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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1874)
PtJBLISIIKD EVEIIY SATUKDAY BY COLL. VAN CURVE, ALBANY OREGON. SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE:' One copy, one year $ 3 00 Five copies one ynr 12 SO Ten cops, n, one yvnr 20 00 Any oncjfetMnj in a Club of five, and forwarding $12 50, will receive the sixth copy free. Special In lncomenta offered to person desirous of canvassing for subscriptions V the IlKUI.sTl II. Tuk Waum Spring Bkaves Are not at P. C. Harper & Co.'s, but there yon will find a splendid lot of elegant buttoned Shoes, to gether with the prettiest silk Hats, the nobbiest Suits, ami the most superb Dress Goods in this market, with prices to suit everybody. Also, a good wagon, on ( asy terras. Accident. On Monday after noon as Mr. George Humphrey was entering the Odd Fellows' picnic grounds, he was knocked down and run over by a team driven by Hob Bead, late of the ('orvallis Donocrat. At this writing (Tuesday moni g) we are not able to state wintrier Mr. Humphrey is seriously injured or otherwise. The pole o?' the buggy struck Mr. Humphrey in the back, and may have iufliett 1 a fata injury. Temperance. Oi. Thursday evening ot last week, the Union Temperance Society i this city assembled at the Court House, when a very interesting meeting was held. Short speeches were delivered by President In ne, Rev. Mr. Stephenson, J no. Gunner and R. M. Powers. The following resolution was ottered and unani mously adopted : Resolved, flint until we can procure the enactment of a complete prohibitory law, we are in favor of the Local Option and Civil Damage Temperance law; and that we will vote for no rson as a member of the next Leg islature who is not known to be in avor of such legis lation. Married On last Sunday a large number of the relatives and friends assembled at the fine country residence ot Martin Luper, Esq., about fire miles south of this city, to witness the nuptial ceremony between the young and handsome Miss Hattie Luper, Mr. Luper's second daughter, wo believe, and our talented friend, Mr. Joseph Speidel, of Peters & Spcidel, car riage and wagon builders of this city. The marriage ceremony was performed in a very impressive manner by Rev. Dr. . R. Geary, pastor of the Presbyterian church of this city. We should like to describe to our lady readers the color, material and general make ot the bride's toilet, but we are not certain that we have the proper "figgersof speech" at commaod to properly set the matter before them, therefore we shall have to content ourself by saying the suit was elegant throughout, and fitted the handsome young bride as though 'twas "growed" for her. Joseph was got up in good shape tor the occasion, sud both stood tho try ing ordeal well. The wedding dinner, under the superintendence ut Mrs. Luper, was a grand success, and gam the most perfect satisfac tion to (be very large number of guests assembled there on that Mccasioa Cakes, pies, chicken, and . in fact everything that goes to make tip an elegant and appetising dinner, was tliere in the greatest abundance, and all showing the oversight of a master in the culinary art. Jo. has wieured in Haitie, not only one of the handsomest and most accomplished young ladies in old Linn, but he has secured a true hearted, noble woman for a wife, one that will cling to him through good or evil, through sunshine or cloud; and Hattie will find in Jo. an honest, industrious, well blanced businessman, with a heart in him as big as a "skinned hoss." We wish the new life to them so happily liegun, may prove to be full of the choicest of God's blessings, with as few ot the knots and snarls of ill fortune as im perfect humanity can escape. Democratic Oounty Nom inations. The Democratic County Convention met at the Court House last Saturday, and made the fol lowing nominations : For the State Senate S. D. Haley, Thomas Monkers and Hendricks; House C. P. Burkhart, B. R. Holt, Harvey Shelton, Joseph Hamil ton, A. W. Stanard and G. F, Crawford. Connty Commissioners Lewis Cox and James A. Porter. County Clerk - R. C. Hill. Sheritl L. C. Rice. Treasurer James Shields. Assessor John Curl. School Commissioner James K. Weatherford. The main fight was made oyer the office of Sheriff", there being more candi dates for that office than any other. The main contestants were Allen Parker, the present incumbent, Kirk Price, L. C. Rice, Wm. Cyrus, tliere was a dozen or more ballots before the selection was made. Of course there was con siderable excitement over the nomi nations, and the usual amount of dissatisfaction, but generally speak ing we suppose the Democracy of the county will go the whole ticket. . . . The Maryland Legislature hav ing made it unlawful for children under sixteen