo received at tho hands of the people at our old stand, and now beim; situated in our own building, wo feci that wo can offer customers bet ter inducements than ev er. Give us a call. t . Remember tho plac -jnst onclblock down the street from our old location- SEHDEf.C & STF.RPiBE.lV !:n!7tr xvnci: OF REMOVAL ! m takk ri.!:s; iu: in NuTirYiN; ,.M;ili i-li.l tn v in. iv . in .. ..r i.iim . i Um .'orncrof M CVr ,ul KKKlfl Si, wImt.. a full .li inlaw rif , GENERAL IERCHANDSSZ eoKsurrnso c. i t i t, . n . . ... '' Mllaei ICS, uIOVCS, o;m fcf, Ladies' & Ueati Furuishinj? daoda . Btf AXQ HATS and CAPS, Etc IACC I CIGAR! ui TU Ra MK.M A now Hi it Ing baen i i!'l to ind (luaiity In thi ol' my Itualtieaa, I rirea w ill atuntian Hi lulei ent part rueui on eonfUient that i.i v wneoi favora ' V ! il ill I din in tl :.. t, In : bid) f aaki t. the '' tl pttroe i, u I Uoj to merit aetu :.ini a bur 1 nk s fpkrtsnn roam lets, isici - ate r-:;: Uwt ..: and t-Bnlfaa KldCileveaj la BC.&I : . Tjj.o:: i n. .;.! or: u t VDJB8, Tit" ! .: s: . !; of !u4 (ivcsin the City, ALBANY illllLE WORKS . ' .v LBAH1 STAIUER BE6 k::.o.v. S 5 oju ietui-.S. MONUMEkTS, tablets, -AH I arm Al.o, uvi-ry vaiity of cemetery and other atone work done wi4i peatiteaaand diapatch. Special at' en lion given to ordeta from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. 5iaii work warranted, nftt Tt m-: tmmmf P-7 THIS F'Tp tiV P'jrt1 i' l Wortl. .Sem? for KJanapte i ojy - l're;. XKiV Y OSS Si OBSKEiVKES, ir? :;7 Tarli Kov, Ken lin k. Aietioti and Commission. FA). HUMFHBEY, AUCTION IS K IX. Fromat;si ISloelt. ALBAS 1 , fttjWCfb i.. JACKSOX. raWmtdml J . iAMlJEC K ' V0l:X(, ! itu roe lata -l BFTSFTS BONNET. " Wall, Uaola Aba), nop yon aro off f.r liomi', I hiippoHd ; all (lone, OfOM all harcainid ror. eh I" nml .ki.lni Datx lifted Imh lint iiml mih!i1 buck bit thick null- ih Ih Ktootl on hv bote st.-pH talk Ulg t h plain, t ountiy fainu r in a mitt ol doroeaitiiu Bray. ' VVa'oJ. in. not iiuite vrt. .Inlin. I w w ' w a want to go( Ltetaay a boitiMi ; rci 0H6 ; a oo. a Vol leer ini(lit want. Umum' Im'Ii-i.v's workml awful hark tbiaatninff. Timea are cood. tM Ho I rneaa aro'il mo it my Batflay nhan't lool: ;. . ;'...'1 as tinv lniy. ,Si.oMe V"U don 1 want along with me, do your " l t nn: atM ! otMOok )-8, I'll j;o. (Jru ' AU'i' I'll look at t In- nrottv mm , though ; you wroni iiuml Lbai Oil." they iralkad nn tlm itraat, th e . t.i . ... . . .... m DiomtNn tuuro oi in young lawyer contraattng Rtrongly who dm aauqua l' I .Mil ul tin' firnici'a aiunntH, winch at boma aor wont In Ha in aoJtM htii!" in Iba iparo rOOta all the week, only to be won; on umluy with Ikm-oim- mg earcfalnaa. There rat little like MM n then I s a tiillo tiwi fair for trm; l a ,t v, wilh iti blonde inoiiH tacbo .nl Rotttni; f . lose hrown eurln to thn hrotied un. 1 eat ul!;.i o:i-, with tho few loeke, i-j tre and gcejr, baTjeath the w !l brnabed hut ; hut the Line evert were the nam.) in botb, and lik Imm that were elo ed forever under tae mo in the applo orclmid of I'uelo A be In rarm, wbero hi dead iter waa laid when Johunv erai u tiny rbiM It troubled John not a whit t- bo Hen with th- n un oountrynMMi : in ipile f Iiik perfomed ban and wall glored band i i h al I w .. , l r na an Mteel to tho good friend of bii boybood, and th inqnir ing glance of hia cnnianiunN fjave him ti - annoynnee wbaterer. T;uy i. ached M il..iu Kizetl' at lat, an ! John lorn.L'f'.l in the doorwuv t:. I tt. i :,;!.'. way rntt-ed in the la-.d- iment el finding out the I " " of tho git Ik in attendance. J i ' ' liet, radiev with etnilee and I think a lutle artificiaJ bloom, cam forward with the nuwt bewitching -lance t. wait en the farmer who brongbt ao uttractivo a icraon with him ; and b;icjitij; that oho would bi i ujN :i.-r qoality by wj deing made hj. bei i .1 .1 to rjtttt Dnele At-e unttM i .:.:!.. Poor old Man lie uevw wiia mi rfliaerabte in ait hie WW, 1. il'; to I mi wonld bjive made no trouble whatever. Uiea Crabtree, in p and can with la vender libbotin, w.,.,1.1 have told bimatonee what to get , and h r little gray c.