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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1875)
! TT r : 1 .""Sk. :-.-:;-r I Le : , , L , I : .rr--:.&I - L. I - - ' ..if- BlJStJtKSS CARDS. S AMUEli E. YOUNG, Wbolemlo and ftotiill IHjalcr iu EST GOODS,';.; : " FiMTHlH0;;,.,;: chcceries, r:i'-;xj-:i- tSOTS '& TIIEESHEBS, QEAPERS&tlOVERS, VAC0:.'3, PLOWS, SEED CHILLS, CH0A2SAST SEED , soWERSrETC. Here' 1 the Place !; C3 3SC Clauottton Xkw raoetTed and 1 offering for aale a wU eUx- tEHERAL MERCHANDISE I Which b&-is dartormiiusd to sell V" i AT, THE LOWEST PRICES ! ' ' for-' ,:T;. , . Gash, or SertotaMe TroaiicB ! Please give me call, and esamiM ' - l Goods ' and, Irices. - - H-tM. 'LAVUIITOW. t ' ' - S. 7 CO. '.fTtkoW AXD ArTKJt HATE, UNTII. FUK- J- titer bmk, Ireigoi mint . . POItTI to 03 S DOLLAE. PER T0.! in nrn rreisrht will bo delivered at rOKT UNUoc ASXOKLV Free or Drayae ami Wuarfuge, At tzeduced nates. Boala vlll leave AlBAXT fnt COUVAI.L1S or very For fiirtber imrticnlaps apply to . - BEM U Jc AtUXTF-TTII, Albany, Xov. d, T-tt AKM ATTENTION. PARKER & JIIORRIS IT.o Elevator! I SOW KKADT FOR TBTE BECKPTIOX mt wheat and oativ. We enll tlie attenthm or tensers to the fact that we have erected the 11 acmt warehouse in the Stalest a Uinre expense. av4aretn position to hsndle KattontctorUy an iMtnense quantity of gmin. our house has a capacity for tC3,CC3' bushels of Wheat ! f nn. Mirits.nna istorated on t he marsh, of tlte Wltlansetle Ktvx-r. andjvi'led witliasidetrack from the 1. C. K- K.. so tlmt shipments may b. msyle dally by raii,nnd us often liy water as boating fltcJUtlcK "oir.-r. We have 1 wo lance j tkM tans, in addition to ot her fans, attached to the booMO. mu by water power, and arc. thus prepared to 'oXi-aa- 20- Uthe wheat reoelted.- Vim take in and rtean MecMHMheis per day. n-aned wheat is worth nToen taore rn all fWelijn nwirltets than ft ml wht. and none slxmld lw shimed withnnt M' -fevat, and four cen ts on oata. We'havo ' IXTy: ;TIIO'C:SA!l: -'..SACKS- .'4- to fnmtsh those storing wht with na, free to those ti-ci wheat we purchase, and at the owes ea 1 price I those who sell their wheat (mm r HUM to other buyers. Persons stor Sa n are atlilKrty toselt U whoin they plBase- Tlin who nwide on tiu wejt aide of tZi n ww a,and exi i-tn be able to t ! w i rooM P""-.- arln pre iZraa ourx j i do hirae hunexa, we hope focovr !saw f tS.rhlus iironifQ . , r. nuunis. ; : . ' Albany, OreKO.. 47tSal)-M uss fiXsrfcer Shop. a.ur J..SixUuiiSc ihacitlaensof AUjay and friends m tn sf..-r lrt rttowj Je 1 n dtnll inas.ii"! next "r"' T,"JJ ESTBV 'oBrtAJIHI )M ATTHII M.B. PAK. n . v.t theinosttiivorabhs terms T w k . . k f t. iAK V x--nTrtnonB-ejl the beat by t J '-' !P'- Jodsre. list; by any o?-f nntrli vott ve seen and J twsilUi'Ji laairnisttAKk a. tfMw-i. - IxrOSTaJiT. Eadocwad by th . Kedioal yrofoMioR.', P. Win. If Att-'S BALSAM for Oie lungs aoure Coagta, tot;U and GoMamptloa, - and all 6lrwv pf tbeTbroat end Clieat,. D.. TOWXSLEVS TOOTUAWtS AXOWTSB oares la one J0ATTJ3- ? yg KAX.EI . . , m7" l" rnr.'vl 't! oArd of elwu Uvea, ? i 7rt i ui ,. ta. and hay - - ,'Ts. - " . , i " to enuK rola s"-H- fci,';,.. ,.,, 'm .,sl .Plndiy. ifMo i'al ,k!sl UthKlU-, v7 ccc.?-s-;.r.3ll!fcAiUu,Jr0ri BUSINESS CARDS- St. Charles Hotel, orntr Wwhint ou and "irt Sts ALBANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. ! . , . ITctnsn nctrlV frhs4icl tllfonjrttont. The bout the urkt afford always on tlie table. . Free t'wch . . from b Hmm . Exchange Hotel, Corner First and Washington streets, ; ALB AXY, OliEftOV, J. II. Backcnsto, Proprietor. fndrr the new nuntaireinenf. tli ttopalar Hotel ha leen refitted ami retamismMl. and now olter the travelinsr public Ihe best aeeoMi- iuxla: ions mi t ne moat rciuonale lenni. Free coach to and from the House. 33-7 Lebanon 3Iail and Stage IIite, W. B. BOXACA, Prop'r. A f AIT. DATS Monday, Wednesday and Fri- 0. P. S. PLiMMER, M. D., -DEALCB IX- DRl'tW, . iLEDICIXES, itjif I'M :ri es, CIUARM. IOKAtXX, ; BOOKS AND STATIONERY. . A fall stock of Trasses and farcical appliances. 7 Raising ami moving Buildings. WE THE rSHKH;XEI BKfi UAVKIO annoHnoe to ttw citiienx of Aliwnj- and mimnin-liiii; country that. lia1nwppJled onr elves with the neeeosary niachiitery for rais ing and renovtnjr tMilldinsrs. wearcreadyHt all tiniM to vrceive oruVra for such work, which we wtil do in short order at lowest rates. We (CUhituiWu cntitv Hatteatclitm iti nil work under taken by iih. 1 Orders left at. th Rkuisticji office promptly attentea H. APP'y to. . , BAST. ALLEX CO Ahiany, Or April 23. 