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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1880)
Bat rite X 4v; ) 1 7 A 7 i Official Oitv Paper. . -- - - - ALBANY, FUIPAY. AUG. 20, ISSO. JAS, A. - GARFIELD, 4 Vt;;,--..-. v,s' FOR VICK 1T!KN1IKST. Chester A. Axtlmr, -OF SEW YORK. Th crop in tjerimuiy are KtHierally bud. Film jUexmUeiv jjf JJuhjiria. wan thrown rom hU carrj.rge on the 17ili, and rived serious injuries. - Miss Xeilson died very Wddeuly at Parts last Saturday. Said to be dropsy ot the I;art. ' :- - Hon. Thos II. Brents, is likely to be re nominated aud elected Delegate to Con Kress from Washington Territory. Tom has made it. splendid Delegate. Henry Witzetigerode respired' by the Governor until to-day. was condemned to ! bung on the (JtJi. He will probably be j, ranted a new trial. On tlie morniii;r.f the 17th a fire swept ff the IiaJI of Kiut-U. California. Loss otiniated at $1,000,000. It traveled over he same ground as the fire of n year ago. The WvrXa says that the -flrst gun from .he South is double shotteci." meaning Hint tfae ballot boxes weio etc fled twice in Mabamit, when once was nil that was tiee- -"arj-. . - . ..- Geo. Walker how admits that some ot he counties in South Carolina, since the ensus returns have been received, show "phencminal results." He admits it looks . We are told tlisit tle Scotch Company offer to furnisli all Uie sacks farmers may equire hi handling their grain, nud store he same at reasonable ra;es. The Com pany wUl also pay the hilMS price tor grain and other produce. Whatever tends to injure Albany will in ."urn injure the balance of the county. It ii tnnch easier to tear down than to build ;p. Take the present capital out of . this -it jr- and it "would make a material difler jnce hi the volume of business done in the cutiufy.' A short time ogo a prominent Democrat wh sitting in 'sjquire Lam:.n"s office, In WalltwWalla, and speaking of the election, said : , "I Lave always been a Democrat and always voted the fctraijrht ticket, but I gave ray two sons an education and the d ittle cute went and voted the Re- publicau ticket. . William H. English, the complete type ol the' northern dough face, who never had any political views, except tltose of servile subjection to the South, was one of the twelve' northern congress nun who voted against expellfng Preston S. lhooks from the Honse for his'assault on Charles Sum ner, oh the 22d of May, 1855. We must have the road to Yaqnina Bay. One way to get it is to throw a bridge across-, the Willamette that will answer for a ntilaoad and wagon bridge, and invite the uarrow gauge, or any other, to cross on it. If tho matter is dclayeil ton long, to retain our present trade and con: tDerce will com. the price of several bridges. The cotton crops of tliis country for 1S7S and 1S79 were'the largest ever raised. Tho ten crops frot.i 152 to 1SGI. raised by slave labor, numbered 3t.995.440 bales ; the ten crops from 1870 to 1879. raised by free labor, numbered 41.454,743 bales. The1 - State Superintendent ot Public Schools fia called a convention of County Superintendents, at- Saleiu on Monday next. 'On Wednesday at the nine lace the State Teachers' Association convene. Tliere will be a large gathering, and the occasion will prove of unufual interest. A railroad running slat or eight miles north ot us. carrying- freight " either to Portland and thence down the Columbia, or to Yaquina Bay. aud not touching here at all, would cut off a large! slice' of busi ness that we otherwise Would get. A bridge across the river. If built now, would not only saye this, but would Increase the lysines brought to our door four-fold. Th narrow gang running through Seta, Lebanon aud Brownsville, faking in its course the richest of the grain-bearing portion of' the county, will take from us a large aiiiount of business heretofore done here. Warehouses will be erected by tho Scotch Company along the line of tho road wherever demanded, and trading points' will spring up here aial there, and business wtH be divided and mib-divided. ' r:-4- Two hundred thousand vMtor were in Chicago in tlw frouiof the week to witness tlie gallierlng o the KnlghU Templar. On Tuesday there was a grand parade of the Knights througt! the ci'tV. no less than 20,000 members of the ordetubelng in- tle line of march. - Tlie houses and ftreets were gaily and even exteuiveJy t!i!eo:ftted, and the struggle to see the parade wag Mvely." 