- . . 1 1 t ha'.- ouitf Mil htm in the I m - , lidt bare aae a (tne lady, with a greai eircaattarenoe tA blank aiik tiail ing ut along the carpet, a wiiint not : i ap, a bead on which the ban acemtd atruggiing in crimp tn I curia to gi '.... the abtning ban la r . ij '-i .i tightl) ground i, and a puti of great !.' k eyre looking atraight at him, :i...i i held up one . Or led i hem u c l i . 1 ui help from 1 1 Woui aliow me eame amneta real good onee. in. c old tashu ii J thincM Me!c Hi piettt , . o i .1 ! II ring 1 I Ui, I'm ! ihel flt t It had alalcil the caie clearly and Id 1 ave no more trouble, Sfhn Joaie eailed but and returned with u white chip gypey, triauned with I lue, i ehirred green a.itiu with a red roue on it, and a yru- straw trimmed wiih acarlet poppi. "No-, that tll be :. ehat you want, i am aure . o!v tw mty iiv- doe l.tiH. t.rf 1 1 !n en awl mo ia -Doming." i nele nbil oonfoaeed after wardi that h' f'-!t i-,uite confounded at the nice, but he did not mean to let that erenchined ij l know it, eo he he aol eatd, .un't Ob, tbaia the -tyle, ebl It n bit like Betsey e !-l pne, Lboqat, ' "Qbj no, Hr.j the feehioil h ehnng. ed entirely. .N'ow the gV'y in the newest thie.; out, and your wife would H-t tho fashion, I don't doubt," She looked up at .John Pare merrily, but could not interpret tho look in his ( ves; ho, tnfcine; it lor ginatei that It was an expreekitm of admiration, shv pnreued the strain : "Juat freth from i'.ui". i am sure your wife would l:ke that, frhall 1 tiy it on for you ? " Wa'al, yes, I can tell hotter how it will look then, Now it. looks just like a" "There, it goes this way," and Josie pitched tlm little thing over her rosy face, tied the strings in ,' bi Imw knot, aid iwept down the length of thi; room. " Don't you like it?" " Wa'al, its kind o' party, but its awful queer, ain't it John?" John thua appealed to could only an swer that lio "knew nothing in the world about women's bunneta," and took up hi-s reverie, whatever it was, jtist where it wns broken ofl. But looked idly in the long mirror opposite, he saw Josie linking signs to another girl, and ho soon found they were amusing themselves vastly at the per plexity of their customer. Ho saw, too, a pale, piict girl, with smooth brown h;tir, look up from her work indignant ly, and ho rather saw than heard bar say, " For tdiamo ! " and grow orimson ivti she ipoke, Hlfl own f.ico Hushed a little as he booonie aware that Uncle A in 1 was be ing ma le the butt of their jokes --good Uncle Abel, who was looking so admir ihgly at the fabrics incompreliensiblo to him, his old heart only ft ill of thought how ho should make his present worthy of the patient soul for which it was in tended. Then John was greatly perplexed ; for us be suid truly, ho knew nothing aliotit all that mysterious and bewilder ing arrangement of dress that ho saw every day. Still he knew that Aunt Betsey's spare locks, thinly sparkled with gray, were not dressed in modern style, and he could not fe the life of him see wherealiouti on that dear old bead any of thoHe jjvprrieaor fanchoilH would reat. Ife irinrml.ercd that loiif? ao Aunt l$ethey wan wont to twiMt. her hnir with the Hiitnt) energy that dietlagoJaked ail her inovemontai and that thi.i operation rcMulu-d in a hard knot at the bark of lier head, like a door knob handle, Which certainly would not harmonize with (he etipelcHK head diCHHi-H. liiHtiiH it tH brow wna OTCroaat with Ihta thought, (he pain girl canio near Uncle Able, bcr cheek H bbiHhing um nhe did mo in deliauce of the other girle, holding in her band a plain feyiorii bonnet, trimmed with rioJet ribbon. She wore a mourning dreMx, and the plain broach at her throat held a I I ef ci ay hair. ' I think thin might auit yon,," she naid. " If your wife don't dreei hei hair in thole faahiooa. tbeae boa note would not dti at all. Thie in rich and plain, ami Otl cr. the btok of the ha.l and neck." ' Wa'al, now, tell m-, for I have got mo Imtliered with these thingn that I don't know one from t'other. I want tO get a bonin t for Je tney, ami I mean to. Now j.