1S73-- v7 DRUNK & MAY, Manwfect urers at BOOTS &, SHOES, AUUST, OKEUOX. ORIKRP SOfJOTEn, AXD ALT. WORK iritnniniwl. Ijenve j our arders nf their shop in the old Foster bnilding, ou First street, bcvr A. Ca rol hers &. Co. - . SJv7 C. HARPER & CO., . - , Dealers in ST C3-0 O 33 53 - (lothisur, Ilooto and Kboea, Hat) rore rlea, Fsarj timsbi ottonM, HliotjctiM and Piatobi, Nnils, Itoie, .ffirrora, Wall paper, Wood and 'Wlllowr Ware, Trunks and Yalfetvs, Joeliet Cntlery, Ar Ae., SSold very low either for cash, or to prompt pay n33 in customers on time. : v A CARD. An. BKLI. PARKER. Inte or Oregon City, liejr leave to inform the public, that they 1m ve pnrclaed the entire stock ol drnsjs. nied iciiies Ac. formerlyownedby R. C Hill Son, and that they desien continuine the business at the old stand, where they pnrpose keeping in the f urure a full uortmcnt of Drugs, , , .s. u, --.-. f Clieiuiada, ,- J Toilet Article, ' Perfumery., and everything uenally found in a first-class dnur store. t While earnestly soltcitinar a enmtinnance of the liberal pntronojte heretofore extonfled to the old hnnsc, we hope at the SHine time, by fsir and lilieral dcalintt, and careful attention to the wants of customers, to merit the esteem of any 3t kw friends who may favor n with their or ders. - . '' r Part Icular at 1 entlon will be irl ven ,to the com ponndintr of pivsician prescript ions and fam ily recipes, at all hours or the dnyor tile lit. A. H. BMX ft FABUDK. . . SnccesMors to K. C HiLI. Sox. " Albany, October U, 74-ii4lf . ... , STOVES I ' STOVES I . From this dais nntil fort her notice, I will sell a - -: choice soEcnot'or Stoves & .Ranges J puaips, hose, etc: C. H. VcFAKJLAXD. : Albany, Peo. 18, 18T4-1S mot . LOOK TO yC'w'H INTERESTS I Old Btspen, M.arcra and Tbjrcabera . Bepoired and made almost &s good as new " 1 EIEBK13LI, & PirXSATX'. ', CJC17 MACHUIE CHOP , 75 new prepared to do all kind of . ' Wd 'fwrntras, Sawtair ' :. Also, any Ironwork and general Blaelonaith insr the trailo may demand. a- ; . Fencing FJckeia will ho kept on hand st all tiwe.... -,:u. . TTnW . Eaiae Interests. 1 jLwr or I.tTTEHS Remaitiin? In the Albsnv Postoffiec. May ihd, 1m5. Persona ealltnfrfov these ktersmas give the date on which they were advertised! AkkerhiknHenfy gtuvehs, J. H; ivnno. m. ... i iiomuson, ni. tcJifnnaii,.iTS H. . Tboniiwon, l. , i . p. u.Ramoxd, f. at. itOTKI. AKSIVAIX For the week ending Mny 5th I 'axcbxcax f.xcnAKt-.fe. A nrti 4a. ' Vi S nittonttuv. Ojmcty V f Reynolds, t'thpua J W iliatb. Junction A Mitchell, city V Williams. Kosebtuw I ILisels. Pawnee city R tulth. 8F Nebraska A Murmv. Iowa . W S Woodcock. Corvls V Robinson. KY . J B Lee, Corvallis. WWarkiccity Altss P t;iaric,8nluut JArhiatrona-. inrtlantt Miss V, Harris, Corvals J Wheeler, Lowell Mas II Foder.SF 6 Williams, Portland J i Moore, Steamer F, . Jlaiue Patton v Maj-8, . Miss o Mills, Oren cy EH McCoy. SF U Robinson, city "W IHao,TTaanIa -A V iters, Peoria - A J H Beck, 1 aqntna J R Pa-sa. Peoria ' . It Mtnsnn, Corvallis ; . A Moore, Portland " 7 1 Cordaab, Crvallhl , R Ilalid, Portland , i Finer, Corvallia T O-Neil. Portland K S Parker, city B Kennev, Porllaud J A W Moore, city JIUson. .SF 1 MJons.cily H F Snhpxive, Indea- A n Perhnni, Corvallia aapoiis. Msi v 3- Aprlia. 1 53 " JWormet, Portland 0 S Patterson. ?rn fy M Blake, county MrsLexan, Oorvallis ti W Houck. A wife J Miller. Hostnn Mass J L Hill A wife, city J F Fletcher. Jefferson H O Hunter, iCreswcll A T Smith. Portland ti Patterson, Saieui II C Hunter. Cresweil , J Mcllermatt, Harsh" S Perkins, ITmpqiuv H C Brvaat, Vuiuixjua F Williams, Roseburg J Perkins, Umpqua 1 M Jones, City J A Xickolaoa, Mlsouri J Bern-. Count rv I Hazels, Harrisburg R Fnirchiids, Sp. T Flasity, Portland R F Forcn. Lebanon A Minns. Arownsville C H Friendly. Portland J M Harrison, Saletu J C Head. Scio J T Cooper. Monmouth J M How wf, X d'jfhter Weller, city Aori ,-" J Roller, AVoodland d Anderson, citv J H Rnllev. Indiana W II .Incrncr, city P S KynstonJ California K H W bit-k, Portland T Timrason, Portland W S Blakev, Detroit W 11 Queener, city May 1. L Cbcascr, leiuion C Bogardtts, city E R Oaies, Corv allis ' April 48. ' JoeFbilavtTorralll C Wilson, Tanm-nt O A Brown, Stilem 8 W Morttan. Mo ; T O Howard, Portland E Barnes. Primeville L O Ralston, Albanv WSStrontr. Portland ii IJ Patterson Walla E R Ritlireway. Lebnon Wslln W H Bnwikii', Ysijninw J Wheeler. Albany H W