years of age to en gage tor more than ten hours out of twenty-four in factory labor, the passing of the Act was celebrated by a mass meeting of working people at Mount Washington. Several thousand persons were present, mainly children. NEW TO-DAY. BEDDING ! UPHOLSTERING ! W. j. WARREN & CO. Upholsterers, Flint Street, t i Albany, Oregon, ARK PREPARED TO FURNISH ALL kinds of BeMIng, Unttremea, Upholstering-, Ac, to ardor. Being" practical workmen, they guarantee satisfaction. All upholstery work done in Albany. Call and examine our stock and work. W. J. WARREN A CO. April 18, 1871-34 The Imported Fercoerou KtaUlon White Prince, Wa,l UK AT TITE LIVERY STABLE of Messrs. Marshall Schlosser, In Albany, Monday afternoon, Tuesday, and Wednesday forenoon of each weea, and on Thursday afternoon, Friday and Satur day Of each week, at the livery stable of Mr. Durbin, Salem, from April 9d to July Ut, 1874., Terms for the suiuxm, due July tot, 1874, $30, L. S. Golf! Coin, For insurance, (U V. S. Gold Coin, due when the Mare is known to tie with Fob or parted with. W. V. (, Albany. Or., April, 1874 ALBANY REGHSTER. DRY GOODS, ETC. , Retrenchment ! MAKE MONEY -BY- SAYING MONEY! lias just reoelved ft new stock of all tt latest styles of HENS' AMD BOYS' HI And Is selling so cheap that all can buy The goods were Bought for Cash, and are hoinj? sold for the same commodi ty. The secret of selling goods is in Buying XUfflit! Haying selected our goods in daylight, we Will v tin. IIHIDt CRITICAL EXAMINATION. I SELL ALL GOODS AT GRANGER PRICES! ( FULL LINES OF DRY GOODS, UIMM'KKIEM, HARDWARE, BOOTS tc SHOE ' NOTIONS, ETC., ETC N. BA17H. Cheadlcs Brick, First Street, Albany. apr!87i-M SamuelE. Young (Successor to Main, Young- k Co. ,) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE and FANCY GO ft oc a t 1 Q5 Q o x m 3 m B g 0 i s m 1 ' 03 0 2 Q WAGONS, PLOWS, end all kinds of I Farming- Implemts Agent for the celebrated New Wilson Sewing Machine, Guaranteed to bo equal to any, and imm 110 to 15 lest than other drat class machine. TERMS-CASH. GOODS LOW. Call and See, At Old Stand, Tint Street, ' fcbK74 ALBANY. WWBOJI, CLOTHIN Co.'s Coiam. TITUS, BOURGARDES & CO.. DEALERS IN JEWELRY, Silver & Plated Ware, and- , DIAMOND SPECTACLES. "MANUFACTURED AND ADJU8TKD ill especially for the Pacific Coast by the NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz : Pacific, i California and San Francisco WATCH, and we most confidently rjc ommend them to the public, as possessing more good qualities for the price than any other Watch In the market. We also keep all other brands of Elgin, Waltbnm and Swiss Watches, Clocks, Jew elry, Silver and Plated Ware, Pistols and Cartridges. 63T Repairing a Specialty, jga t eSTAII Work Done and Goods Hold, Warranted to be as Represented. J. I). TITOS. J. B. TITUS. CHAS. BOOBGARDES. Titns, Roargardes & Co. AT JOHN CANTER'S OtD STAND, First street, ALBAN T, OREGON The Singer Still Triumphant, A T THE VIENNA BXAIB1TION THE A Singer received the Medal of Merit, the Medal of Progress, and three other Medals for auperiority of productions. These are the Highest Sewing Ma chine Award M Y ten no. The Singer reoelved all the MEDALS awarded to either of the compering Ma chines, and two Medals more than any other obtained. Then, in the name of truth, what is it that prompts people to claim recommendations for the Diploma of Honor I The tnot te no Dlplonjaor Hon, or has been given to any Sowing Machine Company. But immeasurably more valu able is The World's Award as shown by sales-proved by sworn re turns to the owners of the principal sew Ing Machine Patenta-whlob last year amounted to two hundred and nineteen thousand, seven hundred and flfty-cigh t (219,758) machines, nine out of ten of them &mg for Family Use. This is over 45,o more Sewing Machines than were sold by anv other company during the same period and over One Quarter of all the machines sold in 187?. These enormous sales are owing to the long-tested merits of the of,and canabOity gnat oi tne pum ic in um iv. j jiVTyyyTa iXOBlwnwin wv.. . ..... othens teshown ejwveglven, aside from the awards of International Ju ries, either at home or abroad. THE SINGER MANUFACTtTWNQ OC, 94 Union Square, New York, TUas, Bonrgardes Agents, Albany, Oregon, aprUlt Titos, JOB PRINTING. IHB M&nHI ' ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND FAST POWER AND HAND PRE S SES, Latest and moot Desirable tries or .... if. vi i.i '-I Printing Irlatorialo b undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO 00 FOR When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, BUI Heads, Letter Headt, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels- But why particularize, when It to gen erally acknowledged that we an ON IT When it come? to (aY Call and aeeepeebneu. JUS Printing