-Kt tell me if you Would like your mother to wear one like thin ' h, I bag your pardon, anVam I didn't ma, and be towehid the sleeve -r M-r black dretta. "I J Ui,i aony ! " lhe young girl bruHhwd oil a tear quickly an h aaid, " I have no mother now ; .but if you will trut nn-, .,ir, I think thin will , nit." She had hUx I, hitherto, pint .u- of the tango of John DorVi ririon, end had not hwii him at all. Sjmething in the hound of hei voicn attracted him, perhapM, and when Tnde AbeJ called Jlcre, John Dare t N boatenned hai tily enough towaid thrm. The gn thniHt the bonnet into I'ncle Abel'i hnndai and would Jiavo been out of tight if her dram had not caught on one I the branching atandi and held her fant. Aaiy '" and John DaiW, with a hot Hush on hia (ace. caught her band an. I ao detained her. "Auv Eeberi. have 1 found you at hint i" The girl'a face grew white and pad by turitH, and the won Ik the apokecanM I I low anl broken that ouly J An could catch their mcaniii" I Dele Abel punhed Ilia h... u: on In forehaud, h'ill holding the hat in lua hand. 'oikitig onen Winulhod from one to the other. "I goemyoe mnat hv kooarcnl thin young woman afore, diifn t voo i lie Hud ; but John Wait ai Uuny will. e..-r ' nnwationa, an I A iv waa truotblit j ami luehingaa - tried to Niak calmly, and eo nip aaeatioa waa unanawen I tVetty Joaie w itirblina b.r(intioii Mot ne heaide her, ai.J U t and morUncataon.ahe lookeil in no impmI of belli liotn rouge, hU- tuaaeii hei her head ami mntteicd vari me. uu i . . a . ti-oiia i.-iivii Ls iii i....i ,.! i.. 1 1 . V .. L' i lufbert and. Iir l au. - ... m . . ... ..... . , - . l 1 ft i ii ti .i a i line ni-j.i i in ti vi.i:. longot quite hntientljr but at laat de apuu.d of the in'ervicw la-ing ..i,.b-.!,so Ii.. eonehed. an! then a.ii.1 : .1,. . i I i ... , , 'I II i.ik! iI.ih bunnit. twenty d.d '..vis ii good deal. Ueteey'e worth i. ia't h John 1" John need not have atated , aaid rery, which emeu! a eeneiUe anawer at all , but UneJe AheJ lanirhed a littlo to himeelf and sail aoftly i Oh, heyi will be bovs ! ' and ho oldir'ed to tell Mi-s Kgbert the direction over twice, too, aiel felt quite uneaey, lest it should not arrive ut hit hotel in time. Outside the disir Johtt turned to leave his uncle, and loi,ed as shy as a girl as he said, ' lt'a all light, l inle Abel. You've found a new honnot and I've (bond an old friwt;il." I 'nele Abel held his hand fast, and looking a moment without peeking in the young man's even, said : 'She's a BBOtherlcus girl, John." " I'ncle Abel I" and .lohn turned an grily ewer, or ould have done ro if tho detaining hand had not held kim with a grasp which sixty years had not Weakened. "l,ook here, my boy, I meant no offence. None of my blood turn villains," he added ptoudly ; "but vou see she's young and putty and fur lorn, and may ho, if you see too much of her, she might get to thinkiu' mOfU of you than would bo good for hvr, and if you ain't in earnest guess it would break her heart. Shako hands with your uncle, my boy, I mean no harm ; but promised 'i.ia when she was on her dying bed that I would alius try to give you good advice, and the last words she spoke, says she, 'Abel, take care of my boy.' " "My doar, Liud uncle, I thank you indeed I do for ull your kindness, but I could not boar to think that you should misjudge mo. I knew Amy long ago, when her parents werp both living, and site had ail that wealth could give. X loved her then in a quiet way, but 1 was too poor to tell her so. Then came reverse and death, and in her poverty and prido the yirl hid her self from me until now. she tried to earn her bread by her accomplishments