Snow, Yaiinma t:ilnmpbrev, eitv P R Clnrk. Portland R I. Creed, Lebanon J H Norton, F Mrs L Carter Lebanon C Inrudlelianm. Portld W R Hall. Harrtsltursr J Williams. Portland .1 T. Cowan, Lebanon. J Hndson. Lebanon C Henline, Sublimity J T Hnrnev. Oswevo J C Phiillps. Snblimttv E Mnoris. Snbliuilty 1 F t "resswwll, East OA Brown, isalem Portland 1 II A Join-s Waltic Rnch C F Mitchell, Wyoming T K Conlcv. E Portlnd Territorr i T R Sstwyer. E Portlnd E Baker. Wyoming T. II Foster, E Portktnd J 'Williams. Lank city April 20. Wisconsin I JR Wellii.trton, Polkco A W Hcnt, Pelk county AV Smith, Polk county J M Sawyer. Hsrisbarg ,1 It Irvine, Scio .1 Jones, X Yi . AV R Itenrlmrn. Portrd C Smith. N Yt .1 If Tenipleman, Scio A S Hall, Hortland W Tncker. Scio i May i. L O Ralston. Albany T. Ma-fin. city J Kknucht, Harrisburg J R Willintns, Tansrent J Teal, l'ort luiit L T Hcnedy. Iibnnon A Rent, Polk conntv T E Conlev, K Portland L R livcnport, Portld O Hniiarti city L Hyman, S V L S Backns, citv Arcioslermnu, Salem L R Winter. Htv S Farrar, Sulcm T P Shinlev. eitv H A Jones, Wlare Rnch W L Johnson. Vn Cy S T Williams, Murion L T Haskins. Vn Cy April 30. J MUamisoni Salem E Baker. OorvalMs i MayS. J Collins. Corvnllis E R Calls. Corvnlli Miss K Cax-es. Tnnicent W R ImrvUarJSilvcrtrm Miss L A AYiiiiaius, W M Pituiaui. torva'is Tangent J Harris. Cn-vnllts A Murray, Salem J L Meek. HHshoro A Philips. Cornelius J E Bnndv. Hillslioro S Kirch, l'ortlanI V, Miller, Portland C W Farlev Portland M Mitchelli Portland E W Moore. Taugcut B H Alien, llAlaey A th-r. citv CBim-, Halsev I Willliollun, Oreleans n M tonaca,.I.bnnn Precimrt W Wrenn. t'ormlris L W Cailwell, Oregon J ACampltell.Ietrerson city Mrs L Carters Lebanon Fti AValne. Portland C B fallnn, Peoria J Cootello, French I'rie Mrs II Bvland. Ib'tion J Ross, HaiTisbnrg C F Mitchell, WvoTery ' MrsMiller, Eugenecitv E N Tndv, Hnrrlsb'g AV H Cornelius, Corvlls K it IninVv, Portland t" If McClain, Corvallia L W Smith, Rosebnrg II J Rtzeor, Corv allis Ay E Strnnckj Iavtn J Boles, Corvallis W Castings, country A Kicor, Corvallia Miller, connty J AA'asson, U'lwmm J Bryant, Albany J Coiiistock, Couisi'cks j Msy t. Mills. ; J L Johnson.! Iebanon L o Ralston. All any -! W Mnnrot?, Portland B AV IJonaca, Lelianon AV J Rizeor, 1or-allis H Oinwiddie. Browsvie W H Cornelius, Cordis J Burcaw, citv J Bales, Cor"nllls T T .ay, Brownsville C H MoCtein. Corvallis O T Fubell, liallas A Rim-, Corvallia J T AValdo. Knllns - H B Miller, ft P A Smith, BuenavlBfa "3 AVilliams, Harrishnrg C Williams, Albany W S strong. Tangent W T Franklin, iiuena J RWlirnway, Lelmnon A'ista AV IHmaca. Iebnnon MT 1. AV V Clementa. 8 Home J Hanson. MVn Ciry es Smith, covntrv T L Brown; Tangent R O Fnvhes, Harriabnrg M Hurst. Corvnllis K U tieary, Eugene Cy L Offin, Corvallis i 7- ! Cosjpllmextarv. We fiiitl the following well bestowed compliment npoi our lute fellow citizen, Dr. Geary, in the Eugene City Journal of last, week : '"Rev. Dr. Geary lutving accepted the call of the Pres byterian Church of Eugeue, enters upon his labors with many tokens of success and appreciation. Tlte citizens of Eugene aixi vicinity have reason to congratulate -themselves in securing the services of so able a man ami one so well known for his at tractive and superior qualities ot mint! and heart.. The Dr. is no narrow minded sec tarian and every church in the place will find iu liira 4 co-operative fiiend, and all moral institutions and iuterests will find In him a strengthening power.1' J " Officers Jxsta llkd.-t-R. Fox,' D., installed officers of Western Star Lodge, No. 10, 1.O.G.T on Tuesday evening last, as follows: WCT. J. Liggett; BUS, Lizsie Martin; LIIS, Ida Dawson; "WVT, Llssa Williams.; WS, A. N. Arnold; WAS, Una Ridotit; WFS, F. M. Wadsworth; LD, A. B. Morris;' WM, B. F. Purdom; WDM, Sarah Dawscn; WC Rev. I. Wilson; WIG, Ella Eldoulr WOG, E. Cheadle; PWCT, W. L. Smith. - ' Good Templars. The following named persona were Installed as officers of Tangent Banner Lodge Xo. 200, on Saturday eveu lng last; WCT, C, P. Davis; WVT, Laura King; WS, M. Powell; "WAS, Ella Luper; WS"S, Wm; Wheelerj WT, John Luper; WM, Geo. Gurnes; WDM, J. Beard; WES, Arzu Jordan; ' WLS, . Alice Kibllnger, PWCT. E.' B. McClure; ' WlGr Geo, Crook; WOO, Sam Jordan. - . . Pbteb's Parlor Music For May, Is a superb number, filled with choice rriuslc Cor the piano. Published by J. I Peters, New York, at $4 per year. . : ,' , .Birttcr is scarce in :he Olympia market, and almost the only