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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1875)
lining tpsttx. PC BUSH ED KVEKY FKIDAY, BY COLL. VANCLEVE, . IN THE REGISTER BUILDING, Camrr Ferry and JflrM Street. TKKMS-tX ADVANCE. trite ropy, one year ....... tc ao I AO 3 00 Hi ivnv, six month! .............. To clubs of twenty, each copy , Smile ophM. . . . . . . .. . .'. . . . '.Trti tents. ? Subseriliera ontsidu f Linn county will be charged SO cents extra 2 7o fr the year-s r r T '"FRIDAY, "APRIL 30, IsCSL . Tho following narawl rentlemcn are author- laed to receive nntl receipt for subscriptions loino Kmisrra in tne tovtmiies mentioned : Mers. Kirk A Jiuioe.. ...Brownsville. Robert filnss. . . A W. P. Smith.... O. P. Tompkins..,.,.....,,. R. H.OtaKhton.,....i....V.. A. Wheeler Co.. Messrs. Smith A Bras field.. . J. B. Irvine Thos. H. Reynold.., ....... MT. Waicrbouse I..;.. . .Cniwfordsville. .......... Hnlsey. ..... .IfarriMtnr. .........Lebanon.' ;.,.........8h!U. ... .Junction City. .... W, .... . .ScttX ...... Salem. . ..... Monmouth. Br sis ess AoisT.-TVe have secured fits Srr Vice of Mr. Hkki F. Say km, who wbill hereof tor act as Business Agent fur the RsaniTSR. SortABLK Tills evening, t -the Mo tliodrsf parsonnge. Everybody invite!. Ice cream, take, etc.' i " - : vUf r r-'t til ' " ' : $: Messrs. C . I jyton and Kumbaugh returned from their claims on tltcSautlam, some twenty .tulles above Greenlawi) a few days since. They expect to return a few days, when they will hrlng iu a ditch ami get ready to work . their, bar with a hydraulic They ate confident they have a good thing. ' to fft Thr Bio" Spell Is denuitely settled to come off at the Congregational 'cnitrcli, on Tuesday" night next. On that occasloit a prize will be gjven to the best" spelHrt.' consisting of a' copy of Welister's uiiabrliTg ed dictionary.' costing ftS 50,' we believe. Here's an opnortniilty for some etietoget away with all rnewonl he can tosfbly use dnrfnjf a lifetime. If lite should be ex tended as was Mcthe!a: ' : ' "i: T Good Temi-laks. At , the clcetiou for odioers iu .Western Star Jxxlge. I. O. G. T otv Tnesflay night last, Jos. 3Lig gett was elected W C T ; I.issa Williams, ;W V T; A. X. Arnold, R S ; F. M Wadsworth. F S ; A. B. "Morrl, T ; Rev. I. Wilson. C; B. F. Ptirdom, ( M ; Ella Ridout. 1 G ; R. Cheadle, O G,, .nd Jos. Liggett, Host. , . ...... . , Fireman's Picnic avd ' BAtx. Albany Fire Company proposes giving a picnic on Friday; 'May 21st, to be followed by a grand ban In Je evening at the Opera IIotre.; JHtir! Sityrs, Joe. Webber, M. A. Baker, II. Godley and Wirt.' Rtchter were appointed as a committee of arrangements and will no doubt set ' things up in good ; thape.-.'"-' "; V -1 - ' 2 5 ;' '' XfeW "MiULtNXT. Mrs. C. C Fhglisli has receiyed a nice invoice of tlie latest in miinnery; among them some of the pret tiest "'and , most stylish bonnets' arid hat wev'e seen in many' a day. . Mrs. English is a lady tossessed of tlie most exuuWte , taste, and can tell you just what will sriit your complexion and style to a dot. Call at Iter store on First street, cast ' of A. (a rot hers "A" Co.. and tea.t your eyes on handsome millinery. ' Mrs. E; wishes to engage tlie services ot a first class dress luaker at once. ' U-.'-c . CrrT.CQtjxciij Met ' Titesdtty. .evening, We are indebted to City, Recorder, M. A. Baker, Esq, for the .following report? W,, E.. JIow;H. petition -for, riglit ot way to pitt up a gas machine, for the ptuv pos of lighting the Council Cham ber fit no expense to city. . but to prove . to. tlie Council the benefits therefrom,, loth lit economy, safety and light was granted.' Petition jof citizens for night-watch granted, and Woo. Queener, by a unani mous vote appointed. . (Bully tor Billy, our city U safej ( ., , . " . , , . Ordiuancc relating, to private boarding liouse licenses was rejected.. ...... . Ap ordinance granting the , riglit for a water ditch, along the west side of Lyon street; was passed." ' The license ' of Mr. McLa in, ; ibr street sprinkling, was unanimously, as well as magnanimously, refunded. ' FROM JjEBAKO! Times. aW lively In Lebanon, and the town nas Improved : rap Idly during Uie past few months. ' ir James Obwan, one of tbe politest : men In the wM,; exceptlrr'g only Squire Mon tague; '-.arid his f pardncr, Mr McCatley, toget' with " Our genial agent S. H.: Clanglftori, do the general 'merchandising for tbe place and they keep-excellent ctocfoi of good, too. ''"J .... -VA'.fL. - Our old friend,' 'Dr'. 'Bailara", Tn eonj'nnc- nutnd Ibr drags and medicines. if! . . i. . . f I Tti TtallHrrl Ahfl .Jrnle? ' W.. tri -trtlltnil - , , 111 enmx mnvt' vwr avij.iB,uiutiiw niui tbese gentlemeM Is 6iifflcierit lo enable is to say, "we mre willing tot risk bm- rife in their tondi. ' 5Poble4 -- trne,' vxperletieed in his profession. Dr. Ballard lias no su perior In his profession. retErsoiv the ' ' -General Repa!rer; needs an advrtlsetnent explain hfs bu-' ifeesa'tb ftnadmlringortd;:' ; M"," ' - Mrsi WbeeJer' is Corfptbnf dt up tlRf faillinery to the entire sitisfaction of tftelr lady pMnrm.-''V' -A-at-Ua-ir it-l ,iU; And last, but not least, is Dick' rowers & Ck4'blackmitMiig.- Dick- has tlie rerv utation -of being the best fatTef'bi the world, awl We guess he deserves L Donaca'8 K vr3 stable is a iirMi4 . a(com motlaiif fatnre ot' t3ie -town t the trawi' ellng jMibUftr?;f.v3 t,i - s-.,j;".iofs--; s t vtij A neat hotel attected-C4w attention,. - bat as onr tay hi the place nas short wa-dkl 'nt liave time to partake of Uabmnkality, and can only srseak ot it by, repu&tkw 4Whkh U that U'U da to tie ta. ,; ; . . .'J Mr. ,Q.' P. Biiiljvtl is authorized to rV ceita and receipt .for.. su&aeriDtloas. ,a Letianon. ' ' ' ' " - ' ... .-.l.r ' , ' -i i f .. ( Go 14 asC" For 1mprx3: Havana, He eayfi Le'a got m, and everybody knows tisat Gur J jUiha sole 1;ct? ta George' Wash-' incton'3 , 'HtCe Iwttcbet. ' Eai'Ciei' ' r " Kii4-itis uuncceiisarj, . ....... 