but failed, and gladly took this moans to do so. Now, if I can win her ibr my wile, I ha bring Airs. John I biro to see you some time this summer may J, Undo Abel ?" So they partod, and tho passers-by little dreamed of all that bad boon said. "Wa'al, wu'al, if tilings don't turn out queer P soliloquized Uncle Abel, homeward bound, wilh a bandbox placed on tho Mat before hi in. "To think how near 1 camo gettin Itsey ono of them gipseys. Why, tdio would haye laughed week about i. And then to think that painted piotur of a gal was making gaino of mo all tho while. And the other one, with her gentle way, taking the trouble to tell a stupid fellow liko mo what was the right thing to buy. I guess she would make our .John a good wife ; and after Betsey and mo have passed away there will be a nice bit of property coming to John, and that'll help him along. How pleased Aunt Betsey was to be sure when the old man gave her the new bonnet ! How fair ami young she looked in the fresh ubbons and soft blonde around her fnOJ I And how.hhe laughed at the idea of wearing "one of them .li- l covern on her head !" I tint when the i ountry wn in itH Juno glory, John DaiW brought bin brtdfl to the r.irm bouae where, he had Hpent to many chUdiab nOUfS, and hi tl k t a a al ... leu iier to all the OM familiar Hnotx, from the weir in the brook to tbeffreve by thn orchard. Kut iih long as a xfraw or a ribbon may endure to keep them both in mind how John Dare found bit wife, they will tell the ntorv of the tine when Uncle Abel bought Beteev'i bon net. aiiiimw m,i. Theae nentn reiiemble bayeeefcc. They ate four feet high, and live in diameter a theie baeea, being eonetrneted with gnu.K and berbag. I'iii.t, they deposit OOe layer of eggf on a M'H.r of ui')itar, and having eovwred thin with a Mtratum of mud herbage eight hachm thlek, lay another set ol v,-' unon that, and ko on to the top, there being OOmUMMlly from one to two hundred eg in aaeea. With their tailn they ih.-n beat o'own round the neat 'the Jen-.! gramejul reede, five feet hig!, to prevent the ai - proach of unseen em niicM. The lettmlc watchm horrgga until they ire hatched by the heat of the huh, ai d then takea her brood under h-r o n fftnt defend ing them and providing for their nub iwteiiee. Dr. Itlwmberg. of Mew Or lemw, ayn that he on - packed Up one of them ncata w ith the rggV in a box for the lineeum of St. Patembnrg, but be wan IWeomtrjcndcd bef.,i h: cioKivl it to K;e that there waa no d inger of the eggH being batched ott the voyage. On opening one a young alligator walk td out, and wan soon billowed by the leaf, about a hundred, which be fed in hia booae.where they went up and down alalia, whining and lurking like young pnpj ii i. OMR OI MOTH I t: Honor tho i.'.'itr o! 1 mother. Time has aeatteeed the snow lefcee on her blow, pillowi il dbop furiows iii br oheeka, but in she not ureal ami benn tif-il now ? The ra thin ami sun ken, but thene ate lhe Kpe ihaf. have I. iH. fj many hot t-'-ir fl in the child- kh eheeka, and tbejraretha aveeieet liM in ull the worki The eye le dim, i llf UII.U-" ftftill. ll - ..U ...-b ..t.r I h ' which can never fade. Ah. yea, aba ia the dear old mother. The m(a . : lie- are nearly run out, but ' ' nn an Oft hi i ft 1 1 . ;'. . i i . lit I . m 11 1 I O 1 .1. . : . . t ... :n . .. i i each down loarei f... vou than any other uon earth. Sou nan not walk I into a midnight where sh cun not see j,,,, . y,ri tJ ,,ol a l,;,n tAnae la i . ara will keep h' i i.ijt ; miu can not . ' mourn a eoauoid btga f.,r ner to reach, thai ahe ina kb-s and hie you in evidence oC her deathleau love. VVbefl th world shall despise and for sake you, when it leaves you by the way tide to die unnoticed, the dear old mother will anther you in her fee h arms and carty you home and tell you all your ijtt:es. until you almost for get your soul is disfigured by vieeU. I.ovo her temlerly and her de clining ve.irs with holv devotion. im