sweet article to be had comes from California, and readily brings 40 cccU per pound. ' ' ' ALBANY? OEEaON; MAY 7 Kgg5 ISC. - Oats 50c Butter 23C. t , " Wheat 73c Therala tell lu torrents yestertlay, ; Col.15 Joe. .Meek wasta lecture at the Colirt llotise last night, fKe. C. B, Montague) of Lebanon, called on ns Wednesday The Corvallis fire boys gives ball hi that city Uils evening. Some of die little folks in Lebanon know what it is to have the mumps. - : t. See premium list of Linn Connty Agri cultural Society lot 187S In this issue. f Our supply of material has not arrived, but we are expecting it every day. f 1 J -. Wc liear every now and then of a case of measelstu the city orHtirjr adjacent. Col. Joe Meek lectured "at tlie Court Hotise on TueacJay night-. ;; Miss Clarke, of S;iletnr visited frieods in thl city on Tuesday. , ; ; Harrisburg "is still . ahead- .She. now claims a child with six toes on each foot. ' As Dr.' Lister, sells ibr cash only, he can afford to sell lower tliau anybody. . ' Fred. McCor is finishing up a neat two story dwelling en the southeast comer- of bis lot on Fifth tl Baker streets.' - The skating rink runs fuil all the time, and is a regular gold mine to the proprie tor. - Y.'.i ' There are ow.: nine lodges of Good Templars in Linn county, all with large Hiembersliips. " . Col. Meek was over at Scio last week and enjoyed the hospitality for which its citizens are so felebratecl. T ; ,i , Ottr eld friend Albert Bales returned n-mn California last week on the steamer AJax. He says Oregon Is the place. X ,; A magnificent orsan at Rev. 3fn Wil son's, for sale cheap. A ' Hue -piano, also, can be obtained at low figures at the same place. " ' ' . Dr. Lister cant write, and therefore can't keep books ; but you'd better guess he'll treat you squarely and honestly. Call and see. Mr. A. B. Morris last week received a fine Berkshire sow, pure blood, one of a lot recently Imported by S. G. Reed Its a beauty. ". , After the mo.ning services next Sunday at tlie M. E. Church, the ordinance of baptism will be administered by immer sion to several who prefer that mode. " Mrs. John Barrows and her daughter were pasaeugers ou tlie last steamer from Frisco to Portland, arriving In this city ou Saturday. ' I'.pn. Aici- arianu at last accounts, was on the eve of departure front Waltsbur W. T., to California. , We fear Eph miss ed it when lie left Webfbot. ; A grand May ball is to be given at Cri- der's hall, Dallas, on tlie evening of Thurs day, the 13th inst.. to which we have re- -ceived an iutite. S. C. -Stiles cets up the muck-A-mttuk. , Tlie boat from Saieui with toe firemen of that ciry en mnle for Corvallis, was expect ed to reach this city about midnight last evening, when refreshments would be ' fur nished them by Albany Onesters. Charley Hogue, of Shedd, last Saturday brought into our sanctum something he called one of Thompson's , rooster's eggs. It is in sliape something like a homed toad, with a long tail like a comet. ; Ifs the funniest looking egg, yon bet. There are thirteen hundred acres of good land, in tlie vicinity of Ilalsey, for sale at an average of $27 50 per acre. Parties desiring to buy farms can purchase iu 80 acre tracts. ....... . Mr. C.-Gray, Presfclent of tlie Ilalsey Farmers Union, called on Monday. Mr. Gray is the most efficient and tlioronghly successful President the Company ever had. ,f,v fK 'z'ix Mr. E. B. Purdom , will put a neat frame around ' your, clirotuos, engravings, etc, for very little money aud there is nothing that adds so much to the attract iveness of home as beautifiil pictures on the walls. Call aud see bis specimens. - ; The steamer Ajcat was met by a fearful storm on her way up last week, and was compelled to run into Porf Orford, ' where she lay fi fry-six hours before It was deem ed safe to proceed ou her journey to Port land. Ob for a railroad. ' The chapel of Albany Collegiate Insti tute was crowded on Thursday evening of last week, April 20th, the oocasslon of the annual commencement of that Institution. The graduates were Miss.' 3L Alexander, daughter of. Dr. W. F. Alexander, and Messrs. J. T. Tate and C. 