'Exliorbltaiit prices were' ptdd by tilght seers ta many Instances for available pointH where the gra;.d pgaiit: coold be ts4cus itu " a . IMuoeratle Economy. The Democratic party is always strong on Economy. It is surprising what an amount of t hi virtue tho party possesses, but it never umuifeAts itself practically ex cept when tlie party is out of power, and wishes to make political capital against it., opponents. When the Democrats have the power ami control the purse string, their economy is confined to their show in tho platform. . The late Democratic National Conven tion took this method of claiming their de votion to economy, aud. after reciting the various causes for which it deserves the blessing of the country, gravely specifies tlie saving ot $40,000,0(0, by tlie Congress that has been controlled t)y the Confeder ate brigadiers. Tlie bold faced arrogance of the claim has challenged investigation as to its truth, and the Washington corres pondent of the Cleveland Herald furnishes the following statk'tlcs which need no com ment : For the ti-cal vear ending Tune 30, 1871, the expenditure was $292,177,183 25 ; for 1X72. $277.517.!S2 07 ; for 1873. $200,340. 245 33 : tor 1S71. $287,133,873 17 ; for 1875. $274,623,302 84. mid for 187ft, $258.45'.). 797 33. Thus in five yea rs an annual re duction in expenditures amounting to $33. 717.300 92 liave been accomplished under liepnb'ican management, and this, at the close of the war for whtch the Democratic party owes thecomitrnver $0,000,000,000, when there were iitt;Tly many expenses directly incidental to it. Now we reach the era ot the Brigadiers, and what is the result ? Fiscal year end ing June 30. 1 Hi 7. $238.0 10.008 03 : for 1873. $23i5.9'Ji.32; SO ; for 1879, $25.947, 8S3 53 ; for 1880, $297.8il0.237 17. and for 1881 the amount appropriated is 291.423. 888 90. For tlie present fiscal year the sum of $0,424,012 was appropriated, and next winter there is every indication that it will be even greater for the expanses of the year ending June 30, 1881. The n mount in reason will then at least be, for 1881, $297.847.90090. Thus the Democrats, after tive years" manipulation of tlin Gov ernment Treasury. w;ll have reached a figure $39,383,103 57 in government ex pense in excess of tht ot the last year of Republican rule. It is very near the amount named in the platform, but. un fortunately lor the Democrats, the figures are on the other side of the page. It shows they have increased the cost of government to that amount instead ot diminishing it. The IMrrri orsenn fttyle. The following is lrom that sober, staid, fair-minded and non-partisan paper, the New York Eeenimj Pout : What are the paramount questions of the d:iy ? What are the opinions of the Demo cri tic party on these 'questions? It the Democratic party should get control of the government what would it do about this, that a'ld tlie other thing ? These are not impertinent inquiries. They are entirely relevant, and they must lie answered ih. fore the 2d ot Xovemtier if the inte'-ligeut and thinking voters are to be influenced. But we get no answers to them through tiie organs. Set never so mild an interroga tion point bofore them and the reply comes screaming. '"Credit Mobilier !" "DeG"l yer !" The changes are rune. "Oredit Slnhilier DeGoiyei." "DeGolyer Credit Mobilier,"' article after article, column Jit ter column. ri:iv after daj-. week after week until the patience even of men who try hanl to beiieve. the chaiges. is exhausted and they turn with rising nuiisca trom the monotonous repetition. It has been and still is a prevalent opin ion amoiijj scientists that-the denuding of forests affects the amount of raiiitii!. Prof. Daniel Draper ot the meteorological service in New York does not subscribe to this theory, and is likely to be widely crit icised in consequence. He has drawn np a chart showing the quantity of rainfall each year since ls'55 in New "fork, Phila delphia, Baltimore anl Washington. Ac cording to Mils, the rainfall gradually in creased from 1S35 to 1S30 and his since shown a tendency to decrease. Prof. Draper believes there are cycles of rainfall as there art in sun-spots. The time has come in the history of this citi when every man interested in its welfare mut put bis shoulder to the wheel, and help with nil his might. The world is moving around us and position, natural advantages etc., are as nothing when brought into active competition with push, energy, resolution and brain backed by capital. Get up and git," is the solution ot all difficulties now-a-days. Now is the time to work to-morrow il may be too late." The Meridian, Mis-issipid, Mr.