33t; On the 23th Inst, one-tlilrd of Oshkosh, Wisconsin was. hi ashes, and the ilitrnes still raging. . - k J Onthe2Sth tbe br4k tni.lSs , tinirm Pacific were closed, and irahisjiow nut through without tsantiferrhig Judge William? b&s relgieil and .1 u Jsco Edwards Plerrepont lists accepted the office of Attorney General, fi'elcpertmci!!; telb- be made In tfie cul tivation of cotton, In Arizona, the coming Tt flrgrthkti destroyed all the Diintinir oftices, banks. nostofBce. all hotels tn one, telegraph office, etc. Two lives were lost. '' i'lie slilp ITogemlwrn, lunving on lmnrd COO bales of cotton, was struck . bv lhjht ?nlng at her wharf during a storm, in , New Orleans, April 21st, set on tire and burned. Secretary Delano announces that, as the. recent newspaper -attacks affecting his of ficial integrity are the result of a conspiracy tovompell his retirement from the Cabinet, he' lia. postponed his resignation indefi nitely. ' yhy.Islt fJiat .the Xpti Ji'orth c4 and the Slitea Jtfijhtu DwijxTttf luive become so suddenly passive? We can but imagine aitj agreement of a cessation of hostilities. TU none of pur business, to be. certainly ; but then you know tlie natntal inqulsi tiveucss of man induces tin Inquiry, why is this thus ? . "" We believe it Is conceded that the wheat crop of California for the coming season will be a- pretty general failure, through the lack of rain. . Iu some places the wheat 1s already being cut ?f. hay, all hope of its maturing having been abandon!. This Ciet may-, induce, n:tuy persons who liave etnignttetl to that State this season with tlie expectation of settling there, to change their minds, and cotpe on to Oregou. Tho Union. Pacific Railroad is compelled 'to employ the passenger coaches , of con necting 'roads east to move the people westward as fast as they arrive at Omaha. During the fust ten days of April' nearly 5.000 emigrants reached that place en route to the Territories and tlie ...Pacific coast. " Freight is also accumulating there very fast,, and first chiss travel is very large., .East" hound travel is light. The earnings of tlie . road are nearly double tltosq of this time last season. On the eveniug of April 20th, the liody of Capt. R. B. Randall arrived at lima. tilla, was taken in charge by tlie Odd Fol lows, and on tlie next day was buried by tlie'onler, assisted by the Masonic frater nity the Captain having been a member of both orders. It will be rememliered that Capt. Randall was drowned in tlie Colunv bin river, near Umatilla, some weeks since, His body was found below the falls at Cclilo, a day or two before' it was forwarded to Umatilla for burial. 1 Gen. Spinner lii addition to the elegance of his autograph has some .other peculiar! ties. He Is Incorrnptibly honest, " which is tle exception rnflier than the ' rule nowa- days among pnblic men.' Tn the treasurv be Is lifcfe a, watch dog," always sleeping hi tlie building." Although well advanced in. vear3 lie hsis a fondness for female lieant. but not to an extent to excite suspicion of4 wrong doing, ' lie believed in the honejfy of women and employed a great many' of them, taking tlie ground that woman had not the nerve to steal. Jay Gould,' the 'great speculator and business man, "was Interviewed recently by a 'reporter, who says: One remark lie made strncfc' me wjth much force. When talking of the deplorable condition of our financial affairs-, lie said they" were hot so bad as many' supposed. , The Pacific'SIope, lie said,' bad not been touched by tlie panic, and Ir, with its vast mineral and other1 re sources, had come to be the country wlrnt the Sonth hml been. : But for that our ruin would have been complete. With It our restoration is tiot distant. .' -' "' Tlie fifty-sixth anniversary of Otld Fel lowship in .the U.S. was celebrated gen erally by the lodges iu San Francisco. An excursion f to; Badger's Park, Brooklyn, was projected, the public generally joining In the picnic, many thousands being pres ent. Tlie Oakland steamers, as late as 1 P. ,weie crowtled with excursioners. 'A band of music was in attendance. The programme . included -races , by boys and girls , and men and women, married and single, ; sack races, , blindfold race,c old men's races, and a fat men's race, free to all over 200 pounds.. The customary police precautions. . were taken and , everything passed off pleasantly.' ; - .f aiii-.l.. s 'Tbe unusial warm weather of the -past two weeks has melted tlie jsnows in : tlie mountains along the line of the overland railroad-causug all the streams to , over flow their banks, flooding the Country in every, direction, ., More uow fell iu tlie mbuntain during Uie whiter. than ever known before, and the earlv and - ran Hnir.r i ' " " j mn w J til . n . L niinu;.iiraiUKP Kepi ine, BtfGlinS till for an unusual length of, ime.. Miles i of railroad. an,a ..large, number vof bridges nave, been, washed way, bnd travel across (he couyngtiti has. .almost ceased. s .Large niirnbers of passengers, at last accounts, ...e. ' w m - . wim nwwus anu .ireigni, ; were at Green river, and ipther points, : awaiting the . subsidence-of. the waters, r Until' the waters I' are assonaged the bridged and roadbed can not oej replaced. latest teat-grams -are' to tlie: effect that trains will soon t be mak Ing regular trips, as the . waters are dl- - ...;-;,.t-.vtf '- i- ' '-"" ' i 'kw Fnm.Sam Millor has booght the Wagi- ttti aa4 mttbhop. heretofore occupied ilby TPetera A Rneidel. together with the material end nnflntsnea worK. ana is now prepared to AiMilah ftnvthlnff in his line, cansistinir of fcterrtnire, ituinriee, Lnnioer wagons, naoxi. anagenei-ai anuining nejwiy una wuu am. natch." I empioi' none bnt the beat of tueolian- los, and- insure, saJtafautloo. ' All :rrle waiv. ranted. I think I can make it an oojeet for von to mi j' -or trxi, tn price, eryieanaauramiity of work, .I.'nse.tJie best of material,, Blokpry nd oakj from tbe Eastern St ates. - Call and rx. ciiiUa t,ir nmniara: all I want te a Air trial. 