'P. Davis, upon whom avus conferred the degree of A. B. - We understand that a large number of persons have been engaged, for some weeks past iu prospecting the bars of the Sattti- am for placer diggings, some ot .whom re port having found flattering prospects, We shall be disappointed if several. lively mining camps are not in operation . along the Sautiam during the summer. - a. : Joe Webber being eternltied1 to keep up with the spirit ot the times, the first of the week enlarged and entirely overnauieu bis barber shop on First street,' bet weeu Ferry and "Broadalbin. It 1a now about rwrlen as larra as fortaerlv. and of course mucli more convenient and roomy." Every thing being kept neat and orderly, makes Joe's shop very attractive. . i -: iifn.w la 'rerafirkablv "scarce here abouts, and it dcei out eyes good when a thoughtM subscr.L-cr comes la and "plauks " tfw coin - AVb are oven to inflic tions of this kind," end invite as many can make it ooim -.Sent, to "come and see as. ; We're an orphinj; aud treed coiii- 1875. Tom Hughes, well known in tliis county. a brother of Uncle Geo. Hughes, . We learn is at present a resident of Nevada. ' ? ' One of the great needs tu this, county is good road winter roads roads which can be traveled winter and summer, and over which loaded teams may' pass with iinptuv ity or grain either, t We- propose -to go after this matter hereafter. Mr. AV'aters, a member of the editorial fraternity from Nebraska, called a' mo ment on Tuesday motuing, accom pa nied by our old friend Doc. McCnliy.. This, is M r. W;s second visit to Oregon, Jils first visit having been made In 1852.,, ... i ,;; Dr. J. I. Tate and family took yester day's train for Portland, where hey will take the ocean steamer for Frisco, and from thence to file Eastern States by rail. They will be absent several uonUi.Bort voyage. - rr !: 't-' --t . '.. The find; of. the' week four menengtged irt nmnlng logs In the Santlam at Waterloo, were thrown into the water, and badanar row escape from drowning. Happily they escaped, with only slight bruises and wet skins. ,.A. Carotltors & Co.. received an order fortlieircelebratetl PilePHls; frtmt yPenn ylvania, on Wednesday. These pills have a reputation Second to no other remedy in the cure of this ' troublesome and painful disease. A tin wlding is what's the matter, and tiu iuvitation cards have heen circulating lively the last few days. Somebody's folks' will have tin ware to dispose of soon, if we are to judge by tlie orders at the tin- shops ':-':v;; :;..v.v;:;, x:'' A. L. Stiuson is putting tlie sock factory at Jpfferson in order, adding improvements which will increase tlie amount of work hereafter turned out. Tlie name has been changed from Beaver Hosiery Company to Pioneer Hosiery Company - '. Tlie " spell" which was to have-come off Tuesday evening at" the Congregationaf church, was: postponed on account of tlie lecture given by Col.. Joe Meek on that evening at the -Court House. Tlie spell will come off next Frklay evening, May 14th. at the Congregational church, when the chief spell ist will get away with that big dictionary. ' ' " " " T : ; .. V . Last Week a lady of this city undertook to hasten the movements of her husband ty administering a hearty kick. : Tt did hurry " hubby'; some, but the lady was the most, severely hurt of the two. as she was so lame for several days that she had to be assisted in walking. Moral Beware how you attempt to kick cho "bead of the family.", " - r ' AV. T. Coon aud family arrived on -tlie last steamer " front San Francisco. ? Mr. Coon owns a fine farm near Peoria in this county. He left here for the States, nine or ten years ago. a bachelor, vowing lie wotdd not return until he obtained A wife. He has religiously kept his vow, returning with a wife and five ehifdren. We wel come him back to his Webfbot home."' : Tlie fine school building near Mr.' A. G, Marshall's, in this county, was burned to the ground about 11 o'clock last Sunday night. Tlie re had been no fire in or about the premises during the day, and it is sup posed to be the work of at. , iuceudiary, The books and everything iu the building were destroyed. , . . Geo. Weller's counter, built by. Mart. Brigham, is perhaps as neat . a piece of workmanship as is to be seen in the State. It is fourteen feet In length andtweiifjyi three inches iu width, tlie top being Im ported black Avalnut bordered by oak. with mouldings of oak, and ash base. Jerry Winter did the painting; and lt'ia a little the neatest job in the1 way of 'polish and discrimination in colors., we ve seen. It is certainly a commendable job of work all through., ;. '' ' : . The '-clothesline thieves have reached this city, we are sorry to say. On , Mon day night somebody went to the residence of Wrii, Gird, during his absence, ori cor ner of Second and Broadalbin streets, and entering