-cwy ot July 31st, says : We would like to engrave a prophecy on stone to be read of genera tions in the future. The negroes in these States will be slaves again or cease to be. I!is sole refuge from extinctiou will bo in blavery to the white man. And this is the programme of the solid South : llrst get the reins of Government Into their hands, and then overthrow the amendments to the Constitution, declare negroes slaves, and then parcel them out. This is to be accomplished, or the negro is to be exterminated. Is it any wonder that the black man, knowing this feeling to exist, is fleeing from the SouLh ? It is given up on every hand the Republicans will carry New York and Indiana with case. Democrats are begin ning to fear that the tat man will not be able to carry the solid South. Even Mis souri is doubtful and Georgia and Louisi ana none too certain to cast their electoral vote fur Hancock with a lair vote and an honest count they certainly will give Gar field from 10,000 to 20,000 majority. Reports say that Maine, where last year the Democrats and Grccnbnckers had a majority, is now going Republican by 7,- 600. The campaign is becoming very ac tive all over the Sbite. Kcpublicans are making the greatest effort they have ever put forth. The election will take place ou the 13th of September. The beet of news comes from Pennsyl vania. Democrats are coming In by tho scores aiKkgyotting their determination to vote tor Garfield and Arthur. Peunsyl vaula will give an overwhelming majority for tlie Republican ticket. Six men, while eating a watermelon In Palls ountv. Texas, suddenly died. Be ware of Texas melons. An Indiana woman gnvc birth to four children tlie other day. if the little dar lings liv, sh may have a ?panking good time bciure long. Some of the democratic organs are say ing that southern men like Lamar and Wade Ilamnton ought to make speeches throughout the northern states. Suppose j they make such speeches throughout the i north as Hampton made the other day in trying to reconcile the democratic factions in Virginia ; that is, suppose they teli the ! ' , . country that the cause represented now by the democratic party embodies - the same j principles for which Lee and Jackson j fought for four years." and that it is now time to 'remember the men who pom etl j out their blood for the success oi ihcse , principles. 1 n.u- wouin "iceiii me. tssiic in the north just as these eminent demo crats present it in the south. And it would piobably be highly convincing. C'olumbln River 91. E. Conference. The seventh annual session of the Colum-J more. It is fm possible to induce peo- An exciting story conies from Xew bia Annual Conference of the Methodist j ple to hold aud use the silver as cur- ; Mexico ot the elopement of a priest, Episcopal Chmch closed at the Dalles on j reiicy jt returt.8 to the Treasury veiy j Father Todoro lioualls, with a beau Sunday evening last. Bishop Wiley presid- . . ; . . , , , ,, . ., . . . so'in after tit has been paid out in pay-I l'!ul mm who baa recently entered the ins. Following are the appointments for 1 v J tlie coming year : WAJ.l.A VALLA DISTINCT. D. G. Strong, Presiding Elder. Walla Walla G. M. Irwin. Walla Walla Circuit J. Le Cornu. Waitshnrg W. G. Simpson. Day ton f- D. Flegner. Pataha D. E. Geome. iH'wiston J. W.llighy. -Colfax W. S. Turner. Pulou-e V. J. White Cieor d'Aleuc S. M. Driver. Spokan Falls M. S. Anderson. Steptoc To be supplied. Grangeville W. A Hall. Moscow E. C. Itigfiy. I'nion Flats T. A. Touuer. t'olviile To be inpplied. J. O. Rayiior, Chaplain lr. S. Army. GltANDK ISONDK DISTRICT. G. W. Grannies. Presiding Elder. La Grande Abraham Eads. Summei vilie V. S. Kooutz. Wallowa To lie supplied. Colon .!- C. Kirkman. Baker City li. W. Bland. Bo'se Valley To be supplied. Boise City A. J. Jolyn. Silver Uity To be supplied. Idaho ("ily K. Hayes. Payette K. it. Jones. G. E. Ackermnmi, president of Blue Mountain I'niversity, member ot La Grandb quarter!