1 have iiaf several years of experience on this coojst, end with tliknowJedg Urns gained, nt eertafn 1 can please yon, I guarantee to sell fir cask-aa low as -can he boigftt in this city.- A large leifcof lumber- wagons, side nd eod sprin g &,.f l-.R- ir nn hnrtil . . Patronize home Tnann6otoiy not send yoe money off out conn try, ACii,iinn4Ji rt w,iin -uuiKt op your own siaie, anu you win A Ifavana' ttnotrtaial report is in circulation that a nevero t he otuunwt at f .re Cnuwsi on the GeinfiiGroa iviinv. hiutniiarteranf Capiain- Generai ViMiiaaeda; that 70 reUeis wore- kijicd su incur eatlfe lorce routeu, . SEWS PARA4JRAPUB, '' A Wasldnston x;clul oars It Is rumored, that Robeson Hint liclknnp. as well as Delano, will aotrn leave the aiino.f.w. , - , J. Jf.: KerroM, eonsolar ocnt of tho Crllted States at Brest, iXvaA. ' ''- - i KJ A Philiulelphla telegram of April 53d, says: To-nUrbt Si-honeklV kr cotton mill In Manny unk was totnlly Oe.-itrvyed bv Are ; loxa hevv. Htat Trensnrer Parker, of South rrolliia, htui been committed to Columbia county jail, in defuult of2.,lW0 bHll. The colliery owners of forith iVales liave arv'd to throw open the pits to tho minevsat a reduction of 15 per cent, on waxes. " ! i 1 Here nns neen tin unusual tneretwe or rtjtiwn. ii iiinonif the ilimuK'A of the l.ivnnol tiolli- nnii, wuiuii is atiriouieu to religious e.xcue ment. ........ - - Kuw York dntes to April 21 unv : nwrle C Iew is. of the tlrm of Weliaier .t Lewis, whleh recnhtlv fulled, committer! suicide at liia hotise yesterday. I i ne nninnK wnooncr, i wi. m umwrstBr, Mhsm., is uiven up as lost, with acrew of twelve. 'J'hlH from Bei-HiK Aorll 23;1 ! Tile utilH-e authorities have personally notified all Ursitline ftistersoi tuts uisirict, wno nre not, natives wi tiennany, tlult they must leave wlthltt two niontns. . i A New York dlsratch of Arvril S8d snvs: At a tueetlng of the Iwiird ot directors of the North I'acine ralmmd tonia v t he resliriiution oftieorae W. Ulss, rivwltlent, was oened, mid t.'lmrlei 11. Wriaht. of Pluhtdehuiia. was elected to nil the vacancy. He has been four years a director and la cht'irman ol the tiimnce committee. From Hazelton, Pcnn.. April 23;tt A rmrty or miners at lacked the hotise of J. Morrison last evenlnpr. F. Londcrban, who whs stopping there, tired on the attacking party, killing one Julius DnncHii. me newspaper reporter wno. It is supposed, coiutniiicd suicide, in his letter to liisemnloversn. Ivisinji Hiemif hisintentlrtn. said : I am wearied with the blasphemy and vieiiii rv of tho Bcecher trial, ami xilson my-;ir to get out of it."' A body, supposed to be Jhnt or Duncan, was ton ml a: ureut i-piiit, i-. i., it evening. : A Icfe'ium ot ino 23U hit. says; jv urn hi Jersey t'ity to-nivtht 'completely deatroyert the nnsecu uiauuiucinviiig mm m r orris jmjs with a lurge nunntitv of stock of all kinds. Loss. 1.30,000 ; instimnce. 10,0(W, i The lMiily .YcV di-Mmtch from Athens-5reei-e, savs: " t'onsidei-able excitement.1 pre-' vails over tlie apni-oachlng elections. A l aw of siege Is refloated impendtnsr. 'I he govern ment is concentrating fi.mio aoldier In Athens, and it Is supposed intends to nilse the anliy to a war fooi ing." ; , . ! . M.ulton, minister ot instruction, uasuraig nated Jndre 4-amnert as siwini commissioner, to examine the report on the A issioncr system of edm.-nr.ion. ITe will visit AVasliiiiglon' and New York, and .also attend the Philadelphia exhibition, in connection with which he will receive siiecisil Instructions from Ministers Je- Cas-9 and lleMeux. ! It 1 rumored tiiat Attorney wneral v ininms hasor will resign, and . the most prominent names mentioned in connection with the ofhee are Matt Carpenter. Kdward Plern-nonti and K. W. Sloughton. Tlitn simie otspsucn ; says WHIiams will nT olid, retnrn toOregon to- con duct the seiimorial cauvuss in h own liehalf. t mni Washington. April 23il, we Have tne following: In vcsukhi im of th mail contiiact frauds is si ill progressing lv the Pistmaster-(ieuei-al and Second Assistant lTtstmaster- t-neinl Tvner. who th'w Suoming discovered a Irauduleui bill among those for mall routes in: l-imis-iiina. About six clerks have already been discharged for complicity tn the fi-auds, and it is understood that at least a dor.en mom are inipb.nte l. Tyner states that the denartnieiit lia9delermined to make a thorough investiga tion, if it takes all summer. Prom New tlrleans. April 23.1. we have this:, Tlie steamboats Upni-r. Jtilm A'i'-ant Cfmrle V,)imi, wereliurned to-1ay at llic 1xt of l'ov dras street. The rli-e originated in a black-' smith shoo on the KuU and spread with such rapidity that the cabin wn in flumes m less than five minutes afrert lie alarm. SUewawc.nt loose and drifed up stream, there being an eddy at the apot where she wus lying. The HUyiorb r and Botliium were also cut loose and the luirn ing vessel drifted uznlnsT the Ksjytrti-ri setiring leron areatonce. The lieople on board, aeping no other refuge, jmnix'tl on the J&irlnuiii, which a moment laier also caught and was soon en veloped in flume-i and the three burning boats firmed into tbe cnrrtuit and the people on. iNkiird wcrt? lost: two juniied overboard, and though some m-ere sved. the larger tarl nrei lelievel to he. lst. The number Ls variouslv est imated at from 20 to lot. On one ofthe lxiats at as an excursion party front t'incmuati or Pittsburg. .Many are feared to le lost, ji-oss, f 18 1,000; ail snpixised to lie Insnrwl. ' Two tcn-TTile teams took the trail toward Kelton from Boise City on the loth ins!., fo freight. i f John T. irirklin. of Tlmrston county. W. T4 has obtained a patent for un improved grain separator. i f Tlie city marshal of Corinne has captured fifty horses, supposed to