ra n i i uu:. The wine crop in France last year w .m .s.i did;. i ut tl. .i tin- manufacture vl wine I'toin various articles was re sorb d to. AH the raisins to be found were lioucjit up, and wine factories sprung up all ovit tbo country. At flint there wns a profit of 100 per cent, on wine thua made, but competition has tendered the production naprofi ta ble, and oiufr nuh.tanees aro now re aorted to. Wine is now produced from glucose, a sugary matter obtained from the potato, out of the residues of mo- lasses,out t.f rotten applee, dried prunes, dates, figs and all kinds of refuse fruit, and oven out of beetroot. These abom inable liquid ate colored artificially and doctored with Spanish or white wines, and tho inijiosturo has reached such a pitch that not one t',.ird of the wine drank in Vuris is real grape wine. The principal dealors have taken steps to put a stop to tho fraud. London Timet. Tho latest advices from tho far west state thai the Atchison, Topcka and Santa Fo railroad is being punhed south westward toward tho Vacitic coast at the rate of nearly two miles per day, while tho Southern Facilic is going eastward to meet it ut an equally rapid rate. The average of track laid during tho last thirty days having been 11,000 feel per day, and it is DOnfiddBnj stated by those in position to know that the two lines will meet before the end of January, and that tho now line will than be opened through to San Fran cisco. K'ldost daughter " I thing vou might let mo come out, mamma ! I'm twenty, you know, and surely I've fin ished my oducation." Festivo mamma (by no means prepared to act tho part of chaparone and wallflower) " Not yet, my love. Sooiety is so hotlow 1 I roally must preserve thet sweet girlish freshness of yours a little while longer." Punch. Colonel," shl a man who want ed to make out a geneological tree "Colonel, how can I become thor oughly acquainted with my family history ?" "Simply by running for office," answered tho Colonel, nunr.xr oTr. i "ii . , -. . .... inn: wiuim "njouwiiae ; ho evi-r 'aw N nuiMa'i milk that wae mill quite ? Joneeeaye that his mothers love i the summer of his lib- Wh warn, and etfeky. A man never ,kJh so ninoh like a l ed handed villain Um w hen kai Ju i. l.l y mm pi '" Uigrapher to "look plene- ' I UIH ant." Th 10 weil.r weuther I,..;,,. f..;,i nihm rt;b in, barton arc now making their lather with cold water. RotUmmd Comimr. if-ro is a well paddj pragrp, from the Detroit Frm Prm: There are hver paJl and lung and krcJney padM, but the pioneer ,.d in the pnoc " Would you lik to lent tLrough tteeblg teMoper ake. omm vt of another. To which the Utter replied , Id a grat deal rMtj.r j,k thrangh a Ley-hole. Unrmrl Imm jii mil. When the youag h,dy begine to talk ,,L r-Mbaurant and of hot bird n warm tone! the yonng Umn ahieera ami twiahee the old lee ernaai eVU were back ogam. .Vew Oriemu Pieaymm. The lightning um, on thmkkml HtageH eoat4 $20 nn onoet; Ut then so little in Ifomred tlm frm ...... ' ' fl0 1 f"a ".HI a. j 1 1 M 160 Manet 1 ami ten 13 brigMxls eo .w uuy ,r aUiut two cents. A little lightning is a dangerous thing ffeefew Globe, There are so many beenttaue that - cannot get out of or.b-r " u, .1 .. .:n a f I I j last a life time." that ft ti V i . . I i. iJ. shall discover loeaethlne that ..'11 i out of order and wiiJ .)Jr y,Ht enough to be carriH home, 'niil supply a long felt WmuL-Bomtom Trm-JJ My Wrience in dis liff. baw hmmLi tn dat de man who kwt, m,.ba lu hw eye shut h, yartin to get do wont ob Int. ISmdderly feelin' gow a ways m ease b aickncsi, or want, or death ; but it nehlom reai-l.... . . hosstra.K If I w byiiamuleofa man I l.a.l known all mj 1 i I ahottld iegm at le Loofa an' look Ober clar up to de point ob de no-e. I shouldn't snect him in .... t.. i ft-i wi- hai iii; had Bled down anv teef or t.ntfi-.l ..J. any hoof cracks. ff advice am not to he or dec ive in trudiu mules, but to iinawer aK Isw foie.t j ..n u: an, an m sort o bocrles wb edder 'ur otfer am accepted or not." L1WYU rwm catRi. Not n I iwy. r, however skillful in crovs-oxamiQiilion.'