- conference. DALLKS DISTinOT. S. J. Whitcomb PreMdiug Elder. The Dalles H- K. Mines. txoldendale G--'. Rowe. Yakima Indian Mission I. II. Wilbur, Thomas Pearne and Georsre Waters. Yakima City llichard Bairctt. Kittitas To be supplied. Heppner Joseph i'etit. Canyon City G. E. Wilcox. Ochoco & Bridae Creek To be supplied Klickitat Circuit To-be supi.lied. Pendleton .;. W. Kennedy. Ceiitervilie G- W. Itiihy. Tygh Valley To le supiiliud. Antelope To be supplied. Alder Creek To lie supplied. J. II. Wilbur, Conference educational agent. Gen. Hancock, utter giving tlie sutij -ct tns iirotoiiiider stit.le. ittfoini 114 tlutr "tin! bayonet is not a tit fust , ument for gather- ; iitji oniiors. "i' UHillli-c em lor (iihi . purpose much. 111 tact if we shouitl set all ! our bayonets to work Railiering'; ; ballots j next fall, each bayonet ot oiy itttic army ' ot "25,01)0 would have to gather 5.000 in or- ; iler lo 2't arottiMl. Hence. asme bayonet hasu'tW.1 ,,t to that use wnhin "hii- ctcks mcmoiv, why tliil he not think of a problem just as protbuud. tiiaf. wouhl be mor; appropriate t. the occasion ? Why ilnl not our t it uuiitnry- friend n,ve us Ins views ot the utiiilv of shotguns in planting j ballots? ' 1 ! If in 'his ret?ronce to the bayonet, the ' corseted kniprht ot Governor s Islann iiitco- I did to ihrow a brick .11 Johnny I lavenpor:, ! b- would have hit (hat wiry little lru.l j I Is. x a., n 1,..L I,. 1. 1 ,1,1, a,-.. ,r I... hn. I ! indicated his impression that a free bal lot" according to tlie meaning implied in the term as u-ed in the iJemncratic plat form, cannot be had so long ns a satrap was permitted to examine your naturaliza tion papers, or to put haudcnil's 011 your wrists and throw you into a bull pen"" it yru were cangdil voting iimi than once or twice ou the same day. There was an in teresting field for the profound intellect of Hancock to revel in. wiihout going abroad fur instances where a bayonet" is u-ed in "gathering bailors." and expressing his re luctant disapproval thereof. .Vfutei'iu? j Journal. Very U001I fnrrassn. We venture to suggest to our esteem-, ed contemporaries who may bo in want of subjects of campaign investigation the Mulligan case, reported in the fourth volume of V.'allace's supreme court re ports. Mulligan as a "traitor" who was tried by n military commission ditr. ing tho war, but within the limits of the state ot Indiana' aud sentenced to be hanged. That he was a had man and richly deserved hanging there can be little doubt, but there wa3 a question whether a man could be legally senten ced by a military commission within a jurisdictiou m which there were civil courts sitting for trial of crimes and fel onies ot all' kinds. Tho matter was brought before the supremo court at Washington, and many able counsel ap peared aud made arguments, among others Gen. Garfield in favor of Mul ligan, tho case attracted much attention at tho lime, and the decision, which was that habeas corpus ought to issue, was generally regarded as a triumph tor civil liberty. It brought to an end all trials by military commissions, and from that time (December, 1866) to this no Democrat has been banged in the United States except after trial accord ing to all the forms ot law aud a verdict by a jury. The wide-spread criminality prevailing among the Democrats made the decision of the utmost importance to them, and it is singular to reflect that, while it was through Gen, Han. cock that Mrs. Surratt was hung, it was partly through the efforts of Geu. Garfield that the practice of hanging democrats by military commission was brought to an end.' Jdajor General B. Grimes, of tho confed erate army, was shot and killed by some unknown person while riding war hi.-s i home in fin county. North Carolina. Accumulated Treasnre. The accumulation of coined silver in the Trranry and sub-TieasurieR ot the XJ nitod States is so great that it is al- ready very hard to find proper storage room for k T,,e vaaUa Q, U4) Govern. . . mem now contain seventy million dol- J Ia,s in siIver in ot thls amount $45,- 500, 000, are in dollais, and thq-jemain- der smaller pieces. The Government ,as also on hand five million dollars' 1 . - ., .... , of coin takes up a great deal ot room. Ou Monday at Mt. Joy, Penn., while The bulk of the load is carried iu San j Miss Lilhe Meeler, aged 18, was walk Francisco and New York. Xutiue has j g with a gentleman, a spark from bis lias been pent from San Francisco that ! cigar set fire to her dress, and the girl 1 the overcrowded vaults will hold no i meiiL ui uunes or in exensnge tor snver j certificate, a great many of which are j i;i ciiculation, and etill the work of coin - j ing goes steadily on, in compliance with law, at the rate ot $'2,324,000 month, j This has been the average for the past i t .vetity-seven months, the total for thesa ; I months beiiij? nearly 03,000,000, three j j quarters of which rcuiain iu the Treas-J ury. ; I w .,!. , i .i . t I l We understand the boats are now carry- j ! 