luire been stolen in soul hern I tab. . ! ! The grangers have purchased the 3tiddleton miii.aiMiut Is miles ik-iow Ifanse t ltv, and wul lK-reafter do their own grinding. " I i Rev. J. P. Lytton. wlinliiwlwcn the 'pastor of the Kpiseopnl churr-h at lloisu City for over two years, has gone .East to remain, "is Sevei-nl dwellings, a schooner and a bav steamer will be Imilt at Kmpire City this sea son. ... : , . - - y,- i I The irraiiirei-saT-ound Cornelins are improv ing tlie lino weather by patting in theln spring crops. . - r j ( . . . ! l : , Washington conntv will have a -30.000 slan der suit at l lie next term of the circuit court for that county. j -,- The Kosebni-ar and Coos Bav Wacron Road Co., ha ve again negot iated their lands and road loan Kastern company. . - j; A vast amount of freight Is now stored in the warehouses at Roscbnrg. and almost every train from beloy adds to the amount, i . , i Amitv proixises to let the contract, for build ing a new school house 83 by Mi feet ib size, two stories high. I ' M Abe Frazer. shot bv Uelanev. Intelv. at. Lake Washingioii coal mine, died on Friday last, at 2 P. M., from the effects of the wound. ,) ; " i A two-year old daughter of Richard fJaunt. of McMiiinvilie. has otiiey thiee whole tlngei-s on one hand. Her brother couldn't lie; he did it with his little -hatchet." (; . , A book-peddler named Connell rollivl his team and wagon ofl from a forty-foot embank uient near the Lafayette warehouse, on Frldav lust, and brought up under one of the horses, himself. . j A difllculty oecui-red on Wednesday! In the woods near Ilillsiioro between Cornelius Ilall anil Mr. M. M. Moore, In which The former struck the latter in the forehead wiihtheivul of his a;:, knocking him senseless tor the time. Last week tlie directors of HillsborO school district hired Mr. Cault for principal, and Miss JDoia ftenshaw assistant, teneliers for the en suing term of school. The school opened on aionaav wit ii eighty scholars. i The Vlcti-iat'ofoiif says : "8kaitget Valler. W. T.j will produce this year lOO.lKO; tons of wheat, oats and hat-lev. " Too large bv about 90,oou tons wc reckon. . ,r .'-.. ; i : i ;: j When Brlgham Young was In jail, the other day, for contempt of courts there were five or that institution, and twelve at the door. John fJorman has ' won his snif agniiist the county coimnissiouersof Uoise county, where by he collects' his fees while turned out of office as assessor, anionntbig to about 1.000. i . Some of the members of Olyrupia Grange No. 10. gathered around the grave of the late lewis 1. Barnard, on Tuesday of last week, - and planted a memorial tree In the name of the Grange to which he belonged. " r ' ; Orson Hyde, who has lmen president of the twelve apostles for nearly thirty years, has been -degraded by his dread master to third man in the apontolic ranks,--John; Taj-kir be ing promoted to thi primacy. ' i. i j -Inlius IMckens holds -more ; offices' thati arty pt her man In Washington Territory, and. yet lie is not happy, but goes- and advertises him self iu his own paper as "Meddektr; Lpplysiiln gar." That is a little too much. . ! ,'r j. 'Thworfc onhe M. K. ehhreh at Boise? City ls milldlv reachhia cnninU.I Inn . 1-lu.- wiilU t-M aH plastered and whitewashed, the celling and sleeTMt, PalnlArl. i. ,1 . i 1. . K v. , . i(- n. be ready for dedication about the tetter part of the present month. i. .... '..j ViiT !' Cm x nas it . Tlie HUlnboro-1 Iltd-rxulnt wi-na that -the farmers are well T....1?.,1- . , . - y. .iiv niiw Willi t II VII Oif UIH oraps. A-coupie of weeks of cood weather would finish the spring plantlmz and aowing ery team is ousy, and the acreage will bo ASSf? ...1L To,nae- T. n. Humphreysand Ahred Lneliimr, of WniiaUntr h, hint effected, the purchase of Ben. Stewart's "Vl, , np in North' Yamhill, eonsist- eonsist- i lSnth2'ari?-1-t'.,JOWi hiajlvanco of any county In the State m to Ayrshire breed In cattle. J -- w-unfl0 ,,T'r Httle- daagbter of-Ir "'Jniel Creek, Coos county, fell while Xy"1? bTOl'c her arm Jnst above the wrist; STIiJl. waa ''hrpwn from a horse tlie, same day and injured hi only eyi. About a .nolste!k bim hiit ViAJEf 5i"',,,"?nn' eormt'y,' plaeert: a ?5S9Hd' nd he1" IntoxiteJ, satuown by and ?Je ',,1 b "d Pt " .?.i. i,r,,e tne eandle burned down i?Jh? of tlK! soppoaed sand, and it was ""U W man's eupposttion correct,. or Hieriennencaays the Tuaiat a river, with fhe ?th,a.'h ""isbw. thrOUhVrat Oswego-aj small matter emredwiwl at i,rthTr"vna 4"8 "le-Oul'U ,A ".Llting from'lWadise Sal- ley, Iaalio, says: "There in e.,,;.. Ti.! k,.4.. erected two miles below the brtige on the fiSXSr' TinL'e.'j'r""?. orde' Vof the tair thing, which will gladden the heart of m'-j -" - . Lafayette lias a prospect, of considerable Im provement, daring the season. -. i The talk of a railroad to the CoqulUe from South Slough Is again revivud. . ? . ! Twenty-two thousand hrick are placed ia tlie State House walla every day. ( t i Marshtleld never improved foster than at the present time. ; t . f Comelina has a case of measles and several cases of scarlet fever. , . i Ash tot Ma was too strong tor tho best speller in Kugene. 4k The new school bouse to bo hnllt at Amity rill lie a fine structure when fintsheil. , Youn Ijmghltn. who shot his father not long Since, on North Ynmhill, is dead, i Mr. fshenpard. of the Baker tMty Drmnarat, was seriously 111 last week with lung fever. ' Twb hrtckmtlkers and two blacksmiths, from iVf alia Walla, will soon locate In Pendleton- and commence business. i Jackson ermhty's sehool fund this year etn-hi-aces 7,7 72 In coin and 176 90 in currency. Tliere are 4,441 pupils m the county, 'r The Jackson eountv Agrlenltnnil Poctply nmfmtuiBlinlilinfv .nnthp, fair tlllA veill'. and tO ' this end have rallied a meeting for the 1st of May., ' , ; ., .... ,,; . . Tanlil Smith, of Jackson county, was ex amined before Judge Wateon by lr. Matthias, on Wednesday of last week, and adjudged in sane. Two trains for freight for Jncksonvlne. nr. rived at and departed from Koseburg last week. .T. it. Pnwvtr l irt vlner Bibles a wnv to all those who aru unable to buy them in Polk count y.