the yard, robbed tlie clothes Hue of its entire contents, a large days wash ing, except a v few small . articles such ,aj stockings, which were scattered over the yard, as ii the thief was in a hurry. : Tlie theft must have occurred about ten .o'clock at night.; ;; J - ' '-. ". A party of gentlemen went from Olym pia last week to the newly discovered coal fields on the headwaters ot the Fuyallup, andou last Thnrsday returned, after an absence of a week, sunbrowned and tired with a rough trip They bring back some very fine specimens ot coal, some bltunw inous, and others that according to every test yet made of them give evidence of be ing anthracite. ! ; -?: ; - It is "not known how many acres of new hops have beeu put in this year iu Tacoma Valley, is known that all the roots have been planted which could be obtain ed. Laborers have been scarce.' and $35 and $45 a month "have been the' ruling rates ot wages. - New dwellings,, drying houses, warehouse, barns, fences, &Cn use up the lumber unite as fust as the ; two sawmills can' cat it Oner of the' mills Is running both night and day. Ten cents a pound are now offered for hops on the poles, the buyers doing their owu cuttinj i A grand picnic will come off at Lebanon, in the interest Of the Sunday Schools, on Friday, May 21st. Rev. W. R, Bishop will deliver the address,' which is & aufiideut guarantee that It will bo high tipi ' :The brass band will be in attendance, ' and a good time may be i expected, as our Lebanon people are as whotesouled and jolly a set as are to be found on this green earth. A ceneral luvitation is extended to all to participate.'"; .-' .''. '.. i 1 it'. A large delegation of proiaiitait gssn tie- men from Lebanon at id the Fork visiter this city ou ' Wednesday; nnahmg until the: following day. They camerfM inter view the County Court In l ie tiatter of buikling bridge - across the Ssatiam at Lebanon. e. Tlie whole conutrr about Leba non and the Forks are alive totlieqnestioa of the erection of tlie britUreu-Ietiundiug it as a. right. As the neonle nirnishr the money for, bridge buikling ant) all other county; wtirk.,, whenever- their, reasonable wishes are properly piade known k the county autlioritie, tbey should at eaee be granted, as said officers are only the ser vants of . tlie people, and were .pbtued la office to tatrry out tlie behests of their uuts- ters. , We are pleased to know that the course of tlie Regltxr in thia matter has taet with fUUest Approbation of the people, as it has persUteuUy and upooaU occasions, insisted upon the--absolute. eessity of a bridge across tin river at that point o .the coo veuieoce. f the resklenta hi that portion of the eouuty- nt . (. Bill Foreh 'was in town oa Wednesday. Most everybody knew Bill ras hi town. Bill Is the arch' hoodloon of the J Forks. Bill is; aud he dtirsnt deny it. BUf had a " patent clothespin," Bill did, and he was exhibiting his model ' for general fcv spection. After nearly the entire city had " seen (or rather felt) the point, we struck Bill on the corner. We were glad to Bill, of course ; and BUI was glad to see ui as we are assured from the1 tact that he at once turned over that ratted clothespin for pur inspection. ' We didn't told ' that new-fangleil patent mor'n twoj seconds till tlie , pint " - had - penetrated the 'index finger of our left hand to the fcone- We carefully handed that - patent back, Jtnd hereby , pronouBce 'Bill's patent a: grand hitiiibug-r howllng-fraod a nliserable sell-tr-and ii lie has or ever gets a patent on it, we propose to stump tlie Forks agin the blasted Patent Office fori granting, patent fbr ; so miserable, an; object. of per verted genius! If anybody gets sold on that dotbespiu after reading this, tltcn let 'eiU, that's all-i -. '...:. Yesterday morning tlie Comity Court granted the petition fbr a bridge- to - span tlie Santiam at Lebanon. Tlie county Is to pay half the expense of the erection of such bridse, provided that the counry will noi pay more than 5 $5,000 . for rttch prir pose; While the county Avill pay half the expense, -it requires that before work.1 commenced on tlie bridge, U subscribers to tlie bridge fund give sufficient tewrid ti secure the pay tnent of the other latlf. Xo one can grumble at this, as tlie petitioners lutve got all - -they asked, and our county officer's deserve cormnendatiou for their prompt action in the matter, i ' ' t-i Jno. Hurd went to Portland on Wcdne day. oh business connected with' the saw 'mill of nnrd & Co of this city. ' He says the new planer ordered vHll exceed Any thing in OregoW 'for quality and 'style-of work turned out ' The old original Oregon : phtneisVMr.1 J. B.r Coiriley, iwilf boss the newplaner.1 -"" -'': 1 vr " '" ' ,.