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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1874)
... ... . ; . .... .... . . . . . . .iita-L--: . . ;. . v 7rm. ... I; 1' ft'. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmu a i .haw x - zzz 1 Mm. 1. T': ? M . ........... . ...... ...V ...; ilJ- JLj " . ' 1 ;' . ' . r T fEtgiste. rOBLWHKD tVKKY mtWKSBAT AXB Bf coll. via cleve, IK KEGISTEK B0ODW68. Center Perry owl Wr Street. TKTtMS-IX ADVANCE. . ,.-,. . ...Throe dollars aSS, hi ".' ' Two dollars. alKtnonins. rr... mitts 3'.nlC eotiie toclubsifflve ?S " To cMwofttti Iff , i .. . . j'i.-DTral'jn HATK8. Trwont.lvertiiwtMWn' i Un or hw, t inrt to" Jl h PATRON OF HUSBANDRY. DIIU4 ltiV. T ' W,,i Tamer. t Sr fiiirncv. Ten Mile, WWWtfZS Lafayette; it. n. "" - oc .r t aoe'B" tton. P,,;,i .j w. F. Alexander. ifnr.-A. W. Stannard. ftSwSTc.P.Bnrklmrt. S2 f Shedd.r. Powell-gr-Ellaa Fanning- AnV?oTtUacon.l Tuoy immiu. rtw l-.-l- .!;.,,! .Wmart iiikIot VCTV 1111 . . ? IJ Uar Mrs. nil circiimsuiww. Fremont, is a woowrt greai - - hope nave wm-re , - - holds her mmmm " 7 i .l. l..W nnrfl 111 T11S wu'try'sgift.doclaTed.teloiibya friendly repnoiic. Epitohs Bhixktin : The laws of icea an r,.i i mrcs the Hoarti WOO. P0 "1 . . of Slate School T simI Cmmnioii. en to ilistrilmte the interest arising from the sales ot fchooi m" the different counties ot we bm i c.. tim first. .lav ot February J . .... . il ... 1 IMS. enchvear. me ., nrer and Secretary of atc CtmsU-rommissioners. line - . , No distribution has heen maoe w vooi- ran someone, m the inform the public why said rtistrininiou ra m-i made as the law reqiun-f t lortland, May 22, 1874. a.. T,,dv last, ft native of New Granada got two of his fingere jevete'y cut by the edge w t Port Hftdfson. He kcn 10 Dr Alverson, who deemed it nee- essary to amputate them Tim Salem Flouring Mill 8re running night and day to finish crinding the 500 tons required to complete the shipt eyion, now v Portland. . An old gentleman at Columbia r n. m o.r1 RS vears. was r alio, .ii irwni i, . j reoent'y marrie.1, the ceremony be ing performed by his son, aged bl yean. At the present time freights are l.oking lip at San Francia-o. Kin ney & ro.,'uf i-fthTfli rwiv0 tele graphic often of charten from As toria to Liverpool, at 4 12-. 6d. quite an advance on former charges. A New Idea! WILSON SHUTTLE Set in He A . ' . ...... The Nbw "Insecth ide." Hot alum water is recent Mignestu.n as an insecticide. It will distroy red and black ants, cockroaches, spiders chiutebugs and all the fefawlwg peBts whwli wies ' T r Take two pounds of alum and tiis solve it in three quarts ot boiling water let it stand on the fire until the a'nm disftppears ; then apply it with a brush, while nearly boiling hot, to every joint and crevice u your closet, panwy, Khelves, and the like. Hrn") he crevices in the floor of the skirting, or mop boards it you suspect they harbor vermin. If, in white wash ing a ceiling, plenty of alum is ad ded to the lime, it will also serve to keep insects at a distance. Cock- u .;u rtua from oaint which has been washed in cool alum wa ... . UrroU and boxes can v.. r, i iv, .-.,, bv drawing a wide chalk mark just around the edge of the top'of them. 