- C. V. TTnmmnnd will Issue his pew paper In Independence on or near tho 15th of noxt month. The amount of taxah'e property in Panes City, as estimated by Mr, Breymau, is about 9.111U.UUU. Thft i:nnil Templars of Rosehnnr hare lr..lrn rin.ner. which Is read at even- meeting. which consists of contribui lone from the mem bers. . i ; - rinTiet nnfl linae 1 toll I Iibvc bfien.'to some ex tent. unereded In torvnllls by the graceful and healthful pastime of "pitching horse shoes." , Rev. B. R; Baxter has resigned the pastorate of the M. R. church South, in forvallls. and Rev. Jos. Emery lias temporarily accepted tbe position. : : .v Tili nln will tx iziven at . Wood river on Samrdnv. M11V 1st. bv the good people of that delightful place, whrifxtend a general Invita tion to the citizens of the Dalles. TheJlTKnirt has been shown, by Panl Brl tow, a pure whim "digger sqoii-rel," captured up in Lane conmy. . , Orrlte a horde of t'ornelinsltes are engaged tn thafc healthful exercise cutting cord wood for Jack Powers, in tlie swamps bordering on Tlie x muni ru. . ' ' Parties from Sn Francisco are soon going to oomipeni-e the hnilding of a saw mill at Co- fjip'lle Cltv. Iartie are. also going to start ln-lck yard at the same place. On Tuesdu v of Inst week at the Ensrfne saw mill, Mr. Mc'Parland, while at work abont the planer, had the little finger of his left hand completely cut otf at the knnckle. Pallas Is Improving all over, under. In the middle, on top. Every house in town is full, except the hotel, and it is nearlv ready for some good man. No use, Dallas is tlie town of j-oik sue in linoitanTs. A. Johnson, the wagon-maker of ComtTlls, rc-eived some serions injuries on Wednesdny oflast week, bv a scaffold giving way. His right wrist was badly sprained and his aide and neck eonswcraiHy orniseo. The. man Wvant. who was shot In attempt- hg to escape from the jail at Lafuvette. some time ago, has hml the ball extracted since his arrival at the penitentiary, and is now getting well, and will be ahle to "do the State some service. - . . ' As Messers. Ph'veraft and N'evare had lust quit their work of surveying, and were coming down the Nooisnek river, their canoe up&et ana t ney lost t neir compass una uiaiiKeis. J. II. Fletcher, county assesvor, rejiorts the ppnlatlon of Claike county. W. T., at 3.700. an Increase of 700 in the last two years, which show that the county is slowly but surely in creasing. t The city council of Lewlston has passed an ordinance authorizing the pjarshal to collect, by sulisci-iptlwn. money to defray the expenses of cleaning the streets. Tho Walla Vnlla Union is agitating the sub ject of a Fourth of July celebration in that city. It is three years since they bad a patri otic display iip there, nnd the-warm weather they have recently indulged in is stirlng them ui- Tbe Free port Mills property, which has been Iving idle for several months pnt, has now rassed Into the ownership of tl. W. Preseott. of San Franciscn, and Capt. E. L. Marshall, formerly of ihe liark .Wiif.-mici. mid will lie at once pnt in flrstrate condition and run here after day and night. The Oregon and California stage, while on its way between Rnfns and Byron Cole's, one Oa Hist week, upset, killing a horse.-.. No iuis sengers were aboard, and but little ot her injury was sustained. , The April term of the circuit court for Jo sephine comity commenced yesterrlnv, at which ttuio tbe Hriggs case, in which a nioihcr and son are accused of the murder of a school teacher, camu up for hearing. Capt. Barnes, of Goose Lake, is now In Jack son comity purchasing cattle. Ho proposes buying SiO head, and has part of them alreadv herdel on the desert. When tho bund is cuiii- pleted it will bo driven to tlie Captain's ranch in t,OOSe, lAKKK. It ts now confidently expected thnt a large two-story Di-tcK Hotel win ix. erecteu tho pres ent season in liaker City. Quite a large 4i mount is being subscrilied by citiwns for the linose of aiding tho enterprise, tbe loan to be paid buck la board when the hotel bhall be completed. A , Hon. Henrv Warren had a narrow escape and swift downward ride In an elevator car at. Me Minnvillo the other day. The fastening of the c- r gave way, and let it. down almut 40 feet as rapidly asattractiunoi graviuition wouiu Drmg ii. ... - . Wallace Mclntyre was breaking clods the otlier day, on his father's farm across the river from Salem, and when he turned the machine un to clean it ou it. ten iorwara on tne team, which ran away. The horses got some bruUes, out no great uumage was uone. - Pnvs the Boise ftlaUrman : A. K. Wamercame In fi-oin tho Weiser mines about three weeks airo to Weiser valley, miviug started on snow shoes. Imt before he got throngh the snow got soft and lie luiU to travel wit lion t the snow- shoes, and in doing so rroso Ills ta-t. Hts two lai-ge toe on -tho left foot were badly frozen and be cut loeui off Uliiiscit. The Mormons having succeeded in getting Jndge McKean oft the bench in I lab, find that Judge Boreman is also a man of Inlegritv and honesty, and t ney are seeking to nave httn re moved. It appears at this distance that Brig. ham Young and his followers are going too titst, mid tho aiminisii-Hiiuii ougui to ta-ing tnem up wun a rounu iuin. . , , There usett to -resiue at nicine t;ity, w. x., a few men who have since become soiuewhat noicil. such President of the TTni- ted Slates, Sheridan, lngulls, Hooker and Kol- lv, now in the v. . senaie. l-acnic i:ity was a" giHsit plnce, but the inhabitants were nncon . . v . . . . i. .. .i -..,.... . ' Messi-s. Marshall Bltnn and Roliert G. Slew- art have Iwen appointed with the secretary of the Temtory. Hon. uenry