'S g'a'" to Portland at one dollar per : ton. This is in favor ot Albany, as It is! ! believed the railroad will not haul it for j June dollar. VmitkQ S topers, Huilding has been quite acMvo in j Astoria during the past three months. Pclknap Springs is a lively place, with an average population of about 50. Dean Ularchard fell overboard from ! a whart at St. Helens a few days ago, j and quickly notified her son who slept bat all the damage done was repaired j ' a,! adjoining room. The hnglar.find by a lew hours of sunshine. j "e u as yeved tried to make j his escajMJ, bring one shot at Dr. VV alk Kevs. an Horn and Raymond are j eFj nlissil,g llim ; and while retreating expounding the scriptures according to i from ti e house, covering the Dr. with the views of the Secoud Adventists in I tds pistol and knife, the son came upon 1.1- 1 .-T 1 l I 1 1 : 1 T a font nn the river l,a.,V in P.-rvallia The schooner Emily Stephens has landed about 200 tons ot buiMing j j materials Oil Tillamook rock. The j j last cargo was lauded iu G3 hoars from ! j i j Whart to Wharf. Horses are arriving on the fair grounds j . . ! at Illllsboro, piepaiaf Oiy to the tall tair. The chances are tiiat asl.inljtln j com,ly wilI ,,ave a U.Uer exhil.iliou this I - . year liian at any previous vear. ' Jopepll Hurue's steamer" Ouirks'ep, ' sailed from Astoria tor Yaquii a Lay on . . , -,, .1 trday will,, a party ot surveyors, , under chatter Ly the jroven.mont fori , 4 , - , . ' '-''G purpose of completing wolk beaan j that locality. , ', - . ,. . , 1 be bark Rival, Capt. Adams, now ,.. t.elving cargo at Knarpton, will take " . 100, 0 J feci ot lumber tor Mexico. On ariiviK at Fan Fiancco the California B portioti of the cargo will bo discharged and new cargj added pievious to con tinuing on the voyage. The farmers in Washington county, for the first lime in many years at this season, have the most ot their grain cut and threshed, and are waitirg for the spring grain to ripen. Teams are pour ing into Hillsboro 1 aded with wheat, and already the station presents a busy I'endieton people propose to got a charter from tho L'gWature this fall. The sherilfot Daker county oilers a reward ot 3 ) for the captuie ofCharles Irving, charged with horse stealing, Sheep men in the region of : Ilcppner are holding their wool for better prices. Asa consequence, money is scarce and times are dull. As the high water recedes, the work at the Cascade locks is pushed forward with redoubled vigor by Lieutenant Chas. F. Powell and his assistant, Lieu tenant Cobell Breckinridge. They are assisted in their wcrk by Messrs. Gilh-s-pie and Lisle, in the respective capaci ties ot draughtsman and paymaster. There ate now six buildings in course of construction at Walla WaUa. Both mills are cutting all the lumber they can during the twelve hours each day put in. There are now iu Gold end ale school district 344 persons under 21 years ot age ; 226 ot these are over 4 years old aud entitled to draw school money. Walla Walla IVtttcAman : At the Republican primary last week, 399 votes were cast in this city. Two years ago, we only polled 123, but then no one paid much interest to politics. This year everybody feels interested aud politics are red hot all arottud. Messrs. Jacobs and Hane, the attorn eys tor Mrs. Clark and her son, who were convicted of manslaughter at La. Conner, succeeded in getting a new trial for tho boy. Judge Greene sentenced tho woman to five years at hard labor in tho penitentiary. While on her way to Seat tie on the steamer Libby Satur day she appeared insane and attempted to jump overboard, but was prevented from doing so by L. L. Andrews, the oflioer iu charge ot her. This the second attempt at suicide since her arrest ; the first time being while in jail at Port Townsend, when she cut her throat, but Dot seriously before her intention was thwarted, her kcejeis. , Miscci In neons .News. August 15th there was frost in tlie interior counties ot Sev York. Maud S. and St. Julian were to trot at Springfield, Mass., yesterday, the former tor a purse of 83,000 against her second ot 2:11 J. Democrats are in tribulation in Con necticut. The Republicans havo settled all their difficulties, to the great coaster- nation of tho Democracy, and will certninlv carrv the State. was fatally binned. jPnocin hphk v-i nn 'ai- ' ents at the solicitation ot priests. The j couple