-iin ir...u.. nv- tell thO truth, tirnv idrvl th. -- -' - , ..... r iiuci.1 iaJnM to ewmjo it. It is nnpoible mj put a question iu such exact lan- guago that i; t ill demand the 1 answer. It wis - '" vpa ea w - tain oeeaaloa in court to ecunmel n witness to testify as to the way in which u Mr. Smith treated his boree. "Well, Mr," naid the lawyer, with a sweet and winning -mile a smile intended-to drown all .-usj uc ions as to ulterior purposes "how does Mr. Smith generally ride V The witne8 hlOkajd up and innocently replied : 'Generally a-sfraddle, sir, I la- lieve." "But, sir, what gait d.a s he rider' The impur terabit? u Itaeaa answered : "He never rides any gate at all, ir, but I've seen his imy ride every gate on the farm." The lawyer saw that he was on the truck of n Tartar, and his next! lion was very insinuating. 'How does Mr. Smith ride win n he is in the company of others ? I de mand a clear answer." "Well, sir," said the witness, "he keeps up with tho rest, if hi horse is able to, or if not ho falls behind." The lawyer wrs by this timo al most henltte himself, and asked : "And how does ho ride when he is alone ?" I don't know." Mas tho reply, "I was never with him when he was alone," and there the case dropped. A Leadvillo ntiwspaper remarks: When they had finished the lunch they asked a piece. The man in attendance said : " One piece of pie fifty cents ; ono cup of coffee twenty-five cents seventy-five cents each." One of the party grumbled a little about the price, whereupon the olff man behind the counter straightened up, folded his arms in a dignified manner and said : Stran ger, look at me ; do you stip(H)so I am staying out here for my health ! " Spinster landlady : " Then you and your mamma want the same rooms you had last summer 1" Young Lady : " Yes, Miss Spriggins, only it isn't tnaunVia who is with me, but mv hus band ; I've got married since last year. Spinster lady ; " Lor now, have you 1 I'm glad to heard it. Yet, after all I don't know why I should be glad, you never did nio anv harm. Poor dear." A cieXtlkmAn greatly provoked a ono armed organ grinder by asking him if ho was a survivor of the late war. "Why, you foo' !" exclaimed the irate musician, "don't you see trat 1 survived ? Do I act as though I was kilted in tho war ?" Ixa lawsuit about the priority of tho invention of certain hay cutters, the presiding judge gravely remarked that he "thought the hay cutter was not the invention of any one man, as nearly every farmer had had a hand in it. mmm he steps into a railroad eating house. " What is meant by the power behind jje knows that it would be asking too the throne I" asked the teacher. " The mucb to request that he be made thank ace,,' replied a smart boy, " which is fui for anything he will get there. greater than the king." F. S. The a. b. b. staved in after school. Subscribe for the democrat. onus tn WMWMt Hlr Prnngie Wyatt Truscott, vhow term ns Ixird Mayor of London ha just expired, fed li!,000 visitor at bitUkfaete, luncheon ami dinner during hi yoar of Offlee. Jtosa BoeAtnr, Mile. I)odu and Mndainn Obicut, together with Ave i U iff of charity, are the only women, it is said, entithnJ to wear the decora tion if tho Legion of Honor. The Duchess of Westminster 1 ac- cused of wearing diamond of such Iminenso hIa; that they can only be compared to the fortune teller's cry- le bell, ftnd am only interesting to the lapldaxy. Ono of the Harvard faculty ha a little daughter whose feet have be.n liandaged and crippled since her birth to make thetn mnall ! It is true that bo is a Chinese .Mandarin. To him. lately, In Cambridge, was born a son. Tbe swallow-tail coat is the proner eov for full dress rx-casione, but for many oay receptions and wetidings i be Prince Allrt fr-ck coat la worn, made of black diagonal