-' i ..... - v . , ' s,. Rev. Dri E. It. Geary, now a resident of Eugene City, came down to this city on Tuesday's train, returning on Wednesday. Himself and family are pleased with their new home. ' V , ' - : its"-;:, : - A. Carothers & fto have .oId their splendid soda fountain to parties in Salem. Tliey propose, ,t however, . to have a new one in operation, of larger capacity, iu the course of a month... . ., ; Mrs. C. C EugMsh Is kept very .busy at tier new - millinery establishment on" First street, Her discriminating taste and clear judgment in tlie selection of Articles iu her line is generally, acknowledged Igf the ladies, who are loud in her praise, f ; 0 Messrs. Moutague& McCaliy, of Lebanon, are in receipt of a massive stock Of general nierchatMl'ise, among whicli are many nov elties that will be specially appreviated by the ladies. Call and preaaaiiue. ! ii -'-' Messrs; iCIenierit & Conmt,' of Grass Rklge, received the beltuut for their saw mill on the Santlam, the first of the week,' aud; tiiv mill wiB soon be snatching plank right from tlt& tree. ! ' ti '.', Dr Ev Of Smith" uifbmls f that air the tooth-pullers in the State : meet tu ' this city the; -first of next monthr "tjxik out for yeur molars.'1 " ;' - The roercliauts are having tlie dirt; from their places of business swept from, the sidewalk to the center of tlie street This is certaluly commendable- ..iU , jw The Sute repartment, was dosed too Monday, land no: business transacted, tta honor to the memory Of Geo. A Ja Dow, who died on the 1st lust '.Us .w ; ' The longest heels we ever aw on ! boots were attached to the pnir -worti by John Sch wtickliamer when- In this city on Fri day; Admiring trowds followed' John.' t Wo hear ot a family of hew. comers in this city who Are dreadful Ty afflicted with measles a chance for' the Ladies 'Aid Society.' :" " ' V: ' ! " ' ' Lpok oufe fbr'1tfart.-4.Brown.,,Ite,ii 'got possession of that patent elothespiufraatS, and is peddling "Tights to ciery fnan he ; Judge Ilaley and various, other Dem ocratic dlguitariesi ' ' poreliased" 'patent clothespins yesterday; ' Everybody ' buys am ; - Reuben Doty, of Daltasreports., having struck diggings ou the So o tiara where, he can get from 7 to 15 cents to the pan, a's going after those diggings." , The Social Club meets at our reside" cs next Friday- evenings All. are iuvliea .e-M-r-e-b-o-d-y. i 1 I aNO; SI- 1 .--rr Pft)C Wjrrreu started fur I be Hast yestisr.Lii day Prosperous gstes frWs. t . "Xateiy members of omr EvmEy Lave been; aCirlngwitS the tf-HlsC " ; ' " The erysipelas Es aronmf, and every noW "; and than, catcbaa sovteof, tfie boya, , fed t .iT Our paper, arrived yererday. , WC1 .brT-( all 0- K. next week, t, , , . .km , t The hops about MaddWare eomins up finely, and give' prospects of a large yield? Writing school states Triesdhy wninKyfl' frizes are to- be AWanh! asxTAlI 'are InS !& ylted to be present. ' Mrs. Browii, SLtrfa mo&er, we learn la, , Improving. The first of the week. she was AonSht tofedangejonsly OT; ' ' "f " Jlou. Geo. K. Helm is hirprovrngslpwlyw and I his physician ' thinks ho will inZ tftrongh allrfglst, ,h .vi i-reaao-'- The Salem; fireiTKir prr ,jup ihe ; riverM to CbrvaJUs yesterday, to help the Corvallis. 'i - boy celebrata toay , t -uJ'mm The threatened invasfnas of the Indians on Tuesday nig, tildil eotne Wr.-PeW naps (was coxrstortayi -r. nr. nnifi h See notice-of ffwtl jetfleneit In the estaTa ' of Alfred Allen, tTevtI.,-B. n. Allen, ''aS-""'' aainis&ator, on 4 th brtge Tlhls rssue. . . i !Theraiufn of tfas forepart of the weelfe ,1, " axm nxs ui luaummujtr vtuoe lO Uie It 11- iRmette'VaTley, msarlngfall crops. Launor L. Balfcp-d, sen of ex-Qov. 'Bat- lard, of Lebanon, wko ditw ou tbe4tUint.rr . sras buried at that placw yeertlay, .; vii,., - Te usual dull times arw upon- tv and war abide with ns for a few weeks Iot)ger,.ir ' dottoUeas. , ' ! .Father Kojal has been v?fy sfcfc tfttrins' tlie weet very near death's door lint wo' are glad to learn thtrt he is unprovlng at ' " " Uiis writing. :r-Jvn.:-!v i .1 uts s The subscriptions &j aitTfe Santlam t bridge at Lebanon amounted to L0Q, Jt can easily .be increased to $5,000 should tlie . , .j, bridge'eost H0,00f', U-'Vj ' jArf F-Cherry is buHdlng a reskfenco-.,, v and ! office opposite-- bfefewud.