were overtaken in their flight, j and the priest and girl finally were mar- j ried. Mine. De.Iesseps presented her hus- band with a fine hoy ou the lGth, iu Paris I Jev. J. V. Anderson ot Satita Paula, Ventura county, Calttornia, was Lit- ten by a rattlesnake on the loth and . J 3ied fa ew nous afterward, A bai.quet was given Gen. Grant a Denver on the night ol the 17th, 200 guests being present. The General ! spoke for pome time with great interest throughout. ! About 3 o'clock in the morning ct the T-Cili at Indianapolis, a notorious burg- lar named I5ill Kodifor, was killed by J. C. Walker, a son ot Dr. Walkers'. Mrs. Walker discoveied the burglar under the bed where her Lusband slept, 1 " a :u I,reu l "uiiar, Kin- ing him instantly. Xotsee to Delinquent Tax Payers. -vtotice is hkhkby i;iven ihat ihedeiin- -i.'i qiwnt tax lists tor Li:in county, -Ijreson, lor I he ears 1S79 l:uve leen placed In inched thereto, uivfer tin? s.Vii oV the county i'otiri ui uM count v, cimn:nidinii; iiie toeoliwt kl taxes by levy ioict stile ot pioin rly, thcre- kivcis:s by obJi vinir ihi- cotiot' p.ikI coininj; "nd "' "SX&i Sheriff and Tns Collee'or of Uinn C'c ., Or. Albany, Or., Auj,'. is, ISto-at fi. 33. JOJ.ES, . JiyglOlOa BVLTSQOIL, OBc3k. rviIO).;At p.llmml.rt sto-e. In Odd V7 Fallows" Temple. Kesiif.xce-Second and Washington streets, one block sotuh of Auk. Marshall's livery s'.abics. 10vl2 Sfofkfi;ldcrK' Saeelliisr. "VTOTH'E is liereliy siven that the regular an xl nual ineeiititr f '.lie stockholders ot the Ali any & Samiuin Hu er Ditch or Canal Co., wi:i 5e held at Hie t.'onipnnv's ofiice in the city if Allwiny, Linn county, Oregon, on the second Tuesday i" Settein!er ISSO, that leins the 14th day. at the hoar ol one. o'clock in tlie afternoon of said dav. for the tmnwc of electing sven ! directors lo serve the ensuin year. l. tLlviNS, President. J. II. ICFKitAtT. Secret arv. Albany, Or., Aug. 13. lStstd - Xoiiee of S'iiml Proof. Lakd Office at Koskbt ho, on., ( Aunust 7. ISSt'J. ) NOTICE is hereby jsiven that the following nam oil stilor has tiled notice of his inten tion to make Mnal proof in snmort of his claim and secure final entry thereof on Saturday, Uie llih day of .Seulem!e: l.sso. beiore the jndno or Clerk of Linn countv, Orecron, vix : K. R. Hughs' Homestead A radical ions Xiw. 2?3t and :2'i-i, for the S X of SK k- SK of NW ij, and K M of SVV A' , Sec. 22. X H S It I W, and names the foilowinjr as his v.-itneses. viz: Harry Hainilton, N. Kice. (.reiTilmry Sniatm and ln vid MclJonel, nil of Ciav fordsville, Linn coun ty. Oregon. W. F. 11KN JAMIS. August 18, lS3C-tlvl2vri KoiMcr. Cstfttfon. In the County Court of the State of Oreson for I. inn coup.ty. In (he mntter of the estate "of James A. Wil son, a minor. G To Thomas T. Wilson, Isaac S. Wilson, John S. Wilson, Maria K. Wilson, John A. Piaster, Margaret A. Wilson and Martha J. lialfour and to ail othel !erson interested in the estate ol ttud James V V'i!son. minor Now. on this If h day of August, 1S30, comes T. T. Wilson, irnflrdiaii of the iKrrson and estate of James A. Wiim. a minor, and presents his petition to the Court, duly veritiod by his own oath, and tiled with the Clerk, of tliia Court, showinrr that it would le for the best Interests of said minor to ell the real property of said minor deserlled in said petition, that thn sime is mm productive, and it appearing to tho ourt that the allegations in sjiid letilion urc tme, Iu tlie nnn.e of the S;ato of Oit-on: Pursu ant to an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon. mac Ausust ath, 1S80, you and ca'.-h ot you are cited and required to uppcur in said Court ou Xattcrd-ig, Scj'temler Uth, tSSO, at the ho:ir of one o'clock P. M. of said day.afid show cause why a license shoulJ not. be grant ed to T. T. Wilson, Unardian of said minor, to sell the realestale in stndirtier described. which said order is in words and liuures as follows, to wn : It is ordered by the Court thattho next of kin of said minor, Jnmes A. Wilson, to-wlt : Thom as T. Wilson. Isaac S. Wi'son, John S. Wilson, Maria E. Wilson. John A. Plaster, Margaret A. Wilson and Marlha J. Balfour, and all other persons interested in the estate of said mill r, be and appear before the Court on Saturday the 11th day of September, isso, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said dav, at the Court House in Linn county, Oregon, "to show cause whv a license should not be irrnnted tnT . T. Wilson, the Guardian of said minor, for the saie oi me luiiowinu uescnoea rent property, to-wit : The undivided one-seventh interest hi foe simple in and lothe foilowinpr tractsof land lo-wit : The east half or claim No. 44, in Tp 13, S K 3 W, bejrimihiff at a ixiint 11.18 chs S and 24.W1 chains W of. corners of Sections 18, 14. 