ti. t.ruve, a com mittee to disbnrse the congressional approorl- . ation for repair on the: onpho bnildinir Olympia. The committee nas received inst nie- tions in tlie mat ter, and wui iiuuceeu-wiin ine work atari early uay. The 'Avalanche " says:" Recent discoveries lead to the belief that, pasta of Idaho are well stocked with coal. From all. account we be lieve t Imt coal fields will lit time be found in abundance iu this Territory. At -Horseshoe Bend there is a good coal field which Onlv wants capital in order to be properly develop cd. " ' ' A man named.Gordoa is mtseinir fWrti Rose. tmrg under verypecnliar circuinatances, leaci (n.omB ti think ' "h has been fonllv dealt with, while others, think lie has. wandered l down to the rmpqusU' fell in and drown d f has committed suUode-i Gordon Is desoril desoribed man alxut 35 years of age, I pIotIoii. about 3 feet 10 inolies nig sandv eom- In the right eye. Ho claimed to be a native of inn . anonr.A leer- ieineaes niun,' itnu onnu Mississippi, and nad served In tne rebel aruiy dol ing f he late war,T ii'3 s'i-r! !'.:- , i'-Mr' Bunflfnrl TTarria. an old and. respeetod . resident of salt Creek, Polk county, died Sun day evening, Mio Utb last, atter violent ill ness of only five hours. He had been in nsiuU health Un to the evo of his death.- After at tending to afiairs at the barn that evening, he wens to tne nous anu. wa wmuomy mkdi with severe pains in the breast, from which be had Intervals of relief, nntil he guttered foitr of these attacks, when at midnight lieeom plained f the same distress in, he head, and .iminedt- ately expireo. ; s. - in.,,nn4ho tnnnth of March tbe ComBterelal mills at McMiiinvilie shipped 4,700 barrels of flour, 3,101 socks gran nu nm, "u 018 sacks wheat, making in all 601 tons, or equal to 20.033 -bnsheis of wheat-- Purlng the ssme time the McMiiinvilie mills snipnea Orwb- Olsoi wneat itnu a,o n"r "rr"' ,,UUI eonal ta about 7- tons. The total amount of Irelght. shtpid from both mum wasbui ton, homputing this at: rlvep prices on frelgbt-- fu oo per ton we raw uv v.,ww, A nn n-vnotrfo'creek. near Stiver Cit'r.'IdahoI April islh. a sbootlnsr OTPtook pSaee- be. tween James Bernard and Col. Morton, in whch the forwerwoa seriously If not fatally .Anri.i n tn si-oln, ox'. hip,. The afiuir originated In a dispute over apiece of lanrt clahneit -by oow oi uuo-itii. wiua -goe . ji...i.-.n aMlnat Itnranra' to malrttiM 1 him front working Wie ground, anlt appears I ,i., ,ui.fnrtiansrarded the order and was I plowing on the landi Morton orderad htm off T Premise ntkteho fired eleven shotfraodJtlortonJive. The latter r escaped uuDurt,. iKdTRt'UESTAL MtsiC: Mr. fi. S. Kick. erson fproflferanis service to the citizens ot Albany as & teacher of instrumental music, on tlie piano or' organ." Terms twelve dollars for twenty-tour lessons. Lessons given at tlie residence of pupil. Satisfac tion gnaranieeu. uraers leit at the Aloany liook store promptly attended to. ii. S. JNlCKKltSOS. Albany, April 24, 187. 2w Ri2oval. H. Weed lias removed the 'Bee-Hive Store" to Freeland's building, two doors west of the' old stand, on First street, where lie happy to meet his old patrons and friends. He offers tlie public Groceries, Provisions, &c, at re duced prices for cash or Produce. Call ami see him. -.'.'','.".' w.. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Gold in New York 115Ji. Legal tenders 87t88is. ' - . IJveriwol wheat quotations are 9s 3d 9s 7d for aventffe, and 9s 6d 10a for club. Money is quoted easier In the Eastern centers. Government wul pay out large amounts in interest next month, while railway and otlier corporations will pay out large sums, swelling the sums put in circulation to a very large amount. This will tend to make tiroes easier tliere, niid will gradually spread westward until even Oregon may feel its influence, nils ease in financial circles in tlie ohler States will be felt by us in the large Increase of emigra tion it will certainly bring to our shores. Thousands who liave only been retarded by the scarcity of money from coming, .will be able now. doubtless, to secure tlie neces- sary funds to put them through in good shape to the golden shores of the Pacific, : Portia nd markets remain as last quoted But little wool as yet received, and different views as reganls price prevails, some con tending that choice lots will open at 25c and common at lS22c V lb.,; while others do not go above 22-c San Francisco markets show little cliange. Wheat shippers, $1 70, millers, $1 80. good. $1 75. , Oats good to clioice, 2S3 25.' i". ' -- C " Albany markets quiet, with little cliange. Wheat, 70c ? bushel. Oats, 50c bushel Butter, 25c lb. Eggs, 18c f dozen. Potatoes 25 V bushel. Apples, green, retailing from stores at 62 '.c per box. Cliicketis. $2 503 f dozen. Hams l.'i-..e; shoulders 9c; sides lie f lb. iJird, in 101b cans, 1 25; in bnlk, 10c f ft. "' :,: ' White beans 4c lb. Onions scarce nominally $1 50 per hushelfroin stores. Beet, on foot. 4c ; pork, Stc : mutton sheep, ier heaik $3. aiAKHiKn. Xcar Waterloo. I.inn county, Oregon. March 25th. 1S75. at- resilience of Peter Powell. hv .1. 11. (jiiison. . P.. Mr. J5. O. Powell and Miss Lilly Bell Fairdo. Bulletin please copy. - DIED. Mrs. Dr. Pcrrv Miller died at her resi dence in this county. April :42d, lb a, of con-sumption, aged 2:1 years. nr Tanarent. Aiaii 23th, the infiiiit daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. .1. Bv limit. NEW TO-DAY. Exchange Hotel, Corner First and Washington streets, ALBAXV, OREGON, J. II. Backensto, Proprietor. t'nder the new ninnagement. this popular Hotel has been refitted and retnmlshed, ami now offers the traveling public tne nest accom TiMwlaf ions on the most. i(a!4onable terms. taSPi-ec ooach to and from the House. , 33-5 BItUNK MAY, Manufacturers of BOOTS & SHOES ALHANY, t : OBEUOX. f R D K R S SOLICITKH, AND ALL WORK guaranteed lx-ave vniir orders at their sliop in tho old Foster tmildliig, ou First street, below A. ca- rotnera x .. 