-y. The " dweUItigwfll b lea ShtbraSftja-Btoorl andabalf Mgbufy U,u: i.ij-.itii.'tiiil 1 13 Mr. Alle Partef; wa fn;. Burlington, c i iow, on Wednesday, as his wS was la-, t ; formed by telegram received here on that- . .yj '.a-A'i . .1- "f.5r l;r.Tf inii . u -,ri v i . Tlie new style, lamp at A. Carotltera ot Co.' aUracts attention. , It requires ?.T,' chimney and therefore .Is a ooch cheaper , ,1. fight than others. Jt gives a earw steady ,r lightj and wl probacy, supersede other i,,, stylek.,,. 0 jjj,?',,- f-.-;; if.jt- tav4 - 1 1 ' , Miss Kate Jackson Jbaf .been' employed by toe ,,Sdjol , .Directors, r-ndj will nen'. -4.f school in the new Udldiug Oal'hird, .be. -tween RaUroad aut Motitjpinery ; streets,,' on MopAtay. flK desiri-iig to seiid their .ijSa children to a. most, excellent teacber, will take notice of this &t-.','--l'.--'- ';Gei-Wnyonngj,'E,-.8loan:haTe the. contract for the erection of a divellliig for John H. Cleian ou the; k weft ;f ;hls present , residence. iTbe ; tuam buUd!g , will ba 16x27, with mm 'il,18-c8a all., one ana MUWKrFriziW)' tSli.St. V.tft A JftFH a wa i BI.K " UrtHAl A ue t srocv i V land 'J?Ma4p. Jottrmd give tho-fbHewicg? .' accotnit of ,tl sticcessful reuioval of a 7i-r-a tumor by Drs. RaflVrty, Koottage ahdL. i F. Smith. Wedont know Who Miaa EHa i i n B - i " is, but here's the accotmtt-nvr s'mt A remarkable surgfcal operation; toteiw;j U esting to tlte general publiuaiid pltysiciana , alike, wits lately performed liv Dr. Itafiety, of East Fortlaud, assisted by Dr. Knotuge, ' of tlie Insane Asylum, mkI Dr. Is fiVSV. Smith, of the United States-army, sta tioned at -Vancouver. The .patient was ...:- llws Ella' B- of Albauy, and the ' cause of complaint coiisteted of an 'encf?tsd"f ' tumor emerghig from .the., Uioracie tavlty .,.5 just below the. inferior angle ot tuescapu!ah aiKl-containing liearly'a qlutrt of brown ' aerura Intermixed wkh pus, widen the ex.4 ploringiueedte revetdeu-prevloua to- ,tkt,?-!.-:-i PSJU. Jt ' J VV: !"-H.;-'f ttv tiunor oa Friday, the ' 23d 0y of Apnii -' The patient was placed fully wider the lo-r i ,1 flnetioe of anesthetius, ami tlie tumor care-;-fully Isolated from the Integument dQwit to , ' ' its exit fiW tlaftaotatJetVriy; Wftere;U was. very, ntuch ! cotMtrkrU, as lb iutaml I,-. through U rib6 ,, On severing it -at, Uasp.1 point the aii passed fully hi and put of tha " lnterual portion of tlie cyst. "Iti- the af. -' dressing-tha IwtMiodiWms adtuhed 4qr Jthaui.ata interruptive suture, and a camrwes applied f tightly over, the part from which the tumor "' was, r moved, wldch favored- Union by the first intrtttion.-'. Conaklnrahl' Swt 'was en it tertained. by the S'lrroona as. to ubsequenf rasolta.' On tlie thliu day after the ojera-"; . . tion there was littleinpiiyaaailavbtit iiuno1 1 u to causa any aerto dlikaitenee l On tha:; iV t utnlh tlay, lMrwever, tlie? ivowid (jlieal(rl hyr f fc file 'first iutebUoiik and 'tlie lady was tBs-tiiarged- from ' fortlier' treatment -alio' tlaner p;beded Irons .this ipera.tSon i delicate lu its nature . awd, remarkable la ir ti v . stwcesful petTormance," Was timt of a . col-. '' lapse ;of the , liuigs: 1 Umier the ' tdrcurii I" ' AT, xutuety prpt-eeiiea no remave stances wniat auunoea the opersuoo, , ble disturbanoa of the luigVid probaU the cofJapw loenaonetf,..;,.,- , r f, ..n,. v, young iiury, oi course, w vtry toua i hnr rimtMitatioria of i raiJUM) ! U - the " fn her nrotestationa of iratltote 40 - the doctor, and there is no doiibt sis bIjoiiIJ be-- v lier cure is unusuaL and waa-oue attended . . tvlth greatdanger.' Maiiyphysictaus wouVt tiavo proBoooced her ease as hopetesn. and 'v 4" left her to. die. As it to shelaow wellaad -t- t rid of tlie tumor. ttd the fears of an ua , timely end which 1; gave, rise to. . , ; ' . j O. j - , n 11 '- ? vTwo Ntw Lorfcl-fp-week: W.' Kl v,: ' n Dunbar, G. W. C. cfOrcson. ora n'a- J ' pi ed two Ledges of Good Te'rnpiars, one In a Ibanoh,' April -Jta?' anrf5 the'1 other hi ""5 Swsot HSaieon uiy'Ma'ylstr. ' The' Lebanon1 lMS 'hl&jtiilAT-3 ' "i eight hafttt'mii!era.''3!toS .?'i 4QeM ttect-rWm'' C3a-ig!ifeni:,JW.,C.T j - .Kt4 1McSJMld,'--W'iriTil'FTii6&!llIiS- -' ' Xa!ht, W J3 . X: SIcDonaldJ PT.C.T; ' ' H5d,Ri S. lioUrtSj L.C. $ ,,4 !'-'-; 'i' ' Sweet Hoia Lpd -a -raala' wii v ' ' tlii?ry-ftjr darter K-es'jers. :, 1"L tofUdew ' , - 2ct, foIfa-'saj'.'we -4aaxBS 'tbetA 'aMi f j"- .' Robart JEartV.-WXJTi E'C.""J4tlii-; I Wj I Bro. Dunbar la a weaker.' ' ' (J V J rev- t '