28 and 24 in said townshin, Ihcnce running north 58.12 chs. thence east 9-1.80 chs, thence south 84. 77 chs, thence west f7.U3ch. thence north 26.6S chs, (hence west .14.87 chs to the place of bein nlntr, lying and being in Linn county and State of Oregon, and that a copy of Hits order be serv ed on tho next of kin of said minor by publish ing tht. same for three successive weeks in the AL.HAHY Rkgisteb, a newspaper of general circulation iiLLinu countv. Orcson. - L. FLlS N, County Jndpe. In witness whereof. I, N. Baura.t kunly Clerjk anil exofflcio Clerk of sutd Counlv Court, have hereunto net mv hand and affi-red the seal or Court at my oUice thta aih day of Anitust, 18ao. JTT7J "A?..M. County Clerk. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, : . OKKUON, Mrs. C. Honk, Proprietor. THIS HOCRK has been thoi-ouprhly overhaul ed and renovated, and placed in first class condition for t ho accommodation of its guests. GQod Sample Room for Commercial TraveJera. tJeneral Stiure. OftliM tor Corvallis. Indenontl- i and Lebanon, free Conch to nntl from 1 !h lint, vllul'J Z5sS39CB9BB&flHSEB93E3E9 msBSBgmsasoBiaassmgsn WHEAT WANTED! LINN COUNTY F LOURING M ILLS. Ballard, Xsom & Co., Will wy nrenilmn of FOCR C"EXT9 jor bush el in Mill Feeil.over and uliovo the mftiket. price, on all Kood nici'chuntable Wheat stored Miili them tliteseacn. Are iilvys prepared to pay cash down, and irnm-Rii tee as poo j prices as can be obtained clsewliere. A large supply of sacks always on hand. Ve have our Mill titled up with all the latest improved machinery, and do custom work. AHiHuy, August B. lSH:12ul ' - KTOTICB S No Prruilnm on IV It en t nt the Albany I'linuerH' tompaiiy. ASSURAJft'K, however, is triven loall desir ini? to store Rrain, that the Allwny Fann ers' Co. wit. store Wheat at the rate "of four cents per bushel, and Oats at three cents per' bushel. The Co. agrees lo faithfully strive to secure the liisjhest prices possible for era in, free of clnirxc. except storage. We promise not to enter into any combination to keep down prices. Arrangements have been made for iu snritifr lain. and for securing advances on rain delivered and insured. 1. J1A.NHFIELU, See. . M. H. Pies. augG"80ii3 Phil. Cohen Has removed his stock of foods to the brick lately occupied by tho ; G-rangG Union Store, Corner Waslilugtou and Flrat Streets, where he will be pleased to tneet old aud new 12 customers. ii .Albany, July 30, IsssO. ST02l.iE : Albany City 2ills! THESE MILLS WILL PAY Four Cents Per Bushel, In mill foei'-Unm or Shorts-over an l a'wvc the market price, on jrood merchantable w heat sold t us or stored at our mills Call on us liefor' ina'Jint'VonniiTatiirKmrntK. TIMS. MoSTKITH A SONS. Albany, Or., July 30, ISiSU-vlinilml WHEAT THf: PROPHIETORS of the Magnolia Mills otter a Premium ot FOUR CENTS PER BUSHEL ft, in Mill Feed, over and above the niRrltet price for good, merchantable. WHEAT, cither sold to or stored wiih iheru this -astn. J. II. FOSTER & CO. Albany, July 30, 1S80. ALBANY (Migrate gastitttte, AllDtvuy, Oi-egon. The Second Term will open on Wednesday, Sept. 1st, ISSO. For particulars concerning the courses of study and the price of tuition, apply to Kev. KI.BEKT . COXOIT, Prrs. July 3(1, lSSOvlSnla Broauf ay Restaurant & Confectionery, No. 67 First St., between Pine and Ouk, , IPox'thvnci, Oit;gon, lUMPTOS WEED, PKiirniETOR. MEALS AT ALL HOURS, including lieerand acinar. 2-c. Balls and part ice supplied with ice cream, cake, oysters, etc., on short notice and liberal terras. OF FARF. L Oat meal mush and.. Broil'd or trleii ham. 10 uillk J0i do Corn meal do.. Reef steak Rib steak Sirloin steak... . . lo do do liver. . !0 ..lo!tewc(l tripe.-- 10 ..ViS;ewed kidney 10 .. !4 Broiled kidney 10 ..'2s!2 earm. broiled. fried. Tenderloin steak. Porterliouse steak. ...Sl poached oromelette 10 ramilvdo do cin Kacti additional egg. a tiish st'wd mushrins.lVMackerel, broiled ID Mutton chop, plain or IMackerel, boiled "0 breaded lOiCodflsh. stewed 10 Veal cutlets...... lo Fresh tlsb. In season. 