'I he mark mu t be unbroken or they will creep . . ... ,.1,m1L. 111... over it, but a coniinof hali au inch in width will set their depredations at naught Powdered alum or borax will keep the cbtnte bug at a respeciaoie, -travelers should always carry a package of it in their hand-bags, to scatter over and under their pillows i puces where they have reason to suspect the presen'je of such bed . om. Germantwn Tekrjra2h. From Washington dispatches of May 17th we copy this : It is stated at the Post Office Department that the contract tor carrying the mails between San Francisco aiwi wieanow'-" j entered into bv Ken Hollaay, will not be permitted to be used for the benefit of the British line steamen now running between wose pou.u. The election of officers ot the Willamette Manufacturing Compa ny, took place at their office last Monday, with the followidg result : Directors-JohnF. M iller, ot Sa!em, Edwin Russel,and W. S. Ladd, of Portland. President of the boari and Managing Agent, John F. Mil ler ; Secretary, Pamncl P. Irwin. The mill will commence running on Monday next, with a full force. A Colorado taier says that men out there will ride 15 miles to spark a mi l Sundav Kkrht : but the women will ride double the distance to see a man hung. TliACalt Lake If raid savs that, on Wednesday last. Constable Hamp ton received a dispatch from Tope ka Kansas informing him that the man he. escorted to lopckais uus old man Bonder. No particulars were given m the leiegnnn PETERS & SPEIDEL, MAHtrAmHIRH OF Cetvrlages tft Wagons Of Kfprjr DMvripUon, ALBANY, OREGON. MAJtrjFACTl'fiE TO OKDKR AMY and all styles of Wagon. Crrluges, Hacks, c, at as rwwonaWc raes as I iwetf good material and first-class ntk will jns - Htrt Renairrnjf neatly and oxpedil Ions')' don "Vnrnvorl rerry between First and Second streets. pKTCTS t SPEIPK1.. Albany, March 7, J873-2T FOR. 50 Dollars!! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, MARBLE WORKS. MONROE & STAIGER, Dealers in MoinneRts, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stones, Kxocnted in Callftiriiia, Veraont and Italian Marble. SALEM, OKEGOS. 1IBAXCH Mlr AT Al'BAJIY. TheTaooma Tribune sa-s : The free, use ot paint and whitewash, coupled with the absence from the streets ot anything like rubbish, has given Steilacoom a refreshingly clean and bright appeamnoe. Were it not so terribly dull, it would be a harmiiiff little town. Much of the time there is not a human being to be seen on the streets, and the dwel lings look as if everybody was asleep. ' The late assessment of Pierce fVimtv W. T.. now lieing consid ered by the commissionen, reaches ii. i mi, AND EVERYBODY Buy the WoiM-ReMmed Shuttle Sewms 1 Kn iw,rii.r evidence of I lie cfflclcn- Mm TBK mnm 'J ix MMIWiW WW " w IIMJ WIICICII- cv of l r. J K. li awn'i) CoBBWOlld KTtiwt "I KnmivpMisran iwiwin-u, tin' tullnwlng sttrainao' ot cases, treated with 1 Ms rpmefv alone, by that eminent nhvlclan. Ph. I) V Wo st . .intnet. ft. Marine nosnlral. Sen rranelsco, R'rjort- ed In the A.n.i N. IC'' " r LYVil een washed in cool alum wa- om minion doanl it owsan increaof more than S'EV TO-DAY. T.J,,, t Vvatniint. IS 111 8an Fran- cisco. A few years ago his presence there would have been the signal f Kw.iituins and ova- . i.i nn li rmives but a now. . , pMsing notice. Ihe notoriety he had achieved and the portion he had created for himself have all t - ...At.! aorav SLItft tiwlav the ex- ueeii Bwep plorer of tlie Rocky Jiountains walks the streets of California's chief city comparatively unknown. When General Fremont was in France, he was arrested, tried, and fouud guilty of raising money on the Memphis aun r.i i bonds by fa se repreaeiitations, and stnteaceil Ui)iR)pr'M"ment' haterm Wmdf good h escape from the juritdictin of the French court, and camo to Ue Uuited mjm.-, Has hrother.iiwlaw,Baron s'r.'