doth, with a vest of the same and dark, mixed ptflfajooaii There is a great scarcity of inevi fcable" young men In Washington, a sad ftatoof things,which i- accounted for by the filar of that city by the fact that almost every family invites young ladies to visit it and nobody ask young gentlemen. During the pogre f a wedding at a New York church the other day one of thn bridesmaid came forward at the wrong time to arrange the bride's glovo finger for the ling, whereupon the bride laughed outright and the clergyman looked astonished. Admiral CJlyn, to whom Mias Neil son left her fortune, was hindered from marrying her, it Is said, by the disapproval of the Prince of Wale. The prince has lately had him to shoot deer with him in Scotland, and he waa also invited to dine with the Quoen at Balmoral. A French paper says that Lady Dudley is one of tho most beautiful women in fireat Britain. 8he is 30 old the ego preferred by Bal zac her eyes are blue, her features adorably dclicib, and her figure as ethereal as that of a sylph. Sho takes gloves at 5j and boots at 1. While a girl was using a celluloid comb a few day.s ago, it came in con tact with a gas jet and was consumed in a Hash, burning her face. Fortu nately there are no longer any red nftauen Ktn r-1 lTta cTJuiury, tnero fore it is not necessary to warn them of the risk they run iu using celluloid coml?. A lady in Kansas propounds this inure -nig ijuery : "What shall wo with our daughter t And a Burner in the -atno neighborhood wants to know "What shall we do with our corn ?" The editor or a To poka paper, eager to make himself useful and iopular with lxth parties -aVr : "I.e: us feed our corn to our daughters." A fashion authority says. "A biide may wear white gloves, or else of a lighter shade than her traveling dressf and the groom's gleves must match her.-. The ushers wear gloves similar to thoe of tbe groom. If "he groom has a best man they come to the altar together, entering from tho vestry room, anil the bride's father brings the bride up tho aisle to them. If ho does not have a best man, the tho groom takes the bride's mother to church, and the parents stand just behind the bridal pair duringthe cer emony." The Queen of Italy is mucu more popular than the King, and the peo ple have made the Marguerite the the natiomd flower, in deference to her name. French fans have come to the front ouco again. They may be considered almost a novelty after their long exile from beauty's toilet. Heliotrope and other fashionable col ors are ?et otT with peacock feathers or the familiar niarabtvit. A rich de sign is old-gold satin, brocaded with Japanese cubes and circles mounted on carved eboy sticks. But, with all their smartness, the gorgeous blaze of tho Mandarin fan paper though it be is preferable, because more ar tistic in coloring and design. Exactly. "I say, Clem," cried two disputing darkies, appealing for decision to a sable umpire, "which word is right dizactly or dezactly?" The sablo umpire reflected a moment and then, with a look of wisdom said, "I can't tell perzactly." "Ma," said a young lady to her mother, "is it wrong for young folks to da.icc round dances ?" "I think," bro;o in a maiden aunt, "that when young folks dance round dances there had better be some old folks round." "Come," said ono of a couple ot lawyers sauntering through the State Capitol the other day, dets take a look at tho new court room." "Yes," aaid the other, "let's view the giound where we shall shortly Be," "There is one pert, "said old Aunty Homeson, "that almost everybody strives forand thatsome nevermake." "What port is that, Aunty ?" asked her nephew, and she meaningly an swered, "Support." " Oh, my friends," exclaimed a tem perance orator, " that I had a window in my heart, that you might all look in and see the truth of that I tell yan." "Wouldn't a pain of your stomach do as well 1 " yelled a small boy. Even a deacon won't say grace a hen u D