10 Pork chops tOiCollce. tea.chocolate. Broiled or fi-tod tripe, 10j or (lass niilk, each. Fried biuins 101 with cokes 10 Sausascs lOi Additional plate of Livcrtnd tiactm loj bitad or butter S Hot cakes W1 TWESTT-F1YE CJtBT SltAl. Beef steak, any style, with a sfcle dishea, cofflc, tea, cfiocolHtc milk or iiecr cts. Iloast meats, -wlih three side dlshes.and coffee, tea, choeolate, miltor beer 25 cts. Ham and rs, any style, with three side dishes, and coffee, tea, chocolate, milk or boer 23 cts Veal cullcts, any style, with 8 side dishes and coffee, tea, chocolate, milk or beer. 25 eta. Mutton chops, with threestdudlshe,and coiree, tea, chof ilate.. milk or beer 25 cts. Fverv adUtloi:al dish will bo chatpred at Ihc (above rules. nl 1 l-'iiil LEGAL. L.' FLl.XN. G. K. CDAMlIEItl.AIK. Attorneys at Tn,-v, iiuuxr, .- . ' OKJTaoy. OFFICE-In Foster's now brick bloeb'. flrst' door to the lett, up stairs. . . vllnia 1 .. J. C. TOWKLL, '- , VT. E. BU.YKI'. FO WEL L JUL YSU 1 Attorneys at Law and Solicitor in Cliancery. Albany, - Okegos. v c OLLECTIOXS promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Oftiee in Foster's new block. . nlivll JT. It. WGATIIERFOKD, (xotakv Pfm.rc.1 . Attorney at Law, ALBANY,1 ' OREGON. riLL PRACTICE TX THE DIFFERENT T courts of the Stato. - Special attention giv en to collodions and probate uiattcrj. Okhce 1 u Otld Fellows' Temple. . Ii47vl0 It. It. X. BLACKBIK.V, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALKAXT, ,5 : OBHWX. PROMPT ATTESTIOX OIVEX TO AU; f ' . ' 1 , JCB-UrMlIKKV. c. K. WOI.YERTON. Ilinnphrey & lVolvt rlon, Attornoa anl Counselor nt lnir. WI J- L PRACEIf.'K IV ALL THE COURTS of thlsstate. Offick in Froiuun'a brick :' (iipstuirs) Albany, Oregon. Ilnl9 ' L. M. MOXTAXIE. -Attoiney at Law, ALUAXY, OREiiOX. OFFICK Up stairs, oyer John BrWs' sloro. on i irst st reel. vllnlo , C. H. HEWITT, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Office, Old JPb (0toc Building, Albnnj, Oregm. WILL PRACTICE iu the dim-rent Courts ot tneSUUo. Yl 11132 MEDICAL. DR. II. J. ..CHURCHILL, . lloinceopatltiej Physician and Koreeou, OFFICK-In MeIIwalns brick, Albany. Otrii. Chronic diseoKs a Specialty. Can be loimd at my office at all hours of the day or night, w hen not professionally absent. vlinJS JT. SURMAX, 3W. !., 1src:EioK to de. kbbvkk.i OFFICE AX'I) KF.51I1KXCK - On Second St., near Albany KiiKine Co. No. One's eiiKino house. Albany, Or., Jan. 0, 1830-TlinI.-, B. as. ;M. D., riiysiriau and Scirgcoii, Fiomaiis's Urick, up stairs. First Htrcet, Albany, Oregon. vlinIO '. C Si.EIt.Y, 35. Oi, PHYSIGIAH & SUPwCtZ-OIT. OF PICK IN MrlLWAIN'S BRICK BT.Mf'K. . Residence one door north oi broom lacto ry, Lyo" street. llvU .1 1'XII S 1 WUITIO, ARTIST,. Fresco, Sign. Scene, XMotoi-ial Xaintiisg-.- DF.MOMNC, A SPECIALTY. Rooiut, fi and 7. Parrish bliK'k. corner First and Ferr streeis, Allmny, Oiv. I- "(, 'LAKIC,'..;. KCressot; TO J:; I. WT.VTT,'- ' , dealer1 . )nr- " ; II cavy and Shelf II ard arc, Iron. Jiilcel nnd M' cfiir.teM Toots, -First door east of S. K. lonnar, ALBAXY, . '" (ylln9: 4 OKKUOZf. GARBLE A5I STXE WORKS. F. "WOOD & CO., MHiiufacturcrs of MONUMENTS! Head Stones, " 'IablelM, : Cemefery Ashler A: Tilo for "Walks, Basoa fo? Garden Fcuatsins, and all kinds of work done in Rione. As we srot our marble direct from the quar. ries. and have it selected with earn, wt can sure customers tho Tiie Bsst Materials and Lowest Prices. Orlcrsfrom any part of tbo State promptly attended to. - eyAU work warranted as represented. liiir'hop and Works on coi ner of tSecoiid and Kllsworth streets, Albany, Oreson. HU,iD & 'o. March 16. 18S0-vl2n56 f C a week in your own town. S5 Outfit JSJjO fr-e. No risk. Render, if you want a M business at which persona of either Ha can make preat lay all the lime they work, write fat particulars to II. & Co., Portland, Maine. - 4-2-13 JOB PRIUTING! Neatly executed at this office. 1 CNSOv PLASTER. PontmlgtJtBat. The mS-t torn mtrardtd ttut Ikinhrnt andmilrt medal pircn ruUxr platim, tU bath tkeCentmmial end Part's Exmiilimu. Widely and ptooraUp hicn ii amririft pkguicfant am a grrt tm provemaUmtA ordinarf jxinmt plaMrr. Aik tmjf iihynoian in ymtr nn lotytlitif alrmt it. Thevaltw " lilo qnnlities of the common porons plnster are In this article increased 10 fold by naa and sHrottfio medication. It relieves abiKwt at once and cores where other plasters fail even to relieve. It I without donbt the beet remedy orer devised for Lame nod Weak Bark, Rheumatism, Spinal and KidorTComplaintsnnd all local achws andpaina. A void imtntlf,i,.8old hr all Tnu:(rils,l,ric 6el Sr aucev Jt Jon.Nso- ai I'iatt hi., H. Xn Propra fell i -I ft . 4 ( 1 li. i