.i . ,aic tiioil under the sMWciiarge, was not as fortunate, i JKHV MTV SUS HW3 m.ui. imm Boileau's wife, per of Thomas llv Uenton, Rhows an increase of more $250,000 tor the year. , Wo Wm that the Oregon Mill tary P.oad Company disposed of their road and lands to the Pacific T nrut romnanv of CaUfoniia, the first of the week. The am uiit paid was $120,000, aa we learn, $50,000 being paid d own. The Grange of McMiunville is making arrangements for a grand Fourth ot July celebration and a picnic, to be held on the camp meeting grounds, one mile from that place. Kg claims to be the very oldest settlement In tlie t'i'ited States, and presents facts to show that she is older than San August iue, Florida, which makes similar pietensiona. l Two Vings of the KepnWican tv.rtv ,.f Dakota have united in a call for a Territorial Convention to Homiiiate delegates and I erritonai officers, to be held at Elk Point, J"ly 16th- TT. -t a It is now thought that the U. b. 8euate will probably be ready to adjiur,ia Jytyf ,, - i i r Tlie assessment list of Ihurston County," W, J, fo$ts, ud inround miihImi'r 8l,4art(000. IFor Sale. ia. ADJOIXIMO TASOEST, Tangent, Or., March '!, Wt BliODIKO I UPHOLSTERING J W. J. WARREN & CO. Upholsterers, Flrt Mtro-t, t s Albauy. Orenon, .1 RK PBKPABED TO FURNISH ALL A kinds Of Bedding, .Wttr( si', Vpliolrtterlnir, e., to order. Ilelns pracH1 workmen, t hay irniitnntec sal Isfnctton. All opliolstery wwk done tn Albany. April 18,1874-311 The Imported Perckeron KlalliOH White Prince, WILL BE AT THE IJVERY STABLE VV of MenH. Mnrsball & ScdUoasor, in Albanv, Monday aflefKNin, Tnerday, and Wcdneida' ftwwtojMt ot each week, and on TlmrstlRy artemoon, r rmny aim wioir rtay of eatih weak, at, the livery stable of Mr. niu-Wn, Salew, from April 2d to July 14, h4, - -r, ,, ' Terms for the season, dan 3nlf 1st, 1874, $m. V. . C5oi Coin, For insuraWejWtt. 8. Hold Coin, due When tlio Mnre I knovw to Iw with Foal or parted with. ' ' - " LJ?L Albanr.Ort, April, 1874-toa BEST IN THE WORLD! t-Thc Highest Premium was awarded to it at VIENNA; Ohio State Fair; Northern Ohio Fair Amer. Institute, N. .? Cincinnati Expositions , ,,f, Indianapolis ExposiUou St. Louis Fair; Louisiana State Fair; lississlnpi State Fair; and Georgia State Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the largest and best range of work. All other Machines in the Market were in direct COMPETITION ! ! tWFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quitt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods U U unsurpassed. whflm we have no Agents we will deliver a MwWM for the price named above, at the nearest Rati Bead Station of Ptmtfjae?. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale, i. eminent etr hUStt nod ri rr.. 1 1 liirlHm . of Kidneys 4 3 1 IHuretis.. I 1 lMwlin"Brttrt'rtee 9 ? Mrleinre Innnm.orntHdder VI 85 HletiHorliniria. 1 1 taeMeartlie Meant. 7 - T rhro" tc'oinrrheefi . . is 0 4 )oiiorrlicra ia i ,, fW : , , s Completelvcorrolio ative of Hie anovc, are the reportK f the experiment with EnealTPiw hv Dr. Lorrlmer, of Berlin, PmMM, andbr .Keote-, I'hlef Phyoiclan of the Austrian Railway Co , pablished in t he .4m. AM. Jmr. .Inly, ISW. , , Ii will he found very efTlcaeions m obsti nate cases of Dvspewla. Bronchitis. Hnck Intri'onsh fhinnic Soro throat, Lencor rhca, etc., and in nannea dnrlng prenan- . Ir f 'ol ranii'n Rouble 4 .'.... VbmI. ,T v H. " I" snecial vrepnrn- t ton tor I ne in'ai men i oi jj-.and i warrnnted rnr'1 every rn.Tinii;. accordhiKto ilireelions', withont the injnrio reimltsof the nnal Qul- " - nine ann arw-nnai rem edies for that disease. Also nnre flnfd cx t ract of Encahpt n, in one ponnd holt !e-. fornhvslctannse Bewareof Iniiiattonji, and tiike none hnt t oleinan's. For sale everywhere, and hy ' odi?e inlet Co., Ini!tts. I'ortlanif. Aacnta for iregon. 4 ; mm $i.nii Wilson wlnic l!lfclrie. j& Clerelamt,Oh1o.i; : BEWABP roa AS Incurable Case! Yoott&"BS!-' IfTKin'i GOLBES BALSAM Hfi.l BrSSs GQLBKK BALSAM h.l "i muUcsiaa all diMMM B the mtem. ration sr ateae of VTfA or two lr.Uleiai,i 68LUI IP1RU1 M- tettw, Orarol, aaa .Swui san- SSorltlorfni xwartve abtttra. Frfa.$S poniymw iiv.m.u. . as. Uimw mrdiolttH trill "0M,T'Sr4M00. ffetatl Tfnuwiatg and , atewU.SarrDeiK..n X