33v7 . P. C. HARPER As CO., IValers In GOODS Clothing, Hoots nnd Mioea, lints, 4iroee rl(s, Fancy 44oocIm, Xotlona, Nho;uns . and Pistols, Sails, Rone, Mirrors, Wallpaper, Wood and Willow Ware, TrnukH and Vallsra, . . JPoefcet Cutlery, fce : Fold verv low cither for cash, or to prompt nay- n 39 ing customers on time. v7 Ul'IUMXU PBOPUNAUI. SKA tin ALKf) BIDS WILL BE RKCEIVKD FOR e erection and completion of a chntvh house for t he M. K. Church South, tn Albany, Oregon, from this date until May 1st, 1873, the building to be completed August. 1st. lSi.t. Plans and niiecincationsrnn be seen at the ofllce Of L. H. Montavne. First streot. Albany. Ore. gon. The Commute reserve the right to re, lect ana tu dius. T. B. WHITE, President L N. LlOOKTT, Sec i , ..; FT YEASTPOY'DER U ' THE BEST IX THE WOKIDI i Ifouselceener m Make Rwtct and ' M holeacme Breas Wllkwl It. ' This well known and long established YIJAST POWI)K is now in great demand. Bales in creasing dailv. Now 41 gross per day to the trade. I. tlALXiAGHAN now sole mannftwv ture and proprietor, naos no drngs no bone dnsti pure white oream of Tair, Imported direct and ground on tbe premises, being tbe Chief ingreaient, , . Always on hand and.for sale at lowest prices : Callaerban's Yeast Pswdsr, In IB cans, snjiertar article. CMlatrboaa 4'reaan T Tartar, all stj-)e of iiackasres. Calnxritian a Pnrm Eairlisb. Bl' rsrhesipte ;-jv--:jr nads) and nser, . . T,-,-r f. IfOB BALJi BY ALL GROCERS. ' , , . - AM , CVeam T Tartar Crystals sat s;i KtSAUBT - . CAI.KU.CJf Aw 4c CO., SIaunlaeterrs& 12t f RONT STRE.n, Sa rrancioco. . nJB . ... t T n aw .now raiit wir ?ctrrrci: anything In .,.Vi"i.i lirm'vnor would, wi now. unless me could be convince the we are not doing our .1 ... .. iniu,iaMin mnninHuuiiiif iu lira wii.. Lichnimi itnirJ nretiaratione of Hani trT Whoever iiadoces the vUulm of Scrtrf nl or atT other disease of the blood, to use i una b m. v vjrfMn via mnwtau iiin ukuh Aood wnrk. Then mn he no Question as to he result of this inwdfoiiis u perBevereu in. iv to a euro cure fpf Scroftjla, "'a'"'1,8,ni"" . . i j.- i 1 n .1 . .. ttu l.lolnf a .rlninff from viiated or Impure blood. It tohwt what a good -.1 ......! n...4 1 ft r tiue complaint. I'll VniV IU.l wvw.u J. um . " " . . , . i;i Annflihuktlv inmtnmmll it as iwillg best nrtiele now In use. J. Henry's Congh Bal sam is the most etreotive renuwty tor ". tions of the Throat or Lungs that we have ever i... ... -t, Mmtatni mi riitint erious drugs, ana can be taken wlib lmiainity nd ertaitv cTr. ( lief. Por the cure of Cough", Colds, Sore Throat, etc, ttatunde without a rival, ,Jr. Henryi Lini ment, aa an alleviator oi nin,i " any preparation before ine puoiio; 7T ..i....,-,r7.-i ii k.. wmvIiimH hv a. single trial. It will prove itseu a - inojiu m wuv w lamuyanouia oe wiinwii. - , Xew Te-Da). St Charles Hotel, Corner Wnslilnff on and First Mon ALBANY OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. v TTnnan newlv furnished throughout. The best tho market affords always tin the table. free t'ocb to npd fremt the lioanw. , Lebanon Mail BBd Stage Line, W. B. DOXACA, Prop-n MAIL IAY-Monday, Wedneeday and Fri day. . ;i3i . LOOK TO YOUR AND- INTERESTS I S JTV J3 MO IV .13 ."TV Oltl Reapers, Mowers and Thrsner Repaired and innde almost a good aa new ': : .' . . , MERRILL & 5nJTXAM'S , NEW MACHINE SHOP . . Is now prepared to do aU kinds of ., . . WcmmI TnnlBr, tawlsc nakl Btresslna; Also, any Ironwork and geaaeral Blacksinilh- Ing tlie trade may demand. ' . . ? Fencing iiei.eis wiu-ue kcpx tniiwini i hi Raisins and .Bloving RaHding. THK rNPKRSINKI BBfi LBlAVKTO II announce to the cttiaena-ot Aioany ana surrounding country that, having iuppiujanr- selves wll h the necessary nmomnery ,inr rais ing and removing buildings, we are ready at all tiinus tn receive orders for such work, which we wiirdo In short order at- lowest rates. c guarantee entire aatMautlon In all worn nnuer taken oy us. OrdVrs leR at the kigqisysx amor prmnptiy attentcd to. Aiitity to. . . . R ANTT. 1LLE3 M Jt . Albanv. Or.. Aprfl 23. 1SI5. 34v7 NOW READY FOR Bl'SINESS- E. CARTER & CO. TTaVE C.I VEX THEIR' PLANTS! MII.I 1 1 Siuh Jt floor Kseiorv a cenera I nverhn til ing and reiwlring, and grently Increased tlielr lactlities tir aoing rninc, oy putting w n new watkh unm. new SUA PIN t MACHINE and a new m.ANKR ANI MATCHER, all made in Oreuon bv oresott tuechanies and ont of Oregon iron, and are m creHt to Oregon. i The Planer ii nu Matcher vtspoitiaiiy aiapteu to matchinr rlooriiur and Rnstie. which we makensficcialty. and are now prepared lo do witliont deluv, as we can change the machine from one kind of work to another In a lew minutes, and wllh our excellent water-power are always ready to run any or all om- ma chinery, i We keen DOOR 8. SASH and MOLDIN4 J alwavs on hand, or make to order with dispatch, we nave matte arraniretnents ov wnica we are mrw pi-elxired to furnish Sash and -Sasli-lHatrs, primed and glased, to order, at very near Port- lautl prices, and propose to make it- tf tbe inlerest of Mulklers to bay AT WOMB and encon mare home interests. - With onr new SHU'KK we are prepared to do any Kimi oi ctrcuiar or irregular worn, mucu better thnn it lias ever been done iu A I bun v. We have I wo new tJrlndstomut. one tor the social benefit or those wishing to grind axe or tools of any kind. In short, we have Sftarod neither nioncvor labor in fitting up onr shop for doing ail kfnds of work in our line with neatness, cheapness anil disiiatch. and have materially r-dn-rd our irires rr srork. All of which we hope t lie public will appreciate, and continue to give us a unerai snare ot tiieir patronage, - . . Ei. CAKTBit wtllnlwRvbe on hand, with com - petc.nt nieclmnic-s, reudy to serve thoae who may favor us with their orders. Natlslaf-Uon as te lrnrk and prices, gonr K. 1875. CARTER ft CO. Allmny. Or., April 9, 0. P. S. PLVnilER, SI. D., ; ' 1' rr-f KAi.n is T,' DBtm I MCDU1KES, ' IVAHS, T4HACC, BOOKS AND STATIONERY. A full stock of Trusses and Surgical appliance. Remember VLClOiBaUfira V7 n!8 BOOTS & SHOES POR EVERYBODY I t t easy;5hoes Tit j..:t-':ir 'rs;4;:''"; FOR OLD aiEX. i I - FANCY SHOES : FOR Yovsq MEK. PJRETTY; SHOES ' -i. : . -x FOR LAD IF. 8. TINY SHOES ' ' FOR BABIES. JUSTRECEIVED -.