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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1874)
Fmim Sloners. McMinnville folks are curious over an advertised "midnight sale." The "forest maidens" attend the Methodist Church at Oregon City. Several Forest Grove pupils en. tered the P. I. a few days since. Some of them wear funeral eyes now. Messrs. Kinney & Co.,ofJaIem, are contracting for the erection of a warehouse in that City, 60 by 100 teet, to hold 3,000 tons ot wheat. At an adjourned meeting of the County Commissioners, held at Olympia, a few days since, a county tax of six mills was levied. On account of the extraordinary demand for lumber, the mill at Port Madson will commence to run at nights. Mining matters in Montana are looking up a little. The yield from that Territory will be much greater this year than tor some years past. The Coast Review says of our mines: "In Utah everything is looking up, mines are being opened Indians furnish fuel for Pendle- tonians. Twenty candidates are canvass ing Polk County The La Grande races commenced on the 27 th inst Dallas admires a new church bell It cost 8750 La Grande folks are putting in spare time picnicmg. The Salem Wo len Mills are again running on full time. The jail at Pendleton is empty. The citizens are not angry. Pools are selling at Walla Walla on the Oregon election. La Grande is soon to have an or- ganizatiou known as the bald-head ed Club. The foot bridge across Mill Creek, Salem, on High street, has been con demned. Mr. 1 1 unsakcr, who was tried tor stealing at Dallas a lew days since, was acquitted. Mart Brown has been amusing La Grande folks with his April fool stories. The Grangers in the vicinity of Dallas are going to celebrate the A short time itnee the goods, notes and accounts of Jacobson Bros., at Camas Prairie. Idaho, were sold at SherifPssale on execu tion in favor of Portland and San Francisco creditors to the amount of about 818,000. The sales amount ed to about 88,000. The property soia was dig up to about its full val ue, as we are informed. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING -AND ence of Mr. Thomas Polk eiivi iuALMim:i) CICWCU Willi UHUMIZtl industry and enterprise. This Ter- Fonf ritorv oantains snmA nt rieiw 'ie ibidem j4- j Morrison, near Louisville. lunron uu in: want, aim is utfMHiCU ' to be one of the leading bullion- ".angl't fire on last Monday, producing sections of this continent. "g wmwnea. All eyes are being directed to it, The Peyton Tribune of the and a large amount of capital is 23d says: Several thousand pounds drifting in that direction." of wool of tnis yer'K clipping, be VicWoodhull lectured at Salt longinK Bowman, Cram A Jones, Lake recently. The IVfame only through town on the 10th, had the following notice nextmorn. for portland market, ing:"Tothecrediiofourmilitary The Eugene orsys; Some and our I'ederal officials, we are parson in camping at Dev. Mr. Mar pleased to report that they were tin's place, about thirty miles from very lightly represented at the dis- nere tne ,e" down and the graceful Woudhnll lecture. The gte a,ld b,,t tor ll i . hv i i. n -.L . notice of some men coming down lecture "Naked truth without an i,iK ,irnert. f. s Apron" is said t have been vulgar would have soon been destroyed in enough to bring a blush to the a snwrt time. cheek of a Mormon priest. A correspondent, writing from n Th? fm "The NobIe iv.ii nu ! a c f.i r brands and ice Grands of Olym I alls Cty, informs the Seattle - LotJge No j and Wef4fl ft(7Mw that there is considerable Lodge No. 6, 1. O. O. F, went out excitement in that locality at the with carriages to Tenino Monday to present time on account of the pro- e8Cort Grand Mastcr & (- Strnve prietors of the store having soldout TA to a, gentleman from Kansas, who gratu lations of Iwth Lodges. There lias gone