- 'j. ':?: .- - i - '' :. ', ...! ;;vBy Oci-u Stepwner, t .. n.-.rf-,',: 1OUI0 17EIIVALD0 ; Baat Slio Stare, j -AIban.y', Oregrpn, , Ceaperutan tbe Cllcopstl. Albany, March , l758v7 , . , ; i, i . ''" O ' ' " - " LYON'S KATHiAlBON,- Ifaa naM tat sow are Vtatt a ftsawy. ItrrtawtM s,-Msjsyaa,'lasgTTa.ay Cvlor, Increases' fca.,TJrtr. . t r tb-HjOr, Jr.tW Kewluir Hneblne Kales of 1873. The table ot Sewing Machine Salee for I87X hows tliat onr sales last year amounted to "33,444 (two hundred una thirty tw Hhjus and, four hundred and Yortv-fonr) Machines, Deing a uirge increase over like mw oi me previous year(lS72.) .... - ;- '- -i neuDie aiso shots tnat our sales Esrera tboM efnT Other oiMmnY. -(cir the period named, by the number 6(111 2S4 Mxeblaae, or nearly double those of any other Ctmijmny. . It may be further stated that -Ihe sales of . 1873, as compared with those of ls73,how m . relatively larger increase, iteywna 1 tie utile oi other nudcers. than of any other year. for instance in mix we soiu ,uuu mora Machines than anv other Cninmlivi- vlwraM. In 1873, the sales were 113,KS4 Macltloea n Eaaeeaa 4f sar iigucM i oinp UKu-. 4J These flznres are all the more remarkable. for the icuson that the antes -of the Vrincli al t'otnpMiiles In 1873 ai-e kn tkmi tlnrtr aaims In l173t whereas, as has lieen shown, iur Mtteit ten largely bmcimd. The account of sules is from uwn rrtmm made to the,ownra of tin betrwif. Maehln mienrs. It will lmrdhr 1w denlmt. f nut ftw. tMiprfal Itir ofthoSISGKR MACHlNKS is folly demonstrated-at all events that their popularity in the iKHtselsoldis unquestumable. ... tnereaaw Name of ; Xo. 8oW.? I er Machlnet. 1873 VTTt Decrease Singer Mfg Co...:.219.7ri8-232.44i In. lMca . --eoors. M.;o..:...r an. i,M a,i V. W. MPg Co...l74,08 119-rtW T1e.54.S-M - Domestic, rj-vi i,ii4 ,44U, CirnverX Baker Co. 38.610 SS.179 " IX MSI 1S.S.H ' Weed S. M. Ct 42.M4 1.7tW W1Im, ft Xf A.) tn ..,7 20.H74 How Mucliino Co.. (no rctnri:.R 4rrV-Si w neox iiiins( o. K.nso i ,.twi American B. H Co. 1S.930 I4,lttt. Florences. M. Co.. 15,7113 8,000 , 4.T4S ' S,KI3 TUB SINtiKR MANCFACTtrKINtt VO.ff K Vnien Square, New York. TITUS BROTHERS, Agenta, Albany, Oregon." nrH74 1. titcs brothers; DKALERS IX Watches, GIqgIis,. .7 K W K L II Y 4 , Silver & Plated Ware. DIAMOND - SPECTACtESV- MANUFACTURED AND ADJCSTKI especially ifor the Paciflc Coast by tho NATIONAL I' ELGIN WATCH CO - of Elgin, Illinois, viz: Pacific, jalirornla and . Sun Francisco WATflt," and we most confidently I.-coni-iiM-nil them to the public, as iiossesslng mora good qualities for the price than anj other Watch in I he market. Wr also keep all other brands of Elgin. Walt ham and Swlw Walches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sllvcrand Plated Ware. ' Pistols and Carli'idsc. . CiT RclxilringaSpcctalty.g . CA11 Work Done and floods Km Warranted to lie ns Reprewuted. J. D. TITC8. , J. B.TITCS. TIT17J5 BROTHERS, AT JOHN OANTElt'K OLT1 STAND, Flrstatreet' " ALBANY, onEGOSt," Aycr'a Marsaparilla, far rarirylna: tn ltloMl. 1111S COIIIlHMinft - tbe vegetable altera lives, , Sartaparilia.. Dock. Ktilliiigls and! '. Mandrake with IH' vyl(Klide of loiBlimi( atui iron iiuimw inosi. riin-tiiBi .vof a series of coin- i plaints which are very prevalent. ani anuria, ing. It purities the blood, pnrg-s i tlien im-ktiur humors in the - ... ' , . ' ' svstem. that undermine health and settle Into, troublesome dtsorlets. kruptionsof The skin ' Rm the apfH'aranct! on the surjace of humors. Hint should be. expelled from Ihe blood. In ternal dernngeinets are the detei iiiiimt Ion of Ihesu same hotnora to someiniemal organ. or: organs, wbowe action tlH'y derange, and whona ' substance they disease and destroy. Atkk's " HAKi4APARli.i.A expels these humors from tbe- blotMl. Wlien they aregoite, thetlisorderathey prtxluce dlspiiear, such as Uhratm nf th JJr, tHrmach, Ajkfnejt, Lung, Hrvfmnm titvt tt-Hplire JHmHirt the Mill, til. AHthf.itp'' Mrm ltcme or Erytiprla, I'mtpU. JPvaluh-, JJtorlu, 7U, 7Wn. Teltir and Halt Jitutrm. VrraVf H'tuU Ittntiworm, lltetr nnrf l,rn, Jihmma-', .mi, Niitmlgia, linn in lite Utnut, Atrie antl limit; Slsiatc VfonkwM, MrriHtfti wnrrhm arising rum internnl vltxruUtm anil sWm . ijuTiw. Trnn)i, Pimmjuta, Emanation aft Gntrrrd Debility. With their departure health returns. , --. - ' PRCFARKO BT " 4, Dr, i. C. ATKK : . CO., Jwell Mtmi ! Practkal and Analytical Chemists. Sold by all Druggists and, Dealers In, , Medicine. , . , ,,Tln : ISall'a . Yeg;etable (Sicilian : II A t R IlE NEWfi Bl ) This standard article Is conipouddod with) the greateMt tare. ., -. Its effects areas wonderful ana, ss4 Infect ory as ever. . , .-... It restores gray or faded lialr to Its youthfnl color. , It retnoveA all eruptions. Itching sad dan- . rdutf: and the scalp by its no becomes while and clean. . . By its tonic propert tes it restores the rapll-j lsrr frisnda to tbidr nonnal vigor, preventing ' hnl'dnessisnd taaklng tbe hair grow thick and'., strong -'..ii . .-.i ". Aa a dressing nothing has been fonnd ad ' effectual, or desirable. . . . Dr. A. A. Hayes, State Asmyrrrof Massschaw petla, ssvs of it : "I consider It ine (Vagsvnejra-- Urm for scs tateiMled lairposes." Ducklngham's Dye, KOBTHE WBINKEBS. ' " 'lLADIESv; b 9sx waist a Pore, . BtooaskajB. ' BiaactoaT Tt sa, a ra -; r3 tim -irf yast ': arson' atarrs, SMitmt, -' tt away- wits Badassa, BlatetMa an. pirs. Overrasues las Flnhbes sontsiN, oce e-rjimC ibxue and estelletncat. 1