hack for his and thirteen teiug but six Lodges in the Territo- ither famuV, whoare going to set- ry tne $M Fellows feel rather tie at that place. Our correspond- Pd honor of having the , . - , r . brand Master elected Irom here." cut further says, that the second . term of school commenced on the Tlie Waa WaUa Union 11th inst., that th ey have a fine "The young man from Hog Kye sohoolhouse, and would like some creek, who wrote scurrilous rhymes oi our ministers to pay the place a lu w,e ugnier, nna men got into visit, and see what good they can f n with fists with her ft- J ther, a short time since, was in- "- , . dieted, tried and convicted of libel, An election for officers of the but was made happy by the Court Mormon church took place at Salt sustaining a motion to arrest jndg. Lake last week. The Tdlnme ment on the grounds that the law .. . under winch he had been convicted says; Hr.ghamoung was again wft8 no longer of binding fo,TC. The sustained as Prophet, Seer and Kev- Hnc elator, and president of the Church terrors of the law any further- all ot Jesus Christ ot lJrtter-day saints w oiu man. i - : i) i I " v a uiiniiiuious vuwj. muuiers m, n, c i.t j m j j j Tne lymp'a Coutw, of last, Smith a nfi Wnl e iconi AarrvGfifui I -a 1 ...... v. Monday, says : "Two ladies and a from the co-joint prophetship and little child had a narrow escape from revelatorship, and were installed as drowning yesterday, in the bay, be- first and second counselors of the low Tumwater bridge. They great Had-Centqr. George A. STBITEtftt .Smith was elected to the Trustee-in commenced to fall and attempted Truthship; A, Camngton raised to to seek shelter under the bridge. In some way the boat upset and all were thrown into the water. Almost a miracle they all caught hold of the boat, and it supported them un til they were rescued. They floated down nearly a mile before help came to them." A long time ago one Kyger. the County Treasurer of Wal'a Walla comity, defaulted and his estate went into bankruptcy. The State. man of last Saturday savs : "A div. idend of 12$ per cent, has been de clared on the Kyger estate. Out of this dividend the sum of $1,481 67 goes to the county. This sum will not cover theexpenses incurred by the county in proseeutine the claim. Indeed, so far as anv benefit. to the county is concerned, it would have been unite as well it there had never been any attempt to collect the Sitf.wv. l his is the way county affairs are managed. The prospect tor an qarlier ad journment than has been hitherto expected seems to have improved. The hot weather, with the desire that Congressmen begin to feel to be at home looking after the tall elections, ha had a wonderful stim ulating effect on bnisness in the House, and now many members re ally believe an adjournment in the latter part of June is probable. i J. M. Paeon, the newly elected Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Oregon, I. O. O. F., was in Salem Tuesday. He went to re. ceive the books and papers of the Grand Lodge, which was turned over to him. "If you say that again I'll let down my back hair and scream I" said a Washington belle. He didn't. Exchange Office, ALBANY, OBEGOH. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at Bight. Interest allowed on tlmcdcposlt In coin. Exchange on Portland, Sun Francisco, and IScw York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections mndeand pronmtlv remitted. Jf?" J? H- w- Coriiett, Henry Falling W. S. Ladd. Banking honrs from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, W71-2v8 A. W. GAMBLE, M. D., Physician, Sursreon. etc. OFFICE Flrft street, adjoining Weed's grocery store. RraiDKXrK-Opposfte late residence nf John C. Memlenhnll, near the Foundry, First street.Albany. OctOler22, 1873y FOR 8ALEF rpHE CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S HE AIM? US & MOWERS. riHluc-x Headers, (Wood's improved.) CiMliiillnrd'g Indiana Farm Wagon The Runnel and Vibrator Threshers, (best machines on the coast. Statesman Forcefecd Drill. Star Plows, and other machines Cnll. Sep flttd mr iiWim. ami .......... buying elsewhere, at my Blacksmith 8hop. wrner Second ami Ellsworth sto., Albany. FRANK WOOD DR. RTEEUTX pUBES ALL INTERNAL AND K 3 lull A.'hca onH Pblnri DnwlYt. JfcWSWW UIIU 1MUD A Ml III! T uirj Blood; Kegnlates the Liver; Cures Agm and bad Colds. Dont be without it Sold by Druggists. nan S. M. JOKES. J. MtiBEY HIU. . JToxra mix. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ALBANY, OREGON. J. W. BALDWIN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. 7TLL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts . - " ' " ..." . ' uuuibw trleui. In th. RnnMmn rinni.. f im'l In thelT. S. District and Circuit Courts! Omri In PuiHali l.i-i. L- ,.,at.,l,i i office oeenpied by the late B. H. Cran'or. eiiwi, Auiany, uregon. tolSTB, D. B. HOT, H. D., ur8-eon & Physician. OFFKK-Flint street, between Ferry and Broadalbin. RESinENrE-Thlrtr 5WbJJ,,Df Metho-. dlst Church, Albsny, Oregon. v5n0, J. c. POWELL. . FLIMW Oregon Sv5 W. C. TWEED ALE, DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Tobnrro, Chrnrs, nllrrjr 4'ruek ery, and Wood A Willow Ware, ALBANY. OREGON. &jr Call and e him. Uv& Several parties were before the Court at Walla Walla last week fur selling liquor to minors . . Public Speaklair. The several candidates for tlm T.Pirl9- lature and the different county offices, are expected to be present and address the voters of Linn county at tlie follow ing times and places: llalsey Friday .... May 22. HarrisburK... Saturday .. ' 23. Brownsville.. Monday... " 25. S. Home Tnesday .. " . Telmnon Wednesday " 27. 8clo Thursday.. ' 2. Miller's Friday.... l 2!). Albany Saturday.. " 30. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. (Jold in New York, 11! X. Legal tenders, 88'89Xc. San Frniictaeo Markets. NOTICE ! THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between Win. H. Kuhn and James 0. Van Rensselaer under the Arm name of W. II. Kuhn A(X), is this day dissolved by mutual consent, the note's and accounts due said Arm becoming the property of the said Van Rensselaer, and to whom, or his representative, they must t)e paid, and to whom must bo presented all claims against the said firm. W. H. KUHN, 1 - Ph. C. SCHUYLER, Guardian state of JAS. C. VAN" RENSSELAER. Referring to the above, I give notice-that the notes and accounts due W. H. Kuhn Co., will lie collected by Jas. 11. Wvatt, of the Ann of Clark A Wyatt, wha maybe tound at the old stand nf Kuhn A Co., and who is fully authorized te receipt and' settle the same. Pft C. SCHTYIJat, Guardian estate of Jas. C. V a n Kao'ssEL abb. Albany, Or., Feb. S, IsTMia. POWELL & 1M W, ;i1an( Attorneys and raanselars. at la A NI) solicitors in chancery (L IPUnn Hnton. VI.irAi . 11. . . . ' coueetbms and conveyances promptly at-. 1 T. W. KAURIS. B.TTlBOUOHTOH. II Villus & BOtrOHTOB, Phyaictans aBd urB'eona ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE-OVER A. CA BOTHERS A Col, Drug store. Residence of Or. Harris- Fourth-st., four blocks westof theConrt House, liesidence of Dr. Boughton -Opposite Dr. Tate, on Third street. novhV7! Albany Book Stores. TOO. FOgHAr. Fancy Articles, A. Books 1 1 m ported te seder, at shortest poa-. slble notice. vinan Die. GEO. W. GRAY, DENTIST, ALBANY, WKECMIH. OFFICE IN FARRISH BRICK BLOCK. dence-Camor Fifth and Ferry Htreete. Ontce. hoars fiwiis t n 14 ,,vi,w.i- , 1 te.5 ol-lock p. m. y '"-'SSI EPIZOOTICi DISTANCED THE BAF TEAM STHX LI YEN. AND IS FLOmiSHLNG LIKE A qrbbw liay tree. Thankful for ist favors, and wislUng to merit the continuance of' the same, the IIAV tit am .11 ..1 v" miily. and cu-ily found, to do uny hauling Mltblii the city limits, for a reasonably. ...... mwm, CHS " envery 1 4mmIs Merlalty. A.N.ARNllLDr 2uv5 . Pronrfetor. GO TO THE the apostolic dignity, and Orson Pratt made Church historian, with the dunder head, Willord Wood ruff, tor assistant." Union County is being assessed. Pendleton clamors for a barber. Mart Taylor has turned up at La Grande is trembling over a ghost. 1 Caterpiilere by tlie pilKwa are pjaking their appearance in. the vi- fsmtty ot J.a Grande. Tlie Marshal of Idaho passed through Walla Walht last week with three prisoners ton the Peniten tiary at Boise. Two Chinese prison ers, convicted at the late term of Court at Lewiston one.tor selling whiskey to Indians and the other ,Ibr larcany Wheat- 1 wxM f 100 ll. Floitr - Extra, S 12; other brands, 15 25. 7J V lta. Oats- l ,wl 70 V 100 its. ONluK8-t2 73 V 100 Ilia. Portland BarBota. Whkat- II awi 70 V oental of 100 Bs. Oats - 4.1c bushel. Floi'B Finn ; choice-brands 5 00(rii 00 V bbl. Baulky -t. toffcl Wnercental. Onionsi gi o n. BtJTTRif-Extra dalrj- fs&SOc V tt ; com mon, tociMc. E(ws-la20c VdoMn. PoiiLTBY-Grown chickens, $3 SOi V dozen. Wool--22imc V l HliMS-Ctinteo dryK16c V B, ; salted, 7c.' Albany Xarketa. WJIBAT-Wliite, Vlmshel. 7.m80c l.vrs-V bushel, cts. P.TATOESf)bnsIiei,r)0e. ONl()S8Vbushel,.tl(Sl SO. FLoru - bbl, g 00. Beans- White, V id, SSI c. Dried Farrr-Apples, v m, s cents; Puachcsjfl Xflj.Pluius, I4c; Currants, 10c BtiDYEK-Fresh roll, UOkBm V n.. Efios-Vdoson, Wie. cihckkns Vdoren.14 .was. SvnR8 -Crushed. 1.1c; Island, KKaiic; San Frai)Oiscoinflnod, lSBo V ft. TEA-YouffK Hyson, $1 is ; Japan, 7Sc COFFER-SBC v n. s.ALT-i(e(c v n. &YBUP- Heavy Golden, V keg, M; Ex heavy Golden, tl (10 V ml. Bacon Hans lie, Sides So, 8houlrtcr8 7c LMD-In tins, lie V D ; In kogs. 8c. OtM-Devoeti Kerosene, 8iJ4c Vg, V an, 8 als.2 50 ; Linseed Oil, raw, iral.llBi, WM1 tin. Hkdes -Undt9ed deer skins, 20c V Ji!4,'i dry eow Wdes, flint No. I, lOOllo Vtt ; (treen suited, No. 1, S sheepskins, 25jO0c eaoh. FiK8-Otter(,lMeach; Fisher, 1103 each ; Beaytr, 800(1 n 1 Coyote. Mft S tic weh Coon skins, 8 10c ei)ch. 1 if j BEE-HIVE STORE! T BI T Groceries, Provisions Notions, &c, 8tt, &c, CHAP FOR C I Mil I Country Produce ol All Kinds BOUGBJT FOB MEBCHABDISB OB. O C ! Tills Is the ntace to get the BEST TIM GAINS evei; ottered In Albany. Part will ajwari do well tocajland oaforthttm selves. H..WKKD. FtHB.tret,A)hanJr, Oregon,. says riles! Files WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING AB. troublesome complaint cannot be cure l, wbon so many evidences at success mlprht hs placed before you every day -cures of supiwsed hopeless cases? Your physician informs yon that, the longer yoni allow the complaint to exist, you lessen your chances for relist Bnxrienee ha 'lugUthkinattaua. A. t'arotUers A Co.'s rile Fills afe tlntBn arc all thev lirp mniim.i.Hul ... wrn. cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles in,' ft vm- DhArt 41..... . ... ' fi ... . . ' ml V """" iiinv nu wv nmvrmrm in use. Ihrspivimmtlonlsw'iit by mall or ex-, press to anypoint within the United States at U 50 i!L' package. Addlss, A. CA110THEBS A CO., S'VJ BOXSS. Altwnv JOHN SCHMER, UKALKU IN Groceries & Provisions ALBANY, OBEGO HAS JUST OPKJTEP BIS BBW GBOCEB; evtabllsiiinent en corner of EUsworth and Hrst streets,, with a fresh stock of Groceries, 1'iavisions, Candies, Climrs. To bceo, c, to which lie Invites the atten tion cm our citizens. In oonneotittn with the store he will keep, a Battery, ami will always have on hand a, full supply of fwalrbread, crackers, Ac. S3t Call and Fobniarj- 16-Mv JOHN SCHMBER. lYIetasler Chair t Oaa be had at the foUonlng places : Harrlsbum gam. May Junction City.... ,..8mllli A Brasflelfl llvownsville . . . .Kirk A Bum Halscy J.M.Morgan Soto J.J.Biowa ABny .Graf ACoUir A full snppiv can also be obtained at my old shop on First rreelbanyOrejM